SEO WordPress - step by step instructions for optimization. Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin

(Last update: 05/18/2019)

Hello dear friends! Today I will introduce you to the best WordPress SEO plugins and in addition to them, plugins for speed (loading speed) of your website or blog. Since WordPress is the most popular platform (32% of sites on the Internet are powered by WordPress) for creating your own standalone website, there are a huge number of plugins for CMS (at the moment there are 41,055 on And so, read - 8 plugins to improve SEO and speed up your WordPress website.

It is difficult for a novice WP user to find the right module in this abundance to extend the functionality of WordPress. That's why there are blogs for beginners (like mine), both domestic and foreign web resources that help you figure out which plugins bring more and which don't. Something like that.

WordPress SEO plugins

To begin with, let me make one digression from our today's topic and tell you, or rather, those WordPress site owners who are not in the know - where and how to find the best, popular plugins for WordPress. And this is done easily, you just need to go to the site , click on the Plugins link in the top menu, and then the Popular tab and you will see, in all its glory, the plugins with the most installations / downloads (more million):

Popular WordPress plugins

See, choose, install. Although there are plug-ins little known, special, they are located somewhere in the back of the TOP and they are needed only by a small number of people (depending on the subject of the site). I write about such plugins and will introduce you in my blog. Here are the details - how to find the right plugins.

And now, friends, let's get down to business - plugins for SEO site on WP.

SEO plugins for WordPress

I have already introduced you, on the pages of my blog, with the necessary plugins from the list below, I think it will not be worse if I repeat, and you will forgive me. As usual, the presented WordPress plugins for SEO and others can be installed directly from the admin panel of your website/blog. Just enter the name of the selected module in the plugin search, press Enter on the keyboard, install and activate, and then, of course, configure it. When installing plugins, try to make a choice in favor of the best and highest quality, although of course you can then remove the wrong one and install a similar / alternative one.

Yoast SEO plugin (formerly WordPress SEO by Yoast)

Yoast SEO Plugin

Currently one of the best plugins for WordPress SEO (overtaken by All in One SEO Pack, previously I, it was still the old name). A lot has changed since then, the plugin is updated frequently, the author improves it for the better, adds new features (downloaded 22 328 279). I use it myself and recommend it. A complete solution for optimizing your site Yoast SEO will take care of: SEO headers, meta description, XML Sitemaps, breadcrumbs and much, much more.

Write better content with Yoast SEO

The main features of the Yoast SEO module (even in the free version there are plenty of them):

  1. Integration with Google Search Console to get the necessary information from the Google webmaster;
  2. writing the title and description meta tags in the meta box with the ability to edit at the post level for maximum SEO opportunities;
  3. SEO analysis of the page using Linkdex libraries;
  4. setting up Meta Robots;
  5. keyword testing;
  6. editor.htaccess and robots.txt;
  7. writing a snippet;
  8. RSS optimization;
  9. import of basic functions (all your old titles and descriptions) from HeadSpace2 and All in One SEO and other features.

The plugin supports 24 languages, including our native Russian.

Plugin All in One SEO Pack

One of the best All in One SEO Pack plugins

WordPress SEO plugin All in One SEO Pack to automatically optimize your WordPress website/blog for search engines such as Google. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to try it, other bloggers don’t even want to switch to Yoast SEO. So it deserves the second place in popularity (downloads - 24,634,225). Main features of All in One SEO Pack:

  • Google Analytics support;
  • support for custom post types;
  • debugging navigation links;
  • security using Nonce technology;
  • automatic generation of META tags;
  • helps to avoid duplication of site content;
  • automatically optimizes titles for search engines;
  • and many many others.

Available in Russian. Read how to set up an SEO plugin correctly.

The SEO Content Control module allows you to find, remove or edit any type of "poor quality" content on your site and thereby improve the quality of the site and its position. Unfortunately, Russian does not support, you can translate it using Codestyling and use it. Yes, SEO Content Control has not been updated for a long time, but it's okay, I installed it, everything works. It is possible to use the plugin in rare cases, check the content, correct something in the text if necessary, and remove the module or temporarily disable it.

Plugin SEO Smart Links - SEO smart links

Automatic SEO advantage for your website

The SEO Smart Links plugin offers automated site optimization as well as keyword lists that can be customized, nofollowed.

Setting up the SEO Smart Links Plugin

The main thing is: allows you to set the nofollow attribute and open links in a new window; can automatically link to keywords and phrases; specify a list of stop words that are undesirable to refer to; control of external links for given words and more. Russian language does not support.

Plugins to improve website loading

Search engines pay attention to the loading time of the pages of the site for a simple reason:

The more slow sites appear in the TOP of a particular search engine, the less often users will use it.

It turns out that in order not to yield to a competitive search engine, you need to display on the first page of the issue only those results that have the optimal site loading time and do not upset visitors by having to wait a long time.

In addition, the loading time of the site page has a significant impact on behavioral factors, which are one of the most important for promoting web resources.

WP-Optimizer - WordPress database and image optimization

Cleaning up the WordPress database

WP-Optimize is an efficient tool to automatically clean up your WordPress database to keep it running at peak efficiency. And also, to compress images (existing images and automatically new ones).

Database optimization plugin

The WP Database Optimizer plugin allows you to optimize your WordPress tables on a schedule. WP - Optimizer is designed to simplify your daily work with WordPress, i.e. to optimize the database. In simple terms, the plugin removes all unnecessary junk and garbage from your MySQL database.

For example, you wrote articles and deleted them, you tested plugins and deleted them, and all records remain in the database, why do we need them now. Of course - we delete them to hell. The base needs to be cleared constantly. The plugin uses the WordPress Database Class to work, you can set a certain number of days between optimizations. Instruction. Yes, and more. In new versions, a new feature has appeared - image optimization. Cool!

JS & CSS Script Optimizer - Speed ​​up your website

JS & CSS optimization

As the name suggests, JS & CSS Script Optimizer will make the site faster, package and group JavaScript and CSS files. Reduces the frequency of HTTP requests. Capabilities:

  1. combines several scripts in a single file in order to minimize http requests;
  2. packs scripts using JavaScript Packer by Dean Edwards;
  3. you can move all JavaScript to the bottom of the page;
  4. combines all CSS into a single file;
  5. packs CSS files (removes comments, tables, spaces and new lines);
  6. the ability to include JavaScript and CSS files;
  7. if any script throws an error, you can add it to the exclusion list.

Caching in WordPress

For most sites, simple page caching solves all issues with speed and load. This is the first thing to do when problems arise, especially on cheap hosting sites. Page caching plugins are easy to install and configure.

W3 Total Cache Plugin

W3 Total Cache makes the site really fast, one of the best WordPress optimization plugins. Increases the efficiency of the server by caching the site in detail, which reduces its load time. Save up to 80% bandwidth by HTTP compression of HTML, CSS, JavaScript; fast browsing: browser caching; reduction in page load time: increase in the time spent by the user on the site and the number of pages viewed; asynchronous JavaScript execution.

Using the W3 Total Cache plugin on your web resource increases the convenience for your visitors by improving server performance, caching each element, reducing page loading times, giving the user the material he needs literally at lightning speed.

WP Super Cache Plugin

A good plugin as an alternative to the W3 Total Cache module. If you don't feel like using W3 Total Cache, you can try this one. The WP Super Cache caching plugin is the most popular with users, downloaded and installed more than 8,624,282 times, as the module is actively supported by the developers (Automattic).

The principle of the module is to create instead of dynamic php pages WordPress, static HTML pages, which, in fact, are shown to visitors, bypassing the database. The settings of WP Super Cache () are not as complex as the previous W3 Total Cache, but functionally very good.

That, comrades, is perhaps enough to take your time for today. I hope this post is useful to someone. See you again and good luck to everyone.

(function(w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function() ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A -292864-4", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-292864-4", async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script"); s .type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this , this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

– WP plugin with compact design and basic optimization features. There is a content analysis function

Install the plugin, activate it, and then find a new item in the menu of your site's administration panel, as shown in Figure 1.

The plugin is easy to set up: a user with any level of experience can do it.

Picture 1

What can this plugin do for us:

– Populate with unique text the Title tag for the main page, internal pages, posts, attachments, category pages, custom page types (including WooCommerce and bbPress) and categories, tags and archives.

– Setting the header view in the browser (define the separator, display the site name before or after the header).

– Formation of a unique Description meta tag for any type of pages, categories and posts.

– The ability to fill/configure Open Graph and Twitter Cards metadata allows you to make links to any page of your site published on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks more attractive*.

– Setting up canonical links for posts/pages of any type.

– It is possible to add micro-markup of the following types for the entire site:

  • micro-markup of an organization's website or a personal website;
  • breadcrumb markup using the site name as the first crumb;
  • search line;

    When users search for your brand name, the next option allows them to search for what they need on this site right on the SERPs page.

  • extended description.

There is a chance that when you configure all these parameters, your site in the search results will look like in Figure 2 (although there are no guarantees that such markup will be used by search engines to display your site, but it's still worth a try).

Figure 2

– It is possible to configure metadata for robots (tag noindex, nofollow, noarchive, noodp, nodir) for different types of pages (posts, tags, author pages, archives, etc.).

– The plugin “suggests” which records need optimization, how much more they can be improved (Fig. 3).

Figure 3

If you hover over a block label, a tooltip will open with a status (green - good, orange - acceptable) and a description of what it means. For example, TG is the title, DG is the description, I is the page opened for PS indexing, etc.

– Metadata settings for Webmasters are available: you can add a verification code for Yandex.Webmaster, Google Webmaster, Bign Webmaster, Pinterest Analytics.

– Site map customization is available with the ability to set the last modified date format (lastmod) and select design colors.

There are a lot of hints and links to Google help (or other competent source) in the plugin settings that help you determine how to configure this or that parameter. Note: properties that are marked in red are not recommended to be enabled, in green - it is recommended to leave them enabled (Fig. 4).

Figure 4

When editing a page or post, the plugin settings block consists of 3 tabs and looks like in Figure 5a, 5b, 5c.

Figure 5a

Figure 5b

Figure 5c

I will also add that in the general settings of the plugin there is a “Performance” tab (Fig. 6). On it, you can choose where to store the plugin settings (both general and metadata of each entry) and configure caching, which is relevant for large sites and depends on the settings and parameters of your hosting. You can leave the default settings or try different options and watch the server load and site speed. Such analysis and testing of the system can no longer be called “simple”.

Figure 6

2. SEOPress – Minimalistic WordPress Plugin with Basic Optimization Features

No special skills are required to configure the plugin. In the admin panel, its page and settings menu look like in Figure 7.

Figure 7

As you can see, he immediately found flaws in the site theme setting, lack of SSL and other problems. Opposite each such comment (see the figure above the "Notification Center" block) there is a link to information on how these problems / shortcomings can be eliminated.

Let's consider its possibilities:

– Allows you to customize the output of meta tags for any type of page using a template (Fig. 8).

Figure 8

– Allows you to configure meta tags for robots for all pages of the site: noindex, nofollow, noodp, noimageindex, nosnippet, noarchive and add rel-links to the previous and next pages for page-by-page display of records.

– Setting up sitemaps indicating the types of pages that should be added to the XML and HTML versions of the sitemap and you can enable / disable the XML image map (Fig. 9).

Figure 9

Figure 10

On the Knowledge Graph tab, micro-markup of an organization or personal site/blog according to rules for displaying extended display in PS (as I wrote above, such micro-markup is useful, but does not guarantee that your site will be displayed with such a card in PS).

Facebook, Twitter tabs - Open Graph markup and Twitter cards, respectively.

– Additional settings: redirecting the pages of attached files to the pages of posts to which they are attached, deleting /category/ from the URL, etc. (Fig. 11).

Figure 11

– You can customize the appearance of the block with metadata settings on the post editing page on your site.

– You can limit the ability to edit metadata by user groups.

– It is possible to import and export plugin settings and import settings from Yoast SEO if it has already been configured on your site. After clicking the "Transfer" button, SEOPress imports:

You can also reset ALL SEOPress settings by clicking the "Reset All Settings" button, after which the plugin will erase all plugin data from the database and overwrite them with default values.

When editing a post in the admin panel, the block with metadata looks like in Figure 12.

Figure 12

There are four tabs here:

1) Header settings: specify the desired title and description and you can immediately see on the right how it will look in Google search results.

2) Optional: choose meta tags for robots (noindex, nofollow, etc.).

4) Redirects: enable a redirect to another page if necessary (there is no such feature in the other SEO plugins discussed in this article).

In the list of entries, it is possible to display metadata to track which articles are filled in and which are not.

3. All-in-One SEO pack - time-tested WP plugin. Allows you to control the output of metadata for different types of pages and allows other plugins to set their own meta tags

This is one of the oldest and most downloaded (over a million installations) SEO plugins, whose developers ate the dog in SEO 🙂

Updates are released periodically. True, there was some period when the plugin was not updated for a long time, but it worked correctly on all updates of the WordPress engine itself.

Figure 13 lists its functions at the moment.

Figure 13

So, let's see what All in One SEO (its free version) can do.

1. General settings:

1) Setting canonical URLs for all pages of the site (including custom canonical settings for each post or page).

2) Using default titles (determines whether the wp_title function will be used to set titles, which may be affected by your current template, or titles will be generated only by the plugin).

3) Using markup.

4) Keeping an event log for debugging the plugin.

2. Main page settings: title, description, keywords and the ability to choose the display option for the main page (static or list of entries).

3. Customizing headers by template: overwriting post titles, pages, archives, tags, 404 pages, search page titles, meta descriptions, navigation pages.

For example, for post pages it looks like this: %page_title% | %blog_title%

4. SEO Settings for Custom Post Types(fig. 14): if you enable this option, then on the page for editing custom page types, a block with metadata settings will appear that will be applied to each specific page or post (fig. 15).

Figure 14

Figure 15

5. Display settings: allows you to enable or disable the display of the title, description and keys in the list of pages / posts.

6. Webmaster verification: You can add a Google, Bing, and Pinterest verification code.

7. Google settings for extended description display(but, as I wrote above, the presence of such markup does not guarantee the output of an extended description): allows you to specify the profile of the site author in Google+, displays rel = publisher (you can specify the owner of the resource and thus confirm authorship), allows you to add markup to display additional links in the Google search box after the search results and connect Google Analytics by Id.

8. Indexing settings(noindex, nofollow): allows you to set NOINDEX by default for all post types you select (for all posts, archive pages, etc.);

9. Advanced settings. (I like this plugin precisely because of these settings, most of them are not in other plugins).

In this block you can:

  • set up auto-generation of page meta descriptions (a quote of 160 characters will be selected from the text of your post);
  • remove meta descriptions from pagination pages;
  • determine whether or not to truncate the description if it is longer than 160 characters;
  • configure attachment redirection to the parent post;
  • exclude pages.

    Enter a comma-separated list of pages to be excluded from the All in One Seo Pack. This is useful when using plugins that generate their own non-WordPress dynamic pages. For example: /forum/, /contact/. If you want to exclude virtual pages created with the forum plugin, all you have to do is add forum or /forum or /forum/ or any URL with the word "forum" in it (for example: or and it will be excluded from the All In One Seo Pack.

10. Additional titles: this is a group of four fields that can use HTML, JavaScript and jQuery and their contents can be displayed in the post, page, static homepage and homepage tag as a list of recent site/blog posts.

11. Key settings: allows you to enable/disable fields for specifying keywords for records, archives, and also allows you to enable auto-generation of keys based on the contents of a record or archive.

Module management

There are 7 additional free modules available (Fig. 16):

Figure 16

1) XML map with advanced settings allows you to:

3) Robots.txt. The module allows you to fill in the robots.txt file with rules and analyze it.

4) File editor. Allows you to edit robots.txt and .htaccess files.

6) Blocker of harmful bots. It is needed if the logs of your site show that it is visited too often, practically attacked, by various, unnecessary bots. It allows you to restrict their visits to the site.

7) Performance.
You can: increase the memory and script execution time limit, look at data about PHP settings and plugins that use AJAX, and decide whether to refuse any plugin or not. The information is quite specific, it is better to leave it to the webmaster to work with it.

4. Yoast SEO is a WP plugin that, in addition to basic functions, has convenient functionality for creating unique category metadata and the ability to work with groups of posts. There is a content analysis function

And the last in our review, but by no means the last in terms of the number of installations (more than 5 million!) And active users, the leader in recent years in terms of use for SEO-optimization of WordPress sites is the Yoast SEO plugin.

It has almost all the properties that are in the plugins described above, and even a little more.

The plugin menu in the admin panel looks like Figure 17.

Figure 17

General settings

There are 6 tabs in the "Console" section:

1) The console, which displays notifications and problems with site optimization.

2) General settings. Here you can reset the plugin settings, learn more about its creators, use the setup wizard.

3) Opportunities. On this tab, you can enable/disable features such as:

  • readability analysis;
  • keyword optimization analysis;
  • plugin menu on the admin panel, etc.

4) Information about you. Metadata for Google's Knowledge Graph and site name to display on Google.

5) Confirmation of webmaster tools (Yandex, Google and Bing verification codes).

6) Security. Here you can choose whether to allow all users to specify the noindex attribute for posts and change canonical addresses, or to open these settings only to administrators.

Headers and metadata

In this block, you can set up templates for titles, meta descriptions, and keywords for all types of posts on the site, search results pages, and 404 pages. You can also enable or disable keywords for the entire site and optionally add noindex for archive subpages.

Social network accounts settings block (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest). Here you can enter data according to the Open Graph markup format, Twitter Cards and Pinterest verification code. When shared on these social networks, the pages will look attractive and informative.

XML Sitemap

Site map setup block. Allows you to configure the maximum number of posts on one page of the map, add a user map (if you activate this option, the site map will contain the URLs of author archives), configure the types of posts and archives that will be displayed in the map and exclude some posts (by their ID) .


This settings section contains the following options:

  • remove category from URL;
  • redirect attachment URLs to parent post URLs;
  • remove ?replytocom variables from links in comments;
  • enable and configure the display of breadcrumbs;
    The following code is used to display crumbs (there is a link to detailed information in the settings): if (function_exists("yoast_breadcrumb")) ( yoast_breadcrumb("",""); )
  • set up an RSS feed by adding a link to your site.

    This feature will automatically add content to the RSS feed, you can add links to your site in each entry, protecting the content from automatic aggregators, and pointing out the original source address to search engines.


1) Group editor. This tool will allow you to quickly change the titles of posts and pages without editing individual pages (Fig. 18).

Figure 18

Just fill in the field in the "New Yoast SEO Title" column and save individual titles or all at once by clicking the "Save All" link.

2) Import and export. Allows you to import plugin settings from a file, export to a file and import settings from other SEO plugins, if they were previously installed on your site.

3) File editor. Allows you to edit robots.txt and .htaccess.

Search Console

The last block of settings, in which you can specify your Google authorization code (on the "Settings" tab), if you want to view the statistics of indexed pages in the site's admin panel.

The main difference of this plugin from others is that it allows you to add metadata that is unique for each category (you can see how it looks in the list of categories in Fig. 19) in the same way as for posts, pages and custom page types (Fig. 20–22).

Figure 22. Open Graph and Twitter Cards layout settings tabs

Figure 23. Additional page/post/category settings

Now you know everything about the settings of the most popular plugins (their free versions) for SEO-optimization of a WordPress site and two new, but quite promising plugins. Know the features that make these plugins unique and you can choose the one that suits your needs. Make the most of these plugins to make your sites more attractive to people and search engines. Happy promotion!

If you have any questions about promotion, you can always contact us.

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In this article, I will try to tell you as much as possible about the ways and methods of optimizing a blog or website on the WordPress CMS. Perhaps some or even many of the presented methods will be familiar to you. Because, in general, the optimization of a WordPress site is always identical. Sometimes other approaches or some of its components are simply used. Most likely, I will not be able to accommodate absolutely all the chips and methods, but I will try to touch on most of them.

I'll start from the very beginning. So that you can follow the recommendations step by step and not forget something important. It is also worth noting that you have most likely already implemented some settings. So if you've already done something, just move on to the next one.

And I'll start with the basic setup of the WordPress engine itself. As practice and communication with blog subscribers shows, some even have difficulties here.

CNC setup.

CNC is a very important component for SEO website optimization. Since, search engines respond positively to sites that have "Human Understandable Urls" configured. In other words, sites with URLs like wpmaster.?p=123.

To configure the CNC, go to the section Settings . Here you will see a warning that you should not experiment with this section if you do not know what to do. By and large, this procedure should be done at the site development stage, and not when the site is already indexed.

Customizing CNC Links in WordPress

Personal observation, urls with dates are not particularly shown in search engine results. Not because they don't exist, but because these URLs are tied to a specific time. Agree, it’s stupid to rank an article high in 2019, in the address of which the year 2010 is indicated. This automatically equates it to outdated information. Therefore, I recommend setting the setting Record title. In this case, there will be no time reference and the address will be clear at a glance.

Attention! With this setting, you need to be as careful as possible. As soon as you change the standard links to the cnc, be sure to check if the VI redirects from the old addresses to the new ones. You can check this as follows. Open any article for editing and copy the numbers in the address bar, for example: /post.php?post= 2839 &action=edit. ?p=2839. If you are automatically redirected to a new NC address, then everything is fine. Otherwise, in principle, it should not be. Now WP does the redirect automatically, so there is no need to install additional plugins.

cyclic links.

Circular links are very common in WordPress templates. They usually don't draw much attention to themselves. And the masters, not all believe that you need to get rid of them. I do think it's necessary. After all, SEO optimization does not consist of a magic button, but of a large number of small improvements. And getting rid of circular links is a nice improvement in terms of seo.

How to find a circular reference? Usually, such links are located in the headings of articles, the site menu and the site bar. Also, the logo in the header of the site belongs to cyclic links. If you go to the main page and click on the logo, the page will reload. Another clear example of such links is the site menu. If the menu contains, for example, a blog item, or any other page. In any case, these links will lead the user to itself. In terms of SEO, this is a minus.

How to remove circular references? To remove them on your site, you need to use a small script. Which, depending on the page address, turns on or off the link leading to itself. You will need to insert the script below at the end of the functions.php file. But for greater portability, I advise you to create a simple plugin and place the code in it. So that if necessary, do not make changes in the template, but simply disable the plugin with all its contents. Trust me, this is simply necessary to further modernize the site.


Before starting any manipulations with the source code, I recommend installing and configuring the Child Theme Configurator plugin for child themes. Create a child theme first, and already in it, do all the code changes. How to create and configure it correctly, I wrote in this article: Child themes for WordPress. Or, disable theme updates. To do this, open the style.css file and at the very top, in the version field, set the values ​​to 9.9.9.

Remove circular links in menus and categories.

// remove circular links in menus and categories function no_link_current_page($p) ( return preg_replace("%((current_page_item|current-menu-item)[^<]+)[^>]+>([^<]+)%", "$1$3", $p, 1); ) add_filter("wp_nav_menu", "no_link_current_page"); function wpmaster_category_no_link($no_link)( $gg_mk = "!
  • (.*?)!si"; $dd_mk = "
  • \3"; return preg_replace($gg_mk, $dd_mk, $no_link); ) add_filter("wp_list_categories", "wpmaster_category_no_link");

    Now I will explain a little. The first filter removes the circular link from the site menu. That is, now if you are on the blog page and click on the blog link in the menu, then the transition will not occur. The script removes the link tag, while leaving its name (anchor).

    The second filter removes the category tag from the sitebar in the same way. You probably have a list of categories (archives) in your sitebar. The script works at any depth. Even if there is a category within a category and so on.

    You can check this script on this blog. Open a blog page or any category from the sitebar menu in a new tab and try to go to the same page. In my categories, when the script is triggered, the icon disappears, but the name remains. It looks like this:

    Removing circular links in categories

    Removing the circular link to the rubric under the heading.

    At the request of the reader Ruslana from the comments, I add an option on how to remove the cyclic link to a rubric or category under the heading of the articles. I missed this point out of sight and, to be honest, I didn’t even think that the problem existed. And it really exists! Below on the screen, I will show what link we are talking about:

    Removing the category link under the heading

    As you can see, I moved to the WordPress category and the previous script removed the circular link in the sidebar. But, I did not remove the link in the information line under the heading (under my picture) of the article. The thing is that these links call 2 different functions, and if in the first case, we could remove the link through the filter, then in this function ( the_category(", ");), this cannot be done. At least, I did not find a way how to cling to it and filter it. The problem is that it doesn't have any hooks, so it's impossible to change it on the fly.

    But there is still a way out, although for this, you will need to look in the template for the output of the information line that you have in the template.

    How to search for this feature? Unfortunately, I can’t say for sure, since each template is done differently. But, I can still suggest the key files:

    1. Functions.php– The first file you should check. In most cases, all the main code is usually written there.
    2. Single.php– This file outputs the post pages. Sometimes a list of posts in the feed is displayed through it.
    3. content.php- Most often, he displays the feed of posts. It is through him that the output of the tape is carried out. And the post pages are output by the content-single.php file, but we need exactly the file that displays the article feed, and not a separate post.
    4. Files in a folder inc- In this folder, I also have the necessary file with the name of my theme, which is connected in the content.php file through a function. That's how I found him. Look at what functions are connected in content.php and look for the right names.
    5. It could also be a folder. template-parts. It can also include the main files.

    Usually, connects the information line, the function - vashatema_entry_meta();. To find it faster, open the file in which it can be, press CTRL + F and look for the name of this function in the code entry_meta. If there are no matches, go to the next file and repeat the search. Also, if a match is found, check if there is a match with the function the_category. If there are matches, congratulations, you have found the right code. For me, the output of links to the category is displayed like this:

    If (has_category() && get_theme_mod("vashatema_postmeta_category", "") == "") ( ?>

    name;)else( the_category(", ");) ?>

    The algorithm of work is now the following. If we are on the category page, then display only the title (without a link), otherwise, display a link. This construct should be placed in the code instead of the first the_category function. If done correctly, the circular link will disappear from the category pages.

    Removing the circular link from the logo.

    This problem is not so simple. Personally, I took a long time to get the desired result. The fact is that on each template (theme), the logo is displayed differently. And for those who are not particularly friendly with the php programming language, it will be very difficult to remove this link on the desired page. But, as they say, who wants, he can. Therefore, I will show you what the condition looks like, and you yourself adapt it on your template and check it.

    // Attention! This code is written for a static master page. // If your main page is a blog page, remove it! with is_front_page() and put on is_home()

    Now I will explain. I do all the manipulations in the header.php file, which is responsible for displaying the top of the site. It's located at wp-content/themes/your-theme. Open this file and look for the code that displays the logo. I have a blog div with a logo class. By the way, in exactly the same way, you can remove the circular link from the name. If you have chosen to show the title instead of the logo.

    As you may have noticed, I removed unnecessary functions that displayed the site address and logo. Now the link is connected in a direct way immediately.

    With this code, I killed 3 birds with one stone! First, I got rid of the circular reference. Secondly, I removed the automatically inserted h1 tag on all pages except the main one. Thirdly, I got rid of unnecessary functions, which slightly reduced the script execution time. The fewer functions in the code, the faster the site will load.

    Why did you remove h1? The fact is that I have a template, the h1 header displays in several places. On the blog page h1 I have the title of the page in a green box, on the article page it is the title of the article itself. From this it follows that on the main page there will be only 1 h1 (as it should be), and on the remaining pages 2 each (which is not acceptable). Therefore, I removed the title display on all pages except the main one. I think the idea is clear.

    Removing circular links from headers.

    This procedure may not be for everyone. Now most developers are watching for such a blunder. But nevertheless, there are still quite a large number of topics with such SEO errors. Therefore, I will try to show where to look in the first place.

    Typically, the output of an article is produced by the content-single.php file. This file is responsible just for the output of a separate entry. And it is in individual entries that there are cyclic links that wrap the heading. This is where you need to find the code responsible for displaying the title and remove the link.

    Usually the title call code is followed by the entry-title class (in most cases). That's it for him and look for the call code. I have the title output with the following function:


    ", "


    In this function, I added some of my styles, as I needed. You can have an h1 tag wrapped in a link, and in the link address href= there will be one more code that just generates a circular link. Or will it just display the tag

    Article title

    . In any case, you will need to remove the link tag and save the changes.

    Title and description meta tags.

    The title and description meta tags are responsible for how your site or blog will look on the search page. But these tags are responsible for more than just appearance. They are of great importance when ranking a site in search. That is, the search algorithm first analyzes the content of these tags, and then the content of the page itself. And if these tags fully describe the essence of the page and it is the most relevant to the user's request, then this page is shown in high positions (top 10 - 20 ...). That is, the more relevant, the higher it ranks.

    By default in WordPress, there is no option to manually set meta tags. In this situation, search engines cannot immediately understand what content is on the page, so they are in no hurry to give out such pages to the tops.

    To prescribe the necessary meta tags, you need to install a special SEO plugin. I will not make a list of possible ones here, I will show everything exclusively on one that I myself use. The plugin is called Yoast SEO. If you don't have it yet, go to the plugins tab and install it on your website.

    After installation, you should first properly configure it. Otherwise, you will not get the desired effect. I wrote earlier about how to properly configure the Yoast SEO plugin.

    In the plugin, there are two ways to fill in title and description meta tags. The first, automatic filling (I talked about this in the article at the link above) and the second, manual. Since these meta tags must be unique according to SEO law, I recommend using the second method.

    We prescribe meta tags on pages and in posts.

    To get the maximum effect from this lesson, you need to visit all the pages and posts on your site and write unique tags. To do this, go to the list of articles and start setting them up in order.

    The settings field will appear automatically after each post or text in edit mode. Open the page or post in edit mode, scroll down and see a new block with Yoast Seo settings. It looks like this:

    Setting up a snippet in Yoast Seo

    With a red frame, I highlighted the snippet itself, which will be displayed in the search results. I also highlighted the title (top) and description (middle) tags with arrows.

    To edit a snippet, click the button Edit Snippet. And already here describe this page. A concrete example is before your eyes. Write a truthful and catchy title and the most accurate definition of the page in the description. Save this result and move on to the next post or page. And so with each. As a result, you will add a huge plus to the seo karma of your offspring for high ranking.

    Code cleanup and image optimization.

    While this sounds scary, it really isn't. Most manipulations with code and images will occur automatically. To do this, you need to install the second plugin, which is no less important than the first one. There are two plugins for you to choose from. The first shareware plugin Webcraftic Clearfy and analogue, paid plugin Clearfy Pro from Wpshop. I reviewed these two plugins in the article - Which Clearfy plugin is better? Webcraftic VS Wpshop.

    Images in both cases, it is better to optimize the plugin Robin Image Optimizer. This is a completely free plugin that works without any restrictions in quantity and with excellent output quality. The plugin is from the developers of Webcraftic, so it is already installed automatically in their Clearfy plugin. But you can also install it separately from the WordPress repository.

    So, as for optimizing images and most of the code, it was decided by the plugin. Now we need to make some upgrades that the plugin can't do. Well, maybe, but not all.

    To prevent scripts from interfering with content loading, they need to be connected asynchronously. That is, it is necessary to make sure that the scripts are loaded in parallel with the content. By default, scripts are loaded first, and only then the page content. You can see these errors when checking the site in the PageSpeed ​​Insights service from Google. There will be an error column . When you click on it, you will see all the scripts that prevent content from loading.

    PageSpeed ​​Insights Validation Service

    These are the ones you need to optimize to the maximum. This occupation, I will tell you, is not pleasant and not fast. Therefore, I recommend that you be patient and do it. There are several nuances here. For example, on different pages, different styles are connected (it all depends on plugins and their connections). Some plugins include their styles only on the pages where they are used. Therefore, if you have optimized the loading of scripts on one page, open some other one and check.

    We remove the js scripts in the footer (footer).

    To ensure that nothing prevents the page from loading, you need to move the connection of js scripts from the site header to the footer. You can do this with a simple hook. It needs to be inserted into a pre-created new plugin or into the functions.php file (which I do not recommend).

    Function footer_enqueue_scripts() ( remove_action("wp_head", "wp_print_scripts"); remove_action("wp_head", "wp_print_head_scripts", 9); remove_action("wp_head", "wp_enqueue_scripts", 1); add_action("wp_footer", "wp_print_scripts ", 5); add_action("wp_footer", "wp_print_head_scripts", 5); add_action("wp_footer", "wp_enqueue_scripts", 5); ) add_action("after_setup_theme", "footer_enqueue_scripts");

    This hook disables the inclusion of js scripts in the header and includes them in the footer. By this action, you remove most of the connections to the basement, which speeds up page loading for search engines and similar services. But, for the user, it can look just awful. Scripts, as a rule, are responsible for the beautiful appearance of blocks or some kind of animation. Therefore, it is up to you to decide. Either to please search engines or visitors.

    I, in turn, decided to abandon such manipulations in favor of visitors. And I think it's right. But nevertheless, you may have a different situation, so I offer my solution to this problem. You need to find out which scripts are responsible for the decorations on load and include them asynchronously in the header. The advantage is that the asynchronous code will not interfere with the loading of content, and the disadvantage is that the script will connect 2 times. First from above, then from below. As I said earlier, it's up to you.

    We connect css styles asynchronously.

    Attention! This method helps to increase download speed, but has some problems with some browsers (especially browsers on Apple). So, we use checks. For safer style reduction, use the WP Fastest Cache caching plugin.

    Yes Yes. This is not a typo. Who said css styles can't be applied asynchronously? Our craftsmen can do anything! To be honest, I don't remember where I dug up this code, so I can't mention the author. Yes, and I’m not sure that he didn’t dug it up somewhere on the Internet just like I did.

    The essence of this method is to connect css styles through a js script. This manipulation works a little faster than a simple connection. But, for some large scripts, the PageSpeed ​​Insights service still swears. Apparently, this is not enough for him.

    So what should be done? You need to catch css scripts that slow down loading and connect them asynchronously. To do this, go to the PageSpeed ​​Insights service, find the same tab Eliminate display-blocking resources and copy the end part of the script address.

    Resources blocking the display of content

    Next, open the page to be checked in code view mode by pressing CTRL+U. After that, call the search bar with the CTRL + F keys and paste the copied part of the style address. Search will scroll the page to that style and highlight it. You need to copy the id and link of this style and paste it into a hook that disables it. The following hook should be inserted into a new plugin or functions.php (remember, right?). And so repeat for each style. The default style id looks a little different. You need to remove the ending id and put it in the hook without an ending. This is what the default id looks like font-awesome-css and this is what you need font-awesome.

    Function remove_styles() ( wp_deregister_style("font-awesome"); wp_deregister_style("widgetopts-styles"); wp_deregister_style("..."); wp_deregister_style("..."); wp_deregister_style("..."); wp_deregister_style("..."); ) add_action("wp_print_styles","remove_styles",100);

    A very important point! Before disabling a style file, first copy its connection. That is, you only need to copy the connection address for the styles to work. Create a new document in Notepad++ and paste all the links in there that you will be unstyled. By the way, I make all code edits directly in the notepad. I connected it directly to the site server and poked around in any folder or file through it. About how to connect Notepad ++ via FTP to the site, I wrote earlier.

    Asynchronous css connection script.

    Now you need to connect the script itself and, accordingly, the styles through it. To do this, open the header.php file and at the very beginning, after connecting the icon, paste the following code:

    This will include every style that you have disabled. Just copy this line and replace the included style address. I wrote above that the addresses need to be saved in a separate file. Take the address from this file and connect it.

    The download speed will increase slightly. Do not expect mega-results from such an action. This is just one grain out of a thousand, but nevertheless, it has a place to be.

    This function allows you to load only those images that are in direct view of the screen. That is, as you scroll down the page, the images on it will be loaded automatically. As a result, higher page loading speed, due to the small number of downloaded images.

    To implement this feature, I suggest using the a3 Lazy Load plugin. His settings are quite simple, in Russian, it will not be difficult to figure it out. Let's quickly go over the settings. There are only nine of them.

    • Plugin Framework Global Settings - Responsible for the global settings of the plugin. Both items included.
    • Activate lazy loading - Enable.
    • Lazy loading images - Sets up the script in posts, widgets, content, etc.
    • Lazy loading for videos and iframes - The settings are the same as above.
    • Exclude by URI "s and Page Types - Allows you to select on which pages to disable lazy loading.
    • Boot Script Optimization - Include script in either header or footer.
    • Mobile template plugins - Disables lazy loading script if such plugins are enabled.
    • Effects and Styles - Allows you to customize the loading background and the appearance effect of images.
    • Download start threshold - Sets the threshold at which the download starts closer to the screen.

    We connect the caching plugin WP Fastest Cache.

    To be honest, until recently, I didn't use caching plugins at all. I did not notice much difference when loading the page. But after reading a few articles on this subject, I realized that cached pages are loaded to the user in the browser with a much smaller number of server calls. Is it important you ask? If your site is not very visited, then no. You won't notice any difference. But if a lot of people start visiting the site at the same time, the server starts to bend from the number of calls to it. This can be signaled by a message from the hosting provider that you are exceeding the resources of your tariff and are asked to increase it. To make this happen rarely, install a caching plugin.

    I tested a fair number of plugins, including the most popular ones. But I liked, and generally liked working with it, the WP Fastest Cache plugin. He was the only one who showed the excellent speed of my blog, at the same time, his settings are quite productive. And in general, it works with a bang.

    WP Fastest Cache settings.

    It has quite a lot of settings, but if you installed the Webcraftic Clearfy plugin, then you no longer need some of them. I will not describe each setting individually, everything is in Russian, you can handle it. And if you decide to use the paid Clearfy Pro, then the settings for modifying css and js will need to be enabled. If you coped with the manipulations above, then even more so with this one. I'll show you a screenshot of the settings with the free plugin Clearfy.

    Fastest Cache plugin settings

    The second tab that you will need more than once is Clearing the cache. Despite the fact that the buttons for clearing the cache are present in the admin panel (which is on top), this did not help me get rid of one headache. Namely, I changed the welcome text on the push subscription notification in the SendPulse personal account, but the text was old for two days. I have already cleaned everything that could be, the situation has not changed. Only after I cleared the cache from the settings, and not from the admin bar, did I see the new text on the notification. So, be careful, if you change something in the code, be sure not to forget to clear the cache in the plugin.

    Connecting the PWA application to the site.

    This technology is not yet so popular that it could be recommended to everyone. However, Google already recommends using it, which means that in the future, it may become a key difference.

    What is a PWA Application? This is a technology that allows users to open a website even without an internet connection. That is, the user came to your site once, looked at several pages, and subsequently, he can open your site and view previously viewed pages, absolutely without the Internet. That being said, it can even add your website to your phone's desktop just like a regular app. In general, the technology is convenient. I wrote more about this in the article PWA Technology for WordPress. There I explained in detail how to connect and how to use it.

    And finally, I would like to note. That the above actions and the hours spent will not give you the desired effect without quality content. I know from my own experience that when you start to modernize a site, you immediately forget about replenishment. And without it, you will not see high positions in the search. So optimize your website or blog and don't forget to fill it with quality and useful content.

    For today I have everything. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, we will figure it out in the comments. Do not forget to rate this article on a five-point star scale.

    I will say right away that you made the right choice by deciding to create your project on WordPress. Matt Cutts himself (Google's lead internet spam and optimization specialist) said that WordPress is a great CMS for search engines.

    An analogue of WordPress SEO by Yoast and also a very popular SEO plugin: all changes are implemented on one page. Make settings by analogy with the previous plugin, since the names of the functions are the same.

    Paid SEO Plugin SemanticWP SEO

    SemanticWP SEO has similar features to the free plugins we talked about above. But! If you have a large project with many sections and subsections or an online store with product filters - this plugin is indispensable, as it has the Multi Taxonomies function (meta tag templater for all possible URL generation options).

    Yes, this plugin was developed by our company. We have been working for a very long time and a lot with the promotion of sites on WordPress, projects of varying complexity (portals, shops, corporate sites. In this plugin, we took into account all the problems and difficulties of the CMS that we encountered in the work. We also added functionality that we really don’t Enough free options.

    BUT plug-ins are just a tool and opportunities for implementing the tasks that a specialist sets for himself. Having a plugin alone does not solve problems or achieve results.

    What else do you need for initial SEO optimization?

    You will need the following plugins:

    apple-touch-icon.png (and variations).
    favicon.ico (and variants).
    feeds that don't/shouldn't exist.
    invalid page/date ranges.
    broken internal links and missing http links (broken internal links/ missing http links)
    Alternative sitemap URLs and meta data.
    Pages and images with broken parameters.
    security threats (security probes)

    To promote the project, you need to integrate it into search engine services, you need to add YANDEX METRIKA, GOOGLE ANALYTICS, YANDEX WEBMASTER, GOOGLE WEBMASTER to your wordpress site.

    There are several ways to add Yandex Metrica and Google Analytics

    1. By FTP to the template itself

    Folder WP-CONTENT , then to the THEMES folder, then to the folder with the name of the template, to the file FOOTER.php

    2. In the template(especially in premium themes) there are always special fields where you can add Yandex Metrica and Google Analytics code.

    3. In all SEO plugins there are also special fields for inserting Metrics and Analytics code.

    Ways to add your WordPress site to Yandex Webmaster and Google Webmaster

    1 option- Opportunities provided by search engines themselves

    Option 2- in most seo plugins there is the possibility of integration in the plugin itself

    3 option- special plugins Webmaster Yandex and Google Webmaster Tools

    And now you have made the initial settings of the project, worked on SEO optimization, then you already need to start working on promoting the project. Without buying links, it is possible to achieve good performance in website promotion only by working on:

    • content relevance;
    • behavioral factors;
    • redistribution of weight between pages and records (relinking).

    To achieve a successful result on all these three points, you will need additional plugins.

    WP-PageNavi - pagination output plugin - improves the indexing of your project.

    SEO Smart Links is a plug-in for relinking on your site.

    Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) - "related posts" - will also help to relink the project.

    Broken Link Checker - plugin checks broken links.

    Cross-linker - plugin automatically replaces words with links.

    Simple Tags - expands the possibilities of adding information to tags - which will improve their textual relevance.

    Look like that's it! If you have other useful and interesting plugins for WordPress or optimization techniques for this CMS up your sleeve, it will be great if you share them in the comments.

    WordPress for 2019 occupies more than 30% of the CMS (content management system) market - content management systems for website pages. Such popularity is due to: ease of use, wide application potential and extensive opportunities for promoting sites on WP.

    CMS is actively developing - updates are rolled out almost weekly. Recent updates (like “Gutenberg”) open up new opportunities in the placement and promotion of content on the Internet. In this article, we have put together an extensive list of SEO recommendations for wordpress website promotion.

    What is SEO

    SEO or search engine optimization is a set of measures to influence search engines in order to bring a site to the top of search results. Is it important to get into the TOP? According to the American company imFORZA, from 70 to 80% of users ignore advertisements and immediately go to the organic search section - the one that starts right after the paid block. These people are most interested in meeting their needs right now, so being at least in the TOP 3 is what most owners of commercial sites strive for.

    And WP today allows you to get into the “top three” of search results. Therefore, most resource owners trust their site to WordPress.

    Factors affecting the seo optimization of a wordpress site

    In this section, we will list both the factors that have a significant impact on the position in the issue, and those whose influence is greatly exaggerated or even false.

    Website with www is better to promote

    It is a myth. There is absolutely no connection between the spelling of the site name ( or and success in promotion. There is only a difference in convenience when typing an address in the search bar. But, it is important for you to decide how you want to appear in searches with or without www. The fact is that the same site with www and without a search engine perceives as two different resources. In addition, from this year on Google Chrome browsers, the prefix www is automatically removed and will also be in search engines over time, we recommend that you already set up redirects to addresses without www.

    You can select the desired site address in the WP admin panel in the Settings > General section and specify your version of the site address.

    Who definitely shouldn't go to an address without www? If you are just planning or have already started creating a website. Well, or your site is still very young, then the transition will pass almost imperceptibly for your site. If you have an “old man” and he has a share of traffic from the search, then this option is not for you. The point is this:

    • If you transfer the site to an address without www at once, then all pages will disappear from their places in the issue - in fact, you will become a new player for the search engine with a zero level of trust. And, as a result, you will lose all visitors and profits for a long time.
    • If you translate the site page by page, you risk spending months or years doing this. And incur significant financial costs.

    If you still decide that you want a short and neat site address, then follow the instructions above and register your site in the services: Yandex.Webmaster and Google Search Console. In both services, it is possible to specify how you want to see the address of your resource:

    • Everything is simple in Yandex - section “Indexing settings” > “Moving site” > and choose “add https” or “add www”.
    • In Google Search Console, you can register with your Google account. Then you need to confirm ownership of the domain. Go to the "site settings" section and specify the main domain.

    Add an SEO plugin

    If you are creating a large-scale resource, then you will definitely need an assistant in order to keep track of the appearance of duplicates, the correct indexing, and many other parameters. You can delegate this - install special programs - plugins for SEO promotion:

    • All in one SEO pack / SEO Yoast for WordPress. The most important plugins for SEO optimization. Which one to choose? It's hard to say - both are worthy competitors. The first has been successfully operating since 2007, and the second has a higher rating. You can read about the settings of these plugins
    • Akismet is one of the best anti-spam solutions and is easy to set up.
    • Security is important and Sucuri is one of the best WordPress plugins for that.
    • Hyper Cache - for caching. This plugin speeds up and facilitates the interaction between the WordPress engine and the browser, reducing the load on the hosting.

    XML Sitemap

    An XML sitemap is a kind of instruction to a search engine about what needs to be crawled and indexed. It is created using the All in One SEO plugin in the WordPress admin panel. Go to the All in One SEO > Manage Modules section and turn on the map with the Activate button.


    Another important factor in optimization. If the sitemap points to pages available on the resource and asks the search engine to index them, then Robots.txt has the ability to prohibit indexing any pages or sections. This is important to maintain the privacy of personal data: yours and your users.

    To configure, we use the same All in One SEO plugin. To do this, go to the All in One SEO > File Editor section. Here we select Robots.txt and you can copy the following there, simply replacing the domain with yours where necessary.

    User agent: Yandex

    Allow: */uploads

    Allow: /wp-*.png

    Allow: /wp-*.jpg

    Allow: /wp-*.jpeg

    Allow: /wp-*.gif

    Disallow: /cgi-bin

    Disallow: /search/

    Disallow: /author/


    Disallow: */trackback

    Disallow: */feed

    Disallow: */embed

    Disallow: */wlwmanifest.xml

    Disallow: /xmlrpc.php

    Clean-param: utm_source&utm_medium&utm_campaign&utm_term&utm_type

    Clean-param: _openstat&gclid&yclid&ymclid&from&cid&frommarket

    User agent: GoogleBot

    Allow: */uploads

    Allow: /wp-*.png

    Allow: /wp-*.jpg

    Allow: /wp-*.jpeg

    Allow: /wp-*.gif

    Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php

    Disallow: /cgi-bin

    Disallow: /search/

    Disallow: /author/

    Disallow: /users/

    Disallow: */trackback

    Disallow: */feed

    Disallow: */embed

    Disallow: */wlwmanifest.xml

    Disallow: /xmlrpc.php

    Disallow: *utm*=

    Disallow: *openstat=

    Disallow: /cgi-bin

    Disallow: /search/

    Disallow: /author/

    Disallow: /users/

    Disallow: */trackback

    Disallow: */feed

    Disallow: */embed

    Disallow: */wlwmanifest.xml

    Disallow: /xmlrpc.php

    Disallow: *utm*=

    Disallow: *openstat=


    Select link format

    An important issue is the choice of how to display links to your pages on the Internet. See what a link to any of your pages looks like now? Something like It will be correct to create human-like urls (CNC). So that each visitor, without even entering the page, could understand from the text in the link what awaits him there.

    Writing links in Latin letters

    We already know that it is important to create links that people can understand. Take as an example the title of the article “What flowers to plant in spring”. Your address may be of the form: If you choose an address in Russian, then there will be difficulties in encoding it and your beautiful “url” will turn into a set of numbers and letters.

    In order for your address to be and remain understandable, we recommend that you always use Latin letters when writing your address. This is how the address of your page about flowers will look like:

    Use of keywords

    Today, it is not enough to fill texts with keys to be in the TOP. With such an approach, you can only end up under sanctions. Today, the rules for using keys in your texts are as follows:

    • The text should be useful, interesting and readable. What does it mean? This means that if you write about how to choose a bathroom faucet, then in the article you should give reliable, practical information and present it in the form of a structured text with lists, opinions (experts), facts and other things. Ideally, after reading your text, the user should go and choose a faucet himself and it's great if, on your tip, he does it in your or recommended store.
    • Key words and expressions should be evenly distributed throughout the text, and not collected in one paragraph. Overspam of keywords should not be allowed - this is fraught with sanctions for the site.
    • The text must be large. For Google, the minimum requirements for the volume are in the region of 3000 characters, for Yandex 800-1000.

    Using and optimizing headings

    An absolute factor in its importance is the use and optimization of headings H1-H6. H1 - characterizes the content of the page. It is displayed in the search results and in the browser tab (for ease of orientation in many tabs). H2-H6 - text nesting levels and characterize only the material embedded in them. There can only be one H1 on a page, while there can be any number of other headings. Why are they so important?

    The fact is that the better you fit the headings to the user's queries, the more often they will click on it. It also plays a role that visitors do not read articles, but “scan” them, running through the headlines, and read only those parts that interested them.

    What advice do you have on headlines? In the Title, try to include your high-frequency keyword or expression there. And test different options until you hit the right pain for your target audience. In headings h2-h6, include slightly less significant words and phrases that detail the topic of your article.


    Today, the Description does not affect the position of the site, but it is responsible for an attractive snippet (a short description of the page under the title). A very important fact is that search robots don't care about the description. You fill it out solely to inform users about the content of the page. There are several recommendations:

    • Text no longer than 156 characters. More - you can, but the text will not be displayed completely.
    • The text should make it clear and clear what the user will see on the page and how it will benefit him.
    • Include keywords in the text and, if it matches the user's query, the search engine will highlight the matched text in bold.

    Meta Keywords

    These are the oldies of the SEO world. To date, filling them out is an absolute waste of time. Meta keywords tags have ceased to be a mandatory element of SEO promotion since the early 2000s. Google claims that the search engine has not taken them into account since 2009, and Yandex still indicates that keywords can be used in the formation of a SERP snippet. One way or another, today it is much more correct to pay attention to the correct filling of the Title, Description and keywords in the text.

    Using Alt and Title descriptions in images

    When you upload graphics to the site, do you prescribe alts and titles for images? Not?! But in vain! They play an important role in promoting your site and here's why:

    • Sometimes people look for something not through the search, but in the pictures section. And, thanks to the fact that you will now fill in these parameters, they will quickly understand that they have got to the right place. If there are no captions for the pictures, then your potential visitors and customers may simply pass by, because they may not understand that this is the very thing they are looking for.
    • If the Internet connection is bad, if the graphics do not load, the title will appear instead of your picture - so you can understand the contents of the picture.

    Internal linking

    Another important ranking factor. The first thing it affects is the completeness of indexing of all pages of your site. The search robot will follow all the links that are placed on the page and index those sections that it has not yet reached.

    The second important aspect of the influence of linking is the improvement of behavioral factors. User session time and page browsing depth give the search engine information that your resource is interesting and in demand (they stay on it for a long time and view many pages, which means it is interesting). If you improve these factors, then your chances of ranking your site highly in search engines are very high.

    Outbound links to authoritative resources

    • Search engines will see that you are linking to authoritative sources on your subject, and not to any dubious portals.
    • It may be that the owners of these authoritative sources can do a good deed and link back to you.

    Use social networks

    Promotion of a resource with HTTPS

    There is a hypothesis (with confirmed cases) that Yandex ranks sites with https higher than without. If the site is completely new, then the transfer to https must be done first. If your site is no longer young, then changing the protocol is fraught with a sharp loss of positions in the search for you.

    Post content that stays relevant

    You will have less work in the future if you post articles on your resource that do not lose their relevance.

    Be aware of the dangers of gray and black SEO

    He advises you to play by the rules of search engines and not indulge in various "schemes" of deceiving search engines:

    • Don't rely solely on link promotion. If earlier those with more links moved faster, today those with more interesting content and better optimization. Punishment for link abuse - Minusinsk algorithm (will bring down your traffic for several months).
    • Do not use too many keywords (spamming is fraught with sanctions).
    • Do not use various content substitutions and redirects (doorway and cloaking).


    SEO promotion of a resource on wordpress can be successful if you approach it with all seriousness. WordPress is a very flexible and reliable system with many options for promoting your resource on the Internet. You just need to properly develop and optimize it in time.