Report about the rassputin. Tears invisible to the world

The biography of Grigory Rasputin is of interest to people to this day. There is hardly a Russian person who has never heard of this famous person, who left a significant mark in the last years of the Russian Empire. Many fiction books, studies, dissertations and simply abstracts were written on the basis of the life of this man, who possessed outstanding, downright extraordinary data, physical and spiritual.

In the article:

Grigory Rasputin's childhood

The patronymic of this legendary personality is Efimovich, and Grigory was born in the family of an ordinary Russian peasant from village Pokrovskoe, which to this day is located in the former Tobolsk province. He was born in the sixty-ninth year of the nineteenth century, at a time when the popular movements were already beginning to gain strength, and the kings felt how a hitherto uncomplaining people were raising their heads, protesting against the tyranny of tyranny.

Rasputin Grigory Efimovich

He was born a frail and weak child, but survived, unlike his sisters and brothers who left this world at the age of less than a year. They baptized him the morning after birth, named him Gregory, which means - awake. Because of his health, he could not indulge in children's games with his peers, who did not accept him as equals. From this, the boy closed in on himself, became unsociable, began to show a craving for solitude and meditation alone with himself. Like many elders, saints and other miracle workers, for example, it was at the age of childhood that, due to his rejection, he felt a craving for religion and found the peace of his soul in it.

At the same time, Gregory did not forget about earthly pursuits: he helped his father, grazed cattle, mowed hay, planted and harvested crops, went, like everyone else, to a cart. But because of his health, he quickly got tired, weakened. Therefore, fellow villagers considered him flawed and not like them, although the boy tried to be useful to the family.

At the age of fourteen, Gregory was struck by a serious illness, from which he fell ill and almost died. The family had already prepared to bury their only son, when suddenly the teenager's condition improved, and soon he completely recovered, amazing those around him. According to Rasputin, the Mother of God healed him by appearing to him in a dream. After his illness, he became even more religious, immersed himself in the study of theological texts. There was no school in the village, but he had such a thirst for knowledge that he got information from everywhere. Even not knowing how to read, he learned many prayers by heart, memorizing them by ear.

The son of an illiterate peasant, he himself never attended class and did not read the alphabet, he had an amazing gift of perspicacity that determined his entire future destiny. Who could have guessed that even after a century and a half, people will remember how Grigory Rasputin once lived, whose biography will become the basis for many scientific works and works of art - from the cartoon "Anastasia", where he is depicted as a demonic villain, to comics, books and films? This was a truly extraordinary person.

Rasputin Grigory Efimovich - biography of adults

Grigory Rasputin and Iliodor

At the age of eighteen, which in modern times means entering adulthood, Gregory made a pilgrimage to many monasteries and temples. He did not take tonsure and monastic vows, but made many useful acquaintances with priests, pilgrims, representatives of the white and black clergy of all ranks. This helped him a lot in the future.

Years later, already in adulthood, Grigory Rasputin arrived in the capital. This happened in the third year of the twentieth century, in St. Petersburg, where the doors of the imperial palace were opened for a wanderer with amazing abilities. Only when he arrived in the city on the banks of the Neva, Gregory did not have a penny to his heart. Seeking help, he came to Bishop Sergius, who was the rector of the theological academy. He brought him to the right person - Archbishop Theophanes, the spiritual mentor of the entire royal family. He had heard a lot about the prophetic gift of Rasputin, since rumors had already spread throughout the vast country.

Colonel Dmitry Loman, Grigory Rasputin and Prince Mikhail Putyatin

Rasputin made acquaintance with the royal family in difficult times for the Russian Empire. Revolutionary movements such as "Narodnaya Volya" have gained considerable influence, covering all segments of the population. The workers went on strike every now and then. They demanded tough decisions, volitional actions from the tsar, and Nicholas II, feeling a huge pressure, was confused by his gentle character. Probably, it was precisely because a simple peasant from Siberia managed to make such an impression on the tsar that he talked with him for hours. Being the so-called "holy elder", Grigory Rasputin had an incredible influence on the entire imperial family, but especially on the empress, Alexandra Feodorovna, who trusted the newly-minted spiritual mentor in everything.

Many historians believe that the main factor in acquiring such influence was the quite successful treatment of the heir to the throne, Alexei Nikolaevich, the beloved only son of the empress. He was seriously ill with hemophilia, a rare hereditary disease characterized by chronic bleeding and poor blood clotting. Rasputin was reassuring the boy in an unknown way. The Prophet eased his pain, and it seemed that he was recovering as much as possible with folk remedies.

So a simple peasant son became a confidant of the emperor himself, his personal adviser and a person with tremendous influence on the fate of the whole country. Rasputin Grigory Efimovich, whose biography amazes with the dizziness of takeoff, was and remains the object of controversy. To this day, the opinions of people on his account are extremely different. Some believe that Gregory was a man of amazing spiritual strength, patient and intelligent, who wished only good for Russia. Others call him Grishka and say that he was a greedy self-lover who indulged in debauchery, who, taking advantage of the indecision of Nicholas II, only pushed the empire towards destruction.

Be that as it may, Grigory Efimovich Rasputin, whose biography originates in a remote village even without a school, in his mature years lived in the palace of the emperor. No one could be appointed to the post without a preliminary consultation with Rasputin. Possessing amazing insight, this "divine man" could open the king's eyes to the secret thoughts of the courtiers, the true essence of a person, advise to bring someone closer or dissuade from rewarding. He participated in all palace affairs, having eyes and ears everywhere.

Attempts on Rasputin's life and his death

Before committing the murder of Rasputin, who interferes with their plans, his opponents tried in every possible way to denigrate Gregory in the eyes of the emperor. Rasputin was accused of witchcraft, drunkenness, debauchery, embezzlement and theft. Gossip and slander had no result: Nicholas II continued to unconditionally trust his adviser.

As a result, a conspiracy of the grand dukes arose, who wanted to remove the old man who was interfering with them from the political arena. The actual state councilor Vladimir Purishevich, the prince and, in the future, the commander-in-chief of the military forces of the Russian Empire, Nikolai Nikolaevich Jr., as well as Prince Felix Yusupov seriously set out to destroy Rasputin. The conspiracy was drawn up at the highest level, but in the end everything did not go smoothly.

Khioniya Guseva

For the first time, they sent a shooter to Gregory - Khiony Gusev. The elder received a serious wound and was on the verge of life and death. At this time, left without an adviser, who in every possible way dissuaded him from participating in the war, Nicholas II announced a general mobilization and announced the beginning of the war. When Rasputin began to recover, the emperor continued to consult with him, to ask Rasputin's opinion about his actions and to trust the seer.

This did not suit the conspiratorial grand dukes. They were determined to see it through to the end. For this purpose, Rasputin was invited to the palace of Prince Yusupov, where potassium cyanide, a deadly poison, was added to his food and drink, which, however, did not kill the elder. Then he was shot - but even with bullets in his back, Rasputin continued to fight fiercely for his life. He ran out into the street in an attempt to hide from the murderers pursuing him. However, his wounds quickly weakened him and the chase was not long. Grigory was thrown onto the pavement and severely beaten. Then he, almost beaten, having lost a lot of blood, was thrown from the Petrovsky bridge into the Neva. Even in the icy water, the elder and prophet Grigory Rasputin lived for several more hours before death nevertheless took him.

This man was distinguished by truly titanic fortitude and a thirst for life, but by the will of the great dukes he was sentenced. Nicholas II, left without an adviser and assistant, was overthrown in just two and a half months. Practically when Rasputin's life ended, the history of the Romanov dynasty, which ruled Russia for several centuries, also ended.

Rasputin's terrible predictions

Earlier we called this old man a seer. Indeed, it is believed that the Siberian peasant had the gift of seeing the future. Rasputin's predictions made him famous throughout Russia and eventually brought him to the imperial palace. So what did he prophesy?

The most famous prophecies of Grigory Rasputin include the prediction of the catastrophic seventeenth year, the brutal destruction of the royal family, the horrors of the war between the whites and the reds that engulfed Russia. In their "Pious Reflections" Rasputin wrote that, embracing one of the tsar's children, he felt them dead - and this terrible insight caused him the deepest horror. He also said that if people, in whom the imperial blood flows, would kill him, the entire house of the Russian rulers would not stand even two years, all of them would be killed for the shedding of the elder's blood.

Skeptical people say that Rasputin's prophecies are too much like. Maybe it is so. But the quatrains themselves indicate the appearance on Russian soil of such a person as Rasputin. It is likely that the elder could have been influenced by his acquaintance with.

Rasputin's predictions are perhaps some of the most significant prophecies made in the twentieth century. Despite the fact that many of them came true, there are those that have not been confirmed. For example, the coming of the Antichrist and the Apocalypse in two thousand and thirteenth. Therefore, we can confidently assert that not all the visions of the prophetic elder were accurate.

Rasputin's predictions about Russia

With regards to our days, Gregory left almost no prophecies. In any case, as unambiguous as about the twentieth century in which he lived. Rasputin's predictions about Russia have an alarming message: many temptations, probable death if the country succumbs Antichrist's temptations and will lose its way.

Basically, Rasputin's prophecies about the future of Russia are as follows, if you make a dry squeeze of the facts: if Russia manages to avoid all temptations, it will take a significant place in the world. If not, then only death, decay and ashes await her. Like the other powers of Europe, if they are tempted by the gifts of the Antichrist and lose their moral values.

There is no doubt that, being an extremely religious person, deeply religious, Rasputin was under the great influence of biblical prophecy. In his speeches, there were often references to Christian motives - in particular, to the Apocalypse. For Rasputin, the decline of moral values, the rejection of Orthodox virtues, atheism, and the impending triumph of science were the harbingers of the onset of bad times for the church. He was right: after the overthrow of the tsarist regime, the Bolsheviks oppressed the church for a long time, denying religion as a necessary component of people's lives.

Although his prophecies have many ominous messages, they promise fire from heaven, poison in the earth, water and air, the Third World War, devastation and destruction, they should not be taken to heart. Of course, Grigory Rasputin had a certain gift. He was an extremely charismatic man, strong-willed, had an extraordinary mind, otherwise he would not have risen so high. But, despite the fulfilled prophecies, his predictions do not have one hundred percent guarantee. Therefore, they cannot serve as an indicator of the coming years. It is necessary to live with your mind, not forgetting about honor and conscience, about the main Christian virtues - this is what this old man of a very unusual and dramatic fate probably wanted to say with his predictions.

In contact with

Grigory Rasputin is a well-known and controversial person in Russian history, debates about which have been going on for a whole century. His life is filled with a mass of inexplicable events and facts related to the proximity to the family of the emperor and the influence on the fate of the Russian Empire. Some historians consider him an immoral charlatan and a swindler, while others are sure that Rasputin was a real seer and healer, which allowed him to gain influence over the royal family.

Childhood and youth

Grigory Efimovich Rasputin was born on January 21, 1869 in the family of a simple peasant Efim Yakovlevich and Anna Vasilievna, who lived in the village of Pokrovskoye, Tobolsk province. The day after his birth, the boy was baptized in the church with the name Gregory, which means "awake."

Embed from Getty Images Grigory Rasputin

Grisha became the fourth and only surviving child of his parents - his older brothers and sisters died in infancy due to poor health. At the same time, he was also weak from birth, so he could not play enough with his peers, which became the reason for his isolation and craving for solitude. It was in early childhood that Rasputin felt an attachment to God and religion.

At the same time, he tried to help his father graze cattle, go into a cab, harvest crops and participate in any agricultural work. There was no school in Pokrovskoye Selo, so Gregory grew up illiterate, like all his fellow villagers, but he stood out among others for his morbidity, for which he was considered flawed.

Embed from Getty Images Peasant Grigory Rasputin

At the age of 14, Rasputin fell seriously ill and was almost dying, but suddenly his condition began to improve, which, according to him, happened thanks to the Mother of God who healed him. From that moment on, Gregory began to deeply learn the Gospel and, not even being able to read, was able to memorize the texts of the prayers. During that period, the peasant's son woke up with the gift of perspicacity, which subsequently prepared for him a dramatic fate.

At the age of 18, Grigory Rasputin made his first pilgrimage to the Verkhoturye Monastery, but decided not to take a monastic vow, but to continue his wandering through the holy places of the world, reaching the Greek Mount Athos and Jerusalem. Then he managed to establish contacts with many monks, wanderers and representatives of the clergy, which in the future historians associated with the political meaning of his activities.

Royal family

The biography of Grigory Rasputin changed its direction in 1903, when he arrived in St. Petersburg, and the palace doors opened in front of him. At the very beginning of his arrival in the capital of the Russian Empire, the "experienced wanderer" did not even have a livelihood, so he turned to the rector of the theological academy, Bishop Sergius, for help. He introduced him to the confessor of the royal family, Archbishop Theophan, who had already heard by that time about the prophetic gift of Rasputin, which was legendary throughout the country.

Embed from Getty Images Grigory Rasputin with fans

Grigory Efimovich met Emperor Nicholas II at a difficult time for Russia. Then the country was engulfed in political strikes, revolutionary movements aimed at overthrowing the tsarist government. It was during that period that a simple Siberian peasant managed to make a powerful impression on the tsar, which made Nicholas II want to talk for hours with a wanderer-seer.

Thus, the "elder" acquired a tremendous influence on the imperial family, especially on. Historians are sure that the rapprochement of Rasputin with the imperial family was due to the help of Gregory in the treatment of the son and heir to the throne, Alexei, who was sick with hemophilia, before which traditional medicine was powerless at that time.

Embed from Getty Images Grigory Rasputin with the royal family

There is a version that Grigory Rasputin was not only a healer for the tsar, but also the main adviser, since he had the gift of clairvoyance. "God's man", as the peasant was called in the royal family, knew how to look into the soul of people, to reveal to Emperor Nicholas all the thoughts of the closest royal entourage, who received high posts at the Court only after agreement with Rasputin.

In addition, Grigory Efimovich participated in all state affairs, trying to protect Russia from a world war, which, in his opinion, would bring the people innumerable suffering, general discontent and revolution. This was not part of the plans of the instigators of the world war, who conspired against the seer to eliminate Rasputin.

Conspiracy and murder

Before committing the murder of Grigory Rasputin, the opponents tried to destroy him spiritually. He was accused of whiplash, witchcraft, drunkenness, and depraved behavior. But Nicholas II did not want to take into account any arguments, since he faithfully believed the elder and continued to discuss all state secrets with him.

Wax figures of Felix Yusupov and Grigory Rasputin / Nikolay Milyuev, Wikipedia

Therefore, in 1914, an "anti-Rasputin" conspiracy arose, initiated by the prince, Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich the Younger, who later became the commander-in-chief of all the military forces of the Russian Empire during the First World War, and Vladimir Purishkevich, who at that time was a real state councilor.

It was not possible to kill Grigory Rasputin the first time - he was seriously wounded in the village of Pokrovskoye by Khionia Guseva. During that period, while he was on the verge between life and death, Nicholas II decided to participate in the war and announced mobilization. At the same time, he continued to consult with the recovering seer about the correctness of his military actions, which again was not included in the plans of the tsar's ill-wishers.

Therefore, it was decided to bring the conspiracy against Rasputin to the end. On December 29 (according to the new style), 1916, the elder was invited to the Palace of Prince Yusupov to meet with the famous beauty, the prince's wife Irina, who needed the healer's help from Grigory Efimovich. There they began to treat him to poisoned food and drinks, but the cyanide potassium did not kill Rasputin, which forced the conspirators to shoot him.

Place of the alleged burial of the remains of Grigory Rasputin in Piskarevsky Park / Monoklon, Wikipedia

After several shots in the back, the elder continued to fight for his life and was even able to run out into the street, trying to hide from the killers. After a short chase, accompanied by shooting, the healer fell to the ground and was severely beaten by his pursuers. Then the exhausted and beaten old man was tied up and thrown from the Petrovsky bridge into the Neva. According to historians, once in the icy water, Rasputin died only a few hours later.

Nicholas II entrusted the investigation of the murder of Grigory Rasputin to the director of the Police Department, Alexei Vasiliev, who went on the "trail" of the healer's killers. 2.5 months after the death of the elder, Emperor Nicholas II was overthrown from the throne, and the head of the new Provisional Government ordered to hastily terminate the investigation of Rasputin's case.

Personal life

The personal life of Grigory Rasputin is as mysterious as his fate. It is known that back in 1900, during a pilgrimage to the holy places of the world, he married a peasant-pilgrim like him, Praskovya Dubrovina, who became his only life companion. The Rasputin family had three children - Matryona, Varvara and Dmitry.


After the murder of Grigory Rasputin, the elder's wife and children were repressed by the Soviet government. They were considered "malicious elements" in the country, therefore, in the 1930s, the entire peasant economy and the house of Rasputin's son were nationalized, and the medicine man's relatives were arrested by the NKVD and sent to special settlements in the North, after which their trace was completely lost. Only her daughter managed to escape from the hands of Soviet power, who emigrated to France after the revolution, and then moved to the United States.

Grigory Rasputin's predictions

Despite the fact that the Soviet authorities considered the elder a charlatan, the predictions of Grigory Rasputin, which he left on 11 pages, were carefully hidden from the public after his death. In his "will" to Nicholas II, the seer pointed out that several revolutionary upheavals had taken place in the country and warned the tsar about the murder of the entire imperial family on the "order" of the new authorities.

Rasputin also predicted the creation of the USSR and its inevitable collapse. The elder foresaw that Russia would defeat Germany in World War II and become a great power. At the same time, he foresaw terrorism at the beginning of the 21st century, which would begin to flourish in the West.

Embed from Getty Images Elder Grigory Rasputin

In his predictions, Grigory Yefimovich did not ignore the problems of Islam, clearly pointing out that Islamic fundamentalism, which in the modern world is called Wahhabism, is emerging in a number of countries. Rasputin argued that at the end of the first decade of the 21st century, power in the East, namely in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, would be seized by Islamic fundamentalists who would declare "jihad" on the United States.

After that, according to the predictions of Rasputin, a serious military conflict will arise, which will last 7 years and will be the last in the history of mankind. True, Rasputin predicted one big battle during this conflict, during which at least a million people would die on both sides.

😉 Greetings, history lovers! The article "Grigory Rasputin: biography, interesting facts" contains information about the life of a peasant who was a friend of the family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II.

It is difficult to imagine a stranger and more mysterious person in the history of Russia than Grigory Rasputin. Many historians, among the main reasons that led to the 1917 revolution (besides, of course, the First World War) name the period when Rasputin took a dominant position in the social and political life of Russia.

Rasputin wrote several books. During his lifetime, two were published: "The Life of an Experienced Wanderer" and "My Thoughts and Reflections".

Biography of Grigory Rasputin

The time of the highest power of the "elder" in history is usually called "Rasputinism". The mystery of this man's life dates back to his birth, since neither the date nor the place of birth is known for certain.

The main thoughts of historians agree that he was born presumably in 1869 in a remote village of the Tobolsk province under the name of Novykh.

His life was very turbulent. Women, theft, unrestrained drunkenness - the circle of "interests" of Grigory Efimovich was quite wide. Most likely, he once met the Khlysty. As a result, he became a "prophet", discovering in himself the ability of a psychic.

Having started preaching in his village, he soon left for the capital, ostensibly to ask for money for the construction of a church in his homeland. At that time, peasants from all over the neighborhood came to the "elder" for advice. By the time of his arrival in St. Petersburg, the rumor about the "healer" and "prophet" was already ahead of him.

Healer of the royal family

Among the citizens of the capital, the appearance of the "elder" aroused genuine interest. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, influenced by her, also showed interest in him. The son of Emperor Nicholas II, Alexei, was born in 1904, and to the great grief of his parents, the heir had a terrible ailment - hemophilia (incoagulation of blood).

Even a tiny scratch on the boy's body could have cost him his life. Obviously, it was this disease that served as a powerful impetus to Rasputin's career at the imperial court. Having visited the royal palace, in some mysterious way, Rasputin managed to significantly alleviate the boy's illness.

Thus, the dependence of the monarch's couple Nicholas and Alexandra Feodorovna on the "healer" has acquired truly colossal proportions. Rasputin slowly developed in their minds the idea that if he was not there, then soon he would not become a tsarevich.

For ten years, Rasputin fueled the empress's dependence on himself, thereby manipulating the emperor. During this time, the influence of Grigory Efimovich increased to alarming proportions.

With the help of his "prophecies" he influenced the adoption of the most important political decisions. It was not without his participation that the people he needed in the government were appointed.

The growth of discontent among the citizens of the capital and the aristocracy was also fueled by the not entirely righteous lifestyle of Rasputin. since from the time of his youth - the habits of the "prophet" remained unchanged, only aggravated in more perverted and sophisticated forms.

The result of everything was that in the press more and more hints began to appear about the connection of Grigory Efimovich with Germany, at that time the main enemy of the Russian Empire in the First World War.

Of course, along with the people who were dissatisfied with Rasputin, there were those whom the numerous virtues of the "elder" conquered and they could not say anything bad about him, and they would not. But the controversial personality of the "lecher Gregory" began to emerge into a very specific figure of the main enemy of the state.

The assassination of Grigory Rasputin

It was Prince F. Yusupov, the head of the Black Hundred organization "Union of the Russian People" V. Purishkevich, and later the Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich decided to put an end to Rasputin. The conspirators invited Rasputin to Yusupov's house on December 16, 1916, promising him to meet the wife of the owner of the house.

Rasputin's killers: Dmitry Romanov, Felix Yusupov, Vladimir Purishkevich

The drinks and various sweets that were served to Rasputin were poisoned with potassium cyanide, but the poison did not work! Seeing how the "prophet" eats poisoned delicacies without experiencing any problems, Yusupov could not stand it and shot Rasputin with a pistol.

Assuming that he was dead, the conspirators left the body in the basement. After a while, they were horrified to find that Rasputin ran out into the courtyard and began to move with difficulty in the direction of the gate.

Purishkevich shot twice in the back of the "healer". Rasputin got up again and tried to walk. But the conspirators overtook him, tied his hands, wrapped him in a carpet and threw him into the hole. Subsequently, an examination will reveal that Rasputin was still alive in the river. He did not die of his wounds, but drowned. His height was 193 cm.

The crime was solved quickly, although it was strange that the criminals did not really hide. Purishkevich, for example, was not punished at all. Yusupov was exiled to the Kursk province, the Grand Duke was sent to Persia.

Alternative version of death

Of course, there are alternative versions of the death of Grigory Efimovich. Among them is the version based on the fact that the conspirators acted under the leadership of a certain British intelligence officer, who, fearing that Rasputin would dissuade the emperor from participating in the war, would be left without the support of a strong ally.

This version is confirmed by bullet holes in Rasputin's forehead. Traces allegedly from a "control" shot (which neither Yusupov nor Purishkevich wrote about in their memoirs).

Be that as it may, the personality of Grigory Rasputin, a righteous man or a charlatan, will excite the minds of people for a long time. The mystical strength of this person's personality is undeniable.

In this video, additional information on the topic "Grigory Rasputin: biography"

Grigory Rasputin is one of the most mysterious and mystical personalities in Russia. Some consider him a prophet who was able to save him from revolution, while others accuse him of charlatanism and immorality.

He was born in a remote peasant village, and spent the last years of his life surrounded by the royal family, who idolized him and considered him a saint.

Brief biography of Rasputin

Grigory Efimovich Rasputin was born on January 21, 1869 in the village of Pokrovskoe, Tobolsk province. He grew up in a simple family and saw with his own eyes all the hardships and sorrows of peasant life.

His mother's name was Anna Vasilievna, and his father's name was Efim Yakovlevich - he worked as a coachman.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Rasputin was noted from birth, because little Grisha was the only child with his parents who managed to survive. Before him, three children were born in the Rasputin family, but they all died in infancy.

Gregory led a rather secluded lifestyle and had little contact with his peers. The reason for this was poor health, because of which he was teased and avoided communication with him.

While still a child, Rasputin began to show a keen interest in religion, which would accompany him throughout his biography.

From early childhood, he liked to be near his father and help him with the housework.

Since there was no school in the village in which Rasputin grew up, Grisha did not receive any education, however, like other children.

Once, at the age of 14, he fell so badly ill that he was close to death. But suddenly, somehow miraculously, his health improved and he made a full recovery.

It seemed to the boy that he owed his healing to the Mother of God. It was from that moment in his biography that the young man began to study the Holy Scriptures and memorize prayers in various ways.


Soon, the teenager discovered in himself a prophetic gift that would make him famous in the future and would radically affect both his own life and, in many respects, the life of the Russian Empire.

At the age of 18, Grigory Rasputin decides to make a pilgrimage to the Verkhoturye Monastery. Then he, without stopping, continues his wanderings, as a result of which he visits Athos in Greece, and.

During this period of his biography, Rasputin met with various monks and representatives of the clergy.

The royal family and Rasputin

Grigory Rasputin's life changed dramatically when he visited at the age of 35.

At the beginning, he experienced serious financial difficulties. But since during his wanderings he managed to get acquainted with various spiritual leaders, Gregory was supported by the church.

Thus, Bishop Sergius not only helped him financially, but also introduced him to Archbishop Theophan, who was the confessor of the royal family. At that time, many had already heard about the shrewd gift of an unusual wanderer named Gregory.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia was going through hard times. In the state, in one place after another, peasant strikes took place, accompanied by attempts to overthrow the current government.

To all this was added the Russo-Japanese War, which ended, which became possible thanks to special diplomatic qualities.

It was during this period that Rasputin met and made a strong impression on him. This event becomes a turning point in the biography of Grigory Rasputin.

Soon the emperor himself was looking for an opportunity to talk with the wanderer on various topics. When Grigory Efimovich met Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, he endeared her to him even more than her royal husband.

It is worth noting that such a close relationship with the royal family was also explained by the fact that Rasputin was involved in the treatment of their son Alexei, who was suffering from hemophilia.

The doctors could do nothing to help the unfortunate boy, but the old man somehow miraculously managed to heal him and have a beneficial effect on him. Because of this, the Empress idolized and defended her "savior" in every possible way, considering him a man sent down from above.

This is not surprising, because how else can a mother react to a situation when her only son is severely tormented by bouts of illness, and doctors cannot do anything. As soon as the wondrous old man took the sick Alexei in his arms, he immediately calmed down.

The royal family and Rasputin

According to historians and biographers of the tsar, Nicholas II repeatedly consulted with Rasputin on various political issues. Many representatives of the authorities knew about this, and therefore they simply hated Rasputin.

After all, not a single minister or adviser could influence the opinion of the emperor in the way that an illiterate peasant who came from the hinterland did.

Thus, Grigory Rasputin took part in all state affairs. It is also worth noting that during this period of his biography, he did everything possible to prevent Russia from being dragged into the First World War.

As a result, he made himself many powerful enemies from among the officials and the nobility.

Conspiracy and assassination of Rasputin

So, a conspiracy was drawn up against Rasputin. Initially, they wanted to destroy him politically through various accusations.

He was accused of endless drunkenness, dissolute behavior, magic and other sins. However, the imperial couple did not take this information seriously and continued to fully trust him.

When this idea was unsuccessful, they decided to literally destroy him. Prince Felix Yusupov, Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich the Younger and Vladimir Purishkevich, who held the post of State Councilor, took part in the conspiracy against Rasputin.

The first unsuccessful assassination attempt was made by Khionia Guseva. The woman stabbed Rasputin's stomach with a knife, but he still survived, although the wound was really serious.

At that moment, when he was in the hospital, the emperor decided to participate in the military conflict. However, Nicholas II still fully trusted "his friend" and consulted with him on the correctness of certain actions. This further aroused hatred among the opponents of the king.

Every day the situation was heating up, and a group of conspirators decided to kill Grigory Rasputin by all means. On December 29, 1916, they invited him to the palace of Prince Yusupov, under the pretext of meeting a beauty who was looking for a meeting with him.

The elder was taken to the basement, assured that the lady herself would now join them. Rasputin, suspecting nothing, calmly went downstairs. There he saw a laid table with delicious treats and his favorite wine - Madeira.

While waiting, he was offered to taste pastries that had been previously poisoned with potassium cyanide. However, after he ate them, for some unknown reason, the poison had no effect.

This brought supernatural terror to the conspirators. Time was extremely limited, so as a result of a short discussion, they decided to shoot Rasputin with a pistol.

Several shots were fired at him in the back, but this time he did not die either, and even managed to run out into the street. There they shot at him several more times, after which the killers began to beat him with their hands and feet.

Then the body of the murdered man was wrapped in a carpet and thrown into the river. Below you can see Rasputin's body recovered from the river.

An interesting fact is that a medical examination proved that even being in icy water, after poisoned cakes and many point-blank shots, Rasputin was still alive for several hours.

Personal life of Rasputin

The personal life of Grigory Rasputin, as well as his entire biography, is shrouded in many secrets. It is only known for certain that his wife was a certain Praskovya Dubrovina, who gave birth to his daughters Matryona and Varvara, as well as a son, Dmitry.

Rasputin with his children

In the 30s of the 20th century, the Soviet government arrested them and deported them to special settlements in the North. Their further fate is unknown, except for Matryona, who in the future managed to escape to.

Grigory Rasputin's predictions

At the end of his life, Rasputin made several predictions about the fate of Emperor Nicholas II and the future of Russia. In them, he prophesied that several revolutions awaited Russia and that the emperor and his entire family would be killed.

In addition to this, the elder foresaw the creation of the Soviet Union and its subsequent disintegration. Rasputin also predicted that Russia would win over Germany in the great war and turn it into a powerful state.

He also spoke about our days. For example, Rasputin argued that the beginning of the 21st century will be accompanied by terrorism, which will begin to flourish in the West.

He also prophesied that Islamic fundamentalism, known today as Wahhabism, would be formed in the future.

Photos of Rasputin

Grigory Rasputin's widow Paraskeva Feodorovna with her son Dmitry and his wife. The housekeeper stands behind.
Accurate recreation of the murder site of Grigory Rasputin
Rasputin's killers (left to right): Dmitry Romanov, Felix Yusupov, Vladimir Purishkevich

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Name: Grigory Rasputin

Age: 47 years

Place of Birth: with. Pokrovskoe

A place of death: St. Petersburg

Activity: peasant, friend of Tsar Nicholas II, seer and healer

Family status: was married

Grigory Rasputin - biography

A long time ago, back in the 17th century, Izosim Fyodorov's son came to the Siberian village of Pokrovskoye and "went to arable land." His children received the nickname "Rasputa" - from the word "crossroads", "mudflow", "crossroads". From them came the Rasputin family.


In the middle of the 19th century, a son was born to the coachman Yefim and his wife Anna Rasputin. He was baptized on January 10, on the feast day of St. Gregory of Nyssa, after whom he was named. Grigory Rasputin later concealed his exact age and clearly exaggerated in order to better correspond to the image of the "elder".

Grisha Rasputin was born sickly, did not differ in health and special strength. As a child, he did not know literacy - there was no school in the village, but he was taught peasant labor from childhood. He married a girl from a neighboring village, Praskovye, who bore him three children: Matryona, Varvara and Dmitry. Everything would be fine, but Gregory's illness was tortured: in the spring he did not sleep for forty days, suffered from insomnia, and even wetted the bed.

There were no doctors in the village, sorcerers and healers did not help. One road remained for a simple Russian peasant - to the saints, to atone for sins. I went to the Verkhotursky monastery. This was the beginning of the transformation of Grigory Rasputin.

Rasputin: in fasting and prayer

The holy saints helped: Grigory Rasputin abandoned drunkenness and meat-eating. He embarked on a journey, endured a lot, tortured himself with fasting. I didn’t change clothes for six months, wore chains for three years. He met with murderers and saints, talked about life. At home in the stable he even dug a cave in the form of a grave - at night he hid in it and prayed.

Then the villagers noticed something strange in Rasputin: Grigory was walking around the village, waving his arms, muttering under his breath, threatening someone with his fist. And once in the cold in one shirt he ran like a madman all night, calling people to repentance. In the morning I fell by the fence and lay there for a day without feeling. The villagers were worried: what if their Grishka really is a man of God? Many believed, they began to go for advice, for a cure. Even a small community gathered.

Grigory Rasputin - "Burner of royal lamps"

In the early 1900s, Grigory and his family arrived in St. Petersburg. I met with the bishop, Father Sergius, the future patriarch. A thread was pulled, high-society doors began to open in front of the Siberian medicine man, right up to the palace ones. And after he was awarded the title of "incinerator of the royal lamps," even the fashion went through the capital: not to visit Rasputin is as ashamed as not to hear Chaliapin.

According to another version, it all started in the Kiev Lavra. Gregory chopped firewood in the yard, looks terrible, all in black. Two pilgrims, who turned out to be Montenegrin princesses Militsa and Stana, approached him, got to know each other, and got to talking. Grishka boasted that he could heal with his hands, he spoke to any disease.

Then the sisters remembered the heir. They reported to the queen, and Rasputin pulled out his lucky ticket: the empress called him to her. The grief of a mother with a terminally ill child in her arms is easy to understand. Many God's people, both domestic and foreign, have visited the court. The queen grabbed at every opportunity like a straw. And then a Friend came!

The debut of the witch doctor Gregory stunned many. The prince developed severe nosebleeds. The "old man" pulled out a lump of oak bark from his pocket, pounded and covered the boy's face with the mass. Doctors only threw up their hands: the blood stopped almost instantly! And Rasputin healed with his hands. He puts his palms on the sore spot, holds it for a while and says: "Go." In a word, he also healed: he whispers, whispers, and the pain relieves as if by hand. Even from a distance, by phone.

Grigory Rasputin: the power of the gaze

Gregory knew how to recognize people on the move. Look from under his brow - and already knows what kind of person is in front of him, a decent person or the last villain.

His heavy hypnotic gaze subdued many. The omnipotent Stolypin kept himself on the edge of reason only by force of will. The future murderer of Rasputin, Prince Yusupov, lost consciousness upon meeting him. And women just went crazy from Grishkina's strength, they became slaves regardless of age and position in the world, they were ready to lick honey from their boots.

Grigory Rasputin - predictions and prophecies

Rasputin also had another amazing gift - to see the future, and there is evidence of this from eyewitnesses.

For example, Bishop Feofan of Poltava, the empress's confessor, said: “At that time the squadron of Admiral Rozhdestvensky was sailing. Therefore, we asked Rasputin: "Will the meeting with the Japanese be successful?" Rasputin replied to this: "I feel in my heart, he will drown ..." And this prediction later came true in the battle at Tsushima. "

Once, while in Tsarskoe Selo, Gregory did not allow the imperial family to dine in the dining room. He said to move to another room, because the chandelier might fall. They obeyed him. And two days later the chandelier really fell ...

They say the elder left behind 11 pages of prophecy. Among them there is a terrible disease, according to the description, reminiscent of AIDS, and sexual promiscuity, and even an invisible killer - radiation. Rasputin also wrote - allegorically, of course - about the invention of television and mobile phones.

He was extolled and at the same time feared: where did he get the gift - from God or from the Devil? But the tsar and tsarina believed Gregory. Only the nobility whispered: Grishka's demonic telephone number was "64 64 6". Hidden in it is the number of the Beast from the Apocalypse.

And then everything collapsed, taking the soil from under our feet. Admirers have turned into bitter enemies. Rasputin, only yesterday playing with fate, became a hindrance in someone else's game.

Grigory Rasputin: Life After Death

December 17 (December 30, new style) 1916 Grigory arrived at a party at the Yusupov palace on the Moika. The reason for the visit was far-fetched: allegedly Felix's wife Irina wanted to meet the “elder”. He was met by former friends: Prince Felix Yusupov, State Duma deputy Vladimir Purishkevich, a member of the royal family, Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich Romanov, lieutenant of the Preobrazhensky regiment Sergei Sukhotin and military doctor Stanislav Lazovert.

First, the conspirators invited Gregory to the basement - they treated him to Madeira and cakes with potassium cyanide. Then they shot, beat us with a kettlebell, stabbed them with a knife ... However, the "old man", as if he had been spellbound, continued to live. He tore off the shoulder strap from Yusupov's uniform and tried to escape, but he was caught. Tied up, lowered under the ice in a hole on Malaya Nevka, not far from Kamenny Island. Three days later, the body was found by divers. Rasputin's lungs were full of water - he managed to untie his bonds and almost escaped, but failed to break through the thick ice.

At first, they wanted to bury Gregory at home, in Siberia. Yes, only they were afraid to carry the body across all of Russia - they buried in Tsarskoe Selo, then in Pargolovo. Later, by order of Kerensky, Rasputin's body was exhumed and burned in a stoker at the Polytechnic Institute. But they did not rest on this either: they scattered the ashes in the wind. They were afraid of the "elder" even after his death.

With the murder of Rasputin, the royal family also split, everyone quarreled because of him. Clouds were gathering over the country. But the "elder" warned the emperor:

“If the nobles, your relatives, kill me, then none of your children will live even two years. The Russian people will kill them. "

It turned out that way. Of the children of Rasputin himself, only Matryona survived. Son Dmitry with his wife and the widow of Grigory Efimovich perished in Siberian exile already under Soviet rule. The daughter of Varvara died suddenly of consumption. And Matryona went to France, and then to the USA. She worked as a dancer in a cabaret, and as a governess, and as a tamer. The poster read: "Tigers and the daughter of a mad monk, whose exploits in Russia amazed the world."

Recently, a film about the life of Grigory Rasputin was released on the screens of the country. The film is based on historical materials. The role of Grigory Rasputin was played by a famous actor