Center for the protection of animal rights "Vita. International Day Vegan International Day Vegan November 1

On November 1, Vegans around the world celebrate their holiday - International Vegan Day (WORLD VEGAN DAY).

The holiday appeared on November 1, 1994, when the first "vegan community" (Vegan Society), created in the UK back in 1944, celebrated its 50th anniversary. On this day, events and information actions dedicated to veganism are held.

Vegan's Day completes the "month of vegetarian awareness" (Vegetarian Awareness Month), which began on October 1 - in.

Each year, the number of supporters of refusal from meat and other products related to the exploitation and murder of animals in the world is growing steadily. One of the main causes of the veganism is: the unwillingness to be involved in the killings of animals and ill-treatment.

Ethics of Vegans considers the issue of human morale to deprivation of animals of life to meet their needs. First of all, this concerns the question, is compatible with the morality of a highly-conveyed person use meat food.

It is an important stimulus to stop consuming animal products. To date, many studies have been conducted proving harm animal food. Vegan food is provided by the human body with everything necessary for normal development and is suitable for all ages.

Well balanced vegetable food is enriched with proteins, iron, calcium and other necessary vitamins and minerals. Plant sources of these nutrients, as a rule, with a low content of saturated fats, high content of fiber and antioxidants, help reduce some of the modern health problems, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Livestock leads to. The production of meat and other livestock products lies with a grave burden on the environment. The overwhelming amount of grain feed required for the production of meat is the cause of reducing the territory of forest areas, loss of habitat and disappearance of species.

The United Nations has been published by the United Nations for several years that large farms collectively produce more greenhouse gas emissions than the automotive industry of the whole land. Research published by the technological University of Chalmers, boldly declares: In order to effectively fight with climate change, we must resolutely change our food preferences, namely to reduce the amount of meat and dairy products in our rations.

After analyzing a modern nutrition system, stated that the use of meat hurts everyone and everything, and the refusal to turn himself with a huge benefit for the world.

Scientists Oxford University that animal food refusal could not only save millions of human lives by 2050 and save billions of dollars who are spent on medical expenses, but also prevent climate change, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions arising from animal husbandry. Report on the study was published in the journal of the US National Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Vegan congratulates on the holiday of his like-minded people - Veganov, as well as those who are just starting their way, realizing the horror of violence committed by mankind towards animals! Patience, success and new victories to everyone! Be happy!

International Vegan Day (World Vegan Day) has been celebrated for more than 20 years. The holiday was born in Europe on November 1, 1994. He completes the "month of vegetarian awareness", opening on October 1. On the final day, informational events are held, shares aimed at enlightening the Company. The TV shows thematic films and programs, and vegan restaurants are overcrowded by visitors. More wishes to join the "Vegan Community" (Vegan Society). Every year the number of people who adhere to a vegetarian lifestyle are increasing. On the eve of the holiday - Vegan's Day 2017, we will tell you about Vegans, their history and nutrition.

Ideology of vegan society

Veganness is the most strict form of vegetarianism, which consists in maximum refusal of products, when receiving which animals were operated or killed. The Word itself, denoting the person who does not consume the above products, "Vegan" was invented by the founder of the Vegeton Vegan Society by reducing the English word "Vegetarian".

D. Watson dedicated himself to the judgment that the veganism can give everything to the person to answer an important question: why does he live? According to him, not to hurt does not need to make efforts - modern transport allows you to bring any products for vegan food from any end of the world. He urged to join his community, to become healthy and without a heavy cargo of conscience of murders and ill-treatment of animals, add a dozen beautiful years of life.

It is believed that a person in its natural origin was Vegan, which proves the physiology of the human body. The annual number of followers of the vegetarian direction is growing, people refuse meat and products created by animal abuse. They do not use meat, eggs, fish and do not use products that were tested on animals. The main reason for the appeal to Vegan is the reluctance to be a member of the operation of unfortunate animals.

The ideology of the Vegan direction was the consideration of the issue of moral human rights. Whether he has the right to use smaller brothers to meet needs, often optional and having a harmless analogue. A modern man has the opportunity to realize the cruelty of animal handling and abandon meat consumption in food, stop testing products on animals and buy fur.

Benefits of a vegan lifestyle

Human health is also an important stimulus stopping animal consumption products. There are not few studies confirming the harm of the consumption of meat products.

Thoughtful, comfortable vegan food is capable of providing the human body with the necessary nutrients, promote development and suitable for any age category. A properly balanced menu is enriched with the desired organic substances, such as vitamins, calcium, proteins and iron, also minerals needed for healthy human development. It is at a minimum of saturated fats and a sufficient amount of fiber, antioxidants. The listed substances inherent in plant products help reduce many modern diseases, in their list of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer. This while livestock is rapidly leading to a serious environmental catastrophe. Wide production of meat products and animal husbandry badly affects the environment. For example, the need for grain feed forces to reduce the forest array, burn the fields, thereby destroying the habitat of animals, contributing to extinction of species.

UN with stable constant writes about reducing farms, as they contribute to the greenhouse effect is stronger than the automotive industry. Researchers say that in the fight against climate, humanity should drastically change its nutrition, reducing the consumption of meat and dairy products.

How to become a real vegan

To go to the ranks of vegetarianism, it's not enough to go and understand that you do not want to be involved in ill-treatment of animals, stop eating meat, fish and seafood, use products created by killing or exploiting animals.

The transition to a vegetarian diet should be smooth, gradual, without sharp stressful situations for the body. It is best to consult with a doctor of a nutritionist who will help you abandon animal products and tell about balanced nutrition.

From the part it may seem that the vegan diet is scarce and does not take a diversity and tastes, because the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe veganism is a refusal of products, animal origin. But it is not. Vegetarian kitchen delicious and useful.
Vegan diet allows you to eat with croups, vegetables and fruits, berries, nuts, pasta and bread, seeds. Such a list of products is enough for the preparation of first dishes, desserts and drinks. In addition, the manufacturer offers the following vegan diet products from soybeans (meat products and cheese). Assortment of modern supermarkets provides desserts, such as chocolate for vegans. With such a variety of products should not be afraid of monotonous food.

Warm holiday gift

On International Day, Vegan also adopted to congratulate the adherents of the vegetarian lifestyle. What gift to choose a vegetarian?

Good VEGAN gift - kitchen utensils. Since Vegan's essence lies in food, vegetarian pays particularly much attention to cooking.

  • Blender or shredder Good gift for the kitchen.
  • An excellent gift will be a microformaker for growing grain.
  • Maslopress is a good gift, you can easily prepare a nut pasta.
  • Vacuumator - for Vegan the right thing, because he does not always have the opportunity to eat in the restaurant.
  • The dehydrator will help Vegan to make fruit and vegetable chips, alternative to shop.

And you can also give a book with culinary recipes for vegetarian cuisine. Culinary book is not only recipes recorded in it, but also the soil for fantasy and experiments on new dishes.

Buying clothes as a gift, it should be remembered that it should be only vegetable origin. Fur, wool or silk - taboo for Vegan.

A basket with a variety of seasonings, fragrant fruits, tea and spices will also be suitable as a gift. But remember that it is impossible to give honey - honey gets from bees living outside will.
A gift for a woman can be a set of cosmetics, not passing animal testing. It is very difficult to find such cosmetics - it will become a valuable gift.

If you have no idea about the life of your friend Vegan, what he needs and what he has, give him sets of dishes, such as cutting, jars, and so on.
A good move will be a certificate in a store with products for Vegan.

International Vegan Day is an interesting holiday, and even if you do not have a community of vegetarians, try dishes from their diet, watch television programs and participate in promotions for our own diversity - useful and interesting occupation.

Holiday November 1 - International Vegan Day - Vegetarian

A strange word is not true?! But this is at first glance. It is formed from the first three and two last English name Vegetarian (Vegan), which in Russian sounds literally like a vegetarian, and in a broader sense, vegetarian, vegetarianism. For the first time it sounded in 1847 in England, when the enemy's famous food in the country, Donald Watson, founded in London "Vegetarian society". By the way, the International Day of Vegan completes the "month of vegetarian awareness", which begins on October 1, marking the offensive of the World Vegetarian Day.

In vegetarianism, clarify, there are four directions. The first is lacto vegetarianism. Representatives of this kind of humanity allow the use of milk and lactic acid food. But completely excluded from the diet of meat, fish, seafood. The second direction is a vegetarianism. His fierce supporters say the decisive no meat, fish, dairy products, but the eggs fell willing, and, of course, all vegetable. Sometimes they are just wondering how talented in the preparation of exquisite salads and dishes from eggs! Third direction - Lacto-Vegetarianism. Especially popular and in demand in Europe and allowing eggs, milk, dairy products as food, but fish and seafood, in their opinion, like meat, is categorically impossible. Finally, the fourth direction is vaganism. It recommends feeding only vegetable products. On the rest (meat, fish, milk and even honey) - strict taboo.

Instructive statement - vegetarianism in one form or another is widely developed on all five continents of the Earth. It adheres to one sixth part of the world's population. And if specifically, almost a billion inhabitants. You can also call numbers to some countries. In England itself, the fiftieth anniversary of this movement has already noted, as 59.5 million people live. Six million vegetarians. In the US population a lot more - 278, 3 million, therefore, and vegetarians are also 11 million, while 42 percent of them consider the killing animals. In Spain, the corresponding numbers: at 39, 4 million of its inhabitants account for 788 thousand vegetarians. In France, there are 58, 6 million people, 1 million and 172 thousand of them vegetarians. Well, what is the situation in Russia? For these indicators, we are not ahead, but behind the planet all. Of 150 million people in the country living on vegetarians all forms have only two hundred thousand (!?). And by the way, every year supporters of eating products of plant origin becomes less. It is largely explained by our harsh climate. People logically believe that without meat, fish on some leaves of cabbage, carrots bunches and other other uses you can stretch your legs!

There are many celebrities among vegetarians. From our, for example, Lion Tolstoy, the author of the "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina". He even somehow released research by entanglementing them "On non-unreasonable meat science." A convinced supporter of vegetarianism is the head of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky. As well as Russians - Alexander Rezzin, director director, Nikolay Drozdov, scientist-zoologist, doctor of biological sciences Profkessor, leading popular program "In the world of animals", Rashid Nurgaliyev, Ex-Minister of the Interior, Nadezhda Babkin, Head of the Ensemble "Russian Song" and many others. Among foreigners - Talented Film Actors - Leonardo di Caprio, Richard Gir, Brad Pete, Nobel Prize Winner Physicist - Theorist Albert Einstein - and this list can be continued and continuing.
Of course, the International Day of Vegan is noted in the world widely and most diverse events. But the main thing is active propaganda among the population of food of plant origin, ban on killing for their greed appetite of the animal world!

"Comparative anatomy confirms that the person is a vegetable animal that supports the existence of fruits, seeds and torment plants" (Dr. Silwestr Graham).

Nov. 1 Notes International Day Vegan - WORLD VEGAN DAY. .

The word "Vegan" was formed Donald Watson (Donald Watson) Of the first three and last two letters of the English word "Vegetarian" ("Vegetarian", "Vegetarian").

Every year, the holiday began to celebrate since 1994. Although the first "vegan community" was created in the UK back in 1944.

Worded Vegan's Day in different countries are shares in, lectures dedicated to vegans and veganoism. Festivals, concerts, fairs, films and modes are also held.

VegaNism (Vegan) - Lifestyle subordinate to strict. Vegans are eating only vegetable products, completely eliminating the diet even dairy products, eggs and honey.

They also refuse to wear out garments, fur, wool, silk.

Why do people become vegans?

The main reason, probably, is pity, compassion, the unwillingness to be the cause of the murder of animals and cruel with them.

Sir Paul McCartney Said: "If the skotheen had glass walls, all people would be vegetarians."

It seems to me that he is absolutely right.

Most of us do not think at all how many animals dies to fill the counters of shops, markets, and then the shelves of our refrigerators.

For example, reading the poems of the English poet of the XVII century Pumps , I don't want sausages and bifhtex:

"Luchanok, the greed of your doomed
On torture Lituya, in moments of mortal flour
Looks in your eyes, innocent, amazed,
And licks affectionately, killer, hands! "

Vegetarians were the founders of many religions.

For example, the founder of Buddhist religion Siddhartha Gautama The famous world under the name Buddha (623-544 BC), refused to eat meat still in his youth.

Did not eat meat Confucius , Founder of Zoroastrianism Zoroastra , Saint Francis Assisi .

Most likely, Jesus Christ Also did not eat meat, as it does not say about this in any of the four Gospels.

It is known for sure that the strict vegetarian was st. Peter . It was fed only by bread, olives and greens.

Did not eat meat apostles Matthew and Jacob .

And the greatest preacher of Christianity John Zlatoust wrote: "We are looking at wolves and tigers! We are even worse than these animals. Nature created them so that they should eat meat, whereas God gave a reasonable speech and a sense of justice. "

Vegetarians were many ingenious people.

For example, Pythagoras (Vi in. BC), about which we all learn still in elementary school.

But Pythagoras was not only a scientist and philosopher, he was still the founder of the first vegetarian association, which includes 300 young people from the most influential families of the city.

The main commandment of the members of this society was "not to kill and not harm innocent animals."

Pythagoras convinced his disciples that, pleaseing vegetable food, they will have health and sincere equilibrium.

Pythagorad himself used bread, boiled and raw, honey.

Pyphagora's biographer wrote: "The sleep of Pythagora was a brief, the soul of Clean and Bodra, the body was hardened in perfect and disadvantaged health."

On the teaching of Pythagora in his "Metamorphosis" with admiration, an antique poet Ovidi wrote: "He, Pythagoras, was the first to rebuild the meat of animals on the table; The first opened the mouth to pronounce the full wisdom of the word ... ".

Vegetarian was also Plato, which is considered to be a follower of Pythagora.

Plato founded the Academy near Athens and read his lectures there.

Plato was confident that meat meat leads to the emergence of a set of diseases that can be avoided, feeding vegetable food, cheese, honey - "And is not ashamed when medical assistance is required not from RAS or random diseases, characteristic of the season, but as a result of our dissolved Life ... ".

Vegetarian was a writer and historian of antiquity Plutarch . In his writings there are such words: "For my part, I do not understand what kind of feelings, thought, or the reason was led by the man who first decided to desecrate his mouth with blood and allowed his lips to touch the meat of the murdered being ... Nothing leads us to An embarrassment: Neither the wonderful beauty of helpless animals, which we kill for food, nor the pitiful tender sounds of their votes, nor their mental abilities. The only thing because of the pieces of their meat, we deprive their radiant light, the life for which they are born. "

Strict Vegetarian was a great painter and a scientist Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci who wrote: "The time will come when people will look at the killing of animals, as they look at the killing of a person."

Supporters of vegetarianism were Volter. and Rousse , English poet early XIX century PB Shelli , philosophers Monten. and Schopenhauer, Charles Darwin, Mark Twain, Henry Ford, Mahatma Gandhi , Writer and playwright Bernard Show .

The show was an unusually witty and sharp person, he answered questions about the curious public about his abandonment of meat: "Why demand from me the report, why I eat like a decent person. If I had joined the bodies of innocent creatures, you would have the reason to ask me why I do that. "

We all know that the great Russian writer Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy Preached a refusal of meat.

It is difficult to even list all the great people who adhere to vegetarianism.

Do not eat meat Many of our contemporaries: movie styles Bridget Bardo, Richard Gir, Pamela Anderson, David Spiritual, Cameron Diaz, Stephen Sigal, Demi Moore

Probably, each of us decides that it is him.

But if not refusing, then reduce the amount of meat in the diet is useful for, all scientists and physicians agree with this.

And in conclusion, Pythagora verses:

"Full up to you, people, ourselves to desecrate unauthorized food!
You have bread cereals; under the weight of Noshi rich
Juicy, ruddy fruits bowing branches of trees;
Breakdi on the vines hang bulk; Roots and herbs
Tender, tasty ripen in the fields; And others,
Those that are rougher, fire softens and makes sweeter;
Pure moisture dairy and fragrant honeycombs
Sweet honey, which smells like fluffy grass - Timian,
Do not prohibit you. Wastefully generously all benefits
It offers land; without cruel murders and without blood
Delicious dishes she prepares you.
Only wild animals
Hunger your meat is alive quench ...
... and what the custom is criminal
What is the terrible abomination: guts - gum absorption!
It is possible to refill with meat and blood of creatures to us like
The greedy body and the murder of another creation,
Death is someone else, maintain life? ".

As you know, the opposites are attracted, but some discrepancies in opinions can thoroughly spoil life in the family or embroil close friends. Often the subject of the dispute become taste addiction of one family member, for example, vegetarianism, while the rest are convinced meaties.

The most strict species of vegetarianism is the veganism. Its adherents not only refuse to food animal origin (including milk, eggs, fish and honey), but also oppose any form of exploiting animals for experiments, profit or entertainment. They also do not use fur and skin.

In people who lead such a lifestyle, there is a holiday - World Vegan Day, which is celebrated on November 1.

History and traditions

The popularization of vegetarianism was actively engaged in Briton Donald Watson, who himself refused meat at the age of 14, and by 30 years old became a complete vegan (he, together with his wife, introduced this definition) and stopped using the animal products. The tireless public figure has become one of the founders of the Vegan Society in 1944, whose participants also initiated this holiday.

Annually on November 1, the Company's activists autonomously and together with representatives of the Green Party conduct various rallies, charitable and educational campaigns in the protection of animals and the popularization of vegetarianism.