Gratitude phrases: say "Thank you" very simple! Thanks for congratulations on your birthday in prose your sincere words are very valuable for me.

Each of us has been in a situation where you need to congratulate or thank a friend, parents, colleagues or a soul mate. And, of course, I want the words that you say were bright, juicy, more than once remembered and, as the first time, the soul was warmed, causing a smile on the lips of an expensive person.

Words for Happy Birthday Congratulations

The most frequent reason to think about beautiful words is the birthday of a loved one. That's when it really begins the "brainstorming". Riding options, throwing out them one by one, as not enough cracks and not able to fully express everything we would like to convey.

Wanting to help and send, we bring to your attention some options that can be used as a pattern. With before the eyes, examples of beautiful words and wishes, you can create your own option that will fully respond to a solemn point.
So, let's begin:

Beautiful words - congratulations:

  • Happiness, many years, in good luck to live, "sclerous" troubles, good luck, health, warmth, kindness, love and so that all dreams are performed.
  • friends that are rich in spiritual warmth; So that life sparkled like champagne in a glass; To have always a spare dream to make something to go after the implementation of the main one; on the success stairs only up to climb from now on
  • Energy, accomplishments, inspiration, days of bright and a little lucky luck
  • Rejoice in today's day, leaving all sorrow in the past, forget the adversity and just live; Family is expensive
  • Close your eyes to live the most expensive heart moments again and again and not lose taste of life.
  • One day to decide on madness and understand that it was the only right solution ...
  • The list can be continued almost to infinity, but these warm and cozy words can be folded into the original congratulations to thousands of different ways. The main thing is not the number of words and revolutions, but a piece of soul, transferred along with the wish. By the way, here are good birthday greetings

    Words of gratitude

    No less responsibly need to approach the selection of words to express gratitude. After all, the one who thank must feel that the speech uttered by you is filled with sincere appreciation - and not just a formal set of beautiful phrases. Having gratitude to a person, feel free to tell you what you have achieved thanks to his advice, help, support and so on

    Showing gratitude, do not forget about phrases that will help you convey to the opponent's depth of your appreciation. We will tell you a few words and help you say "Thank you" sincerely:

    • Dear, dear, dear, my most important people, loving - all these words can be used to appeal to a person or people who you want to declare thanks.
    • Invaluable help, wonderful advice, wonderful attitude, warm, friendly support - such beautiful, nice words words that will help fully convey the importance of assistance provided to you.
    • Thank you; Special thanks (if you need someone to allocate); Huge thanks; Earth (low) you bow; thank you very much; Your invaluable help can not be and will not be forgotten; Thanks for the work, sleepless nights; Appreciation does not know borders and so on - these expressions will help convey the depth of your gratitude.

    But, most importantly, thanks to gratitude from a pure heart. Let it be a few words, but said with feeling and direct gaze in the face of whom you thank.

    The fact that wishes and beautiful words are usually said in honor of the holiday are usual, and about the fact that these words can be spent every day with your family and relatives, often forget. Although in our time, when people all the time run somewhere, beautiful, warm words are especially important. It is thanks to them that we understand what you need someone that we love and appreciate. The fact that the Council received from you will appreciate and take advantage of.

    Hurry to speak closest about love, do not take care of such warm words as "Native", "Favorite", "Pretty", "Affectionate", "COMBULY", "strong", "tender", "expensive", "Dear" For special occasions, use them now. Learn to say "Thank you" and I "love" Not depending on the case. Let beautiful and gentle words become the norm in your life. And your life will become as beautiful and melodic.

    Words with the help of which people express responsiveness, not indifference, sincerity and trust, is a language of love. If you learn to communicate on it, your relationship will be transformed, filled with warmth and heartiness.

    Prepared a small crib for you. In it - 10 phrases that need to be spent close.

    "I need you (s)"

    Modern people attach great importance to self-sufficiency and independence. And this is not surprising: in society, the image of a fearless warrior was cultivated for too long, which alone copes with all life adversities and shocks.

    It seems to us that recognizing your need for another person is ashamed. We do not want to look wasting. But in fact, everyone needs close relationships and support. As numerous studies show, strong emotional connections are necessary for happiness, health and well-being no less than food, security or sex.

    So do not be afraid to express your attachment and seek consolation to those who love. There is nothing crazy about it.

    "I miss you"

    In one of the studies, almost all the people who could boast strong relationships wrote that they were worried and upset when separated with their loved ones. This state is familiar to many of us, but, as a rule, we prefer to be silent about our experiences.

    If you are overwhelmed by feelings, take advantage of this reason to recall a close person as it is for you roads!

    Repeat, because this thought is really very important: to recognize your need for another person is absolutely normal. Moreover, your sincerity will benefit relationships. Showing your love and affection, you prevent a huge number of conflicts.

    "It causes me pain" or "it is disturbing me"

    Imagine that the native man very upset you with his act or careless word. What are your further actions? Will you begin violently to sink it by reproach? Or, on the contrary, silent, and then you will keep pain and insult in yourself? Both strategies are the way to disunity. To preserve proximity, you need to be able to pronounce your feelings, but at the same time refrain from accusations and criticism.

    A simple example. Your beloved later came from work. Instead of immediately call him an irresponsible egoist and start a scandal, think why you were upset. Very often, the essence of such conflicts is reduced to one: we perceive the behavior of a loved one as a manifestation of indifference and alienation.

    Do not be afraid to open up and show your weakness. This will strengthen trust, get close to even stronger and overcome any difficulties.

    "What's bothering you?"

    It is no less important that you are interested in the problems of your loved one, were attentive to him and persistently reacted on his emotions.

    Usually we reluctantly notice the offense or sadness of other people. But if you are hiding into the shelter every time with the form of chagrin on the faces of relatives and run away from any uncomfortable conversations, you really will not get to get closer.

    Take and do not depreciate the signals that your loved ones. Give in response care, warmth and consolation. Remember: sensitivity and responsiveness is a reliable means healing on an emotional and physical level.

    Stay loving and disliked, share with each other even negative feelings, provided that they remain under control, useful. And much better than avoid any emotional contact.

    "I'm with you"

    When relatives are divided with you with your experiences, they do not want instructions. If you immediately begin to reason how to find an approach to solving the problem, and give advice, then at the emotional level it will be perceived as a lack of reaction and indifference. In fact, people are much more needed indirect assistance: approval, participation and attention.

    "I'm with you" - a wonderful phrase that shows that you support a person and are ready to substitute his shoulder in a difficult situation.

    "Hug me tighter"

    During the experiment, organized by the psychologist from the University of Virgin Jim Coen, women were conducted by MRI. The participants warned that when sunbathing a small red light bulb, they could feel a lightweight, but sensitive stream.

    This information excited stress centers in the patient's brain. But when a beloved man kept a woman by his hand, the tomograph recorded noticeably lower activity. The pain from the current impact at these points was also weaker.

    Hugs and affectionate touchs of loved ones give us a feeling of calm and joy, soften the shock, stress and pain. Give a sense of security and comfort. Smoothed blows both current and fate.

    Having learned to ask for an arms or gentle touch, you will not only become happier, but also improve your relationship, because body contact is a language of affection.

    "Forgive me"

    We all sometimes make mistakes and offend close. But it is corrected. To restore the lost trust, you must first listen to your loved one. Perhaps he felt abandoned and lonely? Felt that you depreciate his emotions? Or even saw a source of danger in you?

    It is necessary to try to understand the spiritual torment of the other and take responsibility for the fact that you have hurt him.

    It is very important to be able to express regret and compassion. But apologies should not be impersonal or justifying your act. The phrase "Well, sorry, now everything?", Specified by neutral tone, is not sympathy. It is necessary to show that the pain of a loved one you are not indifferent to you that you understand why it is offended, and that you are willing to change your behavior.

    Asking for forgiveness, discuss again, why an injured incident occurred, and think how to no longer allow such situations.

    "I really care about you)"

    The need for reliable, safe relationship is laid in our genes and bodies, so the lack of attention, care and intimacy is perceived by the brain almost the same as the threat of life or painful physical injury.

    If you like a person, try to make it so that he does not have a reason to doubt your connection. Just remind him more often, as you really appreciate it.

    "I am grateful (- not for you for ..."

    Sometimes we touched to the depths of the soul even minor actions of loved ones. It can be gestures, sudden words or touches. We carefully keep in mind the moments when we are allowed to understand what they love us, appreciate and want to be there.

    It is important not only to notice and memorize such cases, but also to tell close, as you are grateful for what they did. Sincere expression of appreciation - one of the best ways to strengthen the relationship and feel the emotional unity with your favorite people.

    "I'm proud of you"

    We often praise our children and celebrate their achievements. But at the same time, for some reason, forget that adults need not less recognition.

    Always pay attention to the victories of your loved ones. Do not forget to praise them! Compliments and sincere comments like "It was not easy for you, but you managed to)", "You worked so much (s) above this project, no one could do more" or "I see that you are trying to be a good father (Mother) "will never be superfluous.

    I have something to thank every person in my life.

    Happiness is gratitude. The peace begins with a sense of gratitude for what you already have.

    Be grateful.
    Happiness is always available to us if we notice the small daily joy of life. The secret of happiness is in gratitude. When dark thoughts climb into your head when you are disappointed in people or in life, start keeping a gratitude diary. Write down all the little joy of your life. Cup of tea, warm bed, child smile, your family, chocolate taste.

    So much, for which you can be grateful. Life literally replete with beauty and kindness: you just need to open your eyes to see them.

    Be grateful for the place where you are now, and for how much you managed to do.

    When you realize, with what a huge love takes care of you myself life! At the same moment, all the suffering, tears and sadness will go away ...

    And only gratitude will remain. Unlimited gratitude.

    In which you dissolve ...

    Dear god! ... I want to contact you ... Not for that ... To ask you about something, .... and just .... say thanks for everything ... what I have!

    Head to thank, thanks - the property of a kind heart.

    Do not forget never even in the darkest days of your life, thank God for everything. He is waiting for this and send you new benefits and gifts. A man with a grateful heart never needs anything.

    Getting gifts from life, do not forget to thank the universe for "delivery"))

    If you learn

    Act of gratitude,

    You will be so easy


    Art take life.

    Sri Chinmi.

    If the only prayer of your life becomes the word "thank you", then it will be enough.

    Speak thank you while you live. Speak the words of gratitude to God, life and the universe for everything that is found on your way! Words of gratitude create a full bowl in your life. They turn what we have in sufficient, and even more. They turn refuses to consent, chaos in order, confusion into clarity, and a wanderer in each other ...

    Dissatisfaction does not bring any happiness or good. It will only secure you with your condition. Appreciation for what you have will attract more happiness to your life.

    Gratitude in the heart.
    When your heart is full of gratitude, any door that seems closed can lead you to amazing discoveries.

    Whoever meets on your life path - thank him for participating in your destiny. Whether this was an episode or for life - no one person comes to the life of another by chance.

    Thank you!
    Always talk to everything - thanks! This is a simple expression of gratitude arising in the heart, has a huge impact. It clears the soul from judgments, preferences, fears, senses of separation, conflicts and even longing, returning the mind in its natural state - in unaffected awareness. MUGA

    Learn to thank.

    And not just speak the words, but to pronounce them from the depths of your heart. Test it. Gratitude is true magic. Thank for everything for all even the most minor things, and most importantly - thank you for what it seems bad for testing. It is not clear only at the very beginning of the path, but as you develop, you want to not only thank you for bad, but low. Just know that through bad comes three times more good.

    Always and all thanks! This is a simple expression of gratitude arising in the heart, has a huge impact. It clears the soul from judgments, preferences, fears, senses of separation, conflicts and even longing, returning the mind in its natural state - in unaffected awareness. Mujah.

    Leaning before God

    We ask: "Let, let's go, sorry ..."

    But often forget God

    Say "Thank you" from the soul.

    We will never get what we want, until we are grateful for what we have.

    A grateful heart does not choose, for what to thank, and for what - no. It thanks for everything.

    Start a thanks God for what you have, and he will give you what you lack.

    Look back and sincerely thank

    So that the universe gives you more happiness and desirable things for you and events, you need to look back and sincerely thank you for being already. For those wonderful things you possess for the events that led you to where you are now ...

    The shortest prayer in the world - "Thank you"!

    And most often, this is enough.

    Have you ever thanked the planet for being it?

    Gratitude is the aspect of God. The highest manifestation of love and the state, to be in which each embodied and unconcerned the soul of light. And it does not matter which way you are on. The energy of gratitude acts the same and there here. The energy of gratitude is designed to give good. This is the first law and the most important formula for eternal abundance and prosperity. Start transforming your life and your current state with gratitude. Gratitude is the most sweet energy in the universe. You know that far from all creatures are capable of it. Many of them believe that they are so unhappy that they have nothing to thank, and no one. Many do not know what it is. Start a thanks for yourself for decorating the universe with your presence. When you pour the energy of gratitude to the space - the highest manifestation of love for God and to the whole living, you give the benefits to yourself and everyone around you, everyone who is next to you. When you thank you, you literally make gifts - you bring the gifts and, above all, for yourself, for you are a magnetic source of your gratitude. The more thank you, the more energy and the power of the world enters your creature and your life. You can thank everything for everything, but, first of all, for my life itself on this planet and for the opportunity to go through all those lessons that you pass. For this is indeed the greatest gift, this is a special place.

    Gratitude to the world, and not only for good, but also for painful lessons, should be in the heart of a person constantly, like the rod of his life. Then he grows.

    Sincere gratitude is the radiation of creative energy. Vadim Zeland - transfing reality

    Not every person can not express their thoughts and correctly. But sometimes it is necessary to choose the desired speech, to convey their spiritual impulses to the interlocutor or society. Gratitude phrases are the limit of courtesy and pupils. Sometimes a simple word "thank you" is not enough. Everyone in life has situations when you need to thank a colleague, friend and even a random acquaintance. Make it beautifully, let the words give a smile and joy!

    From the heart and heart

    Frames are grateful to choose with special care. After all, the one who they are intended should feel your sincerity and cordiality. Let it be not a formal speech, paint it with emotions, gestures, smile. Try to explain in detail how help worked, advice or act. Do not hesitate your feelings, tell me all that you think. Be sure to come up with an appeal to someone who helped in a difficult situation. Let it be not just a name, but something gentle, gentle, expressing appreciation:

    • kinderlike
    • savior, Messenger from the sky, the best of all I know;
    • reliable comrade, kind fairy, wizard.

    Such simple words will cause a smile on the face of the interlocutor and charge the energy for other good deeds. After all, express gratitude for the help is quite simple, and so nice.

    Main words

    Inventing appeal, you can move on. The main part of speech depends on you personally. How ready you are ready to open in front of a person, how is your thanks? These phrases will help build the right text that you will say, looking into the eye who has not refused to help. Simple phrases of gratitude touched to the depths of the soul:

    • "It is impossible to express for help, a warm attitude, because it is such a rarity in our world. Many people have forgotten the concept of" compassion ", and you have it in excess. Share your kindness, irrepressive energy and cheerful temper. And then the world will become much lighter. Thank you with all my heart for the assistance provided. "
    • "Low earth bow you, kinderlike man! These phrases of gratitude will not express all my feelings. You supported in a difficult moment, stretched out the hand of help. Let this light hand gets as much as it gives! After all, you are ready to always stretch it to someone who is difficult" .
    • "Thank you - Huge and soulful! Your help was needed like air! We got it, and I wish and remain with your good heart! Thank you and remain your submissive servants and debtors! As soon as our support needs, immediately inform, and we will arrive in that MIG! Thank you very much and bow.

    Such gratitude in prose will be appropriate in many cases. Do not forget about the strength of the word. It is necessary to say "Thank you" even for every little thing, and if you have real help, it is not worth noticeing for gratitude.

    Wonderful years

    School is the best time in the life of every person. It is a pity that we understand this later for many years. Graduates and their parents must pronounce the words of gratitude to the teacher. After all, he put in them knowledge, soul and power. This profession usually choose good and creative personalities. Credit with several dozen children is very hard. It is necessary to find an approach to each, look into his soul and trust. Material gifts, of course, will also not interfere with teachers, but most importantly are words of gratitude.


    Thank the teacher you can duet. Choose from the class of the most artistic child with good diction and the same parent. Let them take turns to utter phrases, and after will be presented to the teacher a huge bouquet. Submire the words from the heart, sincerely and touching: "Dear and favorite cool fairy! We loved you very much over the years. We want to wish you success in work, health and prosperity! But the most important thing, we want to say thank you! For your patience and understanding, for love and sometimes rigor. It's so difficult to find with children, put the bright, eternal in their heads. You brought us adequately, set the love of peace, nature, your neighbor. This is a huge, Titanic work! Continue in the same vein, do not lose your charm and kindness. We will always remember you with a smile on your face! Low bow and appreciation to you from us for life! "

    Such phrases of gratitude will definitely like the teacher. It will be not talked, but sincere and mental.

    Simple "Thank you"

    Taking help and support sometimes prevents pride. But if necessary, there is no other way out. But to say the words of appreciation usually it turns out easily and in one breath. If you assisted, be sure to express your gratitude in prose, verses, in writing - it does not matter. Say "Thank you" is very simple. Prepare a question or write it down in a beautiful postcard:

    • "Thanks for the help and assistance! You helped at the right moment, most importantly, from the bottom of my heart, without excuses and dealers. and kiss! "
    • "Your help was priceless. Thank you for your support, I will definitely answer the same in the near future! "

    Such simple blanks can be supplemented with specific. Feel free to express what has accumulated inside.

    Madly nice to realize that there are people in the world who in my birthday give me such priceless gifts as their attention, sensitive words and mental wishes. Thank you my native, for your congratulations and for what you are in my life.

    My dear, relatives, friends, friends! Thank you very much for warm words and bright wishes. For me, you valuable your attention and support, your warmth, your love. My birthday is because you are with me nearby. I love everyone, hug firmly. Thank you for me to eat!

    Thank you for good and warm congratulations on my birthday. I want to wish happiness and joy in response. Let every day in life be as a holiday, let every moment be sunlight of love and good. Good luck and thanks again!

    I thank the whole heart for wonderful congratulations, incredible and sensitive wishes, compliments, for all kind words! Madly pleasant for the attention rendered and I am glad that such good people surround me!

    Thank you very much for your attention and wonderful congratulations on my birthday. Your words forced me to smile, your bright wishes inspired me, gave cheerfulness and forces, confidence and purposefulness. Thank you very much, take in response to the wishes of good and happiness, excellent health and the restless optimism of the soul.

    Today I received many good words and warm wishes from you. And I, of course, believe that they all will definitely come true. Thank you, dear my friends, relatives and colleagues, for your attention, warmth and care that you have surrounded me today. I'm madly pleasant!

    Thank you very much for the warm words and wishes! I am very pleased! I will hardly work on your word to come true! Thanks again!

    I am so pleased that next to me dear to me relatives and close people! I love you, rushing you and highly appreciate your attention, your sincerity and warmth of your feelings and words! It is said so much good and kind about me, it is said so heartily and warm! Thank you all big. And take into response my wishes: peace, good, love, success and prosperity, beauty and understanding, the joy of being and harmony of the soul! Let us all be very happy people!

    My dear, thank you very much for your attention and warm congratulations on this day! I really want everyone to say all that you have said. And I believe, so it will be. I am grateful to you for what you are in my life!

    Dear friends! Thank you so much for warm, gentle and sincere congratulations. Even if a hundredth part of what I wished to come true, I have enough health for three lives, and any lucky will envy my good luck. I was lucky that there were such beautiful and kind people with me, thanks for the kind words.