Approximate day of the day when weight loss for owls. Slimming Day Mode - Food Schedule by Clock and Training

Regardless of the task of the diet - the maintenance of the body, the body in the tone, the reduction of excess weight, therapeutic, it is necessary to rebuild the body on the properly built mode.

Value for weight loss

What is it needed for? For result. No diet can help achieve a goal, no matter how much you were limited in the use of a number of products, no matter how much calories calculated if the basic rules of sleep mode, drink, training, diet and food intake are not respected.

At the same time, it is not so difficult to comply with the correct mode of the day - you just need to organize your time.

How to build the right mode

Creating a day schedule should be started with a plan, which should take into account working hours, breaks, time for sports activities, food, walks in the fresh air, relaxation. Do not forget Oh, Hula-Hupe. Do not forget when drawing up the schedule of the day to take into account your biorhythm cycle.

If you, for example, "Owl", then sports will be relevant for you closer in the late afternoon.

Approximate routine of the day (clock put, focusing on your capabilities)

  1. The rise - it is not necessary to raise sharply, you can lying to make a small workout to cheer up a little.
  2. Morning procedures.
  3. Breakfast, necessarily full.
  4. Work - if the distance allows, then it is better to walk, at least part of the way to work. During the working day, do not forget to warm up a little, especially important for office workers. Weekends preferably spend in walks, active rest.
  5. A lightweight breakfast is approximately 10 to 11 hours. Good fruits, berries, juices, yogurts and the like.
  6. Lunch - usually lunchtime from 13 to 14 hours. If the break allows you to take a little walk on the street well.
  7. Afternoon school - about 16 hours. Tea, juice, yogurt, fruit. On the way home, also part of the way or fully walk on foot.
  8. Dinner - optimally at 18 o'clock.
  9. Rest, walk.
  10. Sleep - be sure to 7-8 hours.


Currently, there are many different diets, but they all suggest that food will be taken by small portions, often, and not one or twice a day and before overeating.

Exclude from the diet costs a number of products such as: Sausages, sausages, mayonnaise, alcohol, fast foods, flour and confectionery, sugar, carbonated drinks, reduce salt consumption.

Products that must prevail on the table - Fish is low-fat, fresh, meat of breasts and bird wings (chicken, turkey), necessarily without skin. Veal, beef - meat, cooked for a couple, baked, boiled. The liver, not only possible, but also need, chicken, turkey, beef, pork is not recommended.

Vegetables cooked for a pair, boiled or fresh. Fruits, berries, useful - dried fruits. Porridge, fermented milk products, yogurts, low-fat varieties of cottage cheese and cheese. Instead of bread - loaf, galley. Herbal and.

  1. Breakfast - Tight, must charge energy for the whole day. Good porridge on water or milk, fruit, dried fruits, muesli, cheese, cottage cheese, tea. Choose what is most acceptable and familiar to you;
  2. Lunch - yogurt or fruit, berries;
  3. Dinner - light soup, meat or fish, on a side dish - vegetables, porridge, pasta from solid wheat varieties;
  4. Afternoon person - milk drink or yogurt, fruit, berries, dried fruits;
  5. Dinner - At least two, and better three hours before sleep. Light salads, meat or fish, though, in much smaller than dinner portions.

During breakfast, due to the fact that you are full of work day, and there are many options to spend the extra calories, you can even eat extra, which is strictly not allowed to dinner, especially in dinner.

Take the habit during the meal not to be distracted by other affairs, it is not in a hurry, thoroughly chewing food. It is not necessary, people, immediately get up from the table, give the stomach to learn food.

Drinking mode

With the right drinking mode, you can help the body to cleanse the slags, remove from excess weight, solve some health problems, preserve youth longer, activity.
At first, it should be determined how much water is required to your body. As such a special formula for calculation does not exist.

  1. The need for water per day is 1.2 l - 1.5 liters. Climatic conditions, weather, season should be taken into account.
  2. Food that we eat already contains water. For example, in porridge from 70 to 80% water, fish and meat from 60 to 80%, and about 50% in bread.
  3. Mineral water is faster from the body than the usual one.
  4. In consulting alcohol, smokers, coffee lovers, as well as when used by protein food, the need for water increases.
  5. On hot days, water drinks to the street, and in winter, due to the dried effect of the heating system, drinking the water is cooled.
  6. More fluid is recommended to drink obese, with elevated body temperature, a number of diseases.
  7. To check whether the liquid does not apply your body in the urine color - dark - lack of water, and light straw color is normal. Also when peeling the skin, the appearance of red spots on it, dry hair, you can judge the insufficient water consumption.
  8. The lack of fluid leads to constipation, the accumulation of slags, slows down the exchange processes of the organism. It's time for water intake is minimally one glass, and the subsequent techniques are in small sips and gradually, slowly.
  9. During sporting sports, it should not be very limited in drinking in drink, and after even necessarily - a lot of fluids come out along with the sweat and the body needs to restore the water balance.
  10. Be sure to drink at least a half package - a glass of water for half an hour - an hour before meals.


  1. After training aimed at weight loss, you should not immediately fall on food. You can drink water, but before meals must pass at least an hour.
  2. Not necessarily do only in the morning or only during the day. Optimally train in the morning and in the evening.
  3. You need to train regularly, not missing classes. It follows every day, if it is physical education, wellness exercises. With intense sports workouts, you can replace one - two days to replace the usual charging, make a workout.
  4. Intensity training process It should be raised gradually Muscles, tendons must adapt to the loads.
  5. Exercises need to pick up according to your lifestyle, So office workers will suit sports walking, skis, skates. The same classes are suitable for hypertensive. In hypotension - power exercises, they cause a tide of blood and increase pressure.
  6. For the selection of exercises for training, it is best to consult a doctor's doctor or a fitness coach. Recommendations of professionals will help avoid many problems associated with health, overloads or, on the contrary, load deficiency.

How to teach yourself to follow the regime

There is such a common opinion that new things need to start certainly from Monday, but Monday comes and is a lot of excuses to postpone the other day, and then to postpone the long box. Conclusion: If we decided to put your figure in order, heal the body, then you should not pull with the beginning of change.

After you have made a day of the day, immediately proceed to its execution. Of course, you will have to face a number of difficulties, but from any difficulty there is a way out:

  1. The habit of late to go to bed can be rebuilt. To go to the usual time, but to get up before, for an hour - two, the day is actively spent, and go to bed earlier than that time you are accustomed. A few days later you are drawn and lie down, let's say, at 10 pm and get up at 6 in the morning there will be no difficulties.
  2. First, it is very difficult to get used to what is needed by small portions, but often. To dull the feeling of hunger, you can drink water, tea, juice, eat a couple of nuts or dried fruits.
  3. If you forget about the time, then put alarm clock on your mobile phone, for certain hours. His call will remind you about the need to eat, work in training and so on.
  4. To make it easier to fall asleep, do not drink 1.5 - 2 hours before sleeping liquidAnd minutes 30 minutes before sleep, take a warm bath or shower.
  5. It's hard to get up in the morning, even if you went early? Without climbing a bed, make some exercises with your hands, legs, spend a good time and immediately get up.
  6. Training, too, first will be given hard, should be revealed by the power of will, And after, when the body gets used to a certain load, he will already demand.

  1. Slimming should be as comfortable for the body as comfortable. Therefore, it is necessary to switch to another mode and get used to a new way of life gradually, but at the same time, in no way, without tightening the process.
  2. Be sure to consult a nutritionist, a professional coach or physician of the LFC. Their recommendations will help build the correct weight loss mode.

When dealing with excess weight, absolutely everything is important, especially correctly composed of the routine of the day. If we correctly organize the mode for weight loss, distribute physical exertion, to form food, taking into account the correspondence of the biological cycles of the body, then the result will surely come.

We will analyze all aspects, ranging from the correct awakening, optimal time for charging and meals, ending with the recommended experts of the waste time to sleep.

General rules

Also, it is important to consider your type (lark, owl, pigeon). You can make yourself restructure, but it is hard and practically useless. At the average person, the awakening occurs around 6 in the morning, and the body falls asleep about half of the eleventh in the evening.

Exist general rules By physical exertion:

  1. . No longer intense exercise for 15 minutes before breakfast no one has come up with.
  2. Gym, swimming pool, home training before dinner. All doctors talk about workouts after work, as a better time for sports. If the work allows, then scientifically proven that there is a peak of physical activity between 15 and 17 hours.
  3. Walk after dinner. If you seek experience for scientists, the best interval for this between 19 and 20. Intensive sport is not needed, simple motor activity will be sufficient.

Food and walk

The first rule reads
- We need eating more often, but small portions.

If you appeal to biorhythms, you can understand best time for food:

  1. Breakfast. 7-8 in the morning. Subject to the full awakening and already done charging.
  2. Lunch. From 11 to 12. This is a light snack that allows you to suppress the feeling of hunger before dinner.
  3. Dinner. Time varies with an interval of 13-15 hours. It is important that these 2 hours have passed without intensive loads, biorhythms talk about reducing performance at this time of the day.
  4. Snack. 16-17 hours. The purpose of this event is the same as before lunch.
  5. Dinner. Despite the generally accepted myth that after 18, it is impossible to approach the refrigerator, biorhythms are recommended to dine between 18 and 19 hours. If for any reason the dinner is delayed, then you need to remember about 3 hours without food before sleep.

There is a generally accepted daily diet distribution table:

Meal Time Percentage of daily diet,%
breakfast 7:30 25
first snack 11:00 10
dinner 13:00 35
Second snack 16:30 10
dinner 18:30 20

There are practically no restrictions on the outdoor walks. The easiest way to make yourself walk more is to stop using public transport or at least go out one stop before.

Doctors advise to take place every day from 6 to 8 kilometers (about 10,000 steps). The optimal tempo of the walk is also determined rather simply - to talk during walking is calm, and singing leads to the loss of respiratory rhythm.

Example of the correct routine of the day

Consider the routine of the day of an ordinary person who wants to lose weight:

  1. 6:30 - Lifting and charging.
  2. 7:30 - Breakfast. This is the charge of energy for the whole day, so juices with are welcome.
  3. 11:00 - snack. Easy food, fruit.
  4. 13:00 - Lunch.
  5. 13:30 – 15:00. Relaxation. If the work allows, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of physical labor.
  6. 15:30 – 17:00. Sport training, active work. In general, if possible, you need to load the body physically. This is the most optimal time for this.
  7. 17:00 - Small snack. Fruits are perfect;
  8. 18:00 - dinner. There should not be a lot of calories, otherwise everything will not have time to turn into energy.
  9. 19:00 – 20:00. Walk B. calm Tempe. A good time to go on foot to the supermarket or go out to breathe fresh air, but without sitting on a shop before the entrance.
  10. 22:30 - Fuck.

This approximate routine, everyone can make their own adjustments, the main thing is for a long time to adhere to the composed schedule.

What difficulties may arise

There are several generally accepted excuses that interfere with abide by the routine of the day:

  1. I can not force myself to lie down until midnight. This problem has nothing to do with physiology. Wines all habits: social networks, a lot of coffee before bedtime, intense training shortly before sleep.
  2. Work does not allow you to eat in the afternoon, so you want to eat a calf in the whole. You can always use thermos with a cooked home of food or find a nearby cafe, where to ask dishes without mayonnaise and other enemies of weight loss. The main desire, and the possibility will be found.
  3. While at home, the mouth does not close. The most common issue on the weekend. There are cookies, sandwiches, other yummy. At first, clean the carrot, other vegetables, fruits and chew their whole day. But it should win, otherwise it is pointless to strip out the process of weight loss.
  4. My principles do not allow living on a scheduleI must feel freedom. In extreme cases, doctors recommend to follow sleep and nutrition mode. With the right set of products, this may be sufficient to reset a few kilograms.
  5. Not time for training. It is not necessary to attend the gym, you can make an affordable set of exercises at home or at work. Otherwise, you need to look for an option intensive load, which will have to do. A lot of people began to get to work and back the bike. Very interesting and useful option.

Common mistakes

No one is insured against errors, but some of them can be easily avoided.

Consider the most common problems when complying with the routine of the day:

  1. Sleep. Each person has days when it does not work in any way. The next day passes sluggish, and the day of the day may simply break once and for all. There are several reasons for a bad dream, you can fight with them:
  2. In this case, you need to walk slowly before bedtime, drink a glass of warm milk.
  3. Intense hard work in the evening. It will help the warm bath, lightweight massage.
  4. The necessary amenities are not created. A dark cool room with normal humidity is necessary. If pajamas are used, it should not be cramped.
  5. Food. The main error of all losing weight - cutting the number of food intakes or a strict diet. Neither the first nor the second way will help achieve good results for a long period.
  6. Weekend. If everyday life has been painted, but to be distracted by any time, then the long-awaited weekend brings relaxation. You can not fumble, eat, plunge into the hugs of the sofa for the whole day. Do not succumb to the temptation hard, but you can.
  7. Training to loss of consciousness. Another common progress problem. Physical exercises Must cause fatigue, not a fainting condition. It must be remembered that classes are for every day and a week to restore too much luxury.

Slimming mode

Scientifically proven is the fact that the subordination of the routine of the day the natural biorhythms of man favorably affects the general state of health. And for weight loss - this is one of the main components of success.

What do medical workers talk about this:

  1. Regular awakening of man At one time launches active metabolic processes from the morning, so even breakfast gives a tide, and not a new fat layer.
  2. 8 hour healthy sleep - This is the key to weight loss. There is a lot of examples when the night lifestyle, even in the absence of excessive nutrition, leads to excess weight.
  3. Training at a given period of day They lead to the intensification of the work of tissues and increase efficiency from loads by 20%.
  4. Healthy nutrition In the absence of a diet in a strictly allotted time, leads to a loss of 2-4 kilograms per week.
  5. When observing the routine of the day The likelihood of stress is reduced, which is almost always the main cause of a set of overweight.
  6. Diet. The results of Pavlov's experiments apply to people. Enzymes stand out on a schedule, which leads to a better food digestion.

Competently composed of a day for weight loss is of paramount importance. Every year, because of the wrong lifestyle of people with overweight, more and more. But everyone seeks to have a slim figure and good health. If you teach yourself to the correct regime of the day, you can easily get a beautiful figure, keep health, high activity and good mood.

How to make the right day of the day?

Right mode Day for weight loss is a competently organized time for the main daily events: labor, recreation, sports. The results of compliance with such a routine will be a strong health, a slim figure and excellent well-being.

When drawing up a routine of the day, it is necessary to take into account the law of biological watches of nature and the individual features of each person.

The fact is proven, dividing people, depending on individual biorhythms, for the following types:

  • owls;
  • larks;
  • pigeons.

People belonging to the category of owls show the greatest activity in the evening and night time, late wake up. The larks, on the contrary, get up early and can immediately include in any type of activity. In the evening they require more relaxed classes and early care to sleep. A mixture of biorhythms inherent in the owls and fasteners form a new psycho-pigeon.

The harmonious day of each person should consist of events focused on individual biorhythms, otherwise the body will not cope with late loads. This may lead to serious health violations. At first, the body will oppose to live on schedule. But after a few days, such a way of life will go into the habit.

There are also some universal patterns of nature affecting human vital activity. The correct routine of the day should take them into account. According to the biological clock, for example, the peak of human performance refers to the period between 11:00 and 13:00 and 15:00 and 17:00. From 13:00 to 15:00, the body requires nutrition and short-term recreation.

The main components of each routine of the day should be:

  • fruitful work;
  • healthy nutrition;
  • physical exercise;
  • hobbies and hobbies;

Especially on the processes of weight loss are active influence, sleep and physical exertion. About what is based on them should be told in more detail.

Healthy nutrition - pledge of rapid slimming

An important point of the routine of the day for a systematic get rid of excess weight is timely and proper nutrition.

The main rules should be considered:

  1. Eating fresh and useful food.
  2. The exception of any diets.
  3. Nutrition organization at the same time.
  4. Mandatory inclusion in the schedule of a full breakfast.
  5. Proper distribution of the amount of nutrition throughout the day: more food should be consumed in the first half of the day.
  6. For the human body, it is important to enter proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the main thing is to know what time to use. Complex carbohydrates are well absorbed by the body in the first half of the day, and proteins in the second.
  7. Exception from the diet of smoked, roasted, flour, sweet.
  8. Sufficient consumption of clean and fresh water.
  9. Do not pass.
  10. Not 2-3 hours before sleep.

The reserve of energy and vitality at the beginning of the day for people who decided to start a fight against overweight will serve as a regular breakfast. It must include porridge from solid grain, dried fruits, fruits, juices. You can afford some black chocolate. Bread thinning need to exclude at all or sharply limit its quantity. At lunch, replenish the organism stocks vegetable soup, low-fat meat or fish, fresh vegetables. For the evening, fermented dairy products, chicken or fish. Healthy diet implies proper cooking. To do this, stocking and a brass cabinet should be stocking.

Between the main meals need to arrange small snacks. At this time, there are good vegetables and fruits, nuts. A glass of kefir or other fermented milk product will be useful for the night.

Pasting strictly on schedule useful food, It is possible to achieve high results to reduce body weight in a natural way. A peculiar incentive for weight loss will be the creation of a diary, which will make up a balanced diet in the near future. There will also be indicated all the misses and shortcomings of the past day.

Sleep - an integral part of a healthy lifestyle

Proper nutrition, compliance with the full sleep mode helps to lose weight people with overweight. Sleep allows you to relieve fatigue accumulated over the whole day, restore the energy reserves of the nervous system, to normalize the balance of power.

If there is a healthy sleep in the human body, a hormone leptin is produced, which reduces the need for food. A person can easily adjust its everyday diet, including low-calorie and useful products.

Another situation occurs when a person does not fall out. There is a production in a large amount of Grethin - hormone, which requires compensate for the lack of sleep with high-calorie food.

How to make a useful sleep mode? This will require:

  • get up and go to bed at the same time, even on weekends;
  • establish the necessary individual time stay in a dream;
  • hurt;
  • try to create good sleep quality.

The well-established sleep mode allows a person to quickly fall asleep and easily wake up at certain hours. The alarm clock will not have to control the lift.

Sleep duration in all people are different. On average, it is approximately 8 hours. Everyone chooses that optimal period of sleep, in which he wakes up vigorous, energetic, rested. It is worth noting that the crossing for a person is also fraught with negative consequences.

Sleep quality largely depends on the surrounding atmosphere. The room should be cool, quiet and dark, bed linen - clean and pleasant for the body, the bed is comfortable. Sleep clothing should not shy movements. It is impossible to sink before bedtime. With a large emotional excitation, it should be calmed down before bedtime, breathe fresh air, read, drink a glass of warm milk.

Mode of physical loads for weight loss

Physical exertion should be a mandatory part of the daily regime of the day, especially for those who decide to lose weight. It is impossible to neglect the morning charge that will help wake up, intensify the forces to the coming day, add energy. For morning charging, it will be enough to allocate 15-20 minutes.

We should consider a weekly plan of physical classes and include it in your day. To do this, you can contact a specialist who will help make up individual program Training.

In the morning, cardiography will be appropriate (swimming, walking, running), and in the evening - stretching exercises. Each of those who wanted to reset excess weight chooses physical exhaust. You can visit several days a week pool or gym. Independent workouts may be no less useful than classes in the gym.

IN lately Yoga, Pilates, Tai-Bo. A good result for weight loss will give exercises in the fresh air. Optimal time For sports - 45-60 minutes (3 times a week).

It will be important for weight loss to increase the physical activity and in its daily life: you should walk more on foot, abandon the elevator, try to do at the workplace of Physkultminutki.

Correctly compiled day mode provides an integrated approach to the problem of weight loss. Only he will allow once and forever say goodbye to overweight.

Most people today are wondering why they are so quickly gaining weight and very slowly lose weight. Everything is very simple, such people are incorrectly organized their day. After all, the correct day of the day when weight loss is an essential factor that contributes to effective weight relief.

What should be the day of the day

In order to quickly and qualitatively to lose weight first correctly organize your day, namely:

  • install the power mode;
  • be sure to follow sleep mode;
  • do not forget about the mode physical Loads;
  • observe drinking mode.

So, if you decide to lose weight effectively and seriously reacted to this task, you must remember the main rule - you always need to comply with the power mode. According to the recommendations of nutritional doctors, a person must eat three times a day and do two - three non-voluminous and low-calorie snows. The time intervals between eating use should not be more than three hours. The breakfast follows two hours after lifting from bed, no later. And dinner for three to four hours before disagreeing to sleep. If you teach yourself to eat at the same time, you significantly improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, speed up the metabolic processes in the body. Thus, you can teach the stomach prepare for food intake in advance, which will save you from the feeling of uncontrolled hunger.

The main day of the day is a dense breakfast

Most thin people think that, the smaller the food they will use, the faster they lose weight. Perhaps they will lose weight and faster, only here they can very much harm their body. Even if you sit on a diet, and you dream as quickly as possible to lose weight, never forget, start your day from a dense breakfast. No meal of food during the day does not play such a big role in the process of weight loss, as a good breakfast. After all, when a person sleeps, the process of metabolism slows down, and there is nothing better than to run it with breakfast rich in complex carbohydrates. Surprisingly, the fact that after a dense breakfast fat is burned far faster than after a small snack.

Full Son.

In the mode of a losing weight person, there must be a rule of full sleep. It is at this time that the body restores the whole energy spent per day. Lack of sleep when weakness is not the best assistant with a wrestling of excess weight. After all, when a person feels the need for rest, he begins to compensate for the decline for the forces of food. When a person does not fall out, he constantly feels hunger, cope with whom it is sometimes very difficult. Therefore, try to sleep at least seven - eight hours a day.

Time for exercise

It is known that overweight is reset much more efficiently if a person loads itself with moderate physical exertion. The physical exertion mode must also be properly compiled:

  • if we talk about the morning charging, it is advisable to make it every morning. As for more significant physical exertion, they must be no more than three times a week;
  • the best time for intensive workout morning, since at this time fat is burned much faster than in the evening;
  • do not eat two hours before training and after it, since it is at this time that the body will fill the energy from existing oil reserves;
  • duration Training must be within thirty - sixty minutes.

Compliance with drinking regime

Drinking regime is no less significant in the process of weight loss, a person must drink enough water. In this case, it is not about the consumption of fluid (tea, coffee), namely about water. The daily rate is one and a half - two liters, but if a person suffers from overweight, then its need for water will be a little more. Calculate volume daily norm Water is very easy, just multiply your kilograms for 30 milliliters of water. If this quantity is unusual and great for you, then get used to it gradually, and increase the usual volume every day.

Slimming B. more than It depends not on the intensity of training in the fitness club or gym, and from the menu. Slimming Slimming Schedule should include a specific schedule, where it is indicated in which one or another meal is carried out. Competently selected ratio of BJW, i.e. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates allows you to lose weight, for example, an athlete with an excess weight to achieve the necessary results with the help of body drying.

What is the correct power mode

Before painting your diet on the clock for weight loss and withdraw the optimal formula, it is necessary to find out what is generally meant under the right nutrition. To lose weight, you need to eat vegetables and fruits, not forgetting that the body needs proteins and vitamins. With proper nutrition, food intake must be regular through certain time intervals.

According to studies of physiologists, when taking food at the same time, conventional and reflex connections are beginning to be developed in the human body. Automatically, approximately 30-60 minutes before the meal, in the body begins preparatory workwhich plays an important role in the process of digestion. It will help to lose weight, so in no case forget about it!

Food reception time

Deciding to compile an individual loss sinking schedule, note that the main criterion that determines the time of meals is a feeling of hunger. It is possible to identify it in such a sign: when I thought about unattractive food, saliva begins to stand out - in this case, the food is not a stomach to a greater extent, but the language. A faithful impulse to food is hunger. Otherwise, if you give in to the deceptiveness of appetite, you can easily dial overweight.

Slimming Power Mode

Breakfast is the most important meal, in connection with which he should be rich in proteins. The second breakfast is a light and low-carb bench, during which it is possible to limit the glass or kefir glass. As for lunch, he must be a balanced meal consisting of protein sources (for example, fish, chicken meat) and a small amount of useful carbohydrates. Naturally need carbohydrates in the form of porridge, fruit. And dinner, like lunch, should be a good balance.

Powered by the clock

To lose weight and make your menu full, it is best to use a fractional 5-metering.It includes basic meals and pair of snacks. In general, to determine the multiplicity of food intake, you need to take into account your age, labor activity, routine of the working day and the state of your body. Adult man per day should eat 2.5-3.5 kg of food, but it should not be squeezed to the dump. About overeating testifies drowsiness, shortness of breath and a sense of gravity in the pancreas. Approximate hourly mode proper nutrition Slimming:

  1. First breakfast - 7:00.
  2. Second breakfast - 10:00.
  3. Lunch - 13:00.
  4. Afternoon school - 16:00.
  5. Dinner - 19:00.

Week schedule

The correct dietary mode for weight loss for 7 days should be developed taking into account the biological rhythm of a person, and regardless of whether he is "lark" or "owl". To do this, you can consult with a knowledgeable nutritionist who will help to make an optimal program and calculate the required amount of calories for your healthy nutrition. This will speed up the metabolism, i.e. metabolism. Power supply for weight loss:

  • Breakfast - from 7 to 9 am.
  • Lunch - from 11 to 12 days.
  • Lunch - from 13 to 15 days.
  • Snack - from 16 to 17 days.
  • Dinner - from 18 to 20 pm.

Schedule for a month

If you are looking for a diet schedule for a month, then use the list above, which is quite suitable for the 30-day schedule. At the same time, it is very important to calculate the calorie content of dishes and products - use the special calculator or calorie table. In addition, it is necessary to calculate its own calirage into the Kcal according to the formula: 0.65 (0.655 for women) + weight (kg) x 13.7 (9.6) x growth (cm) x 5 (1.8) + age x 6.8 (4.7). In the presence of physical activity, multiply the resulting number by 1.3.

Slimming time diet

Portions with such diet should be relatively small. The menu should include cereals, cereals, vegetable fats (instead of animals), fish, meat, dairy products and other components that can be easily combined with each other. Slimming software schedule for a clock, which to achieve the result you need to strictly follow:

  • 8:00 - Rice / buckwheat / oatmeal on the water.
  • 10:00 - Apple.
  • 12:00 - low-fat cottage cheese.
  • 14:00 - boiled chicken breast with cabbage.
  • 16:00 - low-fat yogurt.
  • 18:00 - Salad.
  • 20:00 - dried fruits.
  • 22:00 - kefir.

Routine routine woman

Thinking out the diet, keep in mind that fats should be at least 20 percent of daily calorie content, and carbohydrates are about 50 percent. As for proteins, their number is calculated according to the principle: 1.5 g per 1 kg of weight. Slimming is often used protein, which is low-calorie and very nutritious, but it will act only with training. The routine of the day should include:

  • Lifting and hanging. Try to wake up and fall asleep at one time.
  • Take yourself in charge - the physical activity should be about 15 minutes.
  • Do not skip morning meals.
  • Include in your menu 3 basic meals and 2 snacks.
  • Hold the time to other physical training, For example, visiting the gym, pool.