That one to eat on a vegetable diet. Diet on vegetables: like "greens" removes overweight and examples of a menu for vegetable weight loss

The most common advice is thinning so: "Eat more vegetables!". Like, if you replace the "radish-carrot" bread, cakes and other calories, then the waist will become aspen, and well-being will improve. And in many ways it is true. Vegetables are rich in fiber, vitamins and other useful for healthy metabolism and weight loss substances. But you also need to eat these products, because not all the "greens" is so safe for the figure. About what vegetables are promoted by the "plumb", and a mens of a vegetable diet for weight loss for a week - in our material.

To appreciate the benefit of a vegetable diet when the problem of superfluous kilos, it is important to understand the nature of this food group. To vegetables in cooking include edible tubers and plants leaves. With proper nutrition, a healthy person is recommended to eat at least sheltered such vegetation food per day.

Vegetables and weight loss: what are they harm, and which help

There are many ways to cook food from vegetables. You can boil, stew, bake, dry and marine. So, such a diet is able to surprise the variety of its menu and do not have to be hungry. Judge for yourself how rich can be "herbous diet": vegetables are divided into eleven groups.

  1. Tuber. This can include potatoes and Topinambur.
  2. Bulbous. It is garlic and all kinds of onions.
  3. Root. In this group - beets, carrots, radishes, parsley, horseradish.
  4. Salad. These include spinach, salad, sorrel.
  5. Bobovo-Strochkovy. This includes beans, peas, beans.
  6. Cabbage. It's all cabbage varieties.
  7. Polenic. These include tomatoes, pepper, cenchers.
  8. Bahchy. These are cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini.
  9. Spicy. Here is basil, dill.
  10. Dessert. This is, for example, artichoke and asparagus.
  11. Cereals. Representative of this group - corn.

Within the same time diet nutrition Vegetables should be divided into three categories. Some are just safe for your shape. This, for example, tomatoes, eggplants, carrots, zucchini. Others specifically solve the problem of burning extra fat deposits. These include cabbage, cucumbers, beets, peppers and celery. And in the third category of just one, but very dangerous for those prone to the completeness of people vegetable. So, recover from starchy potatoes.

From the diet - to the correct nutrition

During the vegetable dietary marathon, it is not particularly time to spend time at the slab, because recipes in such diets are very simple. In general, it is believed that for losing weight, the best vegetable dish is that cooked from raw ingredients. It is in this form that products have a maximum fat burning effect.

By the way, the winter fresh vegetables can be frozen - it is storage at low temperatures Allows you to maintain the maximum of the beneficial properties of the product.

Natural, thermally unprocessed food rarely happens on the usual table in sufficient quantities. Many easier to quickly eat eggs or a sandwich than washing the "tomatoes-cucumbers" and cut the "green" assortment.

Diet on vegetables will teach you to eat otherwise and tell me how to squeeze out of vegetables maximum benefits for figures and health. For example, you will learn that vegetables need to be cut and prepare immediately before use. It is better to shine bigger, and cook - until semi-prepared and in the peel.

A vegetable program for weight loss not only helps reset "ballast". Such changes in the diet contribute to the formation of the correct food habits. So you can correct your health and painlessly hold the result achieved during the diet.

Why kilograms leave

Why effectively slimming on vegetables? These vegetable products regulate the work of the intestine, contribute to rapid saturation, activate the production of gastric juice.

In this food group, there are practically no representatives with a large content of fats. But the composition of the "greenery" includes complex carbohydrates that are not delayed in the body, but at the same time help to withstand the balance of the menu. For example, with the same protein diet, the vegetables will not harm, as, for example, flour. And on the contrary, they will be saturated with energy, which is so important in the stressful period of the diet.

Benefit - a lot, calories - little

Separate plus - low calorie vegetation food. The table below can familiarize yourself with the data on the energy and food value of the 27 most common vegetable group products. The calculation is made on the basis of the amount of calories and the beneficial components in 100 g edible parts in the fresh form.

Table - calorie and the nutritional value Fresh vegetables

ProductCaloriesProteins, G.Fats, G.Carbohydrates, G.
Onion 41 kcal1,4 0 9,1
Green onion feathers19 kcal1,3 0 3,5
Petrushki root38 kcal2,6 0,5 10,5
Green Parsushki49 kcal3,7 0,4 8
Dill32 kcal2,5 0,5 4,1
Garlic46 kcal6,5 0 5,2
Carrot37 kcal1,3 0 7,2
Eggplant24 kcal1,2 0,1 5,1
Green pea73 kcal5 0,2 12,8
Zucchini23 kcal0,6 0,3 4,9
White cabbage27 kcal1,8 0,1 4,7
Chinese cabbage16 kcal1,2 0,2 2,2
Cauliflower30 kcal2,5 0,3 4,5
Red cabbage27 kcal1,9 0,2 6,7
Potatoes80 kcal2 0,4 16,3
Ground cucumbers14 kcal0,8 0,1 2,6
Bulgarian pepper27 kcal1,3 0 5,3
Radish21 kcal1,2 0,1 3,8
Radish35 kcal1,9 0,2 6,5
Salad17 kcal0,5 0,2 2,3
Beet42 kcal1,5 0,1 9,1
Celery root32 kcal1,3 0,3 6,1
Tomatoes23 kcal1,1 0,2 3,8
Sorrel19 kcal1,5 0 3
Pumpkin25 kcal1 0,1 4,2
Corps corn110 kcal3,7 1,5 23,4
Spinach16 kcal2,6 0,4 3,0

Help on vegetables is easy. You can not even give up other food. The main thing is to teach yourself to combine any delicacy with the "greens" in the ratio of 1: 2 - 1: 4, depending on the fatty and caloric content of the main existence. It is this approach to nutrition that the French nutritionist Claude Godar recommends. He claims: vegetables neutralize calories. And the best of all this task is solved green pods, lettuce leaves, radishes, broccoli and Brussels cabbage.

Vegetable diets options

In the fight against hateful kilo girls, many vegetable techniques have already experienced. Here and the fat burning miracle soup from cabbage, and special vegetable juices, and fermented milk cocktails with "greens". Often there are variations fruit-vegetable dietwhich is praised for the wealth of vitamins and a quick effect.

"Eat" excess weight on strawberries, peaches and zucchini

What menu assumes this method? Most often it is an alternation system of vegetable, fruit and berry days. And also in one day the body will receive support in the form of protein and fats from fermented milk products. Moreover, it can be practically without quantitative restrictions. The main thing is not to exceed healthy daily rate Calorie - 1500 kcal.

It is not necessary to eat raw products only. It is allowed to make casseroles, salads, smoothies, juices. You need to drink a lot. But the diet will be without salt, sugar and oil. The table below recognizes the approximate menu for a week, which will help you adjust the weight on vegetables and fruits.

Table - Weekly menu for slimming on fruits and vegetables

Day dietWhat today you can eat
TuesdayApples, pears, grapefruits, oranges, plums, kiwi, pineapples, peaches, grenades and other unsweetened products in this category
ThursdayKefir liter, the fat content of 2.5%; 100 g of low-fat curd
FridayCabbage dishes, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes and other vegetable products that contribute to weight loss
SaturdayBerries of cherries, strawberries, currants, raspberries, cranberries, etc.
SundayFreesha from allowed vegetables and fruits in any combinations

For a week, when complying with all listed recommendations, there may be about five kilos. But this method of weight correction is suitable only for people with very strong health. The nutrition is extremely unbalanced, although the menu and saturated vitamins, minerals. Such a diet should not be practiced more often than once a year. It is better to use as an opening option in the warm season.

Popular express techniques

How many nutritionists do not speak about the dangers of rapid weight loss, people still continue to practice such ways. When there is a chance to achieve a quick and significant "plumbing", all warnings about the imminent return of lost Kilo, shuffles on immunity and digestive organs are ignored. So, if you believe the reviews of lost weight, it is necessary to especially allocate the following varieties of a vegetable diet related to express methods.

  • Milk-vegetable diet. It is designed for a week, after which you can see the "plumb" to four kilos. It is assumed that the daily diet will look like this: one and a half kilograms contributing to the slimming of vegetables, two crusts of black bread and a liter of fermented products at your discretion. Kefirs, milk, yogurts and other milk should be chosen with a slight percentage of fatty. If the weighting is weak, it is allowed to add to breakfast portion boiled on the water of oatmeal. Under the ban - salt, sugar, alcohol, seasonings, oil. Clean water without gas is recommended to use about two liters daily. You need to eat often, but small portions.
  • Fish-vegetable diet. It lasts 14 days for which you can say goodbye to six unnecessary kilos. This system provides for a mandatory daily limit of calorie consumed to 1500. All first week is allowed to eat exclusively by fish. It is necessary to buy low-fat varieties like heck and pollock. It can be chewed, cook, bake, but not pick. The next week is considered smooth out of a rigid protein diet. And the first assistants here are vegetables. And you can even boiled potatoes. Following vegetables, bread, milk, cereals, fruits, cheese and red meat are added to the menu. Under the ban - salt, sugar, alcohol, seasonings, oil. Clean water without gas is recommended to use about two liters daily. You need to eat often, but small portions.
  • Kefiro-vegetable diet. Week of such a diet allows you to lose about three kilos. Mandatory condition - per day you need to drink up to one and a half liters of kefir, the fat content is one and a half percent. In addition, you can use any low-calorie vegetables to your taste. They are recommended to bake, cook or eat raw. Cooking oil is not used, and in salads is replaced with lemon juice. Like the previous power schemes, salt, sugar, alcohol, seasonings are prohibited. Clean water without gas is worth using about two liters daily. You need to eat often, but small portions.
  • Curd and vegetable diet. She continues no more than ten days. This time is enough to leave five kilos. She is well suited for summer. Your menu will be like this: salads made of fresh vegetables, no more than 200 g of cottage cheese of five percent fat and low-calorie fruits. The number of plant food is not limited. The main thing is to eat small portions and comply with the rule: "not after six". You can combine the "greens" and cottage cheese. Also a day you can add food with a teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of vegetable oil. Salt, sugar, alcohol, seasonings are prohibited. Clean water without gas is worth using about two liters daily.
  • Gincheno-vegetable diet. In a week, you can achieve a "plumb" to seven kilos depending on your source data. Power is: Pasty buckwheat and low-calorie vegetables. The cereal for such a diet is usually poured with boiling water in a 1: 2 ratio and leave to "prepare" overnight, wrapped in a thick towel. During the day you can have buckwheat with selected vegetables, as well as to use several apples, two teaspoons of honey and drink a glass of one-thorough kefir. Fit fractionally. After 18:00 - the refrigerator "closes". Salt, sugar, alcohol, seasoning, oil are prohibited. Clean water without gas is worth using about two liters daily.
  • Meat-vegetable diet. On this menu you can dump to Kilo per day. Much depends on the starting weight. It is said that a similar vegetable diet for weight loss can bring even minus 10 kg per week-avenol. But it must be borne in mind that such an impressive "plumbing" will occur mainly due to the removal of fluid and fecal masses, so such a diet should not withstand more than three to five days. Every day you can have any vegetables, except potatoes. Total - kilogram. And also sheltered low-fat meat or fish. Choose gentle ways to cook food, drink plenty of liquid. Salt, sugar, alcohol, seasoning, oil are prohibited. It is better to eat fractionally and not have a minimum four hours before the deposit to sleep.

Splashing method of weight correction on fiber and proteins

If you focus on the results of thin, then the most secure, fast and effective diet on vegetables is just the one where there are protein food. But you should not sit on the rigid express options described above. Literate will choose the maximum nutritious protein-vegetable diet.

For example, the following weight correction scheme in separate variations is recommended even pregnant. Of course, under the supervision of the doctor.

How does it work? You are allowed without restrictions there is a specific set of products. Prepare any meat, any fish, vegetables, fruits, eat all the milk, seeds, nuts and mushrooms. Moreover, you can eat soups, and broths, as well as combine products.

You smoothly remove harmful cakes, breads, pasta, potatoes from the diet. And delicately reduce the number of calories consumed, without loading the body with restrictions in food volumes. At the same time, animal fats you continue to receive from dairy products, and vegetable - from nuts and seeds. Carbohydrates will come with vegetables and fruits.

Belkovo-vegetable menu for 7 days

Such unloading can be arranged once a month. Duration - from four days to two weeks. Below is a possible option of the weekly weight of the protein-vegetable weight correction system for every day.


  • First breakfast. Cottage cheese.
  • Second breakfast. Nuts. Kefir.
  • Lunch. Vegetable soup. Boiled chicken breast. Cabbage salad.
  • Reinforcement. Apple. Kefir.
  • Dinner . Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage. Fish casserole with eggplants.


  • First breakfast. Yogurt.
  • Second breakfast. Carrot apple salad.
  • Lunch. Beef Goulash. Broth with greens. Casserole from zucchini, tomatoes, mushrooms and onions.
  • Reinforcement. Kefir. Seeds.
  • Dinner . Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and cottage cheese. Vegetable stew.


  • First breakfast. Oladia from zucchini. Chicken breast.
  • Second breakfast. Yogurt.
  • Lunch. Baked with mushrooms, cheese and bow fish. Salad of cabbage and cucumbers. Ear.
  • Reinforcement. Curd paste with dill, garlic and parsley.
  • Dinner . Chicken breast. Salad of radish and cucumbers. Baked apples with cottage cheese.


  • First breakfast. Cheese with nuts.
  • Second breakfast. Kefir. Seeds.
  • Lunch. Curd casserole with apples. Tomato soup. Fish cutlets.
  • Reinforcement. Deuruna from cabbage.
  • Dinner . Fish and vegetable casserole. Salad of apple and carrots. Yogurt.


  • First breakfast. Cottage cheese with nuts and kefir.
  • Second breakfast. Seeds. Apple.
  • Lunch. Mushroom soup. Stewed with broccoli beef. Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and celery.
  • Reinforcement. Yogurt.
  • Dinner . Salad of boiled chicken breast, stew mushrooms and tomatoes. Orange. Kefir.


  • First breakfast. Yogurt with apples and plums.
  • Second breakfast. Nuts. Tomato juice.
  • Lunch. Borscht. Fish cutlets. Salad of cabbage and cucumbers.
  • Reinforcement. Kefir.
  • Dinner . Pepper stuffed with chicken minced meat and carrots with onions. Apple.


  • First breakfast. Boiled fish salad, Bulgarian pepper and tomatoes.
  • Second breakfast. Baked with pear nuts.
  • Lunch. Soup with meatballs. Okadya from eggplant with tomatoes and garlic. Carrot apple salad.
  • Reinforcement. Kefir.
  • Dinner . Tomatoes stuffed with curd paste with dill, parsley and garlic. Salad of cucumbers and radish.

All dishes in the menu for a week of a vegetable diet in this case should be prepared without salt, sugar, butter. In Salads, let's allow lemon juice. There is permitted until 19:00. And it is worth adjusting calorieness - no more than 1,200 kcal per day. Water balance to be monitored and drinking a lot of fluid: water without gas, tea. You can and coffee. It should also be constantly walking in the fresh air and whenever possible to do an elementary charge.

Vegetables are recommended as part of most overweight programs. Before the rest of the products, they have a number of advantages: it is easy and quickly digested, do not contain sugar, most of them are low-calories, have a whole set of vitamins, trace elements and other utilities for the body.

It seems that they cannot have flaws. However, a vegetable diet for weight loss is not always wrapped in good. To prevent negative consequences, you need to know its features.

How does the weight decrease?

Regular, long-term consumption of vegetables triggers in the body weight loss-based processes:

  • Fiber promotes rapid saturation;
  • complex carbohydrates are absorbed slowly, so that in the interruptions between foods, hungry should not torment;
  • the low energy value of products allows not to exceed the daily calorie rate;
  • with minimal calorie content of the ration, the body has to spend energy, burning its own fat deposits;
  • improved digestion;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • the body in sufficient quantities receives vitamins, microelements, amino acids, which allows it to work correctly.

But all this is true only in the case of competent selection of vegetables.

Calorie vegetables

One of the most important points in preparation for such weight loss is to understand what a vegetable diet consists of. Here you need to understand that it can be:

  • strict - include only vegetables (for 3-5 days);
  • vegetable - fruits, nuts, mushrooms, cereals (for any time);
  • protein - dairy products;
  • balanced - dietary meat (chicken).

Even the most strict diet offers a very diverse menu, as the nature is given a chic selection of vegetables. Consider calories - and make a diet using the following table.

Nutritionists advise to abandon corn, chickpea, chuber and mayoran are champions among vegetables in terms of calorie. Lentil cannot be completely excluded, as it fills the stocks of iron. Potatoes, pumpkins and peas in the diet should also be less, as they have a lot of starch, which slows down the digestion process and provokes the deposition of fats.


Many ask a well-founded question than a dangerous vegetable diet, especially a long-term action. No contraindications from her, so what can it harm the body?

  • Using for a long time only raw vegetables, you can bring down the work of the stomach - it is fraught with diarrhea, bloating, flatulence;
  • vegetable fiber leads to gastrointestinal disorders;
  • in starchy vegetables, many sugar and carbohydrates, which can lead to reverse results - a set of extra kilograms;
  • low caloric content can lead to a decrease in performance, since the body will not have enough energy;
  • in vegetable products, there are few proteins, iron and vitamin B12 - with a long diet without meat and the milk, the deficiency of these substances will adversely affect health.

To circumvent these cornerstones, it is necessary to make a very thoughtful to make the menu and stick to its basic principles.

Proper compliance with a vegetable diet - a guarantee of effective weight loss while preserved health. Adhere to the recommendations of nutritionists to achieve the desired result.

  1. It is best to arrange such a slimming in winter to provide the body with nutrients, the deficit of which is usually detected during the cold season.
  2. Use vegetables with raw, stew, boiled, baked and steamed - frying is prohibited.
  3. It is impossible to eat greasy varieties of meat and fish, oil, alcohol, sweets, flour products, fast foods and carbonated drinks. Cereals - in limited quantity.
  4. Keep in mind that for weight loss on 10 kilograms will have not only accurately observe the diet, suffering the flour of hunger, but also actively spend calories, engaged in sports (see complexes of exercises for weight loss and).
  5. To neutralize the negative effect of fiber (it leads to a stomach disorder), drink plenty of water (one and a half or two liters per day).

If at any stage you felt bad, consult a doctor - most likely, this type of food does not suit your body and this weight loss program will have to be collapsed.

The effect of plateau

Often there is a plateau effect when sitting on a vegetable diet, cease to lose weight. Why is this happening? This can happen in any program of anti-kilograms. Causes can be different:

  • consumption and calorie consumption were equal;
  • diet does not fit you;
  • health problems;
  • selected too long time;
  • the body needs more water.


The exit from a vegetable diet should be very neat, so as not to bring down the work of the stomach and not return all the lost kg in 2 days. Its scheme may be as follows:

  1. First day: add dietary meat and vegetable oils.
  2. 2-3 days: We increase portions for breakfast and dinner, we turn into the ration beef.
  3. 4-5: Some fried and marinated dishes are allowed, red wine.
  4. 6-7: Pork, mutton, sub-products, canned food appear on the table.

You can repeat the diet in a couple of months.

Exemplary menus

Over the landmark you can take any menu of a vegetable diet of different duration. It will help you to get acquainted with the approximate diet and understand whether you will stand up.

For 3 days

If there is plenty of will, but with the time things are much worse (it is urgent to lose weight after the holidays or to some kind of event), a strict diet for 3 days will become the best option. Its features: minimum portions (no more than 150 g at a time), fractional food, abundant drinking and eating only products from a permitted list. The snacks are excluded.

This is the fastest vegetable diet, not counting unloading Days. It is very effective, as it allows for such a short time to reset at once 3-4 kg.

Alternatively, you can consider, it will also help to lose weight in 3 days.

For a week

The most popular of all is a vegetable diet for a week. It is not as strict as the previous one, allows the use of fruits, dairy products and even dietary meat to replenish protein and vitamin B12, and most importantly - contributes to effective weight loss (minus 10 kg in 7 days).

IN sample menu For a week, it is allowed to make their own adjustments: it can be done more stricter, removing meat from the diet; Replace products on those that you like to taste. The main thing is that weight loss is comfortable.

Lose weight in a week will also help diet.

For a month

Must include more animal products. They will cover the shortage of those nutrients, which is inevitable after the long use of only vegetable food.

Considering the gentle scheme of such weight loss, it is not necessary to count on the breathtaking results: they can reach 10-12 kg. For the organization of the douse you can use the menu weekly diet, repeating it and adjusting a bit.

Alternative to the proposed diet per month can be.

Dietary dishes

To diversify the menu, the recipes of vegetable dishes, whose low calorieness and decent taste allow you to lose weight easily and pleasant.

Diet Cabbage Salad with Topinamburg


  • 160 GG of sauerkraut;
  • 160 grams of fresh corn;
  • green onion;
  • parsley (greens);
  • 100 gr dike;
  • apple;
  • 230 Gy of Topinambur;
  • lemon juice for refueling;
  • 30 grams of pomegranate grain.


  1. Round root, clean.
  2. Skip through Curler Daikon, Topinambur and Apple (without core, but with peel).
  3. Skim cabbage sprinkle with lemon juice and squeeze hands.
  4. Onions and parsley chop.
  5. Mix everything sprinkled with lemon juice.

More about the benefits of sauerkraut, read in a separate one.

Diet soup from sorrel and tops of coarse


  • 300 g sorrel;
  • 300 grams of beetopic tops;
  • green onion;
  • dill;
  • sour cream skilled;
  • one and a half liters of water.


  1. To rinse the whole cooked greens.
  2. Grind the tops and sorrel with a knife.
  3. Pour boiling water.
  4. Cook 15 min.
  5. Before serving, spray with chopped dill and green onions, fill the sour cream.

Dietary Omelet with Vegetables


  • 3 eggs;
  • 20 ml of low fat milk;
  • carrot;
  • a tomato;
  • bulb;
  • dill;
  • a bit of vegetable oil.


  1. Wash vegetables.
  2. Carrot skip through a grater.
  3. Tomato cut into circles or slices.
  4. Lukovitsa - with small rings.
  5. Put vegetables on the baking sheet, lubricated with vegetable oil.
  6. Eggs beat, pour into them a thin jet, stirring, milk.
  7. Pour the milky-egg mixture of vegetables on the contrary.
  8. Bake in a preheated oven 5-7 minutes.
  9. Before serving, spray with chopped dill.

Vegetable diets allow a closer to get acquainted with the lifestyle and nutrition principles of vegetarians. They help not only to lose weight effectively, but also to improve health. Budget, product availability, diverse and balanced diet with amazingly delicious dishes, no contraindications - all these advantages should be experienced on their own experience.

The diet on vegetables is one of the most popular and effective. Its effectiveness (5-6 kilograms per week) is caused by fiber, as it is contained in large quantities in vegetables and dishes from them.

The fiber is not cleaving the body. However, in the process of promotion by intestines, it absorbs various toxins, slags, as well as accelerates the suction of nutrients into the blood. Thanks to these properties, the fiber is the best helper in the purification of the body. In addition, regular use of vegetables and fruits does not allow fat to be used in the gastrointestinal tract completely, but only partially.

Vegetables, fruits and dishes from them - what you need to reset unnecessary kilograms and raise the body's tone! One of the advantages of the diet on vegetables is the lack of need to make food for a long time, as a vegetable diet is characterized by its simplicity and efficiency.

Vegetable diet. Simple rules.

In order for the diet to air with the maximum benefit and the optimal effect you will need to adhere to several uncomplicated rules:

  • The diet of your nutrition during any of the vegetable diets should be diverse daily. In various varieties and types of vegetables and fruits, components and the number of substances beneficial to the body are different from each other. Their use in the complex will give the best result. Try, as far as possible, alternate and diversify them.
  • For the entire period of the Diet menu, give up the use of flour. Bread and other flour products should be eaten only in the dry form, for this, a toaster is like a toaster or a brave cabinet.
  • It is advisable to minimize the presence of salt in dishes, raw vegetables are improving. Since its presence negatively affects the removal of slags and slows down the absorption of vitamins, irritates the intestinal mucosa, prevents the absorption of toxins into the tissue. If you can't do without salt, it can sometimes be replaced soy sauce, and when cooking salads and soups add a little pickled sea cabbage or mushrooms.
  • Menu diet on low-calorie vegetables, so adhere to the hard following menu is not recommended longer than a two-week period. After the specified amount of time, for long-term consolidation of the results achieved, it will be necessary to eat on the day (except for the usual food) of about 1.5 kg. Vegetables and fruits and drink about 2 liters. water.
  • It is necessary to refrain from the use of carbonated drinks, both sweet, such as lemonade and ordinary water (should be drinking non-carbonated mineral water). Gas, which is contained in drinks, adversely affects the work of the pancreas, forcing it to work in overload mode. This does not contribute to the normal absorption of food and the nutrients contained in it. Also, soda negates the effort to reset the extra calories, it only helps the body to increase the amount of adipose tissue.
  • It should be completely excluded from your daily diet (at least for the period of diet) alcoholic beverages. The negative influence of alcohol is known for a long time. And its negative impact on the body is not indisputable. During the actively fighting kilograms, it is necessary to refuse it.

Specifically for you we picked up a few most best diets. They will not allow feeling a feeling of hunger, raise a tone, help get rid of extra kilograms, enrich the body with minerals, essential antioxidants and vegetable fiber. In addition, the intestinal microflora is normalized and stabilize his work.

Vegetable diet - examples of menu for a week

Option first

A diet on a vegetable supe helps to normalize the process of digestion. The composition of all soups at your discretion and taste preferences, mandatory conditions for cooking - the absence of meat and any roasted. In combination with fresh vegetables and fermented milk products, this diet gives amazing results. We offer you the following menu:

Breakfast: boiled chicken egg (1 pc.), Green (dill, parsley, spinach) (75 gr.), Tomato (1 pc.), Coffee (with milk or cream, without sugar)
Dinner: vegetable soup (in any quantities), slice of rye bread (dried in toaster), vegetable salad with lemon juice (tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach) (100 gr.)

Dinner: Cauliflower (fry on vegetable oil) (300 gr.), Degreased kefir (1 Art.)


Lunch: vegetable soup (in any quantities), veal for a couple (100 gr.), Cabbage with lemon juice (100 gr.),

Breakfast: Salty cottage cheese (100 gr), greens (dill, parsley, spinach) (75 gr.), Tomato (1 pc.), Coffee (with milk or cream, without sugar)

Afternoon school: cabbage with vegetable oil (100 gr.), Celery juice (1 Art.)
Dinner: fried eggplant and zucchini vegetable oil (no more than 350 gr.), Vegetable soup (in any quantities)

Breakfast: corn and oat flakes (200 gr.), Called carrots with lemon juice (100 gr.), Yoghurt low-fat (75 gr.),
Lunch: a slice of rye bread (dried in toaster), greens (dill, parsley, spinach, celery) (75 gr.), Boiled chicken egg (1 pc.)
Afternoon person: skiming yogurt (75 gr.), Sweet Bulgarian pepper (2 pcs.)
Dinner: vegetable soup (in any quantities), vegetable salad with vegetable oil (tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach) (100 gr.)

Breakfast: boiled chicken egg (1 pc.), Vegetable salad with lemon juice (tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach) (100 gr.)
Lunch: Vinaigrette of vegetables for a couple (200 gr.), Fish for a pair (100 gr.), green tea (sugarless)
Summer: Fruit Salad (Green Apple, Banana)
Dinner: cauliflower (fry on vegetable oil) (300 gr.), Skilled kefir (1 Art.), Vegetable soup (in any quantities)

Breakfast: Salty cottage cheese (100 gr.), Green (dill, parsley, spinach) (75 gr.), Coffee (with milk or cream, without sugar)
Lunch: Veal for a pair (100 gr.), Called carrots with vegetable oil (100 gr.)
Half date: Vegetable salad with lemon juice (tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach) (100 gr.)
Dinner: vegetable soup (in any quantities), fruit salad (green apple, banana)

Breakfast: Salty cottage cheese (100 gr.), Green (dill, parsley, spinach) (75 gr.), Green tea (without sugar)
Lunch: Vegetable soup (in any quantities), veal for a couple (100 gr.), Cabbage with lemon juice (100 gr.)
Half date: Vegetable salad with lemon juice (tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach) (100 gr.)
Dinner: Degreased kefir (1 Art.), Fruit Salad (green apple, banana)

Option second vegetable diet

This diet provides daily use of apples (desired grade - green) and spinach. Apples are known for their large content of iron, vitamins and antioxidants. The spinach is well removed slags and prevents increased gas formation.
Adhere to the diet for 10 days, but not more than 2 weeks! Ingredients of this vegetable and fruit diet you will use throughout each day in the specified order, be sure to follow the proportions of the menu below.

Breakfast: Green (dill, parsley, spinach) (100 gr.), Apple (3 pcs.), Degreased kefir (1 Art.)
Kefir can be alternating with degreased yoghurt and cottage cheese.

Lunch: Sudak for a couple (200 gr.), Spinach (75 - 100 gr.), Apple (2 pcs.), Fruit juice without sugar (1 tbsp.)
Permissions for pike perch on any other (low-fat) varieties of fish, as well as on chicken fillet or veal cooked for a couple.

Summer: Fruit Salad (Green Apple, Banana)

Dinner: vegetable stew on vegetable oil (zucchini, eggplants, greens, bell pepper), apple (3 pcs.)
If in the evening you will feel hunger, you can eat a few more apples and greenery.

Option Third

The main ingredient of this diet - cabbage. It has a unique content of nutrients affecting the production of hormone - leptin. This hormone is responsible for appetite and the deposition of adipose tissue in our body. With daily use of cabbage, leptin, less actively signals the brain of hunger and activates the consumption of the missing amount of nutrients from fatty sediments. The term of the power regimen from 3 to 15 days. The ingredients below must be consumed every day during the specified amount of time. Menu Vegetable diet with cabbage will solve your problems with the figure and set up the intestinal work.

Breakfast: Cabbage stew with vegetable oil (100 gr.), Omelet for a couple (150 gr.), Green tea (unsweetened)
If you wish, you can replace an omelet on boiled chicken eggs (1 pc.) Or low fat curd

Second breakfast: cabbage with olive oil (150 gr.). You can change the refueling depending on your preferences. It is allowed to use vegetable oil and lemon juice

Lunch: chicken fillet for a couple (200 gr.), Salad with lemon juice (cabbage, green apple), greens (dill, parsley, spinach) (100 gr.)
Chicken fillet can be replaced by fish, for this most suitable low-fat varieties, such as pike perch and heck.
Dinner: fried eggplant (zucchini) vegetable oil (no more than 350 gr.), Cabbage and grated carrots (200 gr.), Fruits (any other than banana). To eggplants (zuccholas) allowed to add greens, pepper Bulgarian, onions. Also, if you wish, you can alternate them with a vinaigrette of vegetables on a pair or vegetable stew with cauliflower.

What vegetables can be eating with a diet? And what do not need to eat with a diet

The problem of overweight is always relevant, methods aimed at combating this problem are invented quite a few. Of course, every person who is decided to finally get rid of extra kilograms, faces a number of difficulties.

Most often, the person begins to fight extra kilograms on its own. This method of struggle, unfortunately, rarely gives positive results. In order to lose weight successfully and lost kilograms did not return back, little feed on diet, you need to listen to the recommendations of specialists and try them follow.

For example, today there are countless diets, which allegedly help quickly lose weight. Actually, fast slimming - this is serious stress For the body, the lost weight will quickly return back, as soon as a person stops feeding according to the scheme. After such a failure, a losing weight man, of course, disappears all the desire continue fighting. It is important to understand that some diets are not enough, and the diet must be correct and not harm the body. Such diets where within 3-5 days are offered to feed only apples and kefir can lead to serious problems with health. Therefore, if you understand that you are ready to part with overweight, then come to the issue of nutrition responsibly and rationally assess one or another power mode. In order to slimming was effective And it is safe to carefully examine the advice of nutritionists and trainers for weight loss and strive to observe them.

The opinion of nutritionists

Diet - This is the most an important stage In the process of weight loss. Just take and abandon the usual diet, it is not enough, you need to teach yourself to eat in a new way and strive to use only healthy food.

It is important to realize that the diet is not just a power mode for several days. Rational dietthat really help lose weight and save the result, calculated for the period of 6 months. There is no maximum diet for a diet, you can eat healthy food all my life. Food with healthy and low-fat products suggests that a person for six months or the year is so accustomed to normal and healthy food, which then he does not want to eat harmful and greasy products.

Fast dietswhich are designed for a period of several days to several weeks, of course, give a certain result. But in most cases, as soon as a person goes to the familiar power regimen, lost weight returns again, in the most unpleasant cases weight becomes even moreWhat was before the diet. Such diets are suitable only in emergency situations, when you want to lose weight quickly and only a few kilograms.

Diets with strict menu are contraindicated People with impaired metabolic disorders, with a violation of the work of the endocrine system and with the problems of digestion.

Of course, among thousands of specialists in this industry, there is no consensus, as a person is 100% get rid of extra kilograms. But still there are certain nuances in which the opinion of almost all nutritionists coincides. Below is a list that includes all useful advice To lose weight from nutritionists.

Top 10 tips from nutritionists

  1. The menu must be diverse. The use of low-fat products does not mean that a person should drink only water and low-fat kefir. In the diet should be the maximum variety - a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, dairy products and cereals must be present. Sometimes you can even sweet, only in small quantities and before lunch. Food should bring joy and enjoyment, it is impossible to perceive the restriction in food as a punishment.
  2. Watch out for the fatty products and control the amount of fats used. When buying a yoghurt, pay attention to the percentage of fat, you should always choose products with minimal fat content. The same rule applies to dairy products. When choosing meat, try to take young meat without fatty.
  3. Try to eat from small dessert plates. You can not eat from packages, all products shift in a plate and pay attention, how much you have already eaten. You can also do with circles, change them into small - so all sweet drinks you will drink in minimal quantities.
  4. Try eat slowly and consciously. Careful chewing of food, contributes to the normalization of metabolism and thus it is almost impossible to move. For slower absorption of food instead of spoons or forks, you can use wands for sushi, with their help you can learn to eat slowly and consciously chew every piece.
  5. It is impossible to refuse feasts or holidays. Most people feed on a specific mode are trying to avoid large feasts or holiday tables. This is not at all necessary, just, if you know that you are waiting for a feast, try a little units for the day. In the evening at the festive table, try to adhere to the principle - I will not eat anything, but I will try everything.
  6. Try to listen carefully to the body. Perhaps when you think that the hungry is, in fact, you just have thirst. Sometimes it is enough just to drink a glass of water and appetite evaporates itself.
  7. It is impossible to despair and stop due to disruptions. Frams come from everyone, for this you do not need to scold yourself. Sometimes these breakdows even bring some benefit - a person gets something that has long dreamed of and continues to go to the goal. The main thing is to move forward, after breakdown, try to avoid repeat as long as possible and get rid of extra kilograms with a tripled force.
  8. New hobbies and hobbies will help a thin man thinking about food. New hobbies will bring positive emotions and will help in the fight against extra kilograms. You can do dance or learn to knit - in general, anything, if only you would have given pleasure.
  9. Thoroughly distribute food into several techniques. The minimum number of food intakes per day is four. Try more drink clean waterWith the help of water, the metabolic processes in the body are improved and the weight loss process is accelerated.
  10. It is impossible to abruptly abandon the usual diet and switch to low-calorie food. The process of the transition must be gradually so that the body can get used to and did not get into the stressful situation.

The diet itself is only half to the path to a new slim body. In order to the volume of problem areas decreasedAnd the lost weight did not return, you need to play sports. Physical exercise - This is very effective method Getting rid of fat deposits. Proper nutrition Only helps a person not to gain new kilograms, but get rid of the available kilograms with the help of a diet very difficult and long. Physical exercises In this case, play the role of an assistant diet and help a person to lose weight.

  1. Engage at least 3 times a week. Do not skip classes and try to clearly follow the instructions of the coach. If you failed to get into training - try to compensate the lost classes by walking. In general, try to move more and use the elevators and buses less.
  2. It is not necessary to train in the hall, you can go to a specialist and home to implement the developed program. If you are honest with yourself and you can fulfill all the prescriptions, then the result will not be very different from the gym.
  3. 2 hours before training, it is necessary to eat. Frequent carbohydrates are best suited - porridge, vegetables, etc. For an hour you can drink water.
  4. After training, carbohydrates can not be, generally the next meal must be at least 2 hours after classes.
  5. Learn how to get pleasure from training, from what you do. You must feel your body and try to make yourself easier and more beautiful. Rejoice every success. After all, even a little success is part of a great victory.

Features of nutrition

When choosing products that will help get rid of excess weight and do not harm health It is also worth relying on the tips of the nutritioner for weight loss. In order for the diet to be and pleasant, and useful worth considering their personal preferences, remove everything bad habits And Add healthy foodswho used to be not used before.

The menu of nutritionists for weight loss is always on one of the first places there are vegetables. Not all vegetables have the same utility, so when choosing vegetables, you need to know their useful properties and quality.

Useful vegetables for a diet

  1. Carrots - reduces cholesterol levels, can be used in any form, but the best raw carrot is best.
  2. Spinach - low-calorie vegetable, it can be used in large portions.
  3. Broccoli is the source of most vitamins, beautiful taste, it can be used in any form.
  4. Pumpkin is an excellent substitute for sweet dishes, ideal for sweet tooths.
  5. Onions - it must be present in salads in the raw form.
  6. Salad leaves are an indispensable assistant in salads, rich in vitamins, he can not be present in a daily diet of a losing weight man.
  7. Celery stems - you can simply chew before meals or make juices with the addition of fruit. It is proved that celery burns fat.
  8. Cabbage - in any form it will benefit and vitamins.
  9. Beets - an indispensable in the preparation of salads, it can be simply lost on the grater and add a couple of nuts or prunes, it will be a useful and delicious salad with a high content of vitamins.
  10. Zucchini - low-calorie product, it can be much and not worried about extra kilograms.

Of course, you should not eat alone vegetables, as already noted above, ration must be diverse and delicious, not just helpful. In the matter how to lose weight, the tips of the nutritionist perform the function of the main assistant, because Only a nutritionist will be able to suggest compatibility of certain products and prompt when it is better to use them.

Vegetable dietWhich we consider today is, perhaps, the most useful, pleasant and tasty diet! This is explained, from part, such a factor, as the fact that a person will never refuse herself to pamper himself with a delicious vegetable salad, be it cucumbers or a young cauldron.

In addition, it is the vegetables that have, practically, zero calories, are perfectly combined in such dishes as vegetable stew, cells or pickled oils! Perhaps this is the main advantage that a vegetable diet has.

You can get acquainted in more detail with which you can by clicking on the link gives clear instructions for the use of vegetables and fruits in the main menu (except for special cases where the diseases need a special menu).

Vegetable diet promotes the prevention of obesity, gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular system And atherosclerosis.

Vegetable day diet

Requirements of this diet, or as it is also called -, consist in several variations. First of all, let's get acquainted with the shortest option, namely a 3-day. It is ideal for cases when it is necessary to "slightly" to reset the kilograms and in as soon as possible (For example, after brunch festive feasts). With this option, your daily diet should consist of a half kilogram of vegetables (maximum - 1.8).

All vegetables can go into move, but not potatoes!

Consumption of vegetables is allowed both in cheese and boiled (baked) species. The preparation of salads is allowed using the minimum amount of vegetable oil or low-calorie mayonnaise!

To achieve the maximum result, we recommend, as refueling for salads, use low-calorie kefir or yogurt.

The menu itself should be divided into five receptions per day. Trapese is allowed at the first need (as you feel that hungry). As for drinking, then here are allowed ordinary water And not sweet tea (preferably green).

P.S.: For "unloading" of the gastrointestinal tract, try to spend 1 day on a vegetable diet, because, by the way, it is called - 😉

Vegetable diet for a week

Vegetable diet for a week is a longer method, the "diluting" menu of a vegetable diet. Namely, a vegetable diet menu can be extended by adding a certain type of fruit to your diet.

Details of this menu can be found below, under the heading vegetable menu diet.

In addition, you can use non-fatty milk and fermented milk products, berries and legumes. The meal is divided into four approaches, however, if this is not enough for you, it is not worth raping your body. As a "snack", you can use a cucumber or tomato.

Vegetable diet 10 days

Also, an option is available 2-week vegetable diet, which is based on vegetables and fruits. Also, salads are allowed, the seasoning of which can act vegetable oil or Fresh lemon juice. Dried fruit and nuts are allowed in minimal quantities.

Vegetable diet for a month

This version of the vegetable diet is the longest and hard. It is noted that not every organism is able to withstand a similar load, because if you, still, decide on this option, then, in the case of achieving noticeable results, a much earlier period is completed - complete the diet! Do not rape your body!

Regarding the diet, it should include, first of all, a sufficient number of vegetables:





Green onions

Various greens (green peas, parsley, etc.)

You may not limit yourself with some salads, but cook vegetable soups and stew.

There is also a variety of this diet, which has a protein vegetable diet name. From protein products, in your diet, such as boiled beef or chicken can be included. In addition, in small rings, low-fat creative or kefir can be used.
The number of food meals should be 5 - 6 times a day.

The number of approaches in this case does not mean their quality. Those., Due to such a number of approaches, portions of food intake must be minimal (slightly less than average).

Salads are allowed to add vegetable oil and quite a bit of salt.

Vegetable diet menu

Vegetable diet menu It may be diverse, we prepared several possible options for the types that we described above.

Vegetable menu diet for 3 days

Breakfast: vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers are allowed). Salad is sprayed with olive oil or lemon juice.
Snack: A couple of carrots to use in the finished form, or crushed on the grater.
Lunch: White Cabbage Salad and Fresh Cucumbers.
Soon: Buryak (beet) in boiled form.
Dinner: Bake peppers, backed by eggplants.

Vegetable menu diet for 7 days

Breakfast: cabbage apple salad with glass of compote from berries.
Lunch: vegetable soup (not a big plate) with green tea.
Halfoon: carrots (grated) with olive oil, as a refueling.
Dinner: baked backed by eggplants and tomatoes pepper with berry juice or compote.

Breakfast: low-fat home yogurt or kefir and fresh berries.
Lunch: Bulgarian pepper salad with tomatoes and cucumbers + cheese (in very modest), olives and a glass of fruit jelly.
Soon: bake a small apple.
Dinner: cabbage broth.

Breakfast: Salad with a radisher and a green dryer + a glass of green tea.
Lunch: Cake (without using oil) Park potatoes + sauer cauldron and cup of tea.
Afternoon person: baked turnip.
Dinner: stew of vegetables (do not use potatoes) + glass of compote from dried fruits.

Breakfast: cabbage broth and a glass of green tea.
Lunch: Make low-fat soup (use non-starchy vegetables).
Soon: Beet salad + prunes, in small quantities.
Dinner: Salad, using non-private vegetables, + glass of low-fat kefir.

Breakfast: 1 banana + glass of low-fat yogurt (do not use any additives).
Lunch: vegetable stew and a glass of green tea.
Afternoon snack: apple in by the usual form (Or you can bake).
Dinner: vegetable broth + unsweetened compote from dried fruit.

Breakfast: Small plate of vegetable broth + glass of berry compote.
Lunch: Welcome low-fat soup on cabbage broth.
Afternoon: Salad from cucumbers and tomatoes.
Dinner: baked pumpkin (to ruddy crust), without using any additives + a glass of green tea.

Breakfast: fruit salad (fruit not starchy type).
Lunch: Cook the pea pitch (do not use oil) + glass of green tea.
Halfoon: grated carrots, fastened with oil from olives.
Dinner: Experience the zucchini and drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Vegetable Menu Diet for 2 weeks

Breakfast: glass of orange-lemon juice + any citrus fruit.
Lunch: vegetable salad, using any non-private vegetables.
Afternoon person: Pair of Monnislivin and dates.
Dinner: Salad of raw vegetables, or boiled products of this type (turnip, spinach, cauliflower, carrot) + fruit, non-housing type, or nuts (as dessert).

The diet can be changed, in case your menu version meets all the recommendations of this diet.

Vegetable Menu Diet for Month

Breakfast: Cucumber-Toman Salad.
Snack: grated carrots with olive oil.
Lunch: Boiled beef + lettuce and vegetable leaves, at your discretion (not starchy type).
Halfoon: low-fat cottage cheese, in the number of pairs of tablespoons.
Dinner: Baked pumpkin + glass of low-fat kefir.

Proper cooking of vegetables

Vegetable diet for weight loss needs not just in theoretical knowledge of step-adversity this method Slimming, but also in the practical skills of the preparation of the components of the diet itself!
First of all, it is necessary to understand what to replace protein food Vegetable - it will be extremely difficult in the first stages, therefore it should be changed gradually by replacing the usual food with vegetable dishes.

Remember, a vegetable diet for weight loss does not contribute a hard taboo, prohibiting food familiar to you, replacing it with vegetables, just vegetable dishes must prevail over meat or other protein.
If you are cooking salads, roll out the components on the grater, or cut it fine.
To refuel vegetable salads, use vegetable oil, vinegar or lemon juice.
Eat fresh, pickled, boiled or baked vegetables in foil.