All conspiracy of black magic at home. Black magic spells - are you ready for such witchcraft? But love spells and spells are something abstract.

The conspiracies of black magic are addressed to dark spirits in order to obtain what a person needs. Love rituals, rituals for success, deals with the devil, inducing damage - this and much more belongs to the dark sphere. A distinctive feature of such a plan of rites is the enormous power and effectiveness, as well as the presence of possible negative consequences.

Black magic is a whole complex of various rites and rituals used for dark deeds. Spells, love spells and conspiracies of black magic are always directed to achieve the goal by any means, even if this may be fraught with consequences for the victim or for the one who does the ritual. Often spells are used to induce damage or to gain control (often love) of another person.

A lot has been said and written about the consequences of using this type of influence. The most terrible consequences are death, infertility and incurable diseases of those who use magic, and those to whom it is directed. You can use this type of spell only in the most extreme situations, after weighing your decision several times, because more than one human life can depend on it.

Rules of black magic

Only real magicians can use dark spells correctly, but amateurs must follow all the recommendations of the rite, although this will not guarantee that everything will work out correctly and there will be no side effects. After all, for everything in this life, in particular, for everything negative, done to the detriment of others, you have to pay.

As a rule, the fulfillment of the following conditions is considered the key to the success of rites of this type:

Strict adherence to the rules of the rite.
The phase of the moon, the exact time, the individual components - everything should be as described in the ritual, and nothing else. Something you cannot perform or do - do not perform the ceremony.

Correct reading of magic words by heart.
Even minor errors in reading can affect the effectiveness of the rite and the well-being of the performer. By the way, that is why it is worth choosing trusted sources of information regarding rituals, in particular, if black magic is used. Why is it necessary to read by heart? Everything is simple. When you read any spell from the sheet, you reduce its power.

Faith in the result.
If the rites of white magic imply faith in the result, and a person does not fully believe in the effectiveness of the method used, then he will not be punished for this, but with dark forces the opposite is true. Distrust of the magical rite can be reflected in the most negative way and greatly remove you from your goal.

Concentration and lack of fear.
If you decide to use this type of exposure, then it's too late to be afraid. Fear can negatively affect the ritual, and this will not bode well. Therefore, you should concentrate on the rite and perform it!

Types of conspiracies of black magic

Black magic is a storehouse of various rituals that can be used in a variety of life situations.

All spells and conspiracies of black magic are divided into:

These are the most elementary magical appeals to the dark forces, which even beginners can do. As a rule, these black magic conspiracies have a quick, but short-lived effect.

Such spells often consist of one, two or three words and are used unexpectedly for the object of magic. It is important to know such words and pronounce them correctly.

Black magic has in its arsenal those conspiracies and spells that are both action and opposition. One repetition - the action is activated, the second, slightly modified - the action is removed. Such rituals are very strong and it is quite difficult to remove them.

Elemental Spells.
Such conspiracies of black magic are used with an appeal to otherworldly forces for help and are considered very dangerous and powerful, since they open the door to the other world. The spectrum of their action is very diverse and is not limited to causing evil and bewitching action.

These are the most dangerous and ambiguous influences that can radically change a person's life for the worse. This also includes the induction of damage.

As you can see, there are a huge variety of types of spells with an appeal to dark forces, among which you can choose something for each individual situation. Someone with the help of such rituals attracts love, others - wealth, others - take revenge on the offender. One thing unites them - you will have to answer for any benefit received with the help of dark forces.

Rollback in black magic

A rollback is usually understood as a reverse blow of negative energy, directed at the performer of the ritual, his relatives and friends. Many people think that a rollback is a must. This is not entirely true. In some situations yes, in others no.

A rollback may not happen if you are responding to evil or trying to defend yourself. However, no one knows the limits by which self-defense can be separated from attack, it is a painfully thin line. Yes, and it is believed that it is better to forgive evil than to take revenge. But as for love rituals, quarrels and colds, there is often a rollback. Especially if even without you the object of magic is quite happy and does not intend to mess with you.

The most common way to get rid of possible negative consequences, kickbacks is considered to be payback. Some mistakenly believe that the larger the payoff, the better the magic and there will be no consequences after that. By paying too much, a person attracts the attention of dark forces. The same can happen if you give too little.

It is considered ideal if a person feels what the dark forces want from him as a ransom. So he will be able to give a sure payoff and in the right amount. In addition, you should take care of the personal protection of the magician. The main element is his energy, which the magician constantly builds up. This will help personal talismans and amulets that allow you to protect yourself from a negative return.

Black magic conspiracies - VIDEO

Many people during their lives are faced with meanness, envy, intrigues, intrigues and other tricks of enemies. To restore justice, it is not at all necessary to stoop to the level of scandals, gossip and showdowns. Black magic conspiracies will help to take revenge on the enemy and restore justice. In the arsenal of black magic there are a large number of different rituals for revenge on ill-wishers. All rituals will be effective subject to the rules of execution, which are indicated in the instructions. But remember that such rituals can provoke certain consequences of black magic, so before you do anything, you should carefully consider whether you need it.

The use of black magic can lead to certain consequences.

All rituals that are performed to punish the enemy are very strong and belong to black magic. The stronger the ritual, the more dangerous the consequences can be. The task of such slander and actions is to harm the person who greatly offended you and made your life unbearable, who caused you a lot of pain.

In the predominant number of cases, harm to the enemy after such rites will be purely at the energy level. It is unlikely that a person will experience any physical pain or discomfort. In most situations, magical rituals are aimed at making the offender greatly tormented by conscience and guilt. And this is a violation of sleep, appetite, other manifestations of internal strong feelings.

The danger of black magic

It is worth remembering that black magic is very dangerous.

Remember, when choosing how to take revenge on an enemy or offender using black magic, you should also think about the boomerang effect. Conspiracies and spells for revenge should only be used if you are sure that you are right. If you are guided by a momentary impulse, it is better to subdue your anger and refrain from rash actions. But if, for example, at work a certain person systematically humiliates you, constantly does dirty tricks to you or survives from the team, of course, something needs to be done. Or if a mistress takes her husband away from the family, this is also a reason to use magical rituals.

If you punish an innocent person, there is a risk of repercussions. You will incur the wrath of the universe, bad karma for several generations to come. Conspiracies to punish the offender must be read carefully, removing negative consequences for themselves with protective prayers, going to the temple, repenting of sins, repentance. Certain rituals are also carried out to protect oneself from the negative effects of magic.

Effective rites


Having a photo will help you take revenge from a distance

How to take revenge on your husband for treason with the help of a conspiracy, or punish other people who offended you? With the help of photography, we punish the offender from a distance. You need to carry out the ritual according to the photo at night. Take a photograph, the person who offended you should be alone on it, his eyes should be clearly visible. To conduct the ceremony, you need two candles, a pencil and a needle.

There should be no one else in the room except you. Turn off the lights, light both candles. Place a photo between them. Read the following words:

“I am unfairly offended and offended by people, specifically by this person. I want to take revenge on him. Devils live in a dark deep hole. Their guards are at the entrance. They are dark angels. They don't let the devils out of the cave, they don't let them out into the world. I ask them with the fire and flame of these candles, let the devils let out their holes. Go, devils, through the forest, across the field. Come to your master himself. Bring him by the paws to the house of the servant of God (name). There, judge him, let justice prevail. May he get everything he deserves. Let him repent sincerely, let him feel his evil. May it be so".

With a needle

In addition to needles, you will need a black thread

How to take revenge on her husband's mistress and make her suffer? There is a simple ritual that will help take revenge on the offender. It is carried out with the help of needles and black thread. In order for your enemy to suffer the same way as you, you need to build a cross from two large sewing needles, rewind it with a hard black thread. Clearly imagine how the husband's mistress will suffer, read these words:

“My needles are short, and yours are long. But your conscience is short, like traces of raindrops. My life was happy, and I was loved exactly until you appeared in my life. You ruined my life and ruined it. But I punished you for evil. Live with it now, don’t know good, don’t be happy, don’t be loved, don’t be desired. Become a bad housewife, don't be a mother. I remove all my grief, I return it back to you. You caused grief, and I returned. You've done wrong, get it back. Let it be so".

Attach the connected needles to the opponent's door so that one of them is directed at the one who will leave or enter the apartment. Under no circumstances should anyone be told that a ritual for revenge was performed. Soon, the one who harmed you will begin troubles and problems.

Other ritual options

Some options involve automatic protection on yourself

You can take revenge on the person who offended you with the help of the following rite. It must be done on a Tuesday. To carry out magical actions, you will need the following attributes: several large handfuls of salt, a candle. To make the enemy suffer and get sick, you need to come to his home at night. Sit on the porch or on the landing, get a salt shaker full of salt, a candle. Light a candle, put it near the offender's door. Pick up a salt shaker and read:

“I do not sprinkle you with salt, but I reward you with future pain. So that you suffer as much as you offended me before. I wish to punish the one who offended me in the old days. Under the Moon and the Sun, under Satan and God, my enemies are tormented, they want to retire. Who did you wrong, you will not know. Amen".

Salt shaker led over the flame of a candle while reading. Next, you need to sprinkle salt on the threshold of the enemy.

There is also a ritual with water, with which you can take revenge on the offender and protect yourself from his further tricks and attacks. It is necessary to pour spring, spring or well water into a jar. Put the jar in front of a mirror. Place a bible under it, and place a candle between the mirror and water and set fire to it. The following text reads:

“If you brought good, let it return to you a hundredfold. And if you did evil, and even with intent, let everything be returned to you in full. Take your hands away from me, choke on your filthy words and choke. May all your insidious plans collapse in an instant, may you never climb on me again, do not encroach on my energy. All mine will remain with me, and yours will be returned to you.

Let the candles burn out completely. Then drink water, and hide the mirror in a secluded place. This will be your protection. In the future, with any conflict or quarrel, imagine how a huge mirror grows between you and the offender, which will reflect all his attacks. Or you can imagine a powerful stream of water, a waterfall, in which all bad words and energy messages in your direction will dissolve.

Ritual with coins

Coins can be used in any denomination

To punish the offender, you can perform a ceremony with the help of coins. You can use coins of any denomination. The ritual algorithm is as follows:

  1. Name a coin after any evil historical figure (for example, Hitler).
  2. Leave the house at night.
  3. Throw a coin on the ground, while saying: "My enemy, my villain, insidious enemy (name), get out of my way."
  4. Throw another coin, higher in face value, while saying: "You will not walk on the ground, the effect will be double."
  5. Go home silently, without talking to anyone. When you get home, go to bed silently.

Ritual to the wind

The wind ritual is held near an open window in good weather.

Prayer to the wind helps to get rid of the attacks of the enemy. It is important that the weather outside is sunny and slightly windy. The ceremony is held near the window. There should be no one else in the room except you. Talk through an open window:

“O Merciful Lord, our Almighty. You hold the whole world in your mighty hands, You are the master of everything. Everything is under your control. You are the creator of all life in this world. Without you, the sun will not be clear, all the grasses and trees will droop. There will be no water or wind. The stars shine at Your command, people are born with Your permission, our Generous Creator. Help me, repel all attacks, let the one who offended me suffer from his own words and from indecent actions.

You can also say the following words in the back of the offender:

“Fly, my words, with sharp and fiery arrows. Fly into the heart of my enemy. Let the wind become my helper and carry you away as quickly as possible, so that my revenge is accomplished, so that I no longer know resentment. And let the offender suffer, let the arrows pierce him. He will not rest exactly until he leaves behind me and leaves his evil ideas and plans, his unkind actions against me. As soon as he says a bad word or thinks, let the arrows prick him.

In the arsenal of black magic there are a large number of different rituals with which you can restore justice, return the offender to his evil. All rituals can be performed on your own, but if you are afraid that the consequences may overtake you, it is better to seek help from experts in the field of esotericism. But first, think about whether you can do without magical intervention, resolve the conflict with words and decisive actions.

Surely everyone knows that there are dangerous conspiracies - black magic makes it easy enough to get what you want. Such spells are both negative and positive - the first ones bring death, illness, poverty, and other terrible consequences for your target. There are also good conspiracies in this category, with which you can get wealth, lose weight, and also improve your appearance.

It is worth remembering that black magic in any case requires a certain sacrifice, which can be represented by your property, health or relationships with other people. Even experts do not recommend using such strong spells on their own. True, they allow their use in extreme cases, and also talk about the need for knowledge of rituals to protect against them.

Everyone should know how these conspiracies are carried out in order to turn away from oneself near death or a serious illness if necessary.

The use of such black magic can permanently spoil your energy, as well as damage the immortal soul, so you should not use it yourself even if you really want to punish someone or avenge a wrongdoing.

The strongest rituals involve the use of a black needle, which is bought on the new moon without bargaining or accepting change from the seller.

It is worth buying an ordinary metal product, which at home is painted with any resistant paint in black or a color close to it. The spells require you to touch the dyed needle once with bare skin, and then use gloves or various tools to try to get away from it. Otherwise, you can lose wealth and health, as well as incur seven terrible misfortunes.

Black magic suggests that on the full moon from one to three in the morning you read the following conspiracy on the needle thirteen times:

“May you not be happy, unfortunate servant of God (goal name)
Let this needle penetrate your skin
Like a snake it will sting you
Until the heart reaches
And your eyes will dry up
And the heart stops beating
And the needle will lie in the dust of the grave!
My will is very strong
And these words will never be directed at me!”

If your energy is strong enough, death will wait for the enemy around every corner, and diseases will immediately take up arms against him, and will not let him live normally and enjoy the little things of life.

A black magic ritual with a needle involves placing it under a person's threshold or sticking it deep into a door frame. You need to do this yourself, trying to hide the product as deep as possible - if the enemy finds the amulet and breaks it, all misfortunes will turn against you.

Misfortunes and troubles

Damage is directed exclusively at the full moon or the waning moon, conspiracies are read without the slightest hesitation, and also in full confidence in their performance.

And still, you will definitely feel trouble - black magic, which uses the appeal to dark forces, necessarily requires sacrifice.

If you do not want to cause the death of your target, but you want her life to turn into a nightmare, you need to take his hair, and also collect the following items:

  • a glass of vinegar;
  • mustard seeds;
  • leaves and inflorescences of wormwood;
  • black peppercorns.

On a dark, moonless night, write thirteen curses against the enemy on a white sheet of paper in black ink, not forgetting to indicate his name each time. Remember that you should not use any spells of this kind of black magic during the thirty-three days before the onset of this period - even if you just want to get thinner.

When the ink dries, it is necessary to water the sheet with vinegar - if you do not want the enemy to be overtaken by death, you must quickly dry it. The spells also require that you sprinkle mustard, pepper, and wormwood alternately on the paper, and then fold the sheet into a triangular envelope. On top of the envelope, write the name of the person to whom your conspiracies are directed - it is very important that it be given to him at birth, otherwise you will amaze the innocent.

Burn the resulting amulet in the flame of a black candle and collect all the ashes, trying not to scatter a grain - for this it is best to use a metal tray on which the paper will burn. Spells imply the need to pour this ashes under the door of the enemy, however, it is very important to remain unnoticed and unrecognized, so this should be done in the second half of the night.

When you see the result - deprivation of wealth, weight loss, sunken eyes, sickly appearance, it is worth going to church and lighting a candle for the health of the enemy - in this case, death will not overtake him, and he will suffer for three years, during which conspiracies are in effect.

Change in appearance

If you need to lose weight, you can use various conspiracies - black, white, and also involving sacrifices in the form of influencing the enemy. In this way, you can get two effects - to improve your own appearance, and also to take revenge on a certain person without bringing death to him.

The strongest weight loss is achieved with a large piece of fat, which you must buy at the very beginning of the waning moon, without bargaining and without accepting change from the seller.

When you bring it home, wrap it in a separate bag, as touching other objects - including in the refrigerator, can take away your wealth and health. The ritual of black magic for weight loss suggests that you will get fat every evening and secretly take it from everyone to the places where the greatest fat deposits accumulate, saying:

“Everything that was superfluous, the fat will take into itself.”

When the time of the new moon comes, at midnight put the lard in a white fabric bag made from natural fibers, and sew it up with black thread so that not a millimeter shows through.

Weight loss will come only if you give the accumulated to another person whom you want to take revenge on. Go to his house and find the door that will participate in the further ritual. Look at her carefully and say the following conspiracies:

"How fat came off me
So you get it in full
You will swim in fat
understand nothing
You can't see my beauty
See no happiness
And if you want to give back
You will lose your health!

After these words, throw the bundle against the door with force and spit on it three times. Leave quickly before you are discovered - otherwise, black magic will turn against you. To minimize the harm that you will do to your life with such a ritual, you need to give wealth to the dark forces: stop at the first crossroads and put as many coins on its northwestern corner as your victim is full years old.

Black magic spells have their roots in the pre-Christian era. The spell (spell, saying, slander) came to us from pagan times and for the most part bear the imprint of the culture of that time and those traditions.

Any spell, even spells for love, is a program based on the power of human thought expressed in words, the energy of some entity or deity invoked during the ritual, and the emotional-volitional mood of the operator. The totality of these components is called a spell.

In those distant times, knowledge of magic was not something special, and even more so secret. It was already after many centuries that people began to stand out who were specially engaged in this and had a certain occult orientation.

These people are magicians, healers, sorcerers, sorcerers, magicians, witches, healers and so on. Both white and black magic were in use - spells, damage, love spells. About all this, not only magicians had a clear idea, but also most people living in that era.

In that archaic time, people used mostly spells based on the forces of nature. They turned to water, wind, fire, stars, sun, earth, moon, and so on for help. Then, with the advent of Christianity, religiously strictly directed spells appeared, addressed to God, saints, apostles, the Mother of God and others.

What are the magic spells

Since ancient times, a large number of different spells and spells have been known. They can be classified according to a huge number of features:

  • according to the type of force used,
  • guidance technique,
  • type of ritual
  • by the nature of the content
  • according to the method of influence and so on.

Let's look at some of the main and most popular types of spells.

Simple spells

This type includes fleeting curses, spoken casually and with strong emotional arousal. Also, these are various types of whispers that are whispered to an object, for example, a ticket for good luck, or to a person. Depending on the purpose, they can have a different effect in strength.

Natural Spells

These are spells using natural forces and phenomena. As a rule, they are based on four natural elements. These are quite powerful spells that are used by experienced sorcerers and healers. So, for example, a black magic spell for death involves the use of dead water or earth from a cemetery.

Healing spells

This type includes spells to acquire health or get rid of various ailments. This is a vast layer of knowledge, which includes herbalism and medicine.

Black spells

Black magic spells are always based on the attraction of dark forces.

The purpose of these rituals is to cause harm. They use the demonic pantheon in their work, attract elements of dark forces in the texts of spells. Also, this type includes all types of cemetery rituals.

Divine spells

This type of spell is already called prayers. Unlike classical spells, where an order takes place on the basis of an agreement with the forces, in prayer there is a request or plea for grace or help.

Protective spells

A very large group of spells based on temporary or permanent protection of a person from troubles, adversities, dangers, failures. This type includes religious blessings, protective rites, herbal slander, charged amulets, and more.

It is based on a human protection program based on a spell of some kind of power. It can be applied to the person himself or to an object that later will need to be constantly carried with you.

This is not a complete list of all kinds of spells. In every culture and tradition, you can find more than a dozen sacred texts of a magical nature.

The structure and content of the spell can be anything. First of all, it all depends on the purpose of the ritual. In simple spells, one or two words can be used, and more is simply not necessary due to the context of the rite itself.

In more complex ones, multi-page, logically sequential paragraphs of text are used, forming an integral structure of the ritual program. Deviation from which even a little bit can cause a significant threat to the operator.

There are many special cases where the text of the spell will have a unique form and content. We will consider the general rule and sequence for creating any spell.

So, in order of compilation:


This part is also called the "backlog". Necessary to change the consciousness of the speaker. An altered state of consciousness is needed both for protection and for maximum concentration over the spell.

Formula discovery

It serves as the beginning of the ritual, and the text itself expresses the intention to do or do something.

“I will walk in circles, wash myself with clean water, take fresh earth, etc.”

These actions are clearly represented in the head, or the operator actually carries them out in life. If, for example, a black magic spell for wealth is performed, then the ritual must be preceded by some kind of operation with real money or coins. This serves as an entrance or start.

At this stage, in a concise and understandable form, the author verbally expresses his wish.

The execution of which he would like to entrust the involved magical forces. The text of an order, command or desire should not be ambiguous or ambiguous.

When compiling this part, they try to express their intention as clearly and accurately as possible. An error or omission at this point can be disastrous for the author.


All strong spells necessarily have some kind of explicit identity. For instance,

“As a nail rots in the ground, so does the body decompose (name),
as the sun shines brightly, so the smile (name) illuminates everyone and so on!


The final stage of the spell is in the nature of a volitional consolidation of the result, an irrevocable execution. It serves the purpose of showing the strength of its determination to pay for the work done, as well as to strengthen faith in the performance of the ritual.


At this stage, the operator expresses gratitude to the force for their help and undertakes to pay for the work. In any case, we must remember that any black magic spell requires appropriate payment from the customer.

They read spells in any language convenient for the author. Of course, if the text itself was compiled in a language or symbol system that is foreign to you, then you need to read in this language. In general, any book of spells of black magic should contain detailed instructions on the rules for casting a particular spell.

Black magic | Neil Gaiman, Tad Williams, Eoin Colfer, Orson Scott Card

Each tradition describes its own way of reading prayers and spells.

In a hoarse and frightening tone of voice, spells of black magic are pronounced, black spells for death and damage to loneliness. There is an annoying tonality and malice in the voice.

Shamans, on the other hand, argue that any ritual texts must be read using the “throat singing” method. The culture of shamanism says that this is the most effective tone that divine forces perceive.

In the Orthodox tradition, it is customary to sing prayers, while the emphasis is on monotony and frequent repetition of the same texts.

black magic spells in latin

Magic written in Latin have special power. They were written according to special rules, which took into account a lot of currently unknown patterns.

Black magic spells in Latin must be read in a loud voice and clearly reading each syllable, although there are also many nuances here. For maximum perception, we advise you to read them in complete solitude. Consider the spells of water, ash and salt in Latin.

water spell in latin

“Fiat firmamentum in medio aquanim et separet aquas ab aquis, quae superius sicut quae inferius et quae iuferius sicut quae superius ad perpetranda miracula rei unius. Sol ejus pater est, luna mater et ventus hanc gestavit in utero suo, ascendit a terra ad coelum in terram descendit. Exorciso te creatura aqua, ut sis mihi speculum Dei vivi in ​​operibus ejus et fons vitae et ablutio peccatonim. Amen!

Translation of a spell into water

“Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters: those that are above from those that are below; and those below will be like those above. The sun is her father, the moon is her mother, and the wind carried her in her womb, reaching from earth to heaven and again descending from heaven to earth. I conjure you, creature of water, to be salt and ash for me, a mirror of the living God in His creations and a source of life and the washing away of sins. Amen!".

Ash spell in Latin

“Revertatur cinis ad fontem aquarum viventium, et fiat terra fructificans, et germinit arborem vita per tria nomina, quae sunt NETSAH, HOD et IESOD in principio et in fine, per alpha et omega sunt in spiritu AZOTH. Amen!

Translation of this spell

“Let the ashes return to the source of living waters, and let the earth become fertile, and let life produce wood through the three names, which are Netzach, Hod and Jezod, at the beginning and at the end through Alpha and Omega, which are in the spirit of Azoth. Amen!".

This ash is stored in a vial with a wide neck, carefully corked. It is placed in a closet where they are saved.

Salt spell in Latin

Salt should be sea salt, the purest, sanctified by the breath, just like water, and then the next spell is pronounced.

"In isto sale sit sapientia et ab omni corruptione sicut mentes nostras et corpora nostra, per HOCHMAEL et in virtute ROUACH HOCHMAEL, recedant ab fsto fantasmata hulae, ut sit sal coelistis, subterrae salis, ut nutrietur bos triturans et addat spei nostrae cornua tauri volentis . Amen!

Spell Translation

“Let there be wisdom in this salt! Yes, keep it. it is from all corruption, both our minds and bodies, for the sake of Hoshmael and in the name of the virtues of the Ruach, Hoshmael. Let the monsters of matter leave her, so that there is salt from heaven, like salt under the earth and on earth; so that the threshing bull feeds and gives hope to our horns of the spinning bull. Amen!".

The salt thus consecrated is stored in a crystal vessel on the altar, protected from all unclean things. The remaining ashes from the incense are carefully collected and consecrated by casting the following spell.

Black magic spells in Latin with translation and transcription can be found in modern textbooks on magic. But do not immediately begin to conduct rituals with their help. These ancient spells must be recited with extreme caution. After all, not knowing all the rules and nuances of such rituals, you can incur very serious consequences.

Black Magic Spells - Hammer of Witches

Centuries-old power when using a black magic spell in Latin acquires terrible power. In a general sense, black and white magic and their spells are all kinds of witchcraft and sorcery from the field of esotericism, which, of course, need to be studied in order to get acquainted with the consequences of communication with the other world.

Types of black spells

Depending on the words of the books of black magic, spells are divided into:

  1. Simple(from one word for use in an unexpected situation and effective performance of an action at a close distance from the object). For example, "bondage" - contributes to the emergence of a feeling of love, or "abara" - to prevent danger.
  2. Lungs- simple conspiracies to obtain a certain effect. For example, you can turn to your angel by saying: “My angel, come with me. You are ahead, I am behind you. After, you will be able to meekly move forward, you are guarded by an angel.
  3. Paired- conspiracies with a double effect, causing both action and reaction at the same time. Most often, paired ones correspond to a very strong spell, for example, black magic spells for love. Such rituals are performed in the cemetery, and their removal takes place in the same place, but using a double (a similar spell).
  4. Witchcraft (elemental spells)- are used in complex rituals, using strong "helpers" from the other world. They have a strong emission spectrum, and an example can be any kind of damage, in particular, and someone else's property.
  5. The most powerful conspiracies of black magic are powerful curses which are resorted to only by accumulating sufficient strength and cooperating with a certain intention. Such curses are almost impossible to remove.

black magic spells for love

It is necessary to put three times the number of candles on a white tablecloth. The spell must be read three times and after each time extinguish one candle. When they all go out, it is necessary to tie the candles together and light them again so that there is no trace of them left. Chad and smoke should come out through the window, along with the spell.

Oh great Lord, I beseech You. Yes, create an impenetrable wall. Create a bottomless abyss, a fence from everything, so much so as not to bypass it. Depth - without end and edge. And the height is immeasurable. Create it, Lord, so that the slave (name) does not leave me. Didn't look at the other girls. Hide it from all hateful and envious eyes. Hide the key. Amen.

Black magic conspiracy for money

Quite often, people, hoping to gain wealth and money, wonder what black magic conspiracies for wealth exist and how they can achieve the desired benefits with their help. The following plot is considered very effective and fast.

There is an island in the blue sea

There is an oak house on that island.

In an oak house

The board is long.

And to her, an oak board,

There is magic gold.

Every day it doubles, sparkles and smiles.

He is cramped in that oak house and on the island.

I sentence the slave (name) to him.

Come to me, dear, live!

I have a lot of free space.

You can live in peace

Doubling up.

No one will steal you, honey, will not destroy you.

Live with me! After all, you will be safe.

And it's not good for you to stay on the island.

For many people, conspiracies and spells of black magic inspire fear, but, despite this, more and more individuals are turned specifically to the dark side of the universe.

It is important to note that there is a conspiracy of black magic for good luck, which will help solve some problems and bring joy from the fulfillment of cherished desires, a successful lot and luck in all endeavors. In order to conduct a ritual, it is necessary to slander on an object that will never fall into the wrong hands. You can talk on a pin and pin it so that it is not visible. Throughout the process, say the following:

I ask Ivan the Theologian,

Ivan the Headless

Ivan the Baptist

Ivan Postitel,

Praskovya the Great Martyr,

Nicholas the Wonderworker,

Michael the Archangel

I take, hope, love

And their mother Sophia.

Ivana the Long-suffering,

Archangel Gabriel,

I stand by your protection.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Try to establish a connection with the otherworldly so that it helps you achieve what you want. But, do not get carried away, because it is like a whirlpool, which has its negative consequences.