Cold smoking pink salmon at home. Popper Smoked - Royal Appetizer in Homemade Humpback Humpback Cold Smoked Recipe

Gorbowo in the people called "Pink salmon" for a bright color of fillet.

Like other salmon, it contains:

    easily durable protein (25% of the mass);

    trace elements (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium);

    vitamins (A, B6, B12, C, D).

This is the perfect dietary product in any form: 100 grams of this fish are less than calories than 100 grams of white bread. If the pump scream, it turns out an excellent snack. And it can be added to the salad or put on a sandwich.

Smoked humpback from the store is not the best choice. Manufacturers prepare it with "liquid smoke", preservatives, dyes and other "chemistry" are added. Therefore, those who want to enjoy truly delicious fish, are interested in how to smoke the pump in the smoking smoking smoke at home.

How to choose a humpback for hot smoked at home

Good fresh pink salmon looks like this:

    scales - brilliant, smooth, clean, without mucus and plaque;

    zhabra - light red, bright;

    belly - smooth, flat;

    skin - without damage, fits tightly to meat;

    the smell is insignificant, without an ammonia shade;

    weight - from 800 g to 1500 g.

Fishing is easier to choose ice cream - focus on the weight, the amount of ice (no more than 5%). When choosing dubed - necessarily check the color of fillet. It should be pinkish.

It is impossible to buy fish with yellowish meat on the trouser, sluggish (from the pressure remains dents), with an unpleasant odor or a mucus covered.

True gourmet argue:

"The male humpback meat is more fat and juicy.

It is tastier than meat females. "

Therefore, choosing fresh or ice cream fish, focus on the sexual affiliation of the humpback.

    The females of the head rounded, the color of the body is light.

    The males elongated head, sharp, scales are darker, the rear fin is shorter than in females.

Recipes Gorbushi Hot Smoked in Homemade Scholna

Prepare fish before smoking: Separate, spray and dry.

When cutting, remove only the insides and gills. Head, CCS and Fed Do not cut off. Carcass rinse - Now the fish is ready for salt.

If you want to reduce smoking time, you can cut it into pieces. Fillet is preparing faster than the ficker. But do not smack! It is preferable to smoke semi-dryers or quarters.

Now about how to pickle a pump for hot smoked.

Use dry or wet method. Both methods are equally popular, and a substantial difference in the taste of the finished humpback you will not feel. Choose the one that is more convenient for you.

Sling hump for hot smoked

The easiest way is the dry ambassador. Salt rubs into the carcass: outside - against scales, from the inside - in the spine.

With a dry ambol, a large cream salt without additives is used. So the taste of fish with smoke remains clean. For some recipes, black ground pepper is added.

If you need a pink salmon with a golden chopped crust, sugar in a ratio of 2: 1 is added to the salt.

After processing, the fish is placed in glass or enameled dishes, additionally speaking salt.

Capacities are covered with a lid and leave in a cold place.

Sliced \u200b\u200bpink salts will be solved for 24-48 hours.

A whole - for 4-10 days depending on the size. During this period, fish must be periodically turned over.

After singing, check the fish taste.

If it is too salted, you can soak it.

After the ambulance, the fish do not wash, only wipe the paper with a towel.

The last stage is an outdoor breaking. At home it lasts 6 - 24 hours.

Recipe marinade for hot hump humpback

The second way of the ambassador is wet when the fish is soaked in the marinade.

For this recipe for 1 kg of pumps, it will be necessary:

  • 100 g of sea salt;

    50 g of sugar;

    ground pepper and other spices at will.

Fish is allowed in a solution for 2-3 days at a temperature of +2 to +4 degrees.

After singing, the fish is dried with paper towels, then knit in the fresh air. It is advisable to place it on drafts, in the shade, protecting against insects a small grid.

Drying time with dry weather - day. If the street is raw, the pump is dried in the room under the fan.

How to smoke the pump in the smoking smoking smoking right

Collible fish is ready for smoking. If you have to prepare a pump whole, the skin is not removed.

For smoking on the classic recipe, an alder chip without a bark is suitable. If you want to experiment with tastes, add thin branches of apple or pear, fragrant herbs. But for the first time it is worth smoking the pump of hot smoked on an alder chips.

Smoking process standard:

  1. The capacitance of the smokehouse is laid with chip, pre-moistened with water.
  2. The chip is covered with a pallet for fat, which runs off the fish in the smoking process.
  3. Install the grid for fish or hooks for hanging (depends on the type of smokehouse, its size).
  4. Place carcasses and tightly closed the installation with a lid.
  5. Include (diluted) fire.

Hot smoking begins at a temperature of +110 degrees, it should be supported during the process.


Gorbowa - Fat Fish. Be sure to install the pallet in the smokehouse. Without it, fat will fall on the chip and burn, and ashes and Gar will fall on the products. Gorbow will be pattering.

How much smoking the pump of hot smoked in smoking

The duration of smoked depends on the size and cutting of the carcasses. On average, the classic recipe, solid fishery smoothies about 2 hours.

If the fish is divided into pieces, the jumping time of pink salmon in the homemade smoke is reduced to 60 minutes, but can not be less.

And for a few more hours it will be necessary for the fish "ripe" outdoors.

The finished hill of hot smoked is stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in paper and plastic bag.

Shelf life is no more than a week. Therefore, at home, do not smoke a lot of fish at a time.

The taste of meat or fish, smoked with their own hands, and even at home, is instantly remembered, if you imagine a vacation in nature, a brazier and smoke, which, like a master cook, truly makes miracles.

From alone, the smell is instantly risen appetite, and everyone wishes to enjoy a favorite dish, even despite the fact that smoked food in large quantities can harmfully affect health. But, observing the measure, you can reduce any risk to a minimum, and if we talk about the number of nutrients remaining in the product after the cooking process, then smoking in this plan even looks more profitable other ways in cooking.

Gorbowa is the brightest representative of salmon. Its fishery is conducted in the seas of the Northern Icetic and Pacific Oceans. But to pamper yourself with a delicacy can not only in Kamchatka or in the Far East. Seafood suppliers made everything so that this fish is available to any Russian consumer. Despite the high price, it is not an exclusive and, even on holidays, but falls on the table of the average inhabitant.

Theoretical Questions about Smoked

Unfortunately, residents of apartment buildings will not be able to know the charms of the smoking process, as well as its results, unless they have their own giving, where you can experiment in your pleasure. It is necessary to consider not only and not even so much the process itself occurring in the smokehouse, how much preparation associated with the cutting of carcasses, their storage and salting.

Cutting stew

Horbow itself is not famous for giant sizes. On average, its mass varies in the range from 1 to 1.5 kg, these indicators have a fish at a body length of 45-50 cm. It is believed that the pump meat increases its value during spawning period, then it becomes more nutritious when a total share of content Fat. 18-20% percent of the mass is protein, but at the same time the calorie content of the product is only 150 kcal per 100 grams. Of course, it is quite high for fish indicator, but in relative terms the meat can be considered dietary.

It is important to understand that fish, different in dimensions, has a different fat content. The process of salt and smoking will flow in different time intervals. Therefore, when buying a humpback, you need to pick up the same carcass.

The most popular method of cutting - cutting fillet. For this, the head and fins are cut off, then the mass in the horizontal plane along the spine is cut into a sharp knife. Ribs are removed from the resulting layer, and the fillet is ready. In general, the method of cutting depends on the size of the carcass. You can smoke the pump whole, while you will have to remove the internal and gills.

Smoke processing method depends on fish storage conditions. Traditionally, it is believed that the salt pump is appropriate to cry with a cold way, and ice cream is hot. But these are just recommendations and change the ways of cooking methods. No one forbids.

Methods Soldiers

In order to spend the right fish, it is necessary to clearly represent how it will be prepared. In fact, the theory of pickles is quite voluminous. It turns out that there are requirements of GOST, which are rarely carried out at home, but the theoretical calculations give the following data: the pink salmon of the direct ambulance is preparing 7-9 days, and with cooling - 10-12.

When choosing a dry ambulance, the fish is thoroughly rubbed with salt, then stacked in the tank up the abdomen. The inner cavity is also treated with salt. The tubular ambassador is based on the release of fluid from the fibers. Salt in this fluid dissolves, as a result, it turns out a kind of marinade.

You can make marinade based on water or vegetable oil. But the taste and structure of the fibers of pinkish meat depends not only on the way of marination. The temperature at which meat is asked for a huge effect. Distinguish warm mode, chilled or cold. But in the limited conditions of the house, you can eat fish or put in the refrigerator, or leave in a cool room.

In warm mode, you can escape the fish meat having a tight consistency. There will be no damage to the prerequisite, otherwise it may be spoiled. In our case, you will have to create cooled solutions. The temperature regime is 0 to 4 ° C degrees. As additional information, we note that low temperatures are used for large-sized carcasses with fatty meat.

Norms of dosage salts

Working with the fish to make it properly cooked to smoke, it is necessary to use a coarse-grained salt salt. Iodized salt for these purposes is not suitable. Sea salt apply is permissible, only it should also be a large grinding. On the percentage of salt in fibers, three degrees of salts are distinguished. Low-salted fish contains no more than 10% salt. Next, this indicator increases. It is believed that at 14% percent the fish is already tasty.

The given data is enough to make a preliminary calculation, but for this you need to take a mass of carcasses only during dry salting. If marinade is used, you will have to take into account the mass of water. Salt that fell into fibers changes their structure. At the same time, excessive fluid is excreted, all bacteria are killed, but it is necessary to remember that the excessive salt content is harmful to the body, and also reduces the taste quality of the product. Fish before shipping in the smoke is thoroughly soaked in water.

Unfortunately, there are no certain algorithms to determine the degree of readiness when singing. Here you have to rely on your own feelings, but there are still a couple of tips. Collible fish should not have a specific smell. The meat should be dense and elastic, and the most important feature is the lack of blood engines.

Adding spices and spices

By and large, all recipes accompanying hubby smoking are distinguished by the method of making in the marinade of various seasonings. Therefore, they can be classified in a certain way.

  • Among the ingredients is only one salt, this ambassador is called "simple".
  • Making spices optionally turns a simple ambassador to spicy.
  • Sweet ambassador is used for preserves.
  • Acetic acid is well cleaved fibers, so it is used to quickly prepare carcasses, this is a pickled ambassador.

Recipe with a cold ambassador

Theoretical calculations give a peculiar culinary culinary rod of knowledge, near which you can develop your fantasy. However, at the same time, many readers want to see a step-by-step description of recipes. In their opinion, to act on previously written rules is much easier than inventing your technology.

After defrosting and the appropriate cutting of the pumps, the pink salmon is carefully shrinkled with salt. All this is placed in a container having a lid. The closed cover will save the temperature, and will not allow the fish smell to spread throughout the refrigerator. If one-piece carcasses are used, they must be rotated up with abdomen. The filleic pieces are stacked so that the skin turns out to be below. Under the oppression, this meat is stored in the refrigerator about 8-9 days.

When the fish sprusts well, the remains of salt and the tuzluk will have to wash off with running water. Some even soak carcasses for several hours. As a result, moisture turns out again in the upper layers. You can get rid of it, waving the fish in the drying cabinet. The absence of such is limited to the ventilated premises.

Cold smoking pump is ready for the room in the smoking. In it, the fish should shock at a relatively low temperature - 25 ° C of degrees. The degree of readiness depends on the mass of the carcasses. A few days later it will have to determine it by external signs. The carcass must throw in the mass, get a golden color. If you do not rush and wait, when the smoke will cool, then in the cold form, the dish is immediately ready for the feed on the table.

Recipe for hot smoked

Hot smoked hump in his preparation more often requires making marinade. Now you know for sure that the salt, as a component, is a mandatory ingredient, and sugar and spices can add optionally. Since it is not worth the fear of rotting, then the marinade can contain no more than 10% of the salt. Recall that the percentage is calculated from the sum of the masses of the carcass and water. For those who have no experience in the preparation of a sweet marinade, we will advise you to add sugars twice as fewer than salt.

This recipe allows not to defrost fish. It is tied by the ramp and put in brine. But the defrost passes in the refrigerator, as the pump will become loose with a sharp change of temperature. To determine the availability of the product, you will have to periodically check the meat. After defrosting, it should lie in a liquid marinade 2 - 3 hours.

To deliciously prepare fish in the smoke, it is necessary to remember that the process itself will take no more than 30 minutes, but since time depends on the mass of pieces, you will have to check availability. For this, the spinal part should be pounded with a thin stick. Ready meat will lose a glassy shade and will become matte. As in the case of cold smoking, it is not recommended to extract fish, without waiting for a complete cooling of the smokehouse. Capacity should be removed from the fire, but it is not worth opening it.

Periodic cooking smoked out of everyday experience. But in order not to learn from their own mistakes, it will be useful to read with already ready-made tricks that are among themselves relaxing lovers in nature.

The pinks have no residuals. A practical approach will make the head, fins and the tailing part, to subsequently cook the ear, adding small fish to it.

The side walls of the abdomen are pushing and fixed with matches or toothpicks. In the open state, the cavity will be better to go am smoke.

If it was lucky enough to buy a pump, but the carcasses in size differ very much, it should be cut into them with the same pieces. So you can ensure uniform survival and smoking.

The defrost was written above, but summarize said. It is not necessary to defrost fish to the end. It must be resolved by any selected way and put in the refrigerator. There, it slowly melts that she will retain the structure of the fibers.

Cold smoked pump can be bought almost in any supermarket, but homemade delicacy will be much tastier and fragrant. In order for the homemade dish is not worse than the store, it is very important to choose the right fish for smoking and prepare it to handle smoke.

Choice of fish

In order for the homemade dish is not worse than the store, it is very important to choose the right fish for smoking and prepare it to handle smoke.

A huge role plays the right choice of fish. If low-quality raw materials are bought, it can spoil ready smoked smoked. Therefore, during the purchase, special attention should be paid to the appearance of carcasses and their condition.

You can use both fresh fish and frozen or chilled for the preparation of cold smoking humpback. Fish is a perishable product, so it is worth checking its quality and freshness during the purchase. Do not purchase the raw material, which has noticeable mechanical damage. It is better to abandon the pink salmon if the carcasses have an unpleasant smell, weakened meat consistency, as well as a large amount of mucus on the surface.

The gills of fresh fish will be bright. They should not also have an unpleasant smell. Make sure that the fish do not have muddy or needle eyes. It is also not worth buying a carcass, on the surface of which contains a huge amount of ice. This speaks about re-frosting humpbacks and the fact that the fish is not quite fresh for a long time.

Fish preparation for smoke

During the preparation of fish, it is necessary to separately solit small and large.

The carcasses will be more larger than small. It is worth noting that for the preparation of delicious smoked smoking, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the pipsh does not fall into the straight sun rays. Because of this, fat can become bitter, and finished delicacies will be tasteless and with an unpleasant odor.

For the preparation of cold smoking pumps with their own hands, it is very important to properly prepare it for processing. All actions must be performed very carefully, because the fish has gentle meat that is easy to damage. Because of this, ready smoked meals will not have such an attractive appearance and can begin to decay during cooking.

If there was a bought undetected fish, then it is worth leaving Czech and fins. Very neatly cut exclusively internal. It is also desirable to cut the gills. They may have dangerous microorganisms that will cause food poisoning. In the event that it does not fall into the gills during a supreme salt, they can provoke a faster damage of ready-made delicacies.

For the preparation of cold smoking humps, carcasses without heads are also excellent. If a rather large raw material was purchased, then the pump can be divided into two identical parts. At the same time, the spine is neatly removed, as well as large bones. For processing large fish, it must be cut into portion pieces.

Types of ambulance

Before treating carcasses with cold smoke, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the fish under cool running water. Next is the stage of salts. It is important to comply with the rules of the salt so that finished smoked breaths are quite tasty and fragrant. It is worth a clearly follow the selected recipe and proportions. Otherwise, ready-made delicacies may be too salty or vice versa low-voltage.

For a dry pink salmon, it is worth using a salt of medium grinding. It is not necessary to use iodized products or with some additional additives. If you saline the fish with a shallow salt, then it will almost immediately cause the formation of a durable crust on the surface of the carcasses. Because of this, the deeper layers of the pulp are not intimidated by a sufficient amount of salt.

You can only use salt as a dry ambassador. In this case, ready-made delicacies will have a pleasant fragrance of fish and haze, without any additional smells.

For the preparation of cold smoking pupins with their own hands, you can use a small amount of black ground pepper. It is often enough to add sugar into the salting mixture. Part of the sugar is taken into two parts of the salt of medium grinding. By adding a sugar to a mixture, the finished fish will be softer, and its surface becomes faster than the beautiful color, quite punctured and dense. A kilogram of raw materials should use two tablespoons of salt and a tablespoon of sugar.

Salt or ready-made mixture is worth lying exclusively against the growth of scales. In the event that the carcasses will shock together with the gills, then the gormal covers are additionally moved, under which it is necessary to fall asleep quite a lot of salt. Gorbowa is also rubbed from the inside. A small amount of the mixture should be launched into the spine.

Then the prepared carcasses are laid out in a deep container, at the bottom of which the salt layer is preliminarily added. Each layer of fish should also cast salt. Further future delicacies are tightly closed with a lid.

Also, for a dry post, you can use the food film or solid polyethylene packages.

Leave the fish to marinate in salt and its own juice must be at least 36 hours. Best of all, if the pump will be arranged for 4-10 days. In this case, the temperature should be no higher than 4 degrees. During the marinion, it is worth regularly turning the carcasses so that salt penetrates the meat as evenly possible.

Fully salted carcasses are not recommended to wash. Otherwise, it is soaked in too much moisture. It is better to tear with paper napkins or towels. Then the fish is highlighted in the fresh air for several hours. The larger the size of the carcasses, the longer they should be dried. You can also hang a pump in the room, but or on a draft, or additionally turn on the fan so that the excess moisture is faster.

In this case, a special marinade or brine is used to break for future smoked smoked. The classic recipe is most often used, which allows you to get delicious delicacies with a saturated aroma of fish and smoke.

On a liter of water it is necessary to take a hundred grams of salt and 50 grams of salt. If you wish, you can add your favorite spices and spices to taste. It is worth noting that such a simple recipe is suitable for cooking not only cold smoked hump, but also hot.

Fish is laid out in a container that will not be oxidized. Then he flooded with marinade in such a way that it completely covered carcasses. Pumping pink salmon should have a pair of day at a temperature that will not exceed the mark of 4 degrees.

At the expiration of this time, the carcasses are thoroughly washed under running water, and then dried with paper towels. Further, the pump is hanging out in the fresh air for a day in order to grow a little. During this time, there is an extra liquid with a carcass, so that after cooking the meat it turned out sufficiently soft and gentle.

Combined ambassador

Such a method is assumed both dry seas and wet. At the very beginning it is necessary to pickle carcasses with a dry way and to withstand a little in a cool place. Only after that, the pink salmon is poured in advance by the cooked brine or marinade and insist for some time so that the salt is good enough to absorb meat.

Cold Smoked Process

Cold smoked hill can solisfry with a dry method or wet. You can choose that option that is more suitable in each individual case.

Next, it is necessary to prepare a smoke generator and a smokehouse for the preparation of delicious home delicacies. A small amount of chips is poured into the smoke generator. The device is connected to a smoking chamber using a special tube. Next you need to set fire to fuel.

Fish is laid out on the lattice or hangs on hooks. The design is tightly closed. Soon smoke will begin to come from the smoke generator to the smoke cabinet. Gradually, products begin to prepare and turn into real delicacies.

Smoking takes away from seven hours to two days depending on the size of the carcasses. The more pink salmon or slices, the longer the smoking will have raw materials. It is worth noting that all this time the temperature of the smoke should not rise above the mark of 30 degrees. Otherwise, not fragrant smoked smoked, but boiled fish.

The hillside of cold smoked, cooked at home after the end of processing with a cold smoke, must be added at least one day in the fresh air. This time will be enough in order to escape the excess smoke, and the smell of finished delicacies has become not so sharp.

Composition and properties of smoked fish

As part of the pinkish meat there is a huge number of trace elements and polyunsaturated fats, which are very well affected by the human body and health. Particularly well affects the regular use of pink salmon in the liver condition and at its work. Over time, the kidneys and an endocrine system begin to function better. In an incredibly tasty delicacy, a lot of phosphorus contains. Due to this, the bone skeleton becomes stronger. Also in humans, in the diet of which there is a pink salmon, the metabolism and well-being improved.


Gorbow in a small amount can be eaten even on a diet. Fish is considered not very calorie. In 100 grams of cold smoked hump, cooked at home, contain no more than 190 kcal.

Storage conditions

The pink salmon is stored, cooked by the cold smoked method, for several weeks in a cool place. In order for the delicacy to retain its taste, it should be placed in vacuum packaging. Also smoked, it is possible to freeze, which will allow them to be stored for several months.

The humpback hill is considered a real delicacy that will decorate any table.

Fish is considered incredibly useful, so it must be introduced into the diet. Prepare a treat at home is very simple, it is enough to follow a simple recipe and observe the proportions during the preparation of carcasses to smoke.

  • gorbowa - 1 pcs weighing 1.5-1.7 kg;
  • salt, spices for fish to taste.


Clear fish from scales, cut the belly and remove all the insides. Rinse under running cold water, dry. Carefully grasp salt and spices outside and inside. I note that only salt can be used, preferably a large marine.

I usually do this. Spices for fish are added if desired, in moderation and not all at once. It can be white or black ground pepper, rosemary, sage, parsley. A low-fat hump can be sprinkled with olive oil.

Fish Wrap in Foil and leave to pickle in a cool place for several hours. For 8-10 hours, the fish wakes completely. But one hour is also enough when limited in time, in this case closer to the middle of the fish will be fresh.

Instead of foil, you can use a regular polyethylene package. In this case, put the fish in the package, wrap or tie.

Inside the fish can be milk or caviar. They can be chopped and smoked together with fish, placing in the trouser.


Divide fire, prepare coals.

At the bottom of the smoke smoke olkhov Schiepu. Thin layer.

Fish remove from foil and dry.

So that the fish does not stick to the grid during smoking, you can lay out on the grid leaves apple trees or raspberries, and put fish on the leaves.

If the fishing is big, then it may not fit in smokehouse. In this case, cut the fish head. Or roll fishery by semicircle. In general, manifest a mixture and fantasy.

Skolna put on corner or place over hot coals or weak fire.

Skull pink salmon 25-40 minutes, depending on the intensity of heating and weight of the fish.


Eating fish hot, immediately after cooking.

Also, smoked fish can be cooled and stored in the refrigerator no more than a week. Smoked fish is a good cold snack. From her you can prepare salads and sandwiches.

By the way, in the shops of hot smoked hump stands more than 2 times more than fresh. Do not be lazy and master the smoke craft.

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Gorbowa - Fish of the salmon family, from which the first and second dishes are preparing, coat, salty, marinate. Fish meat is characterized by gentle, rich taste. It is dry, but with proper preparation acquires a juiciness, soaked with seasonings and turns into an exquisite delicacy.

How to prepare a product?

For cold smoking fishes of any size. But she should not be old. In the regions where salmon catch occurs, cooled products are used. But in other settlements of Gorbusch, it goes on sale in a frozen, salty or smoked. For the preparation of fish with a smoke generator, it is better to choose frozen carcasses. When buying carefully examines fish and estimate its appearance.

  1. Meat young and mature pink salmon gently pink.
  2. Its structure is dense, homogeneous. If the storage technology was broken, and the fish was deflated several times - the meat becomes loose and porous, and the ice crystals can be seen in its fibers. This product is better not to buy.
  3. The pink salmon is sold peeled or undisposed, with a head and without it. If the belly is not open, that is, the probability that inside is caviar - valuable delicacy, which can be salted and served on the table as an independent dish.
  4. For cold smoking it is better to choose the fish of the medium size, the weight of which does not exceed 1 kg. This females, and males can weigh up to 3 kg. If only a large fish is on sale, then salmon the same size is chosen. It is important, since when smoked, the temperature and smoke are evenly distributed in the smoke chamber, and at the output, the taste of meat may vary if the fish were not the same.
  5. On the skin of the humpback should not be mechanical damage. If she was kept correctly, then the external surface of her glossy, brilliant.
  6. High-quality fish, the fragrance is weak, spoiled - spreads the rotten smell.

How to defrost and clean?

The pump is placed in a plastic bag or closed capacity (it is impossible to use metal dishes) and leave in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. It is necessary to ensure that the juice for defrosting does not hit the products that are located in the lower chambers. Fish is prepared in several stages.

  1. Washed under cold running water entirely.
  2. Remove the head or only the gills.
  3. Cut the tail.
  4. Folders can be cut off, but if the fish will scream entirely - they are left.
  5. Clean carcass from the internships, carefully making an incision in the abdomen area. To do this, it is better to use a knife for cutting a linoleum or a kitchen knife with a sharp blade.
  6. If only the filleic parts are soaked, the head is cut off, and cuts are made along the ridge on both sides. Obtained both half of the spine and purify from ribs with a tweezers or knife, moving the blade against their growth.
  7. When smoking one-piece fish, the cushion is not cleaned.
  8. A large pump exceeding weight 1 kg, cut on transverse layers and smoke on the grid.
  9. One-piece fish is suspended in the chamber on the hooks for tail parts.

How to salute?

Several types of ambassadors use:

  • dry;
  • wet;
  • mixed.

To salt the pump with a dry way, it is purified from the internal and laid in the tank with a belly up. Sea or coarse salt is used. Not suitable iodized and simple small salt. It forms a crust on the surface of the fish and does not asked it to the desired degree. In poor saline fish, pathogenic microorganisms develop. Then it can cause food poisoning or severe intestinal infection.

To prepare two carcasses weighing about 500 g, a mixture of ingredients is used:

  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • black powder pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • olive herbs - 1 teaspoon.

It is allowed to leave the fish alone alone. Then after smoking, it acquires a natural, pleasant taste. Sugar and seasonings add a refined aroma and piquancy to it.

Salt pour into the bottom of the dishes with a uniform layer. It is distributed in the poultry of the fish and under the gills (if it is sulcified with his head), between the carcasters, so that the salt completely filled the free space. A cold ambassador is recommended when the salt is mixed in half with ice cubes. The cold slows down the penetration of salt into the meat fibers, but it preserves its structure better.

Under the wet ambassadors, the use of a tuzluk (juice highlighted by the fish itself) and the salt solution, which consists of components:

  • boiled cold water - 1 liter;
  • salt - 200 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • seasonings - to taste.

Herbs and spices can be covered at the time of water boiling, in which the salt and sugar were pre-dissolved. The brine will be more saturated. But it is allowed simple mixing of components.

Fish is poured with solution so that it covers it completely.

The optimal term for planting the fish with a dry way - 7 days, and cold dry - 10 days. The minimum period is from 36 to 48 hours. With a wet method, it happens enough 12-24 hours. To check how well the pink salmon has grieved, there are small pieces from time to time and try to taste. Firmly salted fish before the next stage of processing - bouncing - soaked for several hours in water.

How to knick?

Salted fish in front of cold smoke is cleaned of excess salts, flushing under running water. Dry napkins. If the carcasses are prepared entirely, the abdomen is installed spacers (toothpicks or spanks) to ensure normal ventilation. Nickname pump in the design, which is a frame (better from metal profiles), protected by a mosquito net (does not allow insect insect).

One-piece pink salmon or her pieces on the twine, which stretch through the top of the framework. If these are floasts of fish, then the grille can be installed in the central part. At home, the fish is kept on the balcony or on a plot under a canopy where it rains will not fall. The optimal temperature is + 5 -10 degrees. Ideally, if at this time the light wind blows, which will speed up the drying process. Depending on the size of the carcasses, the pink salmon is knit from 2 to 5 days.

How to smoke?

For cold smoking, self-made units consisting of a smoke generator, duct and cameras can be used. Smoke enters the air duct and gets into the chamber, where the fish is located on hooks and on the lattice. Smoke is formed due to the rims of sawdust. To do this, you will need alder or branches of fruit trees (apple tree, cherry, plum). In stores you can buy ready-made briquettes from a mixture of sawdust of different shrubs. It is allowed to use an old proven method, such as smoking in the pit ("Dedovsky" method), in which the smoke arrives in the air duct.

You can purchase a ready-made smokehouse, which is additionally equipped with a timer and temperature regulator. In the homemade or finished piping plant hang over the tail parts using the former holes, or lay the layers on the grille. The door of the smoke is tightly closed. Fileyny slices whose weight does not exceed 300 g, Kopatyat 2-3 days, and hubby carcasses - from 3 to 6 days.

In the process of smoking, the fish loses 15% of its source weight. At the exit, it turns out beautiful meat of light beige, brown and homogeneous consistency. It smells very fragrant and looks beautiful. Smoked pinema is served as an independent dish, as well as used as a component to salads and snacks.


Consider several salad recipes using smoked humpbacks.

With cheese and cherry tomatoes

From the humpback humpbacks you can cook a delicious salad with tomatoes and low-fat cheese.

The set of products includes:

  • fish fillet - 300 g;
  • tomatoes (better Cherry) - 300 g;
  • cheese with a small percentage of fatty - 120 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • yogurt (can be replaced by sour cream or low-fat mayonnaise) - 150 g;
  • green onions - 2-3 feather.

Salad is preparing in several stages.

  1. Products are cut with small cubes.
  2. Layers are laid out in sequences: fish, egg, cheese, tomatoes. They can be repeated. Each layer is lubricated with yogurt (sour cream, mayonnaise).
  3. Eggs and tomatoes can be missed a bit (if not mayonnaise is used).
  4. The upper final layer is decorated with onion feathers.

With fresh vegetables

The taste of smoked humpbacks directly depends on how correctly the fish was stored, how she was shed and smoked. If technology was true, then within 2-3 weeks you can taste with delicious, appetizing and non-caloric meat.

Some secrets of homemade red fish in the video below.