Wire in tomatoes. Methods of struggle. How to get rid of the wires in a greenhouse with tomatoes

One of the most dangerous pests of tomatoes is considered a wire. This is called the bug-clutch larva, which dwells in the ground and feeds on rhizomes and tubers of garden crops.

The number of scores and the size of the fruit on the bush depends on the health of the root system of the tomato, with a significant damage to its damage may die. As a result of the activity of the wire, the yield of landing is reduced several times.

Features of the pest

Adult beetles-clutches do not apply direct damage to tomatoes, the danger represent the larvae. Each female lays up to one and a half hundred eggs. The larvae appear after 3-6 weeks, depending on the weather and the soil type. The warm and humid microclimate of the greenhouse makes the conditions of the closed soil as favorable for the pest.

Young individuals have an extended and soft body white color. During this period, the larvae are most vulnerable to biological preparations. With age, their shell becomes more durable, purchasing orange-storm painting. In this phase, insects are in three years, the fourth year occurs. Even in the conditions of open soil, the larvae is not afraid of winter frosts, climbing the soil to the depth of half a meter.

The wire is voracious, especially dangerous for planting two and three-year-old larvae. Basically, the pest is powered by roots, but penetrates the stalk, getting to the shoots and even before the flowers of tomatoes. In this case, the larva can reach 5 cm in length, seriously damaging the tissue of the plant.

In tomato bushes, affected by a wireman, growth slows down, twisted, yellow and dry leaves. Begins the rotting of the tissues around the strokes of strokes. Plants become vulnerable to fungal and bacterial diseases.


With tomatoes, larvae can move on other cultures. Wheat, sunflower, corn and barley, as well as some of the root plates, potatoes, beets, carrots, onions are suffering from the wire.

Welfare Wrestling Methods

Insect elimination is possible only with a comprehensive approach to the fight, including plant processing and soil insecticides, the use of traps and agrotechnical techniques.

Agrotechnology in the fight against pest

It is believed to be expelled from the plot from the site completely almost impossible, so all agrotechnical measures should be introduced into a permanent care plan for the most vulnerable cultures. In this way, the pest population is constrained at the minimum level.

Autumn resistance (suitable only for greenhouses with collapsible design).

It is necessary to wait for sustainable frosts, to accurate the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm and immediately after that remove the shelter. The larvae, who did not have time to leave in the deep layers of the soil, will turn out to be on the surface and frozen. But it is necessary to consider that the wire survive at temperatures at -2 ... -4 ° C for several days.

Nitric subcord

As part of the fight against the wireman in the ground, only mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizers close up: ammonium sulfate, ammonium Selitra, carbamide. The procedure needs to be carried out in spring, before landing the tomatoes to the greenhouse. Fertilizers scatter in a dry form on the surface of the soil and produce a rig. After that, the beds should be poured.

Selection of "neighbors"

Next to the tomatoes should land plants that the wire does not like - legumes, white mustard, radish, spinach, rape. Between the ranks you can sow annual flowers - dahlias, Facelia, Lupine. From the perennials, clover, alfalfa, a donel fit.


Rare loans create a favorable environment for a wireboat in the ground.

Deleting weeds

The wire feeds not only by cultural plants, but also by some weed herds, most preferred drinking creep. It is desirable to clean the site from weeds, desirable, deleting the roots of herbs from the soil. The collected weeds should be burned, because in their stems there may be larvae.

Trappers for wireman

The pest to the trap is easiest to be trapped in the period when the larvae did not go into the soil to wintering, and there are few foods, that is, after collecting the tomato harvests. After removing the tops and the roots from the bed, it is necessary to burrow in different parts of the planting several potato tubers. The depth of placement of the bait - 10-15 cm. These areas should be pole several times to attract more larvae. After 3 days, potatoes are digging and burned, and new tubers in other places are placed in the ground.

Potatoes can be pounded or tied to the fishing line to facilitate the extraction procedure. For greater reliability, tubers are recommended to handle poisons that are used to protect potato landings - "Prestige", "Cellest", "cruiser" and others.

Instead of potatoes, you can use beets, carrots or sow after cleaning the corn or salad. Plants should dig up until the onset of cold weather so that the wire does not have time to go into the ground. Manure and straw are suitable from the non-tyric baits: laying out them with piles on the beds, in a few days can be found under them the accumulation of larvae. All traps must be burned.


Despite the fact that the pest loves wet soils, you should not try to "smoke" the larvae, damping plants of watering. First, the lack of irrigation will negatively affect the volume of the crop and taste of tomato fruits. Secondly, the drying of the soil will push the wire with the roots in the stems, which will only aggravate the situation.

Chemical treatment

To resort to the processing of planting of tomatoes with chemical means, only with a large infection with a wiretop. It is necessary to choose substances that do not accumulate in soil and fruits. These include:

a drug active substance mode of application
"Aktara" tiamethoxam Can be used in two ways:

1. To spray the bushes (valid for a month), you need to dissolve 1.2 g of a means of 10 liters of water.

2. For watering landing (for 1.5 months) use 0.04% solution of the drug.

"Diazinon" diazinon Plants are watered with a 60% solution solution at the beginning of the growing season. Provides protection from the Wirehouse for 3 weeks.
"Bazudin" The mixture of 1 part of the preparation and 3 parts of the sand should be embedded in the ground before planting at the rate of 60 g per 10 m2. The effect is saved about 6 weeks.
"Provotoks" 2-4 g of dry form are put in the well before the seedlings in the greenhouse.
"Force" teflouth The drug is introduced into the soil during the spring string (15 g of 10 m2). Duration - about 1.5 months.

Biological means

The estimated means are derived from plant tissues after the expiration of the validity period and will not be poisoned, if not to use them during the period of fruiting. But all substances have toxicity, therefore, during the treatment of landing, protection measures should be observed.

"Home remedies" act less efficiently than specialized drugs, but are suitable for prevention and combating a small pest population.

  1. Manganese. Before planting seedlings to a greenhouse in each well, it is necessary to pour at 0.5 liters of the pale-pink potassium permanganate solution (about 5 g of powder on the water bucket).
  2. Onion or mustard. In the wells for planting seedlings, it is also possible to put on the inland of the onion husk or half a teaspoon of mustard powder.
  3. Nettle. 1/2 kg of crushed nettles (without seeds) poured a bucket of water and leave the half. After the polsideness, the innovation of tomatoes is watered. Nuts can be replaced with a dandelion or a mother-and-stepmother - 200 g per 10 liters of water. Watering with influences is allowed 3-5 times per season, but no more often 1 time in 2 weeks.
  4. Celandine. 100 g of raw materials for 10 liters of water, insist for 30 minutes. After the liquid acquires brown, you can start watering.


Prevent the appearance of the wireman easier than getting rid of the pest. Therefore, by planning the landing of tomatoes, it is worth considering both the factors in the soil contributing to the appearance of larvae.

  • You should not neglect the objective procedure, as in the soil of disintegrators - the pest prefers acidic clay or drum soils. In addition, light soil with neutral acidity is ideal for cultivating tomatoes.

On a note!

In the greenhouse, the pest, as a rule, hits with the soil or manure. When updating the soil layer in the shelter, it is necessary to test the new earthy mixture, a slump into it for two or three days several potatoes tubers.

  • Committed with organic soil is a good wedge for a wireboat. It is worth limiting the application of manure to the soil and give preference to a liquid fertilizer.
  • In the conditions of closed soil, it is difficult to resort to the help of the natural enemies of the wire - blue, rules or starlets. But after harvesting, you can produce into the greenhouse of chickens, the birds will choose a part of the larvae.
  • The varieties of tomatoes with fruits of pink and burgundy shades are usually not affected by the larvae of the beetle-shortcut.
  • Do not save space in Teplitsa due to density of landings. In such conditions, tomatoes are not enough food and light, the wire is primarily dangerous for weakened plants.

Having found a wireman in the ground, it should be tested for a long and painstaking struggle. It is impossible to remove the pest in one season, but after 2-3 years the systematic measures against it can be achieved to reduce the population of insects to a minor number. It is advisable to apply all means of struggle, in addition to chemical treatments, in the complex, it will provide a quick and sustainable result.

The pests of tomatoes can destroy all plantings, both in the greenhouse and in the open soil. All tomatoes grown by farmers and gilded lovers are selection hybrids. Polenic crops, once transferred to new conditions from South America, There are no natural mechanisms for protection against mushrooms and insects. Therefore, planting a tomato requires constant care. The most common pests of tomatoes, the fight against which you need to keep constantly, are the whiteflink, bugs (rust and web), a colorado beetle, a bear, nematodes, a wire, styling a scoop and aphid.


Some of the pests of tomatoes destroy the landings in two or three weeks. This group includes a white throat. This is a small white butterfly similar to mole. An adult flying individual size is 1.5-3 mm. White flumps quickly multiply, laying eggs on the bottom of the sheet. A few days later, a white translucent caterpillar appears in a few days, in the sheltered tomatoes, in a greenhouse, the reproduction is especially fast.

Tomatoes caterpillars feed on the juice of the plant and the bush dies. The whiteflink highlights the douse, which clogs the dust of the sheet and it stops breathing. In greens violated the processes of photosynthesis. A sage mushroom is seated on the adhesive molasses (sage dele). Tomatoes cease to grow and blossom, they fall out of leaves, marking, flowers.

In the middle strip, the whitebird dwells in greenhouses and oranges. It can be brought with a seedler grown in the nursery. In the southern regions of Russia, this pest feels perfectly in the gods and in the fields.

To destroy the whiteflies, the lower sides of the leaves spray from the pulverizer with the preparations of Aktar or phytodeterm. Chemicals act on adult individuals and caterpillars, but insect eggs do not die when processing. Therefore, spraying is made several times, with an interval of one week. A sage mushroom is destroyed by phytoosporin for tomato or its analogue "universal".

The whitebird devour some types of ticks that are specifically grown in agrotechnical labotors, larvae of God's cows and Zlatovka.

Blugs and pings

Tomatoes damage bugs-shirts, cucumber beetle and bug blind. These insects eat almost all garden crops. Tomatoam also threaten rust and web ticks.

Blinds shirts

The shirts damage the fruits of tomato. On the skin of the tomato there are yellow and whiten stains. At their autopsy, white porous cells are detected. Most often, tomato bushes are growing, growing close to weeds. The shirt is destroyed by the preparations of Aktara, Carbafos, phosphamide, chlorofos.

Rust tick

Rust tick is very small, the length of the adult individual is 0.16-0.25 mm. This pest dwells in dry and hot regions of Europe and gradually spreading to the West. The tick lives on the leaves and inside them, as well as in the fruits. Foliage and stalks of plants become spotted, brown, gray-violet. Leafs are folded and dying. On the fruits there are dense braid-like growths, which makes peasants insembly.

Only timely processing of chemicals helps from rust tick. Most effective vertimic and aellik. Fufanon, carbofos, phytodeter, KemiFos, also help.

Cobed tick

The web tick is powered by the juices of the ground part of the tomato. It is not difficult to notice this pest - white and yellowish points appear on the back of the leaves. These are points of punctures. Later, the plants flies thick white web. The tick itself is very small and difficult to see it.

This pests of tomatoes love high humidity and warm air, so in the greenhouses multiplies more active than on open beds. To combat ticks use miscellaneous methods. Small landings can be sprayed with alcohol, water tincture of whites with a soap solution, tincture of dandelion, horseradish roots, tobacco and garlic. Carbofosphor and agroventine are effective from chemicals, anticlece drug.

Natural enemies custom tick - Zlatprace, insects phytosayulus and metasayulus. They quickly destroy the entire population of the tick. Insects can be bought in nurseries.

Colorado beetle

The colorado beetle is clearly visible on the bushes of tomatoes. Adults are noticeable due to a bright shell with yellow and black stripes. The colorad beetle lays out on the bottom side of the leaf brownish small eggs. Red bug larvae appear on 10 day. They reach 10 mm long and 3-4 days eat the entire bush. If summer is roast and long, it may appear and grow 4 generations of this pest. Beetle winter in the soil, at a depth of 50 cm.

The Colorado Beetle is especially dangerous in the spring when potato tops have not grown yet, and seedlings of tomato are already planted in open sad. The beetle moves to tomatoes and in August, when the sun dries potato tops.

How to destroy the Colorado beetle? Tomato treatment is carried out several times over the summer, as these pests appear. The leaves and stalks of plants spray prestige, spark, actara, mospilan, other means. Liquid is evenly applied to the entire bush.

Prestige chemical agent is used when planting seedlings. The contents of the bag are divorced in 10 liters of water and poured a solution into the wells. The drug protects young plants up to 50 days.

Destroy the larvae helps aquatic infusion of ash with the addition of economic soap. Next to the tomato ridges are sled garlic, nasturtium, calendula, legume plants. The larvae and beetles are also collecting manually.


This large insect has an oblong body up to 5 cm long. Medveda spread area - all Europe, North Africa and Asia. Adults fly, move along the ground and underground. The larvae dwells in the soil, where the moves go. The Medveda prefers loose, warm soils. Insects can be found in greenhouses and greenhouses, on fertilized beds and flower beds.

Moving underground, the Medveda damages the roots of seedlings and they die. This insect may disrupt the root system of seedlings and young tomato, and adult tomatoes suffer from it.

  • There are about 20 ways to combat the bear. These pests of tomatoes and other plants are destroyed by the most different methods.
  • Seedlings of the tomato are planted in fine meshes, at the surface of the soil the sprout is protected by a rubber ring.
  • Pine chewa, egg shell, eat a few drops of iodine.
  • Cutting pieces of fish, garlic cloves, onion husks, burlets are squeezed.
  • Freshly dredged aspen stakes in the ground.
  • The Medveda is destroyed by Grizzly, Medvetoks, Thunder. Granules pour into the grooves between the beds. The insect eats granules and dies.

Garders construct beer traps, poured minks with oil and water. In the fall in the pits make traps from old foliage and manure. After freezers, the manure and compost spread over the garden and the bear freeze.


Gallean nematodes affects the root system of garden plants. Small worms on the roots of tomatoes appear in June. They plunge inside the root fabric and eat it from the inside. Adult nematodes allocates toxin and highlights (galls) are formed on the roots. In them, each female postpones hundreds of eggs.

A damaged root system ceases to transport water and nutrients from the soil. The worm that appeared on the root of the tomato slows down the development of the bush. Tomato blues badly, tied tomatoes almost do not grow.

Tomato affected by this pest is impossible. The bushes are digging along with the root system and the large soil unit and remove from the site. The pit is treated with a carbation, type, thiazone, an imaging, dasometer, either onsetone, so that all gallic nematodes and their eggs are destroyed. The same drugs watered a dull land before planting seedlings, if nematode was seen in the previous season in the garden.


Wire (bug-clutch larva) is a small bright yellow and orange-yellow worm up to 1-3 cm long, living on the fields and vegetables. The larva has a long development cycle (from 4 to 5 years), after which it is pumped and turns into a flying person.

The wire eats the roots and stems of tomatoes. The body of a small larvae is soft, as it grows it becomes tough to the touch. The wire dwells at a depth of 5-10 cm, while drying the soil is deeper. At strong rains, the worms crawl into the surface of the soil.

You can get rid of the wire with the help of environmental means and chemicals. In the wells put an old pine chew, onion husks, mustard powder. Decomposing, they slow down the development of the pest.

The wire does not like the neighborhood with the Siderats - the White mustard, Facelius and Bean (pea, beans).

Most. effective method The struggle is to reduce soil acidity. To achieve this, it is added to the soil, a greased lime, crushed egg husk.

Before planting the well, it is recommended to process the weak solution of potassium mangartage. Selitra entered into the soil will strengthen the growth of tomato and will make it more resistant to the wire. Before planting, the soil is treated with the preparations of Baduloks, Provoks, diazonine (solution or granules), an actra solution.

Drinking scoop

The caterpillars of the cutting scoop (winter, actually cutting, wild, caradnins, swamp) live mainly in the ground, but also eat the leaves close to the ground and stems of tomato bushes. This is a thick caterpillar to 32-35mm long with spotted skin and powerful jaws. The tender scoop is found in greenhouses and open soils.

An adult scoop is an unbroken pesting or gray butterfly. Butterfly lays eggs on the bottom side of the sheet. Young individuals 1-2 age eating leaves from the bottom side, leaving only a skeleton, graceful caterpillars feed on foliage and fruits of tomato.

To destroy the caterpillars of the plant spray chemicals. You can use Decis, Arrivo, Sherpa, biocusylin biopreparations, lepyocide.

How to deal with caterpillars on tomatoes without the use of chemicals? Before getting rid of the scoop with the help of folk remedies, it is advisable to collect caterpillars manually. It is possible to spray the plants with infant bitter wormwood, garlic, twust-ash sol.


The TLL on the tomatoes appears in June-July. Turning the sheet, you can see small insects of black or yellowish color and masonry of eggs, which holds sticky patch.

Insects drink the juices of the plant, why leaves become sluggish and buzzing. The TLL on young tomatoes can destroy the seedling in a matter of days. If a lot of pests, the tomato is completely dried.

TRU is destroyed by carboofos solutions, chlorine lime and trikhlometafos. Preparations are bred according to the instructions and from the sprayer are applied to the lower side of the leaves.

Insects wash off a jet of water, but this method is little effective in relation to the eggs. Folk remedies - soap-tole mortar, hints of bitter, garlic, cleanliness, burning pepper and yarrow, tobacco is quite effective to combat pest. The wave does not like the smell of nasturtium, chasty, garlic and onions, these plants are sitting next to tomatoes to scare insects.

Major beetle larva (Khrushche)

The larva Khrushche moves underground and eats the roots of plants, including tomatoes. Adult beetle eats mainly leaves of trees and bushes.

The larvae of the May beetle is destroyed without the use of chemicals. When pumping the garden and plowing, they are collected in a bucket and then destroy.

Nitrogen mineral fertilizers contribute to the ground. The larva does not appear on soils filled with nitrogen. To destroy the Khrushchka, it is recommended to water the soil with the onion husk. Khrushche does not like the smell of cruciferous plants (turnips, tour, radish), lupine and elderos.

Pest Prevention and Fighting

Preventive measures allow to reduce insect populations or completely get rid of them. For this purpose, the following works are carried out:

  • Autumn deep plowing of land, which allows the cold to destroy insects and larvae in the ground.
  • Making insecticides in the soil before plowing.
  • Landing next to tomatoes of flowers, shrubs and vegetables, releasing pests.
  • Disinfection of seeds with a solution of manganese.
  • Examination of the soil for seedling.
  • Washing a tomato greens from the hose.
  • Steaming of soil in a greenhouse, processing its borobo liquid.
  • Attracting birds and useful insects on the garden.
  • Removal and burning last year's tops and tomato roots.
  • The location of tomato varies away from other grained crops.

Ways to deal with pests depend on the type and numbers of insects and ticks. All methods can be divided into chemical, biochemical and folk.

Chemicals destroy pests immediately after spraying bushes. After processing, vegetables can not eat for a long time - from 10 to 21 days.

The biological preparations act slowly, the death of insects and larvae occurs on 3-5 days after spraying. But vegetables can be eaten after 5-7 days.

Folk remedies, including mainly vegetable infusions and decoctions, harmless to people. After their use, tomatoes can be washed and immediately emitted. Disadvantage folk drugs lies in the need for their frequent use.

Rarely, what kind of garden does not suffer from the wire, except that only the one on which the Siderats are constantly sitting down - mustard, peas, Facelius, disconnecting the pest. Perhaps this method and the most effective, but not everyone has a desire and the ability to spend time and efforts to grow additional cultures.

There are many other ways, but it is unlikely that any one tool will help to cope with the shortcut and its larvae - the set of events will still be more effective.

1. The struggle with weeds, especially with the dusty, which the wire loves the most. It is quite logical, since it will not eat with nothing. It is even better if immediately after cleaning the potatoes, clean the field from all plant residues, including from small tubers.

2. Calming of the soil - scattering lime on the surface or add to the well when landing.

3. Ammonium Selitra, Naphthalene, Dolomite flour to be added under the pext. However, it should be remembered that the dolomite flour, as well as the lime can not be mixed with ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, urea, superphosphate and manure.

4. Hammer egg shell. I usually add it to the cabbage and cucumbers, so I miss her potatoes.

5. Ash - throw a full scoop, and not a tablespoon. (Often I am surprised, reading the letters of gardeners who easily coped with a wireman - someone is enough to throw in the hole when planting potatoes is only 1 tbsp. L. Ash, and someone - to plant beans.)

6. Long husk - it is also necessary to take a good oakha on the well, not a handful. If the weather is windy, it makes no sense to mess around with it - scattered throughout the garden. IN lately I make a onion decoction and soak the tubers in it before planting - and the wire is not to taste, and prevention against diseases.

7. Magnantic solution to water the wells when planting potatoes. Unfortunately, in the spring, we have water in limited quantities, but when there is such an opportunity, I must define. However, in the field, on large areas, this method is hardly acceptable.

8. The baits from potatoes and other root plates placed in the soil at a depth of 5-10 cm. Help significantly, but personally I do not always have time to do this. After I learned that the larva of the beetle lives in the ground for about five years and all this time feeds on my harvest, I realized that it makes sense to collect them even with your hands.

9. Trappers for Nutcaln - an effective method, as the female postpones about 200 eggs for the summer. By destroying one beetle, you can prevent the appearance of a huge number of its larvae - wires.

10. Landing beans or beans in the well or between potatoes bushes. I want others to avoid my mistakes. Recently, I do not throw the beans in the well when planting potatoes for two reasons. First, when the potatoes get up early, you have to pull out and irrevocable beans. Secondly, more than once, the beans did not eat at all, because the potatoes land early, and the beans are thermal-loving and at the cold earth. Now I sit it later when potatoes already boil. Many believe that beans and beans can be replaced by peas. For a long time I did it and always wondered why with peas I have a crop of potatoes less, until I learned that these cultures are incompatible!

11. Screwing the site in the late autumn so that the larvae is on the surface of the earth and frozen. Dropping the potato field every year, as it will be much easier to be much easier - it will only be planted to plant potatoes into the already prepared land.

12. Velhets and calendula growing around the perimeter potato field, scare the pests. But this method is suitable in case the plot is small, in sight, and there is a desire to disguise or decorate it. I specifically, these flowers around the potatoes do not sit down, but they grow in place by self-sowing among the beds, performing the function of garden sanitary vehicles.

13. The use of a special purchase of the drug is a very efficient way. Hopefully, applying his one season, I will get rid of the wireside forever, but when I refused him for the next season, the story repeated. Nevertheless, the chemistry is constantly using chemistry rather to poison themselves than the beetle.

14. Pour in the well when landing salt. Personally, this method has a big doubt - does not affect the salt on the yield of potatoes? Even the live weeds do not tolerate it when you sprinkle tracks.

15. Sowing Sideratov - Mustard, Pea and Facelia. It was delighted when a mustard appeared in the stores as a means from a wireman, but it turned out that these are seeds that need to be sowed to planting potatoes or after. This method does not fit me, as the time and effort on excessive work is no longer left.

16. The best proven way: to pour into the hole when landing is not seeds of mustard, but mustard powder. If the coatlessness is not tolerated, it will not bear it easier, it will be easier than to grow it, and much better chemistry. As - in no way mustard - "Piva" natural, and our body will not hurt. At first, it tried this method on radish and repex, adding more and red burning peppers - the results are just excellent! Now apply and when planting potatoes.

If you select some of the most suitable for you and the conditions of your site, attach a little effort and gain patience, you will certainly win the victory over this malicious pest.

How to defeat the wireman. Wire as fight 2:14

Recently, the wire is a real disaster for summer residents growing in its plot a variety of roots and of course potatoes, favorite food of this beetle.

Harm from him often became comparable to harm from the Colorado Beetle, and even more so it's a shame that the wire, drilling holes in potatoes, spoils the ripe, already almost ready for harvesting potatoes and other root crops.

This distribution is possible due to the fact that we try to abandon chemistry on our cottages and garden sites, so the spread of this pest has gained unprecedented scales.

How to deal?

In those areas where you do not use garden chemistry, the main means of fighting the wire is deep and thorough, and the main systematic processing of the soil, including in order to deprive its feed base.

On the population of this beetle in your garden, there may be a negative impact of deep steps, and even deep loosening of the Earth, according to my observations, the strongest effect brings autumn peroxide, but do not break and spring - at that moment the wires are laying off eggs.

The destruction of weeds, first of all, the ray of the crawled - the favorite delicacy of the wires (manually or at a thin end with the help of herbicide round) will also allow you to reduce disaster.

We also note that this beetle does not tolerate nitrogen fertilizers - they are very toxic for it, and even the incoming 20-25 grams per square meter of ammonium sulfate will hold down its mass reproduction, but potatoes that love nitrogen-containing fertilizers you only adapt.

If the plot is small, (for example, a greenhouse or a greenhouse), you can not be lazy and make the simplest traps - for this, just cut the potatoes 'potatoes' tubers and go to the depth of 10-17 centimeters into the ground slice to the bottom - in a few days dig and remove the wires that Flipped the tuber, and repeat the procedure. In order not to forget the place in which they were bait, cover the wire or twist as a kind of "goalkeck".

Also, how to combat the wiretop can be viewed at cottage plot Salads and corn in potato beans, root plants with subsequent removal of plants with a height of 15-25 cm (the flashes are closed in corn roots, salad stems), which reduces the population of the pest.

At the beginning of the spring, you can make another kind of traps, also the easiest. Just decompose on the plot small bugs of straw or hay - the wires are massively closed under them for laying eggs, after which the straw or hay is collected and destroyed.

Also, scientists and environmentalists offer a proven method - the use of conventional manganese (potassium mangartage): 2 grams of drug for 10 liters. water.

In the same way, you can save from this pest and seedlings - even before disembarking seedlings into the ground, paint the hole with a solution of manganese and beetles and larvae will die. A solution for watering holes Make a slightly concentrated: 3-4 grams per 10 liters of water.

ATTENTION: Watering by manganese, to combat a wireman, apply only on neutral and alkaline soils - on sour excess manganese can damage the young seedlings, causing a burn.

It is useful to apply ash from the bark of trees - to sprinkle with her aisle.

In the fight against the wires, it is often used cleanly. Digid 4 bushes cleanly, poured with 10 liters of water, insist 15 minutes and watered the beds.

Folk remedies for the fight against the "wire" proven in practice

Prepare 30 × 30 cm squares from burlap or gauze. Occasionally, it is possible to pull out the thread so that the cloth is passing for a wireboat, fry sunflower seeds, cross them on the board. To grated seeds you can add any cereal, lubricated vegetable oil. Sick the husk with seeds do not need. 1 weaving will go up to 6 squares of the bait.

After the potatoes were planted, we make a hole in a bent, one square was in a stele, folded twice as close as you close. Inside, we smell a spoonful of the billet-bait, fall asleep the earth. We put label sticks. The bait we have 5-6 steps.

After 10-12 days or in the first weeding, open every contribution and gather in the "catch bank". If the land is infected, then there will be up to 30-40 wires.

If a motoblock is swinging, then at the beginning pass on the stretch rows - assemble the larvae, and put the burlap on the potato crest; Spread the first curly rows, then fill everything to your former place and do not forget to put label sticks. After 10-14 days - re-fee.

Troublesome? But this is a very effective way.

And that's what B.V. suggested Menshinin "In order not to have a wireboat, you need to pour a slag, sinking through a shell mesh, about 5 kg per 1 kV. m. Experience big, check. "

Road from the wire

From the city we moved to the village in 1999 in the spring, bought a house with a plot. The garden has not been used for six years, overgrown with dandelions and dusty.

Most of the land decided to plant potatoes. The goal was alone - to develop land, to identify pests, to determine the pH of the soil, etc. After the spring plowing, I collected 13 buckets of the roots of dandelions and a bunch of root of dusty. May 1 planted potatoes.

Shoots appeared skinny, all summer crashed the wren of the land, dyed, spread weeds. In the fall, the "skinny" harvest was obtained, besides, all potatoes were reinforced with a wire.

In general, it was about what to think about. Someone advised to dig in the wells purified garlic cloves, someone - fresh pine sawdust, chicken litter, etc. We decided to do this: in the fall in the chicken coop (and we already bought the chickens) the floor was stuck with fresh sawdresses, and as soon as they were lit by the litter, the new ones were set up - and so all winter.

In the spring, dandelions and drinking were chosen to land before landing, and a good hazardous sawdust sawders were poured into each well.

Shoots were funny, dark green, the Earth began to be softer, it was easier to dip. The crop got quite normal, and most importantly, there were almost no holes on the tubers. So we did five or six years and completely got rid of the wireman.

Speakers improved the structure of the soil, "Kurni" fed plants, and together it was not to taste the pest. Gradually got rid of dusty, and from dandelions.

© L.Ganshina s. Petrovskoe Tambov region

Potatoes in mustard scaffle

We have a lot of wire on a potato field, and you cannot enter the crop rotation. So how to throw out three tubers out of every ten I did not like the soul, I decided to conduct an experiment this year. And I bought a dozen bags with mustard powder.

In the spring, transplane, as usual, tubers before planting dipped into a solution of humate, and then trimmed well in the mustard powder. And planted. Excess mustard used in summer for washing dishes - it is very well laundered fat, no "Fairi" is not needed.

Caring for potatoes as usual. And when it came to dig harvest in the fall, there was no limit to surprise. The tubers were clean! And the wirenik was amazingly little.

Of course, it may, this year is such a lack of town on the wireman. But in the future, the experience will definitely repeat.

E. Nekrasova Moscow region

How do i get rid of the wire

To take on the pen for me forced letters of ordinary gardens, who fight for the salvation of their potatoes from the wireman. Judging by their desperate plea, the victory most often remains behind the pest. I, too, such sorry at one time were perfectly familiar.

But I will return to the Wire.

At first, it was not in the garden in the garden, I even thought that I would not meet with him at all. And once it happened inevitable - half of the bushes died. So, in the ground, the enemy was already breed and it is necessary to deceive him somehow.

But as? All winter broke my head and invented a bait for him. In the spring, a few days before the falling down potatoes, buried the corrosion on the plot of pieces of cut tubers, placing them with rods stuck into the ground. Before the landing, they dug them - on each of three to seven pests. In general, I removed a lot from the ground along with the bait of this abomination (when the holes were digging, too, in some way it came across, but rarely).

After that, the potatoes suffered from the Wire, much less than in the previous year. After that, it began to act in a similar way every spring.

It was convinced that the pieces of tubers need to dig up on the second or third day, so that the wire satisfying them did not disagree in search of a new food. Carrots and beets for bait are not suitable.

In general, the problem was solved. Under the potatoes, I was then allocated to one and a half hundred. The wire was collected in a glass jar and gave a neighbor on the feed of the chickens. But one day an interesting case happened. Having finished digging, I went to lunch. The husband looked out the window and noticed that forty jumps in beds. When we returned to the garden of the bank was inverted and empty. I was very upset that the work with the harvest of the pest was in vain.

And the husband reassured, saying that it was forty, "Won, look, what she's satisfied on the Christmas tree." Such a smart bird turned out to be! I then left her specially assembled wire, and she, apparently, in gratitude, other beetles and caterpillars on the landings destroyed. Sometimes, of course, harmed and harmed: pulled the peas, eaten the tops of the cabbage, worn soap. I scolded her, and she answered me angry: "What do you get?"

I will add that seed potatoes selected from under the best and most productive bushes. At the end of April, it took these tubers, came through, washed away from dirt. Then I decided to make an innovation and began to bathe them after that also in a special solution: 10 liters of water diluted 2 g of copper mood, mangalls and boric acid. I kept 20-30 minutes in it, and then folded for germination.

Kira Tsekolova

Any gardener, cultivating the Earth, can detect the larvae of the beetle-clutch. Thanks appearanceHe received the name "Wire". At this stage of development, the pest larva is striking tubers, roots or rhizomes, as well as stalks with fruits, located above. Consider what you need to do if the wire appeared in tomatoes.

Causes of appearance

What can provoke the appearance or multiple increase in the number of larvae shortcut? Circumstances leading to this problem may be different.

Another reason can be a soil brought from another site, inside which the pest larvae was born. Their habitat can also be a humus used for soil fertilizer.

As the rhizomes of weeds contain a lot of nutrients, they can be a favorite place to reproduce. Female Snacking Beetles are able to postpone about 150 eggs each.

All this leads to the inevitable infection of the garden with larvae like a wire.

The feed plant for adults of the beetle is roasting is drinking. If there is a lot of this malicious weed on the site or near the garden, then you can expect its mass appearance. Be sure to eradicate on the drinking section, thereby cutting and the number of pests!


It is possible to fight with the advent of a wireboat in a greenhouse with tomatoes by placing one of the following components in a well for seedlings:

  • acquire seeds of tomatoes only from proven sellers;
  • choose for landing tomatoes of pink and burgundy varieties: the beetle larva does not eat them;
  • make a fallout seedlings in the ground, which was recently well explosion;
  • fertilize fertilizer bushes, since the pest is more attracted by weakened plants.

If you failed to avoid soil damage, you will have to gain patience and proceed to the painstaking and stubborn struggle for the safety of the crop.

Methods of struggle

Tatyana Orlova (Cand. S.-H. science):

Systematic deep (up to 10-12 cm) soil loosening from early spring reduces the number of larvae of the wire, because At this time (early spring) they are in the upper soil layers.

Some gardeners are forced to resort to the arrangement of all sorts of traps in their sites. For example, on the bottom of the glass cans of a small volume lay out pieces of any root plates and buried such baits up to the level of the neck - the pest swallowed there.

Chemical method

All these ways of struggle are sufficiently soft and have no negative influence on the quality of grown fruit. But if they are meaningless, you have to contact a more aggressive impact method - chemical.

To resort to the use of poisonous chemicals is necessary only in exceptional cases. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions and not neglect the safety regulations.