Political development of Poland in late Middle Ages. Founder of the Polish state

The history of each country is shrouded in secrets, beliefs and legends. The history of Poland did not exception. In its development, Poland survived many takeoffs and falls. Several times I got into the occupation of other countries, was a barbarica divided, which led to breakdown and chaos, but despite this, Poland, like Phoenix, was always revived from the ashes and became even stronger. Today Poland is one of the most developed European countries, with a rich culture, economy and history.

The history of Poland originates in the VI century. The legend says that there was once three brothers, and their named Lech, Czech and Rus. They wandered with their tribes in various territories and finally found a cozy place that spread between rivers called Vistula and Dnipro. It was towering over the whole beauty of a large and ancient oak, on which the eagle nest is located. Here and decided Lech to establish the city of Gniezno. And the eagle, from which it all began, began to ride on the coat of arms of the founded state. The brothers went to look for happiness on. And so two more than two Czech countries were found in the south, and Russia in the East.

The first documented memories of Poland dated 843g. The author, which was nicknamed by the Bavarian geographer, described the tribal settlement of Lechita, who lived on the territory between the Bolt and Odra. It had its own language and culture. And he did not obey one neighboring state. This territory was removed from the trade and cultural centers of Europe, which for a long time kept her hidden from the naval nomads and conquerors. In the first century from Lechita, several large tribes stood out:

  1. polyana - substantiated their settlement in the territory, which was later called Great Poland. The main centers were grozno and Poznan;
  2. vistara - with the center in Krakow and Vistari. This settlement was the name of Small Poland;
  3. mazovisan - Center in Plock;
  4. kuyanyan, or, as elsewhere called Goplyan - in Crucvice;
  5. slelarzyna - Center Wroclaw.

The tribes could boast, a clear hierarchical structure and primitive state rules. The territory where the tribes lived, was called "Opole". It ruled elders - immigrants from the most ancient birth. In the center of each "Opole" rummaged "Grad" - the strengthening that defended people from bad weather and enemies. Elders hierarchical squeezed at the highest level of the population, they had their own retinue and security. All questions were solved at the meeting of men - "Evening". Such a system shows that even during tribal relationships, Poland has developed progressively and civilized.

The most developed and strong of all tribes was the tribe Vistan. Located in the pool of the upperob, they had large and fruitful lands. The center was Krakow, who binds to the trade routes with Russia and Prague. Such comfortable living conditions attracted more and more people and soon hungry became the largest tribe, with developed external and political contacts. It is believed that they have already had their own "Prince sitting on the Vistula."

About the ancient princes, unfortunately, the information has not been preserved. We know only about the same Prince of Polyan, named Popel, who recresented the nest in the city. The prince was not very good and fair and for his acts received according to merit, he was first overthrown, and then he expelled everything. The throne took a simple workload Seomit, son he was a pahahar of five and women of repka. Rules he is worthy. Together with him, two more princes - Lestko and Semomysl. They combined various neighboring tribes under their authority. In the conquered cities, their governors ruled. They also built new castles and fortification mosses for defense. The prince had a developed squad and it kept tribes in obedience. Such a good bridgehead prepared Prince Semit, for his son - the Great and Fair First Ruler of Poland - Bag І.

Meshko I spent on the throne from 960 to 992 years. During his reign, the history of Poland suffered a number of radical changes. He has doubled its territory, due to the conquests of the Gdansky Pomerania, Western Pomerania, Silesia and Land Vistan. Turned them into rich as demographically and economically. The number of his squad was several thousand, which helped to restrain the tribes from the uprisings. In his state, Meshko I entered the submission system for the village. Most often it was food and agriculture. Sometimes, the Podachi was paid in the form of services: construction, crafts, etc. It helped to upset the state, and people do not give the last piece of bread. This method satisfied the prince and population. The ruler also had monopoly rights - "regalia" on increasingly significant and profitable fields of farming, for example, coin coins, mining of precious metals, market fees, fees from beaver hunting. The prince was the sole ruler of the country, it was surrounded by a retinue and several military leaders who helped in state affairs. Power was transferred according to the principle of "birthright" and in the ranks of one dynasty. Meshko і with its reforms won the title of the founder of the Polish state, while with a developed economy and defense capability. His marriage with the princess from the Czech Republic and holding this ceremony on the Catholic ritual, became the impetus to the adoption of Christianity, once with a pagan state. It marked the beginning of the adoption of Poland Christian Europe.

Boleslav brave

After the death of the bag і, his son Boleslav (967-1025gg) climbed onto the throne. For their combat power and courage in defending their country, he got a nickname brave. He was one of the most famous and inventive politicians. During his reign, the country has expanded possession and significantly strengthened its position on the world map. At the beginning of the way, he was actively engaged in various missions on the introduction of Christianity and its power in the territory that Prussians occupied. In their nature, they were peaceful and in 996 he sent Bishop Adalbert, in Poland he called Wojcih Slavnikovets, in the territory under control prouds, for preaching Christianity. In Poland, he called Wojcih Slavnikovets. A year later, he was killed by cutting into several parts. What to redeem his body, the prince paid so much gold as the bishop weighed. Pope, Roman heard this news, canonized the Bishop Adalbert, who over the years, became the heavenly defender of Poland.

After failed peaceful missions, Boleslav began to join the territory with the help of fire and weapons. It increased the number of his squad to 3,900 equestrian soldiers and 13,000 infantrymen, turning his army, in one of the largest and most powerful. The desire to defeat led to the ten-year-old problems of Poland with such a state as Germany. In 1002, Boleslav produced the seizure of the territories that were under the ownership of Henry II. Also, 1003-1004 was marked by the seizure of the territories that belonged to the Czech Republic, Moravia and not a large part of Slovakia. 1018 Kiev throne took his son-in-law Svyatopolk. True, he was soon overthrown by the Russian prince Yaroslav wise. With him, Boleslav signed a contract that guarantees the nonconception, since he considered it a good and smart ruler. Another way to diplomatic resolution of conflict was the Grezney Congress (1000g.). It was a meeting of Boleslav with the German ruler Otton III, during the pilgrimage to the coffin of the Holy Bishop of Wojca. At this congress, Otton III nicknamed the brave brave my brother and partner of the Empire. He also attached to his head to the diadem. In turn, Boleslav presented the Holy Bishop to the German ruler. This union led to the creation of an archbishopianism in the city of Gniezno and Bishopric in several cities, namely: Krakow, Wroclaw, Kolobrzeg. Boleslav defeated his efforts to his efforts, which his father began to promote Christianity in Poland. Such recognition from Ottone III and later, Pope of Roman led to the fact that on April 18, 1025, Boleslav Brave was crowned and became the first king of Poland. Long title Boleslav did not enjoy and died in a year. But the memory of him, as a good ruler, lives today.

Despite the fact that the power in Poland was transferred from the Father to the senior son, Boleslav the brave bequeathed the throne to his pet - Meshko II (1025-1034), and not careless. Meshko II did not differ as a good ruler and after several loud defeats. They led to the fact that Meshko II refused the royal title and shared specific lands between the younger brother Otten and a close relative Dietrich. Although until the end of his life, he was still able to reunite all the lands, but he did not succeed in achieving the past for the country.

The destroyed lands of Poland and feudal fragmentation, which was inherited from his father, the eldest son Meshko II - Casimir, who later received the nickname - reducing agent (1038-1050). He substantiated his residence in the Crucvitz and it became the center of defensive missions against a fair king, who wanted to steal the relics of Bishop Adalbert. Casimir began a liberation war. The first who became his enemy was Metzlav, who took large territories of Poland. One to attack such a powerful opponent was a huge stupidity, and Casimir asked the support of Ruski Prince Yaroslav Wise. Yaroslav Wise not only helped Casimiru in military affairs, and also heeded with him, by marrying him on his sister Mary-Noboroneg. Polish-rusk army actively fought with the army of MECLAVA, and Emperor Heinrich III attacked the Czech Republic than the Czech troops from Poland removed. Casimir Poshranovener gets the opportunity to freely restore its state, its policies in economically and military, brought many positive changes to the life of the country. In 1044, he actively expands the borders of the Commonwealth and transfers his yard to Krakow, making it the central city of the country. Despite the attempts of the MECLAVA to attack Krakow and overthrow the five-year heir from the throne, Casimir mobilizes all his strength on time and spreads with the opponent. At the same time, in 1055, I attaching Skelesk, Mazovis and controlled by Czechs to their possessions to their possessions. Casimir the recovery was the ruler, who managed to crooks, condemn and turn Poland into a strong and developed state.

After the death of Casimir, the recovery was broken by the internecine struggle for the throne between Boleslav II generous (1058-1079) and Vladislav Herman (1079-1102). Boleslav II continued his conquest policies. He has repeatedly attacked Kiev and the Czech Republic, struggled with Heinrich IV politics, which led to the fact that in 1074 Poland declared its independence from the imperial power and became a state that was under the protection of Pope. And already in 1076, Boleslav was crowned and recognized as the king of Poland. But the strengthening of the power of the magnates, and constant battles that the people tired led to the uprising. He was headed by the younger brother Vladislav. The king was overthrown and expelled from the country.

Vladislav Herman accepted power. He was a passive politician. Requested from the title of King and returned the title of Prince. All his acts were aimed at reconciliation with the neighbors: peaceful contracts from the Czech Republic and the Roman Empire were signed, the taming of local magnates and the struggle against the aristocracy. This led to the loss of some territories and displeasure people. Against Vladislava began the uprisings, which were led by his sons (Zbigniew and Boleslav). Zbigniew became the Vladyka of Great Poland, Boleslav - Malaya. But such a split did not suit the younger brother, and according to his order, the elder brother was blinded and expelled because of his Union with the Roman Empire and Navalla to Poland. After this event, the throne completely switched to Boleslav Krivochoy (1202-1138). He defeated German and Czech troops several times, which led to the further reconciliation of the heads of these states. Having understood with external problems, Boleslav aimed at Pomorie. In 1113 he captured the area of \u200b\u200bthe Notec River's relatives, also a fortress turned. And already 1116-1119. Subduced Gdansk and Pomorie in the East. Unprecedented battles were carried out to capture the Western Primorye. Rich and developed edge. A number of successful operations conducted in 1121 led to the fact that Szczecin, Rügen, Voline recognized Poland's suser flight. The policy of promoting Christianity in these territories began, which further strengthened the importance of the power of the Prince. In Woline, in 1128, Pomeranian bishopry was opened. Reolings in these territories have repeated more than once, and Boleslav woke up Denmark's support for their repayment. For this, he gave the territory of the Rügen to the Danish rule, but the rest of the territories remained under the suseruine of Poland, although not without Omnap the emperor. Boleslav crooked before his death in 1138 created a testament - the Statute on which he divided the territories between his sons: Senior Vladislav recreated in Silesia, the second, named Boleslav - in Mazovia and Babyi, the Third Mesh - in the part of the Great Poland with the center in Poznan, the fourth son Henry - received Lublin and Sandomiir, and the youngest, named Casimir, remained in the care of brothers without land and power. The rest of the land moved to the power of the eldest of the genus of fives and formed an autonomous lot. He created a system called, the Senorate - the center of which was in Krakow with the authority of the Great Krakow Prince Princeps. He had an aliblish power over all the territories, Pomoria and was engaged in foreign policy, military and church issues. This led to feudal crossburst for a period of 200 years.

True, there was one positive moment in the history of Poland, which is associated with the Board of Bolevlav Krivoust. After the Second World War, it was its territorial boundaries as the borders for the restoration of modern Poland.

The second half of the 4th century for Poland, as well as for Kievan Rus and Germany, has become a turning point. These states broke up, and their territories were under the rule of vassals, which, together with churches, minimized his power, and after and at all began to be not recognized. This led to greater independence, once controlled districts. Poland began to walk more and more in the feudal country. The government focused in his hands is not prince, but a major landowner. The villages settled and actively introduced new earth processing systems and harvest. The three-poulter system was introduced, began to use, plow, water mill. Reducing the princely filters and the development of market relations, led to the fact that Selyan and artisans received the right to dispose of their goods and money. This significantly increased the living standards of the peasant, and the landowner received a better performance of the work. From this won everything. The decentralization of power gave the opportunity to large landowners to establish a lively job, and after trafficking in goods and services. Permanent internecine wars between princes that have forgotten to engage in state affairs, it only contributed to it. And soon Poland actively began to develop as a feudal-industrial state.

The XIII century in the history of Poland was vague and badly. Mongol-Tatars attacked Poland from the east, as well as the Lithuanians and Pruses fell from the north. The princes made attempts, defend from Prussians, and turn pagans into Christianity, but they were not crowned with success. Desperate, Prince Konrad Mazovian in 1226. called for the help of the Teutonic Order. He gave them the Helminsk land, the truth was not stopped on it. Crusaders had material and military funds at their disposal, and also able to build fortifications protective protective structures. It made it possible to conquer part of the Baltic lands and to establish there, the small state is Eastern Prussia. He was settled out of Germany. This new country has limited Poland's access to the Baltic Sea and actively threatened the integrity of the Polish territory. So the Saving Teutonic Order soon became the unlawful enemy of Poland.

In addition to Prussians, Lithuance and Crusaders in Poland, in the 40s there was a big problem - Mongolian Naval. Which managed to conquer Russia. They broke into the territory of Low Poland and as a tsunami, they trampled everything in their path. In 1241 In April, the battle occurred on the territory of Silesia, under the league between the knights under the leadership of Henrich Pious and Mongols. Prince Mesche, Knights from Great Poland, from the orders: Teutonic, John, Templars arrived in support. 7-8 thousand warriors gathered in Suma. But the Mongols had more well-coordinated tactics, more weapons and applied gas that faded. This led to the defeat of the Polish army. Nobody knows whether in resistance or in the power of the Spirit of Poles, but the Mongols left the country and no longer attacked. Only in 1259g. and in 1287. Repeated their attempt, which was more like an attack with the goal of robbery than the conquest.

After the victory over the conquerors, the history of Poland flowed in its natural guy. Poland recognized that the Supreme Power focuses in the hands of Pope of Roman and annually paid tribute to him. Dad had a great power in solving all internal and external issues in Poland, which maintained its integrity and unity, and also developed the country's culture. The foreign policy of all the princes, though ambitiously aimed at expanding its territories, but in practice she did not detect. A large level reached an internal expansion, when every prince wanted to colonize, as many territories as possible within the country itself. The feudal separation of the Company was supported by the status inequality. The number of fortress peasants increased. The number of emigrants from other countries, such as Germans, Flemis, which brought their innovations to legal and other management systems has also increased. Such colonists, in turn, received land, money and incredible freedom of action on the development of the economy. This attracted all new and new immigrants to Poland, the population density increased, the quality of labor increased. What led to the appearance of German cities in Silesia, which were governed by Magdeurian, or as it was also called Helmin law. The first such city was Srod-Slaska. Rather, such legal administration has spread to the entire territory of Poland and almost in all areas of the life of the population.

The new stage of the history of Poland began in 1296, when Vladislav Bowlsok (1306-1333) from Kabyii began the way to reunite all lands along with Polish knights and some germinals. He achieved success and in a short time united the small and great Poland and Vocality. But at 1300, Vladislav ran away from Poland due to the fact that the Czech Prince Vaclav II became the king and he did not want to join him in an unequal battle. After the death of Vlaslava, Vladislav returned to his native country and began to collect lands again. In 1305, he returned power in Kabyii, Seradom, Sandomira and Lenchice. And a year later in Krakow. Strangged a number of uprisings in 1310 and 1311. In Poznan and Krakow. In 1314, united with the Greater Poland Principality. In 1320, he was crowned and returned the royal power to the territory of fragmented Poland. Despite his nickname of the belt that Vladislav received because of a small growth, he became the first ruler who began the way to restore the Polish state.

The case of his father continued the son of Casimir III Great (1333-1370). With his arrival to power, it is considered to be the beginning of the golden era of Poland. The country got him in a very deplorable state. Small Poland wanted to capture the Czech king Yang Luxembourg, the crusaders terrorized great Poland. To preserve the shaky world Casimir in 1335 signed a non-aggression agreement with the Czech Republic, at the same time giving him the territory of Silesia. In 1338, Kazimir with the help of the Hungarian king, who was part-time his shurin, seized the city of Lviv and united Unia Galitsky Rus with his country. The history of Poland in 1343 survived the first settlement agreement - the so-called "eternal world", which was signed with the Teutonic Order. Knights returned to Poland of the territory of Kabyii and Dobzhinsk. In 1345, Casimir decided to return to Silesia. This led to the beginning of the Polish-Czech war. The battles for Poland were not very successful, and Casimir was forced on November 22, 1348. Sign a peace treaty between Poland and Carl I. For the Czech Republic remained, the land of Silesia remained. In 1366, Poland seized white, holm, Volodymir-Volyn lands and Podolia. Inside the country, Casimir also conducted many reforms on the Western Sample: on the management, legal system, financial system. In 1347, he issued a set of laws called "Voletsky Statues". He facilitated the obstacles of Kniblian. Sheluts Jews who escaped their Europe. In 1364 in Krakow, he opened the first university in Poland. Casimir Great was the last ruler of the dynasty of the fives and his efforts he revived Poland, made it a big and strong European state.

Despite the fact that he married 4 times, no wife gave a casimir of his son and the heir of the Polish throne was his tribe Louis І Great (1370-1382). He was one of the most equitable and influential rulers for the whole of Europe. At the time of his rule, the Polish gentry in 1374. They received the leaders called Kositsky. On him, nobles could not pay most of all the filters, but for it, they promised to give the throne of the daughter of Louis.

So happened, the daughter of Louis Jadvig was given to his wife a great prince Lithuanian Yagaila than opened a new page in the history of Poland. Yagailo (1386-1434) became the ruler of the two states. In Poland, he knew him as Vladislav II. He began the way to unite the Principality of Lithuania with the kingdom of Poland. In 1386 In the city of Krevo, the so-called Krevian pact was signed, according to which Lithuania was included in Poland, which made it the biggest country of the XV century. According to this, Lithuania has taken Christianity, providing assistance from the Catholic Church and Pope of Roman. The prerequisites for such a union for Lithuania were a tangible threat from the Order of Teutonic Knights, Tatar Navalla and the Moscow Principality. Poland, in turn, wanted to fight the Move of Hungary, who began to claim the land of Galician Rus. And the Polish gentry, and Lithuanian boyars supported the Ulya, as an opportunity strengthened in new territories, get new sales markets. The union, however, was not very smooth. Lithuania was a state whose power in the hands of Prince and Feodal. Many, namely, Brother Yagaila, Vitovt could not come to terms with the fact that after the Unia - the rights and freedoms of Prince to dive. And in 1389 Vitov enlisted support for the Teutonic Order and attacked Lithuania. The battles continued from 1390-1395. Although already in 1392. Vitovt reconciled with his brother and became the ruler of Lithuania, and Yagaylo Rules in Poland.

Honoraous behavior and constant attacks by the Teutonic Order led to the fact that 1410g. Lithuania, Poland, Rus and the Czech Republic united and conducted a large-scale battle in Gruwald, where they defeated the knights and got rid of their oppression for no time.

In 1413 In the city of the city, all questions were refined to unite the state. The city of Gellaska decided that the Lithuanian Prince was appointed by the Polish king with the participation of the Lithuanian Council, two rulers were to conduct joint meetings with the participation of Panov, the position of the governor and the kashent became a novelty in Lithuania. For this unia, the Principality of Lithuania was on the path of development and recognition, and turned into a strong and independent state.

After Jani on the throne in the Lithuanian principal, Casimir Yagellonchik climbed (1447-1492), and Polish took his brother Vladislav. In 1444 King Vladislav died in battle, and the government went into the hands of Casimir. This resumed the personal meal and for a long time made the Yagellon Dynasty heirs of the throne, both in Lithuania and in Poland. Casimir wanted to reduce the power of the nobles, as well as the church. But he could not succeed, and he was forced to put up with their right to vote during the Seima. In 1454 Casimir provided nobility representatives, the so-called nonsense statues that reminded their contents of the Charter of Valibilities. In 1466 The joyful and very expected event occurred - the end of the 13th war with the Teutonic Order came. The Polish state won. October 19, 1466 A peace treaty was signed in Toruni. Behind him, Poland returned to himself such territories as Pomorie and Gdansk, and the Order himself was recognized by the country's vassal.

In the XVI century, the history of Poland experienced his dawn. It turned into one of the biggest states for all Eastern Europe, with rich culture, economy and permanent development. Polish has become state and crowded Latin. The concept of law as the authorities and freedoms for the population has rooted.

From the death of Yana Olbracht (1492-1501) began the struggle between the state and the dynasty, which was in power. The genus Yagellons faced the displeasure of the rich population - the gentlemen, which refused to give a message in his favor. Also comes the threat of expansion by the Habsburgs and the Moscow Principality. In 1499 The city of the city resumed, behind which the king was elected at the elected congresses of the gentry, although the applicants were only from the ruling dynasty, so the gentry received her spoonful of honey. In 1501, Lithuanian Prince Alexander, for the place on the Polish throne, issued the so-called Melnitsk region. Behind him, the power was in the hands of the parliament, and the king only had the function of the Chair. Parliament could impose a veto - a ban on the ideas of the monarch, as well as without the participation of the king to make a decision on all issues of the state. Parliament has become two chased - the first chamber - the Sejm, with a small nobility, the second - Senate, with aristocracy and clergy. Parliament controlled all the expenses of the monarch, and issued sanctions on making money. The highest versts of the population demanded even more overlooking and privileges. As a result of such reforms, the actual power focused in the hands of the magnates.

Sigismund І (1506-1548) The old and his son Sigismund Augustus (1548-1572) put all their efforts to reconcile the conflicting parties, and meet the needs of these miles of the population. It was customary to put on the equal terms of the king, the Senate and ambassadors. It calmed down the growing protests within the country. In 1525 Magister Teutonic Knights, whose name was Albrecht Branderburg, was dedicated to Lutheranism. Sigismund old handed over to him for the possession of the Duchy of Prussia, though he remained siserine of these places. Such an association after two centuries turned these territories into a strong empire.

In 1543, another outstanding event was happening in the history of Poland. Nikolay Copernicus said, proved and even issued a book that the Earth was not the center of the Universe and revolves around his axis. In medieval times a shocking and risky statement. But later, found confirmation.

During the reign of Sigismund II August (1548-1572). Poland bloomed and turned into one of the powerful powers in Europe. The hometown of Krakow he turned into a center of culture. Poetry, science, architecture, art was reborn there. There was also a reformation. On November 28, 1561, a contract was signed, behind which Livonia was under the protection of the Polish-Lithuanian country. Russian feudals received the same rights as the Poles of Catholics. In 1564 I allowed to carry out my activities to Jesuits. In 1569, the so-called Lublin region was signed, behind which Poland and Lithuania were combined into one state of a relationship. It marked the beginning of a new era. The king is one person in two states and he elected the ruling aristocracy, the laws were accepted by parliament, a single currency was introduced. For a long time, the issue of compolutes geographically became one of the largest countries, he dreamed of Russia only. It was the first step towards the Shankhetsky democracy. The legal and economic system was strengthened. The safety of citizens was ensured. The gentry received the green light in all his endeavors, if only they brought benefit the state. For a long time, such a state of things organized all the population and monarchs.

Sigismund August died without leaving behind herself, which led to the fact that the kings began to be elected. 1573 was chosen by Heinrich Valua. His reign lasted a year, but for such a short lines he accepted, the so-called "free electron", according to which the king chooses the gentry. The consent pact was accepted and the oath for the king. The king could not even prescribe the heir, declare war, increase taxes. All these questions should have been agreed with parliament. Even his wife was chosen by the Senate. If the king led himself not fit, the people could not obey him. Thus, the king remained only for the title, and the country from the monarchy turned into a parliamentary republic. Having done the business, Heinrich quietly left France, where he brought himself on the throne, after the death of his native brother.

After that, the parliament could not appoint a new monarch for a long time. In 1575, the bridegroom in Transylvanian Prince Stefan the princess bar from the genus Yagellonov turned him into ruler (1575-1586). He made a number of good reforms: strengthened in Gdansk, Livonia and liberated the Baltic States from the attacks of I.Grozny. Received support from the Registry Cossack

(The first such term to run-in baptiars from Ukraine applied Sigismund Augustus taking them to military service) in the fight against the Ottoman army. I allocated the Jews, giving them privileges and allowing to have parliament inside the community. In 1579 Vilnius opened the university, which became the center of European and Catholic culture. Foreign policy was aimed at strengthening its position by Muscovy, Sweden and Hungary. Stephen Batorius became a monarch who began to return the country to the former glory.

Sigismund ІІІ VAZ (1587-1632) received a throne, but did not receive support from the gentry, nor from the population. He simply did not like. From 1592 The idea of \u200b\u200bFix for Sigismund was the spread and strengthening of Catholicism. In the same year, he was crowned as King Sweden. Poland, he did not trade in Lutheran Sweden and because of his no appearance in the country and not conducting political affairs, was overthrown from the Swedish throne in 1599. Attempts to regain the throne introduced Poland in a long and unequal war with such a powerful enemy. The first step towards the transformation of Orthodox subjects to complete submission to Pope Roman, became Berestiyskaya ENA 1596. The initiator of which was the king. The uniation church received its beginning - with Orthodox rites, but with subordination of dad. In 1597. He suffered the capital of Poland from the city of Krakow kings to the center of Warsaw. Sigismund wanted to return an absolute monarchy to Poland, to limit all the rights of the parliament, slowed down the development of voting. In 1605 Commanded that the parliament veto was destroyed. The reaction did not make himself wait. And the uprising of citizens in 1606 was broken. The uprising - Rokosh ended in 1607. July 6th. Although Sigismund suppressed the uprising, his reforms were not accepted. Also, Sigismund introduced the country into a state of war with Muscovy and Moldova. In 1610 The Polish army occupies Moscow, winning the battle under Klushino. On the throne of Sigismund sits his son Vladislav. Although they could not hold the power. The people rebelled and threw off the Polish ruler. In general, the Board of Sigismund brought the country more harm and ruin than development.

The son of Sig Nisdom Vladislav IV (1632-1648) became the ruler in a country that weakened from the war with Muscovy and Turkey. Ukrainian Cossacks attacked her territory. The lawn with the situation in the country of the gentry, demanded even more liberty, and also refused to pay income tax. The situation in the country was bladder.

The situation has not improved and the leadership of Jan Kazimir (1648-1668). Cossacks and further tormented the territory. Did not refuse such pleasure and Swedes. In 1655 Swedish king named Charles X won the city of Krakow and Warsaw. Cities switched from one troops to another several times, the result was the total destruction and death of the population. Poland was exterminated by permanent battles, the king escaped to Silesia. In 1657 Poland lost Prussia. In 1660 The long-awaited truce between the rulers of Poland and Sweden was signed in Olive. But Poland continued an exhausting war with Muscovy, which led to the loss of Kiev and the eastern shores of the Dnieper in 1667. Inside the country revolted uprisings, magnates, guided only by their interests roetened. In 1652 It came to the point that the so-called "liberium veto" was used in personal interests. Any deputy could reject the law that did not like him. Chaos began in the country, and Jan Casimir could not stand and renounced the throne in 1668.

Mikhail Vishnevetsky (1669-1673) also did not establish life in the country, and also lost a diol, giving him to the Turks.

After such a board, Yang I) rose on the throne (1674-1696). He began to return the territories that were lost during numerous hostilities. In 1674 Cossacks went hiking to liberate Podolia. In August 1675 Lighted a large Turkish Tatar army near the town of Lviv. France, as the Protector of Poland, in 1676 insisted in a peaceful agreement between Poland and Turkey. In October of that year, the so-called zhuravinsky world was signed, Turkey gave 2/3 of the territory belonging to Ukraine, and the remaining territory passed to the Cossacks. February 2, 1676 Sobykaya was crowned and got the name Yang III. Despite the support of the French, Yang sobreyky wanted to get rid of the Turkish oppression and March 31, 1683 he concluded an alliance with Austria. This event led to the onset of the troops of Sultan Mehmed IV on Austria. The army of Kara-Mustafa Keppulul captured Vienna. On September 12 of the same year, Yang sobster with his army and the army of the Austrians under Vienna defeated enemy troops, stopping the Ottoman Empire in promoting to Europe. But the hopping threat from the Turk forced Jan Sobyksky in 1686. sign a contract called "Eternal World" with Russia. Russia received at his disposal left-bank Ukraine and joined the coalition against the Ottoman Empire. Internal policy aimed at restoring hereditary authorities was not crowned with success. And the Act of the Queen, which for the money offered to occupy various public posts and launched the authorities of the ruler at all.

The next 70 years, Polish throne occupied various foreigners. The ruler of Saxony - August II (1697-1704, 1709-1733). He enlisted the support of the Moscow Prince Peter I. He managed to return the Podolia and Volyn. In 1699 I concluded the so-called Karlovsky world with the ruler of the Ottoman Empire. Fought, but without result, with the kingdom of Sweden. And in 1704 He left the throne at the insistence of Karl XII, who gave the power Stanislav Leschinsky.

Decisive for August was the fight under Poltavaya 1709, in which Peter I broke the Swedish troops, and he returned to the throne again. 1721 She brought the final victory of Poland and Russia over Sweden, the Northern War ended. Positive for Poland did not bring it, because she lost its independence. At the same time, she became part of the Russian Empire.

His son August III (1734-1763) became a doll in Rossi's hands. The local population, under the leadership of Prince Charter, wanted to cancel, the so-called "liberium veto" and return Poland to have been greatness. But the coalition under the leadership of Pototsky everybobs interfered. And 1764 Ekaterina II helped to ascend to the throne Stanislav Augustus Plyonkovsky (1764-1795). He was destined to become the last king of Poland. He made a number of progressive transformation in the monetary and legislative system, in the army replaced the cavalry of infantry and introduced new types of weapons. I wanted to cancel the liberium veto. In 1765 introduced such a reward as the Order of St. Stanislav. Dissatisfied with such changes with a gentry in 1767-1678. We conducted the Repinsky Sejm, which decided that all freedoms and privileges were preserved behind the gentry, as well as Orthodox citizens and Protestants have the same government rights as Catholics. The conservatives did not miss the chance to create their own union, called the Barski conference. Such events raised a civil war, and the intervention in its course of neighboring countries became undeniable.

The result of such a situation was the first section of the Commonwealth, which occurred on July 25 in 1772. Austria took itself to the territory of Minor Poland. Russia - captured the Livonia, the Belarusian cities of Polotsk, Vitebsk and some part of the Minsk Voivodeship. Prussia received the so-called Great Poland and Gdansk. Commonwealth has ceased to exist. In 1773 destroyed the Jesuit Order. All internal affairs was engaged in the ambassador, sacrificed in the capital Warsaw, and on the territory of all Poland from 1780. Constant troops deployed from Russia.

May 3, 1791 The winners created a set of laws - the Constitution of Poland. Poland turned into a monarchy hereditary. All executive belonged to the Ministers and Parliament. They are elected once every 2 years. "Liberium Veto" Constitution cancels. Judicial and administrative autonomy was given to cities. Regular army was organized. The first prerequisites were taken to cancel serfdom. The history of Poland received world recognition, because the Constitution became the first recorded constitution in Europe, and the second in the whole world.

Such reforms were not satisfied with the magnates who created the Targovitsky Confederation. They asked even greater support from the side of Russian and Prussian troops, the result of such aid was the subsequent section of the state. January 23, 1793 He became the day of the next section. Prussia were attached territories such as the city of Gdansk, Torun, the territory of the Great Poland, Mazovia. The Russian empire took a huge part of the territories owned by Lithuania and Belarus, Volyn and Podialia. Poland was broken and ceased to be considered a state.

Such a turn in the history of Poland could not do without protests and uprisings. March 12, 1794 Tadeusch Kostysusko became the leader of the mass national uprising against the usurpers. The motto, which was the revival of Polish independence and the return of lost lands. On this day, Polish warriors went to Krakow. And on March 24, the city was released. On April 4, the peasants near Razlavice won the royal troops. April 17-18 liberated Warsaw. Those made artisans under the leadership of Y. Kilinkim. The same detachment was released on April 22-23 and wine. The taste of victories led to the fact that the rebels demanded decisive actions and continuing the revolution. On May 7, Koscucheko created a Polansky wagon, but he did not like the peasants. A number of defeats in battles, troops from Austria and an offensive on August 11, Russia's troops under the leadership of the famous General A.V. Svorov forced the rebels to leave wine and other cities. On November 6, Warsaw surrendered. The end of November became sad, the royal troops were invented an uprising.

In 1795 The so-called third section of Poland occurred. Poland was erased from the world map.

The further history of Poland was no less heroic, but also sad. Poles did not want to put up with the lack of their country, did not leave attempts to return Poland to the former power. They acted independently with the uprisings, or were part of the troops of countries that were coming against the occupiers. In 1807 When with the defeat of Prussia Napoleonov, the Polish troops played a little important role in this victory. Napoleon received power over the captured territories of Poland, during the 2nd section and created there, the so-called Grand Principality of Warsaw (1807-1815). In 1809 He joined the principality and land lost after the 3rd section. Such little Poland was pleased with Polyakov and gave hope for a complete liberation.

In 1815 When, Napoleon received defeat, was assembled, the so-called Vienna Congress and territorial changes occurred. Krakow became autonomous with the protectorate (1815-1848). The joy of the people, how became the so-called Grand District of Warsaw lost its Western lands, which Prussia took possession. Turned them into their own Principality of Minsk (1815-1846); The eastern part of the country received the status of the monarchy - entitled "The Kingdom of Polish", went through Russia.

In November 1830 There was an unsuccessful uprising of the Polish population against the Empire of Russia. The same fate awaited opponents of power and in 1846 and 1848. In 1863 Announced the January uprising, which in two years did not succeed. There was an active Russification of Poles. In 1905-1917. Poles took part in the 4th thought of Russia, while actively seeking the national autonomy of Poland.

In 1914 The world drowned in the fires and ruins of the First World War. Poland received, as well as the hope of obtaining independence, because the dominant countries fought among themselves and many problems. Poles had to fight for a country that belonged to the territory; Poland has become a bridgehead for hostilities; War aggravated and so tense situation. The company was divided into two camps. Roman DMOs (1864-1939) with comrades believed that all the problems create Germany, and crucially supported cooperation with the Entente. They wanted to unite all of the Polish lands into autonomy under the protection of Russia. Representatives of the Polish Socialist Party performed more radically, their main desire was to defeat Russia. The liberation from the Russian oppression was the main condition of independence. The party insisted on the creation of independent armed forces. Yuzef Pilsudsky created and headed the garrisons, the People's Army and accepted in the battle side of Austria-Hungary.

The Russian ruler Nikolai II in his Declaration of 1914 of August 14, promised to accept the autonomy of Poland with all its lands under the protection of the Russian Empire. Germany and Austria-Hungary, in turn, in two years, announced a manifesto, who said that the Polish kingdom in the territories belonged to Russia would be created. In the month of August 1917 In France, created the so-called Polish National Committee, whose leaders were the Roman DMOs and Ignatse Padersky. Jusef Galler was called up to become the commander-in-chief of the army. The history of Poland received an impetus to development on January 8, 1918. Wilson - President of the United States, insisted on the restoration of Poland. He called that Poland would have returned his position and became an independent country with open access to the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Baltic Sea. In early June, she was recognized as a supporter of the Entente. October 6, 1918 Using confusion in state structures, the Polish Regency Council made a statement on independence. November 11, 1918 Power went to Marshal Pilsudsky. The country received long-awaited freedom, but faced with certain difficulties: the absence of borders, national currency, government agencies, destruction and fatigue of the people. But the desire to develop gave an unreal impetus to action. And January 17, 1919. At the fateful Versailles conference, the territorial boundaries of Poland were determined: Pomorie was attached to its territory, access to the sea was opened, Gdansk - received the status of a free city. July 28, 1920 The big city of Cessin and his suburb was divided between the two countries: Poland and Czechoslovakia. February 10, 1920 Joined wine.

On April 21, 1920, Pilsudsky united with Ukrainian Petlura and pulled Poland to the war with the Bolsheviks. The result was the onset of the army of the Bolsheviks on Warsaw, but they were defeated.

The Foreign Policy of Poland was aimed at politics not to join any country or the Union. January 25, 1932 Signed, bilateral nonsense agreement with the USSR. January 26, 1934 A similar pact was signed with Germany. Such idyll lasted not long. Germany demanded to give them the city in their location, which was free -Gdansk and give the opportunity to pave the motorway and railway through the Polish border.

April 28, 1939 Germany ruined the delicate pact, and on August 25, a German battle was landed on the territory of Gdansk. Hitler explained his actions to the salvation of the German people, which is under the oppression of the Polish authorities. They also staged a cruel provocation. On August 31, German soldiers dressed in the Polish form broke into a radio station studio in Gleivitz, accompanying shots, read the Polish text in which he had a call for war with Germany. This message was transferred for all German radio stations. And September 1, 1939 At 4/50, the armed German troops began the shelling of Polish buildings, aviation destroyed everything from the air, and the infantry sent their forces to Warsaw. Germany began its "lightning war." 62 Infantry divisions, 2 air fleets were to quickly break through and destroy the defense of Poland. Polish command also had a secret plan called "West" in case of military conflict. For this plan, the army was supposed to prevent the enemy to vital areas, to conduct active mobilization and gaining support from Western countries, go to counteroffensive. Poland's army significantly inferior German. 4 days have enough Germans to go deep into the country at 100km. A week occupied such cities like Krakow, Colec and Lodz. On the night of September 11, German tanks entered the suburb of Warsaw. September 16 captured the cities: Bialystok, Brest-Lithuanian, Fremichl, Sambor and Lviv. Polish troops, with the support of the population, the partisan war. On September 9, the "Poznan" garrison defeated the enemy over Bzur, until October 20 did not give up the Hel Peninsula. Following the Molotov Pact - Ribenop on September 17, 1939. As a clock, a powerful red army joined the territory of Western Ukraine and Belarus. September 22 easily entered Lviv.

On September 28, Ribentridge in Moscow signed an agreement in which the border between Germany and the USSR was denoted by the Kerzon line. For 36 days of war, Poland was divided within the fourth time, between the two totalitarian states.

War brought a lot of grief and destruction into the country. All suffered, despite the former power or wealth. Most of all the Jews were injured in this war. Poland in this regard did not exception. The Holocaust on its territory took a terrifying character. There were reasonable concentration camps for prisoners. They were not just killed there, they mocked and carried out incredible experiments. The biggest camp of the suicide person is considered to be Ovwenzen, but there were a lot of smaller scattered around the country, and sometimes somewhat in every city. People were intimidated and doomed.

On April 19, 1943, the residents of Warsaw Ghetto could not stand and on the night of the Jewish Easter began the uprising. Of 400 TIS. Jews in the ghetto at that time alive remained only 50-70 TIS. of people. When the police entered the ghetto behind the new party of the victims, the Jews opened fire on them. Methodically in the next weeks, the COPs destroyed residents. Ghetto set fire to and equalized with the ground. In May, a large synagogue was undermined. The Germans announced the end of the uprising on May 16, 1943, although the outbreaks of battles continued until June 1943.

Another large-scale uprising occurred on August 1, 1944. In Warsaw, as part of the "Storm" operation. The main goal of the uprising was to displace from the city of the German army, and show independence to the Soviet authorities. The beginning was rainbow, the army was able to take control most of the city. The Soviet army, for various reasons, stopped his offensive. September 14, 1944 The first Polish army strengthened its position on the eastern coast of Vistula and helped the rebels to move to the West Bank. The attempt was not successful and only 1200 people were able to do it. Winston Churchill demanded from Stalin of radical actions to help the uprising, but this was not crowned with the result, and the Royal Aviation Fleet produced 200 departures and reset the help and military ammunition directly from the board. But even it could not turn the Warsaw uprising in successful and soon it was brutally suppressed. The number of victims is unknown reliably, but they say that 16,000 and 6,000 wounded were killed and it only during battles. In operations that were held by the Germans on the stripping of riots, about 150-200,000 civilians died. 85% of the whole city was destroyed.

Another year the history of Poland experienced murder and destruction, the year lasted constant battles and military actions. The Polish army took part in all battles against the fascists. She was a member of various missions.

January 17, 1945 The capital was released from the fascists. Germany announced its surrender.

The first Polish army was the second one after Soviet, who took part in the war, and in particular in the Berlin storm.

May 2, 1945 During the battles for Berlin, Polish troops set a white-red victory flag on the Prussian Colon of Victory and on the Brandenburg Gate. On this day, the modern history of Poland celebrates the Day of the State Flag.

On February 4-11, 1945, at the so-called Yalta conference, Churchill with Roosevelt decided to attach the territories of Poland, which was located in the east, to the USSR. Lost territories Poland compensates for the receipt of once German lands.

On July 5, 1945, the Polish Lublin Government was recognized for Legititin. No communists could also claim a place in management. In August, it was decided to join the territories to Poland, which belonged to the eastern parts of Prussia and Germany. 15% of 10 billion reparations who paid Germany were to get to Poland. Post-war Poland became communist. The regular troops of the Red Army opened the hunt for members of various party forces. The president became Boleslav taking a representative from the Communists. The active process on Stalinization began. In September 19948 The Secretary General Vladislav Gomulka due to its nationalist bias was dismissed. In the process of merging the two - Polish working and Polish socialist parties - in 1948, a new Polish United Workers' Party appeared. In 1949, the so-called United Peasant Party was approved. Poland received membership in the USSR Economic Assistance Council. June 7, 1950. Signed the contract of GDR and Poland, behind which the border of Poland in the West is located along the Oder-Neur - distribution lines. To create a military coalition against the Main Enemy of the USSR - NATO, in 1955. Warsaw contract was signed. The coalition includes such countries as: USSR, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania and for some time Albania.

The displeasure of Stalin's policies led to mass riots in 1956. In Poznan. 50tis. Man, workers and students opposed the prevailing Soviet oppression. In October of this year, the Secretary General of the PPP became a nationalistically tuned Gomulka. He reveals all the abuse of powers within the Communist Party, reveals the truth about Stalin and his politics. Removes the chairman of the Sejm, also Rokossovsky and many other officers from the Union. With their actions, he won some neutrality from the USSR. The lands returned to the peasants, the freedom of speech, trade and industry gave the green light for all undities, the workers could interfere with enterprises' leadership, warm relations with the church recovered, the production of missing goods was improved. The United States has given its economic assistance.

In the 1960s, the restored Soviet government canceled almost all the reforms of the Gomulka. The pressure on the country was again intensified: peasant partnerships, censorship and anti-religious policies returned.

In 1967, the famous Rolling Stones is given in Warsaw in the Palace of Culture.

And in March 1968. Student anti-Soviet demonstrations swept around the country. The result of which were arrests and emigration. In the same year, the country's leadership refused to support the reforms, the so-called "Prague Spring". In August, under pressure from the USSR, Polish troops took part in the occupation of Czechoslovakia.

December 1970 was noted by mass demonstrations in the cities of Gdansk, Gdynia and Szczecin. People opposed price increases for various products, and mainly on the products. It all ended sadly. About 70 workers were killed, and about 1000 were injured. Permanent persecution and persecution "not satisfied" led to the creation of 1798. The Public Protection Committee, which was the first step to create an opposition.

October 16, 1978 The new Pope is elected not Italian, but Bishop Krakowsky - Karol Putyla (John Paul II). He directs his works to the rapprochement of the church with people.

In July 1980, prices for products took off again. Wave strikes overwhelmed the country. The working class was protested in Gdansk, Gdynia, Szczecin. This movement was supported and miners in Silesia. Basteing united into committees and soon they have developed 22 requirements. They had an economic and political character. People demanded a decline in prices, an increase in wages, creating trade unions, reducing the level of censorship, the right to rallies and strikes. Management has taken almost all requirements. This led to the fact that the workers massively join the trade union association independent from the state, which soon turned into a federation "Solidarity". Her leader was Lech Valens. The main requirement of workers was permission to manage enterprises themselves, assign management and select personnel. In September, Solidarity called on the working all of Eastern Europe to create free trade unions. In December, workers demanded a referendum, which should have resolved the issue of the power of the Soviet Communist Party in Poland. Such a statement had an immediate response.

On December 13, 1981, Yarazelsky declared military situation in the country and arrested all the leaders of "solidarity". Strikes broke out that quickly suppressed.

In 1982 Trade unions under the leadership of the country were established.

In July 1983 Pope John Paul II arrived in the country, which led to the abolition of a prolonged martial law. The pressure from the international society presented an amnesty to prisoners in 1984.

Throughout 1980-1987. The economic situation in Poland deteriorated. Workers are starved and in the summer of 1988. Started strikes at factories, mines. The government called for the help of the leader of Solidarity Lehe Valense. These negotiations received the symbolic name of the "Round Table". They decided to carry out free elections, the legalization of "solidarity".

June 4, 1989 Elections were carried out. "Solidarity" broke forward, overtaking the Communist Party, and took all guidelines in the government. The Prime Minister of the country became Tadeush Mazovian. After a year, Lech Valens became president. His leadership lasted one time.

In 1991 Cold war ended. Warsaw contract was terminated. Start 1992 I was pleased with the active growth of GNP, new market institutions were created. Poland began active economic development. In 1993 Opposition was formed - the Union of Democratic Left Forces.

In the following presidential president, Alexander Kvasnevsky - Head of the Social Democratic Party. His government began not easy. Members of Parliament demanded an active policy on the dismissal of the country's traitors and those who have worked or worked for a union for a long time, and after Russia. They put forward a law on lustration, but he did not go through the number of votes. And in October 1998, Kvasnevsky signed this law. Everyone who was in power should have been compliant to compliance with Russia. They were not dismissed by their position, but these knowledge was the public domain. If someone suddenly did not admit, and such evidence was found, then the official was forbidden to hold a position for 10 years.

In 1999 Poland has become an active member of the NATO Alliance. In 2004 Joined the European Union.

Elections 2005. Brought victory Lech Kakinkom.

In November 2007, Donald Tusk was elected Prime Minister. This government has managed to maintain a stable political and economic situation. And even during the crisis of 2008. Poles did not feel big problems. In the leadership of foreign policy, they chose neutrality and avoided conflicts, both from the EU and Russia.

A plane crash in April 2010 He took the life of the president and representatives of the Color of Polish society. It was a dark page in the history of Poland. People mourned a fair leader, the country was plunged into mourning for a long time.

After the tragic case, it was decided to conduct early elections. First tour June 20 and the second July 4, 2010. In the second round with a 53% number of votes, Bronislav Komorowski won, representative of the party called "Civil Platform", overtaking Brother L. Kachinsky - Yaroslav Kaczynski.

Party "Civil Platform" October 9, 2011 won the elections to parliament. Parties also came to power: "Right and Justice" Ya. Kaczynsky, "Palicota Movement" I.Palikot, PSL - Polish Peasant Party leader V. Pavak and the Union of Left Democratic Forces. The ruling party "Civil Platform" together with the submitted Hope PSL has created a coalition. Donald Tusk again was chosen by the Prime Minister.

In 2004 he was elected chairman of the European Council.

The history of Poland passed a long and very hard way to becoming an independent state. Today is one of the developed and strong countries of the European Union. Related fields, high-quality roads, good salary and prices, folk crafts, modern education, help disabled and low-income, developed industry, economics, courts and governing bodies, and the main people who are so proud of their country and will not exchange it in the world - Make Poland that country we know, appreciate and respect. Poland on his example proved that even from a fully destroyed, fragmented state, a new competitive country can be built.

Poland. The core of the formation of the Polish state was the principality of Polyan. In x in. His ruler Prince Meshko united the land under his power in the pools of Oder and Vistula's pools and made the capital of Gniezno. The next step has become

Taking bags of Christianity in the Roman sample. This contributed to the establishment of ties with more developed European countries and strengthened Poland's position.

The son and successor to Meshko - Boleslav and the brave completed the association of Polish lands. The real warrior, Boleslav repeatedly fought with Germany and Rus, noticeably expanded the boundaries of his state and forced powerful neighbors to treat Poland with respect. At the request of the prince of Svyatoslav expelled from Kiev, the Polish ruler helped him return the throne. Returning from Kiev home, several Old Russian cities joined Poland. In 1025, Boleslav took the title of king and transferred the capital to Krakow.

After the death of Boleslav, the country broke up into separate principalities and lost part of the conquered lands. Moreover, she herself became a victim of invaders. German Order, capturing Prussia and Pomorie, cut off Poland access to the Baltic Sea. A serious threat was Tatar-Mongola. The heroic resistance of Russia blew their strength and did not improve in Poland, but Mongols have repeatedly wrapped the country devastating raids. One of Khan's detachments Batu burst into Poland and robbed the capital. According to the legend, the city trumpeter served an alarm until he killed the arrow of the Tatar archer. In memory of this on the Church of St. Mary's Church in Krakow, every hour plays a pipe, the sound of which unexpectedly breaks on the highest note.

The external danger has accelerated the association of Polish lands and the revival of royal power. King Casimir III Great (13.33-1370) continued the policies of its predecessors. He managed to return some lost territories, streamline laws and improve the management of the state. Taking care of the development of crafts and trade, the king introduced a single coin and the same duty, caused the rapid growth of cities. It seems like other Western European countries in Poland there is a textual monarchy. The king of the rules, relying on the body of the Corporal Representation - the Seimas.

Kazimir III provided a host of Jews, after the events of "black death" began to drive out of Germany. The king did not just find kindness, but also realized that business connections, money, knowledge and labor of Jews contribute to the development of his country.

The deadly threat from the German order pushed Poland to the search for an ally. It began to rapprocherate with the neighboring state - the Grand Durability of Lithuanian, who also had to constantly restrain the onslaught of the Order. The union could be achieved through the marriage of the heiress of the Polish Crown of Jadwig with the Lithuanian prince Yagailo. Having in 1385, Jadvigs and the Polish crown, Yagailo promised, together with his subjects, to take Catholicism (Lithuania was then still pagan). So the Krevian Ulya was concluded, which for a long time connected the fate of Poland and Lithuania, although it did not mean their associations. The significance of Poland and Lithuania strengthened the position of Poland, allowed them to speak together in the war against Germany. The decisive battle occurred 1410 at the village of Grunwald. The United Royal Army, which included Polish, Lithuanian, Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Czech and Tatar detachments, defeated the Crusaders. From complete destruction, the Order was saved by the support of the emperor and dad, but defeat the end of the German offensive to the East. After half a century, as a result of the new war, the Order recognized himself with the Polish king's vassal. Poland returned a significant part of the former lands and access to the sea. The authority of Poland and Lithuania in Europe is very grew.

Development of feudal relations. In u.1-XII centuries. In agriculture in the Polish lands, significant progress was observed. Three times spread everywhere. The area of \u200b\u200bcultivated land increased due to internal colonization. The peasants who left the feudal oppression were mastered by new lands, on which, however, soon fell into the former feudal dependence.

In the XI century In Poland, a feudal relationship has already been established everywhere. A large secular and church land tenure increased by the capture of land feudalities in personally free peasants-communists and due to the distribution of princely lands. Middle feudals turned into the XII century. From the conditional holders of the places in the leaders - hereditary feudal owners.

The growth of major land ownership of the feudalists led to a sharp reduction in the number of free peasants-communists. The number of assigned peasants in the XII-XIII centuries. quickly grew. The main form of rent in the XI-XIII centuries. There was a natural rent. The economy of the dependent peasant was entrusted with natural lifting. The peasants had to bear numerous duties in favor of Prince. In an effort to increase income, the feudals increased the size of the peasant jones, which was encouraged by the fierce resistance of the peasants. Fodal immunity expanded. Immunity letters dismissed magnates from carrying all or part of the dance in favor of the prince and transferred judicial rights over the population into the feudalities. Jurisdictions of the Princely Court were subject to only important criminal offenses.

Growing cities. In the XII-XIII centuries. Poland quickly developed cities that were already at that time significant centers of crafts and trade. The population of cities increased due to the runaway peasants. Urban craft developed. Technical techniques were improved in pottery, jewelry, woodwork, foundry and metalworking sectors of handicraft production. Based on the growth of specialization, new sectors have arisen. Especially great success in the XIII century. In Poland reached the production of bitch. Domestic trade grew, the exchange between cities and rural counties increased, between the country's regions in general. Developed money circulation. In foreign trade, connections with Rus, Czech Republic, Germany played an important role. A significant place was occupied by transit trade through Krakow and Wroclaw. Polish cities in the XI-XII centuries. Alpeed depending on the prince and paid the feudal rente and shopping duties (soy). In the XIII century. Many Polish cities received urban law on the model of German law (adapted to the Polish conditions). Princes, secular and spiritual feudalists, seeking to increase their income, began to establish the city on their lands, providing them with urban law and significant trade privileges.

German colonization and its meaning. In order to increase its income, feudalist patronized the country's wide peasant colonization. Significant benefits were provided to the peasants-immigrants. From the XII century. Princes and feudalists began to encourage German rural and urban colonization, which at the turn of the XII-XIII centuries. It was especially significant in Silesia and Pomorie. To a lesser extent, it spread to "Great and Small Poland. The German peasants-immigrants used in Poland a special" German right. "

The landowners began to translate to the "German law" and Polish peasants. At the same time, a uniform regulated chinsh with money and kind was introduced. It was also regulated by a tenth in favor of the church. New forms of feudal exploitation, especially a cash rent, contributed to the rise of productive forces and the growth of cities. German colonization in the cities led to the fact that in a number of major centers of Silesia, the Great and Small Poland, the top of the urban population - Patricate - became predominantly German.

The disintegration of Poland to the dots. Relying on the Union with Kievan Rusy, Kazimir I (1034-1058) began the struggle for the reunification of Polish lands. He managed to subjugate to Mazovia and return to Silesia. Casimira's policy sought to continue Boleslav II brave (1058-1079). The foreign policy of Bolevlav II was aimed at achieving the independence of Poland from the German Empire. In 1076, he was proclaimed by the Polish king. But Boleslav II could not suppress the speeches not interested in preserving the strong central power of the intensive secular and spiritual nobility, which was supported by the Czech Republic and the German Empire. He was forced to flee to Hungary, where he died. Under the successor of Boleslav II Vladislava I Germany (1079-1102), Poland began to decay on the dots, having entered into the period of feudal fragmentation. True, at the beginning of the XII century. Boleslav III crookedly managed to temporarily restore the political unity of Poland, which was due to the threat of enslavement from the German Empire over the country.

Legal registration The specific system received in the so-called Statute of Boleslav III (1138) on which Poland was divided into the lots between his sons. The statute set. The principle of Senoryat: The Senior in Rode received the Supreme Power - with the title of the Grand Prince. The capital was Krakow.

Feudal fragmentation was a natural phenomenon in the development of Poland. And at that time, the productive forces in agriculture continued to develop and in the city craft. Economic ties grew and fastened between individual Polish lands. Polish people remembered the unity of their Earth, about their ethnic and cultural community.

The period of feudal fragmentation brought severe tests to the Poles. Polish fragmented Poland could not resist the aggression of German feudal and the invasion of Mongol-Tatars.

Poland's struggle with German feudal aggression in the XII-XIII centuries. Mongol-Tatar invasion. Havings, because of the grand permanent throne between the sons of Bolesca III coincided with the strengthening of the aggression of German farmers in the state of Poland-Bal-Tiy Slavs and led to severe political consequences for the Polish people.

In 1157, Marcgraf Albrecht Medvedowed by Branibor, an important strategic point in Polish borders. In the 70s XII century Political subordination of Poland-Bal-Tiy Slavs by German feudals was completed. At the captured area, the aggressive German principality of Branden-Burg was formed, which began an attack on Polish lands. In 1181, Western Pomorie was forced to recognize the vassal dependence on the German Empire.

The international situation of Polish lands deteriorated sharply after the appearance in the Baltic States of the Teutonic Order, which - in 1226 he was invited to Poland by Mazovian Prince to fight prouds. The Teutonic Order, exterminating Prussians with fire and sword, founded on their land a strong state, who was under the auspices of the Papal throne and the German Empire. In 1237, the Teutonic Order merged with the Order of the Middle Mares, who captured the Earth in Eastern Baltic. Strengthening Teutonic Order and Brandenburg, which covered the Polish lands on both sides, was a greater danger to Poland.

The situation has become even worse as a result of the invasion of Mongol-Tatars in Poland. A significant part of Poland was devastated and looted (1241). In the battle of Laganya Mongol-Tatars, the troops of the Silesian-Polish feudal troops were broken. The invasion of Mongol-Tatars in 1259 and 1287. accompanied by the same terrible devastations of Polish lands.

Taking advantage of the weakening of Poland due to the raids of the Mongol-Tatars and the growth of feudal fragmentation, the German faeds strengthened their offensive on Polish land.

Establishment of state unity of Poland. The development of productive forces in agriculture and craft, strengthening economic relations between individual regions of the country, the growth of cities gradually created economic prerequisites for the unification of Polish lands into a single state. The process of reunification of Polish lands was significantly accelerated by the external danger - the aggression of the Teutonic Order. The association of the country supported the overwhelming majority of Polish society. Creating a strong central power capable of limiting the arbitrariness of large feudalists and organize the defense of Polish borders, responded to the interests of the Polish people.

At the end of the XIII century. The leading role in the struggle for the association of the country belonged to the Greater Poland princes. In 1295, Przemyslaw II gradually spread his power to the whole Poland and joined Eastern Pomoria to his possessions. He crushed the Polish crown, but he had to give way to the Czech king Wenceslas II Krakowsky. In 1296, Przemyslaw was killed. The struggle for the association of Polish lands continued the Brest-Kujaki Prince Vladislav Balkel, who spoke against Waclav II Czech, who managed to subordinate to his power and the small and great Poland. After the death of Waclav II (1305) and his son, Vaclav III (1309), the belt mastered Krakow and the Great Poland. But East Pomorie captured the Teutonic Order (1309). In 1320, Vladislav Bowls crowded in Krakow of the Crown of Polish kings.

Foreign policy of Casimir III. Capture Galitsky Rus. The struggle for the pronging of Polish lands in the middle of the XIV century, at King Casimir III (1333-1370), came up to the stubborn resistance of the Teutonic Order and the Luxembourg dynasty. In 1335, with the mediation of Hungary in Visegrad, an agreement was concluded with Luxembourgs, according to which they refused their claims to the Polish throne, but retained the silesia. In 1343, the Order was forced to go for some territorial concessions to Poland. However, East Pomorie was not reunited with the Polish kingdom. In 1349-1352 Polish feudalities managed to capture Galitsky Rus, and in 1366 - part of Volyn.

The socio-economic development of Poland in the XIV century. The political association of the country contributed to the economic development of Polish lands. In the XIV century The peasants continued to intensively settle the forest areas and clear new land areas, hoping to free themselves from feudal exploitation. However, in new places, the peasants-Novoseli fell into the feudal dependence on major landowners. In the XIV century Almost completely disappeared the category of personally free peasants. Feudals translated peasants to uniform lifts - Chinsh, introduced by nature and money, which contributed to an increase in the productivity of the peasants and the intensification of their farm. Revenues of the feudalists grew. In some places, along with Chinash, barishment has been practiced in minor sizes.

From the end of the XIV. In connection with the development of commodity-monetary relations, property differentiation among crushes increased

Poland in the XIV-XV centuries.

symia peasants-Ketov. Part of the Kethods turned into small-earth peasants - the convoy, who had only a small plot of land, home and garden. Invented feudal operation caused the energetic resistance of the peasantry, which was expressed primarily in shoots.

In the XIV century Urban craft developed in Poland. Silesia (especially the city of Wroclaw) was famous for its weaver. The major center of Sukon production was Krakow. Working organizations that appeared even in the previous period were significantly strengthened. Polish cities were a fierce social and national struggle.

In the XIV century Internal trade developed successfully, commercial exchanges increased between the city and the village. Of great importance for strengthening the links between Polish lands had a fair. The foreign trade of Poland significantly expanded, and the goods of mass demand occupied a considerable place. Transit trade with countries in Eastern and Western Europe played an important role. Of particular importance in the XIV century. Acquired trading with Genoese colonies on the Black Sea coast, first of all with a cafe (Feodosia). Seaside cities took an active part in trade in the Baltic Sea.

The growth of the economy contributed to the development of Polish culture. In the XIII-XIV centuries. Urban schools appeared with teaching in their native language. Of great importance was the discovery of the University in 1364 in Krakow, who became the second major scientific center in Central Europe.

The incompleteness of the process of unification of Polish lands. State Association of Polish Lands in the XIV century. It was incomplete: there was no strong central government; The Masovia Silesia and Pomoria (Mazovia, however, recognized the supremacy of the Polish king) to the Polish state. Separate Polish land (voivodship) retained their autonomy, local governments were in the hands of large feudalists. The political and economic dominance of the Mozdantsev was not undermined. The incompleteness of the process of association of Polish lands and the relative weakness of the central royal authority had deep internal reasons. To the XIV century Poland has not yet matured prerequisites for creating a centralized state. The process of forming a single all-round market only cameras. The centralization of the Polish state prevented the position of Polish cans and the influential patrician of cities. The German patrician of the largest Polish cities associated mainly with international transit trade, opposed the centralization. Therefore, Polish cities did not play a significant role in the country's unification, in contrast to the cities of Russia and a number of Western European countries. The Eastern Policy of Polish Feudalov, the struggle of Polish lands prevented the struggle for the association of Polish lands, sought to subordinate Ukrainian lands. It sprayed Poland's forces and looked at her in the face of German aggression. Association of Polish lands, the development of the economy and culture of the Polish state in the XIV century. Required reforms of legislation and codification of feudal law. However, there was no single legislation for the whole country. In 1347, individual vaults of laws for small Poland were developed - Voletsky Statute and for Great Poland - Petro-Kovsky. These statutes, based on the usual law previously existed in Poland, reflected the political and socio-economic shifts that occurred in the country (first of all, the strengthening of the process of fixing the peasants and the transition to the new form of feudal rent - Chinsh). The position of the peasants deteriorated significantly. Volitsky and Petrokov Statutes limited the right of the peasant transition.

Economic development of Poland in the XV century. In the XIV-XV centuries. Significant development has reached handicraft production. The growth rate of the productive forces was the widespread use of the energy of falling water. Water wheel has been applied not only on mills, but also in craft production. In the XV century In Poland, the manufacture of the canvas and Sukon, metal products, food products increased; Significant success has reached the mining industry, salt mining was carried out. Grew urban population. In the cities, the struggle between the German patrician and the main mass of Gorozhaans-Polyakov was increased, the process of the pollen of the German population was, the Polish merchants developed.

The growth of productive forces occurred in agriculture. The plow treatment of the Earth has improved, the inner peasant colonization of the country was expanded. The total volume of sowing areas in the XIV-XV centuries. Right increased. In the XV century Along with a genuine rent, a monetary rate has received a large development that contributed to the growth of the productivity of peasant labor. From the second half of the XV century. He began to grow rapidly the efforts of the revenue - born, mainly in the estates of church feudal.

Development of money generation favored an increase in the exchange between the city and the village and the growth of the domestic market. The farms of the peasant and feudal were closer to the city market.

At the same time, foreign trade developed. For Poland, especially before the middle of the XV century, transit trade between Western Europe and the East was of great importance, in which the Polish cities located on an important trading path of Wroclaw - Krakow - Lviv - Black Sea actively participated. From the second half of the XV century. The value of trade in the Baltic Sea has sharply increased. An important role was acquired by the export to the West of the Polish Ship Forest. Poland actively included in the pan-European market.

Rising shirty privileges. The economic growth of cities did not lead, however, to a change in the arrangement of class and political forces in Poland the end of the XIV-XV century. The politically and economically most influential part of the urban population was a patrician, which was stuck in transit trade and a little interested in the development of the actual Polish economy. It easily installed contact with feudalists - opponents of strengthening the central power.

After the death of King Casimir III (1370), the political influence of magnates increased sharply in Poland. Magnates and the gentry achieved an acclaiming in Koshitsa (1374), who freed the feudal from all the contesions, except for military service and a minor tax in 2 pennies with Dana Earth. This was laid on the basis for the legal registration of the estate privileges of Polish feudal and the restrictions of royal power. The political dominance of magnates caused displeasure of the gentry. However, speaking against the magnates, the gentry did not strive to strengthen the royal power, considering that the stringing class organization is a reliable tool to suppress the class resistance of the peasants. The growth of the political activity of the gentry contributed to the emergence of Seychikov - meetings of the gentry of individual voivodes for solving local affairs. At the beginning of the XV century. Sailors arose in the Great Poland, in the second half of the XV century. - And in Malaya Poland.

At the end of the XV century. The common areas of the whole kingdom of two chambers of the Senate and the Embassive Holiday began to be convened. The Senate consisted of magnates and Sanovnikov, the Embassy of the hut - from Shchlychti - representatives (ambassadors) of local sailors. In Poland, the estate monarchy began to take place, which carried a pronounced gentle character.

To achieve its political goals, the gentry created temporary unions - confederations, which sometimes adjoin the cities and clergy. At first, these unions had an antimagonal orientation, but they usually served as an instrument of struggle for the Shankhetsky privileges.

The gentry was the main support of the royal power, but its support was bought by the price of all new concessions from the monarchy. In 1454, Kazimir IV Yagaillon, to enlist the support of the gentry in the war with the Order, was forced to publish non-savory statutes that limited royal power. Without the consent of the gentry, the king did not have the right to publish new laws and start the war. To the detriment of the interests of the monarchy and cities, the gentry was allowed to create their own Zemsky courts. The statutes of 1454 were an important stage in the development of the Polish textual monarchy. A feature of this process in Poland was the actual elimination of cities from participation in representative bodies.

Polish-Lithuanian Union. The fight against the Teutonic Order prompted Polish magnates to strive for unification with the Grand Durability Lithuanian, which was also subjected to the attacks of the Order. In 1385, Polish-Lithuanian Union was concluded in Krev. Polish magnates achieved the inclusion of Lithuania into the Polish state and the introduction of Catholicism in it. The Queen of Jadvig in 1386 married to the Lithuanian Prince Yagailo, which became the Polish king under the name of Vladislav II (1386-1434). The Union of the two powers was not only a means of defense from German aggression, but also discovered the possibility of exploiting Ukrainian lands previously captured by Lithuania for Polish feudalists. An attempt to fully include Lithuania to Poland met the resistance of the feudal principalities of Lithuanian. Folk masses resisted the introduction of Catholicism. At the head of the opposition was the cousin Yagayil Vitovt. Ulya was terminated. But in 1401 it was restored while maintaining the state independence of Lithuania.

Grunwald battle. In 1409, the "Great War" broke out with the Teutonic Order. The general battle occurred on July 15, 1410. Under Grunwald, where the head was crushed and the color of the Order of the Odda troops was destroyed. Despite this victory, the Polish-Lithuanian side has achieved major results. Nevertheless, the historical meaning of the Grunwald battle was great. She stopped the aggression of the German farmers against Poland, Lithuania and Russia, undermined the power of the Teutonic Order. With the decline of the Order of the weaken and the strength of the German feudal aggression in Central Europe, which facilitated the Polish people struggle for their national independence. The victory in Grunwald contributed to the growth of the international importance of the Polish state.

Return of the Gdansky Pomerania. After-election on the Polish throne of the Grand Duke of Lithuanian Casimir IV of the Yagillon (1447-1492), Polish-Lithuanian personal ulya was restored. During his reign, a new War of Poland began with the Teutonic Order, which lasted 13 years and the ending victory of Poland. According to the Torun World of 1466, Poland returned to himself eastern Pomorie with the Helmina Earth and Gdansk and part of Prussia, again received access to the Baltic Sea. Teutonic Order recognized himself by Poland's vassal.

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Brief history of Poland.

The first reliable information about Poland belongs to the second half of the X century. Poland was already then a relatively large state created by the dynasties of the fives by combining several tribal principalities. In the second half of the XII in . Poland, like her neighbors, Germany and Kievan Rus, broke up. Disintegration led to political chaos; Vassals soon refused to recognize the framingle of the king and with the help of the church significantly limited his power.
In the middle of the XIII in the Mongol-Tatar invasion from the east, the worst part of Poland lowered. No less dangerous for the country was the incessant raids of the Lithuanians and Prussians from the north. In 1308, the state created by Teutonic knights cut off Poland to enter the Baltic Sea. As a result of the fragmentation of Poland, the dependence of the state from the highest aristocracy and a small nobility, in whose support it needed to protect against external enemies.

The reunification of most Poland was carried out by Vladislav Bowls (Ladislav Shorty) from Kabyii - the principalities in the north-central part of the country. In 1320, he was crowned as Vladislav I. However, the national revival is more connected with the successful rule of his son, Casimir III of the Great (the years of the Board 1333-1370). Casimir strengthened the royal power, reformed the management, legal and monetary system on the Western model, published the Code of laws, which received the name "Voletsky Statues" (1347), facilitated the position of the peasants and allowed to settle in Poland to the Jews - victims of religious persecution in Western Europe. He could not return the way out to the Baltic Sea; He also lost Silesia (who departed to the Czech Republic), but captured in the east Galicia, Volyn and Podolia.
In 1364, Kazimir founded the First Polish University in Krakow - one of the oldest in Europe. Having a son, Casimir bequeathed the kingdom of his nephew Louis I Great (Louis Hungarian), at the time one of the most influential monarchs of Europe. Under Louis (the years of the Board (1370-1382), the Polish noblemen (the gentry) received the so-called. Kositsky Village (1374), according to which they were released almost from all the submissions, having received the right not to pay taxes above a certain amount. In fact, the noblemen promised to transfer the throne of one from the daughters of King Louis.
After the death of Louis, the Poles turned to his youngest daughter Yunvig asking them to become their queen. Jadvig married Yagello (Yogail, or Yagaylo), the Grand Duke Lithuanian, who rules in Poland under the name of Vladislav II (the years of the Board 1386-1434). Vladislav II accepted Christianity himself and drew into him the Lithuanian people, founding one of the powerful dynasties in Europe. The extensive territories of Poland and Lithuania were combined into a powerful state union. In 1410, Poles and Lithuanians defeated by the Teutonic Order in Battle in the Battle of Grunwald. In 1413, they approved the Polish-Lithuanian Ulya in the city, and the Public Institutions of the Polish sample appeared in Lithuania.

The XVI century became the golden age of Polish history. At this time, Poland was one of the largest countries in Europe, it prevailed in Eastern Europe, and its culture reached a heyday. However, the emergence of a centralized Russian state, which claimed the land of the former Kievan Rus, the union and strengthening of Brandenburg and Prussia in the West and the North, and the threats of the warlike Ottoman Empire in the south were a greater danger to the country. In 1561, Poland joined the Livonia, and on July 1, 1569, at the height of the Livonian War with Russia, the personal Royal Polish-Lithuanian Union was replaced by Lublin Unia. The Unified Polish-Lithuanian state became known as a responding speech (Polish. "General case"). Since that time, the same king was to be elected aristocracy in Lithuania and Poland; There were one parliament (Seym) and general laws; In the appeal introduced a total money; In both parts of the country, the country has become generally accepted religious tolerance. The last question was of particular importance, as significant territories conquered in the past Lithuanian princes were inhabited by Orthodox Christians.
The so-called period of "elected kings" came in Poland: A new King of Henry (Henrik) Valua was elected at a rapid meeting of the Seima (years of government 1573-1574; later he became Henry III French), Stephen Batorius (the years of the Board 1575-1586), Sigismund III VAZ - zealous Catholic, Sigismund III VAZ (reigning years 1587-1632), son of Yuhan III Swedish and Catherine, Daughter Sigismund I. Attempts by Sigismund to introduce absolutism in Poland, which in those days has already dominated the rest of Europe, led to meat Loss of the prestige of the king.
After death in 1618 Albrecht II Prussian Ruler, Prussia became Kurfürst Brandenburg. Since then, Poland's possession on the Baltic Sea coast has turned into a corridor between the two provinces of the same German state. The unsuccessful foreign policy of the rulers of the country's subsequent period led the country to the final decline and the sections of the country. Stanislav II: the last Polish king.
August III was no more than a puppet of Russia; Patriotic poles were trying to save the state with all their might. One of the factions of the Seimator, who was led by the Prince of Chartorsky, tried to cancel a detrimental "librum veto", while the other, headed by the powerful family of Potock, opposed any restriction of "freedoms." Desperate, the party of the chartors began to cooperate with the Russians, and in 1764, Ekaterina II, the Empress of Russia, achieved the election of his Favorite Stanislav Augustus to the King of Poland (1764-1795).
Undanged turned out to be the last king of Poland. Russian monitoring became particularly obvious under Prince N.V. Rosnin, who, being an ambassador to Poland, forced the Seimas of Poland to accept his requirements on the equality of denominations and the preservation of Liberum Veto. This led in 1768 to the uprising of Catholics (Barski Confederation) and even to the war between Russia and Turkey.
First section of Poland.: Was produced in 1772 and ratified by the Seimas under pressure from the occupiers in 1773. Poland lost to Austria part of Pomorius and Kabyii (excluding Gdansk and Torun) Prussia; Galicia, Western Podolia and part of small Poland; Eastern Belarus and all land north of Western Dvina and east of the Dnieper moved to Russia. The winners were established for Poland a new constitution, which retained "Liberum Veto" and the electoral monarchy, and created a state council from 36 elected members of the Seima. The country section awakened a social movement for reforms and national revival.
Second section of Poland.: On January 23, 1793, Prussia and Russia carried out the second section of Poland. Prussia captured Gdansk, Torun, Great Poland and Mazovia, and Russia is the wise part of Lithuania and Belarus, almost all the Volyn and Podolia. The Poles fought, but were broken, the reforms of the four-year-old Seimas were canceled, and the rest of Poland turned into a puppet state. In 1794. Tadeusch Kostysheko headed the mass folk uprising, which ended with defeat.
Third section of Poland.in which Austria participated, was produced
October 24, 1795 . ; After that, Poland as an independent state disappeared from the map of Europe. After France's defeat in Napoleonic wars, the main part of Poland became part of Russia under the jurisdiction of the "kingdom of Polish" in the capital was the governor of the Russian emperor. Intensive Germanization of the former Polish districts was carried out on the territory of Prussia's authority, the farms of Polish peasants were expropriated, Polish schools were closed.
Russia helped Prussia to suppress the Dissense
1848. In 1863. Both powers concluded the Alvensleben Convention on Mutual Assistance in the fight against the Polish national motion.
Despite all the efforts of the authorities, at the end of the XIX century,
Poles of Prussia were still a strong, organized national community. On the Austrian Polish lands, the position was somewhat better. After Krakow Uprising1846 The regime was liberalized, and Galicia received administrative local administration; schools, institutions and courts used Polish; Yagellonian (in Krakow) and Lviv Universities became all-round cultural centers; toat the beginning of XX B. . Polish political parties emerged (national-democratic, Polish socialist and peasant). In all three parts of the separated Poland, Polish society actively opposed assimilation. The preservation of Polish language and Polish culture became the main task of the struggle, which the intelligentsia was conducted, first of all poets and writers, as well as the clergy of the Catholic Church.
january 1918. US President Wilson demanded the creation of an independent Polish state with access to the Baltic Sea. INjune 1918 Poland was officially recognized as a country fighting on the side of the Entente.October 6. , during the decay period and the collapse of the central powers, the Regent Council of Poland announced the creation of an independent Polish state, andNovember 14 Transferred to Pilsudski all the complete power in the country. By this time, Germany has already capitulated, Austria-Hungary broke up, and civil war went in Russia.
The leaders of the New Polish Republic tried to secure their state by conducting non-aligned policies. Poland did not join the Small Antante, which included Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Romania.
January 25, 1932 an aggression agreement was concluded from the USSR.August 23, 1939 The German and Soviet care pact for nonsense was concluded, whose secret protocols provided for the section of Poland between Germany and the USSR. By providing Soviet neutrality, Hitler untied his hands.

September 1, 1939 the Second World War began to Poland. During World War II, in Poland, the resistance movement is operating, consisting of heterogeneous groups, often with opposing goals and subject to different guidelines: Army Craiova, operating under the leadership of the Government of Poland in emigration, which organized the Warsaw uprising of 1944; Guard (from 1944 - Army) Ludov - Military Organization of the Polish Communist Party; Created by the peasant party battalions of clap, etc.; Jewish combat organizations also acted, organized an uprising in Warsaw Ghetto in April1943
January 17, 1945, Warsaw's completely destroyed by the fascist troops was released, and by the beginning of February, almost all Poland was released from Germans. The Polish Communist Party finally established himself in power, although for this she had to break the strong resistance of the Army to the Core, reaching the degree of the partisan war. Soviet army will be in Poland toSeptember 18, 1993 . Berlin Conference1945. Sets the Western border of Poland on the rivers ODRA (Oder) and Nisa-Luzitka (Neutse).

Until spring 1989. of the year in Poland the period of the Board of the Communist Party, but already in early 1990 The country is held by presidential elections, in which the former leader of "Solidarity" lech Valens obsesses the convincing victory. After parliamentary elections1993. The coalition government of the Union of Democratic Left Forces, the Polish Peasant Party, etc.1995. the presidential elections are held, in the second round of which Alexander Kvasnevsky wins Lech Valença. After the summit in Madrid in1997 year and summit in Washington Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary entered NATO, andMay 1, 2004 - to the European Union.

The history of the Polish state consists of many centuries. The beginning of statehood was found in the middle of the 10th century. Prior to that, in the territory of the land, which are now included in the composition of Poland and partly neighboring countries, processes of ethnogenesis, the formation of breeding unions, was taken by Christianity, it was the beginning of the first dynasty.

The historical development of Poland is distinguished by the periods of takeoffs and falls, drama, heroic actions of rulers and national heroes. Until the end of the 18th century The Polish kingdom was independent, then its territory was divided between several states. And only in the 19th century. The process of gradual restoration of independence and the return of ethnic lands has begun.

The modern history of Poland is created under the influence of various factors and events that affect the political, public, economic and social side of the life of the state and its population.


The ethnonym "Poland" originated from the Latin Polonia, which was used to designate Polyan Land. This is the historic region of the Great Poland, where the specified tribes lived. Gradually, the name spread to the whole kingdom. It happened at the end of the 10th - early 11th century, when Poland already existed as a separate state in Central Europe and conducted an independent foreign policy.

In the 16th century After the signing of the Lublin Ulya, the name "Commonwealth" appeared (Rzeczpospolita Polska). This name is enshrined in the Constitution of the country, and this is how the Poles call their state. Official documents also use names: Poland or Polska, Poland, Republic of Poland.


In 877, the city of Gniezno, based on the Polyan tribe, became the capital of the Polish state. It was the main city of Greater Poland, which the tribes living in Moravia were conquered within the specified year. They were then conquered and small Poland. The center of the formation of statehood was big Poland with the city of Gniezno, in which the residence of rulers from the dynasty of the fives was located. Immediately built the first archbishop of Poland.

In the 14th century There was a change in the metropolitan town. Prince Vladislav Balekek was crowned in Krakow as the king and the ruler of Poland. At the beginning of the 17th century The new residence of the rulers of Poland became Warsaw, which was turned de facto in the capital back in 1596.

The city of Poznan never performed the official functions of the capital of the state, but was one of the political and economic centers of the Kingdom, his strategic, important shopping, commercial and transport city. As a result, Poznań all the time challenged the palm of championship for the right to become the capital of Poland with Krakow and Warsaw.

Settlement of the territory

The first settlements of primitive people appeared on the territory of modern Poland during the Paleolithic period. The parking lot of Neanderthals was found in the southern regions of the country, in the upper reaches of Oder and Vistula. The Neanderthals came to change, which settled on the shores of the Baltic.

In Neolithic, the spread was received agriculture and cattle breeding, culture of tape and cord ceramics, on the basis of which the following archaeological cultures were developed:

  • Propyright.
  • Tshnetskaya.
  • Baltic.

The main role was played by tribes - carriers of the leading culture. During the copper and bronze ages, the structure of primitive society became complicated, new products of labor appeared, the tools, agriculture developed, metallurgy, developed the first fortifications called gods.

At the end of the bronze century, the first skirmishes between the tribes were taken, who settled Oder, Vistula, Baltic. Robbery became frequent, which in the Iron Age led to larger clashes, the manufacture of a large amount of weapons from iron and other metals. Weapons are found in numerous burials for nobility and warriors. The pool began to close nomads. At first, these were the ancestors of the German tribes, then residents of the seaside regions. They replaced the Celts that were assimilated. At the junction of centuries to our and our era, the tribes of the early Slavs appeared in Poland, whose ancestors were Luzhitsky and seaside tribes. Slavs created a daimple culture that spread in Oder and Vistula. In the chronicles about the first Slavs there are few reliable information. Greek and Roman authors call them crowns. They traded with Rome, engaged in hunting, amber collection, made ceramic ornaments and weapons. In the first centuries of our era, the Germans came to Wisle: Goths, hepids, Burgundy, Vandals. Slavic tribes up to the 3rd century. BC. Constantly fought with Germans, pusing them from Poland.

Creation of the first state

Praslavyansky tribes were numerous, but the name of modern Poland and the people occurred from Polyan. Next to them lived other nations that lived in Pomorie, Silesia, on Vistula and Oder, where the largest political and shopping centers of Slavs arose. The first cities were Krakow, Szczecin, Volin, Gdansk, Gniezno, Plock, arising as centers of breeding associations. Historians call such centers by Opoles - associations of dozens of settlements, headed by the veche. It was a meeting of men in which important issues of the internal and external life of the tribe and the entire settlement were solved. In the center of Opolya, Grodes were located. They managed the princes with their own military squads, the authorities limited to the versions. The prince has enjoyed the population to taxes, solved what tribes to conquer, turn into slaves.

In the 70s 9th century The rulers of Great Moravia captured the principality of large and small Poland. So the first protortment appeared, but it existed to 906 when the Czech Republic seized him.

An independent principality, which was successfully freed from under the authorities of Chekhov, appeared in 966. He was created by Meshko, the representative of the ancient Polish dynasty of fives. The composition of his state included such land:

  • Gdansk and its surroundings,
  • Pomorie, including West Pomorie,
  • Silesia,
  • territory along the Vistula.

Meshko was married to the daughter of the Czech ruler Boleslav the first, which was the name of the peeve. In 966, Meshko was baptized in the city of Regensburg, which belonged to Cehm. From that moment on the Polish lands, Christianity began to spread. To strengthen its role in 968, in Poland created their own bishoprosis, which was formally subordinate to the Roman dads. Mescheke minted his coin and conducted an active foreign policy. Ripping relations with Czech rulers, the first king of Poland acquired the enemy for the country, with whom the kingdom constantly rolled.

Heritage Mesho first

After the death of the first king, Poland began to actively develop. During the 11th century. There were such changes:

  • Created archbishopianship in the city of Gniezno.
  • Bishoprics are open in Krakow, Wroclaw, Kolobrzeg.
  • Expanded the boundaries of the state.
  • Active building chosets across the country in Byzantine and Gothic styles.
  • Poland has been addicted to the sacred Roman Empire.
  • An administrative reform was carried out, based on the results of which the kingdom of the feet were divided into the provinces, and they are on kashettia, that is, the city districts. There were areas that ended with voivodships.

Period of fragmentation

At the beginning of the 12th century. Poland, like many medieval states of that time, broke into separate principles. The political chaos and a constant dynastic struggle began, participation in which vassals took, church, princes. The situation worsened the attack of Mongol-Tatars, which in the middle of the 13th century. It was robbed and devastated almost all the state. At this time, the raids of Lithuanians, Prussians, Hungarians, Tutons were strengthened. The last colonized the Baltic coast, creating our own state. Because of him, Poland lost the exit to the Baltic for a long time.

The consequences of fragmentation were:

  • The central government has completely lost its influence and control in the kingdom.
  • Poland managed representatives of the highest aristocracy and small nobles who tried to protect the borders of the state from external enemies.
  • Most of the Polish lands were empty, the population was killed or enclosed by Mongol-Tatars. German colonists rushed to the empty lands.
  • New cities began to appear, in which the Magdeburg law received distribution.
  • Polish peasants became addicted to know, and the German colonists were free.

The association of Polish lands began Vladislav Balkiek, Prince Busty, crowned as Vladislav First. They laid the foundations of the new kingdom, the development of which is connected with the Board of Casimir of the Third Great, the Son of Vladislav. His Board is considered one of the most successful in Europe of the 14th century, since he did not just revive Poland and the national identity of the Poles, and there was a lot of reforms, military campaigns. Thanks to this, Poland has turned into a leading player on the European continent, Hungary, France, East Prussia, Kiev Rus, Valahia were considered with her policy.

Coming to the power of Yagellonov

The successor of Casimir the Great became Louis Hungarian, or Louis is the first great. When he died, the nobles made his queen his younger daughter Jadvig, which was forced to marry the Lithuanian Prince-Gentham Yagayl. He accepted Catholicism under the terms of the Krevian Ulya, was crowned under the name of Vladislav second and became the founder of the Yagellon dynasty.

With it, Poland and Lithuania have taken the first attempt to unite in the framework of political union to the State Union.

Yagailo was a successful politician who laid the foundation of the Golden Age of Poland. His heir Casimir fourth defeated the Teutonic Order, connected Poland with dynastic Uzami with Lithuania, returned the territory along the Baltic Sea.

In the 16th century Poland began to compete and successfully compete with many European states. In particular, the lands of the former Kievan and Galician Rus were captured, Lithuania is finally attached. The golden age of the Polish medieval state is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • The adoption of the first Constitution of the Kingdom.
  • The approval of the two-chamber parliament is the Seimas and the Senate.
  • Creating a strong army.
  • Providing huge privileges of a gentry and aristocracy.
  • Active foreign policy.
  • Successful protection of the external borders of the state.
  • Neutralization of Brandenburg and Prussia.
  • The creation of a compulculated speech, which includes Poland and Lithuania.
  • Strengthening the central authority of the king, the position of which became elected.
  • Founded by universities who have become the promiscuity of Catholicism in Central and Eastern Europe.
  • Signing Brest Ulya.
  • Intensification of the activities of Jesuit, who trained Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Belarusians in their colleges and higher educational institutions.

King Sigismund the second died childlessly, which was the reason for the gradual weakening of the central office of power. Sejm received the right to choose the heir to the throne, the powers of the parliament expanded significantly. At the end of the 16th century, Poland gradually began to turn from a limited monarchy to the aristocratic parliamentary republic. Representatives to the executive bodies were appointed for life, and the king was forced to actively cooperate with parliament.

The end of the golden century has arrived in the 17th century, when Cossack uprisings were permanent, which ended with the war for liberation from the influence of Poland. The external threat began to come from Russia, Turkey, East Prussia. The entire 17th century Polish kings and the army fought with neighboring states:

  • At first, Eastern Prussia was lost.
  • Then the left bank of Ukraine according to Andrusovsky truce.
  • Russia has increased influence in Warsaw.

Permanent wars caused chaos and riots in the kingdom itself. Magnates and aristocracy moved to the service to the Moscow state orders, sworn by their loyalty. Poles made attempts to participate in the political life of the country, but all the attempts of the uprisings ended in failures.

Three sections of the Commonwealth

During the reign of Stanislav Augustus, the last king of independent Poland, the state was separated into several parts. The ruler of the resistance did not provide, since he was a protege of Russia.

Prerequisites for the first section of Poland in 1772 became the Russian-Turkish war and mass uprisings in Poland. The kingdom lands at this time were divided Austria, Russia and Prussia.

In the occupied lands, the election monarchy and the Constitution were preserved, the State Council was created, the Jesuit Order was dissolved. In 1791, a new constitution was adopted, Poland turned into a hereditary monarchy with the executive system, parliament, who was elected once every two years.

The second section occurred in 1793, Prussia and Russia were divided among them. Two years later, Austria received participation in the territory section, since then the Polish kingdom has not become on the political map of Europe.

Dramatic 19th century

A large number of representatives of Polish nobility and aristocracy migrated to France and England. Here they developed plans to restore the independence of Poland. The first attempt was taken at the beginning of the 19th century, when Napoleon began his conquest of Europe. In France, legions of the Poles immediately formed, who took part in the hikes of Bonaparte.

In Polish territories, which were part of Prussia, Napoleon created the Grand Duch of Warsaw. It existed from 1807 to 1815, in 1809, Polish lands were attached to him, taken away from Austria. The principality lived 4.5 million Poles who submitted to France.

In 1815, a Vienna Congress was held, which secured territorial changes related to Poland. First, Krakow became a fully free city with republican rights. The patronage was provided to him Austria, Russia, Prussia.

Secondly, the West of the Warsaw Principality gave Prussia, whose rulers called this part of Poland the Grand Durability of Poznan. Thirdly, the eastern part of the state education created by Napoleon gave Russia. So the kingdom of Polish appeared.

Poles in the composition of these states were a constant problem of monarchs, since raised uprisings, created their parties, developed literature and language, Polish traditions and culture. The best position of the Poles was in Austria, where the monarchs gave permission to create universities in Krakow and Lviv. The activities of several parties were officially allowed, the Poles entered the Austrian Parliament.

Poland in the 20th century.

The intelligentsia in each of the parts of the former kingdom grasped for any opportunity to start a large-scale national revival. Such an opportunity was introduced in 1914, when World War I broke out. The Polish Question was one of the key in Austria-Hungary politics, Russia and Germany. Monarchy manipulated the desire of Poles to the revival of their own state. The tragedy was that the Poles fought in different armies at the fronts of the First World War. There was no unity between political parties, between the aristocracy and the intelligentsia.

Despite the disagreements and contradictions among Polish political circles and monarchies, in 1918, the decision of the countries of Antanka Poland was revived as an independent state. The country was recognized by the United States, Britain, France. The whole full of power has departed to the Regency Council, which was headed by Yuzef Pilsudsky. In 1919, he became president of the country, elections were held in the Seimas.

According to the decisions of the Versailles Conference, the borders of Poland were approved, although the issue of Eastern Cresses remained open for a long time. It is land, the right to own which the Ukrainian and Polish authorities challenged. Only the Riga Treaty, signed in 1921, had decided this problem for a while.

During the 1920-1930s. Pilsudsky and his government tried to lead the country in order. But the situation still remained unstable in all spheres.

This, the president himself and his supporters successfully took advantage, having carried out a military coup in 1925. In Poland, the sanational regime was established, which existed until 1935, when Pilsudsky died. Then there was a return to the presidential form of the Board, but the inner position had worsened all the time. An anti-Semitic policy strengthened, the activities of the political party and the Seimas were limited. The government, realizing that in Europe, maturing the center of a new war, tried to protect the borders. The non-aligned policy provided for the refusal to enter into different military-political blocks, from the signing of non-aggression treaties with neighboring states. As the story showed, Poland did not save it.

On September 1, 1939, Germany occupied the country, Western Ukraine and Belarus moved to the Soviet Union.

The Second World War was for Poland a national tragedy. Poles Third Reich considered people of the third grade, tending for heavy work, destroying in concentration camps, killing spyings, terrorist acts. Many cities, Warsaw historical centers, Krakow, Gdansk, Danzig, ports, infrastructure were destroyed. The Germans, leaving Poland, exploded the churches, enterprises, robbed, exported art objects, painting, architecture with cars.

The country from the occupation liberated the Red Army, which allowed Stalin to include Poland into the zone of influence of the USSR. Communists who pursued everyone who was ready or did not agree to take new realities came to power.

Radical changes began in the 1980s, when the Solidarity party was created and the Cold War was visible, and not a reality in the countries of the socialist. This period of time was very difficult for the republic. Crisis phenomena covered enterprises, mines, financial and economic systems, authorities. Permanent price increase, a high level of unemployment, strike, demonstration, inflation only complicated the situation and did any reform of power ineffective.

In 1989, "Solidarity", which headed Lech Valens, defeated the elections to the Sejm. Radical transformations began in Poland, affected all spheres of public life. In many ways, the success of reforms was determined by the support of the Catholic Church and the elimination of communists from power.

Valens was the president until 1995, when Alexander Kvasnevsky went around him in the first round.

Modern Poland.

Kvalica Poles were chosen due to the fact that they were tired over decades of shock therapy and political instability. The new president promised to lead the country to the EU and NATO. The presidential cadence of the new head of state was not simple, as they say the permanent shifts of the government. Nevertheless, a new constitution was adopted, a reform was carried out in the executive, legislative and judicial bodies, the stabilization of the economy began, the workplaces appeared, the situation of workers at the enterprises were improved, the mines and market began to work again, the list of products that Poland was exploring abroad.

Kwasnevsky in 2000 was chosen by the president again, and this allowed to continue the reform course started in previous years. The head of state, like his government, was focused on the countries of the West. The European vector clearly traced in the internal and foreign policy of Poland. In 1999, the republic became a member of the North Atlantic Alliance, and after five years she was accepted in the EU.

In 2010 Poland has established close ties with the countries of the region: Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, creating the Visegrad Four. Separate directions that are strategically important for the country, Ukraine and Russia became.

Poland today has become one of the key EU key players, identifying the external policy of the Union in relation to the countries of Eastern and Southeastern Europe. The country participates in various regional organizations and associations, creates a system for protecting its own borders. Globalization processes changed the labor market and economic conjuncture, as a result of which the Poles have become massively leaving for earnings in Germany, Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia countries. The ethnic structure of the population is changing, which is associated with the massive tributaries of labor migrants from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. Poland is forced to accept refugees from Arab countries who run away from wars in their states.