Deeps October. Choosing a budget chapter Hearthstone

Budget decks are the best choice For all newcomers, just those who came to the world of Hearthstone, who want to learn how to play at a high level. On this page you can find the best budget decks for all game classes, as well as detailed guides on the game.

What is a budget deck and why should I play her at the beginning? Everything is very simple! As you could already understand, most Hearthstone cards you get during the game, and the more you will be given the game, the faster you can replenish your collection. And in order to quickly get used in the game and understand its mechanics, you are offered free maps for all classes, you can collect that you can reach the level 10 playing character.

Once you get the cherished level 10, we recommend starting to use budget decks that you can find below. Absolutely, all decks have a high victorious potential, and thanks to our detailed instructionsYou will also easier to get used in the game and understand the very essence of each game class. In addition, with the help of budget decks, you can move through the game staircase in the rating game mode and receive unique shirts of the cards at the end of each month.

Budget decks are the best way Start correctly and competently play in Hearthstone and make your first victories to replenish the collection of cards and improve the decks in the future!

Hearthstone budget decks for all classes

In order to view the desired deck, click on the image. The page describing the deck will open in the same window.

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Regardless of the high cost of the deck, play hunter is very fun, thanks to a very aggressive style of the game. The hunter's business card is its secrets. The decks are updated with recent changes in Game. Updated taking into account cards from the add-on "Dragons".

New hunter decks:





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Guides on topical shods hunter

(NEW) Fais Hunter from Sottle (WOG)

Fais Hunter (Standard Mode)

This article discusses a new deck of an aggressive hunter, in which some useful cards and late threats have given way to the cards for early aggression and applying a constant damage. This is a relatively cheap deck with one replaceable legendary card, so it is great for players who want to quickly raise the rating without spending too much dust.

In however, the deck is almost not losing anything. A relaxed leprogne varies on the fiery distinguctor, and creatures from the curse of Naxramas - on other useful beings. Bild was first introduced at the American Champion Purple 2015 championship.


The main goal of the deck in theory seems very simple, but it is very difficult to achieve it. Simply put, you must arrange an aggressive race, starting from the very first turn. There are more creatures in the deck with jerks than in a dealer of a regular Foreign Hunter. In addition, you can apply direct damage, designed to remove the enemy as many health points as possible.

In the first turns, follow the standard tactics for an aggressive hunter. Provide the presence on the chalkboard using a vorten scout, fiery bat and huge toads. However, instead of a favorable change, you should beat the opponent "in the face", forcing it to fulfill the exchange for you. Thus, the entire damage applied will be practically "free", because The enemy will be forced to spend resources to eliminate your creatures. The only exception is the situation when the exchange rate on your part prevents extremely profitable exchange from the enemy. For example, if you translate the fiery distinguctor on a creature with 2 units. Attacks that could kill your haffer.

All the cards present in the deck are aimed at maintaining aggression and are effective sources of damage. Despite the fact that it reduces your chances of victory in matches with other aggressive opponents because of the higher efficiency of their creatures, you can still win them in the vast majority. In addition, elevated damage will allow you to break through heavy control-decks with a large number of cards intended for stabilization (for example, warriors).

In the middle of the match, continue to put pressure on the enemy creatures with jerks (for example, riders on the wolf), as well as onion of the eagle horns. At this time, try as often as possible to use the power of the hero. So you will not only apply a permanent damage to the opponent, but also save several cards for subsequent moves. For example, on the fifth time it will be more profitable to play the rider on the wolf and the power of the hero, than the rider on the wolf and huge toad, because Toad will come in handy in the following course in combination with the next power of the hero.

Closer to the end of the match you will need spells for applying direct damage (team "Take!"), As well as Learn Jenkins. However, if you have the opportunity to use them on earlier moves, it is strongly recommended to do so. Since these cards will be used in any case, any attempt to enter them into the curve will be successful. Try to never eliminate enemy creatures with them. Your main goal is to maximize the outgoing damage. Do not forget to calculate how much damage you can apply for several of the following moves, and try to use cards as efficiently as possible, if possible, combining them with the power of the hero.

Key cards

Worgen-reconnaissance is the best creature worth 1 crystal. Because it has a disguise, it with a large share of probability will cause a minimum of 2 units. damage. In addition, it is a great goal for the scornful sergeant.

The scornful sergeant is able to strengthen other beings. It can be used in the first moves in order to strengthen its position, or at later moves to eliminate annoying provocateurs.

Hunting is an additional unit of damage, acting on the bypass of the provocateurs. In addition, the calling mastiff is a beast, which allows you to activate the additional effect of the "Take!" Command.

Figructivity enhances the potential of the deck for damage and in some cases allows you to have an extra map. Despite the fact that the additional effect of rapidity is triggered only if your hand is empty, do not be afraid to use it to eliminate enemy creatures to protect your board.

The explosive trap helps to control the enemy creatures and causes damage to the enemy hero. Explosive trap often allows you to win a race for survival.

Since the current mete often encounters zoo-decks (in particular, warlocks and paladins), in our deck there is a spell to tear dogs. You can use the dogs as an activator to "take!", As well as to apply a huge damage due to the scornful Sergeant or Lokka. In addition, this spell is perfectly combined with juggler daggers.

Despite the fact that in previous versions of the decks, a tropical panther was used, which caused more damage, now she gave way to the pet, because In the presence of Lokk's dogs, Lokk became no less profitable than haffer.

Try to get in the starting hand of a cheap creature - a wore-scout, a fiery distinguctor and a huge toad. They allow you to damage the opponent, starting from the first moves.

Warriors and priests are a special danger to face hunters. In their decks there are effective combinations of spells to eliminate enemy creatures and health replenishment, so you can simply do not have enough damage to break them. If your opponent plays a warrior or priest, try to organize the most aggressive start. It is possible that you will have to be swapped more often than usual. Even if this approach seems illogical to you, remember that you need to save your board for applying periodic damage, and the only way to do this is an effective exchange.

Replacing cards

Instead of the scout, you can use squire avant-garde, because It allows you to make a exchange with other aggressive decks.

If you often encounter controls, opponents (priests or warriors), add a savanna or lotoshib to the deck in a deck in order to be able to stay in battle. Nevertheless, if the percentage of victories in such matches is too small, pay attention to other decks of hunters.

(NEW) Legendary Foreign Ministry Hunter from Sottle (WOG)

Legendary Foreign Hunter (Standard Mode)

This deck of the MID-Hunter is designed to play in standard mode. The restrictions entered in it were greatly influenced by many classes used creatures from the Curse of Naxramas. Fortunately, they can be replaced by such creatures as a fiery bat. In addition, hunters have access to one of the best expensive spells in the game - the call of forests.


The rapidity is designed both to control the control in the first moves and for applying additional damage closer to the end of the match. In addition, if cards ended in your hand, rapidity will help to get an excess card and approach the desired option - for example, the high-grade savanna or call of forests.

Call of forests is one of the most powerful expensive cards in the game. Calls of forests combines the effects of three pets at once, but it costs less mana (compared to three separate pets), which benefits from the number of other cards. This effect is extremely flexible. It provides damage necessary to eliminate the enemy creature or finishing the enemy, allows you to close the provocateur and ensures an impressive presence on the board.

Synergy and combination

Starting hand and detailed tactics

Against warrior control

Against zoo-log

Replacing cards

(NEW) Budget Foreign Ministry Hunter from Sottle (WOG)

Cheap Foreign Hunter (Standard Mode)

This deck of the MID-Hunter is designed to play in standard mode. The restrictions entered in it were greatly influenced by many classes used creatures from the Curse of Naxramas. Fortunately, they can be replaced with such creatures as a fiery bat and an infected wolf. By the way, the latter is the only decent replacement by the piloted crossist.


The deck under consideration partially sacrifices early aggression in the form of a leprognom and rider on a wolf, focusing on a smoother curve, which allows maintaining pressure at the intermediate stage of the game. If the opponent still be able to recoup and capture control over the table, the dogs will come to the rescue and the team "take!", Which, in combination with the Hero's force, can quickly finish the match.

The fiery bat is a strong creature worth 1 crystal and a single noncommittational version for the first turn. The bat is a beast, and it is very important because it allows you to activate the effect of the shepherd and the paint, even if you get it closer to the end of the game. Thus, if you failed to play the bat in the curve, hold it specifically for these purposes.

Frosty trap is a response to major enemy creatures that cannot be eliminated in other ways. However, the frosty trap can be used to get advantage in the pace, because It allows you to ignore the "uncomfortable" threats and continue to beat the opponent "in the face."

The rapidity is designed both to control the control in the first moves and for applying additional damage closer to the end of the match. In addition, if cards are running in your hand, the rapidity will help to get an excess card and approach the desired option - for example, the high-grade of the savanna.

Huge toad is an aggressive cheap creature, which is used for an effective exchange due to its deathbed rat. In addition, the toad is also a beast, and if you have a coin after it, you can play a copier.

Jonggler Dimgners - another aggressive cheap creature, which is usually used in combination with a ride of dogs or other creatures.

Pet is an extremely effective spell that allows only 3 crystals to encourage the creature, which in any case will be stronger than all other creatures with a similar value. Despite the fact that a particular pet is determined randomly, in most situations it is absolutely no matter. In addition, the spell often encourages a pet that needs exactly at the moment, and provides incredibly powerful moves.

Another important map is the onions of the eagle horns. It can be used both to eliminate enemy creatures and direct attack. Since there are not so many secrets in the deck, do not be afraid to spend the boards, if it gives you a significant advantage.

Team "Take!" Used mainly to finish the enemy and allows 5 units. damage for 3 mana crystals. In addition, it is suitable for eliminating key enemy creatures.

Psar can enhance small animals, turning them into a serious threat. In other words, when activating the combat shift, the psar is extremely effective and fully justifies its cost.

An infected wolf is one of the few new cards capable of competing with a piloted crochether from the point of view of the total characteristics. Since in the standard format, the piloted kneader cannot be used, the hunters have received a significant advantage, possessing the only worthy version of the replacement. In addition, in contrast to the obsessive slider, the infected wolf calls on the beasts, which are perfectly combined with the shepherd and the psarem.

The shepherd is a very powerful map of which allows you to add to the board an average of 6/6 units of characteristics. Despite the fact that in the absence of the beast, the effect of the shepherd drops sharply, in the deck under consideration there is enough beasts that activate its effect.

High-grains savanna - one of the best creatures in the game, allowing to withstand heavy controls of opponents. High-grains has impressive characteristics and a dangerous death rather, so few classes can deal with it effectively.

Synergy and combination

  • Dogs are used in combination with a hunter label to eliminate major enemy creatures.
  • Combination of juggler dwarf + pull dogs is designed for stripping the boards in battles with other aggressive opponents, which seek to put as much cheap creatures on the table.
  • Psary is recommended to play in the presence of animals to create creatures with impressive characteristics.

Starting hand and detailed tactics

Strategy of the selection of the starting hand is relatively simple. You will need a huge toad, a fiery bat and juggler with a flame. In addition, when choosing a starting hand, it is necessary to take into account the fact of the presence of a coin. If you go to the second, use a coin to set the field with a cost of 2 crystal in the first progress, and on the second progress, play another creature with a similar value. If you go first, play by curve. The ideal situation looks like this: Fiery bat, huge toad, pet.

Playing against fast rivals (for example, zoo-slots), you can leave the onion of the eagle horns in the starting hand. In the first turns, it is necessary to fight for control and destroy enemy creatures with the help of weapons with the calculation that you will dominate the field closer to the end of the game.

Against warrior control

Do not be afraid to leave the Savannah high in the starting hand. As a rule, warriors play very slowly, so the quick start you will not need. Exhibiting high-profile at 6 progress, you strongly complicate the life of the enemy, because the soldiers do not effective ways Cross this creature. Without a high-year, you can hardly beat, because Warrior quickly accumulates armor and leave you without cards.

Against zoo-log

By any way, try to get in the starting hand of the fiery bat, the scorn of sergeant and jugglera with a flame. In this battle, the struggle for control at the initial stage of the game is of particular importance. If you manage to get an advantage, the victory will be in your pocket, because in the aggregate of the heroes will apply 4 units to your opponent. damage per course. For the starting hand, it is also useful to tear dogs, especially if you have a coin, because The combination of juggler darkens + pull dogs for zoo-slocks is extremely devastable.

Replacing cards

Instead of jugglera, kinzhali can be used by the Royal Election, providing good.

Secrets can be changed at their discretion - for example, leave one copy of the frosty trap, adding it to bearish or snake traps.

If you often find yourself with empty hands, replace one psary and one shepherd on grave spiders.

DRAGONZRILLA (Dragon Hunter Control)

All cards decks are divided into two types: dragons and support. The first type includes creatures of dragons, as well as other beings, whose combat cligs are triggered in the presence of a dragon in hand. These are very valuable cards that interact perfectly with each other. Despite the fact that the dragons and the essence associated with them are very strong and are excellent for the exchange, for complete control of the board they must be supplemented with auxiliary cards.

Support cards include spells, weapons and creatures with unique effects (or good). For the most part, they are used reactive, if certain play situations occur. Nevertheless, some auxiliary creatures are able to provide an impressive presence on the board and promote its smooth and efficient development.

Good card

Dobor cards are one of the most important aspects Games control-deel. In our deck is a good different ways. It contains 8 creatures and spells that allow you to get additional cards, but only 6 of them work unconditionally.

Figure gives additional cards only if your hand is empty. Nevertheless, when playing control-deel, it rarely happens, and it is not worth counting on this effect.

Royal Elekkh2:

This creature has impressive characteristics (including its cost) and the potential for the patient of cards. In the current mete, fighters from Darnas are often used, the demons of the abyss, manazmes and twilight dragons, and the Royal Elekk is suitable for changing them. Always try to get it in the starting hand. Even if Elekkk does not win a dispute, the opponent will have to show you a map from his deck, which will affect further decisions.

Given the large number of strong creatures present in your deck, the Royal Elekk will rarely lose controversies and will provide reliable good. It is possible that it is thanks to him that the dragon will come to you in the hand, so necessary to activate the effects of such creatures as the technician of the wing of darkness.

Pain minister x2:

The minister of pain acts very straightforward: gets damage and gives you a map. It plays perfectly both in itself and in combination with a fierce pyroman and a terrible scales. If the enemy imposes a little on the servant, you will not be able to receive cards with it, but this happens quite rarely.

Azure dragon x2:

Azure Dragon brings a double benefit: it is not only a tool of the goodness, but also dragon. In addition, the spell bonus is usually much longer than it seems at first glance. In particular, it can be used to stripping the board or finishing the enemy.

Stripping table.

Any control-deck includes tools for stripping the board and effectively eliminate enemy creatures. It is believed that the hunter is not intended for these purposes, so control-hunters are found so rarely. Nevertheless, this class may well use control-tactics, methodically eliminating the threat.

Despite the lack of opportunity to apply AE-damage in 3-4 units. On request, the hunter has access to dragons synergies and creatures like a terrible scales or a fierce pyromante, which, in combination with a hunter label, allow you to clean the table.

Tag Hunter X2:

This spell allows you to deal with any threat. It is best to use it in combination with a fierce pyroman and terrible scales. In addition, you can hit the target with a label to any creature present on the table. Try not to spend this card in vain.

Creepy scales:

Mini-baron Geddon can become a real nightmare for paladins and other aggressive decks, especially if you hide it behind the provocateur. Creepy scales - not the most efficient option for stripping the board, but in some matches without it just can not do. In combination with a hunter label, a terrible scales can destroy any, even the largest goal.

Ice mouth:

Provocateur with 6/6 characteristics and built-in excavated evil. It can be placed both on an empty board and in the presence of a large number of enemy beings so that the effect is maximum. Ice mouth can be used to deceive the enemy, which will be afraid of anyone, not knowing that you have no dragon in your hand.

Long bow

Long bow - almost the best map of the deck, which is beyond any doubt justifies its cost. Long bow provides exceptional capabilities to control the table, allowing you to apply 5 units. damage is an enemy creature and not get a response damage. In other words, the advantages of such weapons are obvious.

Perhaps it will seem to you that the deck under consideration would be quite good for the ancient healer, however, practice shows that 8 units. Healing is unlikely to ever saved you. Control-hunter practically does not have to take care of the level of health, mainly due to a long bow.

Long bow absorbs incoming damage, regardless of how the enemy creature will hit you much. For example, the onions can be used in combination with the Royal Electric or Technology Wing of Darkness against the enemy Giant 8/8, which is actually equal to the effect of the healer.

This weapon often helps win fights, which is why it is so expensive. Let us give an example. We play against an aggressive shaman who makes new cards without end and can answer any of our stroke. The battle is delayed, we have only 2 units. Health, while the back of the opponent's health is almost full (26 units)

On the enemy half of the field stand: 3/4 tank spider, healing totem 0/2, manned crumbs 5/4 (with a bonus from the cilancer of fogs), a totem of the stone claw 0/2 and the cilancer of 4/4 fog. On our half of the field there is a long onion and azure dragon. The situation can be resolved in our favor only if the crochester after death calls a creature with the force of attack less than 2 units.

What can be done in this case?

I will kill the Totem of the Stone Claw with a sorcerer shot, remove the bridze onion, without receiving any damage, and see that he called on the parrot Captain. We exchange the azure dragon on a spider tank, kill the cumulative Tumanov Randa with a rend. On the table will remain only the totem of healing 0/2 and the parrot of the captain. The enemy is not lucky - he does not get a card that would allow him to apply the missing unit of damage. We slow down the game another move with the help of twilight guard, and then play the alekstrase.

This example proves that the significance of a long bow is almost impossible to overestimate.


Fierce pyromeman

It is hardly possible a very strong card of a deck, which is not better restrains the development of the enemy. Since the pyromress has standard characteristics for a value of 2 crystal, for its rational use, a certain experience is required and the ability to think over all a few steps forward. Often, it is precisely this determines the outcome of the battle.

Due to the pyromanta, you will be able to break the card with the help of a pain of pain, strengthen the gas "Railla and finish the opponent or eliminate a major threat with the help of a hunter label. Engage spells for the move with a pyromantera and try to get maximum benefits from it.

The strong side of this creature is that it cannot be instantly removed by an experienced hunter, without spending additional resources. At the same time, it has the force of attack in 6 units. And suitable for profitable change. But if suddenly the opponent can not answer the gas "Railla, the game will very quickly end. In other words, he must quickly kill her or surrender.

You should not take care of the gas "Rill for a breathtaking combo with a fierce pyroman and spells. If you have in my hand to seventh go, you just play it around the curve. Remember that it is practically no different from the dragons, with the exception of strong psychological pressure on the opponent comparable to the effect of Silvana Winder.

Draconid crusher

Draconid crusher is not only a dragon, but also a potentially large creature with characteristics 9/9. It may seem to you that it is intended for situations in which it is necessary to strengthen the already durable position, but this is far from that. The draconide allows you to win matches with warriors who seek to accumulate armor after the level of their health falls below 15 units. With the help of a draconide, you can quickly destroy the armor in a few shots.

In addition, it should be noted that the Draconid-crusher effect automatically triggers with aggressive use of alexstress. Even if you will not be able to lower the level of health of the opponent to 15 units to the sixth go., Play a draconide with 6/6 characteristics and do not lose. Do not forget that the draconide can be used to lure the experienced hunter.

Rend Chernukhov

There are a lot of legendary cards that do not meet the requirements of an experienced hunter - for example, the Archmag Antonidas, Emperor Taurissan, Lotokhib and Vol, "Gin with stolen health, but along with Kel" Touzade and Isior, they are an excellent goal for a rend of black tub.

Rend gives a huge advantage in speed, not to mention the fact that he himself has excellent performance and often causes damage several times. If he becomes the goal for an experienced hunter, you will be able to exhibit other largest creatures on the table.

The ability to select a good starting hand comes with experience. Nevertheless, there are cards that you will need without taking into account class and archetype rival.

These include cheap creatures and board controls. In other words, you need to get cards in the starting hand, which can be played already in the first moves.

Selection of starting hand

Do not forget about successful combinations. For example, if a fierce pyromeman and a hunter label arrived in the hand, leave both.

More experienced players can change priorities and pick up the starting hand depending on the type of enemy. For example, if you play against an aggressive enemy (Fais Hunter or Zoo Loca), a magician shot can be useful. In the games with the magicians, the same map will save you from the student of the sorcerer. Playing with Paladins, you can combine a shot with a fierce pyromante and eliminate jugglers daggers, protected minibes and recruits from calling into battle.

Choose cards that will allow you to control the board in the first moves. Throw those that will be useful only at the final stage of the game. An example is a azure or other expensive dragon, even if there is already an appliances in the hand in hand. Do not force events, the necessary cards will still come to you.

Of course, of these rules there are certain exceptions, and you can change them based on the information about the enemy and the situation. Play as often as possible, and success will not wait long.


If you are experiencing difficulties when playing this deck, try replacing some cards.

If you kill you too fast:

  • -1x draconide crusher
  • + 1x ancient healer

If you often come across opponents with secrets (in particular, paladins):

  • -1x Royal Elekkk
  • + 1x Light Rocket

If you can't keep control:

  • -1x draconide crusher
  • -1x chromaggus
  • + 2x powerful shot

Beast Master from Spark (Loe Legend EU)

The MID-Hunter is an improved version of the old deck, allowing to reach the rank of legend. Thanks to the grave spider, the hunters got the opportunity to focus even more on the interaction of animals. This card helps ensure the presence on the board and more efficiently use spells. Thus, the mechanics of excavation of the grave slider brings a hunter a special benefit. You can get such situational, but very effective cards, like a forest wolf, a hyena-padulist, rolling codo, a terrible scales or a king of a crucible.

Total Tactics and Strategy Selection of Starting Hand

Remember that the hunter with beasts is not a fais hunter! Control the board with the help of cheap creatures at the beginning of the match. In the middle of the match, use the onions of the eagle horns and secrets to intercept the initiative, and begin to put pressure on the enemy using the hero's strength and the merger of value.

Before making a move, consider all possible options. If you can not finish the opponent now, start preparing for the ending blow, because Subsequently, you may not have enough resources. At the same time, continue to clean the enemy board.

Always try to get in the starting hand of Teanestnik, a crazy scientist and obsessed slider. In addition, you will be useful for juggler daggers and ironcles. If you have a coin, engage the pet and the onion of the eagle horns. If you play against the priest, leave the hunter label in the starting hand.

Throw away all other cards from the starting hand, especially the secrets.


Druid is a rather comfortable opponent if he failed to do his stunts with insight. Remember that the corona combo druid can be broken by the lotchomb.

The hunter is equal to the power of the opponent. Try to get cheap creatures in the starting hand and get advantage in speed.

Mages (with the exception of fur-magicians) will always be in a more advantageous position. For victory in this match, a certain proportion of luck will be required. Always keep the Orel horns in your hand and kill them small enemy creatures.

Paladin does not represent a special threat, but the protected mini bot and mysterious challenger often deliver a lot of problems.

Playing with the priest, get ready for faith situations. Expose creatures by curve, be sure to use the copper and high-profile savanna to make the enemy play off. If possible, kill the Chicrician of the Northmery onion of Orlina Horn.

The robber with Mechanomasl is a cunning and complex enemy capable of controlling the board at any stage of the game. Fortunately, such opponents are quite rare. Robber with rapets not yet succeeded.

In the Arsenal Shaman, there are spells such as thunderstorms and evil eye, but they rarely interfere with the hunter to cause a damage enough. Use a combination of juggler dwarf + pull dogs to get rid of totems and get an advantage.

Warlocks are strong opponents. For example, Hand-Loca, which prewring its plan, to finish almost impossible. Do not let it set fiery giants if you have no command "Take!"

Warrior - hardly the easiest option. If you constantly lose the warriors, most likely you do something wrong. Kill the workshops of armor and servants of pain weapons and small creatures, and then the warrior will get damage by testing your table with the help of weapons. Remember that soldiers do not have effective ways to deal with the high-year savanna. Beware of scuffle and protect your creatures of the lothum.

Situational Cards and Replacements

Tund Luthorog - the most flexible creature in the deck. Instead, you can use the carriage code, because There are many goals suitable for it. As other situational cards, you can put in the deck of mystic Kesan, Harrison Jones or even an experienced hunter. If you want to experiment with a good mechanism, turn on the head of the chart.

With the advent of the grave spider, the value of the tundra lithorog rose, because It gives a jerk with various beasts (in particular, the high-grade of the savanna and the associated hyenas). However, the loiter can be replaced. Possible alternatives: Tiger of the Tern Valley and the Music Expressor.

In addition, with the advent of new animals from the grave spider, it became possible to effectively use the shepherd. The appearance of this creature can provoke non-standard and fun gaming situationsHowever, sometimes the random effect works at all as I would like.

Despite the fact that the piloted crochesman lost his place to the grave spider, but if you have no cards from the adventure of the league of researchers, you can temporarily play with him.

If you often meet in the rating matches of Paladinov with secrets, the lighting rocket will be useful. However, such opponents can be beat without a rocket, which does not increase in speed, because The mysterious applicant itself has impressive characteristics. The lighting rocket also benefits in games with magicians and hunters.

Filmlessness is a good spell that fits perfectly into a deck. Royal Electric - useful, but cheap creature. Because in the deck and so enough cards worth 2 crystals, it will be more intelligent to refuse it.

The snake trap can be replaced by an explosive or frosty trap, if the current meta requires (frosty trap will come in handy in battles with mid-opponents, while the explosive trap allows you to effectively resist aggressive rivals).

If you still do not have a doctorate of boom, you need to make it as soon as possible. If you do not have enough dust, spray unnecessary cards - for example, Silvana windmill, Ragnaros, sea giant or heavenly golem.

Foreign Ministry Hunter with Sir Finley Mrrgglon (Legend)

Why do you need Sir Finley Mrrgglon? For the Foreign Hunter, the faithful shot is less value than for a fake hunter, especially if you consider that the current MET is quite aggressive.

How to choose the power of the hero?

There are two options depending on the stage of the game:

a.) The power of the hero, which allows to cause 1 unit. damage (Druid or Maga; the robber is not worth to take, because his dagger replaces the onions of the Orlina Horn);

b.) The power of the hero, giving health or armor, because At the final stage of the game, your main task will be to finish yourself.

Against control-opponents (priests or warriors):

The life of the victory. Hunter, infinitely replenishing his hand? It is better to give up right away. In addition, you can choose the power of the hero to apply a sight damage. In this case, it will be better faithful shot.

A small advice: Sir Finley Mrrgglont actually updates the power of the hero, i.e. You can use it twice for the move!

In general, an unusual deck with Finley opens up new opportunities before the player.

Why no snake trap?

From the point of view of synergies, the serpent trap perfectly fits in a deck thanks to the presence of juggler darkens and Psar, but many opponents simply ignore it, and paladins with secrets and druids are effectively spreading with snakes with the help of sanctification or scope. In addition, everyone knows that mid-hunters are playing with snake traps, and do not expect the appearance of an explosive trap, which allows light victories.

In the decks of hunters there are no "mandatory" traps, so we recommend using the least predictable options. However, when the snake trap will lose its popularity, you can start using it again.

Selection of starting hand

Against aggressive opponents:

  • High Priority: Sir Finley Mrrgglon, Mad Scientist, Obsession
  • Middle priority: juggler darkens, royal electro, rapidity (in battles with druids has a high priority, because allows you to kill the fighter from Darnas)
  • If an aggressive opponent is played against you with a large number of creatures (Paladin, Zoo-Lock, etc.), leave the dogs and explosive trap in the starting hand.

Against mid and opponents:

The game of the curve always brings the desired results. This is exactly what you should strive for the game of the MFA deeline, so you can leave cards in the starting hand worth 3 crystals (for example, pets and onions of the Orly Rog).

In any case, our deck contains many creatures worth 2 crystals, and you will most likely be able to make a good second course. In the absence of other options, the secret can be played (for example, a bear trap).


Without a doubt, this deck has great potential for rating battles. We will be happy to hear your suggestions and comments!

It is especially effective against aggro-druids, MID-Paladinov, Paladins with secrets and robbers. In addition, she goodly shown himself in matches with warriors, which are so often found at high ranks.

The selection of the starting hand is very simple. Try to get one-two creatures worth 1 crystal and one creature worth 2 crystals. If you have a coin, you can consistently set two creatures worth 2 crystals, which is very profitable for face-hunters. The insane scientist should be played in front of the juggler daggers to put out the opponent's spells as anger or a powerful blow. If you play a scientist and jongler on the same course, of course, the juggler should go on the field first. At the fourth or fifth, start as often as possible to use the power of the hero to compensate for the shortage of cards.

Attack the enemy hero, trying to break through it as quickly as possible. Nevertheless, some of the enemy beings - in particular, the master of armor, a fighter from Darnass, arsonist and jugglera darkens - you need to be swapped, because They are too dangerous. The remaining creatures do not represent any threat, so they can be ignored.

Hunter in Hearthstone has always been considered an aggressive class, however, with the release of the league of researchers and the introduction of mechanics, the control-hunters received the right to life.

Important comments:

  • Rule number 1: Control and effective exchange!
  • Try to clutch the enemy by surprise using cards obtained as a result of excavations.
  • Use the brunch of the brider with the mind. If the enemy did not pay attention to the branch, punish it for it.
  • Playing against Mages and Paladins, break their plans with the help of the lighting rocket.
  • An explosive or frosty trap can be replaced by any other.
  • Running Code is designed to eliminate the gang of bend demons, a protected mini bot or Rock Bulletin (when playing against the frieze magician).
  • If necessary, the effect of an ancient healer can be strengthened by a branch.

Selection of starting hand

  • Playing against classes with secrets, keep the lighting rocket in your hand.
  • In any match, try to get cheatenter and royal electro in the starting hand.
  • If you see an aggressive opponent, an explosive trap is useful for you.
  • Playing with control-opponent, leave in the hand of precious scarab.


Paladin with secrets (Warreit 40%): A complex and strong opponent. Fight for control, starting from the very first turn. Make the Paladin to exchange your creatures. Release the lighting rocket in the presence of two or more secrets (ideally - immediately after the appearance of a mysterious challenger). When excavations, choose aeo spells (powerful shot, pull dogs). Choosing the power of the hero using Sir Finley Mrrgglton, stop at the shift of the druid. If this option is not, use small healing or raise the shield!

Temo-magazine (WINRIT 75%): nothing complicated with a good starting hand with a lighting rocket capable of removing the reflected entity. Organize an effective exchange, kill the arsonist's codo.

Friz-magazine (Warreit 90%): Use the lighting rocket, do not use Sir Finley Mrrgglton (you will be useful to the faithful shot). Exhibit an ancient healer when the health supply drops below 15 units.

Druid (Warreit 60%): Play as if you know for sure that he has a combo wild roar in his hand + the power of nature. Kill the carrier code of the shadow of Naxramas or the custodian of the thicket.

Priest (control, with dragons or burial, Warreit 50%): can deliver a lot of problems with unsuccessful excavations (for example, in the absence of the "Take!" Command). Use the carriage codo to get rid of the Lord of Death and get an advantage on the table.

Aggro-shaman (Warreit 40%): Pray that he has a bad starting hand. Try to get the power of the hero, allowing you to get additional health glasses or impose aimic damage. Kill enemy creatures by all available ways. Do not spare the ancient healsors.

Robber (Miracle or Oil, Ware 60%): Simple opponent, because His creatures allow you to make a profitable exchange. Key to victory - effective use traps. The lighting rocket will help to remove the disguise from the Goblin-auctioneer.

Warlock (hand or with Maligos, Warreit 50%): Without a carrying code, you will have to be tight. Do not tighten the match. Otherwise, you will get a crushing damage in just one move. Try to kill the opponent for 9-10 moves.

Zoolek (Vareyite 65%): everything is much easier here. Kill the leader of the gang of demons carrying codo, and the match will end.

Fais Hunter (65% Viryait): It is time to pay! Provocators and rolling codo will help you. Use the ancient healers in the presence of a branch of the bronze, remove the traps of the lighting rocket.

Monitoring-warrior (WINRIT 55%): Easy victory upon receipt of the benefits of 5-6 go; Guaranteed loss, if the battle is too delayed. Do not exhibit too many creatures on the field so that they do not get into the scuffle. Two-three creatures will be quite enough. Rusk cards that will help to bypass Silvana vitrolery and other threats.

I hope these guides by hunter decks have been useful to you. If you want to thank us, you can repost this article on social networks and raise an assessment. Good game!

Hello, dear readers Site!

Begins new 2017 yearIn which there will be a lot of wonderful events for Hearthstone: Spring rotation of the standard mode, as well as the yield of three new additions. But at the very beginning of the year, before that, it is still very far, but players can fully enjoy the method of the Zlagan city of Pribambasska, which formed for last month And at the beginning of the new year, it is already unlikely to significantly change. This means that you can start the game in the ladder with almost finally arranged top deckswho prepared for you the editorial site. In this article you will find top Hearthstone 2017 For each class, starting with the most popular, ending with classes that play less frequently. Each of these top decks you can pave your path in Legend in the January season Hearthstone 2017..

Top shaman decksHearthstone 2017.

The leading class in the mete was a shaman, but his top Hearthstone 2017 we have undergone significant changes. If earlier the leader Middertge Shaman., now the championship passed to Agro Shaman.who received excellent tools for a quick start - pirates. There are two versions of this archetype, the first is complemented by the mechanics of jade lotus, the second - rock hammers and stone stovers.

Top deck Agro Shaman from Spo

Top deck Agro Shaman from Demigod

Not anywhere and Middertge Shaman.Although his assembly has undergone significant changes. This from the BearNugget is similar to the hybrid version of Midrhend, Agro and Jade ShamanHowever, she is extremely well established at high legend ranks.

Top Deck Mistrong Shaman from BearNugget

I. slower versions of shamanBut in comparison with the above decks, they are significantly inferior in force, as in popularity.

Top deck Chamber control from Wirer

Shaman will probably continue to be the most efficient, popular and meticulous class in Hearthstone 2017.and the rest of the archetype will be forced to adapt to the match-AP Agro Shaman and Medrontzh ShamanIf they claim a high percentage of victories.

Top decks of warriorHearthstone 2017.

Warrior - one more class claiming the first lines of popularity in Hearthstone 2017., there are three completely different top decks of warriorwhich are in different degrees are presented in the lademan in different rank intervals, but they are all unusually strong.

The most popular top Warrior Deck in Hearthstone 2017Pirate WarriorThe assembly of this archetype was settled in the first weeks of the evil city of Pribambaska and some experimental cards in it you will very rarely see. The author of the deck is Sintolol.

Top Deck Pirate Warrior from Sintolol

Another fast, but rather rather to build the tempo and seizure of the table top Deep Warrior Hearthstone 2017Warrior on dragons. In the assembly there are also pirates, in order to early stage Games confidently entrenched on the table. This top deck is almost not changing again, sometimes except that you use one copy of the arcanic ren suite to improve the match-AP with Miracle Robber.

Top Deck of Warrior on Dragons from Zalae

Last top deck of a warrior began to meet a little more often in the lander only in recent weeks, but in Hearthstone 2017. She is waiting for more confident positions in the mete. Speech O. Control warrior. The author of this assembly achieved incredible results on the highest legendary ranks.

Top deck warrior control from VLPS

Top Warfish DeepsHearthstone 2017.

Among top Shoe Degments in Hearthstone 2017 Stayed, unfortunately, only Renolock, but Zoolet It is devoted to oblivion because of the unprofitable match-ups with the leaders of the META. Renolok himself feels more than confidently in mete, pleases the sameness and variety of archetype assemblies. The most optimal renolok Top Deck in Hearthstone 2017 Collected by asmodai player.

Renolok Top Deck from Asmodai

Top decks of robberHearthstone 2017.

Robber Very popular in Hearthstone 2017., however, thanks to only one archetype - Miracle Robbing. Others top decks This class was disappeared from the Meta after the Zlagan City of Prijambasska.

There are two top decks Miracle Robber in Hearthstone 2017, The first slower and uses adventurers, and the second one costs without these creatures, which helps in the match-like with aggressive archetypes.

Top Deck of Miracle Robber with Adventurers from Casie / Freakeh

Top Deck of Miracle Robber With Adventurers Hearthstone 2017 from Casie / Freakeh

Top Deck of Mural Robber from Mryagut

Top decks of priestHearthstone 2017.

Top Priest Decks Hearthstone 2017 can be divided into two types. The first - Priest on dragons, this archetype stably shows itself in mete, so in Hearthstone 2017. He will continue to delight the fans of Anduina with stability and good match-likes with a large number of Laddera deck. Final assembly Priests on dragons Not yet, the players have a scope for fantasy, some experiment even with inner fire, with which it is advantageous to translate with the beings of the opponent, and also surprise it.

Top Deck of Priests on Wirer Dragons

Top deck of priests on dragons from thijs

The second popular archetype class - Renault Priestwhich also has a good potential in Hearthstone 2017.. Renault Priest Deck Uses dragons synergies for a stable early and middle stage of the game.

Top Deck of Renault Priests from Trump

Top decks of DruidHearthstone 2017.

AT Hearthstone 2017. Druid has not so many archetypes that could conquer the ladder. The first is the most common - Jade Druid.. Top deck Jade Druid Hearthstone 2017 It has already been formed regarding a long time ago, and then ceased to evolve, many continue to play, but it is unlikely to be successful in tournaments and higher legend ranks.

Top Decks Jade Druid from JustSaiyans

But the chance is top Decodes Malligos Druid Hearthstone 2017which after the gratuitous city of Pribambaska acquired new card - Kun, forgotten by the king, this creature interacts perfectly with aircraft, allowing you to play a huge number of cards in one move. This top deck of Druid has perspectives and space for growth in Hearthstone 2017..

Top Deck of Malligos Druid from HotMeowth

Top Magic DecodesHearthstone 2017.

Only one Top flap magazine finds his place in Hearthstone 2017. - this is Renault Mag.. However, this archetype has a huge number of diverse assemblies, optimal yet to find, and so far the players have a huge field for experiments. Two presented option top Magician Deep Hearthstone 2017 Not very similar to each other, but both have proven their effectiveness.

Top deck of Renault Magic from Lifecast

Top Deck of Renault Magon from Rage

Top decks of paladinHearthstone 2017.

Paladin - One of the two classes that are very tight in Hearthstone 2017., After all, the infant town of Pribambassk gave not too much good cards to the class, however, and before this complement, Uther was extremely deplorable. The only thing truly deserves his title top decks The assembly belongs to APDROP.