Bouleon from beef calorie per 100 grams. Beef broth

Meat broth, obtained after cooking beef meat and / or bones. It can serve as the basis for soups, boors, sauces, porridge, risotto, stew, casserole, fuel.


Beef bones can be used to obtain beef broth (sugar), naked, shovel. In order to be cooked on the bones, the broth was more fragrant, they can be pre-baked in the oven together with vegetables.

As a rule, 400 grams of meat are taken to prepare a broth for 1-1.5 liters of water.

The meat is washed, cut off the films, fat, cut, put into the pan and poured with cold water. After the water boiled, you need to collect all the foam for 5 minutes. Then it is recommended to drain the first broth, rinse the meat and a saucepan. It will help to get rid of harmful substances that are in meat and bones.

Meat is again placed in a saucepan and flooded with cold water. Repeated to boil, and when the water boiled, the fire decreases to the minimum. At this stage, it is important to collect all the foam, which is formed within 10 minutes. It will make broth transparent.

After the foam ceases to form, vegetables can be put into the broth. As a rule, it is onions, garlic, celery, carrots, parsley root. Before this, vegetables can be fused on a frying pan without oil to obtain a crust. An hour after laying vegetables, they can be removed. Broth is better to cook without a lid so that it keeps transparency.

Beef broth is boiled 3-4 hours. Readiness can be checked by trying to separate the meat from the bone: if it moves well, you can turn off the fire.

For 15 minutes before the end of the cooking, you can add spices, pepper, greens, bay leaf and salt. If the broth will be used to prepare other dishes, then the salt can be not added.

When the broth is ready, it needs to be strain after several layers of gauze. Beef broth can be served immediately, but you can freeze. To remove fat, it needs to be cooled and collect frozen fat.


In 100 grams of the product contains 42 kcal.

Beneficial features

Beef broth is well absorbed and fills the body with plenty of nutrients and vitamins. The amino acid - Taurine contained in it - protects cell membranes. The broth helps to remove free radicals from the body, improves digestion, strengthens immunity, helps to recover after suffering severe diseases.

Broth - a tasty and satisfying dish, from which almost one person will not refuse. The boiling or not, with carrots, onions and greens, the meat broth delivers a lot of benefit to our organism. Is it possible to lose weight to drink meat broth, the calorieness of which, figuratively speaking, "excavation"? After all, this first dish can be prepared both from oily meat (for example, pork, chicken) and from low-fat - beef, rabbit, veal, lamb. In addition, each hostess adjusts the recipe for its preparations on the taste of their family preferences.

Useful properties of broth

Chicken broth has a huge amount of useful properties. Despite the low calorie content of this broth, it is quite nutritious. Its use pretty quickly helps the body of even a sick person to restore the strength and energy potential. The broth is one of the first tools that are used to treat patients with colds or influenza, as it has an anti-inflammatory and well-fascinating effect on the human body as a whole.

The meat broth contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals - zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as the useful body of vitamins of group V. Considering how many calories in broth, its useful properties are invaluable.

The brewing chicken broth is allowed even to people after operations and suffering from the gastrointestinal tract. Since the calories in the broth there is little, he does not unhaps the body, but at the same time it brings great benefits.

How many calories in the beef and chicken broth?

In addition to the general affecting effect on the human body, the broth is also an excellent dietary dish for those who want to lose weight. It has excellent taste and nutrition, and also easily prepared.

The caloric content of the broth depends on the type of meat product and its fatness - pork, chicken, beef, veal. This indicator also affects the amount of water used for the boiling cooking. For example, if you take 1 liter of water and 300 grams not too fat beef, it turns out a more fat broth, the calorie content of which will be about 60 kcal per 100 grams of the product. For those who want to lose weight, the chicken broth is best suited, the calorieness of which is about 20 kcal per 100 grams.

Nutritionists came to the conclusion that it is the chicken broth that is not better suited for weight loss. First of all, because the caloric content of chicken broth is significantly lower than when using other types of meat. But it is worth considering that this indicator will depend on the chicken itself and the presence of spices in the dish. The calorie content of salt broth is slightly larger than fresh, prepared almost without adding salt, but also its taste quality is significantly different for the better. Therefore, it is unambiguous to answer how many calories in the broth is difficult. You can calculate their number only approximately or take advantage of the coal target table of products.

In order for the dish to be dietary, it is necessary to use only low-fat meat, or pre-trim off excess fat. The chicken carcass should be divided into parts, put into the water and bring to a boil. After that, the first broth is better merged and pour the meat with clean water. Before it is well rinsed with water meat, add onions and greens. This will reduce the calorie content of the broth. Also, a dish prepared in this way can be given to small children, since its high fatness in this method of cooking will significantly decrease.

Calorie beef broth and its useful properties

Beef also applies to dietary dishes, there are no carbohydrates, but contains a large amount of protein. Beef broth gives poisoning and severe intoxication. It is also very popular in dietary nutrition systems.

Calorie beef broth will be less if used veal. This is the most low-fat meat. It is him that people who need a medical diet and young children are given. Therefore, in the dietary diet, the broth is often used from veal. The caloric content of the broth when using low-fat meat and a large amount of water is only 20-20 kilocalories per 100 grams. In addition, boiled beef from the broth is also an excellent dietary dish, which can be used by all losing weight. But to say the exact number of calories in this case is difficult, so if you are interested in how many calories in beef broth with various additives, you will have to fold the caloric content of its ingredients.

The caloric content of beef broth can be somewhat more, if you add vegetables into it, cook with a small amount of water or use bold meat. However, calories in the broth still will not be more than 70 per 100 grams of the product, that is, one portion will bring your body no more than 150-200 kilocalories. At the same time, the dish is very tasty, satisfying and nutritious.

Harmful properties of beef broth

Beef broth perfectly affects the stomach, normalizes digestive processes in it. But only meat broth has these properties. Some people boils from cubes. Cubic caloric content from cubes is also very small, but it contains a large number of flavors, salts and nutritional supplements that can lead to gastritis or even the formation of an ulcer in the stomach.

Beef broth is a delicious and nutritious product, which can be both an independent dish and the basis for a large number of culinary recipes. Dishes prepared using beef, low-fat, high protein content and minimal carbohydrates, therefore are considered dietary. Broth nutritionists recommend to use people of different ages to restore forces after suffering from diseases and operations, to reduce the weight and saturation of the body with vitamins.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the selected meat, the storage conditions and the availability of quality certificates for the goods from the seller, since a spoiled or poor-quality product will not only bring the benefit of the body, but also cause harm.

Composition and calorie

In culinary books you can meet several types of this product, which have a different appointment and the purpose of cooking.

  • Meat - Cooked with natural meat. Advantages: Contains a small amount of cholesterol and a high percentage of protein. It is used for dietary nutrition of adults and children.
  • From subproducts - manufactured from beef hearts, language and kidney. Recommended nutritionists to reduce weight.
  • Bone - Contains a high percentage of fat and gelling particles and is the basis for nutritional soups and a filling. Made from different types of bones and tendons. The most popular raw materials for this dish are brain bones that give the dish unique flavor and gold color.

The composition of the broth includes a large number of vitamins and trace elements:

  • protein of animal origin;
  • vitamins of group B, K, PP;
  • folic acid;
  • amino acids - tryptophan, methionine;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus.
  • proteins are about 20 grams;
  • fat - 12.5 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 0.

Among the various types of beef broth contains the smallest amount of calories and is the most sought-after product, which helps to reduce body weight without stress for the body. In 100 grams of dishes, there will be only about 5 kilokalories, 0.6 g of proteins, 0.2 g of fats.

The calorieness of soups prepared on the basis of broth will depend on the composition and number of other ingredients. For example, the energy value of 100 grams of borsch with beef can be 21-30 kcal.

On the shelves of grocery stores you can see ready-made dry broth cubes of various manufacturers.

Such a "beef" broth is not a nutritious and useful product, and in its composition there may be dyes, aromatic additives, taste amplifiers and preservatives that have a negative impact on the human body.

What is useful?

The nutrient broth is used not only in the daily diet, but also as a dietary and therapeutic product. Among its main useful properties, the following are allocated for the body:

  • increase in blood hemoglobin, treatment of anemia and various cardiovascular diseases;
  • prevention of seasonal virus diseases, support for the body with a cold, improving immunity;
  • treatment of poisoning, normalization of the digestive system and the gastric tract (diarrhea);
  • an increase in the amount of gastric juice, an improvement in appetite;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • an increase in the elasticity of the joints, the formation of muscle mass;
  • restoration of strength and energy after physical and mental loads;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes in the body;
  • restoration of the body after long-term intake of drugs, diseases and operations;
  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • restoration of bone tissue after fractures of varying severity;
  • treatment of pancreatitis.

Possible harm

Beef broth is considered one of the most useful products and has a minimum number of contraindications:

  • gout;
  • arthritis;
  • allergic reaction and individual intolerance;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • high secretion of intestines.

In order for the product to do not harm, experts advise special attention to pay for its quality. Maximum benefits will bring meat and dice of domestic animals that firing only environmentally friendly products.

Products on the market may contain antibiotics and other types of drugs with which cows and calves were treated. The seller must provide the Buyer all documents issued by controlling organizations.

Experienced cooks are not recommended for broth use meat on the bone, which can contain salts of heavy metals. To reduce their number in a prepared dish, it is necessary to drain liquid after boiling and re-pour water. Most of the harmful substances remain in the first broth.

Purines included in the product are involved in the formation of uric acid, which provokes the appearance of stones in the bustling bubble, the development of kidney disease and violation of metabolic processes.

The amount of useful substances that will go to the body depends on the quality of the purchased meat. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following product properties:

  • no unpleasant odor;
  • natural color scheme;
  • rapid restoration of the location of the press;
  • the lack of a sticky film on the surface and a large amount of moisture at the edges.

Preparation of the correct broth includes several stages:

  • removal of thin film and tendons;
  • after the first boiling, mandatory drainage of the entire liquid;
  • re-washing the product and filling the pan with purified water;
  • adding salt only at the end of the cooking process.

On the cooked broth you can cook soup, borsch or porridge or just add carrots, greens or celery.

A large amount of beam can be frozen, spilling it into special plastic containers. Frozen product can be in the freezer for 7 months.

On a diet

Overweight is one of the main problems of a modern person. Low quality food and bad ecology led to the obesity not only children, but also adults. Specialists in proper nutrition developed a large number of diets, which are based on a beef decoction. This product quickly saturates and is low-calorie. Beef broth can be the basis for a huge amount of vegetable soups and stew.

For a delicious and fragrant dish, you need to know a few secrets of its preparation:

  • washing the product before cooking;
  • cooking time depends on the quality of meat, but can not be less than 1 hour;
  • compulsory removal of scale;
  • in the event of a liquid bumping, only hot water is allowed.

Reducing weight occurs due to the removal of slag and toxins from the body, rapid saturation of the body and a sufficiently long absence of a feeling of hunger. Broth quickly excreted from the body and does not form fat deposits.

With breastfeeding

Pediatricians strongly recommend include this product into a daily diet of a young mother who feeds newborn breasts. Beef broth will become not only the source of all necessary for the harmonious growth and development of the child of vitamins and microelements, but also help to restore the body of a woman after childbirth will strengthen its immunity and normalizes the work of all internal organs. The main condition for obtaining the maximum amount of nutrients is the choice of high-quality meat, which does not contain hazardous and harmful substances for the body.

Beef is the most sought-after meat during breastfeeding period, which quickly quenches the hunger and is not a source of excess weight. To obtain maximum benefit from the product, several rules must be followed:

  • introduction to the diet only three days after delivery;
  • gradual addition to vegetables into broth;
  • acquisition of only meat of young animals, better cut;
  • consumption of small portions;
  • the absence of seasonings and taste additives;
  • mandatory soaking of meat and pouring the first broth.

In the event of an allergic reaction, a child needs to stop the use of meat at least 30 days, and re-introducing into the diet to start with small portions, observing the state of the newborn. The uncontrolled use of beef beam can provoke the appearance of colic, swolves, constipation and disruption of the digestive system.

The use of broth from the sub-products is allowed three months after childbirth.

With pancreatitis

For patients suffering from inflammation of the pancreas, beef is a permitted product. An animal protein, which is contained in large quantities, restores the structure of the internal organs and relieves inflammation. The product normalizes the acidic balance of the stomach and stabilizes the metabolic processes in the body. Despite the positive effect of beef, nutritionists recommend using a limited amount of this product.

With sharp forms of development of pancreatitis, beef broths are categorically prohibited. If the disease passed into the chronic stage, the decoctions are allowed only during the remission.

During pregnancy

Cheating a child is a difficult stage in the life of each woman. During this period, the female body especially needs a large number of vitamins and beneficial substances, the source of which can become beef broth. In culinary books you can find a large amount of delicious and useful dishes based on it, whose portions, however, should not be too large. The use of a limited amount of product will reduce the burden on the kidneys and the liver. Spicy seasonings and sauces are contraindicated to women in this period of life.

Pregnant with severe kidney pathologies is forbidden to enter this dish into its diet. In this case, it can be replaced by bananas, buckwheat, oats, dates, beans, nuts, wheat and soy.

Beef is a unique product that satures the organism necessary vitamins, minerals and microelements.

Broth from this product is an indispensable dish for the restoration of forces after illness, reduce excess weight, as well as for the normal intrauterine development of the child and throughout the childhood.

About how to cook beef broth, see the next video.

Beef broth - the thing is very tasty and useful. Easy, transparent, with a pronounced taste, it repeatedly improves the taste of borscht. Soup cooked on it turns into a treat.

And how delightful this broth with greens and fragrant black croutons! In general, he is universal.

Want to lose weight? There is nothing better than beef broth. Need to restore the strength and gain weight? Strengthen immunity? Are you tired and excluded? Drink beef broth. The whole secret of its benefit is in its composition.

Calorie beef broth

It primarily depends on the concentration of broth, from the size of a piece of meat in which volume of water will be laid. Masives and what exactly the meat is used. So, the meat of the slaughter containing slightly more fats gives more calorie broth. And meat with bones for greater taving (that is, the transition to a larger than proteins) practically does not contain fat - therefore it is used, if necessary, reduce the energy value of Navar. So the caloric content of the beef broth varies in a fairly large limits - from 4 to 60 kcal.

Useful properties of beef broth

Beef - the meat is low-fat, so in the Navar transitions primarily proteins - building material for the body. Fats in it are much smaller. And carbohydrates are practically absent.

There is also magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, vitamins of group B, amino acids Proline and glycine.

Broth is very easily absorbed and provides the body with construction materials and water, improves metabolism. Therefore, it can be used almost in any situations.

Even after operations - after all, he, without overloading the digestive system, saturately saturates. With colds, it has a fascinating and anti-inflammatory effect. If you have frozen hard, then drink broth is a great way to warm up, not only because it is warm, but also because the eaten will be quickly involved by the body.

The welded boulevard from the bones is very useful for bones and joints - after all, the calcium and collagen it is washed in Navar. And if you lose weight - Drink broth! He will deceive taste receptors due to the taste of meat, will provide you with everything necessary, but the calories will bring quite a bit.

It is undesirable to use the broth (first of all very welded) when problems with the pancreas and for gout. It may make a broth prepared from poor-quality meat.

How to choose beef on broth

The main condition for obtaining good broth is high-quality meat. Homemade beef is best. For a more fat, the sishek is perfect. More dietary will turn out of the rear. From the bones, it is best to choose calfs or beef ribs.

In general, with bones for broth should be attentive. The fact is that all sorts of not the most beneficial substances accumulate in them, for example, a number of heavy metals, which willingly die in Navar. Therefore, if you are not sure about the quality of meat, then the bone is better not to use. Well, and if the broth from such bones is still needed, the bones and meat are poured with water and bring to a boil. Most of the whole unnecessary time to go into the water. And it is merged. The meat is poured reused and boil.

By the way, in any case, when boiling should be removed by foam - until it stands out. This will remove all unnecessary substances from Navara and achieve the purity and transparency of the broth.

What to cook with beef broth

Beef broth is good for cooking soups and sauces, tasty itself, and fragrant Ukrainian borscht without good broth does not happen at all.
Unusually useful diet vegetable soups are boiling on the broth from the flesh - for example, from the dorsal part. For sauces, you need a larger decoction from the slaughter. For borscht, the bone is required. And the broth in its pure form can be prepared from different pieces, depending on flavors and necessity.

If we do to consider calories, we consider them in everything - the caloric content of each eaten piece is important for weight loss or weight control. When cooking soups, we know exactly how many calories in carrots and bow, and how much - in the cabbage. And how many calories in the broth, on which we cook soup?

To calculate how many calories in broth, you need, firstly, find out what meat was used to prepare a broth. If you are sitting on a diet, then, of course, you know that the fatty meat is not worth eating - it is too calorie. Like fat broths for the same reason. When cooking meat to reduce the calorie content of the broth, it is recommended to remove the pop-up to the top with a spoon. Also, another tricky method is used to reduce the caloric content of the broth - they cook it in the "second" water, that is, when the water boils, and the meat is breating for about 5 minutes, the water is drained, poured a new one and it is in it that the meat is boosted.

The calorie content in the broth depends, as we have already said, from meat, from which the broth is welded. The lower the caloric content of meat - the lower the caloric content of the broth from it. The smaller the fat meat - the less calorie will be its broth. We offer you a table of calorie content of broth so that you can accurately calculate the calorie content of your soups (the caloric content of the broth is given per 100 gr).

  • calorie Mushroom Broth - 4.3 kcal;
  • caloriciness of vegetable broth - 12.85 kcal;
  • the calorie of the broth from the Fish of Heck - 26.15 kcal;
  • calorie of meat broth (pork) - 40 kcal;
  • calorie of meat broth (beef) - 29 kcal;
  • calorie of broth from beef bones - 28.6 kcal;
  • calorie of meat broth (lamb) - 18.4 kcal.

It can be easily seen that the lowest calorie content in chicken broth and lamb (except vegetable and mushroom broth). Here on them and you need to cook soups to those who are sitting on a diet.

What is useful to broth

The caloric content of the broth is quite low, and their saturation is quite high - after all, the main source of calories in the broth is fats, and they are the most calories from nutrients. At the same time, the broths are useful for digestion, since the hot liquid dish helps digesting food and improves the intestinal operation; Bouillons are rich in vitamins of the group B, who, firstly, strengthen our nervous system, improve brain activity and memory, remove stress and improve sleep; secondly, impede the aging of the body, fight with free radicals and improve the condition of hair, nails and skin; And thirdly, the metabolism is normalized, participate in the synthesis of enzymes and hormones in the body, the production of new cells and contribute to the normal operation of all organism systems. Broths contain magnesium and zinc, which are necessary for metabolism, cell regeneration and tissues, good immunity, strong memory, good hair and skin, as well as firing cleavage in the body. Also in them a lot of phosphorus, which is a mandatory building material for bones and nervous tissue, and other necessary and important elements for the body.

The broths strengthen the immunity and help to fight with colds and viral diseases, they accelerate the recovery and rehabilitation of a person after suffering from diseases favorably affect the blood pressure and the work of the heart, useful for the stomach and are an excellent tool for the prevention of thrombosis.

The most useful broth: chicken broth calorie

Yes, the most useful and most dietary broth - chicken, and not from fence, where there is a lot of fat and cholesterol, but from breast, in which a lot of protein, vitamins and minerals, especially phosphorus. Chicken broth improves digestion, contributes to the regeneration of tissues and healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences, it strengthens his teeth and bones, accelerates the misses of the broken bones, soothes, relieves stress and improves memory. With coldic diseases, chicken broth not only helps to cope with the disease, removes the temperature, improves sleep and relieves inflammation, but also speeds up the restoration of the body after it.

Chicken broth is shown by patients with diabetes mellitus, as it normalizes blood sugar content. A rich in protein, chicken broth is very useful for the cardiovascular system.

The chicken broth helps well not only with a cold, but also in another case, when the human well-being is bad enough - it's about a hangover syndrome. A glass or two warm chicken broth in the morning after rapid inspections will help to start the body's metabolism, will begin to remove toxins from the body, will help the digestive system to come to themselves, stretch the work of the intestine to remove the remains of alcohol from the digestive system, they will remove the headache and return the clarity of thought. And the hot green tea with lemon split the remains of toxins and finally return you to the working condition.

However, if you are allergic, then the unlimited use of chicken broth can cause allergic reactions, so be careful.

Dietary soups based on chicken broth

Chicken broth is boiled on a slow heat for about 50 minutes. To enrich it with vitamins and make it even tastier, in the middle of the cooking process, put on the bulb, carrots and root of parsley or celery. In the welded broth, you can add a boiled chicken egg, fresh greens and rye crackers. Calorie content of such a diet soup is easy to calculate:

  • chicken and vegetable broth - 200 gr (50 kcal);
  • rye crackers - 10 gr (40 kcal);
  • parsley green - beam (3 kcal);
  • boiled egg - 55 gr (87 kcal).

Total: portion of broth with rye crackers, greens and chicken egg - 265 gr (180 kcal). Such soup can be easily satisfied, and if you add to the second cup of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers with olive oil and lemon juice to it (another 100 kcal), it will turn out a full-fledged low-calorie dinner (only 280 kcal).

Another recipe for a low-calorie vitamin soup based on chicken breast bulb - in the finished lessed broth (600 grams) Add two handsties of chopped broccoli (about 200 grams), 1 chopped carrot (70 gr), on a beam of parsley, basil and spinach (total 100 gr) and cook for about 15 minutes. The calorie content of this soup will be:

  • chicken broth - 200 gr (35 kcal);
  • broccoli - 30 gr (11 kcal);
  • carrots - 25 gr (9 kcal);
  • greens - 30 gr (5 kcal).

Total: portion of chicken broth with vegetables and greens - 285 gr (60 kcal). In such a soup, you can add other vegetables - sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes, bell pepper, chill bean, white cabbage and others. It will not greatly increase its calorie content - a maximum of 20-25 kcal for a portion. If you add a piece of black (rye bread), then the calorieness of the lunch will increase only at 70-80 kcal and will be a maximum of 160 kcal, but you will use even more very beneficial substances - which means that you will also be more healthier, more active, younger and more beautiful.

Therefore, if you are sitting on a diet, replace the usual soups with such light broth suices. They are very useful, contain a lot of vitamins and very few calories, although quite satisfying. They contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, amino acids, mineral elements and vitamins - all that the body needs for normal vital activity.

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