Tower house project. Heavenly sphere, or do-it-yourself steel house

The architectural style is quite varied. Sometimes you can bring to life the most unusual idea of ​​the master. For example, make a house in a water tower or build a simple one.

Project of a two-story house with a tower

Today, such structures can significantly differ significantly from each other. Their main advantages are:

  • stylistic direction of the past era;
  • various forms and parameters of the house;
  • functionality of the tower itself.

Now it is not difficult to build a private house with towers. There are a lot of materials for this. There are also various ways of finishing facades. You can use them to create a real masterpiece of modern architecture.

These structures may have different parameters. There are such forms:

  • round;
  • square;
  • rectangular.

The round tower can be residential or serve other functions. Quite often they place or mansard roof. Be sure to have windows of various shapes in the walls.

The project of a large house with several towers of different shapes

Important. Some architects create a glass tower. This unusual approach is an innovation in construction.

Square and rectangular shapes of such structures are more practical. They accommodate bedrooms or living rooms, as well as study rooms.

The height of the tower may correspond to the height of the house, and may be less.

The so-called mini tower. It all depends on the idea of ​​the designer.

Their number in the building can be unlimited. The most popular project of a house with two towers.

Stages of building a building with towers

Firstly, everything should correspond to such a house. It is best to use the services of a landscape designer who will decorate the site. Secondly, the place for construction should not be small. Such a house is characterized by the presence of a large free area around it. Otherwise, a cottage or any other building will simply clutter up the entire space.

Detailed layout of a house with two towers

The next step is to develop the project. You can do it yourself or use the services of professionals. They are able to perform work of any complexity and carry out the calculations of the material correctly, in accordance with all established norms and standards.

Then comes the stage of construction and cladding of the building. Depending on the type of house and its size, one team can do all this work.

Project options for private residential buildings with towers

A country house with towers will look quite original. Its appearance will interest passers-by. And if everything else on the site corresponds to the majesty of the building, then no one will remain indifferent. Thanks to this original approach, an atmosphere of fabulousness and mystery is created. After all, the house itself resembles a castle, however, in size it does not match it too much.

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Foam block house with an attic

The drafting of the project is based on the size of the free area on the site. The number of towers in the house can be any.

There are different types of buildings. They may be:

  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • p-shaped.

There is also a round house, which directly acts as the tower itself. Their layout is very different. Everything is based on the amount of usable living space.

In square and rectangular houses, towers are located at four or two corners of the building.

They can be located:

  • parallel;
  • diagonally.

Advice. The development of a project for a house with towers should be done by professionals.

Although there is an opportunity to test your design skills and do everything yourself. There are special software packages for this.

Another original house layout with a tower

The user needs to enter the parameters of the house in certain fields:

  • the height of the house;
  • the width of the house;
  • the desired shape of the cottage;
  • number of towers;
  • their height and width.

The program visually shows the finished project. Finishing and building materials are also selected.
Quite often, architects design a mini-tower. It's not very functional. She is assigned the role of decorating the building. Its height does not reach the roof, especially a two-story house. Most often, such a design has an entrance area or utility rooms. You can place it in any part of the building. The roof structure of the tower will be separate from the house and can be designed differently.

What to consider when planning a house

Firstly, the shape of the house plays a big role. The planning directly depends on it. Secondly, the presence of such premises is immediately provided:

Then, on the basis of the project, construction work is carried out.

The tower house fascinates with its peculiarity, and, perhaps, today its project is as popular as it was in the Middle Ages. Such a house can be made in different variations. This is a large castle in the style of fearless knights and fiery ladies, and classic house with towers, and a stylish solution aristocratic mansion. But in any case, the project of the tower house will meet the requirements of modernity and comfort.

The main feature of an elegant tower house is a semicircular structure topped with a conical spire. Such a house is filled with architectural elements that emphasize the high status of its owners, their excellent taste. It is impossible to pass by such a castle and not pay attention to it. It is filled with peculiarity and individuality, which every detail of the building speaks of.

The construction of towers in the history of construction

The tower is a narrow, elongated structure topped with a spire. It can be both an individual building and an element of a complex structure. They have been used in construction for many centuries. The most ancient examples of the construction of cone-shaped structures are the towers of Egyptian fortresses. Such buildings were erected in a rectangular shape and ended with a kind of battlements. Unfortunately, such architectural phenomena disappeared from the face of the earth, remained only in ancient legends and manuscripts.

The ancient fortress consisted of walls and towers attached to them. They were used in the Roman Empire and Byzantium. Later, the Europeans also borrowed the design, using it for the construction of places of detention.

Domestic architecture did not stand aside either. And to this day, elements of fortresses with towers, which were built according to the Byzantine type, have been preserved.

In the Middle Ages, when there was a need to defend against the enemy, towers began to be attached to massive brick spiritual structures. They were used as an observation post and a refuge for children and women. Excellent confirmation of this is the Cathedral of the Savior in Chernigov, cathedrals in Novgorod and others.

Antique art completed the towers hours. It was thanks to antiquity that they appeared on houses, stations, supplemented by clocks. They are still very popular these days. They are used in the construction of lighthouses, water tanks, for astronomical research. But tower construction technology is especially in demand in. Projects with photos allow you to visually imagine the future construction of a house with towers. The most famous object of tower construction is the Eiffel Tower, which is 300 meters high.

Modern castle: style and nobility

The project of a house with a tower, built in the form of an old medieval castle, is able to satisfy all the requirements of a modern person. Projects of modern houses can differ significantly from each other, but they have the same advantages:

  • unusual design solution for construction of an individual house corresponding to the needs of modern man;
  • exquisite stylistic direction, which is conveyed in every element of the design and exterior design;
  • the possibility of building with different parameters. You can build a house of different sizes and shapes;
  • high functionality.

The tower attached to the house serves as a living space. It is also comfortable and in most cases allows for individual design.

Tower construction options

Structurally, it can be built:

  • round, created as a living room. Very often it is in them that they mount, leading to the top floor or. The walls of such a tower are crowned with small window openings. A new trend in the construction of houses is the construction of glass towers. This direction is only in its infancy, gaining more and more demand;
  • square, which is created as a bedroom or study. In some projects, a square tower is used as a living room;
  • rectangular, which can perform the same functions as a square tower.

They can be built of different heights and be smaller than the building or have the same height with it. The number can also be unlimited, but houses with two towers are most common.

A small round tower suitable only for an observation room

Building a house with towers

When building a house in the style of an old castle, you should use the services of a landscape designer, because the plot should be designed in the same style. In addition, a castle-shaped house requires free space. If this feature is not taken into account, the castle will simply clutter up the site. An incorrectly defined construction site can distort the future building beyond recognition.

After the construction site is determined, you can proceed to the creation of project documentation. Of course, you can create a project yourself. But still it is worth using the services of professionals who have the necessary knowledge and skills. And only after the approval of the project, you can start building a private house.

Finished tower house project

A house built according to such a project will become the pride of its owners. Its appearance intrigues and fascinates, because the house exactly matches the appearance of medieval castles, perhaps smaller. The size of the building can be different in accordance with the availability of free space on the site.

Experts do not recommend building more than 4 towers during the construction of the castle, although their number can be any. With a large number of towers, the building often looks rough and unattractive. Structurally, a house can consist of different shapes and elements. The combination of a semicircle, a rectangle allows you to create a beautiful solution.

But in any case, the design should be entrusted to a specialist. Today, special companies offer land owners ready-made projects, which are selected depending on:

  • ;
  • size of the land plot;
  • needs and desires of the customer;
  • cost.

High-level professionals will offer the best construction option, which will take into account entrance area And living room, kitchen room, , utility rooms, bedrooms, . The location of these zones is made depending on the design possibilities and desires of everyone who will live in the house.

Along with full-sized cottages, they are popular with many developers. Such a house can become a temporary home while a large cottage is being built. Also, unusual mini-houses are often chosen by young couples and people with creative thinking who want to build a home that is unlike the rest.

It was this person who turned out to be a designer from New Zealand, Jono Williams. He decided to build a futuristic house on his father's farm. The guy got right to the point. First, he developed a 3D project for a future mini-house. Picked up all the necessary materials. Calculated the estimate. The matter was complicated by the fact that Jono decided to build not an ordinary frame mini-house, but a dwelling that would attract the eye. The photo below clearly shows what happened in the end.

The house, resembling a lighthouse, on top of which a flying saucer sat down, was built of 8 mm thick steel. A slab foundation was chosen as the base. Its weight is 50 tons.

A hollow metal column is attached to the slab with anchor bolts. It is the basis and support for the residential block located on its top.

According to Jono, he calculated that his building could withstand a magnitude 8 earthquake and strong winds, which is facilitated by the streamlined shape of the structure.

The designer proudly emphasizes that he carried out all the main construction work himself, using heavy construction equipment only to lift the structures assembled on the ground.

To get the job done, Jono . And, before embarking on a large-scale construction, he practiced building a treehouse from improvised materials.

The results of this approach exceeded all expectations. The sphere house has become a local landmark, and from the roof (which has a separate exit) offers stunning views of the surroundings.

Jono says that he built the house for himself, and it is not suitable for the life of a sedate married couple or the elderly. After all, the way up cannot be called easy - you have to climb uncomfortable stairs, but, according to Jono, this is an excellent workout.

The front door, reminiscent of a pressure hatch on a submarine, is closed thanks to an electric shutter. In the future, Jono plans to equip the door with a touch-sensitive lock that is triggered by a fingerprint. In the event of a power outage or a breakdown of the mechanism, the door can be opened manually.

In addition to a well-thought-out design, Jono tried to make his house as energy-independent as possible. To do this, he mounted solar panels on steel arcs supporting the residential block. The generated energy is stored and then used to power LED lamps at night.

The translucency of the panoramic glazing of the residential block can be changed depending on the preferences of the owner.

The spherical room has been turned into a real entertainment complex where Jono's friends like to gather. It is equipped with a powerful audio system, external speakers, home theater and a mini-fridge. All systems in the house can be controlled remotely, using a telephone, and voice control is also available.

An example of a combination of original architectural solutions while following classical traditions is the project of a house with turrets. The building built on its basis is capable of realizing the wildest dreams of the owner. At the same time, the level of modern building technologies makes it possible to reproduce the medieval castle style at a new, higher level.

Project №10-36 Project №49-85 Project №31-37

Features of projects of houses with turrets

Projects of houses with a tower have a number of features:

  • unusual appearance of the building in the style of "retro";
  • reconstruction of individual elements of famous historical buildings and traditions of different eras;
  • original functional use of the structure and internal space of the tower;
  • architectural and decorative play on the parts of the building inherent in a particular historical time:
    • spiral staircase;
    • loopholes on the tower;
    • spire, etc.;
  • the use of traditional building materials in the construction and decoration of the cottage:
    • decorative or natural stone;
    • ceramic bricks;
    • tiles or materials imitating it.

The main part of the structures under consideration is the tower. It can be made rectangular or square, but a round design is considered a classic option. The last version of the tower is less practical and technologically more complex, however, it best suits the style of a country cottage. At the same time, in different projects, the tower extends beyond the contours of the building or is “embedded” in it.


A typical example of a tower house is project №34-56. The dominant architectural element is the classical round tower towering over the building. It is placed outside the contours of the cottage both in horizontal and vertical projections. From a functional point of view, its use is traditional - a spiral staircase is located inside.

Project No. 34-56. Stone and brick cottage

Another characteristic feature of projects with towers is the use of facing bricks and artificial stone for decoration. Moreover, the latter gives originality to the facade of a country building, thanks to the use of columns and a porch in facing. The highlight of the project is a room with panoramic windows located in the upper part of the tower. Given its placement on the 4th floor, it offers a beautiful view of the surroundings.

Another example of the use of a tower in the architecture of a private cottage is project №47-47. The design of the tower also rises above the building, but is inscribed in its outline. Both decorative stone and brick are used in the decoration. An important architectural element is the original green color of the roof covering made of tiles imitating natural ones. The location of the tower in relation to other structures of the structure is a standard angular one.

Project No. 47-47. House with a green roof made of red brick

The use of a square tower is shown in the project of a country cottage №50-23 . Its design is almost completely recessed into the building, but rises above it. Finishing with artificial stone for the entire height of the tower focuses attention, highlighting the original architectural element even more. On the top floor of the tower there is a room with large windows.

An elegant country mansion stylized as a medieval castle. A distinctive feature of the house are semi-circular details in the layout of the house, crowned with cone-shaped towers with a spire. The presented project of the house is extremely interesting for its original architectural solution, the presence and decoration of facade details, such as: columns, arched windows, skylights, cornices, porch railings. The house is not devoid of architectural “excesses”, emphasizing the status and taste of the owners, which undoubtedly increases the cost of the construction process, but the result will not leave indifferent either the owners or the guests of this truly beautiful and original house.

The area of ​​a residential building with a round tower is 168 sq.m., which is quite rational.

This project is one of the most successful design solutions of our workshop.

With round tower.

Towers in the history of architecture.

In architecture, towers are understood as narrow, spire-topped, elongated buildings, or building elements that have various purposes (both utilitarian in nature, for example, towers for defense, water supply, astronomical observations, and the like, and decorative). The oldest known examples are the rectangular, crenellated towers of the Egyptian and Assyrian fortresses, which have not come down to us, but have been preserved in ancient images.

The type of fortress, consisting of walls interrupted by towers, was preserved for a number of centuries - in Roman and Byzantine fortifications - and was borrowed from there by the medieval Romanesque architecture of Western Europe. The towers were also placed on the sides of the gate. Often served as places of detention (from the German "Turm" - the tower comes, by the way, the Russian word for "prison").

From Byzantine architecture, fortress towers passed into Muslim architecture and to Russia, where a large number of city and monastic fortress walls with towers have been preserved from pre-Petrine times (for example, the Moscow and Kazan Kremlins).

In the Middle Ages, when massive stone churches also served to defend against the enemy, in the event of an invasion of the city, they began to attach one or more towers to the church building, playing the role of observation towers (for example, the Spassky Cathedral in Chernigov, cathedrals in Kyiv and Novgorod). From such towers, church bell towers developed, which were sometimes placed separately from churches (Ivan the Great in the Moscow Kremlin).

Already in ancient art, the idea arose of placing clocks on towers (for example, the Athenian Wind Tower, I century BC), which became widespread in the Middle Ages (we have the “Chapel in Novgorod”). This is how clock towers appeared on town halls, thoughts, railway stations and other buildings. In modern times, lighthouse towers are being built, towers for placing water reservoirs in them, for observing fires (towers), for astronomical observations, and so on. Especially famous is the Eiffel Tower in the capital of France - Paris - the tallest tower in the world (300 m), built in 1889 from metal trusses by the legendary engineer Eiffel for the Paris World Exhibition.

The cost of the finished project of the castle is 8500 rubles.