Look pests of the Republic and the fight against them. What to handle onions from pests? Luke Diseases and their Treatment

Onions - no vegetable garden do without this culture. Grow it - a pleasure. It is not necessary to worry about the germination of seeds, tremble over the seedle, dive, pinch, create special conditions for growth. The norms of the agrotechniki Luka are simple and understandable. Smooth rows of landings please the eye. Prepared soil, timely feeding, weeding combined with soil loosening, adequate watering and a little sun - and here are already strong golden bulbs with curiosity look out of the soil, it is time to collect a crop. But for healthy and large bulbs, it is necessary to monitor their health and protect the plant over the growing season. Diseases of the Republic Luke and the fight against them - this should know every garden.

This is a plant that spreads around the healing phytoncides around the garden, and on our table serves as a source of healthy food, is amazed by a variety of pests and diseases.

Timely warning and getting rid of them will help grow an excellent bow without problems.

If the disease affects the plant in a timely manner, it will affect the quality of the bulbs - they will grow small, will begin to rot, they will be poorly stored.

Most often affecting onions fungal infections, viruses and pests that can attack both the above-ground part are green feathers and underground - the roots of the forming bulbs.

To notice the problem, especially if it is hidden under the ground, at the initial stage it is difficult. But onions - "smart" plant. It will signal an unhealthy state with the yellowing or lodging of the pen and other signs, thanks to which an experienced gardener can determine the cause of the disease.

At the initial stage of the disease, it is much easier to treat. And from pests you need to get rid of when they have not spoiled most of the landings. Each disease or variety of pest has its own signs for which they can be detected.

Bow is sick due to the fact that the rules of agrotechnology are not followed. Not according to the rules grown plant weakened, and cannot protect against the effects of attackers of its fungi. Fungal and viral infections on garden crops are different - there are about 50 varieties. They can attack onion plants, both in greenhouse soil and when growing in bed.

Frequent Diseases of the Republic Luke:

  • Puffy dew;
  • Gray (cervical) rot;
  • Yellow dwarf;
  • Mosaic;
  • Rust;
  • Fusariosis.

Puffy dew

If the onion diseases rank in harmfulness, the first of them can be put in mildew. Pereronosporosis on the onion is considered the most serious defeat. The following types of onions are especially susceptible to peridosporosis:

  • batun;
  • slim;
  • onion.

If the summer is rainy, and the humidity last time is holding at about 80%, the infection of onion landings with mildewing dew is practically guaranteed.

The first sign of the disease of the mildew is a dirty yellow raid on the feathers. To prevent infection, it is necessary to displaced all bacteria living in the soil and seeds.

If you viewed the beginning of the disease, and it is included in the main phase, striking more than half of the onion landings, nothing remains as soon as you use fungicides.

Used for processing, according to the instructions, the following drugs:

  • Phytoosporin;
  • Bactoff;
  • Planzir;
  • Phytocide m;
  • Triphodermin;
  • Alin B.

When signs are found at the initial stage, you can try to do well by folk remedies and opposing measures.

  1. Stop watering and temporarily do not feed.
  2. Formed bulbs extract from the soil and send to dry.
  3. Unformed, affected by fungus, delete.
  4. Treat all landing decoction of garlic.

For the preparation of the beep, the crude heads, weighing 600 g, are crushed and plunged into a declined container filled with hot water. Next you need to boil all on small heat for about three hours. The resulting concentrated decoction to dilute in half water and water a weekly soil on the onion landings.

Gray Gnil

This fungal disease is affected by the neck of the bow of the bow and the sophisticated scales. The penetration of the disease to the plant occurs through the soil. Gray rot spreads pretty quickly, especially with rainy weather and mechanical damage to bulbs, as well as with parallel defeat by their pests.

The main period of mass lesion of bulbs fungus gray rot - pre-hardened. As a result, the bulbs lose their fierce and rotate in the storages.

In order to prevent rot to the crop of Luke, in the second half of the growing period, the soil spraying by fungicides of the class of triazoles, destroying the mushroom disputes.

Rust Luka.

It refers to fungal diseases and quickly spreads throughout the landing area.

The characteristic features include damage to the leaves, on which yellow-brown spots are formed. It spreads across the entire sheet, then the sheet dies.

You can fight the disease with a regular spraying of fungicides. Also, the period of mass growth spend spraying with the drug "HOW" (in the composition - Copper Copper). 40 grams of the preparation are dissolved in 10 liters of water. After a week, re-processing is carried out in the same composition.

In order for the solution better than donkey on the leaves and formed a protective film, add several spoons of liquid neparphum soap into it. Processed leaves can not be eaten.


This fungal disease is characteristic of not only garden plants, but also on bulk colors. Manifested by the following features:

In order to protect the onions from the fusariosis, the processing of soil, sowing material and timely removal of sick plants is necessary.

  1. The onion of the north is riveted for 20 minutes, immediately before planting a 3% suspension of Fungicide TMTD (full immersion).
  2. The soil can be treated with a fungicidal agent of a quadris, which will parallel to prevent it from gray rot and pulse dew.
  3. Of the folk remedies for the prevention or in the initial stages of the disease (yellowing the tips of the onion pen) use an asterior infusion or decoction of the field of field.

Yellow dwarf

A common viral disease, which is treated with great difficulty, therefore, preventive measures are the most effective.

When plant infection, the plants are significantly lagging behind, then growth and development completely stops, the feather turns yellow, the bulbs are not formed.

The virus is applied, which is the main carrier of the disease. Therefore, yellow dwarfship is directly related to the presence of pests on the bow, from which it is necessary to get rid of.

So that the yellow dwarfship does not destroy the harvest, it is necessary to suck a healthy planting material, thoroughly sorting all the deformed and on the appearance of not healthy bulbs Sevka, and fight the aphid on the bow with the help of insecticides.


Often the mosaic virus is striking onions in parallel with the yellow dwarf virus, since its carrier is also a wave. Also distributors can be earthlings and nematodes.

With damage to the mosaic, the leaves and stems suffer. They are deformed, acquire a mosaic color. Then the disease goes into a bulb, which becomes unsuitable for eating.

Processing plants from viral diseases is useless. It is possible to prevent the disease only to sue healthy seeds and destroying all onion pests in a timely manner.

Onion pests

Many of the pests of Luca are directly related to its diseases, since they are active carriers of the argument of fungus or viruses, spreading them for all landings.

Lukova Muha

One of the most malicious pests, which, along with the onion moth, destroys the harvest, penetrating the bulbs still at the stage of larvae.

The plant stops growing, yellowing and cares. The larvae burned the bulbs from the inside. If there are many pests, there are all the chances that Luke will not remain at all.

Anti pests can be used insecticides, but not desirable. Especially it is not necessary to use chemicals at the stage of ripening the bulbs, and after all, at this stage, the plants of the bow are most affected by pests. Therefore, for food safety, it is better to apply folk remedies.

You will need funds having a strong smell to scare the fly and her "colleague" mole.


Naming alcohol - very effective toolwhich will scare the pest for a long time. 3 spoons dissolve in 10 liters of water. Gently pour the plants with this solution. Do not pour on the leaves and not to fall even by chance on them. Repeat in a week.


Another strongly smelling drug from which it is necessary to prepare a solution in the same proportion as when using the ammonia alcohol. After watering with ammonia solution, it is recommended to shed a bulb with clean warm water.


If the sharp aromas of the ammonia and ammonia cause you a rejection, treat the onions with the salt solution. 300 g of cook salt well dissolve in 10 liters of water. This composition you can water the feather, bulb and soil. Do not spend more than three treatments with an interval of 10 days, the soil will occur otherwise.

So that no diseases threatened to your bow, it is necessary to observe the techniques of agrotechnics and carefully prepare for sowing. Preparing and disinfect the soil, use a healthy planting material and additionally handle it before sowing. In care, prevent extremes, not to fill the landings and do not overdo it. Competitive in time in recommended doses. And most importantly - refer to plants with attention. Notice the slightest signs of pathological changes that are first manifested on the leaves. As soon as the plant flashes about the problem, it is necessary to protect it. And then the crop will be generous.

The expression "Mount Low" is not only a well-known phraseology, but, unfortunately, and the statement of a sad fact.

For the richest source of useful substances and a healer of human pigeons onions, it turns out to be susceptible to diseases and insisters of pests.

And in this onion grief, to help the most common vegetable is able to only a person. True, to the complete victory over the onion misfortunes, the person is still far away.

Typical diseases

Luka is opposed by almost fanties all kinds of microorganisms, fungi and pests in the form of insects. And the allies of this malicious hordes are observed, clay and floodplain soils, as well as oversaturated with overwhelming dung and nitrous mineral soil fertilizers. They become real custodians and sources of onion diseases.

Another serious disseminator of diseases that are subject to this vegetable is the amazed bulbs planted in the ground.

Among the numerous diseases that the popular vegetable is sick, microorganisms and fungi appeared most cunning:

  • , or perico-position;
  • black mold rot;
  • green Molded rot;
  • bacterial rot;
  • black mold;
Video about Luke Diseases and ways to combat them

False mild dew

This attack, referred to as peronosporosis, is listed by the most dangerous onion disease caused by fungus, first fixed in England in the middle of the XIX century. Fungus affects all types of bow, and the tireless attempts of breeders withdraw the grade of vegetable, which would be immune to this disease, until the success was crowned.

The infection begins to spread from plants affected by fungus. Scientists have established that in just one and a half or two months one patient plant can extend the infection within a radius of two kilometers.

But not only the growing bow is striking this cunning fungus. Losses due to it in vegetable stores reach 60% of all the bulbs there.

Peronosporosis is developing in beds very quickly and in two weeks is able to hit all plant plantations.

Externally, the disease looks originally in the form of a velvety spots of a purulent-brown spike that is rapidly growing in size and go first into yellow, and then in brown color, after which the places with the bell are exposed to necrosis and begin to die.

Preventive measures are most effective in combating this disease. And first of all, on plantations, it is necessary to correctly alternate the cultivation of vegetables, not allowing the re-landing of the bow at the same place.

It is very serious necessary to approach the selection, its disinfection, as well as the preset sanitary processing of the beds.

To increase the durability of the bow to the attacks of the pathogenic fungus, useful in the spring with the beginning of vegetation vegetation to enter, and two weeks later - and.

Did you know? There are more sugar in Luka than in the sweetest pears and apples. Its content in vegetable is 6% of the total mass of the bulbs.

Shaying rot

This is the most dangerous, especially when stored, Luke's disease is also called, reflecting the color of the infected vegetable fabric between the flakes. The disease is usually beginning after collecting bulbs, but can occur on the beds.

The main condition for its distribution - any kind of damage to the cervixThat is, in the place where the bulb goes into the leaves. Through these damage, the fungus penetrates into the onion river and amazes it.

It is impossible to treat this disease, therefore vegetables, all efforts are attached to prevent the disease. For this, the onion harvest and bow-novki dryly dry. In addition, the bow-north is also disinfected, and those intended under the bow are subjected to sanitary processing.

Black Molding Gnill

The attack of black mold rot, also called the vegetable under storage, when there is no good ventilation and there is a high temperature. As a result, the bulbs become soft, and scales, on the contrary, dries. Over time, a black mass occurs between the scales.

The infection is transferred by air or transmitted from the bulb to the bulb when contacting. First of all, the black mold rot is striking the misunderstanding bulbs, as well as poorly dried or having a thick neck.

As a prevention of the disease, it is recommended to dry vegetable well, keep it in cool rooms and collect only ripen bulbs.

Green Molds Gnill

This type of mold rot, referred to penicillosisAlso leads to a disease of the vegetable mainly when stored. The initial signs of the appearance of the disease are the watery spots of the brown shade on the diacon of the bulbs or on their outdoor scales. After a while, onion spots begin to exhibit the smell of mold, and a greenish raid begins to be observed under dry scales.

The rapid development of this disease is activated due to high humidity in a vegetable store, which has the place to fuel the vegetable, as well as all sorts of mechanical damage.

In order to avoid the spread of this disease, the vegetable must be carefully dryed, and the repository days should be disinfected with burning in it

Did you know? In exchange of tomatoes brought from America, potatoes and sunflower Europe reproached the new light brought to her onions. It is believed that the exchange turned out to be equivalent.

This type of disease manifests itself if the bulb is cut. Then it is immediately clearly seen among healthy scales a few soft dark layers. And the longer the vegetable is stored, the more such words appear, as a result, leading it to full loading.

And tolerate this infection insects in the form of onion flies, ticks and other pests.

To protect against this, leeks-sevstock and the onion sprinkle should be disinfected with the means, for which in the bucket of water you need to dissolve 40 g of the drug and the mixture obtained to handle the beds from the calculation of 1 liter of solution for every 10 square meters.


This fungal disease is striking vegetable and on plantations, and in storages. It manifests itself during the vegetation of the plant in fading and reducing green sprouts, and during storage - in the crimping and softening of the Donette with the appearance of rot.

To prevent this disease, the crop rotation rules should be strictly observed, use only a healthy planting material, process the soil before planting, quickly removing already explicitly sick plants or spray them with the "HOM" means at the first appearances on the leaves of the brownish squeeze.

This is also a fungal disease, but the leaves affecting only. At first they initially manifests the orange-yellow swelling raid, which gradually drawn. The leaves in the end die.

In addition to competent crop rotation, in the form of disease prevention, it is recommended at a temperature of 40 ° C to warm the bow-north before planting for semissions.

It is useful during the reinforced vegetation of the plant spray it with one-surge solution.


No less than microorganisms and fungi, numerous pests in the form of insects are damaged to the crop of Luke. Not only are they spreading infection in the form of these same fungi, so they also directly create large problems in vegetables.

Among the most dangerous of these pests are usually called the chalter TRU and.

Lukova Muha

For the prevention and elimination of this attack, the people use proven tools in the form of watering with salt water, or applications.

The main object of the attack of this pest is an extinguishing bow. This TLL in the greenhouses feels particularly freely, and she received her name named Luka-Shalot, to which a special addiction nourishes.

The pile so far is mainly under the outer shells and on young leaves. The presence of this pest can be determined by curvature and fading of leaves, as well as at a noticeable slowdown of the plant in growth.

The main form of preventing the attack of this ringer on a vegetable is soaked before planting bulbs in hot water.

This pest loves the bulbs most, but does not happen and the leaves of the vegetable. In winter, he hides in dry scales on Luke's storage and strongly spoils its commodity view, as well as the inside of the onion repka. The amazed leaves acquire white color, curvatched and eventually dry out.

It's quite difficult to deal with the TRIPS, because not all means affect it. It is best to proven drugs "VDH" and.


Most onion diseases are not amenable to cure, and therefore prophylactic measures, preventive measures, are preventive measures for vegetables. And the first of them is the right crop rotation.

Important!On the same place onions are recommended to plant no earlier than four years.

Tomatoes and cabbage are considered the best predecessors of Luke, and the beds planted them are useful to move the beds with carrots.

The initially the most effective chemical means of protection of vegetable from diseases and pests was considered a borodic liquid, that is, a solution of copper sulfate in lime milk. This fungicide is still used by summer houses, however, in large farms, the burglar liquid gradually was ousted by zinc-containing fungicides, acting contact and requiring a large consumption when used.

Important!The onions grown on the pen is not allowed to handle pesticides.

Did not lose their preventive strength and still used by gardeners proven folk remedies, such as tobacco. In the fight against the most dangerous false torment, a tobacco decoction is well helped, which is prepared as follows:

  1. In 10 liters of water you need to pour out 400 g of tobacco.
  2. The mixture is insistant two days.
  3. Then you need to slaughter it within two hours.
  4. After that, the solution must be strain and diluted with ten more water liters.
  5. In the decoction you need to add about 100 ml of liquid soap.
  6. The landing is sprayed with the resulting decoction every two weeks, repeating the procedure three or four times.
Video: Spraying onions from diseases and pests Onions, man's breadwinners and his healer, it itself needs response support. And this support turns out to him constantly, comprehensively and effectively, for it is equally advantageous to both parties.

The pests of the onion and the fight against them - this is how the first question sounds, which are puzzled by many gardeners, who discovered on a garden of small insects. How to determine the type of pest, and most importantly, as in the shortest possible time to get rid of it?

Before starting the fight against insects, which attacked onion beds, you need to correctly define the type of pest. It is from that that the effectiveness of processing depends on whether the identification was correctly produced. What insects love onions?

Lukova Muha

Amazes culture on the first period of growth. During mass summer, insects lay eggs between rows of onions. Under favorable conditions, after a week, worms appear on the world, which do not destroy green sprouts, and climb inside the bulbs and begin to eat them. The danger of this insect is that just a couple of larvae are able to kill the plant in a short time. Depending on the location of the region, 2-3 generations of flies are activated during the growing season.

Root mite

Another small insects that affect the onions during vegetation and storage. Pests are breeding more active in the warm rainy summer. The female of the root tick is postponed about 350 eggs, of which the larvae appear. Adults and young individuals eat juicy flakes, as a result of which the repka turns into a duch. On the attack of unexpected guests, faded twisting stems are indicated, the surface of which is covered with white spots.

Long stem nematoda

At the last stage, the onions amazed small worms. First, nematodes feed on juicy feathers, and then the repkah themselves. At the attacked nematode plants feathers brighten and deform. The stems covered with blurred areas quickly fade and dying. At the time of the appearance of external signs of the bulb is already very damaged.

Onion weevil

The distinctive feature of the pest is a long slightly adjacent spout. The greatest damage is applied to the larva hatched from eggs, which females insect were postponed with the arrival of spring. If you immediately do not process landings, the larvae is quickly closed inside the feathers and eat them. A sign that insects began active activity - oblong white spots on the surface of the feathers. The bugs are also rather voracious, since with the help of the trunk, juice sucks.

Lekova Burchal

Large bronze-green fly is laying eggs from which gray-green larvae will be hatched, which feed on the flesh. Most often, the garurch lays eggs on already sick plants. The danger of the pest is that it is rather difficult to identify it - when there are no signs on the upper part, the lower part is quite restricted. If you do nothing, the Lukovaya Burchal will remain in wintering and harm cultures next season.

Low (tobacco) TRIPS

Small insects attack young sprouts shortly after their appearance on the surface. Of the eggs pending on the tops, Yellow Cherweans will be hatched. The affected plants over the days are covered with silver stains and small points of black. As a result of the vital activity of pests, the onions turn yellow and dry out.

How to prevent pests?

Since the struggle against voracious insects ends not always successfully, it is better to try to avoid the appearance of pests on its site. What manipulations will help drown insects from a garden with a bow? List:

  1. Compliance with the rules of crop rotation. Like most cultivated plants, landing onions in the same place can be only 3-4 years after the first landing.
  2. Pumping soil. On the eve of the winter, the garden is carefully cleaned and dripped. In the spring, repeat steps.
  3. Carrot landing. Since the leaves of this plant produce phytoncides, whose aroma doesn't like many insects, the culture is placed next door to the onion bed.
  4. Processing Sevka. To destroy microorganisms on the surface of the bulbs, the planting material is soaked in a weak solution of mangartee or copper mood, and then dried and warm at temperatures + 30- + 40 ° C or lowered water for 10 minutes, the temperature of which is + 50- + 55 ° C.
  5. Spraying. In order to scare the pests, the onions are treated with the insistency of the wormwood.
  6. Care. Crickerel needs to regularly pour and loose. Manipulations not only activate the growth of rivals, but also help to identify patients or damaged by insects of plants.
  7. Select variety. Thanks to the work of breeders, there is a large range of varieties, the overwhelming part of which is resistant to bacteria. Luke Diseases of the Republic and their treatment take a lot of time to take a lot of time, thereby distracting from other no less serious problems.
  8. Early landing. Onions are planted immediately after the soil is dry from melt waters. The earlier the landing will be made, the more plants fixes by the moment of breeding pests.

As you can see, the Rules of Prevention are very simple, so even a person who first began to grow onions for the first time. However, even despite all the indicated actions, insects often attack culture. What to do in this case?

How to deal with pests?

Unfortunately, there is no single scheme to combat pests of Luke. The list of manipulations directly depends on the type of insect. So, get rid of the onion flies and onion hovers will help infusion with a sharp smell: garlic, wormwood, tobacco, burning red pepper. It will help to scare the pests feeding carbamide. In order to prevent bulbous beds are covered with mulching material.

If the garden attacked weevils, climbing plants with a strong aroma are used as weapons. The insect will definitely not be lit on the onions, from which the smell of Celebre, mustard or pizhma comes. In addition to spraying plants, you can generously sprinkled with crushed dry herbs. The beds are dismissed with wood and powder from tobacco leaves.

All the same "fragrant" mixtures will help to get rid of onion trips. The most effective means are prepared as follows:

  • In the pan lay 1 kg of wormwood and poured 3 liters of water, after which the mixture is boiled for 20 minutes and cozen. Spray onions 2 times with an interval of 7 days.
  • In the glass of water, 2 g of mustard powder is stirred. The mixture insist 48 hours. For the preparation of the working solution, the volume of the concentrate is adjusted to 1 liter.

In order to prevent the appearance of a pest, in front of the winter carefully remove organic residues. Required tools are treated with a disinfectant. In case of strong infection, the onions are treated with chemicals, such as VD, Aktara.

To destroy onion moths and a number of other insects, such funds are widely used:

  1. 300 g of wood ash is poured with boiled water, after which they are left to appease. For better adhesion, 40 g of soap is added to the cooled pasty mixture.
  2. 100 g of seed calendula poured 5 liters of water and leave the two days. The onions affected by mole are treated with infusion.
  3. The finely dischargered garlic is poured in the ratio of 1: 1 with water and insist 14 days in a closed jar. To prepare a working mixture on 10 liters of water, 70 g of concentrate is added.
  4. 0.5 kg of red burning pepper is cut in half, fall asleep in a 5-liter pan and boiling. The cooled decoction is filtering. The onions are sprayed with a solution of 10 liters of water, 130 g of beam, 40 g of soap.
  5. 200 g of tobacco is poured with boiling water and leave to appease. After the mixture is cooled, it is filtered. Spray plants and soil. Consumption per 1 sq.m. beds - 1 l.
  6. To destroy the onion fly, the soil around the reprection is sprayed with salt solution. To prepare a mixture in a bucket of water, dissolve 200 g of the cooking salt. Processing is carried out by reaching 5 cm. Subsequent spraying is carried out with an interval of 3 weeks.

If the specified funds are ineffective in the fight against numerous insects, the onions spray with chemical preparations. A good result is shown by the drug Probeim, Spintor, Decis, Bi-58, tobazol, metaphos.

Regardless of the type of insect, the attachment of the landing of the onion to use aggressive pesticides is recommended only in case of severe infection.

Both the first and the second type of spraying are carried out in dry quiet weather in the afternoon. To achieve a positive effect, processing is carried out periodically.

As you can see, the variety of pests of the repfate onion is quite large. Discovered on plants at least one insect you need to immediately begin measures to destroy it. If you do not react, harmless, at first glance, the bugs for days will eat all the onions. To reduce the risk of collision with voracious insects, it is recommended to conduct preventive measures that consist of compliance with the rules of crop rotation, soil preparation and seeds.

This valuable vegetable culture is subject to mass of infections. About fifty species of fungi and pests cause all sorts of Luke's diseases. And they affect him as in open soiland in greenhouses. To deal with it, you need to approach the problem comprehensively, including and planting special means, and accurate implementation of agricultural technologies. Very often, the bow is sick on the converted clay soils saturated with mineral fertilizers and overworked manure containing a large amount of nitrogen.

Treatment of Diseases of the Reflore Luke

Until now, scientists have not found those reliable mechanisms that would prevent the development of epidemics, although the search for the methods of destruction or at least weakening the activity of microorganisms affecting the onions is constantly being carried out. During the growing season at the very first signs of infection, fungicides are used. The effectiveness of applicable pesticides, their doses and the number of treatments depend on the disease develops. The most rational and popular method of using pesticides is etched or processing planting material. What are it treated? Until now, as in the 20s of the last century, applied, especially in private farms of the Bordeaux fluid. Today there are its substitutes - contact zinc-containing fungicides. Earlier, effective consumption of contact action fungicides were used to protect the onions. Later began to use systemic drugs showing high efficiency at high expenses of consumption at the initial stage of their application.

The onion is amazed by many different diseases.

When growing onion in greenhouses, the risk of infection with some infections is reduced. In such premises, it is easier to regulate the humidity and maintain the necessary temperature regime. When carrying out and constant air circulation will not appear mold and fungus. However, to completely get rid of diseases and it will not work here. For example, Peronosporosis can harm in the greenhouse in the same way as in the field.

Growing onion at the cottage in infographics

General moments of growing onions (including repusted), see infographics.

Basic Diseases of the Republic

  1. Puffy dew. This bacterial infection is also called peronospose. It manifests itself in changing the shape of bulbs and termination of their development. The causative agent of Pearrosoroz - a fungus that affects the leaves of the plant on which a yellow raid appears, after which they gradually begin to die.
  • Fertilizers from phosphorus and potassium. Thanks to them, the vegetability will increase resistance to infection, protection against the disease will increase.
  • Preventive treatment with fugizides.
  • Inadmissibility when growing a bowl of the landing. It is also impossible to allow the growth of weeds.
  • With the appearance of the first signs of pulse dew, it is necessary to stop watering the harvest and the soil luch with nitric fertilizers. The bulbs formed by the time to remove and for two weeks to dry them under the sun. Peronosporosis develops with bad weather conditions.
  • These diseases are effective: "Ordan", "Alin-b", "Quadris", "Abiga Peak", "Bravo", "Revis", etc.
  1. Gray (cereal) rot. Signs of this dangerous Luca disease - a gradual damage to the scales near the neck. This happens through the soil or after cleaning in the garden or in a greenhouse. The infection spreads after the rains or during the damage to pests.
  • Use when growing an extremely healthy material; Choice for sowing early varieties.
  • Supporting the soil with nitrogen fertilizers, and at the end of the maturation, the use of potassium and phosphorus.
  • Use of drugs "Bravo", "Quadris", "Ridomil Gold", "Svitch", etc.

It should be remembered: if they are subject to constant treatment with systemic fungicides during the vegetation of plants, then resistant strains of pathogens and the effectiveness of drugs will decrease.

  1. Fusariosis. This fungal disease, in which the bluing Donets softened and the root system is moving. The leaves are yellowing, and the bulb gradually dies. The fusariosis of the onion fly, which damages the bulb, and during storage it starts to rot.
Rotten onion heads close-up

Before sowing a bow, it is necessary to process the soil. The planting material should be used extremely high-quality. The affected plants immediately need to be destroyed, and the rest is treated with a special preparation. Before boarding the bow-north, it is necessary to ship by immersing it for 20 minutes in a three-percent suspension of Fungicide TMDT.

It is important to comply with the rules of the crop rotation: the second onion to plant former beds can be possible only after 3-4 years. Well, if its predecessors are grain crops. You can make a lift with chalk soil, to feed it with dolomite flour. To protect against fuzariosis, mangartageous potassium with the addition of boric acid, these non-confidential solid can be abundantly pouring plants under the root. Horseing and infusion of ash helps well. Before putting onions for storage, the bulbs are cleaned of scales. If there were patients among them, spray the remaining "phytoosporin" and dry.

Methods of struggle. Before landing, you need to warm up. And before cleaning for storage for 18 hours to withstand at a temperature of + 45 ° C. Do not land near the varieties of Luke. Be sure to delete all weeds on the plot. Comply with the rules of crop rotation.

  1. Mosaic onion. This disease is excited by a virus. Signs: small yellow-white spots in the form of strips appear on the leaves. Then the leaves change their appearance, which indicates a lack of nutrients, and then begin to wither and dry. On the seeds are sharply deformed inflorescences. Instead of flowers, small bulbs appear. At the bulbs sick with a mosaic elongated form, they do not reach maturity, and in the fall begin to germinate. The carriers of this virus are mites, nematodes, a wave living in the soil.
What a disease looks like false puffy dew

Methods of struggle. It is necessary to isolate a long-term bow and seeds from Luke Rust. Regularly remove plants affected by mosaic. After cleaning for 10 hours, warming the bulbs at a temperature of 40-42 ° C.

  1. Jaundice onions. The leaves affected by this virus sickness of the bow become spotted, onions are yellowing the arrows. The treatment of jaundice is not subject to treatment. The struggle with it is to regularly remove patients with copies, and at the same time all weeds. Plants spray.
  2. Luke Stemphyliosis. Fungal disease. It begins with the fact that small light yellow or brown watery spots appear on the leaves, gradually developing in elongated tubercles. Then, they are darker at the edges, stick together with time, hitting the sheet entirely.

Protection measures. Compliance with agrotechnical techniques, the struggle against pests and the reasons leading to the dying of the onion leaves.

  1. White rot on onions. This disease is striking onions and in the soil, and especially when stored. The leaves of young plants begin to yellow and die away. Seizians often die. On Luke, death goes from the tips of the leaves down. On the scales and roots of young lows, a white cotton raid appears and a soft rot., On the surface of which tiny black rounded sclerosions are formed. Sometimes the disease can be detected only during cleaning.

Protection measures:

  • alternate culture;
  • remove sore bulbs, plant residues during cleaning and storage;
  • maintain the necessary moisture content of the soil;
  • use high-quality planting material, disinfect it with drugs containing copper.
  1. Gray shake rot. Fungal disease. Especially manifested when storing onions. Sometimes when cleaning and growing semennikov. Sign: The bow cerv is softened and weakened, it produces a fluffy gray raid, which turns into a powder mass. Later in it the smallest black sclerotes appear. If the disease is developing, the entire bulb is covered with a raid. Bow is infected before or during cleaning (when cutting leaves).

Protection measures:

  • removal of plant residues;
  • silence of Luca-seedlings with signs of illness;
  • compliance with crop rotation (onions can be planted at an old place only after 3 years);
  • isolation of sections with a bowl of different ages;
  • suitable storage conditions.

Video "On Diseases of the Reft Luke"

An indicative video that will give answers to many questions about the Diseases of the Reft Luke.

Other fungal diseases onions

Anthracnose Churchosposition Aspargillez
Manifests itself at the end of the growing season. On the leaves there are brown spots with a dark border. On shoots - light brown spots with a brown rim. The causative agent is a phytopathogenic mushroom Colletotrichum Capsici.

They are sick, beans, tomatoes, berry cultures, grapes.

On the leaves of the onions manifest

chlorotic stains with a yellow rim. With wet weather, the affected tissues are covered with olive raid.

Pathogen - mushroom

Cercospora duddiae.

Welles. It is found on a sowing beet, grapes.

This disease still has the name "Black Row Luke". Onion is affected by improper storage. The bulbs gradually soften and mummify. Pathogen mold mushroom


Meets on garlic.

How to protect the onions from fungal diseases

  • Careful destruction of plant residues.
  • Compliance with crop rotation.
  • The rejection of the planting material with the symptoms of rot.
  • Exercise landing in early terms.
  • Fertilizing culture while complying with dose and timing.
  • Cleaning onion crop with dry weather.
  • Mandatory drying onion before storage.

Diseases caused by pests

  1. Lukova fly. It penetrates the fruit in the form of larvae. From this onion ceases its height and starts to rot. Feathers are yellow and dry.

Methods of struggle:

  • Spray the soil around the onions with a solution of salt (300 g per 10 liters of water). Repeat procedure every 10 days. Watering you need to root, but not touching the leaves.
  • Looking onions far from the place where you grown it before.
  1. Root tick. When infected, the onion begins to rot, the fungus appears. Therefore, it will also have to fight with pest, and with fungus.
Disease of the Spot Luke called Peronosporosis

Methods of struggle:

  • on a plot contaminated by the tick, do not grow onions 3 years;
  • the onions should be treated thermally;
  • spray plants with 0.2 percent Celtan solution.

The butterfly stretches the leaf, creating moves in the tissues, because of which the leaves die away.

Measures of struggle:

  • onions should be sprayed;
  • remove plant balances;
  • deep loose and pour the soil.

This is a fine filament worm with a length of 1-1.5 millimeters, laid eggs in the roots of Luke, after which he cracks the heads. Leaves onions deform.

Measures of struggle:

  • select unreleased sowing material;
  • healing the onion of the north in hot (+ 45-46 ° C) water for 10 minutes, in water at a temperature of 50-52 ° C - 5-10 minutes, at a temperature of 55-57 ° C - 3-5 minutes. Or dug onions for 3 days in water at a temperature of 16-18 ° C.
  1. Low TRIPS. It is a light yellow or dark brown petty insect with fringeless wings, a narrow oblong body. TRIPS, together with its larvae, sucks juice from inflorescences and leaves, after which they deform, yellow and dry.

Methods of struggle:

  • it is necessary to alternate cultures;
  • before boarding, decaying the bulbs in hot (45 ° C) water for 10 hours, after which - cool in cold water;
  • soak bulbs for 24 hours in a 2 percent sodium nitrate solution;
  • after cleaning, dried onion 5-7 days at a temperature of 35-37 ° C.
  • In the fall, carefully destroy the plant residues, and the soil is swapped.
  1. Low hidden voice. Black beetle with white scales for a length of 2-2.5 millimeters. From the leaves, he stretches small holes. Females lay eggs inside the sheet. The larvae appear in 5-16 days and feed on the leaves. Then they pumped up and in early July, beetles appear., Feeding onion.
Pests of the onion bow close up

Measures of struggle:

It is necessary to cut and destroy the leaves affected by larvae, at the same time feeding and watering onions. During the mass pounding period, the soil should be loosened. And in a timely manner, with the subsequent destruction of plant residues.

  1. Lukova Burning. Greenish-bronze flies 6,5-s millimeters long. She eats the flesh of the bulbs. From July to September, there are two generations of garbacked, having harm onions.

It is necessary to fight her in the same way as with a onion fly.

Prevention of onion diseases

  • Before starting to grow onions, you should prepare a greenhouse or disinfect the soil in the garden.
  • Observe the crop rotation. After harvesting, ensure comfortable layer storage conditions.
  • Collect harvest after full ripening. The assembled onions should be well dry before sending it to storage.

Video "People's way to combat insects and diseases"

An indicative video with a visual example of using the people's method to combat pests and diseases of the repfate.

Question answer

  1. What can be planted for a garden after Luke?

Experts advise: if there is a lot of one-year crop rotation, then after Luke you can put cucumbers, zucchini, beets, carrots. And after harvesting, the bows already in August is good to sow salad, Beijing cabbage, spinach. And in September - Radish, who does not like a long day. So, he still will have time to mature and give you a new harvest.

  1. At what diseases onions are contraindicated?

For diseases of the kidneys, liver, as well as acute gastrointestinal diseases. In cardiovascular ailments, it is not necessary to abuse onions in large quantities.


Diseases of the Republic Luke - Symptoms and Wrestling Methods + Video

This culture is subject to very many viral and bacterial diseases. If you do not start fighting with them on time, you can easily lose the entire harvest. The first dangerous disease is false mildew (peronosporosis). Here are the main symptoms:

  • fading leaves;
  • pale stains on green feathers;
  • light raid;
  • yellowing feathers and their dying.

Signs of false torment

Most often, this disease is manifested in spring time, when the fungus wakes up after the winter. Initially, he settles on the feathers, after which it moves to the fruit, hitting the whole culture. The reason for false torment usually lies in poor-quality landing material or non-compliance with the rules of crop rotation. The disease begins to actively develop with high humidity of air, and with the onset of cold or heat does not die, but slows down its development. Noticing the first signs, remove all the affected areas of the plant. If you grow a culture on a river, you can process the plant with the help of the drug by Oxych, explore 20 g of the means in 10 liters of water. Conduct procedures every 10-14 days.

True, if you grow onions on the pen, it is prohibited to use chemicals. In this case, definitely stop watering for a while and suspend the feeder with organic fertilizers.

Another dangerous disease is considered to be a gray rot. Usually this disease begins to manifest themselves during the harvest of last year's crop - the spores fungus penetrate the fetus through the neck when drying. Dark spots appear on the fruits on the fruits, the fabric is a soft, muddy inside the bulb, reminds boiled fruit. It is impossible to fight the disease, but you can prevent. When growing onions, be sure to handle it with special means - for example, a switch or quadris, following all the tips described in the instructions. There is I. people's waywhich lies in artificial acceleration of ripening of repka. To do this, it is necessary to limit the use of nitrogen feeding and strengthen the use of potash-phosphoric. It will contribute to the rapid growth of bulwing and premature leaf drying. Thanks to this, the cervix closes faster, which does not give fungus to penetrate inside.

Another disease manifested during the storage of bulbs is bacteriosis, which leads to the softening of the fetus, the appearance of an unpleasant odor. When cutting the bulb inside, you can see rotten soft fabrics. If you do nothing, bacteriosis can destroy the entire harvest. Observe all the recommendations on landing and care for it, do not forget about the rules for the storage of fruits, and also remove the infected fruits in time.

The most famous pest and other garden crops (salad, garlic and even tulips) - Lukovaya Fly. The main signs of damage include the fading of the leaves, the holes on the side of the cervix - they eaten the larvae pending flaws, the deformation of the bulbs. To get rid of onion flies, buy such drugs such as Mudchoad, Medvetox or Muravyin that you need to use according to the instructions. From folk remedies, you can take tobacco dust, which is bred in water and spray the vegetation with the resulting solution during vegetation. Another enemy is a leek corner. It is a fairly rare guest on our gods, but harm is very serious. In addition to the bow, it likes to eat beet, carrots and potatoes. It is easy to determine its appearance: the leaves are yellow, then fade, the bulbs themselves are softened and unpleasantly smelling. Corneours Take the previous drugs.

Long fly - dangerous pest

The praying challenge is the pest who loves not only onions, but also strawberries, tolerates various viruses on his paws, which can cause a serious disease of your plants in the garden. The affected bow of a bow slower grows, the leaves are deformed and wither. It is quite difficult to deal with this insect for several reasons. It is forbidden to perform a spraying of the bow on the pen using pesticides, in the opposite case, it will be impossible to use it in the opposite if it is impossible to use. Biological means - a complex and fairly expensive option. Agrotechnical techniques are assigned to agrotechnical techniques in the fight against the tool: before landing onions, it is necessary to soak in hot water, to remove weeds, comply with the rules of the crop rotation.

It is impossible not to note the tobacco trips. On green leaves, white spots appear with dark dots - this is the dried excrement of the pest. The quality of the bulbs is reduced - they are minced, dry out. During the vegetation, spray onions with the help of the Aktar and Zeon drug twice per season. It is very important that the interval of treatments between the two of these drugs amounted to no more than a week. It is also worth saying about the onion tick, from whose actions they suffer from Moscow to Krasnodar - the halo of his habitat is huge. It strikes not only onions, but also garlic, some other decorative cultures. Maximum harm of the tick causes fruits during storage: weak and non-sparkling plants are developing as a result. And with non-compliance with the storage techniques, the reproduction of the tick occurs lightning.

The best measure of combating this insect is competent prevention. The storage location of the roots should be disinfected by the method of fumigation using sulfur checkers. Also before laying the root roots for storage, they need to be pretty dry in the outdoors, and then heat up for about a week at a temperature of +35 ° C. Remember both about the rules of the crop rotation: this culture should not be planted where many years of herbs, cucumbers and legumes were grown. And in order to protect the bow-north of the pest, it should be treated in a solution of accuters (0.1%).

The best method of struggle is high-quality prevention. After all, most of the diseases and pests are transferred to a vegetable garden with an infected planting material. Sevops before disembarking must be disinfected with high temperatures. Do not forget about thorough loosening and disinfection of the soil before landing, because the fungus can be winter, viruses and larvae insects. They can also spend the night in plant residues that do not need to be used when cooking compost. It is possible to plant a culture in one place in a minimum of 4 years, and the best predecessors for this plant are cabbage and tomatoes.

Soaking onion before landing

To scare the pests, it is not always necessary to use the Yadohimikati - many are also suitable folk recipes. For example, plants with a sharp smell will help to drive insects. It is best to use carrots - just put it near Luke. You can sprinkle the beds to the tobacco dust, haired lime, spray with the insistency of the wormwood. And the most important rule is to buy seed material in proven and reliable vendors who sell high-quality and healthy onions.


Diseases and pests of Luke: Photo, Treatment and prevention of diseases Fighting of pests of Luke

Onion root tick on bows
Onion root tick in the photo

The onion root ticks everywhere damages onions in the open and protected ground, storage facilities. Pliers predominantly populate damaged or sick plants. At the affected bulbs, the outer surface of juicy scales is covered with a drowned pipe, the dona on the edges is thinned, subsequently falls off, the roots are not formed.

These pests on Luke beds are little noticeable, since the ticks are very small (0.5-1 mm). In the bulbs penetrate through the Donets. Apply with the remnants of damaged plants, soil, inventory.

Luke Luke
Onion hidden voice

The onion western huttochik - pest larvae squander into the pulp of leaf longitudinal whitish moves, translucent through the peel. Larkers up to 7 mm long yellowish, a naked, with a brown head. In an adult condition, they leave the leaves and go into the soil. At the end of July, black beetles appear, which, before harvesting, feed on the leaves of the bow, winter under the remains of plants, soil lumps, stones.

In the spring at air temperature +8 ... + 10 ° C, beetles begin to additionally eat with leaves of a young onion.

Loose mole on bows
Long mole in the photo

Lukova mole causes considerable damage to Luke on the repressed, pore and garlic in warm dry weather. Damaged leaves, starting with the tops, yellow and dry. They can see bright longitudinal spots - mines. The caterpillars penetrate inside the inconspicuous inflorescences of Luke and swell the flowering routines there. During flowering, flower makers dug.

As can be seen in the photo, the caterpillars of this loy pest in length reach up to 1 cm, and the butterflies - in the sweep of the wings to 1.5 cm:

Caterpillars in Luke
Butterflies in the photo

Butterfly in various secluded places, plant residues, and in the spring at the end of April - May begin to fly.

Loop Fly on Luke
Trechink flies in the photo

The leek flies represents the danger to the onion of the onion, sowing, garlic and other onion crops. Damaged plants are lagging behind in growth, the leaves are faded from them, they acquire a yellowish gray shade, and then dry. Damaged bulbs become soft, poured, make an unpleasant smell.

Harm white larvae up to 1 cm long, which develop for about three weeks. Then they are pounded in the soil near damaged plants.

In the conditions of the southern region, Lukova Fly has two generations. The first generation flies fly during the flowering period of Lilac, the second - in July. Winter in the form of a pupa in the soil at a depth of 5-8 cm.

Lukovka onions
Lookes on the photo

The leek march especially harms with weakened plants of various types of onions. The affected plants lag behind in growth, the tops of the leaves are yellow and faded. The bulbs become soft, puments and make an unpleasant smell.

Pest larvae is quite large, up to 1 cm. They turn into a pupa in soil near damaged plants.

Burbeds fly at the end of May - June during the flowering of rosehip. Put eggs on the bulbs or about them into the soil. The renewed larvae is embedded in the bulbs and feed there for about a month. The pest in the bulb itself.

Long stem nematode on Luka
Long stem nematode in the photo

The leek stem of the nematode amazes onions and garlic during the growing season and storage. Infected shoots grow slowly, the first sheet is swollen and curved. With severe damage, the plants die. On the surface of infected bulbs, grayish spots appear, internal scales become friable, soft, unevenly thickened. The cavities are formed between the scales, and the bulb to the touch seems soft. Outdoor scales, and sometimes the donents are cracking, in the fall such bulbs are without roots. About cracks are visible gray spots - clusters nematodes.

The nematodes in bulbs, leaf residues and scales, seeds. Keep vitality in dry scales up to five years.

False powdery dew on the bow
False powdery dew in the photo

Cervical rot
Shake rot in photo

Shake rot - the very harmful area of \u200b\u200bthe bow during the storage period. Its development begins on a gloomy bed. In the second half of the summer, when the leaves of the bow are delivered and running, the mushroom penetrates the cervix. The fabrics soften it, the dent is formed. 1-2 months after harvesting, the rot covers the entire bulb, it becomes a water-pink, acquires a yellow-pink shade, makes an unpleasant smell.

Look at the photo - with this Luke Disease, the affected scales are covered with a smoky-gray mushroom chart:

Cervical rot
Shake rot in photo

The bully dries out, only dry scales remain from it. When storing, the rotes spreads from sick bulbs to healthy. In this case, the defeat begins on the side or the diacon of the bulbs.

A varieties with dark scales are characterized by a shorter growing season, rapid aging, more resistant to this disease.

Rust on Luke
Rust onions in the photo

Rust is striking onion onion, sometimes garlic. Spring on the leaves of the bow are formed orange, later reddish-yellow powdering small "warts", which inherent in the summer. With a strong development of the disease, the leaves dry out early, the bulbs are minor. Wintering the causative agent of the disease on plant residues, as well as at long-term views of Luke.

Green Pleasual Runle on Luke
Green Pleasant rot in photo

Green mold-like rotor is often found on a bow when stored. At first, brown watery spots appear on the bottom or exterior scales of the bulbs. On the spots and under dry scales, first is formed whiteish, then green or bluish-green flare. The causative agent of this fungal disease of the onions is maintained in the soil on plant residues, as well as in the crop storage places. The development of rot, the increased humidity of the air is promoted during storage, as well as fuel to bulbs.

These photos show the diseases and pests of onions threatening landings:

Diseases and pests of Luca
Diseases and pests in the photo

Below you learn how to protect the onions from pests and diseases.

  • use a healthy planting material;
  • plant zoned varieties exhibiting the greatest resistance to pests and diseases;
  • strictly observe the alternation of cultures. Returning onions on the former bed no earlier than 3-4 years.
  • For the prevention of flashes, it is necessary to remember that the best predecessors for these crops are potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, parsnips, celery, repa, radish.
  • Before sowing, to carry out thermal processing of seeds (scalding them with flowing boiling water through a sieve), the north to warm up for 2-3 days at a temperature of +30 ... + 35 ° C or for 20-25 days at + 25 ° C.
  • For the treatment of onions from diseases and protection against pests, it is necessary to be made in the soil when landing or with the "Bazedin", "Earth" or "Polar".
  • When growing onions on a repka with the advent of the first signs of perico, perform a spraying "Profit Gold". Processing repeat after 12-15 days;
  • seed landings from pests (moths of a hidden chobster) spray one of the insecticides recommended to protect the cabbage;
  • during the growing season, it is to carry out all agrotechnical measures (watering, feeding, weeding, loosening, etc.).
  • To protect against diseases and pests, there is a timely cleaning of the rided onion. The disturbed in the beds is stored badly;
  • before laying a storage to go through, throw the bulbs with mechanical damage and signs of damage to pests and diseases; Well dry. Observe the optimal storage mode;
  • in bed, carefully remove all the vegetable remnants, destroy strongly affected bulbs. Removed to put into consumption in the first place.

Below is a selection of a photo dedicated to the treatment of onions from diseases and pest protection:

Luke pest protection
Protection against pests in the photo


Luke Diseases of the Republic: Treatment from pests than to process

Home\u003e Vegetable Room\u003e Vegetables\u003e Onions\u003e Common Diseases and Pests of the Republic Luke and their treatment

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Many gardeners grow onions on her garden. To grow a healthy plant, you need to follow the state of planting and comply with the norms of agrotechnology. Luke Diseases of the Republic and their treatment depend on the classification of the lesion focus. Most often on the landings appear pests and fungal infections. If you do not treat the diseases of the repfate onion, it will adversely affect the quality of planting and quantity. The pests of the onion onions can imperceptibly attack the roots of the plant and notice their unarmed look difficult.

Diseases of Luke Refpse

In order for green onions, there was no disease, it is necessary to respect the prevention measures and the rules for growing landings. Before planting onions, you need to familiarize yourself with possible diseases and pests of the Republic. If the bow is already sick, there is a struggle inside it, and it needs to be protected as soon as possible to save the rest of the landing. Many infections at the initial stage of the disease are much easier to heal. With the ineffectiveness of one treatment method, you need to try other ways that can help get rid of pests and diseases. All kinds of pests and diseases have their own features of the manifestation on the plant.

Common Diseases of the Reflore Luke

Basically, the Diseases of the Republic Luke occur due to improper care. Even the grade of a long-term bow can be subjected to diseases and pests. Onions, shalots or segments - these varieties need to be protected from the moment of sowing and before harvesting. The most frequent lyuka diseases are fungal. Fungus on landing can be different. In the nature of varieties, the fungus has more than 50 species. Most often signs of fungus can be seen on the landings of the bow in dense and wet soils. The fungus affects the onions in both the greenhouse and on the open bed.

Onions can be amazed

  • peronosporosis (malievable dew);
  • chick's rot;
  • jaundice;
  • fusariasis.

Rust Luke is also quite common. She applies to fungal varieties and applies to all landings. After many lesions, the fungus, especially fusariosis and rot, eat onion can no longer be eaten. Treats are treated with folk remedies and insecticides. Pest control measures, gardeners must choose from the neglence of the disease. Some preparations can help, while others, on the contrary, contribute to the reproduction of pests.

Puffy dew

In order for the fight against Luke Diseases to consider effective, you need to destroy all bacteria. Before planting a bow on a garden, you need to treat the soil with special means from fungal diseases. Also in the soil should be added fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. Nutrient soil in the garden helps to strengthen the plant. If you failed to handle onions from pests and disease before landing and you noticed how mildewing dew on the plant appears, treatment should be carried out by fungicides. Folk remedies In this case, no longer suitable.

To reduce the risk of fungal infections, it is necessary to observe the distance between the landings. The thick of you landing, the greater the risk of fungal infection on them. Each loaf should grow freely. If the ground is too wet, and there are weeds on the garden, the chances are that the fungus will not affect your bow very little. At the first signs of perico, it is necessary to stop watering the crop and perform nitrogen feeding. If the bulbs are formed, they must immediately get from the soil as soon as you discovered a fungal disease. In order for the bulbs did not continue to deteriorate, they should be dried in the sun, and then remove to the ventilated and dry place.

Gray Gnil

Gray rot is a disease of the replied onion, in which scales are gradually affected. Gray rot is usually attacking through the soil. If at harvesting in the garden you accidentally rolled the bulb, it is more vulnerable to the spread of gray rot. There are no bulbs that are completely amazed. The spread of infection also comes from rains and pests. So that gray rotes did not apply further, it must be eradicated and fighting it on early stage occurrence. The soil in the garden for landing should be healthy and clean. To protect the soil from rot, it fertilizes with any nitric fertilizer. Read more View Description and how gray rotes looks like, you can in the photo.

Please note that copies that were injured from various diseases should be removed from healthy landings. If you live in the private sector and there is a garbage, throw out infected plants there can not be. Many of the pests and pest larvae are capable of surviving the winning winter during a certain period, and with the onset of spring to attack new landings.

Lukova Muha

Lukova Fly is found in many regions of Russia, where there are green onions plantations. First of all, the fly strikes the fruit. Its larvae penetrate the bulbs in the repka, and the plant ceases to grow, the sheet turns yellow. Lukova fly most often settles in the bulbs of repka, sometimes Batun. What to treat landings from pests so that the Louchny fly is not encroaching on them? Optimal to spend a spraying with a sharp smell. The spraying solution follows from salt (300 g) by 10 liters of water. Such a solution must be watering and spraying the roots 1 time in 10 days.

Watering is produced on the root of landings. Do not worry about planting the soil, since this solution is produced only a few times. Salt watering rid of the pest very effectively. Salt processing is carried out after 18-19 pm. During irrigation, try to watch the salt water get on the leaves. If the first times of salt watering will not give the desired result, it is possible to repeat the procedure more than once a month. To check, the onion cured or not, you can dig one bully and look at its condition. If its scales are whole and clean, and the larvae is imperceptible, it means that watering with salted water helped. New bulbs should be planted from the place where any kinds of onion flies were discovered.

Naming alcohol, salt, mangartee \u003d super remedy O�

Many gardeners face such a problem

From this video you will learn about the Diseases of the Republic of Luke, �

Lukovaya Fly is common everywhere, giving 2-3 ges

With new cultivation, observe all types of protection. If the Lukova Fly is attacking new landings and there are all signs of plants lesion, it is recommended to carry out efficient protection. When growing onions, if the sheet is yellowing, watering landings with a solution of ammonia should be carried out. Its sharp smell scares pests. For spraying and watering, it is necessary to dissolve 3 spoons of the ammonic alcohol for 10 liters of water. The leaves do not spray and try not to touch the resulting solution. In the evening you need to pour fit of simple water room temperature. Some gardeners are recommended to make info from ammonia. The presence of ammonia allows you to get rid of the pest. Ammonia primarily struggles with its larvae, and only later with the onion fly. Another effective protection, if there are signs of defeat fly - it is watering with kerosene. It is bred in water and feed this solution.

Fighting pests living in soil

When growing long beds of green onions, many pests live in the soil. What to treat onions from pests living in the soil? In this case, an ordinary garlic has been perfectly proven to get rid of soil diseases and pests. Bars from garlic and his husks perform the role of natural and safe insecticides on your site. If you are not ready to use chemicals to protect against pests, try to use a solution of garlic.

The crude heads of garlic - 600 g - need to grind and pour the bucket of hot water. It should be boiled with such an infusion with a closed lid about 3 hours. Before irrigated, the infusion is cooled and filtered through a gauze or sieve. The infusion obtained is diluted with water half. This solution of garlic watered ground 1 time per week. Calculate the measures to make a 0.5 liter of garlic solution to the square meter. Properly designed measures will not harm your landings.

Viral diseases

The most common viral disease of the bow is yellow dwarf and mosaic. Viral diseases are not treated, so you can only fight with preventive methods. Such onion diseases arise as a result of the violation of the conditions for planting and care for shoots. Yellow dwarf is considered a cunning disease. The affected plants slow down in growth, the leaves can change the shape and color, since the exchange of useful substances is slowed down during the growth period. Externally becomes noticeable that the landing became dwarf. Vintage may suffer from viral diseases.

With damage to the mosaic, it can be noted that the leaves are primarily deformed, their surface becomes corrugated. On the stems clearly seen a mosaic. Viral diseases can spread the fault, as it often spins next to such landings and between them. Also in the ground, distributors of infections are ticks. The nematodes often destroy the landing and make it possible to penetrate the virus inside. The struggle against the pest of the Republic of Luke should be carried out throughout the yield season, and not only at the time of the appearance of insects. The pests of the onion and fight against them are complex. It is necessary to carry out treatment immediately and with pests, and with a virus, as soon as you saw that the plant is sick.

In order for the landing, the infection and the leek disease did not struck your landings, simple rules should be followed. Seeds before landing should be processed to be clean and well revealed. During this period, pests can find fresh landings even at a decent distance, therefore, if there are contaminated plants, new landings will be subjected to this viral disease and no additional measures will result. On the plot where you are going to grow onions, you should process from any pest. How to handle onions from pests? Spray the plant is best insecticide invitar or by its action similar to the preparation. If you comply with all precautions, the likelihood that your landings will be subjected to any viral diseases, decreases noticeably.


Onions are invariably included in the list of the most common crops grown on amateur gods. At the same time, for the preparation of stable yields of this vegetable, both certain knowledge and some practical experience are needed. Next, consider the main diseases of the bow and methods of combating these diseases.

Shayaden Rutch

The cervical rot from the bow - a mushroom disease, striking repka and segue. Manifests itself mainly during the storage period. During storage, the upper part of the bulbs softened, pressed, in the context, has a kind of baked. The fabric will raw, under the lubricants and between juicy fleshies, a gray fluffy flare is formed.

Stock Foto Beaming mushroom cervical

The source of infection is mainly a seating material, as well as infected balances that persist in beds. The development of the disease and its distribution increases with cool wet weather.

Measures of struggle . Sowing and landing onions in early terms; introduction of nitrogen fertilizers in the initial period (how to do), and phosphoric and potash - in the second half of the growing season; Cleaning onion after the complete yellowing of the leaves. Onions and garlic are cleaned in dry, sunny weather and dried in air at a temperature of 25-26 ° C for 12 days, then 5 days at a temperature of 30-35 ° C. During the filling of the heads of the bow, it is filled with a granular fertilizer "Angrikola for onions and garlic": 10 liters. Water bred 50 g., Consumption - 2 liters. per 1 m2.

False mild dew

Check out these articles

False torment dew (peronosporosis) is a mushroom disease. Initially, pale green spots appear on the leaves of the bow. Later they go to a grayish purple raid. Top part The leaves (the top of the pen) turn yellow and dies. The disease develops greatly into wet warm weather. The mushroom overwhelms in the soil, on old unlockable plants and in bulbs when stored.

Stock Foto Damage to bows skes

Fight measures. Girling for landing onion should have a direction from the north to south so that it is well covered by the sun. Ensure that seeds and landing seeds are not thickened and clogged by weeds.

Before planting the north, it is necessary to warm at a temperature of 30-35 ° C for 8-10 hours. When the leaves of the bow will be a height of 10-12 cm, they must be sprayed with a solution of the drug "Hom": 10 liters. Waters are divorced 40 gr. Powder and spray onions at the first signs of diseases. For prophylaxis spray with a solution with a solution of 1% bordeaux 100 gr. 10 L.V. Plus for adhesion 1 teaspoon of the tar soap. The consumption of the solution is up to 1-2 liters per 10 m2. In case of detection of this disease, it is necessary to exclude watering and feeding with nitrogen fertilizers. We must try to hold when the leaves are still green, and the bulbs have already formed. The leaves are immediately cut and burned, and the bulbs themselves are well dried in the sun for 12-14 days.

Rust Luka.

Rust Luke and Garlic - Mushroom Disease. The disease is striking the leaves: light yellow, slightly convex pads, later they become black. The infection is maintained on plant residues and on perennial species.

Stock Foto Greens of Luke affected by the disease

Fight measures. Compliance with crop rotation, as well as warming up the planting material before booking for storage. The bow-nodes are heated in front of the landing for 8-12 hours at a temperature of 30-40 ° C.

To prevent the dissemination of the disease during the period of mass growth of the bow, it must be pulled out with a solution with a 1% burgue mixture of 100 g on 10 liters of water. The second spraying is carried out in another week with a solution of the drug "Hom": 10 liters of water 40 g of powder, consuming 1 liter of a solution of 10 m2.

Black mold.

Stock Foto Black mold on bows

Black mold is a mushroom disease, manifested when storing onion and garlic at elevated temperature. At the affected bulbs dries up the upper juicy scales, and the north and garlic dry completely. This disease is primarily affected by irrelevant and poorly dried onions and garlic.

Fight measures. Good drying onion and garlic, as well as their proper storage. In the event of a disease of the heads, you must additionally dry them and point in chalk.


Fusariosis is a mushroom disease.

Photo of fusarium-affected onion

Initially, the softening of the Donets, Pickling and Demunion of the roots, the appearance of brownishness on the leaves, their gradual dying and drying of the plant, as well as bulbs.

Fight measures. Use for planting a healthy material and compliance with crop rotation, before planting a solution of copper sulphate (for 10 liters of water takes 1 tbsp. Spoon). The destruction of patient plants. Spraying with the drug "Hom" (40 gr. Per 10 liters of water) when brownish spots appear on the leaves.

Bacterial disease garlic

Photo of garlic affected by fungus

Bacterial disease of garlic. The juicy cloth of winter garlic is striking, as a result of which brown and brown ulcers appear on bare teeth. The affected teeth are weakly rooted and poorly overwhelming, and the landing of garlic is obtained with a reddening, yield drops, the ends of the leaves are yellow.

Fight measures. Tooth routing before planting (1 h. Spoon per 1 liter of water), and then in the solution of the drug "Energy", careful selection of planting material. Fast drying of the heads immediately after cleaning - in the sun or a thermal way under the canopy. During the fruiting of the fertilizer of garlic with a granular fertilizer "Agrikola-2" for garlic: 50 g per 10 liters of water.

Bacterial Runoon

Photo of rotten onions

Bacterial Ring of Luke is found when cutting overwhelmed bulbs, which have a dark layer of softened tissue between healthy juicy flakes. In the process of storage, such bulbs gradually rotate. Insect infection (leek flies, mites, trips, etc.).

In the spring when landing sick bulbs, growing semenniks look oppressed, the leaves are yellowing, the flowers dry.

Measures of struggle . Before planting, the bulbs carefully select, cutting a neck with a base of 0.5-1 cm so that all scales are visible.

Before planting Luke-Sevka or Luke-Republic, the soil to treat the drug "Hom" - in 10 liters of water to dilute 40 gr., I spend 1 liter for 10 square meters.

Green mold rot

Green mold rot on Luke is often found on a bow and garlic when stored.

Initially, brownish watery spots appear on the bottom or exterior scales of the bulbs. In garlic, individual cloves become slightly sluggish, on juicy fabrics appear indulged yellowish stains. Later the bulbs appear to the touch empty, the smell of mold appears, garlic cloves soften, wrinkle, darken and begin to crumble.

On spots and under dry scales, a green or blister-green flare is formed. This is mycelium mushroom. They persist in the soil on plant residues.

The strong development of the disease is observed in two or three months after the start of storage. Protect affecting various damage, rejuvenation and increased air humidity in storage places.

Fight measures. Careful drying of bulbs before booking for storage. Optimal storage mode. For 5 days before laying onions and others. Vegetables are burned in a vegetable store with a sulfuric smoke checker.

Black mold rot

Black, molding rot is striking onions during storage period with poor ventilation and high temperatures.

Sick bulbs soften, later breathe their scales, sometimes the bulbs mummifies. Between the scales is formed a black dusting mass.

Stock Foto Luke hit black rot

At the bulbs, the infection falls with direct contact and by air. In places storage disputes are saved for a very long time. In dried conditions, at low temperatures, the disease develops slowly.

The most susceptible to black mold-like rotten, with a thick neck, poorly dried bulbs. Varieties with painted scales are less resistant than white.

Fight measures. Optimal storage mode. Seeing onion and garlic before storage. Looking onion and garlic in optimal terms.