“The procession was extremely difficult, but we survived. The procession of the Great Cross has begun

SCHEDULE OF THE VELIKORETSKY PROCESSION June 3 - 8, 2016 June 3 Friday 7-00 - Divine Liturgy in the Holy Dormition Cathedral in Kirov, headed by Metropolitan Vyatka and Sloboda Mark 9-00 - Prayer service with an akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the Cathedral Square Assumption Trifonov Monastery in Kirov. 10-00 - Beginning of the procession from the Holy Dormition Trifonov Monastery (movement of the procession: along Gorbachev St. to Lenin St., along Lenin St. to Profsoyuznaya St., then across the "Old" bridge). 12-00 - Meeting of the procession in the Trinity Church in Kirov. Prayer service to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. 19-00 - Meeting of the procession in the village. Bobino. Prayer service with akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. June 4, Saturday 3-00 - Departure of the procession from the village. Bobino. 10-00 - Meeting of the procession in the village. Tanning. Prayer service with akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. 12-00 - Departure of the procession from the village. Tanning. 20-00 - Meeting of the procession in the village. Monastery. June 5, Sunday 3-00 - Departure of the procession from the village. Monastyrsky. 9-00 - Arrival of the procession in the village. Gorokhovo. Divine Liturgy. 12-00 - Departure of the procession from the village. Gorokhovo. 16-30 to 17-00 - Departure of buses from St. Seraphim Cathedral in Kirov in the village. Velikoretskoe. 18-00 - Meeting of the procession in Velikoretsky Metochion. Prayer service to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. 19-00 - All-night vigil on the banks of the Velikaya River. Confession. 19-00 - All-night vigil in the Church of the Transfiguration. Confession. 19-00 - All-night vigil in St. Nicholas Cathedral. 19-00; 20-00; 21-00 - Departure of buses with pilgrims from Velikoretsky to Kirov (as buses are full). June 6, Monday 1-00 - Early Divine Liturgy in the Church of the Transfiguration. 3-00 - Early Divine Liturgy in St. Nicholas Cathedral. 5-00 - Early Divine Liturgy in the Church of the Transfiguration. 6-00 - Middle Divine Liturgy on the banks of the Velikaya River. 6-00 to 8-00 - Departure of buses with pilgrims from the Serafimovsky Cathedral in Kirov to the village. Velikoretskoe. 10-00 - Late Divine Liturgy on the banks of the Velikaya River. 13-00 - Procession to the source. Consecration of water at the source and on the Velikaya River. 14-00 - Transferring the icon from the banks of the Velikaya River to the Transfiguration Church of the Velikoretsky Metochion. 14-00 - 18-00 - Molebens with an akathist in front of the Velikoretsky icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the Transfiguration Church. 9-00 to 19-00 - Departure of buses with pilgrims from Velikoretsky to Kirov (as the buses are full). June 7, Tuesday 1-00 - Prayer service with an akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the Transfiguration Church of the Velikoretsky Metochion. 2-00 - Departure of the procession from the village. Velikoretsky. 14-00 - Meeting of the procession in the village. Mediany. Canon of the Velikoretsk Icon of St. Nicholas. 17-00 - Departure of the procession from the village. Mediany. 19-00 - Meeting of the procession in the village. Murygino. Easter Matins. June 8, Wednesday 3-00 - Departure of the procession from the village. Murygino. 4-00 - Meeting of the procession in the village. Girsovo. Prayer to Saint Nicholas. 13-00 - Meeting of the procession in the temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" (Kirov, Luganskaya, 5a). Prayer service with akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, blessing of water. 14-30 - Departure of the procession. 16-30 - Meeting of the procession in the Holy Dormition Cathedral of the Trifonov Monastery in Kirov. Prayer service with akathist to St. Nicholas. 18-00 - End of the procession.

WITH the pilgrimage made every year, albeit to the same places, appears unique, different from all previous processions. And each pilgrimage has its own inexpressible truth, unforgettable impressions, trials and experience.

In 2016, my second procession to the village of Velikoretskoye took place. He was remembered for a more conscious and easy transition of the first day, despite the gloomy sky and the rain that caught near Makariy. However, the coolness of the day and the specially equipped shoes made it possible to cover 19 kilometers without any serious overcoming. This applied experience, I believe, will be useful to many pilgrims: it is necessary to put on woolen socks, pulling on interchangeable stockings and only then shoes. Thus, the feet are noticeably saved from rubbing and the appearance of calluses. For comparison: in the 2015 pilgrimage already on the second day, painful corns interfered and undermined the spirit, and it was only the middle of the second day, when most of the journey lay ahead. Taught by hard experience, armed with woolen socks on my second hike, I was able to keep my heels intact even after an exhausting 35-kilometer route, only tired muscles ached.

In general, the readiness for testing and the experience gained from 2015 greatly simplified the movement in 2016. () The first night in Bobino turned out to be almost perfect: I managed to ask for an overnight stay with the same hospitable hosts, who made a bed in the dressing room, where surprisingly there was the softest water, which I have ever tried. I also had the opportunity to bask in the bath all night long, which allowed me to warm up, wash and cleanse myself properly - just an excellent feeling.

The second day also seemed easier, or rather the path itself, although the penultimate 2 transitions the body was looking for any available reserves in order to just hold out, no longer thinking about something, because there was simply no strength left for it. The last transition I did move in automatic mode with only one anticipation of the imminent end of this most difficult day. Only now difficulties were expected ahead - this is what happens when you find yourself away from home. And if for the first time luck lit up our path, and we settled down for the night, then in the village of Monastyrskoye, the free places known to us were already booked. And not ready to put up with the cold, and soon with the mosquitoes, we were forced to go home - to return to where we came from - to Kirov. Which by the way turned out to be no less luck, since all the minibuses had already left, taxi access to Monastyrskoye was limited. And in the end, a driver with a special pass to the village territory was able to take us home for decent money.

Interestingly, the driver himself, who has been helping pilgrims leave Monastyrskoe for several years, has never participated in this procession. That is why he began to ask us how we decided on such an adventure, he was interested: why do people go to such hardships. And I told him about my ideas, feelings and benefits that the procession brings. For me personally, this is a long-awaited opportunity to change a sedentary lifestyle to such a radically natural one. Dormant systems of vital activity immediately turn on and mobilize. Metabolism is accelerated, body tissues are renewed, fat reserves sour from inactivity are consumed, the whole body is enriched with oxygen, rejuvenated and trained.

In addition to changing the usual way of life, the Procession is an indispensable and long-awaited meeting with nature. After all, someone chooses a day off and an evening by the fire, and someone decides on a multi-day hike with all the stories that follow from this, unique moments, with a vivid photo report.

Religious procession - in addition to the bonus to health, the portfolio of impressions, first of all, is a spiritual asceticism. Numerous prayers for many kilometers and distant months clear the sky above your head. Only believers will understand this, and as they say, no one is going to convince anyone of anything. And even if we do not take into account the spiritual aspects, then in terms of healing the body and impressions, the procession is simply an indispensable companion.

After all that has been heard about the benefits and advantages of the procession, someone will surely decide on it, at least for the sake of their own experience and new impressions. Whereas after the test on oneself, already knowing firsthand about all the pros and cons of this event, a person, as a rule, strives to find himself again in these Spartan conditions, if only to visit the cleansing stream of believers again and walk the cherished healing kilometers.

Portnov V. V. June 2016

From August 9 to 13, 2016, with the blessing of the primate of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church, Metropolitan (Titov), ​​the next Old Believer Velikoretsky procession will take place.

The Velikoretsky procession has been taking place since the 14th century, according to the vow of the inhabitants of the city of Vyatka. In 1383, on the Velikaya River, the image of St. Nicholas appeared to the peasant Agalakov, from whom many healings and miracles were subsequently revealed. At that time, the Vyatka land was inhabited mainly by pagan tribes, so the icon was transferred to the city of Khlynov, the center of the Vyatka region. The inhabitants of the city made a vow to annually bring the icon to the place of its appearance. Thus, a tradition arose to make a procession from Vyatka to the banks of the Velikaya River, where the village of Velikoretskoye now stands. The veneration of the Velikoretsky image of St. Nicholas gradually spread throughout Russia.

In 2002, on the initiative and with the personal participation of the Bishop of Kazan (Chetvergov), later Metropolitan and Primate of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church, the Old Believer procession to the Velikaya River was officially resumed.

In 2005, Bishop Andrian, according to custom, led the procession to the village of Velikoretskoye, but on the second day of the journey, on the banks of the Gryadovitsa River, he completed his earthly labors. At this place now stands a memorial cross, near which every year on August 10, pilgrims perform a memorial service.

By August 11 - the day of the birth of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the memory of the transfer of his holy image, many pilgrims from all over ancient Orthodox Russia, near and far Abroad rush to the Velikaya River in the Kirov Region. Among the pilgrims are people of all ages: children, teenagers, youth, young families and the elderly.

The procession with the longest route and time starts today. Early in the morning the pilgrims left. They have to walk about 160 kilometers - from the city of Vyatka (Kirov) to the village of Velikoretsky and back. On the banks of the Velikaya River on August 11 — on the feast of the Nativity of St. Nikola — Liturgy is served in the field church at the site of the appearance of the Velikoretsky icon of St. Nikola. On all days of the procession, a full daily circle of services is performed.

The clergy and laity make a solemn procession with a cross, icons, banners and the Velikoretsky image of St. Nicholas of Christ in order to diligently honor and prayerfully bow to the miraculous image " ambulance and warm intercessor at the place of its acquisition.

For more than 600 years, the icon of St. Nicholas has been brought to the site of the apparition - the bank of the Velikaya River. Until 1777, the procession was carried out by water along the Vyatka and Velikaya on boats and rafts, then it began to take place on land. The route of the procession consists of four day trips and one day of rest in the village of Velikoretsky.

The administration of the city of Kirov contributes to the holding of the Velikoretsky Old Believer procession: the movement of vehicles is temporarily stopped along the route, and public order and road safety are ensured by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Kirov.

On August 9, 2005, before the start of the procession of the Velikoretsky cross procession, Metropolitan Andrian of Moscow and All Russia gave his last interview to a local newspaper. To the question of Vyatka journalists: “ What message would you give readers? The metropolitan replied: ...God willing - come to us. Or at least try to feel the spiritual power of our Church».

It is simply impossible not to feel the spiritual strength of the Church, its unity, having gone through this procession and overcoming all difficulties. God help all the participants of the Velikoretsky Cross Procession, spiritual strength to you, strength, sincere prayer, God's help and patience!


The Velikoretsky cross procession makes a huge contribution to a great cause - it organizes the fellowship of Christian youth.
Gathering in the city of Kirov on August 8, in the church of St. Nicholas in Krasnoye Selo.

1st day. August 9 - Tuesday

5.00 Beginning of the Old Believer Velikoretsky Cross Procession
(From the Old Believer Church in the city of Kirov, Novovyatsky district of the village of Krasnoye, Sovetskaya st., 14,)
6.00 Microdistrict "Sunny Beach", movement along Lenin Street.
6.40 Philharmonic, turn through the square of the Philharmonic to the street. Kazanskaya.
6.55 Turn from st. Kazanskaya on the street. Gorbachev
7.00 Parish in Trifonov Assumption Monastery. Halt until 7.30.
7.30 Exit from the Trifonov Monastery on the street. Gorbachev.
7.35 Turn from Gorbachev street to the street. Kazan. Movement to the "old bridge".
8.00 A halt in the square near the old bridge.
8.15 Exit to st. Profsoyuznaya and movement along it towards the street. K. Marx.
8.25 Turn onto st. K. Marx and movement along it towards Oktyabrsky Prospekt.
8.35 Exit to Oktyabrsky Prospekt and movement to the street. Zhukovsky
9.25 Movement on the street. Zhukovsky to st. Alexander Nevsky, 3 (Zonova settlement).
10.00 Halt at Alexander Nevsky, 3 (Zonova settlement).
10.00 Installation of the cross at the site of the construction of the temple. Dinner.
12.00 Start of movement towards the new bridge.
12.55 Overpass (north-western bypass - Kotelnich - P. Korchagin St.) (crossing at the pedestrian crossing before the interchange)
14.00 A halt at the Black Lake
14.20 Exit to the Vyatka highway towards Kotelnich.
15.00 Turn from the highway "Vyatka" towards the village of Iskra.
15.20 Railway crossing at the village of Girsovo.
15.20 A halt behind the railroad
15.40 Movement along the embankment Vyatka p. Girsovo.
16.50 Halt on the road Girsovo - Murygino
17.40 Arrival in the village of Murygino.
17.50 Arrival at the house of culture of the village of Murygino. Overnight stay.

2nd day. August 10 - Wednesday

4.00 Exit from the place of lodging for the night - the house of culture of the village of Murygino.
4.20 Exit from the village of Murygino.
5.30 Halt in front of the highway Kirov - Kotelnich
6.30 Arrival in the village of Medyany.
6.30 Halt in the village of Medyany near the old ruined church
7.00 Exit from the village of Medyany and move towards the former village of Ustinovichi.
9.30 Halt in the village of Ustinovichi
9.50 Exit towards the village of Stenichi.
10.20 Halt at the village of Vasenina.
10.20 Passage through the village of Vaseniny.
11.20 Halt for the village of Shibany. Lunch 1.5 hours.
12.50 Exit from the halt and move towards the dam on the river. Gryadovitsa.
13.50 Litiya at the dam on the river. Gryadovice
13.55 Halt on the river. Gryadovice 15 min
14.10 Exit from the halt. Movement towards the Velikoretsky on forest roads.
19.00 Arrival in the village Velikoretskoe

3rd day. August 11 - Thursday

5.00 The beginning of the morning service in the village of Velikoretskoye on the feast of the Nativity of St. Nikola. (Divine Liturgy, water blessing, procession, festive meal and rest)

4th day. August 12 - Friday

5.00 Exit from the Velikoretsky.
6.40 Halt at the Cross for 20 minutes.
8.25 Break for 10 minutes.
8.40 Break for 20 minutes. (we don’t go to the village of Gorohovo)
10.00 A halt over the bridge over the river. Gryadovitsa. 1 hour
12.00 Break for 20 minutes.
13.30 Break for 20 minutes.
14.35 Break for 20 minutes.
15.20 Arrival in the village of Medyany. Break 1 hour.
16.40 Crossing of the highway Kirov - Kotelnich.
19.00 Arriving at the place of lodging for the night - the house of culture of the village of Murygino.

5th day. August 13 - Saturday

5:00 Exit from the village of Murygino. The beginning of the movement towards the village of Girsovo.
6:40 Railroad crossing
6:50 Halt behind the railway bridge 15 minutes.
7.30 A halt for the village of Iskra at the turn to the Vyatka highway. 10 minutes
7.40 Exit to the highway "Vyatka".
8.30 A halt in a cafe near the Black Lake. 15 minutes.
9.50 Crossing over the overpass over the "bypass road".
10.00 Halt behind the flyover 30 min
10.30 Exit to st. P. Korchagin and movement towards house number 115
10.50 Turn towards the village. Simonovskaya, crossing the field.
11.15 Halt on the field 20 min
12.10 Crossing the river Ploskaya. Halt across the river 1 hour
13.15 In the direction of the "old bridge" and traffic along the Red Star Street.
14.10 Halt in the park near the old bridge across the river. Vyatka 20 minutes
14.50 Movement on the street. Kazanskaya to the square near the Philharmonic.
14.55 Square near the Philharmonic. Turn onto st. Lenin and movement towards with. Red.
15.35 Halt at micro-he "Solnechny" 25 min
17.00 Arrival in the village Red to the Old Believer Church.

On June 8, the Velikoretsky procession ended in Kirov. A long-term participant, a well-known Russian writer, co-chairman of the Writers' Union of Russia, shares his impressions of the prayer procession:

And again, two great events happened - the descent of the Holy Fire and the most significant weekly Velikoretsky procession in our Orthodox world! This prayer procession has been going on Russian soil for 650 years. This year the procession turned out to be especially difficult: the crusaders were opposed by hail, rain and cold. On the penultimate day, when the pilgrims entered the Medyan forest, cold rain fell continuously for eight hours. In this regard, the leadership of the procession allowed to kindle bonfires in order to warm up at least a little at a halt. Everyone was rinsed out, but no one whimpered.

The current procession was also distinguished by the fact that many children were walking. They were carried on their hands, and those older, from the age of four, walked with their own legs. And no one whimpered. At the last stop before Kirov, the Vyatka diocese sent buses for the children, but no one agreed to use them - everyone went to the end of the procession.

I can't help but rejoice that I'm Orthodox! It was not a sea of ​​people, but an ocean of pilgrims. On the first day of the procession, people met each other after a year of separation, joyfully exchanging news. And the river of joyful jubilant people moved on its way. Everyone was happy that they were again walking on Russian soil and glorifying God. It's unforgettable!

Some talk about some kind of "energy" and "feeding". But what is the energy if people have not seen each other since the last procession? It is joyful when we again go together to the Velikoretskaya River. Thank God, they left all their worries for the sake of a prayer procession, in which 40 thousand people walked, all with mobile phones. Of course, there was not communication everywhere, but how happy it was to hear people talking with relatives and friends, sharing their impressions: We were already in Medyany, in Monastyrskoye, we came to Velikoretskoye, we took communion.

Geography was presented as never before. The crusaders arrived from the Far East, Ukraine, the Baltic states, Belarus, from the upper, middle and lower Volga, Arkhangelsk region. The whole country came to Velikoretsky procession. I am happy that in my homeland there is the Velikoretsky procession. Interestingly, there were few Vyatkas, but they did the main thing - they preserved the Velikoretsky procession. After all, he was killed. Why was it difficult to walk after the millennium of the Baptism of Russia? All the villages along the way of the procession were killed. For example, in the village of Gorohovo there was a post office and a school, a medical center. But everything was killed and burned. And still they went and saved.

Now it's easier to go. But still, you have to go. If in 1992 we were walking, about two hundred people, the tent weighed six kilograms, and now only one and a half. It is very good. The army helped us - the soldiers pulled the tents. Field kitchens were organized, where they were treated to buckwheat porridge and hot tea.

The cold was good because there were no ticks, no mosquitoes, no gadflies. I noticed that when it's cold, it's much easier to walk. And fatigue helps a lot to pray, because when it is comfortable, all sorts of conversations can begin. But when it’s hard to walk, mud, rain, you just pray - Lord have mercy, help me to reach. Pray for relatives and friends, Saint Nicholas. And it never happened that the saint did not help. And you repeat so that the procession ends victoriously, to the glory of God.

There were no extraordinary events, although there was a hitch in one place, someone joked evilly. We were informed that the car in front on the Vyatka-Nizhny Novgorod highway was mined. Therefore, the procession was delayed for an hour and a half. But the people were completely uncomplaining. And where, in what country is there still such a people? We are invincible.

You clearly feel that the Lord is with us. There were no judgments or judgments during the move. No one talked about the meeting of the Patriarch with the pontiff, everyone just prayed for him, Russia, relatives and friends. What am I talking about? At the same time, some gatherings were taking place in Moscow, and petitions were being prepared for those who disagreed with the behavior of His Holiness. But we must go and pray, for we do not need anything else. The Lord is near, He needs to speak, as if He is standing nearby and listening.

May God grant us to live until next year - the Holy Fire and the Velikoretsky Cross Procession. The stock of forces acquired during the procession is enough for a long time. The Velikoretsky procession was extremely difficult, but we survived.

Go to Velikoretsky cross procession 2011. Tickets from Moscow to the city of Kirov and back have already been purchased. There are still about 40 days left before the start of the procession. It's time to get on the road.

Mobile luggage storage

I study in detail on the Internet everything that is written about this procession. I especially carefully read the stories of veterans and newcomers to the procession. All of this can come in handy.

And here is the best information. In recent years, a mobile storage room has been organized in the procession.

The things that you hand over to the storage room follow you by a detour by car. In the evening they can be returned, and the next day in the morning they can be handed over again. And so every day during the campaign. Thus, there is no need to carry a sleeping bag and clothes for the night.

Rain protection

In case of rain, the campaign veterans offer just a rectangular piece of film. Such a film is usually used for greenhouses. The raincoat is not convenient, because. does not cover the backpack, but the film covers everything.

I especially liked the statement of one experienced pilgrim that during the rainy season at a halt it is very convenient to lie down on the foam (tourist rug), putting a backpack under your head and covering yourself with a film. It seemed funny then. But how right he was!

Packing backpacks

We buy backpacks that are not very large (35 liters) for fear that otherwise we will not lift them. We collect them very carefully. We pay special attention to the weight of each item. Nothing extra.

We choose our shoes carefully. The most comfortable are sneakers. Rubber boots are very good for rain, but they are too heavy. We decide to replace them with plastic galoshes. I also take rag slippers to wear on the road, in dry weather or when spending the night.

A sleeping bag, foam and rain film no longer fit in a backpack. We tie them outside with ropes. We stuff galoshes inside the twisted foam. But even after these tricks, we realize that the backpack is too small. It is better to use a backpack of 50-55 liters. However, it's too late to choose.

Things for the road

I will bring complete list of travel items. Maybe this will be useful to someone.

1. Sleeping bag

2.Penka (tourist rug for halts and overnight)

3. Rain film



7. Long skirt, tights, men's shirt, headscarf (I put all this on myself)

8. Spare T-shirt

9. Windbreaker

10. A bottle or two for water (mandatory)

11. Dry clothes for sleep (leotards and T-shirt)

13. Spare head scarf

14. Towel and toiletries

15. Socks (terry and thin, several pairs)

17. Mobile phone

19.First aid kit

20. Bowl, spoon, mug

21. Rope

22. Prayer book and akathists

Let's hit the road

And then comes the day of departure. From our hometown of Obninsk (Kaluga region) we get by train to Moscow.

In the capital we face unexpected problem. Turnstiles are installed at the station and in the subway. It is not possible to pass through them with a backpack, to which a sleeping bag and foam are tied on the outside. We have to shift the sleeping bag into a separate bag, consoling ourselves with the fact that it will still have to be handed over to the storage room.

The train leaves on the evening of June 2, and on the morning of June 3 we should already be in the city of Kirov. We only have one night on the road.

Unusual atmosphere on the train

Probably everyone had to travel by train. Therefore, you can easily imagine what a reserved seat car is, in which there is not a single free seat.

One group is going to have dinner, the second is putting the restless children to bed, and the third is turning on the receiver loudly and listening to music. There is a general rumble in the whole car, which usually stops late at night. We go on a pilgrimage quite often and are already used to such a picture. We try, as far as possible, to react calmly to any environment.

Marvelous! But this time everything was wrong. It turned out that the ENTIRE car consists of passengers going to the Velikoretsky procession. The conversations were conducted in a low voice. Someone read the evening prayers. Veterans of the procession gave advice to newcomers.

Unexpected admonition

Next to us was a woman who was going to take part in the Velikoretsk procession for the second time. She said that she was in it two years ago, and last year she was not allowed by domestic circumstances. And now she is very happy that everything worked out for her. I still remember her shining, joy-filled eyes. She really escaped from the bustle of the world and felt herself, if not in heaven, then somewhere between heaven and earth.

I had a completely different mood. Still (almost like) it was scary. I consoled myself with the fact that you can always get off track and return home earlier. After all, there is transport everywhere, and if I don’t have enough strength at all, I can always do it.

I shared these thoughts with my neighbor in the carriage. To my doubts, she said that I should not even think about it, that Nikolai Ugodnik myself will carry me through the entire procession.

At that moment, for the first time, I felt that it was impossible to look for escape routes all the time. I suddenly felt myself on the edge of the font in the bitter Epiphany frost, when my mind does not allow me to undress and dive into the hole. But the prayer offered is so warming that at this moment there is nothing higher than to give oneself to the will of God. This moment is especially beautiful. You realize with all your heart that your will no longer exists, and that the Will that controls you will do everything much better than you.

The turning point has come. I calmed down and already attentively listened to the useful advice of experienced pilgrims. Some of them I even want to bring.

1. Two pairs of socks should be worn with sneakers. First put on thin, and then - terry. Then the leg easily rotates between two pairs of socks and calluses form less.

2. In order to avoid corns, it is necessary to close up with a bactericidal plaster those places on the leg where corns are most often formed. This must be done in advance, while there are no corns yet. The patch should be renewed every day

3. It is imperative to wear tights under the skirt and tuck it into socks. This is tick protection. Pants must also be tucked into socks.

About the arrival in the city of Kirov and the search for the temple, from which the Velikoretsky procession began. About the water-blessing prayer and the organization of the route. About first impressions and overnight stays. surprises and difficulties. You can read about everything.