Conspiracy against acne and blackheads on the face. Acne conspiracy - how to read, examples of conspiracies

Before reading a conspiracy for skin problems, this strong miraculous prayer to the Wonderworker Artemy Verkolsky for acne and skin diseases can help solve many skin problems without black and white magic. What kind of means and methods have not been tried by people to treat problems with the skin of the face and body, but the result comes either not quite the one expected, or skin treatment with the help of folk remedies or pharmacy ointments, it drags on for a long time. And okay, if the result pleases, then the money spent is not so pitiful, but as a rule, cosmetics for problem skin do not solve the problem. It is at such moments when many remedies and folk recipes for bringing the skin back to normal and getting rid of all its problems have been tried and failed, many people turn to magic and begin read the most powerful conspiracies for skin problems or Orthodox prayers that make the skin clean and healthy . One of these prayers for a clean face and body is prayer to the Wonderworker Artemy Verkolsky, relieving acne and skin diseases . Someone reads a prayer for an ointment or cream for acne, and after that, having applied the prayed cream on problem skin, he rejoices at the result in the morning. There are those who simply go to church and read this prayer there - a conspiracy on the same day gets rid of all skin problems. Can be long read reviews of those who were helped by prayer - a conspiracy from skin diseases , or you can just go to the temple and pray after reading this prayer to the Wonderworker Artemy :

O glorious servant of God, O great miracle worker,

holy and righteous Artemius, earthly cherub,

heavenly man, interlocutor of angels, heavenly inhabitant!

Look from the height of heaven with your bright eye and send us the rays of God's grace.

God-burnt lamp, with your holy prayers, the darkness of our sins is kindled,

ask the Father of Lights for the light of grace to our souls, all the faithful, being a quick helper and intercessor.

Everyone, with faith, prayerfully flow under the roof of your protection and ask the Lord for your intercession,

sometimes we help, but God’s mercy finds and the desire of his heart is not deprived,

but asks for grace and accepts the gift for the benefit of the petition. You are, righteous Artemy,

garden planted by God, in it is a healthy color,

prosper, hedgehog be healed by many from the green shaking disease.

O how many with your miraculous help have you seen the blindness, deafened your hearing,

chromia jumped up and walked, the infirmity of the action of the hands came,

insanity, becoming stronger, relaxing in the veins,

and the one who has harm is healed!

Even the defilement of the demons by your prayer was driven away,

and other incurable ailments will be resolved.

Taco, the holy and righteous Artemy, is always merciful to everyone.
We will honestly celebrate your holy memory from generation to generation,

glorifying the glorifying Christ the Lord,

He deserves all glory, honor and worship,

with His Beginningless Father and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit,

now and forever and forever and ever.


© Copyright: Maginya

  • You can quickly get rid of spots and acne on your face if you read the plot on a clean face. A conspiracy in a week will cleanse the face of blackheads, blackheads and red pimples, making the skin of the face clean, soft and beautiful without any traces of the former problematic skin. The strongest conspiracy on the beauty of the face should be read on a specially prepared decoction that needs 7 days, 2 times a day, to wipe the skin on the face. This easy and effective beauty ritual will make your skin clear and beautiful. A charmed decoction is able to cleanse the entire skin of the face, restoring the tone and oiliness of the skin. Ready? The plot given here will help to quickly cleanse the skin on the face using ancient healers' remedies for problem skin.

  • Maginya decided to grow her hair with the help of magic and the old conspiracy of her grandmother to speed up hair growth several times. In addition, the words of this conspiracy perfectly strengthen the hair on the head, making the hairstyle more magnificent and voluminous. If you also want to independently and very quickly increase the length of your hair, as Magina did, prepare a decoction according to the recipe and on the growing moon and read a plot for long hair on it. Every day in the evenings, as soon as the moon comes to the sky, rinse your hair with a charmed decoction and enjoy the growth, beauty and strength of your hair.

  • To enhance your beauty and attractiveness for other people, especially men, the magic of beauty and this beauty conspiracy for a period of a year will help. Maginya conducts this ceremony every year from childhood and it has become a part of life. Knowing this conspiracy to female beauty and attractiveness, girls and women will enjoy the increased attention of men, men literally "lose their heads" and are ready for anything, if only you would pay attention to them, believe me, it's worth it to once a year independently conduct a love spell on beauty right at home. And now Maginya will tell you how you can enhance your beauty and become attractive to others. The conspiracy should be read on the eve of the old New Year, on the morning of January 30, without getting out of bed, when you woke up, say the words of the beauty conspiracy:

  • Today I will tell you how to conspire to quickly bring beauty and attractiveness to yourself, so that everyone with whom you communicate treats you with love and you are in favor, honor and respect with any person. The action of the conspiracy lasts only 1 day, but if desired, and it will definitely come, the rite can be repeated at least daily. Do not be afraid, this conspiracy is completely safe and has been tested more than once - my review of its action is the most positive. After this simple ceremony for beauty and attractiveness, everyone with whom I started a conversation, men, women and even the boss at work, were "mad" about me. Reading the conspiracy is carried out in the morning at home - this is the simplest and most effective ritual that brings beauty and attractiveness to be done in the bathroom, standing under running water - read the words of the conspiracy in the shower:

  • Prayer that brings beauty to a person with the help of white magic is the easiest and safest way to bring beauty to yourself. When the Orthodox prayer for the beauty of the face and body is read, you will very quickly acquire beauty and become very beautiful and attractive to people. If you don’t like yourself looking at your reflection in the mirror or you need to make people and your loved one pay attention to you and you seem to be the most beautiful for everyone, don’t waste time and read the words of prayer for the beauty of your face. That's all you need to do to be beautiful. You can pray for beauty at any time convenient for you, day or night. The lunar cycle does not have any effect on the effect of prayer, which helps to become the most beautiful. Text to be read in church:

The most detailed description: conspiracy prayer for acne - for our readers and subscribers.

Magic in the field of health and beauty can also be applied. With some diseases, it helps to cope even better than traditional medicine. For example, acne, there are too many factors that cause them. To deal with everyone in turn is completely lacking patience. In such a situation, just the acne conspiracy will help.

Acne conspiracy

How does the acne spell work?

The most powerful acne conspiracies work to reconcile the human body with the soul. The fact is that if a person is sick, and acne is, of course, also a disease, it means that he is not completely in tune with his body.

The disease thus shows a person where to look for the root cause of the problem. One has only to think about what exactly the feelings cause acne? When people, as a rule, are shy, ashamed, trying to somehow disguise them. This means that a person is trying to hide some part of his personality from others or from himself. So, here conspiracies against acne in this case will be aimed at reconciling the parts of the personality with each other.

There is, of course, the option that a person was spoiled and now he has acne. If you know exactly who caused the damage, then you can read a strong conspiracy from acne directly to the specific name of the person.

How to use the conspiracy for acne?

If you decide to get rid of acne with the help of magic, then there are rules that will further increase the effectiveness of the conspiracy:

  1. A conspiracy to get rid of pimples or black spots on the face must be read in a very firm voice. There must be confidence in the voice. Such a conspiracy is better to whisper than to speak loudly.
  2. It is very important to believe that the magic of acne on the body will definitely help. Faith is key here. If you firmly believe in the power of such treatment, then it will definitely work, but if not, and you pronounce the conspiracy just for show, then you should not even start. Magic feels very clearly when it is respected and believed in, only in this case it is beneficial.
  3. You will get a cleaner result if, before reading this conspiracy, you will be on post for several days in a row. Give up the use of alcoholic beverages, meat, be sure to smoke. This will help increase the vibrations in the body, which means that it will be much easier for the conspiracy to act in the necessary way.
  4. It is also desirable to choose a specific day of the week. Better if it is Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday. You can perform a magical ritual to cleanse the skin on other days of the week, it is advisable to avoid perhaps Sunday.
  5. If you consider yourself an Orthodox person, then before you pronounce a conspiracy, you need to read a prayer. The read prayer will help you tune in the necessary way.
  6. A conspiracy against acne will work better if you read it on a waning moon.

Water conspiracy for acne

It is not difficult to speak water so that the skin is clean. On the waning moon, prepare a glass of clean drinking water. Place the glass on the windowsill so that the moonlight shines directly on it. A person with this ailment also needs to stand up so that the moonlight falls directly and clearly on him.

You need to take a deep breath, then exhale, then read these words:

“I look at the moon, I admire the moon. Her pure light, her pure face. And I want such a clean face for myself, and I want such a clean complexion for myself. May the moon convey its beauty and purity to my skin through the water. I will drink water and become cleaner in body and soul. I don’t feel ashamed to walk anymore, but just walk everywhere and show off myself. Forever be as beautiful as the moon.

After that, you need to drink water in one gulp. Then, during the week, you must definitely drink pure holy water on an empty stomach. You can dilute it with plain water. The main thing is that holy water is at least partially present in the glass. Drink water on an empty stomach and say these words:

"The remedy is the best, the water is pure, the body is clean, the body is beautiful."

It is good if drinking clean water on an empty stomach becomes your permanent habit. This habit is very beneficial for health and beauty in general. The fact is that a glass of clean water can wash away toxins from the walls of the stomach that have accumulated there overnight. And, if you also charge water every day with a positive conspiracy for clean skin, then the results will be simply stunning.

Infusion and conspiracy against acne

Folk remedies are also very good at helping to cope with acne. Doctors often attribute the occurrence of acne to the malfunctioning of the digestive tract. So, here you can prepare a decoction and speak it. Then the effect of the decoction will be even stronger.

You need to make a decoction of corn stigmas. They can be bought at any pharmacy. It is necessary to drink such a decoction in a warm form. It helps with blackheads and acne. Helps improve digestion. Each time before drinking this decoction, you need to read such a conspiracy on it:

“As I drink a decoction, as I drink a potion, so on my face there will be only purity and beauty. The body is clean, the face is clean, one beauty and purity everywhere.

You need to drink such a decoction for at least three months, every day, twice a day. It is also important to say a conspiracy every time before using it. If possible, then be sure to drink the decoction and say a conspiracy for Easter. On this day, the power of magic, health conspiracies increases several times.

Soap Conspiracy

You can talk about acne and the soap you wash your face with. By the way, if you have pimples, then the soap should be just for the face, separate. This is necessary so that fewer germs get on the face. You need to read this conspiracy on Thursday.

It is similar in strength to the conspiracy of a Siberian healer, also on skin health. Take the soap in your hands and read on it this is what:

“I lather you on my skin, I wash off all diseases and sorrows from myself with you. There is nothing else on my face but clear beauty and beautiful purity. Every time I lather you, I wash away my sorrows. Help me soap to get rid of redness and pus, I believe in you as a remedy, help me, my gratitude to you.

After that, lather your face with soap, when you wash off the soap, then pronounce the following words on the water:

“Vodichka, some water, wash my personal, take off the pendulum and give me lightness.”

During this process, it is imperative to send gratitude to soap and skin. Directly imagine how they are “friends”, and act on each other very usefully.

Conspiracy of love for the skin of the face

Even the famous healer Natalya Stepanovna says that it is very important to thank those parts of the body that are not healthy. The fact is that just these parts of the body are in dire need of the unconditional love of their master.

These are completely different states when you take care of the skin and despise it because it is unclean or when you thank and love it for the fact that you basically have it. Because from negative emotions, the position of the skin will only worsen. So learn to take care of your skin with love and gratitude.

Here you apply the cream and say words of love and gratitude to her at the same time:

“My favorite skin, my only skin, thank you for having me. Now we will clean you, feed you. It was painful, it was great. You are my purest, most beloved, I will not exchange you for any other.

It is very important to accept your problem skin, and such a conspiracy of love and gratitude will help with this. It is only very important at the same time to feel love and gratitude in relation to your skin on your face. But even if at first you don’t succeed in doing it sincerely, keep trying anyway.

An excellent ritual for those who want to have perfect faces

How to make the skin of the face clean, beautiful, radiant. Like

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Sooner or later catch yourself feeling the sincerity of what you say. Conspiracies for acne and also acne only work if you speak them consciously.

Prayer conspiracy for acne

We all want to have beautiful and healthy skin, we want to look good and leave only a positive impression, but just a few small pimples on the face can easily spoil the whole image. There are a huge number of special ways to deal with the problem, these are special ointments, and tablets, and various cleanings. But many still trust the ancient means of dealing with such a scourge.

An acne plot is a time-tested way to heal your skin from a rash, cleanse your face without using harmful drugs.

It is a pity that youth passes, but in the soul.

The skin heals, but not always so perfectly.

Features of conspiracies

At its core, a conspiracy is an oral form of magical influence, which, with the help of special words, allows you to influence the world around us, ourselves and other people.

Before using one of the conspiracies, you need to learn a few basic rules that all magicians follow without exception:

  • the plot must be pronounced in a whisper, but in a firm voice;
  • any plot must be read by heart;
  • you can not read the words of the conspiracy in front of witnesses;
  • before conducting any magical rite, you should fast, give up alcohol and smoking;
  • it is imperative to believe in the power of the conspiracy used and believe in the end result;
  • the most suitable days for light conspiracies are Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday;
  • do not perform magic rituals on Sunday, except on special occasions;
  • if you are faithful to the Orthodox tradition, then before reading the conspiracy, you need to read one of the prayers you know, for example, “Our Father”.

Ritual for acne

In order to cleanse your face, you need to speak pure spring water. Conspiracy words:

“Let my face be like a mirror surface, like mother water clean and fresh, brighter than light, whiter than snow, from this day and for all bright ages. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The water conspired in this way should be poured in a thin stream on the palm of the left hand and washed. The ceremony must be performed every night for three days.

Ritual against spots on the face and freckles

This powerful ritual is able to work for seven years, if performed correctly. The ceremony is performed during the waning moon. You need to take a steam bath in a well-heated bath, then wipe yourself with an undershirt and read a conspiracy over it. The words:

“As the Lord God, the Heavenly Father expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, so I drive and burn white from my body (freckles, acne, spots). Kindle the fire, devour what I give you. As the Son of God Jesus Christ ascended to the crucifixion, by his will and blood, as he cleansed Adam and Eve from original sin, so I cleanse myself from evil spirits and dirt with sacred fire. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Simple conspiracy

If you have a large number of blackheads or pimples on your body, you can try to get rid of them with a simple magical ritual.

For its implementation, it is necessary to take warm baths with horsetail.

Horsetail is a very beneficial plant for your skin.

This plant contains silica, which has healing properties that are great for acne, acne, ulcers and lichen.

In one bath, you need to add about 500 grams of horsetail, evaporated in two liters of boiled water.

Before taking a bath, you need to read “Our Father” three times, and while in the water, read the conspiracy:

“I take a cleansing bath, I rid my body of infection, I rid my skin of (pimples, ulcers or other problems). I will be clean, white, beautiful, young. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Strong ritual for acne

“Voditsa, my sister, red maiden, you run under the sand, you flow under water, in the fields, but in the woods, on steep banks, in people's houses. Everyone respects and loves you, sister, everyone drinks and praises you, sister. As you, water, are pure, so am I (name) pure. Bela girlish beauty. What is said will come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Winter ritual for acne on the face

For the ritual, you will need icicles from the street, so the ceremony can also be performed in early spring. So, you need to take seven small icicles, bring them to the house and to the waning moon, read the plot:

“St. George the Conqueror, St. Panteleimon the Healer, and St. Michael the Liberator. Help me, overcome my illness, take away my sorrow. Free my body from all pimples, but blackheads, freckles, and blacks. As water descends from the sky of God, as in winter it turns into ice, so let the pimples descend from my body and turn into nothing and never return. May it be so".

Now you need to melt the icicles and add them to the water for washing.

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The article says that "visualization of the fire" can be done once every three days.

Tell me, is this interval important? Is it possible every day?

No, only as it is said in the description of the ritual.

Thanks for the answer. And another question: can this ritual be performed only on a waning moon? Or is it possible at any time?

For cleansing and deliverance, we spend only on the waning of the moon.

Hello. Can the first plot be used by rubbing your stretch mark cream?

Lola, listen, they never tested this ritual on the striae. Try it, it won't get any worse. And don’t forget about coffee belongings and mumiyo, you just have to do it for a long time and systematically.

Can't seem to get rid of the scar

St. John's wort fresh plant no what should I do

Asylkul, take dry St. John's wort.

I have a cream with mummy, I make it myself. And coffee scrub too.

Beauty magic.

To keep the skin on the face clean

Pure and fresh, like mother water,

Whiter than snow, brighter than light

For now, for centuries, for all bright times.


So that the iyas of the body is white drove

And burned (so-and-so).

You, fire, flare up, by what I will give you, do not disdain,

Like our Lord Jesus Christ

Went to the crucifix

By His will and blood

Cleansed Adam and Eve from original sin

So that I, too, with this fire, with this sweat

Cleared myself of (something)

You run under the ground, under the sand,

Between people's houses.

All you, water, love and honor,

Everyone praises you and drinks.

So everyone would love and praise me.

Pure water, pure and I,

Pure girlish beauty.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I am going, the servant of God (name), from the bathhouse to the east.

Behind me is a fiery river, copper banks, an iron tyn.

The Mother of God is walking with me, with God's servant (name).

She met me from the bathhouse and asked:

Have you washed away everything, the servant of God (name)?

Be, the servant of God (name), pure, strong at all times.

For all eternity, forever.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that the last pimple is gone from my face.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Saint George the Conqueror

And you, Saint Michael the Liberator,

Conquer my disease

And free my body white

For all pimples and pimples.

Like water descending from God's sky,

By God's command, it turns into icicles,

So the pimples would go nowhere from my face

And they never returned to my body.

Key, lock, tongue.

12 parts St. John's wort

1 part glycerin

Mix everything and store in the refrigerator. You will find that no store-bought lotion can match this simple remedy.

how I washed this soap off myself,

how I planted this soap in the ground,

so that all the sores from my body would go away.

Only when this soap sprouts

only then will I get acne.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

This is where my pimples go.

I kick out three times,

I pronounce it at a distance;

Where did you guys come from?

That's where you would go.

Away, chivki, on the line,

Away to the unsteady swamp, away to the rye,

And the slave (name), chivka, do not touch.

God bless the slave (name) of health and a clean body

From my witchcraft business.

The key is in the mouth, the lock is in the water.

And my word and deed are with me.

1 st. a spoonful of wild strawberries

1 st. teaspoon of chamomile

1 teaspoon birch leaves

1 teaspoon linden flowers

1 tsp pink yarrow

Pour the entire collection with two glasses of boiling water and let it brew. Cool down and wash. After a week, the skin of the linden will be tender, like a child's.

Poppy blossoms, blossoms,

beauty never fades

And I, the servant of God (name), does not leave.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and ever. ages of ages. Amen.

Not from a tree in a field of blood,

Chiria does not have a head, and without a head, chiria cannot live

And not to be on my baptized body.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen,

From the fish there will be no bull,

You can't get milk from a rooster.

So you can't sit on my body

And on a flawed month to die.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and ever. Amen.

And which apples dry out.

So you, wart, dry up and die.

Strong conspiracies against acne on the face and body

Many believe that the possibilities of magic are limited. With its help, you can influence people or circumstances, but you can’t influence yourself. Such a statement is far from reality. There is a whole section of magic responsible for human health. With the help of conspiracies, you can be healed of many serious diseases. They are also able to preserve and increase beauty and youth.

Features of conspiracies and prayers for "clean" skin

So, girls and guys often suffer from the "flaws" of their own skin, buy miracle cures, prepare ointments, but all in vain. Pimples and blackheads, as they covered the skin, do not go anywhere. It is recommended to try a different method of influencing these minor annoyances. The reason for their appearance is not always associated with metabolic problems. You may have been jinxed or slightly damaged. This made the body less than perfect. Let's see if it is possible to get rid of acne and blackheads with a conspiracy? How exactly to do this?
  • Magic rituals have been used since ancient times. It is believed that they act absolutely on everyone, regardless of the person's faith. Only to those who trust the rituals, the forces are more favorable. Therefore, one should pronounce the cherished words with full confidence in their effectiveness.
  • There are a few more rules. One of the main ones is diet. A person who wishes to influence his health with magic is strictly forbidden to indulge in alcohol and tobacco. Food is needed simple, without fats and spices.
  • You need to read all conspiracies and prayers when no one will disturb you. They must be pronounced in a voice (whisper). Do not tell strangers that you have resorted to magic. They can jinx it. These recommendations apply to all the rituals described below. Believers are advised to read the prayer "Our Father" before the ritual.

Of course, the use of magic is not a panacea, but only an aid in treatment. Of course, do not neglect proper face and body care, and other cosmetic procedures.

How to get rid of acne on the face?

From acne before washing, looking in the mirror, say the following words:

Now you can wash, no need to dry yourself. Let the water soak in and dry on its own.

A strong conspiracy from acne and black dots on the body

If there are black dots on the skin, then you can try the following ritual. Prepare your washing liquid. To do this, put three walnuts in a glass of water, read the following plot:

Water is spoken a day before use. Then it is saturated three times with problem areas of the face and body. Every time they wait until it dries. The rest of the liquid must be poured out, and the glass filled with fresh water and talking. So you need to wash until the blackheads and blackheads are gone.

Prayer against wearable acne on water

There is another way that helps to quickly get rid of problems not only on the face, but also on the body. To do this, you need to go to a natural source. You need a spring or a key. At the murmuring water, say the following conspiracy three times, washing the problem areas:

Now type some water from the source into the stored container and go home. There is no need to look back, and there is no need to talk to people. Wash your face with water every morning and evening without wiping yourself. If it does not help immediately, then you will have to repeat the ritual.

Conspiracies for acne and blackheads help much more effectively if you slander them on baptismal water. Only this liquid will have to be prepared in advance.

Other rituals and conspiracies from problem skin

1. Go to the spring and get a glass of water. Say the plot three times:

“I drink clean water and wash out all the nausea. My body will be healthy and beautiful from now on and forever.”

Drink a glass of spring water in one gulp.

2. In the morning, pour water into a bowl (preferably spring or mineral spring), squeeze a few drops of lemon juice. Bend over the container so that your lips almost touch the surface of the water and say 5 times:

“Vodichka-voditsa, wash away acne, blackheads and ripples from me. Let my face be white, clean, handsome and good for everyone. The acid of the lemon will dissolve in you, and everything unsightly will be removed from me. So be it!"

Wash yourself with charmed water, and then rinse your whole body with it. Repeat the ritual for a week.

3. A person suffering from acne should bring clean water and a well, spring or mineral with him. Wash the one being healed and say:

“Wash your soul, wash your body. I know my business well. You were born with clean skin, so become so now too. May it be so!"

4. Wash and peel the potato, cut the root crop in half. Wipe your face with each half, mentally imagining how the potato absorbs your skin problems. Then combine the halves of the root crop into one whole, rub generously with salt and wrap in three paper sheets. Burn the bundle in the oven or on the fire and say three times:

"Burn, burn, burn my skin problems in the fire."

5. Pour about a liter of spring water into the basin and light three candles around the container. Wash yourself with water three times, saying after each time:

"As my face is holy, so let it be pure."

Then drain the water into a glass container and pour it all over the three road intersections.

6. After washing or taking a shower, dip your face and body on the wrong side with a new or clean shirt and say the plot 7 times:

“Shirt, shirt, take away everything clumsy and rough, and give me in return everything smooth and white, fresh and clean.”

Burn the shirt. Repeat the ritual until you completely get rid of acne and pimples.

7. Buy fresh (not frozen) fish and descale it. Put the fish in one bag and the scales in the other. Go to an intersection and bury bags in opposite directions (for example, south and north or west and east). Accompany both instillations with a conspiracy:

“Like a fish without scales, and no scales on a fish, so may my face be without flaw. As this fish rots, so let all evil spirits come off my face. May it be so!"

8. Buy toilet soap and use it in the bath. On the way back, without going home, bury the soap at the crossroads. After reading these words:

“Soap washed, soap foamed, took away all my sores. I'll bury the ailment, save myself from acne. As the soap sprouts, then blackheads will appear again.

Compared to such things as death, a serious illness, or the passing of a loved one, acne can seem like a very minor problem to someone. However, in fact, for many girls and guys, and for some older people, acne is a real problem. They spoil even a beautiful face, make a person ugly in the eyes of others and, worst of all, in their own eyes. And how many people are regularly depressed because of them, how many tears have been shed!

Effective rites

Medicine offers a lot of means - from all kinds of ointments to surgical intervention. However, these funds do not always help, and they are either expensive or very expensive. But there is another way, proven by thousands of years of practice - a conspiracy for acne. Such conspiracies have been used since ancient times and helped clear their face and find love and happiness for a great many young people!

Magic offers a huge number of conspiracies that help clear acne from the face. Most of them are easy to perform, so the rituals can be easily performed at home.

On a full moon

One of the simplest and most common is a conspiracy for acne with water. For its implementation, you will need pure spring water. Pour this water into a wide bowl or basin and place it in front of a window from which the full moon is visible. During the night, the water absorbs the purity and perfection of the heavenly body.

In the morning, get up at dawn and, putting water in front of you, say three times:

“Water will cleanse, water will wash, wash away all the infection from the face.”

After each repetition, wash your face with charmed water. This plot is most effective in clear weather, when the moon is clearly visible. In rainy or cloudy weather, water does not absorb lunar energy well and the conspiracy is unlikely to turn out to be really strong.

With spring water

You can carry out with the help of spring water and another ceremony. In this case, you need to speak water for three days.

The magic words sound like this:

“Let my face be, like a mirror surface, like natural water, clean and fresh. Let my skin brighten and sparkle, fill with strength for all time. Amen".

Each time after the ceremony, you need to collect a little water in your left hand and wash your face. The remaining water must be spoken again the next day, filling it with magical power. And so repeat three days in a row. After that, water should be used to rinse the face in the mornings and evenings until it runs out.

With the help of fish

Another ancient conspiracy for acne is carried out with the help of fish. Buy fresh river fish, beautiful, without visible flaws. Thoroughly clean the fish from scales. Collect the peeled scales and put them in one bag, and the cleaned fish in another. Tie up the bags, take them to a deserted place and bury them under a tree - the scales on the western side of the tree, and the fish on the eastern side.

Step back a few steps and, looking at this tree, repeat twelve times:

“The fish is cleansed of scales, and my face gets rid of acne.
As this fish scales will never touch.
So all the evil spirits will leave the face and will not return.

with potatoes

Another popular folk remedy is a conspiracy with potatoes. It is done in the following way. Cut one potato in two.

And at the same time rub your face with them, repeating:

“Rub my face, take away all the evil spirits!
Burn all pimples, cleanse my face!

Potato well draws out the negative energy contained in acne. After completing the procedure, be sure to throw the used potatoes away from home.

ancient ritual

Ancient conspiracies are very effective, but sometimes they require special attributes to carry out, so not every person can decide to conduct a ceremony. So, one of the effective ways is to catch a frog in a pond and quickly apply it to the place where there are acne.

Then say these magic words:

“For your body there will be another skin, it will fit for you too. Amen".

After that, you need to remove the skin from the frog and bury it. But, of course, it is better not to do this, but simply let the frog go.

With black cow's milk

Another of the ancient rites against acne involves the use of black cow's milk.

You need to wash yourself with such milk, saying the following words:

“I wash myself with the milk of a black cow, and with this milk I get rid of acne forever. Amen".

Preventive rite

As a preventive ritual, you can use the morning ritual. All you need is to wash your face with clean water at sunrise.

While saying these words:

“Water is strong and holy, my natural sister, you flow under the ground and under the sand. You spring from under the ground and run across wide fields, you flow through dense forests. Water-voditsa, you form steep banks, you flow through human settlements. All over the earth, water-voditsa loves you, people praise you, honor you, and cannot live without you. Let them praise me for my natural beauty. As the water is pure, so pure is the beauty of a girl, the skin of my face will always be fresh, white and beautiful. For everyone to watch and admire. Amen".

Features of reading conspiracies

Any acne conspiracy is inherently an oral magical effect. Therefore, it is important to cast spells correctly, fulfilling all the requirements.

Namely these:

  • The plot should be pronounced firmly without hesitation, but in a whisper;
  • It is impossible to read magic words from a sheet, the conspiracy must be learned by heart;
  • The ceremony should be carried out in complete solitude and silence;
  • Before the magical action, it is recommended to adhere to a strict fast for several days, as well as to give up alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • It is important to believe in the power of the conspiracy being applied and to absolutely believe that it will be effective;
  • For healing conspiracies of a light orientation, the most suitable days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday;
  • Absolutely not suitable for Sunday ceremonies;
  • Before conducting any ceremony, it is recommended that you first read the well-known prayer “Our Father”.

It should be understood that the beauty of the skin depends entirely on the mental attitude. You should learn to positively perceive the world around you. It is important to love people, learn to forgive and not keep evil in your soul. Professional magicians claim that flaws will not appear on a person’s skin if he smiles every morning, rejoicing at the coming day.

Acne conspiracies

To keep the skin on the face clean

Pour the previously spoken water on the left palm and wash your face with your left hand. The ceremony is performed three times in a row. Water is spoken in these words:

Be, my face, like a mirror surface,
Pure and fresh, like mother water,
Whiter than snow, brighter than light
For now, for centuries, for all bright times.

Conspiracy from freckles and spots on the face

This conspiracy has been in effect for seven years. On a waning moon, go to a hot bathhouse and sweat well there. Then wipe yourself with your undershirt, read a plot over it and throw it into the fire. The conspiracy is as follows:

How the Lord God drove Adam and Eve out of paradise,
So that the iyas of the body is white drove
And burned (so-and-so).
You, fire, flare up, by what I will give you, do not disdain,
Like our Lord Jesus Christ
Went to the crucifix
By His will and blood
Cleansed Adam and Eve from original sin
So that I, too, with this fire, with this sweat
Cleared myself of (something)

From boils

If you often have boils on your body, take warm baths with horsetail. Horsetail is rich in silica, which helps in the treatment of non-healing ulcers, boils and herpes zoster. In one bath add 500 g of horsetail, steamed with 2 liters of boiling water.

Acne conspiracy.

Wash your face at sunrise, while reading the following plot:

Voditsa-sister, red maiden,
You run under the ground, under the sand,
In the fields, woods,
steep coasts,
Between people's houses.
All you, water, love and honor,
Everyone praises you and drinks.
So everyone would love and praise me.
Pure water, pure and I,
Pure girlish beauty.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Acne conspiracy.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I am going, the servant of God (name), from the bathhouse to the east.
Behind me is a fiery river, copper banks, an iron tyn.
The Mother of God is walking with me, with God's servant (name).
She met me from the bathhouse and asked:
- Have you, the servant of God (name), washed away everything?
Be, the servant of God (name), pure, strong at all times.
For all eternity, forever.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from purulent acne

Bend the aspen branch and with your left hand pick as many leaves from it as you can. Then count the plucked leaves and then immediately say:

Here you are, sheet, was the last in a row,
So that the last pimple is gone from my face.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to clear your face of acne

In spring, ice icicles can be seen everywhere. On such icicles, healers slandered for clean skin for young women, whose face was covered with ugly eels.

Take seven icicles, bring them into the house and, having spoken them, wash yourself with melt water obtained from icicles. They do it only on the waning moon. Read the plot like this:

Saint Panteleimon the Healer,
Saint George the Conqueror
And you, Saint Michael the Liberator,
Conquer my disease
And free my body white
For all pimples and pimples.
Like water descending from God's sky,
By God's command, it turns into icicles,
So the pimples would go nowhere from my face
And they never returned to my body.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Well disinfects the skin, cleanses it and restores the complexion lotion from the decoction of St. John's wort and chamomile:

3 parts chamomile tea
12 parts St. John's wort
3 parts vodka
1 part glycerin
Mix everything and store in the refrigerator. You will find that no store-bought lotion can match this simple remedy.

They stand at the cemetery gates, before the first transportation of the deceased, i.e. at two o'clock, and they say:

First come, first take. Amen

To bring all acne clean.

If you have acne or other skin rashes, do this.

Buy soap. Wash once with this soap in the bath. After that, without going home, bury the soap with the words:

How this soap was washed and soap,
how I washed this soap off myself,
how I planted this soap in the ground,
so that all the sores from my body would go away.
Only when this soap sprouts
only then will I get acne.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The right remedy for acne.

Go to the church for the service, and then to the cemetery. As the deceased is being transported, touch your face with your left hand and say:

Where is the one who is carried in their arms,
This is where my pimples go.

For red pimples.

On the waning moon, 27 ears of rye are harvested in the field.

They take this "bouquet" in the left hand and pass over the face and those places where acne nests, and whisper three times:

I repeat three times,
I kick out three times,
I pronounce it at a distance;
Where did you guys come from?
That's where you would go.
Away, chivki, on the line,
Away to the unsteady swamp, away to the rye,
And the slave (name), chivka, do not touch.
God bless the slave (name) of health and a clean body
From my witchcraft business.
The key is in the mouth, the lock is in the water.
And my word and deed are with me.

For clear skin

collection recipe.
1 st. a spoonful of wild strawberries
1 st. teaspoon of chamomile
1 teaspoon birch leaves
1 teaspoon linden flowers
1 tsp pink yarrow
Pour the entire collection with two glasses of boiling water and let it brew. Cool down and wash. After a week, the skin of the linden will be tender, like a child's.

Face lotion

Boil linden flowers, yarrow inflorescences and chamomile in milk, boil, add a little honey and cool. If you wipe your face with this lotion, it will acquire a delicate shade.

For those who have capillaries located close to the surface of the skin, it is better not to add honey to the lotion.

To increase attractiveness

Getting out of bed, cross yourself and say:

Scarlet dawn, rises,
Poppy blossoms, blossoms,
beauty never fades
And I, the servant of God (name), does not leave.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and ever. ages of ages. Amen

Mask for yellow spots on the face.

Grate orange carrots on a fine grater, finely chop the root and parsley leaves, mash ripe gooseberries. Mix everything.

Lie down on a pillow, previously covered with a diaper, put a cup on your chest in which you have prepared a mask. Gently apply the mask to your face and neck. Wash off the mask after ten minutes. The face will be visibly brighter and will be smooth and tender. Several such procedures - and there will be no stains on your face.

Apple and sauerkraut mask

Grate an apple and mix with sauerkraut, add a little olive oil and apply the mask on your face. After 15-20 minutes, rinse your face with a decoction of yarrow. No cream gives such a striking effect as this mask. By the way, this is one of the most favorite masks of French women.

How to speak chiry correctly

Spit on the ring finger and, after reading the plot, circle the place where the chiry is located with your finger.

There is no fruit from a dead stone,
Not from a tree in a field of blood,
Chiria does not have a head, and without a head, chiria cannot live
And not to be on my baptized body.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen,

How to quickly get rid of herpes.

Unfortunately, official medicine does not have the means to rid mankind of the herpes virus. But it has been proven that arginine, which is found in foods such as peanuts, almonds, sesame seeds, cashews and chocolate, suppresses herpes.

A large amount of this substance is found in beef, liver, brewer's yeast, mango juice and germinated wheat. Garlic and freshly squeezed aloe juice inhibit the virus.

Linen and towels should be boiled and thoroughly ironed with a hot iron until the skin is completely clean.


Any wart can be reduced. To do this, you need to pluck a bunch of old grass with your left hand on the flawed Moon. From this bundle, select the longest straw and, poking the wart with it, say:

From the dry will not be young,
From the fish there will be no bull,
You can't get milk from a rooster.
So you can't sit on my body
And on a flawed month to die.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and ever. Amen.

Or so

An apple that has fallen from a tree is cut into three parts, the wart is touched, saying:

Which apple is eaten
And which apples dry out.
So you, wart, dry up and die.
In the name of the Father. “Son. and. Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen

Bury apple slices in different places. To do only on the waning moon.

Miraculous words: a prayer for getting rid of acne on the face in full description from all the sources we found.

Magic in the field of health and beauty can also be applied. With some diseases, it helps to cope even better than traditional medicine. For example, acne, there are too many factors that cause them. To deal with everyone in turn is completely lacking patience. In such a situation, just the acne conspiracy will help.

Acne conspiracy

How does the acne spell work?

The most powerful acne conspiracies work to reconcile the human body with the soul. The fact is that if a person is sick, and acne is, of course, also a disease, it means that he is not completely in tune with his body.

The disease thus shows a person where to look for the root cause of the problem. One has only to think about what exactly the feelings cause acne? When people, as a rule, are shy, ashamed, trying to somehow disguise them. This means that a person is trying to hide some part of his personality from others or from himself. So, here conspiracies against acne in this case will be aimed at reconciling the parts of the personality with each other.

There is, of course, the option that a person was spoiled and now he has acne. If you know exactly who caused the damage, then you can read a strong conspiracy from acne directly to the specific name of the person.

How to use the conspiracy for acne?

If you decide to get rid of acne with the help of magic, then there are rules that will further increase the effectiveness of the conspiracy:

  1. A conspiracy to get rid of pimples or black spots on the face must be read in a very firm voice. There must be confidence in the voice. Such a conspiracy is better to whisper than to speak loudly.
  2. It is very important to believe that the magic of acne on the body will definitely help. Faith is key here. If you firmly believe in the power of such treatment, then it will definitely work, but if not, and you pronounce the conspiracy just for show, then you should not even start. Magic feels very clearly when it is respected and believed in, only in this case it is beneficial.
  3. You will get a cleaner result if, before reading this conspiracy, you will be on post for several days in a row. Give up the use of alcoholic beverages, meat, be sure to smoke. This will help increase the vibrations in the body, which means that it will be much easier for the conspiracy to act in the necessary way.
  4. It is also desirable to choose a specific day of the week. Better if it is Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday. You can perform a magical ritual to cleanse the skin on other days of the week, it is advisable to avoid perhaps Sunday.
  5. If you consider yourself an Orthodox person, then before you pronounce a conspiracy, you need to read a prayer. The read prayer will help you tune in the necessary way.
  6. A conspiracy against acne will work better if you read it on a waning moon.

Water conspiracy for acne

It is not difficult to speak water so that the skin is clean. On the waning moon, prepare a glass of clean drinking water. Place the glass on the windowsill so that the moonlight shines directly on it. A person with this ailment also needs to stand up so that the moonlight falls directly and clearly on him.

You need to take a deep breath, then exhale, then read these words:

“I look at the moon, I admire the moon. Her pure light, her pure face. And I want such a clean face for myself, and I want such a clean complexion for myself. May the moon convey its beauty and purity to my skin through the water. I will drink water and become cleaner in body and soul. I don’t feel ashamed to walk anymore, but just walk everywhere and show off myself. Forever be as beautiful as the moon.

After that, you need to drink water in one gulp. Then, during the week, you must definitely drink pure holy water on an empty stomach. You can dilute it with plain water. The main thing is that holy water is at least partially present in the glass. Drink water on an empty stomach and say these words:

"The remedy is the best, the water is pure, the body is clean, the body is beautiful."

It is good if drinking clean water on an empty stomach becomes your permanent habit. This habit is very beneficial for health and beauty in general. The fact is that a glass of clean water can wash away toxins from the walls of the stomach that have accumulated there overnight. And, if you also charge water every day with a positive conspiracy for clean skin, then the results will be simply stunning.

Infusion and conspiracy against acne

Folk remedies are also very good at helping to cope with acne. Doctors often attribute the occurrence of acne to the malfunctioning of the digestive tract. So, here you can prepare a decoction and speak it. Then the effect of the decoction will be even stronger.

You need to make a decoction of corn stigmas. They can be bought at any pharmacy. It is necessary to drink such a decoction in a warm form. It helps with blackheads and acne. Helps improve digestion. Each time before drinking this decoction, you need to read such a conspiracy on it:

“As I drink a decoction, as I drink a potion, so on my face there will be only purity and beauty. The body is clean, the face is clean, one beauty and purity everywhere.

You need to drink such a decoction for at least three months, every day, twice a day. It is also important to say a conspiracy every time before using it. If possible, then be sure to drink the decoction and say a conspiracy for Easter. On this day, the power of magic, health conspiracies increases several times.

Soap Conspiracy

You can talk about acne and the soap you wash your face with. By the way, if you have pimples, then the soap should be just for the face, separate. This is necessary so that fewer germs get on the face. You need to read this conspiracy on Thursday.

It is similar in strength to the conspiracy of a Siberian healer, also on skin health. Take the soap in your hands and read on it this is what:

“I lather you on my skin, I wash off all diseases and sorrows from myself with you. There is nothing else on my face but clear beauty and beautiful purity. Every time I lather you, I wash away my sorrows. Help me soap to get rid of redness and pus, I believe in you as a remedy, help me, my gratitude to you.

After that, lather your face with soap, when you wash off the soap, then pronounce the following words on the water:

“Vodichka, some water, wash my personal, take off the pendulum and give me lightness.”

During this process, it is imperative to send gratitude to soap and skin. Directly imagine how they are “friends”, and act on each other very usefully.

Conspiracy of love for the skin of the face

Even the famous healer Natalya Stepanovna says that it is very important to thank those parts of the body that are not healthy. The fact is that just these parts of the body are in dire need of the unconditional love of their master.

These are completely different states when you take care of the skin and despise it because it is unclean or when you thank and love it for the fact that you basically have it. Because from negative emotions, the position of the skin will only worsen. So learn to take care of your skin with love and gratitude.

Here you apply the cream and say words of love and gratitude to her at the same time:

“My favorite skin, my only skin, thank you for having me. Now we will clean you, feed you. It was painful, it was great. You are my purest, most beloved, I will not exchange you for any other.

It is very important to accept your problem skin, and such a conspiracy of love and gratitude will help with this. It is only very important at the same time to feel love and gratitude in relation to your skin on your face. But even if at first you don’t succeed in doing it sincerely, keep trying anyway.

An excellent ritual for those who want to have perfect faces

How to make the skin of the face clean, beautiful, radiant. Like

Also on our youtube channel "Horoscope Reportages Novos

Sooner or later catch yourself feeling the sincerity of what you say. Conspiracies for acne and also acne only work if you speak them consciously.

Acne conspiracy - how to read, examples of conspiracies

Pimples and rashes are a nuisance that many people experience from time to time. We spend a lot of money to get the hated acne off our face, but this often does not give the desired effect. Try to seek help from magic and read a special conspiracy for this acne.

What are the features of conspiracies

A conspiracy is actually an oral type of magical influence in which special words are used that have an impact on the surrounding reality, personally on a person and on other people. In this case, the conspiracy will work regardless of whether you believe in its power or not. There is a huge confirmation of eyewitnesses to this, healing and cleansing conspiracies are especially popular.

What conspiracies you would not use, you should always follow certain rules:

  • slander is read in a whisper, but it is important that your voice sounds as confident as possible;
  • it is advisable to learn the words of the conspiracies by heart, but if the slander is too long and you are afraid to get lost in the process of reading, rewrite it on a piece of paper, but in no case read it from the monitor screen or mobile phone;
  • reading should be carried out on the most suitable days of the week for this;
  • during the ceremony you should be in splendid isolation;
  • before the rituals, it is recommended to fast, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke;
  • sincerely believe in the power of the rite;
  • light conspiracies should be performed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays;
  • refuse to conduct conspiracies on Sundays, with the exception of special cases;
  • if you are an Orthodox person, then before reading the conspiracy, we recommend that you read the prayer “Our Father”.

From our ancestors, we inherited many different conspiracies for attractiveness, passed down from one generation to another. Conspiracies for beauty performed on herbal decoctions or on hand-made soap are quite popular. You can make conspiracies both for yourself personally and, if you wish, to help your loved one who suffers from acne problems.

Acne conspiracies

Now let's look at examples of effective conspiracies that will help you cleanse your skin from hated inflammation.

Powerful remedy for acne

It is performed in the evening before going to bed. It is important to pronounce all the words of the conspiracy correctly, not to stray in the process of reading. The skin will first need to be cleansed with your usual cleanser.

For this ritual, it is necessary to stock up on holy water, then moisten a cloth or hand in it and wipe the skin of the face, while pronouncing the following magical text:

The total number of repetitions should be three.

The right time to spend is the waning moon.

Conspiracy for water

It also works very well. It is performed on the following days:

  • men - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday;
  • women on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Pour water into the container, read the slander three times on it:

Then you need to wash and pour water into the street.

A simple conspiracy for acne with horsetail

Horsetail has not only magical, but also healing properties. It has been successfully used in folk medicine to get rid of acne, blackheads, ulcers and pimples. Horsetail contains silicon, which is necessary in the process of collagen synthesis, and it also has an antibacterial and virus-suppressing effect. All this makes it an ideal solution for many skin problems.

To carry out the following simple conspiracy based on horsetail, you will need to make a decoction of 500 grams of the plant, evaporated in 2 liters of boiling water, then add it to the water when you take a bath.

Before the water procedure, read the prayer “Our Father” three times, and when you go down into the water, read the slander:

Ritual for reducing acne to milk

The time of the event is the waning moon. You will need to take the milk that was given by the black cow that calved for the first time. Speak it with the following magic words, and then wash yourself in it:

A conspiracy that will get rid of acne if you are jinxed

Often the reason for the deterioration of appearance is the banal envy of others. Confirmation that you have been jinxed will be acne on the skin of the face, which cannot be removed with the help of conventional medicines. Also, another characteristic symptom is the appearance of red spots, small pimples and blisters that constantly itch and cause discomfort.

Try to get rid of acne caused by someone else's envy with the help of a conspiracy that reads wild rose and chamomile decoction.

In the evening, use a decoction of rosehip berries, and in the morning - chamomile.

When you wash your face, say the following text:

Then the face is washed with charmed water and left to dry without using a towel.

Beauty plot with ordinary soap

It is simple and effective, with the help of it you will quickly improve the condition of your skin. You will need to prepare natural soap for him, it is best if it is made by you personally. Then the slander will need to be pronounced in the process of cooking the soap base.

You can also use purchased natural soap - the action of the ritual will not become less effective from this.

When you wash your face, say the following text:

Very soon, your skin will be cleared of hated acne and become clean and fresh.

Use acne spells to always look great and please yourself, as well as your man!

My friend suffered a lot with acne. She went to fortune-tellers, she was read various conspiracies. At home, we did a ceremony with her. Her face really cleared up.

And every time I washed my daughter, I read such lines: “Water from a goose, water from a swan, leave all the thinness with the“ name ”.

We always believed in this. There have been no acne for many years, and in childhood it was not, and at an older age, too, so I think this saying helped.

how many days did you read this?

From acne, conspiracies are not needed, but special creams. Conspiracies, of course, will become an addition, but you need to treat acne with medicines.

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Unexplored world of magic and esotericism

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Strong conspiracies against acne on the face and body

Many believe that the possibilities of magic are limited. With its help, you can influence people or circumstances, but you can’t influence yourself. Such a statement is far from reality. There is a whole section of magic responsible for human health. With the help of conspiracies, you can be healed of many serious diseases. They are also able to preserve and increase beauty and youth.

Features of conspiracies and prayers for "clean" skin

So, girls and guys often suffer from the "flaws" of their own skin, buy miracle cures, prepare ointments, but all in vain. Pimples and blackheads, as they covered the skin, do not go anywhere. It is recommended to try a different method of influencing these minor annoyances. The reason for their appearance is not always associated with metabolic problems. You may have been jinxed or slightly damaged. This made the body less than perfect. Let's see if it is possible to get rid of acne and blackheads with a conspiracy? How exactly to do this?
  • Magic rituals have been used since ancient times. It is believed that they act absolutely on everyone, regardless of the person's faith. Only to those who trust the rituals, the forces are more favorable. Therefore, one should pronounce the cherished words with full confidence in their effectiveness.
  • There are a few more rules. One of the main ones is diet. A person who wishes to influence his health with magic is strictly forbidden to indulge in alcohol and tobacco. Food is needed simple, without fats and spices.
  • You need to read all conspiracies and prayers when no one will disturb you. They must be pronounced in a voice (whisper). Do not tell strangers that you have resorted to magic. They can jinx it. These recommendations apply to all the rituals described below. Believers are advised to read the prayer "Our Father" before the ritual.

Of course, the use of magic is not a panacea, but only an aid in treatment. Of course, do not neglect proper face and body care, and other cosmetic procedures.

How to get rid of acne on the face?

From acne before washing, looking in the mirror, say the following words:

Now you can wash, no need to dry yourself. Let the water soak in and dry on its own.

A strong conspiracy from acne and black dots on the body

If there are black dots on the skin, then you can try the following ritual. Prepare your washing liquid. To do this, put three walnuts in a glass of water, read the following plot:

Water is spoken a day before use. Then it is saturated three times with problem areas of the face and body. Every time they wait until it dries. The rest of the liquid must be poured out, and the glass filled with fresh water and talking. So you need to wash until the blackheads and blackheads are gone.

Prayer against wearable acne on water

There is another way that helps to quickly get rid of problems not only on the face, but also on the body. To do this, you need to go to a natural source. You need a spring or a key. At the murmuring water, say the following conspiracy three times, washing the problem areas:

Now type some water from the source into the stored container and go home. There is no need to look back, and there is no need to talk to people. Wash your face with water every morning and evening without wiping yourself. If it does not help immediately, then you will have to repeat the ritual.

Conspiracies for acne and blackheads help much more effectively if you slander them on baptismal water. Only this liquid will have to be prepared in advance.

Other rituals and conspiracies from problem skin

1. Go to the spring and get a glass of water. Say the plot three times:

“I drink clean water and wash out all the nausea. My body will be healthy and beautiful from now on and forever.”

Drink a glass of spring water in one gulp.

2. In the morning, pour water into a bowl (preferably spring or mineral spring), squeeze a few drops of lemon juice. Bend over the container so that your lips almost touch the surface of the water and say 5 times:

“Vodichka-voditsa, wash away acne, blackheads and ripples from me. Let my face be white, clean, handsome and good for everyone. The acid of the lemon will dissolve in you, and everything unsightly will be removed from me. So be it!"

Wash yourself with charmed water, and then rinse your whole body with it. Repeat the ritual for a week.

3. A person suffering from acne should bring clean water and a well, spring or mineral with him. Wash the one being healed and say:

“Wash your soul, wash your body. I know my business well. You were born with clean skin, so become so now too. May it be so!"

4. Wash and peel the potato, cut the root crop in half. Wipe your face with each half, mentally imagining how the potato absorbs your skin problems. Then combine the halves of the root crop into one whole, rub generously with salt and wrap in three paper sheets. Burn the bundle in the oven or on the fire and say three times:

"Burn, burn, burn my skin problems in the fire."

5. Pour about a liter of spring water into the basin and light three candles around the container. Wash yourself with water three times, saying after each time:

"As my face is holy, so let it be pure."

Then drain the water into a glass container and pour it all over the three road intersections.

6. After washing or taking a shower, dip your face and body on the wrong side with a new or clean shirt and say the plot 7 times:

“Shirt, shirt, take away everything clumsy and rough, and give me in return everything smooth and white, fresh and clean.”

Burn the shirt. Repeat the ritual until you completely get rid of acne and pimples.

7. Buy fresh (not frozen) fish and descale it. Put the fish in one bag and the scales in the other. Go to an intersection and bury bags in opposite directions (for example, south and north or west and east). Accompany both instillations with a conspiracy:

“Like a fish without scales, and no scales on a fish, so may my face be without flaw. As this fish rots, so let all evil spirits come off my face. May it be so!"

8. Buy toilet soap and use it in the bath. On the way back, without going home, bury the soap at the crossroads. After reading these words:

“Soap washed, soap foamed, took away all my sores. I'll bury the ailment, save myself from acne. As the soap sprouts, then blackheads will appear again.