How easier to memorize foreign words. How to quickly learn a lot of English words: effective memorization techniques

Training memory
> How to memorize foreign words

One of the main conditions for good ownership of a foreign language - large vocabulary. Good level Knowledge of the language is considered to develop more than 15 thousand words, and the ownership of 50 thousand words is considered an excellent level.

There is a huge number of different techniques for learning foreign languages, including intended and specifically to memorize foreign words. We will touch this chaplain just this problem. What can I bend the basic recommendations for improving (increase speed and strength) to memorize foreign words?

Method MBBO.

The first recommendation or the first method (MVTO method) is especially important for those who want to learn to communicate freely in a new language. The fact that when there is a lively conversation (especially if more than two people are involved in the conversation), it is important to be close to thinking in this language, otherwise you and your interlocutors will feel discomfort, the conversation may be delayed, etc. .

Be close to thinking in the language means that, having a sufficient stock of words, you need to be able to automatically Frames, which means that the time to remember the words themselves comes down to zero. If the words do not pop up in your memory automatically, you will lose the quality of spontaneity needed to freely communicate in a foreign language. Of course, spontaneity can come (and comes) with long-term experience of communication, but how to speed up this process?

First of all, remember that the main thing for this is not to memorize a foreign word as a translation of a native word. It is necessary to immediately associate a foreign word directly with the appropriate concept. That is, it is not necessary to memorize, repeating many times, for example, Butter - (Bata) - butter, butter - butter, butter - butter ..., making an accent by a voice in English, then on his translation (as most often and process occurs memorizing foreign words). Instead, it is necessary to visually submit an image (picture) of the oil itself, and, holding it before your eyes, repeat one foreign word: Butter, Butter, Butter, Butter ...

In this case, the very concept of "oil" with English "Butter" will also be associated with your memory directly. Thus, "Butter" becomes a concept, and not just a translation that, by the way, with ordinary mechanical memorization can easily be replaced by others - because for it in this case there is no, so-called, sensual, material basis, but only a set of letters. In other words, the translation is necessary for you only to know what to represent.

Even better, if you not only visualize the image of a memorable word, but also connect other senses (rumor, touch, smell, etc.) to memorization. That is, you can apply method of composures. It would be nice to remember something special from your personal, individual experience associated with this word.

In the case of "butter", I would suggest to imagine how you, for example, spend the index finger on a slightly lifted piece of cream oil, feel it soft, temperature, see the track that remains on a piece of oil from your finger. You can then imagine how you lick your finger, feel the taste of the oil; You can imagine how you cut off a small piece of oil, again feeling its hardness or softness, eat this piece, realizing all its feelings. You can imagine a stain from the oil on clothes or towel.

You can try to hear how it hits in a frying pan or with what sound it drops to the floor. After all, probably at least once in your life you have fallen or on your eyes, it is also slippery. You can imagine porridge with a non-caught piece of oil or remember the wise remark that if the sandwich falls, then it will definitely fall oil down and smile. It would be nice to remember something from your life associated with butter, for example, as one day it melted in your bag ... In short, imagine what you is closer. At the same time it is necessary to try to remember and feel as much as possible from what is connected with one or another concept.

I specifically listed for so long that you can imagine only one concept. It is important for me that you realize all the variety of how you can "feel" the word "butter" - (Bata) (as, however, and any other foreign word). In fact, the visualization, the use of the method of composures and autobiographical memories takes at all a long time, as it may seem, not more than 1.5-2 minutes, and the effect gives a tangible. The main thing for all this "procedure" - for a second, do not forget to repeat and preferably out loud: butter, butter, butter ... The same operations are applicable to memorizing verbs, and for adjectives and for other parts of speech, the main thing is to be able to allocate essential parties in memorable words.

Why is this method so effective? The fact is that it is similar to the scheme of formation of concepts in his native language in the child. Mom tells the child: "Take the chair." At the same time, she shows him with his hand on him, explaining what exactly should be taken. After all, while for the child, the word "stool" is an empty place, a set of sounds. But he takes him, carries, feels the dimensions, weight, material from which he is made, the smell of wood or fabric, sees its shape, etc. Then the situation with a chair appears again, Mom asks: "Moving a chair."

It can be a completely different chair, and he needs to get up and get something, and not sit down, but the mother again called this item in a chair, and the baby is more and more and more learned about the concept of "chair", Get acquainted with its functional use. It compares essential signs and gradually comes such a moment when the child has the concept of "chair" already formed. Now he is no longer needed to show his hand on him, he knows himself what a chair is. (By analogy with this, in a situation of studying foreign words, when the concept is formed, you will no longer have the need to spend time to remember or look into the dictionary.)

You can also imagine yourself as a child who knows the world, and, getting acquainted with the next foreign word, to make all those operations with him, about which I said above, seeking to be gradually so that this word has become for you in the concept. I remember the words in this way, you can achieve their automatic appearance in your memory at the right moment, that is, you will be close to thinking in the language. This method I conventionally call Method of interaction of all sensations Abbreviated MVO.

*** Exercise 15.

Tie the sound english words With the appropriate concepts using the MVVO method. How to do it? Let me remind you to bind a foreign word, for example, Window - (Window) is not with his translation - the word "window", and with the "window" as a concept, in other words, with the image of the window, besides, with a braza obtained in the interaction of all sensations .

So, without ceasing to repeat (and better out loud) Window, Window, Window ..., you must simultaneously imagine the window, try to remember and hear the ringing of a broken window or any other sound associated with it, for example, its rattling with strong wind. Imagine how you touch the window, realize your feelings from touch. Remember some situation from a personal life associated with a window, better pleasant or funny, etc. Do not forget to repeat memorable foreign word with an interval of 3-5 seconds.

Here are English words, their transcription and translation.
Try to apply in relation to each of them MVVO.

Sugar. (Shuga) - SUGAR
Stomach. (Art) - STOMACH
Grass. (Graz) - GRASS
Ink (Inc.) - INK
Pillow. (Pilo) - PILLOW
Bench. (Banch) - Bench, workbench
Mirrow. (Peace) - MIRROR
Mushroom. (Mashruum) - MUSHROOM
Cloud. (Claud) - CLOUD
Curtain. (Koytn) - THE CURTAIN

In the literature on the study of foreign languages, it is often possible to meet two more methods for memorizing words, something echoing with MVO. And although in efficiency, they are significantly inferior to MV, we still dwell on them and on them.

1. Surely you have already heard that to all subjects, what is it possible to attach securities (a kind of tag) with words that are denoted by the language. (Wardrobe, Desk, Shelf, Glass, Window, Teapot, Towel, Hanger, Lamp, Calendar, Wire, Curtains, etc.) It is believed that meeting often eyes with these objects and, accordingly, with words, you are quick and firmly devastate them.

The advantage of this method is that using it, you also remember the foreign word not as a translation of the native, but immediately as an image-concept. But the limitations of this method is visible to the naked eye. How many subjects can you attach such tags? By 100-200, no more. At your disposal there will be only those subjects that surround you at home and at work.

But what about the rest? A significant disadvantage of this method is that only vision works when using it, and does not have a positive effect of the interaction of all senses. In addition, such a mechanism for learning new words is not fixed in children's experience. As you already know, the concepts in their native language are formed in a child in a completely different way.

Although if you first apply the MVVO method with respect to memorable words, and then to some subjects to attach tags, then they may wage a good reminder, the repetition of the already learned. Thus, it is rather not the method of memorizing foreign words, but a good repetition method.

2. Another widespread method of memorizing foreign words is the method of memorizing them with the help of pictures on which the main values \u200b\u200bof the words are drawn. There are countless dictionaries in pictures, sets of cards of different volumes and varying degrees of artisticity. These dictionaries and cards are usually attached various recommendations for their use.

This method is really popular worldwide. And it is not in vain popular. Its effectiveness compared to the ordinary memorization of words is obvious. But it is not difficult to notice that it is only the first part of the MVT method described above, part that can be called "visualization". That is, the viewing of the picture depicting the meaning of the word is a kind of analogue of the mental presentation of the word in MVVO.

It is important to note that those who do not have to represent the images of words mentally, the cards with their image will even be necessary. The card will help to form an internal thought image of the word. They can serve as a starting point for all further work to enhance other sensations related to the word. Cards (unlike dictionaries) are also convenient because with them a large number of exercise options is possible.

And yet, the own image of a memorable word is preferable than someone else's (in this case, the artist), since the formation of the concept is more efficient, on the basis of personal experience, and your item of the subject can differ significantly from the artist. However, there are words, the visual image of which does not arise so immediately in your mind. Such may be abstract concepts, as well as words denoting items that you have never seen - not only in reality, but also in the picture. In these cases, the picture of the artist will help you in the formation of a visual image.

Another well-known recommendation for memorizing foreign words is that words are advisable to memorize in phrases. So it is better to remember the word, it must be included in the phrase. For example, for the word "butter", it is enough to make a phrase "don" t eat Much Butter! "(Dunt Um Mach BATE) (Do not eat a lot of oil!) Or" I Like Bread with Butter Very Much. "(Ay Like Brad Visa BATE Wary Mach). (I really love bread with butter.) Now make sure that the phrase is made up grammatically. After that, it must be pronounced out several times aloud, present the situation described by the phrase. Very helps to memorize the phrase to some famous motive.

The memory method in the context is good because you not only learn a new word, but once again repeat the words already known to you, of which the offer is compiled, as well as used in it grammar rules. It is also important that with frequent use of this method, the fear of conversation in a foreign language is reduced and an appropriate skill is produced, the skill of the use of familiar words in phrases is a necessary condition for free communication in the language studied. (Surely you met people who know a lot of words of the tongue, but they are afraid of speaking in this language, and often not in a state.)

On previous |

It is no secret that most of the time when studying foreign languages \u200b\u200btakes exactly the memorization of words. At school, we were taught only to one method - a cramp. Yes, it is a cool method, although not! - Not funny, ineffective and very boring. Thanks to the shank, the memorization seems torture, and this is not so. How to memorize foreign words effectively and interesting?

In fact, when used proper technology- This is a very fast and fun process. And the main thing is that we can memorize huge amounts of information in a short period of time.

How to do it? How to increase the speed of studying any foreign language at least 2 times? The answer is simple - using the technology described in this article.

How to memorize foreign words remember for times, two, three

Magic tool that we will use is called "mnemonics." Yes, the old good mnemonic. This tool today, the most effective assistant to memorize any kind of information.

To remember a foreign word, we need to do only three actions:

→ Encoding the word
Encoding the sound of the word
Connect two images to one

Everything is very simple. Moreover, this method is suitable for memorizing the words of any foreign language.

Consider examples:

English language.

Word foot (foot) - Stop

1. Image for value. We present any foot. You can look first on your foot, then imagine her in my head.
2. Image for sound. We select the most close association. For example, T-shirt, football.
3. Connect two images. On the foot we wake a T-shirt, we concentrate your attention on the connection of these images and at the same time we pronounce three times the word "Foot" (foot-foot-foot) to remember the pronunciation of this word.
Or you can imagine how a football player beats the bare feet on the ball.
That's just just remembering nouns. And how to memorize verbs and adjectives?


Word press (PRES) - Stroking (Iron)

1. Image for value. Represent an ironing board and iron.
2. Image for sound. PRES. Representing a person with a press of 6 cubes.
3. Connect two images. Imagine that instead of an ironing board lies a man with a naked torso. You come to him, take the iron and start stroking on his press. Concentrate on the connection point and pronounce three times the word "Press".
Pictures may seem very strange, but how images in the head will be unusual, the better for memorization.

Word green (Green) - Green

1. Image for value. For example, a green apple.
2. Image for sound. You can take the brothers Grimm.
3. Connect two images. You can imagine how one of the brothers Grimm bites an apple and becomes green.

What to do if the word does not get to choose one image? You need to use multiple images then.

Word Elderly ('Eldali) - Elderly

1. Image for value. A gray-haired old man with a wand.
2. Image for sound. Elf and Dali (Salvador)
3. Connect two images. We present an elf-an old man with a mustache Dali. Mustache and hair Elf gray. Presented, said three times this word and all, you remembered it.

Several tips when working with images:

Eyes, when working with images, do not close, they are directed up. This is the right position to use a visual channel.
You need to create objects of the same size or at least approximately the same. If you connect an elephant image with a flies of flies, then fly, in size, should be the same as an elephant
∨ The best ways for connecting - sex, humor, violence. The easiest - stick one image in another
In the time you need to concentrate on the links of two objects. No more
∨ Focusing not on the objects themselves, but on their connection

Mnemotechnics allows you to remember the large amount of information for a very short period of time, but in order to remember this information for a long time, you need to repeat it.

The first 96 hours repeat the learned words as often as possible. Then repeat the learned words in a month, then after 2, after 6 and a year later.

If you decide to memorize from 100 - 1000 words per day, then I recommend working with packs:

Remember ten words
Repeated them three times (from Russian to foreign, from foreign into Russian)
Switched to the next top ten words
Repeated them three times, switched to the next top ten words, etc.
Have accumulated three packs of 10 words, repeated all 30 words
When there were three packs of 100 words accumulated, we repeated all 300 words, etc.

Luka Lampareylo

Italian polyglot. He knows 11 languages, among them - German, Russian, Polish, North-One. Lamparello became a famous personality in the community of people learning languages. Currently lives in Rome.

The search for associations is a process during which new information They associate with existing knowledge.

One fragment of information may have thousands of associations with memories, emotions, experiences and individual facts. This process naturally proceeds into the brain, but we can take it under conscious control.

To do this, we will return to the above words: "gene", "cell", "synaps", "skeleton" ... if we memorize them separately, then everything will come soon. But if we learn these words in the context of the sentence, we will be much easier to fold them together in your mind. Think over this 10 seconds and try to tie these four words.

You can get out something similar: "The genes affect the development of such different elementslike skeleton, brain synapses and even individual cells. " All four words now combines a common context - as fragments in a puzzle.

Come to such exercises progressively. First, try combining a group of words that combines a certain topic like physics or policies. Then try to build more complex associations between unrelated words. With practice you will get better.

3. Repetition

More than a hundred years ago, the German physicist Ebbigangauz came to the conclusion that we forget the information on a specific scheme called the "forgetting curve". We greatly remember everything that we recently learned. But the same information disappears from memory for days.

Ebbigauz opened a mechanism to combat this phenomenon.

If you repeat new information through accurate time intervals, it will be more complicated to forget it. After several interval repetitions, it will fix in long-term memory and, most likely, will remain in the head forever.

You need to regularly repeat the old information in parallel with the new one.

4. Record

The ancient Romans said: "The words fly away, written remains." That is, to remember information, you need to fix it in a constant format. When you learn new words, write them down or dial them on the keyboard to save and return to them later.

Faced with a new useful word or phrase during a conversation, watching a movie or reading a book, put them in a smartphone or laptop. Thus, you can repeat recorded at any convenient case.

5. Application

Use learned in content conversations. This is the essence of the latter from the basic methods of effective examination of words.

Researchers from Montreal University Victor Boucher (Victor Boucher) and Alexis Lafleur found Honor Whiteman. Repeating Words Aloud To Another Person Increases Memory Recall.What to use words in conversation is more effective from the point of view of memorization than to pronounce them out loud for yourself.

In other words, the more you communicate with other people, the better your linguistic memory works and the faster the level of proficiency is growing. Therefore, always use the learned material in real conversations. This method will significantly improve your skills and will give experience in the use of new and long-learned words.

Suppose you read the article on the topic of interest. You can choose strange words from it and apply them later in a short conversation with a linguistic partner. It can be noted and learn keywords, and then retell the content of the article. You will see how well you are learning the material after the conversation.

International specialist in human and gene design systems, author of the book "Design of a cloudless life", teacher of meditation. Lives between Russia and India, advises, conducts sessions, seminars and retreats, works with customers from around the world. Writes healing fairy tales in English and Russian. Sometimes he advises in the international meditation resort of Osho in Pune (India).

  • I did not start learning English from the diaper. Since my sister taught German and succeeded in it, I decided that this was my way. I wanted to imitate my sister in everything: this thanks her I learned to read at 4 years old, so with the choice of German, too, everything was simple. So, for several years, my sister and I have sacred yourself, and it was interesting. And then the fifth class came, and I was not asked what I, Baby, I want, and recorded in the English group. After all, they felt that this is my fate :)

    Today I want to tell about the ways to learn foreign words. They passed a lot of tests, were tried on me and my students, some methods were improved, others are noteworthy. So, I share that I worked personally for me and my favorite students.

    1. Matery or just association.

    Honestly, I did not know that this method is called such a wisdom word. I used them even at school on my own, and over time I began to be sophisticated :) I'll explain now.

    Everything is very simple: we take the word, to the word attach the image. The method works well in visuals. I'm still often together with the word and image representing a sideproof how this word is written. This technique is especially useful for abstract words. For example: heat - Desert, love - Cupid with an arrow, open - Hand opening a bottle of lemonade or beer. All our associations have their own associations, and even if they seek someone very strange, and it works for you, let's be strange :)

    The next stage is the consolidation of this image, the words and the relationship between them in the brain, that is, to repeat again and again until it is defined. It should not be treated as hard and tedious work. I am for ensuring that any process is easy and playfully. I use mnemotechnics with particularly difficult words that do not want to immediately memorize.

    2. Making cards for words.

    An old good way, with the help of which I was preparing for the terrible exam of the GRE, which is needed for admission to the American university. On one side we write the Russian option, to another English. IMPORTANT: Do not write all the values \u200b\u200bof this word, the first two are always enough to begin, unless there is a specific term. Cards can be done in the phone, or on paper. They are comfortable to carry and check themselves in their free time.

    3. Enclose objects with stickers.

    It is reserved for creative and beginners. The word is best remembered when instead of his translation you have a picture before your eyes.

    4. Vision in context.

    English - contextual. When they ask me how to say "go", I always answer: "Looking where, depending on, and looking at how long." While we will not see a new word in the context, you can do little with him. So that the word does not remain dead cargo, we will make a sentence with a word or expression in writing, and better three, then we read them out loud.

    5. Put on audio.

    The word (expression) is important not only to recognize when we see it, but also to find out when we hear it. To do this, it is necessary to utter it repeatedly. Good way - Snap yourself to the voice recorder, and then listen. Of course, it is first important to find out how correctly this is the worda, not to follow the sad example Vitaly Mutko and his speech in FIFA under the bottom name "FROOM ZE BOTOM OV MAY HART" :) After 30 minutes, the word should be repeated. Say repeat before bed - most best time For memorization, since it is the best time to work with the subconscious.

    6. Intelligent cards.

    We take one topic and make a brainstorm. For example, fruits are Melon, Pear, Apple, Plum, Grape, etc .. You can connect this method with "card". And even remember that the more time we spend on one word, the faster it is postponed into the passive dictionary and the faster it will be in active.

    About active and passive dictionary. When we teach / see a new word, it is postponed to the passive internal dictionary. This is the first important stage. That is, you start this word to find out when you see, especially in the context. Only after that this word has a chance to "leave" into the active dictionary, that is, you can extract it from memory and use it in speech.

    7. Find an accomplice.

    Surely in your life there is someone who would like to learn a foreign language with you. It stimulates. Especially fun to make an associative row along with a friend - it is very fun :). At one time, the accomplice did not have, and I studied the English itself. But this rule I use in other cases, it always works! Somehow will tell.

    8. Use emotions.

    When memorizing the words, the emotions that you invest in a new word are very important. If you connect it with some living pictures causing emotions, preferably positive, but not necessarily :), the word will postpone at least in passive dictionary. You can bind to personal memories, which is also very effective. You can call smells, taste, fill in color, or connect it with your favorite music. This method is well suited to memorize certain concepts that are difficult to bind to something specific.

    9. Spelling.

    The word should not only know how it is pronounced, but also be able to write. To do this, take a sheet of paper and write it many times. The concept of "Spelling" is very important in english language. If you have a girlfriend Ashley, whose name is written ashly, and not Ashleigh, then God forbid you write her name wrong. No offense will not cost :)

    10. Bunch of concepts.

    When you study individual words, it is one thing, and when you associate them with each other, it becomes even more efficient. You can, for example, choose 10-20 words and write a connected story consisting of these words. It may be stupid, funny, serious - it does not matter, have fun with it! Personally, I find this method very entertaining.

    11. Opposites.

    We choose those words that have antonyms, and remember them first separately, then in a pair. For example, Good - Bad, Awful - Awesome. You can do the same with synonyms (Nice - Fine - Good), with professions (to Teach - Teacher, etc.), using word formation. About this - in the next paragraph.

    12. Foundation.

    Here you can explore the suffixes and consoles with which new words are formed. For example, Believe (believing) - Believable (probable) - Unbelievable (incredible) - Believing - Belief (faith) - DisBelief (disbelief).

    13. The combination of all methods.

    This is the best way. All of the above methods complement each other and help.

    Now it remains only to start :) Next time I will tell about the resources, with which the study and improvement of English can become a powerful tool for self-development!

    Need to admit that for self-development and career growth in modern world Without knowledge of a foreign language, you can not do. Of course, for his development it is necessary to memorize many unfamiliar words, whether English, French, German, Chinese, Hindi, Swahili, Haus or Kechua. We will try to figure out how it is properly and productively work on vocabulary. What advises the guru of virtual spaceGoogle? To understand this will help us a trainer-methodologist for the development of the formation of the memory of Tatyana Nikolaevna Mazin.

    Relationships with foreign languages, of course, had differently in different ways. There are bilinguals, whose brain is arranged in such magicallythat the memorization of words is not for them a lot of work. There are those who have had the opportunity to communicate from childhood language medium. Some of us were able to learn from talented teachers.

    Someone is not very lucky from school when there was no motivation, the lessons seemed boring and sometimes turned into torture, and the ball thrown to you, the flight of which was accompanied by an accompanied question, and the question was accompanied by a persistent feeling of hostility to all foreign languages \u200b\u200bwithout exception. Each of us has its own history of joy and disappointment, victories and defeats in the study of English, German, French. Leaving the pain and bitterness of the previous negative experience, as the people who, in the conscious age, decided to take on the development of the language thoroughly, let's stop at some useful receptions.


    Pretty standard method Study of any foreign words, relevant for hieroglyphic. On the front side you need to write the word itself, and on the revolving transcription and translation. Working with cards should be done regularly, otherwise positive results We have to wait for a very long time. Important! Cards must be manufactured independently. Perhaps, if you buy them in the store, they will be more beautiful and with fun pictures. However, on the process of memorization, its own hard work on their creation affects.


    Attach tags or stickers to the subjects around you. Although, with this approach, only visual memory will be involved and the range of items is limited, to assimilate the necessary words such a way will allow.


    It is known that pictures with signed words help to master the new vocabulary. When words correlate with a specific subject, we do not have to resort to the translation to our native language. So we have a certain image. And moreover, there are no difficulties with required materials. Today at our disposal there are many dictionaries with pictures on various topics.


    We must not forget that when mastering the language, learning to write is as important as to say, read and perceive speech by ear. What to do in this case? If you want to write correctly - write, prescribe and rewrite. The best alternative to striches from the words have not yet come up.

    Several memorization helps building synonymic rows Or coming the antonyms. Not bad help can be an exercise on word formation, when we add to the Word all sorts of prefixes and postfixes.


    Pretty simple I. effective method For memorization. The word is fixed by any visual image. They say the more non-standard your association is, the better the new lexical unit will be remembered. Without such a way it is very difficult to cope with the hieroglyphic. Those who study japanese languageThis helps the "path of bumping birds". And be sure to repeat! Otherwise, the Association will not entrenched in memory.

    Context and only context!

    There is another approach. Do not memorize words yourself, but to master them in context. With an memorable word, it is important to work, making up a few sentences with him. It is necessary to pronounce the constructed phrases loud several times. This will help not only better remember the meaning of the word, but also to experience the language situation in which its use will be most appropriate. In addition, such an easy acceptance contributes to the improvement of conversational skills and grammar.

    Proverbs, patters, poems and songs

    Don't forget about such useful things like tongue Twisters and proverbs. This is a very good way to learn new words.

    Try the progress several times. "You Cuss, I Cuss, WE ALL CUSS, FOR ASPARAGUS!" or "SEVEN SLICK SLIMEY SNAKES SLOWLY SLIDING SOUTHWARD". While you will drag the pronunciation of the spells, while in good faith working on speed, words will be remembered by themselves. Just do not forget to translate them.

    For the same purposes you can use poem. Recall a wonderful poem in English "The House That Jack Built". With such a number of repetitions of volley-unilies, new words will be remembered.

    This can also be attributed songs. Especially simple. At the level of pre-school and primary education, such a memory method is applied quite often. Why not use it and now? Then the study of the tongue will be much less burdened. And you can understand that the learning process can also be enjoyed.


    You can not write off the benefit of games. An adult person helps no less than a child. Word game "Broken Phone", "gallows" (Hangman), solving crosswords - quite good ways. Active games are best helpful when you are in the group.

    Do not ignore technical progress!

    To memorize new words there are a great many applications! In a free minute or during a trip in transport, you can quickly repeat the words on cards and go through a small test to understand which of the new words you have already mastered, and what else you need to work. These applications include Anki.. It will always remind you that it's time to work a little over the words. There are versions for both Android and iOS. And, importantly, cards in Anki. can be created yourself, so it can be used to study different languagesAnd also add pictures for clarity.

    The operation of the application is based on interval repetitions. Memrise.. Words in it are also voiced. For some of them there are even a video. Exist for Android and iOS.

    There are special memorization applications phrasal verbs, and with them difficulties always abound. For example, for Android is English IDIOMS AND PHRASES, and for iOS - English idioms illustrated.

    Do not forget about emotional mood.

    If you fill the word alive emotionBy the way, it does not have to be positive, the memorization process will be more efficient. The lexical unit will switch to your active dictionary from passive. The main condition is the feeling experienced by you should be bright.

    These simple techniques will help streamline work and with the smallest temporary losses to remember the new vocabulary. So says the omniscient Google. And on this it would be possible in our story to put the point. But no. That's not all. Since we adhere to a scientific approach to any question and are not ready to take everything on faith, ask about the methods of memorizing our expert, trainer-Methodist for the Development of Sharing Memory Training Campaign Tatiana Nikolaevna Mazin.

    Expert opinion

    Memorization of new words - pretty global problem. We learn the language of 8 years, and in the end we speak and read with the dictionary. Immediately you can make several critical comments on the Soviets submitted. Of course, it is impossible to learn outside the text of the word. Knowledge of a foreign language is not only knowledge of words, and the ability to explain your thoughts with the help of competently built speech forms. Therefore, learning foreign words is necessary only in context. The word must be "Live". Very useful way - use pictures. With their help, we immediately form an image. Although, of course, you can not choose these pictures to choose these pictures. Visual images also help to memorize spelling, but without progressing it will be ineffective. Words should be heard.

    Need to remember clear rule: When learning a foreign language, it is necessary to read texts only out loud, pronouncing words and suggestions.

    What concerns associations In our textbooks, this technique is proposed often, but usually incorrect. Associations must be unusual. It's right. However, there are certain laws that will enable the Association for the Word. It must be correlated with the meaning of the word.

    Patters, songs, poems - Always good, just like games. Helps memorize words and solve crosswords. There is nothing wrong with that. Any work over the norm will be useful. But the inscriptions on the subjects from this list can be safely excluded. There is no particular sense in this. In the best case, the words will be remembered only visually. In addition, they usually never pronounce them.

    Let's focus on three fundamentally important momentswhich is worth paying attention to, mastering the language.

    1) Foreign language in your home should sound as often as possible. You need to read regularly, listen to music, watch movies with subtitles. As possible, use your native speech.

    2) It is important to read at least 1 page page per day out loud. You can do without translation, but unfamiliar words in it should be no more than 1/3. At the initial stage, you should not take too complex texts. If you approach the study of the language seriously, the page must be read twice. When a person during the first reading come across unfamiliar words, he will be able to contact the dictionary and read the transcription. Often there are situations when we visually memorizing the word, but we cannot pronounce it correctly. The second time the process will pass more smoothly, without errors.

    3) And most important note. Never remember a foreign word, and then his Russian translation. You need to do just the opposite. First read the Russian word. Then submit its clear image, its concrete value. Only after that you can read a foreign word and apply some special methods to memorize it.

    And be sure reiteration. There are rational repetition systems and enhancing information in long-term memory. It is important to know that the greatest drop in information occurs in the first 12 and 24 hours. Therefore, you need to repeat the words in the next mode. We learned - immediately repeated. Corrected all errors. Then repeated after 20 minutes, 8 hours and after 24 hours. So the new vocabulary will remain in long-term memory.

    Words to learn is important only in the texts. The word must be working. Why always all need to be pronounced out loud? Our susceptibility is immediately enhanced. Memory begins to work at once 3 channels: I see, I hear, I say. So we learn to perceive the language of the rumor and speak at the same time. We prepare the speech apparatus to be used with ease. Gradually, we begin to better understand the psychology, the rules and logic of building phrases, to get used to how words are located on the form of a proposal, in what order. "

    Well, most of the google-tips turned out to be useful. But we will pay attention that all the same, these are additional memorization methods that should fall on a rather clear technique. Holding for the development of a foreign language, you need to competently implement systematic work. Our expert told us how to build the right base. Everything else is additional funds. When we learn a foreign language, the memorization of new words is constantly: while reading, auditing, when writing letters and essays.

    Learn new words fun! Be sure to try different memorization techniques, find your own and combine them. Then progress does not make himself wait long. And remember the main recommendation of our expert: "We's speech learned every day!"

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