Doomsday timer online from Antarctica. Mysterious timer in Antarctica

A mysterious timer, traces of which lead to Antarctica, is counting down the last days of mankind.

Regrettably, but humanity has always lived and lives in anticipation of the end of the world. We hasten to reassure, the wait is not long. When the collective mind creates phantoms, sooner or later they take on flesh. Previously, the power of the influence of the collective mind on reality was not so powerful. There were only a few hundred people who believed in Christianity at the dawn of its existence on earth. But those who believed in the end of the world in 2012 according to the Mayan calendar, there were hundreds of millions. Passed ... in a good sense of the word. But it cannot go on like this, in the end, fears will be generated into something really terrible. Worst of all, people all over the world are beginning to believe in such nonsense at the same time, thanks to the media and, above all, the Internet. A sensational discovery in the field of science does not cause almost any reaction from the public, although it is precisely this discovery that can change the life of all mankind. It should be the focus of attention. There is no such thing! But as soon as the guard who has gone out of his mind sees a terrible dream while drunk, the “Revelations of the Holy Elder” are immediately replicated and reposted in all social networks. Even more attention is drawn to strange cases similar to the timer in Antarctica. Let's remember the background.

In early 2017, the world's leading scientists and politicians began to receive emails containing the single word "The End".

Actually, there is nothing unusual in all this, if a special commission, created in order to protect prominent people of our time from virtual hooliganism, did not find out where the strange message came from. Found out, surprised, scared!

It turned out that from Antarctica, from the polar station. Sent a request there. The answer was disturbing. The head of the station said that none of the employees were involved in this bodyaga, but an external connection was recorded to the computer from which the threatening mailing was carried out. Which again is very strange, because it can only be hacked from the inside.

In short, solid riddles. But Monday, May 15, remained in the past, the global cataclysm did not happen, and the incident was safely forgotten, but in vain. The version recently expressed by one of the world's leading scientists, who wished not to reveal his name, sounds really scary.

Appeal from the future

He suggested that the message was made from the future, in the hope that the best minds of mankind and influential people will still pay attention to it, think about it and take action. For this, it was sent from the mysterious white continent. It is about the universal scale.

What will happen in reality, no one knows, and May 15 is most likely an erroneous date. But the mistake was made on purpose. A benefactor from the future would not have warned of the inevitable just a few months in advance. But in a few years or even decades ... it is quite likely. So the day of May 15 remains in force, but the year of the disaster is postponed. How much? Who knows? There is time to think.

Unusual news has been “walking” on the English-language Web since last Monday. According to rumors, many prominent politicians and scientific minds of our time received a strange e-mail at the same time. Now that it has revolted especially sharply, the content of this controversial email makes the recipients think, the site writes, citing.

Each "electronic" contains only one word - The End. Also in the letter there is a link to the site - The resource has a timer with a reverse time count, in fact, which is called the end.

According to the timer, his time expires on May 15, 2017. It turns out that this will be the predicted end. That's just what? Unfortunately, no one knows the answer to this question, our journalist Amalia Chervinchuk informs. Perhaps it would be worth taking this incident as another hoax. If not for one "but".

The panel of experts found the following oddities. On the one hand, anyone can set a timer of this kind on a small ivecountdown site, and at the same time remain incognito. But on the other hand, all the emails about The End timer were sent from Antarctica - from the Amundsen-Scott station, which is located at the South Pole and belongs to the USA.

It was built in 1956 and became the first Antarctic station built not on the coast, but in the depths of the ice continent. Logically, the idea arises that the "joker" is among the scientists of the station. However, this looks extremely ridiculous.

Curious experts contacted the NSF (National Science Foundation), which oversees the Amundsen-Scott station. The group asked to find out who needs these ridiculous games of intimidation of politicians and scientists and why? The Foundation contacted the station. The answer left the experts even more confused.

It turned out that no one was engaged in sending spam at the station. However, the connection to the station computer took place. And as strange as it sounds, it came from outside. The management of the station and its employees found it difficult to explain how such a situation could occur. Skeptics immediately remembered the Guardians. Is it possible that more developed entities are warning humanity about something?

Well, May 15 is just around the corner. The Portuguese mystic Horatio Villegas also predicts May 13, 2017. And we, mortal viewers, can only wait ...

Strange news has been discussed in the English-speaking segment of the Internet for several days now. Many sites, relying on the information of their outsiders from the international group of experts investigating various anomalous phenomena, report that since last Monday, many prominent scientists and politicians have received strange e-mails.

Each such e-mail contains only one word “The End” and a link to the site -, where the timer with a reverse time count is located. It is he who is called the end - "The End" (click on the photo or follow the link).

According to this timer, the time set on it expires May 15, 2017, this will be the mythological end, that's just - what? Nobody knows. And this joke might not even be worth paying attention to, however, a group of experts established the following oddities:

  • on the one hand, anyone who wants to remain incognito can set a similar timer on a small resource ivecountdown. It seems nothing remarkable and even more unusual - a common joke;
  • on the other hand, all messages about the “The End” timer (all emails) were sent from Antarctica - from the American station Amundsen-Scott, which is located at the South Pole (built in 1956 and became the first Antarctic station not built on the coast, but in the depths of the ice continent). It turns out that the joker is among the scientists of the station, which seems like a huge absurdity.

The experts contacted the NSF (National Science Foundation), which oversees the Amundsen-Scott station, and asked to find out who and why needs these children's games with the intimidation of politicians and scientists? The Foundation immediately contacted the station's management and received a response that left the experts even more confused. It turned out that no one was engaged in such nonsense at the station, and there are no crazy people among the scientists of Antarctica. However, the connection to the station computer happened, strange as it may sound, from the outside.

However, neither the station management nor the NSF staff could answer the question of how this was possible, which prompted many to think about the Guardians of Antarctica, information about which had recently flown through the Internet. Maybe they are warning humanity? However, about what?

Until May 15, 2017, there is very little left, and many people have already started talking about the end of the world on the indicated date, for example, the Portuguese mystic Horatio Villiers claims that on May 13, 2017, the Third World War will begin. Considering the huge stockpiles of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction on Earth, two days is enough to destroy our planet.

However, in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, this information was perceived rather skeptically and even optimistically. Some Russians thought that this was nothing more than a fake, others were even glad that they could now spit on all problems and calmly prepare to depart for another world, for example, as Woland suggested in The Master and Margarita, in a circle of beautiful women and with a glass of good wine in hand. It’s not so easy to scare a Russian person, maybe for this reason the “mysterious joker” sent out letters without fail in English and strictly according to the addressees corresponding to this language? ..

Website: website.

What is a doomsday timer:

A letter with a link to a page with a doomsday timer was received simultaneously by many famous people (politicians and scientists) at the beginning of 2017. In the headline of the unusual letter, only one word was written: "The End" ("The End"). And in the body of the letter - a link to a mysterious site.

It was not possible to establish the owner of the site, as well as the identity of those who sent this letter. It is only known that the sender is in Antarctica. Here it must be understood that Antarctica is an initially uninhabited continent, on which 5,000 people are temporarily located at the moment (of which about 150 people are Russian citizens). The population of Antarctica is made up of serious people who are engaged in important scientific work, and it is absolutely impossible to expect any jokes from them, especially since all of them have already declared that they did not send out any letters. So the author of the mysterious letter and the creator of the site with the doomsday timer could not have been a person at all.

What will happen on November 15, 2017, will there be an End of the World:

Exactly it is unknown what the doomsday timer indicates at the end. But, as the name of this timer shows, people do not count on anything good. Although there is no objective reason to expect that November 15, 2017 will be the day of judgment. There are much more "serious" ones.

The visit of Patriarch Kirill to Antarctica, which took place on February 17, 2016, adds to the mystery of what is happening. According to news reports, the Patriarch visited the Russian Antarctic station Belingshausen, performed a prayer service and memorial service for the dead polar explorers in the Trinity Church located on the territory of the station, and walked around the penguin colony. Agree, a rather modest program for such a long journey. In reality, Patriarch Kirill is supposed to have personally delivered a recently found ancient artifact (Gabriel's Ark) to the South Pole, possibly to prevent the End of the World. And now, a year later, such strange messages come from Antarctica, indicating that something will end on November 15, 2017.

If you do not think about the bad and count on the good, then November 15 may be the end of the loneliness of humanity in the universe if contact is made with another form of life. There may also be a change in the poles of the Earth or, which have occurred more than once and, as we see, did not end with the end of all things. So we suggest you live in peace and wait until November 15, 2017 to see what really happens on that date..

Blessed Matrona is a completely real historical figure. Matrona Nikonova was born in 1881 in the Tula province, and died in the middle of the 20th century in Moscow. Like Vanga, Matrona was blind: she was born without eyeballs. The mother even wanted to leave her in a shelter, but an amazing dream in which a blind white bird of extraordinary beauty sat on her chest made the woman change her mind.

At the age of 17, Matrona lost her legs, and after the revolution she was left without a home. Then Matrona moved to Moscow. In the capital, the blessed one lived with friends and kind people. Siblings, one of whom became the chairman of the village council, and the second - the chairman of the executive committee, Matrona avoided. But every day the saint, according to the text of her life, received the sick and suffering, supposedly healing them with a word and prayer.

According to legend, during the Great Patriotic War, Stalin himself visited her - to ask for advice about the Germans. But Matrona allegedly reassured the Generalissimo, promising that victory would be his. The likelihood that such a visit actually took place is practically zero - nevertheless, in 2008 the icon "Matrona and Stalin" was painted, which is now in Strelna.

Where do the "legs" of the apocalypse grow from?

We know the statements of the blessed Matrona from one document - her life. The text of the life was written by Zinaida Zhdanova, who lived with Matrona for 7 years in the same room. Later, an expert group of the Synodal Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church blotted out from Zhdanova's book everything that did not fall under the canonical image of the saint. Now the resulting "canonical text" of the life of the blessed Matrona can be found on various Orthodox websites.

In the documentary "Righteous Matrona of Moscow", released in 2005 by the studio "Neofit TV", the following words are cited, allegedly spoken by Matrona of Moscow:

“People will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will become different. And great sorrows await people, which they have not yet experienced.

It was this phrase that was replicated by the media in recent days as a “prediction of the end of the world” on August 19th. In fact, in the “Tale of the Life of the Blessed Old Woman, Mother Matrona”, published in 1993, one can find a similar, but still essentially different statement:

“There will be no war, without war you will all die, there will be many victims, all the dead will lie on the ground. And I will also tell you: in the evening you will all be on the ground, and in the morning you will rise - everything will go to the ground. There is war without war."

Obviously, it was the distorted phrase that gained unprecedented popularity.

Korean threat?

However, the original saying of the saint also makes the heart skip a beat. Moreover, the expected end of the world, judging by the description, is somehow too much like a zombie apocalypse:

"... in the evening you will all be on the ground, and in the morning you will rise."

But Mikhail Filonenko, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, is sure that no global apocalypse awaits us. Filonenko believes that Matrona meant only a certain local conflict that would occur at a specified time.

“Her predictions can be interpreted as predictions that there will be some kind of local conflict. I opened my book, on which I work and which I ask questions. And so the book told me that it would be in the countries of Southeast Asia. Even more precisely: it will be a country where the number 76 is divisible by 2. This is the so-called 38th parallel. It separates North and South Korea,” said the psychic.

But these words are not reassuring at all: given that at the moment North Korea is threatening to send a “nuclear hotel” to the United States, the locality of the conflict at the 38th parallel is very doubtful.

However, even representatives of the Church assure that there is nothing to worry about. Thus, Hieromonk Macarius, host of the Internet project “Questions to the Father,” called the rumors about the end of the world according to the prediction of the blessed Matrona “nonsense, which, unfortunately, is inherent in the human person.”

"Always ready!"

The hot passion of people for all possible ends of the world has accompanied mankind throughout the history known to us. Nations have been preparing for self-destruction, mass death from pestilence and boiling lava from the sky, as well as a whole range of other, often more exotic types of mass death, for a very long time. And in the past, and in the century before last, and a thousand years ago, and even in the first century of our era, soothsayers and entire cultures appeared, convincing people: the end is near!

However, most often people do just fine without the "prophets of the apocalypse." In eschatology - a system of ideas about the end of the world - the interpretation of the text is much more important than the original text itself. It happens that the fortuneteller gets up on the wrong foot, goes out into the yard, looks at the surrounding disorder - and mutters under his breath something like “wait for you, sinners!” And nearby, of course, there will be a personal secretary who will write it down, after the death of the owner he will remember - and there it is not far to the new teaching, and not far from the sect with multimillion-dollar incomes.

Death as an ancient tradition

In ancient times, people loved the apocalypse no less than they do now. It’s just that there was no Internet in those days, and it was extremely difficult to collect a powerful hype in one post. Nevertheless, as early as 365, the end of the world was expected according to the forecast of Ilarius of Pictavius, an ancient Roman bishop and theologian. Didn't wait. And Hilarius died just two years later, in 367 - perhaps from disappointment.

It is interesting that not only the second, but also the first "millennium" in the Christian history of mankind frightened the people very much. Yes, people were preparing for the end of the world on January 1, 1000. The Apocalypse in honor of the beginning of the second millennium of our era was predicted at one time not by anyone, but by Pope Sylvester II.

At the same time, Sylvester himself (Herbert of Reims in the world) was a prominent scientist and popularizer of science. Many contemporaries were so amazed at his erudition that they even accused him of having connections with dark forces. Herbert was said to have won the Pope's chair at dice from the devil. Maybe he was able to "get" the postponement of the apocalypse in the same way? ..

Even Galileo Galilei was involved in predictions about the end of the world. According to the calculations of the famous astronomer, in 1795 an anomalous supermoon should have passed, which could have resulted in unprecedented natural disasters. But this supermoon, like many "killer" eclipses, people still survived. And, most likely, they will survive more than one.

Who benefits?

Various astronomical phenomena of a natural nature have always evoked wild horror and a mood of “collecting funeral” in people. It is quite possible that if the sunset on our planet did not happen every 24 hours, but, say, once every 20 years, it would each time cause a wave of madness, the activation of religious sects and the wide sale of books about salvation in a glossy dust jacket.

More than a hundred years ago, in 1910, Halley's comet once again flew past the Earth. On May 18, the planet passed through the tail of this celestial body, which immediately caused a serious stir. With wild speed, rumors spread that the comet had poisoned the Earth's atmosphere with poisonous gases, and now humanity does not have much time left. On a wave of fear and horror in the United States, pseudo-pharmacists made good money by selling the miraculous antidote pill "Comet" to everyone.

Nine years later, on December 17, 1919, people began to prepare for the end of the world in honor of the alignment of the planets. This phenomenon is, of course, quite rare. But, nevertheless, in the entire history of mankind, it has happened too many times to wait for the obligatory destruction of all that exists in each of them again.

On this day, the six planets of the solar system lined up on one side of the sun. And the American meteorologist Albert Port immediately predicted:

"The earth will perish, burned by the brightest flash of our star!"

Survived. They lived to see the next parade of the planets in 1962, and then to the rarest parade of nine planets at once - it could be observed on March 10, 1982. And, finally, quite recently, in May 2011, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus came out to another "rally" - and nothing, we are still alive.


Nevertheless, even in our time, the theme of planetary parades is widely used in popular culture as a “scientific horror story”. In the sensational film "2012" it was the parade of planets that caused perturbations on the Sun, after which the Earth reared up, the dollar collapsed, burgers became tasteless, and humanity perished. And in The Mummy: The Prince of Egypt, the same astronomical phenomenon served as an "alarm clock" for the mummy.

Alien mind, angels and asteroids

From the second half of the 20th century, the apocalypses began to "advance" more and more often. In the end, in the 90s, and also with the advent of the new millennium, almost every year someone predicted the end of the world "even before the first snow." So, on December 17, 1996, according to the prediction of the “clairvoyant” from the USA Sheldon Needle, humanity was supposed to disappear during the massive invasion of aliens and angels (yes, at the same time - no compromises).

A little earlier, on October 26 of the same year, the apocalypse was supposed to come according to the predictions of Russian "contactees" with an alien mind from the planet Gufera. Where exactly is this planet, science, by the way, is still unknown.

In 2000, the end of the world was predicted by a variety of people - and they called a variety of reasons for such a "large-scale holiday." The American medium Edgar Cayce, who died in 1945, predicted (during his lifetime) that humanity would be destroyed before the start of the new millennium as a result of a nuclear war. Two Russian astrologers at once - Kovalevsky and Sobolev - promised the apocalypse in the year 2000.

Astronomical phenomena also played their role here. So, on May 5, 2000, another parade of planets happened - and everyone, of course, traditionally waited for prominences burning all living things from the Sun, a tsunami and complete destruction. In addition, a really dangerous event happened: on September 26, it was expected that the real-life asteroid Tautatis would crash into the Earth. That day passed, but after four years the asteroid approached our planet so much that even scientists raised the alarm. However, Bruce Willis did not have to be disturbed - after all, according to the calculations of astrophysicists, the probability of a collision of Tautatis with the Earth is extremely small, and we once again got a joker.

Indian calendar

The most memorable end of the world in recent years has been the Mayan Apocalypse. When the "last edition of the Mayan calendar" became irrelevant, a serious panic reigned in the world. If the poor Indians could have foreseen it, they would probably have attached a brochure with a brief educational program to the calendar: what to do now, where to find continuation and how to continue to live in general.

If you don’t remember, in 2012, according to the Mayan calendar, the next cycle ended - baktun (this is just over 394 years). One baktun contained 10,000 days among the ancient people, and 13 baktuns constituted one era in the Mayan view. The fifth era of the existence of mankind, according to the Indian calendar, ended just on December 21, 2012. Why mankind should have perished on this day, and not opened the page of a new calendar, is still not clear to most sane people.

Apocalypse to come

Despite the hundreds of “apocalypses” we have already experienced, every year more and more “terrible predictions” appear. Each of them has its own degree of credibility. So, in 2036, the asteroid Apophis will once again fly by our planet. NASA scientists assure: the collision of this celestial body with the Earth is extremely unlikely. In the language of the scientific community, this means that there is still one chance in millions. And we are not insured against the fact that it is he who may fall to us.

In 2242, according to the opinion of the medieval Jewish philosopher Abraham Ibn Ezra, set forth in his writings, there will be a change of planetary epochs - and this can also lead to the apocalypse. But the most famous and popular prophet of all time - Nostradamus - predicted that the end of the world would come only in 3797.

Be that as it may, the apocalypse will still overtake our planet - whether we like it or not, believe it or doubt it. This will definitely happen in five billion years, when our Sun will turn into a red giant, expand to an incredible size and swallow the Earth, having previously bitten Mercury and Venus. There's nothing you can do about it - you just have to wait and prepare.

Margarita Zvyagintseva

So, already 2017 and the most anticipated and popular apocalypse among the people, predicted by the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012, did not happen. Although several dozen people, frightened by this date, voluntarily passed away, and nothing else special happened that day. But if you think that humanity has calmed down on this, then it is in vain. Now many are looking forward to the year 2060 and assure: "That's when it's for sure." But the fact is that this date was named by the great Isaac Newton, the founder of modern science, the author of the law of motion and gravity, the genius who explained to mankind the movement of the moons, stars and planets.

Isaac Newton on the end of the world

Not so long ago, scientists from Jerusalem discovered a manuscript of the world famous physicist, which they deciphered.

Believe it or not, everyone's business.

Another prediction is interesting, which indirectly confirms the correctness of the genius. Not so long ago, P. Tucker, a technology development specialist, said that, starting from 2050, wars on the planet will be fought using combat robots. And what if the electronic monsters will arrange all this mess described by Newton?

Everything can be.

Although history is full of examples when the greats were wrong and wrong.

So let's wait and see.

Isaac Newton predicted the end of the world

In 1936, a large wagon full of the writings and letters of Isaac Newton was auctioned off. Scientists estimate that the great physicist wrote more than 1 million words related to Bible study. But the most shocking was stated by him in 1704. Then in Newton's notes there is a statement that the Apocalypse will take place in 2060!

Unusual news has been “walking” on the English-language Web since last Monday. According to rumors, many prominent politicians and scientific minds of our time received a strange e-mail at the same time. Now, when it has risen especially sharply, the content of this controversial email makes the recipients think, the site writes with a link to.

Each "electronic" contains only one word - The End. Also in the letter there is a link to the site - The resource has a timer with a reverse time count, in fact, which is called the end.

According to the timer, his time expires on May 15, 2017. It turns out that this will be the predicted end. That's just what? Unfortunately, no one knows the answer to this question, our journalist Amalia Chervinchuk informs. Perhaps it would be worth taking this incident as another hoax. If not for one "but".

The panel of experts found the following oddities. On the one hand, anyone can set a timer of this kind on a small ivecountdown site, and at the same time remain incognito. But on the other hand, all the emails about The End timer were sent from Antarctica - from the Amundsen-Scott station, which is located at the South Pole and belongs to the USA.

It was built in 1956 and became the first Antarctic station built not on the coast, but in the depths of the ice continent. Logically, the idea arises that the "joker" is among the scientists of the station. However, this looks extremely ridiculous.

Curious experts contacted the NSF (National Science Foundation), which oversees the Amundsen-Scott station. The group asked to find out who needs these ridiculous games of intimidation of politicians and scientists and why? The Foundation contacted the station. The answer left the experts even more confused.

It turned out that no one was engaged in sending spam at the station. However, the connection to the station computer took place. And as strange as it sounds, it came from outside. The management of the station and its employees found it difficult to explain how such a situation could occur. Skeptics immediately remembered the Guardians. Is it possible that more developed entities are warning humanity about something?

Well, May 15 is just around the corner. The Portuguese mystic Horatio Villegas also predicts May 13, 2017. And we, mortal viewers, can only wait ...