Personalized icons. Icon of Saint Alexandra - meaning, history, what Saints with the name Alexander help with

From the Orthodox church canons, an Orthodox believer knows that according to the church calendar, St. Alexandra's Day is celebrated almost simultaneously with the name day of the Great Martyr George. This celebration is held annually on April 23. From historical information it is also known that such a date was set around the tenth century. The primary record of such a holiday is in the Typikon of the Great Church.

Life of the Holy Martyr Alexandra

For the first time, the name of the Holy Great Martyr Alexandra is encountered by Orthodox people in historical information associated with the great ruler George the Victorious. As you know, it was he who suffered martyrdom for professing the Orthodox faith during the reign of Diocletian. The husband of the Great Empress Alexandra of Rome was Diocletian. Historians claim that initially, before baptism, Alexandra was called by the Roman name Prisca, and when she secretly accepted the Christian Faith, after baptism she was called Alexandra, and it was with this name that she became one of the great holy martyrs.

However, Russian scholars argue that, despite the fact that the Vatican Codex never mentions the name of Saint Alexandra, who was the wife of Diocletian, therefore, her name is written in the Roman form. Thus, historians of Byzantium and Rome did not want to contradict the Roman origin of the woman, so she was recorded in history under the name Prisca. Other historians suggest that Alexandra of Rome was the widow of Diocletian's predecessor. One way or another, her name was recorded in various forms in historical information, but it became widely known only after some events associated with St. George the Victorious.

Many Orthodox believers connect the life of the Holy Great Martyr with the death of George, since until that moment her accomplishments and virtue were unknown. At that time, if the Holy Martyr, according to God’s will, appeared to his tormentors, then they did not believe in him and often recognized him as a sorcerer. Therefore, Alexandra, being in her own palace, heard the confusion that was happening among the people in the main square of the city during the torment of the Victorious. That is why the woman decided that she no longer wanted to conceal her true faith in the Almighty, so she went to the square. She openly declared that she believed in Christianity and God's will; many witnesses to paganism were afraid of such a statement.

When the woman came to the square, she saw George painfully bound, so with incredible speed she began to make her way between the people, that is, the angry crowd, closer and closer to the place where her husband Diocletian carried out his Last Judgment. At the same time, she offered prayers to the Almighty so that he would help her get to the required place in the shortest possible time. At the moment when Alexandra made her way from the crowd to the center, where all the actions were taking place, she fell at the feet of George and openly announced to all the people present in the square that they professed Christianity and renounced paganism. Her husband was shocked, but asked her what deed had happened to her that she decided to renounce her own faith and join other sorcerers who exalt only the Almighty and in no way respect the pagan gods? However, Alexandra, being an empress, did not answer her husband Diocletian, but simply silently turned away from him.

At that very moment, the ruler’s patience snapped, since he could not break the will of St. George the Victorious and at the same time he had an ally in the form of his Empress Alexandra. Her act was seen by every resident who was in this square, so the man decided not to continue torturing the Orthodox believers, but to immediately behead them.

St. George the Victorious was again put in chains, and the Great Martyr Alexandra was placed on a cart and went outside the city, to the place where the execution was taking place at that time. The woman prayed without ceasing all the way, offering prayers and prayers to the Almighty, and also begging him to help her in the last minutes of her life, at that very moment she raised her eyes to heaven, thus seeking the support and protection of the Lord God. During the journey, the woman was very tired, so she asked the guards to allow her to sit down on Earth for a while in order to rest. The guards allowed Saint Alexandra to sit down, she performed this act, leaned her head against the wall of some building and took her last breath, thus she went to the Almighty.

George the Victorious, in turn, seeing such a quiet and peaceful death of Saint Alexandra, thanked the Lord God and asked him to give him the same death. However, in this case, the Almighty did not hear his prayer, therefore, arriving at the place of execution, George the Victorious, for the last time in his life, offered a prayer service to the Almighty and asked him for forgiveness and love, for all those guards who had tortured him for a long time and in execution is currently being carried out. George asked the Almighty to grant them forgiveness from various sins that were committed of their own free will or by order, and to accept his soul into the Kingdom of Heaven soon. Having finished offering the prayer to Georgia, he bowed his head before the guard’s sword and breathed his last. Remaining in the memory of almost every Orthodox person in the form of a Saint, beloved and highly revered person, as is known, this act took place around the year 303.

From historical information it is known that Saint Alexandra, who was an empress, had a daughter named Valeria. During the time when Diocletian was a ruler, he forcibly married his daughter to his own co-ruler Maximian Gallery. And then in 305 after the Nativity of Christ, Emperor Diocletian abdicated the Imperial throne and handed it over to his own son-in-law Maximilian. It is known that Saint Alexandra raised her own daughter Valeria according to the Christian religion, but such acts were committed in secret from her husband. From historical information it is known that Valeria’s husband sent her to Syria together with her mother Alexandra, but after the death of Maximian, the women returned to Nicomedia in 313, where the ruler of that time ordered them to be seized and beheaded, and thrown into the depths of the sea.

The exact date of death of the Holy Great Martyr Alexandra of Rome and her daughter Valeria was discovered around the tenth century. This discovery was made by Saint Basil the Great, conducting a Minology. He put a lot of effort into identifying the exact number of Christians who suffered during the reign of Maximilian and Diocletian and other rulers who punished people for the Christian faith. Because it was these people who showed the whole world the glory and power of the Almighty, while attracting more and more people to the Christian Faith. Subsequently, around the twelfth century, the life and other historical information related to the biography of Alexandra of Rome were translated into various languages ​​of the world, and also presented in the private manuscripts of Constantine of Mokisia.

Patroness of Russian monarchs

Saint Alexandra of Rome enjoyed special respect and reverence in the families of Russian monarchs. At various times, she was the patroness of Alexandra Feodorovna, who was the empress and wife of Nicholas 1. She was also the patroness of monarchs, that is, Alexandra Feodorovna, the wife of Nicholas 2. It was these two Empresses who, during their own reign, built a large number of temples, churches and monasteries, which to this day bear the holy name of Alexander.

Temple in honor of the Great Martyr in Peterhof

From historical information, almost every Orthodox believer knows that around 1854, during the Indian Rus, the construction of a church began, which bore the name of St. Roman Alexandra. It is important to note that the ceremonial laying of the foundation took place on August 11, and Emperor Nicholas I himself took part in it. Therefore, it was he who laid the stone from the holy banks of the Jordan into the foundation of this church. After its construction, many years later, such a church became the most favorite place for monarchs and imperial families, since it was here that prayers of praise or prayers were offered to the Almighty. Eyewitnesses of that time describe in chronicles that this church was five-domed and built of stone, therefore it had a unique appearance and beauty. The architecture amazed many specialists because here during construction the best element of architectural art called kokoshnik was used.

The main decoration of the temple was a gift, that is, a carved wooden iconostasis, it was Nicholas II who bestowed these decorations on the church. Based on this, it is clear that a considerable amount of money was spent on the construction of the temple erected in honor of Alexander. And since the Temple was built on a mountain, therefore, the materials required certain costs. Historical information says that at the time of the consecration of the temple, which bears the name of the Great Martyr Alexandra, not only members of the royal family were present, but also Emperor Nicholas 1 himself, since it was he who, after the divine service, thanked every person who participated in the construction of the temple, as well as those who came to the opening.

Historical information says that not only precious stones, silver and gold were kept in the temple, but also red Siberian jasper. Architects of our time wonder how it happened that the Church of St. Alexandra, which is located on Babigonsky com gone, can accommodate more than 500 Orthodox believers; at present, it is not always possible to achieve this.

Temple destruction

The temple operated until 1940, and then during the war it was destroyed, as it was often damaged by shelling and various attacks. After the end of the war, the church was transferred to some State Farm workshop, and only in 1991 the building of the former church was transferred directly to the diocese. Restorers claim that from the moment reconstruction began, the church, which bore the name of the martyr Alexandra, was a kind of terrible sight, since the main dome and five-domed bell tower were missing. At the same time, there was no decoration, no iconostasis, and the main spiral staircase was destroyed.

The restoration of the temple continued for a long time and around 1998, the first divine service after the restoration was performed in this temple at the rut. It is worth noting that at present the temple has not been completely restored, but services are held regularly. Restorers are trying to achieve the original appearance that the church had before the hostilities.

St. Alexandra's Day is celebrated according to the church calendar simultaneously with the feast of the Great Martyr George - April 23. This date has been known since the 10th century; it was recorded in the Typikon of the Great Church. The date is associated with the death of the saint on April 21, 303, but commemoration began two days later.

Life of the Holy Martyr Alexandra

Orthodox Saint Alexandra is mentioned in the life of the Great Martyr George the Victorious as the queen and wife of the Roman Emperor Diocletian (303) - an ardent follower of idolatry and persecutor of Christianity, according to whose orders all churches were to be destroyed, church books were to be burned, and church property was to go to the state. Every Christian had to make sacrifices to the emperor and the pagan gods. Refusal was subject to torture, imprisonment and death penalty.

At a meeting between the king and the princes about the murder of innocent Christians, Saint George was not afraid to speak out against this outrage. The spears with which they drove the saint out of the meeting became soft as tin and did not harm the martyr. Georgy was sentenced to ride on the wheel. After the execution of the sentence, the Angel of the Lord healed his wounds. Each time, after the sophisticated tortures and torments that Diocletian invented for St. George the Victorious in revenge for his strong Christian faith, the great martyr was miraculously healed, calling out to God in prayer. With God's help, he raised the dead and cast out demons from idols. Observing the exploits of St. George the Victorious, Saint Alexandra believed in Christ and began to openly confess her faith. At the feet of the martyr, she boldly ridiculed how she had incurred the wrath of her husband.

For their refusal to serve idols, Diocletian imposed a death sentence on Christ's confessors in the form of beheading by the sword. Saint Alexandra meekly followed George, reading prayers to herself and looking at the sky. On the way, she asked for rest and, leaning on the building, died quietly. This happened on April 21, 303 in Nicomedia.

Patroness of Russian monarchs

Saint Alexandra was especially revered in the family of Russian monarchs as the patroness of two empresses: Alexandra Feodorovna - the wife of Nicholas I, Alexandra Feodorovna - the wife of Nicholas II. During their reign, a number of churches were built and consecrated in Moscow in the name of Queen Alexandra.

Temple in honor of the Great Martyr in Peterhof

In 1854, construction began on the Church of St. Alexandra on Babi Gon. At the ceremonial laying on August 11, with the participation of Emperor Nicholas I, a stone was laid from the holy banks of the Jordan. In the future, this temple will become a favorite place for prayer for the imperial family. The five-domed stone church was distinguished by its unique beauty. One of the most beautiful elements of ancient Russian architecture - “kokoshniks” - was used in the architecture of the temple.

The carved wooden iconostasis - a gift from Emperor Nicholas I - was a real decoration of the church. A lot of money was spent on the construction of the temple. Transporting materials up the mountain required significant costs. Nicholas I and members of the royal family were present at the solemn consecration of the Church of the Holy Martyr Alexandra. In his speech at the end of the Divine Service, the emperor thanked everyone who participated in the construction.

The Church of St. Alexandra on the Babigon Heights was designed for approximately 500 people praying. The church had a tabernacle made of red Siberian jasper, utensils made of precious stones, gold and silver.

Temple destruction

Divine ceremonies in the name of St. Alexandra took place until 1940, when a proposal was made to turn this holy place into an entertainment club. But the war did not allow the plans to be implemented. The temple was repeatedly shelled, and bomb attacks caused significant damage to the church.

After the war, the temple was transferred to the state farm workshop, and the basement was adapted for a vegetable storage. Only in 1991 the building was returned to the diocese. By the beginning of the restoration, the Church of the Holy Martyr Alexandra was a sad sight: the five-domed completion was lost, the head of the large dome and small domes were missing, the bell tower tent with the dome was demolished, the picturesque decoration of the temple and the carved iconostasis disappeared, neither windows nor doors were destroyed.

Restoration of the temple

In 1998, for the first time after such a long break, a Divine service was performed in the Church of the Holy Martyr Alexandra. This significant event took place on the patronal holiday. And a year later, from April 1999, services in the temple began to be held regularly. Work is still underway to restore its original appearance.

Other temples in the name of St. Alexandra

In St. Petersburg there is also the Putilov Church, built in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the martyr Queen Alexandra. In 1925 it was closed, the domes and crosses were demolished. Later, the church was turned into a club, in 1940 it was transferred to the regional motor transport school, and after the war - to a haberdashery enterprise.

In the 90s, the process of returning the Russian building began. In 2006, the 100th anniversary of the Putilov Church was celebrated. In the same year, the first service after an 80-year break was held. Now in the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Martyr Queen Alexandra, services are held regularly.

In honor of the holy martyr, many military schools in the capital were consecrated before the revolution. On Znamenka there used to be the Alexander Military School. Its church was built in honor of Saint Alexandra. In 1833, the temple at the Alexandrinsky Palace in Neskuchny Garden was consecrated in the name of Alexandra of Rome.
In 1895-1899, the Church of the Holy Martyr Queen Alexandra was erected in the village. Muromtsevo, Vladimir region. There are also temples consecrated in her honor abroad. For example, in Armenia, Ukraine, Germany, Finland, Hungary.


Saint Alexandra, whose icon is located in St. Petersburg in Peterhof, in the Resurrection of Christ (Savior on Blood), the Holy Dormition Pskovo-Pechersky Monastery, in the State Tretyakov Gallery, in the St. Nicholas Monastery in Saratov and in other churches in Russia and beyond beyond its boundaries, she was an example of love for God and piety.
The Great Martyr is usually depicted on icons in royal clothes and a crown, often with a cross in her hand. There are many single images.

We also see the face of Queen Alexandra on other icons and church paintings. Thus, the martyr is depicted on the icon “Selected Saints,” which is located in the Central Museum. Andrey Rublev. The icon of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker and Saint Queen Alexandra is located in the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. The image of the martyr is in Bryullov’s mosaic in the main iconostasis of St. Isaac’s Cathedral, in the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Savior on Spilled Blood) and in other places.

What does the saint help with?

They pray to Empress Alexandra of Rome for the salvation of the soul and deliverance from all evil, strengthening faith. The Great Martyr will help all those who suffer, seeking answers to complex life questions, and will protect them from betrayal. The strong marital effect of icons depicting a saint, which helps to strengthen the bonds of marriage and maintain good relationships in the family.

den!$ Higher intelligence (145730) 5 years ago

According to the “canonical” version, Alexander Nevsky played an exceptional role in Russian history. In the 13th century, Rus' was attacked from three sides - the Catholic West, the Mongol-Tatars and Lithuania. Alexander Nevsky, who never lost a single battle in his entire life, showed his talent as a commander and diplomat, making peace with the most powerful (but at the same time more tolerant) enemy - the Golden Horde - and repelling the attack of the Germans, while simultaneously protecting Orthodoxy from Catholic expansion. This interpretation was officially supported by the authorities both in pre-revolutionary and Soviet times, as well as by the Russian Orthodox Church. The idealization of Alexander reached its zenith before the Great Patriotic War, during and in the first decades after it.
Already in the 1280s, the veneration of Alexander Nevsky as a saint began in Vladimir, and he was later officially canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. Alexander Nevsky was...

Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky (1220 - November 14, 1263), Prince of Novgorod, Pereyaslavl, Grand Duke of Kiev (from 1249), Grand Duke of Vladimir (from 1252).

Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in the ranks of the faithful under Metropolitan Macarius at the Moscow Council in 1547. Commemorated on December 6 and September 12 according to the new style (transfer of the relics from Vladimir-on-Klyazma to St. Petersburg, to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery (from 1797 - Lavra) on August 30, 1724).

Alexander Nevsky: just the facts
The Life of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky
Battle with the Swedes on the Neva
Battle on the Ice
Battle with Lithuanians
Relations with the Horde
Negotiations with the Papal throne
In the Horde
The prince erected churches, rebuilt cities
Novgorod unrest
The last days of Alexander
Church veneration
Myths about Alexander Nevsky
Metropolitan Kirill about...

Saint Alexandra's Day is celebrated according to the church calendar simultaneously with the feast of the Great Martyr George - April 23. This date has been known since the 10th century; it was recorded in the Typikon of the Great Church. The date is associated with the death of the saint on April 21, 303, but commemoration began two days later.

Life of the Holy Martyr Alexandra

Orthodox Saint Alexandra is mentioned in the life of the Great Martyr George the Victorious as the queen and wife of the Roman Emperor Diocletian (303) - an ardent follower of idolatry and persecutor of Christianity, according to whose orders all churches were to be destroyed, church books were to be burned, and church property was to go to the state. Every Christian had to make sacrifices to the emperor and the pagan gods. Refusal was subject to torture, imprisonment and death penalty.

At a meeting between the king and the princes about the murder of innocent Christians, Saint George was not afraid to speak out against this outrage. The spears that were used to drive out...

Fragment of P. Korin’s painting “Alexander Nevsky”

Saint Alexander Nevsky. Fresco, 1666

What are the merits of Alexander Nevsky? This noble prince, like all people, was not ideal. He had his advantages and disadvantages. But over the centuries there has been information about him as a wise ruler, a valiant military leader, merciful and virtuous...


Alexander Yaroslavich was born in 1220 or 1221. He reigned in Vladimir, Novgorod and Tver during the difficult period of the Tatar-Mongol yoke for Russian history. Seeing that the Russian people were weakened due to endless Tatar pogroms and it was difficult for them to live under the yoke of the Mongol yoke, neighboring tribes (Swedes, Germans, Lithuanians) began to attack Russian regions not yet conquered by the Tatars.

The Swedes started first. Their king decided to conquer the Novgorod region, annex it to his possessions, and convert the inhabitants to the Catholic faith. To this end, he sent his son-in-law Birger with a large army to conquer Novgorod, and they headed by ship to the mouth of the Neva River. Birger was confident in the happy ending of his campaign, so he sent a messenger to Novgorod to inform the prince that if he was not able to resist, then the Swedes were already here and conquering Russian land. But the young Prince Alexander, who was only 20 years old at that time, was not afraid of the enemy.

Alexander Yaroslavich did not have...

The fact that the Orthodox Church made the Tatar, the executioner of the Russian people, a saint is quite understandable; he did not violate its church canons, and even on the contrary, in every possible way contributed to increasing the importance of the church in the life of the Slavic peoples, carrying a flaming cross with fire and sword into the homes of those inhabiting Rus' peoples

Stalin, too, did not reinvent the wheel, and despite the war, he ordered a film about Nevsky to be made and even canonized his “feat” by establishing an order in his honor.

But this is not the end of the adventure; the name of Alexander Nevsky, it turns out, is identified in Russia with the concept of patriotism! So, according to a 2008 survey on the Rossiya TV channel, he was even called a symbol of the nation!

Tatar is a great Russian!

What is no less funny is that in the same 2008, Nevsky won the title “Name of Russia” from the Georgian Stalin!

Let's take a closer look at who Nevsky really was?

This is how historian Alexei Volovich writes about the controversial figure of the prince:

“Almost all European...

The symbol of Russia, the name of Russia, the great commander Prince Alexander Nevsky was one of the most significant figures of Ancient Rus' of the 13th century.

He was famous both as a military leader and as a wise politician. His activities were of unsurpassed importance for the construction of the Russian state. He remained forever in people's memory. His contemporaries loved him, his descendants are proud of him. Immediately after his death, “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky” appeared, describing the life and victories of this great man. The death of the prince was a big blow for everyone. He is canonized and officially canonized in 1547.

What are the merits of Alexander Nevsky? This noble prince, like all people, was not ideal. He had his advantages and disadvantages. But throughout the centuries, information has remained about him as a wise ruler, a valiant military leader, a merciful and virtuous person.

The 13th century is a time in the history of our people when there was no centralized power, feudal princes ruled...

One day my mother asked me: “Do you know why our Rus' is called Holy?” I thought about it. And it’s true - I have never heard of Saint America, Saint France, or Saint England. What does “saint” mean and why did she become like that? These questions interested me. “Mom, please tell me,” I asked. And that's what I heard.

“You won’t believe it, but this happened thanks to two holy brothers who lived on earth when Rus' was just about to be born. They gave the world Slavic literacy, which we still use today.

To understand the word “holy,” let’s compare the roots holy and light. They are close in meaning. Indeed, a saint is a person with a bright soul, with a soul in which there is no evil. In Rus', after receiving baptism, everyone - from the tsar to the peasant - strived for such a state of soul. It is no coincidence that in Russia, more than in any other country in the world, so many people are canonized.

What was the reason for such a happy impact of the Christian faith on the Russian people?...

Why is Alexander Nevsky a saint? Fragment of P. Korin’s painting “Alexander Nevsky”
The symbol of Russia, the name of Russia, the great commander Prince Alexander Nevsky was one of the most significant figures of Ancient Rus' of the 13th century. He was famous both as a military leader and as a wise politician. His activities were of unsurpassed importance for the construction of the Russian state. He remained forever in people's memory. His contemporaries loved him, his descendants are proud of him. Immediately after his death, “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky” appeared, describing the life and victories of this great man. The death of the prince was a big blow for everyone. He is canonized and officially canonized in 1547. Saint Alexander Nevsky. Fresco, 1666. What are the merits of Alexander Nevsky? This noble prince, like all people, was not ideal. He had his advantages and disadvantages. But over the centuries there has been information about him as a wise ruler, a valiant military leader, merciful and virtuous...

Memorial Days: May 23 (Rostov), ​​August 30 (Transfer of Relics), November 23

Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky
Blessed Prince Theodore Yaroslavovich

The holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky was born on May 30, 1220 in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. His father, Yaroslav, in Baptism Theodore (+ 1246), “a meek, merciful and philanthropic prince,” was the youngest son of Vsevolod III the Big Nest (+ 1212), brother of the holy noble prince Yuri Vsevolodovich (+ 1238; commemorated February 4). The mother of Saint Alexander, Theodosia Igorevna, the Ryazan princess, was the third wife of Yaroslav. The eldest son was the holy noble prince Theodore (+ 1233; June 5), who reposed in the Lord at the age of 15. Saint Alexander was their second son.

He spent his childhood in Pereslavl-Zalessky, where his father reigned. The princely tonsure of the youth Alexander (the rite of initiation into warriors) took place in...

Venerable Alexandra Diveevskaya

Alexandra Diveevskaya (Melgunova Agafia Semyonovna; † 06/13/1789), Venerable. (memorial on June 13/26 and in the Cathedral of Nizhny Novgorod Saints), schema, founder of the Diveyevo Seraphim Monastery. Originally from the Nizhny Novgorod nobles Belokopytov, she owned estates in the Ryazan province. A description of Saint Alexandra’s appearance has been preserved: of medium height, with a round face, gray eyes...

Venerable Alexandra's name in the world was Agafia Semyonovna. She came from an old Ryazan family of nobles, the Stepanovs, known since the mid-16th century. Born into the pious family of Simeon and Paraskeva in the late 1720s - early 1730s. Her father died early, and her mother herself raised her in the spirit of piety. In her youth, Praskovya Andreevna married Agafia to the son of the neighboring landowners, the Melgunovs. Yakov Melgunov served as a warrant officer in the Murom Infantry Regiment. Agafia Semyonovna was not married for long. Her husband died early (around 1755–56), leaving her with a small daughter in her arms. Having…

The life story of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky is very interesting and unusual. On the one hand, he is known as a great commander who managed to unite many Russian lands, on the other, as a monk. The first part of the life of the great Russian commander was devoted to the work of establishing statehood in Rus'. This was the time of his military exploits for the glory of the Orthodox faith.

The personalized icon of St. Alexander Nevsky, which many men with the name Alexander try to buy in the online store, is popular among those who dedicated their lives to defending the Fatherland. Many Alexanders consider this saint their patron in all their affairs and endeavors. In Orthodox churches, celebrations in his honor are held on May 23 and August 30.

The meaning of the holy icon of Alexander

Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky was born in 1220. His father was the Grand Duke of Vladimir - Vsevolod the Big Nest, who during his reign managed to unite the Ryazan, Novgorod ...

04.01. (22.12). - Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker of Chrysogon, her teacher, Theodotia and others who suffered with her (c. 304).

03.01. (21.12). — Repose of Saint Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, Wonderworker (1326)

Saint Alexander Nevsky blesses the path of righteous service to Russia with his life

1. “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!” 2

1.1. Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky is the heavenly patron of the Russian Army 2

1.2. Why are the two names “Alexander Nevsky” and “Joseph Stalin” next to each other.. 4

1.2.1. “Get up, Russian people!” 4

1.2.2. “Where are the Tatars? Where are the Poles? And the same will happen with the Jewish yoke. The Christ-killers will bear their toll..." 6

1.3. “I serve one God, I honor Him and worship Him.” 8

2. The life of Saint Alexander Nevsky gives us an example of a God-pleasing life under the yoke! 12

2.1. “Novgorod closely joined the rest of Rus', becoming an inextricable part of one huge whole” 12

2.2. Fighters...

Icon painter Marina Filippova paints icons of patron saints, imbued with the personality of the person who wants to receive the icon, writes specifically for this person, feeling what palette, what sound of color, or rather, the light coming from the painted images, will be closer to the soul of the person praying, more healing for his spirit.

The icons of the patron saints of the venerable bear within themselves the prototypes of those who, with their entire earthly life, with all their might, sought to become like the spiritual heights to which the Lord calls us. The blessed ones, for example, also stand on the same level as the saints, only their earthly lives were different. They led the life of holy fools, but, like the saints, they had the gift of prophecy and wonderworking during their lifetime.

We call saints people who during their lifetime had a metropolitan rank - an episcopal rank, who through their lives as primates raised their flock in the Christian spirit. We see their faces on the icons of the patron saints Nicholas of Myra, Spiridon of Trimifunt, Tikhon of Zadonsk, Philaret of Moscow, Theophan...

Holy of holies - Rev. Alexander Shmeman Holy of Holies*

Some notes on the communion of the Holy Mysteries**

Protopresbyter Alexander Shmeman

*Printed from the publication Alexander Shmemann. Great Lent. — Crestwood, New York, St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1990. Translation by V. Prokopchenko.

**These remarks include portions of my Report on Confession and Communion, presented to the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America and approved by the Synod on February 17, 1971. The report, along with the decision of the Synod, was published in the Documents of the OCA. (Author's note.)


The questions and disputes that have arisen in our Church - about more frequent communion, about the connection between the sacrament of communion and the sacrament of repentance, about the essence and meaning of confession - are a sign not of weakness or decline, but of life and awakening. It is no longer possible to ignore the fact that among Orthodox people an interest in the main thing is awakening, a thirst for a more spiritual life arises. Already in...

Saint Alexandra's Day is celebrated according to the church calendar simultaneously with the feast of the Great Martyr George - April 23. This date has been known since the 10th century; it was recorded in the Typikon of the Great Church. The date is associated with the death of the saint on April 21, 303, but commemoration began two days later.

Orthodox Saint Alexandra is mentioned in the life of the Great Martyr George the Victorious as the queen and wife of the Roman Emperor Diocletian (303) - an ardent follower of idolatry and persecutor of Christianity, according to whose orders all churches were to be destroyed, church books were to be burned, and church property was to go to the state. Every Christian had to make sacrifices to the emperor and the pagan gods. Refusal was subject to torture, imprisonment and death penalty.

At a meeting between the king and the princes about the murder of innocent Christians, Saint George was not afraid to speak out against this outrage. The spears with which they drove the saint out of the meeting became soft as tin and did not harm the martyr. Georgy was sentenced to ride on the wheel. After the execution of the sentence, the Angel of the Lord healed his wounds. Each time, after the sophisticated tortures and torments that Diocletian invented for St. George the Victorious in revenge for his strong Christian faith, the great martyr was miraculously healed, calling out to God in prayer. With God's help, he raised the dead and cast out demons from idols. Observing the exploits of St. George the Victorious, Saint Alexandra believed in Christ and began to openly confess her faith. At the feet of the martyr, she boldly ridiculed the pagan gods, thereby incurring the wrath of her husband.

For their refusal to serve idols, Diocletian imposed a death sentence on Christ's confessors in the form of beheading by the sword. Saint Alexandra meekly followed George, reading prayers to herself and looking at the sky. On the way, she asked for rest and, leaning on the building, died quietly. This happened on April 21, 303 in Nicomedia.

Patroness of Russian monarchs

Saint Alexandra was especially revered in the family of Russian monarchs as the patroness of two empresses: Alexandra Feodorovna, the wife of Nicholas I, and Alexandra Feodorovna, the wife of Nicholas II. During their reign, a number of churches were built and consecrated in Moscow in the name of Queen Alexandra.

Temple in honor of the Great Martyr in Peterhof

In 1854, construction began on the Church of St. Alexandra on Babi Gon. At the ceremonial laying on August 11, with the participation of Emperor Nicholas I, a stone was laid from the holy banks of the Jordan. In the future, this temple will become a favorite place for prayer for the imperial family. The five-domed stone church was distinguished by its unique beauty. In the architecture of the temple, one of the most beautiful elements of ancient Russian architecture was used - “kokoshniks”.

The carved wooden iconostasis - a gift from Emperor Nicholas I - was a real decoration of the church. A lot of money was spent on the construction of the temple. Transporting materials up the mountain required significant costs. Nicholas I and members of the royal family were present at the solemn consecration of the Church of the Holy Martyr Alexandra. In his speech at the end of the Divine Service, the emperor thanked everyone who participated in the construction.

The Church of St. Alexandra on the Babigon Heights was designed for approximately 500 people praying. The church had a tabernacle made of red Siberian jasper, utensils made of precious stones, gold and silver.

Temple destruction

Divine services in the church in the name of St. Alexandra took place until 1940, until a proposal was made to turn this holy place into an entertainment club. But the war did not allow the plans to be implemented. The temple was repeatedly shelled, and bomb attacks caused significant damage to the church.

After the war, the temple was transferred to the state farm workshop, and the basement was adapted for a vegetable storage. Only in 1991 the building was returned to the diocese. At the beginning of the restoration, the Church of the Holy Martyr Alexandra was a sad sight: the five-domed completion was lost, the head of the large dome and small domes was missing, the bell tower tent with the dome was demolished, the picturesque decoration of the temple and the carved iconostasis disappeared, the spiral staircase was destroyed, there were no windows or doors .

Restoration of the temple

In 1998, for the first time after such a long break, a Divine service was performed in the Church of the Holy Martyr Alexandra. This significant event took place on the patronal holiday. And a year later, from April 1999, services in the temple began to be held regularly. Work is still underway to restore its original appearance.

Other temples in the name of St. Alexandra

In St. Petersburg there is also the Putilov Church, built in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the martyr Queen Alexandra. In 1925 it was closed, the domes and crosses were demolished. Later, the church was turned into a club, in 1940 it was transferred to the regional motor transport school, and after the war - to a haberdashery enterprise.

In the 90s, the process of returning the building of the Russian Orthodox Church began. In 2006, the 100th anniversary of the Putilov Church was celebrated. In the same year, the first service after an 80-year break was held. Now in the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Martyr Queen Alexandra, services are held regularly.

In honor of the holy martyr, many military schools in the capital were consecrated before the revolution. On Znamenka there used to be the Alexander Military School. Its church was built in honor of Saint Alexandra. In 1833, the temple at the Alexandrinsky Palace in Neskuchny Garden was consecrated in the name of Alexandra of Rome. In 1895-1899, the Church of the Holy Martyr Queen Alexandra was erected in the village. Muromtsevo, Vladimir region. There are also temples consecrated in her honor abroad. For example, in Armenia, Ukraine, Germany, Finland, Hungary.


Saint Alexandra, whose icon is located in St. Petersburg in Peterhof, in the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ (Savior on Spilled Blood), the Holy Dormition Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, in the State Tretyakov Gallery, in the St. Nicholas Monastery in Saratov and in other churches in Russia and beyond, she was an example of love for God and piety. The Great Martyr is usually depicted on icons in royal clothes and a crown, often with a cross in her hand. There are many single images.

We also see the face of Queen Alexandra on other icons and church paintings. Thus, the martyr is depicted on the “Selected Saints” icon, which is located in the Central Museum of Ancient Russian Art named after. Andrey Rublev. The icon of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker and Saint Queen Alexandra is located in the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. The image of the martyr is in Bryullov’s mosaic in the main iconostasis of St. Isaac’s Cathedral, in the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Savior on Spilled Blood) and in other places.

What does the saint help with?

They pray to Empress Alexandra of Rome for the salvation of the soul and deliverance from all evil, strengthening faith. The Great Martyr will help all those who suffer, seeking answers to complex life questions, and will protect them from betrayal. The strong marital effect of icons depicting a saint, which helps to strengthen the bonds of marriage and maintain good relationships in the family.


Alexander- protector of people (ancient Greek). A very favorite and common name.

Zodiac name: Calf.

Planet. Venus.

Name color: blue.

Talisman stone: alexandrite.

Favorable plant: chestnut, gladiolus, lilac.

Patron name: bull, crab

Happy day: Friday.

Happy time of year: spring.

Main features: inconstancy, emotionality.


Alexander Komansky, bishop, martyr, August 25 (12). By God's direction, he was elected bishop from among the coal sellers. He pleased God with humility and good deeds. He died as a martyr for the faith of Christ in the 3rd century.

Alexander of Constantinople, reverend, first leader of the monastery of the “Unsleeping”, March 8 (February 23), July 16 (3). At first he was a warrior, then he became a monk, founded 9 monasteries and was the first to establish the rite of “non-sleepless” in Chikh, that is, the constant performance of divine services, both day and night.

Alexander(in schema Alexy) Nevsky, Grand Duke, June 5 (May 23), September 12 (August 30), December 6 (November 23). Prince of Novgorod, then Grand Duke of Vladimir, son of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. With victories over the Swedes (Battle of the Neva, 1240) and German knights (Battle of the Ice, 1242), he secured the western borders of Rus'. Through skillful policies he eased the burdens of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

Alexander Khotovitsky, Protopresbyter, Hieromartyr, on the Sunday after February 7 (January 25).


On the night of August 25, on Alexander the Martyr, various ghosts walk on the graves; whistles, howls and songs are heard; A white horse is running, whoever saddles him will be carried into the cemetery - and at the first rooster crow there will be a tombstone under the rider.


Character Alexandra fickle. He has a vivid imagination, is determined, intelligent, witty and sociable. He may be persistent, but in his persistence there is a sense of anxiety. Often self-absorbed, capable of dubious actions. Can be harsh, even not respecting the bounds of decency. Feels fear, fears failure, most often unreasonably. If anything happens, guidance and luck help him cope with unpleasant situations.

In the shower Alexander considers himself a leader, but this is not always realized in life. Alexander can really become the head of a team: he is energetic, truthful and fair, very inquisitive. Alexander- talented director, artist, writer, journalist.

Alexander independent, but loves female warmth, friends, needs care and peace. He expects something special from friendship, he dreams more about love than he acts decisively. He does not know unrequited love, but women have a hard time with him. Alexander loves children very much, not only his own, but also others.

Alexander- an active artistic nature, he cannot work within the strict framework of the working day. This name was borne by the largest number of famous people. The character of Alexander’s personality was most deeply analyzed by Pavel Florensky: “This name corresponds, fundamentally, to a sanguine temperament, with a bias towards choleric. Nobility, openness of mood, ease of dealing with people are characteristic of this name; lightness, although not superficiality. To the signs of the name also include cordiality and kindness. In relation to women, attentiveness, courtesy, turning without delay and internal emphasis into courtship, but usually due to courtesy, as something that is accepted, implied and expected: this is a readiness to quickly pay tribute, and she has the internal measure to remain within the limits of easy flirtation, which ends as readily as it begins. These relationships, like relationships with people in general, do not explode the inner life with the plow; if they cannot be said to be sliding on the surface, then, perhaps the most correct word would be “rolling”: how two touching shafts conscientiously rotate each other, without experiencing suffering from this temporary contact, but also melancholy when the contact comes to an end. With a gear clutch, each wheel needs to rotate in rhythm with the other or move away to avoid being broken; and when the shafts slide, there may not be this correspondence of speeds; and each of the shafts is almost indifferent to how the one in contact with it rotates. This is about the life relationships of the Alexanders, but the same is about mental contacts. There is the same mobility and readiness as the same indifference, or rather the same refusal to let thoughts get under the skin. Alexander's mind is clear and sober, slightly ironic, quick and versatile. But this is a mind self-satisfied with its harmony, and it is afraid of questions that tear apart the depths and can, naturally, upset the established balance. Therefore, this the mind is quite broad, but self-protecting itself from the pathos of comprehensiveness - strong and fast, but without spiritual pressure; rightly weighing a lot, but not bursting into the depths - not so much because it cannot, as out of self-protection from shocks.

Alexandras can be very torturous, generous and magnanimous; they can sacrifice their own without hesitation. But they are little inclined to sacrifice themselves, and this creates, when close to them, a barrier to very close communication and vice versa, hence their feeling of detachment, as well as with them. Lively and cheerful on the surface, inside they harbor a trickle of pessimism. Despite the successes, despite universal recognition, they are not satisfied: something, the main thing, is still missing.

Eventually: Alexander there is a name that is not the deepest, but the most harmonious, the most internally proportional.”

Surname: Alexandrovich, Alexandrovna.


Alexander the Great(356-323 BC), his life is shrouded in legends in which truth and fiction are intertwined. He was the son of the Macedonian king Philip, born on the same day when his father received news of three victories. On the same day, the Temple of Artemis of Ephesus, ranked among the seven wonders of the world, the largest temple in Asia, burned down. All these signs were remembered because Alexander eventually became a great victorious commander who conquered Asia.

As a child, Alexander received a strict upbringing. The uncle searched his dress and bed so that his mother would not put some delicacy there for him. From an early age, his father took him with him on campaigns, and he grew up to be a real warrior. Alexander received not only a military, but also a scientific education. His main teacher was the great philosopher Aristotle, who was invited by Philip specifically to study with the heir to the throne. Alexander was thoroughly involved in philosophy, was fond of medicine, and adored Homer. When Alexander set out on an eastern campaign, scientists were riding in his wagon train, and in his tent, under his pillow next to the dagger, the Iliad always lay, stored in a precious casket.

Even as a boy, Alexander was worried that his father would have time to conquer all the countries, but there would be nothing left for his share, he would not be able to accomplish anything “great and brilliant.” Having become a king and commander, he dreamed of conquering the whole world - to the edge of the ocean. He became king at the age of 20, after his father was killed by conspirators.

Alexander began his reign with a campaign against neighboring countries, which he defeated, and against Persia, which at that time was the greatest world empire. Having captured the Persian state, taken the throne of the Egyptian pharaohs, and founded the new capital of Egypt - Alexandria, he advanced his army further east, capturing cities and founding new ones, as a result of a ten-year campaign, a huge monarchy was created from Greece to India.

For his victories, the young commander received the nickname “The Great”. There has never been such a huge kingdom in the world.

On the way back from his trip to India, Alexander suddenly fell ill and died. He was 32 years old. His colossal but fragile power collapsed. But for European and eastern peoples, Alexander the Great remained a favorite hero, about whom ballads and songs were composed.