"Fluconazole" during pregnancy: testimony and instructions for use. Fluconazole for the treatment of fungal infections during pregnancy: Is it possible at what time? Is it possible to pregnant fluconazole

Weakening immunity during pregnancy makes women more susceptible various diseases, including fungal. Therefore, thrush is one of the most common complaints with which future mothers are addressed for help to the gynecologist. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to get rid of this problem. When to overcome funguff simple methods Not succeeded, the doctor may prescribe more radical drugs. These include fluconazole, during pregnancy used with great care.

Action and use of fluconazole during pregnancy

Fluconazole is a powerful antifungal drug. Its main advantage is that it acts not only on mushrooms of the genus Candida, but also for a large number of other pathogens of fungal infections.

Fluconazole affects the organism systemically. It penetrates all liquids (saliva, sputum, lymph, cervical mucus, spinal fluid, etc.) and accumulates in them, therefore is a highly efficient means against fungi.

Significant improvements or complete recovery when using fluconazole in the fight against vaginal candidiasis is noted in 95% of cases.

The instructions noted that the use of this medication during pregnancy is inappropriate. For future mothers there are several other funds that are not serving the serious danger of the health and life of the future kid. Fluconazole is permissible only when the case of infection with fungal infection is considered severe or threatening the life of a woman.

When prescribed drug

  • cryptococcosis, struck different organs and parts of the body, including cryptococcal meningitis;
  • candidiasis of the skin, mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and intestines, genital and internal organs, the presence of candidate candidates;
  • micaosis of the skin, stop, inguinal region, other parts of the body;
  • freewood or multicolored deprived;
  • fungal defeat of nails;
  • reducing the frequency of recurrences of the vaginal candidiasis, if the disease is repeated more than three times a year;
  • prevention of cryptococcal and candidal infection in AIDS and cancer patients.

The drug is used to treat patients with both a normally functioning immune system and different types immunosuppression.

Fluconazole is produced in capsules of 50 and 150 mg and in the form of a solution for injections. The solution is suitable for stationary use with extensive fungal lesions. Capsules are prescribed outpatient. The packaging may contain different quantities: one, two, four, seven or ten pieces. Which option to choose, the doctor decides, depending on the diagnosis and state of the woman. Most often, the drug is appointed to future mothers in connection with vaginal candidiasis, to cope with whom it is not possible with other drugs.

Video: Thrush during pregnancy

Contraindications, possible side effects for mom and consequences for a child

Fluconazole is contraindicated to those who:

  • adopts antiallergic drugs based on asthymizol and thermal drug;
  • it has sensitivity to the drug or other azole antifungal drugs in history.

In addition to those mentioned contraindications, the drug interacts with many other drugs that can be pregnant. For example, with simultaneous admission with vitamin A, it can contribute to the development of unwanted reactions from the central nervous system. Therefore, making appointments, it is necessary to take into account medicinal compatibility Fluconazole.

Caution in the treatment should be observed with those who have renal or liver failure, there are diseases of the heart, there are rashes on the skin as a result of treatment with fluconazole, those who take medicines with toxic effects on the liver, as well as pregnant women.

Fluconazole is capable of providing a strong toxic effect on the liver, up to death. Therefore, when signs of the defeat of this organ, the drug is canceled.

As for the portability of fluconazole, the adverse reactions in the treatment of this antifungal drug are observed infrequently.

Table: The likelihood of adverse reactions in the treatment of fluconazole

Adverse reactions Most often (in more than 1% of cases) There are rarely (with a frequency of 0.01-0.1% of cases)
Digestion system
  • Decline in appetite;
  • changing taste sensations;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased gas formation;
  • abdominal pain.
Liver violation:
  • jaundice;
  • hepatocellular necrosis;
  • hyperbilirubinemia;
  • an increase in the activity of alanine substransferase (ALT), aspartataminotransferase (ACT) and alkaline phosphatase (SHF);
  • hepatitis;
  • hepathonecosis.
Nervous system
  • Headache;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness and fast fatigue.
Circulatory system-
  • Leukopenia;
  • thrombocytopenia (bleeding, petechia);
  • neutropenia;
  • agranulocytosis.
Manifestation of allergiesSkin rash.
  • Multiform exudative erythema;
  • toxic epidermal necroliz;
  • anaphylactoid reactions (including angioedema enemy, facial edema, urticaria, itching of the skin).
The cardiovascular system
  • An increase in the duration of the Qt interval, which is a harbinger of critical change in cardiac rhythm;
  • flickering / trembling ventricles.
  • Renal impairment;
  • alopecia;
  • hypercholesterolemia;
  • hyperitriglyceridemia;
  • hypokalemia.

How fluconazole affects the fruit

According to the influence of Fluconazole's fruit, Category S. The drug was assigned according to the FDA estimation (control of quality control of drugs and US foods), only those women who benefit from treatment would significantly exceed the likelihood of pathologies of fetal development.

It should be noted that testing studies on the influence of fluconazole on a pregnant woman and the health of the child was not carried out. But there is evidence that describe the defects of newborns developing, whose mother in the first trimester of pregnancy took the drug in large doses (400-800 mg per day). Among the deviations mentioned, changes in the shape of the skull and the violation of its bone development, the thinning of the Ryube, the wolf fall, the curvature of the femur bone, the deformation of the limbs, the vices of the heart are noted. The scientifically proven relationship between these disorders and the admission of small doses of the drug in the early periods of pregnancy (up to 150 mg) is not. Based on this information, future mothers should avoid using fluconazole. Its use is justified only when fungal infection threatens the life of a woman.

Features of the use of drug

The exact dosage and multiplicity of reception of fluconazole determines the doctor. Usually, with vaginal candidiasis, it is enough to drink one capsule of the drug, but when chronic form, it can be recommended for use two or more times with a period of several days or weeks.

The improvement after the use of flukonazole occurs within 24 hours, however, to completely get rid of the symptoms of the disease, it may be necessary for several days. If the manifestations of fungal infections are preserved, then this is a reason to appeal to the doctor immediately.

Although fluconazole is active in relation to many strains of mushrooms Candida, there are such varieties that are insensitive to the action of the drug. Therefore, in the medical literature it is mentioned that this medicine may cause superinfection, the treatment of which will require alternative methods of therapy.

Analogs of fluconazole and other antifungal drugs for pregnant women

Fluconazole has many analogues:

They are produced in different countries And they differ in price, but, as well as flukonazole, are not recommended for use in the period of to wear a child. If the future mother was detected by thrush, the doctors prescribe more secure drugs, some of which is permissible to use even at the very beginning of pregnancy.

Table: antifungal agents that can replace fluconazole during pregnancy

Name Active components Dosage form Contraindications Appointment during pregnancy
  • Candles;
  • cream;
  • pills.
Increased susceptibility to components included in the preparation.Pimafucin is recommended pregnant in the testimony.
  • neomycin sulfate,
  • nastatin
  • prednisolone sodium metasulfobenzoate.
Vaginal tabletsThe use of terzhinan is completely safe, starting with II trimester.
Using the drug up to date 13 weeks is possible if the positive effect for the mother is higher than the potential risk for developing fetus.
Ketokonazole.Vaginal suppositories
  • Increased susceptibility to components of the composition,
  • I trimester of pregnancy.
In II and III, trimesters are appointed with caution. At the same time, the benefits to the health of the future mother should be assessed above the potential risk for the fetus.
  • Neomycin sulfate,
  • polymixin B sulfate,
  • nystatin.
Vaginal capsules

Photo Gallery: Analogs of Fluconazole and Other Antifungal Preparations for Pregnant

Diflucan is an American drug to replace fluconazole. It is effective in candidiasis, but during pregnancy, it is prescribed with great care.
The microsist is capsules based on fluconazole from Hungary. Indication for their purpose are genital fungal infections
Flucostat is an analogue of Russian production flukonazole. Its use during pregnancy is possible only in heavy or threatening life cases of Mikomax - antifungal antibiotic from the Czech Republic. Its use during pregnancy is contraindicated in addition to those cases when there is a potential hazard for the life of the difflance - the variant of fluconazole production of Slovenia. During the pregnancy, it can only be appointed if the benefit for the mother exceeds the risk to the fetus
Livarol is an antifungal drug for local applications, effective with vaginal candidiasis. The contraindication is only the first trimester of pregnancy pimafucin - antifungal antibiotic, produced in different dosage forms and permitted during pregnancy
Terezhinan - Vaginal tablets with antibacterial, anti-polotozoic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect, appointed from the second trimester of pregnancy
Polizinaks - a medicine from thrush. The first trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated to its use.

The drug fluconazole refers to antifungal agents inhibiting the production of substances necessary for normal formation and reproduction of pathogenic fungi. The main advantage of the medication is the absence of androgenic activity, that is, the remedy does not provoke the appearance of an excessive amount of hair on the body, retains skin-skinned healthy.

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Release form, indications for use

You can purchase fluconazole in various dosage forms, it can be capsules, tablets, a solution for parenteral administration.


Capsules in pregnancy take it is impractical, except for cases that threaten life. Contraindications include chronic alcoholism, renal, hepatic insufficiency, increased sensitivity to fluconazole, other components of the medication. Do not take capsules in violation of the electrolyte balance.


Tablets are accepted exclusively to appoint a doctor only, subject to use exceeding the potential harm to the health of the child and the mother. Among the contraindications in the instructions, the parallel use of alcoholic beverages, renal and liver failure, an allergic reaction to the medication.

Solution for intravenous administration

Is it possible to pregnant fluconazole in liquid form? The solution is categorically contraindicated by pregnant women, when breastfeeding, Takery Terefenadin, alcoholism. This form of the drug is undesirable for hepatic and renal failure, the consequences may be sad.

Fluconazole during pregnancy

Is it possible to drink fluconazole during pregnancy? Medicine in the perinatal period can be used exclusively in the presence of absolute readings. When appropriate, it is necessary to analyze the benefit ratio for the mother and likely risk for the future child.

The most dangerous time doctors call the first trimester of pregnancy. If during this period the patient takes fluconazole, there is a risk of serious damage to the fetus, miscarriage. World statistics He says that the medication will cause mutations. These include underdevelopment of the fetus, defects of the formation of bone tissue, wolf fall.

For subsequent trimesters is formed musculina, internal organs. The active substances of the drug penetrate through the placental barrier, therefore, are capable of becoming a prerequisite for congenital defects:

  1. bones;
  2. organs;
  3. systems.

More or less safe for the use of fluconazole is the third trimester period, it is now prescribed when infected with pathological strains of fungi, threatening the life of a child, mother. The child can begin the pathology of the formation of the structures of the brain, various disorders of the neuropsychic sphere.

But, as the reviews show, usually women normally tolerate therapy, the risk is justified.

When planning pregnancy

Pregnancy planning is a serious question requiring a comprehensive and necessarily responsible approach. During this period, it is necessary to get rid of the focus of the inflammatory process, various infections, especially chronic. If a woman suffers from the thrush, it also needs to be cured, otherwise yeast-like fungi will enhance pathogenic effects.

It should be remembered that after applying a tablet or capsules evacuated from the body no earlier than 14 days later. In other words, you can be pregnant only after the expiration of this period after the last reception of the means.

If the conception has already happened, and infection is present in the body, you need to consult with the doctor. It will prescribe medicinal products against fungus, which will be less dangerous for the fetus.

In addition, it is important:

  1. carefully comply with personal hygiene rules;
  2. revise the diet;
  3. try not to contact with a sick person.

The first weeks will need to take polyvitamin preparations, Mineral complexes for the restoration of immune protection. The recommendation helps to prevent the fungal disease and prevent the attachment of the pathogenic flora.

If the couple tries to become pregnant, it should learn from the doctor all the nuances of therapy with the drug.

Dosing mode

In the methods of skin, including fungal diseases of the groin area, stop, candidides of the skin, the optimal dosage is 150 mg of substances once a week or 50 mg every day for 7 days. The exact dose is determined by the clinical, micrical effect.

The average duration of therapy in the absence of a bacterial flora ranges from 2 to 4 weeks, with the skin of the skin stops, it may be necessary to increase the duration of the course of the medication.

Freewood perhaps provisions to drink 300 mg of the drug once a week, the course 2 weeks. Sometimes patients need to be treated for three weeks. If, to achieve the positive dynamics of the disease, the dosage is insufficient, it is better to go to an alternative therapy scheme, take 50 mg once a day for a month.

With fungal damage to the nail plates, it is recommended to drink 150 mg of the means once a week. The treatment is continued until the moment does not grow healthy nail. On average, the pills continue to drink from three months to one year.

Basic contraindications, side reactions

The instruction on the use of the drug indicates that the oral intake of fluconazole is not recommended when excessive sensitivity to active substances, other components of the composition.

Prohibited parallel reception with terphenadine, especially against the background of the systematic use of fluconazole in the dosage of 400 mg per day and more. Also, it is not necessary to take a remedy with asthemisol, cisapride, other medications that change the Qt interval, with breastfeeding.

Some patients make complaints about the emergence of unwanted effects in the process. The most striking side reactions become nausea, vomiting, stool disorder, increased gas formation.

It can also be:

  • allergic rash;
  • convulsions;
  • dizziness;
  • fast fatiguability.

Fluconazole refers to medicines with proven adverse effects on the fetus, but the potential benefits justifies its application. Each patient does the doctor signs an individual reception scheme, is prohibited by self-medication. It happens that it is still better to use analogues with other active ingredients and an equivalent effect on the body.

Today there is no information regarding the cases of overdose, with a significant exceeding the recommended dosages in the patient, serious psychotic disorders may begin: obsessive ideas, hallucinations. The treatment of overdose is eliminated by washing the stomach, during the severe flow of the pathological state, do not do without hemodialysis.

Features of application

The drug fluconazole is taken with caution while use with statins (pills against high blood cholesterol), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.

Unwanted combination with some preparations from hypertension, antidepressants, rifampicin, pills for the treatment of malignant neoplasms. Fluconazole provokes an increase in adverse reactions when taking antiviral drugs, anti-epileptic agents.

It does not rule out the strengthening of undesirable effects from the reception of benzodiazepines, turning the evacuation from the blood flow of theophylline, the risk of signs of intoxication. The woman has the period of removal of sugar drugs.

Treatment is carried out before the appearance of clinical and hematological remission, unauthorized cessation of therapy leads to consequences:

For therapy, it is necessary to keep blood tests under control, explore the function of the liver, kidneys. In case of violation of the internal organs, treatment is immediately stopped.

Rarely against the background of the use of fluconazoles, toxic changes in the liver are noted, including death. More often, pathology was diagnosed in patients with serious concomitant diseases.

In the hepatotoxic effects caused by therapy with the drug, explicitly depend on the amount of received substance not marked. Also does not affect the duration of the application of tablets and age of a woman. Symptoms are reversible, fully passes upon termination of treatment.


Fluconazole is rapidly absorbed during oral administration, the bioavailability indicator exceeds 90%. Simultaneous use with food does not affect the degree of absorption of the medication. The maximum daily concentration is achieved after an hour and a half after administration or intake.

Distribution is equal to the amount of fluid in the body, the degree of binding with blood plasma proteins is about 12%. The active substances perfectly penetrate the body fluid, the fluctuated fluctuate in sputum and saliva equals the concentration of the drug in the blood plasma.

The level of substance in the skin exceeds the fund indicator in biological fluids. About 11% of the active substance is metabolized, evacuated with urine unchanged.

The half-life is approximately 30 hours:

  1. the main part is derived by the kidneys (80% of the dosage is detected unchanged);
  2. clearance proportional to creatinine clearance;
  3. in the bloodstream circulating metabolites is not observed.

A long period of semi-alignment of blood plasma allows to use the drug once a day, with some indications it is enough to take one dose within a week.

Update: February 2019

Many women ask doctors a question - is it possible to take fluconazole during pregnancy, especially in 1 trimester? In the instructions for the drug, it is clearly indicated that it is impossible. As medical research is shown on this issue, because this means is considered one of the most affordable and effective.

Studies conducted at the State Serum Institute in Denmark were aimed at studying the impact on the development of the fetus of the most popular drug. It turned out that use in the first weeks of pregnancy, for treatment, leads to an increase in the risk of developing heart defects in a child.

This tool has long established itself as fast-acting, very effective. Pregnancy is a period when a woman has a physiological decrease in immunity, so the child tooling is one of the woman is accepted by fluconazole, as one of the first aid funds, and very often at the time when the future mother does not know what the child expects.

It was in the first weeks of gestation, in 1 trimester, when the heart and all the kids are formed, many drugs are very dangerous. Danish scientists reviewed the data of children born in 1996-2011, their overall health and characteristics of pregnancy were taken into account, the prevalence of congenital malformations was especially analyzed. At the same time, it turned out that the reception of flukonazole during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, increased 3 times the risk of formation of the tetrada Fallo - congenital complex heart disease.

Prior to this study, the relationship of the reception during pregnancy flukonazole was already confirmed with the occurrence of 14 congenital anomalies in the embryo, such as wolf fall, skeletal defects, etc. According to the results of the Danish study, these data were also confirmed. Doctors and scientists remind that it is unacceptable to use this antifungal agent during pregnancy (see).

Only with the generalized form of fungal lesion, threatening the life of a woman, let's accept his reception. When a gynecologist must be prescribed, one should never deal with self-medication, especially if there is no confidence in the absence of pregnancy. Women should not risk, before treatment, you should make sure that the conception has not happened, and during therapy should either eliminate sexual contacts, or use condoms.

Fluconazole is considered one of the popular and highly efficient means in the fight against fungal infection. Simultaneously with reliability and efficiency in the fight against fungi, drug Treatment Unfortunately, a number of contraindications to the appointment. "Fluconazole" is a danger to pregnant women. This drug refers to prescription medicines, and only the attending physician of the future mother can appoint it, given the individual characteristics of his patient. Reception of the drug is not recommended independently. Is it possible to take "fluconazole" during pregnancy and in what the danger of this drug from the vaginal candidiasis for the future kid, you will write further.

Description of the drug

Fluconazole is recognized as highly efficient antifungal medicine, widely used for disease therapy, provoked by multiplying fungi, such as a vaginal candidiasis, or other words, thrush. A medicine is produced in the form of tablets or capsules, which, as a rule, have a different dosage of the main active substance, fluconazole.

The main substance of the drug in the person's injection reduces the activity of pathogenic malicious microorganisms, disrupts the integrity of the membrane and stops their further increase and reproduction. The "fluconazole" is written out for therapy:

  • cryptococcosis;
  • candidosis of mucous membranes, including genital female organs;
  • infections caused by mushrooms and arising due to reduced immunity.

The dosage of the drug is selecting the attending physician, based on the results of laboratory research and complexity, the peculiarities of the patient's disease.

Contraindications for receiving the drug

Unfortunately, there are a number of significant contraindications on the use of "fluconazole" at:

  • pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding;
  • sensitivity of the human body to the active substance of the drug composition;
  • one-time admission of medication with "astemisol" or "terphelanadine";
  • violation of the functioning of vital internal organs (renal or liver failure);
  • aged up to four years.

Side effects

When receiving "fluconazole", the following adverse reactions may be observed:

  • Vomiting, decline or loss of appetite.
  • Head pain, fast fatigue.
  • Diarrhea, meteorism.
  • Allergies in the form of rashes on the skin and itching.

Candidiasis during pregnancy

Candidiasis of the genital organs during a child tooling, unfortunately, is very common. This disease is accompanied by real suffering for future mothers, but not always. Some pregnant women learn about the presence of candidias only after receiving the results of laboratory tests. The symptoms of the candidiasis are as follows:

  • white or whitish yellow curls;
  • specific sour unpleasant smell in the intimate zone;
  • itching and burning in the vagina.

A selection may appear at any stages of pregnancy: in the first, second or third trimester. The reasons for the appearance of the candidiasis during the period of having a child:

  • Fast reproduction of fungi in the vagina. During pregnancy, fungi begins to multiply quickly due to hormonal rearrangements, namely changes in the acidity of the vagina, reducing the immunity of the body. The abundant amount of fungi provokes the beginning of the inflammatory process, accompanied by itching, burning and discharge from the vagina. The unpleasant feelings are particularly enhanced in the evening and night time, during sexual intercourse or after hygienic procedures.
  • Treatment with antibiotics before conceiving a child. Antibiotics suppress the growth of bacteria and do not act on fungi. The rapid growth of the latter is determined by the absence of any other microorganisms in the habitat. If treatment with antibiotics will occur during pregnancy, the candidiasis of the genital organs is most likely ensured 100%.
  • Reception of hormonal drugs.
  • Reducing the functions of protecting the body of a woman in the process of having a child.
  • Wearing synthetic linen.

The disease gives a huge discomfort to the sick person, but to cure the thrush simply. There are many effective medicines that overwhelm the increase in the amount of fungus in the female body. Most of the drugs, including Fluconazole, during pregnancy are contraindicated for receiving.

Reception of the drug is thorough for future fetus. To appoint a "fluconazole" of a pregnant woman to treat vaginal candidiasis can only attending a gynecologist.

If the milk is not treated, then there is a serious risk of its further spread and the emergence of complications like a future mother, so at her baby. The launched form of the disease can lead to irreversible consequences, namely:

  • interruption of pregnancy early;
  • the propagation of fungi on the aircraft shells;
  • candidiasis of the genital organs in the third trimester;
  • the emergence of a premature baby;
  • the risk of infection of the kid during the period of the delivery.

Can I take "fluconazole" during pregnancy or not? Next, we will describe in detail about the risks of treatment with this drug, depending on the date of the child's nodding.

Pregnancy planning

Women who collided with candidiasis of genital organs before conceiving a child, are wondering if it is possible to treat fungal disease "fluconazole" when planning pregnancy? Gynecologists do not recommend taking this medication to women planning the conception for the following reasons. The output process of the active component this means The human body lasts up to two weeks. If still a woman will apply "Fluconazole", then the conception of the child is possible to postpone at a certain time, at least for a month. It is best to consult with the attending gynecologist who will appoint another effective drug for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis.

Treatment "Fluconazole"

Reviews of "flukonazole" during pregnancy various, both positive and negative. Some doctors believe that this drug cannot be used in the period of nursing the child, regardless of the period of pregnancy.

Other gynecology doctors admit the reception of "fluconazole" during pregnancy in a safe dosage safe for the future child. When appointing, they necessarily take into account the term of pregnancy, as the dosage when taking the drug in each trimester is different.

"Fluconazole" in the first trimester

"Fluconazole" during pregnancy in the early deadlines is contraindicated by the future mother. According to research, the reception of the drug in excessive doses in the first weeks of tooling the future child affects the development of the fetus. The risk of heart defects in the child increases, since the active component, which is included in the "fluconazole" penetrates through the placenta and has a negative effect on the fruit in the womb. The most negative consequences of the intake of "fluconazole" during pregnancy in early terms can be expressed in the interruption of pregnancy.

In the second trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the so-called golden period, the development of internal organs and fetal systems, the corset of the muscles of the child occurs. The active substance of the drug has a negative impact on the process of developing the internal organs of the future person. "Fluconazole" during the thrush during pregnancy in the second trimester is not recommended.

In the last shelter of the child

"Fluconazole" during pregnancy in the last trimester, a gynecologist can prescribe, but in extreme cases:

  • when the defeat of candidiasis is dangerous for the life of a woman waiting for a child's appearance;
  • when the disease can apply a tangible harm to the future kid;
  • when there is a risk that fungal infection can lead to various pathologies, the birth of a non-living fetal or to a complicated delivery.

"Fluconazole" during lactation

The medication is forbidden to take a baby breast milk during breastfeeding. After taking a drug, the concentration of its active substances in the blood plasma and mother's milk increases. If necessary, treatment with this antifungal drug is recommended to stop breastfeeding at certain times.

Negative consequences from "Fluconazole"

Sometimes women accept "Fluconazole", not knowing, unfortunately, they are already waiting for the child. In the first days of pregnancy, the development of the internal bodies of the baby occurs. Although the likelihood that the drug in the allowed dose will negatively affect the development of the fetus, is very insignificant, but when the dose is exceeded, the risk of the appearance of defects in the kid increases. Do not trust the recommendations of friends and acquaintances about the "fluconazole". Remember that a strong antifungal agent must be taken only on the prescription of the attending physician. Reception of the drug during pregnancy can lead to the following consequences for the fetus: backwardness in mental development, wolf fall, improper development of the skeleton and child skull, congenital villocks internal organs.


The analogues of "fluconazole" are related to the actions: "DIFEL", "MIKOMAX", "DIFLAZON", "FLUZK". Although gynecologists are trying to pregnant women to prescribe preparations with another active component, for example, Pima Pithucine. For the operational treatment of the vaginal candidiasis, the "fluconazole" in the form of candles or gel is used, which is most effectively affecting the places of their use, while the absorption of the active substance into the blood of the person in this case is minimal. Thus, if the woman accepted "Fluconazole" during pregnancy, then, provided that these were candles, the risk for the fetus is minimal. This form of release allows you to reduce the effect of medication for the future child. It is worth remembering that before applying any means, it is necessary to consult with the gynecologist.

How to avoid thrush?

If a woman had to deal with candidiasis of genital organs before pregnancy, then it needs to be very careful to the body at the occurrence of such a state. After all, treatment will be in the reception of strong antifungal drugs, such as "fluconazole".

To the question, is it possible to drink "flukonazole" during pregnancy, unfortunately, the answer is negative. So, the main rules when planning pregnancy:

  • It is required to cure candidia in advance. After completing the course of therapy, hand over the smear to confirm that the disease is heal and can be proceeding for pregnancy planning.
  • At the occurrence of pregnancy, a woman needs to regularly visit the attending gynecologist and comply with all the recommendations regarding nutrition.
  • During intimate proximity, it is necessary to use a condom to reduce the likelihood of infection with fungus.

Tablets Fluconazole are prescribed at different types fungal lesions:

  • candidiasis of genital organs in men and women;
  • candidiasis of the oral cavity;
  • skin manifestations of thrush;
  • candidal sepsis.

The drug is used in adults and adolescents older than 12 years, children are prescribed other antifungal agents.

Reception mode and dosage depend on the diagnosis. For example, from the laumium of the genital paths, one can get rid of a single reception of the tablet 150mg. When Candidiasis of the oral cavity requires a treatment course for 1-2 weeks, tablets are prescribed containing 50 or 100mg of the active substance once a day. With heavy forms, treatment may be longer.

The advantage of the use of antimicotics during fungal infections is as follows:

  • the drug gives a persistent effect, the fungi rarely develops insensitivity to it, so the effectiveness of treatment is maintained;
  • tablets can be drunk once a day;
  • low cost.

More expensive foreign counterparts with the same active substance cost more, but in efficiency are comparable to each other.

Side Effects and Contraindications

Despite all its advantages, Fluconazole has a number side Effects, Because of which it takes it only after consulting a doctor. These include:

  • disorders of digestion - pain in the abdomen, nausea, diarrhea;
  • allergic reactions in the form of rashes and headaches;
  • toxic effect on the liver, effect on the electrical activity of the heart.

In this regard, the contraindications for reception, which are quite a lot. The drug is not prescribed during arrhythmias, as well as with others drugsaffecting the electrical activity of the heart, with severe liver diseases and increased sensitivity to active substances. Also, contraindications include pregnancy and children's age (up to 4 years).

Features of use during pregnancy

It is not recommended to assign fluconazole during pregnancy, since it can have a harmful effect on the liver of the fetus. But it is in future mothers that there is a significant decrease in immunity, which leads to more frequent fungal diseases, in particular, the thrush.

Based on the foregoing, the answer to the question is whether it is possible to drink fluconazole during pregnancy cannot be unequivocal. First, in no case cannot be appointed independently - this should do a doctor. Before writing a prescription for medicine, a specialist will appreciate the possible risk to mother and fetus health, as well as the need to appoint exactly this drug.

See also: Tablets Nystatin: Instructions for use during thrush

In the first trimester, the use of this antimicotics is most dangerous - at this time there is the formation of basic systems of the baby, and the reception of any drugs must be coordinated with gynecologists. Fluconazole and its analogues in this case are no exception. Their use in such a situation is justified only if there is a serious risk to mother health, as well as in the ineffectiveness of other drugs.

The consequences of the use of fluconazole in the early deadlines can be different. For example, a single reception of a pill with a nipple of sex tract, which quickly leads to curable, may not have a significant effect on the development of the baby, and the weekly course of treatment of the Candidosis of the oral cavity threatens congenital deformities or premature abortion.

There are several drugs that can be used even at the first weeks of pregnancy, it is precisely it is preferred in the treatment of fungal diseases. If they are ineffective, then as the second line means uses other antimicotics allowed by pregnant women at later. Fluconazole in the first trimester is used only in the threat of the life of the mother - candidiasis of internal organs or candidal sepsis.

2 trimester is considered the calm period of pregnancy. At this time, there was already a laying of vital organs and systems, and there is no risk of developing pathologies incompatible with life. At the same time, the tone of the muscles of the uterus is quite low, and the risk of premature abortion is minimal.

Nevertheless, the danger of the negative effects of fluconazole during pregnancy is preserved. The pathologies caused by a violation of embryonic development during this period are not so serious, but nevertheless significant, therefore, the admission of antimicotics is justified with the ineffectiveness of drugs permitted for pregnant women, the risk of developing complications.

Fluconazole during pregnancy in 3 trimester can be used with the smallest risk. During this period, its teratogenic action is practically not manifested. Some experts believe that during the milkways of sex tract in the late periods, the single application of fluconazole is preferable to the course of treatment with permitted preparations, since it happens faster and is less nervous to the patient.

However, before applying this drug (and especially for later terms), it is necessary to analyze the speed of glomerular filtration in the kidneys. This indicator may decrease during pregnancy, so the instruction does not recommend using an antimicotic in patients with renal diseases - this can provoke an overdose of the drug due to its slow removal.


To take fluconazole during early pregnancy is extremely risky, so the doctor will avoid the appointment of this drug if there is no threat to the patient's life. 1 trimester is the time when the kid is most vulnerable to harmful effects. At later deadlines, the use of this drug is possible in the presence of indications and strict compliance with the instructions.