What brought CenterObuv to business problems and international search. "centrobuv" closes the last foreign stores centrobuv closes

Galina Utesheva | 04/07/2016

The country's largest footwear retailer CenterObuv has reduced its presence in St. Petersburg from 30 stores to three. Since 2015, the partners of the network have been trying to collect about 60 million rubles from the Moscow TsentrObuv Trading House JSC in the Arbitration Court for St. Petersburg and the region. The court satisfied the claims for about 30 million rubles. Writes about this "Delovoy Petersburg".

Judging by the arbitration data, more than 10 companies have filed claims against TsentrObuv Trading House JSC since the beginning of 2015. Most of them are trying to collect debts under a lease agreement with TsentrObuvu. Breeze ", but the court did not satisfy this requirement.

In 2015, the company received 478 claims totaling 5.9 billion rubles

The company "CenterObuv" in St. Petersburg was represented mainly by shops in small shopping malls. In the street retail format, CenterObuv and CENTRO have not been active for a long time - large store closings took place back in the last crisis of 2009-2010, brokers say. According to Colliers International, until recently, the retailer was actively developing another brand - CENTRO, but at the end of February, the strategy of CenterObuv Trading House underwent changes. Judging by the data of the official website of the company, in St. Petersburg there is only one store under the TsentrObuv brand and two - CENTRO. Until recently, the "CenterObuv" chain had 23 stores in St. Petersburg, and CENTRO - eight.

Some owners confirm the retailer's debt, Colliers said. At the same time, other shoe chains of St. Petersburg operating in the same price category do not have similar problems.

Petersburg debts "CenterObuv" - a drop in the ocean compared to the volume of the retailer's debt in the country, which, according to arbitration, amount to about 6 billion rubles. So, in 2015, the company received 478 claims for a total amount of 5.9 billion rubles, this year another 135 applications for 438.3 million rubles were filed with the court. Meanwhile, a bankruptcy suit has already been filed against the company in Moscow, and a monitoring procedure has been introduced by the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court.

The shops of the TsentrObuv chain were closed in Yekaterinburg and in the Chelyabinsk region

In addition to St. Petersburg, shops of the Centro and TsentrObuv chains are closing in the capital of the Altai Territory, Barnaul.

It is noted that the accessories and footwear departments have already been closed in the Ogni and Europe shopping centers. Among other things, a total sale was announced in the CenterObuv department, which is located in the Altai hypermarket.

Prior to that, it became known that the shops of the CenterObuv chain were closed in Yekaterinburg and in the Chelyabinsk region.

At least in our city, one of the two stores, 1 is still left ... for now. But I talked to the seller, and she said that maybe they will be closed. I ask: why actually ??? She replies: they raised the rent, it became not profitable!

Are we in such a severe crisis? What will happen next? Sadness!

For me personally, it was unexpected! A week ago I was still in the "Tsentrobuvi", everything was fine, but here I recently saw:

BOTH ON! Where is the store? And it is generally empty, everything has already been taken out of there. Well, nothing, I think!

Yes, now, in fact, about the store itself.

Firstly, I don't like this strange name. If so, then it was necessary to call the SHOE CENTER. That's the way it is in Russian. And "tsentrObuv" sounds as if a Chinese named it!

Earlier, about a year ago, I bought shoes there for 190 rubles! Not ice, of course, but I still wear it! And now there is no such thing!

I think they themselves are to blame for something, that profits have fallen, because recently they have raised prices dramatically!

Yes, generally speaking, the quality is low there, called " all China. " But if you choose well, you can find really successful models. And I found them! I still wear them, and more than one pair.

True, the heels there are bad, I immediately changed them in the repair of shoes.

Another thing is that some people fundamentally cannot wear artificial leather. But this is not about me.

Yes, my legs sweat, but not always and it is not tolerable for me ..

In general, I'll tell you guys, this so-called. natural shoes don't really cost that much! We really overpay for it, and the quality is not always high there either! So why pay more?

Therefore, in principle, artificial shoes in general (especially summer ones) and this store in particular suits me.

UPDATE September 2015.

Hooray! They lowered prices again! They have a special offer: all (or almost all) for 599 rubles!

And a pleasant surprise: shoes from genuine leather also for 599 rubles!

They disassemble quickly, but I managed to buy these genuine leather shoes:

Moreover, their initial price was 1999 rubles. Here:

Walked through them a couple of times already,

seem to be normal,

a natural skin.

Then I thought, wondered when there would be such a freebie ... and took another pair of brown.

In general, I am satisfied. To date, from me this store is a solid 4+.

Update October 2015.
Looks like the second store has closed too! Now our city was left without a centrobubble. Where can we get cheap shoes now? Yes, the crisis is coming however ...

It means that they were selling everything for 600 for a reason! It's good that I managed to buy!

Update 2016.

I was in a hurry to say that the shop was completely closed. Turns out, we have one more store, only called Centro. But in principle there is almost the same thing. I just found out myself, it's just that he's in a different area. And when I found out, I immediately ran there and bought winter shoes with a 50% discount, for 1000 rubles.

Now I will go there! And I advise you!

Update 2017.

Everything! Now Tsentrobuv has finally closed in our city. Sadly, nothing can be done about it. But Centro there is also for now on Tsanova boulevard, 8... True, the prices there are now more expensive.

Thank you for the attention!

How Sergei Lomakin promoted and abandoned the largest shoe chain

Fleeing abroad, leaving the wreckage of a recently thriving business and millions of dollars in debt, is a scheme that is rapidly gaining popularity. This year, it looks like the owner of TsentrObuvi, Sergei Lomakin, will become the champion in the scale of its implementation: the company's debts are estimated at 30 billion rubles. successful projects in retail, like "Kopeyka" and Fix Price, seem to be gone.

At the height of the 2008 crisis, 35-year-old Sergei Lomakin was already considered a successful businessman. On the sale of the Kopeyka chain to Uralsib Bank, he earned about $ 120 million, which he invested in various discounter chains. At the beginning of 2009, one of these deals was agreed - Lomakin and Khachatryan bought a third of CenterObuv's shares for $ 40 million. "The amount of investment is such that CenterObuv will get tired of opening new stores," the businessman rejoiced at the time.

Now Sergei Lomakin is no longer in Russia. He doesn't answer on his cell phone either. In relation to LLC "TsentrO" and JSC "TD" TsentrObuv "" the court introduced a monitoring procedure. There are less than 200 outlets left from the network of 1.5 thousand stores. Former partners, in response to the claims of creditors, turn the arrows to Lomakin: they say, it was he who knocked out loans, determined the strategy and agreed on transactions, after which the company was virtually left without funds.

Penny knight

Sergey Lomakin, a graduate of the Moscow Mining University, laid the foundation for the future capital in the year when other businessmen went bankrupt. A year after defending his diploma, in 1998, Sergei, together with fellow student Artem Khachatryan and entrepreneur Alexander Samonov, founded the Kopeyka supermarket chain. The partners spied on the format of a discounter store in the West, thinking that in a crisis year the Russian market would have to fit it. And although they had only a couple of years of wholesale coffee behind them in business, they managed to implement the idea very professionally. "It was one of the best management teams in the sector, who built their business from scratch," Viktor Shlepov, who in 2003 came to Kopeyka to manage finances from Uralsib Bank, told Finance magazine: the latter bought 50% of the company's shares ...

The main shareholder of Kopeyka was Samonov - being 12 years older and having more serious experience in business, he received 60% of the shares, Lomakin and Khachatryan - 20% each, but the development strategy, as the partners have repeatedly argued, was worked out jointly. A business model was tested at Kopeyka, which was subsequently implemented at TsentrObuvi - aggressive development with active fundraising from the market. As a result, by the middle of the 2000s, the chain already consisted of more than 300 stores and was one of the ten largest food retailers in the country. The shareholders were planning an IPO, wanting to sell their stake at a company's value of at least $ 1 billion, but the market considered this price too high and the deal did not materialize. But a year later, in 2007, at the same price the remaining 50% stake in Kopeyka was sold to the same Uralsib.

Lomakin and Khachatryan received about $ 250 million from the deal for two, founded the investment company Sun Investments Partners and began to actively invest, as already mentioned, in discounters. First, rather out of habit, into grocery retail (they bought 25% in the capital of the Ural network "Monetka"), and then into the clothing store: again, a network was founded according to the Western model, where everything is sold at the same price - Fix Price, in the summer of 2008 acquired 5-7% of Modis, which sells "fashionable clothes at affordable prices," and then targeted footwear.

"All investments had one ideological leader - they were united by Sergei Lomakin," Giedrius Pukas, managing partner of the investment company Quadro Capital Partners, which merged with Lomakin's Sun Investments, which by that time was already called Retail Brands Collection, told RBC magazine. “We are generators of competitive advantages. We follow how we can beat competitors,” Lomakin himself explained his investments. Pukas and Lomakin were partners and often appeared in public together: now Pukas does not want to talk about this partnership, and the page with information about the past cooperation has been removed from the Quadro Capital website.

Throw-away shoes

The history of "TsentrObuvi" began in 1992 - Lomakin was in his first year at that time and had not thought about business yet. Moscow entrepreneurs Anatoly Gurevich and Dmitry Svetlov first were engaged in the wholesale of footwear, and in 1996 they opened their first store. The concept of a discounter did not come immediately; entrepreneurs decided to sell Chinese shoes made of artificial materials at minimal prices at the beginning of the 2000s. "Few people remember, but it was at TsentrObuv that they were the first to display all the shoes in the sales area: there are an order of magnitude fewer employees, and it is more convenient for the buyer," recalls the former employee of the chain Alla.

By 2008, TsentrObuv has become a leader in the Russian footwear market. The network consisted of 309 own and franchised shoe stores in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities and was estimated at $ 200 million, but stalled during the crisis. Svetlov and Gurevich thought about launching a youth line: young visitors bought two or three times more shoes than buyers "over 30", and were ready for the fact that the purchased pair would fall apart by the end of the season. With this audience in mind, we decided to master the fast fashion format - cheap tracing of fashionable footwear. However, to launch Centro (as the new chain was called), investments were needed, and no one was in a hurry to invest in an opaque and risky shoe business. Nevertheless, Lomakin, who had been transporting Chinese goods to Russia at low prices for several years, became interested in the company.

After the "infusion", the sales of "CenterObuv" really began to grow by leaps and bounds. In 2009, the chain opened 50 Centro in 28 Russian cities. The next year - the same amount. In parallel, stores and the main chain were opened. By the end of 2011, CenterObuvi had 598 stores of the same name in Russia and 148 Centro stores with a total annual revenue of RUB 30 billion. At the same time, "TsentrObuv" set its sights on the European market - its stores were opened one after another in Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine.

In 2011, Lomakin announced that TsentrObuv was preparing for an IPO. Soon, the listing was postponed for a year, and then completely canceled "due to unfavorable conditions." Lomakin was not very distressed: what difference does it make how to attract investment, he said. Moreover, he has a new project - together with the German clothing retailer Takko Fashion, he undertook to develop a network of inexpensive stores under the Family Fashion brand.

In 2012, CenterObuv showed a record growth: the total number of stores increased to 1168, over the next two years the chain added a couple of hundred more points - according to various estimates, up to 1300-1500, the profit was estimated at 40 billion rubles. Such a rapid growth, as in "Kopeyk", was ensured at the expense of credit funds: "CenterObuv" was credited in a dozen banks. Sources of "Deneg" confirm that it was Lomakin who knocked out loans for the development of the network: given the success of his projects, good knowledge of retail and confident stories about IPO, bankers willingly gave money. "He knew how to persuade," recalls one of the employees of the bank where CenterObuv was credited, "and the company seemed stable."

In the ring of creditors

In early 2015, CenterObuv's counterparties first encountered the fact that the number one shoe chain did not pay its bills. At first, landlords and suppliers were asked to wait a bit, then they began to be ignored altogether. Payment refusals were widespread. After waiting several months, the creditors went to court. By June 2015, 160 claims were filed against the company for a total of 228 million rubles, and then their number grew exponentially. "Debts for rent are more than seven months, calls are not answered," complained one of the landlords in a group on the social network, "filed a lawsuit, asked to wait, if half of the debt is ready to forgive, they promised to pay even tomorrow." It got to the point that landlords simply closed stores themselves, sending staff home.

At about the same time, TsentrObuv stopped paying Chinese suppliers - the corporation's Asian office was closed. “A citizen of China contacted me - only her factory“ CenterObuv ”owes about $ 7 million. And this is not the only and not the largest Chinese supplier,” says Olga Kosets, President of the International Public Organization for Support and Protection of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Delovye Lyudi. According to various estimates, the total amount of debt to suppliers can reach up to $ 100 million. With the stoppage of payments, supplies stopped, of course, the network employees do not hide: almost all of 2015 they were selling stocks.

The answer to the question of how the largest shoe chain was left without funds and with debt on loans of 25 billion rubles worries many. The police are checking the version about the withdrawal of funds through fictitious transactions. One of the largest creditors of the chain, Gazprombank, drew the attention of law enforcement agencies to these transactions (the debt to it is 8.6 billion rubles). A source close to the bank claims that the suspicious transactions attracted the attention of bankers in 2015 while monitoring the financial condition of the debtor, but the management of CenterObuvi assured creditors that the transactions did not go beyond normal business activities. One way or another, the chain bought and then sold several times cheaper a number of foreign legal entities, did not skimp on the acquisition of brands and trademarks that it did not use in the future, the debts of counterparties were converted into minority stakes in these enterprises, and then recognized as impaired due to the lack of corporate control above them. The corporation also entered into commission agreements with suppliers - it issued funds for the purchase of goods and entrusted them with the implementation. After the completion of the contract, the suppliers transferred a small "profit" to the customer (less than 1% of the amount received), and the return of the funds received was postponed until later. "Many operations within the TsentrObuv network created conditions for VAT refunds," the source of Deneg notes, "that is, if the fictitious, exclusively paper-based nature of these transactions is confirmed, it may turn out that damage was inflicted not only on the group's creditors, but also on the state." ...

Finding the Guilty One

The top management of the company places responsibility for all controversial transactions on Lomakin. "Mr. Lomakin, being one of the majority shareholders of Centrofasion Corp. (BVI), from April 2013 to March 2015 was appointed the managing shareholder of the company with the right to make any operational decisions for all companies, including the companies of JSC Trading House "TsentrObuv" and LLC "TsentrO" ", - says the document signed by the current general director Leonid Venzhik (available at the disposal of the editorial office).

In recent years, Lomakin, indeed, began to curtail his activities in Russia: he put up the Monetka chain (a franchisee of the Ural chain) for sale, got rid of his stake in Modis. The purchase of a controlling stake in the Italian company Malo, specializing in cashmere products, made a splash - it cost Lomakin at least $ 40 million. However, as they say in secular circles, it was a gift from a rich husband to his wife, model Natalya Lomakina. On the occasion of the purchase, the couple threw two loud parties in Saint-Tropez and Moscow, and even brought the founder of the brand, Giacomo Canessa, to the second.

However, TsentrObuvi believes that the attempt to blame Lomakin is not entirely convincing. “Until the end of 2014, the shareholders often held meetings with us,” says CenterObuv, “Svetlov, Gurevich, and Lomakin were there. Besides, we received instructions not only from Lomakin. we had our own seals, not official ones, but for internal documents. And we roughly knew where whose orders were. " Another former employee continues the topic: "It is obvious that there was some kind of split between them, and Svetlov now pretends that he was allegedly not aware of Lomakin's actions. But how can this be?"

Yelena Gerasimova, the general director of Yurkollegiya, who, prior to the introduction of the monitoring procedure, helped TsentrObuv's creditors to repay debts under writ of execution, does not exclude that part of the debts can still be collected within the framework of bankruptcy proceedings. “The arbitration manager will definitely check the activities of the managers for deliberate bankruptcy,” says Gerasimova, “and all dubious transactions will be challenged. to subsidiary liability ". True, while the court and the case, there will already be, it seems, no one to attract, and there is nothing to return.

And how well it all started. Hundreds of shops. "Daragiye scattered" (s) swept away like hot cakes shoes made of linoleum (s). "Cheap and medium" (c), ept. And who would have thought that the end would be so inglorious ... Although, it would seem, quite recently, I read about the Napoleonic plans of the owners of this garbage dump about the pink dreams of an IPO. And then bam, and the office's debts now, according to some estimates, may exceed 25 billion rubles. By and large, it's amazing how a company selling shoes made of linoleum (c) could survive for so long and at the same time was the largest in the country in terms of shoe sales. This is once again about the culture of consumption. More precisely, about its complete absence ...

... The largest Russian footwear chain "Tsentrobuv", which had promised to hold an IPO before the crisis, faces bankruptcy. So far, a monitoring procedure has been introduced in relation to the company due to a debt of 4 million rubles, but in general, the retailer's liabilities may exceed 25 billion rubles. Experts note that the monitoring procedure can be beneficial for the network management: it will persuade large creditors to dialogue.

The Moscow Arbitration Court introduced a monitoring procedure with respect to Tsentrobuv Trading House JSC. It follows from the definition that the main applicants are Sandorini (registered in 2015) and Credit Bank of Moscow (MCB). Representatives of Sandorini and ICD declined to comment. The debt of Tsentrobuv Trading House JSC to Sandorini is 4.09 million rubles. Consideration of the bankruptcy case is scheduled for September 6th.

Dmitry Svetlov, co-owner of Tsentrobuvi, told Kommersant that the strategy of the company's management after the introduction of supervision has not yet been determined, noting that negotiations on debt restructuring are continuing.

According to SPARK-Interfax, 99.9% of Tsentrobuv Trading House JSC is registered in Cyprus-based Plazia Consulting Ltd. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the founders of the retailer Anatoly Gurevich (0.14%) and Dmitry Svetlov (0, 06%) Revenue at the end of 2014 - 34.1 billion rubles, net profit - 146.8 million rubles.

In 2015, Tsentrobuv closed more than 250 stores, in the first quarter of 2016 - almost 100 stores. Despite this, the chain is still the leader in the Russian market in terms of sales and the number of outlets, says Mikhail Burmistrov, head of Infoline-Analytics. According to his calculations, the retailer now has about 700 leased stores. According to Infoline, sales of footwear in Russia in physical terms in 2015 decreased by 20%, in monetary terms - by 10%, to 545 billion rubles.

Aggressive growth based on credit funds as part of the strategy for preparing for an IPO led to the fact that Tsentrobuv was not ready for the sharp optimization required due to the decline in consumer income, Mr. Burmistrov said. Long-term liabilities of the network at the end of 2014 amounted to 15.3 billion rubles, short-term - 10.1 billion rubles. (data from SPARK-Interfax). In 2015, a record 478 claims totaling RUB 5.9 billion were filed against Tsentrobuvi; in 2016, the courts registered 135 applications for RUB 438.3 million. Despite the fact that the main beneficiary of the network Sergey Lomakin in 2014-2015 actively negotiated with banks and potential strategic investors, it was not possible to achieve debt restructuring or attract an investor.

A year ago, Tsentrobuv Trading House JSC tried to bankrupt OOO TD Universam Ritm and Ryazan Shopping Mall Limited, but the applications were returned to the plaintiffs. Four separate bankruptcy petitions are now also filed with the courts, pending decisions.

Alexei Panich, partner at Herbert Smith Freehills, notes that the monitoring procedure does not overly affect the operating business. According to him, practice shows that bankruptcy of large companies due to small debts is often introduced in accordance with the management strategy: in this way it is possible to stop the accrual of penalties and interest on debts. In addition, this can be a way of influencing large lenders to persuade them to restructure debts on more favorable terms for the borrower, explains Mr. Panich. The representative of "Tsentrobuvi" in court not only did not object, but also seemed to support the early start of the bankruptcy procedure, says a Kommersant source present at the court session. According to Mikhail Burmistrov, there are fewer and fewer opportunities to save Tsentrobuvi's business, since the high level of debt burden does not allow financing working capital and maintaining inventories ...

The Ministry of Internal Affairs did not name the person involved in the case, but the media reported that it was really about the company's shareholder Sergei Lomakin. The case is connected with non-payment of money to Gazprombank

The Ministry of Internal Affairs put on the wanted list the top manager of the shoe chain, without specifying the name of the person involved in the case, the name of the company and the credit institution. At the same time, as reported by RIA Novosti with reference to a source in law enforcement agencies, it is about "TsentrObuv" and its shareholder Sergei Lomakin. The case was initiated in connection with non-payment of large loans to Gazprombank. At the same time, the source noted that the estimate of the damage inflicted at 9 billion rubles, which appeared in a number of media outlets, is inaccurate, and this is a smaller amount.

Earlier, the Internet resource "Moment of Truth" wrote that Lomakin became accused in a criminal case initiated under the article "fraud". The publication published a notification from the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated August 10 to the victim Gazprombank, which states that Lomakin was put on the wanted list on August 9. It is also known that he has a protracted conflict with the co-owners of TsentrObuv. Is this related to the current problems of the businessman?

According to "Moment of Truth", the owners of "CenterObuv" and Sergei Lomakin and Artem Khachatryan took financial resources from various Russian banks to conduct economic activities. After that, the money was transferred to the accounts of other enterprises that were controlled by Sergei Lomakin. One of the main creditors, Gazprombank, approached the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, to which the co-owners of TsentrObuvi owed about 9 billion rubles. Now the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow is investigating a criminal case on the fact of fraud.

The total debt of the company is currently 40 billion rubles. The CentrObuv Group of Companies owes this money to VTB, MKB, Sberbank and Gazprombank. In 2013-2014, Gazprombank opened a credit line for OOO Centro and JSC Trading House Tsentrobuv. According to the documents, the funds were to be used to finance economic activities. When the time came for payments, Lomakin, who at one time founded such successful projects in retail as Kopeyka and Fix Price, fled abroad.

As Kommersant wrote in May, less than 200 outlets remained from the network of 1,500 stores. Former partners, in response to the claims of creditors, turn the arrows to Lomakin: they say, it was he who knocked out loans, determined the strategy and agreed on transactions, after which the company was virtually left without funds. At the same time, some experts associate the financial problems of CenterObuvi with the conflict of shareholders.

Earlier, a representative of the retailer said that the management and management of the company, in "close cooperation with Gazprombank" conducted "a comprehensive audit, including for the period of issuance and use of fixed assets." Meanwhile, a Kommersant source familiar with the company's activities connects its financial problems with the conflict of shareholders and with the arrival of the well-known businessman Vladimir Palikhata in the company. “He came as a potential investor in the fall of 2015, he was invited by Anatoly Gurevich and Dmitry Svetlov, Sergei Lomakin and Artem Khachatryan opposed. Mr. Palikhata's proposal was to create a new legal entity, on the basis of which the business was to develop in the future. He allegedly intended to invest 4 billion rubles in the project, subject to the consent of all shareholders. However, due to the refusal of Lomakin and Khachatryan for the deal, the money was not received by the company. Mr. Palikhata, according to a Kommersant source, also took part in one of the meetings of the shareholders of the retailer and Gazprombank as an observer.

The reasons for the current situation at CenterObuv are more economic, says Timur Nigmatullin, financial analyst at Finam:

Timur Nigmatullinfinancial analyst at Finam“In general, the situation with CenterObuvu is somewhat similar to the situation with other companies that were selling durable goods - clothing, footwear, household appliances. Against the background of a decrease in real incomes of the population, traffic in stores decreased and the average check fell. Accordingly, the networks in most cases were unable to pay rent. As a rule, the chains cut their stores, actively closing the most unprofitable outlets, and tried not to increase their debt burden. This strategy turned out to be insufficiently effective in the Russian market, and these players did not leave the market. Those networks that did not close unprofitable points or did not close them so actively, increased their debt, and in the end were forced to leave the market, because the debt load does not allow financing the development of the network. Here, in my opinion, there are more economic reasons than poor-quality management or some external factors. The company is not public, it does not disclose its financial indicators. That is, it is difficult to analyze in detail what is necessary in order to resume activity. Most likely, the company will face a change of ownership. The new owner will have to capitalize on the company, and this will reduce the debt. "

Now "TsentroObuv" is on the verge of bankruptcy. The observation procedure was introduced in relation to the trading house at the end of March. The activities of the former Moscow stores are carried out on behalf of the Fashion Shoes company. Will creditors be able to repay debts?

Elena GerasimovaDirector General of the Yurkollegia company Elena Gerasimova, who, prior to the introduction of the monitoring procedure, helped TsentrObuv's creditors to repay debts under enforcement orders“If the companies with which the transactions were carried out currently have assets and something can be collected from them, then the money will be collected and returned to the bankruptcy estate. In this case, lenders have a chance. If the money for transactions has already been passed through several companies, there is no end to it, then the chances, of course, are minimal. A month ago, there was money in bank accounts, now the situation has worsened. Fashion Shoes was really created not so long ago. We know that on the eve of CenterObuv's bankruptcy, the stores were already operating legally as a Fashion Shoes company, that is, all checks were made through to Fashion Shoes. When they tell you that CenterObuv has been bought out, nothing can be bought out within the framework of bankruptcy, because all transactions are controlled by the arbitration manager. As we know, the shops were closed before the bankruptcy of CenterObuvi, the shops were leased, respectively, the lease agreements were renegotiated to another company, that is, we understand that it is simply that the business was actually transferred to another legal entity before the bankruptcy ... We understand that Fashion Shoes is currently operating, which means that it has some kind of turnover, but legally in no way can we impose any requirements on Fashion Shoes, because we often associate with bankruptcies. Schemes for transferring business from one company to another are already being implemented taking into account all modern laws, so that it would be impossible to make claims against the former owners, therefore, I believe that everything could be done quite cleanly there. "

As a representative of the TsentrObuvi shareholder told RIA Novosti, Sergei Lomakin is aware that he is on the international wanted list.