The most effective method of development of power quality is. Development of power abilities

Power preparation

1.1. Factors defining the development of force

1.2. Types of power quality

1.3. Power preparation methods

1.4. Development of power quality

1.4.1. Methodology for the development of maximum power

1.4.2. Development of speed

1.4.3. Development of forcefulness

1.5. Monitoring the effectiveness of power training

1.6. Exercises applied by fighters for the development of force

1.7. Special power in sports

Factors defining the development of forces

Sports wrestling (Greco-Roman, free, judo) refers to the number of sports in which the athlete's strength is very important.

In sports martial arts under force, the ability of an athlete at the expense of muscles to overcome the opponent's resistance or counteract him. The strength qualities of the wrestler can develop and improve as a result of muscle manifestations such as stress and muscle relaxation, and therefore the method of development of force should be aimed at creating conditions in which these muscle manifestations are possible.

The force is manifested either in a static (isometric) mode of operation of the muscles (when they do not strain themselves with their length), or in a dynamic (isotonic) mode (when the muscles are changed at a voltage). There are two variants of isotonic mode: overcoming (concentric) and inferior (eccentric). At a concentric version of isotonic mode, the athlete overcomes resistance due to the muscle tension when the length decreases, with an eccentric - counteracts the resistance while simultaneously stretching its muscles (increasing their length).

As a result of the total restructuring of morphological, biochemical and physiological mechanisms, which cause the body to fit a forcefulness, the strength of the muscles of the athlete may increase 2-4 times. The adaptation of the body to the power training depends on the changes occurring in the muscles, nervous system and bone tissues. At the same time, an increase in the strength of an athlete is associated with the hypertrophy of its muscles, an increase in the density of elements inside the cell, a change in the ratio of actin and myozin.

The main factors resulting in the level of force of the athlete, specialists share for three main groups:

- morphological (muscle diameter and muscle fibers, the ratio of fibers of various types, stretchability of muscles and tendons, changes in bone tissue, etc.);

- energy (reserves of phosphate compounds - adenosinerphosphate and creatine phosphate, as well as glycogen in muscles and liver, efficiency of peripheral circulation, etc.)

- Neuroregulatory (pulse frequency, intra- and interoperable coordination).

Types of power quality

There are three main types of powerful qualities: maximum strength; high-speed strength; Power endurance.

Maximum power- These are the highest opportunities that an athlete is able to show at maximum arbitrary muscular reduction, and its level is detected in external resistances overcome by an athlete or neutralized by it with a complete arbitrary mobilization of the capabilities of its neuromuscular system. It is known that the level of development of maximum power in significantness is determined by sports results in various types of struggle.

High-speed power -the ability of the neuromuscular system of an athlete for a shorter time to mobilize its functional potential to achieve high power indicators. This quality has a significant impact on the sporting results of the fighters. And when performing throws in the struggle of decisive, most often, the explosive force is the high-speed force manifested by an athlete in the conditions of fairly large resistance from the opponent (there is still another type of force in sports - the starting force, which is a force that manifests itself in conditions Countering an athlete with respect to small and medium resistances with high initial speed.

Power endurance- The ability of an athlete, overcoming fatigue, for quite a long time to maintain its power indicators at a high level.

Naturally, all three types of power quality are the maximum strength, high-speed power and power endurance - manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the specifics of the sport, but not isolated from each other, and in their complex interaction depend on the development of other motor qualities and tactical technical preparedness. Both special research and sports practice testify to the presence of close positive relationships between the levels of maximum and high-speed force, which is especially manifested when the athlete's high-speed work is connected with the need to overcome quite large (over 25-30% of its maximum strength) external resistance. What is the resistance more, the fact that the level of maximum athlete for the highly efficient development of its high-speed power becomes. There is also a close positive relationship between the maximum strength of the athlete and its powerful endurance - when working, which requires overcoming large resistance (70-80% of the maximum strength).

Using targeted power training The athlete can significantly increase the proportion of muscles in the total mass of his body. Specialists note that outstanding athletes in those sports that require high maximum and high-speed rates (they include the types of sports struggle), the proportion of muscles in the total body weight can reach 50-55% (at a rate of about 40%) . At the same time, an increase in the muscular mass of the athlete is not associated with an increase in its strength linear dependence. For example, the increase in the mass of the muscles is twice as well as increase the maximum force 3-4 times. However, this ratio can be significantly changed depending on the efficiency inside and intertensive coordination, muscle fibers, age and floor of the athletes.

Power preparation in its direction solves the task of the development of certain power qualities of an athlete, increasing its active muscle mass, strengthening the connecting and support tissues. At the same time, along with the development of power qualities, the prerequisites for an increase in the level of speed qualities of the athlete, its flexibility, coordination and some other abilities are formed.

Since modern methods of force training in sports and used to solve its tasks, technical means are capable of very intensively affect the body of athletes (including fighters), especially their musculoskeletal system, as well as on the nervous system, should be carefully monitored So that the training was rationally organized, which will help effectively develop various power quality. When the principles of the rational organization of force training athlete are violated, not only the effectiveness of the training process, aimed at developing force qualities, but also significantly increases the likelihood of muscle injuries, ligaments, joints, tendons, and the possibility of other serious abnormalities in a state of health increases.

Power preparation methods

Among the methods of force training athletes are distinguished: isometric, concentric, eccentric, isokinetic, plyometric and variable resistances.

Isometric methodbased on the muscle tension without changing their length, with a fixed position of the joint. It is necessary to take into account that the force developed during the training conducted in isometric mode is weakly applied to work that is dynamic. Therefore, when using an isometric method, a period of special power training is necessary to implement the athlete of power qualities during the implementation of movements that are dynamic.

Since the training carried out in isometric mode leads to the development of the power qualities of athletes (including fighters) is accompanied by a decrease in their high-speed capabilities, it is necessary to use an isometric method to be optimally combined with high-speed work.

Experts also note that one of the advantages of the isometric method is the possibility of locally and intensively to influence individual muscle groups of athletes.

One of the options for using an isometric method in strength training of fighters looks like this: the athlete takes any position (for example, an angle in such, stop, rack, etc.) and tries to hold it to the limit. When using an isometric method, it is necessary to select exercises that require great efforts so that the wrestler can hold no more than 2-8 p. The more efforts the athlete is attached and the less time it can hold the pose, the more effective the impact of such a load.

It is necessary to mention this variety of isometric method as the method of formulation of an unbearable task. The athlete is offered to move the weightless weight for it. To try to perform the task, the limit static voltage is required. Such voltages can be developed, making efforts, for example, to fixed objects or to a partner or a very large weight rod.

Concentric method is to perform motor actions athlete with simultaneous tension of muscles and their reduction; In other words, the focus is made by overcoming the nature of the work. This, in particular, exercises with a barbell, dumbbells, block devices and some other burdens, performed with constant low speed (thereby producing a load on muscles throughout the amplitude of the movement performed), while movement with a barbell or other burden, performed at high speed , make such work ineffective.

Due to the variety of means used when using the concentric method, it is possible to comprehensively affect the muscular apparatus. In addition, the development of powerful qualities is well combined with the improvement of the main elements of technical skills.

This method is relatively simple, accessible and at the same time quite effective, and, as specialists note, it allows to provide a significant amount of force work in the preparation of athletes, as well as the solution of general physical training tasks that are related to the creation of power foundation and, in First of all, with the development of maximum strength.

Eccentric method It provides for the implementation by the athlete of motor actions of the inferior character, with the resistance of the load, braking and simultaneous stretching of the muscle. At the same time, the movement of the inferior character is carried out with large burdens, which are 10-30% more than an athlete available when working overcoming nature.

Despite some difficulties associated with the use of an eccentric method (in particular, high ligaments and joints, generating injuries), the merits of this method include the effectiveness of the maximum stretching of working muscles when driving under the action of gravity, thereby ensuring a combination of development Forces with improving flexibility.

The most typical for the eccentric method of force training, experts include exercises performed with a partner (resistance exercises), jumping from height and some others. It is noted that for fighters this method is very effective, since it develops the static strength of the arm-flexor muscles, which have resistance when trying to conduct pain.

Isokinetic method Based on this mode of motor methods, at which - at a constant speed of movement - the muscles overcome resistance, working by the velocity voltage, despite the changes in the various artic angles of the ratio of levers or rotation moments.

With a training in which the iswokinetic method is used is used, various gym devices are used, allowing the athlete to perform movements in a wide range of speeds and exercise maximum (or close to them) efforts in any phase of movement, resulting in muscles can work with optimal loads in the entire range of movements. (This result cannot be achieved by applying some of the generally accepted burdensions).

The iswokinetic method opens up the possibilities for selecting a large number of diverse exercises of both relatively wide and local exposure. In addition, the advantages of an isokinetic method should also be attributed to the fact that it is significantly reduced by the time of exercise, there is no need to injury, and there is also a quick and efficient restoration of both in the process of work itself and after exercise.

The greatest development of maximum strength contributes maximum burdens. At the same time, experts are also proved that the most effective for the development of such force-quality exercise, under which 6-8 repetitions are carried out. However, the desire of an athlete to achieve such a number of repetitions (6-8) forces it to carry out exercises with burdens, the mass of which is significantly less than the mass of the burden available to be engaged in one repetition. This contradiction is eliminated by the use of an isokinetic method, since it gives an opportunity to an athlete in each repetition of the exercise to achieve maximum manifestations of force. Thus, the force manifestations are linked to the real possibilities of an athlete both in different phases of the movements performed and in various repetitions of a separate approach.

A number of specialists allocate the maximum effort method in their recommendations, or the method of limiting (large) loads. EAT. Chumakov and G.S. Tumanyan Authors note that the method provides for the use of exercises with commodity and extreme burdens. At the same time, it is clarified that such an extreme burden is considered to overcome which (raising the rod, stretching the shock absorber, etc.) from the athlete does not require special elevated emotional excitement, and that such burden is approximately 80-90% of the maximum for this athlete.

Exercises with such accumulable or limit burdens (rod, hih, etc.) should be performed no more than one or twice in one approach, and in a state where the body is fully warmed. After a small rest, lasting 3-10 minutes, the exercise with such burdens is repeated. A total of several approaches are performed, and their number is defined both by the preparedness of an athlete and the ideological task.

It should be noted that when performing such exercises, high demands on the concentration of the attention of the occupying and its movements are presented.

Stressing that the method of maximum effort is valuable for fighters in that it contributes to an increase in force without a noticeable increase in the body weight of an athlete (since, when performing such exercises, exchange processes in the body do not reach the maximum level, muscle mass does not increase, and power increases by improving the nervous regulation ), Specialists advise not to forget that only athletes who have high qualifications in combination with other methods used in training wrestlers should apply such a method.

Pliometric method It is based on the use of kinetic energy reductive muscles to stimulate with a certain body height (projectile). Experts note that the braking of the body fall on a relatively short path is caused by a sharp stretching of the muscles, the intensity of the central impulse of motioneons is stimulated, and the elastic potential of the voltage is created in the muscles. With a subsequent transition from the inferior to overcoming work, a faster and efficient muscle contraction occurs. Thus, it is used not a lot of body burden (projectile), and its kinetic energy obtained, for example, with a free fall of an athlete from a certain height, followed by jumping up. When performing such motor actions, switching from the inferior mode to the overcoming occurs in conditions of maximum dynamic effort.

The plyometric method allows an athlete to increase the ability to effectively control the muscles on the part of the central nervous system. At the same time, neuromuscular reactions are significantly higher than only due to arbitrary effort, which ensures particular efficiency of this method in relation to increasing the speed of movement and power of the effort on its initial site.

At the same time, experts warn that the PLIometric method compared to other methods of force training is more traumatic, and therefore only well-prepared athletes having a high level of maximum and speed forces can apply it, having a high level of maximum and high-speed strength, good mobility in joints and high focal points.

Method of variable resistanceUsed in strength training of fighters, requires the use of rather complex (and besides fairly expensive) simulators. The design features of such simulators make it possible to change the resistance in various articular angles throughout the amplitude of the movement and adapt it to the real power capabilities of the muscles involved in operation at every particular moment of movement.

The advantage of training using the variable resistance method is also the fact that exercise simulators are performed with a large amplitude. Thus, with inferior operation, the maximum stretching of working muscles is ensured. This is important for several reasons:

- pre-well-stretched muscles are capable of greater manifestation;

- Conditions are created for the development of muscles throughout the amplitude of the movement;

- ensured prerequisites for simultaneous manifestation of power quality and flexibility;

- The development of the volume and elasticity of the connective tissue is stimulated.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind and the presence of some drawbacks of the method of variable resistance compared to isokinetic. Training, which uses isokinetic simulators, forces an athlete in each repetition of the approach to operate, overcoming (and in the first, and in the last movement) the same constant resistance.

In addition, although manufacturers are improving the design of the simulators, however, in various nodes of gym, friction resistance is created. This leads to a significant difference between the resistance overcome the muscles of the athlete in the concentric and eccentric phases of the movement; Resistance in overcoming work is greater than when inferior, which reduces the effectiveness of the inferior operation.

Development of power quality

Since the ultimate task of force training of athletes is the achievement of higher indicators of the strength and power of movements characteristic of this sport (in our case - one or another type of sports struggle), the methodology for improving the ability of fighters of the implementation of their powerful qualities in competitive activities is the principle of conjugacy of impact . The essence of this principle is to increase the functional preparedness of the athlete and the restoration of the main components of its technical skills with the simultaneous development of security.

Specific strength qualities demonstrated in competitive activities require their organic relationship with arsenal of technical and tactical actions. This can only be ensured using such competitive and specially trained exercises that contribute to the combined improvement of the power and technical and tactical preparedness of the dealing.

Since when performing such exercises, the development of force is impossible, even in those sports, in which the power component plays a leading role in achieving a high sporting result (they include various types of sports struggle), it is very important to provide basic power training athlete and the subsequent improvement of its ability to Implementation of power qualities in specific activities characteristic of a specific sport.

The results of many studies and sports practice indicate that the process of force training is most effective when using various methods. It is impossible not to take into account the fact that with comprehensive use different methods Power training to coaches and athletes have to deal with the problem of identifying rational relationships of force working using various methods, as well as with difficulties in determining the place of one or another method on different stages Training process. It should be guided by the approach that takes into account, above all, the specifics of the sport. Thus, athletes who specialize in the free and Greco-Roman wrestling must pay great attention to isometric and isotonic methods as with overcoming work of the muscles (concentric method) and when their inferior operation (eccentric method).

For the development of the maximum strength of the athletes (including fighters), two fairly effective (and relatively independent) approach can use. One of them implies the increase in maximum strength due to an increase in the anatomical crossing of the muscles, the other is the development of maximum strength due to the improvement of neuroregulatory mechanisms and increase the capacity, power and mobility of the alactate mechanism of muscular abbreviations.

For example, fighters of light weight categories, facing the problem of preserving or decreasing body weight (in order to keep in the appropriate weight category), in the process of force training, it is necessary to navigate the maximum force in the development of the maximum force, which is mainly aimed at the improvement of neuroregulatory mechanisms and Increase the capacity, power and mobility of the alactate mechanisms of muscular abbreviations. In the power training session of wrestler-heavyweights, the orientation is used to increase the maximum strength by increasing the anatomical movement of the athlete's muscles.

In training activities aimed at the development of maximum strength, athletes practically use all methods of force training, except for Plycometric. An exemplary percentage ratio of exercises performed using various methods (according to special literature and sports practice) is as follows: concentric - 35-40% of the total amount of force preparation; resist variables - 20-25%; Eccentric - 15-20%; isometric - 10-15%; Isokinetic - 10-15%.

If the problem of increasing the digit of muscle muscles is solved, it should be increased (up to 30-35%) the volume of exercises performed using the method of variable resistances, and somewhat reduce the amount of work performed using isometric, eccentric and iswokinetic methods.

If it is necessary to increase the level of maximum athlete forces by improving it inside and intertensive coordination, it is advisable to increase (by 10-15%) the amount of work performed using eccentric and isokinetic methods, and proportionally reduce the amount of exercises performed using other methods.

Experts note that with the development of the maximum force without an increase in muscle mass, the burdening can fluctuate in fairly wide limits (from 50-60 to 90-100% of the maximum), and with an eccentric work - from 70-80 to 120-130%.

It is recommended for improving intramuscular coordination to give preference to limit and accumulable burdens, however, they will be ineffective in solving problems of improving intertensive coordination.

Movement is best done in moderate pace (1.5-2.5 s per repetition). In the case of using an isometric method, the duration of the voltage is 3-5 s.

The number of repetitions performed in each approach is determined by weight of the burden. If the burden is 90-100% of the maximum, then the approach should be from one to three repetitions. Reducing the mass of burdulum makes it possible to increase the number of repetitions in the approach. For example, if the burden is 50-60% of the maximum, the number of repetitions in the approach can reach 10-12.

Pauses between approaches are up to 2-6 minutes. And should ensure the restoration of the alactate aerobic reserves of the body of the athlete and its performance. When determining the duration of the pauses, it is recommended to focus on the indicators of the frequency of heart cuts. The heart rate is restored at about the same time with the performance of an athlete. It is advisable to fill the pauses by the work of low intensity, stretching and relaxation exercises, muscle massage and self-massage.

For the development of the maximum strength carried out without a significant increase in muscle mass, it is recommended, for example, below effective exercise complexes.

1. The athlete performs 2-3 movements with burden, which make up 90-95% of the maximum. The number of approaches in the training session - 2-4, resting pause - 4-6 min. In this embodiment, you can select two modes of muscle operation. In one mode, all movements during operation are performed without relaxing muscles between repetitions (for example, in squats with a barbell, the projectile is held on the shoulders). In another mode, after performing the movement, the athlete puts the shell on the racks for a few seconds to instantly relax the muscles ("shake" them). Both modes are effective for the development of maximum strength, but the second of them is more improves the ability to explosive manifestation of effort and muscle relaxation.

2. Athlete carries out 5 approaches with a shell mass:

- 90% maximum - 3 times;

- 95% - 1 time;

- 97% - 1 time;

- 100% - 1 time;

- 100% + 1 kg - 1 time.

Or performs 4 approaches with a shell mass:

- 90% maximum - 2 times;

- 95% - 1 time;

- 100% - 1 time;

- 100% + 1 kg - 1 time.

The pause of recreation between approaches is 3-4 minutes, and filled with exercises aimed at relaxing muscles. If the athlete feels that with this state, the last approach will be unsuccessful, then it is excluded, and after rest (duration of 6-8 min), all previous approaches are repeated (including an approach with a wearing 100% maximum projectile).

3. After an intense workout, the athlete carries out 4-5 approaches with a 100% utility gun with an arbitrary recreation between approaches.

4. The athlete carries out work in secondary mode. Burden weight - 120-130% maximum in this exercise. 4-5 repetitions are performed in three approaches with a 3-4 minute rest between them. Halgification Athlete raises to its original position with partners.

5. Athlete carries out work, combining secondary and overcoming regimes. For example, squats with a barbell on the shoulders are made, the mass of which is 130-140% of the maximum, with which the athlete can get out of the crotch (the rod is taken to the shoulders from the racks). The weight of the rod includes special suspensions with burdens, which at the end of the president refer to the peeze and separated from the grid. With the remaining burdens (about 70-80% of the maximum in squats), the athlete quickly performs the rise. The approach consists of 2-3 movements with mandatory relaxation of the muscles between them. In the training session of the 2 series with a 6-8 minute rest between them.

Methodology for the development of maximum power

The methodology for the development of maximum strength due to an increase in the anatomical muscle transverse is inherent in its specific features. At the same time, the burden, although it does not reach the limit values, but still quite highly and is 75-90% of the level of maximum strength. In this case, it is possible to ensure the optimal ratio between the intensity of the muscles and the number of movements performed in a separate approach.

It should be borne in mind that when using an isometric method, the training effect in qualified athletes is noted after the stress threshold constituting 90-100% of the maximum level of force.

Movements when performing exercises aimed at the development of maximum strength, it is recommended to perform with low speed, and regardless of which of the power training methods is applied.

It should also be noted that the high rate of movements is ineffective when using the concentric method, since in this case the maximum (or close to it) manifestation of powerful qualities is observed only at the beginning of the movement, whereas in the other phases, the muscles do not receive due load due to inertia created by At the beginning of the movement.

When using exercises aimed at an increase in muscle diameter, each movement is spent from 3 to 6 seconds.

When the athlete is implemented by large amounts of work aimed at the development of maximum power due to an increase in muscle mass, it is advisable to ensure that the exercises performed at a slow pace are combined with the exercises of a speed-power, explosive nature. At the same time, with the development of maximum strength, it is possible to simultaneously provide both good prerequisites for the development of high-speed strength and its manifestation.

If the exercises are performed in a dynamic mode, it is necessary to take into account that the concentric part of such a work should be roughly twice as quickly than the eccentric (for example, if the rod rises in 1-1.5 s, it should be descended for 2-3 s). Consequently, 3-4.5 s is spent on the implementation of one movement, and one approach, including 10 repetitions - 30-45 s.

When the task of achieving in the exercises of accumulable and limit stresses is solved, the duration of such work should be differentiated, taking into account the nature of the exercises and the volume of muscles involved in the work. When small muscle groups are involved in the work, the duration of each voltage should be 4-5 s. When involving large muscular groups, the duration of each voltage is 7-8 s.

The specifics of the effects of the iswokinetic method on the muscular system predetermines the need to perform a somewhat large number of repetitions compared to isotonic method and method of variable resistivity.

The effectiveness of the isokinetic method in the development of the maximum force will be highest in that time when the number of repetitions at the same same speed of movements increases by 20-30% by relations to the number of repetitions, which is rational for other methods used in force preparation. The duration of the pause between the individual approaches is less than when the maximum strength is developed due to an increase in inside and intertensive coordination, and fluctuates within 1-3 minutes. Rest between approaches is usually passive.

Sometimes there are also such options in which the rest is quite lengthy (up to 4-5 minutes) and ensures restoration of performance. Such pauses are made when in each of the approaches an athlete performs a large amount of repetitions (10-12), and the total duration of work is 40-45 s.

With a relatively small amount of repetitions (4-6), the pauses between approaches must be short-term (30-40 seconds).

Development of speed

The main factors determining the level of speed - intramuscular coordination and speed of contractions of motor units. The role of muscle diameter is determined by the specifics of the manifestation of high-speed power in a particular sport. Moreover, in those of them in which the athlete has to overcome more resistance (for fighters - this is the mass of own body, as well as the body weight and effort of the opponent), requires a manifestation of high-speed strength in specific conditions of large resistance, because the role of muscle contractions is large here. It should also be noted that the higher the technique of movements, the more effective in- and intermissile coordination, rational dynamic, temporal and spatial characteristics of movements, with the degree of life of which (movement techniques) are closely related to the manifestations of high-speed.

Speed-force qualities are one of the most important components of the training structure of athletes specializing in Greco-Roman, freestyle wrestling, Sambo and judo (Ivlev, 1980; Novikov, 1986; Tumanyan, 1998; Igumen, Podulov, Shyan, 1987).

The main directions of the speed-force training of wrestlers are relying on the following provisions of the physiology of human movements: the level and specifics of inter- and intramuscular coordination, their own muscle reactivity of the athlete. To improve intertensive coordination, it is recommended to use exercises similar to the main "coronal" competitive exercises of a particular fighter. To improve intramuscular coordination, exercises are proposed to use the exercises that allow the central nervous system of the wrestle at the same time include the largest number of motor units, to achieve a high frequency of mongs of the motioneirons and the optimal synchronization of functioning motionones. It is from the consistency of these three neurophysiological mechanisms that ideal intramuscular coordination depends. In order to cause the greatest physiological shifts, you need to implement load training tasks, such as exercises with large burdens. To improve the third component - the self-reactivity of the muscles of the athlete - it is recommended to use such power exercises in which the burden weight varies in the range of 7-13 repeated maxima (PM). Morphological studies have shown that at PM 7-10 and 11-13, the own muscle reactivity increases, whereas with PM 1-3 and 4-6, intersecticile coordination is improved.

For the full development of high-speed strength, the complex use of various methods is required, and is particularly effective in this case, eccentric, plyometric and isokinetic (Platonov, 1997). Most suitable for the rational and optimal construction of training aimed at the development of high-speed strength, use a varied set of power training (all sorts of simulators, special equipment, etc.).

If an eccentric method is used to improve speed strength, the athlete must perform exercises with a velocity and even maximum speed.

When developing speeds, it is very important to pay attention to ensuring how quickly switching from the muscle voltage to their reduction (and, on the contrary, from the reduction to voltage). To create conditions for full relaxation between individual movements in the approach, should be taken between them
1-2 second pauses, emphasizing the attention to the need for the need for more complete muscle relaxation. Among the special methodological techniques used for this purpose, the following recommendations can be mentioned. Initially, the burden, constituting 60-80% of the maximum, rises about 1/3 of the amplitude of the main movement, and then quickly falls and with instant switching to overcoming work accelerates with a maximum speed in the opposite direction. The approach is performed 3-5 repetitions with relaxation between them (the burden is put on the emphasis). In the series
3-4 approaches with 4-5-minute pauses between them.

There is a fairly effective admission to convert maximum strength to speed. The athlete begins to move with great burden. This contributes to the inclusion of a large number of motor units. At the moment when the specified force is achieved, the resistance decreases sharply, thereby creating special conditions for the manifestation of high-speed power. It is noted that after the above-mentioned extra-season reduction of resistance, hidden reserves mobilize, as a result of which the subsequent dynamic phase can be performed athlete with extremely high speed.

This technique is most successfully implemented when using special simulators having a mechanical, hydraulic or electromagnetic drive. Equipically the use of generally accepted training products.

The athlete begins to move with great burden, when the appropriate corner is reached in the joints, completely or partially exempt from burdation and completes the exercise in relief conditions.

Similar conditions can be created and due to the fact that the partner helps the exercise that performs the exercise. In this case, the athlete overcomes the resistance, which is 30-50% of the maximum strength of the exercise. At the same time, in a predetermined phase of the movement, a partner prevents the implementation of the movement, forcing the one who exercises is to dramatically increase the effort. After 1-2, the partner suddenly ceases to resist, and the athlete performing the exercise receives additional conditions for the sale of high-speed power.

Such conditions can also be created when alternating exercises that contribute to the development of maximum strength, and exercises aimed at the development of high-speed power. At the same time, the approaches in which the same exercise performs the same exercise is alternate, but with different resistances. For example, if in the first approach an athlete
2-3 times squatted with a large mass bar (80-85% of its maximum strength), then in the second approach, it performs the same exercise with high speed and resistance, which makes up 40-50% of the maximum power.

Athletes who specialize in sports that require great efforts (to this number also include various types of struggle), use fairly large burdens that make up 70-90% of the level of maximum strength of one who performs exercise. Since the wrestler focuses on the development of explosive force, resistance must be increased to the upper boundaries. It is also known that the duration of individual exercises should provide an athlete with the possibility of their execution without fatigue and without reducing the speed of movements. The number of repetitions in separate approaches - from one to five to six. The duration of work in each approach varies depending on the nature of the exercises, the resistance, the preparedness of the athlete and its qualifications - from 3-4 s to 10-15 p.

Pauses for recreation should be such a duration to ensure the restoration of the performance of an athlete and alaccutate oxygen debt has been eliminated. With short-term (duration of 2-3 c) exercises that do not require involvement in the work of large muscle groups, pauses between exercises - 30-40 s. If large muscle volumes are involved in the work, or a separate exercise is sufficiently long, the athlete requires a longer vacation, and then the pauses between the exercises can be 3-5 minutes. Long-term pauses are filled with passive recreation, which is sometimes complemented by self-massage muscles, and long-term - low-intensity work (for example, muscle stretching exercises), which should contribute to the acceleration of recovery processes, to ensure the optimal condition for performing the next task athlete to reduce (approximately 10-15%) The duration of rest between the individual exercises and approaches.

If an isometric method is used for the development of high-speed strength, the athlete performs short-term (duration
2-3 c) the effort of an explosive nature, in order to the maximum quick development of muscle tension to 80-90% of the maximum. In one approach, up to 5-6 repetitions, pauses between approaches - 2-3 minutes (until fully restoring performance). The muscle tension should be replaced as fully as possible relaxation. Taking into account this, a pause between approaches to fill out the relaxation and stretching exercises, as well as self-massage.

When used for the development of high-speed forces of the iswokinetic method, it is recommended to perform exercises with high angular velocity, since the use of special isokinetic simulators allows you to move at a speed significantly greater (2-3 times) compared to the speed of movements that are performed using traditional burdens.

If the method of resistivity variables apply to the development of high-speed power, then the focus should be focused on possible to more complete the working muscles in the inferior phase of the movement and on the need to quickly transition from eccentric work to concentric. As for other components of the load (such as the duration of the exercises, pause, etc.), then when determining them in the case of using the method of resistivity, as well as an iswokinetic method, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for the use of an eccentric method.

An extremely important role in the development of high-speed power plays a plyometric method. Experts note that when using this method, the elastic muscle capabilities and the effectiveness of the transition from stretching muscles to reduce them are subject to special training.

If the preliminary stretching of the muscles is used as a factor that stimulates the manifestation of high-speed power, it is necessary to monitor the achievement of the muscles of the stretched state, secured by the power of the anthongist muscles, immediately followed the phase of active reduction of synergist muscles. Only in this case, the potential energy of elastic elements of stretched muscles will be summed up with muscle reduction energy and thus ensure the manifestation of high-speed power. If there is no smooth transition from the preliminary stretching of the muscles to reduce, the exercise efficiency is reduced.

Experts warn that engaged before it will perform a large amount of training work on the development of high-speed strength using a refill method, it is necessary to achieve a significant level of maximum strength, since otherwise the situation is fraught with a decrease in training efficiency and the high probability of injury.

For the development of high-speed power of muscle extensors of the legs is offered as an effective means such an exercise as a jump in the depth. The depth of the jump depends on the mass and physical fitness of the athlete and fluctuates from 40-100 cm when landing and repulsion the optimal angle in the knee joint is 120-140º, and in the lower phase of the braking - 90-100º.

Since, when applying the above and some other exercises, using the athlete, the mass of their body is difficult to accurately adjust the load, experts advise preferred exercises with burdens (barbell, etc.).

An integrated use of various methods can be an effective use of various methods.

Some of these complexes proposed by Yu.V. Uposhansky (1988) are given below.

1. Using the burden of 90 and 30% maximum. The athlete performs 2 approaches of 2-3 slow movements with a projectile, a mass of 90% of the maximum, and then 3 approaches of 6-8 movements performed with the highest effort, with burden, constituting 30% of the maximum. Between the performances of movements - mandatory muscle relaxation. Between approaches - 3-4-minute rest, and before variation of burdation - rest duration
4-6 min. In the training session -3 series with an 8-10-minute rest between them.

2. The combination of two different isometric modes in the exercises of a local orientation (on a specific muscle group). The athlete performs 2-3 exercises with an extreme isometric voltage (duration of 6 seconds) with 2-3-minute breaks between them. Then the 3-4-minute rest, filled with relaxation exercises, after which - 5-6 repetitions of the same exercise, but with the rapid development of the voltage, which make up 80% of the maximum. Between the repetitions - a break by a duration of 2-3 minutes, during which dynamic and hoof exercises are performed, as well as exercises aimed at the effects of 2-3 muscular groups. If you train one muscle group, the presented combination is repeated

3. The combination of isometric and dynamic modes when the muscles weighing global nature. The athlete performs an exercise with extreme isometric stresses in a smooth development of effort (within 6 seconds) in a position in which the maximum effort is manifested in competitive conditions, 2-3 times with a 2-minute break, during which mandatory muscle relaxation is carried out. The athlete is then moving with burden, which makes up 40-60% of the maximum and limit force intensity - 4-6 times. The entire complex is repeated 2 times with a 4-6 minute break between repetitions.

4. Jumping out the gay. The athlete performs 2 approaches 6-8 times. Then after a 3-4-minute rest, jump exercises with a submaximal effort (for example, an 8-fold leap on the place from foot on foot) - 2 approaches 5-6 times. The complex is repeated 2-3 times
With a 6-8 minute break between repetitions

5. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders, the mass of which is
80-85% maximum - 2 approaches 2-3 times with a 6-8-minute break between repetitions.

6. Squats with a barbell, the mass of which is 70-80% of the maximum - 2 approaches 5-6 times. Then after a 4-5-minute rest athlete performs jumping exercises in place - 2-3 approaches 6-8 times with a 6-8-minute break between approaches.

7. Squakes with a barbell on the shoulders, the mass of which is
90-95% Maximum - the athlete performs 2 approaches of 2 squats. Then 2 series of 6-8 repulsions after jumping in depth. Rest between squats and jumps - 2-4 min, and between the series of jumps - 4-6 minutes. In the training session, this combination is repeated
2 times with 8-10 minute rest between the repetitions.

Similar information.

Development of power abilities


Under force It is necessary to understand the ability of a person to overcome due to muscle efforts (abbreviations) external resistance or counteract external forces. Power is one of the most important physical qualities in the absolute majority of sports, so its development athletes pay extremely much attention.

Power abilitiesthey are not manifested by themselves, but through any motor activity. Moreover, the effect on the manifestation of power abilities has different factors, the contribution of which in each particular case changes depending on the specific motor actions and the conditions for their implementation of the force abilities, age, gender and individual characteristics of the person. Among them are distinguished: 1) Actually muscle; 2) Central nervous; 3) Personal mental; 4) biomechanical; 5) biochemical; 6) physiological factors, as well as various conditions of the external environment, in which motor activities are carried out.

The literature presents data indicating that children can achieve a significant increase in power indicators with a rational organization of power loads. Meanwhile, on issues related to the efficiency and safety of the use of power exercises in various age periods, there is a wide variety of opinions, and the problem of the power training of children and adolescents is far from the final decision.

The most favorable periods of the development of force in boys and young men are considered to be age from 13-14 to 17-18 years, and girls and girls - from 11-12 to 15-16 years old, which in a large extent corresponds to the proportion of muscle mass to the total mass of the body ( By 10-11 years it is approximately 23%, by 14-15 years - 33%, by 17-18 years - 45%).

At the age of 19-20, the male organism is formed, and the processes of growth of the body are significantly slowed down, and the operation of systems and organs is balanced. Representatives of the male, aged 17-22 years, not all physical qualities achieve the peak of development. To learn about the features of the manifestation of motor qualities at this age, it is necessary to characterize each quality separately.

By 19-21, the final osenation of the skeleton is completed. The muscles at this age are growing in the amount, resulting in their strength, the muscular corset (it is fully formed at this age) and the skeleton formed (it almost completely shares it in this age), allows you to show maximum efforts. In the sports requested the maximum manifestation of force, in 19-21, the improvement of this quality begins to the level of the limit capacity of the body.

Purpose of the study. Determine the dynamics of the development of power abilities in the training group of young men of 15-16 years (on the example of a power trading).

Tasks for research.

1. To identify, according to the data of modern scientific and methodical literature, the main problems and contradictions in the process of the development of power abilities.

2. Determine more effective methods for the development of power abilities in young men 15-16 years.

3. Create a methodology for the development of power abilities in young men 15-16 years.

Chapter 1. Technique for the development of power abilities

1.1. Features of manifestation of power abilities

Power is characterized by the degree of voltage that muscles can develop.

Power - human ability to overcome external resistance or counteract him due to muscle efforts.

One of the most significant moments that determine muscle force is the mode of operation of the muscles.

If, overcoming any resistance, the muscles are reduced and shortened, then such a work is called overcoming (concentric), and if they are lengthened, for example, holding a very difficult cargo, in which case their work is called inferior (eccentric). Overcoming and inferior muscle operating modes are combined with dynamic name.

Reducing the muscles at constant voltage or external load is called isotonic. With an isotonic reduction of the muscle, not only the magnitude of its shortening, but also the speed is depends on the load, but also the speed: the less load, there is more the speed of its shortening. This mode of operation of the muscles takes place in power exercises with overcoming external burdens (rods, dumbbells, weights, burdensing on a block device).

Performing movements of a person very often exhibits strength and without changing the length of the muscles. Such a mode of their work is called isometric or static, in which the muscles exhibit their maximum power.

Isometric force. The force manifested in conditions when the length of the muscle during its voltage remains constant, and the body of the athlete does not change its position in space.

Maximum power. The force manifested by an athlete with an arbitrary maximum muscle contraction without taking into account the time and mass of its own body.

Of the above, it can be noted that A. V. Carasev static work paid little attention, but he described in detail the dynamic work, and V. N. Kurys, in addition to dynamic work (maximum force), gave a complete definition of static muscle work.

The maximum force depends on the number of muscle fibers of the components of this muscle, and from their thickness.

With a violent increase in the length of the muscles in inferior movements, the force may be significantly (up to 50-100%) to exceed the maximum isometric human force. This can manifest itself, for example, during landing with a relatively large height, in the depreciation phase of repulsion in jumps, in fast movements, when it is necessary to repay the kinematic energy of a moving body link, etc. The force developing in the inferior operation in different movements depends on Speed: The greater the speed, the more power.

In the pedagogical characteristic of human security qualities, the following varieties are distinguished:

1. Maximum isometric (static) force-indicator of the force manifested when held during a certain time of limit burdens or resistance with maximum tension of muscles.

2. Slow dynamic (bench) force, manifested, for example, during the movement of large weight items, when the speed does not matter, and the relevant efforts reaches maximum values.

3. Speed \u200b\u200bdynamic force is characterized by a person's ability to move to a limited time of large (submaximal) burdens with acceleration below maximum.

4. "Explosive" force - the ability to overcome resistance with maximum muscular voltage in the shortest possible time. With the "explosive" nature of muscle efforts, developing accelerations achieve the highest possible values.

5. Depreciation force is characterized by the development of efforts in a short time in the inferior mode of muscle operation, for example, when landing, on the support in various types of jumps, or when overcoming obstacles, in hand-to-hand combat, etc.

6. Power endurance is determined by the ability to maintain the necessary power characteristics of movements for a long time. Among the varieties of endurance to the power work, endurance to dynamic work and static endurance are distinguished.

Endurance to dynamic work is determined by the ability to maintain performance when performing professional activities related to the rise and movement of weights, with long-term overcoming of external resistance.

Static endurance is the ability to maintain static efforts and maintain a sedentary position of the body or a long time to be located in a limited space.

In the methodical literature, another power characteristic is allocated - the ability to switch from one muscular mode to another with the maximum level of manifestation of each power quality. For the development of this ability, depending on the coordination abilities of a person, a special direction of workout is needed.

One of the most significant moments that determine muscle strength is the mode of operation of the muscles. In the process of performing motor actions, muscles can show power:

With a decrease in its length (overcoming, i.e. myometrical regime, for example, the bench rods lying on a horizontal bench medium or widespread grip).

With its elongation (inferior, i.e. plyometric mode, for example, squatting with a barbell on shoulders or chest).

Without a change in length (retention, i.e. isometric mode, for example, holding diluted hands with dumbbells in the tilting forward for 4-6 s).

When changing and length, and the muscle tension (mixed, i.e. auxotonic regime, for example, the rise of force in the focus on the rings, lowering the hands to the side ("Cross") and hold in the "Cross").

The first two modes are characteristic of the dynamic, third - for static, fourth - for the statominational work of the muscles.

These modes of working muscles are denoted by the terms "dynamic force" and "static force". The greatest values \u200b\u200bof force are manifested with the inferior operation of the muscles, sometimes 2 times superior is the isometric indicators.

In any mode of muscle operation, the force can be shifted slowly and quickly. This is the nature of their work.

In high-speed strength exercises, the increase in maximum strength may not lead to an improvement in the result. In sports jargon, this means that the man "pumped" such a force of muscles, which he does not have time to show in a short time. Consequently, a person having smaller power indicators, but high gradient values, can win the opponent with large power capabilities.

As a result of modern studies, another new manifestation of power abilities is distinguished, the so-called muscle ability to accumulate and use the energy of elastic deformation ("reactive ability"). It is characterized by a manifestation of powerful effort immediately after intensive mechanical muscle stretching, i.e. With the rapid switching of them from the inferior work to the dynamic load developing at this moment in the conditions of the maximum. Pre-stretching, causing elastic deformation of the muscles, provides accumulation of a certain voltage potential (non-metabolic energy) in them, which, with the beginning of muscle contraction, is a significant additive to the strength of their thrust that increases its working effect.

It has been established that the sharp (at optimum) stretching the muscles in the depreciation phase, the faster the switching from the inferior operation of the muscles to the overcoming, the higher the power and speed of their reduction. The preservation of elastic energy of stretching for the subsequent reduction of muscles (mechanical energy recovery) provides high efficiency and performance in running, jumps and other movements. For example, gymnasts have the transition time from inferior work to overcoming has a high connection with the level of jumper. A high dependence is noted between the reactivity and the result in a triple jump from the runway, in the barrier run, in the heatletic exercises, as well as between the power pulse when repulsing with the subtress in ski jumps from the springboard.

In the practice of physical education, the absolute and relative muscular power of man differ also.

Absolute force characterizes the power potential of a person and is measured by the magnitude of the maximum arbitrary muscle force in isometric mode without limiting time or limiting weight of the raised cargo.

Relative force is estimated by the ratio of the magnitude of the absolute force to its own body weight, i.e. The amount of force per 1 kg of its own body weight. This indicator is convenient for comparing the level of force of people of different weights.

For disk throws, hammer, kernel pushers, heavy weighting weights are greater importance of absolute power. This is due to the fact that a certain connection is observed between the force and mass of its own body: more weight people can raise greater burdens and, therefore, to show great power. Therefore, therefore, the rods, the wrestlers of heavy weight categories seek to increase their weight and thereby increase their absolute power. For most exercise exercises, it is immeasurably more important than the indicators not absolute, and the relative force - in running, jumping, long and height, rowing, swimming, gymnastics, etc. For example, perform an exercise "Employment hand to the sides" on the rings ("Cross" ) That gymnast is capable of which the relative force leading muscle hand to the weight of the body is equal to or more units.

The level of development and manifestation of power abilities depends on many factors. First of all, they affect the magnitude of the physiological digger of the muscles: the thick of it, with other things being equal, the muscles can develop greater effort. When working mouse hypertrophy in muscle fibers, the amount and dimensions of myofibrils increase and the concentration of sarcoplasmic proteins increases. At the same time, the external volume of muscles may increase slightly, since, firstly, the density of laying myofibrils in muscle fiber increases, and secondly, the thickness of the leather layer over the trained muscles is reduced.

The power of a person depends on the composition of muscle fibers. There are "slow" and "fast" muscle fibers. The first is developing less muscle voltage strength, and at a rate of three times less than "fast" fibers. The second type of fiber carries out the main and powerful reductions. The power training with a large weight of the burden and a small number of repetitions mobilizes a significant number of "fast" muscle fibers, while classes with a slight weight and a large number of repetitions are activated as "fast". So and "slow" fibers. In various body muscles percentage Slow "and" fast "fibers of unequal, and very different from different people. It became, from a genetic point of view, they have different potential opportunities for strength work.

For the power of muscular reduction, elastic properties, viscosity, anatomical structure, muscle structure and their chemical composition are influenced.

A significant role in the manifestation of human capabilities is played by regulation of muscle stresses from the CNS. The magnitude of muscle strength is connected:

With the frequency of effector impulsations sent to the muscle from the motoneitrons of the front horns of the spinal cord;

The degree of synchronization (simultaneity) reduction of individual motor units;

Order and quantities included in the work of motor units.

Listed factors characterize intramuscular coordination. At the same time, the manifestation of power abilities also affects the coherence of muscles of synergists and antagonists, carrying out traffic in opposite directions (intertensular coordination). The manifestation of power abilities is closely related to the efficiency of muscle energy efficiency. An important role is played by the speed and power of the anaerobic Resintez ATP, the level of creating the creatine phosphate, the activity of intramuscular enzymes, as well as the content of myoglobin and the buffer capabilities of muscle tissue.

The maximum force that a person can show depends on the mechanical features of the movement. These include: the initial position (or posture), the length of the lever shoulder and the change in the angle of thrust of the muscles associated with the change in the movement of the length and shoulder of the force, and therefore the main point of the force of the traction; Change the muscle function depending on the initial position; Muscle condition before cutting (pre-stretched muscle is reduced strongly and fast), etc.

The force increases under the influence of the preliminary workout and the corresponding increase in the excitability of the CNS to the optimal level. Conversely, excessive excitement and fatigue can reduce maximum muscle strength.

Power capabilities depend on age and gender, as well as on the overall mode of life, the nature of their motor activity and the conditions of the external environment. The greatest natural increase in indicators

the absolute force occurs in adolescents and young men at 13-14 and 16-18 years old in girls and girls in 10-11 and 16-17 years. And the highest rates increase the indicators of the strength of the major muscles of the body of the body and legs. The relative indicators of the force are increasingly significant in children of 9-11 and 16-17 years. Power rates in boys in all age groups are higher than girls. The individual pace of development depend on the actual period of puberty. All this must be taken into account in the method of force training.

In the manifestation of muscle strength there is a well-known daily periodical: its performance reaches maximum values \u200b\u200bbetween 15-16 hours. It was noted that in January and February, muscle power increases slower than in September and October, which, apparently, is explained by the large consumption of the fall of vitamins and the action of ultraviolet rays. Best conditions for muscle activities - at a temperature of + 20 ° C.

In terms of its nature, all exercises are divided into three main groups: common, regional and local impact on muscle groups. The exercises of the general impact include those in which at least 2/3 of the total volume of muscles participate in the paper, from 1/3 to 2/3, local - less than 1/3 of all muscles.

The direction of the effects of power exercises is mainly determined by the following components:

species and character of exercise;

value of burdulum or resistance;

the amount of repetition of exercises;

the speed of performing overcoming or inferior movements;

the pace of exercise;

the character and duration of rest intervals between approaches.

The maximum effort method includes exercises with submaximal, maximum and ultraximal burdens or resistance. The training effect of the method is aimed primary on the improvement of the capabilities of the central motor zone to generate a powerful stream of excitation impulse on motioneons, as well as an increase in the power of muscle reduction energy supply mechanisms. It provides the development of muscle ability to strong abbreviations, the manifestation of the maximum force without a significant increase in muscle mass. For the practical implementation of the method, several methodological techniques are used: uniform, "pyramid", maximum.

1. Methodical reception "Uniform" - the exercise is performed with a weight of 90-95% of the maximum: repeat 2-3 times in 2-4 approaches with intervals of 2-5 minutes. The pace of movements is arbitrary.

2. Methodical reception "Pyramid" - several approaches are performed with increasing burden and reducing the number of repetitions of the exercise in each subsequent approach, for example: 1) weight 85% - lift 5 times; 2) weight 90% - raise 3 times; 3) weight 95% - to make 2 times; 4) weight 97 - 100% - lift 1 time; 5) Weight more than 100% - try to execute 1 time. Leisure intervals between approaches are 2-4 minutes.

3. Methodical reception "Maximum" - Exercise is performed with the highest possible burden at the moment: 1 time x 4-5 arbitrary rest approaches.

2. Method of repeated effort

This is a training method in which as the main training factor is not the limiting weight (or resistance), but the number of repetitions of exercise with optimal or submaximal weight (resistance). This method uses various training options. Depending on the elected components of the exercise, the direction of the method can vary widely.

For its practical implementation, various methodological techniques are used: uniform, super soles and exercise combinations, circular. It is possible to use both isotonic, isokinetic and variable muscle modes.

Separately, methods for the development of "explosive" and reactive force, dynamic (high-speed) force, work "to failure" are allocated.

Inside the "Promotion" method, various methodological techniques can be applied. For example: in each approach, perform exercises "to failure", but the number of approaches to limit;

in each approach, perform a fixed number of repetitions of the exercise, and the number of approaches is "to failure";

perform "to failure" and the number of repetitions, and the number of approaches.

3. "Impact" method

The "shock" method is used to develop depreciation and explosive "strength of various muscle groups. When training, the muscles of the legs are most widely used repulsion after jumping in a depth of dosage height. The landing should be elastic, with a smooth transition to depreciation. The depth of the rating is experimental. Depreciation and subsequent repulsion must be performed as a single holistic action. The optimal dosage of jumping "shock" exercises should not exceed four series of 10 jumps in each for well-trained people, and for less prepared - 1-3 series of 6-8 jumps. Rest between the series for 3-5 minutes can be filled with light jogging and relaxation and stretching exercises. Jumping deep in these volumes should be performed no more than 1-2 times a week at the preparation stages for mass competition or credit training.

It is possible to use the "shock" method and to train other muscle groups with burdens or weighing your own body.

For example, flexing the extension of the hands in the stop lying with the separation from the support. When using external burdens on block devices, the cargo is first lowered freely, and in the extreme lower position the trajectories of the motion rises sharply with the active switching of muscles. On overcoming operation.

By performing exercises with the burdens "by the" shock "method, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

1. You can only apply them after a special workout of training muscle groups.

2. Dosage "shock" movements should not exceed 5-8 repetitions in one series.

3. The magnitude of the "shock" effect is determined by weight of the cargo and the magnitude of the working amplitude of movements. Optimal combinations in each case are selected empirically, depending on the level of preparedness. However, preference is recommended to always give the working amplitude, seeking to increase it to the highest possible level.

4. The initial posture is selected taking into account the conformity of the Regulation in which the working force is developing in the training exercise.

4. Methods for the development of "explosive" force and muscle reactivity

For the development of the "explosive" force and the reactivity of the neuromuscular apparatus, the entire arsenal of force training, both separately and in the complex:

1) exercises with burdens;

2) jumping exercises;

3) exercises with the "shock" mode of muscles;

4) Isometric exercises.

In exercises with burdens, the method of repeated effort is mainly used. At the same time, the use and method of maximum effort is possible when in conditions of professional and applied or sports activities has to overcome significant external resistance. It is only important to comply with the rule to relax muscles as much as possible before performing an "explosive" effort.

1. Re-serial reception: (5-6 repetitions of exercise with weight 60-80% of the maximum) x 2-4 approach after 6 minutes of rest. You can make 2-4 such series with rest between them 5-8 minutes. Exercises are performed at the maximum speed, the pace of repetitions is low.

2. "Reversible" Reception: The burden of 60-80% of the limit first rises by about 1/3 of the amplitude of the main movement, and then quickly falls and, with possibly fast accent switching to overcoming work, accelerates in the opposite direction. 2-3 approaches 3-5 repetitions in each. The rest interval is 4-6 minutes.

Jumping exercises are successfully used for the development of "explosive" muscle strength (jumpers) and are performed with single or multiple repulsions with maximum efforts.

Single jumps are from the place, from the approach or by jumping. In one series, 4-6 jumps with arbitrary rest are performed. Total can be made 2-4 series.

Multiple jumps include from 3 to 10 repulsions from one or two legs, for example, triple, fivefold or tenfold jumps. In one approach, 3-4 repetitions are performed, and in the series - 2-3 PBDs with rest between them 3-4 minutes.

Most often in training use comprehensive programs using a wide range of funds and methods for improving the "explosive" force. Options for its training for training, for example, in a short distance run (100 meters) are the following:

1. With a weight of 90% of the maximum 2 approach of 2-3 squats with a barbell, then 3 approaches 6-8 jumps from the semi-traced with a weight of 30-50% with the highest enhancement and mandatory relaxation of the leg muscles in a non-free position. Rest between approaches 2-3 minutes, before changing burdens - 4-6 minutes. In one lesson, you can make 2-3 such series with rest 8-10 minutes. For trained people, you can additionally include jumping exercises, for example, perform 2-3 series of 5 five-time jumps - with installation to a powerful and - "explosive" repulsion.

2. Jumping up from Gary 16-32 kg: 2 approaches of 6-8 repetitions, rest between approaches 2-4 minutes. Then a 10-fold leap from foot on foot: 2 series of 3-4 jumps. You can do 1-3 series of such complexes with rest between them 5-8 minutes.

3. Squats with a barbell with a weight of 90-95% of the maximum: 1-2 approaches of 5-8 repetitions after 2-4 minutes of rest. Repulsion after jumping in depth (snacks with a tumbler with a height of 40-60 cm) 6-8 times x 2 approaches after 2-4 minutes of rest. Then run with acceleration of 5-6 x 50-60 meters.

5. Method for the development of dynamic (high-speed) force

The speed force is manifested in fast movements against relatively small external resistance. For the development of high-speed strength, exercises with burdens, jumping from height, jumping exercises and complexes of listed training tools are used.

The burden is used both for the local development of individual muscle groups and in the improvement of the holistic structure of sports exercises or professional actions. This uses mostly two burden ranges:

1. Weight up to 30% of the maximum - in the case when a minor external resistance is overgoing in the training or action and the preferential development of muscle starting force is required;

2. With a weight of 30-70% of the maximum - when a significant external resistance is overcome in the trained movement or action, a higher level of "accelerating" force is required. For this range of burdens, the relatively proportional development of power, high-speed and "explosive" abilities is characteristic.

Exercises with burdens in the development of dynamic (high-speed) force apply re-in various variations, for example:

1. Weight 30-70% (depending on the magnitude of the external resistance of the trained movement) x 6-8 repetitions from the maximum possible speed of the movement itself, but in a low pace. 2-3 series of 2-3 approaches are performed in each of the recreation between approaches 3-4 minutes, and between the series - 6-8 minutes.

2. For the predominant development of the main force of the muscles, the burden of 60-65% of the maximum is used. The short, "explosive" effort is performed to only pass the movement of training burden, but do not overclock it in the course of the trajectory. Load volume, as in the previous example.

In all considered examples of the development of high-speed strength, it is necessary to strive for the maximum possible relaxation of the muscles between each movement in the exercise, and between their series it is necessary to include fly movements, active rest with

exercises for relaxation and shaking muscles.

Luggage exercises in any variant must be performed with the installation on the speed of repulsion, and not at its power.

The greatest increase in the development of high-speed (dynamic) force give exercises on simulators with an iswall mode of muscles.

6. Methods for the development of forcefulness

Power endurance, i.e., the ability to show optimal muscle efforts for a long time is one of the most significant in professional and applied physical training and sports engineering qualities. The success of the motor activity depends on its level of development.

Power endurance is complex, complex physical quality and is defined as the level of development of vegetative functions, providing the necessary oxygen regime of the body and the state of the neuromuscular apparatus. When working with accumulable muscular efforts, its level of development is determined mainly to maximize force. With a decrease in the magnitude of the working effort, the role of vegetative support factors increases. The border of the transition of working with the predominant predominance of "powerful" or "vegetative" factors in sports practice is considered to be a load with an increase of 30% of the individual maximum.

Therefore, the development of forcefulness should be carried out comprehensively, on the basis of parallel improvement of vegetative systems and power abilities.

When working with high power, the manifestation of power endurance is specific and depends on the local muscular workout in a favorite sport or in professional-applied motor actions, despite the fact that it is provided with the same bioenergy mechanisms. That is why power endurance, such as gymnasts, swimmers, fighters, runners or boxers will differ significantly. It has differences and representatives of different professions.

The main method of development of forcefulness is the method of repeated effort

with the implementation of various methodological techniques.

However, the complexity of the development of this engine quality is also in the possible negative interaction of the effects of training exercises aimed at improving the factors that ensure the manifestation of this quality.

Improving the efficiency of training loads is primarily associated with an analytical approach to their use, that is, using in one training session of such exercises and their complexes, which have selective, aimed at the "leading" factors, and the combination of which in the framework of one training session gives Positive repurchased efficiency.

Local muscle endurance depends primarily from bioenergetic factors. As is known, the high capacity of muscular activity is associated with an alaktathic anaerobic energy supply mechanism. Therefore, the ability to increase the duration of local power work is associated with increasing power and capacity of this process.

With intensive continuous power work, more than 10 seconds, the intramuscular phosphate energy sources is essentially exhausted. To ensure work, the glycolic anaerobic mechanism is connected to the duration of more than 10 seconds. The lactate accumulating in the muscles and blood and blood is negatively affecting the manifestation of the maximum power of muscle effort and for the duration of work, and, ultimately, on the increase in power abilities. The adaptation of the body to local powerful work under conditions of strong acidotic shifts is the second direction of improving force endurance.

At the same time, the lactate accumulating in the muscles during the muscles in the process of intensive work can be eliminated directly in working skeletal muscles (in aerobic - "red" muscle fibers), in the liver, as well as in the heart muscle for which it is an excellent "fuel".

Therefore, two main methodological approaches can be formulated with analytical improvement of forcefulness.

The first approach is to improve the phosphate energy supply system at the expense of:

increase the power of an anaerobic alactate process;

extensions of anaerobic alactate tank (increase in the volume of intramuscular energy sources);

improving the efficiency of the existing energy potential by improving the technique of working movements.

The second approach to the development of forcefulness in muscle work under anaerobic glycolysis conditions is to improve the mechanisms for compensation for adverse acidotic shifts due to:

increase the buffer capacity of blood;

enhance the oxidative capacity of the body, that is, its aerobic power.

1. To increase the maximum anaerobic power, exercises are used with a burden of 30-70% of the maximum with the number of repetitions from 5 to 12 times. They are performed with arbitrary leisure intervals, before recovery. The number of approaches is determined empirically - until the power is reduced. At the same time, up to 6 approaches are usually planned.

2. To increase the anaerobic alactate capacity and increase the efficiency of energy potential uses, exercises with burdulum up to 60% of the limit with the number of repetitions from 15 to 30 times. 2-4 approach with rest is 3-5 minutes. In the process of work, it is necessary to constantly monitor the technique of exercising.

3. To improve compensatory mechanisms and adapting to work under conditions of strong acidotic shifts in the body, no more than 4 approaches are carried out in

high pace with burden from 20 to 70% of the limit with the number of repetitions "to failure".

For large recreation intervals (5-10 minutes), the work will be directed mainly to the improvement of anaerobic glycolithic performance, and at relatively small intervals 1-3 minutes) - to exhaust anaerobic intramuscular resources and the improvement of an anaerobic glycolitic container.

4. Increasing the oxidative possibilities of the neuromuscular apparatus is improved in the exercises of aerobic nature aimed at improving overall endurance: in a uniform long-term run, in an interval run, swimming, rowing, skiing, etc.

Training for the development and improvement of forcefulness can be organized as in the form of sequential use of the series of each selected exercise, or in the form of "circular workout" when in each circle it is consistently performed by one approach of the selected exercises. In total, there may be several such "circles" in training with strictly regulated exercise parameters. The number and composition of the exercises, as well as the number of "circles" depends on the level of preparedness of the working and goals of the training. The most effective "circular" training on the stages of the basic (communication) training in athletes, or on the stages of application of general training exercises in professional-applied preparation.

7. Isometric method

The isometric method is characterized by short-term muscle tension without changing their length. The exercise performed by this method is recommended to be used as additional means of development of force.

The muscle tension should be increased smoothly to the maximum or specified, and hold it within a few seconds depending on the developed effort.

It is advisable to perform isometric stresses in positions and poses, adequate to the moment of the maximum effort in the training exercise. Effectively combination of isometric stresses with dynamic exercises, as well as with stretching and relaxation exercises.

For example:

Perform in one series of 2-3 approaches to 5-6 stresses in each duration of 4-6 seconds and recreation between approaches at least 1 minute. You can make 1-2 such series with rest 3-5 minutes. After isometric exercises, you need to perform exercises for relaxation, and then dynamic exercises of moderate intensity.

1.2. Methods for the development of power abilities in the progestion of the young men 15-16 years

One of the founders of the theory of physical education A.D. Novikov (1949), believed that the overall systematics of physical exercises should be united for all units of the focus system, otherwise, it loses its scientific and practical significance.

Systematics of exercise, as the most important condition for their pedagogical use, is one of the main elements of the system of physical education.

The classification of exercises used in the training process in the force traitor was developed by Alexei Medvedev - Dr. Pedagogical Sciences and Yaroslav Yakubenko - RSUFK.

Classification, in any form of exercise, in sports plays a significant role in determining the objectivity of the athlete of the load in terms of volume and intensity during the training process.

It is known that in the force traceboard, they are mainly used the same exercises, with a barbell as weightlifting, for which scientifically-founded classified exercises are already developed on the principles proposed by the theory of physical education for all sports. However, the power trio collision compared with weightlifting has a significant difference not only on sports technology, but also according to the training method, in connection with which, this sport is developing a specific force characteristic of the "lifters".

Nevertheless, in the study of this issue from a scientific position, including the statements of trainers experts at the Russian Troochildren championships, many common contact points for these independent sports were revealed.

According to the classification in weightlifting, in relation to the power trio, the first group includes competitive exercises: squats with a barbell on the shoulders, press lying on a horizontal bench and a raznaya traction.

The second group combines specially preparatory summarizing exercises, which in turn are distributed to several relative to independent groups:

applying exercises for squats;

supply exercises for the press lying;

sliding exercises for thrust.

In substantiation, the exercise of the second group is close on its coordination to the first group, moreover, all of them are performed with greater burdens that contribute to the performance of high power. Thus, this exercise group is the main in the preparation of athletes, as they simultaneously affect both the development of specific physical qualities and the perfection of the highest technical skill of athletes in competitive exercises.

In the third group of exercises, additional educational exercises are concentrated. They are performed not only with a barbell, but also on simulators, using Giri and other burdens.

Educational exercises for the most part have a local impact due to a kind of structure of the equipment, if they are performed with a relatively low weight (burden), from here the power developed at the same time is relatively small.

The exercises of the considered group under technical parameters can differ significantly from the structure of competitive exercises. In this regard, the developing exercises serve as an additional means in the preparation of athletes.

Thus, in order to more objective assessment and taking into account the training process, the impact under the body of an athlete as a result of performing the exercises of the first and second group, their load should be considered the main, and the load of the third group of exercises is optional.

Consequently, basic and additional loads should be taken into account and analyzed separately.

Currently, physical culture and sports specialists are offered a lot of information about various means, methods and methodological techniques recommended for the development of force. Most of them can be used to athletic gymnastics to one way or another.

Table 1.

Fixed assets and methods for the development of power indicators in becoming

Methods of development of force

Brief description of methods


Method of maximum effort (MMU)

When using this method, the exercise is performed with limit or occasional burdens. The main weight of burdens 1-3 PM *

At the best result in the 100 kg, the bench press lying:
85 kg x2, 90 x 1, 95 x 1

When using this method, the muscle weight increase is unlikely.
Among the traditional methods of MMU - one of the most effective for increasing strength

Repeated effort method (MPU)

The main characteristic of the method: when using exercises with unsaturated burdens, are performed with the maximum number of repetitions in 1 approach.

Range traction in 3 approaches 8-12 times. Recommended Sagraulaging Range - 4-12 PM

The weight is selected in such a way that the last repetition in each approach was performed at the limit. Use. MPU (especially in the range of burdens 6-10 pm) is accompanied by an increase in muscle mass

Using static (isometric) exercises

Static exercises are such physical exercises in which muscle voltages are not accompanied by any movements of the athlete and (or) projectile.
These exercises are performed with maximum voltage.

Maximum application effort to rod with knowingly inappropriate weight.duration 5-6 s in each approach. In the class static exercises should not take more than 10-15 minutes.

The use of static exercises is not recommended in a constant form of more than 1-2 months.
Static exercises B. less degree promote muscle hypertrophy than dynamic.

Exercises in secondary mode *

Slow lowering the rod before touching the chest on the "machine" for the press lying. At the best result in the bench press - 100 kg, weight of burdens for lowering in a gifting mode should be at least 105 kg. In I.P. Rod is returned by partners.

Information about the possible effect on the increase in muscle mass contradictory

There are, however, the data that allows you to conclude that the more often the athlete with maximum weights is trained, the greater the increase in its strength. Limitations are mainly connected with the portability of the loads. Some athletes after workout with extreme burdens can repeat it over the next week, others to "move away" from such loads, it takes about a month.

The conclusion on the effectiveness of the use of the method of maximum efforts for the power of athleticism is based on a generalization of the relevant exercise experience and on well-known research materials in weightlifting.

Moreover, in the training process, apparently, a regularity of a general biological nature is manifested. This is confirmed by research results in various sports. In ski racing, for example, recently found that the lowest speed of the speed providing an effective training effect on the body is the speed above 90% of the competitive. In mild athletics, the direct dependence of sports results from the intensity and volume of intense part of the workout is revealed. From here we can conclude: the more often the method of maximum efforts in the training process is used, the higher the rate of increase in force. However, it is not easy to use this pattern.

Chapter 2. Program for the development of power abilities

2.1. Research methods

Purpose of work. Develop and experimentally substantiate the methodology for the development of force abilities in young men 15-16 years.

Based on the purpose of work, tasks are formulated:

1. Determine the level and features of the physical fitness of athletes at the initial training phase.

2.. Develop and experimentally substantiate the methodology for the development of force abilities in young men 15-16 years

To solve the tasks, the following research methods were used:

pedagogical experiment

pedagogical observation

testing, test tests

statistical processing of research results.

2.2. Organization of research

Studies were conducted in the gym based on the Center for Health and Education of Children.

The study was attended by 12 athletes (young men of 15-16 years) 1-2 Youth discharge in the power triathlon, having experiences from 9 to 15 months, 3 times a week for 1.5 hours.

The study was conducted from January 2006 to June 2006.

At the first stage, the state of the problem of study was studied according to special scientific and methodological literature.

Testing athletes were testing for the definition of general and special power preparedness. To determine the total power training of athletes, we used a test based on three degenerations: 1. Tightening (count times). 2. Lifts torso from the position lying on the back (for 30 seconds). 3. Long jump (in centimeters). To determine the special power training of athletes, we tested the power indicators in the proget, which was performed in three attempts, the best attempt was recorded.

At the second stage, a pedagogical experiment was carried out, in which the method of education of power abilities was used in the Bar of the young men of 15-16 years (1-2 Youth discharge on force traceboard) developed on the basis of a review of methodological literature (designed for 12 weekly cycle).

After the pedagogical experiment, control testing of the overall and special preparedness of athletes at the end of the 12 weekly cycle of training sessions on the technique developed by us was carried out.

In the third stage, the obtained experimental data was summarized and analyzed, conclusions were formulated.

2.3 An experimental methodology for education of power abilities in the brain of the young men of 15-16 years old (on the example of the classes of power trading)

As it was indicated, the performance of power (lifter) traction provides for a complete straightening of legs and backs, unlike the weightlifting movements, the jerk and lifting the rod on the chest, where this position is intermediate. In weightlifactic sports, it is customary to share the craving for two periods, highlighting six phases in them. Given the specifics of learning the "lifter" traction, the following technique of its development was developed:

1. Productive actions include the approach to the rod, the installation of the stop on the platform, the capture of the rod and the psychological setting. Some athletes, especially former weightlifters, set the feet on the rustle on the width of the shoulders and use the narrow so-called "push" grip, i.e. Perform a conventional push thrust. Another part of the athletes puts the feet on the platform is quite widely, about the width of the elbows elongated towards the hands, and uses the middle grip. What type of start is preferable, we will look later.

As for the capture of the rod, for modern athletes in this sport is the best way to be a versatile grip or "varichet", in which the palms are drawn in different directions - one put on the neck in front, the other - rear, fingers are detained in the "Castle".

Since the strength of the brush is of great importance in the rift, and with its weak development, it can significantly limit the manifestation of the power capabilities of large muscle-extensor legs and torso, then they should constantly strengthen them.

2. Dynamic aport. Athlete's actions are included in this phase, allowing to stretch large muscles involved in the work, "link" them into a single powerful chain. The main task of an athlete in this phase is to correctly arrange the levers of your body. This is done as follows: two objects of the rectangular cross section are put on the floor, on top of them - metal plates for which an athlete gets up.

Lining bars should be located in such a way that the point of sustainable equilibrium athlete passed through their middle. The thickness should not exceed 10 mm so that, when performing an exercise, an athlete who violated equilibrium has not been injured. The width of the bars can be changed over a wide range, knowing what they are already, the smaller their area of \u200b\u200bsupport and the more difficult to correctly perform the movement. But to the one who performs an exercise, standing on a bar width 20 mm, i.e. That's right, success is provided, for he managed to master the most rational technique of traction. The same we advise you to do when squatting.

This simple experiment will allow many athletes to understand that everything solves not only power, but also the most rational, optimal method of its application, in other words, good sports equipment.

There is another regularity of the execution of thrust in the force of Troyboard: how many times the muscle is reduced faster, it can be reduced at a long time under the limit voltage, i.e. To raise a heavy barbell quickly, you must have more power than to raise it slowly, and, accordingly, the slower the rise of the rod, the greater weight can be raised (S.Y.Smolov). This phenomenon follows from the known characteristic equation A. Hill: (P + A) (V + B) \u003d C, where P is the limit muscle voltage; V is the reduction rate; A, B and C - constants. From this provision it follows that when performing a thrust, it is not necessary to strive to raise the bar quickly, but it is impossible with limit scales. It should be striving to raise it powerfully - constantly throughout the lift, applying the maximum effort.

Another factor was addressed to our attention during training not only traction, but also of all power movements. But in the thrust this factor is especially important. There is a psychological attitude. The psychological setting item needs to pay special attention. When the athlete sets the feet on the platform, he must "feel" all the muscles participating in the work, and mentally connect them into one solid chain - from the stop to the hands of the hands, as if at all the body passes a certain elastic rod, which, straightening, will help the athlete Straighten and raise the barrel of the privile weight. At this point, it is also necessary to concentrate its idea that the athlete does not raise the bar, but first of all himself, and the barbell is only inspired because it is harshly connected with hands. This thought or inner feeling should not leave the athlete, starting from the moment of dynamic start and before fixing the rod with the full straightening of the legs and the body.

For training traction, the following exercises were used:

1. The thrust with the peel and its varieties (different grip, at different speeds, etc.).

2. Traction standing on the elevation.

3. Thrust to the knees,

4. Link from plinths (ridge at the knee level).

5. Tract the pyramid.

6. Range (with straight legs).

7. Slopes with a barbell on the shoulders.

8. The slopes on the "goat".

All these and other exercises need to be distributed throughout the micro and mesocyclo more or less evenly, i.e. At least two times in the training week. Let us give an example of the distribution of traction exercises in the training weekly cycle.


1) the rod of the middle grip, standing on the elevation (plinters 10-20 cm) - (5 approaches) x (5-6 times) with a weight of the rod 70-80 percent;

2) slopes standing with a bar on the shoulders - (3 approaches) x (10 times) with a weight of 20-25 percent of the maximum result in the rod (rod to take from racks for squats);

3) thrust to the knees - (5-6 approaches) x (2-3 times) with a weight of the rod up to 80-90 percent of the maximum weight.


1) the pyramid - (3-4 approaches) x (5-6 times) with a weight corresponding to this number of lifts;

2) tilts on the "goat" - (2-3 approaches) x (10-15 times with a delay in a horizontal position by 2-3 seconds).


1) Range rod with straight legs - (5 approaches) x (6-8 times) with a weight of a bar of 50-60 percent of the maximum;

2) tilting with a barbell on the shoulders - (3-4 approaches) x (5-6 times);

3) Ranged traction (5-6 approaches) x (3-4 times) with a weight of 80-85 percent of the maximum rod.

According to a number of specialists, each training session in the power Troyboard should be started with hyperextenia (slopes on the "goat"). This technique of training successfully at one time was used by the famous rod, two-time Olympic champion Vasily Alekseev, who had a phenomenal force when performing a push.

The basis for developing a workout plan in a traction in the preparatory period is the plan developed by I.M.Peduleev. It is designed for young men, medium and below the average level of preparedness and provides for a smooth increase in the power indicators (Table 2).

Table 3.

Workout plan young men in power triathlon with an emphasis on

development of power indicators in becoming (12 weekly cycle)


1st training

2nd training

3rd training

1. Hyperextension 5x5

1. Pyramid pyramid 2x5 (40%), 6x6 (60%)

1. Traction, standing on the elevation (10 cm) 1x4x (60%), 1x4 (70%), 5x4 (80%)

2. Link from plinths (neck at the knee level) 1x4 (70%), 1x4 (80%) 4x5 (85-90%)

1. Traction in fast pace 1x3 (60%), 1x3 (70%), 6x3 (30%)

2. Tilt with a bar of 5x4

1. 2x6 (50%), 7x6 (60%)

2. Raclons with jumping 5x4

1. Traction with Potto 1x4 (60%), 1x4 (70%), 6x4 (80-85%)

2. Link from plinths (neck at the knee level) 1x3 (70%), 1x3 (80%), 5x3 (90%)

1. Tract Pyramid

Hyperextension 6x5

2. Clones with jumping 6x5

1. Traction with peeling 1x3 (70%). 2x3 (80%), 1x2 (85%). 2x2 (90-95%), 2x5 (85%) 2. Tilt with 6x6 bar


1. Traction standing on the elevation (15cm) 4x4 (70-75%), 5x4 (80-85%)

2. Tracting with plinths 1x3 (70%), 1x3 (80%), 6x3 (90-95%)

1. Traction with parches 1x3 (70%), 1x3 (80%), 1x3 (85%), 5x 3 (90%)

1. Pyramid pyramid 2x6 (50-55%), 7x6 (60-65%)

2. Hyperextension 6x6

Dynamics of the development of power indicators in the progening of the pedagogical experiment

As a result of our pedagogical experiment, the dynamics of increasing the power indicators of both individual and medium-group, as evidenced by the tables 3, 4 are noted.

Table 4.

Source test results of power indicators

troyboard athletes

Surname, name

Starting class

Own weight


Tightening (count times)

Press, lift torso in 30 seconds

Long jump (see)


So in pull-up, the result increased by an average of two times (17%), in the lifting of the body for 30s - on average 6 times (22.5%), in a length of time - by 8 centimeters (2.4%). In a competitive exercise, the proget increase amounted to an average of 21.5 kilograms (16.5%).

The results obtained confirm the correctness of the used methodology aimed at an increase in force-preparedness indicators both in the general physical fitness of those engaged in power trio collections and in special power preparedness, namely in the proget.

In average, the power indicators in the traction rose by 21.5 kg. (For a period of 12 weekly cycles), and this is about 7.2 kg. a month, which is a good indicator in many strength sports.

Table 5.

Medium-group indicators of the testing of power training athletes-Troy plants before and after the experiment

1. The analyze of scientific and methodological literature revealed several basic principles in building a training technique for the growth of power indicators in the Bar of the young men of 15-16 years, namely:

The need for strict dosing of loads in order to avoid the overtraining of the body of an athlete;

Performance of traction with a weight of 80-90% of the maximum achievement, in connection with the mobility of the processes occurring in the spine, must be performed no more than once a week in compliance with ideal technology;

Due to the fact that on the back there is a large array of muscle groups, it is necessary to use additional exercises for the balanced development of the muscles of the back.

2. Tried and tested the methodology of training of power trio plates proposed by us, based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, we can conclude that the athletes who used it showed the result above average, which indicates its effectiveness. The monthly increase in the power indicators in the proget was an average of 7.2 kg, while the increase in the power indicators is equal to 5kg in the force trace collector is considered a satisfactory result for the average and lower than the average level.

3. According to the results of our work, it is possible to recommend this technique for the development of power indicators in the young men of 15-16 years having a sports qualification of 1-2 young discharge in the force trading.


As a result of the work, the following tasks were solved.

1. The features of the development of force abilities are revealed.

Power abilities are a complex of various manifestations of a person in a certain activity, which is based on the concept of "power." Power abilities are not manifested by themselves, but through any motor activity.

At the same time, the effect on the manifestation of power abilities has different factors, the contribution of which in each particular case varies depending on the specific motor actions and the conditions for their implementation, the type of power abilities, age, the genital and individual characteristics of the person.

2. The methods of the development of power abilities in the young men are determined for 15-16 years.

W.prague with barbell and gravity, as an effective means of developing power capabilities, attract many young people as male and female, as well as middle and older people. They allow you to quickly increase strength, evenly develop all muscle groups, correct certain disadvantages of the physique, and also contribute to health promotion. Sports achievements and records in various sports, talk about the unprecedented human physical possibilities, where one of the most important physical qualities in the absolute majority of sports is - the strength, the development of the forces of the athletes pay extremely much attention. Power preparation is of particular importance for the successful sports training of power trio plates. It is known that the power triathlon (Powerlifting) has two basic qualities - availability and efficiency.

Under availability implies:

1. Quite simple technical execution of exercises, which makes it possible to pay more attention to the development and improvement of forceful qualities;

2. The ability to engage both in groups and individually;

3. There are no large rooms equipped with all sorts of simulators, it is possible to engage in small halls, where there are only rods, racks for squats and benches for bench lying;

4. Simplicity of material support compared to many other sports;

5. A wide age-related range of power trio collections;

6. Minimizing injury cases.

Power triathlon is a sport that contributes to the development of basic physical qualities engaged in improving physical performance as a whole.

In force Troyboard (Powerlifting), competitions take place in three exercises - squatting with a barbell on the back, the gymnaste of the rods lying and becoming. However, according to the results of the analysis of scientific and methodological literature (Vorobiev A.N., Zokiorsky V. M., Roman R. A., Uposhansky Yu.V. Smalls S. Yu.) It was revealed that the power indicators in the stroke provide Significant influence on sports achievements in the power triathlon as a whole, as this exercise involves the greatest number of different muscle groups.

3. Methods for the development of power abilities in young men is 15-16 years old.

List of used literature

1. Zakharov E.N., Karasev A.V., Safonov A.A. Encyclopedia of physical training (methodological foundations of physical qualities). Under the general ed. A.V. Caraseva. - M.: Leptos, 1994. 124 p.

2. Medical directory of coach. V.A. Gessel. Ed. 2nd extra. and recreated. M.: F and C, 1981. - 271 p.

3. Novakovsky S.V., Dvorkin L.S. Theory and methodology for the power training of children and adolescents. - Rostov-on-Don, 2002. - 326 p.

4. Novakovsky S.V., Dvorkin L.S. Theory and methodology for the power training of children and adolescents. - Rostov-on-Don, 2002. - 326 p.

5. Dictionary of basic concepts and terms on the theory and methods of gymnastics: Tutorial / Ed. V.N. Kury. - Stavropol: SGPU, 1995. - 147 p.

6. Small S.Yu. "Trucks as one of the main exercises of power tricing" // Athletism 1990, №12.

7. Colds J. K. Theory and methods of physical education and sports. / W K. Kholodov, V.S. Kuznetsov - 5th Edition M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007

8. Fomin A.I. Pavlov L.V. Ostapenko L. 1994. "Power Preparation", Moscow: 1984.

9. Yakimov A. M., Khlomenokp. N., Khlomenok A. P. Modern training systems / Modern runner training for medium and long distances, - M.: 1987.

Functional and neuropsychic nature.

Morphological peculiarities include the structure of muscles: the amount of muscle fibers included in its composition micro-structural features of muscle fiber; A different biochemical composition, which includes the features of muscles with a fast and slow contraction, with the accumulation of energy substances.

The biomechanical peculiarities include the area of \u200b\u200bstart and attachment of muscles, their anatomical and physiological diameter.

PF Lesgaft and his students were paying much attention to biomechanical processes in the manifestation of muscle strength: the ratio of the area of \u200b\u200bsupport and muscle attachment; Recruitation of the provision on the ratio of the axis around which the movements of the lever occur to which they act. It is shown that the power of the muscles is associated with the caliber of the vessels, the number of nerve fibers located in the muscle. The manifestation of force contributes to the fascia, which constrain the transverse expansion of the muscle in its reduction.

Currently, research is underway, where the micro-levels are comprehended by the specialists of the mechanism of muscle power under various loads and movements. The idea of \u200b\u200bO. three main levels of power regulation In the holistic body, which are in hierarchical submission, that is, each subsequent level specifies the parameters of the previous one.

Especially large internal muscle fluctuations are found in children's teams when groups for classes are built on passport age. According to I.I. Bakhrach, groups should be, focusing on the biological age.

A different point of view is developing in the works of the School of Sports Morphologists: to form groups for sports follows in somatic types, allocating subgroups in them by development options. BP is a more informative indicator than the biological age, as it gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe prospects for the development of the body, the duration of growth processes. Muscle strength up to 10 years of age in children more closely correlates with an overall level of variation, and after 10 years - with BP child. This conclusion has direct access to the practice of sports in the formation of groups for classes. The second, no less important issue that needs to be resolved is the question of the age period of the most active increase in muscle strength, that is, sensitive periods of muscle system. An uniform muscle strength goes up to 10 years. After 12 years, there is a more active increase in muscle strength, which is ongoing to 15-16 years. It should be remembered that the growth of muscle strength of various groups occurs unevenly, "muscle heterochrony" was revealed.

This is another factor that should be remembered in the early orientation of children in sports. The powerful growth factor of the muscle force is the "inclusion" of the endocrine system, which affects changes in the morphological structure of the muscles, and, consequently, to increase their strength. Considering the increase in muscle strength on the segment of ontogenesis from 4 to 20 years, R.N. Dorokhov, V.P. Guba, V.G. Petrukhin came to the conclusion that it increases not by topographic, but according to the functional principle. So, in the muscle flexor power grows earlier than that of the extensors. Especially it is necessary to pay attention to the addition of relative strength, as it has the most uneven increase and can serve as a selection benchmark during a somatic type.

It is important for the teacher to remember that the growth of muscle strength coincides with the increase in the wound sizes of blocks of the body. Usually the growth of muscle strength is observed in a year or a half after increasing the volume of the link. For the orientation in the growth of muscle growth in girls, 7-12 years have developed the regression equations that characterize the "proper" muscle strength.

The strength of the muscles in ontogenesis does not change smoothly, as well as the morphological parameters, has periods of accelerated and slow growth. The most typical picture of the growth of muscle strength of antagonistic groups is muscles flexing and extending the stop. This muscle group is less susceptible to hypodynamine, especially in children.

Coefficient Variation of Muscle Foot Muscle Foot Schoolchildren - 18-26%, shoulder flexors - 34-42%, muscles, reducing the thigh, - 40-74%, spin extensors at an angle of inclination of 90 ° - 27-38%. Analysis of the "power-age" curves in people of all somatic types showed that the curves tend to steady increases.

However, the IR significantly change both depending on the Individual BP and from the analyzed muscle group. Comparison of the relative increase in muscle strength showed that the most expressed in muscle flexor and extensors of the hip joint. For the studied segment of ontogenesis (from 4 to 20 years), the strength of the muscles is increased by 2.8 times in the young men and 1.6 times in girls. The smallest increase is detected in muscles, discharged and leading the ray-taking joint, - 42-47%. The increase in the strength of the leg muscles in people of various BPs showed that in persons BP "A" by 10 years it is 117% of the muscle strength at 7 years; In persons BP "B" - 97% and in persons BP "C" -72%; By 15 years - 190% and 165%, respectively. By 20, the difference is aligned: Persons BP "A" - 217% of BP "B" -197% and BP "C" - 187%.

Despite various (regardless of ST) percent increase in muscle strength with a age of absolute muscle strength dynamics is preserved almost unchanged. For the strength of the muscles of the lower extremities, the back, lifts of the shoulder belt, the flexors of the elbow joint are characterized by specificity for a certain somatic type. In the juvenile period, the minimal absolute muscular powers have a type of mass type with a predominance of length over body weight (comparison in points). Maximum force is observed in persons of the type. The relative strength of the muscles is maximal in persons of the MIS type, minimal - in individuals of Mas type. The diameter and volume were calculated using the partial measurement method using the lines that we were offered to carry out on the hip and lower legs. The results changed: the strength of the muscles 1 cm 2 in individuals of MAC type (for the muscles of the thigh) was 8.62 kg; In persons of the type of type - 8.99 kg and in individuals of the Mis type - 8.24 kg.

However, there is not so much relative force in sports as the ability and ability to exercise the maximum effort in the movement final. Morphological prerequisites for this serves as the ratio of muscle strength of the upper limbs and external force. The most promising in the power sports faces with short blocks of the body, the athletes who, in the third level of vary, are gaining fewer points.

Analysis of the parameters characterizing the growth of muscle strength per unit of time and the duration of growth periods showed that they are closely connected with BP subject.

For the growth of muscle strength, periods of slowing down the increase in force, increase and re-declining. The primary slowdown in the growth of muscle strength occurs from 7 to 12 years, uniformity - from 12 to 14 years and re-increasing, followed by a decrease - after 16-18 years. This average population data.

The study of force 13 muscle groups showed that despite the significant increase in force with age, the growth trend in all muscle groups is the same. The muscle order, built according to their strength, in 4 and 20 years remains unchanged. Only the relationship between the power of muscles, bending and extending the torso, flexing and extending the hip joint is changing. At 4-7 years, the strength of the flexors prevails, after 18 years - extensors.

At the end of the period of puberty the most powerful muscles of the girls are the bodybuilders of the body, the young men - the extensors of the hip joint. The muscle strength is changed over wide range - from 2 to 20% per year. Therefore, in each age period there is its own topography of muscle strength, peculiar only by this age. This section of dynamic anatomy has little studied and is waiting for its researchers. Available works are devoted to a change in muscle strength in sports people, but this is an independent section, since here the influence of exogenous factors is so large here that it is difficult to consider true ontogenetic changes. We came to this conclusion as a result of the examinations of children-athletes - skaters, skiers, athletes performed at the Department of Summary. Our studies have proven that the development of muscle strength is in close relationships both from Art and BP. Art correlates with the absolute power of the muscles, BP - with temporary parameters: the duration of the muscle strength growth periods and the increase in increment. Coefficients have been developed for the regression equation of the absolute and relative strength of the muscles in men and female. The construction of the regression line with these coefficients can serve as a guide to assess the development of muscle force in people who are not engaged in sports (Table).

The proposed modified satellotype scheme may well be used if necessary to predict the development of muscle strength in ontogenesis and assessing power qualities in the age plan.

For various forms of muscle activity, several terms have been established in the physical education pedagogy: the maximum (the greatest force that muscle or muscle group is capable of showing); High-speed force (the ability of the muscle or muscle group to inform a certain mass of this or that acceleration); Power endurance (the ability of the muscle or muscular group to resist fatigue in their repeated reduction). The physical ability under consideration develops in children of 4-12 years mostly by training with small burdens.

The value of the coefficients (kg) of the regression equations describing the absolute (ACM) and the relative (OSM) muscle strength on the segment of ontogenesis from 4 to 20 years

Muscle group

Male Persons

Face female

Power growth

Power growth

Kisterev. Dynam.

Bending, PL.

Fibat. PL.

Beach, shoulder

Fibat. shoulder

Flexible, Tulov.

Fibat. Tulles.

Flex, hips

Fibat. hips

Flex. Shin

Fibat. Shin

Flex, foot

Fibat. feet

* Measurements were not conducted.

Note: y \u003d a + q, where x is the number of full years encoded 4-0, 5-1, 6-2, ... the second number is substituted into the equation. ACM is the absolute power of the muscles, the OSM is the relative power of the muscles.

  • hand exercises (throwing, juggling) with filled sand bags starting with weight 100-150 g and with expenders in 2-3 gum;
  • the legs of the legs are well developed by swelling, squats, slow jogging (especially with the inflounted sand belt to 500 g).

However, it is necessary to know that the development of muscle strength between the ages of 4 and 12 years is a very difficult matter. The permanent growth of the child with a non-refined musculoser requires a purely cautious handling of loads. Every excessive burden, especially incorrectly selected load, can lead to negative consequences, worsen, and not to improve the health of the child.

It is very difficult to imagine physical qualities without the relationship of one with another, this applies to force and high-speed manifestations. Assessing the indicators of the strength of various muscle groups with the help of a stepwise dynamometry technique, we set the difference in the manifestation of power in children of different ages and various somatic types. Registration of the forces of individual muscle groups of the upper extremities showed that already in childhood it is possible to distinguish specific patterns of manifestation of the strength of the muscle-flexors and extensors of the shoulder, the forearls, the brushes, based on which the training process can be improved.

In addition to testing the power indicators with the help of a stepwise dynamometry method, one of the main methods for determining the studied physical quality in children of preschool and younger school age still remains registration of the results in sports exercises.

Considering the powerful work of the muscles of the lower extremities, it can be concluded that there is a certain pattern in the results shown associated with many parameters. The leading is a morphobiomechanical type of child.

Throwing and various motor actions of the moving nature performed by the children made it possible to conclude that the heavier weight of the projectile, the better the results show the children of a large morphobiomechanical structure. So, when throwing a stuffing ball weighing 1.5 kg, the results of children of the middle and large overall level are almost the same. This suggests that the smaller in the power exercises there are elements of coordination, the more this motor quality is manifested in "pure form", that is, a complete biocinmetic chain participating in motion (for example, a jump is the whole person), reduced to the body and hands , for example, throwing sitting.

The effectiveness of exercises in which the power of the muscles is the leading indicator depends on the intensity of muscle strength growth, individual for a particular somatic type; It, in turn, depends on the nature of the exercises and angles, in which the strength of the muscles developed and improved.

Orientation in sports should take into account not only the muscle power in general, but especially analyze the relative power of the muscles. It is better to consider the ratio of the absolute force of the muscles not by the mass of the body, but to mm. An error decreases with an early sports orientation into force sports, if the selection is performed on the power of the muscles, estimated relative to the size of the child.

Considering the indicators of muscle strength in various motor tasks, it was possible to establish that the results of children of the "medium" months of the structure in tests, where in addition to the strength it was necessary to show the speed, significantly ahead of their peers. The tests that do not require constraints in time, but only aimed at the manifestation of the maximum strength, are better executed by children of a large somatic type, which is quite explained.

According to the studies of A.A.Gujalovskogogo on the unevenness of the development of physical qualities in the period of 14-15 years, physical qualities have the following growth rates: moderately increases strength, medium - high-speed-force quality and endurance, the maximum rates have static endurance, equilibrium. The use of information in the training process of information on the various rates of natural development of physical qualities, accompanied by dosed power loads, will significantly increase the efficiency of the training process of beginner bodybuilders.

For beginner athletes, various magnitude of spatial-time characteristics are characteristic of the basic athletic exercises (the bench rods of lying, squats with a barbell on the shoulders and rod rod). The maximum and minimum exercise rate depends on the muscular mode. When the speed is inferior, the rod speed is higher than with overcoming mode. This feature is characteristic when performing power exercises with muscles of hands, legs and backs.

It is characteristic that with the predominant work of the muscles of the hands (Castle Lözh), with an inferior mode of muscular activity (the exercise phase associated with the lowering of the barbell on the chest), the average maximum speed is 1.08 + 0.11 s, the minimum speed is 0.37+ 0.07 p. When squeezing the breast rod, the maximum speed reaches the value of 0.74 ± 0.11 ° C, the minimum is 0.3 ± 0.03 s.

An noteworthy moment is the fact that with the predominant work of the muscles of the legs (squats with a barbell on the shoulders), the maximum speed when performing the squat is 1.14 ± 0.08 ° C, the minimum is at the level of 0.28 ± 0.03. When performing a row from a squat with a bar on the shoulders, the maximum speed reaches the values \u200b\u200bof 1.07 ± 0.67 s, the minimum - 0.33 + 0.57 s.

Power training with different directions have a different effect on the level and growth rates of the power indicators of individual muscle groups. Training in a versatile power facilitation contributed to an increase in the power of muscle strength of the hands by 17.4%, the forces of the muscles of the legs by 15.5%, the strength of the muscles of the back - by 10.5%. Training with the preemptive strength of the training process made it possible to increase the initial indicators of the muscle strength of the hands by 21.5%, the muscles of the legs - by 19.5%, the strength of the muscles of the back - by 22.2%. The use of dosage static power stresses in training has increased the initial indicators of the strength qualities of the muscles of the hands by 35.4%, the muscles of the legs - by 33.4%, the muscles of the back - by 36.7%.

It should be noted that when building a training process with novice bodybuilders, it is advisable to include dosage static power stresses when performing base exercises of athleticism, such as: Lyezh's rods, squats with a barbell and traction.

In training with the weights of the rod from 40 to 49% of the maximum indicator, the amount of repetition of the exercise is 6 times (of which the last three repetitions are performed with static stresses within 4 s).

When using burden weights from 50 to 59%, the exercise is made four times (in the last two repetitions, static stresses are kept for 3 s).

When inclusion in the training process of burdens from 60 to 69%, the exercise is performed twice (the second replay comes with a static voltage duration 2 C).

With a power training with weight from 70 to 79%, it is recommended to perform one approach with static voltage.

When planning the construction of training loads in the first cycle (the first three months of classes), two methodological provisions should be taken into account for beginners: the first - it is necessary to ensure a smooth increase in the volume of training load; Second - it is advisable to alternate various types of load dynamics.

An approved load values \u200b\u200bshould be considered a smooth increase in load volumes (from 144 lifts for the first microcycle to 704 lifts for the ninth microcycle), which ensures more comfortable adaptation of the body of beginner bodybuilders to training effects.

The variability of the dynamics in the sequence of alternation of loads with gradually increasing volumes (microcycles No. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5), with a jump load (microcycles No. 6, 7, 8 and 9) and gradually decreased load (microcycles No. 10, 11 and 12) allow you to alternate the relationship of such training components such as load and rest, large and small loads. This in turn is a qualitative side of building a training process.

Recently, the study of muscle strength indicators is reduced to the registration of not the force as an indicator of the development of physical quality, but the speed of reaching its maximum, which is not the same.

The speed of reaching the maximum of force is the most important criterion that allows for child age to judge the prospects of the child in the future of his sports orientation.

Ministry of Higher Education

Russian Federation

Physical abstract

"Development of force

Human abilities


Shcherbakova N.A.

Group student




1. Form and types of manifestation of power abilities 2 - 7

2. Methods of development of force 7 - 13

3. Tools for the development of force 13 - 18

4. A set of exercises for the development of the force of individual 18 - 25

muscular groups

5. Conclusion 26.

1. Form and types of manifestation of power abilities

Under force, the ability of a person to overcome the external resistance or to resist him due to the voltage of its own muscles. The athlete shows strength, interacting with the support, with a sports projectile, rival or other external object. The magnitude of the extended force largely determines the working effect and the result of the movement. The muscle thrust force causes the movement of the body links and move the athlete itself in space. The manifestations of the forces are extremely diverse, so the term "powerful abilities", which combines all types of force, was distributed in the special literature.

The types of power abilities include:

actually the power abilities characterized by the maximum static force, which is able to develop a person; explosive force or ability to exercise maximum efforts in the smallest time;

speed-powerful abilities, defined as the ability to perform a dynamic short-term operation of up to 30 C against significant resistance with high muscle contraction against the background of alactate energy supply; Power endurance or power component of special endurance, defined as the body's ability to resist fatomation during the operation of a submaximal power to 3-4 minutes, which is performed mainly due to anaerobic-glycolitic energy supply (in sports swimming, the result and longer distances, the time of which is from 4 up to 17 min., also depend on the strength manifested in working moves);

dynamic force characterized by the time of the accuracy of the burdened movement, the size and form of the impulse of force.

Separate types of force abilities are relatively weakly interrelated. This requires the use of various means, methods and training modes for the development of individual power abilities. The degree of utilization of power abilities in a competitive exercise determines the content and specifics of force training in each specific sport.

Power preparedness is one of the most important parties to special sports, since the increase in sports results is due not only to the growth of the productivity of vegetative systems, but also an increase in the power of muscle contraction. The high level of power preparedness has a positive effect on the processes of adaptation to high functional loads, the duration of the holding of a sports form and provides high growth rates of the sporting result.

Power abilities increase fairly rapidly in the process of targeted training. This explains the increased interest of coaches and athletes to force preparation. The purpose of force training is improving the level of development of power abilities, the improvement of the functional support of the dynamic force work. Implementation of power abilities. The result of a specialized multi-year physical, including power training - the formation of a specific morphotype of the athlete of a certain specialization with appropriate muscle topography

Factors defining the level of manifestation of power of abilities:

The level of manifestation of power abilities is determined by a number of medical and biological, psychological and biomechanical factors, the contracting abilities of the working muscles include medical and biological factors; the nature of the innervation of muscle fibers, the synchronicity of the operation of motorines and the number of motioneons recruited to work at the same time; the level of secretion of such hormones, such as adrenaline, norepinephrine, somatotropin, germ hormones; Power, capacity and efficiency of metabolic processes when performing dynamic power work.

The contractile abilities of the muscles, along with the anatomical structure of the muscles and their physiological diameter, are determined by the composition of muscle fibers, that is, the ratio of various types of muscle fibers inside the muscles. The muscles of the person consist of muscle fibers of 4 types, which differ in between the innervation character, the arousal threshold, the rate of reduction and energy of the muscle contraction. According to modern scientific ideas, based on biopsy muscle studies, muscle fibers in terms of reduction rate and the nature of the energy supply of abbreviations are divided into slow oxidative (MO), fast oxidative-glycolithic (God), fast glycolithic (BG) and transitional (Table 1).

Mom muscular fibers are innervated by slow motor mechanons (with a low speed of excitation by axon), with which slow motor units are formed. They operate mainly due to the biological oxidation of fats and carbohydrates, contain a large number of mitochondria and a developed capillary network. Slow motor units low-level - they are included in operation with external resistance up to 50-60% of the maximum strength and are resistant to fatigue in the process of long-term dynamic work. The percentage of the muscles of MO fibers largely determines the ability to perform long-term operation of moderate intensity.

BG and God muscle fibers are innervated by fast motnelones (with a high speed of excitation by axon) and together formed fast motor units. Fast motor units are high-speed - they are included in the work at high external resistance (80-95% of the maximum strength) or during dynamic operation that requires the maximum velocity of the muscular reduction and the maximum rate of movements with a large or submaximal burden (paced 80-100% of the maximum Possible with a resistance of 70-90% of the maximum strength). BG fibers are rich in myophilaments (contractile white threads), glycogen, glycolysis enzymes, but poor mitochondria. BG fibers work mainly at the expense of Glycolithic ATF Resintez and are fast in dynamic work. The content in the muscles BG fiber is associated with the manifestations of the maximum, explosive and speed strength. The MA fiber is reduced by both the glycolithic and at the expense of ATF aerobic resinteis. They have a developed contractile apparatus and higher, compared to BG fibers, the content of mitochondria per unit volume. The fibers have the ability to manifest large dynamic efforts and endurance.

Table 1 Comparative Neurophysiological, biochemical and motor characteristics of muscle fibers of different types


Innervating motoneiron

slow (low speed excitation)

fast (with high speed of excitation)

Threshold excitation

(% of Max. Forces)

AFT activity - phase

Speed \u200b\u200babbreviation

Power of abbreviation

medium / high (with power training)

average / high (when training for endurance)

Capillary network


average degree of development

not developed


slowly tired

average degree of fatigue

quickly tired

Resintez ATF.


aerobic and glycolic


Energy sources

lipids and carbohydrates



Specific motor ability

aerobic and general powerful endurance

power endurance (special), endurance to the dynamic work of anaerobic aerobic and glycolithic nature

maximum force, high-speed endurance, explosive force

The ratio of slow and fast fibers in the muscles of individuals is a genetically determined characteristic and slightly changes in the process of training, mainly due to the transformation of transitional fibers in slow or fast. At the same time, as a result of adaptation to high-speed training, slow muscle fibers can acquire some properties of fast fibers (the content of miofilaments, glycogen reserves increase in the fibers, the activity of glycolysis enzymes increases). Fast muscle fibers as a result of workout on endurance can acquire a number of properties slow fibers (This is expressed in increasing in God and BG fibers of the number and size of mitochondria).

And slow, and quick muscle fibers are recruited into work not all at once, but as if portions, since the innervating of their motoriates are divided into a large number of groups with different arousal threshold. By changing the magnitude of burdens in the exercises, the speed of performing a single abbreviation, the rate of movements, the duration of working periods and resting time, can be involved in work predominantly fast or slow motor units, to force the BG, God or Municipal Muscular Fiber. In the process of focused training, there is a selective increase in the myophilaments in fast or slow muscle fibers or in all types of fibers at the same time, selective increase in the number and mass of mitochondria in MO, BG, or God fibers, an increase in glycogen and creatine phosphate reserves in BG, God or Mo fibers. Changes in power, speed and energy reduction of muscle fibers at the level of the holistic muscle and the entire muscular apparatus are expressed in a preferential increase in the maximum or explosive force, speed-power abilities or endurance to the operation of a certain power.

The adaptation of human skeletal muscles to systematic power exercises is manifested in the regulatory, structural and metabolic levels. The first phase of adaptation to the force training, the first notable changes in the manifestation of force abilities are due to regulatory factors - an increase in the "launcher" number of motor units at the beginning of work, recruiting additional motor units in the course of operation and improving synchronicity in their operation. This effect manifests itself quite quickly - 1-2 weeks after the start of the power training and is expressed in increasing the maximum strength and other power abilities without increasing muscle mass. As the workout continues, structural adaptation occurs - the content of myophilaments in muscle fibers and physiological diameter of loaded muscles increases. The structural adaptation of the muscles to the power training becomes clearly pronounced in the process of relatively long workout ongoing from 3-4 weeks to several months. Moreover, purposefully selecting methods and means of training, dosage of loads, you can seek selective hypertrophy of slow or fast muscle fibers. With muscle hypertrophy, an increase in the strength abilities of athletes are most closely connected.

The metabolic effect of adaptation to the power work is expressed and an increase in the energy potential of muscle fibers, in the electoral increase in glycogen reserves, the number and size of the ditzondria, in the activity of glycolysis enzymes or biological oxidation in muscle fibers of various types. It should be noted that hypertrophy of muscle fibers in the process of power training not only leads to an increase in muscle strength, but is an important prerequisite for the next endurance development, since a larger volume of muscle tissue is able to accommodate more mitochondria and energy substrates. Intensive muscular activity can affect not only on the features of energy processes occurring at the level of muscle fibers, but also to provide a conversion effect on the activities of cardiovascular and respiratory systems organism. The skeletal muscles of a person are associated by unconditional reflex relationships and vegetative functions (the so-called motor-visceral reflexes), and the cutting activity of the muscles activates and transforms the activities of the internal organs. Therefore, dynamic power work leads not only to the growth of power abilities, but also accompanied by increasing endurance.

2. Methods for the development of power abilities.

The training of any orientation is accompanied by regulatory, structural metabolic rearrangements, but the degree of severity of these adaptive changes depends on the value of the burden applied, from the mode and velocity of the muscular reduction, on the duration of the workout and the individual composition of the muscle tissue, which is reflected in the choice of methods for the development of individual power abilities (Table . 2).

Methodology for the development of maximum strength.

The maximum strengths of the athlete are not only interrelated with the maximum efficiency, but also largely determine the ability to work on endurance. The higher the reserve of force, the higher the pace, it can perform dynamic work with standard burdens in the range from 50 to 90% of the maximum effort, which is capable of managing muscles. In sports practice, several methods apply to the development of maximum strength.

The maximum effort method is to perform a series of 5-8 approaches to burden, with which an athlete is capable of performing 1-3 movements. This method is aimed at an increase in the "starting" number of motor units and improving the synchronization of the operation of motor units, but it has a slight impact on plastic exchange and metabolic processes in the muscles, since the duration of the impact of this method on the muscles is very short.

The repeated maximum method is the selection of such burdens, with which the athlete is capable of performing from 6-8 to 10-12 repetitions in one approach. In such an exercise, each subsequent voltage with submaximal burden is a stronger training incentive compared with the previous one, it will help recruiting additional motor units. The amount of repetitions when using the method of a repeated maximum is sufficient to activate protein synthesis (at 10 approaches to burdening for training, the total number of movements reaches 100 or more).

The method of working in secondary mode with supermarket burdens is successfully used by Swimmets of a number of countries to increase maximum power. In such training, burdens can be used, exceeding the magnitude of the maximum static athlete for 30-40%. The time to lower the burden is 4-6 s, and the time of raising (using partners or coach) 2-3 s. The number of repetitions in one approach reaches 8-12, and the number of approaches for occupation 3-4. The magnitude of the burden stimulates an increase in the "starting" number of motor units, and the duration of stresses contributes to the recruiting new motor units during the exercise. This mode activates regulatory and structural adaptation both in fast and slow muscular fibers.

The isometric method of force development is the manifestation of the maximum voltage in static poses within 5-10 s. With the increase in voltage in the last 2-3 s. The leading trainer stimulus is not so much a magnitude as the duration is muscular voltage. Isometric training creates the possibility of local impact on individual muscles and muscle groups at specified corners in the joints, develops motor memory (which is especially important for memorizing boundary poses when training and improving the swimming technology). At the same time, the isometric method has a number of shortcomings. The increase in strength quickly stops and can be accompanied by a decrease in the speed of movements and deterioration of their coordination. In addition, the force is manifested only in those provisions in which isometric training. In this regard, in swimming, a variant of isometric training in the form of slow movements with stops in intermediate postures with a voltage during 3-5 s was received. or in the form of raising moving burdens with stops of 5-6 s. In the set poses. The isometric method of force training contributes to hypertrophy of predominantly slow muscle fibers.

The iswokinetic method is used to develop the maximum athlete forces in the form of a low-speed isokinetic training with high resistance to movement and angular motion speed not higher than 100 ° C. In the isokinetic exercises, Maxim Muscles are loaded during the entire movement and throughout its amplitude, subject to maintaining a constant speed of movement or extension on the second half of the movement. In iswokinetic exercises, significantly more motor units are recruited than when performing overcoming work with an isotonic or auxotonic muscle contraction mode. Isokinetic training requires special isokinetic simulators such as "mini-jim" and "biokineic", allowing you to perform local exercises to various muscle groups. For the development of the maximum force, such resistance are selected that allow you to perform in a general approach to a refusal of no more than 6-10 movements (the time of the single-burdened movement 4-8 s, the approach time is from 30 to 50 s).

Table 2 Methods for the development of power abilities at an athlete

Types of force abilities

Maximum power abilities

Speed-force abilities

Power endurance

Explosive force

Development methods

Method of maximum burden

Isozenic high-speed


"Shock" (plyometric)

Method "Re-maximum"



Method of maximum fast burden movements

The method of inferior work with supermaximal burdens

Repeated interval

Repeated interval

Isokinetic low-speed

Competitive "facilitating" leading

(in the modes of development of the Alaccutate Mechanism of Energy Support)

Competitive circular contact power leading (in the modes of development of the glycolithic anaerobo-aerobic energy supply mechanism)

When conducting a strength of force with young athletes and especially girls and women, quite effective in terms of improving the maximum force is the method of maximum repetitions with medium burdens. Such training leads to working hypertrophy and increasing the strength of predominantly slow (low-rolled) muscle fibers. The greatest increase in muscle mass and strength takes place when training with burdens, equal to 50-60% of the limit. This method due to a large number of repetitions contributes to the gradual recruiting of new motor units in the process of operation during their asynchronous work. Due to the large duration of each approach (from 1.5 to 3 minutes), more than the increase in force, there is an increase in forcefulness.

Methods for the development of explosive force. For the development of explosive hands, training with the average burden of maximum speed of solitary reduction can be used, as well as high-speed isokinetic training with medium resistance and installation to the maximum possible speed of solitary movement. The intensity of muscle tension and volitional effort should be such that in one approach an athlete can perform no more than 10 movements. The tempo of movements arbitrary.

The development of explosive strength of the legs is carried out by jumping exercises for the maximum height of jumping and with the help of the "shock" (refill) method, which addresses the maximum jumping up after the jump in the depths of the elevation. The athlete starts repulsion, without waiting for the end of the depreciation when landing. The impact method is based on the use of unconditional reflex "reduction after stretching" - a rapidly stretched muscle with a reduction exhibits much greater force than in motion without prior stretching. At the same time, exceptionally fast motor units are activated.

Methods for the development of speed-power abilities and power stamina:

Training of high-speed-force abilities and forcefulness is aimed at improving the power of muscle contraction and energy support for exhausting movements. It contributes to the parallel increase in the maximum strength and functionality of the body. The main training factors are the magnitude of the burden and the mode of energy supply of power work. The magnitude of the burden determines the preferential involvement in the work of fast or slow motor units, and the duration of one-time loads in the series and the rate of movements determine the nature of the ATP resintez.

With the development of high-speed-force abilities, the main training factor is the maximum frequency of movements during submaximal and large burdens (at the level of 70-90% of the maximum strength). The mode of energy supply of speed-power work is an anaerobic alactate (ATP residence is carried out due to the splitting of the KRF), the duration of one-time should not exceed 15-20 s, the number of repetitions in the series 10-16 at the recreation intervals 40-90 s. It is believed that with a large number of repetitions, Glycolytic Resintez ATP is activated. Nevertheless, in sports practice, training quite widespread training in the form of 50-70 repetitions with a duration of 10-20 ° C at intervals of recreation 30-60 s.

For the development of high-speed-force abilities in training on land, all varieties of force training are used, block, friction, spring-lever and isokinetic simulators are used. In the burdened movements imitating rowing movements, such burdens should be applied with which the athletes are capable of performing movements with an angular velocity of 140-200 ° C 1 s.

In water for the development of high-speed-force abilities, swimming is used with complete coordination and by elements on segments of 10-25 m, swimming on the same segments with additional resistances and in spatulas with maximum movement intensity, swimming in the hydrocanal at supermarket speeds (more than 1.9 -2.0 m / s), savoring the cargo on the block, as well as competitive swimming on 25 and 50 m. The interval methods are used with a small number of repetitions - from 6-8 to 12-16.

As an independent method for the development of high-speed-force abilities, for example, Fedsavtsov, the method of "facilitating" leading was included in the practice of preparing or, as it is more correctly called, the method of contact power leading using towing devices. The essence of this method is that when swimming with towing at speeds exceeding the competitive 10-30%, the athlete is put in conditions when it is forced to perform movements at a higher pace and with great efforts than it develops with free swimming with the maximum Intensity, in this way, favorable conditions are created for the development of high-speed and power capabilities and the formation of technical swimming skills on a "record" speed. Segments of 25-50 meters are used, the number of repetitions is not more than 10, a break pause 2-4 min. Sailing on a tug can alternate with "free" swimming at the maximum pace. (In cases where there is no possibility to use tuging devices such as the winch type, the contact power leading can be carried out by a coach that is on the side of the pool and the pulling swimmer using an elastic rubber thrust).

Training of high-speed-power focus promotes hypertrophy and increase the force of fast muscle fibers, although somewhat lesser extent than the repeated maximum method.

The development of forcelessness is achieved when performing burded movements in glycolithic, anaerobic - airborne and aerobic anaerobic energy supply modes. Training is carried out interval, re-interval, repeated, circular and competitive methods, as well as by the method of power contact leading at distances from 100 to 400 m.

Organizational forms of such training is the station and circular training. The specific adaptive effect of training on the development of forcefulness is determined by the magnitude of the burden, the tempo of movements, the duration of one-time and recreation intervals. In the preparation of swimmers for the development of power endurance, burpens from 50 to 90% of the maximum strength and the rate of movements in the range from 60 to 90% of the highest possible with a given burden and duration of work are used.

Exercises with submaximal burdens with duration from 30 ° C to 3-4 minutes and the pace of movements 40-60 in 1 min involve in the work of the BG and the god muscle fibers and contribute to the increase in the capacity and capacity of the Glycolithic Resintez ATP.

The use of submaximal burdens in the exercises durable from 2 to 10 minutes at a rate of 20-30 movements in 1 min are recruited by fast muscle fibers, however, the power of the work is small and the concentration of lactic acid in muscle fibers is low, as it has time to partially oxidize during work in neighboring mo fibers, and partly - in the most fast fibers. With burden of 40-50% of the maximum strength, an average pace of movements (30-50 per minute) and a work duration of 3-10 minutes, when the total number of repetitions in each approach to burdulum exceeds 120-150 movements, predominantly MO fiber is involved. Such loads stimulate the capillary of the muscles, an increase in the amount of mitochondria in the MO fibers and lead to an increase in the anaerobic exchange threshold.

Unfortunately, the problem of the method of development of force, despite the significant successes of science and practice, is still far from its decision. The more the curtain of the unknown in this area rises, the more immentable horizons open the view of the researcher. All new and new details are clarifying, especially recently, conflict with the prevailing ideas and threatening to destroy them once. Therefore, it is necessary to be huge focused and, most importantly, joint creative work of scientists and practitioners, in order to generalize, deeply analyze and correctly understand the revealed facts, often contradictory, organize new research and create a methodologically strict knowledge system that make up the scientific basis of the methodology for the development of the athlete forces.

3. Athlete force training.

Scientific studies of recent years and many years of practical experience gave a rich actual material, on the basis of which a modern method of force training athletes is built. However, it should be noted that this material is not sufficiently generalized, analyzed and comprehensive theoretically. And although modern athletes have reached a high level of sports skills, it does not give reason to talk about the presence of a detailed methodological system of special power training. They come to skill largely due to the large amount of power and enormous energy costs. A number of weaknesses in the organization of special power training concerns the selection and use of its funds.

Despite the apparent variety, the circle of power training is rather limited. Essentially, beginners and qualified athletes use the same means, the difference is only in the amount and intensity of their execution. This, firstly, leads to monotony of classes, secondly, the body adapts to the most familiar stimulus and does not respond to it the adaptive restructuring that the athlete is calculated. At the same time, qualified athletes spend a lot of time to use ineffective tools that do not add anything to the level of their power preparedness. The beginners of the same athletes, on the contrary, use the potent funds to which they are not yet ready, and thus create no justified prerequisites for the body's overload and violation of the natural course of the formation of sports mastery.

The significant disadvantage in the organization of force training is that the athletes still take into account the phenomenon of the qualitative specificity of the training effect of force exercises. Therefore, it is very often used by means that, according to the specifics of the training impact, very little comply with the requirements for the body when performing the main sports exercise. As a rule, the exercises are selected simply "for strength" and carry the overall character. As another extreme it is necessary to note clearly manifested in Last time, the desire for the selection of the so-called "structural similar" with the main exercise. This, in principle, the justified and proper requirement is sometimes communicated to the absurdity, and the athletes invent such intricate exercises that are even less effective than traditional general weighing. All this clearly indicates the lack of a scientifically substantiated methodological system of the length of preparation, in which they must find its definite place both overall and specialized power exercises.

For the development of such a system, it is necessary, first of all, to resolve the issue of an objective assessment of the training effect of force. The training effect is a measure of the impact of a means or a complex of funds to the body, expressed in the size, quality and resistance of its adaptive rearrangements. A number of specific indicators characterize the training effect should be taken into account both in the selection of funds and in the development of a methodological system of power training.

First of all, it is necessary to distinguish the urgent and reputable exercise effect. The one-time reaction of the body on the use of a means can be expressed in a short-term improvement or deterioration of the current functional state of an athlete. In a methodical aspect, this, depending on the standing task, determines the resting pause before performing the following exercise: it can be increased if the body's restoration is required, or is optimally shortened if the effect of overlaying on each other of the trace phenomena in the body is used. The distant response of the body is expressed relative to the stable functional restructuring, which can only be significant if the training exposure was sufficient in its volume.

Private and cumulative effects, respectively, characterize the result of the impact on the body of one or more unidirectional tools in its influence or complex of qualitatively multidirectional funds. In the first case, adaptive restructuring in the body unambiguously reflects the qualitative specificity of the activity mode, which is characteristic of the applied to the medium (means). In the second case, adaptive restructuring is integral, generalized. However, this is not just the amount of the functional acquisitions of the body, but a qualitatively new form of its motorities, which has the specific features that are inherent in the use of funds. Since the training process includes a complex of multi-directional funds in its qualitative specificity, the cumulative training effect is essentially the main product of the training of an athlete that determines the level of development of its leading ability. Therefore, from the ability to choose a different means of training a range of funds, which would ensure the required cumulative training effect, the success of the athlete's training is largely dependent.

It should also be borne in mind such specific indicators characterizing the training effect of force training, such as absolute and relative strength, high-quality and quantitative characteristics, persistent and temporary character.

The absolute strength of the training effect should be told when it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of two or more means to say to choose the most effective of them. The relative force of the training effect is the same assessment of the effectiveness of funds, but already taking into account the real level of special athlete preparedness. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the training effect protrudes, respectively, as an assessment of its specific expression and the magnitude of the increase in the functional indicators of the athlete's body. And, finally, the persistent and temporal nature of the training effect estimate the duration of its conservation.

Considered specific indicators and some features of the training effect of power tools unequivocally indicate the difficulties faced by a coach, planning the content and direction of the force training of an athlete. And since quite convincing grounds for the selection of power tools, taking into account these indicators and features, it, unfortunately, is still very small, the likelihood of success in achieving the desired level of strength training athlete is also very small. To eliminate this obvious gap, it is necessary, firstly, to pay serious attention to an objective assessment of the training effect of power exercises, which has the practice of today and, secondly, to organize a scientific search focused on the development of theoretical provisions and methodological solutions related to the implementation The cumulative effect of the integrated use of power facilities. Let's say straight that in this respect is still very and very little. True, some generalizations are already possible:

1. The training effect of any means is reduced as the level of physical fitness of the athlete is heard, the more achieved with this fund.

2. The funds used should ensure the optimal extensive effect on the current functional state of the athlete's body.

3. Traces of previous work change the training effect of any means.

4. The training effect of the complex of funds is determined not only and not as much as the amount of stimuli, how many combination, the order of the following and the interval separating them.

5. The composition of the specialty power facilities as a whole should include a complex of specific stimuli, ensuring the formation of the structure required for this sport, taking into account the specific level of athletics athletics.

Another question is very important to develop force training techniques.

The training effect occurs as a result of multiple and systematic repetition of the complex, funds. The entire amount of specific impacts contained in it is understood as a training load. The essential characteristics of the training load are: its resulting effect (high-quality and quantitative assessment of the achieved level of special performance athlete), composition or content (complex used), structure (ratio of money in time and among themselves), volume (measure of quantitative training work) and The intensity (measure of the intensity of training work).

The task of the training load is to achieve a high training effect due to the rational organization of the composition and structure of the load during its optimal volume and intensity.

The load leads to success if the funds constituting it have a sufficient training effect, that is, they can cause certain adaptive reactions in the body. It has a special meaning for highly qualified athletes, since those means and methods that they used at the previous preparation stages are no longer able to provide the existing effect to further growth. Therefore, the search for highly efficient means and methods of force training has always been and is in the center of attention in our country and abroad. Recently, isometric and isokinetic exercises, the "shock" method of development of the muscle explosive force, the method of electrostimulation, and the like. And although not all of them are sufficiently studied and do not have a detailed methodology for use, however, they bring a tangible success, thereby confirming the fruitfulness and prospects of research in this direction.

If there are highly efficient specialized funds, rationally organized under the framework of a particular stage or training cycle, it is possible to achieve a high level of special performance with a significantly smaller volume of training work and in more compressed time.

But also from practice it is known that no means and no method of preparation can be considered universal or absolutely effective. Each of them may (and should) have predominant importance on one or another stage of training, depending on the motor specificity of the sport, the level of preparedness of the athlete, the nature of the previous training load, the specific tasks of the current workout phase, etc. At the same time, research (Yu.V. Uposhansky, 1966. 1970; V.V. Tatyan, 1974: A.V. Khodykin, 1975) convincingly showed that if we talk about the absolute effect of force training, then with a certain application of various means and methods it is significantly higher, both in its high-quality and quantitative expression than with a separate, disordered use of their use, and is achieved with a smaller volume of training load.

Another circumstance should be noted. If the funds used do not have a sufficient training effect, then a factor capable of stimulating the further growth of special performance becomes not so much the amount of training work, as specialized exercise, and only if it is performed under training at a record level for this athlete.

The problem of funds in theory and methods of sports training is far from exhausted, and the trend to An increase in the volume of training load, characteristic of the present, should not diminish its meanings and distract the attention of specialists from its deep study.

If you now try to present a logical sequence to be followed by both practical solutions to the problem of improving the efficiency of the special force training, and when choosing a strategy of the necessary scientific search, it fits into the following principal scheme:

mode - Means - Methods - System - Volume

From the scheme it follows that the means of special power training should be seamless on the basis of objective quantitative ideas about the motor specifics of this sport and be adequate to it according to the operation of the body. The main criterion is the guarantee of their training effect for this level of the special performance of the body. The next step is to determine the adequate method, i.e. the method of using funds based on the specifics of the motor regime inherent in the present type of sport, as well as the level of athlete's preparedness, the tasks of the current stage of training n, etc., is very promising for improving the force training technique The athletes seem to implement the principle of systemic use of funds based on the task of obtaining the necessary cumulative training effect. And, finally, as the last conditions for achieving the necessary level of special power preparedness, the volume of special work is performed, the optimal value of which should be determined on the basis of the stage and current tasks of training athlete, the competition calendar, the degree of load intensity.

The scheme emphasizes that it is appropriate for the implementation of the possibilities of one or another load parameter to implement the possibilities of one or another load parameter only after the possibilities of the previous parameter are exhausted. For example, without using the possibility of improving the training effect of individual means of force preparation and their systemic use, it is not reasonable to follow the path of increasing the load. True, the implementation of this provision requires certain courage from specialists, for this requires serious research efforts. And since it is easier to increase the volume of training work and easier than finding really effective means Special preparation, then such a way is very easily accepted by practice.

4. A set of exercises for the development of the force of individual muscle groups.

Strengthening the muscles of the abdominal press. It is very important both to correct the overall problems of posture in kyphosis and lordose, and preventing the injuries of the lower back. Kosy and transverse muscles are especially important for these purposes, because they create inner abdominal pressure. Anyone can improve their shape, strengthening the abdominal muscles. The main quality of their fulfillment, and not the amount.

Lying on the back, knees diluted and bent, back straight, head slightly backwards. Climb, clasping hands under the knees (the exercises are most effective when lifting to the angle specified in the picture), press the lower back to the floor and strain the abdominal muscles. Slowly return to its original position

All exercise options are trying to perform, rising to the angle indicated above.


From the initial position:

1. Cross hands on the chest. .

2. Hands behind the head (hands behind your head in the castle do not bother, keep freely behind your ears, chin stretch to the ceiling, neck, back, head - one line).

3. Pull your arms back for your head.

4. At the upper point of movement (of all these positions above), pause or perform pulsing sching.

Source position The same, hands behind your head. Climb, turn the torso to the side, return to its original position and lie down.


1. Climb, turn in one direction, to another, then return to its original position.

2. Climb, slope in one direction, return to its original position, the slope to the other side.

3. Climb and stretch your hands to the right, left.

Lying on the back, legs bent. Bending the right leg Put on the knee of the left leg, hands behind the head, elbows are divorced to the sides. Riseate and lean the right elbow to the left knee.

Lying on the back, leave the left foot through the right, left hand to the side, right hand to push on the left thigh and keep a few seconds.

Right leg stretch, left to bend and lifted. Right hand parallel to legs stretch forward, left to raise up. Then change the position.

Foot crossed and pull up. Hands along the body on the floor. The pelvis lift a little, strain the muscles of the abdomen, the heels pull them out to the ceiling. Losant to press to the floor.

Lying on the back lifting legs bent in her knees and head. Palms on the knees with effort pressure on them, so that the legs had to overcome resistance.

Lying on the back, legs up slightly bent in the knees. Pull hands forward towards socks. Hurry up to the floor.

Lying on the back, the legs apart bent in the knees, the hands are elongated behind the head. Put the lower back to the floor, pressing the stomach to the spine. Raise straight hands to the shoulder level. Keeping the knee bent at right angles, lift the right leg up. Press the lower back to the floor, lowering your hands on the floor and returning the leg at the starting position. Change your leg.

Lying on the back, hands behind your head, legs to raise and bend in the knees at right angles. Riseate and elbows reach the knees (the exercise is performed slowly due to the abdominal muscles), return to its original position.

Strengthening back muscles. Along with the strengthening of abdominal muscles, the back muscles must be strengthened. Exercises for straightening muscles of the back should be done carefully, gradually increasing the load, without sharp movements of the lower back. If they are engaged in the back pain, making these exercises, they need to immediately stop doing and consult from the doctor. The doctor can recommend a modified exercise option or prohibit exercises for rectifying back muscles.

Strengthening shoulders. Most people have stronger front shoulder muscles than spinal, rear. The lack of equilibrium between the rear and front shoulder muscles can create a post with posture, overlooking the shoulders. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the top of the back and the back shoulder area and the stretching of oblique leading shoulder muscles.

Strengthening hips and knees. The strengthening of the blood muscle of the hip is important because it protects the knee and prevents the diseases of the knee cup. To save the knee muscles from stretching, you need a balanced training of the blood muscles of the thigh and the back surface of the hip. In addition to the bending and straightening femoral muscles, it is advisable to strengthen the discrepancies and leading femoral muscles, which form a more stable gait and help in other movements, such as bending, straightening and rotating. Absorbing muscles can be trained, removing the straight leg aside from the position of lying or standing (with additional resistance generated by cargo or rubber). The best way to strengthen the discharge muscles is lying on the side.

Strengthen the ankles and the heads. To prevent injuries, it is necessary to strengthen the shin and the lower part of the leg. It is especially important to strengthen the muscles of the anterior tibial and the rear tibial, as well as the icy muscles.

The purpose of power training is to ensure improvement of muscle strength and endurance, while avoiding injuries. Each involved in it should be aware that if he has a joint after classes or they cannot maintain the correct exercise technique to the end, it means that they overload their body and should replace their exercises with a simplified version. Some exercises in the class of aerobics are better to avoid, after assessing their risks and efficiency, in order to increase the safety of exercises, it is enough to simply change them a little, for example, to limit the amplitude.

Development of berium muscles, rear thigh muscles

Standing, legs apart, hands on hips, stomach drawn. Flexing knees, move the move down - back until the hips are standing parallel to the floor. Fix the position, go back to the original position.


Source position is the same. Singing to the position of the hip parallel to the floor, perform pulsing skewing.

Standing, legs wider shoulders, socks look out, hands on the waist. Back straight. Sit down to the position of the hip parallel to the floor, fix the position, return to its original position.

Standing, legs apart, hands on the waist. Make a step forward so that the foot is at an angle of 90 °. Return to the starting position, slightly pushing the leg ahead.


Source position is the same. Having made the step forward and returning to the original position, step aside, return to the original position and drop back, go back to the original position.

Standing, a ring of elastic bandage on ankles. Lightly bent the left knee, start the leg back, raising the sock for 15 cm above the floor. The ring is slightly stretched, hands on the support. Raise the left heel until the knee is at an angle of 90 °. Return to the starting position. The same with the other foot.


Standing, hands on the belt, a straight legs back with resistance.

Standing on the elbows and knees, evenly distributing the body weight. Raise up the leg bent into your knee until the rear line of the hip does not get up parallel to the floor, the sole looks exactly up. Pressing on the heel, straighten the leg raised up, bend the leg in the knee, go back to its original position. The same with the other foot.

Development of berium and lateral muscles

Lying on the side, the upper thigh is located strictly over the lower. The upper leg, slightly bent in the knee, lift at 5-10 cm. Starting from the foot, turn, the upper leg so that the sock looks down. Starting from the foot, turn the leg in the opposite position.


1. For burden, use a weight loss.

2. Lock the leg in the twisted position by shaking it up and down.

Development of the front femur

Sitting, one leg bent, the other straight, sock looks up. Raise the leg up and lower in the starting position.


1. Raise the leg and perform the swaying.

2. Attach the load to the ankle.

Development of side femoral muscles

Lying on the side, the foot is bent below the knee. Raise the straight leg aside, sock looks strictly ahead. Slowly lower in its original position.

Development of the internal muscles of the thigh

Lying on the side, the leg is stretched down, the sock looks ahead, the leg bent in the knee and lies on the floor. Raise the leg from below by 10-15 cm and return to its original position.


1. The foot is bent in front, the toe rests on the floor. Lift the foot from the bottom to 10-15 cm and lower or lift and make spring squeezing.

2. The original position is the same, to pick up a 10-15 cm to the bottom, take forward, go back and omit to the floor.

3. Source position The same, raise your leg, take back, go back and omit to the floor.

Lying, legs bent, the elastic bandage is slightly above the knee. Stretching bandage, take the foot to the side, slowly return to its original position.

Development of the front muscles of the thigh. Stretching bandage, remove the leg forward, slowly return to its original position.

Development of lateral muscles

Standing, the legs apart, putting the elastic ring slightly above the knees, slightly bent, their hands on the belt. Straighten both legs, remove the right leg to the side stretching the elastic ring, slowly lower the leg, return to its original position.

Lying on the side, an elastic ring on ankles, stretching the ring, remove the top leg up, feeling the stress in the side surface of the thigh, slowly lower the leg down.

Screw muscle development

Lying on the stomach, put the head on the hands, the pelvis tightly press the floor. Bend one leg, raising my knee, stretch the heel to the ceiling.

Development of buttocks and rear femoral muscles

Lying, elastic ring on ankles. Stretching the elastic bandage, lift the leg up, slowly return to its original position.

Development of internal femur muscles, breast muscles and hands

Lying on the back, the legs bent at right angles to the body. Cross your hands in front of you and put the hips on the inside surface slightly above the knees. Connect legs, overcoming the resistance of the movement of the hands. Slowly return to its original position.

Development of buttocks and rear thigh muscles

Lying on the stomach, bend the leg at right angles, the sole looks into the ceiling. Tear away the thigh from the floor and lift 3-5 cm, fix the position and slowly return to its original position.

Standing on the elbows and knees, put on the elastic ring on the feet of the right leg and ankle left leg. Stretching the elastic ring, lift the left leg up until the back of the thigh is on the same level with the pelvis, fix this position and return to its original position.

Development of anterior and lateral femoral muscles

Lying on the side, bend the knee of the upper leg and lower it on the floor. Diagonal lift the top foot up. In the final position, it should become right above the bottom foot: at a distance of 15 cm from it, return the leg at the starting position.

Development of buttocks, internal and rear thigh muscles

Standing on the elbows and knees, bend the leg in the knee at right angles and lift it so that the thigh turned out to be on the same level with the pelvis, the foot looks strictly into the ceiling. Do not flexing the knee, lower the leg for the head of the support leg as low as possible, as it were like a leg crosser.

Lying, feet together, legs bent, knees apart. Squeeze the buttocks and push the pelvis up, so that the buttocks are raised above the floor, lower the lower back to the floor, at the top point, the knees commemorate and slowly return to its original position.


So, not so long ago, when the athle did not bother with reasoning about the subtleties on which training today is being built today, the question of strength was pretty simple: who will raise a greater load or show the best result on the dynamometer, that is stronger. However, over time, experience and scientific experiment revealed facts indicating the primitiveness of such an assessment of strength. This, in turn, caused the need for a special consideration of the issue of force training in sports.

The endless variety of human movements and the tasks solved them led to the need to quantify the power component of movements (average, maximum force, power pulse, operation and its power) and human ability to show strength (absolute and relative force, the moment of muscle thrust for the joint), and Also a differentiated comparative estimate of the power component of movements (fast and explosive force, speed-power, power endurance, etc.), reflecting the qualitative specificity of movements and determining the choice of appropriate means and methods of force training.

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Chapter I. Analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the issue of research

1.5 Problem Statement

Chapter II. Objective, objectives, methods and research

2.2 research methods

2.3 Organization of research

Chapter III. Pedagogical experiment

3.1 Experimental sets of exercises aimed at developing power abilities in young men 16-17 years

3.2 Pedagogical Experiment Results




The physical qualities called congenital (genetically inherited) morphofunctional qualities, thanks to which the physical (materially pronounced) activity of a person who receives its complete manifestation in expedient motor activity is possible. The main physical qualities include muscle strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and dexterity.

With regard to the dynamics of changes in the indicators of physical qualities, the terms "Development" and "Education" are used. The term development characterizes the natural course of changes in physical quality, and the term education involves an active and directed impact on the growth of indicators of physical quality.

In modern literature, the terms "physical qualities" and "physical (motor) abilities" are used. However, they are identical. In the most general, motor abilities can be understood as individual features that determine the level of motor abilities.

The basis of human motor abilities is physical qualities, and the form of manifestation is motor skills and skills. Motor abilities include power, high-speed, speed-power, engine-coordination abilities, general and specific endurance. It must be remembered that when the development of muscle or speed is referred about, this should be understood to understand the development of appropriate force or high-speed abilities.

Power abilities are human abilities to overcome external resistance or resist him due to muscle efforts (stresses). The development of forceful abilities contributes to such a young sport as crossfit.

Crossfit is a physical training system created by Greg Glassman, based on the performance of physical exercises from various sports.

The teacher in physical culture and sports should know the fixed assets and methods of development of different motor abilities, as well as ways to organize classes. In this case, he will be able to more accurately select the optimal combination of funds, forms and methods of improvement in relation to the specific conditions of sports activities.

This study is relevant and significant due to the fact that one of the main tasks solved in the process of physical education is to ensure the optimal development of physical qualities inherent in a person.

The object of the study: the educational process of the development of power abilities in young men of 10-11 classes.

Research Subject: Complexes of crossfit exercises aimed at developing force abilities.


We assume that the indicators of strength abilities in the young men of 16-17 years will increase if a number of requirements are fulfilled:

1) analyzed scientific_metry literature on the issue of research,

2) developed and selected complexes of exercises for the development of power abilities;

3) the effectiveness of these complexes has been checked.

Practical significance: This subject of research can be applied in secondary schools, higher and secondary special educational institutions, adherence camps.

The scientific novelty is to substantiate complexes of physical exercises from crossfit aimed at the development of power abilities in the older young man.

Protection Protection Provisions:

1. Experimental complexes of crossfit exercises for the development of power abilities in young men 16-17 years.

2. The results obtained during the pedagogical experiment.

CHAPTERI. Analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the issue of research

1.1 General characteristics and classification of power abilities

Performing any movement, or the preservation of any pose of a person's body due to the work of the muscles. The magnitude of the effort developed at the same time is called muscle force.

Muscular power as a characteristic of human physical abilities is the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract him due to muscle stresses.

The concept of "power" is primarily physical. In the mechanics, it expresses the measure of interaction between the bodies, the reason for their movement. Therefore, in a physical sense (as vector quantity), the force is understood when the quantitative side of the interaction of a person, say, with a support, projectile or other external object. In other words, in this case, the result of the movement is estimated through force, its working effect.

If we are talking about the source of the movement, then, speaking of strength, they mean the ability of a person to produce work, and this ability acts as a cause of movement of the body or its individual links. In this case, it means the strength of the thrust of the muscles of a person, that is, the phenomenon of physiological.

And finally, the concept of "force" is used as one of the qualitative characteristics of arbitrary movements of a person who decide the specific motor task. Here, force along with such criteria as speed, endurance, dexterity, etc., acts as a pedagogical concept that estimates the qualitative side of the movement performed.

Human power is determined how his ability to overcome external resistance through muscle efforts. That is, under the concept of "power" imply any human ability to overcome the mechanical and biomechanical forces that impede the action, counteract them, thereby ensuring the effect of action (contrary to the preventive forces of gravity, inertia, the resistance of the external environment, etc.).

One of the most significant moments that determine muscle strength is the mode of operation of the muscles. In the process of performing motor actions, muscles can show power:

1. With a decrease in its length (overcoming, i.e. the myometrical regime, for example, the bench rods, lying on the horizontal bench by medium or widespread grip).

2. With its elongation (inferior, i.e., plyometric mode, for example, squatting with a barbell on shoulders or chest).

3. Without a change in length (retention, i.e. isometric mode, for example, holding offered hands with dumbbells in the slope forward for 4-6 s).

4. When changing and length, and muscle tension: mixed, i.e. Auxotonic mode. For example, the rise, force in the focus on the rings, lowering into the emphasis on the side ("Cross") and hold in the "Cross".

The first two modes are characteristic of the dynamic work of the muscles, the third is characteristic of static, and the fourth muscle for state-dynamic work. These muscle operating modes denote the terms dynamic force and static force. The greatest values \u200b\u200bof force are manifested with the inferior operation of the muscles, sometimes 2 times superior is the isometric indicators.

In the event that an athlete's efforts are not accompanied by a static (isometric) muscle mode ("static force"). In static mode, the intense muscles do not change their length. Static force is characterized by two features of manifestation:

But most often the force is manifested in motion, in the so-called dynamic mode ("dynamic force").

The dynamic work of the muscles occurs either in the overcoming mode, or in the inferior. In the first case, the working muscles are reduced and shortening (for example, when squeezing the rod), in the second - being in a stressed state, they are stretched and lengthened (for example, with shocking bending of the legs at the time of landing after the jump). In addition, dynamic work can occur at different speeds, with different accelerations and decelerations, as well as with a uniform manifestation of force. The latter at different speeds are called isotonic regime, and at a constant speed of movement - isokinetic.

According to the nature of efforts in dynamic strength, three varieties are distinguished:

1. Explosive force: manifestation of force with maximum acceleration, which is characteristic, for example, for high-speed and power exercises (jumps, throwing, sprint running, individual elements of struggle, boxing, sports games and others).

2. Quick power: the manifestation of power with a non-symal acceleration, for example, when performing rapid (but not extremely fast) movements in running, swimming, cycling and others.

3. Slow strength, manifested with relatively slow movements, virtually no acceleration. Typical examples are the bench rods, the exit to the focus on the rings or crossbar.

In any mode of the work of the muscles, the force can be manifested slowly and quickly. This is the nature of their work.

The force manifested in secondary mode in different movements depends on the speed of movement: the greater the speed, the greater the power.

In isometric conditions, the speed is zero. The power manifested at the same time is slightly less than the magnitude of the force in plyometric mode. Lower strength than in static and inferior modes, muscles are developing in conditions of overcoming regime. With an increase in the speed of movements of the exhibitable force decreases.

In slow movements, i.e. when the speed of movement approaches zero, the amount of force does not differ significantly on the indicators of force in isometric conditions.

Power abilities are a complex of various manifestations of a person in a certain motor activity, which is based on the concept of "power". Assessing the magnitude of the effort in one or another exercise or simple movement, the terms "absolute" and "relative" force are used.

Power capabilities are necessary in all major sports, but in different extent and in different ratios. In some sports requires more powerful abilities, in others - speed-power, in third - power stamina.

In accordance with these modes and the nature of muscular activity, human power capabilities are divided into two types:

1) actually power, which are manifested in static conditions and slow movements;

2) high-speed-power, manifested when performing rapid movements of overcoming and inferior character or with a quick switching from inferior to overcoming work.

Quantitative (level) and high-quality indicators of force abilities depend on various factors. Among them are distinguished: actually muscle, centrally nervous and personal psychic factors.

The muscular factors actually include the contractile properties of muscles, which depend on the ratio of white, relatively quickly cutting, and red, relatively slowly cutting muscle fibers, the activity of muscle reduction enzymes, the power of the mechanisms of the anaerobic energy supply of muscle work, physiological diameter and muscle mass, the quality of muscle coordination.

The essence of central nerve factors is in the intensity (frequency) of effector impulses sent to the muscles, in coordinating their reduction and relaxation, the trophic effect of the central nervous system on their functions.

Personal and mental factors include motivational and volitional components of will, as well as emotional processes that contribute to the manifestation of maximum or intense and long muscle stresses.

In addition to the data of the main factors, biomechanical (strength of links of the musculoskeletal system, the values \u200b\u200bof the moved masses, etc.), biomechanical (hormonal) and physiological (features of the functioning of peripheral and central blood circulation, breathing, etc.) have its influence on the manifestation of Also different conditions of the external environment.

The contribution of these factors, of course, in each particular case varies depending on the specific motor actions and the conditions for their implementation, the type of power abilities, age, gender and individual characteristics of children.

The results of genetic studies suggest that the level of human strength is more due to environmental factors (training, independent classes, etc.).

The tasks of the development of force abilities are:

1. Common harmonic development of all muscle groups of the human musculoskeletal system. It is solved by using electoral power exercises. Here the value has their volume and content. They must ensure the proportional development of various muscle groups. Externally, this is expressed in the appropriate form of physique and posture. The internal effect of the use of power exercises is to ensure high levels of vital functions of the body and carrying out motor activity. Skeletal muscles are not only organs of movement, but also peculiar peripheral hearts actively helping blood circulation, especially venous.

2. Different development of power abilities in unity with the development of vital motor actions (skills and skills). This task implies the development of the power abilities of all major species.

3. Creation of conditions and capabilities (bases) for further improvement of power abilities within the framework of a specific sport or in terms of professionally applied physical training. The solution to this task allows you to satisfy personal interest in the development of force, taking into account the motor gifting, the sport or the chosen profession. Education of the Force can be carried out in the process of general physical training (to strengthen and maintain health, improving the forms of the physique, the development of the strength of all groups of human muscles) and special physical training (education of various powerful abilities of those muscle groups that are of great importance when performing major competitive exercises) . In each of these areas there is a goal that determines the specific installation on the development of force and the tasks that must be solved on the basis of this installation.

Thus, the development of power abilities in schoolchildren of the 10-11 classes is the necessary component of physical development, however, in the development of forceful abilities, this category of schoolchildren needs to take into account their physical and psychological features.

Power (powerful abilities) - the ability of people to counteract the external resistance or overcome its muscular efforts.

There are actually powerful abilities and their connection with other physical abilities (speed-power, power agility, power endurance).

Actually, power abilities are manifested:

1) with relatively slow cutouts of the muscles, in exercises performed with velocity, extreme burdens (for example, when squatted with a rowing rod, highly weight);

2) with muscle stresses of isometric (static) type (without changing the length of the muscle). In accordance with this, there is a slow strength and static strength.

Actually, power abilities are characterized by large muscle tension and manifest themselves in overcoming, inferior and static modes of muscle operation. They are determined by the physiological disk of the muscles and the functionality of the neuromuscular apparatus.

Static force is characterized by two features of manifestation:

1) at muscle tension due to active volitional efforts of a person (active static strength);

2) when trying to external forces or under the influence of human weight, violently stretch the tension muscle (passive static force).

Education of actually powerful abilities can be aimed at the development of maximum strength (weightlifting, gire sports, power acrobatics, athletic throwing, etc.); The overall strengthening of the musculoskeletal system involved in all sports (general strength) and bodybuilding (bodybuilding).

Speed-power abilities are characterized by unsaturated muscle stresses manifested with the necessary, often maximum power in exercises performed with considerable speed, but not achieving, as a rule, the limit value.

They are manifested in motor actions, in which, along with a significant strength of the muscles, the speed of movements is required (for example, repulsion in lengths in length and height from the scene and from the runway, the final effort when throwing sports shells, etc.).

At the same time, the more significant the external burden, overcome by the athlete (for example, when lifting the rod on the chest), the power component plays, and with less burdens (for example, during a spear throwing), the significance of the high-speed component increases.

Speed-powerful abilities include:

1) fast strength;

2) blasting power.

Fast force is characterized by unsaturated muscle tension, manifested in exercises, which are performed with a significant velocity that does not reach the limit value.

The explosive force reflects the ability of a person in the course of performing a motor action to achieve maximum power indicators in perhaps a short time (for example, with a low start in short distances, in athletics jumps and thumbnails, etc.).

Explosive force is characterized by two components: starting force and accelerating force.

Starting force is the characteristic of the ability of muscles to the rapid development of the workforce at the initial moment of their voltage.

Accelerating force - the ability of the muscles to the speed of increasing the workforce in the conditions of their starting reduction.

Specific types of force abilities include forceful endurance and power dexterity.

Power endurance is the ability to resist the fatomation caused by the relatively long muscle stresses of considerable magnitude.

Depending on the operating mode of the muscles, static and dynamic power stamina. Dynamic powerful endurance is characteristic of cyclic and acyclic activities, and static power stamina is typical for activities associated with the holding of working voltage in a specific posture. For example, at the end of the hands on the parties on the rings or holding a hand, a static endurance is manifested when shooting from a pistol, and dynamic endurance is affected by multiple pushups.

The powerful dexterity is manifested where there is a shift nature of the muscle mode, changing and unforeseen situations of activity (rugby, struggle, hockey with the ball, etc.). It can be defined as "the ability to accurately differentiate muscle efforts of various magnitudes in conditions of unforeseen situations and mixed modes of muscles."

In physical education and in sports training, it is distinguished by absolute and relative strength to evaluate the degree of development of powers.

Absolute force is the maximum force manifested by a person in any movement, regardless of the mass of his body.

The relative force is the force manifested by a person in terms of 1 kg of its own weight. It is expressed by the ratio of the maximum strength to the mass of the human body.

In motor actions, where you have to move your own body, the relative force is of great importance.

In movements where there is a small external resistance, absolute force does not matter if resistance is significantly, it becomes a significant role and is associated with the maximum explosive effort.

The research results suggest that the level of absolute force of man is more due to the factors of the medium (training, independent classes, etc.).

At the same time, the indicators of relative force mostly experiencing the influence of the genotype.

Speed-power capable of approximately equally depend on both hereditary and environmental factors. Static power endurance is determined to greaterly genetic conditions, and dynamic powerful endurance depends on mutual.

The most significant rates of increasing the relative strength of various muscle groups are observed in the younger school age, especially in children from 9 to 11 years. It should be noted that in these segments of time, the power capabilities are most of the targeted effects. With the development of force, the morphofunctional capabilities of the growing organism should be taken into account.

The most favorable periods of development of strength in boys and boys are age from 13-14 to 17-18 years. In girls and girls, it is considered a favorable period from 11-12 to 15-16 years, which in a large extent corresponds to the proportion of muscle mass to the total body weight (by 10-11 years it is about 23%, by 14-15 years - 33% , By 17-18 years - 45%).

Thus, it can be concluded that the age of the target audience of this study, namely the age of young men of 10-11 classes, is a favorable period for the development of force.

1.2 Methods for the development of power abilities

Under the methods of physical education are ideas for the use of physical exercises.

In physical education, two groups of methods are applied: specific and common-breeding.

Specific methods of physical education include:

1) methods of strictly regulated exercise;

2) game method;

3) Competitive method.

With the help of these methods, specific tasks are solved associated with learning the technique of performing physical exercise and education of physical qualities.

Common-generating methods include:

1) verbal methods;

2) Visual impact methods.

None of the methods cannot be limited in the method of physical education as the best. Only the optimal combination of these methods in accordance with the methodological principles can ensure the successful implementation of the complex of tasks of physical education.

Education of force can be carried out in the process of general physical training and special physical training. In each of these areas there is a goal that determines the specific installation on the development of force and the tasks that must be solved on the basis of this installation. In this regard, certain funds and methods of education are selected.

Methods of education can be consecrated in four groups.

First group. Methods of re-exercise using unsaturated burdens:

1. In exercises performed on average and variation pace aimed at strengthening the musculoskeletal system and an increase in muscle mass.

2. In the exercises performed as a rapid pace, aimed at improving speed-force abilities.

3. In exercises aimed mainly on the increase in muscle mass.

4. In the exercises, the main task of which is the upbringing of power stamina.

The second group. Methods of re-exercise using limit and occasional efforts:

1. In exercises performed in overcoming and inferior modes of operation aimed at improving the maximum muscle strength.

2. The use of medium and high effort to failure in exercises aimed at an increase in muscle mass.

3. Impact method aimed at an increase in explosive force.

4. Isokinetic method (at constant speed). Using the load to refusal by the circular working amplitude of the movement as defined using the corresponding simulators aimed at improving specific power abilities.

Third group. Methods of re-exercise using static body positions:

1. The method of isometric effort (increase in force in static mode.

2. Statov dynamic method.

3. Method for upbringing force with gym.

Fourth group. Nonspecific methods of raising power abilities:

1. Move the muscle electrostimulation method aimed at strengthening the musculoskeletal system.

2. Education of self-force abilities with passive tensile muscles.

When improving high-speed-force qualities, 60% of the exercises are performed in overcoming mode, 30% - in secondary mode and 10% in static (isometric) mode.

The maximum effort method provides for the implementation of tasks associated with the need to overcome the maximum resistance (for example, lifting the limit weight rod). This method ensures the development of the ability to concentrate neuromuscular efforts, gives greater increase in force than the method of unsaturated effort. It is not recommended to use it with beginners and children, but if it is necessary to use it, it is necessary to ensure strict control over the exercise.

The method of unforeseen effort provides for the use of unsaturated burdens with the limit number of repetitions (before refusal). Depending on the magnitude of the burden, which does not reach the maximum value, and the focus in the development of power abilities, uses a strictly normalized number of repetitions from 5-6 to 100.

The method of unforeseen effort consists of two methods.

In physiological terms, the essence of this method of development of power abilities is that the degree of muscle stresses as fatigue is approaching the maximum (by the end of such activities, the intensity, frequency and the sum of neuro-effector pulses increase, the increasing number of motor units is involved in operation, synchronization increases their voltages). Serial repetitions of such work with unsaturated burdens contribute to the strong activation of exchange-trophic processes in muscle and other organism systems, contribute to increasing the overall level of functionality of the body.

The method of dynamic effort. The essence of the method is to create a maximum power voltage by working with unsaturated burden at maximum speed. The exercise is performed with a complete amplitude. Apply this method in development quick power. The ability to manifest a lot of power in the conditions of rapid movements.

The "shock" method provides for the performance of special exercises with instant overcoming impact impacts, which are aimed at an increase in the power of effort associated with the most complete mobilization of muscle reactive properties (for example, jumping from elevation with a height of 45-75 cm with subsequent instant jumping up or jumping in length ). After pre-fast stretching, a more powerful muscle contraction is observed. The magnitude of their resistance is given by the mass of its own body and the height of the fall.

An optimal rejugation height range of 0.75-1.15 m is defined experimentally. However, practice shows that in some cases, under insufficiently trained athletes, it is advisable to use lower heights - 0.25-0.5 m.

Method of static (isometric) effort. Depending on the tasks, solved in the upbringing of power abilities, the method involves the use of different isometric voltages. In the case when the task is to develop the maximum muscle strength, use isometric voltages in 80-90% of the maximum lasting

4-6 seconds 100% - 1-2 s. If the task of developing the overall force is used, use isometric voltages of 60-80% of the maximum duration of 10-12 s. In each repetition. Usually, 3-4 exercises of 5-6 repetitions of each, rest between exercises 2 min are performed on training.

When raising the maximum strength, isometric voltages should be developed gradually. After performing isometric exercises, you must perform exercises for relaxation. Training is carried out within 10-15 minutes.

Isometric exercises should be included in classes as an additional means for the development of force.

The lack of isometric exercises is that the force is manifested to more with the topics of the articular angles in which the exercises were carried out, and the strength level is held less time than after dynamic exercises.

Statodenamic method. It is characterized by a sequential combination in the exercise of two modes of operation of the muscles - isometric and dynamic. 2-6 second-time isometric exercises with an increase in 80-90% from a maximum with subsequent dynamic explosive work with a significant decrease in burden (2-3 repetitions in the approach, 2-3 series, rest 2-4 minutes between the series ). The use of this method is advisable if it is necessary to bring up special power capabilities precisely with the variational mode of the muscles in competitive exercises.

Method of circular workout. Provides a comprehensive effect on various muscle groups. Exercises are conducted at stations and are selected in such a way that each subsequent series includes a new muscle group. The number of exercises acting on different muscle groups, the duration of their execution at stations depend on the tasks solved in the training process, age, gender and the preparedness of those involved. A set of exercises using unsaturated burdens repeat 1-3 times in a circle. The rest between each repetition of the complex should be at least 2-3 minutes, during which exercises for relaxation are performed.

The game method provides for the upbringing of power abilities mainly in gaming activitieswhere gaming situations Forced changing the modes of voltage of various muscle groups and deal with the increasing fatening of the body.

These games include games:

1) requiring retention of external objects (for example, a partner in the game "Riders");

2) games with overcoming external resistance (for example, "rope pulling");

3) games with alternation of voltage modes of various muscle groups (for example, various relay with cargo carrying of various weights).

Consider control exercises to determine the level of development of power abilities.

In the practice of physical education, quantitative capabilities are estimated in two ways:

1) with measuring devices - dynamometers, dynamographers, strain gauges of susceptible devices;

2) with the help of special control exercises, test tests.

Modern measuring devices allow measurement of almost all muscle groups in standard tasks, as well as in static and dynamic efforts.

In mass practice, special control exercises are most often used to assess the level of development of power qualities. Their execution does not require any special expensive inventory and equipment.

To determine the maximum force, use the simple exercise technique, for example, the bench rods lying, squatting with a barbell, etc. The result in these exercises is very small depends on the level of technical skills. The maximum force is determined by the greatest weight, which can raise it.

To determine the level of development of high-speed power and power stamina, the following control exercises are used: jumping through the rope, pull-ups, push ups on parallel bars, from the floor or from the bench, lifting the body from the position lying with bent knees, whisa on bent and semitted hands, lift a coup on a high crossbar, a long jump from a place with two legs, a triple jump from foot on the leg, lifting and lowering straight legs to the limiter, jump up with a wave and without a wave of hands, throwing a stuffing ball from various source positions with two and one hand and t. d.

The criteria for estimating high-speed-force abilities and forcefulness are the number of pull-ups, pushups, the time of holding a certain position of the body, the range of grades, jumps, etc.

For most of these control tests, studies have been drawn up, and the levels characterizing different power capabilities have been developed.

It can be concluded that the teacher in physical culture and sports should always be creatively approaching the choice of the methods of education of power abilities involved, given the natural individual level of their development and the requirements provided for by programs on the physical education and the nature of competitive activities.

1.3 The influence of psychological and physiological features on the development of force abilities in young men of 10-11 classes

power young man crossfit physical

N.and the level of development of force abilities directly affect the physiological and psychological characteristics of schoolchildren 10-11 classes. This problem is particularly relevant in connection with the noteworthy of the state of health, a decrease in the level of physical activity of children and adolescents.

Consider more details the problem of the influence of physiological and psychological specialsth schoolchildren 10-11 classes on the development of power abilities.

Senior school age covers children from 16 to 18 years. This age includes students of secondary special educational institutions.

Senior school age is characterized by the continuation of the process of growth and development, which is expressed in the relatively calm and even its flow in individual bodies and systems. Simultaneously completes puberty. In this regard, sexual and individual differences in both the structure and the functions of the body are clearly manifested. At this age, the growth of the body is slowed down and an increase in its size in width, as well as an increase in mass. Differences between young men and girls in size and body forms reach a maximum. The young men distilcate girls in the growth and mass of the body. Young men above girls are 10-12 cm and harder on 5-8 kg. The mass of their muscles in relation to the mass of the whole body is 13% more, and the mass of subcutaneous adipose tissue is less than 10% than girls. The body of the young man is a little shorter, and the hands and legs are longer than the girls.

Older schoolchildren almost ends the process of ossification of most skeleton. The growth of tubular bones in the width is amplified, and slows down in length. Chest develops intensively, especially in young men. The skeleton is able to withstand significant loads. The development of the bone apparatus is accompanied by muscle formation, tendons, ligaments. Muscles are developing evenly and quickly, in connection with which muscle mass increases and power grows. At this age, asymmetry is noted in increasing the strength of the muscles of the right and left half of the body.

All this implies a focused impact in order to symmetric muscle development of the right and left sides of the body. At this age, favorable opportunities appear for education and endurance muscles.

Heart of young men by 10-15% more in volume and mass than girls; The pulse is less likely to 6-8 ° C. / min, heart abbreviations are stronger, which causes a greater blood release into vessels and a higher blood pressure. Girls breathe more often and not so deep as boys; The life capacity of their lungs is about 100 sm.

In 15-17 years, schoolchildren ends the formation of the cognitive sphere. The greatest changes occur in mental activity. In children of senior school age, the ability to understand the structure of movements, to accurately reproduce and differentiate individual movements, carry out motor actions as a whole.

High school students can show sufficiently high volitional activity, for example perseverance in achieving the goal, the ability to patience against the background of fatigue and fatigue.

Thus, the tasks of the physical education of young men of 10-11 classes include:

1) promoting harmonious physical development, the development of abilities to use exercise, hygienic factors and environmental conditions for health promotion, confront stress; Formation of public and personal ideas about the prestige of the high level of health and versatile physical fitness;

2) the acquisition of motor experience by mastering new motor actions and the formation of skills to apply them in various conditions of the complexity;

3) further development of conditioned and coordination abilities;

4) the formation of knowledge: on the patterns of motor activity, sports training; On the value of exercise exercise for the future labor activity; on the performance of paternity functions, on preparing for service in the army;

5) consolidation of skills in systematic and regular exercise exercise and selected sports;

6) the formation of adequate self-assessment of the individual, moral identity, worldview, collectivism; Development of purposefulness, confidence, excerpts, composure;

7) Further assistance in the development of mental properties and personal qualities and learning the basics of mental regulation.

The most appropriate means of physical education during this period are:

I. Gymnastic and acrobatic exercises:

1) overall exercises without objects in place and in motion;

2) generalizing exercises with objects: young men - printed balls of 3-5 kg, dumbbells up to 8 kg, weights 16 and 24 kg; exercises on simulators; Girls - with hoops, bulbs, skipping, big balls;

3) exercises on parallel bars and crossbars, exercises on a log and divergent bars;

4) reference jumps through a gymnastic horse;

5) acrobatic exercises: young men - long squirrel through an obstacle to a height of up to 90 cm, stand on hands, coup sideways and from a runway; Girls - Initial angle, Rack on the blades, "Bridge", Kuyrkka ahead and back;

6) Rhythmic gymnastics;

7) Relay, games, barbirds using gymnastic inventory, etc.

Gymnastic and acrobatic exercises included in the high school program take up to 30% of the study time, they are distinguished by a large electoral orientation, and they are aimed primarily on the development of strength, power and high-speed endurance of various muscle groups, coordination abilities and flexibility.

Thus, gymnastic exercises for young men have great applied importance for their preparation for future work and service in the army.

II. Athletics Exercises:

1) running exercises;

2) Running with acceleration;

3) running from high and low start up to 40 m;

4) running by 60 and 100 m with maximum speed;

5) relay running;

6) Running in a uniform and variable pace: young men - 20-25 minutes; Girls - 15-20 minutes;

7) Cross: young men - 3-5 km, girls - 2-3 km;

8) Long jumps from 13-15 steps of running;

9) jumps in height from 9-10 steps of running;

10) throwing a small ball and grenades to the target from a distance of 18-20 m and 12-14 m and the range from the runway;

11) Shuttle run 10x10 m and others.

III. Ski preparation:

1) Repeated passage of segments: for the development of speed: young men - 150-200 m, girls - 100-150 m; For the development of high-speed endurance: youth - 300-600 m; Girls - 300-450 m;

2) relay on segments from 50 to 200 m;

3) passing training distances: 3 km, 5 km, etc.

IV. Sport games. Basketball, handmade ball, volleyball, football are recommended as basic games.

Regular use of sports games in high schools significantly increases interest in physical culture and the development of force.

V. Swimming:

1) repeated baying of segments of 25-100 m;

2) swimming in moderate and variable pace up to 600 m;

3) games and relay on the water, etc.

Vi. Martial arts elements:

1) strength exercises and martial arts in pairs;

2) Movable games like "Strength and Dexterity", "Struggle Horsemen", "Fight Two against Two", etc.;

3) self-insurance techniques;

4) Takes to fight lying and standing;

5) Training bouts.

Young people of senior school age should show results not lower than the average level of development of basic physical qualities.

In the older school age, physical culture lessons with young men and girls are held separately. Anatomy-physiological and mental features of young men and girls require a different approach to the organization of classes, the selection of funds and methods of teaching motor actions and education of physical qualities, to the dosage of physical exertion.

Functionality for the implementation of intensive and long-term work in young men is higher than that of girls. Physical exercise They carry better at a relatively lower pulse rate and greater blood pressure. The period for the restoration of these indicators to the initial level in the young man in shorter than the girls.

When organizing classes with young people, it must be remembered that they should be prepared for service in the army. Therefore, it is necessary to provide classes on the ground, in non-standard conditions, with various interference, in conditions of time deficit, with maximum physical and volitional loads.

Thus, given the physiological and psychological peculiarities of development, in the senior school age, first of all, attention should be paid to the development of force and high-speed capabilities, various types endurance. Among the coordination abilities, special attention should be paid to raising the speed of rebuilding and coordination of motor actions, the ability to arbitrarily relax muscles and vestibular stability.

In classes with high school students, the share of exercises of conjugate effects on conditioned and coordination abilities increases, as well as exercises, at the same time, motor skills and physical qualities are also fixed and improved.

Intensification of training at this age goes along the way of strengthening the training orientation of lessons. The share of the game method is reduced, and competitive - increases.

In working with high school students it is recommended wider than in previous ages, apply the method of individual tasks, additional exercises, tasks for mastering motor actions, the development of physical abilities, taking into account the type of physique, inclinations, physical and technical and tactical preparedness.

The passage and development of educational material should be carried out in a logical sequence in the system of interrelated lessons.

1.4 Crossfit as a kind of physical training

Crossfit is a physical training system created by Greg Glassman in 2000. Promotes both as a system of exercise, and as a competitive sport. Crossfit - training includes elements of the interval training of high intensity, heavy athletics, pliometrics, paeerlifting, gymnastics, gypsy sports, rhythmic gymnastics, strongman exercises, running and others.

The main purpose of crossfit is the development of human physical qualities, that is, power, speed, endurance, coordination and others and is achieved by the extensive series of exercises.

Depending on the purpose of the crossfit is divided into several types:

1) workout on endurance;

2) training for power;

3) Cardiography.

But, mostly all these training are parts of one complex and are performed separately during the week. Crossfit training is very short in comparison with other sports, but this is due to the fact that they are incredibly intense and because of this much faster create a state of stress for muscles. Another feature of the crossfit is that this sport is very versatile, he has no clear specialization and it is suitable in any of the goals.

Crossfit - a set of exercises, the execution of which involves high intensity, practically without interruptions during training. This program allows you to work out all muscle groups, raise endurance and improve the physical health of the student as a whole. Since it is always necessary to use various means of motivation for the work of students, then this training can, without much effort to justify yourself. In the process of continuous execution of exercises, cardiac muscles, lungs, muscles of the back, hands, legs are involved. Due to the fact that this complex will use the muscles of different groups at the same time, burning calories occurs faster than with standard training, an increase in metabolism is possible to 40%. That is, this system of exercises is suitable for getting rid of excess weight - Actual question for schoolchildren at all times.

Circuit style classes require careful training from the teacher: the development of exercises for various levels of preparation, the creation of variable exercises and the ability to show them correctly. To solve these tasks, the teacher should not only professionally be able to conduct classes, but also to keep himself in the form corresponding to this profession. The main task of the teacher is to properly determine the level of physical training of each student and in the process of performing exercises to monitor the status of students.

It should be noted that physical training organized by the principle of crossfit has significant advantages compared with the interval (circular) training, which is an intensive method of specialized training based on the temporary change of workstations, where exercises (or special traffic) are performed at each station Specific muscular group for a certain period of time. Stations can be powerful (simulators), gymnastic (shells), aerobic (running, swimming, jumping), mixed. The purpose of the interval training is to prepare an organism for the limited period of time to fulfill the work of high intensity, which is necessary at sports competitions. In addition, this type of preparation has a strict time limit (approach, recreation), the number of circles. Educational I. training classes, built on the basis of a crossfit training system capable of diversifying the learning process, strengthen the motivational component of students to physical training, active independent extracurricular physical activity.

1.5 Problem Statement

10- Grade 11 is a young man preparation for military service in the army. To do this, it is necessary to actively develop power abilities for a successful service and enter elite troops.

In addition, the development of force abilities affects the quality of passing the norms of the GTO complex. By the development of power abilities, it is possible to improve the indicators of the passage of the NORMS among young men of 10-11 classes.

The problem is also the fact that the level of development of force abilities is directly affected by the physiological and psychological features of young men of 10-11 classes, which have an active formation of the musculoskeletal system and flows transitional age. This problem is particularly relevant due to the observance of the state of health and a decrease in the level of physical activity of adolescents, since the motor activity is reduced.

On the basis of literature, we believe that crossfit is a poorly studied, actual sport, which is well suited for the development of young men's power abilities.

CHAPTERII. Objective, objectives, methods and research

2.1 The purpose and objectives of the study

The purpose of this study is to increase the level of development of power abilities in the young men of 16-17 years in physical education lessons.

Research tasks:

1. Analyze the scientific and methodological literature on the research topic.

2. Create complexes of exercises from crossfit for young men 16-17 years aimed at developing force abilities.

3. Experimentally check the effectiveness of compiled complexes for the development of power abilities in the young men of 16-17 years.

2.2 research methods

To solve the tasks in the work, the following research methods were used:

1) Analysis of literary sources;

2) control tests (tests);

3) Pedagogical experiment;

4) Mathematical statistic methods (T - Student's criterion).

Analysis of literary sources

An analysis of scientific and methodological and educational literature made it possible to determine the state of the problem under study.

Analysis was subjected to scientific and methodological articles on the physical education of schoolchildren, textbooks and training aids on the theory of physical culture, as well as on crossfoot and other sports, which covered the issues of education of basic physical qualities in senior school age and teaching schoolchildren with motor actions. Analyzed literary sources for such disciplines as: pedagogy, psychology, physiology, theory and technique of physical culture and sports. In total, 42 literary sources were used in the work.

Control tests (tests)

In recent years, the method of control tests carried out using tests has been widespread. Their use made it possible to determine the level of physical qualities and judge the effectiveness of the educational process.

Exercises that meet the primary criteria (informativeness, objectivity, reliability), reflecting the nature of the motor activity and the widely used in scientific activities and practices were used as control tests.

The following tests were used to assess force abilities:

1. Flexing-extension of hands in Wiste on the crossbar.

Test power abilities of the muscles of the upper shoulder belt: muscles of the back and shoulder benders.

Description: The student begins the exercise from the position of Visa so that the legs do not touch the floor. The teacher looks at the correct execution: the hands must be completely intended, you can make minor arm on your legs. If the student did not break his hands, the attempt is not counted. The goal is to perform the maximum number of times.

2. Flexing-extension of hands in the stop lying.

Test of the power abilities of the muscles of the upper shoulder belt: the muscles of the chest, the extensor of the shoulder, the front beam of the deltoid muscle.

The subject accepts the initial position of the stop lying. The teacher looks behind the correct execution: the hands must be completely blending. If the student did not break his hands, the attempt is not counted. The goal to make the maximum number of times.

3. Squakes with a support for one hand, on the right or left foot (presenter). Testing power muscle power abilities.

Description: The student accepts and. P.: Back straight, legs on the width of shoulders, one leg is a little stretched forward, hand in the stop at the gymnastic wall. After that, the student begins to make squats on one leg. The maximum number of squats on the driving leg is recorded, provided that the test is properly executed.

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