Sitting work how to lose weight in the stomach. A sedentary lifestyle: how to lose weight office employees? Analyze whether the food does not affect you as a sedative

After work there is no strength to go to gym? Once and no place to do exercises for weight loss at home? You can develop your program of weight loss for the office - and burn calories gradually every day, struggling with overweight. The authors of the book "Work without unnecessary calories" are told, where to start and what exercises for weight loss can be done at work.

Stand more useful than sitting

For a couple of days, watch the following factors: first, count how many hours a day you are sitting, and secondly, find out what the duration of each individual "sedent period". Perhaps the result is shocking you, but it is for the better, since the shock will push you to action.

During the working day, when the next tasks appear, you need to constantly ask yourself one significant question: "Is it possible to perform such legs?". And if the answer is yes, then perform. Moreover, the more often you will repeat this question, the higher the likelihood that this thought will penetrate into the subconscious and raises an action.

One of the key points is to pay attention to the duration of each "sedentary period". Schedule after every 20-30 minutes of seating, the rise of 1-2 minutes and a light workout, then sit back and return to work.

Slimming in the office: what can be done

When the phone rang, just stand up on your feet, even if the conversation is short. Calls - and short, and long - per day accumulate, and this is the total time you can easily deduct from the sedentary period.

If you're day after the day when you call the phone, you will switch to the standing mode, as a result you will have a reflex, at which, having walked around the telephone trip, the brain will order the body to get up.

What to do if colleagues come to you and pluck in the chair to chat? If you are interested in lengthening your life, stand immediately as soon as you come. From such a simple action a lot of benefits. First, calories will begin to be burned. Secondly, when guests will see that you are standing, they are unlikely to boil, so you will help them avoid dangerous seating. Thirdly, your maneuver hints to guests that you are busy, and then they will surround their dust and will speak only in the case.

The same strategy should be applied to the working meetings that you organize. It is worth appointing a meeting at the most distant conference room so that it was possible to take a little walk to it - and every 20-30 minutes arrange breaks for warm-up. Physically, it will help you burn slightly more calories, but these breaks have other advantages - business. When meeting participants get upThey seem to click on the reboot button and, as a rule, return to the discussion with a fresh look at current issues.

Practice to turn traditional meetings in "standing" or even "walking" is already applied in a variety of companies, and it has many advantages. From the point of view of overweight, such meetings burned calories. In addition, a study conducted at the University of Washington in St. Louis showed that the meetings on which those present are worthwhile to increase the working enthusiasm. If new ideas are required, solving problems and brainstorming, "walking" meetings are best suitable.

4 occasion for a walk in the office

When you begin to accustom yourself to movement, you can easily find the abundance of options. If you usually use an elevator, stroll through the stairs. If the office is located on the 40th floor, why not get out of the elevator with several floors below and do not climb on foot? By the way, it is especially effectively climbing two steps in one step.

Next: Suppose you are going to send a colleague sitting through the pass from you, an email not related to the documentation. Apply a colleague brief "standing" visit. The same applies to telephone communication with colleagues. Instead of grabby for the handset, stand up get to the desired employee and discuss everything personally.

For your information, with a bilateral contact, the conversation face to face is much more effective than writing or telephone communication. When you meet a person personally, you have a wide range of non-verbal tips, which help to understand whether you understood correctly.

As you know, drinking water throughout the day is extremely important for weight control: thanks to this, the feeling of a satiety without an increase in calories is preserved, the muscles come to the tone, the water balance is maintained, the organs work properly. However, water can affect and walk.

First, you do not need to store water reserves at your desk and even near him. When you feel thirst, go to the negotiation or climb to another floor to fill your glass or bottle.

Secondly, a less obvious fact - after you go, sooner or later the time will come to visit the toilet. When you feel the "call of nature", do not run into the nearest restroom. Go to the one that is located on the other end of the corridor or the floor above.

Need to print or open the document also encourages to warm up. Instead of using the printer, you have on the table or nearby, throw off the documents on the printer located in another part of the building or even on the other floor, if it is possible. And then go for printed sheets. If they are on the other floor, be sure to go along the stairs. The same with photocopies.

During the work, you will certainly accumulate paper and other items that can recycle or throw away. Instead of throwing garbage to the basket under the table, take it into other baskets and containers located away.

After the morning walking in the parking lot, lifting on three staircase spans and "unloading" dinner - if you have with you in the refrigerator, when you finally get to the table, you are most likely sitting. This movement can be turned into exercise 1. Stand in front of the chair - as if you are going to sit down, but go down very slowly. Keep your back straight, draw your stomach, relax your shoulders and help yourself balancing with your arms. Sev, you will probably pull forward to turn on the computer. While it turns on, stand up and repeat the "landing maneuver" several times.

You can perform for the desktop exercise 2. Move a little back together with the chair, you mock the floor with both feet, and then take turns and pull the legs parallel to the floor from 5 to 10 seconds, then slowly put them on the floor.

When you think about the complex working task, falls out excellent opportunity to strengthen the muscles of the hands and make exercise 3. - Raising your hands up, as football judges do. Without interrupting reflections, lift and lower your hands 30. This unusual action can lead you to new thoughts and new victories.

At the table, you can still run a little. Raise heels, pushing out from the floor with the fingers of the legs. it exercise 4. It will help burn a little calorie and strengthen the muscles of the legs.

At the table you can strain the muscles: here's how it is done exercise 5.. Inhale, strain the buttocks for 30 seconds, relax and exhale. Then the same need to repeat with the stomach, hips, eggs, hands and fists.

6 stretching exercises in the workplace

  1. Connect your fingers as in prayer, direct them from ourselves and pull your hands ahead or over your head and delay in this position for 10 seconds, and then repeat the exercise several times.
  2. If you work on the project and take a pause to think about the text, design, or program code, you will be suitable for you: pull back with both hands and put them on your blades.
  3. Stretching is more comprehensive: Hear palms into the sides of myself, strain your hands and lift over the seat. You need to hold yourself in the air for a few seconds and slow down. It turns out the most present push-ups on the stool. You can make it more useful if you even raise your feet at the same time.
  4. Stretching for the neck: Tilt your head to the left shoulder and delay in this position for 10 seconds, and then do the same, bowing the head right. Repeat the exercise up to 10 times. The neck muscles can be prairing and in a different way - to swing their head or according to nod.
  5. If you have a chair on the wheels, you can arrange a productive stretching of your back, overgrown with the feet in the floor and turning it into one, then in the other side, while looking straight in front of yourself into the monitor.
  6. Shoulders are also helpful and do not interfere with work.

7 simulators for weight loss at work

If you want to complicate a little "drinking" exercises to burn more calories, there are accessories that wait will not wait when it comes to raise your workouts to a new level. Here is some of them.

There is a tool that helps to work on the legs - work table standing. This is a table with a height-adjustable, followed by performing all their "feasting" duties. If you want to sit, drop the table using the lever or a special button. Many of these tables can be raised to a height of over 120 cm and lower up to 76 cm and below.

An economical alternative to such a table can be a special height adjustable standIt is installed on your table, and the monitor is installed on it, the keyboard and other items necessary for work, so that you can stand at the table, then sit.

If you want to reach a new level and show even more activity in weight loss, you may be interested table with treadmill. If you already have a "standing table", it is not difficult to find a treadmill, which will suit it, - on the market such goods is known as the "substolete" treadmill. And if you already have a treadmill, you can pick up a "standing" table and set over it or nearby. You will not run away from you, but go. Many treadmills can be configured in such a way that the tape moves at a speed of no more than 3 km per hour.

Scientists from the Mao clinic determined that office employees with overweight, which for two or three hours a day walk along the treadmill, continuing to work at the computer, can lose a year from 19 to 29 kg.

Suppose you prefer to sit at a regular table and on a regular chair, but if possible, I do not mind twisting the pedals. There are many "substolete" Pedal simulators. The simulator height is about 25 cm, it is easy and portable. Such "bicycle-shaped" devices will definitely put an end to your working immobility and will help to deal with overweight.

Another subject of office furniture, which will move you from the world of immobiles to the world of activity - phytball, gymnastic ball. It can be simply put in the table instead of a stool. Result: It leads muscles into tone, improves posture, equilibrium and stability, weakens pain in the back and saves from staticness.

Some specialists emphasize the importance motivational messagesEspecially when you decide on changes in the work environment and physical activity. You need to place on the table, boxes, shelves and other prominent places, laconic phrases that will support and motivate to action. Here there is the same principle as in advertising: when you see the same messages every day, they penetrate consciousness, seem to be plausible and remain with you for a long time. Why not become an advertising agency for yourself and not surround yourself with inspirational, motivating messages?

Scientists have found that the reminder of the experiment participants who spent an hour, which you need to get up, displayed on the computer monitor or a special bracelet, led to a reduction in the "sitting" time and an increase in the duration of walks.

Comment Article "How to lose weight at work: a slimming program, 18 exercises"

Anyway, must be configured good system Power and add to this physical exercises. The effect will be apparent - a person will begin to bring his body into shape.

09.10.2017 16:53:25,

11.09.2017 14:29:01

06.09.2017 12:42:31

Total 6 messages .

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Sitting work - Beach modern MiraSince the woman in the office is chained to the chair, although it is vital to move vitally. Without elementary load, the body quickly converts kilograms, especially if high-calorie food is used. But excess weight You can quickly remove, if you do and lose weight on the suggested advice.

A sedentary lifestyle is not only the enemy of health, provoking the diseases of the spine and legs. Sitting all day at work, people are gaining extra kilograms. The problem of overweight is very relevant, but not everything is so scary, and the question is how to lose weight on sitting work Woman, there are simple answers. See also - . To return a beautiful figure, you do not need to throw your favorite job at all, you just need to regularly fulfill uncomplicated recommendations.

How to lose weight, spending eight, or even more, hours in the office? This is quite possible in the observance of three tips: properly and regularly eat, try to move as much as possible, as well as not neglect modern inventions aimed at weight loss.

Proper nutrition for weight loss in the office

It is necessary to eat correctly not only office workers, but also to all people, in general, regardless of the profession. Specialists calculated certain permissible values \u200b\u200bof the indicators of the general calorie content of dishes consumed per day for people with different levels of motor activity. The main rule is not to eat the calories per day more than it is.

The trouble of office workers is that often during the day they eat much more than it is necessary to normal functioning of the body not enough man. The calorie rate is calculated on the basis of individual indicators - growth, age, etc. But on average, women engaged in sedentary work should consume no more than 1700-2000 kcal during the day. This, provided that it is only necessary to maintain weight, and not lose weight - in this case, the norm is reduced to 1200-1500.

Another common mistake in the nutrition is that, going to work, many women do not have time to have breakfast in the morning, they are cut off at lunch, and after work, "from the soul" is eaten. This contributes to the fact that over time, the reflection in the mirror and the indicators on the scales makes the wonderful gender representatives. To avoid this, you should enter strict control over your power.

Power Mode and the need for breakfast

Lose weight will turn out faster if you eat always at certain hours. First of all, it is necessary to make a power schedule for themselves, which will definitely include breakfast.

  1. Before work, it is necessary to eat so that energy from food is enough for three hours, while the correct breakfast should consist of products having a slow carbohydrate and fiber (for example, buckwheat or oatmeal on water with fresh vegetables). The fiber helps for a long time to maintain a feeling of satiety and normalizes digestion, contributing to the removal of slags.
  2. Lunch should also be nutritious, it is recommended a non-fat protein product (meat, fish) with vegetables. Locks should be avoided in fast foods and in fast food restaurants. Food selling there, calorie and contains harmful taste additives, and portions are too large.
  3. To have dinner follows no later than three hours before sleep. Dinner should be light, for example, a small portion of boiled meat with vegetables.
  4. In the intervals between the main meals, light snacks are needed.
  5. During the day you need to drink - from one and a half to two liters. Every morning, half an hour before breakfast, it is recommended to drink a glass of water. The bulk of the entire fluid per day should be water. Supplement the balance of fluids can juices without sugar, green natural and herbal teas, kefir.

The main principle of nutrition - there is often, but little by little, without moving. Each portion should be no more than two hundred grams, and the intervals between food are no more than two hours. Only so can be preserved not only the right weight, but also health!

What snacks are useful for weight loss

Almost all women working in offices are very often suitable for snacks - a cup of tea or coffee with candy, cookies, cakes or sandwiches. If such a habit is, it is not necessary to cancel the snacks at all, but replace the calorie and harmful food for useful - absolutely necessary. So, sweets are easily replaced by dried fruits, chips - nuts, and a cake - light cottage cheese or yogurt. In the interruptions between the main meals, it is also possible to enjoy fruit - an orange, an apple or a pear are useful, tasty and raise the mood.

Coffee and black tea with sugar are also subject to replacement. Instead of them for weight loss, it is recommended to drink unsweetened green tea. This beautiful invigorating drink will improve the metabolism, forcing the body to burn fat.

Hungry, refusing the useful snacks, will be wrong, as it will give the opposite effect. Initially, you can get rid of a few kilograms, but soon, due to the insufficient amount of food obtained, the body will slow down the metabolic processes, accumulating fat again. See also - . In addition, hunger will lead to a decrease in hemoglobin, and this, in turn, to poor well-being.

Required motor activity during sedentary work

The main assistant to gain a beautiful figure for women spending their working day sitting is the movement. Overweight will go much faster if you play sports, allocating for daily workouts at least half an hour every day.

But how to be if there is no strength after work, nor the time to go to the training center? You should not despair, because if you wish, you can always find a way to find the opportunity to move:

  1. If possible, refuse to travel trips and walk more often. If the place of work is half an hour walk - get there and from there better without the help of transport, the exception is only a bike. This type of transport will not only help to lose weight, but also give the tone and beautiful relief muscles of the body. If, without a trip to public transport, it is not necessary, then you can go to the stop-two before and walk.
  2. On the stairs at home and at work it is better to move on foot, it will also help burn calories and will benefit the muscles of the legs.
  3. During the lunch at work try to go out and stroll outdoors. You need to go fast, observing the correct breathing - inhale and exhale about every three steps. And, of course, the walks must be made in comfortable shoes at a low heel.
  4. In the morning, you need to regularly do the morning exercise, at least consisting of several exercises for different muscle groups and stretching.
  5. During the working day, it is necessary to periodically get up from your place, if possible, make light workouts.
  6. There are exercises, performing which you can lose weight without leaving the office chair. So, you can sit down alternately strain the muscles of the body and keep them for a while. So you can even swing the press, straining the muscles of the abdomen on the breath, and on exhale relaxing them. Raise direct or bent feet will be useful. To strengthen the biceps you can try to "raise" the table, holding hands under the table top.
  7. Useful, sitting in the workplace, periodically make respiratory gymnastics. To do this, there is a deep breath, then a sharp exhale with simultaneous pulling and tension of the abdominal muscles. In this position, you need to remain five seconds, after which you should inhale with muscle relaxation.

Special devices to help those who want to lose weight

To help women who do not have the opportunity to regularly play sports, but at the same time not wanting to allow fat deposits on their beautiful figure, new technologies have come. An excellent assistant in this was the belt for weight loss.

In itself, such a product is not so effective, but quite successfully strengthens the effect of compliance with the fulfillment of previous recommendations on how to lose weight with a sedentary work of a woman.

The belt, affecting the vibrations on the muscles, enhances the blood circulation in the abdomen and waist, accelerating fat burning in this zone. It is comfortable, and you can wear it under not only at home, but also at work, absolutely not attracting attention.

Sitting work will not become an insurmountable obstacle to girls who keep proper nutrition and trying to find the opportunity to move as much as possible and everywhere. And the reward will always be a slim figure and a great mood!


Olga Zhirov

Comments: 17 .

    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Recently, firmly decided to lose weight ... I got on the Internet, and here so much, Already the eyes scatter !! Now I don't know what to do what to start .. so I appeal to you! How to lose weight? What really helped ?? I would love to independently deal with overweight, without nutritionists and doctors ..

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    Well, I do not know how for me most diets are garbage, just to torment yourself. How much I have tried - nothing helped. The only thing that helped throw about 7 kg is X-Slim. I learned about him by chance, from this article. I know many girls who also lost weight.

    P.S. But here I am myself from the city and we did not find it on sale, ordered via the Internet.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, so in the same place in the article) I will duplicate just in case - official site X-Slim

    Rita 10 days ago

    And this is not a divorce? Why sell on the Internet?

    Jules26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Rita, you seem to fall from the moon. In pharmacies - Hapugi and want to earn on it! And what can be divorce here if payment after receiving and one package can be obtained for free? For example, I ordered this X-SLIM once - I brought the courier, I checked everything, looked and only I paid. In the mail is the same, there is also a payment when receiving. Yes, and on the Internet now everything is sold - from clothes and shoes to technology and furniture.

    Rita 10 days ago

    I apologize, I did not notice the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure if the payment upon receipt.

    Elena (SPB) 8 days ago

    I read the reviews and realized that I need to take) I will go to make an order.

We all know that the work makes us fat. It's time to change everything!

We spend almost a quarter of your life at work. This is a ton of time spent in a sitting position. Of course, such a lifestyle can not make your waist thinner. Recent study published in Annals of Internal Medicine,it showed that the seat for a long period of time, even subject to regular training, increases the threat of early death by 10%. Okay.

Fortunately, there are many things that can be done in the office and at the same time lose weight. Follow our advice, and you lose weight - and you will also pay for it!

1. Never - never! - Do not drink a gas member to cheer up

To cope with the approaching bed, the desire appears to overturn the bank of the dietary cola. Do not do that! The Scientific Center of Texas University in his study proved that adults who drink the dietary cola are inclined to gain weight by 70% more than those who do not drink gas. In addition, aspartame raises the level of glucose to such a height, where it turns into fat. You will not believe what happens to your body if you just quit dietary gas.

2. Tune on H2O

Are you really hungry or just want to drink? Journal study Physiology & Behavior. It showed that people who misunderstand their thirst in 60% of cases when they need to drink. Even if you do not limit yourself in water, a glass of water before eating will give you the opportunity to eat much less. If simple water is too boring for you, add citrus items - it turns out real detox-water. A glass of refreshing H2O will fill your body with liquid and save from dehydration. In accordance with the study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 500 ml of water raise the metabolism level by 30%. Add 1.5 liters of water to your daily diet, and you will burn 17,400 calories per year!

3. Adapt correctly

Yes, we know that not everything is working in the world from 9 to 5, but nightlyaming workers are heavier in weight loss issues.

4. Chew Zhwakhku

In general, the chewing belief causes the abdomen, but during the work she gives you more than just fresh breath. According to the study of 2009, made by the magazine PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR,fans of chewing faults are calmer and experiencing less stress. The level of cortisol hormone is lowered, which means that the fat around the waist is not postponed.

5. Take advantage of the staircase

It seems to be obvious, but you will be surprised when you learn how much weight can you lose simple way! If you have a document that needs to be attributed to the fifteenth floor, and you yourself are on the 10th, use the staircase instead of the elevator, and you will burn twice as much calorie than while walking. In accordance with the results of research of the University of New Mexico, a man 75 kilograms will lose weight about 3 kg per year if two staircase flight will be held on the day. And if this number increases to 6 ... then it will reset 9 kg!

6. Sit on phytball

If you replace the stool on a big ball, then you will strengthen the muscles of the bark and burn more calories. The seating on the phytball burns 100 additional calories per day. If you work 300 days a year, you are additionally burning 30,000 calories - and this is 5 kg!

7. Stand at work

When you stand, you burn more calories - by 50 calories per hour more than when sitting. So you can lose additionally 3.5 kg of weight. In addition, it is useful for the muscles of the bark and mental health - you will become more productive. And earn an increase!

8. Replace Morning Coffee Green Tea

Coffee in the morning gives you a caffeine charge of energy, and green tea eliminates anxiety and also burns fat. Research published in the journal American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, It has found that in tea - including in green - contains catechins that accelerate fat burning. In addition, Taiwanese researchers found out the example of 1,100 people who were observed for 10 years: those who drink green tea, 20% less fat in the body. Tea is so good for weight loss and overall health that it can be used for detox.

9. Bring food with you. Everyday.

Do you know how much calories in the fast food that you eat for lunch? Think again: the study of 2013, published in the BMJ magazine showed that an average of such lunch contains 836 calories. This can lead to a serious lead.

Instead, spend a small part of the weekend for cooking for all week. Even if your lunch is in 500 calories volume, you will still save 300, and the difference in 1,500 calories will be checked in a week! If you work an average of 50 weeks per year, you will eat less than 75,000 calories, and this is almost 10 kg per year!

10. Balance your salad

Many "big salad" are chosen for lunch, but not limit only to greens, because you want to eat again in an hour! So that the salad is satisfying, it is necessary that it has a protein (chicken, eggs, meat) and fiber (beans, avocado). To taste, add something sweet (tomatoes, apples), sharp (garlic, olives) and appetizing (meat, cheese). In the salad, something should criste - so add nuts or sweet pepper.

11. Adhere to healthy snacks

You should always be prepared as a pioneer. To be healthy and avoid harm, store healthy snacks in the table. Almonds, bananas are so easy! And never, never come to shopping machine!

12. Eat Chia Seeds

For any dish, you will only need a pinch, so that the seed package will be enough for a long time. With them you add nutritional value to any dish. Chia seeds are rich in omega-3, as well as fiber, protein and calcium. They are easily digested, they are nutritious and satisfying.

13. Remove sweets from sight

Out of sight, out of mind! Reorganize your environment. The study "M & M" project, conducted in New York offices, has shown that if there are cookies in opaque containers on office cuisines and allow the shelves healthy alternatives to sweets, people begin to eat better. Similar research magazine Journal of marketingit showed that people overeat when they eat sweets from transparent bags.

14. Make a schedule of your workouts

If at work colleagues can see your calendar, score it with workouts early in the morning, at lunch and after work. Even if you cannot visit all workouts, it disciplines colleagues and make them relative to your time carefully. And they will take advantage of the plans seriously - rather to workout!

15. Find a friend in interest

It is much easier to abandon the Kappaik at the birthday of Buckachers if you have an understanding comrade. When everyone around is chewing sugar, it seems to you that something is wrong with you, besides, the study of 2014, published in Journal of the ACADEMY OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS,it discovered that people are prone to a conformism at work. And if you have a like-minded person, a capike you, at least, you can divide in half!

16. Every hour walk for 2 minutes

It seems to you that at work you go a lot, but usually such "walks" occupy no more than 20 seconds. Make yourself walk at least a minute to start (and return to the original one during the second minute). What for? Recent research magazine Clinical Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrologyit showed that hourly walks smoothed the negative effects of long seating.

17. Eat your lunch during lunch

Spanish researchers have shown that women are overweight, which ate their lunch after 3 hours of the day, lost 25% less weight than those who eaten before. Despite the fact that both groups ate the same thing in an equal number of calories, "Early Ptashchi" lost on average by 2 kg more. Scientists are confident that if waiting for strong hunger, you will eat more.

18. Record all that eat and drink

It seems very tedious occupation, but will you lose you from another list? If you do not have time to record everything that ate, at home, write down the next morning at work. Study of the University of Tulane showed that people who recorded their data through applications in the phone, dropped more weight and retained more motivation than those who used traditional fitness trackers.

19. Do short exercises

Do you know this large mother, which leads to Saykling and always looks awesome? Cool. But it is not available to everyone, and do not be discouraged that you can not be the goddess of Vorkuta. Good news: To cheer up the metabolism, you need only 2.5 minutes. The study printed in the journal Physiological Reports,it showed that people who make 5 approaches for 30 seconds intensive sike cycling and then rest 4 minutes, burned to 200 calories more, and their metabolism is accelerated over the next 24-48 hours. It is unlikely that you have at work there is an exercise bike, but you can achieve similar results by running around the stairs or making Berp.

20. Analyze, does the food affect you as a sedative?

Why do you eat, coming from work? Because hate it? Do you drink an extra cup of coffee when the boss screams on you? Analyze how work affects your food behavior. Almost a thousand respondents took part in the study of University of Orlando, and only 10% of people stated that psychological comfort is important for weight loss. Almost 66% do not see the relationship between mood and food, and therefore immediately gain weight when they lose it. People are concentrated on the physical aspects of weight loss, such as diet or exercise. But there is an emotional component that people often ignore.

Frequent colds, migraines, backrest and overweight. All these are gifts "Sitage" labor everyday life in the office or at home. How to lose weight at work, when there is no time to the gym.

1. Forget about the elevator

When you go to work, eat an escalator in the subway, and not stand in a long queue, wishing to ride. Save time, pushing the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, strengthen the heart and even pressure will come to normal over time. When entering the office building or returning from work, do not hurry to call the elevator - climb the stairs, of course, if your office or apartment is not at the seventeenth floor. Although ... Yes, we are joking. Ten minutes walk through the stairs (escalator) - approximately 100 burned calories.

2. Engage in fitness right in the office

Colleague asks to pass the folder? Do not drive up to the rack on a chair with wheels. Stand up, pull out the folder, sneeze or lean. As it is not surprising, but even in the office chair you can do fitness. So - to lose weight at work.

3. Walk during lunch

Refuse eating a soup in front of the monitor, in parallel updating the status in the social network. Walk out the fresh air - perfectly helps to "venture" the head, it is better to concentrate, lose weight at workSince 10 minutes walk - minus 31 calorie (half of the Big Apple). If the weather is also good on the street, then the dining soup can be heated in the office, and eat it in the fresh air.

4. Dinner correctly

How not cool, and lose weight at workit will not happen if you continue to "naminate" sandwiches with smoked mead, chips, buns with jam, drink gas and sweet tea. Lunch must be satisfying and calorie! But calories are healthy. A piece of cheese and vegetable soup, and not a piece of pizza, light salad and portion of buckwheat, and not a bow with meat. Only please do not mock yourself, tonging for lunch only a piece of salad. You are not a bunny!

From 16.00 to 18.00, the level of glucose falls in our body, so I really want a sweet, several pieces of black chocolate will help serve this need.

By the way, about business lunches - it is convenient, more or less available at a price, but this is a dinner called "Hello, fat!". You need to eat either salad or soup or macaroni with minced meat. But not all these dishes in one sitting!

5. Eat less and slower - to lose weight at work

You hardly take someone to take a piece of meat when you dine, so do not rush. In order for the brain to receive a signal that you are located, must pass for 20 minutes. Now remember how much you can eat during this time. Therefore, make each piece and do not rush.

And also to lose weight at work, Teach yourself to share the familiar portion of food in half, eat with a saucer - it creates the illusion that there is a lot of food in the food plate.

6. We are chewing for brain products

Wherever you work, in the office or at home, probably near the computer there is a plate with chocolates and cookies to "pick up" creative activity. Without snacks it is really difficult to work, so simply review the composition of the plates near the laptop. Choose raisins, figs, dates, prunes, dried apricots - stimulate brain processes. Instead of chocolate, eat a few pieces of "hematogen". Banana, grapes or avocado replace apple, pear, kiwi or persimmon. They improve the metabolism and complexion.

7. We laugh!

We will not understand, and this advice to the topic " Lose weight at work"? It turns out that laughter not only prolongs life, but also helps ... lose weight. Recently, scientists have come to the conclusion that laughter speeds up the metabolism, and 15 minutes of joy is minus 40 calories! Laugh on health and lean!

Journalist, radio host, author of the book "Living Fly. Learning to write simply and mischievously "in life you need to do only what you love. Otherwise, Deleresion will quickly become your faithful companion. Because I love what I do. I love to create useful texts. To read and wanted to lose weight / wise / minimize the mountains. I love to listen to the history of heroes for the sake. Because even the most creative screenwriter does not come up with this. And life - comes up with. I love the permanent experience of two states: hand shakes - to direct ether, indescribable pleasure - after. I love to help make dreams, because seven years I teach students to the school of mediaprofessions "New Journalist". I love to read. Therefore, at the end of 2017 issued a book "Living Fly. Learning to write simply and mischievously. " And in 2018, I finally want to read 100 books per year! I like to dream. Therefore, I just live and do a favorite thing.

"I have a sitting job" - this is how 30% of people suffering from excess weight sounds like an excuse. However, this is just the reason, and every person can lose weight, even if 8 hours a day he spends at the computer in the office or at home. These 10 ways will help get rid of excess weight even to those who have sedentary work.

Drink more water

Make it very simple. It is enough just to put a glass of water on the table and constantly drink. For a day, a person needs to drink at least two liters of water. It is very important for body quality, skin, hair, nails. Moreover than more man Drinks, the less he eats.

Consider calorie

To lose weight, you need to know how many calories spend a person per day. With the help of various formulas, you can find out what caloric content should have a diet to maintain weight. If you take away 15-20%, it will be calorie, which is necessary to reduce weight. Only in this way can you understand how many people should eat in the knocks.

Eat 4-5 times a day

Fractional food - the best way For weight loss. Frequent meals accelerate metabolism, which reduces weight regardless of human activity. It is important to find in your work schedule time on these meals in order not to go after work for the night.

Clean nutrition

In addition to the frequency of nutrition, it is equally important and what is eating a person. For slimming within the framework of office work, clean food is extremely important. Nutritionists strongly advise the sugar, oily, fried food, and their preference should be given stew, baked, boiled products.


A person with "seating" lifestyle is extremely important any physical exercise. Of course, the forces at the gym often does not remain, but you can abandon the elevator, do not neglect the household chores, which are also perfectly burned in calories.

Refusal of lunch with colleagues

Lunch with colleagues almost always implies a hike in a cafe, where all the dishes are little similar to dieties. That is why it is best to abandon joint dinners, and it is most convenient to eat from homemade food containers, where a person knows the calorie content of the finished dish. By the way, you can also save, because after weight loss it will be needed to update the wardrobe.

Dining room charging

Also during the lunch break, you can make a small 15-minute charging. It seems that it is ineffective. In 15 minutes it can be burned to 200 calories, and in the fight against overweight it is not so little.

Breathing exercises

If you master the breathing gymnastics, you can work and lose weight at the same time. For example, the exercise "Vacuum" can be sitting sitting, it is unnoticed by a unauthorized person, but such sports greatly strengthens the muscles of the back and abdomen.

To work - on foot

Walking is a great version of activity for weight loss, so it is best to go to work and back on foot. You can also use the bike that is capable of saving a person from 120-150 calories in 15 minutes.

Candle tea with colleagues

Tea with colleagues almost always implies cookies, cakes and sweets - all that can not be clever man. Do not want to break away from the team? Wear a smoothie - excellent fruit replacement tea and coffee!