Gaming learning situation of scientists. Game training situations presentation on the topic

The classification of game situations and the characteristics of the main types of gaming situations are one of the methods of active learning, characterized in that some of its implementation uses some, usually one or two, the game principles (from the principles of active learning), the implementation of which occurs in the conditions of free, non-regulated formal rules and organizational structure of activity. The most typical game situations are training role-playing games and discussion classes. In pedagogical literature, we see several different qualifications of game situations. Usually the foundation of the classification is the target purpose of the gaming situation. Gaming situations are divided into creative and games with rules. Creative gaming situations, in turn, include: theatrical, plot role and construction. Gaming situations with rules are dodeactic, movable, musical games and fun games. Some play situations are created by the children under the guidance of the teacher - this creative games; Others are created in advance, have ready-made content and certain rules - these are games with rules. In turn, the Games with the rules are divided into mobile and didactic games. For the development of full-fledged game communication, such a form of speech work with children is used as game training situations. There are four types of training situations: situations-illustration; Exercise situations; Situations of partner cooperation (problem situations) Evaluation situation. Situations-illustrations are most often used in the training of younger students. The teacher plays ordinary scenes from the life of children. It is recommended to use illustrations, puppet theater, toys. In parallel with the use of situations, the illustrations are offered game situations-exercises. Children train in the performance of individual gaming actions and bind them to the plot; Learn to regulate the relationship with peers in the framework of gaming interaction. The participation of children in situations of partner cooperation (situation situations), where children assimilate the basic social relations, their behavior in the world of people. Where the child finds the way out of his feelings and experiences, learns to realize and take them. With older children, you can use evaluation situations, evaluations from the children themselves. In this case, the game problem has already been solved, but from an adult it is necessary to help the child to analyze and justify decision, Rate it. For example: children during the game-dramatization take on the role of negative characters, know how to model their behavior in accordance with the characteristics of the hero, compare various traits of character (kind - evil, honest - false). Pedagogue creates an installation on formation positive traits Character in children. Education to gaming communication is carried out in the form of scenarios of activating communication. Scenario of communication may include a conversation of the teacher with children, didactic, movable, folk Games, staging, dramatization games, visual activities, design, simulation exercises, examination of objects (viewing toys, objects, paintings). In such activities, we are speaking in all its diverse functions, it carries the main load in solving practical and informative tasks. In the scenarios of activating communication, the following tasks are raised and solved: the communicative development of children; Awakening of your own speech activity of each child, his linguistic games, dialogues between children - children's linguistic and communicative amateur. For the development of full-fledged gaming communication, teachers actively use such a form of speech work with children as game training situations. In situations-illustrations, adults are played by simple sketches from the life of children. Most often, such situations are used in working with children of younger school age. With various gaming materials And the teacher's didactic benefits demonstrate to children samples of socially acceptable behavior, and also activates their skills to effectively communicate. Along with the situation situations, we successfully use the exercise situation in the educational process. Now we have a child not only listening and watching, but also actively acting. In fact, in the exercise situations, children train in the performance of individual gaming actions and bind them to the plot, learn to regulate the relationship with peers in the framework of the game interaction. You can use this type of game learning situations on any elementary school lessons. The participation of younger schoolchildren in situations-issues contributes to the assimilation of the main vectors of social relations, their "working out" and modeling the strategy of their behavior in the world of people. In such situations, an adult attracts the child's attention to its emotional state and the state of other characters. Actively participating in situations-issues, the child finds a way out of his feelings and experiences, learns to realize and take them. He gradually masters the skills to anticipate the real consequences of his actions and based on this further plot of the games, arbitrarily change its game and speech behavior. In situations, problems each child is in an active position. This is the pedagogical value of such situations. One of effective ways The problem solving is the use of gaming communicative situations in teaching children of younger school age. The communicative game situation actualizes the leading motives of the child, significantly increases the level of speech activity, improves the quality of schoolchildren's speech statements and improves learning efficiency. IN primary school It can be used in working with children-evaluation situations, imposing analysis and justification of the decision taken, its assessment by the children themselves. In this case, the game problem has already been solved, but from an adult it is necessary to help the child to analyze and justify the decision made, appreciate it. As the educational practice has already been shown, all positive qualities and knowledge in children form not the playing training situation itself. And one or another specific content that teacher is specifically entered into it. The basis of the game training situation is the scenario of activating communication. Scenario of communication may include various forms of the game; This is a conversation of the teacher with children, travel games, conversation games, dramatization games, improvisation games. Such forms suggest the inclusion in the scenario of visual activities, design, simulation exercises, survey of objects (viewing toys, objects, paintings). It is in such types of children's activities that it acts in all its diverse functions, carries the main load in solving practical and informative tasks. Working out the scenarios of activating communication, we solve important tasks - the communicative development of children and the awakening of our own speech activity of each child, its linguistic games, dialogues between children, that is, children's linguistic and communicative amateurs. For optimization purposes educational process Educators specify these tasks, highlighting learning, developing and educational. In scenarios of activating communication, training is carried out mainly with the use of indirect learning methods, has not educational, but gaming, communicative motivation. Such an approach allows our teachers to successfully implement school pedagogy in practice: "We must teach children so much so that they don't even guess about it." This gives us the opportunity to synchronize the processes of learning and education, make them not opposing each other, but complementary, mutually engraving development of the child. Indeed, in the process of gaming communication, the child learns to produce various behavioral strategies, allowing it to see the feasibility and significance of the results of their own activities and behavior. In this case, knowledge becomes not an end in itself, but the condition personal Development. The importance of them is not in their accumulation, but in the ability to solve important life tasks with them. The main difference between the training occupation and the scenario of activating communication is that an adult in the game training situation acts as a partner for communication, which seeks to establish equal, personal relationships. He respects the child's right to the initiative, his desire to speak for his topics that interests it is, and if necessary, to leave unpleasant situations. Game training situations allow us to successfully solve problems that are already traditional for the methodology of speech development: the enrichment and activation of the dictionary, upbringing sound culture Speech, formation of the grammatical system of the child, the development of a coherent speech. But in order to intensify the game communication between children, their initiative statements, teachers, when drawing up the scenarios of activating communication, are trying to select "specific language material", special gaming tasks, distressed situations of varying degrees of complexity. Gaming situations that solved the tasks language DevelopmentWe are converted to us so that simultaneously and in parallel to solve the problem of forming the skills of effective (effective) communication and the establishment of emotional personal contacts between children and the surrounding adults. From the entire existing manifold different species Gaming situations It is the didactic games that are closely connected with the educational process. They are used as one of the ways to teach various subjects in elementary school. Didactic game situation (training) is a type of activity by which children learn. The game situation is dramatization. For children of younger school age, the process of reincarnation into a specific artistic or real image (This desire for reincarnation is maintained at all stages of the development of the child's personality). Special attention to the teacher should be paid to the organization of the preparatory period of working on the created play, in the process of which not only artistic, but also educational tasks are solved. It is here that the first penetration of the author, an understanding of the typical or exclusivity of the situation, reproduce the composition, plot, semantic climax and understanding of heroes. The teacher helps the guys to master the culture of the product language, analyze its main components. Installation on the game situation - dramatization activates the thinking of children towards the search for answers to emerging issues, on the solution of the method of imitation, playing the role and the like. The entry into the role and action inside it according to the plot requires the child of the enhanced imagination game. To create a speech situation, allowing to truthfully uncover the image of the hero, the student must be invented and conveyed in actions or the word what is just scheduled by the author. Creative imagination in this case should also be active, but in strict accordance with the author's idea. The game situation requires children to search for variability in the application of expressive means in accordance with the characters of those heroes with whom they have to communicate. The fact that the game-dramatization as a means of forming expressive reading skills is effective, indicates the following: when working on other works with more complicated plots and characters of characters, preparatory stages occupy a significantly shorter time, since the experience of working on works in children accumulates and helps them Show the increased independence and elements of creativity in working on images, plot, texts. At the last stage of the game-dramatization, the guys independently fulfill all the roles in the work. The educational value of the game-dramatization of children built on the maximum manifestation of their independence is formulated in the following words by L.S. Vygotsky: "Also exactly, like a play, you need to provide children to do the whole material situation of the performance, and just like the imposition of children of someone else's text causes breaking in the psychological installation of children, the goal and the main character of the performance should be close and understandable to the child . The child will bind and embarrass the stage and all the external forms of the theater of adults, directly transferred to the children's scene; Baby a bad actor for others, but an excellent actor for himself, and the whole performance must be organized so that the children feel that they play for themselves are captured by the interest of this game, it itself, and not the end result. The highest award for the performance should be a pleasure experienced by a child from the preparation of the performance and from the game itself, and not a success or approval, which falls into the share of the child from adults. " Game situation - competition. Under the method of competition, they understand the introduction of an additional incentive aimed at strengthening the motives and the activation of the collective activities of students. In the course of a properly organized competition, children are always revived, passionate, internally pulled. The change in external behavior and the relationship to the fulfillment of the required actions is explained by the fact that in the competition, the child acts in the position of a person from which the success of the team depends. It is because of its attractiveness that this position can change the child who has established an indifferent or negative attitude towards the educated forms of behavior. Much more efficiently a long-term competition, calculated for a certain period - a month, a quarter. It encourages children for a long time to follow their behavior - to comply with the rules of politeness, be neat, diligent. Among the game situations that can be applied by teachers in practice, in addition to the game-dramatization and competitions, it is possible to allocate: creative play situations and their types in the form of plot and business games, didactic, among them developing and informative games, various game techniques for promotion and control Rhythmic gaming situations and long-term thematic integrated gaming situations. The creative game situation involves the transformative student's activities when he builds the game plot of action, which includes children's participants. There are rules for all among the participants. The child, becoming the author, director and artist, voluntarily and dynamically reincarnated in his heroes, striving through them to express the fact that it worried most and worried. The creative gaming situation can be used by a teacher for the formation of collectivist relations between children. Under the role-playing gaming situation is understood as the competition limited and time in solving communicative tasks of participants performing strictly specified roles in a well-defined situation. The achievement of the participant's success in the role-playing game depends on the consciousness of participation (analysis and reflection of their own behavior). From here there are pedagogical resources to stimulate self-knowledge and self-improvement of schoolchildren. In the Arsenal of the Games of each teacher, the educator of the extended day group has pedagogically managed collective role-playing games, the educational potential of which is implemented only under the condition of the pedagogical leadership. An independent deployment of their schoolchildren is extremely difficult, as they require a preparatory period, continue for quite a long time in time, many of them suggest an expert function, the implementation of which is not always able to schoolchildren themselves without a teacher-manager. As a rule, these games are aimed at performing certain pedagogical tasks. A business game situation is the method of imitation of management decisions in various manufacturing, economic situations by organizing collective activities on specified rules and standards. Didactic gaming situations provide a change in activities in the lesson. Didactic game situation is an independent activity that children are engaged in: it can be individual or collective. The game situation is a valuable means of education for the effective activity of children, it activates mental processes, causes students a living interest in the process of knowledge. A significant sign of the didactic gaming situation is a steady structure that distinguishes it from any other activity. (Many such play situations are found on the pages of the textbook "Mathematics", author Akpaeva AB) such games should take a fairly large place in the educational process, expanding the horizons of children, increasing their interest in study. The game plan is expressed, as a rule, in the title of the game situation. The didactic gaming situation has a certain result, which is the game final, gives the game completeness. It advocates primarily in the form of solving task And gives schoolchildren moral and mental satisfaction. For the teacher, the result of the gaming situation is always an indicator of the level of students' achievements in the development of knowledge or in their application. All structural elements of the didactic gaming situation are interrelated between themselves and the absence of any of them destroys the process. Many playing situations of this nature can be used in different classes, changing only the content. Using game situations in the lessons, the teacher teaches children without overworking them, attracts attention to the material of the lesson, makes it harder to think. The use of didactic gaming situations increases the strength and quality of the learning of knowledge, the motivation of the teachings, interest in the subject, if the game situation is methodically developed, corresponds to the content of the topic under study, goals and objectives, is used in combination with other methods and forms, corresponds to the age and interests of students. Didactic gaming situations briefly educate benevolence, initiative, high performance; stimulates and activates cognitive processes: thinking, memory, imagination; Create conditions for the formation of a positive motivation of educational activities, which contributes to improving the quality of students' knowledge. In cognitive gaming situations to the fore the presence of knowledge, training skills. The game situation must comply with the knowledge that players have. Developing gaming situations require special caution. Difficult, unbearable tasks can scare away. Here it is necessary to comply with the principle of simple to complex one. But but when the child succeeds in mastering the task, overcome the first difficulties, he is experiencing greater joy and is ready to go to a more complex game situation. He appears faith in his strength, "mental appetite" develops, and this means that the goal of such game situations is achieved.

The game learning situation is a complete, but specially organized plot-role-playing game. It is characterized by the following points:

It has a short and simple plot, built on the basis of life events, fabulous, or literary work, which is familiar to preschoolers;

Equipped with essential toys, attributes; For it, space and object environment are specially organized;

In the content of the game laid didactic goal, the educational task that all its components are subordinate is the plot, role-playing characters, etc.;

The game holds an educator: Announces the name and plot, distributes roles, takes one role on himself and executes it, supports an imaginary situation in accordance with the plot;

The educator manages the whole game: monitors the development of the plot, the execution of roles by children, role relationships; Satisfies the game role-playing dialogues and play actions through which the didactic goal is carried out.

With the help of gaming training situations, you can solve various software problems on the environmental education of children.

We highlight several types of a game training situation, with which various program tasks of familiarizing children with nature and their environmental education are successfully solved.

Types of gaming training situation

IOS with analog toys

IOS with literary characters

Jeos Travel type

Game training situations with analog toys

Analogs are such toys that depict nature objects: specific animals or plants. Toy analogs of animals set, they exist in various design (soft, rubber, plastic). Plant's toy analogues are not so much - these are plastic Christmas trees of different sizes, trees and shrubs from a planar theater, mushrooms, sometimes foam fruits and vegetables.

We use game training situations with analog toys in our work in all age groups, and they compare them not only with alive objects, but also with their images in paintings, visual aids, as well as layouts of natural corners made with their own hands.

Toys-analogswe include in anygame training situations, in any form of environmental education of children: observations, classes, work in nature. In all cases, they help in the formation of the guys of distinct realistic ideas about nature.

Game training situations with literary characters

The second type of IOS is associated with the use of dolls depicting characters of works well acquaintances. The heroes of loved fairy tales, stories, cartoons are perceived by children emotionally, expand the imagination, become the objects of imitation. For the implementation of the goals of environmental education, such literary works are suitable, the content of which one way or another is associated with nature, and the heroes have a puppet incarnation. In the children's literary repertoire of such works a lot - First of all, folk and author's fairy tales "Roka", "Ryaba chicken" "Red Hap", "Dr. Aibolit". With dolls depicting the main characters of fairy tales, you can build many different IPs that will help solve different program tasks of familiarizing children with nature, developing the necessary skills.

When developing IOS, I always take into account all the words and actions of the dolls correspond to its literary biography; In the new situation, it should manifest itself the same as in the work.

In other words, the use of a doll-character based on his literary biography is an indirect form of teaching children, which is entirely based on sufficiently strong gaming motivation.

Travel Situations Tutorials

The journey game I is used in working with children of different age groups. The journey is a plot-role-playing game in which children visits new places or institutions. In this game, their attention focuses on different points, plot, role actions, imagined situations. An important feature of the game learning situation in the journey - there is always a leading (guide, head of the campaign), the role that adult takes on themselves. In my work, I widely cooperate with the FC instructor, with the teachers of additional education, the music director. The content of the gaming training situation should not contradict the environmental knowledge, formed in the process of other activities. Gaming actions should be carried out in accordance with the rules and norms of behavior in nature. Thus, watching the gaming actions of the educator, including the plots of game training situations, tracking the systemic development of natural phenomena in pictures, models, preschoolers are trained in their own game, and transfer acquired knowledge to their gaming activitieswhich is carried out independently and in free activities.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in working with preschoolers on their environmental education, we use the integrated approach involving the relationship research activities, music, visual theater activities, physical culture, games, excursions, as well as organizations of independent activities of children. I noticed that when using games and game situations in environmental classes, children become more attentive, they are listening with interest stories about animals and plants, ask many additional questions that are interested in their questions.

Gaming and problematic situations aimed at mastering children of public norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society

Yakovleva Olga Vasilyevna Educator GBOU "School № 842", city Moscow
Work description: I offer you game and problematic situations for senior children preschool age (5-7 years). This material It will be interesting to educators working with children of senior preschool age, parents. He aims to assimilate the child of public norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society, the upbringing of moral and moral qualities.

The assimilation of children of public norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society through gaming and problematic situations.
Teach children to see the moral side of perceived actions, events, understand their essence.
Give ideas about the moral side of human relations, based on the creation of gaming and problematic situations.
To form the ability to reasonably evaluate your actions and actions of other people.
Educating moral and moral qualities.

Gaming situations

Faceful request
Purpose: Acquaintance of children with the forms of expression of the request addressed to the senior strangers, the eldest, as well as the peer in different situations: at home, on the street, in public places.
1. Let's play B. children's shop. Lights - seller, and other children are buyers. Spread toys on the "counter". (Each child chooses a purchase and turns to the seller, and he is politely replied to him. In addition to the words of the request, children must remember the words of gratitude and recall on them - "Please".)
2. In an unfamiliar city. You need to go to the zoo, but you do not know the road. There is a passerby. Let them be Vanya. Vika, come to the passing and ask him the road to the zoo. How will you do it?
3.Mama ordered to come home at 3 o'clock. But you have no hours. You will have to turn to someone from the elders. How do you do it?
4. Perform cases in which you need to use the words of the request. Make sure that you yourself and your friends will never forget - neither at home, nor on the street, nor in kindergarten or in the store - to use them.

About custody
Purpose: Explain to children as important in the game and in serious affairs not to be rude, to give way to each other.
1. Maxim and Julia, you want to play checkers. Try to decide whose move will be the first.
2. Dima will be uncle Kolya, and Olya and Lena - his nieces. Uncle Kolya came to visit them. He brought one big starfisher. Olya and Lena must take a gift, but do not quarrel. Let's listen to the conversation and see how children will behave.
3. We all want to look at a small funny puppy. Let's do it without a crown, yielding to each other.
4. The consipient brought a book with pictures. Seryozha, yielding Kate. Let her first look at the book. Katya, thank Serious. Or maybe you should see a book together?

Purpose: Connect empathy with the verbal expression of sympathy, enter the word consolation in the active dictionary.
1. We will find the word of consolation (the task is given in pairs).
2. Masha climbed finger. It hurts her. Test it.
3. Malysh hurt and cried. Praise him.
4. I broke the machine that he was presented for his birthday. He was very upset. Think how to help Vane.
5. Pick to the hospital. Doll Katya is sick. The nurse made her an injection. Kate hurts. Just post her.

Appeal to an adult person
Purpose: Create an appeal to an adult by the name of patronymic, connect the direct appeal with the expression of joy.
1. Misha, how is your patronymic? So you will be Mikhail Sergeevich - Colin neighbor. Kohl, imagine that you meet your adult neighbor in the stairwell and want to show him your new car. How will you talk? You must be polite.
2. The Olya will be a children's doctor - Olga Alekseyevna, and Masha will come to her at the reception. Talk to each other.
3. The Kolya will be Nikolai Petrovich, the father of Seres. And you, Vitya, came to the scene. You have to contact Nikolay Petrovich and ask him to help you and Seryazh sort out the instructions for the design.

Problem situations

1. If you accidentally pushed someone or crushed your hand. Your actions. ("Sorry, I accidentally hurt you. Sorry, I'm inappropriate.")
2. The elegant came, she wanted to notice all this, and with the threshold she said loudly: "Look, what I am beautiful, what a dress I have, what shoes, there is no such dress!"
Is Lena enused correctly, ethically? And why?
3. Who did the girls acted ethically?
... Lena walked over to the educator and said: "You are so beautiful today!" And the tutor thought: "And on other days I probably ugly."
... Oksana Sergeyevna saw Tanya and said: "You always look good, but today is especially good!"
- Thank you, - Tanya said, "I am very pleased."
Good about a person should also be able to correctly express, i.e. Praise so as not to offend a person, do not forget about tacty.
4.Mama is the son of the Son: "Misha, help, please, wash the dishes."
Misha answers: "Now."
Some time passes, mom asks his son again and hears the same answer. Misha, finishing his affairs, comes to the kitchen and sees that the tired mom itself washed the dishes.
"Why did you wash," the son offends offended, "I would wash myself, a little weather."
Do you think why my mother was offended? If Misha is really busy, what should he have said? Ethically or unethical did Misha?
5.Seter took brother's paint without permission. Picky and put in place. Brother came, noticed that the paints were wet, but silent. Who did unethical?
6.Mo familiar boy asks: "Is it worth returning to a game to a friend if I took her a long time ago and forgot to return?" It's no longer remembered for her. " What do you think I advise me to advise the boy? "Debt is a payment is red," what do these words mean?
7.List a small story and tell me who of the boys you consider a cultural person.
... Fedya rejoiced the spring sun, a warm breeze, he went for a walk. It would be great to play horses now! The land dried, and no puddle. Where to take a twist for the game? Fedya looked around and saw a small tree planted by someone in autumn. For the winter it was strengthened, and now the kidney on it is swoy, the green leaves will appear. Fedya ran to the tree and tried to break the twig. The tree begged, but did not break, and a small twig was abandoned. Fedya displeased his hand in the tree and went to play with the guys.
... Yura went for a walk, immediately saw a broken church and was very upset. What an evil man spoiled this beauty? - Jura thought. He returned home, took, with the permission of the dad, isolate and connecting broken branches, secured their ribbon. The twig acted over time, grilled off the leaves, gladly passersby, and the red ribbon on the branch remained as a reminder of the culture of people.

Sections: Work with preschoolers

The child appeared in this world gets used to his culture, which is transmitted from generation to generation thanks to a variety of games and exercises.

The game is a special and very important type of activity necessary for the harmonious development of the child. Playing, the baby learns to communicate with the world of people and subjects, his personality is manifested in the game and the character is characterized.

In the game, the child develops as a person, he has the ones of psyche, which will subsequently depend on the success of its educational and labor activityRelationships with people. In the process of the game, new activities of the preschooler are emerging and developing. It is in the game for the first time the elements of learning appear. The game creates a "zone of the nearest child's development."

But children are interested not only for the game, they are much stronger, they seek to communicate - both among themselves and with the surrounding adults. To the child, an adult must come to the aid, so that he mastered the mechanisms of effective gaming communication. Thus, it is an adult who can and should create for children the conditions necessary for the development of children's game and full-fledged game communication. To these conditions, one can attribute:

  • enriching children's impressions of the world around;
  • attracting attention to the content of children's activities and their relationships (conversations, organization of observations, joint reading, discussion of events from life, etc.);
  • the active position of the child in activities is primarily joint.

For the development of full-fledged gaming communication, teachers can use such a form of speech work with children as game training situations (IOS).

Four situations are known:

  • situations illustrations,
  • exercise situations
  • situation problems
  • evaluation situations.

IN situations-illustrationadults are played by simple scenes from the life of children. Most often such situations are used in working with children of junior preschool age. With the help of various gaming materials and didactic benefits, the teacher demonstrates children samples of socially acceptable behavior, and also activates their effective communication skills.

IN exercise situations The child not only listens and observes, but also actively acts. Children train in performing individual gaming actions and bind them to the plot, learn to regulate the relationship with peers in the framework of the game interaction. This type of IP is used from the middle group.

Participation of senior preschoolers in situations issueshe contributes to the assimilation of their main vectors of social relations, their "working out" and modeling the strategy of their behavior in the world of people. In such situations, an adult attracts the child's attention to its emotional state and the state of other characters. Actively participating in situations-issues, the child finds a way out of his feelings and experiences, learns to realize and take them. He gradually masters the skills to anticipate the real consequences of his actions and based on this further plot of the games, arbitrarily change its game and speech behavior. In situations, problems each child is in an active position. This is the pedagogical value of such situations.

In the group preparatory for school, assessment situations are used, which assume analysis and justification of the decision made, its assessment by the children themselves. In this case, the game problem has already been solved, but from an adult it is necessary to help the child to analyze and justify the decision, appreciate it.

The basis of the game training situation is scenario of activating communication.Scenario Communication may include various forms of IOS: this is a conversation conversation with children, travel games, talk games, dramatization games, improvisation games. Such forms suggest the inclusion in the scenario of visual activities, design, simulation exercises, survey of objects (viewing toys, objects, paintings). It is in such types of children's activities that it acts in all its diverse functions, carries the main load in solving practical and informative tasks.

Working out the scenario of activating communication, we solve important tasks: the communicative development of children and the awakening of their own speech activity of each child, his linguistic games, dialogues between children, i.e. Children's linguistic and communicative amateur.

In the process of gaming communication, the preschooler learns to develop various behavioral strategies that allow it to see the feasibility and significance of the results of its own activities and behavior. Knowledge in this case become not an end in itself, but a condition of personal development. It is necessary to not accumulate them, but to solve with their help important life tasks.
Game training situations make it possible to successfully solve problems that are already traditional, for example, for the technique of speech development: the enrichment and activation of the dictionary, the education of sound culture of speech, the formation of the grammatical structure of the language, the development of connected speech. To intensify the game communication between children, their initiative statements, educators in drawing up the scenarios of activating communication are trying to select special speech classesThe decisive tasks of language development and the establishment of emotional personal contacts between children and surrounding adults.

In scenarios of activating communication, training is carried out mainly with the use of indirect learning methods, has not educational, but gaming, communicative motivation. This approach allows you to successfully implement in practice this makes it possible to synchronize the processes of learning and education, make them not opposing each other, but complementary, mutually engraving development of the child. Indeed, in the process of gaming communication, the child learns to produce various behavioral strategies, allowing it to see the feasibility and significance of the results of their own activities and behavior. In this case, knowledge becomes not an end in itself, but a personality condition. The importance of them is not in their accumulation, but in the ability to solve important life tasks with them.

Since the occupies of activating communication contribute to the enrichment of children with impressions of the world and effectively use one of the verbal methods - conversation, i.e. Purposeful discussion with children of any phenomena, you can determine the value of the conversation precisely in the fact that an adult in it teaches the child to think logically, to reason, gradually raises the consciousness of the child from a particular way of thinking to a higher stage of the simplest abstraction, which is extremely important for preparing a child School learning. But this is the great difficulty of conversation - both for a child and the educator. After all, you to teach children to think much more difficult to think than to inform them ready-made knowledge. That is why many educators are more good than talking and read children than talking to them.

The development of the preschooler speech is also closely connected with the development of thinking. In a conversation, I teach a child to clearly express my thoughts in the word, develop the ability to listen to the interlocutor. It is important not only for messages to children's knowledge, but also for the development of connected speech, the development of speech skills in the team.

In a conversation, I combine children around common interests, excites their interest in each other, the experience of one child is made by the general heritage. They have a habit of listening to interlocutors, share their thoughts with them, speak in the team. Therefore, here develop, on the one hand, the activity of the child, on the other - the ability to restrave. Thus, conversations are a valuable method of not only mental education (a message and refinement of knowledge, the development of mental abilities and language), but also a means of socio-cultural education.

The main difference between the training occupation and the scenario of activating communication is that an adult in the game training situation acts as a partner for communication, which seeks to establish equal, personal relationships. He respects the child's right to the initiative, his desire to speak for his topics that interests it is, and if necessary, to leave unpleasant situations.


Game training situations make it possible to successfully solve problems that are already traditional for the methodology for the development of speech: the enrichment and activation of the dictionary, the education of the sound culture of speech, the formation of the grammatical system of the language, the development of a coherent speech.

These examples of four situations.

I. Situation - Illustration(On the example of classes).


Software content:

  • Enrich the speech of children with words: cat, kitten, dog, cow, calf, goat, goat, chicken, chicken, tail, horns, ears, legs, paws, eats, drink.
  • The ability to listen, respond to questions.
  • Rail interest and care for animals.

Preliminary work

View illustrations of domestic animals and a cub; viewing toys - animals; Conduct about domestic animals; reading poems, stories, sweatshops, didactic game "Who is screaming."

Structure occupation

Speech therapist:Children, someone knocked on the door (the door opens. The postman comes and greets).
Postman:Hello children. I brought you a package from the wizard (gives the parcel and leaves).
Speech therapist:Let's see what is in it?
Children:O is pictures.
Speech therapist: What beautiful illustrations with pets. Let's see and let's call these animals. Who is it?
Children:Dog; cow; goat; cat.
Speech therapist: Right cat. Children, you know the rhyme about the cat.
Pussy, pussy, pussy straighten!
Do not sit on the track
And then Masha will go
Through pussy will fall. (Etc about each animal)
Speech therapist:Well done. Children, call me a young dog, cows, goats, cats.
Children:Puppies, calves, kids, kittens.


Let's jump the goat - three times.
And undermine the legs - three times.
Eye praise - three times.
And swept the legs - three times.

Speech therapist:What benefits brings a cow, goat, dog, cat.
Children:Cow, goat (milk), dog (guarding the house), cat (catches mice).
Speech therapist:Children, and what calls their children: Mama Cow, mother-dog, mother-goat, mother-cat.
Children:Muu ...; WOF WOF; Mee ...; Meow meow.
Speech therapist: D.yet! What do animals like to eat?
Children:Cow, goat - grass.
Dog - bone.
Cat- Milk.
Speech therapist:Children Let us drink milk too, because it is useful and we will be strong and healthy.
Speech therapist: Children, and now we will go for a walk and fourth of a small puppy, who brought Aleshin Dad.

II. Exercise situations(didactic game in the middle group, as d / garden is near the forest)

Subject: We go to the forest.

Didactic tasks:

1. Expand the ideas of preschoolers about wild animals.
2. To introduce animals listed in the Red Book.
3. Promote the use of rare animals in games.
4. Develop the speech of children, the ability to compare, to express their emotions with words.
5. Rail care of animals.

Material:toys, pictures of animals, skip, feed for the hedgehog, flash drive with records of birds and animal votes, mini USB MP3 Player.

From the cardboard box, the speech therapist makes the "Hedgehog House". At the entrance to the Forest, we meet the forester, where the Lesnik passs the children (the speech therapist takes this role), who talks to them talking about pets (about what they eat, how they behave, what their character). Particular attention to animals that are listed in the Red Book and are protected by the state. The forester tells about where these animals live, why there are so few of them, as they are guarded.
Children asked Lesnik if he had seen hedgehog, whom they saw on last excursion. The forester offered children to find hedgehog, as the children made a house for him and brought food.
Having found hedgehog, the children fed him with apple and milk, gave him a house.
The forester leads the conversation with children that they know about this animal, asking him questions. Children tell the poem about the hedgehog, which was learning in the classroom.

Hedgehog in the house lived, lived.
Small growth was, was.
In the house he floor soap, soap.
The finger of the hedgehog drove.
His finger is revealed.
Hedgehog iodine opened, opened.
And the finger of the hedgehog washed, washed.

(Fastening the pronunciation of sound "s" in words).

Forester praised children and offered the game

Ecological game "How to behave in the forest"

Pictures depicted on the table with the image of the actions of the behavior of people in the forest, children stand in a circle. The forester throws the ball and calls a certain action. A child who caught the ball finds a suitable picture, shows children.
Forester: And now I invite you to play a little, because I really love games, and I love to make riddles even more. Do you like? Then listen carefully riddles. ( After each riddle, the children find a felling and showing a picture of the animal.)


Long ears, rapid paws.
Gray, but not mouse.
Who is it?.. (Bunny.)

With a tail as a parachute
On the trees quickly jumps,
He was there ...
Now here.
He is fast as a shooter.
So it's ... (Squirrel.)

Redhead rut
Hid under the Christmas tree.
The hare is waiting for a cunning ta.
What is her name?.. (A fox.)

Gray, scary and toothy
All animals fled.
Scared attending those ... (Wolf.)

Brown, Kosolapoy
In the forest, wanders.
Loves "borrow"
Forest bees honey. (Bear.)

Forester: Well, guys, you pleased me . The main rules you know, but there are others, they are written in this book, I give it to you.

III. Situation problems (in games)

Problem situations:

  • Properties of paper. We will cover a paper bow doll field. What happens? (Junior Group)
  • Properties of sand. Make patties from dry and wet.
  • Why barking barking?
  • Properties of water. Two glasses on the window. One glass covers, the other is not. Why did the water disappeared?
  • Will people, animals, plants without the sun be able to exist?
  • What happens if there are no plants?
  • How did Dad learned that the night was raining?
  • Help gather mushrooms for good faces and evil sorcerer. What and why?
  • Why do the hare and squirrel linen?

I create a problematic situation with encouraging children to put forward your assumptions, make preliminary conclusions and generalizations.

Game "Who needs water? - introduces children with the residence of the plant. In which places love to grow; On the solar clearing or on a darkened forest edge, next to water or in water (what is it - moisture-loving, drought-resistant, light-chapter, shadowish)?

During the game, acquaintance with a variety of appearance plants, the features of the root structure, leaves, etc.

Game "Miracle Flower"- aims to consolidate the knowledge of children about the appearance of the plant, about its structure (root, stem, leaves, flower and fruit).

In the game "Cooking Medicine", children continue to consolidate knowledge about the structure of the plant, about where it grows, about the features of its structure, and also learn about the medicinal properties.

Children are offered various games:

  • games for familiarization with Flora and Fauna, aimed at familiarizing children with the lifestyle of plants and animals;
  • games for familiarization with environmentalaimed at familiarizing relationships between live objects and the environment;
  • games for familiarization with the human and animals created by a person and animals, aimed at familiarizing children with various professions and a variety of human activities in the surrounding world.

The games used in the educational process are an effective means of mental, aesthetic and moral education, and on the other hand, a peculiar practical activity of the child to develop the surrounding activities.

Game enumeration:

  • "Plants of our Forest"
  • "Find Mushroom"
  • "Parent pictures"
  • "Describe Animal"
  • "When it happens"
  • "Find mom"
  • "Bird Dining Room"
  • "Animal House"
  • "Tell me a story"
  • "Travel to the forest"

Children preparatory group asked the question: What are perennial grass? The speech therapist offered an excursion to the seed station, as the station is close kindergarten. During an excursion, agronomist spoke about perennial herbs (clover, alfalfa, donel, millet, rape, bonfire, oatmeal) and the children saw how the sorting table works, sorting the rapeseed seeds. Children showed alfalfa and clover seeds and asked a question than appearance similar seeds and how do they differ? (Children's responses).

During the excursion there was a problem: a sorting table was scored when sorting rapeseed. What to do? One boy said: you need to twist something and the sorting table will work. Another said: Can remove seeds from the table, clean it and turn it on again? The third suggested calling the master. etc. The Semenod agronomist listened to their answers showed how to adjust the sorting table.

At the end of the excursion, the car came up with the seeds of the oatmeal and the children became wondering what makes agroned with seeds? Checks. Seeds were wet. What to do? One child offered to leave the seeds in the air under the sun - they dry. The second suggested turning on the heater to dry them. Agronoma showed children a large dryer, where the seeds dried, the problem was solved. Children distributed seeds of oatmeal and fire for feeding winter birds. The children said "Thank you."

Output: All situational problems are solved.

IV. Evaluation situations (for fairy tales and games)

Fairy tales are an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Fairy tales strengthen the immunity of kindness, moral and mental health. After all, they can be traced to the causal relationship, understandable by children, are brought up by real human feelings. The heroes of each fairy tales are encountered with evil and win it, because they have a kind, sensitive heart; They come to the rescue animals, birds and even the sun.

I offer children play situations aimed at developing socio-communicative skills of senior preschool children. All of them are based on plot fairy tales, actions of fabulous heroes.

For example: invent a fairy tale another end.

Remember how the Fairy Tale "Squa Burk" ended, what happened at the end, think: what were all the faces when they saw the ring at Ivanushka? Show their amazing views. And what person did Ivanushka have? (Show).

Think: how else could the fairy tale end? How else could the king, Tsarevna, Ivan, brothers? What would you do if there were on that pir?

Evaluation situations on the part of children themselves, for example, children during the game-dramatization take on the role of negative characters, know how to model their behavior in accordance with the characteristics of the hero, compare various traits of character: good - angry; Honest - false.

The teacher creates an installation on the formation of positive character traits in children.

Examples of assessment situations:

- Who is the main house?
- How can I find out the mood of a person?
- My deeds.
- If I were (was) the wizard?

I offer children game "Pyramid of Good"

Children stand in a circle. What good, you can wish each other, all of us? Who will come up with - will come out in a circle, says her good wish, pull out his hand forward and put it on top of my palm. Then the next hand puts his hand to the palm of the next child who has already expressed his wish. I start (for example: "I wish everyone to be friendly, funny"). As soon as you express all the wishes, removing the pyramid of good, I quietly swaying it with the words: "May our desires hear everything and let them come true!" - pushing the lying palms on my hand up, scattering the pyramid.

Output:the children of the preparatory group are able to evaluate different situations (each in their own way).


1. Alekseeva M.M., Yashina V.I. Speech development of preschoolers: training. Manual for studies and media. Ped. studies. establishments. - 2nd ed., Stereotype. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999.
2. Arushhanova A.G. Speech and speech communication of children: KN. for kindergarten educators. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 1999.- M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2004.
3. Arushhanova A.G.The formation of a grammatical system of speech: a methodological manual for educators. - 2nd ed., Act. and add. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.
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5. Kylasova L.E.Didactic material for the development of speech. Classes with senior preschoolers. Volgograd: Teacher, 2006
6. Kuritsyn E.M., Taraeva L.A.Games for the development of speech. We speak correctly. Moscow "Rosman" 2007
7. Novotortseva N.V. Development of children's speech. Popular benefit for parents and teachers. Yaroslavl "Academy of Development", 1996.
8. Ushakova O.S., Stringin E.M.Methodology for the development of the speech of children of preschool age: studies. Method, allowance for educators of pre-school educational institutions. - M.: (Umanite, ed. Center "Vlados", 2003.
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Maria Ivanchenko
Game training situations for preschoolers

]Game training situations

Game training situations - One of the modern forms of activity. Skills gaming communicationThat will be purchased in IOS, children freely postpone into independent activities. The world of a child, like the world of adults, has its culture that does not arise in itself, but is transmitted from generation to generation. But children are interested not only by the game, they are much stronger, they seek to communicate among themselves and with others. So that the child mastered the mechanisms of effective gaming communicationThe adult must come to the rescue, creating all the conditions.

These conditions can attribute:

Enriching children with impressions of the world around

Attraction of attention to the content of the activities of children and their relationships (conversations, discussion of events, organization of observations, joint reading, browsing,

The active position of the child in activities is primarily joint.

IOS is a full-fledged, but specially organized plot-role-playing game. Her characterize:

It has a short and simple plot, built on the basis of life events or fabulous, lite-th works, which is familiar well preschool children;

Equipped with essential toys, attributes; For it, the space and object environment is specially organized;

The game holds an educator, announces the name and plot, distributes roles, takes a role and performs it and executes it, supports imaginary situation in accordance with the plot;

Educator Manager game: monitors the plot, the execution of roles, saturates the game role dialogues and gaming actionsThrough which didactic goals are carried out.

Types of IOS.:

Situation illustrations

Exercise situations

Situation problems

Evaluation Situations

IN situations-Oll the teacher are played by simple scenes from the life of children, gives samples of social and acceptable behavior. Situation illustrations, most often used in junior group. Apparently use illustrations, puppet theater, toys.

SO middle groupparallel with situationCosts are offered gaming situations exercise. Children train in the execution of individual game actions and binding to their plot; learn to regulate the relationship with peers within gaming interaction.

Participation of children B. situations affiliate cooperation ( situations issueswhere children assimilate the basic social relationships, their behavior in the world of people. Where the child finds the way out of his feelings and experiences, learns to realize and take them. For example, problematic situation. Educator: Look, who came to us? (Postman Pechkin. Stop video)

He brought us a letter from the cat Matroskin and the ball. Listen.


Hello, dear guys, girls and boys! We decided to appeal to you with a request. Maybe you can help us? Bed happened. Uncle Fedor fell ill. Does not eat, does not drink, the songs do not sing. Do not please him or ice cream nor the cake. We do not know what to treat it. And you are all so beautiful, healthy, and your brushes are pink. Probably, some know some secret. Share with us as Uncle Fedor to cure. Just ask to help faster, and then he is very bad.

Educator: Yes, sad story. Guys, how do you think we can help cure the uncle Fedor? (Children's responses) - How can we cure him?

IN senior group Start used evaluation Situations, Evaluation by the children themselves. In this case game problem has already been solvedBut from an adult you need to help the child to analyze and justify the decision made, appreciate it.

for example: Children during the game-dramatization take on the role of negative characters, know how to model their behavior in accordance with the characteristics of the hero, compare various traits of character (good-angry, honest-false). The teacher creates an installation on the formation of positive character traits in children.

Training game Communication is carried out in the form of scenarios of activating communication.

Scenario Communication may include a conversation conversation with children, didactic, mobile, folk games, drawing, dramatization games, visual activities, design, simulation exercises, subject examination (viewing toys, objects, paintings).

In the scenarios of activating communication are assessed and the following are solved. tasks: Communicative development of children; Awakening of your own speech activity of each child, his linguistic games, dialogues between children - children's linguistic and communicative amateur.

In the scenarios of activating communication learning performed mainly in extracurricular forms, has not a training, but gameCommunicative motivation. Where the adult acts as a partner communication: First, it is a senior partner, he is more adult, stronger, smarter; secondly, it is a person who seeks to establish equal, personal relationships; Third, he respects the child's right to the initiative, his desire to talk about his themes, to leave unpleasant situation(Do not respond to incomprehensible and uninteresting questions, not to repeat behind the educator what everyone has already heard, etc.). In the scenarios of activating communication, a number of tasks are allocated, which are already traditional for development techniques. speech: enrichment and activation of the dictionary; raising sound culture speech; Formation of the grammatical system of the child's language; Development of connected speech.

In this way, game training situations At the same time, and in parallel solve the problem of establishing emotional personal contacts between children. This is achieved by changing the style of the relationship between the teacher and children, to the affiliate.

There are types of IOS.:

The first type of IP is associated with the use of puppet depicting characters literary worksGood familiar children.

The selected literary characters are interesting in that with their help you can activate cognitive activities. The literary biography of each of them allows using various sides of their behavior.

The second type of IOS is the use of toys analogs.

Building game training situation With toys - counterparts to comparison of a live object with a toy image along the most different moments: appearance, lifetime, method of functioning, method of interaction with them.

The third type of IP includes various travel options, the plot and the role of which is allowed direct child learning, transfer of new knowledge.

In each particular case, the plot of the game is invented in such a way that the children attend new places to acquaint with new phenomena and objects as travelers, excursors, tourists, visitors, etc.

All IOS demand from the educator preparation: Thinking the plot, game actions with toys, attributes, techniques for creating and maintaining imaginary situation, emotional entry into the role.

Knowledge in this case become not an end in itself, but a condition of personal development preschooler.

Publications on the topic:

Gaming situations for children 4-7 years "House for Dwarves" 4-5 years of tasks: - Training skills move in a given direction, use in speech prepositions "over", "under"; - workout.

Gender games and play situations in joint activities with children of preschool age Didactic games 1. "Who wears what?" Purpose. Learning to find differences in the appearance of boys and girls. Material. Flannelph; figurines.

Purpose: Learn the kids carefully consider the picture and call the items depicted on it, phenomena. Develop the ability to change strength.

For the successful development of the pre-school training program, the child needs not only to know a lot, but also consistently think, guess,.