Chemistry Assad: About Russia's crimes in Syria. France began investigating the military crimes of Assad regime

"Against the background of an outstanding international scandal, in which, as usual, Russia again turned out to be in the first roles, the question arises: and then this is actually this Bashar Assad. Why is the civil war around him, and another totalitarian dictator, Vladimir Putin, Not the first year retains his life and protects its government troops from the air.

The plexus of fate and political interests in Syria is a difficult question even for specialists in the Middle East. However, in fact, civil war should not distract the world community from the most important thing. Bashar Assad a long time has long switched to the very red feature, behind which his regime has no right to exist in today's world.

Bashar Assad: Biography

Bashar Assad was born in 1965, and fate seems to be kissed him from the very beginning. His father Hafez Assad, when the future dictator and the murderer was not yet five years old, as a result of the coup, headed the country. And at the same time headed the local batch of Baas, whose name is well known in the neighboring country - Iraq, where it is connected with now the late Saddam Hussein.

Interestingly, unlike the Father, Bashar Assad is not a military person in his education at all, but a doctor. Ophthalmologist. He received his first education in Syria, but continued his studies in the UK. However, a trip to a civilized country did not help the future dictator. No England could not fix my brains.
The heir of the father was originally the older brother of Assad, Basil. But he died in 1994 in a car accident. Thus, as a result, the throne went to Bashar.

Hafez Assad, his father, ruled the country for 30 years. He left his post forward only in 2000, dies from heart failure. At that time, dictators, in contrast to the 21st century, still managed to die from time to time.

As it is often, the local parliament wiped the leg about the Constitution of the country, firing the basic law to the election of Bashar Assad to the post of president. In particular, I had to change the minimum age of candidates.

Assad put forward the ruling bias party - on a non-alternative basis. The results of the first and last voting were expected - over 97% "for". The second time of the elections were no longer, decided to do with the referendum with the question, whether the people trust their leadership.

Assad policy

During his indefinite reign, Bashar Assad managed to quarrel with the United States and Israel. Specialists in the Middle East have serious grounds to believe that he and his father supported Palestinian terrorists.

But the foreign policy of the dictator is Polwy. A real catastrophe broke out within Syria. Since 2011, the population of the country uncounted refuses to obey totalitarian regime. And initially peaceful performances quickly turned into a full-scale armed protest.
We must understand the root cause of such a rigid confrontation. The fact is that the Alawitov tribes, from where the Asadov family comes from, is clearly not a Syrian majority. However, they want to edit - for life and the whole country.

And all the dissenters - Bashar Assad in totalitarian tradition accuses of terrorism. That for today is not the news at all. We can say that all the dictators do that. Although in fact, terrorist organizations from the neighboring country are exactly also enemies of ordinary Syrians, like all the rest of humanity.

Crimes of Assada

There are still no accurate data, how many of their fellow citizens, the power of Bashar Assad killed in his dungeons or tormented so far. The number of dead is estimated at about five thousand people. And arrested in 14 thousand. Thousands of Syrians turned out to be forced to run into neighboring countries. Many managed to get to Europe. In Syria there is a full-scale humanitarian catastrophe.

In addition to repression with respect to its citizens, Bashar Assad is also accused of crimes against humanity and military crimes. Including proved the use of his army of chemical weapons. At least 10 citizens of Europe were delayed and torture in Syria. At least 600 medical workers were killed during the war.

All this unequivocally says that Bashar Assad is waiting for the International Tribunal. If he, of course, lives to him. "

Chemical disarmament of the Assad regime, which was presented a few years ago as a huge achievement of Russian diplomacy, turned out to be deception. In the new realities, the Kremlin in every way to resume the Syrian deadly arsenal, which makes the situation in the region and more tense and extremely distant from the peaceful.

Heavy Week of Kremlin Amad Ratches

The Russian myth of the victorious procession of the Kremlin diplomacy in the Syrian question showed its complete inconsistency for a very short period of time.

The Sochi Congress of the National Dialogue, which took place on January 29-30, ended with shame for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and Personally, Lavrov, because, according to the results of the work, there were no fundamental solutions.

As expected, "Sochi-1" ended with a declaration of little clear declarations that all new and new similar meetings are needed, and maybe the Syrian delegates will deign to come to some common denominator. But it is not exactly for sure. In the meantime, they all return to work as part of a political dialogue in Geneva. In general, Sochi did not have a platform for developing the parameters of the "New Syria", and this is not surprising in mind the war on the country.

The most vibrant illustration of the escalation of the military situation in the country was the next incident on February 3 with the attack of the SU-25 Russian attack over the province of Idlib.

The military aircraft was eventually shot down, and the pilot, who catapulled, died in a shootout with militants. This is the fifth plane lost by Russian VKS in Syria, but only the second loss during the fulfillment of combat tasks.

While there is some ambiguity: who can stand this incident? Thoughts are sounded, mainly from Russian sources, that this is the work of the hands of the Syrian branch Al-Qaida - the grouping "Hayat Tahrir Ash-Sham". The assumptions also sound that it can be the militants "Jake Al-Fata" allegedly involved in the murder of the Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov in Ankara at the end of 2016.

But the most believable sounds the version that it may be the fighters of the Arabic group "Brigade Samarkand", which Turkey supports. As many media reported in January 2018, the rebels of one of the parts of the Syrian free army seized the Russian CRCK "Needle" from Kurds.

Attempts by the Kremlin Translate the arrows to Washington were immediately disconnected from the American side. The representative of Pentagon Eric Pano stated the RIA Novosti agency that the United States did not supply partnerships in Syria with arms type "earth-air", and do not intend to do this in the future.

It turns out that Russian aircraft are knocked down by the Russian rebels allegedly now by the Turkish friendly Moscow. As we can see in this example, no "Sochi Troika" does not exist in fact, and Erdogan, where only it may, will limit the already weak influence of Russia in Syria.

Such actions are difficult to condemn for the simple reason that Putin's regime itself constantly trades allies, as it did it with the Kurds, and any transactions with him are not a given egg. It is also very important, the Russian attack aircraft performed a combat task above the de esshelation zone, and promoted the promotion of Asadov in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Sarab. It turns out that the zones of deoxy in Syria, so glorified by Russian propaganda, simply do not work.

But at the failure of Sochi-1 and the attack on the Su-25 problems for Russians and their Alawit friends in Damascus at all. The greatest concern of Russian-Syrian autocrats is now providing a US statement that the Assad regime restored its chemical weapon development program.

This means the total collapse of the reputation of Moscow, as the initiator of the process of destruction of chemical weapons in Syria. The United States is looking for confirming reports on the use of Syrian authorities Zarin - a poisoning substance of neuro-paralytic action. This was announced on February 2 to journalists Chapter Pentagon James Mattis. According to him, he "did not see the confirmations of reports about the use of Zarina", but "is alarming about this."

"Representatives of the Syrian opposition say that Zaror was used, we are looking for confirmations of these messages," Mattis added. The head of the Pentagon also indicated that the Syrian government "repeatedly used chlorine gaseous" against the inhabitants of their country.

On February 1, the head of the press service of the State Department of the United States, Hesher NAErt stated that the administration of President Donald Trump "is extremely concerned about new reports on the use of chlorine gaseous Syrian regime to intimacy of civilians in Eastern Guta. We perceive accusations for the use of chemical weapons very seriously, and will continue to bring to the responsibility of all those responsible for confirmed cases of chemical weapons through the available diplomatic mechanisms, including UN Security Council and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

What is important, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson also accused Russia in the "inability to cope with the spread of chemical weapons in Syria." In general, there is an extremely unsightly picture: Russia no longer only does not control the situation in relations with Turkey, now there are also big doubts that Damascus does not lead his cunning game behind the Russians - on the advice of Tehran.

As a result, this can lead to the weakening of the position of the Kremlin in solving the Syrian problem, or the Russian image of the peacemaker will finally disquire.

Syria and OMP: Combat chemistry against civilians

The ruling clan of Asadov belongs to the Shiite sect of Alawitov, and after coming to power in the early 1970s. Constantly felt in a vulnerable position.

The reason was that within Syria Alawitis are a minority to which the Sunni masses oppose. At the external level, Damascus felt the increasing pressure of Israel. To get rid of the weaknesses described, Asada decided to make a bet on developing weapons of mass destruction, which should have the levels of their chances in the fight against opponents.

The Syrian government sought to develop various directions for creating weapons of mass lesion (OMP). The country possessed the primaries of his own nuclear program, which developed in close cooperation with the DPRK.

Syria is a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and has repeatedly tried to acquire small nuclear reactors in research purposes in the PRC, Russia, Argentina and other countries. Despite the fact that these attempts were carried out under the control of the IAEA, under pressure from the world community, the management of the SAR has canceled its decision to acquire reactors.

Syria has an open nuclear research program under the control of the IAEA on a miniature Chinese production reactor. At the same time, Israel constantly suspected Damascus in the presence of a secret nuclear military program. This was evidenced by the refusals of the Syrian authorities to the IAEA inspectors to visit nuclear facilities of the country, in particular the building in the Dir Az-Zura region, where an atomic reactor was brought by the type of Northways nuclear facility in Jonbene.

So, if it were not for the operation of Israel Air Force in September 2007, the Assad regime was already able to acquire a nuclear bomb in mid-2008.

According to NATO experts on biological weapons, Syria has been developing in the field of obtaining deadly viruses and bacteria causing botulism, OSPU, Siberian ulcers, tularevia, cholera, plague. Help in this is provided by Russian specialists. It is important that Damascus is a signed convention on the prohibition of bacteriological weapons of April 14, 1972, but still has not yet ratified it.

But if nuclear and bacteriological weapons are more theoretical developments of the Syrians, then in the field of chemical weapons of mass destruction they have much more progress.

As you know, Syria possessed the largest in the Middle East arsenal of chemical weapons. This was done in order to provide strategic parity with Israel, and therefore Himcomponent was the most important component of the country's army.

The program was started in the 70s. And based on collaboration with European firms, from which the chemical production technologies were obtained. In Syria, the production of combat poisoning substances of the skin-disruptive (IPRD) and nerve-eyed action (phosphorodorganic poisons) were established.

The objects of the chemical program were placed in the Damascus area, in Homs (Gas VX), Hama (Zarin, Tabun, VX) and the Safira district, which is in Aleppo. The total capacity of bov production was up to several hundred tons, most of which went to warehouses - mainly Zarin.

At the same time, the country has a large arsenal of ballistic missiles capable of carrying warheads with chemical weapons. We are talking about the BR "SCAD" with a range of 300 km, and Skad-D with a range of up to 700 km, which can affect targets in Israel. In addition, the Syria Air Force in the presence of up to 1000 special bombs capable of carrying a chemical component.

But if, against the Jewish state, Asaditis apply chemical weapons and did not take risks, then in the Civil War against its people, its use was with a big sweep.

In 2013, certificates of use in the course of operations of combat poisoning substances began to appear. Such cases were recorded in the Aleppo area, in the suburbs of Damascus - Duma and Adra, near the cities of Zamalka and Khan-al-Assal.

In all cases, when the opposition accused the Assad regime in chemical attacks, the Russian government at the UN level sought to justify the Syrian army in every way and to maximize the blame on the forces of the rebels or the "terrorists".

The point of non-repayment for Assad acquired events using chemical weapons on August 21, 2013, when, according to the UN investigation, on residential areas of the suburb of Damascus - Gutes, several missiles with warheads, containing a total of about 350 liters of zarin - a non-penetrating substance of a nerve-type type .

According to estimates of various sources, 1729 people died during the chemical attack, a significant number of dead - children. After the catastrophic chemical incident, 11 countries of "Big Twenty" support the actions of the United States in Syria, even in the absence of a UN Security Council mandate, ready to carry out an operation against the Syrian regime that kills their people.

"The evils clearly indicate that the Syrian government responsibly for the attack ... We call for a hard international answer ... which would send a clear signal that such atrocities would never be repeated. Those who have committed these crimes must be brought to justice, "clearly indicated in the statement.

The European Parliament in the plenary session on September 12, 2013 in Strasbourg adopted a resolution on the situation in Syria, in the document it was said: "... According to information from various sources, the Syrian authorities are responsible for the use of chemical buildings. The use of chemical weapons in Syria is a war crime and a crime against humanity. In this regard, it is necessary to take clear, strong and accurately aimed joint measures, not excluding aggravation measures. "

It would seem that the face was all grounds for conducting an international intervention against the inhuman Syrian regime. But then the Russians managed to "otmay" their protege.

Russia suggested a plan providing for a phased process of eliminating chimpery in Syria. This country should join the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW). Then the official Damascus must declare all the places of storage and production of poisoning gases. At the next stage, Syria should put on its territory of the OPCW inspectors, and then decide who will deal with the destruction of the reserves of chemical mud.

On September 13, Syria signed the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. On September 14, in Geneva, the USA and Russia reached a framework agreement on the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons. On September 27, 2013, the UN Security Council adopted the appropriate resolution 2118.

Then Syria's authorities declared 23 objects with chemical weapons. According to the general director of OPCH, Ahmet Uzhemzhu, in these objects functioned 41 construction, including 18 workshops for the production of chemical weapons, 12 warehouses of its storage, 8 mobile complexes for ammunition equipment by combat poisoning substances, as well as three other objects associated with chemical weapons.

The report notes that about 1.3 thousand tons of combat poisoning substances and precursors, as well as more than 1.2 thousand unsarected carriers, in particular missiles and mortar mines, was stored at SAR chemical weapons facilities.

On June 23, 2014, it was announced that the last Party of Chemical Weapons was taken out from Syria for subsequent destruction. On January 4, 2016, OPCW announced the full destruction of Syria's chemical weapons.

But further events showed that the Government of Assad is extremely far from the humanistic ideals of full deliverance from such a dear chemical weapon.

Kremlin hand in the new chemical program of Damascus

After, it would seem that the complete destruction of the Chemical Arsenal Damascus, as the thunder among the clear sky, the events were killed in April 4, 2017 in the city of Khan-Sheikhun, which is in the province of Idlib. As a result of the aviation strike of the Syrian Air Force, the population was defeated by chemical poisoning substances, as a result, at least 86 people died, at least 557 people were injured.

As the main version, the chemical attack of the Syrian army was considered. On April 6, 2017, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons declared the beginning of the investigation into the case of a possible application of a chemical building in Cyrian. The conclusions of the OPCW announced on April 20, and they were that the air strike was used or its analogue of neuro-paralytic action.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on the American television channel CBS expressed the opinion that wines for defeating the Syrian population lies in Russia, since it was she who once assumed responsibility for the process of destroying the reserves of chemical building in Syria and guaranteed a complete prohibition of its production.

On April 19, 2017, the Israeli Military Representative Anonymously informed Reuters that the Syrian military forces of Bashar Assad had up to three tons of chemical weapons. It turns out that Damascus and the Kremlin deceived the world community and decided to hide part of chemical weapons for future attacks against the opposition.

The Russian side in the future, as soon as she could have tramped the investigation into the attack in Khan-Sheikhun. As of the end of November 2017, the Russian delegation in the UN 11 times blocked draft resolutions on the extension of the UN-OPCH mission mission in order to investigate new facts of using chemical weapons in Syria, although the UN recognition was recognized that the poisoning substances used the Assad Bashar regime.

On this account, the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation for the UN Vasily Neksily said that he could not support the "unbalanced" American project, although he advocated the continuation of the joint investigation mechanism (CMR).

But on November 22, 2017, he called the UN-OPCH expert group "dead" and said that Moscow is ready to discuss the creation of a certain new mechanism. This is another trick for tightening the time and attempts to bring Assad, as well as the Moscow itself, from under the impact.

In total, the SMR group during the Civil War in Syria recorded 33 chemical attacks, in 27 cases proved the guilt of Assad's troops, 6 cases were not yet investigated. In Damascus, everyone deny. They are supported by Russia, speaking in the UN as a lawyer of the Asadian regime.

Naturally, the results of the work of the CMR are not satisfied with Damascus, nor Moscow. The Kremlin is especially concerned about the fact that unsightly details of their direct involvement in the new Chemical Program of Assad will be known.

On the one hand, according to the sources of the British edition of The Economist, voiced in October 2017, the Assad regime revealed only 19 (according to other data 23) places related to the production of chemical weapons. Whereas in reality, there are more than 45 in reality. In addition, due to conducting the fighting in Syria, it is likely that not all chemical weapons were registered, and its part remained under the control of Assad.

On the other hand, Damascus could well begin the creation of its chemical potential from scratch. Key stakeholders in this process are the DPRK, Iran and Russia.

As it became known on February 2, 2018, according to the UN closed investigation, in the period from 2012 to 2017, North Korea sent more than 40 unlawful cargoes intended for the Scientific Center in Syria, which controls the chemical weapon program in the country.

Two loads were intercepted by the services of unnamed countries. It is reported that they contained tiles, infant with the effects of acid, which could be used in creating a large chemical enterprise.

Loads went from the North Korean company Komid, since 2009, the UN Security Council included in the Black List as a provider of weapons and equipment for its production. However, it is impossible to exclude that the DPRK was used only as a transit point. To this tactic for concealing traces, Russians resorted earlier, organizing the supply of weapons into problem countries and terrorist organizations.

Relative to the synthesis of poisoning substances and the production of precursors. Analysis of soil samples from Khan-Sheikhun indicates that the zarin sprayed there could not be made by handicraft, as Russians and Syrians are trying to assert.

Zaror made, firstly, in a special factory, with a high degree of technical equipment, and, secondly, the technology, and from those materials that the Syrian side had at their disposal. In other words, the conclusions of the Commission indicate not only that Assad applies chemical weapons, but also that Damascus's statements about its full destruction is unrighteous.

Also, the Russians themselves give the ground for the appearance of assumptions that Zarina could be delivered to the Syrians by Iranians. According to the Russian political scientist-orientalist Grigoria Melamedov, there is no chemical weapon in Tehran.

At the same time, he said, the chemical attack near Khan-Sheikhun was most beneficial to the Persians to weaken the position of the Kremlin in Syria. What is interesting, the Russians are even inclined to believe that it was Iran, and its radical forces, such as KSIR and Hezbollah, could apply chemical weapons against civilians. What you won't make suspicion from yourself. Especially against the background of what evidence was identified specifically Russian participation in the production of new Syrian chemical weapons. In the village of Al-Latamin's village, after another gas attack, the remains of the Russian aviation fuse of AVU-ET with traces of Zarina were revealed.

It turns out that the hulls of chemical shells, discharged by Assad Aviation, and the fuses to them, supplies Moscow, and without the availability of high-tech products of Russian production, the use of chemical weapons would not have due efficiency.

Moreover, Moscow can also act another financial donor of the renewed chemical weapon production program in Syria. In December 2017, Buzzfeed published a journalistic investigation into how the Kremlin financed the development of chemical weapons for Assad.

Cypriot FBME Bank was actively used by Putin's associates for pumping tens of millions of dollars to the accounts of Syrian partners related to the development programs of the chemical building. This banking structure was founded by Fadi's Lebans and Farid Saabami, which are agents of Syrian intelligence.

In the fall of 2014, the US Ministry of Finance imposed sanctions on the Issu al-Zeydy, a citizen of the Russian Federation and Syria, for being a submarine face of Scientific Studies and Research Center - firms that manages the Chemical Arms Program of the Syrian President Assad.

Al Seeyidi was the founder of Balec Ventures, which was an account in FBME Bank. This firm was a gasket not only to finance the Assad Chemical Program, but also used to conduct operations for the purchase of Syrian oil in the ISHO militants through Hesco. In a word, the interesting financial ties of Russians are traced, both with Syrian "chemists" and for financial support, IHIL through their Syrian partners.

Thus, the removal of international accusations in the recreation of the Syrian Chemical Monster is increasingly coming around the Kremlin. UN Secretary-General Antoniou Guterrish recently stated that it receives "new very disturbing reports of the intended use of chemical weapons" in Syria, and many residents of the country are still starving and deprived of medical care.

The anti-Russian statements of the US Secretary of State Tillerson and the head of Pentagon Mattis, voiced in January-February 2018, was added to the criticism of the delegates of the Paris International Conference to investigate crimes related to the use of chemical weapons. There, Moscow was openly accused of covering the Assad regime, and, in particular, in the undermining of the United Nations Joint Mechanism and the OPCW in order to investigate the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

Due to Russia, the work of this structure is terminated. So, this once again emphasizes the reluctance of Putin's regime so that the world will find out the truth about the crimes of the Syrian regime, and, of course, his own role in the killings of thousands of Syrian civilian citizens.

Do not be afraid of talking about the painful, what is stumbled upon condemnation and misunderstanding, which is silent, what they do not want to hear. Do not be afraid of talking about "female" and politically, about women's and at the same time political. Many different and decisive female votes sound this year at the XV International Festival of Documentary Cinema on Human Rights DocuDays UA in the Program "Simple Women's Equality".

One of the tapes presented at the event is the "silent war", dedicated to the fate of women affected by the regime of Bashar Assad in Syria.

Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria, thousands of women suffered from rapes, which Syrian regime uses as a weapon in the war, committing crimes against humanity. Women who express in this film decided to break silence. Their testimony is rare, exceptional and very sad. They are the voices of indescribable crimes of the regime of Bashar al-Assad, "says the announcement of the film.

I looked at the film "Silent War" about the mass rape of women in the Syrian prisons of the Bashar regime of Asad ... The authorities began their persecution - detention, torture and targeted rape in special prisons - after defeating revolutionary uprising against the authoritarian regime of Assad in 2011. Since then, the number of arrests, torture and sexual abuses are over women suspected of participating in anti-tallers and "terrorism", grows. The worst thing that miraculously survive and torn out of the prisons (for example, one girl who had a stroke after the next rape at once with five military, the doctor saved, informing the jailers, as if she had died), women were doomed to disregard from their own society. After such crimes and desecrations, the female body, which, in accordance with the so-called traditional religious values, is considered a temple, becomes a carrier not honor, but shame. Therefore, their mother is expelled from the house, and brothers or father can kill. But even after that, they admit that they miss Syria and dream of "once again kiss mom ...".

One of the storytellers is a 1986 year old girl. I thought that I could not be born in Kiev, but, for example, in Damascus, and just as she could, at the end of his real documentary history, to foresee: "This film will look, a little wake up, but then will continue to live your life" ...

Journalist and Media Ekspert Roman Kabachey too

War in Syria has been continuing for more than four years. The ruling regime there demonstrated an amazing vitality - when the country covered the "Arab Spring" wave, few people believed that Bashar Assad would be able to avoid the fate of his colleagues from Egypt and Tunisia. It changed during this time and the ratio of the West to the opponents of the official Damascus: it is now obvious that most of them are Islamic radicals that dream of a calipheat. Nevertheless, the Commission on International Justice and Responsibility (CIJA) considers Assad and his surroundings responsible for numerous crimes and hopes once to see the current leadership of Syria on the dock. "" offers readers to transfer the article The Guardian on how the documents required for this process were going.

According to the conclusion of the International Investigation Commission, a three-year operation on the removal of official documents provided enough material to charge the President of the President of Bashar Assad and 24 high-ranking representatives of his regime.

Prosecutors who are preparing affairs against the Syrian leaders pay special attention to their roles in the suppression of protests, which served as in 2011 Impulse to the beginning of the conflict. Tens of thousands of persons suspected in dissident were arrested. Many of them were tortured and were killed in Syrian prisons.

The proofs were collected for the Commission on International Justice and Responsibility (CIJA), which includes investigators and experts on the issues of law, previously participating in the work of tribunals in war crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, as well as in the work of the International Criminal Court.

They worked closely with a group of 50 Syrian investigators who risking their lives secretly exported official documents from Syria. One of these investigators died, the other was seriously injured; Some were arrested and subjected to torture.

The activities of the Commission are funded by Western countries, including the United Kingdom, USA, EU, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Canada and Denmark.

Investigators collect evidence and work on the preparation of affairs to the hearing in the hope of a possible tribunal for war crimes possible. Russia used its veto in the UN Security Council to block the investigation into the crimes of the Assada Bashar regime in the International Criminal Court or the creation of a special court on the Syrian issue. However, a number of recent military defeats and the internal struggle in the upper echelons of power in Syria itself increased the chances of the fact that the Assad regime is soon or later, and its representatives will attract responsibility.

Now the Commission on International Justice and Responsibility continues to investigate the actions of both representatives of the ruling regime and extremist opposition groups, but it has already prepared versions of the accusations of three cases. The first applies to the structure at the very top of the political system of the ruling regime, the Central Crisis Management Group (CCMC), which is actually the military office of President Syria. Among the defendants of this case, the Assad itself, as well as the Minister of Internal Affairs, Mohammed Al-Shaar and Mohammed Said Bakhan, Deputy Regional Secretary of the Baas Party, headed by SSMS for six months after the beginning of the military conflict from March to September 2011 was mentioned.

Secondly, we are talking about the authority, directly accountable CCMC, that is, the National Security Bureau, which includes the heads of four intelligence services and state security. The third case is associated with the Security Committee Deir Ez-Zor, who headed the Local Secretary of the Baas Party. This committee also controlled the activities of the special services in the neighboring province of Rakka.

The names of the remaining 22 officials that appear in the charges of the Commission on International Justice and responsibility were reported to governments, but have not yet been made public.

Preceded earlier investigations have already gave reason to consider the Syrian regime involved in war crimes. For example, in December 2013, the UN Commission concluded that "the existing evidence confirms responsibility at the highest state level, including the head of state."

However, Bill Wileli, the head of the Commission on International Justice and Responsibility, notes that the work of the Commission is more specific, since the result of legal justifications were presented, including the facts, testimony and work was collected on the correlation of local legislation with international law. What, in essence, allows you to transfer the case to court.

"The UN Commission is not engaged in personal criminal liability, therefore does not prepare charges for court affairs. And this is not their guilt, since it is outside their sphere of competence. They have wider coverage, including social rights, minority rights and women's rights. We are concentrated on the norms of international humanitarian law and personal criminal responsibility, "explained Wilely.

Evidence of the Commission on International Justice and Responsibility for the most part are based on the received documentary evidence. At the headquarters of the Commission, located in one of the Western countries (the exact location is not disclosed for security reasons), half a million pages of orders and reports are collected by the vertical of the management of inter-authorities - from CCMC to districts and provinces - and containing orders for mass arrests And the arrests on such foggy accusations as, for example, "discussion of events in a negative key".

The commission on international justice and responsibility in each Syrian province there are groups of investigators whose task is to search and collect documents of military administrations, security services and special services of the Syrian regime, which can usually be found in government buildings or opposition by militants, or simply abandoned. The documents must then be secretly removing - often through the blocks controlled by the army or extremist opposition groups, and they usually arrest or kill anyone who, according to their information, works on any Western organization.

The main investigator, speaking under the pseudonym Adele, has repeatedly been to the hairs of death. "This work makes you constantly nervous my family," he admitted during his stay in the capital of one of the countries of the Persian Gulf. - I'm not at home for a long time, and we all live in constant fear. But I still believe in justice and I hope to ever see the court who charges the highest leadership of the country and call them to answer all the crimes committed by them. "

The Commission on International Justice and Responsibility also held about 400 conversations - mainly with the dedication, which owns confidential information due to their official position. However, according to Wilely, the former officer of the Canadian infantry, who participated in the investigations of war crimes in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, as well as in the work of the International Criminal Court, the starting point for all cases of the Commission against the Syrian regime served precisely documents. "The main from the very beginning was the receipt of documents and their export from Syria," he said.

A separate investigation of war crimes committed by extremist opposition groups is more reluced to testimony of knowledgeable persons, as well as an analysis of publicly available materials, such as propaganda videos and vanity made by eyewitness, more than 470,000 were downloaded and archived by the Commission. Their analysis and comment on Syrian refugees working for the Commission are engaged.

Justice authorities of some Western countries were associated with the Commission on International Justice and Responsibility in order to obtain assistance in relation to the prosecution of suspects on both sides in cases where they fell into sight. However, to obtain a comprehensive report on the behavior of the Syrian regime, we will most likely have to wait for the change of power in Damascus or changes in the position of UN Security Council.

Chemical disarmament of the Assad regime, which was presented a few years ago as a huge achievement of Russian diplomacy, turned out to be deception. In the new realities, the Kremlin in every way to resume the Syrian deadly arsenal, which makes the situation in the region and more tense and extremely distant from the peaceful.

Heavy Week of Kremlin Amad Ratches

The Russian myth of the victorious procession of the Kremlin diplomacy in the Syrian question showed its complete inconsistency for a very short period of time.

The Sochi Congress of the National Dialogue, which took place on January 29-30, ended with shame for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and Personally, Lavrov, because, according to the results of the work, there were no fundamental solutions.

As expected, "Sochi-1" ended with a declaration of little clear declarations that all new and new similar meetings are needed, and maybe the Syrian delegates will deign to come to some common denominator. But it is not exactly for sure. In the meantime, they all return to work as part of a political dialogue in Geneva. In general, Sochi did not have a platform for developing the parameters of the "New Syria", and this is not surprising in mind the war on the country.

The most vibrant illustration of the escalation of the military situation in the country was the next incident on February 3 with the attack of the SU-25 Russian attack over the province of Idlib.

The military aircraft was eventually shot down, and the pilot, who catapulled, died in a shootout with militants. This is the fifth plane lost by Russian VKS in Syria, but only the second loss during the fulfillment of combat tasks.

While there is some ambiguity: who can stand this incident? Thoughts are sounded, mainly from Russian sources, that this is the work of the hands of the Syrian branch Al-Qaida - the grouping "Hayat Tahrir Ash-Sham". The assumptions also sound that it can be the militants "Jake Al-Fata" allegedly involved in the murder of the Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov in Ankara at the end of 2016.

But the most believable sounds the version that it may be the fighters of the Arabic group "Brigade Samarkand", which Turkey supports. As many media reported in January 2018, the rebels of one of the parts of the Syrian free army seized the Russian CRCK "Needle" from Kurds.

Attempts by the Kremlin Translate the arrows to Washington were immediately disconnected from the American side. The representative of Pentagon Eric Pano stated the RIA Novosti agency that the United States did not supply partnerships in Syria with arms type "earth-air", and do not intend to do this in the future.

It turns out that Russian aircraft are knocked down by the Russian rebels allegedly now by the Turkish friendly Moscow. As we can see in this example, no "Sochi Troika" does not exist in fact, and Erdogan, where only it may, will limit the already weak influence of Russia in Syria.

Such actions are difficult to condemn for the simple reason that Putin's regime itself constantly trades allies, as it did it with the Kurds, and any transactions with him are not a given egg. It is also very important, the Russian attack aircraft performed a combat task above the de esshelation zone, and promoted the promotion of Asadov in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Sarab. It turns out that the zones of deoxy in Syria, so glorified by Russian propaganda, simply do not work.

But at the failure of Sochi-1 and the attack on the Su-25 problems for Russians and their Alawit friends in Damascus at all. The greatest concern of Russian-Syrian autocrats is now providing a US statement that the Assad regime restored its chemical weapon development program.

This means the total collapse of the reputation of Moscow, as the initiator of the process of destruction of chemical weapons in Syria. The United States is looking for confirming reports on the use of Syrian authorities Zarin - a poisoning substance of neuro-paralytic action. This was announced on February 2 to journalists Chapter Pentagon James Mattis. According to him, he "I have not seen confirmations of reports about the use of Zarina", but "He is alarming about this".

"Representatives of the Syrian opposition say that Zarhar was used, we are looking for confirmations of these messages"- Mattis added. The head of the Pentagon also indicated that the Syrian government "He repeatedly used chlorine gas" against the inhabitants of their country.

On February 1, the head of the press service of the State Department of the United States, Hester NAErt stated that the Presidential Administration of Donald Trump "The new reports are extremely concerned about the use of gaseous chlorine Syrian regime to intimidate civilians in Eastern Guta. We perceive the accusations of the use of chemical weapons very seriously, and will continue to be responsible for all those responsible for confirmed cases of the use of chemical weapons through the available diplomatic mechanisms, including UN Security Council and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)..

What is important, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson also accused Russia "Inability to cope with the spread of chemical weapons in Syria". In general, there is an extremely unsightly picture: Russia no longer only does not control the situation in relations with Turkey, now there are also big doubts that Damascus does not lead his cunning game behind the Russians - on the advice of Tehran.

As a result, this can lead to the weakening of the position of the Kremlin in solving the Syrian problem, or the Russian image of the peacemaker will finally disquire.

Syria and OMP: Combat chemistry against civilians

The ruling clan of Asadov belongs to the Shiite sect of Alawitov, and after coming to power in the early 1970s. Constantly felt in a vulnerable position.

The reason was that within Syria Alawitis are a minority to which the Sunni masses oppose. At the external level, Damascus felt the increasing pressure of Israel. To get rid of the weaknesses described, Asada decided to make a bet on developing weapons of mass destruction, which should have the levels of their chances in the fight against opponents.

The Syrian government sought to develop various directions for creating weapons of mass lesion (OMP). The country possessed the primaries of his own nuclear program, which developed in close cooperation with the DPRK.

Syria is a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and has repeatedly tried to acquire small nuclear reactors in research purposes in the PRC, Russia, Argentina and other countries. Despite the fact that these attempts were carried out under the control of the IAEA, under pressure from the world community, the management of the SAR has canceled its decision to acquire reactors.

Syria has an open nuclear research program under the control of the IAEA on a miniature Chinese production reactor. At the same time, Israel constantly suspected Damascus in the presence of a secret nuclear military program. This was evidenced by the refusals of the Syrian authorities to the IAEA inspectors to visit nuclear facilities of the country, in particular the building in the Dir Az-Zura region, where an atomic reactor was brought by the type of Northways nuclear facility in Jonbene.

So, if it were not for the operation of Israel Air Force in September 2007, the Assad regime was already able to acquire a nuclear bomb in mid-2008.

According to NATO experts on biological weapons, Syria has been developing in the field of obtaining deadly viruses and bacteria causing botulism, OSPU, Siberian ulcers, tularevia, cholera, plague. Help in this is provided by Russian specialists. It is important that Damascus is a signed convention on the prohibition of bacteriological weapons of April 14, 1972, but still has not yet ratified it.

But if nuclear and bacteriological weapons are more theoretical developments of the Syrians, then in the field of chemical weapons of mass destruction they have much more progress.

As you know, Syria possessed the largest in the Middle East arsenal of chemical weapons. This was done in order to provide strategic parity with Israel, and therefore Himcomponent was the most important component of the country's army.

The program was started in the 70s. And based on collaboration with European firms, from which the chemical production technologies were obtained. In Syria, the production of combat poisoning substances of the skin-disruptive (IPRD) and nerve-eyed action (phosphorodorganic poisons) were established.

The objects of the chemical program were placed in the Damascus area, in Homs (Gas VX), Hama (Zarin, Tabun, VX) and the Safira district, which is in Aleppo. The total capacity of bov production was up to several hundred tons, most of which went to warehouses - mainly Zarin.

At the same time, the country has a large arsenal of ballistic missiles capable of carrying warheads with chemical weapons. We are talking about the BR "SCAD" with a range of 300 km, and Skad-D with a range of up to 700 km, which can affect targets in Israel. In addition, the Syria Air Force in the presence of up to 1000 special bombs capable of carrying a chemical component.

But if, against the Jewish state, Asaditis apply chemical weapons and did not take risks, then in the Civil War against its people, its use was with a big sweep.

In 2013, certificates of use in the course of operations of combat poisoning substances began to appear. Such cases were recorded in the Aleppo area, in the suburbs of Damascus - Duma and Adra, near the cities of Zamalka and Khan-al-Assal.

In all cases, when the opposition accused the Assad regime in chemical attacks, the Russian government at the UN level sought to justify the Syrian army in every way and to maximize the blame on the forces of the rebels or the "terrorists".

The point of non-repayment for Assad acquired events using chemical weapons on August 21, 2013, when, according to the UN investigation, on residential areas of the suburb of Damascus - Gutes, several missiles with warheads, containing a total of about 350 liters of zarin - a non-penetrating substance of a nerve-type type .

According to estimates of various sources, 1729 people died during the chemical attack, a significant number of dead - children. After the catastrophic chemical incident, 11 countries of "Big Twenty" support the actions of the United States in Syria, even in the absence of a UN Security Council mandate, ready to carry out an operation against the Syrian regime that kills their people.

"The evils clearly indicate that the Syrian government responsibly for the attack ... We call for a hard international answer ... which would send a clear signal that such atrocities would never be repeated. Those who commit these crimes should be brought to justice. ", - clearly indicated in the statement.

The European Parliament in the plenary session on September 12, 2013 in Strasbourg adopted a resolution on the situation in Syria, the document said: "... According to information from various sources, the Syrian authorities are responsible for the use of chemical mood. The use of chemical weapons in Syria is a war crime and a crime against humanity. In this regard, it is necessary to take clear, strong and accurately aimed joint measures, not excluding aggravation measures. "

It would seem that the face was all grounds for conducting an international intervention against the inhuman Syrian regime. But then the Russians managed to "otmay" their protege.

Russia suggested a plan providing for a phased process of eliminating chimpery in Syria. This country should join the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW). Then the official Damascus must declare all the places of storage and production of poisoning gases. At the next stage, Syria should put on its territory of the OPCW inspectors, and then decide who will deal with the destruction of the reserves of chemical mud.

On September 13, Syria signed the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. On September 14, in Geneva, the USA and Russia reached a framework agreement on the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons. On September 27, 2013, the UN Security Council adopted the appropriate resolution 2118.

Then Syria's authorities declared 23 objects with chemical weapons. According to the general director of OPCH, Ahmet Uzhemzhu, in these objects functioned 41 construction, including 18 workshops for the production of chemical weapons, 12 warehouses of its storage, 8 mobile complexes for ammunition equipment by combat poisoning substances, as well as three other objects associated with chemical weapons.

The report notes that about 1.3 thousand tons of combat poisoning substances and precursors, as well as more than 1.2 thousand unsarected carriers, in particular missiles and mortar mines, was stored at SAR chemical weapons facilities.

On June 23, 2014, it was announced that the last Party of Chemical Weapons was taken out from Syria for subsequent destruction. On January 4, 2016, OPCW announced the full destruction of Syria's chemical weapons.

But further events showed that the Government of Assad is extremely far from the humanistic ideals of full deliverance from such a dear chemical weapon.

Kremlin hand in the new chemical program of Damascus

After, it would seem that the complete destruction of the Chemical Arsenal Damascus, as the thunder among the clear sky, the events were killed in April 4, 2017 in the city of Khan-Sheikhun, which is in the province of Idlib. As a result of the aviation strike of the Syrian Air Force, the population was defeated by chemical poisoning substances, as a result, at least 86 people died, at least 557 people were injured.

As the main version, the chemical attack of the Syrian army was considered. On April 6, 2017, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons declared the beginning of the investigation into the case of a possible application of a chemical building in Cyrian. The conclusions of the OPCW announced on April 20, and they were that the air strike was used or its analogue of neuro-paralytic action.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on the American television channel CBS expressed the opinion that wines for defeating the Syrian population lies in Russia, since it was she who once assumed responsibility for the process of destroying the reserves of chemical building in Syria and guaranteed a complete prohibition of its production.

On April 19, 2017, the Israeli Military Representative Anonymously informed Reuters that the Syrian military forces of Bashar Assad had up to three tons of chemical weapons. It turns out that Damascus and the Kremlin deceived the world community and decided to hide part of chemical weapons for future attacks against the opposition.

The Russian side in the future, as soon as she could have tramped the investigation into the attack in Khan-Sheikhun. As of November 2017 the Russian delegation in the UN 11 times blocked draft resolutions to extend the mandate of the UN Mission In order to investigate new facts of the use of chemical weapons in Syria, although the UN recognition was recognized that the poisoning substances used the Assad Bashar regime.

On this account, the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation for the UN Vasily Neksily said that he could not support the "unbalanced" American project, although he advocated the continuation of the joint investigation mechanism (CMR).

But on November 22, 2017, he called the UN-OPCH expert group "dead" and said that Moscow is ready to discuss the creation of a certain new mechanism. This is another trick for tightening the time and attempts to bring Assad, as well as the Moscow itself, from under the impact.

In total, the SMR group during the Civil War in Syria recorded 33 chemical attacks, in 27 cases proved the guilt of Assad's troops, 6 cases were not yet investigated. In Damascus, everyone deny. They are supported by Russia, speaking in the UN as a lawyer of the Asadian regime.

Naturally, the results of the work of the CMR are not satisfied with Damascus, nor Moscow. The Kremlin is especially concerned about the fact that unsightly details of their direct involvement in the new Chemical Program of Assad will be known.

On the one hand, according to the sources of the British edition of The Economist, voiced in October 2017, the Assad regime revealed only 19 (according to other data 23) places related to the production of chemical weapons. Whereas in reality, there are more than 45 in reality. In addition, due to conducting the fighting in Syria, it is likely that not all chemical weapons were registered, and its part remained under the control of Assad.

On the other hand, Damascus could well begin the creation of its chemical potential from scratch. Key stakeholders in this process are the DPRK, Iran and Russia.

As it became known on February 2, 2018, according to the UN closed investigation, in the period from 2012 to 2017, North Korea sent more than 40 unlawful cargoes intended for the Scientific Center in Syria, which controls the chemical weapon program in the country.

Two loads were intercepted by the services of unnamed countries. It is reported that they contained tiles, infant with the effects of acid, which could be used in creating a large chemical enterprise.

Loads went from the North Korean company Komid, since 2009, the UN Security Council included in the Black List as a provider of weapons and equipment for its production. However, it is impossible to exclude that the DPRK was used only as a transit point. To this tactic for concealing traces, Russians resorted earlier, organizing the supply of weapons into problem countries and terrorist organizations.

Relative to the synthesis of poisoning substances and the production of precursors. Analysis of soil samples from Khan-Sheikhun indicates that the zarin sprayed there could not be made by handicraft, as Russians and Syrians are trying to assert.

Zaror made, firstly, in a special factory, with a high degree of technical equipment, and, secondly, the technology, and from those materials that the Syrian side had at their disposal. In other words, the conclusions of the Commission indicate not only that Assad applies chemical weapons, but also that Damascus's statements about its full destruction is unrighteous.

Also, the Russians themselves give the ground for the appearance of assumptions that Zarina could be delivered to the Syrians by Iranians. According to the Russian political scientist-orientalist Grigoria Melamedov, there is no chemical weapon in Tehran.

At the same time, he said, the chemical attack near Khan-Sheikhun was most beneficial to the Persians to weaken the position of the Kremlin in Syria. What is interesting, the Russians are even inclined to believe that it was Iran, and its radical forces, such as KSIR and Hezbollah, could apply chemical weapons against civilians. What you won't make suspicion from yourself. Especially against the background of what evidence was identified specifically Russian participation in the production of new Syrian chemical weapons. In the village of Al-Latamin's village, after another gas attack, the remains of the Russian aviation fuse of AVU-ET with traces of Zarina were revealed.

It turns out that the hulls of chemical shells, discharged by Assad Aviation, and the fuses to them, supplies Moscow, and without the availability of high-tech products of Russian production, the use of chemical weapons would not have due efficiency.

Moreover, Moscow can also act another financial donor of the renewed chemical weapon production program in Syria. In December 2017, Buzzfeed published a journalistic investigation into how the Kremlin financed the development of chemical weapons for Assad.

Cypriot FBME Bank was actively used by Putin's associates for pumping tens of millions of dollars to the accounts of Syrian partners related to the development programs of the chemical building. This banking structure was founded by Fadi's Lebans and Farid Saabami, which are agents of Syrian intelligence.

In the fall of 2014, the US Ministry of Finance imposed sanctions on the Issu al-Zeydy, a citizen of the Russian Federation and Syria, for being a submarine face of Scientific Studies and Research Center - firms that manages the Chemical Arms Program of the Syrian President Assad.

Al Seeyidi was the founder of Balec Ventures, which was an account in FBME Bank. This firm was a gasket not only to finance the Assad Chemical Program, but also used to conduct operations for the purchase of Syrian oil in the ISHO militants through Hesco. In a word, the interesting financial ties of Russians are traced, both with Syrian "chemists" and for financial support, IHIL through their Syrian partners.

Thus, the removal of international accusations in the recreation of the Syrian Chemical Monster is increasingly coming around the Kremlin. UN Secretary-General Anthony Guterrish recently stated that they come to him "New very disturbing messages about the intended use of chemical weapons" In Syria, and many residents of the country are still starving and devoid of medical care.

The anti-Russian statements of the US Secretary of State Tillerson and the head of Pentagon Mattis, voiced in January-February 2018, was added to the criticism of the delegates of the Paris International Conference to investigate crimes related to the use of chemical weapons. There, Moscow was openly accused of covering the Assad regime, and, in particular, in the undermining of the United Nations Joint Mechanism and the OPCW in order to investigate the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

Due to Russia, the work of this structure is terminated. So, this once again emphasizes the reluctance of Putin's regime so that the world will find out the truth about the crimes of the Syrian regime, and, of course, his own role in the killings of thousands of Syrian civilian citizens.

Section "Bravo", Group "Information Resistance"