Arabic dream interpretation of dreams. Islamic dream book: interpretation of dreams according to the Sunnah and the Holy Quran

How often do you look into the dream book to decipher an exciting dream? In today's world of the Internet, this is quite simple: any search engine will give you more than 50 different online collections of dream interpretation in a minute. Among them, undoubtedly, you will find a book with a title that speaks for itself: "Islamic dream book - the interpretation of dreams according to the Holy Quran."

Muslims have long attached great importance to their dreams and looked into the dream book. Dream interpretation is a Muslim daily ritual. What is the difference between the Muslim hobnom and the rest? What are the features of the interpretation of dream visions in the Islamic world? Let's talk about everything in order.

History of appearance

Where did the interpretation of dreams come from in our lives? First of all, this is the long-term work of our ancestors, who passed down signs and omens associated with dreams from generation to generation. Slavic dream books and horoscopes are most often based on associations, while Muslims use the most important book in their life, the Holy Quran, to interpret.

At the same time, it does not matter at all how a person saw this or that image in his vision, it is important how the Prophet interpreted this image. Therefore, in order to decipher his dream, a Muslim will first of all open the Holy Scriptures. After all, a correctly interpreted vision will help you choose the right path in life, save you from sin, and tell you how to act in a given situation.

Thus, the most popular book for deciphering dreams among Muslims is the dream book according to the Quran and the Sunnah. It is based not only on the Holy Scriptures, but also the collected works of the Persian sages and the Muslim encyclopedia "The Body of Knowledge". Later, the Islamic dream book included the works of Rahmetullah and Abdul-Kerim. These are dream books in Persian of the Bombay edition, created in 1891. Muslims often use the hobnoon of the famous Islamic scholar Imam Muhammad to interpret dream visions.

Features of the Islamic dream book according to the Quran

The Muslim dream book is strikingly different from other books on this subject. Its main principles are as follows:

  • dreams are prophecy, their interpretation always contains religious overtones;
  • the images are deciphered as stated in the Holy Scriptures;
  • sections are not arranged alphabetically, but according to their importance in religion - first about man, then about animals;
  • daytime dreams are more truthful and come true faster than night dreams;
  • The interpretation of visions is very simple and logical. For example, a predator is a danger, a stranger is a meeting and surprise;
  • a dream vision will come true the way you interpret it.

Types of dreams

The Islamic dream book distinguishes three main types of dreams. Let's list them:

  • auspicious or righteous;
  • unpleasant or bad;
  • dreams that are associated with human actions in real life.

auspicious sleep This is good news from Allah himself. If a Muslim wants to see only auspicious dreams, then he will have to pray earnestly every day before going to bed. According to the Scriptures, the first auspicious dream seen by a person is the dream of Adam, in which he saw Eve.

bad dreams These are the tricks of Satan. Often these are nightmares, meaningless and stupid. The Islamic Devil sends such visions to a person to mock him.

Like a snake tempter, he tries to persuade a Muslim to sin and obscene acts. What should a person do who has a dream from Satan?

Waking up, ask Allah for protection in prayer, and then perform the rite of Namaz. No need to try to interpret the images, it is better not to even tell anyone about them. To prevent nightmares from recurring in the future, one should not go to bed unclean, on a full stomach and with obscene thoughts.

The third type of dreams directly related to human activities in real life. For example, a fruit seller will see himself in the market with a tray of oranges, and a young mother surrounded by children.

Interpretation using a Muslim dream book

In order to correctly interpret a dream, certain rules must be observed. Do the following:

  • determine the category of vision (good, bad, etc.);
  • highlight the main line, the main event, remove unnecessary details. This is perhaps the most difficult stage in interpretation. After all, what you see in a dream can be an omen or a warning. It is important to order the facts and choose really weighty ones.
  • compare the images and facts from what you saw at night with the provisions of the dream book.

A believing Muslim considers all his dreams through the prism of the prophet's revelations. If he happened to see a sign from Allah, then he praise the Almighty for a dream and will tell about what he saw to all those who love and appreciate him.

As you can see, the interpretation of dreams with the help of an Islamic dream book significantly different from the usual Slavic and Christian. But no matter what dream book you use to decipher dreams, always remember the main thing: your visions come true exactly as they are interpreted.

Attention, only TODAY!

In the Islamic world, dreams are equated with prophecy, they are given special attention. The interpretation of dreams is based on the religious beliefs of Muslims and is distinguished by a different approach to the meaning of symbols. Consider the question: Islamic dream interpretation of dreams. This article will be of interest to representatives of other religious denominations.

Islamic world and dreams

At the heart of deciphering the images of a dream are provisions based on the Sunnah and the Koran. The works of Imam Mohammed, the greatest scholar of the Islamic world, are also highly trusted. Muslims sincerely believe that dreams can help in choosing the right path in life., protect from haram (sinful action) and point out shortcomings in the development of the individual.

An important point is the similarity of Islamic values ​​with universal ones. The interpretation of the symbol is based on the natural understanding of the images seen in a dream. Sleep is perceived as “observation of the soul”, which reads the signs sent down by Allah. Scientists of the Islamic world are deeply convinced that the souls chosen by him can correctly interpret the signs of the Almighty. These souls are marked by special holiness and wisdom - saints and prophets.

The Muslim dream book according to the Quran and the Sunnah represents knowledge about dreams from the point of view of the Islamic religion. Through the dream book, a person can get an idea not only about the images he has seen, but also understand their religious component. Therefore, the Islamic dream book is a deeply spiritual and sacred book.

Characteristics of dreams

Scripture defines three types of dreams:

  1. dreams sent down by Allah;
  2. dreams from shaitan (satan);
  3. dreams from the subconscious.

The signs sent down by the Almighty bring goodness and edification. These are small prophecies that show a person the right path. These dreams are distinguished by the presence of the image of the Prophet, Angels and saints.

Dreams from Satan are filled with nightmares or temptations. These pictures are designed to lead the believer astray and lead in a dark direction. Sometimes the devil affects a person with fear in order to force him to commit a haram (sin).

Scholars of the Islamic world believe that dreams come from the devil only if a person spent the day wrong - succumbed to temptations, did not perform the ritual of going to bed, or did not perform ablution before going to bed. It is forbidden to talk about these dreams to others.

Dreams from the subconscious talk about the experiences of the current day, the impressions of a person. Sometimes these dreams are confusing and incomprehensible: such visions do not need to be deciphered.

Distinctive features of the Muslim dream book

Islamic dream book - the interpretation of dreams according to the Holy Quran is strikingly different from other interpreters. The difference is as follows:

  • The decoding of the images approved by the Holy Scripture is applied.
  • What matters is the interpretation of the images seen by the Prophet himself, and his personal interpretation.
  • The interpretation is always clear and understandable, as close as possible to the natural perception of images.
  • The order of the recorded images is not in alphabetical order, but in order of importance from the point of view of the scholars of the Islamic world.
  • Some images that are usually interpreted negatively / positively acquire a diametrically opposite meaning in the Islamic dream book.
  • The dream book forms the correct behavior and worldview of a person from the point of view of Islam, that is, it is an instructive tool and a guide to action.

How to use an Islamic dream book

To correctly decipher the dream, follow these instructions:

  1. Compare what you see with a certain category: a dream from Allah, a dream from Shaitan, a dream from the subconscious.
  2. Highlight the main line of the dream, discarding unnecessary details.
  3. From the remaining images, select the most significant and look at the meaning in the interpreter.

A believing Muslim should consider each of his dreams through the prism of the revelations of the Almighty. If the dream corresponds to the revelations, it can be trusted. Otherwise, sleep should not be taken into account.

The most famous Islamic dream book is the “Tafsir of Dreams” by Ibn Sirin, which contains about a thousand dreams and their interpretations.

What to do with a favorable or unfavorable dream

If you happened to see a sign from Allah or the instruction of the Prophet, do the following:

  • Give praise to the Almighty for sleep.
  • Be filled with joyful anticipation of the accomplishment of the sign.
  • Share what you see with those who love and appreciate you.
  • Interpret the dream correctly, because exactly those symbols that you designated through the dream book will come true.

If you happen to have a terrible dream, do the following:

  • Ask Allah in prayer to protect from evil.
  • Ask for protection from the devil - three times.
  • Spit three times to the left.
  • Change your position when falling asleep (roll over to the other side).
  • Perform the ritual of Namaz.
  • Do not tell anyone about the content of the dream.
  • Do not try to interpret it even for yourself.

If you do the listed seven points, the dream will not come true by the will of Allah.

Interpretations according to the Holy Quran

  • The rope symbolizes the covenant of Allah.
  • the ship is a symbol of salvation.
  • Wood is hypocrisy in faith.
  • The stone is a hard heart.
  • The infant is the enemy.
  • Ashes, ashes - an empty thing.
  • Greens and vegetables - replace the good with the bad.
  • A good tree is a good word.
  • Bad tree is a bad word.
  • Garden - good deeds.
  • Eggs, clothes - a symbol of a woman.
  • Light is the path of truth.
  • Darkness is the path of delusion.

Interpretations according to the Sunnah

  • Raven is an unholy person.
  • The mouse is a sinful woman.
  • Rib, glassware - a symbol of a woman.
  • The shirt is a symbol of religion, faith.
  • Milk is knowledge.
  • A black woman with shaggy hair is a plague.
  • Rain is the path of truth and knowledge.
  • Smooth road - Islam.
  • The walls are the commandments of Allah.
  • Open doors are the prohibitions of the Almighty.
  • Home is heaven.
  • Feast (feast) - Islam.
  • The caller to the feast is the Prophet Muhammad.
  • Camel - greatness.
  • The sheep is the grace of the Almighty.
  • Horse - well-being, goodness.
  • Sweet lemon - a true believer reading the Koran.
  • A date is one who does not read the Quran.
  • Basil - one who pretends to be a believer and reads the Koran.
  • Coloquint - one who pretends to be a believer and does not read the Koran.
  • Oppression is darkness.
  • Avarice - bloodshed, death.
  • The palm tree is a Muslim devoted to Allah.
  • Fire is confusion, destruction.
  • Stars are scientists.
  • Iron weapons - victory, strength.
  • Aroma - praise, a good deed.
  • Rooster is an influential person.
  • The snake is the distributor of heresy.
  • The patient silently leaves the house - to death.
  • A patient with conversations leaves the house - to recovery.
  • Leaving narrow doors - liberation, relief.
  • The death of a person is a return to the Almighty.
  • Land work is work.
  • The dog is not a dangerous enemy.
  • Leo - power and authority.
  • The fox is an insidious person.

Other interpretations

Often dreams have opposite interpretations. For example:

  • Cry - to joy. And if crying is accompanied by some plaintive sound - to trouble.
  • Laughing in a dream - to sadness. Just smile - to well-being.
  • Nuts portend wealth, crackling from nuts - to conflicts.

Interpretation according to proper names

  • Rashid - truth and prudence.
  • Salim - well-being and security.
  • Said is happiness.
  • Nafi - good.
  • Uqbat is a successful result.
  • Rafi - superiority.
  • Ahmad - glorification.
  • Salih - piety, righteousness.

How to interpret by proper names? If the patient dreams of a man named Salim (well-being), then he will soon recover.

According to the Prophet, day dreams are truer than night dreams., since the Almighty sent him visions during the day.

Always remember the main thing: dreams come true exactly as they are interpreted. It is better to refrain from interpretation than to invite misfortune upon oneself.

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The meaning of dreams in the Islamic dream book

Islamic dream book

Muslim culture implies that the dreams of only those Muslims who are truly faithful to their own culture become prophetic.

Representatives of the Islamic religion sincerely believe that dreams will begin to become exactly at the time close to the day of judgment. In addition, according to Islamic manuscripts, it is Muslims who will be able to escape on the last day from the inevitable punishment for other infidel peoples. Moreover, this salvation will be indicated to the nation precisely in their dreams, in order to indicate the right path of salvation. Such information is a direct explanation of the interest that the Muslim people have in the mysteries of the world of dreams.

Quite a few collections of interpretations of dreams were published in Arabic, but it cannot be said that these books are in demand among ordinary people. "Islamic Dream Book" is an online collection of interpretations based on interpretations of dreams gleaned from the content of the Qur'an and Sunnah. A significant part of the interpretations is borrowed directly from the works Imam Muhammad, who is considered one of the most talented followers of the prophet, was a significant scientist of his era.

Since the time of the Prophet, enviable attention has been paid to dreams in the Arab countries. It was believed that it was dreams that influenced the formation of personality, were able to indicate the righteous way to protect from sinful deeds.

In addition to the interpretation of dreams themselves, the free “Islamic Dream Book: Interpretation of Dreams According to the Holy Quran and Sunnah” by Ibn Sirin contains guidelines for the correct analysis of dream images, examples of dreams that have come true are indicated. This publication is very useful to all those who seek to know the psychological background of Islam.

In Arab countries, the interpretation of dreams is almost equal to scientific knowledge, because there you can’t just become an interpreter, you need a certain experience and level of trust. This dream book is based on the most reliable and proven interpretations of dreams in Islamic culture. And despite the fact that a lot of time has passed since the compilation of this collection, it has not lost any of its usefulness and content for modern man, and even more so for a representative of the culture of the East. This almanac includes direct references to events at the dawn of Islam.

Features of the "Islamic Dream Book: Interpretation of Dreams According to the Holy Quran and Sunnah"

"Islamic dream book" suggests the division of dreams into three types.

Auspicious dreams. Such dreams are considered good news from Allah himself.

Negative dreams. These plots are the messages of Shaitan, they are designed to instill fear and uncertainty in order to knock a person off the right and righteous course of deeds. Such dreams can induce the righteous to commit sin, therefore they are considered dangerous for Muslims. After these dreams, it is recommended to perform ritual bathing. Only if a person cleanses himself before going to bed and reads a prayer, can he hope to receive a message from Allah in a dream. Dreams of Shaitan usually come to those who go to bed without prayer and without being cleansed.

Dreams about household chores, which have recently been relevant and important for the dreamer.

Dreams that cannot be attributed to any of the groups of dreams presented above, as a rule, should not be interpreted according to the Islamic Dream Book, because otherwise confusion and misconceptions cannot be avoided.

If the dream turns out to be favorable, then the dreamer must do the following things:

Praise Allah for the auspicious vision.

Be in joy and anticipation of pleasant events.

It is correct to interpret a dream, because what is interpreted will become a reality.

With unfavorable dreams, you should do the following:

Seek help in prayer to Allah, so that he saves the dreamer from evil.

Turn to Allah three times for help in salvation from Shaitan.

Spit three times to the left.

Roll over in bed from left side to right side or vice versa.

Perform prayer, both obligatory and optional.

In no case do not tell anyone about the dream.

Do not interpret a bad dream even for yourself.

Rules for using the "Islamic dream book"

When interpreting dreams, the following rules should be followed:

Highlight the most important thing in the content of the dream, preferably something that can portend good news or danger, as well as something related to the earthly or afterlife.

It is important to discard everything that definitely does not contain any symbols and signs.

It is necessary to determine for each of the selected symbols the most central of the meanings, preferably based on the Koran, or on the most proven practice.

We suggest you download "Islamic dream book" for free and without registration.

See the interpretation in other dream books:

A complete alphabetical list of interpretations of the Islamic dream book. Formulate, in one word, what you saw in a dream, and find the word in the list. For faster access to the interpretation you need, use the search in all dream books.

Result: 168 Islamic dream interpretations.

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Muslim dream book

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Muslim dream interpretation of dreams according to the Holy Qur'an and Sunna adhan in a dream

The Messenger of Allah, s.a.s., said: “When the time of the Day of Judgment approaches, almost all the dreams of a Muslim will be true” (Bukhari, Muslim). According to the Holy Quran and the Sunnah, Azan sleep is divided into three varieties:

Good dream; Such a dream is interpreted as God's grace, which descended on a person and brought him a gift - a prophetic good dream. Such dreams are often good news for the seer, as God opens his arms to him.

The Almighty once asked Adam: “You saw everything that I created, but didn’t you notice someone like you out of everything you saw?” And Adam answered: “No, O Lord, create for me a couple similar to me, so that they live with me and recognize only You and worship only You, as I do. And Allah put Adam to sleep, and while he was sleeping, he created Eve and sat her at his head. When Adam woke up, Allah asked him: “Who is this sitting near your head?” And Adam replied, “This is the vision that You showed me in a dream, O my Lord. And that was the first dream that man had.

Bad dream. Such a dream is considered to be the machinations of the shaitan, who every now and then wants to mock the soul of the dreamer and inflict fear, longing and pain on him through sleep. Bad dreams are dreamed by a person who goes to bed with an unclean soul, without praying in one word and not thanking God for the day he lived.

The Prophet, s.a.s., said: "Some dreams are from Allah, others are from Shaitan."

A dream that illustrates the life of a sleeper; Such dreams can be dreamed if in reality a person is very preoccupied with something and has ever passed experiences through his soul. Also, such dreams can show what the dreamer is used to doing in reality.

Dreams that do not fit into any of the varieties listed above are not considered reliable according to the Qur'an, or those that can be interpreted in any way by resorting to a dream book. Such dreams are considered nonsense.

The interpretation of dreams according to the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Adhan relies on the following principles: The Prophet, s.a.s., said: “If any of you sees a favorable dream, then, verily, it comes from Allah, and him and tell his friends about him. And if he sees an unfavorable dream, then it comes from the shaitan, and let him ask Allah for protection from the evil of this dream and not mention it to anyone, and then he will not harm him. At-Tirmidhi and others translated a hadeeth from Abu Hurayrat, who narrated that the Prophet, s.a.s., said: “If any of you sees a good dream, then let him interpret it and tell about it. And if he sees a bad dream, then let him not look for its interpretation and do not talk about it.

In order for the interpretation to be correct, it is necessary to highlight, first of all, what is the main thing in a dream. And already from this “main” start, remembering all the accompanying elements.

Muslim dream book to dream about money, pregnancy, fly

According to the Muslim dream book, to see paper money in a dream means that you will soon receive important news. The higher the denomination of the banknotes, the more important the news. If you dreamed about money in your hands, then this is a good sign - an extremely profitable offer will come in reality. If the dreamed money is directly related to the person who is dreaming, then a huge amount will replenish his budget in real life.

Giving money right and left, losing, forgetting or giving, except for alms, means a significant loss of income, possible reward or deprivation of a bonus. Give alms in a dream to the accomplishment of grandiose plans, the implementation of projects. If you dream of ordinary coins or a trifle, then this is a minor trouble, frustration and grief. However, if the coins are gold, this is a sign of great luck and happiness.

To see in a dream the pregnancy of his wife for a man means that good news will come upon him. If a woman sees her pregnancy in me, then soon she will get rich. If a virgin or unmarried girl dreamed of pregnancy, then this means that she will marry very soon. For old people to see this in a dream - to illnesses and ailments.

The Muslim dream book says that if a person flies in a dream, then such a dream portends an interesting journey in real life. The one who watches his flight between heaven and earth will dream a lot in reality. The wishes of such a person will soon come true. Basically, such a dream predicts the acquisition of family well-being.

Muslim dream book in a dream hedgehog, snake, horse, lion, fish, flowers, kissing

To see a hedgehog in a dream, according to the Muslim dream book, means to meet an unmerciful, evil, ungrateful person.

According to the Muslim dream book, a snake means an enemy, respectively, how it will behave in a dream, so you can predict the behavior of the enemy of a person who has a dream in real life. An important element is whether the snake hisses in a dream. If a hiss is heard, then this is a good sign, because in reality the evil enemy will leave the “battlefield” and leave the person alone. However, until the enemy is defeated, he should be feared.

Seeing a horse in a dream is not a very good sign, which portends a shameless deception on the part of relatives and friends. However, if the horse neighs, then the meaning of the dream changes. The neighing of a horse means the noble speech of an authoritative person. Perhaps in reality the sleeper will be given important advice, or he will receive tremendous support from influential people. If in a dream the horse turns to him and the speech is clear, then you should remember every word spoken and interpret them in the most direct sense.

The lion, in accordance with the Muslim dream book, means for the person who sees him to face unbridled strength and power. If a person who is sleeping has overcome a lion in a dream, then this promises a clear victory over the most sworn enemy in real life. If he runs away from the lion, then this is also a good sign, which portends success in business and the speedy fulfillment of all desires.

Seeing a fish in a dream is a good sign. It symbolizes success if dreamed in large numbers. Also, if a person eats fish, it means that he will soon deal with all his problems. The Muslim dream book pays great attention to people who sit at the same table and eat fish with the dreamer. Such people should be looked after in reality, perhaps they commit bad deeds behind their backs and are preparing some kind of deceit.

The flowers that a person sees in a dream mean a set of feelings, relationships or events. Plant flowers in a dream for the emergence of new relationships, pluck - overcome any difficult situations, give - share your feelings and positive emotions with your loved one.

Kissing in a dream, according to the Muslim dream book, is bad news related to the relationship of two loving people. This seemingly innocent act of lovers symbolizes betrayal, conflict and separation in reality. Parting is predicted with the person whom the sleeping person kisses in a dream. Betrayal also applies to the kissed person.

Muslim dream book to see a deceased person, a deceased grandmother or other relative

According to the Muslim dream book, to see a dead person in a dream means that he wants to convey something to the sleeping person through sleep. If dead relatives are filmed alive, this is a good sign, since they take away the difficulties and problems that surrounded him from a person. Also, depending on what exactly the dead are doing in a dream, one can understand what message they want to convey to the sleeping person, and sometimes prevent impending troubles.

Such dreams should not frighten the person who sees them. If a deceased relative touches a certain part of the body, then, therefore, it is necessary to visit a doctor and check in order to protect yourself from a possible illness in advance. If, however, the deceased does something bad, you need to take a closer look at what actions will lead to danger. If, on the contrary, it is good, in real life it will need to be repeated.

If in a dream the sleeping person kisses and hugs a deceased relative, then in reality he prolongs his life. And a love relationship with a deceased person (not a relative) will predict good luck in the most difficult cases and return hope for a good result.

Muslim dream book and interpretation of dreams from a to z if you dream of a white scarf what does it mean

To see a white handkerchief in a dream means that very intriguing and important news awaits a person, from which he will not be able to take his thoughts off. In accordance with the Muslim dream book, a white scarf carries with it psychological experiences. In general, the scarf symbolizes shelter, that is, an object that serves as a talisman for thoughts and thoughts. If a person puts a white scarf on someone, this means that he sincerely cares about him and wants to protect him from evil influences.

If you dream that the scarf is on your shoulders, then in reality you will get the impression that the person who is dreaming does not have enough control over the circumstances and he needs help, even though he can handle everything on his own. After such a dream, it is simply necessary to understand that exaggerating the problem should not affect its solution. As the saying goes: "The wolf is not as scary as it is drawn."

Muslim dream book in a dream to eat white bread, see long hair or cut it

According to the Muslim dream book, eating white bread in a dream portends love joys, good luck in conceived deeds and an increase in material wealth. White bread is a symbol of prosperity, strong love, well-being and success in everything, so the absorption of this sacred food means taking in all the very best, positive and desirable.

To dream of long hair for young people, girls or those who are in the military, means long-awaited wealth, all-round respect and long years of carefree life. If an elderly person dreams of long hair, then such a dream does not bode well. On the contrary, mental anguish, anxiety and bitterness. If someone has a dream in which they cut his hair, then in real life they will take away from him what was given on loans or for rent. If a person dreams that he cuts his own hair, then this is a sign of exposing all his secrets to people who should not have known them.

Muslim dream book eat strawberries, sweets, drive a car

Eating strawberries in a dream, in accordance with the Muslim dream book, means a sweet unearthly pleasure in reality. A person who dreams of this is destined to feel extremely pleasant and unbridled emotions, sensations, and in reality this person will achieve all his goals. Feeling the taste of strawberries in a dream tells a person that the partner he has chosen, or will soon choose, suits him like no other.

If a person dreams that he is eating sweets, then such a dream portends only the best events. In reality, the one who sees such a dream will visit absolute peace of mind and satisfaction, the dangers that haunted him will pass by, and life will be completely renewed and improved.

Driving a car in a dream means with what perseverance and desire a person who sees such a dream wants to solve problems and mentally free himself from hardships and sorrows, if they are present. If a person drives a car quickly with a gust of wind, then this indicates the imminent fulfillment of dreams and desires, and plans are being implemented faster than planned.

Depending on how the sleeper drives the car, what speed, what brand and whether there are passengers, the dream can be interpreted from completely different positions. In particular, a car in a dream is a personalization of a person who is sleeping, a symbol of his motivation, management of current situations, decision-making style, and so on, in general, everything related to the life position of the sleeping person. And only taking into account these factors, such a dream can be interpreted.

Muslim dream book child girl, black dog, dog bite

If a little girl dreams and is familiar to the sleeping person, then such a dream predicts great fun, laughter and joy, but if the child is not familiar to the person who dreamed, then things are worse than in the first case. Such a dream speaks of imminent care and great sadness, as well as the sudden appearance of an enemy, albeit not a strong one. If you have a dream in which the sleeping person appears in the form of a little girl, then for a beggar such a dream will turn into an achievement of pleasure and outlet, for a rich man - a brazen theft of his property.

To see a black dog in a dream means complete disappointment for the person who sees this dream in his closest friend, who will not only leave you alone with problems in difficult times, but also openly humiliate you. Although in life a dog is a symbol of friendship and devotion, in a dream to see a black dog is far from good. If a black dog bites in addition to everything else, then this is a sign that the enemy is preparing to attack and cause harm. Such a dream can also mean attracting dark forces against the person to whom he dreams in real life. If the bite is reflected and the dog manages to be thrown away from itself in such a dream, then an attempt to resist evil in reality will be successful.

Muslim dream book teeth, cheating wife, gold, gold chain, black cat

To see teeth in a dream, according to the Muslim dream book, means that the dream is directly related to the relatives of the person who is sleeping. Regarding the systematization of the naming of each tooth in the oral cavity, the left part refers to maternal relatives, the right part refers to paternal relatives. If the sleeper sees damage to the tooth, or blood that will come from one or another tooth, then woe to the person to whom this tooth is related.

If in a dream the dreamer takes out a whole and undamaged tooth and puts it on his hand, then this means that he will be replenished in the form of a brother or sister. Also, if all the teeth fall out at once without pain and blood, this means that the sleeper will live long and in good health. However, if you dream of golden teeth, this is a bad sign. A person who sees such a dream is threatened by illness and human gossip. And if the teeth are generally wooden, glass or wax, then this is to death.

If a man dreams about the betrayal of his wife, then this, in accordance with the Muslim dream book, means the constant humiliation of such a woman in society. It is believed that if she cheats on her husband in a dream, it means that her soul is unclean and some kind of guilt lies with her, and therefore, those around her do not accept this person and spread rot at every possible occasion.

Seeing gold in a dream - to bad events in reality. A person who dreams of gold is doomed to suffering and sorrow, and if he managed to scatter this gold, then trouble will surround him and predict a quick death. If a person gives gold to someone in a dream, then such a dream speaks of deceit on the part of the one to whom this valuable metal was given.

If in a dream a person sees a golden chain, then the meaning of such a dream is directly related to the second half of the sleeping person. If the chain is gold and worn around the neck, then the beloved person of the dreamer will be with a bad and rude disposition. In principle, dreams in which gold is dreamed are not positive, so you should be on the alert after such dreams have passed.

A black cat, in accordance with the interpretation of the Muslim dream book, dreams of a secret desire of a person to "go into all serious trouble." It symbolizes a refined nature, which, due to its subtle spiritual development, needs care, love and affection. For a man, this manifests itself in sympathy for some beautiful woman, whose silhouette personifies the image of a black cat. For a woman, this can be characterized as a strong attraction to a friend who is able to help with advice and deed.

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Muslim dream books are not always right

For thousands of years, people have always wanted to know what their dreams mean. The mystery of the encrypted messages was first solved by the sages, and then, over time, dream books appeared. Any religion paid special attention to the interpretation of dreams, but the Islamic dream book is of particular interest - the interpretation of dreams according to the Holy Quran. This article will be able to lift the veil of a mystery that has not been completely unraveled.

The history of the creation of a dream book according to the Koran

There is an opinion that the Muslim dream book today is the most accurate of all existing ones. I wonder why? Let's try to figure it out, but for this it is worth turning to history.

According to the Prophet Muhammad, after him there will be no prophecies in the world, except for prophetic dreams about the future - al-mubashshirats. They will begin to help people interpret the signs of the Almighty with warnings and approvals, and sometimes even prophetic ones. Whether this was actually said by the Prophet is not known for certain. Despite this, each of us in life sees dreams that actually come true.

As you know, from the Koran, the first prophetic dream was the vision of Adam. Allah asked him if he had seen a person in the world like himself. Adam replied that he had not seen and asked Allah to create a couple for him so that his wife would live with him and also honor Allah. After the spoken words, Adam fell asleep, and after he woke up, he saw Eve at the head of the bed.

According to this Islamic legend, this dream of Adam, described in the Qur'an, became the first prophetic dream that was dreamed by the mercy of the Almighty. There is an assumption that since ancient times, only the elect have been endowed with the ability to interpret dreams. This gift people receive from Allah himself. Most Islamic scholars devoted their whole lives to the interpretation of the symbolism of dreams and the Qur'an. The most successful researchers of dreams were: Imam Jafar As-Sadiq, Alim Imam Muhammad Ibn Sirin Al-Basri, An-Nablusi. Based on their work, a modern Islamic dream book was created, which people still use today.

The most accurate interpretations of dreams can be found in the Koran, the holy book of all the faithful, however, several other sources are also known.

Muslims use the following dream books to interpret dreams:

  1. The body of knowledge is the original Muslim dream book, written in Persian and translated into other languages.
  2. Luminaries of different sciences - describes the true interpretation of the dreams of the faithful.
  3. Sunnah is a dream book created at the end of the 19th century. It presents the sacred life stories of the Prophet.

What does sleep mean according to Islamic dream book?

According to the Quran, sleep comes to a person in three different forms:

Correct Application Islamic dream book according to the Sunnah and the Koran involves an analysis of what was seen in a dream, highlighting the main thing and assigning it to one of the categories listed above. If the dream appeared confused, its interpretation is not carried out.

A prophetic dream can be seen by a woman and a man, but the greatest likelihood that it will come true is noted by those who saw the prophecy closer to the morning.

Features of the Muslim dream book

The Islamic dream book is an interpretation of dreams according to the Quran and the Sunnah. It is very different from other dream books in its features:

  1. The interpretation of the images is based on the Koran.
  2. What matters is the interpretation of the images that the Prophet saw and his interpretation.
  3. A clear and understandable interpretation, close to the natural perception of images by a person.
  4. Sometimes images that are interpreted positively / negatively in an Islamic dream book can have the opposite meaning.
  5. The order of the recorded images in the dream book does not adhere to the alphabet, but to significance from the point of view of Muslim scholars.

According to Islam, the dream book according to the Koran forms the correct behavior of people, and therefore it is referred to as manuals and guides to action.

How to use an Islamic dream book?

In order to correctly interpret the dream according to the Sunnah and the Koran, you will have to perform the following nuances:

  1. What you see must be correlated with the category: from Allah, from Shaitan, from the subconscious.
  2. The main sleep line is highlighted, and unnecessary details are discarded.
  3. From the images they choose the most significant and look at their meaning.

A Muslim believer must view his dreams through the prism of revelations in the Koran. If the dream matches them, he should be trusted.

The most popular interpreter of Islam is Ibn Sirin's Tafsir of Dreams, which contains about a thousand interpretations.

Why dream a good dream?

According to the Muslim interpreter, pleasant dreams are sent by Allah himself in order to show the right path and pay special attention to the problematic part of life. Usually working with them brings success in the near future.

A good sign is considered to be plots with the presence of birds, which mean true beginnings. A dream associated with relatives is favorable. This means the presence of a strong generic protection. A book that appeared in a dream can promise success, meaning great opportunities and potential associated with intellectual abilities. Reading the Qur'an and seeing the Saints is considered to be a real good sign. According to the spiritual literature and the Sunnah, demons are not able to take the form of Allah.

Prophetic dreams are only good, because they are sent down by heaven. Confusing and disturbing dreams are messages from demons who want to get to the human soul through a dream. Morning prayer can drive away negative energy.

What to do with good and bad sleep?

If a person happened to see a sign of Allah in a dream or instruction from the Prophet, the following steps must be done:

If a terrible dream is sent to a person, the following must be done:

  • Pray to Allah asking for protection from evil.
  • thrice ask for protection from the devil.
  • Spit three times to the left.
  • Sleeping position needs to be changed.
  • Perform Namaz.
  • Do not tell anyone about the dream and do not even interpret it for yourself.

Having done all these points, a person can be sure that, by the will of Allah, a bad vision will not come true.

The meanings of some dreams according to the Islamic dream book

There are many interpretations in the Arabic dream book. It is worth considering the most rare and important signs that require priority attention.

  • dwelling is a symbol of paradise, and the more beautiful and comfortable it turns out to be, the closer the human soul is to bliss.
  • Crow- a symbol of dangerous and evil people.
  • A bad sign in a dream, according to the Sunnah and the Koran, is considered woman with matted hair. She warns of the onset of the disease.
  • Any glass product or just a fragile thing symbolizes a woman.
  • Seeing in a dream milk which means that soon you will become the owner of true knowledge.
  • If a person saw green spices or vegetables in his hands, he needs to repent. This dream means that a person has exchanged the best for the bad.
  • Ashes and ashes symbolize the entry into the wrong path. The dreamer must reconsider intentions and guidelines.
  • The dream book and interpretations according to the Sunna advise everyone who sees water in a dream to prepare for trials. A large volume of water means huge obstacles to the goal.
  • Camel- a sign of power and greatness.
  • Horse dreams of someone who expects goodness and joy.
  • Sheep- is a sign of prosperity, and the more there are, the faster the dreamer is promised a profit and inheritance.
  • sick tree has an interpretation of danger from people and random events.
  • Palma traitors see in dreams, since it is considered a symbol of renunciation of Allah.

The only thing that has a clear interpretation according to the Quran and the Sunnah is money. Seeing them in a dream, one should expect an early improvement in well-being. A good sign are old coins made of silver and gold. In this case, the dreamer will soon receive happiness along with wealth.


The Quran is famous for the most correct interpretation of dreams, which gives the most truthful and clear explanations. Representatives of Islam always use the interpretations of the Koran and trust them more than others. By following the visions and observing the basic rules of religion, one can receive the blessings of Allah.

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Truly, all praise be to Allah, we praise Him, we ask Him for help and forgiveness. I testify that there is no other god (worthy of worship) except Allah, the One, who has no partner, and I also testify that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

Indeed, the fact that most of the dreams of a true Muslim become prophetic is one of the small signs of the Day of Judgment, each of us notices them today. Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrate a hadith from Abu Hurairah narrated from the Prophet that he said: “When the time of the Day of Judgment approaches, almost all the dreams of a Muslim will be prophetic.”

Probably, the wise justification for this is that a true Muslim before the end of the world will be a stranger (gharib) to everyone, as the hadith cited by Muslim also tells about this: “Islam began unusually (gharib, a stranger to everyone) and will leave unusually (gharib, alien to everyone) how it began. There will be few who will console him, treat him in a friendly way and will at this time assist him in his service to Allah. And then Allah will show him His honor, endowing him with true dreams in order to please him with good news and strengthen him on the true path. There are very few true interpreters of dreams, especially those to whom Allah has given knowledge in religion (ilm), wisdom and skillful understanding of dreams. There are a lot of books on the interpretation of dreams in Arabic, small and large, but most people do not benefit from them and practically do not use them.Therefore, the modest following lines reveal to the reader the methods, ways and ethics of interpreting dreams and lead to the most correct and accurate interpretations, most of which are selected from the Koran and the Sunnah.The materials of the book offered to the reader are based primarily on the work of Imam Muhammad Ibn Siryn al-Basri, who belonged to the generation of tabi yn - followers of the companions of the Prophet - and was a great scientist of his time. Also in the book are interpretations of dreams by such scientists as Imam Ja "far as-Sadiq and an-Nablusi.

Before going into more detail about this book, the importance of sleep in human life should be noted.

In Islam, since the time of the Prophet, special attention has been paid to sleep, its role in the upbringing of a person and deliverance from sins. Here is a summary of what Imam al-Ghazali said about visionary dreams in his book The Alchemy of Happiness:

  1. In a dream, the five doors of comprehension of the ordinary, that is, the five senses, are closed, and the door of comprehension of the beyond is open in the soul - information about the past, future or hidden.
  2. The information received from there is either dressed in the garb of memories and imagination, or appears as it is.
  3. Those images that are given by memory do not correspond to the external appearance of the event, but to its inner essence.
  4. A person is given the opportunity to comprehend transcendental knowledge in order to give him an example of the knowledge of the prophets, because a person will never believe in something that he does not see an example of.
  5. What ordinary people see in prophetic dreams, the prophets see in reality.

In this book, in addition to the usual interpretations, a technique for analyzing dreams is presented and factual material about dreams that have been seen and come true is given. Therefore, it is of value both for the ordinary reader and for psychologists, psychoanalysts and specialists professionally dealing with Islamic issues.

The interpretation of dreams in Islam is a special science, each situation is deeply individual and requires a qualified approach in all respects. This is exactly what Ibn Sayrin did. And this book is compiled according to the interpretations that he gave to people who turned to him. Given the specifics of that time, it can be useful today. The publication provides an opportunity to understand the amazing era of the birth of Islam, based not on dry historical facts, but on the living dreams of people of that time.

We all have dreams, and many of us sometimes wonder what they mean. The key to understanding dreams is given in the pages of the book you hold in your hands.

A large part of human life passes in a state of sleep. Sleep is a small death, rest and a channel of communication with what is beyond our minds. One day, having fallen asleep from incredible fatigue and waking up in the morning from sleep late for the morning prayer-namaz, the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) turned to his companions: “Verily, Allah (God, Lord) took your souls when he wished and gave them back when he wished. Bilal, get up, call people to prayer [read the azan loudly, let everyone wake up] ”.

The Holy Qur'an mentions sleep in nine places. There are entire sections on this subject in the hadith books. The Prophet himself sometimes after the morning prayer, turning his face to those who prayed behind him, asked: “Did any of you have a dream last night?” Some scientists said that a prophetic, true dream is the creation of the Lord in the human mind.

However, there are people who pay too much attention to "life in a dream". Below I will try to present the boundaries of rationality, to understand what is a seed in this area of ​​life, and what is a husk.

Let's start with the fact that everything created by the Creator is a sign pointing to His existence and power. There are a huge number of signs both around and within us. The most striking, and perhaps the most important, valuable ones are mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. Among them is a dream:

“And from among His signs - your night sleep [restoring strength and energy spent during the day] and [half-hour or hour sleep] during the day [so that you rest in body and soul]" (see).

What is sleep in the Qur'an?

This is a sign indicating the existence of God, as already mentioned, and also one of the manifestations of His mercy:

“He [the Lord of the worlds] is the one who made the night for you a garment [like something covering, dressing you in something], sleep a rest, and a day a resurrection (revival). [Night takes you to a different state, sleep partially kills, giving the body the opportunity to rest and recover, and a new day returns to life, to a new breath, as if renewing awareness and perception of things, giving the opportunity to take a fresh look at the environment] "().

Sleep was a source of revelation for the prophets and messengers of God (see, for example, the Holy Quran,). And after the completion of the mission of the last Prophet, it became a source of inspiration, sometimes something through which a warning or intimidation can come. Sleep is also a state when Divine punishment was unexpectedly brought down (see the Holy Quran, and).

What did Prophet Muhammad say about dreams?

Scholars commented:“Under the phrase “good dream”, perhaps, the joy of the dream itself is meant, and perhaps the goodness of interpretation, explanation of what will be given to it. By the word "man", and if according to the text of the hadith - "man", both men and women are meant. All Muslim scholars agree with this.

Who can see a prophetic, supposedly true dream?

"The most truthful dreams will be with those believers who are most truthful in their words." Penetration into the heart, consciousness and soul of a devout, religiously practicing person is the most difficult for Satan, so the probability of seeing a prophetic dream among very truthful of them is great. At the same time, the veracity of dreams in such people is not unambiguous, but only supposedly carries the Divine principle. For obvious sinners, people who are far from God and religious practice, or even non-believers, the probability of a true dream is minimal, but, as theologians said, it is not excluded.

Which dream is clearly true?

“Whoever sees me in a dream has truly seen me. Verily, Satan cannot take my form, ”said the mouth of the prophet Muhammad. Some scholars believed that "hadith can be taken literally and nothing prevents this." Imam al-Ghazali gave a different explanation to the words “he truly saw me”: “You do not need to understand these words as “he saw my body”, but you need to understand it as “he saw my image”, through which truthful information is given to a sleeping person. If a person sees the image of the Prophet Muhammad, this does not mean that he saw the Prophet himself, his soul. He saw the image and likeness of the Prophet, which can only be from God and definitely not from Satan.

Dreams and the End of the World

"Closer to the End of the World, the dreams of believers will be more and more true".

At what time of the day is it most likely to see a prophetic dream?

"The Most True Dreams Are During Dawn (At Dawn)". Ja'far al-Sadiq said: "A dream seen in the interval between the second and third prayers (daytime afternoon sleep) is the easiest to interpret." ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib said: “There is no difference between sleeping during the day and sleeping at night. The opportunity to see a true dream during these periods of the day is the same. There is also no difference between the dreams of men and the dreams of women.

How to perceive, how to determine the quality of sleep?

The Prophet Muhammad said: “A good dream is from God. Bad dream - from the Devil. If a person sees in a dream something he likes [desired, good, pleasant for him], then let him thank Allah (God, Lord) and do not tell anyone about it, except for those whom he loves (respects). And if he sees something unpleasant for him (causing disgust) [blameful, unwanted, frightening, disturbing], then let him spit three times over his left shoulder and say: “A’uzu bil-lyahi minash-shaytooni rrajiimi wa min sharrih” (I’m looking for refuge with God from Satan and his evil). Let him lie on the other side and [subsequently] tell no one. He will not be harmed by this dream. Hearing the hadeeth, Abu Salama said: “In the past, some dreams were harder for me than mountains, but now I don’t pay any attention to them.”

Muhammad ibn Sirin said: “Sleep is of three types: (1) the speech of the soul (that is, the impressions of a person, the result of his thoughts, experiences); (2) intimidation of Satan and bringing sadness, sorrow to him (when he tries to intimidate a person with a bad or terrible dream, to bring a feeling of despair, confusion, sadness into the soul); (3) a prophetic dream, which is good news from the Lord. Also, a prophetic dream can be a Divine warning, a warning so that a person mobilizes, shows great care, vigilance.

Some interpretations of dreams from the prophet Muhammad

- “If the Devil plays with any of you when he is sleeping [that is, if, upon waking up, a person remembers that he had seen stupid, strange or terrible dreams], then let [when awake, put what he saw out of his head, ignore it, forget about it and] doesn’t tell anyone!” These words were spoken by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to a Bedouin who came to him and told that in a dream he saw how he lost his head and followed the severed head. Hearing this dream, the Prophet laughed;

The Prophet once shared with his companions: “Like anyone sleeping, I had a dream that we had gathered with you in the house of ‘Utba and they brought us good dates. I interpreted this as a harbinger of a significant good (superiority) for us in worldly life and in eternal life, and our religion has completeness (completeness) [practicing it, we feel the sweetness of faith] ”;

A certain woman saw in a dream how one of the companions of the Prophet, who died shortly before, had a source clogged. She asked the messenger of the Most High, and he replied: “These are his deeds (which will benefit him even after death) [will be credited to his personal account in eternity until they cease to be useful to other people]”;

The Prophet was once asked about Varak, a relative of Khadija. Khadija said: “[Do you remember] he confirmed the truth of your prophetic mission?! He died before the news of you as a prophet could spread." Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “He (Waraqa) was shown to me in a dream. He was wearing white clothes. If he were from among the inhabitants of Hell, then he would have been wearing different clothes.

You need to be more careful about how to interpret a dream. The Prophet Muhammad warned: “The dream of the believer is one forty-sixth of the prophecy. And this dream is in an indefinite (suspended) state [between heaven and earth], until they talk about it [until it is explained, until it is given a certain meaning linked to reality]. When they speak, then it will fall [to the ground in the form that will be given to it, which will launch the mechanism for its implementation with the Divine blessing for that].” In one of the narrations, it is added: “Do not tell [dreams], except to someone who is smart and wise, in order to correctly interpret [only and only for the better]» .

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) also said: “Indeed, a dream is realized as you interpret it. It is like when a person raises his foot and waits [time] before lowering it [that is, he pauses for a while, paying attention to what he is stepping on]. If any of you sees a dream [prophetic, bright, clear, memorable], then let him not tell it to anyone, except for someone who knows how to instruct [a person who can give wise advice] or a knowledgeable ('alim) [who has religious knowledge and I am well aware that in Islam dreams, even alarming and terrible, should “fall to the ground”, that is, they should be interpreted only and only for the better]» .

The hadith also mentions the significant sinfulness of lying when retelling dreams, when a person tells as a dream what he did not actually see.

Sleep for the prophets and messengers was the source of one forty-sixth of their revelations. For the average believer, sleep is more of a rest than a source of information about future events. Almost everything that a person sees in a dream throughout his life is the result of his thoughts, experiences, impressions or satanic whispers, intimidation. What is from God is not like a confusion of events: when we wake up, what we see will be before us like the sun on a cloudless day.

Theologians have repeatedly emphasized that excessive attention to sleep and dreams indicates the weakness of a person’s faith and the desire to escape from the reality of this life.

Answers to questions about sleep

Can dreams be interpreted?

Canonically, this is permissible and permissible (mashru').

How are dreams interpreted?

What I personally emphasized for myself, analyzing the theological materials on this subject, can be formulated as follows: there is no single system for interpreting dreams. There are criteria in determining sleep - it is from the Creator, from Satan, or the result of everyday worries and anxieties. If the dream is presumably caused by the last two reasons, no attention should be paid to it, it should be immediately forgotten. If the first, you should pay attention and learn something useful for life. The best interpreter in this case will be the one who sees it, since it is most likely that Divine edification is given to him in the language of his associations and images (both positive and negative), life rules, principles, and taking into account the circumstances and time in which he lives. If a person cannot find a clue, then he can turn to pious, literate people.

If someone saw the prophet Muhammad himself in a prophetic dream, how can this be interpreted?

If a person saw the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in a dream, it can be unequivocally stated that this dream is true. We know from the authentic hadiths cited earlier that Satan cannot take the form of the Prophet Muhammad. “And how can a person determine who exactly he saw?” - you ask. If a believer sees in a dream the last messenger of the Lord, then he will not doubt that he saw him. When he wakes up, he will be sure of it without a single doubt.

Many theologians said: “If a person saw the Prophet Muhammad in good health and rejoiced, then this speaks of the strong faith and piety of the one who saw it, that everything is fine with him. And when - severe, angry or ill, with some shortcomings, then this indicates the weakness of the faith of the one who saw such a dream, the presence of serious shortcomings in his essence. The image of the Prophet in a dream is like a mirror full of light. The sleeper sees in him the true state of affairs of his essence, his own shortcomings, errors.

Also, in some reliable hadiths, it is added: “... and this person will see me in reality,” that is, the one who sees the Prophet in a dream will be from among his followers on the Day of Judgment, as theologians commented. The rivayat says: "... he will see me as if it were in reality," that is, clearly, believably.

I have very vivid and varied dreams that largely absorb my consciousness and do not let go throughout the day. In my last dream, I saw the mother of the prophet ‘Isa (Jesus). She came up to me, stretched out her hands and said: “Repeat after me,” and I recited the shahada (testimony of Monotheism) with her.

Dreaming is good, but keep in mind that sometimes people live in waking dreams, perhaps because of some kind of trouble or seemingly insurmountable difficulties that they do not try (fearing or doubting) to finally resolve, resolve. I do not advise you to go in cycles in dreams. Dreams remain just dreams. If there is any benefit from them from the point of view of Muslim values, then this is help in difficult times and an impulse to action. Let them inspire you for the realization of new earthly victories, inspire you for self-discipline, labor and painstaking work. You are obliged to live in reality, to be included in the life process of intellectual, physical and spiritual daily development, which would help you keep a good shape and fill you with energy to achieve your life goals and objectives. Hope you have them.

When life in reality begins to prevail in your brain, when you begin to see the fruits of your efforts and efforts, rejoice at them and thank the Almighty, then, I believe, the world of your dreams will be transformed.

I have nightmares at night. I see terrible pictures, as if I am dying in difficult conditions, close to me are people close to me, my relatives. I'm trying to wake up and get away from this horror, but when I open my eyes, my whole body is shaking, I'm in a cold sweat. It has a very strong effect on my psyche. It happens both mentally and physically tired of it. What to do when such things happen? Why is this? Magomed.

You should stop watching TV and go on the Internet, that is, look at everything that clogs your brain and frightens it. I believe that a lot of rubbish, terrible associations and images have accumulated in your head, and therefore it is not so easy and quick to clean it all out. Try to find Daniel J. Amen's book "Change Your Brain, Change Your Body!" and subtract from it at least 5 recommendations related to your question. After strictly follow them for at least 6 months. This should apply to your nutrition, and your mobility, and your lifestyle in general.

Start practicing the recommendations from the following hadeeth. The Prophet Muhammad said: “A good dream is from God. A bad dream is from the Devil. If a person sees in a dream something he likes [desired, good, pleasant for him], then let him thank Allah (God, Lord) and do not tell anyone about it, except for those whom he loves (respects). And if he sees something unpleasant for him (causing disgust) [blameful, unwanted, frightening, disturbing], then let him spit three times over his left shoulder and say: “A’uzu bil-lyahi minash-shaytooni rrajiimi wa min sharrih” (I’m looking for refuge with God from Satan and his evil). Let him lie on the other side and [subsequently] tell no one. He will not be harmed by this dream.

I also recommend donating blood for the most detailed analysis of its condition and the presence of the necessary substances and elements in it. In my practice of communicating with people, there was a case when a person suffered from nightmares for several years, waking up in the middle of the night in a sweat. Where he just did not survey. But only when he got to one of the foreign clinics and passed a detailed blood test, he found out that one of the organs does not release a sufficient amount of a substance that is vital for the body. He started taking it in supplement form and it went away.

It was no longer dawn or dawn, but the rising of the sun itself, during which the prayer-prayer is not performed.

Scientists commented: “Taking the soul (ruh) from a sleeping person is a partial cessation of its connection with the body. Taking away the soul from a dying person is a complete cessation of the connection between the soul and the body. See: al-‘Aini B. ‘Umda al-qari sharh sahih al-bukhari. V 20 t., 1972. T. 4. S. 244, 245.

Hadith from Abu Qatada; St. X. al-Bukhari and others. See: al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 1. S. 193, hadith No. 595; al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. V 18 t., 2000. T. 3. S. 84–86, hadith No. 595 and explanation to it; al-‘Aini B. ‘Umda al-qari sharh sahih al-bukhari. V 20 t., 1972. T. 4. S. 244.

See: al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 4. S. 2205, hadith No. 7047; al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. V 18 t., 2000. T. 15. S. 542, hadith No. 7047; An-Naisaburi M. Sahih Muslim. S. 934, Hadith No. 23–(2275); al-Kurtubi A. Talkhys sahih al-imam Muslim. T. 2. S. 989, Chapter No. 32, Hadith No. 10; at-Tirmizi M. Sunan at-tirmizi. 2002. S. 662, Hadith No. 2299, Hasan Sahih.

“Most of us need 7-8 hours of sleep (per day. - Sh. A.). During sleep, the brain is restored. Sleep gives the brain a chance to debug and "do the housework" - replenish proteins and strengthen synapses. To do this, the brain must turn off so that the neurons do not get underfoot. The lower brain temperature and slower metabolic rate that accompany deep sleep helps enzymes repair and repair cells more successfully.<…>Not getting enough sleep one night, some people do not feel much discomfort. But after a week or two of lack of sleep, everyone suffers because the effect is cumulative. One week of insufficient sleep is equivalent to 24 hours of uninterrupted wakefulness. Two weeks - 48 hours. See: Ackerman, J. A Brief History of the Human Body. 24 hours from the life of the body. St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2008. S. 265, 266, 272.

“Properly dosed afternoon naps help improve mood and increase activity. Recent research suggests that 15-20 minutes between 1pm and 2.30pm is enough to banish fatigue, increase productivity, and recharge your batteries. A longer sleep, such as three-quarters of an hour or an hour, may require another twenty minutes to shake off the inertia of sleep. A short afternoon nap is a natural response to the biological need for rest. The human body is programmed for siesta.” See: Ackerman, J. A Brief History of the Human Body. 24 hours from the life of the body. pp. 135–137.

See also, for example: Holy Quran, 78:9–11.

It is the prophecy that is mentioned in all the hadiths on this topic. The prophets were told about the hidden, hidden, unknown, awaiting people in the future (al-ghayb), but they were not the ones through whom the Divine instructions were given. The canons were transmitted to individual peoples or to humanity as a whole through envoys God's.

It is the veil before the unknown (al-ghaib) that can be slightly ajar for the righteous and people close to God through sleep.

Hadith from Abu Hurairah, St. X. al-Bukhari. See: al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 4. S. 2188, hadith No. 6990; al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. V 18 t., 2000. T. 15. S. 464, hadith No. 6990; at-Tabrizi M. Mishket al-masabih [Niche of lamps]. In 4 volumes. Beirut: al-Fikr, 1991. V. 2. S. 519, hadith No. 4606.

See: at-Tirmidhi M. Sunan at-tirmidhi. 2002. S. 657, Hadith No. 2277, Sahih.

See: al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 4. S. 2186, hadith No. 6983; al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. V 18 t., 2000. T. 15. S. 448, hadith No. 6983; al-‘Aini B. ‘Umda al-qari sharh sahih al-bukhari. V 25 t., 2001. T. 24. S. 197, hadith No. 6983.

In accordance with the rules of the Arabic language, when referring to men, women are also meant, unless there is a reservation or impossibility of meaning for physiological or other reasons. When it comes to women, then, on the contrary, men are not meant. See: al-‘Aini B. ‘Umda al-qari sharh sahih al-bukhari. V 20 vol., 1972. T. 20. S. 8, 24; al-‘Aini B. ‘Umda al-qari sharh sahih al-bukhari. V 25 vol., 2001. vol. 24. p. 197, explanatory note to hadith no. 6983; al-Qari 'A. (died 1014 AH). Mirkat al-mafatih sharh mishkyat al-masabih. In 10 vols. T. 7. S. 2913, hadith No. 4608.

Hadith from Abu Hurairah; St. X. Muslim. See: an-Naisaburi M. Sahih Muslim. S. 930, Hadith No. 6–(2263); at-Tirmizi M. Sunan at-tirmizi. 2002. S. 657, Hadith No. 2275, Sahih.

See: Holy Quran, 12:36, 43; al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. V 18 t., 2000. T. 15. S. 449; Nuzha al-muttakin. Sharh riad as-salihin. T. 1. S. 572, commentary on Hadith No. 2/839.

See: al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 4. S. 2191, hadith No. 6994; al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. V 18 t., 2000. T. 15. S. 473, hadith No. 6994; An-Naisaburi M. Sahih Muslim. S. 931, Hadith No. 10–(2266); at-Tirmizi M. Sunan at-tirmizi. 2002. S. 658, hadith No. 2281, "hasan sahih"; al-Kurtubi A. Talkhys sahih al-imam Muslim. T. 2. S. 988, chapter No. 32, hadiths No. 7, 8.

See: al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 18 vol., 2000. vol. 15. p. 479, in an explanation to hadith no. 6994.

See: an-Naisaburi M. Sahih Muslim. S. 930, Hadith No. 6–(2263); at-Tirmizi M. Sunan at-tirmizi. 2002. p. 657, hadith no. 2275, "sahih"; al-Kurtubi A. Talkhys sahih al-imam Muslim. T. 2. S. 987, Chapter No. 32, Hadith No. 3.

Hadith from Abu Sa'id; St. X. Ahmad, at-Tirmizi and others. See: al-Suyuty J. Al-jami ‘as-sagyr. S. 71, hadith no. 1083, "sahih"; at-Tirmizi M. Sunan at-tirmizi. 2002. S. 657, Hadith No. 2279.

See: al-‘Aini B. ‘Umda al-qari sharh sahih al-bukhari. V 25 vol., 2001. T. 24. S. 213.

Some scholars stipulated the following criterion: “Thought, idea, dream, which are from God, are stable and clear. The same as from Satan is unstable, accompanied by confusion and incoherence of images.

Here "spit" means air, not saliva. This action symbolizes a disdainful attitude towards the intrigues of the Devil and the removal of satanic filth (influence) from oneself. See: Nuzha al-muttakin. Sharh riad as-salihin. T. 1. S. 573, hadiths No. 4/841, 5/842 and an explanation to them.

In one of the hadiths, it is added: "... let him get up and pray," that is, he will perform two rak'ahs of an additional prayer-prayer. I suppose this is for the case when a person saw something very scary in a dream and it is difficult for him to fall asleep after that. See: an-Naisaburi M. Sahih Muslim. S. 930, Hadith No. 6–(2263); al-Kurtubi A. Talkhys sahih al-imam Muslim. T. 2. S. 987, 988, Chapter No. 32, Hadith No. 3; at-Tirmizi M. Sunan at-tirmizi. 2002. S. 661, Hadith No. 2296.

See: al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 4. S. 1835, in an explanatory note to hadith No. 5747; al-Kurtubi A. Talkhys sahih al-imam Muslim. T. 2. S. 987, Chapter No. 32, Hadith No. 1.

See: al-Qari ‘A. (died 1014 AH). Mirkat al-mafatih sharh mishkyat al-masabih. In 10 vols. T. 7. S. 2918, 2919, hadith No. 4614. These words of Muhammad ibn Sirin are the words of the Prophet Muhammad himself, transmitted by Abu Hurairah. See: at-Tirmidhi M. Sunan at-tirmidhi. 2002. S. 657, Hadith No. 2275, Sahih.

See: Nuzha al-muttakin. Sharh riad as-salihin. T. 1. S. 572, commentary on Hadith No. 1/838.

Hadith from Jabir; St. X. Muslim and Ibn Maja. See, for example: an-Naisaburi M. Sahih Muslim. S. 932, Hadith No. 12–(2268); an-Nawawi Ya. Sahih Muslim bi sharh an-nawawi. T. 8. Ch. 15. S. 27, hadith No. 12–(2268) and explanation to it; al-Suyuty J. Al-jami ‘as-sagyr. S. 58, Hadith No. 844, Sahih.

A hadeeth mentions a good variety of Medina dates.

Hadith from Anas; St. X. Muslim. See: an-Naisaburi M. Sahih Muslim. S. 933, Hadith No. 18–(2270); Nawawi Ya. Sahih Muslim Bi Sharh an-Nawawi. T. 8. Ch. 15. S. 30, 31, hadith No. 18–(2270) and explanation to it; al-Kurtubi A. Talkhys sahih al-imam Muslim. T. 2. S. 990, 991, Chapter No. 32, Hadith No. 12; al-Qari 'A. (died 1014 AH). Mirkat al-mafatih sharh mishkyat al-masabih. In 10 vols. T. 7. S. 2922, hadith No. 4617 and an explanation to it.

Hadith from Umma al-‘Ala’; St. X. al-Bukhari. See: al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 4. S. 2197, hadith No. 7018; al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. V 18 t., 2000. T. 15. S. 507, 508, hadith No. 7018; al-Qari 'A. (died 1014 AH). Mirkat al-mafatih sharh mishkyat al-masabih. In 10 vols. T. 7. S. 2924, hadith No. 4620.

Waraqa ibn Nawfal was a pious and religiously literate person. Prior to the beginning of the prophetic mission, Muhammad was a Christian, read the Bible in Hebrew and translated it into Arabic. He is one of the first who learned about the beginning of Divine revelations and confirmed their truth.

See: at-Tirmidhi M. Sunan at-tirmidhi. 2002. S. 660, Hadith No. 2293.

In this narration (in one of the two to which I refer) it is said “one fortieth”, but in the main part of reliable narrations (as in the second of the two) it is said about “one forty-sixth”. For a detailed hadith analysis of rivayats with mention of variants of this number, see: al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. V 18 vol., 2000. T. 15. S. 450–456.

Hadith from al-‘Uqayliya; St. X. at-Tirmizi. See: at-Tirmidhi M. Sunan at-tirmidhi. 2002. S. 659, Hadith No. 2283, 2284.

Hadith from Anas; St. X. al-Hakim. See, for example: as-Suyuty J. Al-jami‘ as-sagyr. S. 123, Hadith No. 2001, Sahih.

See: al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 3. S. 1091, hadith No. 3509; there. T. 4. S. 2203, hadith No. 7042; Nuzha al-muttakin. Sharh riad as-salihin. T. 1. S. 574, hadith No. 844 and explanation to it.

Nuzha al-muttakin. Sharh riad as-salihin. T. 1. S. 575.

See: Holy Quran, 12:100, 101.

Hadith from Abu Hurairah. See: an-Naisaburi M. Sahih Muslim. S. 932, Hadith No. 11–(2266); Nawawi Ya. Sahih Muslim Bi Sharh an-Nawawi. T. 8. Ch. 15. S. 26, hadith No. 11–(2266) and explanation to it; al-Kurtubi A. Talkhys sahih al-imam Muslim. T. 2. S. 988, chapter No. 32, hadith No. 7; al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 4. S. 2190, hadith No. 6993.

The translation of the meaning of this hadith is compiled from several complementary authentic hadiths. See: an-Naisaburi M. Sahih Muslim. S. 929, Hadiths No. 3-(2261), 4-(2261), 5-(2262); al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 4. S. 1835, hadith No. 5747; there. T. 4. S. 2187, hadith No. 6985.