How to lose weight if you are an office worker. How to lose weight on sitting work and in the office

It is believed that during weight loss, it is necessary to be on vacation to avoid temptations, protect yourself from unnecessary stresses, allow the body to focus on weight loss.

Nevertheless, thinking about how to lose weight at work, you can get rid of unnecessary fatty deposits, without breaking away from the workflow, which is much more interesting and easier than each time it goes on vacation to return former forms.

An indisputable advantage of weight loss in the workplace is the regularity of certain actions, as well as the ability to enter the most important rules for weight loss in the daily schedule and gradually turn some necessary to lose action in the habit, that is, with time you can lose weight in the workplace without much effort.

The following tricks will make it possible to turn lifestyles into lifestyle, that is, it is forever to cope with overweight:

1. Breakfast, lunch and dinner must be the most important component of the daily schedule

in order for the exchange processes in the body intensively intensively, it is necessary to separate the entire volume of daily diet to divide on 3-4 eating, between which at least 3 hours

2. The snacks should be included in the routine of the day as one of the important tasks on which a certain time should be allocated (at least 5-10 minutes)

fresh fruits are considered useful snacks, as well as handful of nuts.

3. All products for snacks can be captured with them from home, which will exclude the risk of eating something not that or stay hungry until the evening

the food diet the next day should be in advance, which will make it maximally useful for the body.

4. Mandatory in the desktop box must be nuts and dried fruits, which will help to cope with hunger at any time.

singing a small amount of these products, you can easily cope with a sense of hunger, eliminate overeating, which is extremely important for weight loss

5. On the desktop there should be no candy and cookies

the absence of visual stimuli makes it easier to cope with such food temptations

6. You can use colleagues as a companion or support group, for which the question is relevant how to lose weight at work.

lose weight together much more efficiently and more interesting, it is easier to eat right, it is easier to stay from a diet violation

7. The dinner should go only in those cafes and restaurants where dishes are offered for health

restaurants and cafes, positioning themselves as healthy food items, offering dishes balanced by basic food ingredients, which simplifies the choice and eliminates the risk of a diet

8. In the diary and telephone, you can specify the watch of water receiving and scrupulously observe them.

you can cope with overweight only with a sufficient amount of drinking water.

9. The slightest opportunity to stand up and move during the working day should be used.

since hypodynamia is the main enemy of a slim figure, it is necessary to maximize the volume of exercise throughout the working day

10. During the working day, it is necessary to drink 3-4 cups of green tea, known as a stimulator of metabolic processes and a wonderful means against hunger.

11. All eaten during the working day should be recorded and subsequently analyzed to find out how necessary for the body this food was

12. At least 1 time per hour should be made easy charging or just go down and climb the stairs.

Although the answer to the question of how to lose weight at work is quite complicated, gradually turning weight loss in an integral component of the working day, you can not only achieve career growth, but also make your figure perfect.

Almost every office workers have a question how to lose weight with sedentary work. With small physical activity, really extra kilograms are only recruited. But does the concept of "beautiful figure" and "sitting work" are incompatible? We prove the opposite!

To be slim, working in the office or on another work, where the mobility is minimal, you need to stick to three rules: meals, movement and additional funds. Let's try to figure it out in detail.

Food and seating

What do office workers eat? Surely, ordinary high-calorie food, like all people. Lunch break - rather, too far dietary products. Is it usually a circles of coffee with a chocolate or a few pies with potatoes, right? However, to lose weight with sedentary work, you will have to forget about such meals and make a completely different diet.

1. First of all, we will replace pies, buns, chocolate on fruit and vegetable salads. Instead of the cupcake, it is better to eat yogurt, and a cup of coffee can be replaced simply on green tea. We will not once again talk about the benefits of replacing high-calorie food for dietary, because it is so obvious!

2. How do office workers usually eat? Surely, it is a light breakfast, a small dining snack and a tight dinner after a hard working day. At the very least, such a power scheme is most often found. Hence the extra kilograms. Therefore, our advice - fighting fractionally! This means that you have to eat small portions, but often - 5-6 times a day.

3. Drink as many products as possible containing a large amount of fiber. They are satisfied and quench the hunger. You, like an office worker, fiber is simply necessary! More vegetable salads, fruits. For breakfast, try to eat porridge, you can mousley with milk or yogurt.

4. Never overeat! This will help you not only successfully relieve from extra centimeters on the waist, but also get rid of the feeling of gravity in the stomach.

Physical activity and sitting work

How to lose weight effectively when sitting? Undoubtedly, sports will help you. Every day the hour of physical activity, and in a month your figure is super! But, as a rule, coming from work time remains only for the preparation of dinner. What to do with this situation? Our advice will help you!

1. Try as much as possible to move. Failure to elevator - excellent physical activity during the day. If your office is on 3, and then the 5th floor still go along the stairs. Suspension physical Load For a month, if you completely abandon the elevator and always go on foot!

2. Also refuse to transport. Of course, if you live in one end of the city, and you work in another, it's hard to come up here. Although it is quite possible to get up for one stop earlier and overnight 5-10 minutes walk on foot, agrees. Walking - an excellent opportunity to remove extra centimeters on the hips and make legs slender!

3. Execute gymnastics. If you do not have enough time to daily physical exercisesAnd you wonder how to lose weight with sedentary work, try to make a small gymnastics right in the office. It is good even to strain certain muscles of the body. Typically train the muscles of the press. That is, on the expense of three you strain the stomach and return to its original position in 5 seconds. You repeat as much as you can. In the same way, you can train the buttocks, hips, hands.

4. Execute on the simulators. Of course, we do not mean the acquisition of the Orbitrek or the treadmill, although a good option :) Even if you are constantly loaded with work and domestic affairs, try to find 10-15 minutes a day for classes with hulahupe or jumps on the rope. Yes, just 10-15 minutes a day, and after 2 weeks you will see pleasant changes!

How to lose weight when sitting with additional funds?

An excellent way of weight loss can be called a special belt. Lose weight, even sitting in front of the TV! Perhaps this is not such effective methodlike exercise, for example, but the belt helps to remove excess fat, without applying any effort and time!

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the office workers maintain a figure in a tone is very simple, even if there is no time for daily exercise! Strive for the better, and everything will work out!

Work in the office is not at all reason to throw your appearance. On the contrary, you are constantly in sight, so it must be stunning. And even in the conditions of the office, you can not only be added in weight, but also lose weight.

1. Tight breakfast.

It is not known whether you will be able to dine normally and correctly. Therefore, to ensure yourself with the necessary energy, eat tightly in the morning. Moreover, breakfast should not be a circle of coffee with a sandwich, but something more serious. For example, porridge.

2. Choose "Right" fruits for snacks.

Not all fruits are equally useful. For shape. For example, bananas will only spoil the process of weight loss. They contain as many calories that you will not burn them in your sedentary way and for the week. And this will lead to the fact that the mass of the body will grow. Grapes and avocado have the same properties. They stimulate the growth of body weight. But the apples are perfectly suitable (best of all green and not sweet), pears, persimmon, kiwi, mango - perfectly rolled, but at the same time they will not put a pig with extra calories that will be difficult to burn. Metabolism from the "Right" fruit accelerates. Therefore, take them with you to the office. Then you do not have to snack harmful to buns.

3. Water.

For weight faster leave, it needs to be "flush." Drink enough liquid. Liquid in this case is not juice, and not tea with coffee. It means that water: clean, not sweet. You can use gashed.

4. Sleep.

Non-slip does badly affect the figure. Do not go to bed after 10 pm. Try to go to bed on vacation before this time. First, it will positively affect the state of your skin. There will be less masking traces of fatigue on the face, the mood will be much better. Secondly, it is proved that later the departure of KNU adversely affects the work of the adrenal glands. And the liver suffers from this. Hence the less bile is produced, and it is responsible for digesting food (and for a huge number of different functions).

Once the food is worse than digested, the products of its decay in a smaller quantity go into the blood. The body thinks that he has not yet been saturated and again sends a signal about hunger. You begin to eat again. The stomach stretches (it means each time it becomes more and more), the remains of food are increasingly accumulated in the intestine. Slags, toxins, edema appear. Body mass is growing and growing. And, it would seem, just do not fall out. Here it is a logical chain. Start racing and notice how everything changes.

5. Consider calories.

How to lose weight in the office, counting calories? Yes, as well as if they thought their homes. Start your food diary. Record everything you eat and drink a day. Having gathering a lunch to work, consider its caloric content in advance. To help you will come table calorie products. Do not forget to take into account all your snacks.

In addition to counting the eaten, you need to deduct what they spent. And among other things, it is necessary to correctly calculate the required amount of calories for you per day. There is a special formula for this. Do not forget to periodically recalculate it, because when changing weight indicators, the number of required kilocalories changes.

6. Take your dishes for lunch.

After all, in the same cafe calorie salad can be quite high. You do not know what was added to it. You keep a diary of food, and how do you consider how much ate, if you don't know? Therefore, make yourself a salad at home, count its caloric content in advance and eat on health.

7. Holidays after work.

Of course, the day is heavy, I want to sit at the TV. But scientists have proven that such gatherings make only worse than you. While watching the speaker box slows down the metabolism, pulse and breathing increase. You will burn more if you talk to your relatives, sitting reading the book. And even more, if you walk through fresh air. Well, if there is a dog. It will help you bend too much.

8. Office gymnastics.

You can do exercises unnoticed for others.

The simplest exercise is walking. You seem to be visited in the next room, find out how are you, chat. But you already got up and passed. Again, you can walk in the interruption on the office or walk down the street after the snacks.

If no one sees you, then why not make a small workout? Bend, as if you were dropping a pencil (well, with whom it does not happen). You can sit on a chair, squeeze into the distant corner of the table for something, then the other hand will reach out in the opposite corner (right hand into the left half of the table, left - on the right).

If the chair is spinning, then you can remove shoes, put the legs exactly to the floor, and the body is spinning in different directions to disperse the fat on the waist. Feet should remain motionless. You can put your hands behind your head. Well, if you have an insulated corner, no one sees you, then at least once an hour to get up for a couple of minutes. Screw the housing to the left and right, legs on the width of the shoulders. Make the slopes of the case, press. If you need to move from the floor to the floor, then do not use the elevator. The staircase is an excellent free and affordable simulator.


A sedentary lifestyle can lead to a decrease in activity and an increase in body weight. And how to lose weight and maintain the form if the work is low-loving? This is quite possible, if you follow several uncomplicated rules.

Lifeline lifestyle: what does he threaten?

The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle are serious and, above all, apply to health. Due to the decline in activity and long stay in a sitting position, the processes of digestion are violated, which often leads to chronic constipation. Venosal insufficiency can also develop, and it can provoke varicose veins. Another threat is a blood in a small pelvic organs, which can lead to violations in the work of the reproductive system. In addition, people who work in the office may decline immunity, which is fraught with frequent colds.

Another problem, especially relevant for representatives of the beautiful sex - this excess weightwhich is also associated with a seating lifestyle. If you do not move, then incoming calories and fats do not have time to burn and go "to the stock", laying off in problem areas in the form of extra centimeters and kilograms. Also, with a sedentary lifestyle, metabolism slows down, which makes energy consumption even slower and promotes weight gain.

Right ration

Proper nutrition is not only a guarantee of health, but also a guarantee of a slim figure, so it is worth it from the development of a suitable diet, which largely depends on the lifestyle and the level of activity.

When drawing up the menu, follow several basic principles:

  1. As a rule, a sedentary lifestyle leads people whose professions are associated with mental labor. And for the uninterrupted functioning of the brain, you must need glucose that allows you to maintain all mental processes and is used as the main source of energy. And therefore in the menu necessarily need to include carbohydrate products, and in sufficient quantities.
  2. Only "correct" carbohydrates! And these are the so-called slow, which are not absorbed immediately, and gradually, at the expense of which they help to produce energy and do not go "into stock". First of all, such carbohydrates are contained in cereals, so boldly eat muesli, cereal porridge, rye wholegrain bread. In addition, you can allow yourself and nuts, which also give energy and, subject to use in moderate quantities, are not postponed as unnecessary kilograms.
  3. Less fats. Their use should be reduced to a minimum, so refuse fat varieties of meat, bacon, bacon, as well as dairy products with a high percentage of fatty. And yet, exclude these components of food can not be completely, as they take part in the synthesis of some hormones.
  4. We consider calories. To start lose weight, the body should burn more calories than they come with food. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce daily rate Consumption is about 1200-1500 kcal.
  5. Observe the power mode. Do not skip meals, it is harmful to digestion and health. It is best to adhere to fractional nutrition: there is more often (at least four or five times a day), but small portions. Breakfast should be nutritious, but for dinner it is best to eat protein food with vegetables. An excellent second breakfast or afternooner will be fruit or yogurt. The last meal must be carried out no later than 6-7 pm or at least four hours before sleep.
  6. Proper cooking. It is best as methods of thermal processing of products to choose cooking, cooking for a couple, baking or quenching.

Physical activity

How to lose weight if sitting work prevents the weight in the norm? Even if you reduce the daily calorie intake and will be powered correctly, the body weight does not even decrease significantly, since physical activity is required for energy and maintain metabolism. But what to do if the profession is constantly constantly sitting and staying in one pose? You have to change your life, but only for the better!

To maintain and enhance physical activity, follow simple advice:

  • Sign up in the gym. Even busy people will surely find time to train at least twice a week. If it is problematic for you, then select a sports club, working late and not far from your home or office.
  • If possible, refuse personal transport. Even reaching the stop, you will make a short walk and burn the order of 100 calories. And if you leave the vehicle to stop before, then the flow will be even more tangible.
  • Do not use elevators. The stairs approach is an excellent dynamic exercise, involving several muscle groups. And you can even perform it in the office.
  • Use interruptions with benefits. At lunch or other free minutes are not sitting on the chair, but get up and walk, at least by the office or even around the office. In addition, simple movements can be performed: colleagues approve this and probably support you.
  • Slide the exercises that can be performed in a sitting position. So, you can raise and lower your legs, strain the buttocks or muscles of the press.

Lose weight really even with a sitting lifestyle. But for this you need to eat right and move more.

And the calorie treats at work is not possible - keep them in opaque bowls or boxes. So they will not "tease and seduce."

# 2. Move your garbage basket to the distant corner of the room - you will have to get up and walk to throw even a small piece of paper.

# 3. Take the rule to walk to the cooler (best on the other floor) and pour a half-table of water - so you have to get up from the chair more often and maintain such level Hydration. Do so every time you feel "injection" of hunger.

#four. At least on the seventh floor in an office building you can climb without elevator. Ideally do 20 lifts per day.

#five. Never eat before the working monitor!

How to lose weight at work

# 6. Replace coffee on green tea. To start at least once a day.

# 7. Want to eliminate the consequences sitted image life? Instead of a chair several times a week, sit on the phytball.

#eight. From time to time, work standing - make a task faster and burn more calories.

#nine. Add a tea / tablespoon of chia seeds to your lunch - an easy way to instantly make a dish feeder, while safe for the shape.

#10. Start a small mirror on the table and look at it every time the hand will donate to the forbidden diet products. In fact, this is the equivalent phrase "think twice."

How to lose weight at work

#eleven. Stress is a popular cause of overweight (there is a direct connection between the "hormone of fear" with cortisol and fatty deposits). And the phone is one of the largest sources of stress. Make a small noticeable sticker on it (yellow point or something similar) - a reminder that you need to take a deep breath before answering the call. You will not only feel better, but you will sound more confident.

#12. Try a little chewing the chewing to quickly remove the tension.

#13. I dine from 13.00 to 15.00 - lose weight by 25% faster than if you do it later.

#fourteen. 30-second running on the stairs, five times, every four minutes - minus 200 calories.

#fifteen. Orange slice dults appetite and helps calm down. Alternative - the smell of orange / tangerine aromamasla.

#sixteen. Avoid ready-made snacks from the machine - they are the calories, empty and in the shortest term only provoke another wave of hunger.

#eighteen. In the case of a "nervous snack", which often occurs during a period of severe loading, keep a bag with almonds at hand.

#nineteen. The best snack "couples" for office: hummus + celery and apple slices + cheese. With them you feel the full.

#twenty. How to lose weight at work, if you have to constantly sit. Do you need to read important documents or simply got a few minutes for a favorite magazine / site? Do it, slowly walking through the workspace.

How to lose weight with sedentary work

# 21. The bottom of the table is for training clothes and sneakers. What if you finish early and it turns out to jump into the gym? Liquid all the obstacles that interfere with being active, including disadvantage.

# 22. Perfect ass, without breaking away from the chair at an important meeting or during the answer to the mail? Easily! Squeeze the jagged muscles with force and hold the voltage within 10 seconds. Relax for five seconds. And repeat four times.

# 23. Someone from colleagues really need to talk with you and discuss cases with an eye on the eye? Invite it to a small walk.

# 24. The snack remains a snack, not mini-food. Limit it with 200 calories.

# 25. Find a couple of disciplined like-minded people in the office, who will lose weight with you (perhaps a kind of friendly rivalry will become an excellent motivator).