Training of athletes as a long-term continuous process. Basic principles of health training How and under what conditions does a training

From a biological point of view, physical training is a process of directed adaptation of the body to training effects. The loads used in the process of physical training play the role of an irritant that stimulates adaptive changes in the body. The training effect is determined by the direction and magnitude of physiological and biochemical changes that occur under the influence of applied loads. The depth of the shifts occurring in the body depends on the main characteristics of physical activity:

* the intensity and duration of the exercises performed;

* the number of repetitions of exercises;

* the duration and nature of the rest intervals between repetitions of exercises.

A certain combination of the listed parameters of physical activity leads to the necessary changes in the body, to the restructuring of metabolism and, ultimately, to an increase in fitness.

The process of adaptation of the body to the effects of physical activity has a phase character. The stage of urgent adaptation is mainly reduced to changes in energy metabolism and related functions of vegetative support based on the already formed mechanisms for their implementation, and is a direct response of the body to single effects of physical activity.

With repeated repetition of physical impacts and the summation of many traces of loads, long-term adaptation gradually develops. This stage is associated with the formation of functional and structural changes in the body that occur as a result of stimulation of the genetic apparatus of cells loaded during work. In the process of long-term adaptation to physical activity, the synthesis of nucleic acids and specific proteins is activated, resulting in an increase in the capabilities of the musculoskeletal system, and its energy supply is improved.

The phase nature of the processes of adaptation to physical loads allows us to distinguish three types of effects in response to the work performed.

An urgent training effect that occurs directly during exercise and during an urgent recovery period within 0.5 - 1.0 hours after the end of work. At this time, the oxygen debt formed during work is eliminated.

Delayed training effect, the essence of which is the activation of plastic processes by physical exercise for excessive synthesis of cellular structures destroyed during work and replenishment of the body's energy resources. This effect is observed in the late phases of recovery (usually up to 48 hours after the end of the load).

The cumulative training effect is the result of the sequential summation of the urgent and delayed effects of repetitive loads. As a result of the cumulation of trace processes of physical influences over long periods of training (more than one month), there is an increase in performance indicators and an improvement in sports results.

Small physical loads do not stimulate the development of the trained function and are considered ineffective. To achieve a pronounced cumulative training effect, it is necessary to perform an amount of work that exceeds the value of ineffective loads.

A further increase in the volume of work performed is accompanied, to a certain limit, by a proportional increase in the trained function. If the load exceeds the maximum allowable level, then a state of overtraining develops, and adaptation fails.

The effectiveness of any exercise program is determined by what "training effect" it will lead to. This means that when an unusual load is applied to the body for some time, it adapts to it and becomes able to cope with it more effectively. Dr. Lawrence Golding of the University of Nevada explains it this way: “If you take a 10 horsepower motor and put a 12 horsepower load on it, it will burn out. But if you have a body equivalent to a 10 horsepower motor and put a 12 horsepower, it eventually becomes a 12 horsepower engine." However, improving the capabilities of your body depends on the nature and direction of the training to which you subject it. A runner will not train in the same way as a weightlifter, and vice versa. The need to perform specific exercises to achieve certain results is called training specificity.

The purpose of the lesson: To create conditions for the effective assimilation of hygienic knowledge about favorable conditions for the development of the musculoskeletal system.

Educational task: to expand students' knowledge about the age-related features of the chemical composition of bones, about the signs of correct posture and its significance for health, to form knowledge about the necessary conditions for its normal development.

Developing task: to continue the development of scientific and practical skills as a result of interactive and training activities to determine the correctness of one's posture and teach methods of maintaining and strengthening it.

Educational task: to form a cognitive interest in your body, beliefs about the need for physical activity to maintain health.

Lesson form: seminar-training.

Lesson equipment: computer, multimedia projector, educational films on biology, presentation ( Attachment 1) , printed manuals: “Correct seating at a desk”, “Curvature of the spine”

I. The main content of the lesson

(The seminar is conducted by students of grade 11. They act as a lecturer, expert, doctor, physical education teacher).

Lecturer 1. The topic of my lecture is “The influence of food quality on the development of the skeleton”.

You know that food contains water, inorganic and organic substances, and that the chemical composition of bones changes with age. In children, the bones are richer in organic matter and therefore have less strength and greater flexibility. And adults have more inorganic substances, so they are fragile. The quantitative ratios of chemicals can also vary depending on the food. Experiments have been carried out in laboratories that clearly demonstrate the influence of food quality on the development of the skeleton and its chemical composition. Four groups of puppies under the same conditions of detention received food of a different nature.

(Slide #2 is shown)

Influence of food quality on the chemical composition of bones and their properties

Thus, for the normal development of the skeleton of a growing organism, dairy food is the most complete, because, in addition to proteins, fats, carbohydrates, it contains vitamins and minerals. Especially milk is rich in calcium salts, which is necessary for the formation of the skeleton during growth.

Remember this!

Physical education teacher. The development of the skeleton is also affected by human motor activity. In people who play sports or physical labor, bumps form on the bones. This contributes to the strength of the connection of the tendons of the muscles with the bone. When working, the muscles are better supplied with blood. And it brings more nutrients and oxygen to muscle cells. It is necessary for the body for normal metabolism.

Open § 12 pp. 43-44. Read "The Importance of Muscle Training". Answer the question: How and under what conditions does the training effect occur?

So, the training effect will not always appear. Physical education lessons at school teach the correct economical movements when walking, running, jumping. It is not often possible to get a training effect in a lesson. Therefore, the main physical activity should be transferred to sports. The sport must be chosen according to ability, health and interest.

Physical exercises develop the chest, respiratory muscles, strengthen the heart, improve the functioning of the digestive system.

What is useful to do?

Swimming is very helpful. This is a kind of body massage, an excellent hardening agent.

Running is a great rest for the nervous system.

Skis. Skiing strengthens the circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems.

A variety of physical labor is also useful. But everything needs a measure.

Lecturer 2. I will tell you about the features of the human spine. Purpose: to equip you with knowledge about the age-related features of the spine, so that you take this into account and protect yourself from unwanted deviations, such as scoliosis.

So, in children, cartilage gaps are large, the vertebral bodies are poorly developed. In an adult, the thickness of the cartilaginous plates between the lumbar vertebrae is 1/3 of the body of the adjacent vertebra. In children of 10-11 years of age -?, in a newborn it is equal to the thickness of the vertebral body. Now it is clear why the spine can be curved in children.

/ Demonstrates slide No. 3, No. 4 Types of curvature of the spine /

The process of ossification of the skeleton ends by the age of 20-23. Consequently, at school age, the skeletal system remains unformed. With an incorrect body position (posture, gait, landing at a desk, body position during sleep), a curvature of the spinal column can occur: to the side - scoliosis, back (round back) - kyphosis, forward (no bends of the spine) - lordosis. They cause a change in the chest, which affects the position and shape of the lungs and heart, and this, in turn, is reflected in their activity. Scoliosis is difficult to treat. Preventive measures are of great importance.

Remember this!

Doctor. One of the necessary conditions for the normal development of the musculoskeletal system is the correct posture, which makes the human figure slim and beautiful. Posture is a skill that maintains the correct position of the body in space. Let's move on to training exercises.


Signs of correct posture

(Demonstrates according to the commentary of the "doctor" one of the participants of the seminar. The whole class, standing by the couple, repeats):

  1. Keep head and body free and straight.
  2. Keep your shoulders at the same level, lower them slightly and take them back.
  3. The abdomen is tucked up.
  4. The chest protrudes somewhat forward.

How to check if your posture is correct:

(Demonstration of a fragment of the film to determine the correct posture.

Several students come out to the wall. Follow the doctor's orders

1. Stand against the wall, tightly pressing the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heels.

2. Raise the chin slightly.

3. Move away from the wall, maintaining the position of the body.

Walking is so difficult, but if you control your body position 2-3 times a day, it will help you form the correct posture and, most importantly, stay healthy.

Training 2.

(Demonstration of types of improper seating at a desk according to the table”)

Doctor: It is very harmful to sit like this:

1. Sit sideways to the table, lowering your left hand down.

2. Sit, constantly bending over and bowing your head low.

3. Sit on the edge of a chair with support on one thigh.

4. Sit with your chest pressed against the edge of the table.

5. Sit with one leg underneath you.

How can this affect health? The internal organs are located incorrectly, are in a squeezed position, their work is difficult. Curvature of the spine in the thoracic spine - arcuate kyphosis may develop. At the same time, shoulders pushed forward and lowered down, a somewhat sagging stomach are observed.

Training 3.

Techniques for checking the correctness of your landing at the desk:

(all students repeat)

  1. Put your elbow on the desk, the tips of the outstretched fingers should touch the temple.
  2. A palm should pass between the desk and the chest.

II. Anchoring

Teacher: And now let's check the knowledge of factors that can spoil or preserve the musculoskeletal system. Let's do the test on the leaflets in duplicate. Give one copy to the teacher. On the second copy, immediately check the correctness of your answers and rate yourself according to the scale.

(The test is shown on slide #5.)


(select multiple correct answers)

1. What is included in the musculoskeletal system?

G. Tendons

2. At what age does the formation of the musculoskeletal system end?

A. 17-19 years old

B.20-23 years old

3. What causes can cause a violation in the development of the skeleton in a growing organism?

A. Rational nutrition

B. Improper seating at the table

B. Poor nutrition

D. Lack of self-control

4. What is posture?

A. Habitual body position

B. A skill that ensures the habitual position of the body in space.

B. Habitual position of the head and hands

5. What food is the most complete for a growing organism?

A. Vegetable

B. Dairy

B. Mixed

6. What types of curvature of the spine are there?

A. Lordoz

B.S bends

G. Scoliosis

7. What sports in childhood and adolescence are most useful for the correct formation of the legs?

B. Rhythmic gymnastics

D. Figure skating

(After the students have turned in their work, slide No. 6 is shown with a rating scale and the correct answers.)

III. Homework. ( Select one of the tasks.)

1. Prepare a message about the life of famous athletes, their sporting achievements.

2. Compose the cinquain “Musculoskeletal system”.

3. Make a list of sports for development:

a) legs and feet;

b) muscles of the chest and arms.

The concept of "training of athletes" is typical for the sport of the highest achievements and the training of sports reserves. This is a complex of measures that ensures a high level of readiness for competitions and the maximum realization of the athlete's available opportunities during competitive confrontation. The entire period of "life in sports" (as a rule, 10-20 years) is characterized by repeated alternation of participation in competitions and special training for them.

Training of athletes covers the period from the beginning of specialized classes *! sports before moving into the field of sports of higher achievements (from 5 to 10 years in various sports). In the sport of the highest achievements, the athlete is from 4 to 10 years, depending on the sport. The long-term period of sports training is divided into stages, which are associated, on the one hand, with the age of those involved, on the other hand, with the specifics of the sport. An example is the stages of many years of preparation in sports games.

The first stage provides for: raising interest in sports, introducing children to a sports game, initial training in technique and tactics, game rules, educating physical qualities in general terms and taking into account the specifics of the game, developing the ability to compete individually in collectively (mizz-basketball, mini-volleyball, etc.). Lo is 11 years old.

The second stage is devoted to basic technical-tactical, physical training. At this time, the basics of technique and tactics are formed, but without an emphasis on specialization in game functions, the development of competitive qualities in relation to a sports game. Age 12-14 years.

The third stage is aimed at special training, technique - tactical, physical, game, competitive, elements of specialization in game functions are introduced. Age 15-17 years.

The fourth stage is designed to improve technical and tactical skills, specialize in game functions, adapt to the requirements in teams of the highest ranks. Age 18-20 years.

The fifth stage is a demonstration of high sports results on levels" not elite sports. Age 21-30 years.

The specified age limits are conditional to a certain extent, the main indicator is the level of sportsmanship. Therefore, the most prepared athletes, provided that the established requirements are met, are transferred to the next stage at an earlier age.

The sixth stage is sports longevity, when the athlete continues classes and participates in competitions in the field of mass sports. There are no age limits here.

In accordance with the main focus of the stages, tasks are determined, means, methods, training and competitive modes, etc. are selected.


The involvement of people in systematic sports, their interest and personal achievements depend on the correspondence of individual characteristics to the specifics of a particular sport.

The choice by each person of a sport that best suits his individual characteristics is the essence of sports orientation. Sports orientation is associated primarily with youth and mass sports. A well-placed sports orientation increases the effectiveness of sports selection. The technology of orientation and selection is the same, the difference is only in the approach: during orientation, a sport is chosen for a specific person, and during selection, a person is chosen for a specific sport.

Sports selection is a set of measures to identify athletes with a high level of abilities that meet the requirements of the specifics of a sport. Qualitatively changing, the selection is included in the system of long-term training at all its stages and consists of four levels.

The first level is the initial selection to identify children (in most sports this is aged 9-14 years) who have the potential to be able to successfully master a particular sport. Organizational selection is carried out in three stages. At the first stage - promotional activities in order to arouse interest in the classes; on the second - testing and observation to determine the ability of children to this sport; on the third, the longest - observations in the process of learning and development of physical abilities in order to establish the pace of mastering the educational material.

The second level is an in-depth selection to identify promising young men and women (age 16-17 years old) with a high level of ability in this sport a inclinations to a certain specialization (type of athletics, game function, etc.).

The third level is the selection for identifying athletes (age 18-20 years old) for enrollment in teams of highly qualified athletes. The selection is carried out on the basis of the study of training and competitive activities in the children's and youth sports team, testing and examination during training camps specially held for this purpose.

The fourth level is the selection to identify athletes in various national teams (countries, regions, departments, etc.), to determine the participants in responsible competitions. For this purpose, information about the training and competitive activity of an athlete in his club, in the assembly team is analyzed, competitive activity is studied at national championships, at training camps.

The selection involves trainers working with this contingent, and groups of experts from among the leading specialists in the region.

The specific content of the selection methodology is determined by the specifics of the sport. It is based on a system of pedagogical, biomedical and mental indicators that have a high prognostic significance (the level of physical qualities specific to a given type of sport, the level of abilities underlying technical and tactical actions, morphological data, functional characteristics of the body, properties of higher nervous activity and etc.). The initial level, changes in examination indicators with age and under the influence of training, the relationship of these indicators with sports achievements are taken into account. The quality of the selection is an important condition for the success of the long-term training of sports reserves. In the process of many years of preparation, the set of selection methods expands, the selection itself becomes more in-depth, as a result of which the number of dropouts increases.


Training is part of preparation

Training is an essential part of athletic training. Only in it is the formation of special knowledge, skills and abilities,

education of physical qualities and increase in the functional capabilities of the body of athletes, education of the required personality traits. This is a pedagogical process with a variety of educational, recreational and educational tasks.

Principles of training

Training is based on the general principles of physical education and specific. The implementation of the general principles is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the sport. The group of specific principles includes the following:

Orientation to the highest achievements. The very essence of sport is the desire of a person for the highest sports results. This principle stimulates the search for the most effective means and methods, in-depth specialization, year-round and long-term work, etc.

The unity of general and special training. General (comprehensive) training (physical, technical) precedes in-depth sports specialization and accompanies it throughout many years, creating the preconditions for specialization.

Continuity of the training process. This principle implies long-term and year-round training with regularity of classes throughout the entire period of active sports. The number of training sessions, their content, the nature of the load should ensure the growth of the skills of athletes.

Gradual and maximum increase in loads. This principle is due to the need to prepare athletes for the ultimate mobilization of forces during the competition. In the process of training sessions, tasks are gradually complicated over the course of a year and a number of years, systematically using limit loads. The increase in load is achieved due to its various parameters.

Wavy change in load. The wave-like nature of loads is based on the patterns of fatigue and recovery, requiring alternation of loads and rest, changes in the magnitude and nature of loads in small, medium and large training cycles.

The cyclical nature of the training process. This principle consists in the systematic repetition of its relatively complete structural units: training tasks and classes of small, medium and large cycles.

Sections (sides) of the workout

The following sections are distinguished in the training: technical, tactical, physical, mental, theoretical, integral training. The term "training" here is used in a narrow sense compared to the term "athlete training". The allocation of training sides is conditional and is done for the convenience of planning, control, choice of means, methods, etc.

Technical training is a pedagogical process aimed at mastering motor actions specific for each sport. Training in sports technique begins in childhood and adolescence. As the age and sportsmanship increase, the technique is improved taking into account the individual characteristics of the athlete. Ultimately, a motor skill should be formed that allows achieving the maximum effect in various conditions.

Tactical training is a pedagogical process aimed at mastering the rational! forms of competition. It includes the study of the patterns of competitive activity, the rules and regulations in a particular sport, the general provisions of modern domestic and foreign tactics of athletes, their rivals; development

Ability to build your tactics in the upcoming competitions; modeling

necessary conditions in training and control competitions for the practical mastery of tactical formations.

Physical training is a pedagogical process aimed at educating physical qualities and developing functional capabilities that create favorable conditions for improving all aspects of training. It is divided into general and special. The tasks of general physical training include promoting health and harmonious physical development and improving vital motor skills. The tasks of special physical training include the development of physical qualities specific to this sport.

Mental training is a pedagogical process aimed at educating the personality of an athlete, his moral and volitional qualities. It is carried out throughout the long-term preparation at training sessions, training camps, competitions. This work is closely related to the educational work of those institutions in which the athlete studies or works.

Theoretical training is a pedagogical process of increasing the ideological and theoretical level of an athlete, equipping him with certain knowledge and skills to use them in training sessions and competitions. It is carried out throughout the training of athletes. The requirements in sports have increased so much that without deep knowledge it is impossible to count on high sports performance. Underestimation of theoretical training leads to misunderstanding of the essence of the training task being performed. Misunderstanding gives rise to activity, mechanical repetition of exercises.

Integral training is a pedagogical process aimed at ensuring that an athlete is able to holistically implement all sections of training in competitive activity. This determines the tasks of integral training: communication between all sections of training and its implementation in competitive activity; achievement of stability in the actions of athletes in difficult competition conditions, which are the highest form of integral training.

The concept of "load" reflects the nature and extent of the impact on the athlete in the process of training and competition. At the same time, the external, internal and mental aspects of training and competitive loads are singled out. "External" (physical) load is determined by the volume of hours allotted for exercise or a series of classes; the ratio of time to training sections; the number of training sessions; the number of training tasks of various directions (length and speed of running a distance, number of jumps, etc.); the share of intensive work in its total volume, etc. The internal (physiological) load is determined by the body's reaction to the work performed in terms of heart rate, systolic volume, respiratory rate, oxygen consumption, oxygen up to: etc. Mental load is determined by the levels of volitional and moral tension, emotionality, etc. It is expressed in points, conditionally reflecting the levels of loads both in a separate task and in a training session (1-3 - low load, 4-5 points - medium load, 6-8 points - large load).All sides of the load are interconnected, therefore, they use ^ cn in unity. The coach uses external and mental loads for planning and control, and internal - to determine whether the first two possibilities of the body correspond.

Under the influence of the load, a training effect arises, which can be urgent - as the reaction of the body to one training session is given as a delay - as a change in the state of an athlete after a whole training session* of the right session, cumulative - as a change in state after the entire system of training sessions. In a separate training session, the load should be logically linked to the training effects of the previous sessions.

next lessons. Considering the impact of the means used on the athlete's body, the following characteristics of training loads are distinguished:

1. Specificity. It reflects the degree of compliance of the load with the motor
the structure of competitive actions, the mode of operation of the motor apparatus and
power supply mechanism. According to these signs, the loads are specific
skimi to non-special features, and exercises - competitive and auxiliary

2. Orientation. On this basis, loads are distinguished that contribute to
development of individual physical abilities, improvement of technical and so-
tic skill, mental preparedness, etc. Impact on
loading can be selective or complex.

3. Duration. Determines the duration of exercise that can be
can vary over a wide range - from a few seconds to tens of mi
chickpeas, even hours (marathon). Variation in duration and speed
performing exercises improves various energy-providing furs
nisms: short-term exercise, but at a high speed
increases anaerobic performance, prolonged work, but with no
high speed - aerobic.

4. Intensity. Determines the force of the load, since the character
iterized by the amount of work done per unit of time (speed,
frequency of movement, amount of weight, etc.). The intensity varies according to
wide limits, in connection with which the so-called zones of intense
in terms of heart rate and the nature of energy supply
cheniya (assessment is made in points).

5. Rest. Rationally organized rest provides recovery
performance after the load and increases its effect. different length
habitability and different nature (active, passive) of rest between repetitions
rhenium leads at the same load to an unequal effect.

Training loads are closely related to competitive loads. The competitive load includes the number of competitions and starts in each of them during a year, a four-year cycle, etc. In elite sports, an increase in the share of competitive loads is observed. Runners start up to 60 times during the year, swimmers - up to NO, cyclists up to 180, in sports games - 80-90 games. Competitive loads are focused on these indicators in the preparation of sports reserves. In mass and youth sports, the number and distribution of competitions during the year are determined by the tasks of sports training and the regime of labor and educational activities of athletes.


In recent decades, there has been a trend around the world to rejuvenate the composition of national teams in many sports. The idea of ​​early sports specialization is based on the theory of acceleration and the success of young people in sports such as sports and rhythmic gymnastics, figured wire rod and other complexly coordinated sports. To implement this idea, the training programs for young athletes were revised, the volume and intensity of training loads were increased.

However, the desire for early specialization in order to achieve high sports results contradicts the goals and objectives of the Soviet system of physical education, leads to a violation of its basic principles - comprehensive development, health improvement and preparation for work. The process of rejuvenation in sports becomes an end in itself and leads to the premature use of specialized training means, as well as loads that are inadequate for the morphological and psychophysical development of children and lead to undesirable changes in a number of body functions. Forcing specialized training is the cause of mass dropout: 48-72% of young athletes stop training, not wanting to perform large monotonous stress. In the groups of sports improvement] 5-16-year-old swimmers found only 8.2% of athletes who started the system

18 Order no. 1180 273

mathematical classes from the age of 7-8, and even less among skaters, skiers, cyclists: 3.3%, 2.9%, 4.3% (V. G. Polovtsev). The quality of a coach's work, his status, and salary are assessed, as a rule, only by the sports success of his students. At the same time, modern scientific data and the experience of competent coaches make it possible to provide such a system of sports training for children, which eliminates the negative impact of sports specialization. and guarantees optimal growth achievement from a versatile base psychophysical training, good health and civic education.

The tasks of sports training of children, in addition to the general tasks of physical education, are to instill a strong interest in sports activities, and through it, an increase in motor activity, the implementation of free time a preparation of reserves for "big" sports.

Sports training of schoolchildren is carried out within the framework of a certain organizational structure, which is characterized by continuity with the class-lesson system of classes and with work on the All-Union GTO sports complex. It is carried out in the form of out-of-class and out-of-school forms of work in physical education (see ^ Extra-curricular work in physical education, Out-of-school work in physical education, Children's and youth sports). "Comprehensive program of physical education of students in grades I-XI of a general education school" (1987) determines the most appropriate sports for sectional classes by groups of classes. For example, in grades I-IV, classes in gymnastics, swimming, table tennis, speed skating, badminton and tourism can be held.

A feature of sectional classes at school is their focus on the versatile physical training of children. Only 10% of the training time is devoted to special training. A variety of exercises of a general developmental nature are used in the classes.

The time allotted for technical and tactical preparation depends on the sport. For example, in complex coordinated events (sports and rhythmic gymnastics, acrobatics, etc.) more attention is paid to the formation of motor skills than, for example, in endurance sports. In school sections, the physical education teacher carries out the initial selection of schoolchildren for classes in the Youth Sports School. Coaches of the Youth Sports School and the schoolchildren involved in it maintain a close relationship with the school: they help the teacher in organizing and conducting sports competitions, participate in all competitions for the honor of their class, school, perform the functions of class physical organizers, etc.

In the Children's and Youth Sports School, groups of initial training and training groups are formed. Upon reaching a high level of work on the preparation of young athletes, groups of sports improvement can be formed. If there are at least two such groups, the Youth Sports School can be reorganized into the Sports School. A year after its creation, groups should be formed at the school: training, sports improvement and higher sportsmanship.

The age limits of those involved are ambiguous and depend on the type of sport, the physical development of those involved, their preparedness and abilities. Thus, children of 6 years old are admitted to the groups of initial training in sports and rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, 9 years old in athletics, volleyball, speed skating (Table 9) (“Regulations on the children's and youth sports school and specialized children's and youth sports school of the Olympic reserve", 1986).

Specific tasks of primary training groups: fostering an active interest in sports, the comprehensive development of the physical abilities of those involved.

The regularity of classes is ensured by a combination of 2-time compulsory school lessons with 2-3 training sessions at the Youth Sports School. The duration of one training session should not exceed two daytime hours.

Table 9

Minimum age of enrollment in groups of sports schools

-------------------- Groups
sports higher
primary uch with 6 NO
PREPARATIONS trsnnro.11)" above conciliation sports
pitchfork stvoiannya master with ta
o d and n o l About 7 o a to i)
a 4
Acrobatics P
Boxing, wrestling
ba P
young men And
Speed ​​skating
Te 'ine P
Tennis on-
athletics P
skating II
Football P and
Hockey with
puck and

Note. The age of students is the minimum for enrollment in study groups. It is allowed in some cases to exceed the established age by no more than two years.

on learning more complex exercises at an older age. The development of sports technology occurs as as a rule, in light conditions, with a wide use of preparatory and lead-up exercises. For example, in track and field sports, lightweight projectiles, low barriers, etc. are used. Much attention is paid to eliminating appearing errors.

With the development of physical abilities, it is advisable to use outdoor and sports games according to simplified rules. They should take up about 50% of the total training time. Various relay races are also used, sprinting, jumping, acrobatic exercises, weight-bearing exercises, the weight of which does not exceed a third of the child's own weight, etc. The main method of developing physical abilities is a method of repeated exposures, which is applied taking into account the physical development, preparedness and gender of those involved.

Introduction to tactical combinations and tricks allows athletes to learn how to really show their technical and tactical preparedness in competitions. Mental preparation is aimed mainly on the education of moral and volitional qualities of adolescents; truthfulness, sincerity, diligence, etc. Coaches often use suggestion techniques, relying on their authoritative influence on children.

After three years of classes in the initial training groups, a selection is made to continue classes in the training groups of the Youth Sports School. Those who have fulfilled the regulatory requirements for general physical and special training are selected. Those who did not pass the competition can try their hand at other sports, where the terms of admission to the initial training groups correspond to their age. The specific task of classes in training groups is the choice of a narrow sports specialization, taking into account individual capabilities (for example, the choice of a particular type of swimming). The volume of training sessions in groups ranges from 12 hours in the 1st year of study and up to 20 hours in the 4-5th year of stay in groups.

Technical training is aimed at studying the technique of movements in the chosen narrow sports specialization on the basis of the further formation of a wide range of motor skills and abilities with the help of preparatory and leading exercises. In complex coordinated sports, the development of sports equipment is a priority, so its solution is given much more time in the training process, whose in other types.

General physical training takes up most of the time: from 70% (in complex coordinated sports) to 90% (in other sports). It is implemented with the help of exercises of the GTO complex, preparatory and lead-up exercises, outdoor and sports games, etc. The means of the training process can also be related sports, for example, for skaters - cycling, rowing, running. Great attention continues to be paid to the development of physical abilities specific to the sport. For example, in gymnastics and acrobatics, figure skating, priority is given to the development of coordination abilities, then to strength, flexibility, endurance, and speed; in swimming - the development of endurance, flexibility, strength, speed, coordination.

Tactical training is aimed at further study of tactical techniques and combinations and their application in competitive conditions in accordance with one's preparedness and physical capabilities. For example, in cyclic sports, this is the ability to lead or follow the leader; in game types - to implement defense techniques (“zone” or “personal”, etc.),

Psychological training is aimed at further education of the moral and volitional qualities of an athlete (purposefulness, initiative, etc.), at mastering the skills to tune in to perform in a competition. This is achieved by including ideomotor training techniques in the training process.

The dynamics of loads in training groups is characterized by about; necks for all sports trend increase training p! bots and intensity, but without forcing the latter.

After a 4-5-year period of training in educational and training groups, sports improvement groups are completed from the athletes who have fulfilled the established regulatory requirements. Each sport has its own rules. For example, in swimming, gymnastics, figure skating, diving, fencing - I sports category, in athletics, skiing, volleyball - III sports category. The weekly training regime in these groups is 21-28 hours from the first to the third year of training.

The specific tasks of the educational and training process are to improve motor skills and physical abilities in relation to a narrow sports specialization.

The task of technical training is to firmly consolidate the technique of sports actions, achieving stability and variability of performance in a competition. A rather difficult problem in technical training is its correlation with participation in "prestigious" competitions. Excessively frequent aims for the maximum sports result with insufficiently strong performance technique can lead to motor errors. The main means of technical training are competitive exercises with great variability of their performance. At the same time, elements of a competitive exercise are practiced, combinations are played in games, etc. To master the technique of movements, the whole complex of teaching methods is used. However, the use of game and competitive methods requires some caution, since their increased emotionality and limited adjustability can lead to a violation of motor skills.

The development of speed abilities in young men reaches its maximum values ​​at the age of 15-19 (V. K. Balsevich, V. A. Zaporozhanov), that is, during the period of classes in sports improvement groups. For their development, it is recommended to use exercises with maximum or close to it speed with almost complete rest between exercises (repetitive and competitive methods). The volume of training load for the development of speed abilities should not exceed approximately three quarters of the volume of the load of adult athletes, and the number of training days for the development of speed should not exceed two per week. Frequent repetition of monotonous exercises at maximum speed usually leads to the emergence of a "speed barrier" already in adolescence. To avoid this negative phenomenon, it is recommended to vary training efforts, to alternate various means and methods of training. The means of developing speed abilities in cyclic sports are accelerations in short stretches, accelerations from the start, handicap exercises, relay races; in sports games - quick short movements with the ball, puck, performing simulated combinations at maximum speed, etc .; in martial arts - quick execution of the elements of the duel, individual movements. Jumping exercises are also used, exercises with weights, the weight of which does not prevent the execution of the fastest possible movements (also see p. 153).

The greatest increase in the indicators of strength, manifested in various movements, is noted at the age of P to 16 years (V. K. Balsevich, V. A. Zaporozhanov). In the development of strength abilities, moderate, average, less often maximum dynamic and static efforts are used, created by exercises with weights, exercises on various simulators, & complicated conditions, etc. For example, in speed-strength sports, exercises with weights of small and medium weight are used for the development of "explosive strength", which are serially performed at maximum speed (repeated method).

When developing endurance, it should be taken into account that the highest growth rates are observed at 15-16 years old and reach the highest value by 17-18 years old (V.P. Filin, N.A. Fomin). However, a one-sided passion for the development of endurance in cyclic sports reduces adaptation to high-speed loads, adversely affects the development of other qualities,

The task of tactical support is to learn how to correctly build the course of wrestling based on developed tactical thinking (the ability to perceive the situation, evaluate it objectively and make the necessary decisions). In tactical training in sports games and martial arts, trainings with conditional and real opponents are used, in cyclic sports - methods that create facilitated conditions (leading, corrective information about the speed of movement) or complicated (performance of tasks in unusual conditions, the introduction of additional difficulties ).

Mental preparation should take into account the steady interest in sports activities that has already taken shape by this age (athletes have a goal, they see the future). Therefore, the leading tasks of mental training are, firstly, the deepening of interest in sports improvement, secondly, the further education of moral and volitional qualities (primarily specific to the chosen sports specialization), and thirdly, the formation of attitudes towards sports activities as a means of training to life. It is very important in adolescence to set realistically achievable goals. When they are overestimated, there is a feeling of insecurity in their abilities. With the repetition of such situations, this feeling becomes stable, adversely affecting the future sports career of the student.

Groups of higher sportsmanship in the SDUSHOR are completed by athletes who have fulfilled the sports standards of the CCM and the USSR MC. The main task of the educational and training process in these groups is the preparation of athletes of the highest qualification - candidates and members of the combined teams of the DSO and the Soviet Union.

Training methods. The methods of training boys and girls are applied taking into account the tasks set, the level of preparedness of the student, age characteristics, pala, sport.

A variable training method is characterized by a change in the intensity of work. The alternation of loads of different intensity without their strict regulation creates favorable conditions for recovery processes in the body of the student, contributes to the development of special endurance at a lower level of fitness of athletes. The variable method is applied, as a rule, in the preparatory period.

The interval training method is different"rigid" regulation of rest intervals. The duration of the rest intervals is set to be less than necessary for a "full" recovery. Therefore, each subsequent repetition of the work begins against the background of "under-recovery *. The method is used to develop special endurance. The calculation of the load is carried out as follows: at the beginning of the preparatory period, when drawing up individual training plans, the achievement of sports result in the upcoming competitive season. For example, a 16-year-old runner has the III sports category in the 1500 m run - 4 min 46 s. The coach plans for him to perform the II category - 4 mp 15 s. Therefore, every 100 meters the young runner will have to run in 17 seconds. From this, a calculation is made of a gradual decrease in the time of running the training segments by months from the beginning of the preparatory period. For example, running 400m time will decrease every month by 1s: 77s, 76s, etc. Number of repetitions of 400m fast runs: 6-8 times for 16-year-olds, 10-12 times for 18-year-olds . The interval method allows you to gradually adapt the body of young athletes to a competitive exercise. The method is applied in the preparatory and competitive periods.

The uniform method is characterized by the performance of a given work in one lesson without changing the intensity. The method is applied in any period of the annual training cycle, as a rule, in cyclic sports to develop general endurance. For example, in the preparation of runners for medium and long distances, moderate-intensity running from 60 to 90 minutes is used in the preparatory period to develop aerobic abilities, running segments from 3 to 10 km are used in the competitive period to maintain endurance at the required level. For outdoor activities, the uniform training method can be applied to any sports in transition.

period or between strenuous training sessions of preparatory and competitive pernodoo. The means of this method can be cross-country running, walking and skiing, swimming, and 1. d. The change in the intensity of work from lesson to lesson in the annual cycle is calculated in the same way as the interval method.

The repeated method of training is characterized by near-limit or maximum intensity of work, long rest until full recovery of working capacity and a relatively small number of repetitions of exercises in one lesson. In cyclic sports, it promotes the development of speed and speed endurance. It is used, as a rule, in the competitive *) period. Repetitive workouts are very intense in terms of the impact on the athlete's body. In adolescence, it is not recommended to use them more than once a week, since after strenuous exercise in young athletes, recovery processes are longer than at adults (V, V. Vrzhesnevsky, I. V. Vrzhesnevskaya). In other sports, the method of repeated exposures can also develop strength, coordination, and flexibility.

The game method of training has a complex effect on the education of the physical qualities of an athlete. Is the game method applied in all periods?; training of young athletes, occupying a significant place in the training process.

The competitive method of training is characterized by the performance of the main exercise or other motor action in the conditions of special competitions in the form of control trainings, estimates, etc. With its help, special endurance develops, and the level of preparedness of the athlete is monitored. The method is applied in the preparatory and competitive periods.

Organization of sports competitions for schoolchildren. Sports competitions are part of the educational process. They are subdivided into intra-school, district, city, all-Union,

The overall goal of the competition is to instill in children an active interest in physical exercises.

The calendar of competitions is consistent with the school physical education program, taking into account the timing of preparation for them, and is drawn up in such a way that competitions are held evenly throughout the school year. Usually in the autumn months there are starts in athletics, tourism, orienteering, cross-country, table tennis; in the winter months - in gymnastics, acrobatics, shooting, cross-country skiing and skating; in spring - in swimming, athletics, tourism, cross-country.

According to the intra-school calendar, competitions are planned within classes, between teams of parallel classes, for the school championship. Intra-class competitions are held according to the types of exercises of the school curriculum and the TRP complex to determine the strongest athletes in the class. The specific objectives of the competition and the school championship are to determine the strongest sports classes and the best athletes of the school for the acquisition of national teams. Competitions for the school championship are held in groups of classes, for example, classes I and II, classes III and IV, etc., with a separate offset of results and the introduction of handicaps. For junior and middle school students, competitions are held according to simplified rules specified in the regulation on competitions, for high school students, in compliance with the rules of sports. All students of the class allowed by the doctor participate in the competition. Credit for 20-25 best results for each type of program.

City and regional competitions are divided into two categories. The seals include competitions among the combined teams of schools. Students of grades II-IV compete in gymnastic exercises under the motto "Strength and Grace", grades III-VI11 compete in futsal, grades IX-XI compete in sports games, skating, and cross-country skiing. Chess and checkers competitions: “Cup of 1000 Schools* - for schoolchildren of IX-XI grades, “Belaya Rook* - for grades IV-VIII, “Miracle Checkers” - for grades II-IV, “Silver Skates” - for grades V -VII classes, etc.

The second category includes competitions in which the best classes take part in full strength (with the exception of those released) under the motto “Ready for the starts!” - teams of III and IV classes in outdoor games participate; “Starts of hopes” - teams of VI and VII classes participate in outdoor games; IX and XI classes in cross-country skiing; X and XI classes in all-around TRP. Offset on 20-25 best results. (Given according to the "Content and organization of sports competitions for students of secondary schools." Guidelines for teachers of physical education.)

The final competitions among boys and girls are the All-Union Youth Sports Games in summer sports and the Spartakiad of schoolchildren in winter sports. The tasks of all-Union competitions are to increase the efficiency of the work of sports schools, to train sports reserves, to select and train athletes for the national teams of the country to participate in major international competitions. All-Union school competitions are attended by combined teams of the Union republics, cities of Moscow and Leningrad. The regulations, place and dates of the competitions are developed by the USSR State Sports Committee. Youth competition programs include 35-37 summer sports and all winter sports except bobsleigh and freestyle. Athletes who have fulfilled the established qualification standards are allowed to compete. For example, in acrobatics, cycling, swimming, etc. - CMS; in wrestling, boxing, rowing, etc. - I sports category; in football, handball - I youth category, etc.


Sexual differentiation of a person is a constant condition for the specifics of sports training. Even a well physically developed girl, girl, woman should train differently than a boy, a young man, a man. In the practice of sports, there have long been certain differences in the methodology of training sessions for the female and male contingents. These differences are due to socio-psychological factors and anatomical and logical features of the female body. Taking them into account when determining the content of pedagogical influence will ensure the level of health of a woman that is necessary for a future mother. In practice, a women's trainer needs to know the whole essence of these very difficult issues.

Even at the first stage of enrolling girls in primary training groups, there are some peculiarities. If, as a rule, boys come to sports in order to become strong, dexterous, hardy, courageous, then girls add to this desire even more concern for their appearance. And it’s not by chance that when they are admitted to a sports school, some girls are wary of wondering whether playing sports will damage their appearance, the female body, and whether the muscles of the hands will develop excessively. legs.

Already in the process of initial training, when girls perform a significant amount of general developmental exercises or monotonous running at a slow and medium pace, students need to be reminded of the benefits of these movements for a woman's body. After all, it is the well-developed muscles of the trunk, abdomen, and hips that allow a woman to endure childbirth quite easily and maintain a good slender figure after them. Examples from the life of famous athletes who returned to sports after the birth of a child would be appropriate here: T, Kazankina, I. Rodnina and others.

In the future, the difficulty in working with girls lies in the nature of the general-iip in training sessions. They are more receptive to every word, every nuance of the coach's phrase. Therefore, he has to constantly monitor their reaction to the remarks that he makes to them. Here are some real examples from practice. First example. A new member has joined the group. Together with everyone, he performs a given exercise. Naturally, she does not succeed. The coach made a remark to her: "Olya, look at how to do the exercises - do not walk, but jump." Immediately another student comes up to him, her voice was full; “Leonid Pavlovich, call her something else, because this

I am Olya!" Second example. The girls are doing the exercise. The coach says to one: “That's right, Natasha!”, And the other, “Good, Lena!” Immediately he hears: "Well, you have Natasha, and I'm just Lena."

It should be especially emphasized that girls (especially beginners) very often have a negative reaction to the competition environment. They have great emotional volatility, emotional sensitivity, which contributes to the appearance of failures in achieving results. On the whole, girls and girls are more disciplined and hardworking, they show composure, diligence and emotionality in the classroom. However, given their susceptibility, it is necessary to avoid in the work of adjusting, lisping, excessive praise and compliments.

All this is due to the fact that the activity of their nervous system is more mobile and more closely connected with various biological functions of the body than in boys and young men.

The biological aspect is the main anatomical and physiological features of the female body and its age-related changes.

Nature endowed a woman with distinctive features associated with the function of motherhood, which determines the formation of a number of features of her physique and which imposes a certain originality on the activity of many organs and systems of her body at different periods of life. The physique and appearance emphasize one of the main features of women - femininity.

Age periods in a woman's life are characterized by a number of morphological and functional features. The gentle differences between men and women become most pronounced with the onset of puberty. Special attention in the female body deserves the periodicity of a number of physiological functions, corresponding to the ovarian-menstrual cycle (OMC). It should be borne in mind that the reaction of the body of women to OMC can be varied. CMC is not a local process of certain organs. At this time, wave (cyclic) changes occur in the vascular system, thermoregulation, metabolism, mental and physical performance, etc. Therefore, various disturbances, mental traumas can cause disorders in the form of heavy bleeding or its delay, and sometimes cessation for a long time. time.

The first menstruation occurs between II and 19 years. Such a big difference depends on the conditions of the external environment, as well as on the physical development and health of the girl. During this period, there is an increased susceptibility to cold, to skin-mechanical irritations. Phenomena of motor restlessness are observed: increased gesticulation, coordination of movements is disturbed, the ability to maintain balance, and angularity of movement occurs. The character and behavior of the girl change dramatically: shyness appears, and sometimes, on the contrary, arrogance, unjustified harshness in dealing with others. Hobbies, interests often change, there is an overestimation of one's strength against the background of rapidly onset fatigue, self-preservation reflexes and fear are easily formed. In this regard, puberty is very unfavorable for learning new exercises.

The duration of the biological cycle in women is individual and depends on genetic factors, living conditions, physical activity, neuropsychological state and other conditions. Not all girls have cycles right away. They repeat after 21-26-28-30-36 days and last about 3-5 days, sometimes a little longer. Each of these terms is considered normal if it is repeated. According to the generally accepted classification, CMC is divided into several phases. Phases of OMC normally should not disrupt the vital functions of the body. However, taking into account the characteristics of each phase, it is necessary to change the content of pedagogical influences, as in different phases of the cycle, the muscular performance of a woman changes polarly.

The most studied changes in the body women during the first phase (the first 3-4 days, called the phase of menstruation). However, the results of the studies in the first phase are very contradictory. Apparently, we will have to agree only with the fact that menstruation is not a disease, but a physiological process during which a serious restructuring of the body takes place.

women. And for those who become irritable these days, experience extreme fatigue, pain in the lower abdomen and in the sacrum, it is recommended to avoid heavy physical exertion, but you should not consider yourself sick and spend these days in bed - you may even feel better after moderate physical exertion. According to S. Yagunov, in the first phase, 49% of women train regularly, 21% - irregularly, and 30% - do not train at all. At the same time, he notes that of the athletes who regularly train, 82% of the results remain at the same level or even some set personal records, and only 18% of the results worsen.

Physical training is a process when the body adapts to regular exposure from. The loads that occur during training are an irritant for the human body.

Many are concerned about the question of what the training effect is, but first of all, you need to figure out what it is. So, the training effect is the magnitude and direction of biochemical and physiological changes that occur under the influence of any load. Of course, such changes can be determined by the nature of the load that occurs, or rather, the depth is measured depending on the number of repetitions of exercises, the intensity and their duration, and rest intervals. If you understand how to combine these parameters correctly, then physical activity will certainly lead a person to the necessary changes, and the level of fitness will also increase.

When does the training effect occur?

Scientists have identified three types of effects in response to the work of the body: urgent, delayed, cumulative.

  1. The training effect occurs with loads that are performed during training and in the period of 30 minutes after exercise. At this point, the human body eliminates the oxygen formed during the training period.
  2. Observed in the later stages of recovery, and more precisely in the period of 14 days after physical exertion. Then the plastic processes begin to activate, replenishing the body's energy resources.
  3. It consists of the previous two types of training effect at constant loads. As a result, over a long period of time, there are noticeable improvements in the functioning of the body.

It should be noted that even with minor loads, it will not be possible to develop the trained function, therefore, no efficiency can be achieved. Conclusion: the training effect is achieved with loads.

Under what conditions is the training effect achieved?

A person trains in certain environmental conditions. Thus, the body of a training person adapts, providing the most optimal adaptation to these most specific conditions. Thus, these changes that develop during endurance training help to increase under these conditions and therefore are not considered optimal in order to provide increased resistance to hypoxic conditions.

Achieving a training effect

It must be achieved according to one principle. This applies to absolutely all aspects in which you can improve: physically, technically and mentally.

This principle is that if an unusual load (in terms of duration or intensity) is placed on the human body for a certain time, then the body adapts, thereby acquiring the ability to cope with it more effectively.

That's just the specifics of the loads for each aspect is different and has the need to perform certain exercises to achieve the goal. In order to develop harmoniously, you need to engage in versatile training.

It is worth noting that the more a person gives all the best during training, the more he receives in return. But we must not forget that the body needs rest.

Rest for the human body

This can help a kind of switching from one activity to another. It is best to reduce the load, and then gradually increase its intensity.

It is known that the higher the functional capabilities of the main systems, the more successfully the body tolerates the effects of physical exercises, and the greater the level of tolerated loads, the more intensively the functional and energy reserves of the body grow. The effectiveness of a training session largely depends on how correctly the training agents and their dosage are chosen in one session. A trainer (teacher) is largely working blind if he does not know what effect a single exercise, a series of exercises, a single session, one training day, a stage of training has on the body. This applies equally to health-improving physical exercises.

Currently, in order to clarify the impact of physical activity, it is customary to study the urgent, delayed and cumulative training effects.

Under urgent The training effect is understood as the changes that occur in the body directly during the exercise and during the next period of rest.

Under retired training effect implies changes in the late phases of recovery - after training, in the following days.

Cumulative the training effect is the changes that have occurred in the body over a long period of training as a result of the summation of the urgent and delayed effects of a large number of sessions.

Medical and pedagogical observations (MPS) are carried out in accordance with these types of training effects in the form of operational, current and milestone examinations that are part of the structure of medical support for PT.

STDs are carried out during operational, current and milestone examinations that are part of the structure of medical support for the AF.

Operational surveys - provide an assessment of the urgent training effect, i.e. changes that occur in the body during exercise and in the next recovery period. In the process of operational examinations, attention should be paid to:

Fixing various indicators directly at the training session (after the entire session, after individual exercises or after various parts of the session);

Studying the reaction of the body before a training session and 20-30 minutes after it (at rest or after an additional load);

AT current observations, the delayed training effect is estimated, i.e. effect in the late phases of recovery (one day after class and the following days). The specific time of these observations may be different:

Daily - in the morning in the conditions of training camps or before a training session;

Daily morning and evening for several days;

At the beginning and end of one or two weeks;

The next day after the lesson (in the morning or before the lesson, i.e. 18-20 hours after the 1st lesson), and sometimes on the following days.

milestone surveys are of great importance for improving the planning and individualization of the training process, because they evaluate the cumulative training effect over a certain period. They are recommended to be organized every 2-3 months (it must be borne in mind that previous physical activity should be excluded). The coach (teacher) receives important information when analyzing the student's self-control data. This information is compared with the materials of the current examinations in patients with HPN and allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of building the training process, to identify in a timely manner the trend towards the development of overtraining.