Fresh raspberries with mold what to do. Dangerous diseases of the raspberry: prevention, signs and treatment

Despite the efforts of breeders to bring more resistant to diseases and viruses of raspberry varieties, the plants are still subject to them. This article discusses the most common diseases of the plant, their symptoms and methods of struggle.

Annznosis is a fungus that manifests itself in the form of stains on raspberry stems. White-gray stains bordered bright red. Mushroom disputes quickly multiply and appear on all parts of the plant: the crust, leaves, berries. On the crust of the fungus manifests itself with black spot stains, the leaves are dried with damage, and the berries are covered with ulcers and dry. The affected plant is developing, licks the deciduous mass, the harvest is subsequently, the characteristics of cold resistance are reduced, the bush is dying.

To avoid illness, the raspberry is treated with burgundy fluid to the dissolution of the kidneys, the second time during the formation of buds and the third time spray in the fall, collecting the crop.The patient plant can be reanimated, deleting amazed shoots. If nothing helped, and the disease has not retreated, you need to dig and burn the entire bush.

Important! Too dense and heavy soil presses on the root system of the raspberry, without giving it nutrition and oxygen.

"Witch Broom"

  • Immediately after winter, while insects in the hibernation, you need to pour an anthill with water;
  • Since insects do not tolerate sharp odors, they can be bold, spill around the Murantic Cover of Kerosene.
In addition to folk remedies, there are chemical preparations, powder products, you can learn about them in special stores. Damaged areas of the plant immediately delete and burn.

Verticillious wilting, or Wilt

Wilt is a fungal disease of the raspberry. This fungus very quickly multiplies and affects the entire bush. The fungus can hit the raspberry, penetrating into damage to the trunk or root row. On the trunk of purulent-nasy stains, and then the strips rise to berries. The bark is covered with cracks, shoot shoots, root processes, fade leaves and then the whole bush. The sooner you notice the signs of fungus, the more likely to save the bush. On the early stages The following drugs will help: "Topcin-M", "Triphodermin", "Previkur" and "Vitaros".Apply them follows according to the instructions. If the plant is completely amazed, dig a bush and burn.

The crickerness of the raspberry is dangerous that the amazed bushes need to emerge and burn completely, despite the fact that only some parts can be amazed. This virus is not treated. Symptoms of the disease are manifested in the deformations of leaves, shoots, fruits. The fruits acquire a gray color, fill in shape and dryness. The disease is able to destroy the entire landing.

Virus carriers are ticks and a word. First of all, carefully examine seedlings, insects can be on them, the processing of raspberries in the spring insecticides is desirable. This procedure will turn away insects and keeps away from many diseases. Sick bushes need to be disposed of not to spread the virus to the entire Malinnik.

Septoriasis in Malinnik is often found. The disease of fungal type amazes leaves and shoot bushes with brown spots. Over time, the stains whites in the center and spread throughout the bush, disputes in the form of black points are covered with a bark of a plant, which caught cracks on it. Because of the fungus, the kidneys of raspberries die, which leads to a crown.
Damaged parts of the bush remove.Before the kidneys dissolve, preventive treatment of raspberry copper vitrios is necessary. 100 g of vitriol is bred on a bucket of water, one bush is enough 250 ml of the mixture. More effectively will be the spraying of the soil around the bush.

Attention! The most secure period of raspberry growth in one place is no more than twelve years. After the plant begins poorly fruit, develop and more susceptible to diseases.

Did you know? The cultural cultivation of the raspberries was engaged in the Romans in the first century of our era, there are written evidence of the Katon of the elder in his descriptions of fruit crops.

Purple spottedness or Didimella manifests itself in the form of lilac spots on the stems. Stains over time break and change painting on purple-brown color with a lighter center. The branches and kidneys do not develop on them, become brittle, and the raspberry dries.
The amazed plants need to be destroyed, and healthy to treat bordeaux liquid. The first processing is carried out when young branches will grow up to 20 cm, the second - before the start of flowering. Start the last procedure after harvesting.

The peptic spot is caused by a fungus that strikes the stalks of the raspberry by blurred brown spots. On stains are formed ulcers, spraying sprays fungus. Fabrics stalks and leaves become drums, the bush dies. The main danger is that disputes easily fall into healthy bushes growing nearby.
You can get rid of the disease using treatments with drugs containing copper. The affected parts of the plant must be deleted and disposed.

Root raspberry cancer to discover not easy. The affected bush ceases to grow, foliage and stalky yellow, the fruits become small and tasteless. Detect the disease can be engaged in a bush transplant. The disease is striking the root piglery of the plant, forming a tumor on the main rod of the root system.
Cured cancer is hard. If you find a similar, treat the roots with a solution of copper sulfate, immersing the roots in it for ten minutes.

Mosaic of raspberries - a virus at which the leaves are deformed by losing color. Gradually, gradually begins the entire bush. Newly formed shoots of weak and unnavited, fruit flashes, lose taste.
Mosaic is incurable. Sick plants are subject to destruction. For the prevention, handle the soil against insects, as they are that they are: TLL, ticks and others.

Puffy Dew on Malina

Mild Rosa Rosa develops well with great humidity. With damage to the disease on the leaves and stems appears white raids loose consistency. The leaves dry and fall, the raspberry berries take an ugly shape, the stalks become brittle. You can treat the plant from pulse dew with the help of copper-containing drugs.

Botritis is a fungal disease of the plant, first the disease amazes fruit, covering them with dark spots. Over time, the stains grow up, leading to rotten berries, then the fungus goes to the fruit and further covers the brown rings of the stem. Skes dry at the same time. Spots apply to leaves, interstices, affect the kidney of the plant.

When discovering, it is necessary to remove all the affected areas of the plant and burn. In the spring, before the formation of the kidneys, treat raspberry burgundy liquid. Neither the winter at the soil should remain no residues from patient plants.

Rust raspberry

Rust on raspberry spreads at high humidity, before it fights, remove the amazed parts of the raspberry. Rust symptoms are manifested with gray brine with red border. On the inside of Fox, the fungus spreads the disputes - the dark color. If you do not get rid of the disease on time, it will save you from the crop. Patients burn, the rest of the bushes are treated with copper-containing drugs or burglar liquid.

" Raspberry

Malina refers to the category of barbed shrubs that have powerful rhizomes and a large number of shoots. The cultivation of shrubs in one place should be made not more than 7 years. Otherwise, there is a decrease in the size of the fruits in size and the looseness of the root system of this plant.

In this article, we will look at the main diseases of the raspberries, we learn why the leaves or rot the berries can be drove on the bush and how to deal with it.

Sadovaya Malina need to provide optimal growth conditions. Otherwise, it will fall asleep. The cause of drying is the wrong care for it, which lies in insufficient watering, poor light, soil poverty.

The cause of drying of this plant becomes infectious diseases. Infection penetrates through mechanical damage. Drying berries, leaves and shoots is observed as a result of the VILT virus, which refers to the category of hazardous diseases.

Shrub often dries as a result of a versille wiping. This is a fungal disease that is striking shrub and other shrubs, and trees.

During the development of this disease, raspberry leaves quickly yellow, and the tops of the trunks dry out. When disembarking bushes in the neighborhood with zucchini, tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants, they can occur their drying. This is explained by the fact that these plants are pathogens molds mushroomswhich are detrimental to the plant.

Ringing raspberries can for various reasons. They are not improperly leaving for shrubs, but in diseases.

Why does remote raspberry dry leaves?

Drying the leaf of shrub is observed as a result of disease development. Often it happens as a result of the development of root cancer. With its development, there is a loss of taste quality berries. New shoots of shrub are characterized by small size, the leaves become yellow. AT summer period They begin to fall.

Infectious chlorosis or jaundice - frequent reasons Yellowing leaf of shrub. This is an infectious disease. With the development of this disease on young shoots often yellow leaves. Berries are characterized by dry and unpleasant taste. The fight against the disease is to eliminate the affected shoots.

Gardeners marked the yellowing of the leaves and with noncommunicable chlorosis, the cause of which is improper treatment of soil and adverse climatic conditions. When shrub infection, there is a change in the color of his leaves. On healthy shoots, foliage dimensions increase.

The main reason for the yellowing of the leaves of the plant is diseases that may have, both infectious and non-infectious nature.

Why can raspberries sleep berries?

The drying of the berries of the removable raspberry can be observed as a result of diseases, for example, infectious contagious chlorosis. During the development of this disease, foliage is observed. By autumn, it acquires normal coloring. This disease practically does not affect the level of harvest. But the berries become dry and lose taste. There are many seeds in them. Stems of patient plants become thick and low.

Berries can fall along with the tops of the plant as a result of the effects of gallicle. In the development of this disease, there are cracks and bloatings on shoots. If the shrub is grown in one place for more than 5 years, then as a result, a decrease in the berries in size and drying them can be observed. If the shrub is amazed by a vesticilla wilt, then the fading of the plant is observed from the tops of the berries.

Drying the berries affect diseases that arise as a result of improper shrub care.

Drying berries on the bush

Major's main diseases and their symptoms

Both diseases and pests are dangerous for this plant. That is why you need to start fighting pests in a timely manner and treat diseases.

White and purple spot

White purple spotting refers to the category of fungal diseases. The disease amazes young growing shoots near the fastening of the leaves to the stems. The raspberry trunks are covered with white or brown stains in a black point.

To combat the disease, you often need to drag and soil soil, but to mulch it. Plant treatment insecticide can be treated. An ideal option for combating this disease is 0.3 percent carbofos. You can spray confident.

Bacterial roak

Root cancer leads to a worsening of raspberry growth and loss of flavoring berries, and plant foliage becomes yellow. Fighting this disease is problematic, since the use of insecticides is prohibited. Bushes that are affected by root cancer are digging and burned.

This eliminates the possibility of spreading the disease.

After digging raspberry, infected with the root cancer, its landing is not carried out on a certain bed for 8 years.

Fungal diseases of raspberries (anthracnose and gray rot)

Malina is a militant to such fungal defeats, like gray rot and anthracnose. The symptoms of anthrand is most often observed in the conditions of increased humidity of growing shrubs. This fungal disease is manifested by spotting on the leaves, which has a brown color. The misfortune missed disease should be thoroughly trimmed and removed from the site.

With ansis, spraying is made using the Bordeaux mixture. You need to repeat the procedure every 10 days.

The appearance of gray rot on raspberry is observed as a result of the impact of multicellular mycelium. The disease is manifested at the initial stage of ripening berries. The disease is initially manifested by the occurrence of brown spots at the places in contact with fruits. At the expiration of several days, the disease is covered by all the fruit, resulting in necrosis.

To combat the gray rot during the raspberry bootonization period, it is necessary to make chemical treatment. For this purpose, fungicides may be used in the form of Fundazola 50 SP, ROOVERA, BOMAS 50 SP, Ronilan, etc. Application should be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions.

Mosaic raspberry

Mosaic is a common raspberry disease that can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the variety. It can manifest itself in the form of mosaic leaves or their deformation. The affected bushes are characterized by a weak increase in shoots.

The fight against the disease is carried out using insecticides - hostation 40 ks, Marshal 25 Ke, Kroneton 50 E, odene 75 SP.


Rust on raspberry is a fungal disease, with the appearance of which dark spots appear on the bottom of the leaves. As a result, the leaves of the plant dry and fall out. With strong launition of the disease on the stems appear brown stains.

When infecting raspberry bushes, their destruction is made. In the spring and rapid period, spraying is performed. For this purpose, a solution of 1 percent Bordeaux fluid is used.

This disease is most often observed on old plants. The disease is manifested by brown spots on shoots. In the summer, a sudden drying of the plant may be observed. In order to avoid the appearance of the disease, you need to delete two-year shoots after harvesting.

During the growing season, the shrub must be processed by the Bordeaux mixture. Before flowering, the plant needs to be treated with such insecticides, like topxin M70, IPT 12 SK, Alto 100 Sl, etc.

The witch broom on Malina arises as a result of the effects of phytoplasm. With the development of this disease, a large number of shoots are formed at the base of shrubs.

The fight against this disease is to process insecticide plants and landing new healthy shoots.

Witch Lamb Malina

Pests on raspberry and struggle with them

Pests are able to apply rain irreparable harm. They adversely affect not only the fruits of the plant, but also on the stems, the root system.

That is why when they occurred, it is necessary to conduct timely struggle with them. For this purpose, insecticides are used in most cases. In order to avoid the appearance of pests on Malina, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures.

Weevon is a small bug of black color, which damages the raspberry with his long nose. To combat this pest, it is recommended to carry out the processing of bushes with infant of garlic. A solution of manganese potassium can be used to eliminate the pest.

Raspberry should be processed in the morning or in the evening. In order to avoid the appearance of a weevil between the raspberry planted garlic or onions.

The Malinik beetle has a brown color and reaches 4 centimeters. It damages flowers and raspberries. Malinous Beetles are damaged shoots and leaves of the plant. During the bootonization period, the beetles are harvested manually. If there are larvae in the damaged berry, then they need to be killed.

Gallitsa is the main pest of the raspberry. This is an insect of black, which grows up to 2.5 centimeters long. The insect is characterized by the presence of transparent wings. Pests are closed under the bark of the plant and winter there.

In order to avoid mass damage to the shrub in autumn and spring, damaged plants are burned.

Butterfly lays eggs on the surface of the soil near the raspberry bushes. Her larvae damage the shrub stems. If, during the inspection of the raspberry, stem fly was detected, then it is necessary to cut off immediately and burn the tops of shrubs. If there is a stroke of the larva in the stem, then the stem is cut closer to the root. In the autumn period, careful soil looser should be carried out.

The raspberry stem fly is a small insect, the length of which is not more than 5 millimeters. It is characterized by green color and the presence of transparent wings. Wintering pest under raspberry bushes. From May of the month, eggs are laid in the upper leaves.

Muh larvae penetrate the stem, which leads to fading of shoots. The struggle is to eliminate damaged shoots. If this procedure is in no results, then you need to apply insecticides.

Methods of treatment and prevention

In case of improper care, raspberries may be subject to a variety of diseases. Negative impact on its growth and development have pests. To ensure a rich harvest, it is necessary to conduct timely prevention of its pests and diseases. For this purpose you need:

  • Eliminate weeds;
  • Carry out the autumn soil resistance;
  • Delete old shoots;
  • Conduct timely pruning of plants;
  • Processing the bushes of the Bordeaux mixture in autumn and spring.

When performing all of the above measures, the prevention of the gardener is guaranteed to eliminate the possibility of pests and diseases on raspberry.

Malina is a useful shrub, whose berries are used not only in food, but also for the treatment of diseases. Wrong care leads to the appearance of pests and diseases on this plant.

In order to be able to use raspberries into food, the fight against them should be carried out by mechanical methods or using safe insecticides. In order to avoid the appearance of pests and diseases, it is necessary to carry out their prevention in a timely manner. Its fulfillment does not require the costs of strength and cash.

In conclusion, we suggest to see a small video about the diseases and pests of raspberries, as well as about ways to combat:

Paper will absorb condensate, which produce vegetables in the cold. Excess moisture makes them rot, and napkins will stop this process and help vegetables save freshness. I even had to meet the owners, which every cucumber wrap in toilet paper - and their trick really works!

2. Put an apple in a bag with potatoes.

Apples highlight gas ethylene, which helps potatoes to remain fresh and elastic for several weeks longer.

3. But I store apples away from other fruits and vegetables.

Ethylene, which is good for potatoes, bad for almost the rest. Therefore, do not put them in a vase with oranges and grapes, if you just do not intend to write a still life with them, and then eat immediately. In the refrigerator, apples keep in a plastic bag so that they do not affect other products.

4. Do not separate the bunch of bananas until you gather them to eat.

When we try to normalize the daytime diet and distribution products in advance by portions, then temptation arises and bananas decompose on breakfast boxes. But it is harmful to their safety.


It is better to wrap the tilt of the bunch of bananas by the food film after purchase and tear on one banana immediately before meals. So they do not conquer longer and lay on 3-5 days more.

5. Berries with a solution of vinegar.

It's a shame that this expensive delicacy will deteriorate in the blink of an eye. But in your power to extend the life of the berries, giving them a sour bath: for one part of the table vinegar - three parts of the water. After swimming, we swell berries on the colander, seeking a paper towel and remove them into the refrigerator. Vinegar will kill the spores of mold and bacteria that make products deteriorate.

6. Do not store tomatoes in the refrigerator.

It kills their taste and juicy texture. Better let them argue on the windowsill. Potatoes and onions in the refrigerator there is nothing to do: they love to lie in a cool dark dry place.

7. Celery wiring in foil.

In a plastic packaging from the supermarket, it will last long - although one or two stems are in the food at once, and I would like celery to be stored for weeks. It will help the aluminum foil packaging - it will allow you to go out gas, which spoils celery shoot, while plastic packaging delays it.

8. Crack greens like a bouquet.

Fresh greens are best reeling, put in a glass with water and keep this bouquet on the windowsill. If guests come, then you can even put bouquets of dill, cilantro and basils on the table - let them decorate their dish to taste, pressing off the piece.

9. And when the greens begin to fade, freeze it in olive oil.

When your greenery bouquets are poured, you can finely cut herbs, put them in an empty container for making ice cubes, and then pour olive oil and put in the freezer. In frozen form, these olive-spicy cubes can be stored for months. To use them, throw a cube on a hot frying pan.

Sunflower oil is not suitable for this: it will not freeze in the refrigerator.

10. Crack mushrooms in a paper bag.

In the plastic, they will feel not so cheerful: the mushrooms are risky. And in the paper moisture evaporates, they will remain clean and dry.

11. Avocado should dial at room temperature.

Avocado's ripeness check, squeezing him slightly. If it is too solid - hold it on the windowsill until it becomes softer, and the reinforcement is in the refrigerator.

If you used only one half an avocado, leave the bone in the second half and slightly sprinkle the remaining half avocado lemon juice.

12. Hold raisins in hermetic packaging.

Then it will keep the necessary elements, including moisture. If raisins still dry, hold it in hot water For hours or two, prevention is always better than treatment.

13. Urban Salad in Icewater.

If a green salad He became sluggish, he can return the tone. We divide it on the leaves, slip them and throw in a bowl, full of ice water. Let it be refreshing from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on how much he seems to be bold. Voila - now the salad looks like a flaw.

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Raspberries - Description

A winding riveted raspberry rhizome forms many apparent roots, due to which the root root system is made powerful and very branched. Structuring stalks reach height from one and a half to two and a half meters. The shoots of the first year are grassy, \u200b\u200bjuicy, sizo-green, covered with frequent, thin, small spikes. On the second year, shoots are treated and become brown, and after fruiting dry, but instead of them the next spring, new green stems grow up. The raspberry leaves are sweet, the next, complex - with three-seven oval leaves, the upper side of the sheet plate is dark green, and the bottom whitening due to the small pile growing on it. Small busy inflorescences of white flowers with a diameter of about one centimeter are located in the sinuses of the leaves or on the tops of the stems.

The raspberry berry consists of small hairproof strokes that have grown in a complex fruit. Most often, red rapid raspberries are grown, but yellow raspberries and even black raspberries are also cultivated. After landing, the raspberries are beginning to be froning the next year, on the very first year, the flowering kidneys are only laid on its stems, of which later, with the next spring, fruit sprigs develop. However, today, thanks to the efforts of breeders, there are removable raspberry varieties that are fruitful on the shoots of the first year.

Raspberry yellow

Very often, the readers of the site worry such questions: why raspberry yellow leaves and what if Malina turns yellow? If this happens in the fall, then, most likely, you are watching the natural seasonal changes, but if the raspberry turns yellow in spring or summer, this is an alarming sign. The reasons for this phenomenon are several, and one of them is bacterial diseases of the raspberry roak cancer and the roots of the roots. The symptoms of these diseases are similar: on the roots of the plant form growths in the form of tubers, the growth of shoots is stopped, the raspberry leaves are yellow, and the berries are losing sweetness.

The plants in areas with a slightly alkaline or neutral soil are most often ill. To avoid infection with root cancer or gobbiness, carefully inspect the raspberry seedlings before planting, and if you see a swirling on the roots, remove the affected part of the rhizomes, and the cutting is treated with a single-surfactant solution of copper sulfate.

Swimming leaves of raspberries and from various kinds of mosaics - viral diseases that are manifested on the leaves of rashes mesh, spray, spotty or divorces. Drugs from viral diseases do not exist, so try to protect the raspberry from infection with a mosaic with good care and preventive treatments of bushes against Tly, which is a sickness of the disease. Immediately remove from the site and destroy the instances affected by the disease.

Sometimes the premature yellowing of the leaves occurs because your Malinik too thickened - the thickets are badly ventilated, there are not enough plants. Spend good trimming with thinning bushes, and then adopt the plants with chicken litter or overworked.

Chlorosis of raspberry

Another answer to the question why yellowing raspberries, There may be causative agents of viral diseases that penetrate the tissue through the cuts and dorms of the crust. The carriers of viruses are insects - nematodes, ticks or a solard, subject to raspberry infection with such a serious illness as jaundice or chlorosis. First, the sections of the leaf plate between the veins are yellow, then the yellowness is asymmetrically poured onto the entire sheet, and it is wrinkled. The shoots are pulled out, thinning, berries become small, deforming and dried quickly.

Provoke the development of infection is too wet soil and too high soil acidity on the plot. It is possible to move the reaction into the alkaline side by making the gypsum to the plot under the peroxide of the gypsum at the rate of 120 g per 1 m², and the excess of moisture is eliminated by a reduction in irrigation. And be sure to destroy insects, expanding infection. If your raspberry is sick with chlorosis, you will have to dig up the affected specimens and burn them, and in the place where they grew, it will be possible to grow raspberry not earlier than ten years: there are no medicines from chlorosis yet.

Viral disease crickerness raspberry

The leaves of the sick plants are minor, become wrinkled and rigid, and the lower side of the sheet plate acquires a brown color. Berries on sick bushes are made with sour, deform and dry, and the plant itself dies for three years. Be careful, inspect the planting material on the subject of symptoms of the disease, because it is impossible to cure this disease, and the affected plants need to be immediately removed from the site and destroy.

Mycoplasma disease

There is another malicious disease of the raspberry, which is called an upgrooment, or "witch broom": the plant forms many non-smoking small shoots with a height of 30 to 50 cm - up to 200 per bush. If such an instance appeared on your site, destroy it immediately until the disease has shutdled to neighboring bushes, because this disease is not treated. It was cicada to put it on the site, or the causative agent of the disease came to you with the landing material, so be careful when buying and landing raspberries and destroy insect pests.

Malina drier

Another question that our readers often ask: why does the raspberry dry? This happens as a result of a violation of the rules of the Malina. Here are the reasons from which the leaves will dry and even stems of raspberries:

  • lack of moisture;
  • nitrogen hunger;
  • too dense landing and, as a result, insufficient lighting.

Examine the state of your Malinnik, determine and eliminate your mistakes, and do not neglect the annual trimming of reposing second-year shoots.

It will dry by raspberries and from diseases, the description of which is shown below, as well as from the shoots and stem gallicle - pests, which will be discussed in a separate chapter.

Rust raspberry

Sometimes the fact that raspberries dry, the malina fungal diseases are, one of which is rust. In May, dark spots appear on the bottom side of the sheet, the raspberry leaves dry and fall, brown ulcers appear on the stems. Sick bushes will have to destroy, because it is impossible to cure rust, but you can take preventive measures that will not allow raspberry infection with this disease. Spring and autumn processing of Malinnik, a single-surplus mortar of burgundy fluid, will protect the bushes from the defeat of this fungus.

Spotted raspberry

More often than rust, striking Malina purple spottedness, or Didimella, as a result of Malina dry. First, light-purple spots appear on young stems, which are gradually blurred and darken around the edges to red and brown, and black dots appear in the lighter center of stains - picnides. Over time, the stains merge, their surface cracks, breaks break, and the kidneys do not develop on them. Wet summer the disease can cover the entire area.

Destroy the mushroom-infected copies, carry out the processing of bushes with a single-percent solution of burglar fluid: for the first time, when young shoots achieved a length of 15-20 cm, the second time before flowering, the third is immediately after flowering and the last time after harvesting. Do not bother the plot.

Puffy Dew on Malina

An dangerous fungal disease is a mildew, covering in the first half of summer, especially if there is a wet weather, terrestrial parts of raspberries with a white loose bloom, which will dry the leaves, and the berries are deformed. If you discovered the tormentary dew in Malinnik, immediately after harvesting, treat the plants as well as the same time and the same means as the damage to other fungal diseases.

Antraznosis Rasina

Anterapa - also a fungal disease, from which raspberry in the garden often suffers. On the leaves and stalks of the plant, small gray stains with a purple rim appear, growing, merging between themselves and forming ulcers, which are collapsed and the leaves are dying, the bark is peeling on the stems, and the berries do not have time to ripen, deform and darken. It is necessary to struggle with the anthracnose by the same methods as with any other fungal disease.

Launched and thickened Malinik can also hit the peptic spottedness of stems and autumn spot - fungal diseases, whose ways we have already called you, telling about purple spottedness. Try, if the raspberry dried, immediately remove the dry stems so that insects are not settled in the insects, and the green shoots are desirable to cut, if they are weak or directed inside the bush.

Trimming is a shrub sanitary processing, and if you spend it right and at the right time, this measure strengthens the stability of the raspberry to diseases and pests, which will also settle more often on a weakened plant.

Raspberries crushed leaves

It is a symptom of raspbernosis disease, which we wrote above, but sometimes the deformation of the leaves does not testify not about the illness, but about the lack of one or another element in the soil - for example, boron or potassium. If the case is in the lack of potassium, then the leaves of the raspberry wock the edges down. The lack of potassium can fix the raspberry of the raspberry ashes, and the boron deficiency is eliminated by a solution of boric acid entered into the soil at the beginning of summer.

TLL on Malina

Malinous leaf TLL and Malinous Way - widespread pests of raspberries, blackberries and other garden berry crops. The shooting failure is settled by the colonies at the ends of the shoots and in the inflorescence of raspberries, and the leaf wave of small group lives on the lower side of the leaves and feeds on their juice. The shooting TLL slows down the growth of raspberries, and the sheet besides this is a carrier of viral diseases. The method of combating aphids is to spray the plants with a carbophos or accomplish during the dissolving of the kidneys of the raspberry.

Malina Clean Tick

This insect is striking not only Malina, suffers from him also gooseberry, black and red currant, strawberries, blueberries, elderberry, rose and grapes. The tick, located on the underside of the leaves and feeding them with the juice, wounds the leaves with a thin cobweb. Damaged places are discolored, with the course of the disease, the leaves become marble, gradually dry and in the end fall. The precursor appearance on raspberry ticks is a steady and long-term heat without precipitation.

Effective measure in combating ticks is the spraying of raspberry bushes (gooseberry, currant, etc.) by acaricides, which belongs to such drugs such as carbofos, phosphamide, colloidal sulfur, ciden, metaphos. With too much susceptible tick treatment of plants, acaricides can be carried out repeatedly - up to four times a season with an interval of ten days. In order not to create a comfortable environment for ticks, except for watering into a dry heat practicing spraying of bushes with water in the evening.

Gallians on Malina

Malina and gallians of two species are harmful - a raspberry mosquito, or shooting gallicle and malinous stem gallicle, laying eggs in cracks and damage to the bark at the bottom of the shoots, forming galls - bloating. At the affected shoots, the bark smells and peels off, they dry. Soothes with characteristic signs of lesion (bloating in the root sections of stems) It is necessary to cut and destroy together with pests, the soil in which the gallians winter, in the spring and autumn need to be pulled to a depth of 15 cm, and the plants to handle the carbofos or accutelic.

A malinous nutproofer behaves in a similar way, larvae to shoot raspberries, on which galls are formed from this. To spray raspberries in case of detection of this pest, you need all the same carbofos or accomplish, as well as an ambush before the start of flowering.


This is a small insect up to 4 mm in length covered with yellow or gray hairs. It winter in the upper layer of the soil, and by the end of May it moves into raspberry buds and eats them, damaging also opened flowers and leaves. At the end of July, the larvae is returned to the soil again, they pour out there to turn into beetles in the fall.

It is necessary to get rid of malinous beetles during the bootonization period, shaking them from the bush and destroying. The soil peroxide is required under the bushes and in the aisle during the pounding period of the larvae. Good results for the destruction of this pest gives a spraying of raspberry with confident, desisis or a decade-free carbofos solution.


This bug harms not only raspberry, but also strawberries, therefore the appearance of a weevil on cottage plot Extremely undesirable. Winter bugs under fallen foliage and commissions of the Earth, and in the spring, eggs put eggs into buds, where the larva is powered by a flower, eating it from the inside. One female weevil, laying out one egg to the bud, can damage up to 50 flowers to damage. In June-July, a new generation of weevil appears, eating leaves.

In order not to give Zhuks to destroy the harvest, spray the Malinnik during the bootonization and no later than five days before the disclosure of flowers, carbofos, accomplish, metaphos or other drugs of this action.

Malinous kidney mole

This is a butterfly with dark brown wings with small golden stains, moth caterpillar - red with a dark brown head. Most of all this insect harms raspberries. The caterpillars in the cracks of the stems or under the vegetable remnants on the ground, and the early spring are moved to the shoots and the kidneys are stretched, and then they are embedded in the flesh of escape, they are puzzled there at the end of May, and from the beginning of blooming raspberry out of the pupae, butterflies, laying eggs in raspberry flowers . The caterpillars that appeared from them eat berries, destroying the harvest of raspberries.

In order not to help winding the binding moth, during the pruning of old shoots, do not leave hemp from them. Spray Malinnik confident, spark, desisis or three-percent carbofos emulsion in early spring, when the kidneys are just beginning to swell.

Malinous stem fly

Also a dangerous pest, the larvae of which stretched the spiral passes inside the stems on top to the roots, why the tops of the shoots are withering, then black and rot. When bloom begins, the larvae go into the soil, where they winter and turn into butterflies, departing in the spring and larvae, eating stem from the inside. Carefully inspect the bushes and immediately cut off the affected tops of the shoots to a healthy stem. Spray with accuters or carbofosoma raspberry early spring when it just starts to grow shoots. In the fall, remove the foliage from the site.

It also behaves malinous glass glass, but she prefers to winter in the core of the stem or the root of the raspberry, forming a bloat. That is why it is very difficult to destroy it insecticide. Cut the old shoots that will no longer be fruiting without leaving the hemp from them, make sure that there are no cracks and mechanical damage on the stems.

What to treat raspberries - prevention

Treatment of raspberry spring

As soon as snow comes down and the earth will begin to warm up, Mouse over to the area where Raspberry grows: Cut the frostbed tops of shoots, remove broken or different from the other color of the stems, as well as those growing the bush. Complete last year's foliage and burn it, and in the soil on the plot, enter nitrogen fertilizers and make them in the soil. After that, bring the raspberry to the sleeper and inspect it again for trimming - something you could miss.

Treatment of raspberry from diseases

It is best to spray with raspberry in spring with a nitrafen or burglar liquid as prevention, and not only bushes, but also the soil under them. The first spraying must be carried out before the kidneys begin to bloom. Whether it will be necessary to repeat the processing in the spring and in the summer, depends on what kind of hands you have noticed in the raspberry last year. However, after harvesting, it is necessary to carry out the last year of the treatment of raspberries and soil under the bushes by nitrafen or burgundy liquid to destroy the pathogens of the diseases that could appear on raspberry for the summer months.

Treatment of raspberry from pests

At the beginning of the spring, before the kidneys dissolve, treat raspberry with carbofos or accutelle. If you carry out this processing twice a year, it is in time to cut unnecessary stems and observe the agricultural conditions for growing raspberries, then you will not have to complain about the health of the plant or the crop of fruits. If you have noticed some pests during the last growing season season, you will fight with them using our information - process raspberries insecticides according to the type of pest and as many times as you need to get rid of it. The last processing of insecticide in the season should be carried out after harvest.

Treatment of raspberry in autumn

Pretty Malina

Than to feed raspberries

It is necessary to start to fertilize the raspberries at the landing, close in the soil under the steamer a large number of manure and mineral fertilizers. After that, the need for feeding arises only in two seasons, that is, on the third spring. In the spring, Malina needs nitrogen fertilizers, which need to be made annually in the snow at the rate of 8 g of urea or 12 g of ammonium nitrate for one square meter.

In the fall in the soil, it is necessary to make 100 g of ashes (as potash-phosphoric fertilizers) and 6 kg of humus or manure to the same unit area - autumn feeding is made once every two years and only if you have not used manure or humus as mulch. The exceptions are Maliniki, located on the Supayes - such a soil requires annual fertilizer. Suglinic soils need to fertilize every two years, but the dosage is increased by a quarter. The manure can be successfully replaced by a compost by adding ash and mineral fertilizers.

Fighting Malina

How to deal with raspberry

All raspberry varieties give roasting pigs - one is smaller, others are more. This pigproof spreads over Malinnik, and if you go, it will be even where it should not be. It is easiest to trim unnecessary shoots with a sharp shovel to a depth of ten centimeters, but to leave them in the same place where they are gradually dried. In order to protect the garden from the penetration of the shoots of the raspberries, Malinnik is covered by the slate slices into the ground to a depth of 35-40 cm.

You can also plant a raspberry garlic or sorrel around the bushes, and even better - plants beans on m

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