How to draw mold on the bread of gradually. Research work on biology "Bread and Mold: Factors affecting the development of mold fungi"

Mold is familiar to everyone. It belongs to the kingdom of mushrooms. To see the mold, it is enough to leave the product in the open form and forget about it for several days - you will notice how the mold appears. But if you need to grow mold in a short time, then you need to create a specific environment for their growth.

Required ingredients: agar-agar, bread, jam, potatoes, tomato paste, sour cream, cheese with mold and salted cucumbers. Ideally, you can use water thermostats to maintain the constancy of the temperature regime.

Mold Growing Instructions

Method first. Usually in laboratories, the conditions for breeding mold make from agar-agar. This can be done at home. Need to take unclean raw potatoes, cut it into cubes and boil about thirty minutes on low heat. The resulting decoction must be strain, put on fire again, but already with the addition of agar-agar (it can be purchased in any food store). The mold breeding condition will be fully ready, as soon as the powder is dissolved. You can wait until the mold itself appears in agar-agar, or you can drive it from another product, then it will grow faster.

The method of the second. Everyone knows for sure that if the bread lay for a long time, mold appears on it. If you want to do this procedure with bread, you can sprinkle it with water and wrap it well into the cellophane package. Be sure to put bread into a warm room where the sun's rays do not penetrate. And now you just need to wait until the mold appears. If you need a black mold, then choose white bread.

The third way. You can grow mold and with the help of other products, for example, banks with salted cucumbers, from tomato paste Or with jam. To dilute the mold in these products, it is enough just to prevent them with a dirty spoon, close the jar tightly and put in a warm place. Soon you will see the result.

Fourth way. Mold can also be diluted and with the help of mycelium (the vegetative body of mushrooms and actinomycete). You need to take a small piece of cheese with mold, watering sour cream, and leave it at room temperature. Such conditions are very well suited for reproduction of mold fungi.

Fifth method. Do not be disappointed if suddenly your mold became black. When the boxes with disputes ripen (they are on the tips of mycelium), they open and scatter these disputes around. If you notice it with your mold, then you are lucky, because in this case the colony will soon multibly.

Typically, they are trying to get rid of mold and in general prevent its appearance in advance. But the thirst for knowledge can push the young and quite mature naturalists to unexpected experiments. For example, to grow mold at home. Although most often such an idea comes not to themself, but is a practical assignment on biology, chemistry or other environmental disciplines. And then schoolchildren and students are accepted for this experience, which, in general, is not at all difficult. You only need to have suitable materials and at least a basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe process.

Where does the mold on bread
Mold is a generalized name of many generics of mushrooms, whose fruit bodies can develop in almost any nutrient medium. In everyday life we \u200b\u200bmost often meet mold mushrooms on finishing materials and food. For example, in the bathroom or on the remains of dinner, thrown on the kitchen table until the morning. Some of these people have learned to subjugate their needs and use in the production of medical drugs (Penicillin, streptomycin), products (Rokfort, Camembert, Brie) and beverages (sherry). Others and remained toxic pests, poisoning agricultural reserves and caused pathologies in the human body.

As for the "bread" mold, it is a direct species "relative" just penicillin fungi. For its reproduction, they choose warm, wet media rich in carbohydrates. Therefore, fruits, potatoes and bread are ideal products for the development of mold. They are quickly formed white, greenish, gray, pink or even black flare - depending on the type of fungi. You can prevent product damage using proper storage and timely use until the expiration date. It is also important to prevent excessive moisture and ventilate the room, comply with cleanliness - all this prevents the development of mold. But in our case, you will have to act just "from the opposite" and create optimal conditions in which mold fungi will begin to multiply.

Growing mold on bread
Laboratory studies suggest use as a nutrient medium for mold agar-agar. But, since in the conditions of our task, it is the bread, then we will use it. It is not necessary to go to the bun for some kind of special variety - anyone available in the homemakers. Unless, in order to complete the experiment, you can take a wheat loaf, and a rye brick, and at the same time a bun, adding a set of exhibits with fresh pita. But on the course of experience, it practically will not affect, so we will simply proceed to the case:

  1. Take a piece of bread, consisting of a crust and a ball, spray with water and put into a whole plastic bag (it is better to choose transparent for this purpose, through which it will be easy to see all changes). In principle, in bread and so enough moisture, but additional moisturizing will speed up the process of developing mold. Tightly start the package and put in a dark place (the kitchen cabinet or plastic bread box fit perfectly). After a couple of days, you will notice the first signs of molding bread. First, it will be whiten and / or light gray spots on its surface, then they will become more and gradually cover the entire surface of the product. Do not interrupt the experiment and wait a couple of days. The mold will green, and then darkens and will eventually become completely black. This means that fungals live so well and freely that they decided to increase their colony, forming microscopic boxes containing disputes on the processes of Mitcelium. As they ripen, they are revealed and scattered mushroom spores around themselves, thereby "extended genus" fungus. So, if the mold in your experience developed before this stage, then you can proudly consider yourself an experienced naturalist. Or at least pass practical work perfectly well".
  2. You can complicate yourself with the task, at the same time making an experiment more visual. For this, just like in the first case, take a piece of bread. Then wet a textile or dense paper napkin, squeeze it well (so that it is not wet, but only wet) and place on the bottom of the glass jar with a lid. Bread and close on the napkin on top of the napkin. The presence of raw fabric will speed up the development of mold fungi, and the glass walls of the banks will allow you to watch this process. Most likely, visible changes will occur no earlier than on the second or even the third day of experience. But then the events will develop faster. Mold Disputes grow up and increase in size, change coloring (from white-gray to greenish yellow). Gradually, it will cover the entire piece of bread and turn the wheel.
Please note that it is easier to observe the solar bread molding process, because on its surface, colored spots of fungi are highlighted more contrast and therefore noticeable immediately after appearance. If you want to accelerate the flow of the experiment - provide moisture and heat if slow down - then vice versa. All this can be described as the accompanying text to a practical task, which will necessarily affect its assessment.

Interestingly, the factory bread brought from the store is covered with mold faster than home, baked in a bread maker or oven. It is not difficult to check it, but you can explain several reasons. But the most likely of them is to infect the bread of a mold mushroom in the process of production in the factory workshop or during transportation. In other words, the microflora of industrial food does not always comply with sanitation standards.

By the way, fresh bread molds faster than buns and other sweet pastries. Perhaps it's all about preservatives and flavors added to confectionery. But the fact remains: mold fungi reluctantly use them as a nutrient medium. We hope that this information will be enough to develop basic research skills and acquiring valuable practical experience. IN everyday life It can come in handy in order to repulse from the received information, to properly store and eat only fresh, not infected with mold, products.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school with. Big Dmitrievka Lyzyogorsky district of the Saratov region "


"Home Conditions Storage Bread"

Work completed:

Raktyanskaya Anastasia

Graduate class

Leader: Shashaeva Yu.K.

Primary school teacher

year 2014

1. Introduction.

1.1. The relevance of research

1.2. Hypothesis

1.3. The purpose and objectives of the study ................................. ... 3

1.4. Work plan ...... .. ................................................ 4

2. The main (theoretical) part.

2.1. History of the occurrence of bread in Russia ........................ 4

2.2. What a matter of bread and how baked it .................. ..5

2.3. Diseases of bread ...................................................... ..8

3. Practical part.

3.1. Results of the survey of students class .................. .9

3.2. Description of experience ................................................ ..9-10

3.3. Results of the study ........................................11

4. Transcue (conclusions)……………………………………11-12

4. List of sources (literature)…………………………13

5. Appendix …………………………………………………..14

1. Introduction.

Many centuries bread was an integral part of the meal. Now there are so many varieties of bakery products that they can satisfy any, even the most demanding taste. Today we are not imagining our lives without bread.

In the Russian people, at all times it was the most respectful attitude towards the bread. "Bread around the head", "Bread on the table and the prestrol table, and the bread is neither a piece - and the table - the board." In these folk proverbs And the sayings reflected a love and careful attitude of a person to bread. No wonder it was affectionately called "bread our father."

According to the custom, since ancient times, the guests were greeted by bread - salt.

Such respect has deserved bread thanks to its valuable qualities. The easiest bread includes almost everything needed man nutrients. One interesting feature Bread - he is not bored and never ceases to be useful, even being herself. It has long been proven that consuming only bread, the body gets all the necessary substances for the full life.

1.1. The relevance of research:

The bread is stored for 2-3 days, and then crushed, lost taste and fragrance. It is a sorry, because it's no secret that the bread for today stands on weekly.

In our family, it is customary to keep bread in a breadcrumb. But there he quickly tastes and mold even appears on it. We give such bread to pet food.

I wondered if the disease was terrible with which bread sick? " But the main question of my research: "How do you need to keep bread at home so that it remains as long as possible suitable for meals?"

1.2. Hypothesis: if you determine the most favorable storage conditions of bread, then the bread can save its taste longer and better.

1.3. Purpose: to find out the optimal storage conditions of bread at home.


- Examine the necessary literature about bread.

Explore the composition of I. food value Bakery products.

- Conduct survey among class students.

Research to determine the most favorable storage conditions for bread at home.

Object of study:bread

Subject of study: Bread storage at home

Research methods:analysis, survey, survey, observation, collection of information from different sources.

1.4. Work plan:

1. Conduct survey among class students.

2. To explore the literature on the history of the emergence in Russia, about his meaning, useful properties and diseases.

3. Research on the storage of bakery products in different conditions.

2. Home part.

2.1. The history of the occurrence of bread in Russia.

The history of the occurrence of bread in Russia is very interesting and fascinating. In Russian culture, bread always held a special place. After all, almost all Slavic tribes had a special custom - it was believed that people who divided bread among themselves become friends for the rest of his life. It was the bread that was considered a binder between nations.

Times change, new generations appear, but the bread also remains the breadwinner and the main element of the culture of the Russian people. The manifestation of hospitality, joy and sadness in Russia has always been conjugate with the presence of bread on the table. It has long been taken, before you begin to eat bread, break it and distribute it to all those present. There was also a tradition - there was a kiss of bread, when the owners served a loaf with salt in hospitality.

Children were taught from childhood to treat bread not just like food, but to appreciate bread, love him as well as homeland, mother and father. Children from small age were explained that the value of bread is very large, as he appears due to the difficulty work of 120 professions.

According to historians, the bread on the territory of Russia appeared approximately fifteen thousand years ago. In ancient times, people thought about how to feed and survive difficult conditions. Therefore, people were in constant search for food, as a result of which they drew attention to unusual plants that had a property to saturate and thicken hunger.
These plants turned out to be precursors of modern cereals, such as wheat, rye or oats. People noticed that these seeds grow very well, especially on the prepared and explosive, pre-watered soil. At the same time, they saw that the growing seeds increase in quantity, as a result, it is possible to get an impressive harvest.

Initially, people eaten grain in raw form, and then began to rub the grains with stones, getting a flour of coarse grinding. They cooked her and made a kind of porridge, including cereals in a daily diet. As a result, such a primitive type of treatment is the prototype of the manufacture of flour and baking bread. It is known that in a primitive form, bread reminded Cashitz from cereals, which were usually not designed. People believed that the semi-width grain was absorbed longer by the body, and the feeling of satiety was preserved for a longer time.

It is worth noting that wheat in ancient times was wildly, so people were very difficult to cleanse cereals. People began to think how best to separate the grains to have time to collect as much harvest as possible. Next, the ancestors began to notice that heated grains are easier separated from the husks, and if the grains hold longer over the fire, the porridge is much more tastier. That is why people began to pull out pits by placing hot stones in it. On these stones and the grains were heated.
Historians argue that approximately seven thousand years in the culture of peoples firmly included traditions on the cultivation and cultivation of cereals. Gradually, the process of variety grains tried to improve, so the first mills and various mortgages for grinding grains were soon invented. People began bakeing bread that little resembled a modern look of bread.

Many historians and archaeologists believe that thought bake bread on fire came to people thanks to the occasion. Upon cooking porridge, part of the mixture hit the fire, and turned out to be a cake, which was very attracted by the people with their fringe taste and smell. Therefore, people began to cook bread, but bake. They knew porridge and baked her in the form of a tortilla. Frequently burnt, a little harsh pieces that have exude a pleasant fragrance and had a rich taste.

Thus, it began to appear in Russia Bakery. Sowing, grain collection, its treatment, making flour and baking bread made new branches in the development of the culture of ancient people. The appearance of bread instilled in their love for the land, which gives them a crop and allows not to die from hunger. According to historians, it contributed to the fact that people began to settle on fertile soils, laying first the village, then the village and cities.

2.2. What was the value of bread and how baked it.
The occurrence of yeast bread also has its own history. Many historians believe that yeast bread appeared in Egypt, where slaves learned to break the cereal mixture with the help of yeast fungi, which under optimal conditions contributed to the fermentation of the test. Ancient people studied bread, which had a lot of small cavities in the cut, due to which the dough became air and soft.
These bubbles were obtained as a result of the appearance of carbon dioxide, allocated as a result of lactic acid fermentation. Released carbon dioxide gave porosity and pomp dough. Also, ancient people noticed that yeast bread remains much longer fresh, tasty and very lush.
The ancient Egyptians baked bread in the form of pyramids, baskets, sphinxes. They also had a row bread, loyal or in the form of a large fish. Each form was decorated with figures of animals and birds, for example, a form of chicken, turkey or dog. A little later, the Egyptians learned to bake the sweet bread, adding honey into the dough, as well as milk.

Soon this bread was the furnace of the Romans and the Greeks, for which the yeast bread was considered one of the most sophisticated dishes. This dish was available only for the richest and most knowledgeable people. And for poor peasants, slaves and mobiles prepared bread made of coarse grinding, which was not tasty, tough and very dense.
In those days, the athletes of the Olympic Games felt especially, therefore, special bread was specially prepared for them, from a qualitatively ground flour. This delicious and lush bread they ate with baked fish and roast meat.

Frequently, bread took a special place in the life of people, so he was very read and respected. Bread worshiped as the sun. It was compared with gold. Historians prove it by the fact that the chronicles and curtains depicted bread along with the sun. Bread was angry in anthem, depicted in the pictures and considered it one of the main dishes on the table of the Lord.

In Greece, he was a big punishment if a person took dishes without bread, in their opinion, for this a person had to get the brutal punishment of the gods. For example, for India it was characteristic not to give a person to a person for any time. It was believed to neglect the bread, meant to apply the host of the house the worst insult.

For a long time, bread was considered not only a delicious dish, but also drugwhich heal people from many diseases of that time. The characteristics recommended to sniff freshly baked bread, if a person complained about any colds, for example, runny nose. People also noticed that the referee bread was an excellent medicine against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bread was made of particular importance in culture, and the bakers were greatly respected by the population. Given that the flour was taken to the ancient people especially hard, so people did not forgive the aback bakes of bread. If the bread was obtained by a low, worm or burnt, the baker shamefully swung her hair, punished with many strikes with a lot of shocks, exposed to review on the square or sent to the harsh places for temporary accommodation.
In case the baker was killed, the killer was tried with all the rigor. People who were engaged in baking bread, kept the recipe for cooking in the secret, transmitting the features of manufacturing from the Father to the Son. A successful bake, which knew a lot about baked bread, a monument was traditionally put. Still in many european cities Preserved tombstones with monuments that were put in honor of the outstanding bakers, the founders of famous bakeries.

In each country, bread was honored in its own way, for example, in the medieval Rome, it was customary to decorate the entrance to the room where the bread was baked. From wood, as well as metal cut out beautiful bells, caravas, pretzels, which were decorated with all the bakery, especially the entrance. They served as bakery symbols.

History of Bakery.
Judging by the archaeological excavations, historians argue that Breadmaker actively began to lead three thousand years ago, during the development of Tripol. It was to this culture that the ancient Slavs treated, in particular, Ukrainians. It is known that people living on the right bank of the territory of modern Ukraine have actively grown grain crops. Excavation on this territory helped to detect clay vessels For grain storage, as well as large special storage facilities, where they held the harvest assembled.

The excavations conducted in the Urals also testified to the bread machine, which the remains found were indicated. clay stoves, sickle sickle sampling, special grains used by the ancient Slavs to grind grain. In the Vologda region, the proof of bread accumulation was also found, as well as the oculturing of wild grain crops, such as rye and wheat. In Russia, baking bread was considered very important, serious and honorary occupation, while the quality of the bread was strictly controlled.

Therefore, in the Middle Ages, there were special bread quality control services, whose functions were performed by bread bars. They walked at the breadpads, walked around the markets where they checked the quality of bread. Subject to the existence of any violations, the bailiffs were discharged by a penalty of the bakers. There were in Russia, where bread baked, as well as real palaces in which the bakers had a lot of fragrant soft bread, which bought the whole district.

Baking bread was considered a very difficult occupation that bakeries were engaged in those times. The situation radically changed only in the nineteenth century. Automation of the process of grinding and kneading the dough has greatly facilitated the work of the bakers. At this time, mechanical bread dough intervals appeared, the automated dough cutting line and baking line.

Each owner of the bakery was convinced that people would never be satisfied with bread, so it would always be lacking. It is also known that the bread is impossible to replace anything. It is worth remembering the tragic years of the 30s in Ukraine, when mass government repressions were committed against peasants. The authorities took all the bread from the peasants than brought them to starvation. At that time, the hunger was due to the lives of millions of peasants who were exhausted with hunger and could not be engaged in sowing and harvesting. Many children were killed, who were the most weak. In the collective farms, the authorities made decisions to close the bakers, the grains from the repository were carried out. The authorities knew that the peasants could be easily destroyed, it was only necessary to pick up their most importantly - bread.

With great difficulty, the surviving peasants began to grow harvest again, restoring their bakeries. However, Hitler's attack again caused a huge blow to grain farm, which never had time to recover. The enemies first bomb all the fields and bakeries. The lack of bread ended with a hungry death for the population. However, the state made from the last strength to grow a crop for soldiers at the front, which fought for their homeland. The bread was also brought by a blockade Leningrad, in which millions of people died from hunger.

In the war years, blockage bread consisted of 15% of paper, 9% of the cake, 3% of the residues from the bags, 1.5% of the dust from wallpaper, 1.5% of the needles, etc. Baking forms were lubricated with solar oil. Such bread was sent to the front and in blockade cities.

After the end of the war, first of all, all the forces were aimed at improving the yield, which depended on the life of the people - the winner.

Thus, the price of bread was human life. In Russia, the bread was always considered a real folk treasure, which laid the work of the whole people. That is why in Russia to bread always experienced tremendous respect and reverence.

2.3. Diseases of bread.

1. Carefloral disease - This is the most common disease of bread. Its causative agent is sporing-forming bacteria related to the pleases. SUBTILIS (potato chopstick), which are common in the soil, air, plants.

Potato or as it is also called, "pulling" bread disease is mainly observed in wheat bread with low acidity.

In bread, with a manifestation of potato disease, the number of aldehydes and other compounds with a sharp smell, the mealky becomes wet and sticky with the formation of threads when the bread is flushed. When stored in warm and wet conditions, there are more sharp changes: the mealky takes a brown or yellow-brown color and a sharp specific unpleasant sweet odor.

The disease is usually developing in wheat bread in the summer, when the air temperature reaches 30 ° C and higher. Eating infected bread causes digestion disorder. Rye bread having a higher acidity is not subject to this disease, as the spores of the potato stick in an acidic environment do not develop. Bread infected with potato disease, food is not suitable.

2. Molding bread. This is the most common type of damage. Molding is most often observed with incorrect storage mode6-free temperature and relative humidity. Call its mushrooms (penicillas). Bread infected with mold has an unpleasant smell and taste. Therefore, moldy bread in food is not suitable.

3. Fusarios. (vegetable AIDS). The presence of pink grains in wheat. If you get through digestive system In the blood of a person acts as a poison.

4. Metal disease (Production) can happen when equipment from metal is used on the bakery, which is less solid than the wheat grain. The use of such bread can lead to a stomach ulcer.

3. Practical part.

3.1. Results of survey among class students.

The purpose of the survey: Find out the methods of storage of bread in the families of class students, find out the conditions for disposing of unsuitable bread (what they do with a worm or moldy bread)

After data processing, the following results were obtained:

1. Wash attitude to bread. - 100% positive

2. How do you like the bread more? - Black - 30%, White - 70%

3. Storage of bread from you at home.

On the table in the package - 20%

In the refrigerator - 30%

In the breadcrumb - 50%

3.2. Description of experience.

70% of families of student respondents prefer daily eat wheat (white) bread.

Follow everything you need. To grow mold on bread, you will need the following materials: a slice of bread (any variety is suitable), a tightly closed plastic bag, a bottle of sprayer and water. You can use any kind of bread, but keep in mind that some varieties with a long shelf life contain preservatives that slow down the rise of mold. In the fresh bread, the mold grows faster.

  • Although you can do without a bottle with a sprayer, it will help evenly moisten the bread with small splashes of water.
  • Before proceeding with the experiment, fill the bottle with water.
  • If you do not have a plastic package, you can use any transparent tightly closing container. Tightness will prevent the mold from entering outward, and transparency is necessary so that you can observe the growth of mold. The old plastic or glass bank is suitable.
  • Sprinkle on bread with water. Take a bottle with a sprayer and slightly spray the bread with water. The bread should not get labeled - just spray a little moisture on it to stimulate the rise of mold. It is enough once sprinkle from the sprayer.

    • You can create a wet environment and other ways:
      • Put in the plastic bag along with bread a wet towel.
      • Sprinkle with water only on the tip of the bread slice.
      • Spray the water inside the package, and not on the bread itself.
  • Sealed bread in a plastic package. Put a slice of bread in a plastic bag and close it tightly. Throughout the subsequent experiment, it is necessary to keep the package closed so that the disputes of the mold, which you grows on bread leaves.

    • If you are allergic, you should not carry out this experience, since it can cause complications.
  • Put the bread into a warm wet place. Mold is well grown in a warm medium with high humidity. Choose a warm place in the house and put a bag with bread there. Increased humidity inside the package you have already created.

    • Mold is not required solar light for growth, it gets the necessary nutrients from bread. That is why mold often starts in dark wet places (for example, in basement).
  • Watch the growth of mold. Check the bread every day and follow the growth of mold. It should pass about 7-10 days before you notice the obvious signs of mold. On some grades, the mold may appear after 5 days. Remember that on fresh bread, the mold appears faster than on those varieties that are intended for long-term storage and therefore contain preservatives.

    • If you notice that bread is drying, add some more water to the package. Before printing the bag, put on rubber gloves and a protective mask to protect against the dispute of mold.