An arched span under a communal bridge. The only pilot who was able to fly over the bridge in a jet plane

In June 1965, a pilot from the air defense regiment Valentin Privalov flew in a MiG-17 plane under the Communal bridge over the Ob River in Novosibirsk ...

Before that, he himself surveyed the distance between the bridge supports. Moreover, Chkalov made a similar flight on a propeller plane, not a jet ...

He was arrested for hooliganism in the air, but Malinovsky, the then Minister of Defense, ordered the pilot to fly
I heard about this incident as a child, but I never saw a photo, here on Facebook I found some scrubbing in the search, I found more:

"In the 1960s, the pilot" from God "- Valentin Privalov managed to successfully land a MiG-17 jet fighter with a jammed elevator! And another time Valentin" liked "the bridge across the Ob near the city of Novosibirsk. I wanted to fly under it. And on June 3, 1965, after a training flight, he went out of dense clouds directly onto the bridge. Having dropped the speed to 700 kilometers per hour, the MiG-17 glided a meter above the water. Privalov walked tightly to the trusses of the railway bridge and screwed in with a candle This is how the only flight in the world under the bridge on a jet plane was made.

The arrest followed immediately - the very next day. Debriefing and, to put it mildly, the separation were not long in coming. However, no one wanted to take upon themselves the final decision on the fate of the pilot. The then Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal R. Malinovsky, put an end to this matter. From him a telegram came to the unit: “Pilot Privalov should not be punished. Limit yourself to the activities that were carried out with him. If you have not been on vacation, send on vacation. If there was, give ten days of rest at the unit. " "Captain Valentin Privalov nicknamed" Jack ".

Valentin was born in the suburbs, his childhood fell in wartime. While still at school, he studied at the flying club. After college he served in naval aviation, in Kaliningrad and the Arctic, was awarded the Order of the Red Star. Later he was transferred to the city of Kansk, Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In June 1965, as part of a flight of 4 MiGs, Privalov was seconded to the exercises held in the Siberian Military District - at the training ground near Yurga, anti-aircraft battalions conducted training firing. Returning from the mission to Tolmachevo, Valentin flew under the Communal bridge. (For reference: the size of the arch is approximately 30 by 120 meters, the wingspan of the MiG-17 is 9.6 meters).

Remembers Anatoly Maksimovich Ryb'yakov, retired aviation major:

“From the third turn, he came down and went under the bridge. The speed is somewhere around 400 km / h. It was a clear, sunny day. People on the beach swam, sunbathed, and suddenly there was a roar, and the plane soared upward with a candle, avoiding a collision with the railway bridge. It was clear that this could not be hidden. Air Marshal Savitsky flew in, and an investigation was launched. They asked Privalov what motives he had. He replied that he had written two reports on the shipment to Vietnam, but they remained unanswered. That is why I decided to fly under the bridge to be noticed. This act was evaluated in different ways. Young pilots are like heroism, the older generation is like air hooliganism. "

Meanwhile, there is a history of flights under bridges: "According to a widely circulated legend, Chkalov flew under the Troitsky Bridge in Leningrad. For the film" Valery Chkalov "this flight was repeated by pilot Yevgeny Borisenko!

Rumors about the flight under the bridge quickly spread throughout the country, and after Valery Pavlovich, during the armed conflict on the Chinese Eastern Railway (CER) in 1929, pilot E. Lukht, three times awarded the Order of the Red Banner, personal military weapon, gold watch and other insignia of those years, flew under the bridge over the Amur in Khabarovsk, followed by this seemingly useless and dangerous trick, repeated by the pilot of the same squadron A. Svyatogorov, as well as I.P. Mazuruk and M.V. Vodopyanov.

During the war years, a similar trick was performed by the pilot Rozhnov. Escaping pursuit in the sky, he flew under the railway bridge, saving the life of himself and the crew.

Valery Chkalov flew a Fokker D.XI fighter under the Troitsky Bridge in St. Petersburg, the motivation for the act was a woman. Whether this is so is not known for certain. It is known for certain that in 1941, on the set of Mikhail Kalatozov's film “Valery Chkalov,” pilot Yevgeny Borisenko had to repeat this trick six times for the picture needed by the filmmakers. He performed it on an amphibious aircraft Sh-2, the wingspan of which is greater than that of Chkalov's fighter, so the flight was more difficult than the hero himself.

During the war, Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot Nikolai Andreevich Rozhnov, after working out as an attack aircraft on the front line, began to return home, five Me-109s sat on his tail, he shot down one, leaving the rest, flew at low level under a railway bridge, left, fought until victory.

The newspaper "Pravda" published an article about him: "The feat of the pilot Rozhnov." Chkalov's daring trick inspired him to this maneuver.

On June 4, 1965, military ace Valentin Privalov, who served in the Kan garrison, flew under a bridge a meter from the water on a MIG-17 jet fighter.

Eyewitness account: “And now, when we were somewhere in the middle of the bridge, something happened that could not be imagined in the most terrible dream. Suddenly, a silvery silhouette of an airplane flashed from under the bridge and immediately soared into the sky at a large angle to the horizon, exposing the bottom of the river for a second! A wave went to the beach, washing the clothes and shoes of careless bathers into the water. property. ”A little later we smelled kerosene.

By the evening, almost all of the Left Bank knew about what had happened, although there was "the effect of a damaged telephone". Instead of the MiG-17 fighter, the passenger Tu-104 already appeared. They said that a plane flew under the bridge from the plant. Chkalov, who allegedly lost control during the tests. "

The flight accident had a wide resonance not only in the USSR, but also abroad. After this flight, the pilot was arrested, they wanted to put him on trial for aerial hooliganism, but the Minister of Defense of the USSR R. Ya. Malinovsky ordered to allow V. Privalov to fly again. In the future, Valentin Privalov continued to serve in the legendary squadron of aces in Kubinka near Moscow.

The thirty-year-old captain Privalov did this act not on a dispute and not because of a woman. The reason was different. He wanted to show that there are still pilots in the Armed Forces with a capital letter, that the ill-conceived dashing "control" of the native army during the Khrushchev thaw did not eradicate the Chkalov traditions and pilot daring. In addition, it was a kind of protest against the Kholuy suppression of innovation, initiative and the "mashing" of combat pilots.

On June 3 (according to some sources - June 4), 1965, the whole of Novosibirsk was agitated by an extraordinary incident. The townspeople shared the news with each other: the city repeated the trick that Valery Chkalov did 30 years ago (either in 1927, or in 1928) in Leningrad, namely: flying under one of the city bridges!

Whether this actually happened (the flight on a fighter under the Troitsky bridge) was carried out by Chkalov or not - history, frankly, is silent. We know about this only from the film "Valery Chkalov", but in Novosibirsk it was a real action. And this was done on the wrong antediluvian fighter I-5(1) , on which Chkalov flew in his years, and on a machine that was quite modern for that time, especially a jet: on a MiG-17 fighter. And the military pilot Valentin Privalov did it.

On that day, many saw how the red-star silvery combat plane at high speed descended to the water surface of the Ob so low that waves spread behind it like a boat, and in this position flew right into the target of the central arch (30 by 120 meters) of the Communal Bridge. There were only a few seconds left until the next bridge, on which the freight train was going, but the fighter managed to soar up with a "candle" and - without a trace disappeared into the clouds. Deaf and numb witnesses of the fantastic spectacle on both sides of the Obi applauded in unison ...

MiG-17 fighters; Valentin Privalov flew on an airplane of this type in 1965:

Communal bridge of Novosibirsk

As it turned out later, it was the MiG of the Air Force captain, sniper pilot Valentin Privalov, sent to Novosibirsk. Then he was 30 years old, and he had a reputation as a recognized ace, although his colleagues ironically called him Jack among themselves.

Valentin was born in the suburbs, his childhood fell in wartime. While still at school, he studied at the flying club. After college he served in naval aviation, in Kaliningrad and the Arctic, was awarded the Order of the Red Star. Later he was transferred to the city of Kansk, Krasnoyarsk Territory. In June 1965, as part of a flight of 4 MiGs, Privalov was seconded to the exercises held in the Siberian Military District - at the training ground near Yurga, anti-aircraft battalions conducted training firing. Returning from the mission to Tolmachevo, Valentin flew under the Communal bridge. (For reference: the size of the arch is approximately 30 by 120 meters, the wingspan of the MiG-17 is 9.6 meters).

The MiG-17 flyby under the Communal Bridge, according to one version, the picture was taken by a foreign press photographer who happened to be in a good place at a good time ...

Remembers Anatoly Maksimovich Ryb'yakov, retired aviation major:

“From the third turn, he came down and went under the bridge. The speed is somewhere around 400 km / h. It was a clear, sunny day. People on the beach swam, sunbathed, and suddenly there was a roar, and the plane soared upward with a candle, avoiding a collision with the railway bridge. It was clear that this could not be hidden. Air Marshal Savitsky flew in, and an investigation was launched. They asked Privalov what motives he had. He replied that he had written two reports on the shipment to Vietnam, but they remained unanswered. That is why I decided to fly under the bridge to be noticed. This act was evaluated in different ways. Young pilots are like heroism, the older generation is like air hooliganism. "

Privalov could be severely punished, up to a tribunal, but still pardoned. It is known that the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal Malinovsky, personally took part in his fate, and sent a telegram with approximately the following content:

“Pilot Privalov should not be punished. Limit yourself to the activities that were carried out with him. If you have not been on vacation, send on vacation. If there was, give ten days of rest at the unit. "

Approximately, because popular rumor persistently adds one more line to the telegram:

"The regiment commander will be reprimanded."

And there were also rumors that the call to Moscow of the first secretary of the Novosibirsk Regional Committee of the CPSU Goryachev, who was on good terms with L.I. Brezhnev.

And although Privalov was never sent to Vietnam, his further career was generally successful. He was transferred to the Gorky region (some sources claim that Privalov's further service was held in Kubinka), grew up to lieutenant colonel, was both squadron commander and deputy regiment commander, but in 1977 due to heart disease he was forced to leave for "Citizen".

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On June 4, 1965, a MIG-17 jet fighter flew under the communal bridge across the Ob River.

This case was regarded ambiguously and reached the highest ranks. The culprit of this incident was Valentin Privalov. For his irrepressible prowess, the pilot almost paid with freedom, but no pilot in the world can repeat this.

Eyewitnesses of this episode claim that the plane seemed to emerge from the river. Huge waves were raised and a gutter formed.
However, questions involuntarily arise ... Why did the pilot risk so much? Why did he do such a trick without a command? After all, people who did not have this circumstance could have suffered.

They say that this trick was due to a dispute between the pilot and his comrades. But later it became clear that Privalov wanted to prove to himself that he was capable of something more than ordinary flights and flew a meter above the water surface.

Upon arrival at the airport, the pilot appeared in the division's staff, as if nothing had happened. But soon the pilot was ordered to be arrested, the plane was sealed. And routine interrogations began. The film in the barospeedograph (a device that records the flight) turned out to be old. They interrogated not only him but his flight comrades. The news began to rise higher and higher until it reached the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal R. Malinovsky.

The Marshal decided to personally communicate with the pilot and their meeting took place at the Chkalov Aviation Plant.

Later, the pilot was removed from the flying profession.