Sympathy or friendship on the part of a man. Is friendship possible between a man and a woman? He is happy to introduce her to all his friends

Often young girls cannot understand relations and realize that the guy she thinks is just a friend is actually in love with her. She likes to communicate with a guy, go to the cinema and dance with him. They completely trust each other, seek help, share experiences and joy. They have fun spending time together, as they have many common interests and acquaintances. However, sooner or later, every girl who has been friends with a guy for a long time has to think about whether their relationship has crossed the border of friendship?

The reason for this is that there simply cannot be a long relationship between a guy and a girl. Sooner or later, the guy begins to understand that he is no longer able to drown out the true feeling that he has for the girl. Most often it happens like this. The girl has a gentleman who begins to court her, and her friend begins to be jealous of her and understands that he cannot allow other guys to look after her and wants to confess his love to her, but is afraid to destroy their friendly relations with this recognition.

Therefore, if you began to notice that a friend has become very sensitive relate what you say or do should not be ignored. Observe the behavior of your friend and try to understand how deep his feelings for you are? If conflicts and scandals constantly arise between you because you forgot to call him, joked unsuccessfully, made a remark, or went to the movies with another guy, then these are signs that he is not indifferent to you.

friendship, as opposed to love, combines a sense of fun, intimacy and ease of communication. It is good for friends to be together, they feel free in the presence of each other, no matter what state or appearance they are in. They do not need to try to look their best and worry that someone might not like the appearance or behavior. A friend will only be happy if a girl has a boyfriend - the object of her sympathy. He will wish her happiness and help in every possible way so that her love is mutual.

If a friend in love and tries to cover his passion with friendship, he is often irritable and demanding. When communicating, he always smiles and tries to catch your eye in order to understand whether his feelings are mutual or not? Each person is the blacksmith of his own happiness, you should not agree to start a romantic relationship with a friend if you are not sure that you truly love him. After all, most girls marry guys with whom they have been friends for a long time, but it is very difficult to become a happy couple without mutual love. Despite the fact that friends are ready to help each other in everything, they are not capable of devoting their lives to someone like lovers.

real love absolutely disinterested. A man in love is ready to give everything to make the one he loves happy. He thinks more about him than about himself. A friend on a subconscious level is always waiting for a return, so we can safely say that the main difference between friendship and love is that friendship is selfish. For a friend, their own interests are higher than yours. Love is a deeper feeling than just friendship. A loving person is interested in improving the quality of life of the one he is in love with.

Friendship is a mutually beneficial cooperation based on trust, sincerity and common interests. Each of its participants receives some benefit from spending time together and communicating, most often it is moral pleasure, but sometimes material benefits. Of course, a friend is always ready to help, but deep down he always hopes to get some benefit for himself from friendship.

Friendship helps us feel happier in the present, immerse ourselves more fully in life and keep abreast of all events. But after a while, our views on life and preferences change, which leads to a loss of mutual interest among friends and they rarely begin to communicate. Therefore, by changing ourselves, we change friends. Love inspires a person. The lover is always ready to share the results of his success with the one he loves. It brings him joy to expand his horizons, enrich his knowledge and life.

Many believe that the main difference friendship from is the lack of intimacy. Friendship, in their opinion, can be tender and strong, but it completely excludes sex. However, today these boundaries are very blurred - we must not forget that a huge number of couples perceive each other only as friends and this does not prevent them from having sex regularly. Many people these days are sexually attracted to a friend without having deeper feelings for them.

Very easy to confuse friendship with love, so before agreeing to an intimate relationship with a friend, you need to think carefully about what you expect from this relationship? You should not put high hopes that friendship will eventually develop into love. Often, after sex with a friend, girls are deeply disappointed when they hear the phrase: "Let's continue to remain just friends!" Until a friend confesses his love to you, you should not rush things in order to achieve the reciprocity of your feelings.

As the famous teacher in his time rightly wrote A.S. Makarenko: "Love cannot be grown from the bowels of a simple sexual desire. The forces of love can only be found in friendship and simple human sympathy. A person will never love his spouse if he did not love his parents, relatives and friends. The wider the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis non-sexual love, the stronger will be his love for the opposite sex."

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What's between you? Love or friendship? What is their difference? Such banal questions are asked by people who are faced with uncertainty in a relationship. Trying to distinguish between familiarity and romanticism can sometimes confuse even the most philosophical minds.

Let's try to determine what is the difference and similarity between these two so similar, but completely different concepts?

We can safely say one thing, that friendship without love can exist, but love without friendship cannot exist. Friendship often gives rise to love and passion, and sincere love always contains friendly notes.

Attachment, familiarity, sympathy, romance, passion, friendship are the constituent elements of the relationship between a man and a woman.

Never before has this connection been easy to understand and impeccable to flow. And only with experience, getting burned and getting on the rake of life, each of us eventually finds that person with whom it is easier and easier to go through life.

How to distinguish friendship from love?

  1. Friendship is rather a spiritual relationship between people based on mutual interest in each other: worldview, common interests, values ​​and thoughts. The formula for a love affair is sexual attraction multiplied by friendship. Everything, of course, is simple in words, but in reality it is not always cloudless.
  2. Love is not just an everyday relationship between people, it is an emotional and physical connection between a man and a woman, on which you have to work hard every day so as not to lose interest in each other.

Can friendship grow into love?

A scientific discipline such as psychology believes that friendship between a guy and a girl is an artificial kind of relationship. Such a relationship can exist for a long time only if there is sympathy between them, and also if there are barriers to young people becoming lovers.

However, the most prosperous and strongest marriages occur when passionate and romantic relationships grow from friendly relationships. Common interests, spending time together, solving some common situations can bring friends closer together. Then, having seen and appreciated each other in action, having checked the relationship for human strength, it is easier to build a life together, adding affectionate and caring moments to it.

And then true friendship flows into attraction, and then develops into mutual, true love. History knows many romantic relationships that began between two good friends.

The line between friendship and love

Communicating with a guy, you have already initially determined the level of relationship that is acceptable for you.

If there is sympathy, you flirt and flirt, resort to other "women's tricks and tricks", if you are only interested in friendship, then the manifestations will be different.

But how to find out about the feelings of the second person?

Here you can’t get into someone else’s head and ask directly. And you do not want to spoil relations with him or hurt his heart if he is not indifferent to you. Or vice versa, it is necessary to win his sympathy and translate communication into a love channel.

How to determine: friends or loves?

Indeed, there is a lot in common between emotional attachment and familiarity, but there are also differences. In order to further understand how love differs from friendship, let's take a step-by-step look at the similarities and differences between these concepts.


  • You have a lot in common, you feel comfortable and have fun together. Any topic of conversation is not a problem for you, and there are no secrets between you;
  • Fighting doesn't ruin your relationship. And in the first and second cases, even offended by each other, you will look for ways to make peace, you will be bored and yearning, as if life has lost its meaning;
  • Neither a friend nor a loved one will ever be left in trouble and will not betray. If you come up with a problem, they will listen to you and give you advice, wipe away tears and help you cope with difficulties;
  • If you are faced with ridicule and attacks from the outside, then close people will stand up for you, even if you yourself were wrong about something;
  • You are accepted for who you are, forgiving all the shortcomings, because your inner qualities make you who you really are.

Friendship is different from love:

Is friendship possible after love?

"Let's be friends!"- this is how past love relationships often end. What is it - the final point or the real desire to redirect the relationship to another level?

Of course, if after parting no one is offended, why not be friends?

It just so happened that you are not suitable for each other to live together, however, common interests and hobbies, similar outlooks on life, joint work and mutual friends allow you to have fun together. But even this delicate matter has its pitfalls.

You are not going to remain single and completely immerse yourself in friendly relationships?

Your future partner is unlikely to appreciate such devotion to a former lover. Most likely, you will remain friends only in words: a couple of comments on social networks, several times a year, congratulations on the holidays.

If the scenario of the finale of your parting was originally different: resentment, hatred, sadness, despair, loneliness, indifference, then, of course, there can be no question of any friendship.

Remember, only future romantic and affectionate affection will save you from past passion. Therefore, do not hang your nose and look around: perhaps very close is the one who is looking for a meeting with you and considers you the most delightful person in the world.

Often you cannot understand whether you love a person or you are just good friends. How to distinguish friendship from love? What are the similarities and differences? Let's try to figure this out.

Love and friendship: what do they have in common?

In fact, you wouldn't be asking this question if you didn't feel something unusual or strange in your relationship with your friend. The truth is that there is no long-term friendship between a guy and a girl. Sooner or later, one of you (or even both) will think about how he really feels.

Love and friendship are similar to each other, but, in fact, they are also components of each other. True friends love each other, although they do not show romantic feelings. Their love is based on affection and mutual respect. And lovers can be each other's friends. It's even ideal when it is. We can say that friendship includes two aspects: spiritual and spiritual intimacy (emotions and beliefs), and love includes aspects of friendship and physical attraction.

Not all friends decide to cross the threshold of friendship and become a couple. This decision may depend on one or both of them. But more often than not, a mutual decision does lead to love.

Now let's try to understand the differences ...

What is the difference?

Whether you're testing your feelings or your friend's feelings, there are some obvious signs that you can tell if one of you perceives friendship as more than just friendship.

Reaction to a friend's sympathy for someone(your gender):

  • If you are friends, you will be pleased with the feelings of your friend and will be glad to meet the object of his sympathy. You will help him in every possible way in the development of these feelings, because you wish him happiness.
  • If you are in love in your friend, an inner feeling of jealousy will betray you. Mentally, you already imagined yourself next to him, why did he suddenly meet someone better, but did not pay attention to you? Jealousy will manifest itself in the fact that you will not like the choice of your friend.

Behavior in the presence of a friend:

  • If you are friends, you feel completely free in the presence of a friend, no matter what state or form you are in (home clothes, not the freshest look, temperature, terrible runny nose, whatever).
  • When you are in love you are trying to look your best in front of your friend. You think over your appearance and worry about whether he will like it. You begin to feel embarrassed in his presence, and his compliments now cause unusual feelings in you.

Personal space and freedom:

  • If you are friends, you feel free to not always spend time together with a friend. And when he is not with you, you are not bothered by thoughts about how he spends his time. You are individuals, everyone chooses how to live, although there are some things that unite you and for which you value each other. A few days without communication with a friend will not knock you out of your senses and prevent you from falling asleep at night.
  • If you fell in love into your friend, your thoughts are constantly occupied with him. You are interested in how he spends his time, and you want to be part of his time as often as possible.


  • When you are friends, your friendship is united by a feeling of lightness, fun, spiritual intimacy. You just feel good around and there is no surge of emotions and no drama. Only positive emotions and a sea of ​​laughter, or, conversely, calm, serious conversations about life.
  • when you fell in love, new emotions are added to this palette, perhaps even quarrels. In fact, this is not a sign of mature love, but just falling in love, which has not yet found its expression, but is trying to hide behind friendship. When you have to hide your crush, you can become overly sensitive and sometimes demanding or even irritable. All you want is for these feelings to be mutual.

Habits and behavior of your friend:

  • If you are friends, you do not judge a friend for some habits and do not try to change him. Not because you don't care, but because that's the kind of friend you made friends with. You accept him as he is, his choice does not affect your life in any way. Although, of course, in important matters you will advise your friend the best, you will not impose your opinion.
  • If you are in love, you are very worried about your friend and try to protect him from everything. Perhaps you are trying to correct some of his habits or qualities, because you know that they harm him. Lovers (immature love) often also try to change things in their soul mate that they may not like.

What to do?

If you are convinced that the feelings of each of you are exclusively friendly, you should not start a conversation about it, everything is already in its place!

If you notice that you are in love, think carefully about your feelings and whether it is worth revealing them. You can never be ordinary friends after one of you has fallen in love. In general, even now it is no longer a friendship in its purest form ... Think about whether you are emotionally mature enough to start a real relationship? If so, try talking to a friend about it. But for starters, we advise you to test your feelings well with time, and also monitor the behavior of your friend - is there reciprocity in him?

Be careful not to put all your hopes on love, so as not to be disappointed when you do not receive an answer. Life goes on anyway.

  1. Take care of yourself and listen to your feelings and heart.
  2. Most relationships begin with a good friendship between two people.
  3. True friends, like true love, are hard to find, cherish them.
  4. To become a faithful companion in life, you first need to learn how to be a good and faithful friend.
  5. It is possible that true friendship will eventually develop into true love.

If you have any questions about how to distinguish friendship from love, write in the comments. We will also be glad to hear your stories, situations, advice, comments ...

Friendship between a girl and a guy is quite common. The reasons for this may be different - someone just likes to communicate with each other, someone is united by common interests. Together friends go to the cinema, to art exhibitions and to clubs. They like to communicate with other companies and problems in friendly relations, in principle, never appear.

However, it happens that either a girl or a guy begins to understand that their relationship is more than friendship and begins to doubt their feelings, worrying that now they will not be able to be friends like before. Often this requires some kind of catalyst. For example, a friend has a girlfriend and now they spend a lot of time together, and he meets with his girlfriend less and less. She becomes jealous and soon realizes that a friend is much closer to her and it seems that these are already completely different feelings, not friendly. Feelings can also be affected by separation. Having met in a couple of months, the friends understand how they missed each other and realize that the relationship has gone beyond friendship. How to understand that love has really appeared between friends, and they can no longer just be friends?

Analyze the feelings you have for a friend.

1. Understand yourself and your feelings for the young person you are friends with. If you notice at least one of the following signs in yourself, then you are in love with your friend.

2. You are jealous of your friend for his girlfriend. You are annoyed that they spend a lot of time together, and therefore you are trying in every possible way to interfere with their solitude. You ask for dates with them, arrange random meetings and all in order to demonstrate to your beloved friend that he is not her property and that you also claim his attention.

3. If there is some tension in your relationship with your friend's lover, it is likely that she sees you as a rival, just like you see her. You can’t find a common language in any way, which your friend really doesn’t like. If a friend often refuses to meet with you, as he walks with his girlfriend, it means that she is jealous of you, otherwise she would not be against rare threesome walks.

4. If you are in love, you are constantly trying to find some flaws in your friend's girlfriend. You make fun of her, calling her pompous or stupid, and keep repeating that she is absolutely not suitable for the young man with whom you are friends.

There is never any awkwardness between friends. They can sit and discuss events, eat chips and laugh if someone has crumbs on their lips. It is not a problem for friends to talk about the case when they embarrassed themselves in public, as they do not feel any embarrassment. If you're in love with a friend, you can't behave like that. You will try to always look good and positive, sensitive to any criticism. It will be extremely important for you what a friend thinks about you, how you looked with him, so with him you simply cannot behave frivolously. Often in a conversation, you will even stutter if you are embarrassed, as you will realize that you really like a friend.

Friends may not see each other for a couple of days or weeks, and this is absolutely normal for them, since they do not feel the need to see each other daily. However, if you love your friend, you really need to know where he is now and how he is spending his time. You want to call him or meet him by chance. All your thoughts are occupied by a guy, you are worried that another girl will not take your place. Parting with a friend, you catch yourself thinking that you really want to meet tomorrow, or at least call.

A friend is a person with whom you can relax and talk nonsense, knowing that he will try to understand everything. Between friends, scandals and conflicts rarely arise. If lately your feelings for a friend have become stronger, emotions just go wild, scandals simply cannot but occur between you. You will not be indifferent to the fact that he forgot to call you yesterday, forgot about the meeting, or that he joked unsuccessfully about you. In general, there will be many reasons to be offended. From resentment, you can even burst into tears in front of a friend, but he simply cannot understand why your relationship has become so tense and difficult.

When falling in love, a girl is sensitive to what her friend says and does. Therefore, if you are in love, you cannot be indifferent to the fact that your friend drinks in large quantities or walks with young people of obviously dubious reputation. You will try to change it for the better, you will criticize and interfere with doing what seems wrong to you. A cigarette smoked by a friend on your part will be accompanied by a long tirade about how smoking is harmful and that he needs to take care of his health. The fact is that people in love try to take care of each other, so they try to be aware of all their plans and always warn against possible risks. If you treat your friend in a friendly way, you will not be bothered that he was seized by the desire to take part in car racing. Only a girl in love will try to interfere and reason with him.

Analyze what you are doing together

To understand what kind of relationship you have with a friend, you can also analyze how you spend time with him, where you go and how often.

If you are in love with your friend, you try to spend time as often as possible. You don't even want to think about starting to date someone, since you already feel good with your friend. On Friday and Saturday evenings, you always meet with him, and even if you are in the company, you practically do not part. If it's just friendship between you, you can meet several times a month, and that will be enough for you.

When you are going to meet a friend, you try to look very good, pick up makeup and appropriate clothes, because you simply cannot afford to look bad. Spend hours in front of the mirror, and not because you think you're going to meet some guy you might be able to get into a relationship with. If you come to a meeting with a friend in a sports uniform and with an unwashed head for you, it means that you want to make an extremely positive impression on your friend, and most likely this is another sign that you are in love.

If a friend said that you just look amazing and this drove you into the paint, then you are not at all indifferent to how he treats you. You hope that he has romantic intentions, since you yourself have thought about it more than once.

If you treat your friend in a friendly way, then it is perfectly normal for you to take a walk with him and his lover. You react normally if a friend kisses a girl and courts her in front of you. If such a pastime annoys you, like your friend's girlfriend, then you are in love. Your suspicions should increase if your friend's beloved is wary of you. This means that she sees you as a rival and naturally no friendly relations between you can appear.

If you're just friends, it won't occur to anyone around you to tell you that you're acting like a couple. Everyone sees that there is only friendship between you and there are no ridicule or hints from your company towards you and your friend. If you are in love with your friend, there are a couple of people who will express their guesses about this.

Note from the outside the situation is always seen more objectively, and if someone told you that in the presence of your friend your eyes are burning and you are embarrassed, then it is quite possible that you have a feeling of love. If you think this is stupid, and you just walk away from such conversations, you may really be friendly with the guy. But if these words made you blush and think that your friend is really very close to you and your friendship has become very important to you, you may really have romantic feelings.

Friends can go to another city for a while and forget, tell their friend about it. They will not worry that something happened to a friend and will be convinced that everything is fine with him. However, if you are in love, you will try to tell the guy your plans, and you will be interested in what he plans to do and when you can meet. It is very important for you to communicate with a friend and you painfully endure parting with him, which means you are either very attached to him or in love.

In the case when your friend invites you for a walk, your heart is beating wildly, and you are randomly thinking about what to wear, it means that you are not indifferent to how you look in front of your friend. The phone rings and you happily run up to it, hoping it's a guy you're friends with? It's not like a simple friendship, your feelings are definitely deeper.

Talk to your friend

If you understand that you have fallen in love, you should not drown out your feelings and pretend that nothing happened. Love is a wonderful feeling, and if there is at least one chance in a hundred that your friend is also partial to you, you should definitely talk to him. Watch your friend, how often he smiles at you, how he cares for you, and you will understand the depth of his feelings for you.

Confessing your love to your friend, you have many advantages, because you know him very well and therefore you can build a conversation in such a way that neither he nor you feel embarrassed.

For such a conversation, you should plan everything so that no one can interfere with you. The most peaceful environment is still at home, so make a coffee for a friend, treat him to his favorite cookies and share with him the reasoning that your relationship has changed lately and you would like to know how he looks at trying to start a love relationship. Saying this, you risk absolutely nothing, because your friend already loves you and cherishes you, which means he will never allow you to be ridiculed or offended.

If the guy doesn’t mind and wants to start a new stage in your relationship, that’s great, because you have smoothly moved from the “friends” category to the “lovers” category. As a friend to your boyfriend, you can trust and know that you can always rely on him.

From a friend you can hear another answer. However, in this case, you do not lose anything, since friendship between you is already impossible. You are not going to silently look at him when he kisses other girls, and you certainly will not discuss with him the problems of his love relationships. Therefore, if you heard “No”, it’s better to let your friend go, you don’t need to ask him to think, he will do it anyway, because you gave him a lot of food for thought. Perhaps, realizing how much he misses you, he himself will understand that he is in love and after a while you will talk about your feelings again, but on his initiative.

In no case should you use your friendship and your mutual friends to achieve your goals. This can hopelessly ruin everything, if a guy wants a relationship with a girl, he will definitely let her know about it, especially if she herself previously told him about her feelings. In any case, perceive the reaction of a friend to your confession adequately and without unnecessary emotions. A girl should always keep herself proud and not lose her temper, only then the guy will respect her.

If your friend has a girlfriend, things are much more complicated. But even in this case, talking with a friend is better than constantly suffering from jealousy and gradually spoiling your relationship with a friend. However, this does not apply when you know that your friend is in love with his girlfriend and they are in a serious relationship. No matter how painful it is, in such cases you will have to step aside. You can gradually reduce your communication with a friend, and if he directly asks why you do not want to communicate with him, you can tell him the truth, and he will understand everything.

If you know that the relationship between your friend and his girlfriend is far from ideal, you have a chance to positively solve your problem. Perhaps if you confess your feelings, you will not only save your friend from a useless relationship, but also make him happy. Most importantly, when building your new relationship with a friend, be careful and patient. Just because you used to be friends doesn't mean you have to rush, be yourself and open your heart to a new lover.

Pages of love

Often you cannot understand whether you love a person or you are just good friends. How to distinguish friendship from love? What are the similarities and differences? Let's try to figure this out.

Love and friendship: what do they have in common?

In fact, you wouldn't be asking this question if you didn't feel something unusual or strange in your relationship with your friend. The truth is that there is no long-term friendship between a guy and a girl. Sooner or later, one of you (or even both) will think about how he really feels.

Love and friendship are similar to each other, but, in fact, they are also components of each other. True friends love each other, although they do not show romantic feelings. Their love is based on affection and mutual respect. And lovers can be each other's friends. It's even ideal when it is. We can say that friendship includes two aspects: spiritual and spiritual intimacy (emotions and beliefs), and love includes aspects of friendship and physical attraction.

Not all friends decide to cross the threshold of friendship and become a couple. This decision may depend on one or both of them. But more often than not, a mutual decision does lead to love.

Now let's try to understand the differences ...

What is the difference?

Whether you're testing your feelings or your friend's feelings, there are some obvious signs that you can tell if one of you perceives friendship as more than just friendship.

Reaction to a friend's sympathy for someone(your gender):

  • If you are friends, you will be pleased with the feelings of your friend and will be glad to meet the object of his sympathy. You will help him in every possible way in the development of these feelings, because you wish him happiness.
  • If you are in love in your friend, an inner feeling of jealousy will betray you. Mentally, you already imagined yourself next to him, why did he suddenly meet someone better, but did not pay attention to you? Jealousy will manifest itself in the fact that you will not like the choice of your friend.

Behavior in the presence of a friend:

  • If you are friends, you feel completely free in the presence of a friend, no matter what state or form you are in (home clothes, not the freshest look, temperature, terrible runny nose, whatever).
  • When you are in love you are trying to look your best in front of your friend. You think over your appearance and worry about whether he will like it. You begin to feel embarrassed in his presence, and his compliments now cause unusual feelings in you.

Personal space and freedom:

  • If you are friends, you feel free to not always spend time together with a friend. And when he is not with you, you are not bothered by thoughts about how he spends his time. You are individuals, everyone chooses how to live, although there are some things that unite you and for which you value each other. A few days without communication with a friend will not knock you out of your senses and prevent you from falling asleep at night.
  • If you fell in love into your friend, your thoughts are constantly occupied with him. You are interested in how he spends his time, and you want to be part of his time as often as possible.


  • When you are friends, your friendship is united by a feeling of lightness, fun, spiritual intimacy. You just feel good around and there is no surge of emotions and no drama. Only positive emotions and a sea of ​​laughter, or, conversely, calm, serious conversations about life.
  • when you fell in love, new emotions are added to this palette, perhaps even quarrels. In fact, this is not a sign of mature love, but just falling in love, which has not yet found its expression, but is trying to hide behind friendship. When you have to hide your crush, you can become overly sensitive and sometimes demanding or even irritable. All you want is for these feelings to be mutual.

Habits and behavior of your friend:

  • If you are friends, you do not judge a friend for some habits and do not try to change him. Not because you don't care, but because that's the kind of friend you made friends with. You accept him as he is, his choice does not affect your life in any way. Although, of course, in important matters you will advise your friend the best, you will not impose your opinion.
  • If you are in love, you are very worried about your friend and try to protect him from everything. Perhaps you are trying to correct some of his habits or qualities, because you know that they harm him. Lovers (immature love) often also try to change things in their soul mate that they may not like.

What to do?

If you are convinced that the feelings of each of you are exclusively friendly, you should not start a conversation about it, everything is already in its place!

If you notice that you are in love, think carefully about your feelings and whether it is worth revealing them. You can never be ordinary friends after one of you has fallen in love. In general, even now it is no longer a friendship in its purest form ... Think about whether you are emotionally mature enough to start a real relationship? If so, try talking to a friend about it. But for starters, we advise you to test your feelings well with time, and also monitor the behavior of your friend - is there reciprocity in him?

Be careful not to put all your hopes on love, so as not to be disappointed when you do not receive an answer. Life goes on anyway.

  1. Take care of yourself and listen to your feelings and heart.
  2. Most relationships begin with a good friendship between two people.
  3. True friends, like true love, are hard to find, cherish them.
  4. To become a faithful companion in life, you first need to learn how to be a good and faithful friend.
  5. It is possible that true friendship will eventually develop into true love.

If you have any questions about how to distinguish friendship from love, write in the comments. We will also be glad to hear your stories, situations, advice, comments ...