Roasting cashews for the whole family. Cashew Nuts - Benefits and Harms Plain Roasted Cashew Nuts

Cashew nuts are truly unique in their properties. Compared to other nuts, it is less allergic, which makes it insanely popular. It also combines a huge amount of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and iron. It is the fusion of usefulness and safety that brings it to the top of the popularity rating among nuts. However, before use, it can (and sometimes even necessary) be fried (in a frying pan, in the microwave, and using other methods). This procedure gives it unforgettable shades of taste. In this article, we will tell you how to fry cashews correctly in different ways!

How to Retain Health Benefits When Roasting Cashews

The cashew nut is really special, because when properly roasted, it practically does not lose useful substances. Vitamins, proteins and much - much more will enrich your body if you master this art (and there is no other way to call it).

In order to properly roast nuts (regardless of the method), it is necessary to evenly distribute cashews throughout the cooking area. The frying itself should take place at a low temperature! Yes, it will take longer, but the result is definitely worth it.

Never fry them on high heat! So you destroy the beneficial compounds that your body needs so much! So you quickly get roasted cashews. Is it possible to fry it like this? Of course not!

How to fry cashews?

As they say, it's time to move from theory to practice. Let's look at all the ways to cook cashew nuts, starting from the banal - in a pan and ending with an unusual method - on rosemary. It is worth noting that fried in some characteristics surpasses its fresh counterpart, so its preparation is not a meaningless process.

in a frying pan

Take fresh nuts, rinse well, peel and dry. Then spread the nuts evenly over the pan. Roast the cashews over low heat until browned. Don't forget to stir constantly! Otherwise, your creation will consist of coal and underroasted nuts. Let cool after cooking.

The ratio of ingredients:
Cashew - 450 - 500 grams;
Oil (vegetable, olive or coconut) - 3 teaspoons;
Salt tastes good, but don't get carried away too much - it can overpower the flavor of the nuts.

However, everything has its own characteristics. Cooking cashews in a pan is no exception. Write down a few tips for getting the best taste and health benefits of roasted nuts:

  • Use a thick cast iron skillet. It will not let the cashews burn, and the cast iron will evenly heat all the nuts;
  • If you are on a diet, try not to use oil, spices, salt or sugar when frying. Yes, it is tasty, but more harmful than a regular nut, because with such roasting, various carcinogens and other harmful substances are produced;
  • If you decide to fry in oil, then after cooking, be sure to spread the cashews on a napkin. So excess oil will be absorbed into it, and the nuts will be minimally fatty, and the taste will appear brighter.

In the oven

Not everyone can boast of having an oven, but its owners will obviously not miss the opportunity to use it when roasting cashews. It is faster and does not require constant supervision, and the kitchen will be cleaner.

The cooking procedure is the same (peel, rinse and dry the nuts). Also, preheat the oven to 180 degrees before frying. This will allow the cashews to brown faster and more evenly.

Arrange the nuts on a baking sheet in a single layer (if there are a lot of them, it is better to use several baking sheets). Don't worry, they won't burn, but if you can't handle your fear, then lay parchment paper first. Roast the nuts on one side for 5 minutes, remove, stir and put back in the oven. They are usually ready in 8-14 minutes!

You can also add oils, this will add flavor to the nuts, but increase the oiliness. Extra calories right here!

Cooking Tips:

  • Check nuts often for doneness. So you exclude the possibility of burning cashews;
  • Also, stir gently throughout the cooking. So only uniform roasting awaits you;
  • After cooking, you can salt the cashews. So their taste acquires a certain contrast (sweet nut and salt).

in the microwave

The microwave is truly a miracle. Heating without fire is amazing! Is it possible to fry cashews in the oven (in the microwave)? Of course! It is worth noting that this way the nuts turn out to be more crispy and fried from the inside than when cooked in a pan or oven. Dare!

In fact, the cooking procedure is not much different from the previous options, although there are certain nuances here. Prepare the nuts for frying, spread evenly over the entire plate in 1 - 2 layers. The microwave should fry the cashews for 6 to 7 minutes (the mode does not matter).

Before cooking cashews in the microwave, be sure to consider the following:

  • Do not dump cashews in one pile. It is better to divide it into several servings and cook separately. So you get the most delicious product;
  • Stir the nuts every 15 minutes. So they fry more evenly;
  • Before you completely remove the cooking nuts from the microwave, try one nut. So you will definitely understand whether they are ready or it is worth putting them on for a couple more minutes.

Regular Roasted Cashew

Now you are familiar with all the possible ways to roast cashews without additives. So what's the difference between "fried" and "fried"? The answer is simple - cooking time. In order to get both the crust and the untouched core at the same time, reduce the cooking time by 4 minutes. So you get a “new taste” that will definitely not leave anyone indifferent!

Cashew roasted in honey

Love sweet? Then the recipe for delicious and healthy cashews is in front of you! Cooking it in honey is easy!

Mix honey and butter (you can add maple syrup). Melt in a skillet or microwave. The butter should melt completely. Mix this with fresh cashews and put in the oven for 5-6 minutes. Sprinkle with sugar after cooking.

Cooking Tips:

  • Use parchment paper for baking. The baking sheet will be cleaner, and it will not burn;
  • Also lay out the nuts in one layer, otherwise you will get something like a chak - chak. It will be impossible to separate the nuts.

Cashew roasted in rosemary

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Roast nuts for 10 minutes until hot. In the meantime, combine the rosemary, sugar, salt and butter in a bowl. Stir the nuts into the mixture. Ideally, it should completely cover the nuts.

Sweet and spicy cashews

Remember the recipe for cashews in honey? Remember and start experimenting! Add other nuts, chocolate chips and much, much more to the sweet mix! Do not forget that cashews are non-allergic, this opens up a huge world of taste before you!

Cashew or Indian nut is an evergreen, heat-loving tree native to Brazil. The plant belongs to the Sumac family and the species of the genus Anacardium. It grows up to 15 m in height, has a wide spreading crown and elliptical or ovoid leaves. Relatives of the plant are almonds, pepper tree, kaffir plum, mombin and pistachios. Perhaps, cashews are the only fruits in the world that do not ripen inside the fruit, but outside.

The leaves of the tree are leathery, up to 15 cm wide and up to 22 cm long, collected in a panicle about 26 cm long. The crown often has an irregular shape and can reach up to 10 m in diameter. The Indian walnut blooms in a pale green color with a reddish tint. "Cashew apple", the so-called fruit of the tree, oblong or pear-shaped. The color of the stem is yellow or red. Length - from 5 to 11 cm. Under the crust, an astringent is hidden, yellowish in color, sweet and sour in taste.

Western Anacardium, which is scientifically called cashew, is a truly waste-free tree. So, for example, the "cashew apple", the fruits of the tree are widely used in cooking, the bark and leaves are very popular as a medicine, and the nuts themselves have long been known for their taste and useful properties all over the world.

So to say, the “discoverers” of cashews were the ancient Indian tribes of the Tikuna, living on the territory of modern Brazil. It was they who were the first to discover all the beneficial and medicinal properties of the Indian walnut, using not only the fruits, but also the leaves and bark of the plant. And it was this people who gave the name to the Western Anacardium - acaju, which means "yellow fruit". The modern name cashew, proposed by the British, comes from the Portuguese caju (fruit) or cajueiro (the tree itself).

However, when visiting another country, such as Venezuela, you may not find those same cashew fruits, only for the reason that it is customary to call them merey there. In other countries of Latin America, it is customary to call nuts marañón, in honor of the state of Marañon in Brazil, where Anacardium occidentalis was discovered.

The birthplace of the tree is Brazil, but today the plant is cultivated in 32 countries of the world (Malaysia, Kenya, Tanzania, Philippines, Mozambique, Benin, Thailand, Ghana, etc.). An important condition for the successful cultivation of walnut is a warm but humid climate. It is for this reason that the largest suppliers of cashews in the world are Indonesia, Vietnam, Nigeria and, of course, Brazil. Apart from the fact that Anacardium western requires a special climate, in all other respects the plant is quite unpretentious and does not need special care.

Up to 60 kg is collected per year from one healthy tree. nuts. However, it is also noteworthy that, in addition to the product familiar to us, the so-called “Cashew Apples”, which are considered a kind of delicacy, are harvested from Anacardium western. Unfortunately, we, who live in the territory of the post-Soviet space, are unlikely to be able to taste these sweet and sour fruits without leaving our country. The reason for this is the speed with which the delicacy spoils. But, in states that cultivate the Indian walnut, you can easily enjoy freshly squeezed juice, jelly, jam or even the famous liqueur made from the cashew apple.

The shell of cashew nuts, after grinding, is used as a component in the manufacture of brake pads. The liquid, poisonous component, cardol and anacardic acid, is used in the development of medicines. In addition, with the help of these most toxic substances, phenylamine is produced, which is necessary in the production of rubber, varnish, and drying oil.

How does cashew grow? - a question, the answer to which is really interesting. As already mentioned, cashew nuts are the only ones in the world that ripen outside the fruit. Thus, the same cashew apple is nothing more than an edible pedicel, pear-shaped and yellow-red in color. At its tip, and germinates, in the shell, the product known to us, similar to a small squiggle. You can see a photo of how cashews grow on our website and admire this miracle of nature.

The appearance of this delicacy is known to us. But, the question arises why walnuts, peanuts, etc. we buy in the shell, but cashew nuts are sold already in their peeled form. The fruits of Anacardium familiar to us are covered with a double shell. External - has a green color, a smooth surface and contains a caustic phenolic resin. The second shell, a dense shell, looks like a honeycomb of cells. And the reason for processing before selling lies in the fact that under the outer shell of the nut, there is a dangerous substance called cardol, which, when in contact with human skin, causes severe burns. And it is because of the poison that the product goes through several stages of processing:

  1. shelling;
  2. Heat treatment until all the oil has evaporated.

It is strongly not recommended to try to clean the fruits on your own, even if such an opportunity presented itself. Firstly, even the best specialists in their field occasionally get burned. Secondly, a small drop of oil that has not evaporated can cause severe poisoning in humans, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itching and skin rashes.

Thus, cashews can be considered a real delicacy. Why is that? First, despite the fact that the yield is large enough, to get one nut, you need to pick the whole fruit. Secondly, in order to put the nuts on sale, they need to undergo a complex heat treatment to eliminate a harmful substance called cardol. Thirdly, compared to the rest, cashews have a fairly low oil content, which allows the product to be used only as a treat. And finally, the harvest collected from one plant is very dependent on weather conditions. So it turns out that the cost of delicacy is quite high, and it is for this reason that cashews can be classified as “elite nuts”.

Useful properties of cashews

For us, cashew nuts are nothing more than an edible fruit that pleases with its taste. But, thanks to the large amount of vitamins and useful trace elements, along with a pleasant treat, we get really great benefits for the body. The proof is that in various countries, in addition to food supplements, this product is used in other areas:

  • Africa - used as a material for tattooing and a remedy for intoxication;
  • For the Brazilian people, cashew acts as an aphrodisiac and is used in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, digestive problems and diabetes;
  • In Haiti, it is an excellent remedy for warts and a pain reliever for toothache;
  • Mexico - fruits are used to remove freckles;
  • Panama is a well-known remedy for hypertension;
  • Venezuela - cashew is a cure for inflammation in the throat;
  • In India, drying the husk of a nut, the resulting "elixir" is used by the local population as an antidote for snake bites;

Thus, in alternative medicine, it is a well-known remedy for many misfortunes. However, traditional medicine has long recognized the healing properties of cashew nuts, finding out its antimicrobial, antidysentery, antibacterial, tonic and antiseptic properties.

Why are cashew nuts so useful? - The answer lies in the content of this product:

  1. Proteins;
  2. Fats;
  3. Carbohydrates;
  4. Vitamins: PP, E and group B;
  5. Saturated fatty acids omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9;
  6. Minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, selenium and manganese;
  7. Alimentary fiber;
  8. Starch.

If you dwell in detail on each component of the product, it turns out that for almost any person, with various diseases or health problems, it will be useful.

With regular intake of cashews, the body is replenished with all the necessary vitamins and microelements, the level of cholesterol in the blood stabilizes, the digestive tract improves, and the protective properties of the body increase.

Nutritionists around the world recommend eating cashew nuts, not only for overweight people, but also in the opposite cases. Why is that? The calorie content of cashews is within the normal range and is 600 kcal per 100 gr. product. Thus, for people with extra pounds, this is an excellent product due to its nutritional value and good digestibility. For those who are not gaining weight, nutritious cashews again help. But, before going on a diet or vice versa, you should definitely consult a nutritionist, no matter what harm yourself. As the well-known saying goes: “a little of everything good”, just like cashews, you should take them in limited quantities. The recommended daily portion is no more than 30 gr. per day.

It has been repeatedly proven that the properties of cashew nuts make it possible to use this product as an adjuvant in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, upper respiratory tract, digestive tract, etc. In addition, the fruits of Anacardium occidentalis are considered a powerful aphrodisiac that increases sexual potency and increases libido.

As a preventive measure, taking just one handful of cashews a day can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes, arthrosis, and heart problems. Phosphorus - contributes to the proper formation of the skeleton in a child. Omega 9, acts as a kind of blocker for the occurrence of breast and colon cancer. Magnesium reduces the likelihood of blood clots and promotes normal blood circulation. In turn, the B group of vitamins are indispensable helpers for athletes who often need to quickly recuperate after grueling workouts or competitions.

It is impossible not to say about the ability of the product to stabilize the nervous system of the body and improve the functioning of the brain. And what else is needed for a person who constantly experiences stress at work? After all, you must admit, it is better to use what is produced by nature, and not by numerous pharmaceutical companies.

Notable is the use of cashews for dental health. Indian scientists have proven that microelements, vitamins and amino acids contained in fruits successfully resist harmful bacteria that destroy tooth enamel. But, in ancient times, a crushed nut was applied to an aching tooth and an inflamed gum, thereby relieving pain. To date, toothpastes containing cashew oil have already been developed.

With food, everything is clear. And due to the fact that this delicacy can be taken not only raw, but also used in the preparation of various dishes, from salads to a variety of sauces, desserts and pastries, it will not be difficult to improve health. But, fruits, I successfully use not only in cooking. So, for example, walnut oil is used in cosmetology in the preparation of various ointments, masks and creams. Applying them, the skin is smoothed, the natural complexion is restored, the aging process is slowed down. But for problematic skin, it is enough to apply wipes soaked in oil for a few minutes. The effect will become noticeable in a few days. Cashew oil hair masks, strengthen them and add shine. All that is needed for this is to rub the substances every day for several weeks.

As a handy and environmentally friendly product, cashew nuts are used to treat sunburn on the body. In this case, walnut oil in the amount of two tablespoons will help, in combination with a small amount of geranium, rose or lavender oil. By applying this mixture to irritated areas of the skin, relief comes in a few minutes.

How to choose cashews so that they retain all the beneficial properties? Definitely, it is better to choose raw, but always peeled fruits. All that is needed for long-term storage is to purchase only whole, not crushed nuts. However, in the markets, you can mainly find fried and slightly salted cashews - the calorie content of such a product is an order of magnitude higher, but the beneficial properties are not greatly lost from this.

But in order for the fruits to be stored for as long as possible, you need to keep them at minimum temperatures. In the freezer, the shelf life can increase up to one year, in the refrigerator - several months, and in just a cold and dark place - only a few weeks. But if placed in a warm and humid place, in a tightly closed container, after a while, the fruits will become bitter and completely unsuitable for eating.

Is cashew harmful?

Definitely, even the most useful product, with excessive amounts, can cause negative consequences. You should not eat nuts in any form, in an amount of more than one press per day. It is also necessary to give up roasted cashews, salted and with food additives, in order to get the maximum benefit and not overload your body with extra calories.

As previously mentioned, in order to use cashew nuts for food, it is necessary that it undergoes high-quality, thorough heat treatment. And even despite the fact that in its raw form, you are unlikely to be able to purchase the product, it is not recommended to give it to small children and people prone to allergies.

As for the "overdose", it can also occur. Have you eaten too much? Then such consequences as diarrhea, nausea, itching all over the body, swelling and the appearance of a rash are possible. But in this case, there is no need to panic. Any anti-allergic agent that is at hand will help you.

Despite all the harm that cashews can bring. There is no need to give up this really useful and rich in useful substances product. After all, the benefits to the body are many times greater than the negative points. The only thing that is the individual intolerance of the fetus can prevent the use of this miracle of nature.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that cashew nuts are really a universal remedy that has been used for many years for the treatment and prevention of various kinds of diseases. Just a few times a week, apply a handful of fruits, and well-being will improve significantly. All that is needed is to choose a quality, well-processed product and not to overdo it with the amount consumed.

Cashew fried is the heat-treated (roasted) fruit of the cashew tree, which grows in Central and South America, as well as in Africa and Asia. More precisely, a part of the fruit, because cashews also have a tasty, juicy, fleshy apple, which can only be tasted in places where it is grown, because the fruit component of the fruit is not transportable.

Fried cashews are a ready-made food product, tasty, satisfying, healthy, which can be eaten just like that, or added to a variety of dishes to improve their taste and increase nutritional value.

Beneficial features

Roasted cashews are very similar in composition to fresh cashews, and therefore largely repeats its beneficial properties.

Like a fresh fruit, it strengthens the immune system, normalizes the activity of the heart and blood vessels, reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, protects cells from the action of free radicals, rejuvenates the body and nourishes it with useful substances (vitamins E, B, A, PP; minerals magnesium, potassium , calcium, iron; amino acids tryptophan, glycine, lysine; polyunsaturated Omega-3 acids, etc.). However, we should not forget that the beneficial properties of fried foods are usually lower compared to fresh ones, but the taste is higher. This statement is completely justified for cashews. That's why for medicinal purposes it is better to use fresh nuts, and for culinary purposes - fried.

In terms of calories, fried cashews are almost equal to fresh ones (about 600 kcal), but, if it was fried with salt or, moreover, with sugar, this increases its calorie content. Therefore, overweight people should not abuse fried cashews.

The cashew nut ripens on the tree inside a delicious, apple-like fruit. This fruit can only be tasted by residents of the area where cashews grow, as it quickly deteriorates. But the nut inside, which is obtained after appropriate processing, is sent almost all over the world. Why cashew nuts are useful, doctors and nutritionists know, and they are happy to share this information.

What are the benefits of cashews for women?

Delicious cashew nuts are very useful for the fair sex. They contain many vitamins and minerals, so they effectively contribute to maintaining female beauty and health. In particular, the fatty acids contained in cashews significantly improve the condition of the skin, leaving it soft and radiant.

The ability of cashew nuts to influence metabolism has led nutritionists to invent a special diet aimed at losing weight. The essence of the diet is that all protein foods in the diet are replaced by several nuts, which are very nutritious and relieve hunger for a long time.

What are the benefits of cashews for men?

The real scourge of modern men is high mortality from cardiovascular diseases. Due to the high content of omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, cashew nuts reduce elevated levels, minimize the risk of blood clots, reduce blood pressure and strengthen the heart muscle. And, importantly for the stronger sex, cashew nuts stimulate sexual activity well.

Cashews are also useful for:

Which cashew is healthier roasted or raw?

This question often arises among those who eat cashews. However, it is worth noting that the unroasted one cannot be found on sale - heat treatment is necessary to evaporate toxic substances. But cashews are fried in a variety of ways - with salt, sugar and honey, which will allow nuts to be widely used as snacks or desserts.

Roasted cashew properties

Roasted cashews appeared on the shelves of stores in our country relatively recently, so for many residents this product may turn out to be quite unusual and exotic. Cashew nuts grow on evergreen trees and their peculiarity is that they do not ripen inside the fruit, but outside. The nuts themselves are not fruits, but seeds, they hang on a stalk, the appearance of which may resemble a pear. The stalks are also edible, they are used in the preparation of various compotes, jams and even some alcoholic drinks.

Cashew nuts are eaten both raw and fried, but the second option is more preferable, because when roasted, cashews become soft and their flavor intensifies, which attracts even the most fastidious nut lovers. Roasted cashews go well with many other foods, which is why it is added to many gourmet dishes that will not disappoint anyone. Also, the properties of fried cashews are known as an aphrodisiac not only for women, but also for men. Its fleshy stalk is also used in cooking, not only drinks are made from it, but also added to salads.

Benefits of Roasted Cashews

The benefits of roasted cashews are due to the rich nutritional composition of nuts. They contain vitamin A, vitamin B, and roasted cashews are rich in calcium, zinc, phosphorus and other minerals, including carbohydrates, proteins and much more. With the help of vitamin E contained in roasted cashews, I will forgive the body to fight various skin diseases. However, the benefits of roasted cashews are most clearly manifested in the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels, as well as prevent heart disease, and reduce the risk to a minimum. These properties of roasted cashews exist due to the content of fatty acids. Roasted cashews have fewer calories than peanuts or walnuts, so the risk of obesity is also reduced.

Roasted cashew has a positive effect on the gums and teeth, helps to strengthen the human immune system and has a protective effect against various infections. Roasted cashews are known for their antimicrobial, stimulating, bactericidal, antiseptic and tonic effects on the human body. It is worth paying attention to the diuretic effect of roasted cashews, sometimes really necessary in various situations. From the bark of the tree on which cashews grow, tea is made, which becomes very useful for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Harm of roasted cashews

It is no secret that many fruits, vegetables, cereals and other products are grown with the use of large amounts of nitrites and nitrates, as well as intensive heat treatments are carried out on them. The harm of roasted cashews is that this product can easily cause an allergy in a person who is predisposed to this disease. An allergic reaction to cashews is especially severe and occurs suddenly, so allergy sufferers are strictly prohibited from eating this product.

Calorie Fried cashew 536 kcal.

The energy value of the fried cashew product (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates).