Photo-gallery of the constructed cottages. Projects of houses and cottages of the architectural firm ABRISBURO

If you have been interested in projects of houses and cottages for a long time, looking through photos and drawings, then this article will be useful to you. More and more people dream of exchanging a stuffy apartment in a metropolis for a country house of their dreams. Today, suburban settlements have a fairly developed infrastructure. This allows you to equip a house outside the city, without denying yourself the conveniences of the modern world.

If you have finally become the owner of a house in nature, then you no longer have to inhale the dirty air of the metropolis. And outside the window you can now hear the sounds of birds, and not the noise of public transport. This all sounds like an unlikely dream. However, this is not the case, but it is worth starting with a consideration of the most common options for houses and cottages, the features of their design and operation.

Determining the basic requirements for a house project

Most often, people have a very vague idea about the future home of their dreams. Before choosing a project, you need to think carefully. To begin with, just try to present it in as much detail as possible. What do you want from this property? A place to relax on the weekends, a cottage or a safe place to live? How many rooms should it have and for how many residents? All this can simplify the choice of the main concept of the building and bring you closer to the final choice of the desired project. Properly set goals and requirements for the home can save you from wasting time and money on unnecessary things. The first thing to choose is what functions the future building will perform: for permanent residence or periodic rest. Its layout and total area depend on the number of residents in it.

If you need a small accommodation for a small family to live in it or occasional vacations outside the city, then a cottage is an excellent choice. Most often this is a small building with one or one and a half floors. The second floor is made in the form of an attic, and the role of the walls on one or both sides are slanted. Their role is played by the roof of the building. Cottages can serve both for permanent residence of a small family, and for periodic holidays or seasonal residence. The simplest cottages may include only two living rooms. They are necessarily built outside the city and are usually part of the natural landscape. A mandatory attribute of any cottage is a personal plot. It can be small at five acres, or it can occupy a decent area. For greater unity with nature, gardens or a pond can be planted in such areas.

Selecting the number of floors

The number of floors of the future country house or cottage depends on the area allotted for construction and the required amount of living space. After all, if you have a small construction site, but you need a house with a large number of rooms and a large volume, then this problem can be solved with a second floor device. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution.

The main advantage of such a house is a significant saving of land for building. This is very important if the house is planned to be built in a place with a high building density or the cost of the land is very high in order to build a one-story house. The second advantage of a two-story house is the smaller floor area of ​​the building for the same living area, compared to a one-story house. Also, a two-story building has a smaller perimeter of the construction site. This significantly reduces the length of its foundation. All these are weighty arguments to choose a two-story building project. But this solution also has its drawbacks:

  1. The main disadvantage of a two-story house is the complexity of its design. For example, despite the smaller perimeter of the foundation, higher requirements are placed on the base of the building. It must withstand the weight of the entire two-story house with overlapping. Therefore, most often the foundation has a more complex structure relative to the foundation of a one-story building.
  2. A two-story house is much longer to build with the same living area due to its complex design.
  3. The third drawback follows from the two previous ones: the cost of building a two-story house is much higher than that of a one-story house.
  4. In a two-story house, it is imperative to think over access to the second floor. The presence of stairs takes a huge amount of living space and complicates the design of the house. Moreover, the presence of a ladder increases the possibility of injury. This is a very important indicator if the family has or plans to have small children.
  5. Projects of houses and cottages: choice

    Once you have decided on the basic requirements for the future of your dream home, have chosen the number of floors, then it's time to choose directly the projects of houses and cottages. This stage must be approached with all responsibility. After all, the project fully reflects both the general layout of the building and the slightest hole for a nail in the ceiling. First you need to look at typical projects of country houses. You can also see photos of ready-made similar buildings, their drawings.

    Advice! To begin with, it is advisable to look at simple projects of houses and cottages. And then, if desired, move on to more complex designs. This will help to better understand the design features of the main types of buildings.

    Modern projects are often still presented in volume in electronic form. All this will help you to imagine how the house will be, even before the start of its construction. The finished project should have:

  • drawings of the building are presented with a full consideration of its layout and design features;
  • the placement of engineering communications systems (water supply, ventilation, sewerage, power lines, etc.)
  • full calculations of the possible maximum wind loads on the facades of the building, its overlap, depending on the climatic features of the area and the shape of the house);
  • calculation of static and dynamic loads on the foundation structure, internal and external walls, building ceiling.

Today, the client can choose: to take a standard project of a cottage or a house, or an individual one. In the advantages and disadvantages of each, you will now find out.

Sample projects

The main advantage of such a project is the price. Moreover, companies that provide ready-made house designs have entire project catalogs with drawings and all the required documentation. For example, you need to look at projects of one-story houses with an area of ​​​​up to 150 sq. m. To do this, you just need to select the parameters you are interested in, and you can see dozens of finished house designs. There are also some resources that can provide free designs. They may not be particularly original, but this option can save you a decent amount of money. After all, it will not be necessary to resort to the services of designers and engineers.

The lack of standard projects can be judged even from the name. When building a house according to such a project, most likely you will not get a building that fully meets your requirements and desires. Moreover, there are many houses created according to standard projects. And it is possible that there may be several buildings of the same type on your street. For people who crave individuality, this option is unacceptable. Projects of beautiful houses with original design require a slightly different approach.

Project under the order (individual)

Individual projects are also called special. They are made according to the requirements and wishes of the customer. Engineers and designers in a special project take into account all your needs. You can also be directly involved in the design of your dream home. If you have been dreaming all your life of getting a house of a certain shape, then engineers will help to implement any design solution in accordance with GOSTs and fire safety requirements. If you decide to order an individual project, you can indicate in the order:

  • requirements for the layout of the building, the number of rooms, their placement. For example, if you want to have a house with a garage and the like;
  • materials to be used as basic building or finishing materials;
  • preferences in home design, roof construction, and more.

Thanks to all this, you get an original home design that only you will have. It will perfectly distinguish your home from a number of the same type of houses. So if you decide to make an individual project, then you can give free rein to your imagination and get a dream home.

The main disadvantage of a special project is its cost. The more original and complex the design, the more expensive it will cost. Moreover, the very implementation of such a project will cost a lot. The second disadvantage of special projects is the time spent on construction. Indeed, in the bulk, special orders are more difficult to execute than typical ones. Unlike already proven project options, for the construction of individual projects it will not be possible to use past developments and technologies in this way.

After drafting and agreeing all the reservations with the client, it must be certified by the competent authorities. If the project of the house meets safety standards, then it is approved. Only after that it is possible to draw up an estimate regarding the costs of construction, purchase materials and proceed directly to construction work.

Varieties of construction technologies for country houses and cottages

The industry does not stand still. Progress has not bypassed technology in the construction industry. There are many ways to build a country house. There are both relatively new technologies and outdated, but reliable methods.

brick houses

Brick houses are still very popular, despite the simplicity of this building construction technology. Brick has high strength and durability. But the most important advantage is the refractory properties of this type of building material. A brick house will last for decades, or even centuries. Still stone are perfectly combined with any kinds of facings. Disadvantages of brick houses:

  • relatively high cost;
  • brick houses are suitable only for permanent residence. This is due to the high heat capacity of this material.

Foam concrete houses

This type of material is quite popular today. Buildings made of foam concrete are quickly built due to the large size of the foam block and its even surface. The porous material is easy to process, which allows you to achieve any shape of the walls. It also makes it easy to lay communications through a foam block wall. Foam concrete has high refractory, heat and sound insulating properties. The disadvantage of this material is its fragility (compared to brick).

Wooden houses and cottages

Wood is an environmentally friendly material, which has a positive effect on the health of residents. Wooden beams or centered logs are used as building elements. The tree has high heat and sound insulating properties. A wooden house is relatively inexpensive and is being built quite quickly. The disadvantage of this building material is insufficient fire safety. Also, the structure of the tree itself introduces its limitations into the layout of the building.

Monolithic houses

This method of building walls is quite complicated from a technological point of view. For construction work, you need to use complex equipment and mechanisms. But recently, the technology for building monolithic houses has undergone changes. Fixed formwork is available for sale. This greatly simplifies the casting of the monolith and increases the insulating properties of the walls.

frame houses

Houses built using this technology are very popular today. The relatively low cost of the building is very captivating. Moreover, the entire construction can take only a few months. Compared to other technologies, frame houses have low strength and durability. They are best suited as cottages or houses for temporary seasonal living.

Now you know more about the features of country houses and cottages. You are one step closer to your dream home. Beautiful projects of houses and cottages, see below:

In the article you can find dozens of photographs depicting beautiful houses: building projects in modern, classical and other styles. Unusual design solutions and interesting ideas for the construction of country houses with one or more floors are considered. Here are collected popular options for buildings using different materials, buildings with free layouts, attic floors and other architectural features.

A country house is the best option for those who dream of living away from noisy neighbors and the bustle of the city

Planning is the most important stage in the construction of a country house. Before proceeding with the purchase of materials and the construction of a building, you should have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future construction. And this applies to the layout of the premises, and each of the stages of construction.

In addition to external beauty, the building must comply with the design characteristics:

  • long service life;
  • reliable and durable design;
  • comfortable living conditions for all residents, taking into account their number and needs;

  • safe operation;
  • the ability to make adjustments to the design of the facade and interior.

A properly drawn up project of a private house makes it possible to correctly distribute the buildings on the site, as well as successfully organize the layout of the premises, eliminate conflict situations with neighbors and regulatory authorities due to violations of standards.

Useful advice! The construction of a country house according to the project will reduce costs, reduce and optimize the process of building a building, rationally approach the consumption of materials, eliminate emergency situations and increase safety.

How to begin the implementation of the project of a beautiful country house and cottage

The freedom of action when creating a beautiful structure depends on the correct choice of a building site.

The selection of a land plot is carried out according to several criteria:

  • direction;
  • distance from a city or town

  • determination of a profitable settlement, a garden partnership, a cottage village or a separate area for building.

If possible, flat areas should be selected, preferably free of green spaces, since clearing the site for construction will entail additional costs and delay work. It is best to build a house on a hill. Moisture will constantly accumulate in the lowlands, negatively affecting the building.

The house, standing on a hillock, has the best performance:

  • there is no need to take into account the height of groundwater;
  • improved air exchange;
  • high level of insolation;
  • beautiful view of the surroundings from the windows.

The cottage, standing on a hill, subject to the correct layout of the rooms, will achieve significant savings on heating and electrical energy. A sufficient level of penetration of sunlight into the premises will ensure constant comfort. By installing solar panels, you can collect natural energy and use it to heat the building.

Creating a beautiful house project: the most practical layout, taking into account the cardinal points

The layout of a practical and beautiful house largely depends on the location of the site in relation to the cardinal points and the orientation of the building itself on it. Equally important is the type of roof and the shape of the structure.

If it is planned to build a cottage with a shed roof, it is worth turning the open part of the facade to the south, and turning the slope to the north.

Useful advice! It is better to direct the central facade part to the south side. This nuance will allow you to add a terrace, veranda or massive porch to the project. Located on the south side, these architectural elements can be used by residents as a place for outdoor recreation.

It is recommended to locate the house in the north-eastern zone of the site. Due to this, the necessary level of illumination of the rooms is ensured, minimizing the presence of shadows in the backyard, which often acts as a deterrent when arranging a recreation area near the building.

Related article:

Description of the advantages and disadvantages of each of the projects. The most common layout options. Features of buildings with two floors.

When a plot and a place for building are selected, as well as the nature of the placement of the box in relation to the cardinal points, a house layout is drawn up:

  1. East and southeast direction - suitable for accommodating guest rooms and parent bedrooms.
  2. Western and southwestern direction - used for arranging a family room, living room and dining room.
  3. South and southeast direction - most often the living room, bedrooms and children's rooms are located here.
  4. North direction - suitable for arranging non-residential utility rooms, halls, kitchens and storage areas.

Rooms intended for leisure and relaxation are best placed so that their windows face a beautiful landscape, such as a natural landscape, a decorative patio or a garden. The installation of blind fences in front of these premises should be avoided.

  • walk-through areas and rooms intended for common use - a hall and a corridor, an entrance hall, bathrooms and a staircase space;
  • utility block - a zone for arranging a garage, a boiler room, storage rooms;
  • additional premises - sauna, swimming pool, gym, music room, cinema, their presence is optional.

The layout of the premises can be based on the principle of horizontal or vertical zoning. The choice of principle depends on the number of storeys of the building. If it is planned to build a large house, the layout of the rooms may include both of these options.

How to design a beautiful one-story house

The construction of one-story cottages is advisable to carry out in cases where a large plot with a flat surface is chosen for development. Due to this, the cost of building a building and ground work will be minimal. Such houses are suitable for families with elderly people, small children and people with disabilities. Due to the lack of a second floor and stairs, such residents will be comfortable, convenient and safe.

In the photo, projects of beautiful one-story houses may look like old estates or ultra-modern cottages. Building design depends on several factors:

  • box shape;
  • exterior;
  • roof type and design;
  • materials and technologies used in the construction process.

The layout of the premises in one-story cottages has a horizontal orientation and practically does not differ from city apartments. One part of the house is reserved for residential type rooms. For this, the eastern and southern zones are used. The western and northern parts of the building are occupied by utility rooms.

Useful advice! If the house has small dimensions, some rooms can be combined. For example, a layout with a combination of living room, dining room and kitchen space. The zoning of rooms for their intended purpose in this case can be symbolic - small nepartitions,a special arrangement of furniture, or visual (separation due to different finishes that differ in color or material).

How to develop a project for a beautiful house: photos of two-story buildings

Projects of two-story houses are used to create large cottages, country houses and buildings on a small plot.

The layouts of two-story buildings allow the use of architectural decorations with functional significance in the project:

  • garages;
  • balconies;
  • verandas;
  • bay windows;
  • terraces.

At the same time, the layout can be modest and represent the correct box with the simplest division of rooms, or it can have a complex design with many facade details and a roof with broken lines.

Most often, on the ground floor there are public facilities, for example, a kitchen, a dining room and a living room, as well as a recreation room. Service areas can also be located here:

  • laundry room;
  • furnace;
  • panel board;
  • boiler room;
  • pantry.

To prevent the front door from becoming a source of heat loss, it is recommended to build in front of it in the form of a vestibule.

The proximity of the hallway and dressing room will be rational. There is also a bathroom on the first floor. Additional rooms on the first floor include a guest room and a bedroom for elderly family members, as well as an office.

The second floor is most often used for equipping children's rooms, bedrooms, in rare cases - offices. Taking into account the living rooms, the required number of bathrooms and toilets is organized. Often there are projects with an attic among two-story beautiful houses.

Projects of beautiful houses with an attic: photoand riversroom furnishing recommendations

When designing country houses, they strive to use the attic living space under the roof to the maximum. The height of such premises can sometimes reach five meters, and under the ridge seven meters or more.

Two-story cottages with an attic floor are in high demand, although there are also beautiful projects of one-story buildings.

Useful advice! Building a one-story house with an attic will cost much less than building a two-story cottage.

The attic floor is a single space under the roof, most often used for rest rooms.

Often in the photo, the beautiful design of bedrooms in private houses and other combined premises is complemented by zoning and transformation elements that allow you to save space and refuse to build walls:

  • curtains - thick or translucent curtains perfectly delimit the space. They bring comfort to the interior and at the same time are used for quick zoning (most often in bedrooms);
  • sliding type partitions - are installed in special openings inside the walls. The structures move along rails and are mainly used to separate the kitchen with its specific smells from the rest of the rooms. Use on the attic floor is allowed.

  • Modern partitions can be made from different materials. Especially popular is electrochromic smart glass (laminated translucent material), which can become matte white by pressing the control button;
  • lighting - lighting fixtures can become not only part of the interior and set its mood, but also visually divide the space of the room;
  • podium - used in children's rooms as a place to store things.

In the interior of bedrooms, screens can be used as partitions separating the bed area from a desk or dressing area.

Functional design of beautiful houses: photos of buildings with a bay window

In accordance with the idea of ​​the designer, the bay window can have a semicircular, rectangular or trapezoidal shape. The area of ​​this element within acceptable limits can be minimal or relatively large. The upper part of the bay window is brought under the common roof of the building. At the same time, the number of storeys of this element is designed taking into account the number of storeys of the cottage or may be different from it.

Note! The design of the bay window is used as the basis for the balcony. If the number of floors differs from the number of floors of the building according to the project, in the architecture of the house this nuance is solved by forming a bay window tower.

Advantages of cottages with a bay window:

  • unique design - this architectural element is used as an exterior decoration, bringing elegance to the facade of the house;

  • actual and visual expansion of the space of the room - a well-lit bay window is suitable for placing a dining table or a recreation area - it looks advantageous in the combined living and dining rooms or an internal staircase (saving living space by moving the structure to the bay window area);
  • increasing the level of natural light - thanks to the panoramic glazing of the bay windows, an increased amount of sunlight enters the room;

Outside the building and inside its bay windows look quite impressive. However, the construction of such cottages is not cheap.

Country house projects: beautiful pictures of buildings with a garage

The presence of a vehicle must also be taken into account in the design of the building. If it is planned to build a country house for seasonal living, it is enough to get by with the construction of a parking lot or a carport in the yard.

In cottages intended for permanent residence, it is necessary to provide for the presence of a capital garage. Moreover, in the building project, it can be built-in or presented as an extension.

A garage with a built-in room can be unheated or heated. For its placement, the basement or first floor is most often used. The project of the cottage may provide for different ways of access to the garage, for example, through the gate, the entrance gate (from the street) or from the house (through the hallway, hall).

Useful advice! If there is an entrance to the garage from the house, the driver will not have to go out in the rain, snow, hail, or endure other manifestations of bad weather.

The price of a house project with a garage built into the building is much higher than the cost of building a detached building. Here it is meant a room installed on the same foundation with a cottage, brought under its roof and having walls adjacent to it. But the high price is justified by reliability, functionality and additional operating possibilities that a separate garage cannot offer.

It is imperative to provide for the presence of a small parking lot, which can be used for temporary placement of a car and receiving guests arriving by private transport.

Projects of the most beautiful houses: photos of cottages with a second light

The second light is often used as a spectacular architectural addition. Moreover, the presence of this element is reflected not only in the architecture of the house, but also in the internal layout. The second light is formed if part of the ceilings between floors is missing in the building plan. At the same time, a volumetric space is formed inside, and there is a presence on the outside on the facade. For this, windows with a size of about 6-8 m are used.

Most often, the second light is found in beautiful projects of wooden houses, however, it is possible to use it in cottages and from other materials. In breading for the organization of this element, as a rule, a living room is used. The recommended floor space is at least 120 m 2 . In small houses, the use of panoramic glazing is allowed, but the combination of floors is not welcome.

Such a living room usually has two entrances: on the first and second floor. A ladder is used to climb up. The design can be marching, screw or decorative.

Note! Such projects require careful study of the heating system, since conventional batteries will not be enough, and heat loss through the second light will be large. In addition, in layouts of this type, the principles of heat transfer differ from standard projects.

Features of projects of beautiful wooden houses: photos of interesting buildings

The nuances of wood house projects:

  • a log or timber has standard dimensions (length - 6 m), so the construction of large houses is complicated. The layout may consist of small rooms, otherwise you will have to join the logs at the cuts. The consumption of insulation will increase;
  • in order for the box of the house to be rigid and have the correct shrinkage, the joints of the logs should be staggered, which cannot but affect the layout. Additional distribution between adjacent cuts will be required;

  • construction technology involves an even number of corners;
  • the distribution of loads must be approached with special care;

projects are limited in design. Otherwise, during construction, a large amount of waste is generated, and costs increase.

Note! You can not build a staircase to the attic floor against the wall, whereraspdueroof slope stop.

Features of the development of projects of beautiful frame houses

Frame technology gives a certain freedom in terms of the size of the house, its number of storeys and design. Among the finished projects, you can find one-story buildings for summer residence, intended for seasonal stay, and full-fledged residential cottages with 2-3 floors for permanent residence. The frame technology for the construction of residential buildings differs significantly from construction work using wood, concrete or brick.

Such buildings have many advantages:

  • easily amenable to redevelopment of premises;
  • the layout can be any, since there are no restrictions on the placement of rooms, their sizes;
  • the box of the building due to the technical properties of the material is light, so the development of the project is not complicated by the distribution of loads.

Combining the “second light” space will look best in a large house with an area of ​​​​200 square meters

The material is malleable enough to bring to life even the most daring projects of country houses, however, all the norms of frame construction must be taken into account.

Features of the development of beautiful projects of brick houses

Brick building projects, despite their high cost, give considerable freedom in relation to the exterior of the house and the organization of its internal space.

Living room with modern fireplace

Due to the increased fire resistance of the material, a stove or fireplace can be built near a brick wall. At the same time, the facade of the cottage will not need additional finishing.

Possible combination with other materials:

  • natural stone;
  • wood covered with stain;
  • brick having a different texture or color.

The use of brick as a building material makes it possible to include in the project. On its basis, a boiler room or outbuilding, a garage, etc. can be erected. Brick projects are distinguished by the comfort of the premises and support the highest design requirements.

Modern projects of country houses and cottages may include other architectural additions, for example, a flat roof, a terrace, a veranda, a large porch, balconies, basements, rotundas. The presence of a real fireplace is also reflected in the architecture, ventilation system and requires a special layout.

It is difficult to imagine how a house looks like in reality when only its project is on hand. In this article, we have collected the most popular projects of built houses from our catalog. Let's take a look at the features of the proposed options together, highlight the main thing, consider photos of houses built according to projects and floor plans.

Project No. 40-17

Two-storey cottage in a modern style with an area of ​​203 m 2 with a bay window and a terrace. Wall material - brick, finishing - facing brick and plaster. During the implementation, it was decided to replace the plaster with a facing brick of a different color.

What is good about the 40-17 project and the house built on it?

  • Columns and balconies adorn the façade;
  • The minimalistic appearance and straight lines define the contemporary style of the building;
  • European standard design of floors: the first one is reserved for the living and guest areas, the second one is for the bedrooms;
  • The monolithic foundation and floors guarantee the reliability of the structure.

Project No. 47-05

A two-storey European-style cottage with an area of ​​124 m 2 with a terrace, an attic, a garage, a bay window and a balcony. A real find for owners of small plots, since the dimensions of the house are only 11 * 12 m, and at the same time there are so many useful details. The material of the walls is brick. The client decided to replace the plaster finish with facing bricks.

What is good about project 47-05 and the house built on it?

  • Bright and memorable appearance;
  • A small space containing all the necessary functional areas on the first floor and two bedrooms on the second;
  • Exit to the terrace from the dining room.

Completed construction of a cottage house according to project 47-05:

Project No. 51-29

A two-storey European-style house of 150 m2 with a balcony, a bay window and columns. Wall material - aerated concrete, front finish - terracotta brick.

What is good about project 51-29 and the house built on it?

  • The walls are made of aerated concrete, which allows you to build faster and save on insulation;
  • On the first floor there is a spacious dining-living room, on the second floor there are three bedrooms and an additional bathroom;
  • Layout suitable for a large family: the rooms are spacious and isolated.

Photo of the built country cottage according to the project 51-29:

Project No. 51-54

A compact country house with dimensions of only 7 * 8 m. At the same time, there are 93 m 2 of usable area and an attic. Designed in a modern style. Finishing - plaster, wall material - brick.

What is good about the project 51-54 and the house built on it?

  • Convenient for a small family of 3-4 people;
  • The attic floor is reserved for the sleeping area;
  • Suitable for building on a narrow site.

This is how the project of the completed house looks like:

Project No. 54-64

Three-storey Art Nouveau house with an area of ​​229 m 2 with a basement, a garage and an attic. Wall material - aerated concrete, finishing - face brick.

What is good about the 54-64 project and the house built on it?

  • The ground floor is intended for a sauna, two garages and technical rooms;
  • The ground floor provides space for work and leisure;
  • On the second floor - three bedrooms and a large bathroom;
  • Bright and memorable architecture: arched windows, wrought iron bars, a balcony and other decorative elements.

As a result, the country mansion contains everything necessary for year-round living of a large family.

Project No. 57-00A

Popular among our clients is a project of a two-story house in a modern style with an attic, a garage, a terrace and a bay window. Area 187 m2. Suitable for a large family of 5-7 people. The project involves finishing with artificial stone, but the client preferred to get by with plaster and decorative elements.

What is good about the 57-00A project and the house built on it?

  • An interesting solution for finishing - light plaster was used, the contrast to which is created by a dark artificial stone;
  • The layout of the ground floor made it possible to efficiently use the space for the garage, technical rooms, wardrobe, guest room, dining room and living room;
  • Spacious bathroom, three bedrooms and a balcony on the second floor;
  • Unusual windows, access to the terrace directly from the kitchen, bay window - everything is combined with each other.

Project No. 57-07

Another popular country house project in a modern style, two-story, with an area of ​​115 m 2. Wall material - aerated concrete, finishing - front brick.

What is good about project 57-07, and the house built on it?

  • From the terrace you can get to the spacious kitchen, combined with the living room;
  • On the ground floor there is enough space for utility rooms - a boiler room, a pantry, a wardrobe;
  • A large family will comfortably accommodate in three bedrooms, and on the second floor there is a separate bathroom and toilet.

Project No. 57-08

The best seller on the site is a compact house for a comfortable stay of a small family with an area of ​​110 m 2 and dimensions of 10 * 9 m. This country cottage with an attic is made in the European style. Most often purchased for the construction of country houses.

What is good about project 57-08, and the house built on it?

  • Despite the small area, it contains all the necessary premises for a comfortable stay;
  • The useful area of ​​the house is increased due to the use of the attic floor;
  • Graceful windows, balconies, a terrace and decorative finishes create a unique and memorable look.

This house is a good example of what the completed projects of one-story houses and cottages with an attic look like. Despite the modest area, everything fits together without feeling cramped.

What is good about project 59-92, and the house built on it?

  • Designed to accommodate 4-5 people. When refurbishing rooms, it is possible to increase the number of bedrooms;
  • The style of the mansion is emphasized by the roof made of metal tiles of the original form;
  • The first floor accommodates all household premises;
  • The recreation area is represented by a living room, dining room and a large terrace.

The projects of the constructed houses given in the article demonstrate the main criteria for choosing future housing:

  • materials;
  • architectural style;
  • number of residents;
  • the required number and set of premises.

If the projects described in the article do not suit you, we will help you choose another project to suit your requirements, or make changes to the most suitable one. You can also perform all the necessary calculations, including the calculation of construction estimates from selected materials. After that, planning the construction will be much easier.

This will allow you to build a house according to completed projects, taking into account personal wishes regarding any of its features.

In the company "AbrisBURO - projects of cottages" you can choose the one you like House project from the catalog of our company or conclude an Agreement for construction of a cottage under the ABRISBURO project. We are also ready to make any changes to the finished (standard) projects of cottages and country houses. Any of these projects can be made in brick, aerated concrete, or monolithic reinforced concrete. You can order only AR (architectural solutions) or KR (design solutions) from us at a contractual price.

We bring to your attention an illustrated catalog of the best projects of houses and cottages with photos and 3d visualization. Only a small part of the author's projects of cottages is presented here. For most of these projects, houses have already been built or construction is underway. For your convenience, the catalog of house projects consists of 6 main sections with a convenient search and navigation system: projects of cottages up to 100 sq.m.; from 100 to 150 sq.m.; from 150 to 200 sq.m.; from 200 to 250 sq.m.; from 250 to 300 sq.m.; over 300 sq.m. The advantages of our catalog "READY PROJECTS OF COTTAGES AND COUNTRY HOUSES" include beautiful illustrations of house facades, floor plans, as well as a brief description with the main technical characteristics of cottages. When you look through our catalog of projects, you will undoubtedly be able to get a complete impression of each project of a country house, cottage or mansion. Our catalog is constantly updated with new projects of cottages and country houses. We design a new type of housing - energy efficient, more comfortable, rational, environmentally friendly, from new building materials.

Additionally, you can see sketches of cottages, standard plans and 3d facades, photographs of country houses and cottages, interiors of premises. Using these ideas, we can develop a combined, synthetic house according to your Terms of Reference, in which the best solutions will be implemented.

The composition of the project of a country house or cottage:
- Architectural and construction passport of the house;
- AR (architectural solutions - plans, facades, sections, roofing, a sheet of filling window and door openings, assemblies and details);
- KR (design solutions - foundations, walls, slabs, roof structures, nodes, reinforcement schemes, specifications and a list of parts);
- IS (solutions for engineering systems at home - selection of boiler power, heating, ventilation, water supply and sanitation, lightning protection and grounding);
- List of building materials.

Issues of construction and design of beautiful houses

Modern low-rise buildings in Russia are represented both by standard architectural solutions, popular due to the availability of materials and the speed of construction, and by exclusive projects where, first of all, individuality, aesthetics and personal comfort are valued. A beautiful private house is always a combination of a spectacular facade, attractive interior and ennobled landscape. And, of course, high quality implementation.

Characteristic features of a beautiful and luxurious country house

For the design of a cottage to be called magnificent, it must embody the basic principles:

  • The uniqueness of the project. This is a way to stand out against the background of standard, similar buildings in the neighborhood, to emphasize your independence and architectural taste.
  • Comfort. Inside should be light, cozy and warm, whatever the style.
  • Space. Today, as much interior space as possible is in trend; panoramic glazing helps to expand the boundaries of the interior.
  • Harmony. The form and content (façade decoration, interior design, site design) are designed in a single stylistic concept.
  • Long service life, reliability, safety. All this is ensured by expensive building and finishing materials, the quality of preparatory, installation and engineering work.

How to build a beautiful house: choosing a site

A well-chosen building plot is a guarantee of a reliable foundation, no problems with operation and the ability to implement an architectural project in the right form.

What are the determining factors here?

  • Groundwater should be located as low as possible, otherwise the water will wash away the base of the building. If the land for the construction of a large beautiful house is chosen next to a picturesque lake or river, you will have to spend money on a monolithic slab foundation and abandon the basement and basements.

Common types of foundations and their application:

  • solid monolithic - a reliable and durable foundation for any home;
  • tape - lightweight construction made of concrete with a minimum consumption of building materials;
  • columnar - suitable for places with wet, sandy, peaty, swampy soil during the construction of wooden and frame structures;
  • pile - used at an increased level of groundwater on soft soils, during construction on slopes.

If the soil allows, it is better to equip a deep basement. Then technical and auxiliary premises can be placed here, and more free space will remain at the top. But keep in mind that with the equipment of a high-quality basement, the total cost of construction will increase markedly.

  • Before building a magnificent private house, it is important to study the wind rose on the site. Strong air currents in bad weather will take away heat from housing, so the cottage is located with the back to the windy direction. When choosing a territory, it is worth considering the proximity to industrial and agricultural facilities. The constant presence of extraneous noises and smells will make even the most beautiful mansion uncomfortable.
  • A square-shaped area is considered optimal. Here it will turn out to embody the most successful architectural solutions and landscape design. In the case of a rectangular area, it is better to prefer a shape that is elongated in width (this is more favorable for the design of the building and the entrance to it). Do not give up on a place with a difficult terrain - an experienced architect will adequately beat the natural features.

number of storeys

The choice of the number of floors of future housing is influenced by factors: the composition and size of the family, the size of the land plot, and personal preferences for planning.

Features of beautiful one-story houses

Landscaping - part of the exterior

The beauty of a private house depends not only on successful architectural solutions, but also on the surrounding landscape. Large windows, transparent partitions, open terraces become a logical link between the interior space and the site.

Options for arranging the courtyard area:

  • plants (lawns, flower beds, ornamental shrubs, hedges, trees);
  • reservoirs (artificial ponds, street fountains, waterfalls);
  • elements of landscape design (stone bowls, steps, paved paths);
  • small buildings (arches, gazebos, patios);
  • garden furniture (benches, dining groups, deck chairs);
  • lamps (garlands along the paths, pendant lights).

A well-groomed yard absolutely works for a favorable overall impression of the exterior.

The most beautiful houses in the world - photo selection

An architectural project with an individual design, a smart selection of building and finishing materials, a conscientious embodiment - this is the secret of the amazing beauty of large and small private houses around the world. Photos of finished exteriors confirm this.