Is stevia harmful? What is stevia, what are the benefits and harms of the plant, how to use a sweetener

The healing properties of this plant were first discovered by the Indians, and long before the 16th century, in which the first study of stevia was born. The benefits and harms of sweet grass a few years ago continued to cause controversy in scientific circles: some biologists called it carcinogenic, others assured the opposite.

By the way, even legends were composed about its sweetness. According to one of them, stevia is the name of a fragile girl who sacrificed herself for the good of her own people. The ancient gods did not remain in debt and, as a sign of respect, gave people a sweet and healthy grass of the same name.

Let's find out how useful stevia is and for what properties it is especially appreciated by doctors, including nutritionists around the world. Let's start from the origins and turn to researchers who for a long time could not come to a consensus about stevia - harm or good?

What scientists say - debunking myths about unusual grass

Stevia petals contain over a hundred different phytochemicals that not only give the plant a sweet taste, but have a beneficial effect on the body. For example, steviosides in the composition have a unique property - they significantly reduce blood sugar levels.

However, the opinions of the researchers differed. Some argued that the plant has a carcinogenic effect due to the mutagen, which leads to mutations. Others, on the contrary, considered stevia safe. Meanwhile, it has firmly entered the gastronomic “everyday life” and is especially fond of followers of a healthy diet, because sweet grass can completely replace harmful sugar.

The increased popularity marked the beginning of new research. So, in 2006, the World Health Organization conducted a comprehensive experiment, which unconditionally proved that stevia in moderation is absolutely harmless to the body.

What it consists of and how many calories contains sweet grass

Stevia petals are distinguished by a rich vitamin composition, over a dozen micro and macro elements, various acids and minerals. Let's highlight the key ones:

  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E and PP;
  • iron, zinc, chromium and manganese;
  • calcium, potassium, phosphorus and selenium;
  • caffeic and humic acids;
  • essential oils and over 17 amino acids;
  • flavonoids, glycosides and steviols.

The latter, by the way, give stevia a very sweet taste, which is 30 times superior to regular sugar in terms of sweetness: literally 1/4 teaspoon of crushed petals replaces a full spoonful of sugar. At the same time, honey grass (the second and quite justified name for stevia) is recommended even for diabetics, since it does not increase blood sugar levels.

Calorie content directly depends on the form of release of stevia. The benefit in all cases is based on the dosage - it is important to remember this (we will tell you more below). So, grass leaves contain only 18 kcal per 100 g. Despite the fact that only 1 leaf of this plant can add sweetness to a large pumpkin! If used in tablets, the calorie content will increase to 272 kcal / 100g, in syrup - 128 kcal / 100g.

Stevia has taken a special place in dietary nutrition, replacing loose and refined sugar, as well as its chemical-based artificial substitutes. The glycemic index of the grass is 0 units, therefore it does not create obstacles for the body to process glucose and further distribute it to cells and tissues. Insulin remains normal, so there is no glycemic load.

Simply put, our system does not need to process excess glucose in an emergency mode, because it simply does not exist. On the contrary, if you replace stevia with regular sugar, insulin will not be produced in sufficient quantities to process glucose in a timely manner, which as a result will turn into unsightly fat on the sides, stomach and other most vulnerable places of the body.

The uniqueness of this herb lies in its rich composition, which no other plant in the world can boast of. The combination of dozens of useful elements allows you to use stevia as a sweetener. It is incorrect to compare the benefits and harms of this sweetness, since there is simply no negative impact with moderate use.

By the way, the zero glycemic index is an excellent assistant in the fight against excess weight - we continue to eat sweets, but remain slim. And now let's find out how stevia improves the functioning of our entire system, and in some cases has a healing effect.

Stevia - the scale of beneficial effects on the body

One of the main advantages of sweet grass was discovered in 2003 by researchers from Taipei Medical University. A number of experiments have shown that stevia perfectly copes with jumps in blood pressure, bringing the indicators back to normal. The herb is equally beneficial for people of all ages who suffer from hypertension and high blood pressure.

Thanks to researchers from Texas, it became known that stevia is an excellent prevention of cancer. It's all about kaempferol, a natural flavonoid that grass contains in large quantities. This substance prevents the development of cancer cells, naturally prolonging life.

Note that in order to achieve a positive effect, it is important to use stevia constantly. The gradual saturation of the body with the components of this plant acts in the long term, and the first results can be obtained only in the third year after the use of the herb.

Briefly and succinctly about all the advantages of using stevia:

  • relieves joint pain, relieves muscle spasms;
  • helps fight swelling and inflammation;
  • strengthens the body's immune defenses, increasing resistance to seasonal colds;
  • restores intestinal microflora after infectious diseases;
  • normalizes metabolic processes, improves the functions of the pancreas and liver;
  • prevents the development of diseases of the skeletal system;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood flow;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, preventing the formation of plaques;
  • promotes mental activity and relieves physical fatigue.

It is also known that stevia promotes the healing of small wounds and acts as an excellent antibacterial agent. An infusion of this herb is recommended for inflammatory gum disease, as it effectively relieves inflammation and protects teeth from caries damage.

The grass is really unique, but it is worth remembering that we are not talking about the magical transformation of the body. A tangible result is brought only by the regular intake of stevia due to the systematic enrichment of the entire system with useful substances, which slowly but surely begin to act.

How Stevia Helps You Lose Weight

In an effort to get rid of excess weight, some of us are constantly haunted by the desire to eat something sweet, because this raises our mood and enhances brain function. However, on a diet (even the most sparing one), sweets are banned, and tea with honey is terribly boring.

In such a situation, stevia helps out - sweeten tea, oatmeal for breakfast or prepare a very sweet, but dietary dessert. In addition to the ability to replace high-calorie sugar with low-calorie stevia and enjoy the taste of food every time (which is especially pleasing to those with a sweet tooth), the plant also brings practical help to the body.

So, stevia sugar substitute - the benefits and harms of this plant in the fight against excess weight:

  • accelerates metabolic processes, helping to effectively lose unwanted kilograms;
  • due to its low calorie content, it acts as an excellent prophylactic against obesity;
  • dulls the feeling of hunger and reduces appetite, disarming the main enemies of weight loss.

If we talk about the quality of the effect, the stevia sweetener is best taken in the form of syrup or dried leaves. The benefits and harms, based on the form of release, are obvious here: flavorings and other components of little use are often added to powders and tablets based on this herb.

However, in all cases, it is important to observe the dosage so that the positive effect does not turn into a negative effect. In order not to make a mistake with the portion, we have prepared a detailed table for you. It will help you visually understand how much sugar can replace stevia without taste loss:

Stevia will help you effortlessly lose up to 10 kg of weight if you completely replace sugar with it - in drinks, cereals or desserts. For example, just a couple of drops of sweet herb extract reduces the calorie content of a dish by an average of 30%.

On the basis of stevia, a special phyto tea for weight loss is also produced, which is drunk half an hour before meals. As a result, the stomach is not only filled with liquid, but its capacity is reduced, but a feeling of satiety comes.

You can make this tea yourself: brew a spoonful of stevia leaves in boiling water and let it brew well for 20 minutes. Recall that, like any other plant, stevia has contraindications depending on the state of health.

In what cases can stevia harm the body?

As we found out, this unusual plant brings comprehensive benefits if it is constantly present in the diet as a sugar substitute. But it is important to take into account the individual intolerance of the components in its composition and health characteristics.

There are no serious restrictions on the use of sweet grass - both adults and children can use it as a sweetener. However, in 5 cases, stevia has contraindications and side effects:

  1. Allergy. In a mild form or with severe consequences (anaphylactic shock). If you notice a negative reaction in the body to chrysanthemums, marigolds or chamomile, the likelihood of getting anaphylactic shock increases.
  2. The first signs of an allergy include shortness of breath, dizziness, difficulty swallowing, and general weakness. If they appear after taking stevia, an urgent visit to the doctor will be required to prevent complications.
  3. Disorder in the digestive tract. Steviosides, the main sweeteners in the plant, can lead to bloating, diarrhea, or nausea. The advantage is that negative reactions take place in a mild form and do not cause great difficulties. If the process is delayed, it is important to seek the help of a doctor.
  4. Metabolism disorder. The abuse of stevia can "muffle" metabolic processes due to poor absorption of carbohydrates. This means that the conversion of food into energy for the body will decrease, and the result of this disorder will be reflected in the form of excess fat. Therefore, it is important not to overestimate the daily dosage.
  5. Diabetes. The recommendations of doctors to use stevia in this disease are exclusively individual. The useful property of lowering blood sugar levels has a downside. In some cases, the sweet plant reduces the body's ability to control "sugar" levels on its own. Therefore, at the slightest change in the health of a diabetic who uses stevia, you will need to consult a doctor. He will conduct the necessary research and find out how safe the stevia sweetener is for a particular person.
  6. Low blood pressure. The beneficial effect of stevia is to reduce blood pressure if it exceeds the norm. But if a person initially suffers from low blood pressure and uses stevia at the same time, the risk of lowering pressure to a critical point increases.

In this case, a vegetable sweetener can be used only after the recommendation of a doctor who can assess the risks and make the right decision.

Despite the lack of full-fledged studies on the harmfulness of stevia during pregnancy and lactation, we note: if you are expecting a child or breastfeeding, it is better to limit the use of sweet grass.

In conclusion, the main thing - the daily rate of stevia

Let's say right away that the maximum dosage should not exceed 40 g of the plant per day. These are general indicators that a healthy person can focus on. On the contrary, if you are at risk, when you need to take stevia extremely limitedly, you should consult a doctor. The daily dose is calculated individually, based not only on health indicators, but also on the age of the person.

When taking extract or sugar substitute tablets, be sure to read the instructions. As a rule, the manufacturer of a quality product must indicate the estimated dose of the herb content in ml, and gives the recommended rate per day.

Despite the undeniable benefits, sometimes stevia is harmful to the body, which has health problems. Therefore, use the sweetener wisely so that the pros cannot turn into cons.

Among adherents of a healthy diet, stevia is gaining more and more popularity - a plant whose benefits and harms have been studied for several years.

Stevia is a shrub from the Astrov family up to 120 cm high. Small bright green leaves are on straight stems. It blooms with white or pinkish flowers. Seeds brown, small.

The growing season (the period from sowing to harvesting the leaves) is 16-18 weeks, so in small volumes in Russia it can grow everywhere - on window sills, balconies, summer cottages in the open field and greenhouses. In Siberia and the Urals, it is grown in greenhouses or at home.

In its natural environment, honey grass grows in the subtropical part of the Crimean coast. Historical habitats are Central and South America.

There are 260 species and varieties of culture. Only one of them is cultivated and grown on plantations on an industrial scale to obtain a natural sweetener from the leaves. This is honey stevia.

Products from the plant are low-calorie, do not contain glucose, therefore they are recommended for use by patients with diabetes and overweight people.

The sweet taste is due to the presence of glycosides, mainly stevioside. It is labeled E960 and is part of a safe supplement. Also, the composition of honey grass includes:

  • rebaudiosides A, C, B;
  • dulcoside;
  • rubusoside;
  • vitamins A, E, K, C, P (rutin), PP (nicotinic acid), group B;
  • cellulose;
  • minerals - calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, zinc, silicon, iron.

The glycemic index of stevia is zero because the plant does not contain glucose. Nutritional value per 100 grams:

  • carbohydrates - 16 g;
  • proteins - 10 g;
  • fat - 1.5 g.

Calorie content of fresh leaves 18 kcal per 100 g.

Raw raw materials have an unpleasant odor and a bitter taste, after processing they resemble licorice sweets. When added to hot tea or coffee, bitterness may appear.

Sweetener Release Forms

Stevia is available in several types, each of which is convenient for use in different situations:

  • in tablets - ½ tbsp. l. replaces 200 g of sugar, and a pinch of powdered tablets - 1 tbsp. l., it is convenient to add to drinks;
  • dry leaf extract is a powder supplied in large quantities by Japan and China, in the amount at the tip of a knife replaces 1 tsp. sugar, you can put in any dishes;
  • in disposable bags - brewed instead of tea;
  • liquid sugar substitute is an extract, 2 drops of which replace 14 g of sugar (that's 2 tsp).

Stevia sugar is a sweetener in powder or tablet form.

Watch the video for a detailed description of the plant:

Useful properties of stevia for the body

Stevia can be used by both healthy people and those with various diseases. Benefits of honey grass:

  • excess weight is lost;
  • burns, wounds, abrasions heal faster;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • less risk of caries and periodontal disease;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • the condition of hair and nails improves;
  • the craving for alcohol and smoking weakens.

Stevia tinctures help fight colds and flu, masks help with eczema and dermatitis, activate cell regeneration, leaves help lower blood cholesterol levels. Permissible dose per day - 30 mg / kg of body weight.

Benefits of stevia for diabetics:

  1. Does not increase blood sugar levels. The recommended forms for taking are infusion, liquid extract or tablets.
  2. It has bactericidal properties, promotes the healing of minor wounds, abrasions and cracks in the skin. To do this, damaged areas need to be moistened with a concentrated infusion of herbs.

Various sugar substitutes are produced:

  1. Sucralose is a synthetic substitute that is 600 times sweeter than sugar. It is considered one of the safest substances. The maximum dose is 15 mg/kg of body weight.
  2. Fructose is a carbohydrate found in fruits, honey, and vegetables. 1.5 times sweeter than sugar, but less high-calorie. It is processed only in the liver, therefore, when a healthy person consumes more than 45 g per day, there is a load on the organ. The unused part immediately goes to the fat reserve.
  3. Erythritol is melon sugar. Without taste and smell. It looks like sugar, but contains almost no calories. Can be combined with stevia - weakens its taste. It is considered the best sugar substitute.
  4. Xylitol is a natural sweetener made from birch or corn. Available in the form of sand.

In the absence of diseases and with reasonable use, ordinary sugar will be optimal for our body. The brain knows how to process it and what to use it for.

If replacement is needed, erythritol, xylitol, or stevia can be used. Sucralose, although considered safe, is a synthetic compound.

To view the transfer of Elena Malysheva on the topic of the usefulness of spices:

Honey grass during pregnancy and lactation

The use of stevia during pregnancy is not contraindicated. Reducing refined sugar and replacing it with honey grass products relieves dry mouth and constant hunger. The plant helps to lower blood pressure.

There have been no special scientific and laboratory studies on the effects of stevia on the body of a pregnant woman. But the indigenous population of Latin America has been using the plant for many centuries as a useful one.

The use of stevia during breastfeeding has no contraindications, if there is no allergy to this product. Breast milk becomes sweeter.

Can You Give Stevia to Children?

There is no data on the dangers of stevia for the child's body. There are recommendations for including honey grass in baby food to replace sugar. Useful properties of stevia for children:

  • obesity prevention;
  • prevention of caries, as stevia strengthens tooth enamel;
  • stevia-based sweeteners are not addictive and do not cause a desire to eat more sweets.

At the same time, you should not give stevia to your child all the time. Grass is more indicated for children with a tendency to be overweight, diabetes mellitus, who have hereditary risks for endocrine diseases.

Contraindications and harm of natural sweetener

Possible side effects from taking honey grass:

  1. Allergy to stevia. Manifested even in a mild form in the form of a rash, redness, itching, it is a contraindication to further administration, since it can develop into laryngeal edema or severe anaphylactic shock, which requires resuscitation. People with allergies to chamomile, chrysanthemum, ragweed, marigolds are prone to this.
  2. Digestive problems. Manifested by pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, poor appetite.
  3. Others - dizziness, numbness in the body, lowering blood pressure.

Despite all the benefits, taking stevia can have dangerous consequences. Getting on the tongue, a product that is 300 times sweeter than sugar, causes the release of insulin - a substance for the breakdown of glucose. But glucose is not supplied, so after 10 minutes the blood sugar level drops by 2 units, which is dangerous for the development of a hypoglycemic state, fainting, coma.

With frequent use, the brain begins to perceive the release of insulin in response to the sweet taste as a mistake, spending huge reserves on it. As a result, when regular sugar is ingested, it does not break down, and diabetes mellitus develops.

The use of stevia

Honey grass is used to make various herbal preparations. Stevia leaves are the basis for the preparation of infusions, decoctions, extracts and teas. Before use, they are dried, carefully ground in a coffee grinder to a powder state. 1 st. l. crushed leaves replaces 100 grams of sugar.

Stevia syrup is easy to use. Instructions on how to prepare and store at home:

  1. Pour 200 ml of water into the pan, put the cut shoots and leaves. Boil for 40 minutes, covered with a lid.
  2. Strain. Then evaporate over low heat to a syrup state - when the liquid will drain from the spoon in a thin thick stream, and the drop will stop spreading and will not lose its shape.
  3. Pour the finished product into glass containers, seal tightly, store up to 1.5 years. During this time, stevia retains its beneficial properties.

The extract has a sweeter taste, its preparation:

  1. Place 10 g of ground dry stevia leaves in 100 ml of warm water.
  2. Insist day in the shade.
  3. Strain through cheesecloth.

You can use vodka instead of water. Pour into bottles, store no more than a week. 8 drops replace 1 tsp. Sahara.

In cooking

To add to food, stevia is used in the form of:

  • extract;
  • ground leaves;
  • stevioside;
  • infusion.

Sweets with the addition of stevia have a much lower calorie content than regular sweets. Replacing sugar with honey grass extract is on an industrial scale. Chocolate and sweets are produced with it, for example, ECO, Pobeda, TRAPA brands. There is also condensed whole milk, but rarely.

Condensed milk

How to cook your own condensed milk with stevia:

  1. Mix 3 tbsp. l. dry milk, 1 tbsp. l. corn starch, 2 tsp. stevia powder and 100 ml of milk. Beat with a blender.
  2. Pour the mass into a mold, add another 100 ml of milk. Cook on a steam bath for 9 minutes, stirring every 3 minutes.

Bakery products

Stevia powder and extract can be used in baking instead of sugar. Recipes with stevia:

  1. Orange cupcake. Mix 2 eggs, 2 tsp. dry extract, 1 tsp. baking powder, 120 ml of kefir, 200 g of flour, 75 g of melted butter, orange zest. Taste for sweetness, adding more stevia if needed. Put in molds, bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 ° C.
  2. Cherry pie. Combine 150 g of ground oatmeal, 2 eggs, 200 ml of yogurt, 20 g of cocoa, 2 g of stevioside. Pour half the dough into the mold, put 200 g of cherries on top, then the remaining dough. Bake for 20-30 minutes at 180°C.

According to the video, you can cook cookies:


Jam can be cooked without sugar, it is replaced with stevia. Recipes for diabetics:

  1. Wash, peel, cut 1 kg of apples, put in a saucepan. Add 1 tsp. stevioside diluted in 120 ml of water. Bring to a boil, cool. Boil again, arrange in jars.
  2. Wash 1.2 kg of cranberries, pour into a container. Add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2.5 tsp. stevioside, 150 ml of water and 50 g. Boil for 10 minutes, pour into jars.

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To make marshmallows with stevia, you will need:

  • 300 g blackcurrant or raspberry;
  • 15 g of gelatin;
  • honey grass powder - 3 tsp.


  1. Soak gelatin in 100 ml of water, grind the berries into a puree, mix with the powder.
  2. Bring the mass to a boil, add gelatin to the hot mixture, stir.
  3. Cool, beat with a mixer for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Divide into molds and refrigerate for 2 hours.


To prepare meringues (meringue) with stevia, you need:

  • 3 proteins;
  • 5 drops of lemon juice;
  • 2 g steviodiza.


  1. Beat egg whites in a dry bowl until stiff peaks (5-7 minutes), add juice and sweetener. Beat for 2 more minutes.
  2. With a sleeve, a syringe or a bag with a cut off corner, besiege on a baking sheet. Send to the oven for 1-1.5 hours, set the temperature to 100 ° C.

In medicine

The plant is used in type 2 diabetes as a sugar substitute, both in the form of stevioside and leaves, infusion, extract. The product is put in food, thereby achieving a reduction in carbohydrates in the diet.

Positive effect - blood glucose level does not increase, minus - sugar can fall, which is dangerous for diabetics, so it is important to follow dosages and combine honey grass with other foods.

With hypertension and coronary heart disease, the following infusion is used to strengthen blood vessels, reduce cholesterol deposits and slightly reduce pressure:

  • 1 tsp finely chopped leaves and 2 tbsp. l. motherwort herbs pour 250 ml of water;
  • insist 12 hours;
  • filter;
  • take 50 ml x 3 times a day one hour before meals.

Due to the presence of kaempferol, a natural flavonoid that aggressively acts on cancer cells, stevia acts as a means of preventing cancer. Taking the herb does not guarantee protection against tumors, but it helps the body prevent their occurrence.

By using stevia, cancer patients deprive the tumor of nutrition in the form of glucose. The presence of kaempferol has a positive effect on the results of treatment by traditional medicine.

To view the comment of Dr. Kovalkov:

For weight loss

To reduce weight with a diet, you need to reduce the calorie content of incoming food, i.e. cut down on carbohydrates. Adding stevia instead of sugar to your meals helps to solve this problem:

  • put in tea, other drinks;
  • bake pies;
  • make mayonnaise, sauces.

Slimming Tea

How to make tea with stevia for weight loss:

  • 2 tbsp. l. dry leaves pour 300 ml of boiling water;
  • insist 30 minutes;
  • drink 100 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

The video of Dr. Kovalkov will complement the topic:


Diet mayonnaise:

  • beat with an immersion blender 150 ml of soy milk, ¼ tsp. stevia powder, juice of 1 lemon, a pinch of salt;
  • pour in a trickle of 350 ml of vegetable oil, continuing to whisk.

When using stevia instead of sugar, the exact dosage must be observed.

How to choose and store stevia

You can buy stevia in powder, tablet, tea bag, or extract form at grocery stores, pharmacies, and online. Main brands:

  1. "Leovit" - 150 tablets in a pack, you need to put 2 pieces per cup, but not all buyers are satisfied, claiming that there is not enough sweetness.
  2. "Extra" - 150 tablets, consumption - 2 pieces per mug, contains extracts of honey grass and chicory, so the sweetness will be less than that of a pure product.
  3. "NSP" - liquid extract, the manufacturer recommends adding 2 scoops per cup of tea or coffee, 116 servings in 1 can.
  4. Sweetly Premium is a highly concentrated extract, 1 drop replaces a lump of sugar, each vial contains 450 servings.
  5. "Artemisia" - tablets that, according to reviews, are bitter, dissolve poorly, and are not suitable for baking.
  6. "FitParad" - powdered stevioside, weight in a jar - 90 g, 2-3 tsp are consumed per day. 2-3 times.

Liquid types are universal in use and cleaner in composition, the most profitable purchase is Sweetly Premium. The tablets are about the same. For the purpose of making tea, filter bags are suitable.

When buying, you need to pay attention to the composition:

  • the content of rebaudioside - the more it is, the sweeter the product, if it is less than 40%, then it will be bitter;
  • the presence of flavors and preservatives.

The plant does not tolerate frost. The best temperature for growing is + 25–28 ° С. Leaf collection begins 16-18 weeks after sowing.

Watch the video

    Stevia is a unique food product of plant origin. A number of useful properties of this plant are in special demand in traditional medicine. And for athletes and adherents of a healthy lifestyle, stevia has become an excellent sugar substitute.

    Stevia is an excellent sweetener

    Stevia is a plant of the Astrov family, which is a low-growing shrub. Its stems reach a height of 80 cm. In the wild, it can be found both in mountainous and flat semi-arid areas. It grows mainly in Central and South America (Brazil). Stevia was first described by the Swiss botanist Santiago Bertoni at the end of the 19th century. This plant was brought to the Soviet Union by the Russian scientist Nikolai Vavilov from Latin America in 1934.

    Another name for stevia is honey grass. It got its name from the sweet taste of its leaves. Stevia is a natural sweetener. It is actively used in the food industry. Today it is in demand all over the world, it is produced in powder form, in the form of herbal tea or extract. Thanks to the use of this plant, the risk of serious cardiovascular diseases is reduced, the activity of the reproductive system improves, and the immune system is strengthened.

    Composition and calories

    Stevia leaves contain a large amount of minerals, vitamins, macronutrients and other beneficial substances. It consists of the following components:

    Substance name Description of the substance
    Stevioside (e 960)A glycoside with an intense sweet taste.
    RebaudiosideA glycoside that is 30 times sweeter than sugar.
    SaponinsA group of substances that are necessary for thinning the blood and cleaning the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol.
    Complex of vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, E, P, PP)The combination of different groups of vitamins has a positive effect on the body, strengthens the immune system.
    Essential oilsHelps to remove waste and toxins from the body.
    Flavonoids: quercetin, apigenen, rutinThese natural substances have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, improve the elasticity of blood vessel walls.
    Micro and macro elements: zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and chromiumThey are necessary for the human body, their lack disrupts the functioning of internal organs.

    100 g of the plant contains 18 kcal, 0 g of protein and 0 g of fat. One standard tablet weighing 0.25 g contains only 0.7 kcal.

    Useful properties and harm

    The plant has a number of useful properties for the human body, in particular, it has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect. These properties allow the herb to be used for various diseases.

    The use of stevia is advisable for the following indications:

    • deviations from the endocrine system (in particular, obesity and diabetes);
    • hypertonic disease;
    • degenerative-dystrophic diseases (for example, osteochondrosis of the spinal column);
    • chronic arterial disease;
    • fungal infections;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Important! The use of honey grass is useful as a prevention of hyper- and hypoglycemic conditions.

    There were a lot of rumors and speculation about the dangers of stevia. In 2006, WHO stated that stevia extract is harmless to the human body (source - Stevia). Numerous studies have confirmed that all components of the plant are non-toxic.

    Is stevia good for diabetics?

    Due to the high sweetness of glycosides, stevia is actively used in the manufacture of sweeteners for diabetics. It lowers blood sugar. Numerous studies have confirmed that the use of this herb leads to a decrease in insulin resistance.

    Is stevia good for weight loss and exercise?

    Honey grass is often used for weight loss. Unlike many synthetic sweeteners, this natural product does not harm the body. At the same time, experts note that the plant reduces appetite and dulls the feeling of hunger. According to statistics, thanks to the use of stevia, you can lose up to 3 kg per month (without strict diets). If you combine honey grass and sports, the amount of weight lost will be much greater. In general, the calorie content of the diet when replacing sugar is reduced to 12-16%.

    There are several ways to use the plant for weight loss. Tea is brewed from its leaves, and stevia infusion or syrup is added to food. To prepare a sweetener, you will need 300 ml of boiled water and 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves. Raw materials are poured into 200 ml of water and boiled for 4-6 minutes. The resulting product is insisted for 12 hours in a dark place, after which it is filtered. 100 ml of water is added to the leaves and infused for 6 hours, after which both infusions are mixed together. The resulting product can be added to various drinks and food (for example, compote or salad).

    Comparison with sugar

    How is stevia obtained?

    The grass is grown in greenhouses or at home (in a pot). At the same time, it must be sprayed once every 14 days. When the size of the plant exceeds 10 cm, they are planted in the ground. After the appearance of small white flowers, they begin to harvest. The collected leaves are soaked in boiled water, filtered and dried, resulting in a crystallized extract. The sweet constituents of the plant are subsequently processed into the desired state.

    How and how much is stored?

    The shelf life of stevia directly depends on the form in which it is produced (liquid, powder or tablet state). The drug is stored in a place protected from direct sunlight at room temperature (not higher than 25°C). Each brand that produces the product sets its own expiration date (detailed information can be found on the packaging). On average, the shelf life of stevia is 24-36 months.

    For long-term storage, you can make your own powder from dried grass leaves. They are washed with water, dried in a natural way, and then ground with a rolling pin to a powder state. Such a tool can be stored for a long time in glassware (from 3 to 5 years). Decoctions prepared from the leaves should be consumed within 24 hours, and tinctures can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

    Contraindications - who should not use?

    The beneficial properties of stevia for human health are truly limitless, they are used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Numerous studies by scientists have confirmed that the use of a plant in reasonable quantities is not capable of harming the body. However, side effects are possible, which are caused by individual intolerance to the components contained in the herb.

    Important! In order not to harm the body, watch its reaction to the use of the plant. If negative symptoms appear, it is recommended to stop taking it and seek help from a specialist.

    There are no absolute contraindications to taking the drug, but experts do not recommend using stevia for pregnant and lactating women. In case of hypotension, it is dangerous to take grass in large doses, since it lowers blood pressure. Without consulting a doctor, it is undesirable to use the remedy in the presence of serious hormonal disruptions, psychological disorders and problems with the digestive system. Some liquid forms of the herb contain a small amount of alcohol, and people who are sensitive to it often experience diarrhea and vomiting. It is worth using stevia with caution for people prone to allergic reactions.

Kaa-ehe is the name given to stevia in its homeland, South America. Translated, it means "honey, sweet." And the plant lives up to its name: stevia has a very high sweetness factor. One gram of "honey" grass leaves is equivalent to 25 grams of regular sugar, that is, it is 25 times sweeter. Naturally, the main area of ​​application of stevia is as a natural sweetener. But it is not only famous for its sweetness. The use of this amazing plant is so widespread that it deserves a more detailed description.

Stevia. Indications for use

As a tonic tea, stevia has been used since ancient times in their homeland. The Indians appreciated her ability to relieve fatigue and restore strength. Later, scientists proved the effectiveness of such a drink in increasing the bioenergy potential of the body.

Diterpene glycosides, which are responsible for the sweetness of stevia, are non-carbohydrate in nature, and the body does not need insulin for their absorption. Therefore, as a unique sweetener, it is used, first of all, in diabetes mellitus. Long-term use of this sweetener has been proven to lower blood glucose levels.

But stevia has more than just hypoglycemic properties. Amino acids, flavonoids, vitamins, which are so rich in honey grass, help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, help dissolve blood clots. Therefore, stevia is also recommended for cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension. A unique plant improves the functioning of the endocrine system of the body, lowers cholesterol levels, and has immunomodulatory properties.

And the zero calorie value of the plant makes it simply irreplaceable: after all, you can lose extra pounds and put your body in order without abandoning your usual eating style. In addition, it normalizes metabolic processes, activates the work of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of fats, helps the gastrointestinal tract and reduces appetite.

The stevia leaf is also used externally: the herb has anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. Therefore, infusions from it are very effective for burns, cuts, skin diseases. In addition, it is an excellent cosmetic product: an infusion of leaves makes the skin supple and smoothes wrinkles.

In dentistry, stevia is used as a rinse: its bactericidal and tannic properties inhibit the growth of bacteria, improve the condition of teeth and gums, and prevent caries.

This wonderful plant has recently found wide application in the food industry: after all, sweeteners based on it are significantly superior to sugar in sweetness, they are not high in calories and are not afraid of heat treatment.

Stevia. Contraindications

The next item, after considering the unique properties of the medicinal plant stevia and its use, is contraindications. Compared to the beneficial properties of honey grass, they are extremely insignificant. In rare cases, stevia, like any plant, can cause an allergic reaction. Diabetics and hypertensive patients should not forget that excessive consumption of honey grass can greatly reduce sugar levels and blood pressure. Stevia has no other contraindications. you can visit our website or go to find out where to buy our sweeteners in a place convenient for you.

Enjoy low-calorie and healthy sweetness and be healthy!

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    Now about the stevioside itself.

    In general, I was satisfied with its quality and cost. It has a very economical consumption, and a rather pleasant taste.

    I always try to make profitable purchases - optimal in terms of price and quality, and after comparing manufacturers, I realized that "I am stevia" is, if not the most profitable, then clearly one of the most optimal.

    Taste. I can’t say that there is absolutely no bitter aftertaste - it is, but it is not as intrusive as in the sweeteners that I tried before, despite the fact that they cost several times more. This is if we talk about its taste in its purest form.

    When cooking, this taste is less noticeable, and perhaps even those who do not know will not notice the difference between it and regular sugar. The closest thing to sugar, in my opinion, is the taste of erythritol, but it also has a completely different cost, if we take into account the sweetness coefficient.

    Regarding the sweetness of 100 times the sweetness of sugar, the issue is debatable, but "Crystal" is really very sweet, and the consumption will be very economical.

    Summing up, I want to express my gratitude to the Ya Stevia company for a quality product and fast delivery, to the manager Svetlana for efficiency and courtesy. I have no complaints, I am satisfied with your work and the quality of the products. Thank you!

    Stevioside "Crystal"
  • And as an addition, they made a discount in the price for a repeat order. The next purchase will be minus 15% of the cost. A very nice gift!
    Dmitry. Krasnoyarsk region. 30.10.2019

  • Rebaudioside A 97 20 gr. Replaces 8 kg. Sahara

An adult and a child needs a certain dose of sweets, because sugar is necessary for the full development and functioning of body systems. There are many sugar-containing products, but not all of them are useful. Those with a sweet tooth are at risk of increasing their volume and acquiring a whole bunch of diseases. In general, everyone loves sweets, but they also want to have a good figure and good health. Are these things incompatible? Compatible if you include the natural sweetener stevia instead of the usual sugar in the menu.

Stevia is a plant-based sugar substitute, and not the only one of its kind. But if you study the properties, then it can be called the leader among all similar products. If someone thinks that we are talking about an overseas miracle plant, then they are deeply mistaken. The usual grass of the genus Chrysanthemum looks like a small bush. Originally cultivated in Paraguay, Brazil, but very quickly spread throughout the globe. Today, about three hundred varieties and species of this plant are known. I wonder what the benefits and harms of stevia are, is it worth it to replace a product loved by many?

Her homeland is South America. The Indians who inhabited the named area were the first to discover honey grass. They started adding it to mate to make the drink sweeter. In different parts of the world they are called by different names: Paraguayan sweet grass, Erva Doce, Ka'a-yupe, honey leaf. The Guarani Indians used green stevia leaves as a sweetener and for medicinal purposes.

Europeans learned about the plant in the 16th century, and the first were the Spaniards. Over time, the discovery interested scientific minds, however, this did not happen very soon.

Only in 1887, the properties of the stevia plant were first described by Dr. Bertoni in a book on the flora of Paraguay. By 1908, it began to be cultivated in different countries. In 1931, French scientists identified steviosides and rebaudiosides (substances that make stevia sweet). During the Second World War, the question was raised about how to replace it with the usual sugar, which was sorely lacking. The first scientific work on stevia dates back to 1955, in which questions of its structure and benefits were raised. In 1970-1971, when the use of artificial sweeteners was banned in Japan, stevia began to be produced in large volumes. Since 2008, it has been an approved dietary supplement in the US.

Today, stevia is used as a natural sweetener for foods.

Such a rapid popularization of the product should not leave a shadow of doubt about its exceptional properties. However, before stevia is used in the home instead of sugar, it does not hurt to study it closely.

The composition of stevia and its beneficial properties for human health

The composition contains various useful substances, such as amino acids, vitamins, pectins, essential oils. It contains glycosides that do not harm the human body and are a source of unnecessary calories. They often talk about Stevia tea: the benefits and harms of which are due to the properties of the plant itself. The drink contains substances that take part in the structure of hormones. Due to the absence of carbohydrates, the herb can be used in the diet of diabetics.

And stevia sugar contains a large amount of antioxidants such as rutin, quercetin, it also contains minerals (potassium, magnesium, chromium, copper, selenium, phosphorus). As for vitamins, most of all in the composition of stevia revealed vitamins of group B, as well as A, C and E.

How and for whom is stevia useful?

The main feature that honey has is that it does not fill the body with empty carbohydrates. This is exactly what regular sugar does. In addition, it is a source of nutrients and trace elements. Stevia is also a medicinal herb, as it has a beneficial effect on systems and organs. It occupies a special place in the diet of hypertensive patients and diabetics.

Nature has endowed the plant with truly unique properties:

Despite all the positive aspects, you should not thoughtlessly introduce it into the diet. We need to think more about the benefits and harms of stevia honey grass, to study contraindications.

By the way, because of the low calorie content, it is popular among people who follow their figure. The benefit in the fight against extra pounds is the ability to dull the feeling of hunger. Even an infusion of herbs will help you look great: a constant intake helps to remove toxins, get rid of toxins and improve the functioning of the body. Chicory with stevia has proven itself well: the drink is not only healthy, but also tasty.

The harm of stevia for the human body

Scientists from different countries have conducted a number of studies that prove that the proper use of herbs will not harm health.

Such rules must be studied and observed, and one should start with what are the benefits and harms of stevia herb, of particular interest are warnings for use. People who are prone to allergic reactions need to be careful. It is necessary to carefully monitor the well-being while taking the plant and adhere to the following rules:

In order not to harm yourself or your loved ones, you should seek medical advice before taking the product. If you have more questions, then in a conversation with the doctor, you can touch on the topic of Stevia tablets: the benefits and harms, the features of their use. Most likely, he will give useful recommendations, taking into account the state of health of the patient.

How to replace sugar for a child?

Almost all children are crazy about sweets, and this is no accident, because sugar causes an addiction that can be compared to drugs. Although the kids are told about caries, they themselves experience acute toothache, but they cannot refuse the treat. Artificial sugar substitutes are even worse. And parents in search of an alternative should pay attention to the Stevia sweetener: the benefits and harms of which have been proven by scientists.