Metal pipes for water supply. Installation of metal pipes: Important aspects. Application of steel pipeline

IN lately There is an increase in individual construction. All who have such an opportunity seek to acquire their own home and move to it from a cramped city apartment. However, unlike private houses, which were built 2-3 decades ago, modern cottages In terms of comfort, none is inferior to apartments, but in many ways even exceed them.

By creating a project for the water supply of a private house from a well, you will definitely come across the question of the water supply device. Modern market building materials offers a wide selection of pipes produced from the most different materials with the use of advanced technology. Special place among other goods occupy steel pipes for water supply.

Comfortable operation of the water supply system largely depends on the quality of the materials used in its device. Steel tubes For water supply, there is a number of indisputable advantages that make them so popular in our time. These include:

However, in addition to numerous advantages, steel pipes for water supply have some disadvantages. For example, steel susceptible to corrosion. Given the quality of the water supplied through the central water supply system, the service life of such a water supply can be reduced. This is due to the formation of rust pipes on the inner walls of rust, blocks, various deposits. The result becomes Worsening throughput Pipeline. When using steel pipeline should be observed hygienic requirements to water supply. It is possible to solve the problem by regularly carrying out preventive measures, timely cleaning and repairing breakdowns. If the steel pipes for water supply are planned to be used outside the house, they will need to be additionally insulated. IN some cases In insulation, some sections of the internal water pipeline also need.

  • non-scattered (black),
  • stainless (galvanized).

Both the first and the second form can be produced both in non-mechanical (up to 12 meters) and in a measuring version (pipes from 4 to 8 meters long). To mount the drinking water system, galvanized pipes are most often used, which are less susceptible to corrosion.

Steel pipes for water supply are mounted by welding. Also during the device of the water supply system required cutting thread, use tees, couplings, corners, etc.

Classes of steel pipes for water supply:

  • 1 class. Produced from carbon steel and used for gas and water supply;
  • Grade 2. Designed for low and high pressure main and high pressure pipes;
  • Grade 3. Such carbon steel pipes are manufactured, heat treatment and are used under conditions of elevated temperatures;
  • 4th grade, grade 5, grade 6. These include pipes intended for industrial use.

Basic requirements for steel pipes for water supply systems

Steel pipes for water supply must have a smooth smooth surface without spills and cracks. Thickening in the seam area should be gentle (not exceed 0.5 mm). Galvanized pipes must have a solid coating, without bubbles. Multiple zinc and small roughness are allowed.

During construction or repair it is important to decide which material is better to do a water supply. The pipes need a lot: for hot and cold water supply, taking into account the connection of several points of water-based (household appliances, bathroom, kitchen). Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of similar products from different metals that have their advantages and disadvantages.

Characteristics of metal water pipes

Metal plumbing pipes are good with their high mechanical strength, waterproofability, ability to preserve the shape at a large pressure. For example, they can be mounted under the road and railway blade.

The quality product must necessarily be manufactured according to GOST.

Steel tubes

Steel pipes for water supply are used for a long time and successfully. They are distinguished by a long service life (according to SNiP, the replacement may be required after 25 years), rigidity and resistance to deformation. The diameter of the product in inches is usually indicated in the marking.

Disadvantages of the steel pipeline:

  • corrosion exposure;
  • high cost of large diameter pipes (due to the complexity of manufacture);
  • electrical conductivity;
  • labor-intensive installation.

Galvanized steel pipes

Steel galvanized pipes for water supply are applied in the installation of cold water supply systems. Galvanized products serve longer than steel unprocessed, and less corrosion.

Disadvantages of galvanized pipes:

  • the inability to use in hot water systems;
  • selection of toxic gases during welding (the use of conventional electrodes destroys the protective layer);
  • higher cost (compared to steel hips);
  • exposure of electrochemical corrosion.

Stainless steel pipes

Metal stainless steel pipes - most often used when installing engineering systems. They practically do not corrodial, durable, durable and have aesthetic appearance.

The main drawback is the high value of the products themselves and their installation.

Cast iron pipes

Pig-iron pipes for water supply for the construction of outdoor networks in high load places are widely used. Products are characterized by excellent ring rigidity, confront corrosion with competent protection.

Disadvantages of cast-iron pipes:

  • high cost of high-quality multi-layer rental;
  • high weight;
  • labor-intensive installation.

Copper pipes

Durable copper pipes for water supply can be operated for several decades without requiring replacement. They are resistant to temperature differences, do not destroy under the action of ultraviolet and ozone, plastic, aesthetic. Used for laying underground and overhead pipelines. Disadvantages of copper pipes:

  • high price;
  • bad wear resistance.

Installation of metal pipes: Important aspects

The water supply network consists of pipes interconnected, shaped elements, reinforcement and wells. The durability of the pipeline and the number of possible problems during operation depends on the literacy of the installation work. When choosing a material, it is important to take into account all the parameters of the environment in which the installation will be made, and the operating characteristics of the system. Possible options for connecting pipes:

  1. Welded seam.
  2. Flanges. Before mounting, they are welded to the ends of the pipe.
  3. Welding sections that are then connected to the loop.
  4. Cast iron products are compressed with squeezing with the subsequent bess chasing.

Special attention should be paid to turns, sharp drops, pipeline leaving. In these places, there are most often formed.

Metal pipes are gradually displaced from the market with modern plastic products. The metal remains indispensable in areas with high operating pressure, where hydraulic strikes occur, and in geographical zones with seismic activity.

metal pipes for water supply

It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the situations when you can apply the steel pipe for a plumbing design, which it has advantages and disadvantages and is it possible to replace it with another type of pipe.

Traditional destination

Pipes made of steel are used to create plumbing lines for a long time. For understanding, pipes are applied with the beginning of the use of water lines, which are subject to pressure, as well as special pumping devices to raise the water pressure indicator. Of course, in today's assortment, you can prefer to steel products with a different type of pipe. But, admirers of traditional views, all the same choose materials from steel. Such products have a wide choice in the construction departments, and accordingly suggests that they are popular products in comparison with other representatives of water supply products.


Mechanical strength

Steel pipes can be used in those situations where the pipeline network will be exposed to outdoor mechanical effects. If necessary, make a gasket under outdoor coating, steel pipes will become best option, relying on the properties of strength, because after all these products for other criteria there are a number of shortcomings.

water pipes for cold water supply

In the case of moving fluid inside the pipeline when exposed to high pressure, the steel product with ease will withstand all tests.

For example, after the process of pumping paging, as well as during its reinforced work, the pipeline line is subject to such adverse effects as:

1. Vibratory waves from the electric motor of the pumping device;

2. Fully strong pressure fluctuations during the device shutdown.

Low cost

Steel pipe for water supply is an expensive material for the construction of a plumbing construction. But, while one of the inexpensive materials. It must be remembered that it is often not necessary to create a water supply line to create a plumbing lines, but what is in the covers.

Packaging pipes from metal plastic or polypropylene is unlikely to have someone in stock, but the pipe made of steel in most cases has any owner at home.

Wide selection of reinforcement elements

A certain form connector for a polypropylene pipe for the construction of water pipes often have to be selected in construction stores, while ordinary knees and triple connecting nodes in free access are on any shelf of the construction department.

Low Pipe Volume Changes

This is an important nuance, especially when pipes for water supply, whether from steel or other materials, are tightened or riveted thick cement mortar. The use of a product that can expand greatly in the heating process quickly forms cracks and faults.

Negative side of pipes

Unstable to corrosion formations

Unfortunately, steel is defeated Rust. This problem is relevant for cold water supply channels; The interaction of wet conditions of content by accumulating condensate formations and atmospheric oxygen forms a destructive effect on the pipe.

Reducing the passage of pipe

Pipe made of steel for cold water pipes over the years is underdeveloped from the inside. Patency can decrease to destructive indicators even for several years.

Installation and disassembly requires certain time and strength

To build a steel plumbing construction, it is not easy to spin several nuts on the connecting nodes in pipes from metal plastic or to connect with a solder device polypropylene elements. In this case, you must use the services of a professional in the welding area or create threaded areas on products. What, in turn, will require an application of sufficient strength and use of special tools.

Sufficiently heavy

What steel pipes have the weight, the one who builds the plumbing is absolutely anyway, but only until the time it is necessary to deliver them to the destination and unload them.

Naturally, in the first place a pedestal of drawbacks is a low level of rust resistance. It is unlikely that someone needs a pipeline, which for a small period of time will have to be changed.

It should be borne in mind that initially after installing the steel plumbing line, after you make sure that there are no leaks, it is necessary to primitive and paint the product. If you postpone into a long box, the accumulation will prevent this to produce it.

It is joyful only that purification from corrosion entities will cost inexpensively, and in the case of self-purification it is easy. The ordinary pipe from steel is alternative optionswhich will retain the properties of mechanical strength with the simultaneous lack of a number of flaws.

Steel, not subjected to rust

Galvanized pipes

Galvanized pipes are produced from a conventional pipe from steel by means of electrochemical spraying zinc on the inner and outdoor side of the product.

It provides:

1. Carbon steel pipe is not affected by rust;

2. On the surface of the inside, all sorts of education and growths are not formed.

Galvanized products have a sufficiently high price, but they are worth it, they are the optimal solution for the plumbing design. An operational period is enough long, it can be compared with human life.

It is important to know that the threaded areas are taken from the steel, which lies under the anti-corrosion layer. In general, such products do not need painting, but the threaded areas must be covered with coloring substance, otherwise it will inevitably cover rust.

Steel products that do not rust

Pipes for water supply, which are produced from stainless steel are a good solution in those situations when a high level of reliability is required. At the same time, without focusing on their cost. If the pipeline and will have to be repaired, it will only be in cleansing the filtration system and cleansing Okalin.

The disadvantages include:

1. High cost. Stainless steel very expensive material. And the products from it are one of the most expensive.

2. The laborious processing process. The material is performed by adding to ordinary steel of the other compositions of the metal. It acquires the property of perseverance to rust, and also becomes quite solid. It can be easily spoiled, trying to create a detail, cutters, and create threaded areas on the pipe simply unreal (see application).

So, as it has already become clear, the pipe made of stainless steel is quite appropriate for the water supply, but still up to the ideal.

Alternative solution

In the event that the water supply is necessary to build from metal materials, one can also consider the use of copper and cast iron products.

Copper parts have long been successfully used in order to dilute water sources throughout the house in Europe. To date, the parts from copper replaced the improved modern materials. Cast iron elements were used to construct water supply channels with a large diameter, in cases of ensuring water resources whole quarters. The cast iron is not subject to rust and does not overgrow at the inside, unlike steel. Today it has almost forgotten about it, so the installation of products from it requires handmade (see).

If you do not really create fundamentally metal designToday, today's market offers will allow modern materials convenient and installation:

1. Metal plastic products. which is covered with a layer of plastics from two sides. It is easy enough to bend, very simple when assembling.

2. Polypropylene goods. Plastic products that are connected to connectors using a conventional soldering device. The seams have a sealing property and do not miss leaks.

Installation methods

For the connecting process there are two options:

1. Using welding equipment;

2. With the help of a threaded docking.

It is important to understand that if applying stainless steel pipes, you need to consider the option of invitations of a professional welder. The usual welding burner will not give the necessary fire for a successful welding process. And the threaded plots on it make it yourself there is no possibility.

On the pipe made of steel and galvanized product, the thread is cut into hand. In the presence of a special machine, it is not difficult to accomplish. By making expansion and seed with threaded areas of the required size, you can build a water pipe in sufficiently comfortable conditions.

Diametrical size

The diametrical parameters of steel pipes for water supply are often indicating in inches. In order to calculate the internal and outer diameter with accuracy in millimeters, it is not necessary to perform only multiplying an inch value by 25.4.

stainless steel tap pipes

The size of the thickness of the walls

The state standard of quality provides for types of pipes relative to wall thickness:

1. Having light weight;

2. Having common weight;

3. Pipes that have strengthening.

water pipes stainless steel pipes

If you measure the size of the thickness of the pipe in millimeters, then it will change and depend on the diametrical parameter of the pipe. In the case where high requirements for water supply relative to the maintenance of critical pressure are missing, it is necessary to stop its choice on ordinary products. Products categories reinforced, except that they are heavy and roads, harder to weld them through gas.

Create threaded elements will not be able to create, so the diameter from the inside has standard sizeand the outer diameter has a size more. Corrosive effect accelerate the process of destruction of thin pipes. Threads on thin-walled products fragile. Even with the slightest tension of the product, after a few years, the threads can be broken down. On the consequences can be guessed.

pipes plumbing non-freezing


By making a choice, it is worth stopping your attention on a galvanized steel tube for water supply. But it is worth noting that today there are excellent alternative options.

Pipes intended for water supply are in demand regardless of the economic situation, since they are the vital elements. At the moment, the market offers data products from different materialsBut the most common are steel.

Manufacturers offer a huge range - a wide range of steel grades, sizes, with an anti-corrosion coating and without it, and without isolation. Steel pipes are used both for external and internal water supply and heating pipelines.

Sortment I. specifications on steel pipes for water supply:

  • GOST 21.601-79 - "Water pipe and sewage";
  • GOST 21.604-82 - "Water supply and sewage. Outdoor networks ";
  • GOST 3262-75 - steel pipes (galvanized and non-zinc), intended for water supply, gas supply and heating;
  • GOST 10704-91 - straight nose non-scattered pipes for cold and hot water and gas;
  • GOST 8732-78 - for gas, cold and hot water.

These documents determine that the material surface must be smooth, smooth (without swimming and cracks). Water pipes can be galvanized and non-scattered, with thread and without thread. On welded products, thickening around the seam should not exceed 0.5 mm.

If the product is galvanized, then it should not be sections of uncovered zinc or sprinkles. Permanent (4 - 8 m) and non-night (4 - 12 m) length. For supplying drinking water used mainly galvanized products. Fittings kits are supplied to the shops together with pipes.

The outer diameters of steel water pipes Various in a rather wide range and are determined in inches. In fact, this is the diameter of the thread, since the diameter of the pipe is the number of approximate. On the marking, it is written in the form of a fraction and is determined in inches. It's not so difficult to figure out. For example, 1/2 "inches is about 20.5 mm.

But, speaking of diameter, most often meaning the meaning of the conditional passage (internal), which is determined in millimeters. In the wiring of country houses, semi-levy and three-fourth steel pipes with an internal diameter of 15-20 mm are usually used (external 20.4-26.2 mm).

Steel products for water supply are presented three types:

  • black (neoscake);
  • galvanized;
  • stainless steel.

Advantages and disadvantages

First of advantages:

  • relatively low cost;
  • a small linear extension coefficient (0.012 mm / mk);
  • the thermal conductivity coefficient of the steel pipe is 74 W / mk, which is the advantages for the heating system and a minus for the cold water supply system (condensate condensates the process of corrosion);
  • resistance to mechanical damage, which is very important for open systems;
  • minor deformation at high heat carrier temperatures;
  • for hot water there is an opportunity to purchase with insulation;
  • for pipelines of drinking water, a material with an internal coating of polymers is also used.


  • corrosion and tendency to accumulate biological deposits, as a result of which the system bandwidth is reduced;
  • the need for systematic preventive maintenance (painting, cleaning the inner surface);
  • when laying outdoor networks requires attraction of special equipment;
  • for installation require significant temporary and labor costs;
  • relatively short service life of steel water pipes (25-30 years).

Stainless Steel Water Supplies

The steel stainless pipe complies with the requirements of GOST 9941 81 (the sortiment) and GOST 5632 72 ( chemical composition). Outside diameter Various from 5 to 95-mm, the wall thickness is from 0.2 to 8.5 mm. It is performed in length from 0.75 to 12.5 meters. It is classified metal products according to the composition of the alloy, sizes, form (round or profile), the type of surface (matte, polished, mirrored).


  • environmental Safety;
  • strength and durability;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • ability to use in an aggressive environment.


  • when welding, the material structure is broken and the process of corrosion in the seam region begins;
  • relatively high cost.

Stainless steel pipes are used to mount external and internal pipelines intended for cold and hot water supply and heating.

Montaja methods

  • with the help of couplings and fittings (crimp and threaded);
  • with the help of flanges (bolted fasteners).

It should be borne in mind that it is not possible to collect a whole pipeline using one method. Most often, different connection methods are used on different segments of the system.

Despite the fact that the usual alloy steel over time is actively exposed to corrosion, steel pipes for cold and hot water supply, are used more often than any others. Their cause is their high strength, which is especially important for laying trunk pipelines.

Simply, to provide longer operation, as well as reduce the timing of the tracks, today use pipes with protective coatings. We will definitely tell about them, but we will start with the general classification and the sorting. And also, offered to watch the video in this article on the topic: "Water supply: installation of pipelines from steel pipes."

We understand in the varieties of steel pipes

The main classification feature of steel pipes is their way of manufacture.


Class pipe general information
Cast This type of pipes is made by means of pipelines. Such production is specialized, and the pipes themselves are used only in certain industries.
Seamless By name it becomes clear that there is no seam in such a pipe. It can be made either by rolling or pressing the ingot, or from a solid tubular billet.

This is quite expensive pipes, and are used more often in the oil and gas and chemical industry, in hydraulic systems - that is, where the leakage of the liquid is invalid, as well as where the pipelines experience high loads.

On alloyed steel pipes, and on stainless steel pipes for water supply, there are different standards: 8732 * 78 and 9941 * 81. In centralized water supply systems, such pipes are not used. But for wiring inside the house, it is a great, although the scene.

Welded The widespread use of electric welded pipes, produced from steel tape or strip, which first bends, and then welded. Steel pipes for water supply GOST 3262 * 75 are also gas pipelines. This standard regulates the production of conventional and galvanized pipes with a diameter of up to 150 mm.

General Purposes, manufactured according to other standards: dirty 10704 * 91 (Sortiment) and 10706 * 76 (Specifications), Spiral, 8696 * 74. Laying water supply pipes from steel electric weld pipes is most often carried out using a straight seam option. Here, our instruction will take it as a basis.

Pipes straightforwards for water supply systems

Water supply pipelines steel are an extensive range, ranging from 10 mm, and finishing 1420 mm - only more than a hundred diameters. And considering that each size has a dozen variations of the wall thickness, the list turns out quite impressive. That is why everything that concerns the sizes of pipes has been submitted to a separate document.

Technical requirements are formulated by approximately so.

Pipes must match the four main indicators for which they are divided into groups:

Note! Steel pipelines for exterior water supply are made only from steel stamps with the required mechanical properties, and is heat treatment. They can have both one longitudinal seam and two. Two seams usually happen in pipes, the diameter of which exceeds 820 mm.

They can also be transverse seam - most often alone, but in coordination with the consumer, an increase in their number is allowed. Only in this case, the longitudinal seams will not be parallel, but shifted by 10 or more centimeters.

In the main pipelines, the connection of steel water supply pipes is usually performed by welding. Therefore, for the convenience of installation, on the pipes there should be a chamfer removed at an angle, and a small dullness is left.

The ends are prepared on production. But if in the process of assembling the pipes of the pipe you have to cut, then the champions are cut in place, with the help of a permeaker, one of the options of which is presented in the photo above. Thus, it is possible to mount steel pipelines with your own hands only when there is a special tool and the skills of handling it.

In the process of production, the label is necessarily applied on the pipes, which indicates:

  • manufacturing date (usually just a year);
  • diameter and thickness of steel pipes for water supply;
  • party number;
  • pipe number;
  • the designation of the standard for which it is made;
  • stamp confirming the passage of a product of technical control.

If the products have passed the heat treatment, the label is also added to the label. Parts necessarily accompany certificates for water supply pipes.

Pipes with factory protective coatings

Under the length of pipelines, our country takes if not the first, then the place is quite close to the pedestal. This is at least 2,000,000 km of engineering highways, and another million-networks in housing and communal services. And this, not counting the wiring inside the buildings! Of these, three quarters of the total number falls on steel pipes.

Given that the actual service life of pipelines usually exceeds the normative time, the number of accidents on the highways is only growing. In this case, the pipes are particularly suffering, because in this case the pipes are exposed not only to the effects of high temperatures, but also in contact with impurities contained in the coolant.

Yes, and cold water taken from a natural source due to the content of mineral salts, also often has corrosive properties. As a result of the constant interaction of steel with water, the inner lumen of the pipes literally overcomes the scale and lime deposits, and their throughput is greatly reduced.

It is the lack of internal protective coating on the pipes, and normal outdoor isolation. Therefore, today, pipes with factory anti-corrosion protection are used to build water pipes. True, they are made by a completely different standard.

Pipe coverings, regulated GOST 53384 * 2009

What are the manufacturers offer for an assortment of isolated pipes?

In protective coatings, as well as the pipes themselves, there is also their own classification. The main feature is the material from which this coating is manufactured.

If they are grouped, it will turn out such a list:

  1. Coatings based on polymers and thermosetting type compounds;
  2. Inorganic coatings based on vitreous (silicate) components;
  3. Inorganic coatings based on metals, non-metals and their alloys.

However, there is a lot of options, because the design of these coatings is a polesiness, various versions of adhesive mess, are the most diverse. As a result, we have an impressive list.

The table shows the main options:

Appearance of pipes with corrosion coating Groups of coatings Main applications

  • External two-and three-layer coatings consisting of reactoplast (adhesive), glue and polyethylene or polypropylene layer.
  • Outdoor and / or internally lining coating performed by a polyethylene pipe.
  • Powder polyethylene coating.
  • Liquid polyurethane coating.
  • Powder or liquid coating with epoxy resin.
  • Paintwork.
  • Applying a paraffin-wax layer.
Basically, these are hot water pipes, for underground and underwater gasket.

The temperature of the transported water, depending on the layering and the type of coating, is from +60 to +110 degrees Celsius.

Attention! In fact, the pipes of this group are obtained by composite. Possessing the strength of steel, they acquire the corrosion resistance of polymers.

  • Emaley glass without soil.
  • Enamel glass in two layers with soil.
  • Organosilicate coating.
  • Polymer cement coating.
  • Sand-cement coating.
The glass emails are used for pipes that are to be operated at +150 degrees.

Other coatings are protection not so much for the pipes themselves, as for the isolation applied on them is a different type. They protect the isolation from mechanical damage.

  • Outdoor and / or internal applying molten zinc.
  • Gas spraying zinc.
  • Application of molten aluminum.
  • Zinc spray with subsequent staining.
  • Metalization aluminum.
  • Aluminum spraying with subsequent impregnation or staining.
Galvanized pipe is the most common option for general-purpose water pipes - both outdoor and internal.

Aluminum coatings are applied to pipes used exclusively for external pipelines (underground, underwater) operated in special conditions.

Manufacturers all the time offer new developments, resulting in combination coatings. For example: a layer of soil, layer bituminous mastic, and a layer of shrink tape. Such a coating, by the way, can be performed right on the site of the pipeline assembly.

It is very convenient for the insulation of the junctions between the pipes, as well as the connective and other reinforcement, which is in any system the weakest link.

For laying cold water networks, today you can buy not only the pipes with the finished insulation, but also with the cable channel provided in it, or the warming cable has already been laid in it. We see this option in the picture from above. Such protection can be provided for pipes from a diameter of 32 mm, and to the maximum size of 1420 mm. It allows you to maintain the optimal mode of operation of pipelines in winter.

Mounting pipelines: useful information

Milometer highways, of course, no one collects one pipe, as it would take too much time. Yes, and organize on hiking conditions and cutting, and welding, and isolation, not so simple. Therefore, specialized enterprises that produce installation of steel pipes for water supply, assembled in themselves the enlarged sections in themselves - or, as they are also called, pipes should be called.

The finished sections are transported by long vehicles to the object, due to which the direct portions of the highway are mounted at an accelerated pace.

How the Pipe Paul is going to

For assembling sections from individual pipes, special installations are used. The pipes laid on them are dried, purified from dirt, the ends are welded. If the factory isolation is absent, the outer surface of the section is ground and perform protective covering The shrink tape, which we mentioned slightly above.

Each of these operations is produced in its zone, since there are separate lines for welding and applying isolation in the workshop. When performing these works, pipes or finished sections rotate around their own axis.

The species of the applied plants depend on the volume of the work performed, the size of the pipes, the technologies of their assembly and isolation. Shaped parts for large pipelines, are also collected in the workshop - on special assembly tables.


  • Consider the installation of the section on the type III setting - they collect pipes with a diameter of 219 mm and above. They are placed in the lifting mechanism on the rack, from where they move to the center of the centering. There are collected sections three options Length: 18m, 24m, 36m. All of them are old 6, as this is the standard length of one pipe.
  • Upon completion of the assembly, all joints of the section shape the root of the seam. Make it either semi-automatic welding, or by installing from within a special gasket. Then, "semi-finished" section, through the intermediate rack, is supplied to the automatic welding line performed under the flux.

At the next stage, the finished whip is supplied to the insulation line, where it is dried, covered with primer, and protect the coating. It remains only to load the screens to the long transport, which is called "Pletoveroz", and deliver to the place of installation.

Nuances of construction pipelines

In general, not only welded, but also threaded, and flange connections can be used to connect steel pipes. The main thing is to ensure the strength and tightness of the plumbing trails. However, installers there are no need to choose the connection method yourself, as it is always listed in the project.

Their case - before starting work, learn the technical task for installation, specifications and work drawings, as well as familiarize yourself with the layout of pipelines, nodes of their attachment to support structures, options for strapping equipment and reinforcement.

After theoretical study of the documentation, the crew of the installers should be made such work:

  • Checking the installation of supporting structures for compliance with the project;
  • Checking the presence of technological holes in structures through which pipelines will be held;
  • Installing fittings for sections;
  • Acceptance on the act of builders of trenches, trays, overpass and installation sites and sealing mortgage structures;
  • Fixation in the log of the work of any deviations from the project;
  • Organization of sites for intermediate storage of sections and nodes;
  • Acceptance and storage of pipe sections and other parts of the pipeline enlargement;
  • Verification of delivery package according to specifications, and visual inspection of materials;
  • Preparation of mounting devices and tools, welding posts, scaffolding, etc.;
  • Where the installation of pipes will be made in the building, you need to make sure that all the necessary general construction works are completed.

If there are any existing communications in the locations of the pipeline under construction, they must be opened, fenced and illuminated before digging trenches. In the case when the distance between them and the new pipeline turns out to be unacceptable, they are shifted.

Only then proceed to break down the tracks in accordance with the project, place the axis of pipelines, the location of the supports, reinforcement and fasteners. Initially, the main track is broken, and then its branch, after which they make an act to which the statement of the axis binding is applied.

The case remains for small: steel water supply pipelines are assembled from enlarged sections pre-laid on the prepared bottom of the trench, or supports. At the same time, the compounds are performed in the way that is specified in the project. Well, those who are interested in the details of these ways can read an article on the installation of external pipelines on our website.