What kind of fruit Kincan dried. Dried Kumkvat: application, benefits and harm


Kumkvat is a plant relating to the citrus family. Fruit is the fruit of an oval form of an orange color with walnut Approximately five centimeters and three centimeters width.

It is used in food completely, together with the shell, which, unlike oranges and tangerines, has a sweet, unprazing taste. Soft content has a slightly tart sweet-sour flavor.

For the first time, information about this citrus is found in the nineteenth century in China. By extinguing countries in Asia, America, Europe, it receives different names.

In China, it is a green apple. In Japan - Kincan or Golden Orange. Fortunella names, dwarf orange, fabulous mandarin, food of wise men.

If the stores meet the names of Meiva, Fukushi, Mauruma or Nagami, these are varieties of Kumkvat.

We will tell and show in the photo what kind of fruit - Kumkvat, describing its harm and benefits for the body in the fresh, dried and sluggish form, what are the contraindications to consuming, which beneficial properties are fruits.

How to choose a good product, check its quality, store correctly

Kumkvat can be purchased in fresh, dried or dried. How to choose it:

  • peel, like orange - orange, brilliant, without damage and darkening;
  • if the fruit is too solid, he did not dose;
  • if the fruit is too soft, he overrered and lost taste;
  • at home, it is stored in the refrigerator up to 3 weeks;
  • it is possible to store in the freezer to 6 months as a whole or crushed form. Useful qualities and taste do not change.

When choosing dried fruits, you need to remember that:

  • high-quality dried fruits have a pale color compared to fresh, with brown tide. Too bright colors talk about the use of dyes;
  • dried kumquat has a light citrus smell;
  • store dried fruit is made at room temperature out of reach for sunlight location in a tightly closed container.

How should dried fruits look like:

  • white dots or divorces are typical for the appearance of mold or with special pre-sale preparation;
  • the smell from the dried product comes sweet, pleasant;
  • store is allowed in the refrigerator, and at room temperature.

What is Kumkvat than he is useful, will tell 1000 and one Schehherzade Spice:

Composition, caloric content of 100 g and 1 pieces, nutritional value and glycemic index

Kumkvat is a unique gift of nature. It contains a large set of vitamin and mineral substances:

Important kumkvat performance:

  • low caloric content - 100 grams correspond to about 70 kcal, of which proteins - 7.52 kcal, fats - 7.74 kcal, carbohydrates - 37.6 kcal. 1 The fruit weighs approximately 30 grams, its calorie content is about 21.3 kcal;
  • lack of nitrates;
  • 80% of water in the fetus;
  • low glycemic index - 35 units.

Caloriciness of fresh fruits is about 71 kcal per 100 grams, in dried kumkvate Approximately 50-55 kcal, the calorieness of the dried fruit, or dried fruit, is equal to 240-250 kcal per 100 grams.

Useful and therapeutic health properties

The useful properties of Kumkvat has in any form: fresh, dried, dried (in the form of a dried fruit).

Fresh Gold Orangeit is useful as a prophylactic and auxiliary treatment agent for diseases of the central nervous system of a person, as an antidepressant that improves emotional state, as a means of coordinating cardiovascular activity.

Essential oils contained in dried fruit, increase its bactericidal qualities, which matters in the period high risk colds and influenza. Stabilizes the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

The antimicose substance is a successful combating fungal infectious diseases, the content of which in the dried fruit is more than in the fresh.

What is useful dried kumkvat: Berry has tonic and energy properties.

Ignoving the vitamin and mineral supply of the body, kincan increases its resistant abilities. "Food of wise men" improves brain activity.

Drier fruits are similarly useful as fresh and dried. High content of vitamin A has a positive effect with eye diseases.

Vitamin E, present in the flesh and peel, cares about the youth of the skin, preventing early aging, protecting from the malicious effect of ultraviolet rays.

What is useful dried kumkvat? He strengthens the human immune system.

What is the benefit of the berry kumkvat, tells the program "Food Live and Dead":

What is useful for men, women, children, pregnant and nursing

The effect on the human body depends on its age, from the presence or absence of contraindications.

For adult men and women Kumkvat brings great favor . In the absence of allergies, kidney diseases, ulcers and regular fruit consumption helps to preserve youth and health.

It is necessary to limit or eliminate it in the last trimester in order to avoid the development of allergies from the future infant.

Nursing mothers should be removed from the cytrus dietSo that the child does not have an allergic reaction. Despite its utility, the solar citrus can provoke allergies in children, diathesis, disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

Doctors are not allowed to give citrus, including Kumkvat, children under three years. After execution, 3 years can be introduced into the diet of the child at half the fetus per day.

By five years, the dose can be increased to 4-5 fruits per day for the growing organism. This is possible in the absence of allergies.

In old age Diseases are added that can exacerbate due to citrus use. Kumkvat - Among them.

But it will bring much benefit to the elderly, if there is no contraindications. The substances contained in it stimulate brain activity.

Potential danger and contraindications

Despite the positive qualities of Kumquat, you need to remember about a number of common contraindications.

It is dangerous for renal failure. The allergic reaction to the components of the citrus substances does not allow to feed on the kumkvat.

There is a restriction on the consumption of dried fruit patients diabetes.

Fresh, flushed with clean water Kumkvat cut on slices and eat completely with thin, sweet skincontaining the same number of useful components.

There are sweet and sour varieties. Sweet fed to the table in the raw form. Jams, jam, marmalade are made of acidic fruit.

The addition of kumquat in meat, fish dishes and bird dishes is common. In Europe, this fruit is an alternative to Oliviva, like a snack to Martini and cocktails.

According to nutritionists, daily reception in the food of this citrus is possible in the absence of contraindications. Recommended daily rate - 8-10 fruits.

According to other studies, 150 grams of fruit contain the daily rate of vitamin C.

In cooking

In cooking, fruit is used to prepare sauces enriching the taste of meat, fish and vegetables. Kumkvat - ingredient for salads, decoration of snacks, baking.

Some varieties are used for sweet canned products, others - even for salting. Orange juice is part of cocktails, liqueurs, tinctures.

Cumquat Marmalade Jam. It will take 1 kilogram of Kumkvat, 800 grams of sugar and 200 ml of water.

The washed, dried and sliced \u200b\u200bfruits with removed bones are immersed in hot sugar and water syrup. In syrup, fruits are within 12 hours.

After 12 hours, all content is cooked on low heat with constant stirring to the transparent state of the syrup.

In the hot form, the jam is unfolded by banks and leave until complete cooling. The thick and fragrant jam marmalade is stored in the basement or refrigerator.

Homemade Cumquat Cumbwat Recipe. It requires 500 grams of kumquat, 500 grams of sugar and 100 ml of water.

Washing fruits are cut by slices, the bones are removed. Kumkvat slices are flooded with syrup from water and sugar, it is boosted 10 minutes, then cooled. So repeat 3 days.

On the 4th day, semi-finished products are laid out on a baking sheet, covered with parchment paper, and dried during the day in a well-ventilated room.

Then several hours are dried in the oven, heated to 50 degrees. The more hours, the harder the citades.
Finished candied frozen sugar are stored up to 6 months.

Salad with seafood and kumquat, video from:

Cumquat and Cranberry Sauce Recipe. The necessary ingredients: 2.5 sugar glasses, 2 glasses of water, 170 grams of Kumquat, 570 grams of cranberries, 95 grams of light.

Sugar, water and kumkvat mix, bring to a boil, cook further to the complete dissolution of sugar, then an additional 8 minutes. Kumkvat, which should be transparent, gently shifted into another bowl.

Then add to the cranberry syrup, bring to a boil and cook, lifting the fire, 7 minutes. When the berries of cranberries are filled, add raisins and cook for another 4 minutes.

This is the property of "gold orange" and the fact that fresh fruits have low calorieness, used in different diets.

One of the experimental studies of London scientists has proven that if you eat a few kumkvat fruits every day, then in one month to really lose weight by 5-7 kilograms.

A unique fruit is suitable for diets: It improves metabolism, removes excessive fluid from the body, supplies the body with minerals and vitamins.

In recipes, diets add it to dishes, sauces, prepare juice from fruit and eaten as a snack.

But diet with kumkvat eliminate the consumption of fatty products, sweets and baking. Dairy, and better dairy products are taken with low fat, bread is recommended rye and wholegrain.

Diet with this ingredient lasts a few weeksThe results become noticeable not soon. Plus diet - the taste of Kumkvat allows you to transfer the restrictions in food easier.

In folk medicine

The unique composition of the citrus fetus could not but affect its use for medical purposes.

Kumquat bactericidal action was used yet in Ancient China. Its juice cured external and internal infections, fungal diseases.

Juice "Gold Orange" It is used to treat inflammatory processes in the lungs, bronchi.

Like all citrus, Kumkvat with systematic use strengthens immunity. Kumkvat oil Used to treat dermatological diseases.

The use of "Golden Orange" has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, helps cleavage of fats.

The effect of Kumquat oil in aromatherapy for removing stress, anxiety, the fight against insomnia and depression is popular.

In everyday life and folk recipes, eg:

  • for the prevention of colds and improving the microclimate in the room, the fruits of Fortunelala decline in different places;
  • to enhance bactericidal action on the battery, the peer of the Kumkvat is laid;
  • thanks to the large content of vitamin C fruit, a hangmest syndrome is removed.

In cosmetology

Valuable citrus finds its application in the field of cosmetology. The only contraindication is the intolerance to Kumkvat.

Fresh Kincan Juice Improves Face ColorIt has a whitening effect, prevents the appearance of freckles, pigment spots.

Bath with Essential Oil Kumkvat Removes tension, feeling anxiety, relaxes.

The essential little, cooked from the peel of the fetus, is applied to the face or make on its basis a mask for giving the skin of velvety and elasticity.

The combination of cumquate oil with other essential oils is used to cleanse the skin, reduce scars and stretch marks.

Saturated with useful components of the fruit of Chinese origin kumkvat will raise the body rather than harm With the proper use and absence of contraindications.

Many fans of this fruit grown it in room conditionsSo that this evergreen tree brings orange fruits that they consider the "precious stones of citrus."

Kumkvat (from Kit. golden Orange) - yellow-orange tropical fruit of the family of citrus evergreen plants. This fetus has other names - Kincan and Fortunell. Externally, Kumkvat looks like a very small oval orange. In length, it reaches a maximum of 5 cm, and in width - 4 cm. In use, fruit goes completely along with the skin. The taste of the fetus is very close to the acidic tangerine, but at the same time the peel has a sweet-tart taste. Motherland Kumquat is south part China.

The first literary mentions of Kumkvat dates back to 12 V. in China. In Europe, Robert Thoutuan, who brought them to the English nerd to Europe, which brought them to the annual London Guddral Exhibition in 1846. Initially, fruits were attributed to the kind of citrus sitrus, but in 1915 they were allocated to a separate Pattern - Fortunell.

Cumquat plantations grown for export are located in Southeast Asia, China, Japan, Greece and the southern territories of the United States. There are several types of Kumquat: Hong Kong, Malay, Maruma, Maiva, Nagi and Fukushi.

Choice and storage of Kukvat

When buying a kumquat should pay attention to its appearance. The peel should have a rich orange color, be brilliant, smooth and without visible mechanical damage, dark spots and cracks. Also, the fruit must be moderately soft. Excessive softness may indicate fetal surfth, and hardness - about immaturity.

Kumkvat should be stored in the fridge in the fruit and vegetable department for three weeks. But before this, the fruits should be thoroughly rinsed from pollution and dry so that there are no moisture drops on the surface. If whole fruits or recycled in a puree are placed in the freezer at temperatures from -15 to -19 ° C, then useful substances can be saved to six months.

Use in cooking

Kumkvat is widely used in cooking. In most cases, it is consumed in raw form and use to decorate dishes: salads, sandwiches, buffet snacks, cocktails, mulled wine and as a snack to strong alcoholic beverages. In thermally processed dishes, Kumkvat is used for the preparation of sour-sweet sauces to vegetables and meat, for meat or fish baked in the oven, as well as for the preparation of desserts: Cucuts, confortive, juice, cottage cheese-yogurt casseroles, etc.

Calorie Kumkvata

The product is characterized by rather not high calorieness, as in 100 g of this fruit contains 71 kcal, but it is not recommended to abuse them, as it can provoke obesity due to the increased content of carbohydrates, especially in the dried form. In 100 g of such a kumquat - 284 kcal.

Food value in 100 grams:

Useful properties of Kumkvat

Composition and availability of useful substances

Kumkvat contains a sufficiently diverse set of vitamins (,, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, copper, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc), fatty acids and essential oils. The large concentration of vitamin C in the fruits of Kumkvat makes it indispensable to increase immunity and the common organism resistance to viruses and bacteria.

Useful and therapeutic properties

Due to the content of fiber, pectin and natural enzymes, fruits are used to normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, the prevention of gastritis and ulcers. Favorable Kumkvat acts on the nervous system. People who use this fruit are less susceptible to depression, irritability, nervousness, chronic stress. It helps to increase emotional sensitivity, get rid of apathy, give strength for active activities, not passive existence.

In Eastern medicine, dried kumkvat peel is used to treat colds, flu, cold and cough. To do this, conduct inhalation with brewed crusts 2-3 times a day. Such a method of using kumquat allows essential oils to stand out freely and maximally absorb the mucosa.

Dietary product

Kumkvat is one of diet productspromoting the splitting and removal of poor cholesterol, purification of the body from toxins, radionuclides and heavy metals. Cleansing vessels from fat plaques, which occurs in the process of systematic use of kumquat, is an excellent prevention of stroke, heart attack and atherosclerosis.

Small orange fruits, externally similar to orange, and in shape resembling lemon, and more often began to appear in our diet. This kumkvat is another representative of the Citrus family, and the real storehouse of useful vitamins and trace elements. In China, in the homeland of Kumkvat, this fruit is called "gold orange", thanks to his bright orange peel, which is no less useful than the flesh.

The fruits of Kumquat have a small size: no more than 5 centimeters long, the width is no more than 3 centimeters in diameter, and a pleasant sour-sweet citrus taste. This exotic fruit is greater health value due to its rich vitamin composition and unique medical properties.

Composition of kumquat: calorie, chemical composition, vitamins

The caloric content of fresh fruits averages 70 kcal per 100 grams, and this indicator may vary slightly depending on the degree of maturity of the fruit.

In the process of drying calorie Kumkvat Increases, and is already about 280 kcal.

The fruits of Kumquat are unique in their rich chemical composition. They contain a huge set of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential components. As all citrus, Kumkvat is rich in vitamin C, which makes it indispensable in the fight against viruses and cold.

In Kumkvat, there is a whole set of vitamins of group B, vitamins E, and P, carotene (provitamin a), lutein and pectin. In addition, fresh fruits contain a large amount of fatty acids, antioxidants and minerals, such as zinc, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium.

Beneficial features

Due to the unique vitamin and mineral composition, Kumkvat can be considered one of the most effective folk remedies. In Eastern Medicine, these exotic fruits have long been applied to the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Kumquat possesses such a healing effect:

  1. Effectively fights with cold and viruses. High concentration of vitamin C contributes to improving immunity. Therapeutic tincture of honey and kumquate helps to get rid of dry cough. Inhalation based on dried peel effectively remove the symptoms of colds.
  1. Possessed bactericidal property. AT folk medicine Fruits are used to treat fungal infections, inflammation, including complicated purulent exudate.
  1. Normalizes exchange processes. Kumkvat contributes to the removal of slags, toxins and other harmful compounds from the body. Effective in the fight against overweight, therefore, indispensable in the preparation of low-calorie diets.
  1. Normalizes the work of the digestive system. Fruit activates the release of juice in the stomach, thereby improving the process of digestion. Pectin and fiber effectively purify the stomach and intestines.
  1. Beneficially affects the heart and vascular system. Regular use of fruit normalizes blood pressure and heart rhythm, reduces the risk of arthrosis, atherosclerosis and other vascular pathologies.
  1. Stimulates mental activity . Nutrients and essential components improve brain performance. In China, they believe that Kumkvat gives a person wisdom.
  1. Positively affects the nervous system. Kumkvat is indispensable for stress and nerve overvoltages. The rich composition of vitamins in combination with the ethers eliminates depression and fatigue, gives cheerfulness.

Fruit is an excellent natural antioxidant, so its use in the morning will help effectively get rid of the consequences of the feast: remove the hangover and intoxication.


The fruits of Kumquat have a pleasant citrus flavor. The flesh of fruit is a bit sour, peel is more sweet with a tart ether flavor. Eat kumkvat recommended crude, whole, or cut on slices. This allows you to smooth the taste differences in the peel and pulp, make the taste of the fruit more balanced. The bones of fruits have a bitter taste, and do not use food.

In Kumkvat cooking usedAs in the latest form and for the preparation of other dishes. Fruit sauce is considered an excellent addition to meat or vegetable dishes. Fresh kumquat is used in salads and desserts, for decorating snacks, alcoholic cocktails.

From the fruit of Kumkvat, an exquisite exotic jam, jam, marmalade, candied fruit, which are used for cooking and decorating baking, as well as as an independent dish. Some varieties are suitable for canning, and even for salting.

Fresh kumquat juice It has a good invigorating effect. It is added as refueling to salads, used as part of cocktails. Based on fruit, alcoholic beverages are made, liqueurs.

Fruit peel contains essential components and phytoncides. Etheric kumkvat oil helps in the fight against depression and stress, relieves anxiety, improves brain activity. Peace pieces are recommended to spread indoors. Fitoncides, isolated from fruit peel, purify air from viruses and harmful impurities.

Dried fruits are no less useful than fresh.

During drying, the number of biologically active components increases at times, and beneficial features It is preserved in full.

Due to the high concentration of nutrients, dried kumkvat helps to quickly restore the stock of vitamins and minerals, increase the resistance of the body.

Special value is a peel dried fruit. Essential oils contained in it in the drying process acquire more pronounced bactericidal properties. Therefore, with colds and inflammatory diseases, useful use of dried fruit with peel.

useful in pathologies of the digestive system. The substances contained in the fruits stabilize the operation of the stomach and intestines, prevent the formation of ulcers, normalize the secretion of the gastric juice.

The energy value of dried fruits is significantly higher than fresh, which makes them indispensable to restore a weakened organism. The use of dried fruit in the morning charges the body with energy, and increases the tone. Dried kumquat sweeter than fresh, so he can become a favorite delicacy for children.

When choosing KumkvatYou should pay attention to its color. Fruits dried naturally a little pale, with a brown tint. The bright orange color of the fruit indicates that they are tints, to give a commodity type. High-quality dried fruits have a low-rise citrus fragrance.

Kumkvat harm, contraindications

Kumkvat is a very valuable product, thanks to its properties and original taste, but, despite this, there are some contraindications for its use. Fruit can harm health in the following cases:

  • in some diseases of the stomach - the acid contained in the pulp causes aggravation of gastritis and peptic diseases, the essential components that are in the zest, may irritate the mucous burdens or stomach;
  • with kidney pathologies - can provoke aggravation of the disease;
  • if there is intolerance to any componentsmaintained in the fruits;
  • with a tendency to allergies - Excessive use of fruit can cause skin rash and irritation.

Limit the use of kumquat should people patient diabetes, due to the high glucose content in fruit, especially dried.

During pregnancy Kumquat in a small amount will only benefit, but in the second half of the term, it is better to abandon it, since there is a possibility of developing allergies from a unborn child.

Kumkvat is the smallest of the Citrus family. Despite its size, it is able to have great benefit to human health: improve immunity, reduce the risk of developing diabetes, normalize and improve the operation of the digestive system, reduce cholesterol, strengthen bones, hair and nervous system.

The first mentions of the fruit were found in China. There he was valued due to his unique taste. Moreover, a positive effect on human health was observed. This article presents the beneficial properties of this fruit that you need to know to take advantage of them in order to rehabilitate your body.

What is Kumkvat

Kumkvat refer to the citrus family. Externally, fruit has an oval-round shape and size with walnut. It looks like an orange both outside and inside, only in a reduced form.

Interesting the fact that the fruit can be eaten along with the skin. Unlike other citrus fruits, Kumkvat has delicious and sweet skin and pulp, a little tasty taste. But the taste is unobtrusive. Therefore, children and adults love him.

Kumkvat refers to the family "Rutovy" genus citrus. Sometimes it is distinguished into an independent race called Fortunella. The word "Kumkvat" in one of the dialects chinese Language Means "Little Golden Orange", in Japan these fruits call Kincan.

Kumkvat is not a high tree (from 2.5 to 4.5 meters depending on the variety) and is considered native to the Asia-Pacific coast, where he was grown for thousands of years in China, Japan, Taiwan and other regions. On the European continent, he appeared only at the beginning of the 19th century.

What is useful to Kumkvat

Despite its small size, Kumkvat contains quite a lot of useful substances. It is present in its composition:

Essential oil;


Vitamin A, C, E, group vitamins in: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6;

Mineral salts calcium, potassium, iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium;


Fatty acid;

Pectic substances;


The main chemical compounds of essential oil are represented by alpha-pinen, monoterpets, lemon and other connections. Thanks to all of these components chemical compositionIt provides a number of useful properties for the human body.

The complex of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants give this fruit antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which is important during colds and infectious diseases.

The presence of potassium and large amounts of water give a soft diuretic and laxative effect, helping to remove toxins and others from the body harmful substances, reduce the risk of rocking stones in the kidneys.

Lutein, zeaxanthin belonging to antioxidant compounds, protect eyes and are the prevention of the development of cataracts. Beta carotene and vitamin A supports the vision of the elderly.

Pectin in Kumkvat is more than in apples. These substances have a positive effect on the digestive tract, reduce blood sugar levels, have a favorable effect on the intestinal microflora, have anti-cancer properties.

Esieving only 150 grams of fruit, you can get a daily dose of vitamin C.

With all its utility, small fruits have very low calorieness, which is 100 grams of only 71 kcal. In sugar and dried product, of course, this value is higher.

Kumkvat benefit for the body

First of all, this fruit must be consumed to improve the overall condition of the body. The thing is that Kumkvat is a storeroom of vitamins, which means that the body will be able to get huge benefits. In addition to the overall exposure, fruit is used to treat some diseases. These can be various kinds of colds and infectious diseases, especially this concerns the angina.

With constant use of kumkvat work improves digestive organs. So, a person using these fruits can completely get rid of constipation, it can serve as the prevention of peptic ulcer.
These little fruits are recommended to use under stressful situations and in memory violation.

Kumkvat is able to positively influence of cardio-vascular system. Therefore, the fruit automatically becomes useful for elderly people. After all, at this age, the heart requires serious support.

It improves metabolism, which indicates its indispensability in the process of weight loss. Especially this item will be interested in girls. After all, they are often worried about excess weight, and the use of this fruit in some way solves this problem.

Cumquat for colds

Kumkvat has antibacterial properties that will help in combating colds.

For treatment, you can use ordinary tea prepared on the basis of fruit. Make it at home is absolutely not difficult, for this you need to take a few fruits and grinding them, pour hot water And leave for 20 minutes. Then strain through the sieve, add honey and drink. Such a means will help to saturate the body with vitamins, as well as accelerate the process of the output of toxins and pathogens.

In Chinese medicine, a special fruit-based tincture is applied, which will help to overcome cough. You can use it even with dry cough. You can buy a similar tincture in a pharmacy or prepare at home, the main thing is to find a quality product.

In addition to all this for the prevention of diseases respiratory tract It is recommended to use essential oil.

To warn colds It is necessary not only to eat a fruit, but also use it externally. It is possible to clean the peel and decompose it in the room at the initial stages of the disease to improve the air and kill pathogenic microorganisms.

If you insist the kumkvat with ginger, then in the end you can get powerful against colds. It should be in every home to neutralize the disease at an early stage.
Kumkvat with elevated cholesterol

Elevated cholesterol is sufficiently dangerous for a person. Therefore, it is worth trying a homemade seater from cholesterol, which confirmed its effectiveness. Take 200 grams of fruits and skip them through a meat grinder. Then add 100 grams of honey and leave the mixture in the refrigerator to three days. Cooked puree need to eat daily every morning before meal. You need to eat for 2 months.

Kumkvat for weight loss

Earlier it was said that the fruit has excellent taste. First of all, he is sweet, namely sweets lacking sitting on a diet. Small calorie of Kumquat says that in moderate quantities allow him absolutely everyone.

This fruit contains many useful compounds, vitamins and trace elements that have their own unique effects on the body. High content of fiber, water and low calorie can accelerate the combustion process of excess fat deposits.

Food fibers regulate food intake, reduce the feeling of hunger and control the desire is again and again, which is one of the main causes of obesity.

Essential oils improve the metabolism and affect the reduction of extra kilograms.

Kumkvat in cosmetology

In addition to the medical field, the fruit found its place in cosmetology. In order to improve the complexion of the face, it is necessary to wipe the skin with fresh juice of Kumkvat. Kumkvat juice will not only improve the condition of the skin, but also warns the appearance of acne and pigmentation.

Bath with the addition of cumquate essential oil will help remove severe stress. After such a bath, the body will completely relax, and thoughts will be ordered.

This fruit is useful and for hair care. Rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and other useful components, it has a positive effect on the hair texture, improves their growth and reduces increased fat.

Kumkvat contraindications and harm

If there are no contraindications, these fruits can be used by all without exception, including pregnant women and children. And yet you need to remember that Kumkvat is not a native fruit for us.

Despite all the positive aspects of the fruit, it also has some contraindications. First of all, Kumkvat is a citrus fruit, which is quite a strong allergen and should be incredibly careful in this regard. With caution, you need to give the fruits of this fruit to small children to avoid the appearance of an allergic reaction. And it all needs to be excluded with allergies they have for citrus.

In addition, if a person suffers from a ulcer or gastritis, then from Kumkvat will have to abandon, because it is able to annoy the mucous membranes, cause an aggravation of the disease and heartburn.

Kumkvat in cooking

Kumkvat is suitable for the preparation of a variety of dishes, ranging from sauce for meat, to desserts, jams, candied, jams, and so on. Due to the presence of a large amount of pectin, it turns out excellent jelly, marmalade or candy. Add it to salads,

make various drinks: non-alcoholic, punch, mulled wine, cocktails, liquor.

It is well combined with meat and seafood, poultry. This fruit is an excellent snack for brandy.

Before cooking you need to know several important rules.

It must be completely ripe.

It is necessary to wash it in cool water and then wipe the soft napkin or paper towel.

The taste of the fetus to improve if it first to be slightly melted by closing between the palms. This technique makes it possible to combine the sweet ingredients in the peel with a tart taste of the pulp.

Eating him, as was already noted at the beginning of the article, together with the flesh.

Take a note of several tips How to use this fruit in cooking:

Add fresh fruit in fruit salad;

As an addition to the sidebar;

Add to taste or prepare sauce with it;

Squeeze juice;

Jam or fruit marmalade can decorate any cake;

Add to home ice cream;

Use the bird marinade, young lamb, seafood.

For us, Kumkvat is an exotic fruit. Do not put the product to long-term heat treatment due to which it will lose part of its beneficial properties. Of course, the dish will be really tasty, but the benefit, unfortunately, will be less.

How to choose and store kumkvat

A similar fruit matures very quickly, so buying it in the store it is important to be very attentive to not buy a spoiled product.

They go to our sale, starting from November of the month. When buying, choose solid, smooth and shiny orange fruits. It is desirable with an attached twig and leaves.

Avoid green, covered with spots, with damaged skin.

Store fruit you need in a cool place no more than two or three weeks. At room temperature, they can be saved for 3-4 days.

If with the help of a blender to prepare puree from kumkvat, then the shelf life can be extended to 5 months or more.

How much is this exotic fruit, it is difficult to answer. Its price may vary for one season. After all, it comes to us from abroad.

Where Kumkvat grows in Russia

Unfortunately, we have climatic conditions do not allow this fruit to grow. He loves warmth. Some lovers grown it at home. It is difficult to grow from the bone, but maybe.

Can Kumkvat provoke cystitis

Kumkvat contains a large amount of vitamin C. 100 grams of its content can reach 73 percent of the recommended daily norm. And this is more than 40 mg.

Sour products indirectly can cause exacerbation of cystitis. They applies to both Kumkvat. True, there is no scientific confirmation. And such a statement relates more to those who suffer from chronic form.

Cumquat varieties

There are several varieties of this tree that are grown on an industrial scale.

Hong Kong Kumkvat

Wild Hong Kong Kumquat is a tiny fruit, the size of the pea. In China and Hong Kong, he is called Shan Chin Kan. Most often it is bred as potted culture, used in Bonsay.

His flowers are very fragrant. The leaves are shiny, evergreen. Orange fruits and very tasty. But as an industrial culture he is not grown.

Kumkvat "Maruma"

It has a spherical, slightly fightened shape. The size of the fruit in length can be about 3.2 centimeters. Sweet skin, golden yellow, smooth with large oil glands. The aroma is thin, spicy.

The pulp can be divided into 4-7 segments with tiny seed bones.

It was first described as a view in 1782. Japan is considered homeland. The height of the tree can reach 2.5-2.75 meters. Foldful.

Kumkvat "Male"

It is assumed that this is a hybrid of Marumi and Nagami varieties. The fruits of its oblong, can be spherical, about 4 centimeters wide. The skin is thick and pretty sweet. Color - orange-yellow. The pulp can be divided into 7 segments and the taste of sour-sweet. As a rule, there are no bones in these fruits. But may have several bones.

It is a low tree with small but strong spikes. The leaves are dark green, thick, in size more than the rest of the species. Grown in China, Japan.

Kumkvat "Nagami"

One of the highest representatives of Kumkvatov. The height of the tree can reach 4.5 meters. Oval and slightly oblong fetus in length about 4.5 and a width of up to 3 centimeters. Divided inside on 4-5 segments, has from 2 to 5 bones. Fruit from October to January.

Growing in China, Japan. It was brought to Florida in the United States, where it grows on an industrial scale.

Many different hybrids are displayed on the basis of Kumkvat. It is cross with tangerines, lime, lemon. The hybridization is obtained by new delicious varieties of citrus.

Here is such a small, but very useful overseas exotic fruit. Therefore, it is still still to think and include it in your diet, because the result from the use of this fruit will not make himself wait long.

What is Kumkvat, where and how it grows, what is useful and how to eat it look in video

Greetings all readers! Do you want to try an unusual sunny fruit that will bring you a lot of benefit? Sperance, yes! Therefore, today I will tell you, Kumkvat that it is, his benefit and harm, as it should be, that from it you can cook and what is its caloric content. And also why the Chinese are especially like to eat this dried fruit after the holidays.

Kumkvat still remains very exotic fruit for our table. In the meantime, it can be met more often on store shelves, and prices for it become more or less adequate in many cities of our immense country.

Bright orange miniature fruit few people leave indifferent. Not always love for it appears at first sight. But he is so crashed into memory that he wants to give him the second, and the third chance. And then, after you try it, I want to include it in my diet more and more often. If you like citrus, then be sure to try this fruit.

So, Kumkvat What is this unusual fruit, who a few years ago almost did not have fans in our country?

As a rule, it is sold in small plastic packaging in the departments of hypermarkets, but it also happens. People still look at this wonder with interest, but prefer to buy familiar fruits. Will he enter everyday demand? I do not know. Perhaps if everyone read my article, it is indisputable yes! Kidding.

Now its cost is not stable. I talked with acquaintances from different cities, and was surprised how much she hesitate. Depending on the region, it differs at times. This fruit is mainly supplied to us from China, Ecuador and Thailand.

In Russia, Kumkvat is well fruits in the zone of the Black Sea coast, and moreover, many craftsmen successfully grow it even at home in flower pots. I heard that in Abkhazia it matures closer to February, and at a temperature in the region of 10 degrees, it is capable of maintaining all the taste properties to six months, and it happens more!

Kumkvat is an evergreen citrus tree, whose homeland is considered China. The first records of it are dated of the already twelve century. And only in the 19th century, the doors to Europe and America opened for him.

By the way, in Japan it is called differently - Kincan. This word has a very beautiful translation - golden orange. From the Chinese he translates as golden Apple. Another name is Frothella.

And all because it has a bright golden-orange color, and the orange is reminded of the orange, or Mandarin. Yes, and externally, it looks like a small extended orange.

We have on sale I saw only small kumkvat. Although there are several types of hybrids, and it can reach 4-5 cm in width and length. And here you are already in color and form "Golden Apple".

His uniqueness is that this plant does not absorb nitrates at all! And this, you see, very relevant and especially valuable for the present!

Kumkvat photo

I can not resist, and I want to show you a photo of Kumkvat. The plant is not very large, in an artificial medium in height usually grow no more than one and a half meters. In the natural one, it is a rather large tree and reaches 4-5 meters. Loves a warm wet climate, and good lighting.

When maintaining the desired microclimate, Kincan can please you with fruits, even grown on the windowsill along with neighbors - flowers. In this case, the plant will be fairly miniature.

Kumkvat how to eat it

Do not everyone know how Kumkvat eat. Firstly, many are trying to cut or clean the peel, and it is completely inconvenient on such a small fruit. Therefore, facilitate your efforts and I will open the secret - this fruit can be completely used! Yes, yes, right with the skin, how you eat, for example, grapes.

I hope that you will thoroughly wash it before that, so that any bjaka did not get into your body.

The taste of the peel is usually sweeter than the pulp itself, it has a sourness and mustard. And all together leaves an unusual aftertaste. Some fool the Kumkvat in the Sahara and then already bite it into pieces.

Try to find Kumkvat of Hong Kong origin, it is believed that their flesh is the sweetest. From acidic varieties you can make jam, marmalade or fragrant candied. You can also do smoothie, alternate kumkvat with your favorite fruit and adding some sugar if necessary. It is possible to eat it in cheese and dried, and in a sluggish form.

Generally, a list of recipes, where Kumkvat is used is quite abused. Judge, it is added to fish, and meat dishes baked in the oven, giving them a spicy note.

As well as in all sorts of salads, including fruit, desserts, baking, porridge, yogurts, cottage cheese and curd masses, casserole, sauces, jams, jelly, marmalade, cocktails and snacks.

And skipping it through the juicer, you can get a refreshing vitamin drink at any time of the year.

Golden Color, Kumkvat is not only interesting for the filling of dishes, but also is great for their decor. It can be driven by shockts with other fruits, or cling it, chopped on the mugs, on glasses and glasses, decorating any table. He really gives great potential for culinary creativity, so experiment!

Now you know Kumkvat what it is, and now I will tell you how to choose this fruit. The main indicator before buying is his peel. Look for fruit with shiny bright leather, without explicit damage, cracks and stains! By softness, it should not be too solid, nor too soft. You need to look for something average to get a matured, but overwhelmed fruit.

It is possible to store it in the refrigerator and freezer. To do this, thoroughly wash it, then dry from the water and then remove storage.

Kumkvat benefit and harm

Nature did not bother to the useful properties of Kumkvat, and despite the small size, it contains a storehouse of vitamins. I will speak more about the benefits, but it concerns harm, then with increased acidity or kidney diseases, it is better to abandon Kumkvat.

And now about the vitamin filling of Kumkvat, I suggest you to get acquainted with her.


Trace elements:

  • Iron.
  • Manganese.
  • Zinc.
  • Copper.


  • Potassium.
  • Calcium.
  • Sodium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.

Fatty acid:

  • Omega 3.
  • Omega 6.
  • Omega 9 and others.

Essential oils.

Impressive list?

Vitamin C in Kumkvat is almost 50%, so it is perfect natural tool During epidemics at the junction of "snotty" seasons - autumn and spring. It is this vitamin that will help you support immunity and resist viruses.

Due to the fiber Kumkvat will help to normalize the gastrointestinal tract. About fiber you can tell a lot of interesting things. And not to retell again, I recommend you read. After it, you will certainly want to turn on the tissue into your diet.

Useful properties of Kumkvat:

  • Maintain the sustainability of the body to pathogenic bacteria.
  • Antibacterial properties of peel: it can be heated and making inhalation. Thanks to the content of essential oils, cough and runny nose passes faster.
  • Elimination of constipation, bloating and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It helps to remove cholesterol, contributes to the splitting of fat.
  • Is an good source Vitamins for those who are sitting on a diet.
  • Beneficially affects the skin, protecting it and extended youth.
  • Due to vitamin A is useful for sight.
  • At the expense of calcium helps to keep the bones strong.
  • Improves the condition of the teeth, hair and nails.
  • Helps fight overweight.
  • Has antifungal properties.
  • Charges energy and helps to fight the Handrea.

Kumkvat dried

If fresh kumkvat has a sour tint of taste, then dried, on the contrary, sweet. Calories in it are much more than in the cheese fruit. Therefore, do not get carried away if you have extra weight, metabolic disorders or diabetes.

Dried kumkvat should be not very beautiful outdoor, pale-orange. However, on sale they like to sell it of the same flame-gold color, like fresh. Unfortunately, this suggests that dyes poured into it. Whether to buy it in this form, to solve you.

In dried, it also has a beneficial effect on the body. And still walks such a bike that the Chinese eat it after the holidays, as a means of hangover. I do not know if it is true, but keep in mind to whom it can be relevant.

Kumkvat calorieness

Camquat calorie depends on whether it is in the cheese or dried. So, the raw contains about 70 kcal, and the dried more than 280 kcal (per 100g).

Those who are actively losing weight and sits on a strict diet may include it in their diet in the fresh form. This will give useful trace elements and charges with energy without much extra calories.

That's all I wanted to tell you today. Now you know Kumkvat what it is, about his invaluable benefits for our body, and in what cases he can cause harm. Drink it on health, it will help to diversify your usual menu and will increase your mood one of your color! Share the article with friends through the social networks buttons and come to visit me more often.

Best Wishes, Anastasia Smolnets