The plot of a married man at a distance to read. A strong love spell on the love of a married man to read at home

A strong love spell of a married man at a distance is the topic of my new article, the magician Sergei Artgrom. To make a black love spell for a married man - is it good, and is it necessary to take such a step? And what will you have to pay later for the happiness of being with your loved one and for the joy of victory over a rival? It would seem that this has already been discussed and discussed. And the question is still relevant.

What is the main thing in a love spell for a married man

You can't stop loving. In love, not everything depends on us. Sometimes, we love those who are not worthy of us, and do not look towards those who sincerely love us. Love has its own laws. But what to do if the beloved is married? Wife, family, stable relationships, settled life, children - on the one hand. On the other hand - your desire.

Difficult dilemma. But, nothing will stop you if you decide to make a love spell for a married man on your own and get it, just like no one will stop a wife who will protect her husband and save the family. This is the sacred right of choice.

So, since each of us has a choice in any situation, you can put up and step aside, or you can fight for your love with the help of witchcraft. It is convenient to cast strong love spells on a married man at a distance from the photo. The main thing is to make a real love spell so that the action is.

And, of course, you need to be able to cover your tracks. Experienced magicians on a powerful love spell of a married guy to a girl put protection and impenetrable, so that witchcraft is difficult to detect, and even more difficult to remove. Beginners, of course, cannot do this, and therefore I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend going to a practicing black magician, or to a sorcerer, a bartender, for serious work.

Is it possible to read the love spell of a married man for salt

The spectrum of magical help is wide. There are many things you can do with magic salt. For the most part, these are white love spells that really help to dry a married guy, they are done on a growing moon, and preferably on a full moon, when the moon weakens people.

You can speak salt crystals for sexual desire, restless obsessive thoughts, for melancholy-dryness and bodily languor, or you can do it in such a way that life away from the one who independently bewitched a married man will become empty and uninteresting. Spellbound salt is fed to the victim of a sexual love spell, and everything will happen to a married man strictly as agreed. And you can influence salt and remotely, depending on the chosen ceremony.

Negative consequences of a love spell of a married man with salt are not observed, you can direct yourself at home, even if you are not a practicing magician. But such rituals do not last long. Therefore, a frequent repetition of a light love spell on a beloved but married man is needed. Remotely, any witchcraft love conspiracies - even black, even white, can influence legal husbands, other people's husbands who are married, divorced men, and free men - dogs without collars. Real love spells of a married man with the help of negative salt do not give in the future, unlike such a thing as magical food for female blood.

A love spell for a married man for menstruation in the ritual part can be very simple, but the side effects afterward are sometimes very significant. Although, I will not hide, it is strong witchcraft with the help of blood that is one of the ways to make a quick love spell on the love of a married guy. And here is an example of how to safely bewitch a married man for salt.

The best love spell of a married man for salt - read and remember the way

This is not a black spell. Works on the personal power of the magician and the elemental power of Fire. It has no negative consequences, unlike independent love spell of a married guy for blood. This is both cleaning and salt drying of a loved one at the same time. Do it on the new moon. You will need 2 photos - yours and the man you want to bind to you. Light a red candle, think of your married lover, imagine your meetings, visualize his love. All your inner energy should be directed to the result.

Starting this white love spell on a married man for a candle, read the plot:

“Just as this candle burns with a fiery flame, and comes out with tears, so my dear (name) burns with passionate love for me (name), cries with combustible tears, and is exhausted by bodily lust. So weep for him and languish in languor until he comes to me, but does not stay with me. Exactly".

Pour a pinch of salt on your photo, and say the text of the plot:

“Salt, salty little head, absorb my love torment, take away my unrequited feelings, my lustful, unsatisfied passion. Amen".

Pour a pinch of salt on his photo, and so read the words of the conspiracy:

“Salt, enlighten my beloved, open his heart for me, take away his feelings for a rival, make room for me in him. Amen".

Then pour the salt from both photos onto a piece of natural fabric, wrap it up and bury it under any tree - a vampire. Photos can be put back in the album, or hidden away from prying eyes, if you continue to tell fortunes about your lover, you will push a married man to love with strong love spells.

Those who did a love spell on a married man on their own, or turned to a sorcerer for magical help, know how difficult it is to pull a lover out of a relationship, especially if the family is prosperous and there are feelings. A very strong love spell is done in a complex.
  • Spouses always quarrel
  • put openings,
  • damage to relationships
  • and then a strong love spell.

Yes, and you will have to work on yourself in every sense. Magic allows a woman, but the lover is not blind. Here is an example of the strongest love spell forever that can be cast on a married man.

Home love spell for a married man

According to the condition of a very strong love spell on a married lover that you can do yourself, the card must be “played and for the life of a person.” The deck on which they played, but not a throw-in fool, but guessed, made a diagnosis of the situation. The deck on which they prophesied has power.

Make on an ace of hearts. Cards are the army of demons. Although there is no call for demons, and there is no direct appeal to them either, nevertheless, this work is done through demons.

  • Buy a new deck
  • tell fortunes on the person you need,
  • and then take a card out of the deck,

This ace has power, a strong love affair. In the morning of any odd number, stand on the card with your left foot, and hold a black burning candle in your hands. Read a conspiracy three times for an effective love spell on a married man. Whoever did it, everyone notes its powerful power, the rite works well as inciting passion in a married person.

“The sun is in the sky, and my word is on the trail, such a bright sun, such a word with power, and a red tuzina, and a love speech, and a languid fool, and on (name) a gathering. Tacos under the scissor, tacos under my grave, tacos (name) similar, tacos ardent languor, then (name) burn, then (name) burn, forget all people during the day, don’t remember anyone at night, don’t accept relatives, don’t mother-father you see, keep me on your mind in such a way, sob for me in such a way, blaze with rage for me. According to me, languor comes from, tacos lie down in my bed according to the word. Taco is said according to the sun, ordered through the ace of hearts, knitted with a weave. Related. Ordered. Weekly. Went. Driven. Created. Amen".

After three days, repeat the most powerful love spell of a married man again

And after three days, do it again. This time, do not extinguish the candle, but put it on the demon card and let it burn out. Everything is demonic. At the end of the magic ritual, after the third time, a card with a wax drip and a ransom to the crossroads. this one good spell on a married man, but not one that cannot be removed, because in reality such magical effects do not exist at all.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

You can buy a black candle, or you can make it yourself by adding activated charcoal to the wax. Many practicing magicians themselves make candles for the most powerful black love spells on a married man with a reservation for what. Excellent magical candles are obtained! I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, believe that in order to achieve the goal, you need to try, make some efforts, and the weeds themselves only grow.

The duration of black love spells for a married guy made by herself in the cemetery is short - several months. Factors affecting the duration of exposure may be different. The personal strength of the sorcerer, how much connection with demons has been developed, how cleanly and correctly the rite is performed. In addition, something also depends on the will, energy and protection of the object.

Rites can be strengthened by love conspiracies for a married man.

Practicing warlocks have their own, repeatedly worked out. To the grave love spells for a married man lover, I recommend putting protection with their locks, as well as impenetrable. But, all this is the level of practicing magicians, certainly not for beginners. You can add a photo to a proven love spell of a married man at home, for better visualization, and so as not to be distracted from the image of the object.

Read on the wife of a married man - a love spell for fornication and a strong desire for sex to a rival

Love complexes for a married lover often include

  • quarrels,
  • cool,
  • lapels of varying severity, in order to bring discord into the relationship of the couple.

If you do not act quickly and harshly, or you have little experience and strength, and you have not learned how to react with lightning speed to the situation, you risk being drawn into a protracted and dangerous magical war.

From a dog in heat, take a piece of wool, and walk with gauze over its flowing place. Light 9 candles, put the opponent's photo in front of you. Wool is placed on the left side, gauze on the right.

Looking at the photo, they read the quarrel plot on the lover's wife 7 times:

“On the left side in the demonic kingdom, the red river measures the way. Yes, in the river of that red pool there is a black one, but in that terrible pool there black water seethes, boils, throws foam. Yes, in the whirlpool of that indecency, human dwell. Bludina, the dashing demon is the master there. The demons call him a swirl of bitches. Yes, a woman's share, but a languishing bodily pool boils, so you are a demon, a lust, know my words, but raise the water of a black pool. Let the streams come out of the edges, your river will flow to the human lands, yes (the name of the rival) let it be drawn into the pool. Yes, in the whirlpool of that bough, let the indecency strike her, let her suffer from fornication day by day, let her desire fornication, lewdness. And if he wants, so let him create, but burn with passion. In the pool of black, bitch fornication, indecent, but everything is in it. Amen".

Drip honey on the photo, smear salting it with the middle finger of the right hand, throw dog hair on the photo, say:

“Just as a bitch knew to flow, she did not know peace from males, so you, (name), flow, but do not know peace from males. Amen".

Cover the photo with gauze, say:

“As a male has covered a bitch, so you will wish for a cut. Forever and ever. Amen".

The candles must burn out. Pay off at the crossroads, and hide the photo.

Life is a complicated thing, and in order to get a loved one into their arms, some girls use a variety of tricks. If a young man cannot (or does not want) to be around, “heavy artillery” comes to the rescue - magic love spells.

If you are thinking about how to bewitch a man, you are not concerned about moral aspects and are not afraid of the likely negative consequences of such a step, we suggest that you carefully study witchcraft rituals.

After conspiring at home, you can get someone else's boyfriend, wrest your husband from the tenacious hands of a rival, or simply start a new romance.

This is a magical ritual designed to help the "sorcerer" keep or get a loved one. It is curious that for magic there is no concept of “one’s own” or “alien” guy, therefore, subject to sufficient energy strength, it is possible, and a married young man.

In magic, the distance at which the bewitched person is located is also indifferent. Witchcraft rites can have an effect on a neighboring guy, and on a young man who is hundreds of kilometers away from you.

The effectiveness of the ritual depends only on inner strength, your desire to be with a man and the correctness of the ritual.

There are several options for how to bewitch a man and attract him into your life:

  1. A love spell on a man is carried out independently, without using the services of third-party specialists. It is important to make sure that the plot is really working, and to protect yourself as much as possible from possible negative consequences.
  2. The work of professional fortune tellers is expensive, but it is believed that it gives a better result. In addition, turning to a fortuneteller or a witch will help reduce the risk of unwanted reactions from the bewitched guy.

If you are looking for ways to get your lover back, be sure to read and abide by the following important terms and conditions:

  1. Religion is categorically against such actions. Magic rituals are considered a sinful occupation, so think carefully about the need for a witchcraft rite.
  2. You can’t perform a conspiracy just like that - for the sake of curiosity or to test your own witchcraft powers. You should be guided only by love for a man.
  3. Love spells are not recommended to be performed to the detriment, for example, to take revenge on a departed lover. In magic, there is the concept of "rollback", when there are negative consequences for a woman in the form of illness or failure in love affairs.
  4. When making a conspiracy on your own, make sure that it is “working”. When contacting a third-party specialist, make sure (for example, through word of mouth) that he is not an ordinary charlatan.
  5. So that the love spell does not hit you, does not lead to a deterioration in relations with your lover (the so-called retroactive force), take care of setting up protection. It can be some kind of amulet or, again, a protective conspiracy.
  6. It is better to cast a love spell on a growing moon and on the so-called men's days - Thursday, Tuesday or Monday. However, in individual rituals there may be other indications.
  7. You can not talk about the perfect rite, otherwise it simply will not work.

These are the basic rules and conditions that must be met when setting a love spell on a man. Your life is up to you and it is up to you to decide whether it is worth getting involved with all these “otherworldly” rituals at all. Here are some of the most common love spells.

This plot is suitable for those ladies who are interested in how to bewitch a man from a distance. A big plus of this love spell is that it can be performed at home.

You will need a picture of the guy you love, in which he is alone, and your photo. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. To perform a love conspiracy on your own, try to clear your mind of unnecessary information, concentrating only on a man.
  2. Write down on the back of your photo the personal data of your beloved guy (name, date of birth), and on the picture of a man - information about yourself, respectively.
  3. Attach the photo facing each other. Sew the corners of the pictures with a red thread, as if connecting your life with yourself and the fate of the guy. Tying the knot, say the following words: “I bind the servant of God (pronounce the name of the object) with the servant of God (say your name) with inseparable bonds. Amen".
  4. After saying these words, cut the thread. Then you need to put the linked photographs in a white envelope and seal it with a melted wax candle. During the procedure, say 3 times: “They seal the servant of God (the name of the object is pronounced) with the servant of God (your name) from the evil eye, from evil intentions, from the cold lapel.”

The sealed envelope must be hidden in a secret place. A love spell at a distance acts quickly and strongly. Those who performed this ritual claim that it begins to act after 5-7 days.

If you love a person very much, but live far from him, try another love spell at a distance - a conspiracy that uses church candles. You can perform it both independently and by the forces of a professional sorcerer.

What is fraught with such a magical effect on the psyche of a guy?

  1. Most often, bewitched men (especially those in a relationship) begin to rush between two ladies - the legal wife and the "sorceress". Sometimes, because of unresolved issues, the life of a lover collapses, for example, he drinks the problem with alcohol.
  2. It is believed that bewitched men lose weight, they have health problems. This is due to the fact that the conspiracy blocks the natural pathways for energy replenishment.
  3. Often, the material sphere also suffers from a love spell. Wealthy men go broke because now their whole life is centered around one girl. Everything else - work, career - ceases to interest them.

Of course, in some cases, love spells do without serious consequences. However, no one will give a 100% guarantee that on your own you will be able to fulfill all the conditions of the ritual and get your loved one without the accompanying problems.

In addition, the conspiracy may affect you. Love spells are often binary - that is, by tying a lover to herself, a girl begins to feed him with her energy, which can drain her and even lead to various diseases.

A love spell at a distance, carried out with the help of a photograph or a candle, can work quickly or be detected after a while. But linking your life and the fate of a man with the help of witchcraft rituals, it is important to understand the possible consequences.

Love magic is considered to be a powerful "weapon" that can bring you the guy you love.

However, if you perform the rituals on your own, various mistakes and oversights are possible, so do not forget to be attentive to every little thing indicated in the plot.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

All sorts of situations can happen in life, and as an option - a woman's love for a married man. Naturally, in such a love triangle, the question arises - how to bewitch a married man? You can do this either by contacting a psychic, or you can choose and conduct a ritual of a love spell for a married man on your own, which we will talk about later.

We decided to make a love spell - follow the rules

If you decide to cast a love spell on a married man, you should consider a number of simple but significant rules.

  1. It is carried out in complete solitude, unless otherwise provided by the ritual. Nothing and no one should distract you - people and animals, sounds and events.
  2. Everything done - keep it in strict confidence, everything that you do in relation to a married man. Plus, do the ritual strictly with the instructions and the sequence prescribed in it.
  3. For the duration of the ritual, stay naked, loose your hair and wash off your makeup, remove jewelry and pectoral cross.
  4. The ceremony is carried out on a growing night luminary - the energy of the Moon at this moment is aimed at creating love, but not at its decrease.
  5. To enhance ritual magic, fast 40 days before, not only bodily, but also sensually. If 40 days is a lot for you, it will be enough to limit yourself to 3 or 9 days of fasting.
  6. In the room in which the ritual is performed, there should not be any icons, symbols and paraphernalia of the Christian faith.
  7. During the ritual ceremony - open the windows to attract energy. But if the ritual is dark, they should be closed.
  8. They cast a love spell on a married man - before the sun rises, or after its sunset.

Variants of love spell rituals for married people

In practice, there are many rituals through which you can cast a love spell on a married man. If you want to attract attention and win over a married man, you can:

  1. Independently conduct a ritual of a love spell ceremony. But the main thing is to understand that the ritual will work, it is real. Otherwise, you will harm yourself and your loved ones, a man.
  2. Or you can turn to experienced magicians and psychics, who will perform a love spell ritual, unless of course he is an amateur.

If you decide to conduct the ritual on your own, consider and choose one of the rituals presented below.

Rite in the cemetery

Love spell in the cemetery is the strongest

If you decide to bewitch a lover who is already married, take a very strong ritual into service. , which cannot be removed under any circumstances. We are talking about a cemetery love spell - it is carried out in several stages.

  1. Going to the cemetery - take with you a photo of a man and sweets as a gift to the deceased, whom you will contact.
  2. Find a grave on the territory of the churchyard, in which a dead person with the same name as your chosen one is buried.
  3. Put the gifts on the grave and say:

“I will get up - without crossing myself, I will go out of the door and out of the gate, out of the gate and into the open field, under the violent winds. Remove the violent winds from me and the dark longing - from the heart and liver, from the face and eat, but bear that dryness, but through the whole mother - the earth, and take it through the mountains and oceans, fields and gullies, and to the threshold of the servant of God ... name ... Yes, the servant of God would not sleep and eat ... name ...., but he would take me by the white hands, but kiss me on the lips of sugar - they are sweeter than honey to him. Yes, from now on, and forever, I was sweeter than honey and dearer to a family-tribe, yes, during the day with a clear Sun, and at night with a full moon. Words on the lock - the key in the sea.

After the ritual conspiracy, be sure to read the Our Father and wait for the result on the third day. You just get what you wanted - the man will leave the family and come to you.

Mirror option

An equally effective ritual that a beginner can perform at home is the ceremony with mirrors. Take for him a candle and a mirror bought in the temple, and put it all on the table on Saturday night. Light a candle from a match and looking at your reflection in the mirror surface, say:

“Yes, you hear me the fire of fate - let the servant of God ... name ... become my lawful husband. May the fire not harm me - secure our alliance forever.

Then turn the mirror back and say:

“Yes, take the enemy away, and bring the soul of the servant of God ... name ... to me.”

After that, turn the mirror side towards you again and burn it:

"Yes, I bring you a fire sacrifice - fulfill my desire, but I'm leaving."

After that, put the mirror on the windowsill, with the mirror side facing where your loved one lives.

Ritual with church candles

A love spell is also carried out on candles

If your beloved man is not next to you, cast a love spell at a distance. To carry it out, buy 12 candles in the temple shop, after coming home, proceed after sunset to the love spell ceremony, left alone in the room. Put a photo of your chosen one on the table, on which his wife should also be captured.

Arrange candles around the photo and light them from a match. After one breath, they should be extinguished, and when smoke rises above the wicks, tear up a joint photo of the husband and wife. The chosen one is again placed in a circle of candles, and the photo of the wife is thrown on the floor. Next, put your photograph next to the photo of the man, and let them lie next to each other. When a couple of minutes pass, collect them and hide them away, and throw the torn off part with the image of your wife in the trash.

Conspiracy of any food

How to speak food for a married man

A love spell on a married man can also be cast on his favorite food - simple and proven by more than one generation of women. Most often, such a ritual is performed on fresh meat - it is bought on the market without bargaining with the seller and without taking change. In addition to meat, you will also need seasonings - spices that already act as natural aphrodisiacs.

You can cook any meat dish - the main thing is that a man should love him. And when you rub the meat with spices. be sure to say:

“Just as this food will be for the servant of God ... name ... desired - so I will be loved by him.”

After that, treat your beloved man and only him with cooked meat - the ritual will act both on the married man and on the one who tries it.

The consequences of a love spell

When making a love spell, consider its consequences

Before turning to magic for help, think about the consequences of a love spell that await you. After all, you will pay for the ruined family happiness of a strange woman. The 3 most basic and negative consequences of magicians include:

  1. Yes, a man will be drawn to you, but a ritual is not a factory guarantee of quality, that he will come to you. He can live as they say for 2 families - do you need such a life?
  2. A man will show himself health problems, both physical and mental. They often say about such men - they are drying up before our eyes.
  3. There will also be financial problems. If you saw a previously wealthy sponsor in a man, after the ritual, be prepared for the fact that financial flows will dry up.

Do not lose sight of the fact that the negative consequences will affect you personally.

  1. For the bewitched, you are a binding and energy supply, therefore he will “pull” the juices out of you at the energy level. And this is fatigue and weakness, a sharp loss of weight and a deterioration in well-being.
  2. You and your family will suffer - financial difficulties and health problems, a fire or loss of a job. It can be a very different punishment.

That is why it is so important to think about the question - do you really need such love?

Video: Love spell on a married man

Video: Love spell remotely on a married man by photo

Modern girls want everything at once. Why connect your life with a man who has nothing for his soul, if you can immediately get a prosperous man with full prosperity? This is how most ladies argue - hunters for a prosperous and comfortable life, which an already established man can provide. But what to do? As a rule, such individuals are already married. How to “clear” a place for yourself under the cozy wing of full prosperity, if the representative of the opposite sex you like is an excellent family man? How to move the wall in the form of a wife? Magic comes to the rescue again. Having made a love spell on a married man, you can get everything at once - this is the opinion of predators who have no principles other than money, disregarding other people, and hating the whole world. Well, this is their right and their life, which cannot be built on someone else's misfortune, no matter how hard they try to do it, however, the choice is theirs.

Your chosen one is married. He has a wife and children, but he is probably not a mistake to walk on the side if he has drawn another woman - a mistress. This should already alert - if a man cheats on his wife, he will cheat on another woman. Why is such a person needed at all? But, it's up to you. And the love spell of a married man will help you subdue the chosen one, however, it is worth remembering that by performing a magical ritual, you will not achieve the love of this man - only his painful attachment to you, since a love spell is a zombie, subjugation of a person to someone else's will, and such actions always have negative consequences for all participants in the ritual, both direct and indirect - not only the performer of the rite, but also his relatives can suffer. The consequences can manifest themselves in all areas of life - most often they relate to the health of the author of the rite and his family members, both physical and mental. Career and well-being may also be affected, and even life itself may be in danger if the ritual is performed illiterately.

For the victim, a love spell will also have disastrous consequences. He will have apathy for everyone and everything, except for the performer of the rite. He will be constantly pulled out of the house. He will become irritable and uncontrollable. Conflicts in the family and at work will begin to arise, health problems such as insomnia and depression, chronic diseases will arise.

In relation to the one who performed the love spell, the bewitched person may develop aggression, and even hatred, which will make the life together of these two people unbearable.

Love spell options

How to bewitch a married man worries those women who want to take someone else's husband out of the family and tie him to themselves. It's one thing if this person really loves you and voluntarily leaves his unloved wife, but it's quite another thing when he leaves the family because of a love spell. In this case, you can not count on any happiness - as a result of magical actions, true feelings cannot be achieved. If you are ready even for this, then you can proceed to perform the ritual.

If you want to know how to bewitch a married man - someone who you like, but is at a distance from you, read our tips! Let's talk about the consequences and rules of such a love spell, and then share specific ways to get the desired man.

Before you do the ceremony, read about what you and the bewitched can expect. There will be negative consequences, because the magical binding of a married man is always the destruction of someone else's happiness.

Three main consequences that await you:

  1. A man will be drawn to you, but not the fact that he will finally leave his wife. He will endlessly rush between the both of you, not understanding what is happening to him. Moral torment can eventually lead to severe alcohol or drug addiction.
  2. The bewitched will definitely begin health problems. Through a love spell, you magically block the sources of life-giving vital energy for him. Hence - all kinds of diseases, a sharp weight loss, a man literally dries before our eyes
  3. Money problems. If you were attracted to a man by his wealth, prepare for the fact that after a love spell you will have to believe that with a sweet paradise and in a hut. Violation of the energy balance will lead to the fact that a man can lose all his money. This also happens because all his thoughts will be concentrated only on you, there will be no time or desire left for work

Always, before thinking about how, be aware of the possible consequences. The feelings of the chosen one will bring short-lived joy - after the euphoria there will come such a huge series of problems and troubles that you will be ready for anything, just to cancel the effect of the love spell.

If the fate of the bewitched is of little concern to you, read the consequences that will directly affect you:

  • Through a love spell, you literally “connect” a man to yourself and begin to be the only source of energy for him. This threatens with serious moral exhaustion. You will always feel tired
  • Fate will certainly send you or your loved ones punishment for the perfect act. It can be illness, financial problems and even death.

Think about whether the artificial love of the chosen one is worth what you may encounter later? Moreover, no love spell will create true love - this is too bright a feeling that can only be real and sincere. The maximum that you can count on is physical attraction and addiction, akin to drug addiction.

If you decide on a love spell for a married man and are ready for the consequences, read the following rules. They must be followed in order to get what you want.

The rules are as follows:

  • During the magical rite, you are in the room all alone. Nobody should interfere with you - make sure that a pet does not run into the room
  • Keep your intention secret. Only you should know that magic will be performed on the chosen one. If at least one person learns about the perfect love spell, the rite will completely lose its power.
  • Follow the sequence of steps exactly. Read the text of the love spell unchanged - you can neither change the words in places, nor the procedure during the ritual
  • It is advisable to take off all your clothes for the duration of the ceremony, loosen your hair, wash off your makeup. Don't forget to put jewelry in the box
  • It is best to do a love spell on the growing moon. During this period of time, lunar energy is aimed at creation and love, so it will significantly enhance the effect of the love spell.
  • For 40 days before the love spell, observe fasting, including sexual fasting. If there is no such amount of time, fast for at least 3-9 days and abstain
  • In the room where the ceremony will take place, there should be several icons. Also memorize a couple of prayers in advance
  • After reading the love spell, be sure to “close” the rite with special words. For example: amen, so be it, truly
  • Open windows wide open for energy access
  • If you call on higher powers to help in a love spell, on the contrary, close all windows and turn off the lights in the room
  • Since your goal is to bewitch a married man, it is better to perform the ceremony before sunrise, in other cases - after sunset

Then go to the window and pour the water into the street. After the ceremony, try to see your lover as soon as possible. If this is not possible, contact him by phone or through social networks.