How to cook Gaspacho at home. Gaspacho (Tomato Soup)

Best Cold Soup for Summer Time is Gaspacho. It will give not only the feeling of freshness, but also satiety with beautiful taste. Prepare Gaspacho is not difficult. For preparation you will need simple and affordable ingredients.

Gappacho's soup became extremely popular in latelyBut it is unlikely that everyone, who will gladly absorb this dish in the restaurant thought about his history of appearance. This is the traditional Spanish "Ice Soup", which is designed specifically in order to create favorable conditions and relief to man with a heat and thirst.

Gappacho soup is a kind of exception, as it is very easy to prepare, compared to other national dishes. However, with the sophistication and saturation of this recipe, it is difficult to compete and enjoy it with pleasure, both a high kitchen and folk cooking.

It is believed that Gaspacho created ordinary peasant women who, after a long and difficult working day, simply had no opportunity to spend time in the kitchen and sought as quickly as possible and referring their tired husbands.

Gaspacho soup

According to another version, explaining the appearance of soup, is the assumption that she was invented by the shepherds. During the day they felt just what they took with them. The usual clay pot they rubbed from the inside with a mixture of oil, garlic and spices and only then layers laid out vegetables in it, which pushed. The pot was wrapped in a piece of wet cloth and put in the sun when the wet cloth became completely dry - the dish could be eaten.

In any case, Gaspacho has always been considered to have a low-class food. Thanks to this dish, they had the opportunity to support their strength and maintain energy for a long working day. Gaspacho always necessarily entered:

  • olive oil
  • garlic
  • such

And only then it began to improve it, complementing various spices, spices and various vegetables, which gave the soup of larger taste and calorie. There was a large number of tomatoes: red and yellow, even green, and the sweetness of soup or acids easily complemented hot peppers.

It is ripe red tomatoes that give Gaspacho incredible taste, rich red and thin, fresh aroma.

Fresh summer soup - "Gaspacho"

Variations and methods of cooking Gaspacho today - a great set. Soup acquires new taste and color shades:

  • white
  • green
  • yellow
  • red

Sometimes, not only vegetables add vegetables, but also fruits and then he "plays" in a new way. Modern recipes even contain such ingredients as:

  • spices
  • spice
  • chicken and quail eggs
  • seafood

Unbound in Gaspacho should remain such a set of ingredients as: olive oil, bread (or bread white crumbs), garlic and vinegar.

  • It is difficult to imagine that initially the soup was far from that option that we observe today and looked like a breadpage. Vegetables This soup saw only when Columbus introduced Europe with tomatoes and since then they are an integral component of the dish. At this stage, present a delicious and fresh gaspacho without red tomatoes and fresh peppers - just not possible to a modern person
  • Cooking Gaspacho is very simple: To do this, you need to grind in Cashitz or grind a set of fresh and juicy vegetables in a puree. The soup add either the operated meakash bread, or sprinkle with it with roasted croutons (more modern option). Serving soup accepted in deep (preferably clay) dishes and decorate greenery twigs: basilica, cilantro, parsley
  • It is noticed that in different regions of Spain, Gaspacho was preparing in different ways and the recipe was not rare, they were bred by water, beef Broth, in Mogy soup, add flour from corn and even cream, not rarely soup decorated with rings of fresh onions and also often sprinkle with nuts, grapes, seeds of cumin and even sesame

Gaspacho - Soup "For Lazy"

Gaspacho is particularly popular in the summer months, so the menu of restaurants and cafes will be fulfilled by various variations of soup. If you have never tried this dish, try it in the classic version.

To prepare a classic recipe you will need:

  • approximately 5-6 ripe tomatoes (depending on the size of the fetus, more - will not harm)
  • garlic - no more than 4 teeth (otherwise the taste will become too sharp, it is possible and less)
  • bulgarian or sweet pepper -about 2 pieces
  • one fresh medium cucumber
  • two pieces white bread(It is advisable to choose more stale bread)
  • olive oil- 2-3 tbsp.
  • tomato juice
  • water
  • spice: Salt, a mixture of peppers or any acute pepper
  • fresh greens(to your taste)

Cooking "Gaspacho" step by step, stages of cooking soup:

  • Choose the fruits (in this case: tomatoes and pepper) saturated red color to give the soup of a juicy shade
  • All vegetables thoroughly wash and dry
  • Tomatoes fold into the dishes and pour them with steep boiling water. In such a state, they must be about five minutes
  • Preheat oven to medium or high temperatures (it turns out quickly) and send two peppers to ten minutes there.
  • Tomatoes remove out of the water and the knife is easy to remove the skin
  • After 10 minutes, remove the peppers and also clean them from the skins.
  • Cucumber thoroughly clean from skins
  • All vegetables are bored with a knife and fold in the bowl of the blender
  • Soak bread in the water and send it to a blender to vegetables
  • garlic soda on a grater or grind in a garberody and in a separate dish, stretch with the necessary amount of salt and pepper
  • Add garlic to blender, olive oil and a bit of vinegar
  • The desired consistency can be created if you add water or tomato juice
  • All components are thoroughly grinding to a monotonous state.
  • After that, the soup is placed in the refrigerator for two hours so that it cooled and thicken a little
  • Before serving, the dishes can be lubricated with oil and garlic, pour soup in it and decorate fresh greens from above

Video: "Classic Gaspacho"

What is the difference and how the Italian Gaspacho soup is preparing?

"Gaspacho" is a fairly popular dish and therefore it is prepared in almost every country. Not exception is Italy, which gave the dish "new sound" and diversified it with its ingredients. It is worth noting that it is originally a dish belongs to Spain and in the original it is written as " gazpacho »(in Russian "Gaspacho"). If you notice in the menu name "Gaspachcho" (with two "h"), it says about the dish accessories to the Italian cuisine.

It is the Italian recipe for Soup assumes the inclusion in the total set of ingredients of fresh bulbs and spicy herbal.

Italian soup "Gapakcho"

To prepare Italian variation, you will need:

  • Ripe red tomatoes - About 5 pieces depending on their size (not small)
  • Bulgarian pepper Red - about 2 pieces (you can also take yellow, but the color of the dish will be orange)
  • One bulb (Replusion or blue onions)
  • Garlic -depending on the size: two large cloves or three small
  • Vinegar -it is best to use wine (one or two spoons - to taste)
  • Olive oil -first spin, add about two or three spoons to taste
  • Spice:sea salt (any), pepper mixtures, pepper white or black, nutmeg, mix of Italian herbs (Mayran, Oregano, Basil)
  • White bread -several pieces
  • Fresh greenery:blue or Green Basil, Orego, Rosemary (to choose)

Cooking Italian Gaspacho can be divided into several stages:

  • First of all, you need to go to the market (it is on the market, because, as opposed to the supermarket, vegetables there are ripe, tastier and fresh) and choose the most fragrant fruits for soup, as well as fresh soft bread
  • on the parish home vegetables are thoroughly washed out, cleaned from skins and seeds
  • all vegetables are small and fold in the bowl of the blender, including a bulb (a few rings can be left for decoration)
  • There is also added to the water being operated in water, pressed from water
  • In a blender, all components are thoroughly crushed, spicy herbs are added to them: dried basil and oregano
  • Mass of the blender moves to the refrigerator at least three hours to submit it in a cold form
  • After this time, the soup should be pouring into serving dishes: from clay or glass (iron utensils can oxomate vegetables)
  • On the bow for a serving can be used as a rings, you can chop finely
  • The soup is decorated with spices, onions and a green basil branch
  • Italian variation offers to serve Gaspacho with ice cubes

Video: "Gaspacho in Italian"

Spanish soup Gaspacho with crackers and spices

To prepare a real Spanish soup "Gaspacho" you will need such ingredients:

  • two large ripe and red tomato
  • two small cucumber
  • two sweet not sharp pepperred (large)
  • two or three teeth garlic(depending on the size and sharpness)
  • one is not big bulb(not blue: refont or white)
  • vinegar (You can use any, but best - wine)
  • butter(olive cold spin)
  • greens(Different: Kinza, Parsley or Basil - optional)
  • bread for Sukharikov
  • spices: Salt, Mixtures of peppers, spices

  • This version of soup also involves thorough cleaning of vegetables and grinding them in a blender.
  • While Budy Soup is on cooling, prepare crackers on a pan
  • Pour a small amount of olive oil on the pan
  • bread (preferably worn) Cut the cubes and spare a little
  • Put the crackers in the pan and fire them before the formation of a ruddy crust, put it in to another dishes
  • When serving a dish decorates greens and sprinkled with crackers

Video: "Gaspacho - a recipe for the summer Spanish dish"

How is it right and tasty cooking vegetable soup Gaspacho hot?

  • Hot soup "Gaspacho" is a kind of variety of traditional cold dishes. It became an interesting wound to the table not only in the summer, but also in winter time. A set of ingredients for hot "Gaspacho" remains unchanged, only a little bit of the preparation of this dish
  • All ingredients are carefully crushed in a blender: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, bulbs and garlic
  • Further, all the ingredients are transfused in the dishes with a thick bottom and put on a slow fire.
  • At this time, it is worthwhile to warm up several spoons of olive oil in a separate dishes and add fragrant spices to it: dried basil, oregano, rosemary, mayorran, cumin, cardamom, coriander (optional)
  • When the oil is heated, and the spices will give the fragrance to pour oil into a common mass and mix thoroughly by adding salt
  • Hot gaspacho pour over to plates
  • When serving, Gaspacho should decorate with crackers, greens or onion rings

Hot Gaspacho - very tasty and satisfying soup

Delicious and fragrant Gaspacho soup with celery, cooking recipe

Gaspacho soup with celery - is an interesting diversity for a daily table, which will become an interesting and delicious dish for each family member. Celery will give herbaceous, a little sharp shade with a simple soup and adds to him a spicy lift.

To prepare such a cold soup, you will need a certain set of ingredients:

  • large red tomatoes with sweet ripe taste - 4 pieces
  • ripe cucumber, peeled from skins - 1 piece
  • fresh Stem Green Celery - 1 piece (you can add quite a bit root)
  • bulgarian green and yellow pepper - 2 pieces
  • Olive oil heated with garlic in a pan
  • Spices to taste

Celery Gaspacho
  • Vegetables wash out and clean from the peel
  • All vegetables are finely discount and married in a blender
  • Oil and garlic are added to vegetables
  • Mass goes to the fridge for cooling
  • When serving soup, you can decorate greens and finely finely chopped celery root

Video: "Cold Gaspacho with celery and cucumber"

How to make the original soup from Tomatoes Gaspacho?

An excellent fresh variation of the cold soup "Gaspacho" serves its preparation with unusual ingredients - it comes in this case about Zucchka. On a hot summer day, this recipe will be particularly tasty and useful for a person, he will not only give energy, but he can remove the feeling of thirst!

To prepare a zucchinous Gaspacho will need:

  • Kilogram ripe red a tomato
  • Two ripe yellow or green pepper (Bulgarian)
  • One thing chile pepper
  • One is not big and ripe cook (green)
  • One cucumber
  • Several cloves garlic(taste)
  • The spoon vinegar
  • Several spa olive oils
  • Spice taste
  • Blue or white bulb

Gaspacho with Zabachkom
  • All vegetables are carefully cleaned by peel and seeds.
  • Vegetables fold into the bowl of the blender and are crushed
  • Spices and oil are added to the ground, garlic
  • Ready soup cool and decorate for serving

Video: "Green Gaspacho"

How should I prepare Gaspacho soup in Dukanu?

Diet in Ducanu suggests an exception from the diet of harmful and calorie products. That is why the Variation "Gaspacho" in Duucan intends to include unusual ingredients in the recipe. Such soup has small calorie and contains only 25 kcal per 100 grams.

The version of Gaspacho in Ducanu suggests the inclusion in the watermelon pulp soup, instead of tomatoes.

Set of ingredients for such a gaspacho:

  • Red part of watermelon without bones - up to half a kilogram
  • About 100 grams of red currant
  • One big ripe cucumber
  • One green celery stem
  • Large Bulgarian pepper (any, but preferably red)
  • One blue bulb
  • Lemon juice
  • Several leaves of mint

Low-calorie Gaspacho
  • The plow of the watermelon must be separated from the peel and clear from the bones
  • Puffed finely chop and put in a blender
  • Add to pulp is added lemon juice and currants
  • These components are carefully interrupted in a blender.
  • Mass departs in the refrigerator
  • Celery, cucumber and pepper finely chopped and folded in dishes
  • Crushed vegetables poured watermelon
  • Dish decorates mint

How traditionally served soup Gaspacho? How to decorate the dish?

Soup "Gaspacho" is already unusual only because it has a saturated color, fresh taste and a thin fragrance due to the content of vegetables that have not succumbed to any temperature processing. Such soup requires beautiful and original design to delight not only taste receptors, but also eyes.

There are several variations of the design of Soup Gaspacho:

  • The most traditional is a decoration of greens: a chip of cilantroin or parsley, blue or green basilica
  • Another decoration involves pre-prepare sickles from white bread, which should be fasten in a pan in a small number of olive oil and salt
  • Another way is to feed - pour Gaspacho into a wide glass and insert the crown into it
  • Some recipes suggest dishes with solid or ground nut (almonds most often)
  • Even more often, the decoration of their crushed vegetables included in the soup recipe
  • Sometimes you can meet the option of decoration and feeding dishes with green grape berries.

Feeding Gaspacho

It is worth noting that this soup is not rarely called a drink and offer its feed in the appropriate dishes.

Calorie Soup "Gaspacho"? How many calories are in it?

The calorieness of Gaspacho is quite low because it contains only natural ingredients and fresh vegetables that are not amenable to no thermal processing. In addition, vegetables are easily absorbed by the body, which allows the dish to turn into energy to quickly and give a force to man.

Depending on how Gaspacho was preparing and which ingredients include it, it can be determined that:

  • gaspacho, prepared only from vegetables has a caloric content of just 16 kcal per 100 grams of dishes
  • gaspacho, cooked with olive oil - 47 kcal per 100 grams of dishes
  • gaspacho, cooked with bread - about 115 kcal per 100 grams of dishes

Video: "Gaspacho soup"

Gaspacho soup - instant cooking dish.

In the summer in the heat I do not want to stand at the stove, but there is not really wanting, but it would be cold.
You can diversify and add the summer diet to this simple suprek.

What is remarkable Gaspacho soup?

1. Gaspacho is an old Spanish dish. At first he was prepared from greenery and green vegetables, but with the advent of Tomators, Gaspacho acquired a red color.
2. This soup does not need to be prepared on the stove.
It is eaten cold, you can even put a cup with a gaspacho on a dish with ice.
3. It is great to quench thirst and hunger, refreshes well and lightweight for the stomach.
4. Ordinary composition Soup Gaspacho is:
Sweet pepper
olive oil
Vinegar or lemon juice
5. Olive oil, which is added to the dish, consists of unsaturated fatty acids, which leads to a decrease in the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood.
6. The garlic soup contained in the soup is garlic, vinegar and salt do not give the body quickly dehydrated, and olive oil and bread deliver energy, the so necessary human body and in the heat.
7. If guests come to you tomorrow, you can treat them with Gaspacho soup by making it the night before.
8. Gappacho soup can be taken with you on a picnic or beach in the refrigerator bag or in thermos.
9. For a more delicate taste, Gaspacho can add sour cream, mayonnaise or yogurt.
10. You can apply baked or fried meat if you want to be overhauled by proteins.

So, Gaspacho soup in 12 versions.

  1. Gaspacho Soup - Traditional Recipe

    tomatoes - 1 kg
    Cucumber - 2 pcs.
    Onion - 1 pc.
    Pepper Sweet green - 2 pcs.
    Garlic - 1 - 2 big teeth
    Water - ½ st.
    Salt - 1 tsp.
    Vinegar 6% - 2 - 4 tbsp. l.
    Olive oil - 5 - 6 tbsp. l.
    Bread - 1 slice

    You can quickly remove the peel with a tomato, putting them for 30 seconds. in boiling water.

    1. Grind separately in a blender chopped large (3 - 4 cm thick) tomatoes (purified), 1 green pepper, 1 cucumber (purified), ½ onion and mix together.
    2. We add to the tomato mixture of water and salt (salt better pinch and taste).
    3. We pour vinegar, mix well and add olive oil (it is possible).
    4. Cool in the refrigerator 2 - 3 hours or in the freezer 15 min. For rapid cooling and spill on small plates. Often, Gaspacho soup is served in glasses.
    5. Separately, as a snack, we put a bowl with sliced \u200b\u200bsmall cubes with white bread, cucumber, pepper, tomato and onions. So each eater will put yourself in a plate of what he wants.

  2. Gaspacho soup without vinegar

    tomatoes - 1 kg
    Olive oil - 5 - 6 tbsp. l. (can be less)
    Cucumber - 2 - 3 pcs.
    Sweet red pepper - 1 big
    Sweet yellow pepper - 1 big
    onion red (white too can) - 1 big head
    Garlic - 2 - 3 teeth
    salt, pepper to taste
    White bread

    1. Tomatoes purify and cut into 4 parts each and smile in the kitchen process or in a blender.
    2. We add to the same way the chopped garlic and mix everything, putting the salt and pepper to taste.
    3. We break down the gappacho soup on plates and separately serve in different bowls the following products:
    - Sliced \u200b\u200bwith small cubes Fresh cucumber
    - Sliced \u200b\u200bred and yellow peppers in different dishes
    - finely chopped onions (5 mm)
    - Roasted bread (Bread finely cut and slightly fry on a frying pan with olive or vegetable oil)

  3. Gaspacho soup with tomatoes, cucumbers and shrimp

    tomatoes - 500 g
    Cucumber - 2 pcs.
    Sweet green pepper - 2 large or 4 small
    onion - 1 big
    garlic - 2 teeth
    Bread - 1 slice (white)
    Kinza - 1 beam
    Onion green - 1 beam
    Cumin - ½ tbsp. l.
    Olive oil - 5 - 6 tbsp. l.
    Lyme or lemon juice - 6 tbsp. l.
    salt, pepper to taste
    Shrimps - 400 g

    1. Olive oil heats up on a frying pan and add onion, whole pepper and whole tomatoes, providing salt and pepper. Fry for about 10 minutes.
    2. Cool and purify tomatoes and peppers and glider all vegetables in a blender.
    3. In the pan again add 4 tbsp. Olive oil and fry the bread sliced \u200b\u200bbread to golden color together with garlic.
    4. Mix green vegetables. Sliced \u200b\u200bcucumber cucumber, green onions, kinse and cumin ally in a blender, adding bread with garlic there.
    5. We connect the tomato and cucumber mixture, add a lime or lemon juice there, pepper to taste.
    6. Chilled Gaspacho soup spill over plates or glasses and put it in each 4 - 5 shrimps.
    7. In separate plates on the side dish, you can apply chopped tomatoes, radishes, fresh or canned corn, sliced \u200b\u200bavocado, mango or cucumbers.

  4. Gaspacho soup with tomato juice and shrimp

    12 servings

    shrimps - 1 cup
    Tomato Juice - 3 Glasses
    Cucumber - 1 big
    Tomatoes - 1 cup (sliced)

    Celery - ½ cup
    Parsley - 1 tsp.
    Onions - 1 Little Head
    Onion green - 1 small beam
    Horseradish - 1 tbsp. (or Khrena Sauce)
    Vinegar wine - 1 - 2 tbsp. l.
    Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l. (Fresh)
    salt, pepper to taste

    If you are, you can add:
    Tabasco - 3 drops
    Worcester sauce - 1 tsp.

    1. Lay in a blender vegetables (tomatoes, cucumber, pepper, onions) and a pretty smile.
    2. Also, also in the blender grinding hell, parsley, green onions and celery, add vinegar, tomato juice, worstshire sauce and tobasco.
    3. Thoroughly mix everything together in a saucepan, add shrimps and put it in a refrigerator for all night or 3 to 4 hours.
    4. Apply in portion cups.

  5. Gaspacho soup with watermelon

    6 servings

    You can take something more, something less, everything is your taste.
    You can prepare Gaspacho with the addition of any fruit, not only with watermelon, often with strawberries, for example.

    watermelon - 8 glasses (sliced) or whole watermelon 2.5 kg
    Pepper Sweet Yellow or Red - ½ PC.
    Cucumber - 1 medium
    Petrushka - ¼ cup
    Basil - ¼ cup
    Onions - 2 tbsp. l. (sliced)
    Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
    Vinegar wine or red wine - 3 tbsp. l.
    salt, pepper to taste

    1. Cut pepper, cucumber, onions and greens and smile in a blender.
    2. We also do a watermelon, add vinegar, oil, salt, pepper to taste and mix with vegetable mass.
    3. Cool a couple of hours or you can leave for the night.

  6. Gaspacho soup for one portion

    tomato - 1 pc. (or 1 cup of tomato juice)
    White bread - ½ slice
    Cucumber - ½ PC.
    Parsley and Celery - 1 beam
    Broth or water - 0.5 glasses
    Vinegar wine or apple - 1 tsp.
    salt, pepper to taste
    Red ground pepper at the tip of the knife

    1. All ingredients are smaller with a blender, season salt, pepper and cool in the refrigerator.
    2. Before feeding, you can put a pair of ice cubes.

  7. Gaspacho soup with cedar nuts and feta cheese

    4 servings
    20 minutes.

    tomatoes Orange or Yellow - 6 - 7 pcs.
    Pepper Sweet Yellow - 1 pc.
    Cedar nuts - ¼ cup
    Feta cheese salted - 100 - 150 g
    Vinegar wine - 2 tbsp. l.
    salt, pepper to taste
    Basilica leaves - 1 handy (ok. 20 pcs.)
    Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
    Salami - 200 - 300 g
    Bread - 2 Slice
    salt, pepper to taste

    1. Melch in a tomato blender without skin and sweet pepper.
    2. Take a vinegar to them, oil and season with salt and pepper.
    3. Chilled gappacho soup and pour into portion small plates or glasses.
    4. Top laying feta cheese chopped with cubes, slices, cedar nuts and sliced \u200b\u200bbasilies.
    5. We apply to the soup separately chopped bread with cubes.

  8. Green Gaspacho Soup with Zucchille and Grapes

    6 servings

    zucchini - 1 large (peeled and sliced \u200b\u200blarge)
    Green grapes - 1 - 2 glasses (no seeds)
    Celery - 2 stems
    Cucumber - 1 medium (peeled and sliced \u200b\u200blarge)
    garlic - 1 teeth
    onion - ½ bulbs
    chicken or water broth - 1 cup
    Bread - 1 - 2 Slice
    Wine vinegar - ¼ cup
    Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
    salt, pepper to taste

    Instead of water, you can use not only broth, but also vegetable decoction, for example, from potatoes.

    1. Just mix all the vegetables in a blender, add salt, pepper, vinegar, butter, bread, water (broth or decoction) and mix again.
    2. Serve chilled, tomatoes are suitable as a snack.

  9. Green Gaspacho Soup with Sharp Pepper

    tomatoes - 10 pcs.
    Cucumber - ½ PC.
    Pepper Sweet - ½ PC.
    Pepper sharp - ½ pcs.
    Garlic - 2 - 3 teeth
    Kinza - a small beam (5 - 6 twigs)
    Vinegar wine - 3 tbsp. l.
    Bread - 1 slice (rigid and operated slightly in water - 10 - 15 min.)
    Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
    Water or tomato juice - ½ - 1 tbsp.
    salt, pepper to taste

    1. All mix also in a blender and cool.
    2. You can serve any vegetables, greens, can be sliced \u200b\u200bby avocado or corn.

  10. Green Gaspacho Soup with Kefir

    4 servings
    20 - 30 min.

    kefir - 3 glasses
    Cucumber - 2 large
    Sweet green pepper - 1 big
    Chile Pepper - ½ PC. (or ground burning pepper on the tip of the knife)
    Kinza - 1 beam
    onion - 2 small heads or 1 big
    Onion green - 1 small beam
    Salad leaves - 6 pcs.
    Lyme or lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.
    Thin ground - 1 tsp.
    salt, pepper to taste

    You can apply bread, tomatoes, cheddar cheese or any other, beans, corn.
    Salsa sauce, or soy sauce.

    1. Cut separately with small cubes cucumber and half of the sweet pepper and put in the refrigerator or in the freezer for 10 minutes, we will sprinkle our dish.
    2. Alone in a blender one cucumber, ½ sweet pepper, sharp pepper and onions.
    3. Separately, in a blend in the blender all the greens (salad, cilantro, green onions).
    4. We mix both parts, add kefir, cumin, lime juice, salt and pepper to taste and mix.
    5. We serve chilled gaspacho in plates, sprinkled with a cucumber and a pepper.

  11. Green Gaspacho Soup with Mint

    1 liter

    cucumber - 1 big
    Pepper Sweet green - 1 pc.
    onion - 1 medium
    Salad - 200 g
    Spinach - 150 g
    Petrushka - 1 tbsp. l.
    Mint - 1 tsp.
    Chicken or water broth - 150 ml
    Sour cream - 100 ml
    salt, pepper to taste

    1. Vegetables and greens are crushed in a blender.
    2. Add sour cream, mint, salt, pepper to taste and mix again.
    3. 1 hour before filing a dish with a dish.
    4. We serve in glasses with a spoon of sour cream.
    5. Ham rolls are perfectly suitable for such a gaspacho.

  12. Green Gaspacho Soup with Lemon Zeid

    pepper Sweet green - 2 pcs.
    Cucumbers - 5 pcs.
    Kinza - 1 bunch of small
    Parsley - 1 beam small
    Spinach - 1 beam
    Garlic - 2 teeth (optional)
    Pepper Chalapeno - 1 (optional)
    Lemon - ½ (juice)
    salt, pepper to taste
    For a side disk:
    Cucumber - ½ cup
    Pepper Sweet Red - ½ cup
    Green Luc
    Zestra 1 lemon (rubbed large)

    1. All mix in a blender and cool.
    2. Before serving, sprinkled on top of a sliced \u200b\u200bcucumber, pepper, green onions and a zest.

So, as you see, Gaspacho's soup can be prepared absolutely of any vegetables and even fruits.
It is almost a vitamin chest directly in your plate, because there are so many useful and fresh vegetables and greens.
The one is good. This buaeno gazpacho.

The recipe for Gaspacho is quite simple and accessible for cooking at home. A spicy cooled soup will refresh in the summer heat, and the heated dish will warm in the winter strule.

The classic recipe for Gaspacho includes the composition of the components:

  • large tomatoes - 15 units;
  • cucumber - 4 units;
  • sweet pepper - 3 units;
  • garlic - 4-5 teeth;
  • bran bread - 3-4 chipped;
  • red Salad Bow - 1 Head;
  • olive. Oil - 125 grams;
  • red wine vinegar - 4 table. l.;
  • parsley - a small beam;
  • tomato Juice / Cold Drinking Water / Red Dry Wine - to taste.

To begin with, we will go spices. Clean garlic teeth and a salt we connect to the mortar, rub it up to the formation of casis. Then add bread slices, rub. Next, we gradually pour oil, without stopping the work of the pestle. When the mass becomes homogeneous, tighten the mortar with the film and leave for an hour and a half.

Meanwhile, we will deal with vegetables. Onions with a shallow cube, fold into a small bowl, poured with vinegar. With tomatoes, remove the skin, cut the fruit by quotes, remove the seeds. With a cucumber, we cut a knife with a knife and cut into small cubes. Pepper lubricate with oil and baked in the oven at 200 degrees. For 10 minutes. When black fans appear on the surface of the fruits, pepper can be removed from the oven.

When the fruits are cool down, remove the skin with them, cut the core with seeds.

Green is rinsed, dried and finely rub.

In the bowl of the blender, lay out a few pieces of different vegetables and grind. Add gradually all vegetables marinated onions. At the end, put in the total mass of garlic harness and the last time everything is crushed.

We pour the mass into the saucepan and leave it for the night.

We are submitted in small suits, diluing a thick mass with a small amount of tomato juice, water or diluted with water of red dry wine - who likes more.

On a note. To make skin with tomatoes easily, lower them for a couple of minutes in boiling water.

With crackers and spices

  • red sweet pepper - ½ fetus;
  • green pepper - ½ fetus;
  • garlic - 2 slices;
  • cucumber - ½ fetus;
  • leek-shallot - 2 heads;
  • tomatoes - 3 middle fetus;
  • fresh mint leaves - 10 grams;
  • chili pepper - ½ fetus;
  • wine vinegar (red) - 50 gr;
  • bread crumbs - 25 gr;
  • ketchup - 1 chain. l.;
  • drain. oil - 10 grams;
  • white bread - 20 grams;
  • water - 400 grams;
  • olive. Oil, salt, pepper - to taste.

Vegetables and greens are rinsed well and dried with paper napkins. From pepper, we remove the seeds, cut the pulp in small pieces. Cucumber and tomatoes cut into a small cube. Garlic and onions clean, rinse and very finely rub. Purified from seeds chili and mint grinding as much as possible.

We leave 2-3 peppers and cucumber spoons in a separate plate to add them to the finished dish. The rest connects in a large saucepan by adding vinegar and ketchup. To taste Solim and Pepper. We dilute the mass with water and mix. Grinding a lot of blender, let it cool in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

In the meantime, we will prepare the crackers: in a mixture of shaken butter and olive, fry the flesh of white bread, sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes. So that the golden crust is uniform, the crackers need to constantly stir, shaking the dishes.

Soup lay out on soup, in each add the same number of vegetables. Sailors are served in a separate plate.

How to cook hot gaspacho?

Hot gaspacho soup suits well and quickly prepare:

  • pepper sweet (green) - 1 unit;
  • bread (stale) - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • orange - 1 unit;
  • tomatoes (ripe) - 4 units.

Tomatoes rinse and put to boil without cutting. As soon as the water boils, remove the tomatoes and remove the skin with them, then cut into slices and fold into the bowl of the blender.
A stale bread fold into a saucepan with water from under tomatoes and continue to cook on a slow fire, checking his softness. When it becomes soft - break and fold to tomatoes. Peppers clean from seeds, cut pieces and fold to bread and tomatoes. Salt, add purified garlic slices. All grind the blender to homogeneity.

If the soup turned out to be thick - add decoction from tomatoes and bread to getting the desired consistency. At the end, we pour some oil, we work out a blender, then we give a few minutes to strengthen, and we feed on the table, looking a little by watering orange juice.

Useful first dish with celery

  • red tomatoes - 3 units;
  • celery - 2 stems;
  • pepper sweet - 1 unit;
  • cucumber - 3 units;
  • garlic - 1 slices;
  • bow - ½ head;
  • fresh greens, dried basil;
  • salt and sugar - to taste;
  • balsamic vinegar - 1-2 chain. l.;
  • olive Oil - 1 table. l.

Prepare vegetables: remove with cucumbers and tomatoes, from pepper remove the core with seeds. All large cut, including greens with celery. All the vegetables are folded into the bowl of the blender, grind. Leave in the refrigeration chamber for 1-2 hours. In the summer before filing to the table, you can put ice cubes.

Recipe Green Gaspacho.

  • sweet green pepper - 1 unit;
  • boiled water - 100 ml;
  • garlic - 1 teeth;
  • white dry wine - 1 table. l.;
  • cucumber - 2 units;
  • parsley - 1 beam;
  • a slice of wheat bread;
  • olive Oil - 2 table. l.;
  • salt.

Bread mealkash soak in water.

Clear cucumbers from the skin, remove seeds from the punch, clean garlic. Green rinse and chop. Connect prepared products in a blender bowl and grind. Add oil, wine, water, salt to taste and mix well. Pour soup.

Soup in Dukanu

  • 3-5 ripe tomatoes;
  • ½ sweet pepper;
  • ½ cucumber;
  • 1 lorking;
  • 1 garlic slicing;
  • 2 chain. l. olive oils;
  • ½ CHORD. l. balsamic vinegar;
  • a little sharp red pepper;
  • 1 Chain. l. Stevia;
  • 200 grams of water;
  • salt, ground pepper.

All products are cleaned, rinsed, cut into small pieces and fold into the bench capacity. Spices are added to them, vinegar and other products listed in the recipe. Grind vegetables, starting with low speed and ending with high, for 4-5 minutes. To quickly cool the dish, you can put it half an hour in the freezer.

Gaspacho in Multivarka

  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper;
  • 2 cucumber;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 25 m of milk;
  • 3 Chain. l. vinegar;
  • 100 ml of lean oil;
  • 2 chain. l. Sauce Tabasco;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Wash vegetables under running water. With cucumber, remove the skin, cutting on halves and cleaner seeds. From pepper and tomatoes also remove seeds, cut into small pieces. Mix with butter, sauce and milk, do not forget about vinegar. Mix well and leave in the refrigerator to marvel for an hour and a half. Then crushed in a blender about 3 minutes, until the puree is obtained. Pour it into a multicooker bowl, if necessary, we will drag a small amount of water if the consistency is very thick. Add salt and spices. Select the "soup" mode and prepare 15-20 minutes. After we give a soup to cool. You can serve with crackers.

Secrets and tricks

To prepare the most correct Italian soup, pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Italian dishes are distinguished by an abundance of spicy herbs. They need to be added before cooling - during the time of staying in the cold grass will give an aroma dish.
  2. You can feed soup with cream, sour cream, infused on grass oils.
  3. With tomatoes and cucumbers, it is necessary to remove the skin. It will also be correct to remove seeds from them.
  4. Soup is served with wheat croutons, fried in oil with garlic. Especially well they are combined with hot gaspacho.

Gaspacho perfectly suitable for diet into hot summer days. And it can be used as a low-calorie product for weight loss. The recipe for Gaspacho can be diversified and complemented, and if desired, to exclude some ingredients from its composition. The mandatory component - tomatoes, with the rest of the products and spices can be safely experimenting.

When preparing

Refreshing Gaspacho, classic recipe Which came to us from the hot Spain, can become an excellent alternative to the window that takes such an important place on summer holiday tables. But if the last one can be prepared in winter, getting greenhouse cucumbers in the supermarket, then the first in our region is easiest to be sophisticated in summer and autumn, because it requires several vegetables for its cooking. And another classic Gaspacho has another advantage for hot pore: in order to cook it, you do not need to hang around in a hot stove, exhausted from unbearable heat.

Gaspacho: Classic Recipe

At the heart of a plurality of similar recipes lies approximately the same technology: a vegetable puree is prepared, warm up in a meat grinder or crushed with kitchen appliances. A piece of vegetables crumbles with cubes and added to purricated.

Products for Gaspacho.

A classic recipe assumes the presence of fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, bell pepper and greenery. Most cookies are added to Garlic, greens and olive oil. Very tasty options in which canned olives, pickled mushroom pieces are connected to the classic set of vegetables, lime slices, sesame, grated garlic crunches.

Product proportions:

  • tomatoes (ripe, red) - near a kilogram;
  • cucumbers (better ground) - shelter;
  • bulgarian pepper of different colors - 0.3 kg;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2-3 medium teeth;
  • olive oil, chopped greens, pepper and salt, as well as ice.

Cooking Gaspacho. Procedure

  1. First of all, choose the best seasonal vegetables without visible damage. My and dried with paper towels.
  2. With tomato, remove the skin. To do this, we are half a minute blanch them in boiling water or steam 1-2 minutes in the double boiler. Immediately after that, perch in very cold water, then the skin will be easy to remove.
  3. Cucumbers clean, cut off the tips that can be patched.
  4. Bulgarian pepper purify from the middle of the seeds.
  5. Singing in the direction of 2 tomatoes, one small cucumber and a few perm of pepper of all colors that managed to get.
  6. Add a bit of olive oil, lemon juice. Now it is desirable to beat the mass in the blender.
  7. The main part of vegetables, including a bulb and garlic teeth, cut by pieces and prepare my puree.
  8. Pending vegetables are chopped with a small cube, add to a poured basis.
  9. Now you can add greens and pieces of olives.

How to file?

Gaspacho, the classic recipe of which is pretty simple, is served cold in deep plates, piles and even in glasses. Often in each portion with soup add pair of cubes ordinary ice. With this dish, it is very well combined with rye, black or wholegrain bread, crackers, toasts.


Hello everyone! With you, of course, Vika Leping, and today I will tell you how to cook a tomato soup Gaspacho, the most delicious cream soup for me at the moment, and I tried the incredible amount of them. I will tell a classic recipe spanish cuisine. I prepared it for the first time, but it turned out incredibly tasty, just awesome! Quite exactly this is the most delicious refreshing cold soup in the world (may the okroshka forgive me!) 🙂

By the way, last time I talked about my mother's recipe. She turned out perfect, such as he was in my childhood, so he moved me to the world of nostalgia and miracles! Seriously! All who else thinks whether to make the okroshka, all who do not know how or does not know how, are preparing on the recipe of my mom, because there is no tastier okroshka. You can also see other, recipes with photos of which I have already written and published.

But back to Gaspacho - this is soup with tomatoes, cucumbers, Bulgarian peppers, garlic and stale bread. Initially, he appeared, like many of the classic dishes, the poor on the tables. Its main ingredients were garlic, stale bread, olive oil and water, that is, all sorts of cheap residues. For example, It was invented in the same way. Like 🙂 And if you have not tried my perfect, I am very advised to look at her recipe!

A little later, the Spanish Gaspacho soup began to add tomatoes with which it is always always associated, and the remaining ingredients. Cold soup Gaspacho is a classic recipe and an example of how food the poor becomes a national dish, known for the whole world and hotly beloved thousands of people. And yesterday in the world it became on two fans of this soup more, I hope that it is in the masses, I will increase the number of gaspachoshs at least pieces per hundred 🙂

So, the tomato soup Gaspacho, a recipe with a photo of step-by-step, or how to cook Gaspacho at home.


  • - 15 pcs (juicy, ripe and fleshy)
  • - 4 big pieces
  • - 3 pcs (red)
  • - 4 big teeth (better young)
  • - 3 large pieces (white or with bran, stale)
  • - Crimean - 1 pcs or chalot - 5 small pieces
  • - olive - 125 ml
  • - balsamic or red wine - 4 tbsp
  • - 1 tbsp (without a slide!)
  • - Parsley - 1 beam
  • - sharp sauce - a few drops at will
  • to choose from
  • - taste
  • - taste
  • - Red dry - to taste

Cooking method

To begin with I will present to your attention a video recipe with my You-Tube Channel on which there are many other recipe, so subscribe, there is interesting!

Tomato Soup Gaspacho: Video Recipe

Step-by-step recipe with photos

So how to cook gaspacho-soup? The recipe for tomato soup is uncomplicated, but contains many processes. To begin with, clean the garlic and put in a mortar or in a blender. I have an excellent guide, I highly recommend you to view, keeps a lot of time in the future 😉 we fall asleep garlic sea salt and in a mortar or grinding in a blender grinding.

We add pieces of stalking bread, broken into small pieces. I did not have a stale bread, so I did quickly crackers: I put the pieces of bread in the oven, heated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes and cooled. Grind crucks with garlic and salt, and then add olive oil and we are thoroughly larched or grinding. We cover the napkin and leave the workpiece by 1.5 hours to appease. Gaspacho - tomato soup, and garlic will add to him spices and sicks, and bread - density and shade.

While the bread-garlic blank insisters, continue to prepare other ingredients for Gaspacho. The preparation recipe includes baked peppers, so with them and let's start. We turn on the oven for 200 degrees to warm up, my peppers, put on a baking sheet.

We put the paprika to be cut for 10-20-30 minutes until the pepper starts black on the edges. The time depends on your oven, they all have different! Get out of the oven and immediately cover with a lid or a towel and leave for 10 minutes. It makes it easier to clean the Bulgarian pepper from the skins. At that moment, the aroma of the baked Bulgarian pepper will float your apartment, and he is simply magical! There are recipes and without baking pepper, but believe me, the baking is worth it! If you do not know how to cook Gaspacho soup, you will not find a recipe better, honestly!

After 10 minutes, you begin to shoot an eye with peppers and clean it from cuttings and seeds. It will make it quite simple, the main thing is not to burn, because the fruits are still hot. The recipe for Gaspacho includes such a cleaned paprika flesh:

We continue to prepare tomato soup. Clean the onions and cut it very finely. We put on a bowl and fill with a balsamic or wine vinegar, stirred and leave on the sidelines. You can do it before baking the peppers.

Now we clean the cucumbers from the skirt and cut into large pieces. Toman soup Gaspacho will be filled with freshness and ease precisely at the expense of cucumbers.

The next step in the preparation of Gaspacho, finally, there will be tomatoes, after all, this soup of tomatoes. It is necessary to clean them from the skins and the half cut seeds. How to do all this quickly and just I told in the manual, so I will not repeat, read, see the photo and go back.

The last ingredient is parsley. Cut the leaves large. In a saucepan on 3 liters, we put the prepared cucumbers, the flesh of peppers and tomatoes and grind all the submersible blender. If there is no submersible, put it, of course, everything is in a glass of blender. Grind carefully, the soup from the Tomato Gaspacho should be uniform. Then put the parsley and grind everything again.

We put the clumsy onions along with the vinegar, grind, put the bread-garlic blank, grind, drip a few drops of acute tobasco sauce at will and in the taste and again everything is grinding.

And we remove the tomato soup Gaspacho in the refrigerator at least 8 hours!

Now you know how to cook soup Gaspacho from tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers! When feeding, we break through the plates and dilute with water, tomato Juice or red dry wine. I highly recommend dilute with water, so much tastier! Decorating parsley leaves.

That's all, now you know what is Gaspacho, how to cook, with which and how to eat and in general, all-all 🙂

The deployed recipe for Soup Gaspacho approached the end, and I quickly summarize.

Tomato Soup Gaspacho: Recipe Short

  1. Clean the garlic, put into the mortar or in the shredder of the blender, fall asleep with salt and grind carefully.
  2. Add pieces of stale bread or superstars and grind well again.
  3. Pour all olive oil, grind again, cover with a lid or napkin and leave for 1.5 hours.
  4. Meanwhile, heating the oven to 200 degrees, put the Bulgarian peppers entirely on the baking sheet, put in the oven and bake from 10 to 30 minutes (the time depends on your oven!) To the light black of fruits at the edges.
  5. Give the peppers from the oven, immediately cover with a lid or a towel and leave for 10 minutes.
  6. After 10 minutes, we easily clean the fruits of the paprika from the skins, pestles and seeds, leaving only the flesh.
  7. We clean the onions, chop finely, put in a bowl and fill with the balsamic or wine vinegar, we retain.
  8. Cleaning from the skin of tomatoes, poured with boiling water, and freeing the half of them from seeds (how to turn it all, I described).
  9. Parsley leaves are cut large, the cucumbers cleanse from the peel and also cut into the skin.
  10. Put in the bowl of the blender cucumbers, tomatoes, Bulgarian peppers with his juice and parsley, grind carefully.
  11. Put onions there along with vinegar, grind, then - clumsy crumbs, grind again.
  12. At the end, at will and to taste, add a few drops of acute tobasco, grind.
  13. We overflow the tomato soup Gaspacho into a three-liter pan, cover with a lid and put at least 8 o'clock in the refrigerator.
  14. When applying diluted with thick soup with water, tomato juice or red dry wine ( better water!) And decorate parsley.
  15. Now you know how to cook tomato soup Gaspacho!

Such a handsome this cold tomato soup, whose recipe is absolutely finished! I really hope that you liked everything, and you will go to cook it immediately, because everyone should try the taste of this colorful miracle in a plate! So I will probably eat a little more immediately after the publication 🙂

And in Kiev, in Kiev, for a couple of weeks, how the hot summer has begun. The rains are no longer poured, the coolness has also retreated, so I have been roasting the sun in the sun near the pool. And a week ago, they traveled back to Lviv again, now it became even more interesting to walk there, many sites opened, where warm evenings can be wonderfully. Who is also going to Lviv, here you are mine and all the sights!

And I very soon we will tell another recipe for cold soup! So stay with me so as not to miss, , it's free! In addition, when you subscribe you will receive a whole collection of full-fledged recipes from 20 dishes that are preparing very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes, which will save the mass of your time! There is quick and tasty - it is real, as to realize the recipe for cold soups.

With you was Vika Leping! Prepare a tomato soup Gaspacho, tell a recipe for friends, put like, leave comments, evaluate, tell me that you have it and remember that you can cook anything more talented than you can imagine and, of course, enjoy your Food! I love you, be happy!

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