Lapkin Ignatius Tikhonovich. Caution pseudo-Orthodox sect needle - - sect of Ignatius Lapkin

Lapkin Ignatiy Tikhonovich was born on June 10, 1939. He believed that there is a God, an afterlife, heaven and hell from infancy. But according to the Gospel, he believed in Christ only on September 27, 1962 - on the day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.

I fell in love with Christ and the Bible, I have been studying the Word of God for almost forty years. Born into an Old Believer, non-priest (Kerzhak) family, he received the Bible from Pentecostal Baptists in Ventspils, Latvia. The Great God in the Holy Trinity preserved me in Orthodoxy, which I acquired not only from the instructions of my mother Mary, from my grandfather (mother's father) Yegor, but also from Uncle Stepan (brother of my father Tikhon), who, like my grandfather (paternally) Dimitri, belonged to the Old Believers of the Belokrinitsky consent. There above me and my brother Joachim (he is five years younger than me) and “completed” Fr. Roman (Pavlov), secretly at home in 1962, since the Old Believer-Kerzhak mentor, grandfather Terenty, who baptized us three times by immersion, was not an ordained priest in the village. Snatch.

Having converted, believing in Christ according to the Gospel, he went to the church of the Moscow Patriarchate in the city of Ventspils. And what did you see? A smoking, drunk priest. Asked for the Gospel in Russian. They answered me that the father drank it away ...
I have already read the Bible (in 3.5 months) and remembered a lot. He oversaw, preached from the pulpit at the Baptists and on the ship "Chernomorets" - where he worked as a sailor of the 1st class and studied to be a navigator. I flew on vacation rather to testify to the joy that Christ died for my sins, that he accepted me. I went to the Moscow Theological Seminary-Academy, had a long talk with priests and seminarians.
... The first shock did not pass in 40 years - I found it everywhere, wherever I was: in Moscow, in all the republics and abroad - neither people, nor parishioners, nor priests in the majority love and do not know the Bible, Christ. And they don't want to know! The sermon, the call to them to return to the Apostolic ministry, everywhere caused only terrible anger and threats. I was captured, betrayed, imprisoned. A terrible worldliness, an ugly, disorderly vacillation of the masses, a bazaar, spiritual darkness—and every year it gets thicker, darker. Completely defiled, worldly, non-evangelical, anti-canonical "Orthodoxy".

What to do? Where is the exit? We tried to help the priests, formed Bible courses in Barnaul. But we could not save those who repented, who turned from darkness to light, for we were returning them to the same trouble, to the MP. Priests-chekists betrayed us, wrote lists to the KGB, to the police - where to go?
For a long time they searched for good priests, a true bishop. How to get rid of simony, payment for the sacraments, the requirement? How to remove trade from the temple? Where could one baptize properly? How can a church become not a passage yard, not a bazaar? How to achieve silence, order, so that all the canons of cathedrals are observed? Everywhere a hole and a dead end, complete hopelessness. In a sect there is death, there are no truly ordained bishops and priests successively from the Apostles; although the Word of God is preached, but with great delusions and heresies. In all sects, this is the case, starting with the Baptists, Adventists, Pentecostals. And in the official state Church - chaos and bedlam, drift. The situation was never under control (Acts 5:13), and no one needs it there.
An entirely new religion has been created under the name and appearance of Orthodoxy. The main thing is there: statutory worship and trebes. And everywhere is money, total lies, cowardice and self-interest. And for this we need beautiful temple buildings, domes, relics, myrrh-streaming icons, miracles, canonizations, robes, censers, hired choirs of atheists, and everywhere money, money, money.
He wrote about this trouble to both Patriarch Pimen and Metropolitan Gideon of Novosibirsk-Altai. In response, deathly silence, then prison, camp.
All the years I prayed and gave alms so that the God-fighting regime, the bloody camarilla of the CPSU, would collapse, so that Solzhenitsyn A.I. orderly order in everything, silence, brotherhood, love. I remember the summer of 1980, when Heinrich Fast from the Mennonites came to Orthodoxy. Now he is the Dean of the Yenisei District. We reasoned, planned what and how to arrange for the Spirit of God to reign in the Church, and could not come to anything, because everything rests on the governmental, neo-renovation MP. The Old Believers with the priesthood - stagnation, lifelessness, dislike for the Bible. Catholicism, the papacy - hostile to Russia, full of heresies, lies.

Perestroika began, a brilliant idea of ​​Freemasonry, through M. S. Gorbachev. Glasnost, freedom, the opening of the "Iron Curtain", the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church, preserved abroad from the first White Guard emigration, became known.
There was a real opportunity to remain Orthodox, to have a legitimate bishop and priest not associated with the KGB and the CPSU. Not only did we not hear about the Russian Church Abroad before, but we did not even know about its existence. The opening of ROCOR parishes in Russia is God's Providence. To the seventy-year-old cry of sufferers in chains and catacombs, those who suffered in soul, going to the temples of the MP, seeing the betrayal and worldliness that permeated everything that comes into contact with the church hierarchy. For such, the opening of ROCOR parishes is a great mercy, a gift from God from heaven, an answer to tears and prayers. We did not need to be persuaded to tell something good about ROCOR. We rushed towards them just as a prisoner, seeing an open prison, runs towards the light, towards freedom.
Without idealizing morality in ROCOR, over the 10 years of its existence, we have become convinced of its relative health: both in the free functioning of our community, and the priest from us was not moved to another parish, sending another without taking into account the opinion of the community.
The past decade has been a golden one for our small community, built from scratch.
In 1989, persecution from Archbishop Theodosius of Omsk prompted five clergymen to petition the ROCOR Synod to accept them under their omophorion. Among them was Fr. Eutychius (now Bishop of Ishim and Siberia) and Fr. Joachim (our father).
The first services of the Free Church were in the village. Poteryaevka in a children's camp in a large army tent with an attached altar.
In Barnaul, the first divine services began to be held on the street. Nikitin 147-1, on the second floor of an old wooden house leaning towards the street.
The Synod of Bishops of ROCOR issues Decree No. 7/90/12 of January 14, 1991 “...according to your petition, with the blessing of Met. Vitaly, the Exaltation of the Cross Community of Barnaul is accepted into the bosom of the Free Russian Orthodox Church…”...
On Easter, April 7, 1991, Metropolitan Vitaly sent a blessed letter to I. T. Lapkin: “We give God’s blessing to Ignaty Tikhonovich Lapkin for all-round missionary activity – the preaching of the Word of God, the protection and strengthening of faith in the Russian Orthodox Church.”
On December 10, 1990, in No. 27 (367), the newspaper “For Science” of the Altai State University publishes the material: “We have departed only from the Moscow Patriarchate” - an application for registration of the community and for receiving the St. Nicholas Church. “Life of Altai” of December 14, 1990, No. 7 (1753) repeated this statement without abbreviations, next to the message of the ROCOR Synod of Bishops of May 3/16, 1990 and about the execution of Tsar Nicholas II. “Youth of Altai” briefly announced the announcement of the opening of the ROCOR parish.
What is the name of the community? The raising of the Cross over the camp is seen as a type of the sermon about the Cross (1 Cor. 1:18) in Russia. Holy Cross!
We are invited to start petitioning for the former chapel in the park of the Melange Combine, where the planetarium is now located (Dec. 1990).
An attempt to learn the history of the chapel, its name. Not found in the archives. The response from the administration is negative. Finally, we learn that the Exaltation of the Cross Church was located in the building of the planetarium! Coincidence?
The Old Believer Exaltation of the Cross community operated in Barnaul until the execution of its clergy in 1937. There were 672 people in it, of which 348 lived in Barnaul, the community was registered on May 28, 1908. The Church Council of 8 people. Priest - Ignatius Tikhonovich Chuchalin. (My date of birth according to the old style: May 28 - approx. Eagle).
As if everything happened again. Coincidence?
Ordeals begin because of the refusal to register the community. Lapkin I.T. was admitted 32 times in the Department of Justice alone.
Suzdal archimandrite Valentin (Rusantsov) sent a warning to the regional department of justice that if the registration of our community is hindered, he will complain.
Thanks to this assistance, the Department of Justice of the Altai Regional Executive Committee issues a certificate of registration of the charter of a religious association (dated December 6, 1991 No. 23), the Exaltation of the Cross community in the city of Barnaul, the Suzdal diocese of the Russian Orthodox Free Church. Signed by V. Ulyanov. Accidentally?
On August 11, 1995, the Exaltation of the Cross Community of ROCOR was registered under No. 23 despite fierce resistance from the MP, their slanderous articles in the press, and media appearances.
We invite everyone to our website:

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Where you can quickly register and be a full member.

This is not a simple site, but an evangelism. So God bless.
Mark 16:15; "And he said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."
Acts 8:4; “Meanwhile those who were scattered went about preaching the word.”
Luke 19:40; “But He answered and said to them, I tell you that if they keep silent, the stones will cry out.”
1 Thess. 1:8; “For the word of the Lord has spread from you, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but [glory] about your faith in God has gone out in every place, so that we do not need to tell anything.”

In addition, our ruling bishop and Dean Alt. the edge of the archpriest Fr Joachim Lapkin.

Our treasure site is used in monasteries, bishops around the world and priests.
If you appreciated it, then could you help so that others could know about it and be fed free of charge and satisfy their spiritual hunger?

We are building an Orthodox village from scratch.

The site has well-read: the complete Bible, 12 volumes of St. John Chrysostom, 12 books "Lives of the Saints", 5 books "Philokalia", 4 books by Father Grigory Dyachenko, John of Kronstadt, Ignatius Brianchaninov, Ephraim Sirin, "Book of Rules", Spiritual Flower Garden, Gulag Archipelago, Freemasonry, Poetry, Sermons, and etc. There are also 38 books published by us, state films with our participation and many other spiritually useful things.

Our ruling bishop, ep. Evtikhy (Kurochkin), now Domodedovo, vicar of Patriarch Kirill.

Our site contains 4278 answers to various questions, 3137 poems by I. Lapkin, 1303 sermons delivered by I.T. in churches during worship, 123 classes on various topics, more than 1000 photographs.

Our website "In the Light of the Bible":

Our forum "In the Light of the Bible":


Go here: Altai song
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About our village:

About the camp:

About Eagle:

famous preacher Ignatius Lapkin after an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor, he closed a children's camp in the village of Poteryaevka, Mamontovsky district, Altai Territory. The Orthodox summer camp operated even under Soviet rule - it was opened more than 40 years ago.

In 1972, in the former village of Poteryaevka in Altai, 150 kilometers from Barnaul, Ignatius Lapkin organized an Orthodox community. Strict rules were established for its residents and visitors:

- Not to drink
- No smoking
- Don't swear
- Don't steal
- Don't lie
- Men are not allowed to shave their beards, they must wear a loose shirt
Women should wear long skirts and cover their heads with a headscarf.

In the summer, the community operated a summer camp, which annually attracted more than 100 children. After the summer tragedy at Lake Syam in Karelia, when 14 children died, Rospotrebnadzor began checking all summer children's camps. The inspectors also came to Lapkin's camp camp.

From the point of view of officials, there were many violations there: there were no signatures and seals on the charter of the organization, there were no necessary rules, products were purchased from local residents, there were no primary fire extinguishing equipment and instructions on how to act in case of fire, instead of running water they used a well, etc. .P.

According to Ignatiy Lapkin, at the time of the inspection there were 19 children in the camp, in total, up to a hundred children from different cities of the country usually rest during the summer. " Our Orthodox legendary camp is 45 years old. Not a single poisoning, not a single injury, not a single dead over the years. So, we have the most correct norm. At the same time, my children ride horses and swim in a boat. The controllers say, they say, your area is not pickled from ticks. And we didn't have ticks here. Whom to poison? If only they poisoned the grass for the cows. People have been swimming in the lake for 200 years, we swim here, the children are baptized and everyone is healthy. We went into the kitchen, take an analysis of the first, second. No water was taken from the well. They didn't like the food, cutting boards", - said Ignatiy Tikhonovich.

As a result of the audit, an administrative case was initiated and a lawsuit was filed with the Barnaul Railway Court demanding that the Exaltation of the Cross Community of Barnaul, whose headman is Ignaty Lapkin, pay a fine. At the end of July this year, the court ruled to dismiss the administrative case. Although the lawsuit of the officials was not satisfied, Lapkin says that the former camp will no longer exist: “ I am no longer the head of the camp, I created it myself, liquidated it myself. But we, as an Orthodox community, are buying several houses, and the children will live as guests in these houses. And where the camp was, they will do gymnastics, reading, prayer. So we are not destroyed", he explained in an interview with reporters.

Ignatius Tikhonovich Lapkin is an Old Believer from birth. Together with his wife, he went to the church of the Russian Orthodox Church in Barnaul. He was distinguished by erudition, literacy, diligently read the Bible. After he became a Baptist, he was excommunicated from the Russian Orthodox Church. Later, Lapkin joined the ROC, but, disillusioned with the official church, he moved to the ROCOR. Known as a talented preacher with numerous followers. This circumstance, along with negative statements about the Russian Orthodox Church, causes him to be accused of sectarianism. Thus, the Kuzbass Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church warns its flock against reading literature published by Lapkin.

For active preaching work, Ignatius Tikhonovich Lapkin was arrested twice - in 1980 and in 1986. under the infamous Article 190 (production and storage of slanderous materials). His entire audio archive was destroyed by the KGB (Ignatius replaced the typewritten samizdat with a tape recorder, he read books, and did not reprint them (the Bible, the lives of the saints, Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago)).

In the mid 1990s. He filed a lawsuit seeking damages. The suit was satisfied, as compensation for damage, Lapkin was given two buildings in Barnaul, where he arranged the Exaltation of the Cross community. Community Leader - Archpriest Joachim Lapkin, younger brother of Ignatius.

Photos from the source:

This is a man who is clearly in the clutches of the devil, he is in a state of the deepest spiritual delusion of conceit. In his youth, not having a good spiritual mentor, Ignatius could not perceive the true spirit of Orthodoxy, deviating, or rather not finding the true patristic teaching, began to compose his own religion - Lapkovism. Although, here we can say that the circumstances surrounding him were not decisive for the formation of this phenomenon, which I call "Lapkovism." It would be more correct to say that after all, Lapkin became the modern, visible to us "Lapkin", thanks to himself - this is his choice. He was struck by the devil with a passion of pride and exceptional conceit. Moreover, it should be noted that the devil tempted him by speculating on the real sores of the Church, for the healing of which one must pray, and not rebel, overcome them with the spirit of Christ's true meekness. He imagined himself a prophet, a great teacher, a man to whom God opened his eyes in a special, exceptional way to the current state of the Church.

Lapkin is a person who is completely unaware of smart work, the ascetic patristic experience of the Holy Orthodox Church. With regard to Lapkin's knowledge of the Love of the crucified Christ, the following can be said - He lost it. At the moment, his behavior is in clear contradiction with the Christian teaching about love for neighbor. Lacking the experienced humility taught by the holy fathers of the Church, he lost and lost the gift of the Love of Christ, which he obviously had at the very beginning of his spiritual path.

Does the productivity of the so-called. Ignatius Tikhonovich Lapkin's sermon? Are the trips of this unauthorized "missionary" of any real use? I feel sorry for him, Ignatius has completely lost his way in his self-exaltation... The dictate of Ignatius's personal views on the understanding of the Holy Scripture cannot but amaze with its undisguised obsession! The whole life of Poteryaevka is strictly regulated by the worldview of its "guru", whose spiritual orders are not subject to discussion!

Amazingly unauthorized speculation with the texts of the Bible, cynical disregard for the opinion of the holy fathers with simultaneous hypocritical regulation of obedience to them! Vanity literally pours from everywhere from any activity of the "legendary" Needle. What reverence for the Bible in general can be discussed in the activities of Lapkin???? Rather, it is about reverence for one's own truly heretical understanding of the Bible! What is the statement about the need for Old Testament circumcision in the New Testament, as well as the gospel defilement from the corpse of any person! (this is where lies the reason for Lapkin's hatred of the Orthodox veneration of relics) What nonsense! According to Lapkin, even from the corpse of Jesus taken down from the Cross, one could defile! Resourcefulness, casuistic speculations, non-recognition of any of one's mistakes - all this is a typical example of primitive sectarian totalitarianism, which permeates the entire rhythm of the inner and outer life of the Altai eccentric "elder" who paradoxically hates the Holy Church! It is sad that Ignatius himself "holy" believes in his infallibility and does not even suspect the profound tragedy of his delusions. All Lapkin's disciples are in fact in passionate obedience not to God through the Bible, but to their idol - Ignaty Tikhonovich Lapkin through the Bible ... Contempt for the priesthood, primitive ritualistic Pharisaic formalism, the almost complete absence of a truly Christian peaceful spirit of prayer, ignoring the ancient Christian experience of grace communion with God, hatred of monasticism with a complete misunderstanding of the deep essence of the latter. "Typical dogmatism" in the worst sense of the word, in the absence of any system (the stubborn assertion that the Greek word "baptismos" is always an immersion, but it is not), very quick and bold generalizations, bordering on outright blasphemous distortion of facts! You will receive all this when communicating with Ignatius Lapkin, who has the natural charm of a "pleasant" interlocutor!

Ignatius Lapkin claims that every canon is observed in his communities, but this is a clear lie. Did the fathers of the cathedrals think that their canons are the rules, that these measures of life will eventually become a non-elevating temptation for almost any person of our modern era?... Alas, this incident of the canons can be easily seen even without a magnifying glass of neophyte jealousy. Does brother Ignatius understand that he wants to drive the modern Church into almost complete isolation. The canon law of the ancient holy fathers, by its very nature, expels all our contemporaries from the church fence, and you and I, brother Ignatius, are, of course, no exception. Stubbornly, uncompromisingly follow not the spirit, but the letter of the law of the canons, mercilessly denounce their "violators", while forgetting how easily and quickly the Lord forgives the penitent thief on the Cross - all this is nothing but the sin of the ruthless Pharisee who crucified Christ Who did not keep the Sabbath and other human writings, which certainly had its positive relevance in its time. Apparently, brother Ignatius forgot the classic phrase of Christ: "Sabbath for man's sake, and not man for the sake of the Sabbath" (Mark 2:27), which can be safely paraphrased in relation to you: "canon for man's sake, and not man for the sake of the canon."

Blaming others, Ignatius for some reason does not notice obvious violations behind himself. While categorically rejecting any principles of ecclesiastical economy, proclaiming the unconditional and absolute nature of the principle of acrivia, he himself in one way or another rejects the latter. For example, in the communities of the Lapkin brothers, Apostolic Rule 39 is clearly violated, which says the following: “Presbyters and deacons do nothing without the will of the bishop. For the people of the Lord are entrusted to him, and he will give an answer for their souls.” Archpriest Joachim Lapkin, brother of Ignatius Lapkin, has in his hands the 2nd Decree: 1st Decree - Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of ROCOR MP, stating that these two church communities of Barnaul and Poteryaevka are not part of ROCOR, and their former ruling bishop blesses them to enter under omophorion of the bishop of the Barnaul diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church MP Sergius. Is it possible to violate the blessing of the bishop, not to listen to him, and so on? Is it not the will of the bishop precisely in this blessing, which Archpriest Joachim Lapkin does not fulfill, thereby violating the 39th Apostolic Canon and exposing all his sacred rites as banal lawlessness? Apparently for Ignatius Lapkin and his younger brother, Archpriest Joachim Lapkin, Metropolitan Hilarion should have said "I order" and not "I bless." And in general, a strange understanding of blessing, deliberately negative among the Lapkin brothers. They, in order to justify their own self-invented lawlessness, for some reason consider any blessing by a bishop to a priest for action just a recommendation, some kind of courage of a "capricious" lord who has no right to tell them what to do ... With what hypocrisy, what - even with a pagan worldview, Ignatius Lapkin fits under the blessing of the episcopate! The main thing is the wave of the bishop's hand, he is the translator of the grace of ordination, the opinion of the bishop is not important, the main thing here is to observe the pro forma of imaginary submission, the grace of the priesthood works independently of the bearer of divine grace. Touch the hand of the ordained and do any iniquity, whatever you think of...

Regarding the 2nd Decree issued to Archpriest Joachim Lapkin on the obligatory statutory commemoration of the Patriarch and his ruling bishop, Bishop Sergius, which Father Joachim does not deign to comply with, is just a classic schismatic rebellion that claims to be the last resort of episcopal authority, separating itself as de jure and de facto from canonical Orthodoxy. "It is I who decide who my bishop is. I and no one else. I am not interested in your priestly fables about canonical territories. I am the Chosen One of God, who is called to preach by denunciation of the ordained dire wolves who have captured the sheepfold of the Lord!" Tell me this is crazy nonsense? No, this is the culmination of the sermon of Ignatius Lapkin and his younger brother, Archpriest Joachim Lapkin, who are increasingly luring into this virtually schismatic-sectarian structure the faithful children of canonical Orthodoxy deceived by them. We are faced with an unprecedented discrediting of the canonical Church, and the main blow is being made precisely against the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. This "new" phenomenon of Lapkovism requires an early professional sectological assessment and analysis of the leading sectologists of canonical Orthodoxy.


Priest Sergiy Dudin,

Tomsk diocese


All donated books were published by Ignaty Tikhonovich for 8 years. In the publications "Toward True Orthodoxy" (Barnaul, 2007), "Symphony on non-canonical books of the Bible" (Barnaul, 2004), "Symphony on the Lives of the Saints" (Barnaul, 2002) "the first attempt was made to help those who love, appreciate, reads "The Lives of the Saints" in order to be able to use the examples of the saints, their actions, find the necessary comparisons, transfer their actions, if possible, to suitable moments in our lives, "says the author. In the book" The Church. Liberty. Prison" (Barnaul, 2002) collected poems by Ignatius Lapkin from different years of his life. "The themes of the poems are very diverse - this is the church, politics, the inner world of a person, and much more, but they are all united by a single worldview based on a hot, zealous faith into Christ, the Bible, and the Holy Fathers,” the preface says. The publication "...with an open eye" (Barnaul, 2002-2009) in 30 volumes contains answers to numerous questions about preaching at divine services. Various aspects of our life are illuminated from the point of view of Holy Scripture in the patristic interpretation. The author proposes to get acquainted with the three volumes of the "New Testament with Interpretation" (Barnaul, 2003), compiled by Blessed Theophylact in the 11th century on the basis of the works of John Chrysostom and other holy fathers of the Orthodox Church who lived earlier. All texts of Holy Scripture are given only in Russian, the texts of the New Testament are arranged in accordance with the modern tradition of division into verses, indicating their numbering.

Lapkin Ignatiy Tikhonovich was born on June 10, 1939. He believed that there is a God, an afterlife, heaven and hell from infancy. But according to the Gospel, he believed in Christ only on September 27, 1962 - on the day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.
I fell in love with Christ and the Bible, I have been studying the Word of God for almost forty years. Born into an Old Believer, non-priest (Kerzhak) family, he received the Bible from Pentecostal Baptists in Ventspils, Latvia. The Great God in the Holy Trinity preserved me in Orthodoxy, which I acquired not only from the instructions of my mother Mary, from my grandfather (mother's father) Yegor, but also from Uncle Stepan (brother of my father Tikhon), who, like my grandfather (paternally) Dimitri, belonged to the Old Believers of the Belokrinitsky consent. There above me and my brother Joachim (he is five years younger than me) and “completed” Fr. Roman (Pavlov), secretly at home in 1962, since the Old Believer-Kerzhak mentor, grandfather Terenty, who baptized us three times by immersion, was not an ordained priest in the village. Snatch.
Having converted, believing in Christ according to the Gospel, he went to the church of the Moscow Patriarchate in the city of Ventspils. And what did you see? A smoking, drunk priest. Asked for the Gospel in Russian. They answered me that the father drank it away ...
I have already read the Bible (in 3.5 months) and remembered a lot. He oversaw, preached from the pulpit at the Baptists and on the ship "Chernomorets" - where he worked as a sailor of the 1st class and studied to be a navigator. I flew on vacation rather to testify to the joy that Christ died for my sins, that he accepted me. I went to the Moscow Theological Seminary-Academy, had a long talk with priests and seminarians.
... The first shock did not pass in 40 years - I found it everywhere, wherever I was: in Moscow, in all the republics and abroad - neither people, nor parishioners, nor priests in the majority love and do not know the Bible, Christ. And they don't want to know! The sermon, the call to them to return to the Apostolic ministry, everywhere caused only terrible anger and threats. I was captured, betrayed, imprisoned. A terrible worldliness, an ugly, disorderly vacillation of the masses, a bazaar, spiritual darkness—and every year it gets thicker, darker. Completely defiled, worldly, non-evangelical, anti-canonical "Orthodoxy".
What to do? Where is the exit? We tried to help the priests, formed Bible courses in Barnaul. But we could not save those who repented, who turned from darkness to light, for we were returning them to the same trouble, to the MP. Priests-chekists betrayed us, wrote lists to the KGB, to the police - where to go?
For a long time they searched for good priests, a true bishop. How to get rid of simony, payment for the sacraments, the requirement? How to remove trade from the temple? Where could one baptize properly? How can a church become not a passage yard, not a bazaar? How to achieve silence, order, so that all the canons of cathedrals are observed? Everywhere a hole and a dead end, complete hopelessness. In a sect there is death, there are no truly ordained bishops and priests successively from the Apostles; although the Word of God is preached, but with great delusions and heresies. In all sects, this is the case, starting with the Baptists, Adventists, Pentecostals. And in the official state Church - chaos and bedlam, drift. The situation was never under control (Acts 5:13), and no one needs it there.
An entirely new religion has been created under the name and appearance of Orthodoxy. The main thing is there: statutory worship and trebes. And everywhere is money, total lies, cowardice and self-interest. And for this we need beautiful temple buildings, domes, relics, myrrh-streaming icons, miracles, canonizations, robes, censers, hired choirs of atheists, and everywhere money, money, money.
He wrote about this trouble to both Patriarch Pimen and Metropolitan Gideon of Novosibirsk-Altai. In response, deathly silence, then prison, camp.
All the years I prayed and gave alms so that the God-fighting regime, the bloody camarilla of the CPSU, would collapse, so that Solzhenitsyn A.I. orderly order in everything, silence, brotherhood, love. I remember the summer of 1980, when Heinrich Fast from the Mennonites came to Orthodoxy. Now he is the Dean of the Yenisei District. We reasoned, planned what and how to arrange for the Spirit of God to reign in the Church, and could not come to anything, because everything rests on the governmental, neo-renovation MP. The Old Believers with the priesthood - stagnation, lifelessness, dislike for the Bible. Catholicism, the papacy - hostile to Russia, full of heresies, lies.
Perestroika began, a brilliant idea of ​​Freemasonry, through M. S. Gorbachev. Glasnost, freedom, the opening of the "Iron Curtain", the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church, preserved abroad from the first White Guard emigration, became known.
There was a real opportunity to remain Orthodox, to have a legitimate bishop and priest not associated with the KGB and the CPSU. Not only did we not hear about the Russian Church Abroad before, but we did not even know about its existence. The opening of ROCOR parishes in Russia is God's Providence. To the seventy-year-old cry of sufferers in chains and catacombs, those who suffered in soul, going to the temples of the MP, seeing the betrayal and worldliness that permeated everything that comes into contact with the church hierarchy. For such, the opening of ROCOR parishes is a great mercy, a gift from God from heaven, an answer to tears and prayers. We did not need to be persuaded to tell something good about ROCOR. We rushed towards them just as a prisoner, seeing an open prison, runs towards the light, towards freedom.
Without idealizing morality in ROCOR, over the 10 years of its existence, we have become convinced of its relative health: both in the free functioning of our community, and the priest from us was not moved to another parish, sending another without taking into account the opinion of the community.
The past decade has been a golden one for our small community, built from scratch.
In 1989, persecution from Archbishop Theodosius of Omsk prompted five clergymen to petition the ROCOR Synod to accept them under their omophorion. Among them was Fr. Eutychius (now Bishop of Ishim and Siberia) and Fr. Joachim (our father).
The first services of the Free Church were in the village. Poteryaevka in a children's camp in a large army tent with an attached altar.
In Barnaul, the first divine services began to be held on the street. Nikitin 147-1, on the second floor of an old wooden house leaning towards the street.
The Synod of Bishops of ROCOR issues Decree No. 7/90/12 of January 14, 1991 “...according to your petition, with the blessing of Met. Vitaly, the Exaltation of the Cross Community of Barnaul is accepted into the bosom of the Free Russian Orthodox Church…”...
On Easter, April 7, 1991, Metropolitan Vitaly sent a blessed letter to I. T. Lapkin: “We give God’s blessing to Ignaty Tikhonovich Lapkin for all-round missionary activity – the preaching of the Word of God, the protection and strengthening of faith in the Russian Orthodox Church.”
On December 10, 1990, in No. 27 (367), the newspaper “For Science” of the Altai State University publishes the material: “We have departed only from the Moscow Patriarchate” - an application for registration of the community and for receiving the St. Nicholas Church. “Life of Altai” of December 14, 1990, No. 7 (1753) repeated this statement without abbreviations, next to the message of the ROCOR Synod of Bishops of May 3/16, 1990 and about the execution of Tsar Nicholas II. “Youth of Altai” briefly announced the announcement of the opening of the ROCOR parish.
What is the name of the community? The raising of the Cross over the camp is seen as a type of the sermon about the Cross (1 Cor. 1:18) in Russia. Holy Cross!
We are invited to start petitioning for the former chapel in the park of the Melange Combine, where the planetarium is now located (Dec. 1990).
An attempt to learn the history of the chapel, its name. Not found in the archives. The response from the administration is negative. Finally, we learn that the Exaltation of the Cross Church was located in the building of the planetarium! Coincidence?
The Old Believer Exaltation of the Cross community operated in Barnaul until the execution of its clergy in 1937. There were 672 people in it, of which 348 lived in Barnaul, the community was registered on May 28, 1908. The Church Council of 8 people. Priest - Ignatius Tikhonovich Chuchalin. (My date of birth according to the old style: May 28 - approx. Eagle).
As if everything happened again. Coincidence?
Ordeals begin because of the refusal to register the community. Lapkin I.T. was admitted 32 times in the Department of Justice alone.
Suzdal archimandrite Valentin (Rusantsov) sent a warning to the regional department of justice that if the registration of our community is hindered, he will complain.
Thanks to this assistance, the Department of Justice of the Altai Regional Executive Committee issues a certificate of registration of the charter of a religious association (dated December 6, 1991 No. 23), the Exaltation of the Cross community in the city of Barnaul, the Suzdal diocese of the Russian Orthodox Free Church. Signed by V. Ulyanov. Accidentally?
On August 11, 1995, the Exaltation of the Cross Community of ROCOR was registered under No. 23 despite fierce resistance from the MP, their slanderous articles in the press, and media appearances.

We invite everyone to our website:


where you can quickly register and be a full member.

This is not a simple site, but an evangelism. So God bless.
Mark 16:15; "And he said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."
Acts 8:4; “Meanwhile those who were scattered went about preaching the word.”
Luke 19:40; “But He answered and said to them, I tell you that if they keep silent, the stones will cry out.”
1 Thess. 1:8; “For the word of the Lord has spread from you, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but [glory] about your faith in God has gone out in every place, so that we do not need to tell anything.”

In addition, our ruling bishop and Dean Alt. the edge of the archpriest Fr Joachim Lapkin.

Our treasure site is used in monasteries, bishops around the world and priests.
If you appreciated it, then could you help so that others could know about it and be fed free of charge and satisfy their spiritual hunger?

We are building an Orthodox village from scratch.

The site has well-read: the complete Bible, 12 volumes of St. John Chrysostom, 12 books "Lives of the Saints", 5 books "Philokalia", 4 books by Father Grigory Dyachenko, John of Kronstadt, Ignatius Brianchaninov, Ephraim Sirin, "Book of Rules", Spiritual Flower Garden, Gulag Archipelago, Freemasonry, Poetry, Sermons, and etc. There are also 38 books published by us, state films with our participation and many other spiritually useful things.

Our ruling bishop, ep. Evtikhy (Kurochkin), now Domodedovo, vicar of Patriarch Kirill.

Our site contains 4278 answers to various questions, 3137 poems by I. Lapkin, 1303 sermons delivered by I.T. in churches during worship, 123 classes on various topics, more than 1000 photographs.

Our forum "In the Light of the Bible":

go here: Altai song

Lapkin Ignatiy Tikhonovich was born on June 10, 1939. He believed that there is a God, an afterlife, heaven and hell from infancy. But according to the Gospel, he believed in Christ only on September 27, 1962 - on the day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.

I fell in love with Christ and the Bible, I have been studying the Word of God for almost forty years. Born into an Old Believer, non-priest (Kerzhak) family, he received a Bible from Pentecostal Baptists in Ventspils, Latvia. The Great God in the Holy Trinity preserved me in Orthodoxy, which I acquired not only from the instructions of my mother Mary, from my grandfather (mother's father) Yegor, but also from Uncle Stepan (brother of my father Tikhon), who, like my grandfather (paternally) Dimitri, belonged to the Old Believers of the Belokrinitsky consent. There above me and my brother Joachim (he is five years younger than me) and “completed” Fr. Roman (Pavlov), secretly at home in 1962, since the Old Believer-Kerzhak mentor, grandfather Terenty, who baptized us three times by immersion, was not an ordained priest in the village. Snatch.

Having converted, believing in Christ according to the Gospel, he went to the church of the Moscow Patriarchate in the city of Ventspils. And what did you see? A smoking, drunk priest. Asked for the Gospel in Russian. I was told that the priest drank it away… I have already read the Bible (in 3.5 months) and remembered a lot. He oversaw, preached from the pulpit at the Baptists and on the ship "Chernomorets" - where he worked as a sailor of the 1st class and studied to be a navigator. I flew on vacation rather to testify to the joy that Christ died for my sins, that he accepted me. I went to the Moscow Theological Seminary-Academy, had a long talk with priests and seminarians. ... The first shock did not pass in 40 years - I found it everywhere, wherever I was: in Moscow, in all the republics and abroad - neither people, nor parishioners, nor priests in the majority love and do not know the Bible, Christ. And they don't want to know! The sermon, the call to them to return to the Apostolic ministry, everywhere caused only terrible anger and threats. I was captured, betrayed, imprisoned. A terrible secularization, an ugly, disorderly vacillation of the masses, a bazaar, spiritual darkness - and every year it is getting thicker, darker. Completely defiled, worldly, non-evangelical, anti-canonical "Orthodoxy".

What to do? Where is the exit? We tried to help the priests, formed Bible courses in Barnaul. But we could not save those who repented, who turned from darkness to light, for we were returning them to the same trouble, to the MP. Priests-chekists betrayed us, wrote lists to the KGB, to the police - where to go? For a long time they searched for good priests, a true bishop. How to get rid of simony, payment for the sacraments, the requirement? How to remove trade from the temple? Where could one baptize properly? How can a church become not a passage yard, not a bazaar? How to achieve silence, order, so that all the canons of cathedrals are observed? Everywhere a hole and a dead end, complete hopelessness. In the sect - death, there are no truly ordained successively from the Apostles bishops, priests; although the Word of God is preached, but with great delusions and heresies. In all sects, this is the case, starting with the Baptists, Adventists, Pentecostals. And in the official state Church - chaos and bedlam, drift. The situation was never under control (Acts 5:13), and no one needs it there. An entirely new religion has been created under the name and appearance of Orthodoxy. The main thing is there: statutory worship and trebes. And everywhere is money, total lies, cowardice and self-interest. And for this we need beautiful temple buildings, domes, relics, myrrh-streaming icons, miracles, canonizations, robes, censers, hired choirs of atheists, and everywhere money, money, money. He wrote about this trouble to both Patriarch Pimen and Metropolitan Gideon of Novosibirsk-Altai. In response, deathly silence, then prison, camp. All the years I prayed and gave alms so that the God-fighting regime, the bloody camarilla of the CPSU, would collapse, so that Solzhenitsyn A.I. orderly order in everything, silence, brotherhood, love. I remember the summer of 1980, when Heinrich Fast from the Mennonites came to Orthodoxy. Now he is the Dean of the Yenisei District. We reasoned, planned what and how to arrange for the Spirit of God to reign in the Church, and could not come to anything, because everything rests on the governmental, neo-renovation MP. The Old Believers with the priesthood - stagnation, lifelessness, dislike for the Bible. Catholicism, the papacy - hostile to Russia, full of heresies, lies.

Perestroika began, a brilliant idea of ​​Freemasonry, through M. S. Gorbachev. Glasnost, freedom, the opening of the "Iron Curtain", the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church, preserved abroad from the first White Guard emigration, became known. There was a real opportunity to remain Orthodox, to have a legitimate bishop and priest not associated with the KGB and the CPSU. Not only did we not hear about the Russian Church Abroad before, but we did not even know about its existence. The opening of ROCOR parishes in Russia is God's providence. To the seventy-year-old cry of sufferers in chains and catacombs, those who suffered in soul, going to the temples of the MP, seeing the betrayal and worldliness that permeated everything that comes into contact with the church hierarchy. For such, the opening of ROCOR parishes is a great mercy, a gift from God from heaven, an answer to tears and prayers. We did not need to be persuaded to tell something good about ROCOR. We rushed towards them just as a prisoner, seeing an open prison, runs towards the light, towards freedom. Without idealizing morality in ROCOR, over the 10 years of its existence, we have become convinced of its relative health: both in the free functioning of our community, and the priest from us was not moved to another parish, sending another without taking into account the opinion of the community. The past decade has been a golden one for our small community, built from scratch. In 1989, persecution from Archbishop Theodosius of Omsk prompted five clergymen to petition the ROCOR Synod to accept them under their omophorion. Among them was Fr. Eutychius (now Bishop of Ishim and Siberia) and Fr. Joachim (our father). The first services of the Free Church were in the village. Poteryaevka in a children's camp in a large army tent with an attached altar. In Barnaul, the first divine services began to be held on the street. Nikitin 147-1, on the second floor of an old wooden house leaning towards the street. The Synod of Bishops of ROCOR issues Decree No. 7/90/12 of January 14, 1991 “...according to your petition, with the blessing of Met. Vitaly, the Exaltation of the Cross community of the city of Barnaul is accepted into the bosom of the Free Russian Orthodox Church ... "... On Easter, April 7, 1991, Metropolitan Vitaly sent a blessed letter to Lapkin I.T. - preaching the Word of God, protecting and strengthening the faith in the Russian Orthodox Church.” On December 10, 1990, in issue No. 27 (367), the newspaper “For Science” of the Altai State University publishes the material: “We have departed only from the Moscow Patriarchate” - an application for registration of the community and for receiving the St. Nicholas Church. “Life of Altai” of December 14, 1990, No. 7 (1753) repeated this statement without abbreviations, next to the message of the ROCOR Synod of Bishops of May 3/16, 1990 and about the execution of Tsar Nicholas II. “Youth of Altai” briefly announced the announcement of the opening of the ROCOR parish. What is the name of the community? The raising of the Cross over the camp is seen as a type of the sermon about the Cross (1 Cor. 1:18) in Russia. Holy Cross! We are invited to start petitioning for the former chapel in the park of the Melange Combine, where the planetarium is now located (Dec. 1990). An attempt to learn the history of the chapel, its name. Not found in the archives. The response from the administration is negative. Finally, we learn that the Exaltation of the Cross Church was located in the building of the planetarium! Coincidence? The Old Believer Exaltation of the Cross community operated in Barnaul until the execution of its clergy in 1937. There were 672 people in it, of which 348 lived in Barnaul, the community was registered on May 28, 1908. The Church Council of 8 people. Priest - Ignatiy Tikhonovich Chuchalin. (My date of birth according to the old style: May 28 - approx. Eagle). As if everything happened again. Coincidence? Ordeals begin because of the refusal to register the community. Lapkin I.T. was admitted 32 times in the Department of Justice alone. Suzdal archimandrite Valentin (Rusantsov) sent a warning to the regional department of justice that if the registration of our community is hindered, he will complain. Thanks to this assistance, the Department of Justice of the Altai Regional Executive Committee issues a certificate of registration of the charter of a religious association (dated December 6, 1991 No. 23), the Exaltation of the Cross community in the city of Barnaul, the Suzdal diocese of the Russian Orthodox Free Church. Signed by V. Ulyanov. Accidentally? On August 11, 1995, the Exaltation of the Cross Community of ROCOR was registered under No. 23 despite fierce resistance from the MP, their slanderous articles in the press, and media appearances. We invite everyone to our website:

and to our forum:

According to Lapkin, the basis for the lawsuit was the publication in "MK in Altai" on May 27, 1999 of the article "The Life of the Poteryaevsky Community" with a cartoon that insultingly described the Orthodox community created on the initiative of Lapkin in the village of Poteryaevka.
On March 13, 2001, the Oktyabrsky District Court satisfied the claim for the protection of honor and dignity in the amount of 1,500 rubles (Lapkin's representative at the courts was a well-known human rights activist Konstantin Rusakov). However, the Orthodox preacher considered himself dissatisfied and appealed to the regional court. By the decision of judge Stanislav Chubukov, MK in Altai was obliged to pay 3,000 rubles and publish a refutation.
According to Lapkin, after winning the case, 3 more lawsuits are now being prepared against MK concerning other publications that affect the honor and dignity of the preacher himself and his associates.

From an essay about him by Dm. Bykova: But Lapkin does not spare those who disagree. The newspaper "MK in Altai", which published a really false and dirty article about him and his camp, was promised to be ruined: "Forty-seven distortions!" He loves numbers and, thanks to his unique memory, he pours them easily.

Just think for yourself: of the 817 rules defined by the Ecumenical Councils, the modern Russian Orthodox Church violates 413, or 57 percent! How are they baptized? They baptize everyone in a row, without testing, without verification, without complete immersion! You have to immerse yourself three times with your head - this means that you have died for your former life! Judge for yourself: where will your car go if you follow only 57 percent of the rules of the road?

I don't know, honestly. And most importantly, I don’t know if it will move at all if the rules of the road are 817.

The life of Ignatius Lapkin is built according to a clear Orthodox canon.

He grew up in the village of Poteryaevka, which was wiped off the face of the earth as unpromising. There were ten children in the family, nine of them are still alive and regularly visit Ignatius, and the local priest Joachim is his younger brother.

Ignatius himself served in the Navy for four years, studied at the Riga Naval School. Independently learned all European languages ​​plus Latin. He converted, that is, came to God while watching the French film "Les Misérables" with Gabin in the role of Valjean: he watched the film seven times and re-read the novel as many times. He thoroughly studied the Holy Scriptures, after which he became disillusioned with the official church, which accepted the authority of the Antichrist, and turned to ROCOR - the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.

Ignatius Lapkin preached from an early age: "God gave me an amazing gift of speech, of persuasion."

All this time, he did not stop conflicts with state psychiatry and the State Security. The number of his spiritual children already in the seventies reached a hundred. Among them is the great-nephew of the Brezhnev ideologist Suslov, the priest Grigory (Gennady) Yakovlev, who was brutally murdered in Tours in March by a madman posing as a Hare Krishna.

Ignatius was arrested twice - in 1980 and 1986, both times for the infamous "one hundred and ninety-prim" (preparation and storage of slanderous materials). His entire audio archive was destroyed by local security officers, and after his release, Ignatius, who is difficult to compete with in a lawsuit, filed a lawsuit against the KGB for damages - only material, because they could not inflict moral damage on him.

The lawsuit was mooted for a long time, but in the end the damage was recognized: it amounted to 11 million in non-denominated rubles. There was nothing to give to the security officers, and Ignatius received at his disposal two wooden buildings in Barnaul - once there were temples in them, and now OSVOD was located. Ignatius arranged there a society of another salvation on other waters - the Barnaul Exaltation of the Cross community, where he mainly preaches. His name resounds all over the land. He devoted a lot of time to the creation of a work on Freemasonry, where he analyzed in detail the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Ignatius Tikhonovich, this is a fake! Proven!

A lot of things have been proven about the Shroud of Turin, but I believe in its authenticity. So here it is a matter of faith.

It is obligatory for all residents to always wear a belt, a shirt loose, as is customary among Russians, and not to imitate foreigners in clothing. It is not allowed to walk around the village in a naked, indecent form. Mutual assistance of community members. From general work: on the temple, the pond, etc. - do not renounce. Do not invite anyone to the village without permission. If one of the strangers is smoking at the moment, do not talk to him until he puts out the cigarette: at least respect yourself. Try to have everything you can, so as not to become Mr. Dai. Do not carry out any business, transactions of money, clothing or otherwise with married women without the knowledge and consent of their husbands.


On January 10, 2001, Bishop of Ishim-Siberia His Eminence Evtikhiy paid a visit to the Exaltation of the Cross community of the Russian Orthodox Church, located in Barnaul and numbering 70 believers. He announced that the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia had taken the first step towards the unity of all Orthodox living in Russia and abroad. At a recent meeting of the Council of Bishops in New York, which, as a rule, meets once every two years, 14 bishops, headed by the Metropolitan, signed the appeal "Repentance to the Old Believers"

Answer: When they gave me his little book "On Our Hope" to read, and it was on the way from Riga to Moscow, I immediately decided to find him, and found him in Grebnevo. I don’t know why, but no one introduced me to him, I just fell on him, but he immediately accepted me. I was told more than once that when they prayed for the resolution of some difficult issues, when they were in turmoil, seeing only vanity around, and not finding complete surrender to Christ, my meetings with them suddenly took place, just on that day. This is what I was told about. Alexander Pivovarov, Fr. Dimitry Dudko, Fr. Vladimir Tsvetkov and others, even in America.

We immediately closed with Fr. Demetrius under lock and key, and then at dusk they went out into the winter park and the two walked for a long, long time, discussing everything. Personally, he could not give me anything, except for what I already had. Father Demetrius immediately raised the issue of publishing his sermons. My tape recording was already beginning to unwind at that time - 1978, October. He introduces me at once into his closest circle; his popularity at that time was enormous, his sermons were bold and accusatory, denouncing the authorities. He had printed sheets that were pasted over his doors. This was done by Volodya Sedov, now a priest. I don’t know why, but I gave a completely thoughtless advice: in addition to leaflets, which need to be duplicated in thousands, and not in one or two copies, immediately begin publishing books of at least five hundred pages, where you need to give answers to all incomprehensible questions. He immediately protested, "No, no, that's impossible."

I had some kind of euphoria that I found a soul mate, I was struck by his openness, life with open doors, and I disagreed with this, that many strangers (cut skirts) come only to have lunch. In the temple he had a terrible uproar, stormy trade. He was afraid of the woman headman that she might fire him again, and he told me so. The close environment of Demetrius consisted of Jews. Russian patriots close to him pressed on him, especially Konstantin, who became a priest and then crashed on a motorcycle. Interviews with all these people and conversations with Fr. Dimitri I have recorded on tape. Some of them were kidnapped by the KGB, but some remained and were taken out of the ground. In the same place, among the centuries-old lime trees, I asked him to become my spiritual father (he is seventeen years older than me), but already in the morning I noticed, and he too, how different we are, but we didn’t show it. And the difference was very, very big. Father Dimitry Dudko was seriously ill for a long time, not just megalomania (it is not for me to judge this), but the disease was (an ordinary female one) - the authority of a priest-confessor-oracle. The air was literally saturated with the words: “Batiushka said, Fr. Dimitri said... In a conversation with his entourage, I realized that they are only clinging to him, to authority, to get an autograph. And although the Bible is on the table, it is not a manual - "we are not Baptists." Father Dimitry "overlooked" me when he let me say the word for the first and only time at dinner. I began to speak, as I remember now, about loving God with all my heart and with all my soul. The people around Father Dimitri, educated, able to distinguish a fake from a real one (his wife Nina and children Misha and Natasha were also present at the table here). They are all open, kind, clean and friendly. Smiles, joyful exclamations, greetings and kisses come in a continuous stream, overflowing. It was impossible to dream of greater brotherhood and love. And in the epicenter of everything - Fr. Dimitry - accessible and pleasantly smiling, literally attracting everyone to him; he cherishes and strokes everyone, kisses and instructs. I don't like to speak the Word of God among those who chew, but here everything was so gentle and cultured, and there was no swagger. I spoke for no more than ten minutes. Everything is frozen. I know what attentive grateful listeners are, what it means to own an audience. It was a thirsty, in the full sense - withered earth. I am not deceived by saying this, but based on what the listeners have said. I fell silent, and there was a kind of pre-stormy silence. I said more, talked about zeal, about being filled with the Holy Spirit in these last moments. Of course, I did not encroach on the authority of Fr. Demetrius, and did not even have this in mind. Father Dimitry is a real orator, and apparently he admires himself very much. I thought about it a lot while listening to his records. Such people pronounce "th" especially clearly, with aspiration, strongly pulling down their lower lip and baring their teeth, I could even show a gesture that accompanies this. And he said in the ensuing silence: “What have you done, Ignatius. What labors cost me to collect these people. You managed to literally split them in half, ”and gestured along the table as the icebreaker was moving. I looked around at those sitting and saw eyes that flashed with joy.

I know what happened to Fr. Demetrius, about his unprecedented defeat and collapse, about his metamorphosis, about his transformation into an apologist for lies and the communist regime. And peering into that first meeting, I will say that if I lived then in Moscow, and had such an intention to fight against him, more than half of his admirers and companions could have been taken away immediately. Immediately under the table, inconspicuously from him, they began to submit notes to me, asking for a meeting. But I had already bought a ticket, and I was leaving in the evening. As always, in this single sermon in the presence of Fr. Demetrius, and, moreover, at the dinner table I spoke about the absolute authority of the Bible, and about the fact that according to the Word of God all their teachers and mentors should be tested. And as always, I brought to mind many passages from the Holy Scriptures. God revealed to me and gave me to experience the resurrection effect of His words. I saw how these words resonated with the listeners, and they seemed to straighten up, gratefully looking at me, as if at a miracle. I stopped talking, and the tape recorder continued to spin the tape. There was silence. And then several voices said: "Father Demetrius, let Ignatius speak again." And when the requests drowned out all other words, oh. Dimitri said: "Tell ...". And as soon as I began to speak, he immediately interrupted me, like Balsamon or Zonara. Tilting his head forward, he said: “I will explain what Ignatius wanted to say ...”, and for a long time he explained my unborn thought. And so he interrupted me at every word. After that, at home in Barnaul, we repeatedly listened to this recording on a reel-to-reel tape recorder. Everyone had a heavy foreboding of trouble and an unpleasant aftertaste in their souls. I am not trying to judge anyone or anything, I am simply replaying what happened in front of many dozens of people. And again voices: "Father Demetrius, let Ignatius tell what he wanted to say." And this pulling on the three bridles of a bridled horse lasted three hours.

John Chrysostom says: “Glory has such a quality: the more they chase after it, the more it runs away, and vice versa, if a person tries to hide from her by doing good, then she catches up with him.” Father Demetrius took me to confession again and imposed a penance on me. Before that, his spiritual children asked me: what time do I get up in the morning, and I answered that it was twenty minutes to five; not later, but sooner. It was already rumored about me among his entourage, as elsewhere, that I know the Bible by heart, and they began to ask how much time I spend studying the Bible, and how many times I read it. I said that from September 27, 1962 to this day - for several hours a day, sometimes up to ten hours. His penance was as follows: 1. It seems that until May 1 of the next year (this is about six months), do not get up before six o'clock. 2. This is the time not to say what I say, with the indication of the Scriptures. Those. I didn’t forbid quoting the Bible, but so that I wouldn’t click on the fact that it was from the Bible, I wouldn’t name a chapter, a verse of the Bible.

With great effort and sorrow, I performed the imposed penance. This is all his spirituality, if you can call it that. Apparently, nevertheless, he himself noticed that not everything was in order with his flock: a sleepy swamp; and in front of me he said this: “I’ll write a letter, I’ll call Ignatius and set him on you.” After his speech on television, almost everyone moved away from him, and not just moved away, but enmity began. I met with very many of his former adherents and recorded them on a tape recorder, visited many cities of the country, met with priests and bishops who knew him, and, as is customary in a priestly environment, envied him terribly. As it is written in The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky in the chapter “Stinked”: “We love the fall of the righteous.” His books were burned in gloating, boasting to each other. Having traveled around Central Asia, Ukraine and Belarus, I came to Fr. Demetrius and told him everything that his enemies and former friends said about him. It seemed to me then that I understand him more than others, because I myself had just returned from prison, and, moreover, from under a criminal psychiatric examination. It was very hard for him, as he put it, harder than being in prison. I gave an interpretation of his behavior, as I saw it: like a storm off the island of Malta, when they threw wheat into the sea with their own hands to save the ship. Acts 27:38 - “And when they were satisfied with food, they began to lighten the ship, throwing wheat into the sea.” His soul was bleeding... But after everything that I told him (and all this on record, then reproduced), he, as if renewed, turned to his mother Nina: “You see how this man understood, he is alone ... he is alone ... Why didn't others understand this? This is what a childishly uncorrupted mind and conscience means.” He hugged me and kissed me. Today's Fr. Dimitri is a completely different person, who did not even stand next to the former. His works were published in ROCOR and supported as much as they could. When I left for America, we saw each other for the last time. He called our dear exiles schismatics, spoke against Fr. Gleb Yakunin is something completely absurd. When I asked about this, Fr. Gleb, he said: “He has a mess in his head, everything is messed up, he is very sick.” And still about. Dimitri is in my every prayer, as a dear and close person to me, but the former, and not this one, is the pro-communist confessor of the newspaper Zavtra, who seduces people with an uprising, the resurrection of Holy Russia through the communists.

Source:, 8.2004

Twenty years later, a man returned to the abandoned Poteryaevka to live and work.

A year and a half ago, talking with the famous Christian preacher Ignatius Tikhonovich Lapkin, to be honest, I doubted that his plans for the revival of his native Poteryaevka would be realized. And in more than stable times, many good undertakings became victims of a ruthless bureaucratic machine. And in our, vague, Ignatius Tikhonovich's chances of success seemed completely illusory. But what I had no doubt even then was the strength of his conviction that he was right, that the path he had chosen was correct.

And here I am again in Poteryayevka ... The picture of white silence, sparkling under the sun of snow, for the first time in many years was violated by the most prosaic house, barnyard, bathhouse ... And here is the one who did a lot to get out of the oven chimneys gleefully rushed to the winter sky smoke, so that the silence was broken by the lowing of a cow, the barking of a dog and the crow of a rooster. In many ways, this became possible thanks to Ignatius Lapkin's brother - Joachim Tikhonovich.

From the story of I. T. Lapkin.

- In the seventy-first year, among the last inhabitants of Poteryaevka, our parents also left. The enlargement of villages has practically turned into a forced eviction, when they close a school, a shop and put them in a situation in which it is impossible to live - this, I think, is a forced eviction. But the land here is good and the place is beautiful. You can engage in both cattle breeding and agriculture.

In the spring of 1991, Joakim Tikhonovich came here, to his native place, together with Vitaly Ustinov, so that twenty years after the last residents left Poteryaevka, to begin the restoration of the village. The beginning was two tents and a piece of land dug up for a vegetable garden. According to the plank, along the wood, they began to collect material for the construction of a barnyard. The first substantial assistance was provided to the settlers by the chairman of the Komsomolsk village council, I. N. Pisarev, and the director of the Kadnikovsky state farm, V. G. Igonin. They gave us moral support, one helped buy building materials, the other a horse. Already here, on the spot, they bought a cow. It seems that everything just works out: they helped, they brought ... But who would know what strength was expended! ..

From the story of Joachim Lapkin:

- He graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary, in the seventy-eighth year he became a priest. But the desire to return to their native lands never left. They came here and saw - the small homeland is overgrown with weeds. And we decided - it's time to start the revival of the village. We knew that there would be a lot of problems. In the summer, the settlers set to work. They prepared the simplest building material - adobe, in other words, a large clay brick with straw. The simplest is the simplest, but houses made of it, made to last, stand for centuries. On August 1, 1991, the first brick was laid, and in total it took about seven thousand of them to build a semi-detached house. Ioakim Tikhonovich, himself an excellent bricklayer, laid down the walls in two weeks, and before the rains they had already done the roof (the director of the Korchinsk Regional Technical Department helped to get hold of slate). The collective farm "Nauka" of the Tyumentsevsky district sold them a second horse. Without draft power, it would be difficult. In general, already at the first stage of the restoration of the village, the settlers felt that many people who had not known them until now treated their undertaking with understanding, and most importantly, they did not shy away from helping.

From the story of Ioakim Lapkin.

We worked all daylight hours, except Sundays and religious holidays. In the tent and worship performed. So far, fifteen families have applied for residence. Basically, these are relatives, people who are close in spirit and faith. This spring we are thinking of laying ten houses. Let me emphasize: we began to feel a benevolent attitude towards us from the district administration, the administration of the village of Korchino. They promised to allocate timber, DRSU sold us 70 cubic meters of gravel.

In addition to the house, bathhouse, barnyard, they managed to dig a well and a pond. Now 28 concrete slabs have been delivered. They plan to build a school and a temple on the basis of the former club (walls remain). Electricity will be brought here soon. Until today, the problem of nutrition has been solved in different ways - they brought something, they bought something, they harvested a good harvest in the garden. This year the settlers intend to put the cemetery and ponds in order. Well, as for the workers - with the onset of heat, like-minded people will come. By the way, the children from the Orthodox camp of Ignaty Lapkin, so to speak, compete for the right to work on the restoration of the village. Think about it! We most often competed for having a good rest. I feel that many readers are already wondering: where does the money come from to restore the village? The Lapkins invested all their savings in this business ... we had a conversation at the beginning of all this. We understood that we had conceived the most difficult task, we would encounter a lot of problems. But now we are gradually finding understanding and, thanks to Bory, people's hearts are opening to meet. And then, we have hands and desire... Inside the house there is a large Russian oven with shelves, an altar with icons, religious books. And a colorful primer published in the USA in Russian. After all, besides Joakim Tikhonovich, his brother Pavel, the mother of the brothers Maria Yegorovna, a six-year-old nephew Osya lives here. So the primer is very handy.

From time to time, guests and like-minded people visit the settlers. Look, talk, but the first thing is to help. By the way, that day also happened to have lunch in the first house of the resurrected Poteryaevka, offered to us by hospitable hosts (we were not so welcome in the Korchinskaya canteen).

We were leaving, and it was hard to realize that this house, chickens, four geese and three ducks, a couple of horses chewing peacefully, a cow basking in the sun - all this is the beginning of a new Poteryaevka, the beginning of what we all will finally understand : it is impossible for a person without a homeland ...