How to cure ascites at home. Effective treatment of abdominal cavity ascitis by folk remedies and diet

With such a disease, as an ascite, diuretics are necessarily used. It should be noted that there are many such drugs. But folk healers recommend using diuretic herbs with ascite. They not only help to quickly and effectively get rid of the accumulated excess fluid in the body, but also less dangerous to human health.

Methods of treatment

First of all, with a given disease, both doctors and folk healers recommend adhere to a strict diet. From the food is strictly recommended to eliminate salty, smoked and fried dishes. It is also impossible to use fermented dairy products with a large amount of fat. Together with the diet you need to take diuretics. Recommend taking funds cooked on The basis of herbs during the abdominal cavity. To plants with diuretic actions include: Horsetails, birch leaves and kidneys, lingonberries, rosehip, parsley and many others. They are based on infusions, decoctions and teas.

Parsley root

For the preparation of the medicinal product you need to take:

  • 1 tablespoon of the roots of the plant;
  • 0.5 liters of boiling water.

Roots shredtit, and pour boiling water. Place the mixture on a small fire and tailored for 15 minutes. The finished agent is used by 100 grams three times a day before meals. In this way, it is possible not only to get rid of the excess fluid in the body, but also strengthen the immune system, which is simply necessary to do under this ailment.

Blade from the roots of the burden

This decoction has a strong diuretic effect, and also contributes to the purification of lymph and blood from harmful toxins. For its preparation, you need to take one tablespoon of dried and crushed root roots, and pour them with one glass of water. Put the mixture on fire and negotiate for 10 minutes. The finished remedy should be strain and take three times a day on one tablespoon.

Broth dandelion

This plant since ancient times known to its diuretic action. In addition, its composition includes a fairly large number of potassium. For the preparation of the medicinal product you need to take:

  • 300 ml of hot water;
  • 100 grams of crushed roots and leaves of the plant.

Raw materials must be pouring water. Give the decoction for 40 minutes and take one cup a day before meals.


Herbal collection during ascite Also shows good results in the treatment of illness. For the preparation of a medicinal collection, it is necessary to take the grass of the horsetail and birch leaves in equal proportions and pour into one glass of water. The resulting mixture is boiling for 10 minutes, after which it should be cooled and on an empty stomach is received.

The strongest diuretic herbs during ascite

As mentioned above, there are a large number of medicinal plants and grasses against the accumulation of fluid in the body. But one of the most effective for a given disease is a ramisture. It has a very strong diuretic effect. This plant in folk medicine is valued due to the large content of healing fatty oils, vitamins, minerals. Moreover, the reception of the drug based on it helps prevent the development of cancer cells.

There are different methods of reception distribution during ascite. The easiest and most effective way of admission is infusion. For its cooking you need to take:

  • 30 grams of crushed seeds;
  • 500 milliliters of water.

Seeds fill with cold water. Place the mixture on a small fire and boil until evaporating half of the liquid. After that, the fire should be turned off, and give a medicine for another 15-17 minutes. Drug drink should be taken on one tablespoon every hour.

One of the serious complications arising from various oncological illnesses is ascites.

What is ascites, why does he arise and what to do people who collided with a similar problem?

In contact with


Ascites call the pathological cluster of water in man's peritoneum. Very often, this disease accompanies malignant tumors in various tissues and organs:

  • endometrials;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • lungs and bronchi;
  • dairy and pancreas;
  • ovaries.

In all listed cases, with the exception of ovarian cancer, the appearance of ascites speaks of the third and fourth stages of oncology, when treatment is already, unfortunately, it is impossible.

With a tumor in the ovaries, the liquid can start accumulate in the peritoneum already at the first stage of the disease. In this case, the disease is well treatable using chemotherapy.

Causes of occurrence

The main reason for the occurrence of ascites in oncological patients is that when the tumor cells are sededed on peritoneous tissue leads to a complication of lymph drainage mechanically.

Squeezing veins passing through the liver increases hydrostatic pressure, which leads to the appearance of the disease.

There is also a chilse ascite arising from the development of the lymphoma of the peritoneum. For this type of illness, the outlet of lymphs and emulsified fats penetrating the abdominal cavity and intestines are characteristic.


With ascite, which accompanies oncological diseases, heart failure and a number of other ailments, many patients complain about such symptoms:

  1. Inflatable, enlarged belly. As a result of a constantly increasing amount of fluid in the peritoneum, the weight of the patient increases. Difficult breathing and nutrition. Frequently arises heartburn or nausea.
  2. Infections. If you do not carry out treatment, peritonitis may occur in the patient, cardiac and renal failure often develops. In such cases, the forecasts of doctors are extremely negative. Patients are prescribed a long course of antibiotic therapy.
  3. The appearance of hernia (umbilical, groove) due to permanent pressure inside the peritoneum.
  4. Violation of urine discharge.
  5. The sword is even in a calm state, which may arise due to the accumulation of fluid in the field of lungs.
  6. Empty of the limbs.
  7. Fast fatiguability.

During a medical examination, the doctor can pay attention to the cluster of fluid in the peritoneum.

After that, the patient will be sent for additional examination (ultrasound, x-rays or CT) to confirm the diagnosis. As a rule, doctors recommend making puncture or laparocentsis.


People having various cancer diseases are always under close medical supervision. Given all the complaints and symptoms of the patient, the doctor can determine the development options.

To identify ascites, various diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Percussion or cloth climbing. In the presence of ascites, the sound when climbing is dull. In case of changing the position of the patient's body, the dullness of the sound will also shift.
  2. Auscultation or listening. At the same time, the liquid splash is clearly listened to the peritoneum.
  3. Ultrasound. This procedure allows you to determine the presence and localization of the tumor, the amount of fluid, the size of the internal organs. Prevent the identity to identify all the subtleties can too much water in the patient's abdominal cavity.
  4. Laboratory tests of blood and urine, taking hepatic samples.
  5. Hepatoscintigraphy makes it possible to determine the size and condition of the liver, to evaluate the changes in its operation.
  6. Dopplerography shows the state of the vessels.
  7. Laparocentsis and puncture are a fence of liquid from peritoneum with a subsequent laboratory study. Bacteriological sowing of fluid is carried out, the cell composition and the presence of protein is determined. It is worth noting that approximately 1% of patients may have a complication after the procedure performed.
  8. X-ray gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe state of the diaphragm and shows the presence of water in the abdominal cavity.
  9. MRI makes it possible to determine the exact amount of fluid and its location in the peritoneum.

Based on the amount of fluid available in the cavity, 3 stages of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Transient - approximate volume is no more than 0.5 liters. In this case, the patient complains about the bloating.
  2. Moderate - the volume of accumulated water to 5 liters. The symptoms of the second stage include: outbreak, digestive disorders. If the treatment is not started on time, then a person can develop peritonitis, heartless insufficient and will appear with the liver.
  3. Resistant - fluid volume can reach 20 liters. The patient's condition in this case is estimated as critical.


Regardless of the cause of the occurrence, the ascites should be treated together with the main disease. Three treatments are distinguished: symptomatic, conservative and surgical intervention.


At the initial stage of ascites, conservative therapy is used. It lies in the normalization of the liver work. With the presence of a parenchyma of the inflammatory liver, medications are prescribed, relieve inflammation.

To fill the loss of sodium, which in large quantities is excreted in urine, patients prescribe the reception of diuretics. To normalize the lymphatic outflow and reduce liver metabolites, a bed mode is prescribed. If the cause of the ascite was the hypertension of the portal vein, then hepatoprotectors are prescribed to the patient, the introduction of plasma and albumin.


In case of no avoidance of the conservative treatment conducted, the patient is prescribed a laparotosis procedure, which consists in removing fluid from the peritoneum by puncture of its wall and using a special water suction unit. This procedure is carried out under local anesthesia.

The maximum amount of fluid that can be removed during laparocentsis is 5 liters. Repeated procedure is carried out after 3-4 days. It is worth noting that each subsequent procedure represents an increasing danger to the patient, which lies in the possibility of damage to the intestinal walls.

Therefore, it is rarely carried out. In the case when the liquid fills the abdominal cavity too quickly, the patient is installed in the peritoneal catheter to prevent the appearance of adhesions possible during ascite.


In the case of recurrence of ascites, the patient shows surgical intervention.

If the patient has repeatedly conducted laparocentsis, it is prescribed a special diet and blood transfusion.

This method consists in connecting the veins together - the lower hollow with the collar. In this case, the collateral blood circulation is created.

If the patient needs a liver transplantation, it is assigned to a course of diuretics and an operation is performed. After which, the percentage of survival for 1 year is 70-75%.


The main treatment of early stages of ascites is to comply with a special diet, which creates a negative sodium balance in the patient. To do this, the reception of water and salt is limited.

For a day, no more than 1 liter of the total amount of fluid consumed and less than 1 g of the cooking salt are allowed. The patient with the diagnosis of ascites is prohibited from eating the following products:

  • fat meat;
  • rich broths;
  • canned food and smoked;
  • sdoba;
  • acute and salty;
  • sweets, with the exception of marshmallows and natural jelly;
  • millet, legumes;
  • whole milk;
  • coffee;
  • onions, garlic, sorrel.

Remember:sick ascitis is prohibited alcohol contributing to the progression of the ailment.

The basis of the diet should be:

  • vegetables and greens;
  • non-fat chicken broth;
  • boiled fish, rabbit meat or chicken;
  • egg steam omelet;
  • cottage cheese;
  • nuts and dried fruits.

It's important to know: For cooking is prohibited to use salt. It is advisable to wear everything, cook for a couple or bake.

In any case, ascites is a complex and serious illness requiring immediate treatment. But, if we talk about ascites during oncology, the forecast becomes even more competing.

This is due to the fact that the fluid contains a large amount of cancer cells that are rapidly distributed throughout the body. Therefore, in such cases, the patient relatives are recommended to prepare for the worst.

What is such an abdominal cavity ascite, look in the following video:

A rather unpleasant condition in which liquid accumulates in the abdominal cavity is called ascites. It is important to understand that this is not an independent disease. This pathology may be a consequence of heart failure, renal diseases or even tumors. Ascites is a serious ailment, and his appearance is already a reason for the immediate appeal to a specialist.

Help in getting rid of the body from excessive fluid can vigorous folk remedies. Traditional treatment together with drugs from plants contributes to a speedy recovery. The main thing is to turn to the doctor in time.

Recipes of alternative medicine will help in cure

There is far a considerable amount of drugs consisting only of natural components that will not only help eliminate pathology, but also will not harm. The main thing is not to abuse drugs and do not exceed the recommended dosages. And one more nuance - do not take any herbal means without the knowledge of the doctor.

14. Onions in water therapy. Grind a couple of small bulbs, sprinkle with sugar and leave this mixture in the cold, throughout the night. In the morning, press the juice and consume it during the day.

15. Rope in the treatment of ascites. Cut the peel from the vegetable, put in the pot, pour the boiled water, in the ratio of a hundred grams of peel on 600 ml of water, close and place on the stove for three hours. The tool should not be boiled, it should languish. Perfoliate and press the raw material. Drink 100 ml of the medicine once a day.

16. Treatment of water ashes. Take the stalks of the beans, lay them on the bastard and burn. Collect ashes, step into the powder and ask. Put the raw materials in a glass jar. Use it is necessary as follows: Fill five grams of ash with vodka - 100 ml, stir and drink. In obligatory, pick up the remedy with water, or that even better carrot juice. Take the medicine three times a day.

17. The use of parsley. Flore 50 g of dried parsley in three hundred milliliters of boiled water. Let it be a little thought. Eat 100 ml of the drug three times throughout the day.

Treatment of ascites by means of alternative medicine is effective. All the above recipes are tested for centuries, they are natural, since all 100% consist of natural components. The main thing is not to engage in self-medication and before applying any means to consult in your attending physician.

Diet with ascite is an integral therapy. It greatly facilitates the life of the patient. Food prohibitions are particularly effective at the initial stages of illness, since they largely determine the further development of the secondary state. The diet is prescribed in a complex with drug treatment to reduce the manifestation of ascites.

Medical treatment of ascites

The internal organs and the abdominal cavity of a person are shrouded in a thin cloth - peritoneum. Its blood and lymphatic vessels allocate a small amount of fluid needed for the free movement of intestinal loops and prevent the gluing of internal organs among themselves. This liquid is absorbed by the same peritoneum, so the body controls this process. In the malfunction in the body, the process of suction of the selected fluid is disturbed, or a large amount is highlighted. This pathology is called an ascite of the abdominal cavity or water of the abdomen.

Ascites is not an independent disease - it is only a symptom of a severe violation in the body. It always develops as a complication of other diseases.

The conservative therapy of ascites is based on the suppression of the underlying disease and depends on the cause of the origin of primary pathology. For all types of water, drugs are prescribed - diuretics to normalize water-salt metabolism and reduce the formation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

The initial course of treatment includes such drugs as: Veroshpiron, Aldakton, Spironolactone. In the event of the ineffectiveness of therapy with these drugs, a more potent Furosemoid preparation is added or Toramsemid.

Such preparations such as captopril, enalapril can be assigned. They enhance the excretion of sodium from the body and at the same time delay Potassium.

Doses of drugs The attending physician appoints individually, depending on the underlying disease and health of the patient. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the use of high dosages can lead to the appearance of side effects.

The uncontrolled and excessive use of diuretics can undergo the body at risk of dehydration.

In the treatment of the abdominal cavity ascites, multivitamin complexes are prescribed, favorably affecting the work of the body as a whole. It is recommended to introduce them in the form of injection solutions, taking into account the violation of the absorption of vitamins from the intestine.

Complicated ascites require the use of operational treatment methods. The widely used surgical manipulation during ascite is the laparocentsis - puncture (puncture of fabrics) removal of the liquid from the abdominal cavity. With complicated ascites, a permanent catheter is installed for long-term fluid output.

Treatment of ascites by folk remedies

Many people believe that it is not necessary to neglect the proven methods of treating traditional medicine, which has a thousand-year practical experience and still remains relevant.

The treatment of ascitis by folk remedies is dynamically used in comprehensive medical treatment therapy, aimed at eliminating the main reason that provoked the development of this ailment. Natural diuretic products contribute to the removal of excess liquid from the abdominal cavity and thereby facilitate the work of the internal organs.

Before treating ascites with the means of traditional medicine, it is necessary to consult with the doctor, since the consequences of this treatment may be substantial.

Parsley with milk

Remove unpleasant symptoms in the water of the abdomen can be using parsley with milk. When taking this means, the liquid from the abdominal cavity is already 2 day. It will take 0.5 l of milk and a large beam of parsley. Boil milk, sliced \u200b\u200bparsley pour into milk. Trap the resulting mixture on low heat for at least 2 hours, then cool and strain. Cooked drug drink every hour 2 tbsp. l. Store a diuretic in a cool place.

Lemon and Kren

The effective means of treatment of ascites is the infusion of lemon and horseradish. For infusion, it is necessary to take 100 g of the squeezed lemon and crushed shred, mix and give it to brew 1 night. Take 1 h. Daily within 2 weeks. Store tincture in the refrigerator.

Coltsfoot and Dormon Drug

With the accumulation of unnecessary liquid will help to cope the decoction of coltsfoot and the donoka medicinal. The grass is a coltsfoot and color films to take in equal proportions, crushed and mix. For 1 tsp. It will take a glass of boiling water, withstand half an hour and use 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Red root (Copier tea)

Treatment of water and folk remedies, such as a red root (tea room), is widespread in Tibetan traditional medicine.

For the preparation of infusion it is necessary 2 tbsp. l. A finely chopped root fill 0.5 liters of vodka and let it stand for 10 days. Take the infusion of 1 tsp. 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is not more than 30 days.

Dried apricots

A popular tool to eliminate the abdominal cavity is infusion from the Kuragi. In addition to the main diuretic action, it fills a significant part of the needs of potassium in the body. It is necessary 200 g of well-washed dried fruits to pour boiling water (0.5 l) and tightly close the container, and is better for the preparation of infusion to use a thermos. It is necessary to insist for at least 6 hours. Take the tool 2 times a day at 150 ml.

Uround tea

To prepare a diuretic tea, you can use the collection of dried raspberries, lingers, currants and rosehips. You need to take 4 tbsp. l. Mixtures, fill 250 g of boiling water and boil for 20 minutes. Decoration to cool, strain and take 2 times a day instead of tea.

The basis for diuretic tea can be nettle. The tool helps if it is used at an early stage of ascites. Dried nettle roots finely cut, take 1 tsp. For 1 glass of boiling water, insisted and drinking 2 glasses per day.

An effective means of water is a decoction from the root of the Ryagil Forest. For its preparation use dried and crushed root. To obtain a medication, it is necessary to use dried and crushed raw materials. For the preparation of the daily rate of the beam 1 Art. l. Root pour the glass of water and tomorrow on low heat for 20 minutes. The resulting decoction is divided into 3 receptions.

Diet under ascite

Diet, i.e., a specially designed nutrition system is one of the main components of the treatment of many diseases.

The ascite diet should be aimed at preventing fluid delay in the body. To do this, it is necessary to minimize the use of salt and reduce the reception of the fluid. If the diet is observed, the patient should eat boiled either cooked food.

With this ailment, a ban on sour, sharp and oily food is imposed.

From the diet it is necessary to remove meat delicacies that contain so-called hidden fats (pork peel, fat, interior fat) and smoked products. Pork and other fatty meat varieties must be replaced by rabbit meat, turkey and chicken. It is not recommended to use large fatty dairy products.

Invalid with this ailment Fresh bakery products. Some vegetables should be abandoned:

  • turnips;
  • sorrel;
  • radish;
  • luke;
  • garlic;
  • radish.

It is necessary to forget about coffee, cocoa and carbonated drinks. You can drink a weakly brewed green tea, which is not only a treasure of many vitamins, but also has a pronounced diuretic effect. Fruits must be included in the diet in the dried form or prepare compote from them. Of the sweets, you can afford only marshmallow or jam.

In the diet of the patient, there must be products containing a large number of potassium, such as:

  • spinach;
  • grapefruits;
  • eggplants;
  • dried apricots;
  • baked potato;
  • asparagus;
  • raisins;
  • carrot;
  • green pea.

Permitted porridges that do not contain millet and legumes. It is recommended to use nuts (walnut, hazelnuts, peanuts), pre-mixing them with honey.

The diet should be strictly observed, and the patient must be aware of the seriousness of the correct nutrition.

In the treatment of abdominal water, effectively medical fasting. It must be carried out systematically and from the very beginning of the disease. Fasting should be held 1 time in 2 months during the week, drinking only 2 cups of tea without sugar. Recommended during starvation every evening to do enemas. After this procedure, the transition to ordinary food must be gradual.

Dropsy - Delayed fluid in any organs or parts of the human body due to diseases of the liver, kidney, heart, etc.

Ascites - Liquid delay in the abdominal cavity.


Pallor and swelling of the face, eyelids and legs, an increase in the abdomen, a feeling of extraordinary gravity, shortness of breath, often accompanied by cough.

Treatment of ascites

Since ascites is not an independent disease, then at the first stage of treatment, the root causes are eliminated. In addition, such groups of drugs are used:

  • Diuretics - Veroshpiron, Laziks.
  • Preparations of potassium - Caliposis, asparks.
  • Correction of water and electrolyte metabolism using salt solutions.
  • Normalization of arterial pressure - ACE inhibitors (Enalapril, Captopril).
  • Hepatoprotectors - drugs based on phospholipids (essences) and ramores (CARSIL). Vitamins of group V. may be additionally used as hepatoprotectors.
  • Protein preparations intended for intravenous administration (albumin).

The described groups of drugs must be combined with a residual diet and a limited use of fluid.

In the development of complications, antibiotic therapy may be required and measures aimed at eliminating bleeding and hepatic encephalopathy, as well as hepaturient syndrome.

With resistance to drug treatment, a special procedure is required - removal of liquid from the abdominal cavity. With severe disease, liver transplantation is required.

Folk remedies

  • Bulch black (root). Recommended during the first stage of the water, especially because the pain and abdominal pains are well, obviously, for the reason that diuretic, cleansing and strengthening forces are in the root and actively actively operate. The root is used in the brave of 20.0-200.0 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, as well as in the form of tincture, which is preparing: 1 part of the crushed root is poured with 10-parts of alcohol or vodka and defended 8 days, the dose of alcohol tincture - 25 drops, and vodka - 40 drops 3 times a day .
  • Agava american. Fresh juice of it in combination with a wormwood bitter is used for beginners when the impaired digestion is required. 5 g, or 1 hour. Agava juice spoon is connected from 1 g, or 20 drops of juice (and in the winter period - tincture) wormwood and dilute 1/2 liter of boiled water, or the same amount of agave is connected from 1 tbsp. l. Baucher wormwood 5.0-300.0. Reception of this composition - 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • Garlic and radishused together (in half) are equally active means in the fight against water; These use them: the juice of the other 1/2 h, l. Take at the same time, drinking water, 2-3 times a day. To remove an unpleasant smell from garlic, they chew parsley or the root of Aira. After 2 weeks, the water woman passes.
  • Groilician gray (grass and seeds). As an active core, it must be in the number of first, especially when the cardiac water. Folk ways to use it (in a finance period): a decoction of 10.0-200.0 each, 1 tsp., And in the form of tincture (20.0) 10 drops 3-4 times a day. Doses do not exceed because the tool is acute and the grass is poisonous! Drug raw materials for more than 6 months do not hold.
  • Rosemary medicinal (grass and seeds). It is recommended in the form of a liqueur, which is sometimes on sale, with starting water, especially from burning inside the dose - 1 glass 2 times a day. You can also take in the form of tincture (25.0) 25 drops 3 times a day. As a last resort - the decoction of 20.0-200.0 1-2 Article. spoons 3 times a day for 1/2 hours before meals,
  • Dark dye (grass). As a diuretic, cleansing and soothing, he willingly use the people when dealing with water starting and especially with a stomach water. Use most often in a simple brave of 10.0-200.0 1 tbsp. A spoon 3 times a day, but there is another option of use: 15 g of dried grass is bought with 500 g of cold water and boiled, evaporated to 1/3 of the liquid. Take 2 tbsp. Spoons every 2 hours. It is not easy to be accepted, you can reduce the dose to 1 spoon 3 times a day.
  • Crošin brittle (berries or bark). Berries (with advanced three-year ventilating) are recommended in the form of a powder in a primitive dose "on the tip of a peer knife", or more precisely - 0.2-0.5 g 3 times a day can also be taken to her (with the same three-year ventilating) in The form of a beam 20.0-200.0 1 h. l. to the dining room. If as a tincture (30.0), then 25-40 drops 3 times a day and the other. There is a pharmacy extract of liquid - 20-40 drops in the morning and in the evening. Observe dosage!
  • Lily of the Lily May (color). It is not only a core, but also reinforcing diuresis (urination) and a cleansing agent, and therefore is recommended in this case as decoction of flowers 15.0-200.0 2 h. 3 times a day, or in the form of tincture (15.0) 15 drops 2-3 times a day, or, finally, in the form of fresh juice, which is preserved by 64% alcohol, and it will be more effective. Dose like a tincture. Plant poisonous!
  • Horsetail field (grass). As a cleansing agent brings the same benefit when watering. It is used in the brave of 25.0-100.0, which is not 20 minutes and is accepted by 2-3 st. l. 3 times a day. Horsetail is contraindicated in jade and nephronphritis.
  • Walinkle ordinary, Chernobor (root). As cleansing and soothing is recommended for water in the root of the root of 20.0-200.0, it is better condensed to half, 1-2 h. 3 times a day.
  • Panzeria woolly, white-vector dyeing (grass). A diuretic and soothing agent is used in water (especially in Hungary) in the brave of 10.0-200.0 1 tbsp. l. or in tincture (25.0) for 30-40 drops; Both both 3 times a day.
  • The excitation and strengthening agent, with a painfully depleting water, is used as an additive in the form of a decoction of 15.0-300.0 to 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. In the form of tincture (25.0) - 30 drops or fresh juice with the same dosage. Can be preserved for 25-30% alcohol.
  • Blackberry sisaya (color and leaves). Cleansing and partly anti-inflammatory, consumed in the people inside as a decoction of 20.0-200.0 to 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.
  • Dormon medicinal (grass). A good softening and resinking agent, auxiliary to fixed assets, during water, and is independently used as a decoction of 20.0-200.0 1 Article. l. 3 times a day.
  • Oats sowing (grain).
  • Wrushoid butter (grass). It is used independently as an expectorant and partly as an anti-inflammatory agent in the brave of 5.0-200.0 in 2-3 cent. l. 3 times a day. Applied tincture (15.0) 15 drops. More efficiently juice (canned for 30-35% alcohol) 15-20 drops 3-4 times a day.
  • White birch (buds and leaves). See below - Watercolor Alpashed abdominal (ascites) and renal.
  • Corn (columns with stilts - "hair"). Soothing, anti-inflammatory and resinking stones and sand is a good tool. Broth 10.0-200.0 1 tbsp. l. every 3 hours; Pharmacy extract 20.0 to 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.
  • Note. The storks - "hair" are suitable for use, if not in dampness otherwise they lose their healiness.
  • As a diuretic and anti-inflammatory remedy, it is recommended for watering in a decoction 10.0-200.0 to 1/2 cup 3 times a day.
  • AIR marsh (rhizome). As a toning is useful in water and is used in a decoction of 15.0-200.0, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day; It is possible in a powder of 0.2-0.5 g, on the tip of the knife 3 times a day, but the most convenient in the form of tincture (20.0) 20 drops 3 times a day before meals.
  • Pine ordinary (kidney). Freshly prepared beam 10.0-200.0 inhale a couple of 15 minutes several times a day. This is a potent diuretic.
  • cornflower. Infusion flowers cornflower. 1-2 teaspoons of flowers brew boiling water, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
  • AIR. 15 g of the roots of AIRA Bolotnaya cooking 15 minutes in 600 ml of water and take 100 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Or insist 50 g of roots in 0.5 liters of vodka. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Chicory. Take 50-70 ml 3 times a day of the decoction of 15 g of the Wild Cycarium on a glass of water. The decoction should be prepared fresh daily.
  • Melissa. Take on a tablespoon 3 times a day of a decoction of 15 g Melissa medicinal for a glass of water. Apply a tincture of 25 g on a glass of vodka 15 drops 3 times a day.
  • Hawthorn. Take a tincture of a hawthorn for 15-20 drops in a glass of water 3 times a day after eating. The tincture is prepared from 1 part of the flowers hawthorn and 10 parts of alcohol, insisting a week.
  • Horseradish. It is recommended to take horseradish in the form of a kashitz with the addition of lemon juice twice a day on a teaspoon, an empty stomach: a mixture of two-three lemons juice and 150 grams of shit.

Folk remedies for chronic water

If the wampy is old abdominal (ascites) or kidney, the following folk remedies are recommended:

  • White birch. In traditional medicine, birch leaves and kidneys are considered the most radical means in the fight against water, but scientific medicine does not deny them. Leaves are larger for outdoor use: fresh for the so-called "dry baths" is, of course, in the summer. And the dry leaves in the brave of them (50 g on the boiling water bucket) for baths or wraps at another time of the year. Wang on the same "dry" is that freshly-insulated young birch leaves are folded (more slower) into a large dishes (bath or row), tightly cover everything for an hour so that the contents in it matered from their vegetable heat, and then the patient is immersed in these Hot leaves, tightly covering herself from above, so that there is no access to fresh air from the outside. In such a "bath" without water, an hour or one and a half or how much will stand to some "numbness".
    Bath of decoction - The usual thing, duration up to 30 minutes, but wrapping from the beam of birch leaves requires explanation. It is done complete (from the armpits to the ankle of the legs) or the torso (from the armpits to the knees) in this way: not yet cooled, the warm decoction is wrapped in four-folded sheet and, having squeezed it, quickly wrap the patient, and then as quickly as possible wrap dry sheets , then wool matter (thin blanket) and, putting into bed, fix the edges of wrapping by pins; Leave in wrapping for an hour and a half, and if you fall, then before waking up. It is necessary to remove the wrapping (wrap) under the cover of the blanket so that the body of the patient does not coole the appearance of the air. It is better to do it at night and no more than once a day, and after 6 days to do rest - a break for 1-2 days.
    Broth leaf For this purpose, it is usually in a proportion of 20.0-200.0, and for internal use with the addition of soda (purified) in an amount of 0.2 g per glass for dissolving the insoluble in the decoction, that is, the betularetic acid located in the leaves. The boiled leaves are better to defend 6 hours, and then take a 1/2 cup in two receptions per day.
    Kidney, rich in chemical content, can be preferred to leaves, but they are contraindicated in the inflammation of the kidneys. The decoction of them is 2 h. on a glass of boiling water; dose of reception: 2-4 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Alcohol tincture (25.0) - 20 drops; The tincture on vodka is done like this: fill the bottle by the kidneys to half and poured with vodka along the neck, insist in a warm place for 1 month, take 40 drops 3 times a day.
    With simultaneous and internal and external treatment, a favorable result (increase in urinations) occurs after 2 hours. To the bark of birch for greater cleansing, the 3rd part of the branch of the bark from the Vyaz tree is well (see below).
  • Elm Smooth, Korah (bark). The bark from it (young) can be accepted inside and independently for the same purpose and brewed the same as birch leaves, i.e. 4 h. L. On a glass of boiling water, 1/2 cup 2 times a day or 1 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day.
  • Spring horizon (grass). Strong strengthening, reinforcing diuresis and raising the tone of life a tool, which is especially recommended for renal water, in a decoction - 1 tbsp. l. On 2 glasses of boiling water, dose: 1 tbsp. l., but not more often as an hour (this is a maximum!).
  • Burning big (root). In efficiency in the treatment of water, it is equal to birch and in general in the practice of folk, and even from doctors is recognized as a radical means, although the state pharmacope has not yet been introduced. Treatment should be internal and outdoor. For the other, the decoction is made of its roots. For internal - 15.0-200.0 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day; For baths or compresses - 50 g on boiling water bucket. Compresses - no more than 1 time a day, better for the night. For details about them, see here in the description Birch.
  • Ordinary beans (pods). It is a strong diuretic and anti-inflammatory tool during water (which is not denied by both science) and is used in a decoction: 30-40 g per gravel of boiling water, 1/2 cup 3 times a day. The beans pods are especially useful (like a horizon) in water, which occurred from the renal diseases, it is better to connect them with stilts, or "hair", corn (equal).
  • Mynia Drug (root). Valuable and very effective as a diuretic, especially in abdominal water; Only the use of it requires a lot of training: first cut the roots, they wash them out 1/2 hours in water 5-6 times, each time merging the annoying foam. The roots of the roots are dried and only then make a decoction of them for use in this case. Decoction: 6.0 or 10.0 per 200.0 1 Article. l. 4-6 times a day.
  • Parsley Suriable (grass and root). In terms of efficiency, in this case is almost equal to birch, but is used only in folk practice, brew 2 tbsp. l. Its on a glass of boiling water, take 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
    Another recipe: 1 g of roots and 250 g of parsley leaves are brewed on 5 cups of milk and evaporated to 3 glasses and then take 2 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day.
  • Spoonful grass, arctic spoon (grass). A rather strong diuretic and purification folk remedy for water-used inside as a decoction of 20.0-200.0 and in connection with honey (to taste) of 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, and as a tincture on alcohol (25.0) - 20 drops; If on vodka, then in such a size of preparation: 8 parts of grass on 6 parts of vodka, take the same dose.
  • Drug Lost (root). According to healing values \u200b\u200bis equal to spoonful grass, but as a poisonous requires a strict dosage in the treatment. His decoction 10.0-200.0 is not more than 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, and if in the form of tincture (20.0), then no more than 10 drops, also 3 times a day. Poisonous!
  • Drubwear creeping (root). It is used in the peoples in water as a cleaning and diuretic agent in the form of a beam 20.0-200.0 with a reception of 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
    Another recipe: decoction of 90.0-800.0 or if without weighing, then 6 tbsp. l. The root for 4-5 glasses of boiling water, to evaporate the decoction of this up to 1 cup and so condensed (as an extract) to take inside 1 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day.
  • Promotional wolf, wolf liko, wolch year (bark). It is also recommended as a means of combating water, but as a poisonous requires strict dosage. A water extract is made from the bark: the decoction of 20.0-200.0 is evaporated to half, or in the form of tincture - 1 part of the cortex on 64 parts of alcohol or vodka. Dose of reception of the other 0.2 g, or, in other words: 4-5 drops 3 times a day (for caution, first 1-2 drops first).
  • Juniper ordinary (berries). The popular folk remedy is also useful in water, only the contraindicated kidney inflammation. It is good to use fresh berries, they must be chewed, moreover, periodically, starting from 6 pieces to 15 and back. If there is on sale juniper oil, take it 5-10 drops 3 times a day. In homeopathic pharmacies there is an essence from these berries. You can use the decoction of dried berries, prepared in the amount of 2 h. unwound berries on a glass of boiling water, 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. However, a pharmacy diuretic collection No. 2 can be taken, which includes the same berries.
  • Toloknyanka ordinary (leaves). Entering the diuretic collection number 2, it may not be unsuccessfully applied and independently in water as a decoction of 15.0-200.0 1 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day
  • Reason real (grass). With water: in summer, in the form of fresh juice for 2 hours l. 3 times a day, and in winter in the brave of 40 g per liter of water or, in other words, 2 h. on a glass of boiling water; 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • Hop wildering (bumps). It is recommended independently and as a subband in the treatment of water, flowing painfully and with inflammation of the kidneys, as it is not only a diuretic, but also a large painful and sedative. If you use yourself, then the decoction of it 10.0-200.0 1-2 st, l. 3 times a day, and if in conjunction with similar plants, then half of the beginning. Instead of raccara, you can also take a powder made of cones on an incomplete teaspoon 3 times a day, drinking water.
  • Lovers pharmacy (leaves). It is used more in the brave of 15.0-200.0 1 tbsp. l. 3 times or without dosage like tea. It is possible in the form of a root powder, on the tip of a table knife, more precisely - 0.5 g.
  • Nuts burning (leaves and roots). No less popular and active in the fight against the water, and the roots act stronger leaves. Decoration of this or the other: 15.0-200.0 in 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • Halfweight bitter (grass). The popular remedy in the form of a beam 5.0-300.0 (1 tsp for 2 glasses of boiling water), reception: 1/4 cup 3 times a day. The pharmacy tincture of it (20.0) take 15-20 drops in this case 3 times a day before meals.
  • Sea bow (bulb). A diuretic and heartfelt (soothing) agent is recommended for watering various shapes. If there are no finished drugs from it in a pharmacy, you can make the infusion itself: they take dried (in the sun) bulbs, 2 or 3 g per glass of cold water, insist 8 hours, take 0.3 g, or 6 drops, or by 1/10 h. L. 5 times a day. Take and in the form of powder with sugar: Take a bow (in powder) 0.06 g, connected with sugar (in powder) in the amount of 0.25 g. The mixture is divided into 12 equal parts and to take 3-4 times for such a powder in a day. Plant poisonous!
  • Bear Camery (root). Ancient, very efficient and well-proven folk remedy. Taken usually in the brave of 15.0-200.0. It is better to use as a tincture, if on alcohol - 20 drops, and if on vodka, then 2 parts by weight of the root on 5 parts of vodka. Dose: 30-40 drops 4-5 times a day.
  • Hemp sowing (seed). It applies from water in the form of tincture (25.0) 20 drops 3 times a day. It is possible in the form of a beam of 20.0-200.0 1-2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, but it will act weaker. Very corresponds and promotes this treatment with the use of garden pumpkin (see below).
  • Pumpkin ordinary. The flesh of it is in food in the form of various porridges in rice, play and even semolina with milk and sugar. It will be a dietary treatment. However, it is possible and as a medicated in the form of fresh juice from pumpkin pulp in the amount of 1/2 cup per day.
  • Elderberry elderberry, stinking (root). As more active in the effects on the body, it is applied in the people with all types of water: abdominal (ascites), cardiac and renal; Especially useful at the beginning of the disease. It is better to use it in the tincture (20.0) on alcohol, 15 drops, and if on vodka, then 30 fonts 3 times a day. As a last resort - decoction: 30 g root for 1 liter of boiling water, take 1 cup 3 times a day. The decoction is often ignored because of his unpleasant odor. Plant poisonous!
  • Vasilek blue, or field (color). Broth: 1 tsp. A glass of boiling water, reception of 1/4 cup 3 times a day.
  • Camel Quick Torn, camel hay (grass and root). A decoction of 20.0-200.0 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • Oats. As a decoction (with honey), 20.0-200.0 inwards at all stages of water, and it is cutting it out as a compress or stomach wrapping (50 or 100 g per bucket) with abdominal water (ascite).
  • Astragal wresty bed (grass). Broth 20.0-200.0, 1 tbsp. l. 3-5 times a day.
  • Gryzhnik smooth (grass). Broth 30-50 g per 1 liter of boiling water, 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meal.
  • Rosehip doggy, rose dog (fruit). A diuretic, anti-inflammatory and vitamin remedy is recommended for water. Roshovnik's decoction: the peel of fruits (without seeds) or the fruit of the whole, but shredded to the mortar, in the amount of 10 g (2 teaspoons) poured boiling water with a glass, boil 10 minutes. Drink 1/2 or 1 cup 2 times a day before meals. Children give 1/4-1 / 2 glasses to receive. To improve taste before use, sugar is added to the prescribed dose. Ready decoction before use is better to hold the day in a dark and cool place.
  • Dymyanka Drug (Grass). In the form of a beam 15.0-300.0 1 tbsp. l, 3 times a day or in the form of tincture (25.0) 30 drops.
  • Tollga Vysoliste, Labaznik Vysoliste (Grass and Roots). How diuretic and strengthening is recommended for water in the brave of 1 tsp. A glass of boiling water that needs to drink in three reception per day.
  • Hoen ordinary (root). Grated and cooked in half with juniper berries on beer (and not on water) to drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day.
  • Painful Sweet Gorky. A decoction of 20.0-200.0 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Plant poisonous!

Used abbreviations

  • 20.0-200.0 - means: 20 grams of medicinal plant for 200 grams of water, 20 grams are equal to 1 tablespoon with riding, 200 grams - 1 glass of water.
  • 15.0, or 15 grams, are equal to 1 tablespoon without top.
  • 10.0, or 10 grams, are equal to 1 dessert spoon or 2 teaspoons.
  • 5.0, or 5 grams, are equal to 1 teaspoon.
  • In the tincture: 25.0 means that 25 grams of the plant takes 100 grams of alcohol.
  • In dilutions: 1:10 means 1 part of the divorce on 10 parts of water, or 1 teaspoon of the first on 1/2 cup of water.
  • When preparing ointments: 1: 4 means 1 part of the drug raw materials on 4 parts of the foundation (fats).
  • Art. l. - tablespoon, h. L. - tea spoon.


  • Radish sowing (root). It is recommended to take in advance fresh radish juice, mixed in half with honey. Take periodically, starting with 1/2 cup and reaching up to 2 glasses per day.