How to convert documents to . Legal tricks: re-registration of an apartment for another person

At the stage of registration of the owner's rights in Rosreestr, the paperwork associated with the acquisition of housing does not end for the happy owner. This is only the beginning of a long campaign through the authorities with the aim of reissuing numerous contracts for the provision of utilities and other services.
Therefore, I recommend postponing the celebration of housewarming for a couple of weeks and take care of more pressing matters. In this article, I will talk about what needs to be done first of all when buying an apartment, where to go and how the procedure for re-registration of utilities and other services takes place.

What conditions determine the priority of actions?

The priority of actions for registration of utilities depends on the market in which the property was purchased - whether you are the owner of an apartment in a new building or the owner of housing bought on a "secondary".
In any case, the first step will be to contact the managing organization - an intermediary between the owners and resource-supplying organizations (in old houses, the functions of the manager can be performed by the HOA).
The second stage will be the conclusion or renewal of agreements for the supply of resources with the relevant companies.

○ What to do after buying a home in a new building?

First of all, we register the ownership of the apartment in Rosreestr.
To do this, you will need to sign an acceptance certificate with the developer and receive from him a technical plan for the apartment. Sometimes the technical plan needs to be drawn up independently (it depends on the agreement with the developer). You can order a technical plan at the Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr or from a cadastral engineer.
With the acceptance certificate and the technical plan, you need to contact Rosreestr.
From the moment of receipt of the act-acceptance of the transfer, utility bills are charged to the name of the new owner. The basis is paragraph 6 of part 2 of Art. 153 ZhK RF:

“The obligation to pay for housing and utilities arises from:

6) a person who has accepted from the developer (the person providing the construction of an apartment building) after the issuance of permission to him to put the apartment building into operation of the premises in this house according to the deed of transfer or other transfer document, from the moment of such transfer.

Drawing up a contract in housing and communal services

The managing organization (MA) is an intermediary between residents and resource-supplying organizations (part 6.2 of article 155 of the LC RF). The resource supplying organization invoices the MA for the services. The MA, in turn, bills the tenants, collects money from them, and passes it on to the provider of the resource.
How can a new owner find out which MA to apply to? The local authority independently conducts a competition for the selection of the managing organization. Within 10 days after it is held, persons who have received a transfer act from the developer are informed by the local authority about its results - about which MA won the tender and about the terms of the contract (part 13 of article 161 of the LC RF).

Registration of a personal account

Personal account - a concept used in everyday life for a payment document issued by the MA to the owner. It is issued for each apartment and reflects information on the introduction of utilities.
In order to issue it, you must contact the management company with an application written in any form with a request to open an account in your name. The application must be accompanied by a passport and transfer deed.

Contacting the power supply

According to the rules of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 442, individuals who are consumers of electricity must conclude an agreement with a supplier of last resort or an energy retailer (clause 71 of the Decree).
The contract does not have to be in writing and is considered concluded from the moment the electricity is used. The existence of a contractual relationship is confirmed by the relevant receipts. Reports information about the user of electricity in this case to the MA (paragraphs 72, 73 of the Resolution).
In order to conclude a written agreement on consumption, you need to contact the power supply that serves the area where the power receiving devices are located, with a statement about the desire to conclude an agreement. The list of required documents can be found in clause 34 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 442 (if all the documents are not available, the power supply company must collect them on its own).

Additional actions

If the new building provides for the use of gas stoves, then you need to contact the Gorgas to conclude an appropriate contract.
If you are going to live in a room, do not forget to register in it. To do this, you must contact the registration authority. You need to register at the address of all - both permanent and temporary residents.
Home networks (both telephone, Internet, and television) are often provided by one provider, which, even at the construction stage, brings the necessary wires to the house. Find out from the developer who your provider is and go to him to conclude an agreement.
If you are not satisfied with the telephone operator, then you have the right to choose any other. The procedure for the provision of telephone services is regulated by paragraphs 15-18, 57-59 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1342.
In addition, you can now take advantage of additional services such as apartment insurance, installation of a security alarm, water delivery, etc.

○ What to do when buying a home on the secondary market?

The obligation to pay utility bills arises after registration of ownership (clause 5, part 2, article 155 of the LC RF). That is, after the registration of the new owner in Rosreestr.
In order not to receive payments in the name of the old owner, you should quickly reissue all documents for payment to yourself.

Contacting the HOA or housing and communal services

Ask your neighbors or the former owner about the presence of an HOA in your house. This is a community of owners that every tenant must know about. If the HOA was not created, ask about the address of the managing organization.
To join the HOA, you must submit an application.
If the address of the MA was not prompted to you, you can find it out from the incoming payment documents, at the cash settlement center or through special services on the Internet.
An agreement is concluded with the managing organization.

Re-registration of a personal account

The HOA or MA is responsible for reissuing a personal account. To do this, you must submit an appropriate application, passport and confirm the rights of the owner.
Refusal to reissue a personal account due to debt is not legal. The new owner is not liable for the seller's debts. The exception is fees for major repairs.

Re-registration of the contract with the energy retailer

Energosbyt must be notified of the change of ownership. To do this, you should contact the company that supplies electricity to the service area where your home is located.
To renew the contract, you need to take your passport with you, the document of title to the apartment and take the current meter readings. If you have already started paying the bill, take your receipt with you.

Re-registration of water consumption meters, if any

If there are water metering devices, it is necessary to re-register the meter for hot and cold water for yourself.
For this, instrument readings are taken. With a passport, documents for an apartment and documents for counters (if any), you must contact the water utility.

Re-registration of a landline phone, if any

If the apartment where you moved in has a working telephone line, you need to contact the telecom operator.
How to re-register a home phone number for yourself? To do this, within a month from the date of settlement, you must contact the operator with your passport and title document for the apartment. There is no need to receive any refusals to use the network from the former owner. The old contract terminates automatically, as evidenced by paragraph 5 of Art. 45 of the Law "On Communications":

“If the subscriber terminates the right to own and use the premises in which the terminal equipment is installed (hereinafter referred to as the telephoned premises), the contract for the provision of communication services with the subscriber is terminated.
At the same time, the telecom operator with which the contract for the provision of communication services is terminated, at the request of the new owner of the telephoned premises, must conclude an agreement with him for the provision of communication services within thirty days.

Drawing up an agreement with the gas service, if necessary

A gas service agreement must be concluded by each owner of an apartment that has in-house gas equipment (clause 17 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 410). On behalf of the owner, the managing organization or the HOA can conclude an agreement. It is necessary to inquire about the existence of the contract from the above persons.
If additional equipment is installed in the apartment, an application is sent to the gas company to conclude an agreement, which indicates the list of in-house equipment (clause 18 of Resolution No. 410). You can entrust the conclusion of the contract to the MA or the HOA.

One of the main activities of the company "StrakhovAvto" is round-the-clock assistance in re-registering a car through the sale and purchase. By choosing us, you get prompt and high-quality service for the preparation of all necessary documentation for registration actions with the purchased vehicle, as well as qualified services for:

  • verification of documents for the car being sold (including the car registration certificate);
  • checking the car according to the traffic police database;
  • checking currencies;
  • providing a transaction guarantee;
  • sale of compulsory and voluntary insurance policies.

Re-issuance procedure

By contacting "StrakhovAvto", you can re-register the car around the clock, even at the place of inspection of the vehicle. To do this, you need to contact us by phone and indicate the address where the agent should go.

For a quick and legal re-registration, we will provide forms of a sales contract. You will also need:

  • a document proving your identity;
  • passport of the second party to the transaction;
  • Title and Certificate of registration for the car.

You can re-register a car around the clock

Re-registration of a car in Moscow is possible not only during business hours of car dealerships and insurance companies. Our activities are fully focused on the needs of clients, so we can arrange an agent's departure for a deal at any time convenient for you - on weekends, holidays, late evenings and even at night.

Our many years of practice, higher legal education and mobility allow us to:

  • work 24 hours a day;
  • arrive at the deal within half an hour after your call;
  • prepare documents taking into account the interests of all participants in the transaction;
  • eliminate unpleasant situations with fraud when buying a car.

Cost of services in Moscow

Are you interested in a quick re-registration of a car in Moscow? We are ready to offer you prompt service at the most affordable prices. The cost of our services is formed according to a simple and understandable scheme. So the price of an agent's departure will depend on:

  • time of day;
  • the scope of services you choose;
  • ordered or not MTPL policy;
  • the need to organize maintenance.

Changes in life can lead to changes in the owner of the property. It happens that it becomes necessary to re-register the right of ownership to another person. There are many options for reissuing, and in order to save on taxes and other payments established by the state, you should understand all the intricacies and choose the best option.

In what cases is it necessary to re-register residential real estate?

There are quite a few reasons for registering housing for another owner, we will single out the main ones that a person may encounter during his life:

Re-registration of ownership

Re-registration of ownership is the transfer from one person to another of the right to dispose and own real estate. Re-registration of property rights is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

You can re-register the property yourself or entrust it to a trusted person. How to re-register a share in an apartment? Pretty much the same as any real estate. Only in this case, the consent of other participants in the shared property should be obtained.

Under a sales contract

Conducting a transaction under a sales contract is possible with strangers and with relatives of the property owner. An agreement is drawn up in writing. If the housing has any encumbrances (mortgage, registration of minors, incapacitated or temporarily absent persons), then this is indicated in the document.

The purpose of such a transaction is the transfer of real estate to another person for the amount specified in the contract. If necessary, instead of the participant in the transaction, an attorney can act - a person entitled to perform actions for the principal by proxy. To conclude an agreement, it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

In the case of the sale and purchase of shared ownership, in order to conclude an agreement and subsequently re-register the share, it is necessary to obtain notarized waivers from the co-owners. Otherwise, the transaction may be challenged, and the registered right to real estate is cancelled.

The prepared package of documents is transferred to Rosreestr or to the MFC. When transferred to Rosreestr, the documents will be processed within 14 days. When working with the MFC, they can be received in a week. In special cases, documents are registered within 3 or 5 days, subject to the submission of an application to Rosreestr in the name of the head, indicating good reasons. How much does paperwork cost? The total cost depends on the tariffs of notary services. The state duty is 2000 rubles.

Under an exchange agreement

Re-registration of an apartment for exchange is made out by one contract of sale. This reduces the number of actions during the execution of documents, in contrast to the standard re-registration during the sale and purchase, where contracts are drawn up in two copies. In this case, the participants are two owners who want to exchange housing. The object of exchange can be a non-residential premises or a vehicle, etc.

By donation]

Gift - gratuitous transfer of movable or immovable property (see also:). Both strangers and relatives have the right to participate in the transaction. The donation is made independently or notarized. Self-registration is possible if there are no persons who can challenge the transfer of property. If there are any and a conflict may occur, it is better to draw up a donation document with a notary. Notary services are paid.

The following documents are required for issuing a donation:

  1. participants' passports;
  2. a document confirming the right of the donor to the property;
  3. extract from the USRN;
  4. written consent of the spouse, certified by a notary (if necessary).

The notary will draw up a donation agreement, take the documents he needs and deal with the registration of property in Rosreestr. After some time, the gifted person will receive an extract from the USRN, which indicates his name as the owner of the property donated to him.

How to redecorate an apartment yourself? Take the documents to Rosreestr yourself. In this case, you will need to sign the contract in person in the presence of the registrar, pay a state duty of 2,000 rubles for registration and 350 rubles for execution.

By inheritance

By inheritance, the property passes to the new owner after the death of the testator. If there is a will, then the procedure for entering into the right of inheritance is greatly simplified, because the circle of heirs narrows. In the absence of a will, the heirs receive the property of the deceased in order of priority (Chapter 63 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

You can accept an inheritance within six months from the date of the death of the testator. To issue the right of ownership - immediately after entering into the right of inheritance. To issue a certificate of ownership, the following documents are attached to the above documents:

Features of registration in special cases

The above are general cases that are universal and suitable for everyone. What about special cases that involve children or parents? What is the peculiarity of registering real estate for one of the spouses? When re-registering real estate for a relative, one should take into account the fact to what extent the participants are related to each other.

For children or parents

It is best to re-register an apartment for a child under a donation agreement. A child will not buy an apartment from his parents, being a minor, and it is not customary in our society to sell an apartment to an adult son or daughter. Although this happens too.

The deed of gift can be canceled until the right to an apartment is registered with Rosreestr. A gift from parents to a child can play a decisive role in the divorce of spouses and the division of property. Spouses will not be able to share the donated apartment or share in the division of property. Re-registration to parents has no differences from the standard methods. The state duty is paid, the services of a notary are paid at the rates established by law.

For spouse

The transfer of the right to the property of one of the spouses is formalized in the usual standard way from the above. Any of them is suitable for making a deal. You can re-register a share in an apartment or the apartment itself through an exchange or buyout, as well as donate or bequeath and secure the right by agreement with a notary.

In 2011, Moscow included the territories of the Moscow Region, which are significant in terms of area and population. In particular, these are the urban districts of Troitsk and Shcherbinka, settlements in the Leninsky, Naro-Fominsk, Podolsky districts and a number of others. In this regard, the former residents of the Moscow region (more than 300 thousand people) officially became Muscovites. Accordingly, they also had the need to re-register land and real estate at new, Moscow addresses.

This is all the more important because without a properly executed document establishing the ownership of land or real estate, this plot or real estate cannot be sold. Also, they cannot be inherited, rented out, or even connected to communications. Re-registration of the site is also necessary before. Otherwise, you simply cannot build a house - at least legally.

Why re-registration is necessary in New Moscow

Re-registration is necessary, if only because it will significantly affect the value of your property, and in a positive way. After all, one thing is a land plot or a house in the Moscow region, another is a house or land with a “Moscow residence permit”. Therefore, re-registration must be carried out in the following cases:

  • when selling a house or land;
  • if you plan to rent them out;
  • when registering an inheritance;
  • when making a donation for a plot or a house.

If you do not re-register the house (land) on your own, this issue will still have to be dealt with by the next homeowner. Moreover, this is also true when housing is inherited or donated. With independent re-registration, you save the future owner from the hassle associated with applying to the state authorities. And if we are talking about the buyer - again, he will pay you a larger amount than if your housing in New Moscow still has an "old" address near Moscow.

Re-registration in New Moscow: quickly, reliably, without problems

Re-registration takes place in 2 stages:

  • Changes are made to the cadastral passport (in fact, a new passport is issued). To do this, you need to collect a package of documentation and submit documents to the territorial office of Rosreestr. More specifically - to the department of registration of rights to real estate in Novomoskovsky and Troitsky districts. In some cases, it may be necessary to draw up a boundary plan (if one is not available). After receiving the cadastral passport, the building (plot) will be registered with the Cadastral Chamber.
  • Further, changes are made directly to the document certifying the ownership of the house (plot). This will again require communication with Rosreestr employees.

Absolutely no time to deal with re-registration? Contact a private realtor Vizirov E.A. All you need is a power of attorney in his name and a certificate of ownership of the land (house) in New Moscow. He will help you get new documents with a guarantee and in the shortest possible time with minimal participation on your part. Just dial the number

The process of purchasing a car consists of 2 parts: the purchase itself and the registration of the car with the MREO. Until 2013, when selling a car, the seller had to deregister it, put it in transit, and only transfer it in this form to the new owner, who re-registered the vehicle in his MREO. After 2013, it is no longer necessary to remove the car from the register when selling. The seller and the buyer conclude a contract of sale, on the basis of which the new owner independently re-registers the vehicle. But besides the contract, he needs other documents.

To conclude a contract of sale

The contract of sale reflects basic information about the seller and the buyer, as well as the vehicle and the price for which it is sold. Based on this, when concluding an agreement, you will need a passport of the new owner of the vehicle (buyer), a passport of the previous owner (seller) and a vehicle passport. All information in the contract must be entered strictly, as in the documents. Blots, strikethroughs and corrections are not allowed, otherwise, such an agreement can be easily challenged in court.

For re-registration in MREO

After the registration of the sale and purchase agreement, the new owner has 10 days to re-register the car for himself (determined by paragraph 4 of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1001 of 2008 “On the procedure for registering vehicles”). An exhaustive list of documents required for registration actions is established by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 605 of 2013 “On Approval of the Administrative Regulations”. So, paragraph 15 states that the applicant must provide the MREO employee with:

  • Completed vehicle registration application. It can be downloaded from the link and filled out in advance or received directly from the MREO and filled out already there. Also, the application can be filled out through the portal "Gosuslugi" and sent to MREO in electronic form;
  • Passport of the vehicle and certificate of registration of the vehicle. The new owner must receive both documents from the seller. Without these documents, you cannot buy a car, since only the one in whose name they were previously issued can restore them;
  • Documents on the basis of which a citizen owns a car. This may be a contract of sale, gift, customs declaration, certificate of inheritance, etc.;
  • Passport.

When transferring a car from one owner to another, no other documents need to be provided. But at the same time, the applicant must pay the state fee for registering the vehicle. According to Article 333.33 of the Tax Code, its amount is: 500 rubles for issuing a new registration certificate, 350 rubles for making changes to the Title, 800 rubles for issuing a new Title, 2,000 rubles for issuing new license plates.

In addition, the driver must have a contract of voluntary OSAGO insurance, which can be obtained only with a valid diagnostic card. That is, after buying a car, the driver must undergo a technical inspection (if not), conclude an insurance contract, and only after that go to the MREO. It is not necessary to show the receipt of payment of the duty and the OSAGO policy to the MREO employee (but you can at your own discretion).