Network interaction Dow according to GEF. Organization of network interaction with parents as part of the implementation of the requirements of GEF to

Municipal autonomous pre-school educational institution

"Network interaction as part of the project" Introduction of the model of pre-school education in Perm in accordance with GEF to "

(together with educational institutions No. 92, 352,269,312 Sverdlovsky district)

deputy Head of VMR

Perm, 2014.

Project Type:social, practical oriented.

Participants:teachers, Children and Parents of Network Interaction Gardens No. 92, 239,269,312, 352 Sverdlovsk District of Perm.


¾ Greeting the need to introduce and use in the work of the DW Tele Communication Technology (TalkFusion)

¾ The development trends of modern education require the child the ability to make a choice already in preschool age

¾ Modern pre-school education provides a narrow (traditional) spectrum of educational services, which does not satisfy parents' requests

¾ Lack of parental understanding of importance, the need for the choice of interests of interests

The network creation makes it possible:

¾ use uniform approaches to the formation of the spectrum of educational services and its expansion, which ensures the real choice by participants in the educational relations of the volume, the quality of services in the conditions of implementing GEF to and the rapidly changing socio-economic situation;

¾ Satisfy the request of the parents on the professional identification of the interests and abilities of children in a kindergarten;

¾ effectively use the existing experience of the team of teachers;

¾ Support for individuality and children's initiative through creating conditions for free choice

common goal: To May 2015, to ensure the realization of the right to choose all participants in the educational process through the provision of an excessive spectrum of educational services and the use of modern forms of relationships with parents in network interaction through the TalkFusion Communication Service Program

Network tasks:

¾ update the regulatory framework and educational process DW in accordance with the concept of the municipal model preschool education G. Perm

¾ Develop a plan for escorting educators DOW various modern pedagogical competencies

¾ Expand the range of forms of interaction of teachers with parents through their participation in short-term practices and remote video consultations

¾ Create a Cope Bank for all selection participants

¾ Use the TalkFusion program resource in the practice of Dow

For its own tasks, based on the common, the analysis of the external and internal medium of the DOW was carried out.

OU is located in the microdistrict N. Ostrovsky, one of the central regions of the city of Perm, where the range of additional education is presented quite widely. The nearest social environment of the educational institution is: Gymnasium No. 33, the Central Children's Library, the Center for Children's Creativity "Rhythm". We faces the task of how to establish ways to cooperate with these institutions.

In addition, the contingent of families attending the Dow is diverse, but families are prevailing, with the social situation above average, very interested in the development of children and creating the best conditions for them in all respects. A number of questions arise: how to establish interaction with parents, how to meet their requests, how to make true equal participants in the educational process?

In addition, there is a problem in some inertness of teachers, their reluctance to change something. The reasons for this problem a lot. First of all, this is a functional workload, a distorted view of the priority of its work. Further:

    Non -ordinity, disunity in the activities of teachers and Dow specialists. Insufficient level of professional competence, the level of communicative culture. The lack of modern ICT to work in practice (there is no free permanent access to the PC and the Internet).

To date, DW has a good material and technical base. Macro and microenvas Dow meets the requirements of the FSGS, which showed the Monitoring of 2014 (in the top ten pre-school institutions in the city ranking, 2 through Sverdlovsky district). A single space was created, a harmonious and aesthetic developing subject-spatial environment.

Over the past 3 years, the Pedagogical composition has stabilized, professional competence has increased: almost all teachers have passed courses for advanced training on FGT and GEF to. The share of teachers with higher pedagogical education prevails. All this can serve as a good start to update the content and forms of educational activities, go to a new level of relationship with children and parents.

The financial and economic component is adjusted in accordance with recent changes When switching to an "effective contract" and a new system for assessing the quality of labor of pedagogical workers, which reflects the features of selected directions dOU activities.

Participation in the network project framework for the implementation of the project "Introduction of the model of pre-school education in Perm in accordance with GEF to" will allow our educational institution 239 to increase the level of competitiveness with other children's gardens Mr. N. Ostrovsky, where possible funds of competition - quality of education, conditions Training and education, innovative activity, activity in working with the founders. It is planned to carry out network activities by targeted and organized attracting methodological, personnel, consulting, information resources of these institutions, network participants.

Network interaction will be organized using Talk Fusion video communication service, which will open up huge opportunities in expanding the spectrum forms of adult participants in the educational process; expanding the spectrum of educational services for kindergarten children; Using remotely "bank" video cop for children and parents.

Tasks DOU:

¾ update the regulatory framework and educational process of DOW in accordance with the concept of the municipal model of preschool education in Perm;

¾ Create a working group to develop and implement a cop with a priority cognitive and socio-communicative destination for children and parents with the involvement of educators and specialists.

¾ Purchase TalkFusion and training with the resource of this program of participants in the Working Group and teachers of groups participating in the 2014-2015 project. gg

¾ Training teachers in advanced training courses in selected areas.

¾ Raise computer literacy levels to the active user level.

¾ Expand the range of forms of interaction of teachers with parents through their participation in short-term practices and remote video consultations.

¾ Transform the object-developing environment of groups involved in the experiment in accordance with the incentive of the approximate and research activities of children, which is associated with the organization of occupations with the use of non-traditional techniques in productive activities, using modern educational designers.

¾ Create a Cope Bank, taking into account the use of modern unprogrammed designers for all participants in the choice with a yield of 2-3 practices in additional educational services.

Expected OU Result:

¾ OOP to adjusted in accordance with the concept of the municipal model of pre-school education in Perm;

¾ 90% of teachers active users, 50% - network interaction participants through the TalkFusion program resource.

¾ In groups participating in the project, the developing subject-spatial environment is transformed taking into account the selected directions.

¾ Created bank using modern designers.

¾ Created a bank video with a cop for children and parents to exchange over the network via the TalkFusion program resource.

¾ 50% of parents have formed an active educational position in relation to his child a preschool institution that he visits.

Expected network interaction result:

¾ Created Network Dow Successfully interacting through the video communication service program

¾ all participants in the educational process are provided with the right to choose through the creation of a network bank Cop

¾ implemented the principle of individuality and initiatives of children through the creation of conditions for free choice

¾ 50% of parents have formed an active educational position in relation to his child

¾ have built modern forms of relationships with parents using the features of the TalkFusion program.

Concept of using short-term practices.

The concept of the model is based on the principles of pre-school education laid out in the Federal State Standard of Preschool Education:

1.Force residence of the child of all stages of childhood (infant, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of children's development;

2. The construction of educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child itself becomes active in the choice of the content of its formation becomes the subject of education.

Preschool age - a sensitive period for the development of activity. This is the age of "sample forces." Teachers and parents need to provide children with the possibility of choosing activities. IN modern world High-tech children are accustomed to getting all the necessary results in the blink of an eye.

The meaning of activity in the activity itself, and not that someone imposed it. The possibility of obtaining practical experience in its choice as it is impossible to motivate children.

Natalia Stromilova
Organization of network interaction of pre-school organizations

Innovation in education, including preschool, there are high demands on the professional competence of educators preschool institutions.

According to clause 3.2.5. GEF to teachers, when planning an educational situation, it is necessary to take into account the following psychological - pedagogical conditions:

1. Ensuring the emotional well-being of children through direct communication with each child

2. Support for the individuality and initiative of children through the creation of conditions for free choice of activities and the establishment of rules interaction

3. Creating conditions for a positive relationship between children, the ability of children to work in a group of peers

4. Orientation by the zone of the nearest development of each child

5. Interaction with parents of preschoolers

In order to activate and inclusion of a larger number of teachers in the methodological activity at the city level, we will take part in network interaction of preschool institutions to improve the professional competence of teachers during the implementation period of GEF to.

Participation in network interaction will allow teachers to mutually engage, to present your own experience, study, analyze and implement your work for your work advanced pedagogical experience of other teachers, form the ability to reflect.

As an innovative resource, we will send our activities to work on improving the professional competence of teachers assigned to us.

In the course organization of work on network interaction we:

* formed an initiative group of teachers and teachers - tenors for project implementation;

* determined significant directions interaction between children's gardens;

* developed a number methodological materials to implement this project;

* developed a material promotion system for employees involved in project implementation interaction with social partners.

Preschool The establishments of the city were divided into several groups and secured the innovative platform for the introduction of GEF to.

For our dow, 5 children's gardens are fixed, this is:

MBDOU. "Squirrel"

MBDOU. "Earlings"

MBDOU. "Dewdrop"

MBDOU. "Gull"

MBDOU. "Smile"

Taking into account the enshrined institutions of kindergartens, the coverage of teachers involved in the implementation of the project network interaction will be 80 peopleMoreover, 20 educators are scheduled interoperability by guest method.

Interaction Pedagogues we planned in accordance with the annual plan through a variety of forms work: Workshop workshop, Business game, Round table, Outdoor showing activities with children, Presentation of the work system, "Methodical Piggy Bank", Master class, presentation of advanced pedagogical experience, etc.

We will organize"Open Day" For partners by network interaction Taking into account the coverage of all age groups. Will be organized Open reviews of classes, in terms of consulting and seminars - workshops on the implementation of GEFs before, conducting joint pedagogical councils.

Given the annual plan for 2015 - 2016 academic year, we are planned by the following activities on network interaction:

Example project implementation plan

Period of Event Social Effect

February 2016.

Seminar "Use the health of saving technologies in working with preschool children Taking into account the requirements of GEF to "

Consultation « Working programm Teacher in accordance with GEF to "

Improving professional competence of teachers

April 2016.

March 2016 - Joint Pedagogical council: "Health of saving technologies as a means of formation healthy image Life preschool children In the implementation of the implementation of GEF to "

Questioning of teachers Increase professional competence of teachers

October - December Guest Method Broadcasting Pedagogical Experience

During 2016 - 2017 of the school year, the DOW enshrined for us will be carried out on the principle of the guest method, i.e., it will be possible to see the results of work on the implementation of this project.

We expect work on network interaction will be promote:

Increase the level of pedagogical competence of participants network interaction

Increasing the motivational readiness of all subjects of the educational process to a change in the content of education in cooperation, equality and partnership.

Creation of conditions for professional development of teachers preschool educational institution in order to increase the rating and formation of a positive image of kindergarten;

Thus, it can be concluded that only the coordinated work of the pedagogical team, the personal interest of each teacher separately, the definition and implementation of effective forms interaction will give positive results in organizations work with partners network interaction.

Interaction The city's children's gardens will create favorable opportunities to enrich pedagogical activities, increase the professional competence of teachers, will expand the range of opportunities for cooperation in the framework of the implementation of GEF to.

Publications on the topic:

Report "The introduction of senior preschoolers to Russian national traditions in pre-school organizations" At the present stage, pre-school educational organizations, taking into account the implementation of their own educational program, should be carried out.

Innovation in education, the introduction of GEFs to make high demands on professional competence as Do's teachers, so.

Priority of interaction of preschool educational organizations with family for spiritual and moral education Glushkova Yu. A., Dzhishkariani T. D. The key line of development of preschool childhood in accordance with GEF to this socialization of the child and admission.

Experimenting game "Magic paints". Master class for workers of pre-school organizations Master class "Game - Experimentation" Target Audience: Pedagogical workers of pre-school organizations. Organization form: game.

09/16/2016 International Scientific - Practical Conference of Pedagogical Workers of Preschool educational organizations.

Conference: Interaction of the Dow and Family when implementing GEF to

Organization: MBDOU Kindergarten №155

Locality: Irkutsk Region, Irkutsk

Purpose: Improving work on network interaction with parents as part of the implementation of GEF in the activities of MBDOU.


  1. Determining the positive experience of implementing network interaction with parents in accordance with the requirements of GEF to a educational institution.
  2. Note the prospects for further work of the pedagogical team to improve network interaction with parents in the light of the FGOS.


  1. Unified Network Information Educational Space Dow in the Exercise of GEF to. Pedagogue community site as a form of cooperation with children's families in the framework of the implementation of GEF to.
  2. Organization of network interaction with parents through the group's website.

Preliminary work:

  1. Studying GEF to.
  2. Creating conditions for the organization of network interaction on the basis of MBDOU.
  3. Selection and organization of the exhibition of methodological literature on network interaction in accordance with the requirements of GEF.
  4. Studying experience of pre-school educational institutions for the organization of network interaction.

Round Table:

  1. Unified Network Information Educational Space Dow in the Exercise of GEF to. Pedagogue community site as a form of cooperation with children's families in the framework of the implementation of GEF to.

Information and communication technologies today are becoming increasingly strong positions in all spheres of society. The field of education is also no exception. In addition, the need to implement the GEF to predetermines the solution of some problems by creating, continuously improve the unified information educational space preschool institution.

The educational environment of the preschool institution in modern conditions is formed as an information environment, that is, such a medium that implements the active integration of information technologies into the educational process and creates conditions for the development of information competence of all participants in this process. One of the main tasks of public policy Russian Federation In the field of information technology use is the dissemination of the practice of providing citizens with access to open information on the activities of organizations of various focus. Ensuring interactive information services using modern information technologies to a large extent concerns educational institutions, including kindergartens. Thus, one of the objectives of the introduction of information technology is the creation of a single information and educational institution. The creation of such a network information space today becomes modern highly efficient technology, which allows the educational institution to effectively develop.

The unified network information and educational space of the kindergarten is a combination of the following components:

  • information resources containing data and information recorded on media information.
  • organizational structures that ensure the functioning and development of a single information space, i.e. providing all information processes.
  • software and technical means and organizational and informative documents.

The following interactive modules of informational and educational space are used in DW:

  • Local computer network
  • Official website institution
  • Pedagogov Community website Institutions
  • Site of kindergarten
  • Touch information kiosk.

The functioning of the above-mentioned modules contributes to an increase in the social status of the DOW, which is assumed to be standard. The solution to the task of improving social status is achieved, among other things, due to the openness of the information space, as well as the relationship between its participants.

The unified information and educational space of the DOW is a system in which all participants in the educational process are involved in the information level. The openness of the information space provides the possibility of interaction and exchange of experience with various educational institutions, the establishment of reliable contact with parents, which includes the possibility of operational control by parents of the conditions for the education and education of children in the Dow, the presence of feedback. The openness of the information and educational space is carried out through the functioning of the official website of the preschool institution, the site of the community of teachers, sensory information kiosk.

In the implementation of the implementation of GEFs, before the establishment, the task is to participate in the organization of address methodological support for mastering teachers with new pedagogical competencies. The site of the community of teachers is an interactive platform for the exchange of experience, as well as contains methodical and practical material, which partially helps teachers to master new pedagogical competencies.

Ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, building educational activities based on the characteristics of each child, the promotion and cooperation of children and adults is achieved by the presence of game training programs on the website of the preschool institution, methodical recommendations for parents to organize children at home, and Also the creation of personal sites of children with parents and teachers.

The creation of a single network information and educational space in a preschool institution contributes to the development of DOW in accordance with GEF.

  1. Organization of network interaction with parents through the group's website.

Kindergarten is a whole epoch in the life of the baby, to which it is important to prepare both a child and parents. The key to a successful visit to the child of the kindergarten - the adjacent contact of the parents and educators and the desire to cooperate mutually. The formation of a healthy and successful personality of the child is impossible without unity of educational methods, requirements and forms between family and children's institution. In the implementation of the implementation of GEF to this aspect, it becomes more and more relevant, since one of the principles of the standard is the personality-oriented and humanistic nature of the interaction of adults (parents (legal representatives), pedagogical and other employees of the organization) and children.

One of the modern, convenient and affordable forms is the organization of network interaction with parents through the site of the teachers community. You can distinguish several advantages of such a way of cooperation. In the modern world, the question of the time lacquer and the big workload of the parents has never been relevant, as follows, there are problems of visiting parents of meetings and open events. In this case, the use of information technologies and, in particular, the Internet allows you to quickly convey the information relevant for parents. Many people are currently active participants in social networks, so visiting the site of the pedagogical community is for them a convenient way to communicate.

In addition, communication through interactive interaction forms (guest, virtual reception) allows for anonymity, which in turn increases the degree of confidence between the interlocutors. An important role is played by such advantages of network interaction as targeting, voluntary, flexibility.

The head page provided on the site is a mechanism for the interaction of the administration with teachers and parents. On this page, parents and teachers will be able to familiarize themselves with the work of the kindergarten for a month. Read a general memo on the rules for visiting a kindergarten, to get acquainted with the list of additional services.

Virtual Reception is focused on building business communication with parents, which contributes to the presence of a feedback function. The operational response to the message in the virtual reception helps to eliminate many problems with respect to the participants of the educational process.

The methodological page is one of the elements of a model of an open information educational space and contributes to the professional development of pedagogical workers, which meets the requirements of GEF regarding the creation of a social development situation for participants in educational relations. Thanks to the generalization of the experience of the institution in electronic format, it becomes possible to increase pedagogical competence not only teachers, but also parents. In addition, the methodological page contains information about the educational and educational process, competitions. Also presented joint projects of teachers and children. In the implementation of the implementation of the GEF, the demonstration of such projects is an indicator of implementation of the condition of supporting the individuality and initiatives of children, providing non-policy assistance to children, supporting the independence of children in various activities.

In the Media Training section, you can find developing online games for children who entertain children and help parents to assess the level of child's knowledge. The creation of its own electronic products, also presented on the page, helps to systematize the process of activities of teachers, contributes to self-development.

At the page of the psychologist, musical and physical education, consultations and recommendations on topical topics of education and development of children, as well as notes about events held in our kindergarten. Dow specialists carry out remote consultations, taking into account the incoming issues.

Frequently visited site pages are group pages. Each age group has a personal page, which reflects information about the age standards of the child's development, group photos from various events. In addition, parents can see the methodological work of teachers - with the help of presented presentations, projects, abstracts, consultations.

To be always aware of the latest developments of the kindergarten to the guests of the guests of our site, it helps the news column, where important events are reflected, information about competitions, etc.

In addition, the site allows you to use those parents whose children are not yet pupils, but will visit the kindergarten in the future. The implementation of the project "Virtual Kindergarten" provided on our site will make home upbringing a child with a competent continuation of education in kindergarten. Thanks to this page, parents whose children do not have the opportunity to visit Dow receive a program of games and classes. The abstracts of classes, the description of the games are written in an affordable language, with the designation of goals, tasks, in addition, the selection of methodological support and materials is quite simple and will not be a problem for parents.

The site of the teachers community is a platform for creating a positive imagine dow, which is an important component of the methodical product DOU. The site is one of the tools to provide an educational process, as well as a public information body, access to all interested users.

  1. Only with the close cooperation of teachers of the Dow and Parents, a positive result can be achieved throughout the preschool childhood childhood. Tasks for the close interaction of preschool institutions and parents dictate and GEF. But the teachers are increasingly saying that now parents will not surprise anything. However, as practice shows, the attitude of parents to the activities of the Dow primarily depends on the initiative of the administration and teachers, from the quality of solving the issues of pedagogical education of parents. Family and kindergarten are two public institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have a complete mutual understanding, tact, patience to hear and understand each other. The misunderstanding between family and kindergarten in all severity falls on the child. Modern parents are not easy due to the lack of time, employment, insufficient competence in preschool pedagogy and psychology. In connection with the workload, many parents have problems visiting parental meetings, open events. Therefore, the use in working with parents only traditional forms is becoming less effective. How to change this position? How to interest parents in working together? How to create a single room for the development of a child in a family and dow, make parents by the participants of the educational process? To interact with parents, however, the creation of the group's site is suitable. The site is addressed to those who are interested in the comprehensive and harmonious development of their child, who wishes to cooperate with teachers. The selection of the material is made in accordance with the interests of the parents, which attracts them to the network interaction. The information provided is a pricer and specific, the materials are written in an affordable language, the amount of information is not too big.

The structure of the content of sections to organize network interaction with parents:

1 Section: Home Page. On the main page there is a general photo of the children of the group and the motto for which we try to go and match it.

2 Section: Photo Gallery. Parents who could not at some reason to come to a child for a holiday or entertainment can go to the photo gallery and see the event report. Also in this section you can see what children do on a walk, what games are played. In the morning, the parents have no opportunity to see how the child performs a charging, sit in the group on organized activity. It can be seen in the section in this section.

3 Section: "Our News". Parents get the opportunity to get acquainted with the peculiarities of an educational process, learn latest newsTo be always aware of all the events taking place in the group. It is very convenient for parents. You can always see the necessary information about the group, get information about the circles that are conducted with children, work schedule, etc.

4 Section: "Portfolio". In order to better learn educators, their achievements, parents can refer to the "Portfolio" section. This section contains certificates, certificates of learning, articles compiled by educators, projects compiled and developed together with parents, video reception.

5 Section: Parents. Parents do not always find time to read a consultation or recommendation prepared by the educator or recommendation or to find time on a conversation with an educator for his subject, our website gives such an opportunity that it is very convenient and accessible.

7 section. "We jump on the web." For children there is a "web", where they can go to other children's educational sites: "Our favorite kindergarten", "in the world of animals", "Sport". The site contains not only text materials, but also photos, videos, presentations on the results of educational events. Parents interested in modern information technologies themselves offer their assistance in creating a project, video, presentations for the site of our group, thereby actively involved in the life of a kindergarten. The success of the pedagogical interaction of the preschool institution and the family today depends largely on how the teacher teacher uses new information and communication technologies in its work, which has enormous potential, designed to interest parents and create conditions for their active participation in the educational process of a modern educational institution. Teachers are forced to look for new ways of interaction with families of pupils. And then new technical, informational, audiovisual agents and specific pedagogical technologiesbased on the use of modern information and computer tools. Information technologies allow you to intensify and efficiently use information resources of society, save time. Information technologies today play an extremely important role in ensuring information interaction between people, as well as in the preparation and dissemination systems. Interaction with the family is an important and complex side of the activity of the educator and other employees of the preschool. Thanks to the site of the group, we will be able to perform the following tasks claimed in GEF:

  1. Ensuring the psychological and pedagogical support of the family and improving the competence of parents (legal representatives) in the development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.
  2. Assisting parents (legal representatives) in the education of children, the protection and strengthening of their physical and mental health, in the development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of their development.
  3. Promotes the development of personality, motivation with children's abilities in various activities.

The organization of network interaction with parents in our group shows high-quality results and causes interest and teachers of the DOU and the parents of pupils. This form of work with family helps parents in the development of productive ways to communicate with the child, acts as an active assistant in the family, contributes to the qualitative preparation of the child to further education at school, education, the development of its individual capabilities and recovery.

  1. Prospects for the formation of network interaction to ensure the continuity of primary and pre-school education in the implementation of the implementation of GEF.

On the fourth issue, a teacher-psychologist acted, informing educators on the prospects for the formation of network interaction to ensure the continuity of primary and preschool education in the implementation of the implementation of GEF.

Currently, the relationship between the Doo and School is quite often violated. And this is not because there is no work between the elementary school and Dow, but because the continuity was disturbed curriculum, textbooks, many programs for educational, educational disciplines and developing unconventional copyright courses have appeared. Basically, this phenomenon is regarded as positive, but it generates a lot of problems. That is why there is a need to consider the issue of methodological continuity, continuity of the developing environment, the style of the interaction of children and adults.

Leading principles of GEF - the principles of continuity and development. Continuity is a bilateral process in which the soreness of the child remains at the preschool stage of the formation and its fundamental personal qualities are formed - those achievements that serve as the basis for successful education at school. Based on this, the purpose of our further work in the direction of the organization of network interaction in the framework of the implementation of the requirements of GEF is the formation of systemic, meaningful and productive network interaction of subjects of the educational process to ensure continuity in the pre-school and primary general education system.

We selected the following promising directions for the organization of network interaction:

  1. Continuity in the organization of psychological and pedagogical support, including through a single open network information and educational space from all subjects of the educational process: creating a separate page / theme / heading of a school psychologist on the site to conduct interactive consultations for pedagogical personnel and parents (legal representatives) pupils DOU; Organization on the site DW survey / interviewing / testing of parents to study the well-being of the family on the eve of the school life of the child.
  2. Continuity in the creation of information and educational space at the stage of preparing children to school: adding buttons to go to the school site for the site DOU and on the contrary; Making to the site of the DW information on the interaction of kindergarten and school.

These directions are planning to develop in the near future and improve interaction with the school by using a network information space.

Summing up our roundtable, we come to the next decision:

  1. Continue to work on the development of a single network information educational space Dow in the implementation of the implementation of GEFs to.
  2. Expand and deepen the cooperation of the Dow with the family through the site of the teachers community, regularly updating and replenishing information on the site.
  3. Continue to work on creating websites for all age groups to organize network interaction with parents.
  4. Provide continuity elementary school and DW through network interaction.


  1. GEF T.
  2. Ye.N. Work forms in a preschool educational institution: Pedsovets, seminars, methodical associations. - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2010. - 245c.
  3. Komarova TS, Komarova I.I., Tulikov A.V. and others. Information and communication technologies in preschool education. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2011. - P.128.
  4. Skilizupova O.A. Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education: the organization of introduction in the DOW. "Handbook of the Senior Educator of the Preschool" No. 3, 2014
  5. Concept of continuing education [pre-school and initial link] // Primary school. - M: LLC "Forsyt - N", 2000. - №4. - p.3-20.

Subject: "Development of network interaction of DOU with society institutions, as a guarantee of the successful implementation of GEF to"

Project type: Administrative, long-term
Place of sale: MBDOU "Kindergarten" Teremok ", territory of social partners, families of pupils.

Project participants: Children-teachers-parents-social institutions of the Chagodoshkhensky municipal district, the Vologda region.

Project participants:

Creative group: Head of Kutyrina V.S.,

senior Educator Boytsova L.N.,

music director Tsareva N.N.,

senior Nurse Vinogradova Yu.N.

educator Filippova E.V.

Project passport

name of the project

Development of network interaction of DOU with society institutions, as a guarantee of the successful implementation of GEF to

Basic grounds

Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education

Objective of the project

Project tasks

- develop the strategy and tactics of organizing interaction with socially significant partners;

Create the conditions for positive changes in the pre-school educational institution in accordance with the requirements of GEF to and public expectations;

Establish partnerships with the community to maintain a favorable (both for a pre-school educational institution and the community) of the public environment;

Develop communicative abilities from all participants in the educational process, goodwill to those surrounding, willingness to cooperate and self-realization;

Stimulate the development of the active civil position of the relationship to the fate of kindergarten, a small homeland;

To form a positive image of a pre-school educational institution in local society.

Project structure

- The content of the problem.

Objectives and objectives of the project.

Expected project implementation results.

Concept of solving the problem.

Resource support project.

Distribution of responsibilities in the team.

Stages of implementation.

Criteria for evaluating the result.

Terms and stages of implementation

First Stage - Preparatory (March 2014 - May 2014)

Project appointment

The project is a killaya document of the activities of MBDOU Kindergarten "Teremok" for 2014-2015

Expected end result project implementation

Creating a system of interaction of DOU with society institutions based on contracts and joint plans

Project Performance Control System

Control in the project is carried out by the head of the DOW.


From September 1, 2013, a new Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" entered into force, in which for the first time preschool education was enshrined as a level of general education. Such an approach made the necessary development of the Federal State Standard of Preschool Education (GEF to). The developers of the Standard laid several principles in the document, of which the most important is the preservation of the uniqueness and introslaring of preschool childhood, as an important stage in the general development of man. The key line of preschool childhood is an attachment to the values \u200b\u200bof culture, the socialization of the child in society, and not learning his letter, account and reading.

In the concept of social development of preschool children to educational institutions, a triune goal is set:

1) "bring up a cultural person (subject of culture);

2) a free citizen (subject of history, society);

3) Creative Individuality (Subject of Activity, Self-Development). "

The implementation of this goal is aimed at solving the following tasks:

- upbringing in a person's abilities and needs to open and create itself in basic forms human activity;

- the development of the ability to know oneself in unity with the world, in the dialogue with him;

- development of the ability of self-determination, self-actualization based on reproduction, development, assigning the cultural experience of previous generations;

- The formation of the need and ability to communicate with the world on the basis of humanistic values \u200b\u200band ideals, free man's rights.

The relevance and significance of the tasks delivered by the Company makes it possible to conclude that the socio-personal development of the child is one of the leading directions in the activities of pre-school educational institutions of different levels. Pedagoes of pre-school education covers that period when the basic structures of the child's personality are laid. One of the most important tasks of the standard at the present stage becomes the formation of a creative personality. The person of the future should be a creator, with an active creative start. Creatively gifted people are in demand in any fields of activity. Scientific inventions, new products or services, Successful enterprises - All this product of creative people who can thoroughly think, find new approaches and unusual solutions in any situations. And to develop creative abilities should be started in childhood.


In the modern world, the problem of social development of the younger generation becomes one of the relevant. Parents and teachers are more concerned about what needs to be done so that the child entering this world becomes confident, happy, smart, kind and successful. In this complex process of the formation of a person, a lot depends on how a child is adapted in the world of people, whether he can find his place in life and realize its own potential.

At first glance, it seems that the social world of the child-preschooler is small. This is his family, adults and peers, whom he meets in kindergarten. However, people surrounding the child enter a variety of relationships - related, friendly, professional labor, etc. Therefore, in preschool age, children need to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe manifold of human relations, to tell them about the rules and norms of life in society, to arm behavior models, Which will help them adequately respond to what is happening in specific life situations. In other words, the pre-school institution is intended to manage the socialization process.

It seems quite clear that for kindergarten in the conditions of introducing GEFs to it is very important to involve all additional educational resources available to the process of upbringing. One of these reserves is the Institute of Social Partnership, whose opportunities for solving the problems of socializing the younger generation are not yet fully realized and are used by educational institutions. To date, this interaction is mainly a situational nature, was not worked out a clear well-coordinated system.

Social partnership in education is a joint collective distributed activity of various social groups, which leads to positive and shared all participants in this activity effects.

In preschool age, the basic characteristics of the personality occurs: self-esteem, moral values \u200b\u200band installations, as well as socio-psychological features in communicating with people. In the conditions of an insufficiently favorable social environment, the limited contact of the child in the child is difficult. Pre-school educational institution to successfully solve existing problems in the upbringing, education, socialization of children, from "closed", quite autonomous

systems, which it was for many years, it is necessary to switch to a new level of interaction with the environment (society), go beyond the territorial limitations of its institution, become an "open system".

The concept of "open pre-school institution" includes a wide range of features. A pre-school institution is, first of all, the "window into the world"; It is open to interpersonal and group communication for both children and adults. Such a pre-school educational institution expands and strengthens the relationship with life, sociocultural environment, institutions of upbringing, culture, family, enterprises, cultural and leisure institutions, public organizations, local authorities.

The purpose of the activities of the pre-school educational institution of an open type in microsocius is to promote the realization of the right of family and children to defense and assistance from society and the state, to promote the development and formation of social skills in children, to strengthen their health and well-being.

In order to understand how to maximize the potential of the social partnership in the conditions of introducing GEF to, the leadership of the preschool educational institution must be clearly aware of the mission and values \u200b\u200bof the specific DOU, the goal of its development and the possibility of attracting social partners to achieve them; own methods, forms, technologies for organizing interaction with social partners; Anticipate the possible results of the partnership for the development of the Dow, improve the quality of educational services (orientation on the positive result of joint activities improving the process of social and personal formation of the preschooler).

Therefore, in 2013. In order to create a system of mutually beneficial cooperation with the Sociium of the District and the field of efforts of teachers of the pre-school educational institution, a long-term project "Organization of social partnership DOU with organizations and institutions of society in the conditions of introducing GEF to".


Creating a system of interdependence of DW with social institutions to ensure favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of preschool children, their abilities and creative potential.


  1. develop a strategy and tactics of organizing interaction with socially significant partners;

  2. create the conditions for positive changes in the pre-school educational institution in accordance with the requirements of GEF to and public expectations;

  3. establish partnerships with the community to maintain a favorable (both for a pre-school educational institution and the community) of the public environment;

  4. develop communicative abilities from all participants in the educational process, goodwill to those surrounding, willingness to cooperate and self-realization;

  5. stimulate the development of the active civil position of the relationship to the fate of kindergarten, a small homeland;

  6. to form a positive image of a pre-school educational institution in local society.


* Creating a system of interaction of the Dow with society institutions based on contracts and joint plans.

* The formation of the level of social competence of participants in the educational process aimed at the active development of the world.

* Enhance the general cultural level, the formation of positive self-assessment, communicative, creative skills, personal qualities of children, parents, teachers.

* Growth of psycho-emotional well-being and health of participants in the educational process based on creative cooperation with social institutions.

* Systemic increase in the motivational readiness of all subjects of the educational process to a change in the content of the work on the formation of emotionally sensual perception of the surrounding world in cooperation, equality and partnership in the relationship of the child and adult, social institutions of the district;

* Creation of conditions for the professional development of teachers of the pre-school educational institution in order to increase the rating and forming a positive image of kindergarten;

* ensuring the information awareness of the social institutions of the district on the activities of the pre-school educational institution;

* Creating a Unified Educational System

To expand the horizons of preschoolers (the development of the subject and natural environment, the development of thinking, enrichment of the dictionary, dating history, traditions of the people) due to the removal of territorial limitations of DOU;

Formation of communication skills in various social situations, with people of different sex, age, nationality, with representatives of different professions;

Education of respect for the work of adults.

Concept of solving the problem

Interaction with each of the partners is based on the following principles:

Voluntary Parties;

Respect for each other's interests;

Compliance with laws and other regulatory acts;

Accounting of public queries;

Preservation of the image of the institution in society;

Establishment of communications between kindergarten and society;

Obligatory agreement;

Responsibility for violation of agreements.

In organizing mutually beneficial relations with social institutions, the head occupies a central place.

The purpose of the head - Creating a system of interdependence with a microsocum in the education of preschool children.

Tasks of the head :

1. Attracting social institutions to cooperate with DOU;

2. Conclusion of cooperation agreements;

3. Control over the implementation of the terms of contracts;

4. Planning joint activities, the appointment of responsible persons for carrying out activities;

5. Organization of joint meetings;

6. Monitoring the quality of collaboration.

Interaction with social partners may have a variable nature of constructing relationships in time of cooperation and on the issuance of agreements (plans) of joint cooperation. The development of a project of social interaction is built in stages. Each stage has its own goals and solves specific tasks.
Motivation for the participation of children in various creative events when interacting with society:
Game cognitive creative self-realization

Motivation for teachers:

Creative self-realization Successful passage increase

Motivation for parents to participate in joint events with society:

Demonstration of talents Strengthening children's parents

and the abilities of their children
Creative self-realization

Thus, the motivation of activities is prerequisite Development of creative activity and initiative to interact the DOW with social objects.

The choice of the most optimal forms for us revealing the creative potential of participants is based on several factors:

Accounting of interests and inconsistencies, creative preferences of children;

A real comparison of its capabilities with the proposed conditions for conducting;

Compliance topics of the event age features children;

Sports of the topic of the exhibition, competition with lexical themes implemented in the Dow, social reality surrounding the child-preschooler.
In collaboration with social partners, we enrich knowledge, the ability of children in various sports, art, artistic creativity, learn to do right choice For interests, develop personal qualities.

A pedagogical function is becoming a pedagogical function: how to educate how to learn how to develop a child to easily adapt to school learning. To effectively perform the pedagogical function, we must revise the content and quality educational work With children, search for ways to individualize the development of each child.

The priority direction of cooperation is: creating conditions for a full-fledged childhood childhood child; Preserving and strengthening the health of children, the formation of the basic culture of the personality, creative potential, pupils, preparing a child for life in modern society.

Currently, the problem of the socialization of children is very relevant. It should be noted that the most important role in solving this problem solves the teacher and pedagogical team. The interaction cannot pass only through one teacher, since the process of organizing a social partnership implies the activities of the entire pedagogical team of the Dow.

We, educators, it is necessary to preserve the individuality of each child, to ensure the harmonious physical and mental development of children. The problem of the socialization of the child can be solved using practical methods and forms of work.
Thus, it can be concluded that only the coherent work of the pedagogical team, the personal interest of each teacher separately, the definition and implementation of effective forms of interaction gives positive results in organizing work with social partners that help the educational institution in social Development Preschool children.

Interaction with social partners creates favorable opportunities for enriching activities, experience in the DOW, expands the range of opportunities for cooperation with socio-cultural institutions as part of the versatile development of pupils.

The practice of the work of our institution with social partners shows that the preparation of a viable, free-sighted and active person - a citizen of new Russia can be carried out in the conditions of social partnership.

The organization of cooperation with society forms a sustainable system of values \u200b\u200bof the child acting as internal regulators of his behavior in any situations, makes successful preparation for school training, optimizes the interaction of the adult and preschooler, contributes to the successful socialization of the personality of the preschooler, makes it possible to implement a personally-oriented approach to the pupil, improves professional The competence of the teacher.
Analysis of the identified potential capabilities and interests of children of our DOU, their differentiation in the areas allowed to plan and organize the joint work of kindergarten with such social institutions:


MBOU "Sazonovskaya Vologda

secondary General Media Dow Filharmonic District

school »Governor's


ABOUT ranization of the MBU District "Chagodobchensky Museum

Fire Piece of History and Culture MBU Sazonovsky

Traffic police and others. House of Culture

MBDOU "Kindergarten Belokrestsky sk

Sazonskaya Children's

school of Arts "Teremok"

MBU "Code System Sazonovskaya Children's Belokrestskaya

education of the Chagodoshkhensky Polyclinic

municipal District "Library

In our kindergarten, for many years, an effective system of interaction with the objects of a social environment has developed, which contributes to the most optimal development of the creative abilities of children and adults, since it involves participating in various kinds of exhibitions, competitions, venice goods, master classes where creative are most fully revealed The possibilities of each participant in the educational process. Cooperation with social objects allows you to integrate almost all educational areas. The network interaction system has the ability to use the premises of the school, preschool institutions, cultural institutions for the organization of additional education of children, supporting the development of children's adarability, ensuring the actual expansion of society, which includes children of preschool age.

Stages of implementation
The development of a project of social interaction is built in stages. Each stage has its own goals and solves specific tasks.
First stage - Preparatory (March 2014 - May 2014)
His target- Determination of goals and forms of interaction with society objects. Tasksthis stage:

* analysis of society objects to determine the feasibility of establishing social partnership;

* establishing contacts with organizations and institutions of the municipal district;

* Determination of interaction directions,

* Development of cooperation programs with the definition of deadlines, goals and specific forms of interaction;
* Connecting contracts for joint work

*  Suitment of a collaboration plan

*  Informing parents about events

Product Activity

Expected Result

Formation of the regulatory framework

Package of regulatory documents

search for social partners

Regulations on social partnership

Information bank

Creating an information bank experience

Determining the degree of participation of each social partner in project implementation


Cooperation with the media;

Broadcast information on the site on the Internet;

Popularization of DOU activities

Formation of motivational readiness of all project participants

Consilium with the participation of the nearest social partners

Project development

Systematization of the work experience of the Dow on the problem

The second stage is practical (June 2014.-May 2015)
His goal - implementation of cooperation programs with society organizations and institutions.

Tasks This stage:

* Formation of a group of kindergarten employees interested in participating in the work of the project;

* Development of socially significant projects for the interaction of a kindergarten with society facilities in various areas of kindergarten;

* Development of methodological materials to implement these projects;

* Development of a material promotion system for employees involved in the implementation of the project of interaction with social partners.

Project Implementation Plan

Social partner


Expected product activity

Social effect

MBOU "Sazonovskaya Secondary General School"

Visit lessons and classes, seminars, consultations for educators and parents, excursions, open-door days Joint holidays, visiting school productions, exhibitions.

Abstract joint events

Formation of pre-school motivational readiness for school training. Reducing the threshold of anxiety upon admission to the 1st grade.

Pre-school institutions of the area

Conducting methodical associations, advice, exchange of experience

Bank of pedagogical experience

Improving professional competence of teachers

Sazonovsky House Culture





Exhibitions drawings

Enrichment of the socio-emotional sphere of children

Belokrestskaya rural publicly available library

Excursions, conversations, literary meetings, educational quizzes, visits to holidays, exhibitions, participation in contests

Exhibitions drawings, children's handwritten books

Enrichment of the cognitive sphere of children


Participation in concerts dedicated to public holidays, rallies

Preparation of concert numbers, making attributes for holidays

Upbringing patriotic feelings of preschoolers

Data Code of the Education Systems of the Chayd-Voskhensky Municipal District

Advanced training of teachers



Introduction of innovative forms and methods to work teachers


Excursions, Games, Exit Presentations in kindergarten, joint organization of exhibitions, contests, theatrical representations

MBU "Sazonovskaya Children's School of Arts"

Exit concerts, creative projects, master classes, mutual prospects, exhibitions

Exhibitions of children's work (from, musical creativity)

Enrichment of the socio-emotional sphere of children.

Formation of productive skills

Center of children's creativity

Excursions, participation in exhibitions, reviews and competitions

Crafts made under the guidance of teachers dow

Enrichment of the socio-emotional sphere of children.

Formation of productive skills

Vologda Philharmonic, Governors of the Orchestra Cherepovets

Musical performances, concerts, interactive performances with collective visits to parents, children and teachers

Organization of holidays

Acquaintance with musical works, composers, tools., Musical disposal development

children's Hospital

Preventive inspections,

anti-epidemic events

Medical recommendations, cards

Reducing the number of passes by childhood children

District newspaper "Spark"

Publication of events held, interesting events in the life of a kindergarten


Broadcast pedagogical experience

Traffic police

Prevention of child road traffic injuries,


Organizational-mass events

Exhibitions, competitions of children's work.

The provision of methodological assistance to the prevention of road traffic injuries.

Consulting and training seminars.

Reducing the possibility of dangerous situations on the street, which can lead to injuries of children.

Compliance with children of traffic rules.

The third stage-estimated reflexive (June 2015.-September 2015)
His target: Summing up the social partnership.

Tasksthis stage:

carrying out the analysis of the work done;

determination of efficiency, feasibility, prospects for further cooperation with society organizations.

Product Activity

Expected Result

Quality Analysis

social partnership of all participants in educational space


Interview parents



Project methods allowing to identify the submission of social partners about the activities of a pre-school educational institution;

Methods of determining the degree of participation of social partners in the activities of a preschool educational institution

Creating an open system of interaction of social partners

The formation of a positive image of a pre-school educational institution;

Establishing links with structures providing information, methodical, advisory expert services;

Feedback has been established with public groups providing information on the preschool institution.

Project implementation system

* Active participation of children, parents and teachers in planned events;

* Conducting meetings with the administration of social partners aimed at identifying problems in the joint activities of institutions;

* Joint meetings on the results of the school year;

The organization of sociocultural communication between the kindergarten and these institutions allows the maximum opportunity to develop the interests of children and their individual opportunities, to solve many educational tasks, thereby, improve the quality of educational services and the level of the implementation of federal state educational standards for pre-school education.
The interaction of the Dow with social partners consists of several aspects and includes:

1. Work S. state structures and local governments;

2. Interaction with health authorities;

3. Interaction with educational institutions, and culture;

4. Integration of public and family education.
Interaction with structures 1 and 2 groups are mainly aimed at qualitative performance of social order. When building partnerships with structures 3 and 4 groups of teachers, DW tend to enrich the content of the institution's activities.

BlockI. Interaction with state structures and local governments:

Department of Education of the Chaydogenobensky Municipal District, MBU "Data Code of the Education Systems of the Chaydogenobensky Municipal District"

* Participation in district and regional events;

* Participation in municipal competitions, seminars, conferences, forums;

* Participation in the work of the expert commission of the competitions of district MO teachers DOU;

* Participation in the work of the district methodological association of teachers DOU;

* Participation in the work of the Council of Heads of Educational Institutions of the Chaydow -genvensky Municipal District;

* Organization of certification of pedagogical workers;

* Generalization and dissemination of teachers' experience;

* Provision of information;

* Participation in cultural and mass, sports events;

* Implementation of the municipal task for education, education, rehabilitation of preschoolers.

BlockII. Interaction with medical institution

Children's Polyclinic Department of the Sazonovskaya Hospital
Purpose of Bloka: Creation of a single educational and recreational space of Dow with medical institutions.


1. Combine the efforts of employees, parents and a medical institution for an effective organization of prevention and recreation work.

2. Increase the functional and adaptive capabilities of the body of children through the introduction of health-saving technologies.

3. Promoting a conscious understanding and attitude to its health of all participants in the educational process.

Main directions


Valeologic, sanitary and educational;


Psycho-emotional well-being.
The preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils is one of the main activities of the Dow over the years, and in the conditions of introducing GEF before, this task becomes paramount. Since it is possible to speak about the quality of pre-school education only when it presents a healthy-saving and improving components, one of the forms of work of the pedagogical team is to establish close cooperation of kindergarten with children's

polyclinic. A clear interaction of these institutions of childhood was built: on the one hand, a pediatrician, Morozov Oleg Borisovich, inform parents and teachers about the need to assist children, with the other senior nurse of the kindergarten Vinogradov, Julia Aleksandrovna, are actively involved in the activities of the Sazonovsky district hospital. Medical staff controls physical activity in classes, which varies in accordance with the state of health and tempo physical development Child on the basis of medical testimony and observations for well-being. In health notebooks, the physical and mental state of the child is traced from the moment of entering the kindergarten to the issue to school: anthropometry, morbidity dynamics, transition from one health group to another, inspection data by doctors and teachers experts.

Purpose of Bloka: (In accordance with GEF to) ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of education implemented in the framework of educational programs of various levels (continuity of the main educational programs of preschool and primary general education)
Block tasks:

1. Establishing partnership relations of kindergarten and school.

2. The creation of the continuity of educational systems contributing to the positive attitude of preschoolers to their future social role is a student.

3. Increasing the level of professional competence of teachers and pedagogical culture of parents through pedagogical interaction.

Main directions:




The system of continuity of the work of kindergarten and elementary school.

Preschool education

Primary general education

Study of primary school and kindergarten program in accordance with GEF

Learning the work of the teacher

Studying the work of the teacher

Mutual assistance

Joint MO

Experience exchange

Joint events, holidays

Joint pedagogical councils

Visiting lessons in grade 1 tutor

Visiting classes in the preparatory group by the teacher

This year, the agencies concluded a cooperation agreement and approved a collaboration plan.

We have developed a strategy for joint actions on the development of cognitive activity of children and their motivational readiness for schooling. Methodological work coordinate joint meetings of MO, participants who are teachers, pedagogues of kindergarten. A kindergarten has been working closely with MBOU Sazonovskaya Secondary School for many years, carrying out continuity between pre-school and initial general education. During the school year, preschoolers visit the library, computer science, sports and assembly halls. School teachers have the opportunity to get closer to the forms of work that are used in kindergarten, learn the basic requirements of the educational program, on which the Dow works, to see their future first-graders in the habitual environment for them; A kindergarten educators are better to get acquainted with the Primary School Program in accordance with GEF NOO for children, learn the main directions of work, see their graduates in school lessons. In that academic year All planned work on continuity in the work of kindergartens and school should be aimed at fulfilling the requirements of GEF and bring positive results.

BlockV.I. Interaction with the establishment of additional education.

Social partner - MBOU DOD "Sazonovskaya Children's School of Arts"

Purpose of the unit: to combine the efforts of the Dow with additional education institutions for sociocultural self-realization of the participants in the educational process.

1. Provide the creation of a Dow educational system with additional education institutions for the development of the creative potential and the cognitive activity of participants in the educational process.

2. Creating conditions for the development of the artistic and aesthetic abilities of preschoolers, self-realization of their personality, the formation of cognitive interests and abilities

3. Improving the forms of interaction with institutions of additionally education to expand the socio-educational system DOU.

Main directions:

Artistic and aesthetic;



informational - pedagogical.
Every year, excursions to the children's school of art are organized for the guys of the preparatory group of kindergarten. Children get acquainted with various offices, visit the exhibitions of creative students of school students. Traditionally, the students of the School of Arts are carried out in kindergarten visiting concerts for preschoolers. Such meetings in an easy accessible form introduce children with musical instruments, awaken interest in music, contribute to the development of musical taste, hearing, memory. Children arises a desire to learn in this educational institution. And, it is no coincidence that children of senior pre-school groups are already students of the Arts School, who are making the first steps in the world of music.
Block V. Interaction with cultural institutions.

Social partners,  Cultural and public institutions: Belokrestskaya rural publicly available library,


MBU "Sazonovsky House of Culture";

MBU "Chagodobrensky Museum of History and Culture"

Purpose of the unit: the formation of a holistic sociocultural system of interaction of the Dow with cultural institutions
Block tasks:

1. Expand the creative interaction of the Dow with cultural institutions to create a single sociocultural pedagogical system.

2. Implement an integrated approach to aesthetic education and the formation of artistic and creative abilities in the "Child-Pedagogue Child" system.

3. To promote the development of the spiritual and moral culture of participants in the educational process.
4. Promote the creation of favorable conditions for the development of the abilities and creativity of each child, as a subject of relations with himself, other children, adults and peace.
Main directions:


spiritual and moral;

artistic and creative;

cultural and educational.

Interaction with the Belokrest Rural Public Library

To create a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe world around the world, the development of cognitive motivation, the development of universal values, the formation of personal culture, we established close ties with the Belokrestsky rural publicly available library. This institution in its space combines various temporary links, moral, artistic and aesthetic values. Tight interaction in the work of the head of the Library of Udalny Hope, Pavlovna and educators of the pre-school institution leads to an effective pedagogical result. To increase interest in reading and familiarizing with artistic creativity in children during the school year, the library worker regularly conducts exhibitions on a wide variety of topics, excursions, literary quizzes dedicated to the work of Russian writers and poets. These meetings help to open creative abilities in the child. In this academic year, as part of preparation for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory over the fascist Germany, we have developed a cycle of events dedicated to this topic. This year, the agencies concluded a cooperation agreement and approved a collaboration plan.

Interaction with the Belokrestsky speed

Belokrestskaya KOV is located on the territory of the village of white crosses. Teachers traditionally prepare concert numbers of pupils for the holidays of 8mart, the Day of Mother, the Day of the Elderly, Victory Day, which are held on stage approx. On May 9 and on June 22, our pupils annually participate in the manufacture of wreaths and flowers and lay them on obelisci and monuments of the village, together with parents come to rallies in honor of these memorable dates.

Interaction with MBU "Sazonovsky House of Culture

The House of Culture invites us to the presentation of the collection of IVov, organizes holidays for children, dedicated to the Day of Protection of Children, invites you to interactive exhibitions ("Russian Folk Doll", "Bears" and others)

In the House of Culture, there are ideas organized specifically for children by the Vologda Philharmonic. Gavrilova, Governor's orchestra of Cherepovets. The musicians of these teams organize and field speeches for our pupils and in the musical hall of the kindergarten.

During recent years We did not miss one speech of these wonderful teams. This year, the agencies concluded a cooperation agreement and approved a collaboration plan.
Interaction with MBU "Chagodobhensky Museum of History and Culture"

This is an institution for many years our long-time partner in matters of the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers.

In kindergarten, the program "The introduction of children to the origins of Russian folk culture" is being implemented under the editors of O. L. Knyazheva and is used as partial in the educational field "Socio-Communicative Development" (themed Module "Patriotic Education") This program helps educate children in the spirit folk traditionsis a means of formation in children of patriotic feelings and development of spirituality.

Education the purpose of the programit consists in the admission of children to all types of national art - from the theater to painting, from dance, fairy tales, music to the theater, in the development of the personal culture of the child as the basis of his love to the Motherland.

In the senior I. preparatory groups The program "Excursion classes" for a kindergarten, developed by the Chagodow -genged Museum of History and People's Culture, is being implemented, especially for preschoolers. Classes are conducted in the form of games, cognitive entertainment, theatrical productions. According to the above impressions of what seen in groups with children is implemented Thematic project "History of Chaydobhensky Territory".

Report on the topic: "Network interaction between pre-school educational institutions, as a factor in the enrichment of the educational process in the DOU".
Date: 01/28/2016
Rapporteur: Novoselova Irina Vladimirovna, Senior Educator Madou "Kindergarten No. 5" Gornozavodsk.
Slide 1. The strategic goal of public policy in the field of education is to increase the availability of high-quality education that meets the requirements of innovative development. (Concepts of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020). The basis for the development of the education system, such principles are laid as openness of education to external requests, the use of design methods, competitive identification and support of leaders, successfully implementing new approaches in practice.
Slide 2. The need to ensure qualitative preparation, professional growth and development of pre-school education workers was noted back in 2010 by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin at the meeting of the Organizing Committee on the Conduct of the Year of the Teacher in the Russian Federation: "The development of network pedagogical communities, interactive methodical sites - in a word, in total that forms a professional environment ...".
Slide 3. Successful examples here are a number of the following all-Russian professional associations of educators:
The social network of educators, under which such professional associations of representatives of pre-school educational institutions are operating, as a methodological association of teachers, DOO spent stations, methodical association of educators;
Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson".
A network of creative teachers, within which a community works for heads of educational institutions and teachers of pre-school education and education.
The professional community "Methodists", in which thematic and discussion platforms for the interaction of senior educators, are discussed, federal state educational standards and federal state requirements of pre-school education, pre-school correctional education problems.
Slide 4 Thus, one of the priority models ensuring the preparation and professional growth of pre-school education workers in the conditions of introducing GEF before is the creation and development of network professional communities.
Slide 5. Under the notion "Network" traditionally refers to the combination of institutions that perform a certain unified function. The meaning of such work is in a meeting of different and unlike each other participants in network interaction. Therefore, there is currently increasing development of network interaction, carried out between various training structures: "Sad-Garden", "Sad-School", "School School", "School-University", etc.
Slide 6. In 2012, as a result of the introduction of FGT, the first steps were made to organize the network interaction of pre-school institutions of the district. The database has a problem