The camera switch icon disappeared on the phone. What to do if the main or secondary camera does not work on the phone

When choosing a new smartphone, each of us has a large list of requirements. For example, for many it is important that the phone has a good camera. And this applies to both front and rear shooting. Indeed, thanks to modern smartphones, many have already forgotten what an ordinary camera is. That is why breakdowns are becoming a serious nuisance. Let's talk today about why the camera on the phone does not work and whether it is possible to do something about it.

The Android OS has a lot of positive aspects, a huge list of convenient settings and the ability to work with internal files. This allows users to customize their phone as much as possible. But often these same points become the causes of system malfunctions. And if, for example, the camera stops working on the phone, most users get lost and do not know what to do.

Among the most common causes of the problem are:

  • Difficulty updating.
  • Installing programs that led to crashes.
  • Use of unlicensed firmware.
  • Removing system files.
  • The appearance of viruses in the gadget.
  • Other problems.

If you have a poor-quality image on the screen during shooting, and you want to fix it, then just try to wipe the lens thoroughly. It may have gotten a little dirty, which caused the problem. Modern lenses are very touch sensitive and easily get fingerprints on them.

If the standard or front camera stops working, then there may be errors in the operation of some system parameters. Your phone might be all right, you just need to reboot. There is a high probability that this will help eliminate the breakdown.

Almost 90% of all problems can be solved using this method.

Mechanical damage to the module

It is much worse if the front camera has undergone strong mechanical stress, for example, after dropping the phone. In fact, it is enough to just unsuccessfully drop the phone once to make shooting from this device impossible. It is also possible that the camera itself has burned out or the loop inside the device is frayed.

In any case, even if the device is still under warranty, you will still have to make repairs at your own expense. Mechanical damage is not covered by the warranty.

Return to factory settings

The reason may be software. If there is no mechanical damage and the problem is not hardware, then there is another solution. For example, reset to factory settings. This will remove installed applications, perhaps the problem was in them or in another system error. In any case, such a decision should help at least determine the amount of damage.

Before doing this, you need to save the data for recovery, including those that are in the applications. This is necessary so that you do not have to re-work in them. Therefore, they need to be saved to cloud storage or other media, for this you will need to use a computer.

After the reset, the settings return to the factory settings, as if the device had just arrived from the store. Therefore, we can consider that this is one of the extreme methods. We use it in cases where the others did not lead to any results.

Virus check

Unfortunately, it is not only Windows on PCs that is susceptible to hacker attacks. There are no fewer Trojans and other harmful programs for Android. It is worth clarifying that usually the user himself is to blame for the infection of his device. This is usually due to the installation of applications from third party sources.

Viruses can also affect the operation of the built-in camera. To fix the problem, you need to download an antivirus program from the Play Market and run a scan. There are several other options as well. For example, you can additionally connect the device to a computer and check with a standard antivirus. Perhaps this will help fix the problem you are experiencing.

Installing special utilities

Perhaps the problem arose after you replaced the standard utility with another camera application. This application may interfere with the normal operation of the standard program. You just need to remove it and restart your device.

If you haven't installed anything, you can try downloading another photo application and see how it works. If everything is fine, then the problem can be fixed simply by clearing the cache. This requires:

  • Go to the menu.
  • In the "Applications".
  • All Applications.
  • "Camera".
  • Find below and click on "Clear cache".


If there is a problem in photo and video cameras, then everything can be solved. In any case, you should not worry and get upset. If you cannot solve the problem on your own, then in this case it would be best to contact the professionals. After you tried the above methods, and none of this helped, then it is better to take your gadget to a special service.


Today we will analyze another question, namely, what to do if the Camera does not work on an Android device? We all buy smartphones and tablets with a built-in camera, especially since the new generation has excellent cameras, but due to the open source code in the android operating system, some problems may arise.

Possible reasons why our camera does not work!

(The most common)

1) The first reason may be caused by the firmware itself. At first, our camera worked and there was no glitch in it, but a software update comes to a friend on our smartphone or tablet, of course we install it as we want to see new changes. Such a case will be the fault of the shell itself, this can cause a failure of especially important settings, which lead to incorrect operation of the device's camera.

2) The second reason is the everyday problem of modern technologies - this is the presence of viruses! If you do not install an antivirus on your smartphone or tablet and download applications and games from unknown sources and visit unwanted sites, then the risk in the camera will seem petty.

3) The third reason is the person himself who inflicted mechanical damage on the camera by good shaking or falling, in this way one of some of the modules that are responsible for the camera can be damaged.

4) The reason for the ingress of gnawing and dust and clogging of the cache of the camera module. Some manufacturers of smartphones or tablets usually have sensors on the outside, and if dirt or dust gets in, the camera starts to malfunction.

We are trying to fix the problem with the camera!

1) If the problem is related to updating the firmware, then you should reset the settings of your device to the factory state, preferably through the engineering menu of your device. How to do it? You can see a list of factory reset for your devices. If your device is not in the list, then reset it as usual. That is: We go to the settings on the device and look for the backup or reset section and from there we restore to the factory state. In very many cases, this will solve the problem!

2) If everything is in order with the firmware, but you are sure that your device is full of viruses, then you need to go to the official store from your device and download the antivirus. After installing the antivirus, you should run a scan. What antivirus should I install? You can install absolutely anything at your discretion!

3) The method is to rinse the lens on the camera with a special napkin and clear the camera cache. To clean the cache, you can also download a special application or use the standard one. To do this, you need to go to the settings and find the application tab, in the applications find our camera with you and go to it and below there will be an inscription clear the cache. After clearing the cache, it is advisable to restart your smartphone or tablet and use your camera

That's all, thank you for your attention and keep an eye on your devices and then they will last a long time!

Website: Hello Android

When choosing a smartphone, each person is guided by the appropriate parameters. For someone, the battery is important, for someone the sound, for someone the camera. And some just opt ​​for an ultra budget phone with low specs.

Very often, certain problems appear in such smartphones over time. One of these problems is that the camera does not work on an android smartphone. True, even the flagships are not immune from such a nuisance. Therefore, in this article we will analyze the causes of such a problem, and also figure out what to do if the camera on the android does not work.

Causes of occurrence

  • Firmware

Sometimes it happens that after updating the firmware, the phone does not work better, but quite the opposite. The phone started to glitch, freeze, and some applications started to malfunction. This also applies to the camera.

  • Viruses

A virus is a malicious program that affects not only the operation of the system itself, but also the launch of the applications themselves. Perhaps your camera is not working precisely because a virus has settled in your phone.

  • Mechanical damage

If you drop or hit your smartphone, this can be the main problem of the camera not working. Most likely, the camera peephole itself was damaged, or the train fell off.

  • Clogged cache

When the module cache gets clogged, the application crashes. In this case, cameras. The camera can be launched one time or not at all.

  • Pollution

The camera is dusty or dirty. This is, so to speak, a manufacturer's mistake, since it did not provide proper protection of the camera from dust. This may cause the camera to malfunction.

  • Conflict with another application

In some cases, the camera stops working when you install an application that conflicts with the camera application. That is, you must choose which program you will use: the one that was installed by the manufacturer, or the one that you downloaded. But sometimes both programs may not work.

This often happens when you've downloaded multiple cameras or photo editors.

  • Incorrect firmware

Smartphone firmware is not difficult, but subtle. When flashing, all parameters, modules, etc. are updated. Therefore, it is very important to choose a normal firmware, without bugs, and only for your smartphone. Even if this is a custom ported firmware, please read the description for it carefully. Perhaps it is in this firmware that the camera does not work.

  • Out of memory

In the process of using the phone, you may not notice how the memory becomes less and less. And it is precisely because of the lack of memory that the camera may not work. Perhaps the program will start, but you obviously won't be able to take a photo or shoot a video.

  • Incorrect setting

Perhaps the settings have failed, or you manually set the settings incorrectly. In any case, this may cause the camera to malfunction.

  • Damage to the memory card

Since most phones work with memory cards, we also set the memory by default to the sd card. But the card is a short-lived device, so if your camera often knocks out errors or malfunctions (especially when saving a video or snapshot), the problem may be hidden in the flash drive.


Now let's talk about how to fix this problem.

The very first thing to do is turn off the phone, remove and insert the battery back, and then turn on the smartphone. Perhaps there was just a small system glitch that can be easily resolved by rebooting. And if something is more serious, then here are the methods for solving this problem.

  • If the matter is in the firmware, then several options can help you:
    • System rollback
    • Reset
    • Firmware for a more recent version

If the camera stopped working after updating over the air, then you need to roll back to the old version. Rollback is done differently in each phone.

You can also try a factory reset. True, everything will be deleted from the phone's memory, but then your camera will work.

If the system rollback did not help and reset the settings too, you need to manually flash the phone to a more recent firmware, or to an old version. The main thing is that the firmware is stable and free of bugs.

  • One of the most common problems is viruses

To clean your phone from viruses, you need to download an antivirus and scan the system. If the cause of the camera malfunction is really a virus, then the antivirus program will find it, and you will only have to delete the found malicious files.

The best antivirus today is Dr. Web. It can be downloaded for free from the Play Store.

  • Mechanical damage is resolved only at the service center

Anything can happen when the phone hits. If the camera does not work after hitting the phone, then all that remains is to carry it to the service center. If you decide to disassemble the phone and subjugate the camera yourself, this may result in damage to the board, cables and other components.

Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better not to engage in amateur performances. You may have to replace the camera module, but you cannot do this at home.

  • Clear your cache

The simplest and most harmless reason is cache clogging. What is cache?

Therefore, if the cache is clogged, then the access speed will be very low, and as a result, the application will knock out an access error. Therefore, we go to the settings, then go to the applications, and look for the camera. We click on it, and look for the line "Clear cache". After that, your camera will work again.

  • Dust removal

This is unlikely to affect camera glitches, but the picture will be severely distorted. Therefore, an inexperienced user will immediately think that something serious has happened to the camera, since he does not get the desired photo quality.

To remove dust, you need to contact a phone repair or service center. The master will carefully remove the glass, clean everything, and you will again admire the clear image.

  • Remove the conflicting application

Finding the culprit in this situation is difficult. If you have installed a specific application, after which you noticed malfunctions in the camera, then you need to uninstall it. If such a problem did not appear immediately, then you need to search by typing.

Or just do a factory reset. The system is formatted and the camera will come back to life.

  • Bug in firmware

You need to install a different firmware. If you installed the official firmware and the camera stopped working, then this is a manufacturer's error, and it will be fixed shortly. But this happens very rarely. Mainly in ultra-budget Chinese smartphones.

If we are talking about custom firmware, then you need to contact the creator of the firmware. Perhaps the creator will make a fix or patch that will fix this problem, or maybe not. You are solely responsible for installing the firmware! Therefore, carefully study the description of the firmware, and consider all possible bugs in order to avoid such problems in the future.

  • Change default memory

Lack of memory is one of the reasons. Therefore, you need to switch the default memory to the SD card in the memory settings. If you do not have an SD card, then you need to delete unnecessary files so that there is free space to save new pictures.

If there is no default memory selection function in the camera settings, then look for this function in the phone settings.

  • Restore default camera settings

If you are a fan of digging through the camera settings to achieve the best image quality, then in the future the camera may stop working precisely because of such actions. To restore default settings, go to phone settings, go to apps and find the camera. In the list of operations that appears, select "Restore Default Settings".

  • Check memory card

Sooner or later, your memory card will start to malfunction. To restore it, you need to format it and test it with special programs. It is advisable to do this on a computer. The program will clean the USB flash drive, fix errors, etc. Then insert the USB flash drive into the phone again.

This method will only help if your photos from the camera are saved on the sd card.


If the problem - the camera does not work on the android - is related to the software, then it can be easily solved at home. If this is a hardware failure or mechanical damage, then you cannot do without a wizard.

In the modern world, a camera in a phone has become a thing, life without which it is almost impossible to imagine. Capture a particularly important moment, scan text, make a video call to loved ones. This is not a complete list of ways to use the camera on mobile devices. In many modern gadgets, manufacturers put two (or even three) cameras at once - front and rear. The first is mainly used for communication or taking selfies. The second is for shooting the surrounding world.

Although today's technologies make it possible to create high-quality, reliable "hardware" for smartphones, which should serve stably and for a long time, users can still encounter certain problems. When an ordinary user discovers that the camera of his device has stopped working, he, as a rule, does not know what to do. Honestly, there can be many options for a malfunction. With the help of this article, we will try to disassemble each.

Rebooting the equipment is the first thing to do when faced with camera malfunction. The gadget could simply crash or the application could freeze. Sometimes such errors are treated by simply turning the device on and off. After holding down the lock button, a context menu should appear, where you need to select "restart". If the usual reboot did not give any positive results, you should be patient and try other methods, which will be discussed below.

Memory card

If the shooting app won't launch, chances are that the problem isn't even on the phone itself. Check the integrity of the memory card to which the still images with movies are automatically saved. Be sure to try inserting another memory card and restarting the camera.

The second stage is to make sure that there is enough free space for recording in the internal or external storage, because modern smartphones create images of very high resolution, and this negatively affects the weight of media files.

Mechanical damage

There is always a possibility that the camera module itself has received mechanical damage (that is, a hardware problem). Objective lenses are the most vulnerable and fragile component of mobile devices. A mobile device may stop taking pictures after a fall - under such circumstances, a module usually breaks or a cable cracks, lenses break or light sensors are damaged.

But other mechanical damage is also possible: the cable connecting the lens module to the motherboard could burn out, moisture or dust could get into the lens, the gadget suffered significant physical damage, after which failures and errors begin one after another.

In such a situation, attempts to cope with the breakdown on their own can lead to new negative consequences for the device, thus, it remains only to contact a master or a company that carries out certified repair of mobile equipment. Fortunately, there are many of them today - in any large shopping centers you can find several “islets-workshops”, where in a matter of minutes the performance of your smartphone will be diagnosed.

Special programs

Of course, it's not worth rushing to mechanical repair right away, because the reason may still be software. First, you should try to install an alternative utility for the camera instead of the standard one in order to test the functionality of the old module on it. If everything works as it should in the new application, then the beginning of the inoperability, most likely, was the clogged cache memory of your device, to fix this, you just need to delete the old cache from the settings of your favorite application. To delete the cache you need

  • go to "Settings";
  • select "Memory";
  • open "Application Data" and find the same utility for the camera among many others;
  • now all that remains is to click on "Erase data";
  • confirming your choice.

Return to factory settings

The second of the most common software malfunctions is an automatically installed update containing certain bugs that prevent the user from starting the camera for various reasons. In this case, we carry out a return to the factory settings.

  • open "Settings";
  • we are looking for the item "Restore and reset";
  • leaf through the menu to the very bottom, then go to "Reset settings";
  • choose "Erase everything".

Please note that after a factory reset, all files, passwords, contacts will be permanently deleted from your device, so make a backup copy of the stored important information first.


Sometimes a faulty gadget should be checked for viruses. Perhaps they were the cause of all the troubles: the open source Android OS has its own vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cybercriminals, for example, to block the operation of a mobile camera. There are many proven antivirus software on Google Play (by the way, there is plenty of free software too). Download the application you like, run the check, wait for the result.

It should be borne in mind that malicious files on the gadget itself have the ability to interfere with the correct operation of the security software, so it will be useful to connect the smartphone to a desktop or laptop in order to perform a more thorough scan for viruses using computer programs.


The next method is a flashing of the device, which should help one hundred percent with the hardware failure of the smartphone. You can do it yourself, but you should be careful: a failure in data transfer or failure by the user to comply with all the points of this operation can completely disable the phone. You can download the firmware only from the official sites, only this guarantees the real signature of the license of the new software. Please note that after flashing your smartphone (even if it was bought just a few days ago), it loses the mandatory warranty service from the service center.

Service center

When none of the above tips has brought the desired effect, do not despair: seek help from a qualified specialist or hand over your phone under warranty to a service center, where a full diagnostics of the device will be carried out free of charge and, if a software malfunction is found, it will be eliminated at the expense of the manufacturer.

Also, if the device is found to have a factory defect that interferes with the correct operation of the camera, the faulty device will be replaced with a new one. It is important to understand that the warranty does not apply to mechanical damage to the mobile device that occurred through the fault of the owner himself, that is, you have every right to refuse to repair or exchange.


So, in this article, we have listed all the possible causes of a phone camera malfunction. You should never despair and indulge in panic: as you could see for yourself, there are no hopeless situations - there is always a chance to return your favorite phone to full performance. We hope that for you this material will remain nothing more than informational and you will never personally encounter the problem of camera inoperability on your gadget. Happy shots!


Conventional cameras are losing their popularity: the development of mobile gadgets and the regular reduction in pricing policy have practically equaled the cost of models of cameras in the budget and middle class.

Moreover, when buying a smartphone, the user gets a mini-computer with unlimited possibilities. But it happens that at the most inopportune moment the camera on the Android device does not work. Unlike a conventional camera, the list of problems and solutions when the camera is not working on a smartphone is quite extensive.

Causes of malfunction

Most experienced users can independently determine the nature of the breakdown. First of all, it is necessary to understand the details, preceding events and actions. This will help to identify one of two categories of breakdowns - physical or software.

To malfunctions physical (mechanical) character include falls, vibrations, shocks, shocks and so on. There are also more commonplace situations when dust and moisture gets into the camera sensor. In some cases, memory can be the culprit: both internal and microSD card. The outcome of such problems is often unpleasant for users, especially financially.

As for the category programmatic errors, everything is simpler here. These include the installation of an application that is inappropriate or conflicting with the camera, incorrect configuration of the operating system and related programs, as well as the installation of an incomplete update (including the official one).

More serious reasons: virus infection or improper flashing of the gadget.

To find a solution, it is necessary to act according to the rule "From simple to complex". There is no need to immediately disassemble the device and reflash it. You need to start with those actions that will definitely not bring collateral damage.

Software errors

  • Virus infection... Much, which is growing in proportion to the popularity of Android. To solve it, you need to install an anti-virus program, scan the system and remove all threats. More process.
  • Lack of memory... In the process of using a smartphone, the internal memory can be filled to capacity. In this case, the camera turns on, but video recording and photo capture will not be possible. Make sure there is enough free space to perform camera functions. This also applies to microSD cards, which are used to expand memory. We wrote about how to correctly free up memory.
  • Clearing the cache. Temporary files are accumulated in the system and when using the camera. This leads to a cache overflow, so there are simply not enough resources to perform actions. Cleaning should be done periodically. To do this, go to Settings - Applications - Camera... At the bottom of the window that opens, the button "Clear cache" is available.
  • Incorrect setting... The main problem is often the choice of where to save the recordings from the camera. If the option was set to a microSD card that was later removed, you need to adjust the settings.
  • Application conflict... If problems with the camera started after installing an application, you need to uninstall it and check the operation of the device.
  • Incorrect firmware... Sometimes you have to do the installation. It is very important to install the correct version of the software from the official website. Otherwise, some functions (camera, sound, screen rotation, Wi-Fi) may not work. In the worst case, the device will stop starting at all, so be careful.
  • OS update. Standard settings imply automatic updating of the operating system to a new version. Despite the fact that the upgrade is provided by the manufacturer, related problems often occur, including with the camera. To fix the problem, you can roll back the system, i.e. install an older version of the platform, which ensured the operability of all modules. It is also recommended to disable subsequent automatic updates.

ATTENTION! If the gadget is under warranty service, then it is recommended to contact a service center or store to fix the problems. Most changes in the operating system or self-installation of the firmware are the reason for the termination of the warranty.

Physical malfunctions

Physical damage is the reason for contacting a service center for repair. But there are also simple solutions that can be effective. Such actions can be performed independently:

  • Checking the performance and integrity of the memory card. When saving videos and pictures to a memory card, the camera may give an error. Flash memory has a limited life cycle, therefore it is recommended to test the storage medium for errors and "dead" memory cells. For a quick finding, you can install a verified memory card in the gadget and check the camera's performance.
  • Cleaning the lens. The camera sensor is protected by special glass, which can get dust, moisture, etc. In this case, the device will not be able to focus, which will cause the operation to stop. It is necessary to carefully clean the glass using special products (microfiber, liquid for cleaning monitors).

If all of the above options did not solve the problem, then it is most likely associated with a critical breakdown. Such malfunctions are the result of prolonged contact with water, strong shocks, falls and other external influences. This leads to the failure of sensors, stabilizers, loops. The worst case is considered to be a violation of the integrity of the printed circuit board, which is responsible for the operation of all components of the device.

Complex damage is not always amenable to repair, even by specialists in service centers, so you need to be careful when using your mobile friend. To protect your smartphone from damage, you need to follow the following guidelines:

  • Purchase equipment at trusted retail outlets that guarantee product quality and protection against counterfeiting.
  • Buy products from trusted brands that have positive reviews.
  • Choose a device for your own comfortable use. Weight and dimensions must fully satisfy the physical characteristics of each person. The choice is very large, you can always