Engineering booms. Device, exploration and overcoming engineering barriers


Engineering booms are created with the aim of applying the enemy's loss, detention to its promotion, the creation of favorable conditions for their troops to defeat it with all modern means of armed struggle. Engineering booms are equipped in all types of battle.

According to the nature of the impact on the enemy and means used, engineering booms are divided: on minno-explosive, unspoken, electrical, water, combined, fake.

By appointment, engineering booms are divided into anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-transport, anti-infrase and river. They can be equipped on land, water obstacles and sea coast.

Anti-tank barters belong to anti-tank mine fields, mines, separate anti-tank mines and fugas, anti-tank pivops, escarpa, counseling, journey, hedgehogs, mined and conventional duties, destroyed areas of roads, bridges and overpasses.

Anti-personnel barriers include anti-personnel mine fields, explosive device groups (min), min traps, electrical and wire barriers, low-rise obstacles, mined and conventional duties.

Anti-transport barriers, as a rule, consist of groups and individual anti-transport and object mines, damaged and mined areas of roads, bridges, overpasses, tunnels and other artificial structures on roads and railways.

Anti-infrastruent booms consist of anti-empty, anti-pellets (mines), minefields, mines, concrete and metal jackets, long-standing, tetrahedra, which are installed in places of a possible landing of the assault on the sea coast at a depth of 5 m and directly on shore.

Brokery on water obstacles consist of anchor, river and anti-infrastruent mines, anti-tank and anti-personnel mineral fields and mines, various unbuffed barriers installed in water and on the shores of possible forcing water barriers to the enemy and crossing the Tanks and under water.

The basis of engineering barriers make up minno-explosive barriers (MWZ). Minno-explosive barriers can be manageable and uncontrollable.

Controlled barriers after their installation may be contained in combat or state and translated from one state to another wire or other control channels, for example, on the radio.

Unmanaged include barriers that, after they are installed in a combat position, cannot be translated into a secure state.

The unspoken booms are arranged from various local materials and structures of industrial manufacture, as well as by separating pvov, escarp and other obstacles.

Combined barriers are a variety of combination of mine explosive, unspoken, electrical barriers.

The mine field (MP) is called a section of the area (water area), on which mines (explosive devices) are installed in a certain order or unsystemarly.

The MP is shutd up from different mines (explosive devices) using barriers, remote mining systems or manually.

Mine fields in their own respect can be: anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-infrastruent and mixed.

Anti-tank, anti-personnel explosive devices (mines) are used to arrange minno-explosive barriers.

Mina (explosive device) is an engineering ammunition, which is intended for installation on the ground (water area), in order to defeat personnel, technology and other enemy objects. Engineering ammunition is an explosive charge that is structurally combined with explosion.

Anti-tank mines and mine fields

Anti-tank mines are designed to mining terrain against tanks and other armored enemy technicians. They work from the impact on them tanks, self-propelled installations, armored personnel carriers and other combat or transport vehicles, and are out of order. Anti-tank mines are against caterpillar, proudness and rubbing.

Mysteries are triggered in case of hitting the caterpillars of the tank (car wheels) and ensure the destruction of the elements of the chassis of the machine.

Pontidnishchevi mines are triggered under the entire projection of the target (tank, BTR, car) and provide punching bottoms, crew damage and damage to nodes and aggregates or the destruction of the chassis.

Mines are trifting in the case of tanks or other rolling equipment in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mine's fuse and provides onboard armor, crew damage, damage to nodes and target aggregates.

The most common anti-tank mines is the Mines of the TM-62 series.

Depending on the time of the year, the type of soil and the presence of anti-tank mines can be installed in the soil (snow) with disguise or to the surface of the soil.

The mining mechanization means ensure the establishment of mines into the ground with a masking of the turf or soil, in the snow with a disguise snow, or to the surface of the soil and in the snow without disguise.

Table 32

Specifications of the main anti-tank mines


Fugasny's sketching


corps material



Mass, kg:

charge BB.

Dimensions, mm:

Efforts that need to trigger


In the case of the establishment of anti-tank mines manually in the soil in the summer, the wells are torn to them according to their shapes and sizes.

Fig. 130. Establishing anti-tank mines in the ground manually with a turbine camouflage:

but - Focusing Lunka would - Masking mines;

1 - sprinkles soil; 2 - masking turf; 3 - mine

In the center of the site, where the cut-off dermis, is torn off the hole for mine, the mine is installed in the well, sides are squeezed with soil and masked the turf.

Prohibited Install mines in recesses and potholes, as well as next to stumps and boulders.

The anti-tank mine of pressure is installed in the well so that the mines cover in the solid pound be 2-3 cm above relative to the level of the surface of the soil.

In winter, mines are installed on the surface of the pound, and in the case of a snow cover, more than 25 cm on a compacted layer of snow and masked the layer of loose snow.

In the swampy pounds under the minutes put the shield from boards, stories or twigs, the dimensions of which are two to three times higher than the diameter of the min.

Fig. 131. Installation of anti-tank mines manually

but - in solid soil; Sixth snow with disguise; in - in a swampy pound;

1 - masking pound; 2 - Mina; 3 - camouflage layer of snow; 4 - compacted layer of snow; 5 - snow, b - Masching Dernina; 7 - sprinkling pound; 8 - Lining from boards (jerdomy, twigs)

Anti-tank mine fields (PTP) are set, as a rule, in three or four rows, and sometimes more. The main characteristics of the anti-tank mine field The length and depth of the mine field, the distance between the rows and between the mines in the row (pitch), the costs of mines per 1 km of mine field and the likelihood of defeating goals (tanks, BTR, BMP) on MP.

The length of the mine field on the front may vary from several tens of up to several hundred meters. The depth of it can be 60-100 m or more.

The distances between the rows of mines 30-50 m, and between the mines in the row - 4 or 5.5 m for the protigurizer and 8 or 11 m for the prolonged min.

The consumption of mines per 1 km of a minefield can be: Matigizer - 750-1000 min; Poddidnishchevich - 350-400 min.

Removing anti-tank MP from the front edge is chosen taking into account the effectiveness of the fire of anti-tank agents and can reach 300-400 m.

When installing mine-fields before the positions of our troops, less removal (safe distance) of the back of the minefield from the position should exclude the defeat of personal composition with a shock wave or fragments during the explosion of mines. For anti-tank mining fields, a safe mass distance to be at least 40 m.

By the nature of the impact of the barrier are divided into minno-explosive, unspoken and combined. At the place of use - on ground (including water), sea and air.

Ground booms are created on land.

Classification of barriers:

anti-tank (designed to defeat and delay tanks and other enemy military equipment);

anti-personnel (designed to defeat and delay the promotion of the alive force of the enemy);

anti-Transport (designed to defeat the automotive and rail transport of the enemy).

River barriers (variety of ground) are arranged in water and on the shore at possible sections of forcing (crossing) of the enemy.

Marine boards are designed to destroy ships and enemy vessels or blocking the passage to the straits. A special type of marine barriers are anti-bodies. They are created in the places of a possible landing of the enemy's marine assault in order to damage (destroy) its landing agents, combat equipment and living force.

Air (anticipate and anticipate) are created in an near-sole space in the form of tied aerostats.

Engineering booms are used in all types of hostilities of troops (the most widely in defense), arrange them in accordance with the decision of the commander, in combination with natural obstacles, in close linking with terrain, fire system and the actions of troops.

The divisions of the forces are arranged engineering booms to cover areas of location.

Minno-explosive barriers - mining fields, mines, mining mines, single mines and charges of explosives (explosives) established on the area (water area) and objects in order to apply to the enemy's loss, difficulty promoting and creating favorable conditions for the defeat of its other weapons.

Unspoken barriers are barriers created from the ground, wood, stone, concrete, metal and other materials (ground), as well as water barriers.

Water barriers are artificial obstacles created by flooding or rooting the terrain.

Electrified barriers - special wire or grid boards that are under electrical voltage sufficient for the deadly damage or temporary failure of the living force of the enemy. Sources of electrical energy for the power supply of electrified barriers can be special power stations and devices, stationary power plants and substations, and sometimes rechargeable batteries. Usually used in conjunction with other types of barriers.

Engineering booms are arranged for the purpose of applying to the enemy losses, delays in its promotion, creating favorable conditions for their troops to defeat the enemy with all fire facilities.

The basis of engineering barriers are Minno-explosive barriers (2), which are mounted in the form of mine fields, mines and individual mines. In its intended purpose, they are divided into PP, PT, and mixed. The IWE can be manageable and uncontrollable. They apply in all kinds of hostilities.

MPs are used as a separate type of mine-explosive barriers, and in combination with other types of mine-explosive, unspoken and other obstacles.

Controlled MPs after their installation may be contained in a combat or safe state and are translated from one state to another wire or by radio.

Unmanaged include MPs that, after they are installed in combat condition, cannot be translated into a safe state.

Engineering mines are engineering ammunition designed for the device of mine-explosive barriers in order to defeat the live strength, fighting and transport equipment of the enemy, destruction of roads and various structures. Engineering mines include anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-infrastruent, anti-transport, object, signaling and min traps. Engineering mines are charges of explosives, structurally combined with the means of explosion - with mine explosals.

Anti-tank mines (PTM) are designed to mining the area in order to defeat tanks and other armored equipment. Anti-tank mines are triggered when exposed to tanks, self-propelled installations, armored personnel carriers, other combat or transport vehicles and are out of order. Anti-tank mines are divided into anti-hazing, anti-crucible, anti-border, anti-breaking. Anticipatible mines explode when the caterpillar (wheel) is driving around them and ensure the destruction of caterpillars (wheels). Anti-emit mines explode under the entire projection of the tank or other rolling technology and provide breakdowns of the bottom, the crew damage, the damage to the nodes and the target units or the destruction of the elements of the chassis. Anti-voltage mines explode when tanks and other rolling equipment entering the mining explosion zone and ensure the breakdown of onboard armor, the crew defeat, damage to the nodes and the target units.

TM-62 series miners include: TM-62M, TM-62PZ, TM-62T, TM-62P2, TM-62P, TM-62D, TM-62B. Their main characteristics are given in Table. one.

Depending on the presence of fuses and used tools for mining mining, the TM-62 series can be equipped with fuses of MVCh-62, MRH-62, MVP-62M, MVS-62, MV-62, MVD-62, MVN-80. However, it is recommended to apply:

· ma TM-62M - with fuses of MVCh-62, MVZ-62, MVS-62, MVD-62;

· mines TM-62PZ, TM-62P2 and TM-62T - with fuses of MVP-62, and MVP-62M, providing non-inductive mining and installation by means of mining mechanization;

· mines TM-62P, TM-62D and TM-62B - with fuses of MVP-62M and MVP-62 or MB-62, also providing the non-inductant induction generability.

Installation of mines of the TM-62 series to the unearthly position is made using MS-3 min trap.

The Mines of the TM-62 series are inconceptively equipped with a charge of explosives enclosed in the housing, into a shell or without a case, with a unified point of fuse. When stored, the point is closed by plastic or polyethylene cork.

Neutralization of mines

To neutralize mines with an explosion of MVCh-62, MVZ-62, MVP-62M, MVP-62, MB-62 or MVD-62 necessary:

remove the camouflage layer from mine;

translate an explosion from a combat position to transport;

remove the mine from the installation site, clean it from the soil and inspect for damage to identify;

put serviceable mines in packaging (PMZ-4 container, GMZ barrier).

To translate the MVCh-62 fuse from the combat in the transport position, it is necessary:

remove the rubber cap closing the transferable tap;

insert the key into the socket and turn the translated tap along the clockwise direction to the turnover, three of this button of the starter should climb up (at the time of lifting the button is heard clicking);

rotate the key to its original position (against the time of the clockwise) and remove it from the nest;

wear a rubber cap;

put on the button of the starter, a safety check and lock it with a latch.

To transfer the fuse of the IWZ-62 from the combat in the transport position, it is necessary:

unscrew the plug from the fuse with two keys (at the same time the explosion is put up the shield with the protrusions of the shield between the pins of one key, and the other key (cut-out on the handle) is rotated);

take the fuse in the left hand of the shield down the ratchet of the clockwork axis from himself, and put on the right hand to wear a clockwork key on the ratchet of the plant axis;

rotate the key along the clockwise hour of half the turnover so that the tooth of the turning sector is out of engagement with the protrusion of the rotary bracket;

throw the shock mechanism in the horizontal position and keeping it in a horizontal position, the pointing finger of the right hand sharply turn the latch and bring it to the rotary bracket (when you turn the latch, the start button rises and the click of the starter must be heard, the reinforcement pin will enter the long end in the neckline in the balance, the clockwork will stop, and the short end of the pin will be strengthened into the latch blade);

in case of something about the button, do the same as recommended for the MVCh-62 fuse;

take a clock mechanism, rotating a clockwork key along the clockwise arrow and watching the twist of the sector, with the approach to the tooth of the swivel sector to the protrusion on the pivoting bracket by 1 - 2 mm.

put on the button of the starter, a safety check and lock it with a latch; After checking the presence of rubber gasket on the plug, screw the plug into the housing of the fuse to the failure and pull it out with the key; Muffle the fuse in the mine and tighten the key.

To translate the MVP-62M fuse to the transport position, it is necessary:

put the key to the button and turn it along the clockwise arrow with simultaneous upward up to the position in which the button can be installed on the button;

install the safety check button and lock it with a latch.

To transfer the MVP-62 fuse to the transport position:

unscrew the fuse from the mine using the key (the key is superimposed by pins up cuttings on the protrusions of the lid);

put the fuse with protrusions on the lid on the plywood socket and the key (cut in the handle) twist the plug (in the absence of plywood jack, the fuse is held by the second key);

with the help of safety checks (or any metal plate) inserted into the slot of the protrusion on the engine, move the engine into the transport position and by clicking on the bottom end of the button of the button, put the homething on the finger of the engine;

install the button for the safety check and lock it with the latch;

screw the plug on the fuse and pull it out with the key;

clear fuse and point in mine from the soil;

muffle the fuse in Ma and pull it up with the key.

To translate the MB-62 fuse to the transport position, it is necessary:

unscrew the fuse from mine using the key;

take the explosion with both hands behind the lid with a shock mechanism up to myself and by pressing the big fingers on the engine from ourselves, rotate the impact mechanism in the inclined position (the button should be pressed into the upper position, and the tooth at the end of the button should be in the engine window) ;

it is prohibited when the shock mechanism is rotated to apply the force to the MD-11 cast and protruding the part of the body;

put on a safety check on the jang button and fasten the check with a latch.

PTP from anti-hazing mines of funds (TM-57, TM-62) is set to 3-4 rows with a distance between mines in a row (mining step) 4-5 m, between rows - 30-40 m. PTP from anti-enemy mines are installed with Mining step 10-11 m. The scheme of a typical mine field is presented in Fig. nineteen.

The distance between the rows is taken to be taken to get the depth of MP, which exceeds the length of the charges of demining the enemy and make it difficult to do it by the explosive way.

To make the enemy's action to do the passage in PTPs, Mina can be installed in the unearthly position with the use of built-in elements of the unexplodes (non-commissionability) and the installation of mines and mines of surprises, as well as the installation of anti-personnel mines in the immediate vicinity of anti-tank mines.

Anti-personnel mining (PPM) are intended to mining the area in order to defeat the alive force of the enemy. They are divided into fugasic and fragmentation mines. Fugasy mines affect the lively strength of the effect of explosion and shock wave, fragmentation - fragments. Fugasal mines are contact and explode when exposed to their pressure target sensor. They are striking, as a rule, one person, inflicting the traumatic exposure to the lower limbs of the target. Shard mines are divided into mines of circular and directional defeat. They affect several goals located in the area of \u200b\u200bfragments of fragments. Dragging mines can be used in a controlled version or drive (explode) when the explosion is triggered with a contact tension (broken) or a non-contact seismic target sensor.

Currently, they are in service with fuhaasny PPM: PMN, PMN-2, PMN-4, PFM-1 (1C); Dragging: OZM-72, Pom-2, MON-50, MON-90.

The PPMP from mines of functions (type PMN, PMN-2) is set by rows with a distance between mines in a number of at least 1 m., Between rows -10-15 m and more or strips of a width of 15 - 25 meters. The distance between mines is determined by the exception of the mining of mines from the explosion of neighboring mines.

Table 4.

Main characteristics of min series TM-62









Corps material



capp. the cloth




Mass, kg.







The mass of explosives when equipped, kg: Troyl

6.5 or 10.3

mS or TGA mixture

ammonite a-50

7,6; 11,1

ammonite A-80


5,8 - 7,4

Diameter (length, width), mm


Height, mm: with MVCh-62, MWZ-62

with an explosion of mV-62

with an explosion of MVS-62 (short / length)








Table 5.

The main characteristics of the fuses to Mines of the TM-62 series

Educational and educational purposes:

3. To form a military professional culture of the officer, commander qualities, skills and skills;

4. Form the student theoretical and practical database for solving command-staff issues;

5. To educate perseverance in mastering military knowledge.

6. We assign a sense of professional pride in the selected specialty officer, hatred and respect for a potential enemy.

Time 90 minutes

Calculation of academic time:

Material support:

1. Methodical development.

2. Computer and multimedia equipment audience.

3. Presentation of Microsoft Office PowerPoint on the topic.

4. Notebooks, stationery.

5. Journal of accounting for military training.


but) Basic

1. Combat charter on the preparation and maintenance of the general combat. Part III (BSV) M.: Milivdat, 2004.

2. Engineering battle. M.: Milivdat, 1988.

3. Fortification: Past and modernity. M.: Milivdat, 1987.

b) additionally

1. Dictionary of Military Terms Sost. A.M. Plekhanov. - M.: Milivdat, 1988.

c) regulatory

1. The charter of the internal service of the Russian Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2007 No. 1495, M., 2008.

2. The construction charter of the Russian Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, put into effect by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 11.03.2006 No. 111, M., 2008.


Presentation Microsoft Office PowerPoint on the topic "Purpose, classification of engineering proceedings and their characteristics".

Task for independent training:

1. To study the material according to the indicated literature, refine the lecture aspect.

2. Being ready for a test survey on classes.

3. Prepare answers to the following questions:

Appointment of engineering barriers.

Classification of engineering barriers.

Characteristics of engineering barriers.

Appointment of engineering ammunition.

Classification of engineering ammunition.

Rules for handling explosives.

Methodical guidelines for the preparation and conduct of classes:

Getting started on a lecture, the teacher starts with:

1. Studying qualifying requirements for a graduate on VUS-063300, 445,000 in terms of the study of this topic.

2. Study of the training program for specialists in VUS-063300, 445000, themed plan.

3. Studying the text of the lecture.

4. Selection and study of literature, periodic printing and resource Internet.

5. Modifying the text of the lecture.

6. Collections and preparation of a training and material base for classes.

7. Cutting a lecture plan.

Structurally lecture on the topic of classes consists of three interrelated parts: entry, the main part, conclusion.

The purpose of the accession - Call an interest in the topic studied, establish contact with trainees, send them attention to the subject of the upcoming conversation. Introduction should not exceed 5 minutes.

In joining, it is recommended to register a) name of the topic, b) the distribution of time for its study, c) learning objectives of the lecture (educational purposes are not announced), d) learning issues of lectures and D) recommended literature. Then to substantiate the importance of studying this topic, its relevance, connection with the subsequent topics of the course and the relationship with other subjects of training.

Turning to the presentation basic content Lectures, the teacher must re-formulate the first question of the lecture as the original thesis before the audience, to deliver the problem, the justification of which will be subject to all the logic of its reasoning during the presentation of the material.

Having finished the presentation of the first question, the teacher should conclude on the stated material, to propose to students to ask questions arising during the lecture and briefly answer them. Then, in the same sequence, proceed to the presentation of subsequent issues.

When disclosure learning issues It is necessary to emphasize and allocate the main provisions of the issue (in the text of the lecture these provisions are allocated bold italic ).

During the lesson:

When disclosure first question It is necessary to focus on the appointment, the classification of engineering barriers and their characteristics.

Lighting material secondan educational question It is necessary to focus on the classification of engineering ammunition.

When bringing third An educational question must be configured to study safety requirements when handling explosives.

In order to activate the learned lectures on the topic, it is advisable to pursue an active method using the elements of the visual illustration (applying the showing of slides or visual aids) and the feedback principle, using the pre-prepared issues of the learned topic for these purposes.

During the presentation of the main content of the lecture to clarify the learning issues, it is recommended to use the SMART board with a prepared set of slides, which should be represented:

- new concepts disclosed during the presentation of the material;

- illustrative material.

(A set of slides of Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation is attached to the lecture text).

In order to control the assimilation of the stated material, it is recommended during the lecture to ask 1 - 2 questions for each of the main issues of the lecture.

According to the first basic question:

- Give the definition - engineering barrage.

- Classification of engineering barriers.

According to the second basic question:

What engineering ammunition do you know?

According to the third basic question:

- Precautions when using explosives.

The teacher should evaluate every answer and set the marks. Thus, during the lecture, 20% of the person present should be estimated.

IN conclusion teacher:

- makes brief conclusions on the lecture as a whole;

- assesses the participation of students during the classes and the degree of achievement of the arranged training objectives;

- gives a task learned to independent training, brings information on additional literature on the subject of classes;

- answers questions from lecture on the topic.

The procedure for holding a lecture.

1. Adopt the report on the readiness of the educational platoon to the lesson.

In the introductory part it is necessary to conduct a written survey on the previous occupation. Topic7: "Engineering Providing Combat Actions and Parts".

Control questions:

1. The main tasks of engineering combat operations.

2. Types and assignment of shelters.

Before the transition to the development of lectures, the teacher makes it possible to bring the suspension on the suspension, for 3 minutes, information about events in the world.

2. Opening part:

- declare the topic, goal of classes, the procedure for its conduct, the main educational issues and the time allocated to the presentation;

- Put tasks On the lecture;

- Bring to the studied basic training literature on the topic.

3. Main part:

The statement of key lectures is carried out according to the following scheme:

a) presentation of the first major issue;

b) setting control issues to students on the first question;

c) conclusion on the first question;

d) the answer to the issues that arose during the presentation.

e) transition to the next basic issue of lectures, etc.

At the same time, the teacher monitors classes, for the quality of students' work.

4. Final part.

- make a general conclusion on the topic of lectures;

- Mark positive in the work of students and specify disadvantages;

- remind the date of independent work on this topic;

- Answer students' questions;

- declare estimates;

Give a task for independent work.


Training Military Center

Department of Community and Tactical Training

Text lecture

VUST-063300, 445000


Today's lecture, we continue theoretical course on the study of educational discipline " Total tactics»Theme number 7" Engineering Provision of Combat Actions and Parts»Lecture №16" Appointment, classification of engineering barrage and their characteristics».

Since ancient times, Russian people have created a lot of different kind of barriers with great art. This is evidenced, for example, data on the nature of the defensive system of Kievan Rus. This defensive system consisted of a number of township-fortresses and significant for the length of defensive lines, the so-called "zmium trees". These shafts, being not only barriers, but also strengthened, usually arranged along the rivers or had on the outside. The height of the shaft reached 6-8 m, and width - 16-17 m.

This system has played an important role in the fight against nomads in the X-XI centuries.

Creating defense and skillfully, using the natural properties of the area, the Russian troops at the same time were well used and artificial field fortifications were well used: Plentore, stakes driven into the ground - and knew how to "lay down" to the forest, that is, to arrange a verse.

The intercourse was one of the most common barriers applied by Russians even at the beginning of the XII century.

In the XVI century Night (or so-called dumbfible) consisted of not one of the forest dawn, but was a complex system of fortifications in which forest roasses were alternating with natural obstacles to the terrain (rivers, lakes, swamps, ravines, etc.) and artificial (Frequenokolas, abolments, earthwinds and moons, elevated in flameshedral intervals, i.e., where there is nothing to build in his own sense of the word).

The large application of the barrier was obtained with the organization of Sevastopol Defense 1854-1855. Here in the defense system in front of the main defensive line, various kinds of boom were arranged (Rips, wolf pits, fugasses, sitting).

In combat actions of the Soviet foreign army, created by our troops, found the widest use during the Great Patriotic War.

Already at the very beginning of the war, the Soviet Supreme Commander demanded that the troops were widely practiced the device of the RVs, duties and other barriers, using local materials and funds for this.

Recently, the design of engineering barriers, as well as their applications, received their further more advanced development, is even more providing the defense capability of the Russian Federation.

Classes on this topic will be held, so that you (students) can properly apply their knowledge in practice. And correctly built a scheme for improving their knowledge, skills and skills on this academic discipline.

The purpose of the lecture.

1. Reveal the essence of the engineering support of the modern combination.

2. To familiarize students with the appointment, classification of engineering barriers and their characteristics.

3. To form a student:

Military professional culture of the officer, commander qualities, skills and skills;

Theoretical and practical databases for solving command-staff issues;

4. Rail in students the ability to navigate in a rapid tactical O6 standard.

5. - instill students in search, synthesis and presentation of educational material.

In accordance with these purposes, as well as taking into account the subjects of classes on educational discipline " Total tactics"The lecture addresses the following issues.

The first study question: Appointment, classification of engineering barrage and their characteristics.

The second learning issue: Appointment, classification of engineering ammunition.

Third learning question: Rules for handling explosives.

I turn to the presentation of lecture issues.


Question number 1:Appointment, classification of engineering barrage and their characteristics.

Engineering booms are arranged in order to apply the enemy's loss in a living force and technique, delays of its promotion and maneuver skidding.

Engineering boards are called engineering tools, structures and destruction, established or arranged on the ground with the aim of losing the enemy, detain its promotion, make it difficult to maneuver and thereby promote the destruction of live strength and technology with fire of all kinds and counterattacks of our troops.

Brokes are used in all types of battle, but most widely in defense. In the offensive and in the counter combat, they are used to cover the initial areas and flanks of the upcoming parts, reflecting the opponent's counterattack and consolidate the captured frontiers; In a defensive battle - to cover the support points, the defense regions and the gaps between them, as well as fireproof artillery positions, management points and other important objects. In modern battle, a number of engineering and tactical requirements are presented to the system of barriers.

It should be highly effective according to the degree of defeat of the enemy, reduce the pace of his offensive, impede its actions; be resistant to all types of firing enemy's firing effects and labor-class; be closely linked to the fire system and do not constrain the maneuver of their troops; Set the conditions of terrain, season and climatic conditions.

The barrier system is created in preparation and during the battle. To increase the efficiency of barriers, more than their number are established on the revealing directions of the enemy's actions during the battle.

To the device of obstacles other than engineering units attract the divisions of the delivery of troops; The remote mode of mining is used for their device.









Mechanical, pressure from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Mechan. Pressure

Electricoma. Two-stroke

Mechanical Pitryva

Corps material

metal and plastic.


metal and plastic.


Mass, kg.

Mass of the explorer explorer (tetryl), g

Diameter, mm.

Height, mm.

Type of long-running mechanism



Efforts to burn buttons, kgf

Cocking time

Warning force, kgf

Engineering booms, their appointment and requirements for them. Classification of engineering barriers, minnow blasting. Purpose, classification, general device, installation and disposal procedure. Mine fields and ways to install them. Fixation and documentary design of the installed minefield.
Brokes are designed to delay the advance of the enemy, the difficulty of his maneuver, putting him losses in the lively strength and technology, the creation of the most favorable conditions for his troops to defeat the enemy with all types of weapons. They are installed before the front of the positions occupied by units and parts, on the flanks and in the intervals between them. In addition, engineering booms are covered by control points, positional areas of rocket parts, etc. Important objects.
Engineering booms are applied in all types of battle and are set combined with natural obstacles and fire system.
Engineering barriers are created on the turns and in areas. They must be unexpected for the enemy, resistant to all types of fire impact and do not constrain the maneuver of the troops.
By appointment of the barrier are divided into:
- anti-tank (anti-tank mine fields, mines, individual anti-tank mines, explosive charges, non-explosive barriers);
- anti-personnel (anti-personnel and mixed mine fields, explosive charges, min traps, non-explosive anti-personnel and combined barriers);
- anti-transport (Minno-explosive barriers, installed on railways and automotive, roads, bridges, tunnels, and in other places, as well as dumps, foresters, etc. Non-explosive barriers);
- Anti-coasts and rivers are installed anti-coasts.
Engineering booms are arranged in the first and second degree of readiness.
The first degree of readiness - barriers are given in complete combat readiness: mines are finally equipped and installed, and managed mines and mine fields are shown in a combat condition, the fences of minefields are removed; Unbelievable barriers are fully prepared, passages and transitions through them are closed, destroyed or mined.
The second degree of barriers was prepared for the rapid translation of them in the first degree: mines are finally equipped and installed, but the fences are not removed, managed mines and mine fields are in a safe state, unspoken booms are fully prepared, but the passages and transitions are open through them.
By the nature of actions, engineering booms are divided:
    minno-explosive (MWZ), which form the basis of all engineering barriers and are established in the form of mine fields, groups of mines, individual mines, incl. and nuclear.
    Unspoken booms that are arranged from the ground, concrete, stone, brick, metal, wood, water, snow, etc. Materials. In its intended purpose, they are divided into anti-tank, anti-personnel. The anti-tank unspoken booms include: PT of Rips, Counterskarpa, Escarp, Superb, Barriers, Forest Rabels, Snow shafts, hedgehogs, etc.
PL unspoken barriers are portable and permanent. Portable barriers are used mainly to quickly close the passages, destroyed areas of barriers, as well as in cases where the construction of other barriers is difficult. These include poor wire networks, barriers from barbed and smooth wire, spirals, slingshots and hedgehogs.
Continuous anti-personnel bornesses include:
    wire networks on high and low stoles.
    Wire fences.
    Wire in sketch.
    Silks and loops.
    Sitting in the forest, etc.
The location of the unspoken barriers should not be template. When applying such obstacles, they leave the passages to skip their troops, and for quick closure they prepare the necessary number of mines or portable barriers.
In addition to minno-explosive and unspoken barriers, combined barriers are organized, which are a combination of PT and PP of non-explosive barriers or this combination with the amplification of mine-explosive barriers, as well as alarm means.
When applying such proceedings, measures should be taken that would exclude the defeat of their troops.
Mine fields are anti-tank, anti-personnel and mixed. They are established before the positions of troops, on the flanks and in the intervals on the revealed directions of the opponent's offensive, as well as to cover the areas of the arrangement of troops and objects.
Mine fields are characterized by dimensions on the front and in the depth, the number of rows of mines and the distance between mines and rows, minimum consumption per 1 km. Front and probability of damage to combat technology and Zh.S.
Group Min (individual mines) are installed on the roads of trains, rods, roadside, mountain paths and settlements.
PT mine fields are usually 300-500 m and more, and in a depth of 60-90 m and more . Mines are installed in 3-4 rows with a distance between rows of 20-40 m. And between mines in rows of 4-6 m for PTPs from anti-happily mining mines and 9-12 m. From anti-ming mines. The consumption of mines per 1 km of the back of the mining is: min type TM-62 TM-57, TM-72 - 750-1000 pieces, mines of TMK-2 - 300-400CT. On the special directions of the min.
The likelihood of lesions of tanks, BTR, BMP on minefields from mines of TM-62 type at costs 750-1000 pcs. at I km. It is 0.65-0.75, and from mines of TMK-2 at consumption 300-400 pcs. at I km. - 0.7 - 0.8.
Anti-tank mine fields are installed with mine harnesses, helicopters equipped with a Ming layout complex (BMR-2), as well as using cars equipped with trays, manually.
Trailed and tracked mine barrels (PMZ-4. GMZ) are designed to install anti-tank in soil, snow and to the surface of the soil, snow, as well as to install controlled minefields. The PMZ-4 Barrier is automobile or BTR.
A set of removable BMR-2 equipment to a helicopter is designed to install PT on the surface of the soil or snow, the speed of mining is 15 km / h. BMR - Sets one row of mines in the pitch of the mining 5.5 m ammunition - 110 minutes, the time of calculation of ammunition 3-4 min.
    PMZ-4 in the ammunition has 200 mines of TM-62 type, anti-pm-type anti-personnel type - 1000 pcs. Installation Time Min:
- finally curved PTM - 8-10 minutes;
- unexplorely equipped - 35-40 minutes;
      unconfigurely equipped PPMs - 60-90 min.
Calculation of 6-8 people. (separation).
Manually PT mine fields are set by a system calculation. From the field warehouse, every soldier brings 4 mines.
The unit (platoon, separation) is built on the original line in one rank with intervals between soldiers 8 steps. (The teacher builds students with mines) and is calculated in order of numbers. At the Teacher's Teacher (Student), all rooms make 12-15 steps forward, where they put one mine, making a step to the side. Then, on the command of the commander, 30-40 steps make and odd numbers take a step to the other side and put another mine, etc.
When installing PT mines in the soil in flight conditions, wells are opening up well in accordance with the form and dimensions of mines. If the soil is a herbal character, then the turne cuts into the area of \u200b\u200b60x60 m. And turns away towards the enemy, the hole is opening for minus, the mine is installed in the well and the earth is covered and the earth is covered, then disguised. At the installation site of mines, the land is made or scattered.
It is forbidden to install mines in recesses and potholes, as well as next to stumps and boulders.
PTM Pressure action is installed in the wells so that the mine cover in the solid ground rises above the surface of the soil by 2-3 cm, and in the soft ground is mounted
It is necessary to know that the installation of PTM on the surface of the soil is made in the following cases:
      with frozen or particularly solid soil;
      with the presence of a snow cover with a depth of more than 25 cm;
      when installing from a helicopter;
      when mined directly on combat courses of the upcoming enemy tanks (when there is no time to install mines into the ground).
In all other cases, mines are installed in the ground.
When installing PTM type TM-62, it is necessary:
      Disk (remove) a plug of mines and make sure that the position of the Rubber laying of mines is correct.
      Muffle the fuse in Ma and pull it up with the key.
      Install a mine in the well or surface.
      Remove the safety check from the fuse and pull the start button sharply.
      Disguise mine.
After telling, the teacher shows the installation of mines.
Next, it is impossible to leave the capping from mines and fuses, tools, milestones on the ground flooring places. Commanders of the offices check the quality of the installation of mines and the correctness of their equipment.
The commander of the ruling department during the installation of the mine field denotes the boundary of the mined plot of milestones, which are removed upon subsequent occurrence.
After the release of all soldiers from the minefield and upon presentation of the removal safety check, the division is sent for mines. Next, mining continues in the same manner.
The teacher then tells the procedure for installing the PPMP. Anti-personnel mine fields are of the fundamental mines (PMN, PMN-2, PMD), fragmentation (PZ-2M, OZM-72), as well as their combinations. PP mine fields are usually installed before anti-tank.
In some areas, only PPPs can be installed in separate areas.
The sizes of the PPPM on the front can be from several tens to hundreds of meters, and in a depth of 10-15 or more. The mine fields can consist of 2-4 and more rows of mines with a distance between rows of 5 m, and between mines in a row, for fuhas mines - at least 1 m, for a fragmentary 1-2 solid lesion radius. Consumption min 1 km. Mine fields accept: for fuhas -2-3 thousand, for a fragmentation min 100-300 pcs. The probability of lesion on the indicated mine fields is 0.15-0.25 and 0.3-0.5.
Ming is manually starting with remote row. The fuses are issued to the commander only on the installation places of the min. The mined areas for the installation time are denoted by well visible signs, protection is set in these sites. After the installation of the mineral field, the security is removed.
The fixation of the mine field includes: drawing up for each installed after the form, and on each individual mine - the reporting card.
The form and reporting card consists of an injection scheme of the mine field and the textual part. In some cases, the form scheme is included in the form. The scheme of the mine field is applied:
      Coordinate grid.
      The contour of the minefield with the binding of angular points to landmarks on the ground and the scheme.
      Azimuts and distance from the main reference point to the points link.
      Characteristic nearest local items and elements of terrain.
      The front edge of the enemy defense.
For the binding of minefields, constant benchmarks are selected, located outside the borders of the mine field. The text part indicates the number and types of installed mines.
On the scheme of the mine field, the contours of the mine field are indicated, the number of mines and the distance between the rows and mines, the locations of the passes in the mine field.
Forms and reporting cards of mine fields and individual mines are stored in a part that has installed a minefield.
In addition to the above-mentioned mine fields, managed mine fields can be installed, which are powered by a team on wires or on radio, as well as false mine fields.

Engineering booms of foreign armies their characteristics and device. Means of remote mining and views of the command of foreign armies on their application.

For recent times, attention to ground miners has sharply increased in foreign armids. According to foreign specialists, they have undergone major changes, as a result of which the effectiveness of their actions, the complexity of detection and neutralization has noticeably increased. At the same time, the possibilities of high-speed installation of mine barrage were significantly increased due to the use of bodily artillery, helicopters, aircraft. The tactics of the use of such obstacles has changed. Now they can be set in a few minutes and not only on the battlefield, but also at a considerable distance from it.
In foreign armies, the main type of barriers in all types of hostilities are Minno-explosive barriers. PT and PP mine fields are found. For their installation, various mineral barriers are widely applied.
Recently, remote mining systems have recently received. Below are the main characteristics of the remote mining system.
The main systems of the inventory mining of foreign armies and the characteristics of mine-fields installed by them

Means mining Main characteristics of mining Characteristics of minefields
Applied brands Min. The composition of one b / k Sizes of mine field
Ground: USA
400x2 \u003d 800. 1000x60
FRG PTM AT-2 100x6 \u003d 600. 1500x40.
England PPM 1296 (20x20) X18NAPR.
Helicopter: USA

PTM M56.

80x2 \u003d 160.
Strip (150x320) x20
FRG PTM AT-2 100x2 \u003d 200. Strip 500x50

In the structures of PT mines, there are mainly non-contact fuses with an element of unemployed, non-commissionability and self-destruction, with a wide range of deceleration (from several hours to 4 days). Mines have small dimensions, the mass of charge up to 2 kg. Anti-personnel mines also have elements of self-destruction. The mass of explosive mines 20-50 g, fragmentation to 0.5 kg.

Anti-tank and anti-personnel mines installed by remote mining systems.

Mint fields installed manually are made according to the standard scheme.
PTM, installed by hand and terrestrial mine harnesses have, as a rule, increased explosion resistance with elements of the unacceptability. The charge mass of about 10 kg. For min antifungal and anti-core. Further development received anti-voltage mines.
It must be remembered that minor traps of various modifications are widely used. Installations of the installation of min traps are very diverse and covers. For their detection and neutralization, high observation, caution and diligence are required.
In the US Army, the following mines are used mainly:
M15 anti-tank, antifungal, pressure action, metal, diameter 320mm, height 124 mm, weight of explosives - 10 kg. Mass mortar 13.6 kg.
M19, plastic, pressure action, antifungal, 330x330mm, height 76 mm, weight of rivers 9.5 kg, Mines weight 12.7 kg.
M11 (Germany), amazing, pressure action, antifungal, diameter 300m, height 90 mm, weight of BB 7 kg, Mines weight 7.4 kg.

Characteristics of anti-personnel mines


Dimensions, mm. Mass, kg of mine Corps material Type of explosion Character of defeat
M14 USA 56 40 31 125 Plast. pressure Fugasnaya
M25 USA 29 92 9 90 Plast. pressure Fugasnaya
M16 USA 100 140 450 3500 steel Combinir. splitter
M11 FRG 80 35 110 200 Plast. tension Fugasnaya
M31 FRG 102 126 550 4000 steel tension splitter

PTM foreign armies are neutralized with the use of KR-1 to remove mines. It is necessary to determine the exact location, remove the masking layer of the soil, hook a cat and shy away the mines from the place, install a mine to a safe position for what to turn the fuse block to unscrew the plug and Remove the fuse from the nest.
PPM foreign armies are not recommended. Mines are neutralized by a tank trawl, and the stretch action is a cat from the KR-1.
Having finished the story, the teacher shows the procedure for neutralizing min. Then it says that the installation of minefields in a bright day of day can be determined visually on dropping from airplanes and helicopters of small items or containers.
One of the main directions in the development of conventional weapons in the armies of foreign countries is to improve the means of remote mining. According to the views of the Command of the US Army, modern principles of warfare provide for a significant increase in the use of mineral fields installed by remote means in front of the front edge of defense and to a significant depth of combat order of the enemy's troops. This contributes to the equipment of armies of foreign states with modern means capable of installing mineral fields in a short time directly on the combat order of the enemy's troops.
Mine fields installed by such means have a number of advantages over traditional installation methods.
Remote mining provides suddenness of the installation of a minefield for the enemy, a short time of its installation and the entire depth of combat enemy's troops. The mine fields installed by remote means are especially effective in opponent's columns. As a result of the use of such a field, the delay of the column promotion can be up to 40 minutes.
The main methods of overcoming mine-field fields established by means of remote mining are to be commissioned, and if it is impossible, overcoming with mine trawls.

Ways overcommodation. Ways to do passes in mine fields. Commandant service at the aisles of mineral fields established by means of distance mining. Appointment, general device, installation procedure and disposal of mines of your and foreign armies. Purpose device and characteristics of intelligence and demining tools.

Motorized rifle units overcome the 2nd Personal Statements or bypass.
To overcome the 2nd, the passages of solid and colleys can be arranged.
Solid passages can be arranged with a width of 4-6 m. For tanks, BTR, BMP and the living power of the departments of the first echelon and 8-10 m for the subdivisions of the second echelon. They are marked by pointers and the Commandant service is organized on them.
Before the front edge, the passages can be done by manually by an explosive way, as a rule, one pass to one attacking platoon. Passages in Minno-explosive barriers can be colleys, i.e. Because tanks with colole mine trawls.
The mineral fields installed by remote mining special needs are overcome by the aislers. Passages in such fields can be divided with tanks with colleic mine trawls or explosive way. In addition, with the help of various adaptations manufactured in the troops.
Then the teacher tells and shows the mines of the Russian army, gives them a TTX and a general device.
Engineering mines are charges of BB of BB structurally combined with the means of explosion. They are intended for the MWA device and are divided into PTM, PPM, anti-infrastruent and special.
Depending on the destination of mines, there may be: Fugasny, fragmentation and cumulative. The main elements of engineering mines are the charge of explosives, a mine fuse, housing.
Mine fuse is a special device for initiating a charge explosion into mines. They can be: mechanical, electrical, electromechanical and electronic.
Engineering mines explode from the impact on the object. Depending on the nature of the impact leading to the explosion, mines can be:

      contact (pressure, stretch, loss, discharge)
      non-contact (magnetic, seismic, acoustic, etc.)
      after the specified time.
Anti-tank mines are designed to mining terrain against tanks, BTR, BMP, and other rolling technology. PTM is divided into antihasipers, anti-aircraft, anti-border.
Anticipatory mines are undermined at the race on them the caterpillar of the tank (wheels of the BTR, car) and ensure the destruction of the movement of the technique. These include mines: TM-57, TM-62, TM-72, TM-83.
Anti-emitting mines are undermined at the race on them the caterpillar of the tank (wheel of the BTR) or under the bottom of the tank, BTR, BMP. Mina TMK-2.
Anti-voltage mines affect combat technique aboard. They are a disposable grenade launcher (RPG-18) and a fuse.

TTH main anti-tank mines

indicators TM-62. TM-57 TMK-2
Mine diameter, mm 320 320 307
Mina height, mm 128 110 265
Corps material metal metal metal
Weight of explosives, kg 7-7,5 6,5-7 6-6,7
Trigger force, kg 150-550 200-500 80-120
Breaker brand MVI-62. MWZ-57 Mek-2.
Type of mines anti-haze Anti-corporal

When the caterpillars or the wheels for MA TM-62, the top cover of the fuse is cleaned and served down freeing the safety balls that roll out and free the drummer. The drummer under the influence of the spring goes down and heats the detonator caps, which initiates the charge in charge. An explosion occurs and destroy the caterpillar or the wheel.
Mina TMK-2 is activated from the MVK-2 pin fuse. When the tank is moving, the bottom is deflected inside, the tube is bent, which turns the coils and frees the balls through the cable. The balls of the fuse roll out and free the drummer. The drummer pumps the capsule and flammifies the substitute. 0.3 seconds. A capsule detonator explodes and undermines a tetryl checker, from which an explosion is transmitted to a detonating cord. In the explosion of the main charge, a cumulative jet is formed and pierces the bottom of the tank.
A more complex device has non-contact fuses. Unclear fuses can work in various conditions depending on their design. Some are triggered by passing a tank, BTR, BMP over them illustrate with them, others after passing a certain number of equipment, etc.
Anti-personnel mines are designed to mining terrain against infantry. They are fugasic and fragmentation. Drive: Pressure, Stretch or Discharge Action.
Fugasal mines are designed to defeat one soldier, and the fragmentation can affect several people.
The fragmentation mines of the stretch action, when the explosion is striking the living force, located in the zone of separation of fragments. Shard mines can stop in the managed version. Shard mines are circular voltage or directional. Mines of the directional action during the explosion give fragments in one voltage.
Depending on the combat situation, mines can be installed in the ground or surface of the soil.
PMP Fugasal Action, as a rule, pressure action, is triggered by pressing for a mine. Dragging mines of circular lesions - tensioning. They are triggered when pulling the checks from the fuse through the cable.

Classification of engineering barriers (option).

By the nature of the impact on the enemy, engineering booms are divided into:

1. Unspoken - anti-tank pivops, escarpa, counseling, snow shafts, fores, forest dumps, barriers, and wire, electrified and water barriers

2. Minno-explosive barriers (2), consisting of mineral fields, mines, single mines, as well as fugas and charge charges used for the purpose of destruction. According to the method of actuating, they are divided into managed and uncontrollable.

3. Combined - representing a combination of MWZ and non-explosive barriers.

Objective of engineering oblations:

Ensure high combat efficiency and suddenness of the impact on the enemy;

Allow a quick installation on the terrain and the use of mechanization tools;

Have resistant to the shock wave of a nuclear explosion and means of overcoming barriers;

Do not argue maneuver your troops;

It's hard to find out;

Easy to disguise.

Switchgear №1 : Unspoken barriers.

The unspoken booms in their intended purpose are divided into anti-tank and anti-personnel.

Anti-Tanks include:

Anti-tank piva;



Superbs (wooden, metal, reinforced concrete, stone);

Barriers in the forest of logs and on the shores of ice water bodies;

Broken from metal heroes;

Barricades in settlements;

Snow shafts;

Frames of icing on mountain rods;

Rubbing on rivers and reservoirs;

Flooding of the area;

Forest and stone ruins in settlements.

Anti-personnel boards are portable and permanent.

Portable Wire harnesses are used mainly to quickly close the passes, destroyed areas of barriers, as well as in cases where the construction of other obstacles is difficult. They are usually made in advance and in the finished form are delivered to the installation site (poor wire networks, quickly installed barriers from barbed and smooth wire garlands, spirals, slingshots and hedgehogs).

TO constant Barriers include wires on high and low stakes, wire fences, wire in sketch, sinks and loops, interface in the forest, barbed wire panti, etc.

Non-explosive barriers can be applied independently or in combination with minno explosive barriers. In the latter case, the greatest efficiency of their application is achieved.

To ensure the passing of their troops in non-explosive barriers, passages should be left, and for rapid closures, the required amount of funds (wire spirals, slingshots, hedgehogs, etc.) are envisaged.

Switchgear №2:Mino-explosive barriers.

(Name and text of the learning graduation lecture)

The main characteristics of the MW are:



Consumption min;

The likelihood of defeat enemy.

Under the consumption of mines it is understood as the number of anti-tank mines (PTM), anti-personnel mines (PPM) per mounted or square kilometer of the mine field.

An mineral field is called The area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain on which mines are installed in a given order and for a certain purpose.

The main characteristics of the mine field (MP) are:



FRONT length.

Depth and density depend on the purpose of the mine field, the tactical situation, the characteristics of the locality, the conditions of fixation, review and shelling, as well as on the number of mines, the distance between the rows and the distance between the mines in the ranks.

The minimum distance of the back of the MP from the positions occupied by its troops should exclude the defeat of the personal composition with a shock wave or fragments formed during the explosion of mines. As a rule, it should be at least 50m, and for a fragmentation minus not less than the radius of continuous lesion. PTP density from 550-1000 minutes per 1 km of front. To ensure a good review and shelling of minefields, they must be located no more than 100-150 meters from the positions of our troops.

Mine fields must provide:

The greatest combat efficiency (the maximum probability of damage to the enemy objects).

Sustainability from the impact of the explosion of nuclear and conventional ammunition, charges of mine clearance and adjacent mines are provided by using explosive mines, installation of mines into the ground, dispersed location mines in the ranks and rows of mines in the minefield).

The difficulty of detecting and making the passages by the enemy (is ensured by a thorough disguise; a variety of mining schemes, installation of false mines, min-surprises, etc.)

The possibility of rapid detection and mine clearance of mine-field fields with their troops is ensured by careful fixation of minefields)

MP in its purpose are divided into:





MP of any type can be:



The PTP from anti-haze mines are set as a rule:

In 3-4 rows;

The distance between rows from 10 to 40 m;

Mining step 4-5.5 m;

Depth of MP from 60-100 m or more;

MP density from 550 to 1000 minutes per 1 km.

PPPM from the fugas mines are installed:

In 2 rows or 4 rows;

Distance between rows from 2 to 4 m;

Distance between mines in a number of at least 1 m;

MP density - 2000 min per kilometer.

PPPM from fragmentation min is installed:

In 2 rows;

Distance between rows of 10-20 meters;

Distance between mines in a row of 1-2 radius of continuous lesion;

MP density 100-300 min per kilometer.

Mixed MPs are installed from PT and PP min. PPM are installed with PTM groups up to 2-3 pieces or independent rows. The depth of the mixed mine field should not exceed 120-150 m.

PPMP, covering access to PTP from the enemy side are set from them at a distance of 10-15 m.

False mine fields are installed according to the schemes of combat.

The imitation min is carried out by excerpting cans, metal objects, a device of tubercles, a raising of the turf, tensioning the segments of the wire above the surface of the soil.

Each minefield, depending on the location in combat order, should have a certain degree of combat readiness.

The first degree of readiness - the barriers are presented in full readiness: mines are installed, safety devices are discontinued, designations and fencing MP are missing; Detonators are inserted in the charge charges.

The second degree of readiness - barriers are prepared for rapid introduction in complete readiness (MP are designated, in the necessary cases have passes, EDP-P in charge charges are not inserted)

Anti-tank mine fields are installed:

Mine barrels;

Helicopters equipped with sets for layout mines;

Remote mining;

Using cars equipped with trays;

Manually (crawling or by minecut).

Question number 2:Appointment, classification of engineering ammunition.

(Name and text of the learning issue)

Engineering support is organized and carried out in order to create parts and units of the necessary conditions for timely and hidden nomination, deploying, improving the protection of personnel and military equipment from all modern means of defeat, as well as to apply to the enemy's loss and difficulty of his actions.

To fulfill the purposes of the unit, a staffing equipment, engineering ammunition should be used.

In service with the army of the Russian Federation has various engineering ammunition.

Engineering mines are engineering ammunition designed for the device of mine-explosive barriers in order to defeat the live strength, fighting and transport equipment of the enemy, destruction of roads and various structures. Engineering mines include anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-infrastruent, anti-transport, object, signaling and min traps.

Min - is a charge of an explosive (explosive), structurally combined with an explosion tool (drive device, fuse).

Mines for destination are divided into:

Anti-tank (TM-62, TM-57, TMK-2),

Anti-personnel (PMN, PZZ-2M, OZM-72, MON-50, MQH-90, MON-100, MON-200),

Anti-infrase (PDM-1, PDM-2, Yarm),

Special (Magnetic, Signal, Forte, Mina-Surprises, Mina traps, Objective, etc.)

The main elements of PTM, PPM, PDM are:

BB charge;


Drive device.

Anti-tank mines (PTM) of the Russian Federation.

Anti-personnel mines (PPM) of the Russian army.

Mina signal tensioning. Designed to serve sound and light signal. Mina is installed manually.