How to install an electric meter in the apartment. The rules for installing the electric meter in the house, in the country.

The normal operation of residential real estate is impossible without the presence of electricity. Connecting a counter that locks electricity consumption must be carried out correctly and very carefully.

It is not easy to fulfill such an event when work is carried out in the country or in country house.

Difficulties with the connection of the electric meter occurs quite a lot. Safety prescribes that the device must be in free and outdoor access. But often according to a certain technical problem, it is impossible to ensure this possibility. Therefore, homeowners first must take into account where the electrical counter must be installed. Then subsequently the energy sales company will not present any complaints.

What should I know before installing the device

Depending on what principle the operation of the counter is based, it can be electronic or induction. Experts believe that induction meters are not as accurate as electronic, so gradually the first lose popularity. Before purchasing the device, you need to look at the integrity of the seal, which is present on it, as well as during its installation. For three-phase meters, the presence of a fill with a maximum of a year ago is allowed. In the case of single-phase instruments, the term increases to two years.

To install the electric meter, you can invite any electrical installation. But it will be necessary to have a typical agreement that provides an energy sales company. The act of dividing the balance sheet is applied to it. Such a document indicates how the responsibility between the owner of the dwelling and electricity supplier is distributed.

Where to install electricity meter in a private house

To install an electrical counter, you need to choose a warm room. The device is better placed in the distribution panel. If we are talking about a country house, a hallway or insulated pre-equipment becomes an excellent place to install the electric meter. Then it turns out to ensure the protection of the device from the impact of humidity and precipitation. In addition, it will always be freely access and can be easily repaired if necessary.

The counter must be an altitude of 80-170 cm from the floor. First of all, the input chain is connected to the input machine. In the future, it can be brought to the meter. For greater safety of technology present in the house, it is necessary to bring ground to the shield. The wiring with automata, in turn, is connected to the instrument output.

Some energy sales companies make owners install electrical counters on house facades. They usually refer to some kind of own orders or regulatory acts. In fact, there is no legal reason to do so the energy-sales company has no company. But this will then be devoted to a separate item.

Where to install electricity meter in the apartment

If you need to install an electric meter in the apartment, it is better to contact the network company employees. When the need arises to post a counter in an old high-rise building, usually choose a place on the site. Distribution panels are installed there. As for new buildings, they are placed in them in the hallway using a closed shield for this. There is also a group of automata, redistributing electricity in the apartment.

Sometimes owners need to transfer the counter from the entrance to the interior of the apartment. With such a goal, it will be necessary to prepare a suitable area. As it was previously indicated, the height of the counters should be 80-170 cm. But in the apartment you can place the counter below. The most important thing is that it is above the half of the minimum of 40 cm.

During the installation of the meter, you must follow the rules of the electrical installation device (PUE). First, de-energize the input chain, then connect it to the machine. The next action from the machine is carried by the circuit to the electric meter, and then to the wiring. The shield must be grounded, since the grounding avoids a short circuit.

Where to install electricity meter in the country

When working at the cottage, the counter is better to post on the facade. Then the staff of network companies will be able to access the instrument. The problem is that with a decrease in temperature to 0 ° C, the meter may incorrectly work. That is why it is necessary to insulate it. As an option, you can consider the installation of the device in a heated garden house.

It should also be borne in mind that in the case of the meter on the surface of the housing facade, the owner exposes its own property of danger. In addition to representatives of the network company, completely any individuals will have access to it. It follows from this that the owner of the cottage can set the counter and in the garden house. But at the same time, he himself should not impede the validation and state of the device.

Is installation of electricity meter on the street?

As it was said before, the installation of the meter is carried out on the basis of PUE. The owner itself can decide whether it will place the device on the street or not. Of course, the energy sales company is much more convenient when the counter is outside. But with this method of placing the equipment there is a danger that the counter will be corrupted as a result of the impact of atmospheric phenomena, cold and high humidity.

In addition to the fact that the operating term of the electric meter is reduced, there is also a danger that in winter time He will not be able to count the electricity correctly. Therefore, the requirements of the energy sales company cannot be called correct. In addition, they may even be called illegal.

In PUU, it is said that the meter for calculating electricity should be installed in rooms with normal air humidity and temperature above 0 ° C. If the owner is still demanding to install the electric meter on the facade, it can resort to a small trick. It consists in the fact that the meter is placed on the site, where warm attic will be erected.

Rules of the device of electrical installations

And in conclusion it is worth lifying some important rules regarding the placement of electrical appliances. Particular attention should be paid to paragraphs 1.5.27 and 1.5.29.

According to these Puetes, the meter should be placed in rooms where high humidity is not present, and the temperature is constantly at the level of 0 ° C. At the same time, there must be free access to the instrument. In the event that there is no possibility to place the counter in the specified places, it is allowed to install it in special cabinets and substations, but only subject to the presence of stationary insulation.

To protect the meter from cold, insulation cabinets, special caps with additional heating or heating elements are used. Most often, air heating in outdoor cabinets is carried out using electrical incandescent bulbs. At the same time, the air temperature in the shield or cabinet should not exceed + 20 ° C.

In the second of the names of the Pueu rules, it was said that the electric meter can be placed on special accounts, in panels, camshand chambers, and so on. At the same time it is allowed to install directly on the walls or in niches. The main thing is that the foundation under the electric meter had a tough design. The height of the placement of the meter is 80-70 cm from the floor. If the counter cannot be positioned at that height, it is possible to install it below, but the distance to the floor should be at least 40 cm.

Our organization, LLC "10 Kilovolt" has been engaged in electrical work for several years, so if you need installation and registration of electric meters (meaning to submit an application for filling in Mosenergosbyt - submission of an application to be carried out only by the owner of the housing), boldly contact us. Only high-class specialists who have passed special training are operating in LLC 10 Kilovolt installation of electricity meters in Moscow It is the work they make every day.

Specialists of the company "10 Kilovolt" received a license LLC "NPK" Incotect "- the leading Russian manufacturer of electricity metering devices.

Price list for installation (replacement) and reprogramming of electric meters
Name of work Units. change Price, rub.)
1 Replacement (installation and disassembly) of a single-phase electrospray (one-tariff, multitaric) pC. 2000
2 Replacement (installation and disassembly) of a three-phase (direct inclusion or indirect) pC. 3500
3 Installation, replacement of current transformers in accounting and protection circuits (up to 1000 V) pC. 3200
4 Programming a tariff schedule or a winter / summer time transition pC. 1000
5 Mercury 200.02 (single-phase, multitariff) pC. 1800
6 Mercury 230 ART-01CN (direct inclusion) pC. 4700

Installation of electric meters is a rather complicated process. In order to have at least some idea of \u200b\u200bwhich requirements should be performed for the installation of meters, we will tell about them in this article.

Since the electric meter is a complex accounting device, it can influence external factors, such as high humidity, temperature, aggressive chemical components in the air, vibration, etc. These requirements are almost always performed when the installation is produced in the apartment, the only thing to consider in this case is if the electric meter is installed in public areas (on the staircase, pass, etc.), then it must be in a lockable cabinet with a window on Dial level.

Electric meters should be installed in specially designated places - cabinets, niches, on the panels. It is allowed to install meters on wooden or plastic panels that have a rigid fastening. Electric meters must be installed at an altitude of 0.8 - 1.7 m, however, during the urgent need, the installation height can be reduced to 0.4 m. Below this indicator is prohibited.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that when the installation of electric meters in Moscow is made, the design of cabinets, boxes and niches should ensure the convenience of working personnel with a member. There should be convenient access from the front side to the clamping box, as well as the convenience of installing and replacing the meter.

Special attention should be paid to the place of installation of the meter in the event that when the electric meter is needed in the garage. If the garage is not heated, then you should pay attention to the choice of meter - there are special counters that are intended for installation in unheated premises.

Also special attention to these factors should be paid in the case when installation of the electric meter in the country Either the installation of the electric meter in Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road, of course, if at the cottage constantly someone lives in winter, and it is constantly heated, then there is no sharp necessity.

The installation of electricity meters should be carried out by qualified workers who have admission to work and have passed special training. Before the production of work is drawn up (or changes) the mounting circuit of the secondary chains, which will be connected to the electric meter. After an external inspection, in which the master should make sure all seals are provided, the electric meter is connected.

The wire for setting the counter is selected in accordance with the power that will be consumed by the consumer. The maximum allowable cross section of the wire is 10 mm2. In the case when the technical condition requires the installation of a larger conductor, special tips should be attached to its ends, or the installation should be made using special transition clamps. This is especially important in cases where the installation of a common electric meter is needed, because the load can be quite high, and accordingly, the wire section will need to choose the appropriate.

It is worth paying attention to the place of installation of switching equipment or fuses - they must be no further than 10 m from the meter. This is especially important when electric meters are installed in frequent houses or garages, as well as when installed on columns and supports. In these cases, it is necessary to take into account this requirement and try to place automata or fuses as close as possible to the electric meter.

The presence of a countable device measuring the consumption of electricity is a prerequisite for cooperation with electricity supply companies. It is the opinion that the measuring and counting device can also be installed only. However, the installation of the electricity meter can be done with their own hands if the host has a paper on admission to work with high voltage. If there is no specified permissive document, the owner has the right to appeal to experienced electricians who do not claim to be equal to the electric substantory companies. Regardless of whether the customer will be the owner or the performer, he should be familiar with the nuances of the installation.

Types used in household electric meters

Without going into details of the classification of electric meters, immediately delete from the abundance of modifications, those used in everyday life. We are interested in accounting devices for expense alternating currentbecause It is he who enters the domestic household objects. A variable electricity flow is characterized by an impermanence of voltage values \u200b\u200band frequently changing directions of electron movement. Permanent voltage and equivalent flow vector only after processing by industrial transformers or all known elementary chargers.

Classification by the number of phases

The clan of alternating current meters is divided into two different in the phases of the family. The first family should be dealt with consumption calculations in a single-phase two-wire network, a second subgroup - in a three-phase three-wire or four-wire system.

The owner of a bath structure needs to be known that:

  • if the consumption of electricity does not exceed 220 V, you can safely purchase an inexpensive single-phase counter. It is not necessary to even pumped out by counting the bandwidth of the device, because All the latest models have a significant capacity;
  • if the electrical equipment is required from 220 to 380 V, it is necessary to buy a three-phase countable apparatus. Preferably electronic model;
  • if it was carried out in order to further connect powerful consumers of energy (for example, the pump, boiler, electric furnace, washing machine), the host path lies into the energy supplying firm for obtaining technical conditions, and at the same time behind the parameters of the calculated appliances.

Representatives of the energy sales organization may be recommended a specific modification of the electric meter. Most often, their recommendations are associated with the specifics of the local systematization of the collection and processing of information, less often with the desire to sell apparatus in stock.

In general, at home, in the foggy perspective, it is planned to combine all household electricity consumption recorders to a holistic ACON system. Already now the automation of the process is slowly carried out in stages. Therefore, it is better to find out in the HOA or from the energy supplier, what channel of communication they are going to use. It is not to change the recently installed counter subsequently.

The interval of traditional verification of single-phase countable devices is 16 years. Service life of 32 years. The three-phase instrument will need to be dismantled and carry on calibration after 6 or 8 years depending on the level of complexity of the modification.

In short, the smaller the device, the less troubles with him. Yes, elementary systems work much longer. However, if the bath is equipped with powerful heaters and water in it is served by a well pump, argue with technical requirements meaningless. Those. We need a three-phase meter, preferably with memory and the possibility of tariff differentiation.

Mechanical or electronic - what better?

In any electricity metering device, there is a wattmeter power meter and a mandatory device that fixes the quantitative energy flow indicators. According to the constructive specifics of the counting device, the devices are divided into:

  • Electronic counters that fix electricity consumption by means of transformation of an electrical signal first into analog, and then to a pulse option;
  • Induction meters that register energy consumption by banal counting the number of revolutions of an aluminum disk driven by induction currents.

Induction metering devices are cheaper, massive and habitual. Their installation is made on 3 screws available in the closet or a dielectric panel. Progressive electronic devices are more expensive, but their electronic filling contains several very useful functions. For example, the owner of an electronic counter has the ability to control the calculations with the supplier, because The instrument memory can store all the information received for the year.

The incidents and installation problems of the neat electronic device will not arise at all. It is fixed on a DIN rail, which is fixed in a metal closet or non-combustible plastic. Home masters, absolutely not wishing to understand how to connect the electricity meter, can in the store offer a fully condensed cabinet with an accountable device already installed in place and automatic wiring tools.

According to the Rules of Gosta 6570-96, the maximum permissible class of accuracy of induction devices should be no less than 2.0. New mechanical type counters simply do not release with lower indicators. The maximum permissible error of electronic devices 1.0, 2.0 permissible in multitaric systems.

The accuracy class is a display of the error of the counting device, expressed as a percentage. Those. On 100% of the spent and registered electricity, the electronic apparatus can throw 1% or vice versa. The mechanical apparatus will not affect similar scrupuls. Which of the electricity counters is better to acquire, choose the future owner. However, the enegrosnabiting companies strongly advise paying close attention to electronic models, as more accurate and easily embedded in the automatic processing system options.

Singlear tariff and multitaric devices

The advantages of electronic counters are considered a remarkable possibility of differentiated accounting of electricity consumption. Single-tariff induction devices do not have a data economical advantage. The last of these subspecies will be unquest to fix consumption without giving the owners the opportunity to reduce payment for energy during the clock of the smallest demand for it.

The acquisition of a multi-tariff counting device will allow you to pay:

  • according to the total tariff for electricity consumption, starting from 7.00 up to 23.00;
  • 0.7 full tariff for consumption at night when the product of domestic power plants is most consumers without a special need (23.00 - 7.00);
  • 1.5 standard tariffs in the peak period at the maximum load of the power grid;
  • 0.4 from the full tariff at night.

As long as adherents of competent savings due to variations with pay are predominantly two-tariff registering devices and the same calculation schemes. Those. The first two two points are selected from the above. However, the ranks of the system of system of four tariffs are replenished with enviable regularity, explained by a tangible economic effect.

Accounts Installation Rules

In the list of dominant requirements for installing counters, the possibility of trouble-free removal of testimony, protected from mechanical damage and eliminating the likelihood of theft of electricity from suppliers and hosts. Failure to comply with regulatory prescriptions is most often accompanied by a refusal of a power supply firm to seal / register the device, therefore, and refusal to use it.

Please note that the estimated electricity meter is installed on the border of the operating responsibility of the energy supplier and the owner of the structure.

Planning Place for installation

Choosing a place to install the electric meter is dictated by the requirements of Ch. 1.5 PUE collection, which is fully devoted to the accounting of electricity. It indicates that:

  • The installation room must be dry, quite spacious for the unnecessary production of work and trouble-free removal of consumption information;
  • If there is no possibility to place a wardrobe or rigid panel with the design apparatus in the heated room, it is allowed to install in unheated compartments, corridors, pre-bankers and outside the structure on the facade or on concrete supports of Lep. For outdoor installation, you should buy a device with the technical capabilities of the functionality at - 40 º C. Outdoor installation of meters should be carried out in insulated cabinets in order to eliminate the operation failure in the winter period. You can use heated caps not higher than + 20º C, provided with an electrollamp or heating element;
  • The basis for the installation should be a rigid design. Fastening can be made to the wall, in niche. Preference is given to the cabinets and dielectric shields from plastic, wood, metal. In the case of installation on a shield between it and a wall, a 1.5 cm ventilation clearance must be provided. To form it, it is recommended to apply faience rollers;
  • The installation height should be comfortable for removing information. Approximate reference point - human eye level with average growth. Maximum 1.7 m from the floor plane, at least 0.8m. Regulatory sources do not mind the lower installation with the lower limit of 0.4 m;
  • To protect against mechanical damage, the calculated devices should be positioned in a half-meter from door and window openings.

If there is a threat to mechanical damage, contamination, damage to children or outsiders intervention, it is necessary to use a wardrobe with a lock and a transparent window in front of the dial.

Electrotechnical rules and subtleties

The rules of electrical installation of the calculated instruments are indicated in the same 1.5 chapter of PUE:

  • It is forbidden to build electrical wiring to counters using wires with spikes, twists;
  • The minimum size of the secting of household copper wiring 2.5 mm², aluminum 4 mm²;
  • It is necessary to provide the possibility of replacing the device and dismantling it for calibration in front of the counter or automatic protection tool or a tandem from the chop and fusible inserts. The capacity of the automaton is selected according to the value of the current consumption current;
  • For a potential reinstallation, replacement, repair must be left during the installation period of 12 cm each of the current elements;
  • The zero wire isolation should be different from the phase insulation. If the insulating shell does not have color differences, it is necessary to mark 10 cm of the wire to the meter by any marking.

I will not allow the slope of the calculated device more than 1º, because when violating it is impossible to guarantee the accuracy of the testimony.

Reinstalling the counter to another place at the request of the host is possible only after adjustments to the existing project documentation.

Wiring Construction Counter

There are no special differences in the induction circuit of the induction or electronic meter meterolectrical energy. There are dictated device stripping limits of wiring. To enter the holes of the electronic model, it is necessary to clean 2.7 cm of each wire, for input to the mechanical apparatus 2.0 cm. Not a millimeter of insulation should not be in the contact zone. Superior stripped mm outside the terminal clamps should not be that there is no chance of "left" connections and theft of energy.

Please note that the installation of a common switching device or fuses in front of the counter for all wiring is optional if each of the lines after the meter is equipped with an auto machine.

The circuit breakers in front of the meters do not refer to the list of mandatory wiring components. However, their presence allows you to automatically disable the entire object for repair operations. Energy sales does not "respect them," because it considers to be a device that feeds unrecorded kilowatts. To install the automaton in front of the meter, it is recommended to buy a small box of plastic with a DIN rail and exterior ears for a seal jam.

Standard Action Algorithm for Connecting Calculated Counters:

  • First of all de-energize the entrance line.
  • Remove the cover from the terminal series and study the connection scheme available on its inside.
  • We clean the ends of the wires to the appropriate length design. Each of the wires will be clamped with two screws. Therefore, under the terminal lid, not separate, and the paired connection points will be detected.
  • We introduce the phase input wire to the extreme left hole number 1. Without fanaticism, but with a reasonable force we twist the upper screw of the first left terminal pair. Convinced by banal twitching in the strength of the attachment, tighten the second screw.
  • Summing in the same way zero to the third hole.
  • We also connect the yield of the phase to the second terminal pair, the yield to the fourth.
  • From the second pair of clips, the phase wire leads on the automata of power, lighting, etc. lines. We connect them successively using jumpers.

The main purpose of the electric meter is to measure the level of electricity consumption. Usually, specialized employees are engaged in installation of such equipment, but if you wish to cope with the installation of the electric meter, you can do it with your own hands. The main thing is to carefully prepare for the upcoming event and do everything in accordance with the instructions, since with an independent installation, all responsibility for the actions performed and the possible consequences will lie exclusively on you.

Depending on the mechanism of action, electricity meters are divided into electronic and induction. Induction equipment is gradually displaced from the market predominantly at the initiative of the government - such counters are very easy to "deceive."

Electronic electricity meters are characterized by more high accuracy, smaller dimensions and excellent versatility. For example, modern electric meters support work in a multitaric mode. This advantage is relevant for regions in which electricity tariffs change depending on the time of day. Therefore, when choosing between induction and electronic equipment, preference is unambiguously given in favor of the latter.

Electricity meters are classified by the value of the rated current and the indicators (class) accuracy. The lower the figure of the class of your counter, it will work with a smaller deviation.

To determine the exemplary value of the nominal current, divide the allowable value active powerproviding network organization per consumer, on the voltage of your network, i.e., on 220V or 380V.

Typically, a three-phase connection is highlighted higher power, however, the use of single-phase networks in domestic conditions is more appropriate and preferable.

Difficulties with the connection of the meter arise in situations under which the owner must be powered by a building with a calculated current above 100 A. In such conditions, the direct "ringing" counter is impracticable. To install the accounting equipment, you will need to additionally connect current transformers.

The use of any intermediate components leads to an increase in the error of accounting for electricity consumption, so the transformer scheme must be competently planned. By solving this task, a qualified specialist is in obligatory.

When the counter is selected, pay attention to the limitation time of the seal installation and the integrity of this item.

The dummy seal is attached to the screws of the account of the account. Counter seal for single-phase power grid should not be "older" 1 year. In the case of the counters for three-phase networks The maximum allowable time increases to 2 years.

With the installation of the electric meter, you can cope without any problems yourself. However, before you decide to "uncorrect" pliers, get the right permissions and other documents. To do this, contact your local network provider office with a request for the issuance of a technical task for work. There you can conclude the necessary contract.

The specified documents lists a number of requirements that must fully complete the user before connecting the structure to the power grid. Also, the documentation clearly distinguishes the responsibility between the electricity supplier and its consumer.

In accordance with the current legislation, the home owner must set a meter within its consumption networks. The best place To install the counter is the heated distribution panel in the house. However B. lately Controlling organizations require that the accounting equipment is established strictly outside the residential premises in free access for verifying organizations.

For example, a representative of the network company may require that you install the electric meter on the facade of your house or even at the nearest electrostrome. All these moments are discussed individually. The owners of the same apartments usually oblige placing the equipment under consideration in the overall shield on the site.

On official statements, electricity providers force owners to set meters on the street to provide access to the device to remove indications and execution maintenance. According to the unofficial data, the suppliers are so trying to prevent unauthorized access to accounting equipment in order to theft of electricity.

Electric meter connection schemes

To understand any complex schemes for connecting accounts to the home master is optional. Therefore, you are offered to your attention the most popular and elementary options for connecting the electric meter.

The simplest option is a connection by single-phase diagram. To install such a network, no more than 6 electrically conductives will be needed. The cables of the working "zero", phases and grounding are connected to the device input. Similar cables are placed at the output of the account.

For greater convenience and security, it is recommended to install an auto switch in front of the counter. This device will automatically turn off the power supply in the event of an emergency.

Energy sales services are not quite favorably referred to the above switches. To avoid unnecessary problems and proceedings, the switch should be sealing with a special plastic box, DIN rail and proper actually. It is worth all these additional devices a bit, the places are practically not occupied, they are fixed very easily, so highlight some time and remove yourself from the extra headache.

In the design of the accounting installation there are special clermets, they are tires. Such a device is a strap from copper, fixed using special dielectric clamps. There are several holes in the bar by which the wires are connected using screw clamps. This connection option is suitable for those situations where there is a need to connect several separate wires into a single integer.

Video - How to install single-phase electric meter

There are a number of important requirements that you have to steadily observe when installing an electrical counter. First of all, learn the safety provisions, relevant to any electrical equipment.

Install the electric meter at a minus temperature is not recommended. Electronics not very well tolerate cold - under its exposure, the accuracy of measurements is reduced.

For most household models of electric meters, the minimum permissible installation temperature is +5 degrees. Therefore, if the accounting device is installed outside the room, it is necessary to envisage its installation in a special heated and hermetically closed closet.

The height of the fixing of the unit is 80-170 cm above the ground. If you set the meter below either above, you will simply be inconvenient to remove numeric readings from the screen.

The procedure for connecting the electric meter

Independent installation of the electric meter is performed in several simple steps.

First step. Prepare the necessary installation devices, namely:

The second step. Find out how many phases (1 or 3) has your power grid. Calculate the desired number of circuit breakers.

Third step. Install the counter into the shield housing. For fixing products, use fasteners from the kit.

Fourth step. Install the circuit breakers. These devices are fixed to the DIN rail. The rail is pre-attached to the supporting insulators using screws. The self on a DIN rail is fixed with a spring-loaded latch.

Fifth step. Install the protective and excavation tire on the insulators inside the panel housing or on a special DIN rail. Use nuts and fastening screws to attach elements. Tires place at a distance to prevent the cable closures.

Installation Start from connecting the load on the machine, then connect the machine guns to the electrical meter and only then connect the counter directly.

Sixth step. Connect all loads. The phase will go to the lower clamps of the automata, "zero" connect to the "zero" tire, enter the grounding cable to the appropriate grounding tire.

Seventh step. Connect the upper clamps of protective machines with jumpers. You can buy ready-made jumpers in a specialized store.

Eighth step. Connect the account to the load. To do this, connect the output "Phase" (represented by the third clamp of the electric meter) to the upper clamps of protective automata, and the output of the "zero" (the fourth clamp of the electric meter) is connected to the corresponding zero tire.

Ninth step. Attach the housing of the electrical panel to the wall or other smooth surface on the optimal height.

Tenth step. Find the "zero", "phases" and grounding. In the absence of grounding, the work will be extremely simple: you check each core using the indicator pointer, and it itself points to the phase. If there is a grounding, it lived is usually placed in green.

Eleventh step. Disable meals at home.

Twelfth step. Connect the "phase" wire to the first terminal of the electric meter, and "zero" to the third terminal.

On this, the independent connection of the electric meter is considered completed. Check the device at idle and start gradually feeding the load. After the preliminary check, contact the energy sales with a request for additional checking and sealing the counter.

Good job!

Video - installation of the electric meter with their own hands

Per last years Increasingly, electrical counters are installed on the post on the street. This is due to the fact that with this method of installation of the metering device, employees of the power companies are much easier to take testimony. After all, even in private houses, electric meters were installed inside the premises, and, to obtain access to them at the time of reprimanding the testimony, it was necessarily necessary for someone to be at home. Otherwise, it was impossible to get the data.

When installing counters outside the house, this problem solved by itself. Especially since modern street counters are specifically designed for this, and allow control of electricity consumed and refinement of readings at any time.

It should be noted that the installation of the accounting device (for example, a three-phase meter on the street) requires compliance with some rules. We will tell about the main ones in this article, and we hope that this information will be useful for you if you decide to equip the electricity accounting device outside the residential premises.

All electric meters that establish consumers are classified according to such parameters:

  • By means of connection;
  • By type of measured values;
  • By type of construction.

In apartments and private households now install one of the 2 most popular types of electricity metering devices, namely:

  1. The electronic counter - controls the flow rate according to differentiated tariffs (such devices can be monitored at a distance). The popularity of electronic meters is constantly growing.
  2. The induction meter - measures the electricity consumed by the subscriber using a rotating aluminum disk (this accounting device is gradually displaced from the market, because it is not completely reliable and in some cases allows not good subscribers to steal electricity).

Which of the above options is better to establish depends on both the features of the power consumption of a specific subscriber and from the location of the accounting device (indoors or on the street). In this regard, each of the counters has its advantages and disadvantages.

Extra widespread meters electronic. The reason for this is their accuracy, as well as convenience in operation. In addition, if the subscriber wants to make a removal of electricity metering to the street, then it is possible to do this with an electronic meter.

At the time of purchase of the electric meter, attention should be paid to the presence of a seal and its integrity (such a seal establishes the state principal). Another important moment - This is the deadline for sealing. For a 2-phase meter, it should not be greater than 2 years, and for 3 phase - 1 year.

Who has the right to set a meter on a street post

Maintain an electric meter on a street post maybe everyone who has such skills, but directly connect to it. Electricity has the right of an exclusively authorized representative of the electricity provider. If you plan to install the meter on a street post, the connection must be performed exclusively to the representative of the power grid.

If the electricity meter is carried out and installed on a street post employees of local power grids, then there should be no complaints about the consumer. Even before starting work, documents are prepared in which the border of the separation of the balance sheet, as well as the requirements for installing a specific meter.

In private houses, the border of the balance sheet is not indoors, but on the street. In this case, the exact place must be determined by the corresponding technicia. The deposancy of the electric meter to the street is made exclusively with the consent of the accounting device owner.

Electronic electricity meters: where to install

The current rules have defined that electricity metering devices must be installed in dry rooms, the temperature in which does not fall below the zero mark. This is explained by the fact that the impact on the moisture device and negative temperatures Negatively affects the correctness of the electricity meter. Thus, an electronic device of accounting, installed on a street post with violations of these requirements, will eventually start working in inaccurate. But, nevertheless, cases of removal of the electric meter to the street became very frequent, in some cases, the power grid even illegally force consumers to do it.

Currently, the user itself determines the place of establishment of an ether member. It can be a house, a veranda, a facade of the house, as well as a pillar.

Now the power supply companies require in the private sector to set meters on the street at the next collisters. Such a removal of the metering device outside the house makes it possible to unhindered access to it at any time. Employees of the company may approach the electricity member of any household and decorate the testimony even at the time when the owners are not at home. This greatly simplifies the procedure for control and accounting, and also allows it to be carried out much faster.

The counter is advisable to mount on the border of the balance sheet (determined by the mutual agreement of the parties). Such a border can be located on the facade of the house and on the nearest post, which is in the yard. In some cases, you can place the counter outside the site (on the street). To do this, select the optimally suitable pillar.

It should be noted that the requirements of the energy supply companies in the private house of the electric meter to the street go into a section with the applicable rules and instructions for installing the metering device. Some subscribers defend their right to place the counter in the house, while others agree to the transfer.

Installing electricity meter on post

The installation of the electric meter on a street post can be performed after coordinating the specific place of its placement (a prerequisite condition - the height of the ground level should be in the range of 0.8-1.7 m). Sometimes, to exclude vandalism, counters are mounted at a height of 3 m or more, but this placement is inappropriate, since it is extremely inconvenient to take readings at such a height.

Wires of electricity suitable to the cabinet must be in isolation.

The electrical recorder, which has an average level of qualifications, can easily carry out the electricity counter to the street. Works are performed in stages in the following order:

Step number 1. De-energizing input line

This process is made with the consent of the electroplating organization.

Step number 2. Electric wires

Electric pipes are first connected to automatic switch protection and then directly to the electric meter.

Step number 3. Earth arrangement

This measure is aimed at protecting the work of all electrical appliances available in the house.

Step number 4. Connect layout

At this stage, all wiring on the house is connected to the output of the electric meter.

Each of the steps being performed should be carried out in a clear accordance with the current standards and regulations that are presented to carry out the work of this kind.

After the counter is installed on the post, employees of an energy-sales company are invited to seal the electricity metering device and registering it.

Metal cabinet for electric meter

As protection measures in case the electronic electrical counter was installed on the post, the special metal box is placed. Such a box is installed before installing the counter and has a special viewing window (for unhindered readings).

Metal box performs several functions at once, namely:

  • Protection against vandalism and theft. To make the box performed this function, it is securely fixed on the post and supply a locking mechanism;
  • Protection against moisture impact, which makes it possible to significantly increase the operational period of the electricity metering device;
  • Protection against supercooling. If the ambient air temperature decreases below the zero mark, the accounting device may begin to work incorrectly. The measurement error may be significant, which will affect the amounts of payment for the electricity supplied by the consumer. It follows from this that the good thermal insulation of the cabinet for the electric meter is a measure pointing to ensure the correct operation of the metering device.

Wires from the electric meter hide in a special protective metal pipe. It is advisable to leave the camshaft with automatic machines in the house, and to make one protective automatic on the pillar.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the installation and connection of the electric meter is not a very complex procedure, however, without having experiences of such work, they should not be performed independently.

It is better to contact the specialists, since how correctly the counter is installed, the power supply of the whole house depends, as well as the work of all electrical appliances available in it. In addition, you should not forget about your own security when installing the electric meter on the street post.

In addition to the above, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the video structure that will help when assembling a control shield for installing the electric meter on the street on the post.