Relationship between lioness and archer. Compatibility Lions and Sagittarius: two leaders in one team

Sagittarius and Leo are a very unusual couple. The hot blood of both partners, representatives of the sign of fire, promises a very intense relationship. If those born under these signs are lucky enough to meet each other and fall in love, then this is forever. If a couple is aimed at a serious relationship, then hardly anything can separate them, such an alliance promises to be strong and durable.

The degree of mutual understanding between the Sagittarius and Leo pair is very high, these people are very similar in character, they swim in the same direction. This is a union of like-minded people, partners who have a lot in common. Therefore, compatibility in a love relationship Sagittarius Leo is very high.

But of course, everything cannot be so rosy and cloudless in our life. So, this couple also comes across stumbling blocks on the way. The tendency to be the leader, the main thing in the relationship between Sagittarius and Leo, can become a serious problem for their seemingly ideal tandem.

If this couple can learn to give in to each other, to compromise in order to protect each other from unnecessary insults, which will be extremely difficult for these people to do, then they will be able to build a long and happy relationship.

A big plus in the relationship of this couple is the ability of both to forgive each other, they are not inclined to dwell on their grievances and easily forgive their soul mate for her small shortcomings.

Sagittarius respects his soul mate, he likes the feeling of equality with his loved one. Leo, on the other hand, likes the manifestation of tolerance, high spiritual development and the creative potential of his partner, they inspire him to self-improvement.

Representatives of the Leo sign are people who are characterized by a rather high emotionality, but are extremely restrained in revealing their feelings for a person of the opposite sex.

They must be imbued with trust in a partner, and this is not so easy to achieve. These people tend to analyze everything, double-check their feelings. They are afraid of being deceived by revealing themselves to the wrong person.

Sagittarius will have to be very convincing in proving his true feelings so that Leo can afford to trust him completely.

The tandem of Sagittarius and Leo promises to be very successful for each of them. Sagittarius man and Leo woman are similar in interests and characters, which can help them build a strong and very warm relationship. Due to the similarity of characters, harmony and mutual understanding will always reign between them. The compatibility of these zodiac signs contributes to the achievement of good luck in working together. If the couple decide to set up a family business. Then it will be strong and reliable. Since Lions have remarkable business acumen, and Sagittarius have a penchant for creativity in their work.

But still, despite all these positive aspects, a pair of a Sagittarius man and a Leo woman is still not always as perfect as it could be. Sagittarius is a self-confident, assertive man and will try to subjugate his partner, demand from his half in any situation to maintain his position, despite her opinion. The lioness will yield to her beloved, but for the time being. One day she will show her claws. But this can happen in extreme cases. The lioness is a very wise woman, not a brawler, it is easier for her to give in to a man, to agree with his point of view, than to arrange a showdown and prove her case.

Quarrels in this couple are mainly due to jealousy. Since both of these fire signs are terrible owners, therefore, they cannot calmly respond to any manifestations of the attention of their half towards the opposite sex. In such cases, a showdown is inevitable.

Under the influence of the Lioness, the Sagittarius man, who loves freedom and cherishes his independence, can change beyond recognition. He will become a homely, sedate husband. To please his beloved, he is ready for a lot. Even pacify your ardent nature. He will put the interests of his beloved Lioness in the first place, and the beloved herself will become a guiding star for him.

This couple will never be bored together. They are ready to support each other in any adventure. They can do anything together, as in almost everything their interests converge.

They can travel, participate in any activities, they can break loose in the middle of the night and go somewhere in search of adventure. For this couple, such phenomena are quite normal.

Regarding intimate relationships, this union is ideal. Two unusually passionate and temperamental personalities in one bed is something unusual and fabulous. Their intimate life will never be monotonous and monotonous. This is the confluence of two turbulent rivers.

The union of a Sagittarius man and a Leo woman can be called one of the best among other representatives of the zodiac signs.

The union of these signs promises to be such that it can become the plot of a romantic story. In their life there will be a whole gamut of feelings and emotions that a person is subject to. Passion, ardor, delight, love and noisy quarrels and stormy reconciliations. Despite the fact that each of this pair has aspirations for leadership, they will not share it among themselves. A wise Sagittarius woman will give way to the leadership of the family to a man, will support him in all endeavors, gently guiding her beloved husband in the right direction.

A common cause can bring the couple even closer, they will work hard together to achieve their goals. These creative and enterprising people are created for action, they need to constantly be on the move, occupy themselves with something interesting. Inaction and routine are detrimental to such people.

A woman born under the sign of Sagittarius tends to idealize her beloved man, attributing all sorts of virtues to him, not noticing even the most obvious flaws.

She wants to see only good and bright in a loved one. And everything else, such small flaws, not worth paying attention to. The Leo man is the standard of masculinity and greatness. Real king. He is a wise, balanced, caring husband, protector of the family and breadwinner. A Leo in love is able to beautifully look after, give unexpected and expensive gifts, arrange romantic evenings just to please and surprise his beloved. As for the family, it is extremely important for the Leo man to be the head of the house, so that everything is done as he says and no one contradicts his will. Therefore, he easily finds a language with a compliant Sagittarius woman.

Therefore, love relationships Sagittarius Leo are among the most harmonious and durable. These signs are made for each other.

Sagittarius and Leo have the same life positions. These two signs belong to the fire element. Such a union is comfortable in love, friendship, sexual and business relationships. But not everything is so perfect. Partners are distinguished by excessive temperament, scandalousness. At the same time, their distinguishing feature is the ability to forgive insults in time and not hold grudges against each other. Sagittarius and Leo are quite compatible, which are promising and durable.

Leo is male, female is Sagittarius. Temperaments in the union of signs

Many of those around them think that the couple will quickly break up and their relationship will not last long due to the passionate characteristics of the personalities. However, according to statistics, such pairs are well compatible. Partners do not find fault with each other's trifles, agree, make compromises.

At an early stage of a relationship, the compatibility of Sagittarius - a woman and Leo - a man is quite strong. The girl knows her own worth and will never flirt with the narcissistic Leo, which, in turn, will hurt him greatly. A man will persistently seek the heart of a woman - Sagittarius. The reason for such cold behavior of the weaker sex is the fear of close relationships and the possibility of losing freedom.

The union of these signs enjoys life, they have fun. Partners make plans for the future, their life views and positions coincide. In domestic conditions they feel comfortable, do not burden each other. No one can destroy such an alliance. Partners seem to complement each other, especially in creative situations. Leo is considered the main thing in marriage, and the wife enriches the man with her wise advice.

Sagittarius is a man, Leo is a woman. Compatibility in love relationships

In a couple, this kind of relationship is considered ideal. They have one life path. The union of such signs is strong and strong. The prevailing romance in marriage contributes to the rapprochement of soul mates of these signs. But despite all the idyll in the relationship, conflicts in a couple are not uncommon.

Husband and wife want to remake each other through competition. Concessions are extremely rare. Each of them wants to be the head of the family. A man wants to rule in the family, he reserves the decision of all situations. The woman does not want to put up with it. As a result, each of them will remain with their own point of view on what is happening.

The lioness submits to her husband more often, she is more wise and patient. Partners have such a character trait as jealousy.

  1. Boredom becomes a destructive factor in a couple's relationship.
  2. In order to maintain a strong relationship, partners Sagittarius and Leo must give in to each other and not rule over their soul mate.
  3. Try not to be jealous of a partner, otherwise the compatibility of Sagittarius and Leo in a love relationship will be complicated.

How love relationships develop in a pair of Sagittarius - Leo

The woman and the man in this pair harmonize well in sexual desires, satisfying each other. A rich sex life gives them a lot of positive emotions. If love is absent in a couple, then the union will not last long.

These are fire signs. Sagittarius and Leo: Compatibility in love and intimate relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem to be ideal, but let's take a closer look. In Lviv, the fire burns calmly, without flashes, and nothing in the world can extinguish this small but steady fire. The fire of Sagittarius is like lightning - it lights up suddenly, then it goes out and it is difficult to foresee the further behavior of the light. Leos are born under the care of the Sun. This planet endows Lviv with talents, nobility, honesty and independence. Sunny pets were born with a mission to ennoble this world, they are cheerful and always ready to help. Sagittarius - the pets of Jupiter - are capable of risky steps, they are frivolous and reckless, they love freedom very much. The guys of fire are distinguished by courage and vigor, active enthusiasm. But there are also disadvantages - impatience, stubbornness and a desire to lead.

Astrologers predict the union of these signs to jointly achieve unprecedented heights.

Temperamental is like a charming sorceress. When she was born, babies pulled their heads out of their beds to see the gentle sorceress. The Lioness always lives surrounded by fans, but the jealousy of the Lioness is not for the faint of heart. The lady of fire has an enviable stubbornness, if she has planned something, it will happen. Happiness to a man who will melt the arrogance of the chosen one. For him, the Lioness will become a wonderful companion and raise good children.

- easy-going optimist, cheerful and gentle. The comedian from birth did not even cry when he was born, but laughed and told obstetricians some funny stories. The girls are crazy about the fiery guy, it’s not boring with him, the child of Jupiter will always come up with a new idea. The courageous Sagittarius is kind and honest, a romantic in life, but sorts out women and is not able to realize in time that love has faded away. Fans do not hold a grudge against Sagittarius, fascinated by his charm. Despite the fact that the fiery man values ​​\u200b\u200bfreedom too much, he is unusually good as a father and life partner.


The sparkling Lioness does not like to sit at home in the evenings, she loves cheerful companies and crowds of boyfriends. The Sagittarius guy will turn even a sad day into a celebration. Fire guys have many opportunities to meet, but it is difficult to keep up with them. They move around the world with such speed that they can simply not see each other.

The stars have finally found the right place to meet. Adrenaline seekers are destined to meet not just anywhere, but in an amusement park. The fire guys were carried into the tunnel of fear, where the engine suddenly stopped. It was at that moment that Cupid sent his arrow, which marked the beginning of the compatibility of Sagittarius and Leo in a love relationship. The other passengers of the mini train, bound by fear, involuntarily began to look at how the guy Sagittarius and the charming girl Lioness are witty and having fun.


Having met the incomparable Lioness, Sagittarius began to think about how to organize a worthy date. Jupiter's pet will collect all the flowers in the city flowerbeds and put the name of the Sunny girl from the petals, and next to it is a heart pierced by an arrow. In the middle of the composition, toy lion cubs will sit and sing a simple love song.

While the girl Leo will be surprised at the fantasy of Sagittarius, looking from the balcony, he will go up to her floor and press the call button. The fiery guy will stand in all his glory at the door with a bottle of expensive wine and three large lilies at the ready.

The Lioness girl seemed to be waiting and managed to put herself in order. Captives of Cupid are unable to resist the compatibility of Sagittarius men and Leo women, the lady will nod coquettishly, and the guy will not refuse and accept the offer to enter.


Attraction arose as soon as their eyes met. Sagittarius and Leo rushed to hug each other. The element of fire united the signs, and now they harmoniously complement each other, both in life and in bed. The lioness will forget about her jealousy for a while, because her chosen one will daily court and entertain the Solar Maiden with new ideas, not remembering her obsessive girlfriends.


Time goes by, and it's time to descend from heaven to earth.

Sagittarius and Lioness are horrified - apple cores are scattered on the floor, half-eaten strudel has been flaunting on the table for many days, empty bottles are stacked in piles, a crazy cat yells on the balcony and cannot enter - something urgently needs to be done about it. Young lovers will decide to invite guests as an occasion to put things in order at home, and at the same time to have a party about the start of a new life.

But everything didn't go according to plan. Suspecting something was wrong, the Lioness decides to unexpectedly drop in on Sagittarius's friends during a stormy party. Seeing a crowd of girls, the fiery lady began to find out their attitude towards her chosen one. But fortunately, Sagittarius was not nearby, he went off for a drink, otherwise a tragedy could have happened. After such a shake-up, the Leo girl decides to take a desperate step, she puts Sagittarius before a choice - either get married or free. The fiery guy runs in search of his passport, because he cannot imagine his life without a fiery maiden.


A chic wedding to the envy of the oligarchs, fireworks without counting. The money set aside for the purchase of an apartment is all spent on wedding dresses without a trace. Family life is one continuous entertainment. This rule is now written in thick blue marker on the refrigerator door. The storks did not keep themselves waiting long and immediately brought twins, which is typical for the marriage of Leo and Sagittarius.


Even in the nursery, the children noticed each other. The lioness is a domineering queen and Sagittarius, distinguished by curiosity, will come up with mischief, from which educators will come into shock. The children of the sign of Fire are extraordinary optimists and entertainers who have no time to be sad, but just let them fool around. In addition, they are talented humorists and easily come up with inventive ideas for pranks.


If you combine the desire for victory of the Lioness and the adventurism of Sagittarius, then this union has a great future. One minus - they are both big spenders. People around cannot understand how expenses can exceed income. Nevertheless, the bills still flow into the fiery hands of the children of the Sun and Jupiter. And their strong-willed character and desire to dominate will not leave a chance for any competitor.

Compatibility Leo Man and Sagittarius Woman

- a man of wide soul, brave and passionate. He knows no barriers, too independent, for parents - a constant shock. At the age of two, I read Ozhegov's dictionary, at the age of three I paid for the Internet, picking up an access password. Women appreciate his intelligence and charm. The pet of the Sun does not think of marrying early, it is difficult to choose among the abundance of charming fans. But, having found a haven, he becomes a house cat, following every movement of his mistress-wife.

- majestic and obstinate, affectionate and sensual. A fiery lady is never bored, even in a cold winter she will not want to sit by the stove, but will find a noisy company and have fun. Jupiter Girl has a rough and tough personality, preferring football over tearful melodramas. Romantic nature in flirting has no equal.

The daughter of Jupiter has no number of suitors - the young men argue, participate in fights, duels, hoping not for a fleeting smile of the stately queen of Sagittarius. Family life for her is a serious step, but it is unlikely that even in marriage she will be able to sit still.


The young Leo is always in the spotlight, he needs admiration for his person like air. Lady Sagittarius cannot imagine life without fashionable parties, where you can surprise everyone not only with your intellectual attractiveness, but also with an elegant dress. The Fire guys were destined to meet at a reception at the royal palace, but the stars decided to bring them together in a different way. Yachting is the best.

Despite the many attractive girls with deep cutouts, Leo could not take his eyes off the Sagittarius lady. But she was inaccessible, the oligarchs curled around her, vying with each other inviting her to dance. The guys of fire did not take their eyes off each other, the only goal was to fight off obsessive fans. Among the possible options was how to accidentally fall out of the yacht, which the fiery lady hurried to do. The lion was not taken aback and climbed to pull the stranger out of the water. The escape plan was a success, and the captain landed the lovers on a piece of land that appeared.


An amazing date on the heated sand, outlandish plants, clear water, birds singing. Leo arranged all this splendor in advance, musicians were invited, among whom was Cupid himself.

While the boy and the girl were enjoying the melody of the Moonlight Sonata, Cupid, disguised as a waiter, poured a love potion into the dishes. From two glasses, the Sagittarius girl got tipsy, began to sprinkle witticisms so that the musicians clutched their stomachs with laughter. Poor Cupid called the Cupids to get more arrows, because he lost his own in the grass, rolling on the ground with laughter.

Leo and Sagittarius danced with delight until midnight. The musicians, cooks and attendants have long since abandoned them by jumping into a passing boat. And Cupid searched for his arrows for a long time and cursed at the Cupids, who delivered the arrows by mistake to the yacht.


Having fallen in love, Leo will carry the lady of the heart in his arms for a long time. The compatibility of the Leo man and the Sagittarius woman in love surprised and delighted them - the fiery couple had not yet experienced such harmony. The birds, choosing songs, wanted to be a continuation of the rare idyll of the lady Sagittarius and the courageous Leo.

It is sad that the rest does not last long, and the fiery guys had to return. They vowed never to be separated. The friends did not recognize the Sagittarius lady upon her return, she became so prettier. Yes, and Leo conquered all the cashiers and surrounding girls at the airport. On the way home, the fiery man decided to aggravate relations with his beloved Sagittarius and became jealous of her taxi driver. The girl turned the incident into a joke, and a few minutes later the companions stopped on the threshold of Leo's apartment. He thought for a long time, before opening the door, if the lady in his lair would find traces of previous dates before her.


The Sagittarius woman respects Leo's freedom. The girl of fire forgave her chosen one for women's belongings lying everywhere. Leo was even jarred by such indifference, so he immediately promised the fiery maiden that she would be the only woman in his life forever. He himself also did not forget to take the word from Lady Sagittarius that she would never look to the left.

Two weeks will not be overshadowed by anything until the fiery girl talks on the street with a friend and forgets about the time. Leo, raging with jealousy, will immediately hire a team of spies to keep an eye on the lady of the heart. Bloodhounds with the help of bugs and tracking cameras will watch hourly every step of the Sagittarius woman, which, oddly enough, she will not notice. Only a few times he will stumble upon suspicious guys in sunglasses on the street, but being head over heels in love will not attach any importance to what is happening.


Leo will invite familiar musicians from the island to a chic wedding. The bride with her irresistibility will cause rage and envy of her rivals. The courageous Leo groom will make an indelible impression even on all the old ladies.

Life in marriage will become a fabulous reality for spouses. Leo and Sagittarius will only regret the lost time spent away from each other. Leo's jealousy in marriage will almost come to naught, and Sagittarius' wife will stop mocking her husband's vulnerability. Children will have excellent health and good wit. The parents of Fire will be doting on their children, for which the children will be very grateful to them. They will love an immensely affectionate mother and a cheerful father.


The cheerful girl Sagittarius always finds a noisy company. And the energetic joyful little boy Leo is fascinated by the cheerful disposition of the fiery girl. Even in the kindergarten, the teachers gathered advice, where they decided what to do with these friends, from whose leprosy the head was not in place. However, contrary to the expectations of adults, even after many years, Leo and Sagittarius will give odds to the most inventive merry fellows.


Lady Sagittarius has an adventurous nature, but efficiency and seriousness help her make profitable deals. The lion is a little too impulsive, his roar can be heard from afar, but, having calmed down, he goes to conquer the next height.

The stars advise partners not to make rash spending until income increases significantly, because the monetary abundance of the fiery union of Leo and Sagittarius will not keep you waiting long.

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Calmly communicating Leo and Sagittarius is a rather rare occurrence. These two signs often get into arguments and constantly sort things out. Of course, this does not happen in every case, but they are able to behave normally towards each other only when, for some reason, Leo and Sagittarius are forced to keep their distance. A respectful attitude is possible in the work team, but only if these signs are not competitors. Consider Leo and Sagittarius Compatibility in details.

Compatibility Leo Woman and Sagittarius Man

This connection can be compared to an unstoppable flame that consumes everything around. The relationship between the Leo woman and the Sagittarius man is clear only to the two of them. A lady born under the constellation Leo is truly irresistible. The fiery man sees her as a sophisticated and feminine beauty. He admires her and feels deep respect in her beloved. For Sagittarius, there is no woman more beautiful than Leo, so he is ready to protect her, surround her with attention and warmth.

At this time, the beloved constantly expects that the fiery man will prove to her the sincerity of his feelings day after day. Jupiter's ward will give Leo expensive gifts and carry it in his arms. In response, the companion will give him her affection and care, as well as uncontrollable passion and violent emotions.

It may happen that one day Sagittarius will get tired of this worship and decide to leave, but he will do it for a short time, because they are not able to exist without each other.

These two will be happy together and will probably tie the knot. This family has every chance to become harmonious and strong.

In love

The Sagittarius man and the Leo lady find it harder to get into a relationship than to maintain it. The problem is that even if the fiery woman is impressed by the ward of Jupiter, the manifestation of his sympathy for her will seem insufficient. Sagittarius does not like long-term courtship, so if the object of his interest does not reciprocate in the shortest possible time, he will no doubt go in search of another lady.

Watch the video. Compatibility Leo and Sagittarius.

The point in this case is that a woman born under the sign of Leo initially needs to make some concessions.

This couple will enjoy spending time together. A fiery couple is attracted by outdoor activities and large cheerful companies. However, such events often spill over into scandals for those in love. Both signs want to be in the spotlight and take a leadership position, but a woman tends to act in such a way as if her partner is not around. Only Leo will participate in conversations, and Sagittarius will always be in her shadow and entertain himself on his own. Of course, the second half will be dissatisfied with this behavior of a man. She does not like to make scandals in companies, but her lover can provoke a lady into a showdown. If these two do not learn to understand each other, then this situation can lead to separation.

In a relationship

Be that as it may, one day lovers will have to descend from heaven to earth. Waking up in the morning, the fiery couple will be extremely surprised - candy wrappers and chips are scattered throughout the apartment, mountains of bottles rise in every corner, and a dog whines at the door, which no one has yet walked or fed. Leo and Sagittarius will not hesitate to call their comrades, after which they will turn on the music center and enthusiastically begin to restore order, which will end with another party, because their relationship needs to be celebrated, as well as introducing all their friends.

Cohabitation will not change much in the relationship between Leo and Sagittarius, they will still look at the world optimistically, the only thing, probably, is that the apartment will be cleaned more often. Naturally, after all, the grandmother of the fiery lady will become a regular guest in the house, and she does not at all feel sympathy for her granddaughter's chosen one, believing that he is irresponsible and windy. Relatives of the fiery man will also not be happy with such an alliance - the companion of Sagittarius will impress them as an arrogant and fastidious person. However, these two do not care about the opinions of others - they are in love, and that says it all.

3 out of 5 couples need separate holidays

From time to time, a man and a woman will take a break from each other's company - Sagittarius will spend time with many friends, and the ward of the Sun at this time will enthusiastically devote her friends to her cloudless life.


If Sagittarius and Leo entered into marriage consciously, then a favorable union is quite possible. Having learned each other's temperament, they most likely already know how to find a common solution, so there will be no unnecessary disagreements in the pair.

Worries about life for a fiery union are secondary. The Leo woman treats household chores as a routine, and the Sagittarius man does not pay attention to the mess in the apartment at all. Lovers in vain do not make claims to each other, feelings are more important for them, therefore their conflicts are connected only with this.

Jupiter's ward is often jealous of his attractive lover, although he himself can afford to flirt with the opposite sex and even have a fleeting romance.

His wife is very offended that Sagittarius continues to insist on his own, even if he is not right. Often a lady offers to buy something worthwhile and necessary together or to invest money profitably. The spouse agrees, but when it is necessary to act, he can change his mind or behave in such a way that it becomes impossible to realize his plan.

To maintain harmony in the family, Sagittarius and Leo must act in solving problems on their own, because in this way they cope much better. It is desirable for these signs to learn to control themselves and behave softer, ceasing to periodically tease each other.

in friendship

Friendly relations between Sagittarius and Leo may well develop. They are positive and cheerful, they like companies and outdoor activities. Fire signs do not like to cry in a vest and complain about fate. In difficult circumstances, Leo and Sagittarius are always ready to support each other. Such relationships can be quite long, but the comrades will still keep some distance.

IT IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Sagittarius man.

In sex

The intimate relationship of this couple is just great. This is not only physical intimacy, but also the bright all-consuming passion that the union of the Sun with Jupiter gives. The Leo lady and the Sagittarius man do not know what monotony is in bed - they are constantly experimenting, moving from a violent display of emotions to incredible tenderness, and sometimes to harshness and swagger.

80% Lviv touchy

The only negative is that an absolutely liberated ward of Jupiter can say something at a completely inopportune time and greatly injure his companion with a thoughtless statement. After that, lovers can move away from each other, and this will continue until Leo's resentment subsides.

In work

The ward of the Sun is prone to dominance, she always tries to be the best, and the difficulties that arise do not frighten her. The fiery man loves to take risks and fight, he does not like the office routine. Only constant moving and moving can make him happy. There is a huge potential in the fiery couple - together they will win in any struggle, they are not afraid of either competition or any other aspects of the business side of life.

The only negative is that both fire signs are too wasteful, they calmly waste money, their acquaintances do not understand how they manage to spend much more than they earn. However, finances, one might say, go into their hands themselves, Leo and Sagittarius can easily win the draw, and the conclusion of profitable contracts is given to them with enviable simplicity.

The wards of Jupiter and the Sun have many ideas and ideas, and if their tandem was supplemented by an enterprising Virgo or prudent Capricorn, their affairs would go uphill with rapid steps. In general, united, these two are quite capable of making a good fortune.

In percentages

The compatibility of a pair of male Sagittarius and female Leo is 70%.

In such a union, stormy emotions and mutual passion prevail. Such partners understand each other well, but a woman can be offended by Sagittarius's excessive love for freedom, and a man by his beloved's excessive desire for leadership and general attention. If the fiery couple learns to listen to each other, then such an alliance has excellent chances of success.

IT IS INTERESTING! Modern astrology: juicy details of the compatibility of the Leo woman.

Psychological compatibility

Both Sagittarius and Leo are characterized by an active life position, such people can always find a common language. The only thing that Sagittarius should remember is that the leading position will have to be given to the companion. In general, such a couple can be very successful.

For Sagittarius and Leo, the hallmarks are fearlessness, love of their own freedom and pronounced creative abilities. Quite a lot is united by such an alliance. Fire signs will be happy to travel together, participate in the resolution of joint tasks, even if it means taking risks. Their coexistence can be compared to an ongoing holiday, but sometimes disputes and showdowns can occur between them.

The positive is that most of these signs are quite reasonable, therefore they do not allow themselves to go too far, in connection with which both partners can moderate their ardor in time. Despite the fact that a lady born under the constellation Leo, as well as her fiery companion, causes increased attention of the opposite sex, such a union rarely encounters betrayal, or this can only happen by accident. Although the ward of Jupiter reacts painfully to any restrictions on his freedom, for the sake of his beloved, he can turn a blind eye to this. But of course, everything should be within reason. The ward of the Sun in such a union experiences a whole range of vivid feelings.

Compatibility Leo Man and Sagittarius Woman

In a pair of Leo men and Sagittarius women, everyone strives to ensure that the partner continuously proves his feelings. The ward of the Sun often inclines his beloved to submission, turning her almost into a housekeeper. But this does not mean that the fiery man is a tyrant. Such behavior on his part is due to the subconscious desire for the beloved to show his feelings for him. Undoubtedly, the ward of Jupiter in such a situation may be upset, but at the same time she is ready to give in to her other half, which means that these two will be able to find a common language.

It is worth noting that the Sagittarius woman is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Realizing that the companion needs constant declarations of love, she purposefully does not do this in order to see what the behavior of her beloved will be in attempts to arouse feelings in her.

Even in this position, this couple does not lose harmony. On the contrary, it saturates the relationship of lovers with bright colors and emotions.

In love

A man born under the constellation Leo is interested in sociable and liberated ladies, so the fiery beauty will immediately be in his field of vision. Long courtship in this case is not expected, probably the ward of Jupiter turned her attention to him first, but did not want to take the initiative.

The strong half takes the reins of power in such a pair, and both like it. Despite the firmness of the character of the Sagittarius woman, she likes the position of her companion, because he believes in himself and is not afraid of problems. For a man, such a lady is a dream come true. She allows him to be a leader, although she does not need outside help, she always has her own point of view, but at the same time she allows her man to resolve issues.

The only threat to the existence of this pair is the excessive impulsiveness of Jupiter's ward. She should remember that even in critical situations, one should not hurt Leo's pride, laugh at his minuses, and behave unrestrainedly. Even a single incident can contribute to the rupture of relations.

Watch the video. Astrology: a psychological portrait of a Leo man.

In a relationship

A lady born under the constellation Sagittarius is not distinguished by excessive jealousy, she likes the independence of her lover. The fiery woman turned a blind eye to the fact that cosmetics and other feminine accessories were scattered throughout his apartment. The ward of the Sun is surprised by such restraint, but without hesitation gives his companion a promise that no other lady will ever take a step towards his home. However, the man himself will make his passion promise that she will not even look at another man with an eye, and even more so she will not flirt or show interest.

7 out of 9 Leos are very jealous

At first, Leo and Sagittarius will be fine, perhaps even perfect. But one day the fiery woman will go for milk and talk with a friend, and the ward of the Sun will tear and throw with jealousy. He can even turn to private detectives who will immediately place cameras and other surveillance devices around the apartment. The windy lady of fire will not even pay attention to the fact that she is being watched, she will meet strong men in sunglasses more than once - but how can one notice this in a fit of sublime feelings?

But when the Leo man receives confirmation that his lady of the heart is faithful to him, he will finally stop worrying and cheating. His beloved will receive everything he can wish for - every day the companion will give her expensive gifts and surround her with care and warmth.


The union of these fiery signs has every chance of becoming reliable and durable. Their coexistence cannot be called ideal, from time to time Leo and Sagittarius will have disagreements, and at the same time everyone will stubbornly insist on their point of view. However, both signs do not accept slyness, so each other's openness will be fully appreciated. Be that as it may, it is better not to make frank reproaches towards the second half for both, and even more so for the beautiful half. In a fit of emotions, a woman can say too much, and after that it will not be easy to restore relations.

As for life, everything is not so smooth here, but the spouses are of little interest. A man devotes most of his time to work, and his rest, as a rule, takes place outside the hearth. Lady Sagittarius is not interested in household chores, but it is also not typical for her to start a home environment. The husband does not reproach her for nothing, so there are no unnecessary disputes in such a family.

In sex, Leo and Sagittarius are compatible well. Spouses start each other even after years, their relationship is not devoid of passion. The only possible snag is the criticality of the fiery lady, which manifests itself even in bed. If the ward of the Sun does not feel like an ideal partner, then he can go in search of recognition with other women, and this poses a serious threat to such a marriage.

in friendship

Leo and Sagittarius are quite capable of communicating, but such communication will not be close. If things are going well for these signs, then everyone behaves positively and openly. Neither Sagittarius nor Leo like to arouse pity and expose themselves as a victim, but in such circumstances they concentrate on finding a solution to the problem, so their behavior changes significantly. If the ward of the Sun has difficulties, he will not ask for help from Sagittarius, his pride does not allow such actions. In such situations, it is better not to disturb a man, because he is absolutely not in the mood to communicate.

If trouble has touched a woman born under the constellation Sagittarius, this is manifested in her excessive nervousness, due to which both relatives and friends can fall under the hot hand.

The ward of the Moon after this will immediately stop communicating with such a lady. Comrades can only be united by joint leisure, and they do not participate in each other's life. Close relationships in this case are not due to friendship, but indicate mutual interest.

In sex

Wards of Fire can be great in bed, no doubt, but the bond between these two is much better than with other signs. The Sagittarius lady is interested in the actions of her lover, and the Leo man loves to be the best in everything, so together they will definitely not be bored.

IT IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Leo man.

In work

A woman born under the constellation Sagittarius loves to have fun and take risks. But at the same time, in business, she will give odds to anyone - it is not difficult for her to draw up an important contract, because she is able to win over any partner. The Leo man is emotional and energetic, but if something does not go according to his scenario, he is ready to tear and throw - everyone around him just wants to hide from his field of vision. At the same time, the ward of the Moon tends to quickly calm down, continuing to move towards new goals.

The compatibility horoscope for Leo and Sagittarius shows that this union will be perfect. Next to him, Sagittarius is ready to see only an equal partner, and Leo, like no one else, meets all his requirements, only he will respect Leo as a worthy companion.

Sagittarius is a smart, devoted and loving partner for Leo, with his help Leo reaches creative and spiritual heights. In response, he pushes the partner to new achievements, instilling in him self-confidence. This is a union of devoted friends, lovers or good partners. They strive to achieve the same goals, although Leo needs to feel personal success as well. Sagittarius will always have to meet the growing needs of a partner.

From the very beginning of the relationship between Leo and Sagittarius, the latter idolizes his companion, and no convictions can shake his faith in this. Such an attitude, of course, flatters Leo, but he is wary of his partner for a long time, until Sagittarius wins the trust of his companion. Leos are generally not characterized by the rapid development of relationships, they look at a partner for a long time before tying the knot.

Despite his stormy nature, Sagittarius always frankly repents of his deeds, knows how to ask for forgiveness, and also knows how to stop an angry partner in time. Knowing that Leo does not know how and does not want to apologize, is not ready to forgive the opponent’s mistakes, Sagittarius will use all his eloquence to convince his partner of his sincerity, and he, showing generosity, will give him another chance.

In the sexual relationship between Leo and Sagittarius there will be complete harmony, they will be saturated with passion, tenderness and sensuality only if both can resolve existing problems in other areas of life. Each of the partners must learn to compromise, although it will be more difficult for Leo, since he is not used to changing his mind.

On a subconscious level, Sagittarius is drawn to a partner, he likes to obey Leo, to feel his protection, next to him he is not afraid of any difficulties in the future. Lions, on the other hand, madly like the peculiar behavior of the companion, the inflexibility of his character, complementing each other, they are able to build an indestructible and lasting relationship.

Compatibility Man - Leo - Woman - Sagittarius

A couple in which a woman is Sagittarius and a man is Leo will always be bright, discussed. These relationships will never be monotonous and monotonous. Love, jealousy and the struggle of characters will be combined here, the emotions of partners will overflow. Due to their similarity in many aspects of life, this couple will always be able to exist for a long time.

Compatibility of zodiac signs in this pair strives for high results. For a Sagittarius woman, reason always prevails over feelings, she will never rush into a relationship as if into a pool with her head. She is prudent and cold-blooded, the Leo man, overwhelmed with passionate feelings, and feeling a congenial person in his partner, will reach out to her, expecting reciprocity, but the Sagittarius woman will be able to respond to his feelings, only having weighed everything beforehand, evaluating the prospects of these relationships for her and considering all possible options for the development of relations. She is accustomed to independence, initially she considers any relationship as an encroachment on her personal freedom.

Both signs will study each other for a long time, discovering more and more new qualities, completely ignoring minor flaws. To maintain harmony in a relationship, both should show wisdom and learn to listen to a partner when making important decisions.

Compatibility Woman - Leo - Man - Sagittarius

This couple has a very high love compatibility. Both signs will be able to build their relationship harmonious and strong, while being open to communication with the outside world. The main rule of this pair will be the support of a partner under any circumstances.

The Leo man loves to lead and direct, but he always does it with great respect for his partner, always makes instant and accurate decisions. It is these qualities that a woman really likes in a partner - Leo. Despite her active life position, confidence and authority, her desire for supremacy, these two signs can always come to a mutual agreement who will be in charge in their relationship.

These two signs will always be able to create a strong couple based on love, passion and respect. Only the choice of the same professional field can negatively affect relationships, since both the Sagittarius man and his partner are characterized by a spirit of rivalry, which will become a catalyst for the destruction of this union.