An example of a residential house project documentation choice. Where to download house projects with documentation and drawings

Order projects of modern houses in the style of a chalet or buy ready-made house designs. Entrust the design to an experienced architect.

Designing a house takes place in comfortable conditions, at a convenient time for everyone.

Prices and terms

The development of a project for an individual residential building lasts 2-3 months. The cost of all design stages is $22/m2.

We accompany the construction progress with consultations, and according to the sent photographs - architectural supervision.

Remote design of houses - high-quality services of an architect in comfortable conditions.

Modern houses can significantly reduce the cost of heating or air conditioning houses, the design of a modern house includes new materials. Order the development of AR and KR sets of construction drawings for a modern house, this will help you avoid mistakes in the construction of your chalet house, it is the architects who will suggest a comfortable layout projects and beat the location of the chalet house on your site. Private architect will collect the initial data, compare it with the climate of the site of the future home and create a balanced and modern home, while the finished projects houses unable to complete all tasks.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the architectural style of the future home. It can be modern, classic or a chalet project, a private architect will help you in choosing a design Houses in the style of a chalet or order a project of a modern country mansion and enjoy the evenings in a comfortable and thoughtful home. Nowadays, energy-efficient or so-called "smart" houses are gaining popularity, which cannot be typed and sold as finished projects, because each individual customer is demanding on special details, so it is important to order a set of AP drawings from an experienced architect. Surely you had to visit houses that were built without projects and therefore, perhaps, experienced layout flaws or cracks in the walls. These and many other problems occur due to deviations from modern building codes, often because construction is going on without projects and architectural supervision.

General information about the development of the AP project section

"Design of buildings and structures" - an organization that has been on the market for design services for more than 10 years. Employees of our company develop all sections of the working and project documentation all stages, including the AR section - Architectural solutions.

AP project - a section of working and project documentation, which contains solutions that take into account social, economic, functional, engineering, technical, fire, sanitary, environmental, architectural and artistic and other requirements for an object in the amount necessary for the development of documentation for construction object. The AR project section presents the architect's vision of the object, based on the Customer's assignment: the external and internal appearance of the building, functional, spatial organization.

Composition of the AP brand project

As a rule, the composition of the project documentation for the AR project is standard, established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. No. 87 and consists of the following parts:

The title page is the title page of the AP project. The design can be standard, according to GOST 21.501-93, or according to a sample agreed with the Customer.

The text part, in which information about the object is written point by point, in accordance with Decree No. 87:

a) description and justification of the external and internal appearance of the capital construction object, its spatial, planning and functional organization;

b) justification of the adopted volumetric and architectural and artistic decisions, including in terms of compliance with the limiting parameters of the permitted construction of a capital construction object;

c) description and justification of the compositional techniques used in the design of facades and interiors of the capital construction object;

d) description of solutions for finishing the premises of the main, auxiliary, service and technical purposes;

e) a description of architectural solutions that provide natural lighting for premises with a permanent stay of people;

f) description of architectural and construction measures that ensure the protection of premises from noise, vibration and other impacts;

g) description of solutions for light protection of the object, ensuring the safety of aircraft flight (if necessary);

h) description of solutions for decorative, artistic and color finishing of interiors - for non-industrial facilities.

Graphic part, with drawings:

a) display of facades;

b) color scheme of facades (if necessary);

c) floor plans of buildings and structures with explication of premises - for non-industrial facilities;

d) other graphic and exposition materials, performed if the need for this is indicated in the design assignment.

AR design cost

The cost of developing each AR project is individual and is calculated based on the following input data:

The draft design is the main source document. This section is the concept of the future object. It can be ordered both in our organization and in other architectural bureaus. Many architectural companies are engaged only in preliminary design and do not commit themselves to further development of design and working documentation of objects, unlike our organization;

The area of ​​the object;

Terms of development of design and working documentation.

Estimation of the cost of design work of the section of the AP project is made only after the provision of the preliminary design by the Customer. If the Customer does not have a draft design, then it is necessary to order it from us or in any other design office.

Deadlines for the development of AR documentation

The timing of the development of the AR project directly depends on the complexity of the design object and its volume, on the functional purpose of the building. In order to accurately determine and agree on the deadlines for the execution of the project documentation for the section of the AP project, it is necessary to study in detail the terms of reference of the Customer, the Draft Design or other documentation. The speed of production of project documentation for the AP section may be affected by changes made by the Customer, errors found in the Draft Design, the desire to change the general concept or part of it. In general, thanks to the serious experience of our architects, their technical skills, Designing Buildings and Structures LLC quickly develops project documentation for transfer to the Customer and makes changes immediately after their approval.

Development technology and design of AR projects

The technology is based on the use of the most modern software systems.

AR projects are made by experienced architects, in parallel, coordination with related sections of engineering and the designer is carried out.

Design is used both on a plane (plans, facades, sections) and three-dimensional design (models of buildings in 3D).

The AR project is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents, at the request of the Customer, it is possible to make changes to the design of the project.

The specialists of our company perform work in such programs as Archicad, Autocad, 3ds max, etc.

Our advantages in designing an AP project section

  1. List of sheets
  2. General information. Premises area
  3. prospects
  4. Plot map
  5. Marking plan of the 1st floor
  6. Marking plan of the 2nd floor
  7. Attic marking plan
  8. Roof plan
  9. facades
  10. Decorative facade elements
  11. cuts
  12. Specification of elements for filling external openings. Sketches
  13. Principal knots for sections and facades
  14. Ventilation ducts and chimneys
  15. Schematic diagram of the construction of a foundation pit for the foundation of a house
  16. Schematic diagram of the construction of a pit for the foundation of the porch
  17. Schematic diagrams of input and output of engineering networks
  18. Plan and 3D view of preparation for foundation ribs and slab at el. -0.850
  19. Plan and 3D view of foundation ribs
  20. Plan of the foundation slab at elev. -0.850. 3D view of the foundation without insulation.
  21. Plan of additional reinforcement of the foundation slab at el. -0.850
  22. Plan of the foundation slab at elev. -0.200
  23. Plan of additional reinforcement of the foundation slab at el. -0.200
  24. Foundation sections
  25. Fundamental reinforcement schemes
  26. Reinforcement of the outer stairs
  27. Layout plans for horizontal and vertical insulation
  28. Schematic diagrams of hydro and thermal insulation of the foundation
  29. 3D view of the foundation
  30. The staircase is internal. 3d view of reinforcement
  31. Principal section along the wall. Technical instructions for stone structures
  32. Schematic diagrams of the jumper device
  33. Masonry plan of the 1st floor. 3d view of the walls of the 1st floor
  34. Masonry plan of the facing layer of the 1st floor
  35. Niche plan of the 1st floor
  36. Plan and 3D view of the cofferdams at el. +3.150
  37. Principal schemes of floor reinforcement at elevation +3.150 and +6.650
  38. Scheme of docking of floor reinforcement
  39. Plan and 3D view of the floor at el. +3.150
  40. Plan for additional reinforcement of the floor at elevation 3.150
  41. Masonry plan of the 2nd floor. 3D view of the walls of the 2nd floor
  42. Masonry plan of the facing layer of the 2nd floor
  43. Niche plan of the 2nd floor
  44. Plan and 3D view of the cofferdams at el. +6.450
  45. Plan and 3D view of the cofferdams at el. +6.660
  46. Plan for additional reinforcement of the floor at elevation +6.660
  47. Attic floor plan
  48. Plan and 3D view of a monolithic belt under the Mauerlat
  49. Plan and 3D view of Mauerlats
  50. Plan and 3D view of racks, beds and girders
  51. Plan and 3D view of the truss system
  52. Sections on rafters
  53. Principal nodes on the truss system
  54. Terrace. Plans of metal racks and beams
  55. Terrace. Terrace column plan
  56. Terrace. The plan of the enclosing structures of the terrace. Plan of floor beams.
  57. Terrace. Cuts.
  58. Garage. Plan of the monolithic belt at el. +2.715
  59. Garage. Plan of floor beams
  60. Garage. Run plan for elev. +3.970. Plan of monolithic belts at el. +2.850 and +3.065
  61. Garage. cuts
  62. Garage. Section fragments
  63. Porch 2. Plan of metal racks. Plan of floor beams
  64. Porch 2. Plan of enclosing structures
  65. Porch 2. 3D views
  66. Roof at el. +5.181. Plan of monolithic belts under the rafters
  67. Roof at el. +5.181. Rafter Plan
  68. Roof at el. +5.181. Roof plan
  69. 3D views of the load-bearing structures of the garage, terrace and porch
  70. Porch 1
  71. stairs

2. . The type of foundation is selected by calculation. The calculation will require geology (geological engineering study of the soil). Be sure to have sheets with a reinforcement scheme, a foundation device. nodes and the amount of concrete and reinforcement or foundation blocks.

3. . The blind area is not an element of improvement, but a necessary structural element, its device is mandatory.

4. masonry plans. This is a plan of masonry walls with dimensions. Performed for each floor - how many floors, so many plans.

5. facades. 4 sheets with facades.

6. . At least two cuts: longitudinal and transverse. In houses of a complex configuration, cuts are usually performed more in order to show all the level differences and difficult places.

7. For piece materials, we do ordering so that we do not have to cut blocks, we select a convenient structural height of the floor, windows and other openings and elements.

8. Wall drills. On the scans, you can clearly see all the marks to which it is necessary to lay the masonry. A scan for each wall is performed. There are many walls, respectively, and many sheets.

9.Cover plan. How many overlaps there will be so many plans. Overlappings are monolithic reinforced concrete, from prefabricated hollow-core reinforced concrete slabs, wooden, prefabricated from blocks. For each drawing, the number of materials is indicated.

10. Plans for monolithic belts under floors or brick belts, if such are required.

11. This is a plan with the location of the jumpers above the windows and doors.

12. . Plan with the designation of windows, doors, types of floors. Together with these plans, lists of windows and doors, floor explication are carried out.

14. If the roof is pitched. Along with this drawing, plans for load-bearing roof elements, roof units, roof sections and, of course, the calculation of the number of roof elements are also carried out. If flat, then other drawings are performed.

The composition of the roof or the "pie" of the roof

15. Knots and details. These drawings are different for every project.

16. Stairs and porches.

17. Ventilation channels. Ventilation in a private house is provided by natural channel, respectively, ventilation ducts are laid in the structure of the house during construction. Therefore, this section is not included in the engineering section (OV - heating and ventilation), but in working drawings.

18. . The amount of materials on the walls of the house is indicated (how many and what blocks, bricks, insulation, etc.).

20. Other drawings. There may be drawings of beams, support pads. embedded parts, pools, vegetable pits, etc. A set of additional drawings depends on the chosen design of the house.

Why do we need working documentation (section AC)?

2. The presence of drawings significantly speeds up the construction of a house and simplifies communication with builders.

3. Construction of a house with a working draft is a guarantee that the house will not collapse and that it will be possible to live in it, since during the design, structural calculations are carried out.

A house project is a documentation that specifies all the parameters of a building. The documentation will help to imagine how the building will look from the outside and from the inside, how much and what materials will be needed for construction. Sometimes the house project includes additional sections that help to approach the construction in more detail - determine in advance the type of communications to be laid, plan a fire or burglar alarm device at the construction stage. Documentation will be needed both during the construction process and upon acceptance - for quality control and compliance with standards.

What does the project consist of? What items are required?

A standard project is a set of drawings required for construction. The project should have the following sections:

  • architectural (AR)- describes general information, architectural solutions, contains floor plans, facade drawings and main sections, roof plan, lists of door and window openings;
  • constructive (KR)- includes design drawings of the foundation and other supporting structures, flooring, truss system. In the constructive section, the required building materials and their quantity are indicated.

Such a set of drawings is always included in the design of the house - this is regulated by state regulations. At the request of the customer, additional sections are included in the project documentation - for example, a set of drawings of engineering systems.

In private housing construction, when small residential buildings are being built, they are often limited to a draft design. But this is the first stage of architectural design, it cannot be called complete. The draft documents contain only general data, images of facades and floor plans.

Full design with a more detailed architectural part is preferable: even in the construction of simple buildings there are nuances and design features.

Detailed composition of the project

Architectural and construction solutions (AS)

Project documentation is provided on paper in A3 format, in one copy, certified by a blue seal. The project includes two sections: AR (architectural solutions) and KR (constructive solutions).

Working drawings of the brand AR (Architectural solutions)

This section is divided into several parts:

  • general data about the object and an explanatory note;
  • master plan;
  • center plan of axes;
  • masonry and marking plans;
  • each of the facades of the house with an indication of elevations;
  • roof plan;
  • main cuts around the house;
  • explication of floors, features of filling the openings of windows and doors;
  • ventilation ducts and chimneys.

The architectural drawings indicate the location of all windows, doors, ventilation shafts, fireplaces with chimneys, the height of the floors, the thickness of the walls; shows the main structural units.

Project documentation

1. Project cover

2. Title page

3. General data of the project and specification of the main material of the walls of the house

4. Measured floor plans (construction)

5. Marking floor plans

7. Cuts

9. Facades

12. Fragments of the plan

13. Ventilation ducts, chimneys

Working drawings of the brand KR

This section as part of an architectural project is developed for the technically competent implementation of architectural ideas. The CR consists of the following parts:

  • common data;
  • foundation layout, including dimensions, exact location on the site, laying depth;
  • floor plan, lintels, truss structure with dimensions and technical instructions for the device;
  • detailed drawings;
  • calculation of the consumption of masonry materials;
  • material specifications.

The composition of the drawings included in the CD depends on the type of structures included in the design documentation.

Example: Structural solutions, as part of QOL and KD

The composition of the QOL section (reinforced concrete structures)

1. General data

2. Foundation plan, material specification

4. Monolithic columns (if any according to the project), specification


6. Floor plan with specifications

7. Jumper layouts, specification

8. Monolithic belts, specification

The composition of the CD section (wooden structures)

1. General data


Engineering systems (IS)

If, in addition to the main sections, which the project of the house necessarily includes, a section of engineering networks is provided, it should contain the following parts:

1. general explanations for each of the life support systems, recommendations for installation and connection of devices;

2. scheme of water supply, sewerage systems - rationale for the choice - individual or with connection to centralized systems, - floor plans;

3. heating scheme - substantiation of an individual heating device or connection to central networks, heat engineering calculation;

4. power supply design, including network wiring diagrams, electrical wiring, electrical equipment layout plans ( ;

5. specification of products, equipment, materials. ( Ordered for each project separately, at the request of the customer.)

For some projects, standard ICs have been developed, check with the manager for their availability. Their cost is not included in the AC project price.


Architectural Passport

The passport for the project of the house is not included in the complete set, it can be purchased for an additional fee.

The architectural passport of the project makes it faster and easier to obtain a building permit, as it contains all the documents necessary for submission to the local architecture authorities.

The composition of the architectural passport:

Plans in axes


Axis cuts

The sale of the "Construction passport of the project" without the acquisition of the main set of working drawings is not carried out.

You can also purchase an additional set of drawings (paper copy), which, as a rule, is necessary for builders.

Can I make changes to pre-made sections?

You can make changes to any finished project, but you need to evaluate profitability: if the changes affect the construct, the finished calculations will not be relevant. And the cost of the finished project, taking into account the changes made, may be higher than the development of an individual one from scratch.