Fairy tale crane and heron. Russian folktale

"The Crane and the Heron" is a fairy tale, which is an example of Russian folk art. Today we will retell its plot, and also try to figure out what the main idea was invested in this work.


So, before us is the work "Crane and Heron". The tale has an introduction, which should be considered in more detail. It describes the flight of an owl-merry head. She sat down, turned her tail, looked around, flew again. Now let's move on to the plot.


Understood the hint. As you can see, it can be infinite. Now let's see how the fairy tale "The Crane and the Heron" begins. First of all, the story introduces the reader to the main characters.

The crane and the heron lived in the swamp. At the ends they built themselves huts. The crane decided to marry, because it became boring for him to live alone. He decided to go and woo the heron. I set off on a long journey, overcame the swamp for as much as seven miles! He came and decided to immediately find out if the heron was currently at home. She answered him yes. Without hesitation, our hero from the threshold invited her to marry him. The beloved refused the hero, arguing that he flies badly, his dress is short, his legs are long and there is nothing to feed him. The heron told him to go home, calling him lanky in the end. Thus parted the crane and the heron.

The story, however, does not end there. The crane became sad and went home. After a while, the heron decided that rather than live alone, it is better to marry a crane. Came to visit our hero. Without thinking twice, she asked him to marry her. The crane, however, was angry with the heron. He said that he did not need her now, and ordered her to go home. The heron wept in shame. Returned home.

After her departure, the crane also thought. I decided that in vain I did not take it for myself. He gathered his strength again and went to visit her. A crane came and said that he had decided to marry a heron and asked to marry him. She, angry, said that she would never accept his offer. Then the crane went home. Heron then thought that it was probably not worth refusing, because it makes no sense to live alone. Again I decided to go for the crane. She set off, came and offered him to be her husband. But the crane has already changed its mind. So they go to woo from one to the other, but still have not married. This is where the story ends.


Let's now try to answer the question, what is the meaning of the fairy tale "The Crane and the Heron". From the above story, it is clear that you need to love at the very moment when you are treated mutually, and not wait for the moment, after which there will be no one to feel feelings for. “The Crane and the Heron” is a fairy tale that shows that the inability to meet the other at the right time can lead to incredibly sad results. In addition, it should be said that in this literary work the themes of an extreme degree of stubbornness and pride are very subtly revealed. Each of the heroes is naturally rewarded with overblown pride. Therefore, unfortunately, most likely none of them will have the courage and wisdom to deviate from their principles.

About the fairy tale

Russian folk tale "The Crane and the Heron"

The Russian folk tale "The Crane and the Heron" is a fairy tale about the relationship of people to each other, about the attitude to life and to oneself. Reading such fairy tales provides an opportunity to gain the right experience and learn to prioritize life, using for this not living one's own mistakes, but fictitious stories of fabulous animals.

In this short and, at first glance, very unpretentious story, a large number of complex psychological problems are hidden.

Unfortunate is the one who always doubts - this is the quintessence and main essence of the tale of the crane and the heron. Reasonable doubts, of course, never hurt, however, endlessly fluctuating in the choice and constantly changing your decisions is also not the right tactic, and this is exactly what the heroes of the Russian folk tale “The Crane and the Heron” do.

It is necessary to appreciate the present moment and a good attitude towards oneself - this is another deep thought that the story of the adventures of two marsh birds leads to. Expecting apparently more profitable parties, the heron missed her chance for happiness. Hearing the proposal of the crane, she could not immediately meet, which led to such sad results.

The next message, which follows from the previous one: every word, before it is expressed, must be carefully considered and weighed. Both characters changed their minds after they had a chance to think and analyze the situation. But you can’t take back what you’ve done, and you can’t return the words back.

The happiness of the heroes of the fairy tale was also prevented by pride and vanity - qualities of character that cannot be relied upon when making a decision. Each of the heroes is naturally endowed with excessive self-conceit, which does not allow either the crane or the heron to come to a reasonable decision. But before drawing such conclusions, it is necessary to get acquainted with the text of the tale itself. What is its plot and what are its characters like?

Summary and main characters

There are only two characters in the story. As the name implies, these are two birds: a crane and a heron. Both heroes live in a swamp, but have built their own housing at its different ends. One fine day, the crane got bored and decided to woo a neighbor. But got rejected. The heron could not discern a potential husband in the crane, accused him of inappropriate appearance and inability to provide for his family. After the failed groom left, the heron realized that she had made a mistake and went to the crane to ask him to marry her. But the insult has already changed the plans of the crane - he refused to marry the heron. However, after weighing everything, he again returned to the previous decision. This time the heron refused. So this story of unsuccessful matchmaking ended with nothing.

There are no complex plot twists, no fantastic events, no magical characters in this story. Everything is extremely simple and close to real life. It is possible that it is precisely due to this simplicity that the essence of the tale and its moral will be obvious even to the smallest reader.

Read the Russian folk tale "The Crane and the Heron" online for free and without registration.

Once upon a time there were a crane and a heron, they built huts at the ends of the swamp. It seemed boring to the crane to live alone, and he decided to marry.

Let's go woo a heron!

The crane went - tyap-tyap! Kneaded the swamp for seven miles, comes and says:

Is the heron at home?

Marry me.

No, crane, I will not marry you, your legs are in debt, your dress is short, there is nothing to feed your wife with. Go away, lanky!

The crane, no matter how salty it was, went home. The heron then thought about it and said:

Rather than live alone, I'd rather marry a crane.

Comes to the crane and says:

Crane, marry me!

No, heron, I don't need you! I don't want to marry, I won't marry you. Get out!

The heron wept with shame and turned back.

The crane thought about it and said:

In vain did not take the heron for himself: after all, one is bored. I will now go and marry her.

Comes and says:

Heron, I decided to marry you; come for me.

No, lanky, I won't marry you!

The crane went home. Then the heron thought:

Why did she refuse such a fine fellow: it’s not fun to live alone, it’s better to go for a crane!

He comes to woo, but the crane does not want to. That's how they go to this day to woo each other, but they never get married.

An owl flew - a cheerful head. So she flew, flew and sat down, and turned her tail, but looked around and flew again - flew, flew and sat down, turned her tail and looked around and flew again - flew, flew ...

This is a saying, and this is what a fairy tale is. Once upon a time there lived a crane and a heron in the swamp. They built themselves at the ends of the hut.

The crane became bored of living alone, and he decided to marry.

“Let me go woo a heron!”

The crane went - tyap-tyap! - kneaded the swamp for seven miles.

Comes and says:

— Is the heron at home?

- Marry me!

“No, crane, I won’t marry you: your legs are in debt, your dress is short, you fly badly yourself, and you have nothing to feed me with!” Go away, lanky!

The crane went home without salty slurping. The heron then thought about it:

"Than to live alone, I'd rather marry a crane."

Comes to the crane and says:

- Crane, marry me!

- No, heron, I don't need you! I don't want to marry, I won't marry you. Get out.

The heron wept with shame and returned home. The heron left, and the crane thought:

“In vain did not take the heron for himself! After all, one is boring.

Comes and says:

- Heron! I decided to marry you, marry me!

- No, crane, I will not marry you!

The crane went home. Then the heron thought:

“Why did you refuse? What is it to live alone? I'd rather go for the crane."

An owl flew - a cheerful head; so she flew, flew, and sat down, turned her head, looked around, took off and flew again; she flew, flew, and sat down, turned her head, looked around, and her eyes were like bowls, they did not see a crumb!

This is not a fairy tale, but a saying, and a fairy tale ahead.

Spring has come in the winter and, well, drive and bake it with the sun, and call grass-ant from the ground; grass poured out, ran out to look at the sun, brought out the first flowers - snowy: blue and white, blue-scarlet and yellow-gray.

A migratory bird stretched out from behind the sea: geese and swans, cranes and herons, sandpipers and ducks, songbirds and a bouncer-titmouse. Everyone flocked to us in Russia to nest, to live in families. So they dispersed along their edges: across the steppes, through the forests, through the swamps, along the streams.

A crane stands alone in a field, looks around, strokes its little head, and thinks: “I need to get a household, make a nest and get a hostess.”

Here he built a nest right next to the swamp, and in the swamp, in a tussock, a long-nosed, long-nosed heron sits, sits, looks at the crane and chuckles to himself: “After all, what a clumsy born!”

In the meantime, the crane thought up: “Give,” he says, “I will woo a heron, she went to our family: both our beak and high on her legs.” So he went along an unbeaten path through the swamp: tyap and tyap with his feet, and his legs and tail were stuck; here he rests with his beak - he will pull out his tail, and his beak will get stuck; pull out the beak - the tail will get bogged down ... He hardly reached the heron tussock, looked into the reeds and asked:

“Is the heron at home?”

- Here she is. What do you need? the heron replied.

“Marry me,” said the crane.

“What’s wrong, I’ll go for you, for the lanky one: you have a short dress on, and you yourself walk on foot, live stingily, you’ll starve me to death on the nest!”

These words seemed insulting to the crane. Silently he turned yes and went home: tyap yes tyap, tyap yes tyap.

The heron, sitting at home, thought: “Well, really, why did I refuse him, is it somehow better for me to live alone? He is of a good family, they call him a dandy, he walks with a tuft; I’ll go to him and say a good word.”

The heron went, but the path through the swamp is not close: either one leg will get stuck, then the other. One will pull out - the other will bog down. The wing will pull out - the beak will plant; Well, she came and said:

- Crane, I'm coming for you!

“No, heron,” the crane says to her, “I’ve changed my mind, I don’t want to marry you.” Go back where you came from!

The heron felt ashamed, she covered herself with her wing and went to her tussock; and the crane, looking after her, regretted that he had refused; so he jumped out of the nest and went after her to knead the swamp. Comes and says:

- Well, so be it, heron, I take you for myself.

And the heron sits angry, angry and does not want to talk with the crane.

“Listen, madame heron, I take you for myself,” repeated the crane.

“You take it, but I don’t go,” she answered.

Nothing to do, the crane went home again. “So good,” he thought, “now I won’t take her for anything!”

The crane sat down in the grass and does not want to look in the direction where the heron lives. And she again changed her mind: “It is better to live together than one. I'll go make peace with him and marry him."

So she went again to hobble through the swamp. The path to the crane is long, the swamp is viscous: one leg will get stuck, then the other. The wing will pull out - the beak will plant; forcibly reached the crane's nest and said:

- Zhuronka, listen, so be it, I'm coming for you!

And the crane answered her:

- Fyodor will not go for Yegor, and Fyodor would go for Yegor, but Yegor does not take it.

Having said these words, the crane turned away. The heron is gone.

He thought, thought the crane, and again regretted why he would not agree to take the heron for himself, while she herself wanted; he got up quickly and went again through the swamp: tyap, tyap with his feet, and his legs and tail were bogged down; he will rest with his beak, pull out his tail - the beak will get stuck, and pull out the beak - the tail will get stuck.

That's how they go after each other to this day; the path was beaten, but the beer was not brewed.

The fairy tale Crane and Heron is a vivid example of Russian folklore with instructive morality. It raises the issue of important choices in life. The story is a good example of what not to do. Recommended for online reading with children.

Fairy tale Crane and Heron read

Who is the author of the story

The Crane and the Heron is a Russian folk tale. But there is also an interesting adaptation of the tale by the writer Alexei Tolstoy.

The heroes of the fairy tale live in the same swamp. The Crane went to woo the Heron. In order to get to the Tsaply's hut, he "kneaded seven miles." But the fastidious bride refused, and even ridiculed the groom. The Heron sat, thought, decided that it would be better if she marries the Crane. She went to the Crane to get married. But now the Crane poisoned the Heron with nothing. In turn, they went to each other to woo a few more times. So to this day they go, they will not get married in any way. You can read the story online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale The Crane and the Heron

The funny saying about the owl at the beginning of the story has nothing to do with the content of the tale. But it hints at a repetitive, meaningless action, which will be discussed later. The reckless stubbornness and excessive pride of the characters every time prevents them from making the right choice. What does the fairy tale Crane and Heron teach? Be guided in life not only by emotions, but also by reason - this is the lesson of a fairy tale. The main idea of ​​the fairy tale Crane and Heron: you need to learn to find compromises.

Moral of the fairy tale The crane and the heron

Everyone can face a vital choice. All decisions must be made carefully and thoughtfully - this is the moral of the tale. Every person has many positive and negative qualities. Therefore, you need to seriously weigh all the pros and cons and be critical not only of others, but also of yourself, your strengths and weaknesses.