How to get rid of the slander on the son. How to save a son from alcoholism is the strongest conspiracy

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will talk about how to independently remove a love spell from a son, if a mistress bewitches, breaking up a family, or a wife conjures, turning her husband away from her mother. What should I do if my son’s life has turned out well, he is independent and successful, but a woman has appeared who, at her own request, wants to change everything? How to check if there is a love spell on your son - simple methods for diagnosing witchcraft.

First you need to make sure that a strong love spell really takes place, and that the symptoms that are observed are not imaginary, and are not associated with fatigue, trouble at work, etc.

How to find out if there is a love spell on my son?

A great way to clarify the situation is to diagnose a love spell on your beloved son using a spread on Tarot cards. But, you need to master this art. Consult a professional tarot reader. If this is not possible, you can check the presence of a love spell on your son by home diagnostics.

The most common magical rituals, which provide not only the opportunity to learn about a love spell on a son, but also the objective and strength of the induced magical effect, are rolling out with an egg and casting on wax. Make such love spell diagnostics on your beloved son, you can remotely use a photo. But, here you need to be able to read the information received correctly. Diagnosis of bewitching conspiracies may not be given due to strong excitement or your suspiciousness. In this case, you need to contact a real magician. Also, a practicing magician can skillfully perform the rites of removing a love spell from a guy, which are made by powerful rituals.
However, if you decide to remove the love spell from your son on your own, you must understand what responsibility you are taking on and, of course, you need to correctly assess your capabilities. Not every woman is capable of being a witch. And not every witch can be a master.

How to determine a love spell on a son remotely?

Take a photo of your son, put it on the table, on it - a fresh fertilized egg, and twist it counterclockwise for 3 minutes. Then break the egg into a glass of clean water and carefully examine the protein. Turbidity, change in color, smell, columns indicate the presence of a negative magical program, induced by the mistress of a strong love spell on a man.

How to save a son from a love spell of a strange woman - is white magic effective?

After making sure that your son really did a love spell, look for a way to remove witchcraft that works best. Many in a panic rush to the church, thinking that there is a refuge from all worldly misfortunes, this is a big mistake. The church has its own egregore, and if you have no connection with him, if you do not feed him, he is not interested in you, and he will not help you.

But it can deceive, give a feeling of imaginary grace, imaginary security, make you come to church again and again to feed him. In addition, it is foolish to think that only the Lord is glorified in the church. Black sorcerers work there,

  • reciting Abare spells,
  • church demon,
  • black rites do.

Therefore, the big question is, with a prayer to whom will you try to remove the love spell from your son.

There are canonical Orthodox prayers that will help to independently rid the son of a love spell (prayers to Cyprian the Martyr and Justinia the Martyr, Our Father, etc.).

The most effective prayers for a love spell on a son are:

  • From all evil
  • For protection from evil spirits
  • Against the Antichrist
  • to the honest cross
  • Prayers from sorcery to Tryphon and Cyprian

There are also love spells in white magic that work for the same purpose. However, without a connection with a Christian egregor, this will be a waste of time and effort, and the connection is developed over years of practice. In a specific situation, when to get rid of witchcraft, remove the spell the son is urgently needed, turning to white magic can turn into deception and defeat. White magic (precisely the section where the work is carried out directly by the Forces of the Christian egregore) does not always correct the situation, but is capable of driving a person into a deep spiritual swamp.

Fortunately, there are home ways to normalize the situation, return a young man to his former life, wrest him from the influence of his mistress - a witch. You can save your son from a love spell with the help of strong magical purges.

How to remove a love spell from a son - annealing with a black candle

If you managed to find out for sure that your beloved son was bewitched by a girl, and there can be no mistake in this matter, choose and carry out a black magic purge. I propose a simple technically, but very effective ritual of annealing with a candle from the action of a love spell. This is a proven witchcraft rite with. It can be done without invoking the Dark Spirits, then the work is done by the power of Fire. With the invocation of demons, a good black purge will turn out, in this case, a ransom to the crossroads is necessary.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

However, they clean with a candle and according to the photo. To do this, take the image of a person in full growth. With a black candle, burn the negative in a circle, from top to bottom, with spiral movements from right to left. The candle must burn out. What remains, take it to the crossroads with a ransom, if you read the call. If it is done by the power of elemental Fire, simply throw away the cinder.

In this ritual annealing, in order for the mother to remove the love spell from her son, you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

“With a fiery fire that burns in the hellish chambers, I will burn all the flashes, commotions, influxes and mowings, lessons and persuasion, cases and lumbago from the body of a white slave (name) I will drive out, from his eyes, from his head, from seventy joints, from seventy veins . With smoke, with burning, everything dashing, superficial, cloudy will come out, but it will not return. The word is stone, the castle is iron, whoever gnaws that castle will overcome my words. Amen".

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, when cleaning a guy from the effects of a magical love spell, I am never satisfied with one rite, but I always work in a complex way, using the methods of reprimanding or shifting the negative along with the cleansing. However, this is not enough for complete security, always after the removal of the love spell, protection is needed.

Charm for the family - protection of the son from a love spell

There are strong witchcraft defenses in black magic for practicing magicians, and there are those that ordinary people do that have nothing to do with practical witchcraft. Usually these are strong amulets and magical protection for home and family. They are made in different ways, and they also have different functions. I offer this amulet for the family.

This is not a shield, but a guard against negative influence from the outside, it helps from bad words afterward, from envy and black intentions, from whispers near the threshold, from black conspiracies, from home love spells. In this case, if you independently made a love spell to your son, the amulet will protect. But, if the blow is targeted, powerful, damaged with lining or remote damage, the amulet may not hold back the energy of the attack. Here you need to put protection from magical attacks.

  • fresh fertilized chicken egg
  • river water
  • live birch branch
  • white fabric

After enduring 3 days of bloodless fasting, perform the ceremony at dawn. Cover the table with a white cloth, stand facing east. Place a container of water on the table, take the egg in your right hand and quickly read in a whisper a conspiracy to protect your son from a love spell that a mistress does:

“Water-voditsa, fast sister, protect, protect from a bad word, an evil eye, a dashing person, any witchcraft (list the names of household members). You run, protect them. The chicken can't fly, the egg can't be collected, I can't be bothered. Amen".

Crack an egg into a jar and pour it into the water. Then stir the water with a birch branch, while repeating this plot 8 times. Add water little by little when washing household items. Crush eggshells into powder and add to food. This is not the strongest amulet, but it works very well in the complex protection of the son from a love spell.

Everything about religion and faith - "a prayer to remove the mother's love spell from her son" with a detailed description and photographs.

Magic and faith are incompatible concepts, however, successfully combined among the people among themselves. After all, people still believe that good is higher than evil, which means that sincere prayer from a love spell can defeat evil witchcraft spells.

A love spell is a magical effect aimed at mastering the soul of a person for selfish purposes. When they say: “I will bewitch him because I love him!” - don't believe me, it doesn't even smell like love here. Since the bewitched does not love, but lusts, and not consciously. Controlling a person like a puppet - is this love?

A person who uses magic in love affairs not only destroys himself, but also forever (if the necessary actions are not taken in time) dooms someone else's soul, which does not belong to him, to endless ordeals and torment due to artificially imposed feelings.

A love spell, especially strong (using black magic), is very difficult to remove without consequences. Not every magician and psychic will undertake to shoot a love plot or a real zombie (Voodoo love spell). Prayer, unfortunately, is also not always a panacea. But if the black influence has just begun to manifest itself, and a loved one (husband, son), who has fallen into love captivity, is a sincere believer, then it is simply necessary to try to save him with prayers!

If a person has become lethargic, lost interest in life and suddenly, completely unreasonably began to feel sympathy for another woman, there is every reason for concern.

Women usually bewitch men in the following cases:

  • when they want to take someone else's husband away;
  • when they want to return the departed husband to the family;
  • nothing to do (naive young "fools" who are not aware of all the consequences of using magic);
  • when they purposefully want to subdue a man, destroy his will and make him a slave.

A bewitched person is easy to recognize by several signs.

Behavior in relations with relatives that was unusual for a husband (son) before - poorly controlled aggression, apathy, depression, throwing from corner to corner, as if he had lost something. Constant thoughts, talking about the same person (points to the one who bewitched).

Cooling (in spouses) in intimate relationships. If the bewitched is a young guy, his cooling towards the female sex as a whole is noticed. The victim of a love spell is tormented by insomnia or poor intermittent sleep with nightmares and unconscious conversations.

There is a poor appetite, changes in appearance - circles under the eyes, weight loss.

Types of prayers from a love spell and reading rules

If all the signs are there, then the man is really bewitched. The person himself, on whom the spell is, is unlikely to listen to the words that there is damage (conspiracy) on him. Therefore, his closest relative will have to pray (for the son - mother, for the husband - wife).

The strongest, of course, is "Our Father". It is read many times: in the morning (on an empty stomach), before meals, in the evening (before going to bed). Be sure to go to church, put wax candles for the health of your man. When reading the prayer text, mentally imagine the image of the bewitched and as if wash it in your imagination.

Conspiracies using prayer will help get rid of the love spell.

For example: take an empty frying pan and put it on the fire. Pour a pinch of salt (it must be white and clean). While the salt is heating, say a prayer.

Read the words until the salt darkens and cod appears. Then carefully pour the salt crystals onto a flat plate, which you put on the photo of the bewitched man (guy). After 2-3 hours, take a photo and pour some salt on it, repeating the plot. Do the operation with the photo the next day, and the next day. Then discard the salt.

And so that the love spell does not work on a person, it is better to read a prayer daily from the evil eye and damage to Cyprian the Martyr and Justinia the Martyr. After all, it is much easier to prevent spells than to remove them later.

Other types of protective prayers:

Love spell prayers: comments

One comment

I had never believed in love spells before, and in general in magic as such, until this topic touched me personally. Beloved uncle (my mother's brother) was happily married for 10 years, lived in perfect harmony, and then one fine day he was replaced, he met a girl at work 8 years younger than him, and after a couple of months he left the family for her. But he was as if he were not himself, as if he himself was not happy that he had made such a choice. Troubles overtook him one by one, demoted, health problems began. Mom is sure that this girl bewitched him.

I have already rewritten the prayer and put it under the pillow, I really hope that it will be possible to save my uncle ...

Removing a love spell at home - getting rid of the shackles

Young girls who want to find mutual feelings at all costs sometimes resort to magical rituals, after which their chosen ones suffer and try to find out how to get rid of the love spell. After all, unrequited love sometimes makes people decide on reckless actions.

Removing a love spell at home

Both the love spell and the lapel are quite complex rituals that involve direct contact with the other world and supernatural forces. Despite this, you can get rid of the magical effect on your own.

Remember that no spell breaking method is 100% guaranteed, but it's still worth trying. Moreover, the rituals of removing a love spell do not require special magical paraphernalia or incredible efforts from you.

Removing a love spell with salt

So, if you still want to learn how to remove a love spell at home, a magic ritual with salt is what you need. To get rid of magical influences from the outside, you only need what is in every home - a frying pan and the most common table salt.

Pour a small amount of salt into a completely dry and clean frying pan, turn on the fire at medium power. While the salt is warming up, read the following plot 7 times:

“As salt is pure and white, so will the servant of God (name) be pure. I remove from him everything induced, spoiled and smoothed by the Evil Eye or the word sent. All this is taken up and carried away into the distance. My will is strong, my word is strong. So it will always be. Amen!".

A favorable sign will be the darkening of the salt - which means that the love spell really took place.

After that, carefully pour the contents of the pan on a saucer, and put it on a photo of a bewitched person. Later, read the spell on the photo itself and put it straight into the salt. It is important that it covers the photo from all sides.

Speak the photo every day for a week, preferably in the evening. On the eighth morning, throw away the salt and hide the photo where no one can find it. The result will begin to appear immediately after the rite is completed.

We destroy the love spell on blood

Rituals with the use of blood are rightfully considered one of the most powerful magical rituals, many classify them as black magic. Blood spells are no exception. Often, girls, not taking into account the true power of witchcraft, resort to such procedures in the hope of an instant result, and then they don’t know how to remove a love spell on blood and free a person.

Many are not even interested in how to remove a love spell if a person suddenly becomes uninteresting to you. Despite the power of bloody rites, there are two ways to remove such a love spell.

  • The first involves a mandatory forty-day fast, during which you should not eat meat, the most favorable diet of plant origin in small portions. Attend Sunday church service weekly and read the Lord's Prayer at home. After forty days, the effect of the love spell should come to naught.
  • To perform the second ritual, you will need a piece of meat (necessarily red, you can use pork, horse meat, lamb, beef, etc.), certainly with blood. At exactly twelve o'clock in the afternoon, read the meat with the words:

“Meat-blood, you have my lapel. Let the longing and sadness leave the servant of God (name), All anxieties and thoughts about female flesh will go away. In my words, the castle and the power in them is great. Amen!"

After that, bite your tongue hard so that it bleeds. After that, treat this meat to street dogs. However, do not feed your pet with a charmed piece. The lapel will start working immediately after the meat is eaten.

Cleansing from a love spell in the church

If you are interested in how to remove a love spell, in the church you will not only learn how to do it with God's help, but also receive valuable advice. Although priests have a negative attitude towards witchcraft, they never refuse to help people whom they are trying to subordinate to someone else's will. Moreover, for a large number of "dried", the temple can become, if not the last hope, then a sure means of removing magical shackles.

You can try to seek advice from a clergyman in the church, just don’t talk about removing the love spell, since most churchmen consider it a sin to believe in this. Just regularly wash yourself with holy water and ask for help from the Almighty, and also give up an idle life for a good purpose.

A baptized person will not be hindered by wearing a pectoral cross, which will not only help to cope with a love spell, but also protect you from witchcraft in the future.

Prayer for the removal of a love spell

Prayers, requests for help from heavenly forces will also prove to be a faithful ally in the fight against spells. A bewitched girl is advised to pray to the Mother of God, and a dried man - to Christ the Savior. In addition, turn to the holy martyrs daily.

The most effective prayers will be:

  • From all evil
  • For protection from evil spirits
  • Against the Antichrist
  • to the honest cross
  • Prayers from sorcery to the martyrs Tryphon and Cyprian

If you have been bewitched by white magic, you can easily get by with regular reading of the Our Father and making the sign of the cross. However, a dark love spell, alas, is difficult to remove with one prayer. Seek help from a magician or a church.

Bewitched son - what to do?

Mothers, noticing the inappropriate behavior of their child, for example, in relation to a girl, are interested in how to remove a love spell from their son on their own and is it possible? The answer is unequivocal - yes. And it's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

If you have come to the conclusion that your son has been subjected to dark spells "in the name of love," strict fasting for forty days and daily prayers will help. In the mornings, read the prayer for family well-being and harmony and our Father, and also drink holy water.

Pay close attention to your son's behavior. Did the ritual not work? And suddenly he really fell in love with a girl of his own free will. Be sure to talk to him. However, if you notice signs of a love spell, perform the ritual on the next post according to the church calendar. Higher powers will certainly help get rid of the consequences of witchcraft.

Opponent - from the gate turn

Women are subtle beings, and they clearly feel changes in relation to their person, especially from a loved one, for example, a husband. If he lost interest in her, one of the first versions will be a love spell. No woman will like the passion of her beloved for another woman. However, get ready for the fact that even after the removal ritual, the husband or young man may not inflame with the same feelings. This can be explained by the fact that the magician performs a procedure of cooling feelings on the object, so your goal is not only to understand how to save a person from a love spell, but also to return former love.

So, how to remove a love spell from a husband? The most ordinary bread crumbs will help you with this. Perform this ceremony when no one is at home. Stay on your own and prepare a small piece of dried rye bread, a woven white napkin and five candles from the church. Spread a napkin on the table in front of you, light candles, sanctify yourself and a piece of bread with the sign of the cross, and then completely crumble it onto the fabric. Then tie it in a knot and sit on top for a couple of hours. After that, sprinkle crumbs on the clothes and shoes of the charmed person, paying special attention to the seams and pockets, and also add them to the food.

We looked at the main ways to remove a love spell on your own. Now you can protect yourself and your loved one from strangers' desire. We hope that they will help you avoid the adverse effects of rash magical rituals that cause physical and moral harm to a person. After all, it’s better to think a thousand times about whether it’s worth disturbing the forces of the other world because of feelings, isn’t it? Live and hello!

If you still decide to make a love spell, you need to remember that there are consequences for removing the love spell. The level of difficulty of removing a love spell.

There is an opinion that men do not turn to magicians and psychics, and it is fundamentally wrong, therefore, in order to protect themselves from the hostile.

The magazine that suddenly fell to the floor brought Marina out of the amoebic state in which she had been since the departure of Alexei, and then her eyes.

In Russia, every village witch knew how to make a love potion. As time goes on, however, humanity still cares about everything.

The question of how to understand that you have been bewitched is gaining its relevance faster and faster. Armed with knowledge about the manifestation of magical effects.

A love spell on hair has always been one of the most effective ways to bind a loved one to yourself. Many magicians claim that in the hair.


I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will talk about how to independently remove a love spell from a son, if a mistress bewitches, breaking up a family, or a wife conjures, turning her husband away from her mother. What should I do if my son’s life has turned out well, he is independent and successful, but a woman has appeared who, at her own request, wants to change everything? How to check if there is a love spell on your son - simple methods for diagnosing witchcraft.

First you need to make sure that a strong love spell really takes place, and that the symptoms that are observed are not imaginary, and are not associated with fatigue, trouble at work, etc.

How to find out if there is a love spell on my son?

A great way to clarify the situation is to diagnose a love spell on your beloved son using a spread on Tarot cards. But, you need to master this art. Consult a professional tarot reader. If this is not possible, you can check the presence of a love spell on your son by home diagnostics.

The most common magical rituals, which provide not only the opportunity to learn about a love spell on a son, but also objective information about the method and strength of the induced magical effect, are rolling out with an egg and casting on wax. Make such love spell diagnostics on your beloved son, you can remotely use a photo. But, here you need to be able to read the information received correctly. Diagnosis of bewitching conspiracies may not be given due to strong excitement or your suspiciousness. In this case, you need to contact a real magician. Also, a practicing magician can skillfully perform the rites of removing a love spell from a guy, which are made by powerful rituals.

However, if you decide to remove the love spell from your son on your own, you must understand what responsibility you are taking on and, of course, you need to correctly assess your capabilities. Not every woman is capable of being a witch. And not every witch can be a master.

How to determine a love spell on a son remotely?

Take a photo of your son, put it on the table, on it - a fresh fertilized egg, and twist it counterclockwise for 3 minutes. Then break the egg into a glass of clean water and carefully examine the protein. Turbidity, change in color, smell, columns indicate the presence of a negative magical program, induced by the mistress of a strong love spell on a man.

How to save a son from a love spell of a strange woman - is white magic effective?

After making sure that your son really did a love spell, look for a way to remove witchcraft that suits your situation in the best way. Many in a panic rush to the church, thinking that there is a refuge from all worldly misfortunes, this is a big mistake. The church has its own egregore, and if you have no connection with him, if you do not feed him, he is not interested in you, and he will not help you.

But it can deceive, give a feeling of imaginary grace, imaginary security, make you come to church again and again to feed him. In addition, it is foolish to think that only the Lord is glorified in the church. Black sorcerers work there,

  • reciting Abare spells,
  • church demon,
  • black rites do.

Therefore, the big question is, with a prayer to whom will you try to remove the love spell from your son.

There are canonical Orthodox prayers that will help to independently rid the son of a love spell (prayers to Cyprian the Martyr and Justinia the Martyr, Our Father, etc.).

The most effective prayers for a love spell on a son are:

  • From all evil
  • For protection from evil spirits
  • Against the Antichrist
  • to the honest cross
  • Prayers from sorcery to Tryphon and Cyprian

There are also love spells in white magic that work for the same purpose. However, without a connection with a Christian egregor, this will be a waste of time and effort, and the connection is developed over years of practice. In a specific situation, when to get rid of witchcraft, remove the spell the son is urgently needed, turning to white magic can turn into deception and defeat. White magic (precisely the section where the work is carried out directly by the Forces of the Christian egregore) does not always correct the situation, but is capable of driving a person into a deep spiritual swamp.

Fortunately, there are home ways to normalize the situation, return the young man to his former life, wrest him from the influence of his mistress - the witch. You can save your son from a love spell with the help of strong magical purges.

How to remove a love spell from a son - annealing with a black candle

If you managed to find out for sure that your beloved son was bewitched by a girl, and there can be no mistake in this matter, choose and carry out a black magic purge. I propose a simple technically, but very effective ritual of annealing with a candle from the action of a love spell. This is a proven witchcraft rite with an independent conspiracy. It can be done without invoking the Dark Spirits, then the work is done by the power of Fire. With the invocation of demons, a good black purge will turn out, in this case, a ransom to the crossroads is necessary.

However, they clean with a candle and according to the photo. To do this, take the image of a person in full growth. With a black candle, burn the negative in a circle, from top to bottom, with spiral movements from right to left. The candle must burn out. What remains, take it to the crossroads with a ransom, if you read the call. If it is done by the power of elemental Fire, simply throw away the cinder.

In this ritual annealing, in order for the mother to remove the love spell from her son, you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, when cleaning a guy from the effects of a magical love spell, I am never satisfied with one rite, but I always work in a complex way, using the methods of reprimanding or shifting the negative along with the cleansing. However, this is not enough for complete security, always after the removal of the love spell, protection is needed.

Charm for the family - protection of the son from a love spell

There are strong witchcraft defenses in black magic for practicing magicians, and there are those that ordinary people do that have nothing to do with practical witchcraft. Usually these are strong amulets and magical protection for home and family. They are made in different ways, and they also have different functions. I offer this amulet for the family.

This is not a shield, but a guard against negative influence from the outside, it helps from bad words afterward, from envy and black intentions, from whispers near the threshold, from black conspiracies, from home love spells. In this case, if you independently made a love spell to your son, the amulet will protect. But, if the blow is targeted, powerful, damage with lining or damage remote to one of the family members, the amulet may not hold back the energy of the attack. Here you need to put protection from magical attacks.

  • fresh fertilized chicken egg
  • river water
  • live birch branch
  • white fabric

After enduring 3 days of bloodless fasting, perform the ceremony at dawn. Cover the table with a white cloth, stand facing east. Place a container of water on the table, take the egg in your right hand and quickly read in a whisper a conspiracy to protect your son from a love spell that a mistress does:

Crack an egg into a jar and pour it into the water. Then stir the water with a birch branch, while repeating this plot 8 times. Add water little by little when washing household items. Crush eggshells into powder and add to food. This is not the strongest amulet, but it works very well in the complex protection of the son from a love spell.

Due to the fact that recently magic has a strong influence on a person, it is becoming more and more popular. Otherworldly forces begin to lure a person into their networks, and he becomes dependent on magical powers. Due to this, in the modern world there are a lot of negative situations that require quick intervention. One such situation is considered a love spell. Many mothers immediately begin to worry about the question of how to remove a love spell from their son. It is difficult to find an answer to this question that does not relate to magical effects.

The difference lies in the fact that a love spell is usually classified as black magic. But you can remove it thanks to the appeal to white magic. Therefore, you should not immediately start to panic and ask someone to change the situation for the better. Experts are sure that only relatives should remove the love spell. This is explained by the fact that there is a very close energy connection between the son and mother. Only a mother will be able to resist the dark forces without endangering herself and her child. How to remove a love spell from a son?

Signs of a bewitched person

Before you start making an important decision, you need to take a closer look at the man. It is very important to independently determine whether there is a magical curse on it or not, because if you perform a ritual to remove the love spell, without it, you can cause significant harm to the object. The most important signs of a negative impact are:

  • irritability and aggression: it is quite possible that your son will cease to be recognizable and will have a negative attitude towards all close people;
  • a sharp decrease in immunity and the manifestation of various diseases, and they will not be treated by traditional methods, because doctors will not be able to find the cause of such a state of health;
  • violation of concentration: the problem is that a man's mistress occupies all his thoughts, for this reason he cannot normally assess the surrounding processes;
  • sleep problems;
  • pay attention to the fact that there may be linings in your house: if you manage to find at least one lining, then you can say with confidence that a love spell has a place to be.

An effective way to remove the curse

If you are thinking about how to remove a love spell from your son on your own, then you should pay attention to the following method. The ceremony should be performed only at noon and only on the male day of the week. For the lapel, you need to prepare a sacred candle, a small amount of salt, a new handkerchief, dishes, a spoon and a photo of the victim.

As soon as the clock strikes 12 noon, you should put a candle on the table and light it. After that, with a spoon, you need to collect a small amount of salt from the hodgepodge and bring it to the fire.

At the moment when the salt is heated, do not forget to read the following plot:

“I, the servant of God (name), want to save my son from the dark forces. Let the salt, which I am now heating on fire, absorb all the negativity. I am a mother and I want only the best for my child. The problem is that I don't know how to remove the love spell from my son. I want to ask for help from higher powers to help me expel all unclean thoughts from him. The woman who bewitched him, let her burn in hell. Whoever decides to take away his beloved son from his mother will not be forgiven on this earth. You, my son, must fight this curse. May my words of prayer be heard by the Lord. Lord, I can only ask you for help. Amen".

Put the spelled salt on a plate and cover the contents with a handkerchief. After that, on top of the handkerchief, put a photo of your son.

Salt ritual

If a lot of thoughts arise in your head about how to remove a love spell from your son at home and on your own, then seek help from the heritage of your ancestors. They came up with a unique way to quickly and effectively remove the love spell from their son.

You need to pour ordinary table salt into your hand and pour it from hand to hand. With this, it is necessary to read the following conspiracy:

“I, as a mother, ask this salt to take away all the negativity from my child. I so want to save my son that I decided to turn to magic and read special words of prayer. I hope that higher powers will hear my prayers, which sound from the bottom of my heart and help me return the child to a normal life. No one has the right to take it from me, especially since I did not give consent to this. Let my son become cold towards that woman, and inflame new feelings for his wife. I read a slander at home to increase the power of magic words. I want nothing to be done to my child. Amen".

How to hold a lapel in the bath

Very often, to the question of how it is possible to carry out the ceremony of removing a love spell from a son, you can hear a rather entertaining answer. Most experts are convinced that the bath is able to solve this problem. The mother should go to the bath and quietly pronounce a special conspiracy at the moment when she beats herself with a bath broom.

You should take care that no one should hear your words. If they are heard, then magical powers may not help you. If it is not possible to quietly say the words of the prayer, you can retire to another room.

Special conspiracy for water

Removing a love spell from your son is a completely doable task for every mother. Take a small bowl of water and stand over your sleeping son. On the water you need to read a special slander.

“Water is always in motion. So let her take all the negativity from my son and bring him back to normal. Tomorrow morning he will wash his face with it and immediately wake up from a black love spell. I wish to remove the love spell and save my child. Let common sense return to his head, and he will understand that he made a mistake. I don't want to lose my only son. Lord, hear my words of prayer and help me remove the love spell from my son. I, as a mother, appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos. She must understand me, since she is also the mother of a man. Let my son, from now on, be protected. Amen".

Remember to perform the ritual without the knowledge of your son. Otherwise, the rite may simply not work, because it will begin to block its energy.


A drinking son is one of the most serious troubles that can happen to a family. Many unfortunate mothers wonder how to deal with an alcoholic son, and we understand their heartache. On the other hand, such a question lies in the desire to exert controlling behavior, to force (the key word is to force) the son to stop drinking.

Let's just say it's impossible. force a person to do something against his will. In this article, we will tell you how to help your alcoholic son get rid of addiction.

If you live with your drinking son under the same roof and there is an opportunity to go to different apartments, it is better to do it immediately. By giving your son more independence, you will teach him to be responsible for his actions. As long as a man does not have an incentive to develop, to earn a living himself, everything will continue indefinitely.

Living on your own will also give your child the knowledge that they are living for themselves and no one else. Accordingly, only he himself is harmed by his addictions.

If, due to a difficult financial situation or other circumstances, it is not possible to leave, you have to live with an alcoholic in the same apartment.

You must first learn the right attitude towards the drinking person, only then you can accept subsequent attempts at any help. Psychologists give several recommendations on how to live with an alcoholic son:

  • Do not try to talk (let alone read morals) with a person who is intoxicated. Your son is under the influence of psychoactive substances, his consciousness changes. Roughly speaking, at this moment he is not himself at all and cannot even realize the meaning of his and your words;
  • Don't take promises from your son when he's hungover. A hangover syndrome is accompanied by a sense of guilt, from which a person can become “silk” or lash out with recriminations. Promises made under the influence of a hangover syndrome will be unfulfilled. The alcoholic will consider the failure to keep promises as a natural behavior. This will only complicate the situation;
  • Don't scold your son. He doesn't drink to hurt his family. Most likely, something happened in his life that made him use. Now he simply cannot stop because of the addiction. It is necessary to communicate with an alcoholic just as with sick people. Show signs of sympathy and understanding;
  • Be honest with your son. Don't make threats you can't carry out. Any insincerity on your part is likening the behavior of an alcoholic. A negative example will give rise to self-justification.

Your son is in a state of alcohol addiction, even though he denies it. His body needs a new dose, making him want it. Do not hang labels, do not speak negatively in his direction.

When talking to an alcoholic, it's best to appeal to your own feelings. Instead of “where have you been hanging around all night?”, It’s better to say: “you know that I love you very much and worry when you disappear all night.”

Remember that alcoholism is not a conscious choice, but a psychological and physiological disease. Your son earned it because of his ignorance, recklessness or carelessness.

It doesn’t occur to you to yell at your child if he catches a cold, not wanting to put on a hat? The example is somewhat rough, but the meaning is the same.

How can I help my son quit?

What should I do if my son drinks? First, it is necessary that he himself comes to the realization of the presence of alcohol dependence. If a mother thinks that she finally forced her son to admit addiction, she is mistaken. The son, most likely, simply lied in order to quickly “brush off” obsessive attention.

Checking the sincerity of recognition is quite simple. It is necessary to unobtrusively offer the professional help of a narcologist to an alcoholic. Formulate it like this: “Listen, my friend had a similar problem. He went to a narcologist, who prescribed him a course of pills. He didn't want to drink anymore."

If the son brushes aside your proposal, most likely, his previous “confession” of dependence was insincere. He does not consider himself an alcoholic.

How to help recognize the problem?

It is impossible to force an alcoholic to admit that he is addicted. Just help your son: speed up the process of awareness with a positive example.

To do this, you yourself must completely abandon the use of alcohol, devote more time to work and cultural recreation. It is important to show by example how you can enjoy life without alcohol.

It is impossible to force an alcoholic to admit he is addicted.

You will have to refrain from drinking at all times, including holidays (even in small doses). Positive memories should not be associated in any way with ethyl alcohol. This is an important psychological point.

Methods of treatment

When you feel that your son is “ripe” for awareness (and, accordingly, treatment), you can gently offer your help. If you have managed to build a trusting relationship, the alcoholic will agree to treatment.

Building trust is facilitated by the tips we described at the very beginning of this article.

Treatment will differ depending on what stage of alcoholism your child is in. The first step is to make an appointment with a narcologist:

  • The first stage of alcoholism - the patient drinks at intervals of 2-3 times a week. Constantly looking for a reason to drink, experiencing a hangover, but does not differ in antisocial behavior;
  • The second stage of alcoholism is associated with drunken states. Appears after about 5 years of regular use. An alcoholic loses control over the amount of alcohol he drinks, has trouble sleeping and has a severe hangover;
  • The third stage of alcoholism is the degradation of the personality, psychological problems and inappropriate behavior. The patient most of the time is either in a state of intoxication or in a state of hangover.

The first stage of alcoholism does not require medical treatment and sessions with a psychiatrist. Sessions with a psychologist will help to quickly prevent further development of the habit. It is important to pay more attention to your son, offer interesting pastime options, invest in his potential (professional courses, university, foreign language classes).

The second stage of alcoholism requires the consultation of a narcologist. You can use drugs that cause aversion to alcohol. So, for example, Disulfiram will cause a gag reflex if the patient tries to drink. Before taking the drug, you need to undergo a course of detoxification - completely remove the decay products of ethanol from the body. To do this, your son needs to undergo a vitamin complex prescribed by a narcologist, take absorbents (for example, activated charcoal) or, in extreme cases, undergo hemodialysis - artificial blood filtration. In parallel, you need to undergo a course of psychiatric treatment (individual or group).

Disulfiram will cause a gag reflex if the patient tries to drink

The third stage of alcoholism is treated permanently. It can be accompanied by mental disorders, auditory and visual hallucinations. Mandatory is the procedure of artificial blood filtration. After detoxification, coding, taking antidepressants, and psychiatric help are necessary. Drugs that can help in the third stage are prescribed by a narcologist. Their use should be under the supervision of medical staff.

What can not be done?

Definitely not worth taking a controlling position. The sooner the parent understands that the child is not obligated to comply with his requirements, the better. Constantly reminding about imaginary obligations, you only force the child to drink "out of spite".

We are aware of the emotional pain that children's alcohol addiction brings to parents, but only the person who understands that his life depends only on him can get rid of the habit. The controlling position "kills" this understanding.

If the alcoholic has already started a course of treatment, you need to be especially careful. Below are some tips from psychologists on what to do is unacceptable:

  • It is unacceptable to sniff at a person in an attempt to find out if he “broke” or not. Even the question of this will be perceived painfully (the patient needs to forget that ethanol exists at all);
  • It is unacceptable to praise a person for a long abstinence. In response to this, the patient will think: “since I haven’t drunk for a long time, I can sip a little.” Praise him for other things;
  • It is unacceptable to remember the past. Do not remind the recovering alcoholic of what he did while hungover and intoxicated.

We hope the article was useful to you. Remember, alcoholism is a disease that requires timely treatment and careful attitude to the patient. Seek the help of a psychologist so as not to aggravate the situation.

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The trouble of a child is a great grief for a mother. And it doesn't matter how old the offspring is.

The mother will still feel and begin to worry. And she sometimes has to learn how to remove a love spell from her son.

Yes, children must cope with some troubles on their own, but there are such hardships that cannot be dealt with without maternal support.

These, of course, include the magical effects carried out by greedy witches.

Removing a love spell is not an easy task. After all, often without his consent can not do. And the son, as you yourself understand, is in the power of black spells, therefore he will resist.

You shouldn't insist. If you're sure, then stick with it.

Maternal care in such circumstances is not just necessary for him, it is vital.

To begin with, perform the ritual without the consent of the son. He will loosen the spell. Then he himself will ask to bewitch, to help.

Ritual without the consent of the son

Here's what you need to do yourself:

  1. If the son is baptized, then run to the Temple. Light a candle for each of the twelve apostles.
  2. Bow down and ask for support. Order a magpie for your child.
  3. Buy candles and a Bible if there is no holy book at home.
  4. Just to begin with, invite him to talk about the problem, but not persistently. Refuse to do it yourself.
  5. As soon as the son goes to bed, you retire to the room. Close all doors and windows and draw curtains.
  6. Light one candle and place it so that you can read. You should sit in the very center of the room. There and strengthen the candle.
  7. Sit quietly yourself. Breathe deeply to release tension. Open the Bible and read everything, from the very first page.
  8. When the candle goes out, stop. And the next day, repeat from the line where you finished. This is how you should behave until you see a change.

By the way, they can be different. If he was not strong, then going to church would help. But be sure to read forty days. This will help protect the son in the future from the encroachments of this witch.

Do not think that the rascal will allegedly calm down. The son should be protected while the magpie is being read on him. Then he will do it himself.

Sometimes even forty days is not enough to weaken the love spell. Then repeat everything as much as necessary, starting with the trip to the Temple.

Ritual at home

If the son is not baptized, then use another rite in order to remove the love spell.

It will suit not only the mother, but also the wife, any close woman. This ritual is based on strong emotions.

It is necessary that a man be angry, more than a forest wolf. To bring to such a state gradually is an empty business. Nothing will work.

Emotions should be like an explosion, so that with them all the blackness of their auras is gone.

Don't think of anything. When you sit down to eat, chew black (necessarily rye) bread, and sneeze right in his face. So that the crumbs get on the skin. Scandal, of course, will work.

But you don’t calm him down: shout to make him angry more, accuse him of inattention, rudeness, but not for long. Ten to fifteen minutes is enough.

And immediately (very important) stop the whole quarrel with some kind of conciliatory phrase. For example: “And you, when will you go to the market for potatoes?”.

See, it changes quickly. But do not bring to white heat. It is necessary, as they started a quarrel, to end it without warning.

If it doesn't cool down, leave the room. Leave one. You can also leave the house for an hour, if you are completely raging.

How to remove a love spell in a church

  • In order for the Saints to help the trouble, it is recommended to visit three monasteries in one day. It is advisable to do this before noon.
  • And yet, it would be nice to take your son with you. Let him even sit in the car, but it’s better that he also goes to church with you. You don't have to tell him what you're going to do. But his presence will make the ceremony more effective.
  • You should order a magpie for your son in every monastery. The monks must read it all together. This should help.
  • In each monastery, quietly collect a handful of earth.
  • Pour it into a pot at home and plant a perennial flower (but not a liana). Violet is possible. Land, if there is not enough, add ordinary.
  • And let this flower stand in the son's room. Even if he hasn't lived with you for a long time. So place it next to his former bed. Defense is powerful.

Ritual by photo

It's not easy to work with. It will take a long time to shoot a love spell, at a distance.

But if there is no other option, then buy fresh, live eggs. It is necessary to purchase them in the village economy, so that they are definitely not from the refrigerator. Take home.

Keep them yourself in the room, do not freeze or refrigerate. Roll each photo with one egg every day. In the process, read "Our Father", 90 and 91 psalms.

The duration of the ceremony is at least half an hour. Repeat the next day.

This ceremony should be carried out for at least a month. Just do not buy eggs for the whole process. They will disappear, the embryos will die. I'll have to buy them twice a week to help.

Also, don't leave eggs at home. As the photo was run in, carry it into the yard and bury it in the ground. Do not give food even to animals.

With the help of salt

This is a very simple ritual, but it works well.

  • If you are sure that the witch has bewitched your handsome man, then buy a pack of salt on Wednesday before noon. Under no circumstances should you take the change.
  • Take your purchase home. Put it on the threshold. Do not drag it into the room or the kitchen.
  • On Friday before noon, similarly without change, purchase a knife with a wooden handle.

At home, you should find a piece of natural fur. Better if his son wore it. Wrap the handle of the knife with fur and secure.

  1. On the same day, at exactly midnight, go to the forest or park.
  2. Draw a circle there with a knife so that you can stand in it. Go inside.
  3. I turn counterclockwise with salt, fill the circle. See that it fits snugly, there are no gaps.
  4. Pray for the fate of your son Jesus. Say:

    "I leave the trouble here!"

  5. Stick the knife into the ground in the middle of the circle and walk away. Don't take anything home.

Ritual. Just keep in mind: the witch will get sick after the event. Yes, not just sick, but he will come to you, he will ask.

You don't give her anything. Send away. Will ask for forgiveness, say: